glowingplant · 8 months
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a variety of gw2 sylvari sketches from my 2020/2021 sketchbook which I finally scanned
it's mostly my characters, and some of my partner's @tyrianrambling, characters are labeled under cut! and then trahearne
feel free to pop by my dedicated art blog, @magentameows where I post all art, not just gw2!
image 1 - Dionaeri (+ Faeilaeth and Rhyenach in the bottom left corner)
image 2 - Aedorwyn
image 3 - Ollandyr (+ one pic feat. Kaelachoe)
image 4 - Yslarei
image 5 - Yslarei again! (blue, mine) and Korilwch (orange, my partner's)
image 6 - Claerlys
image 7 - Vaeyalin (+ Haulyrllys, my partne'rs character)
image 8 - this is Trahearne
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it's the fucking hat again
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silverhorse123 · 1 year
shen’s fucking a child?????? Hello?????? when they said the Millar comics have little to redeem themselves they weren’t lying.
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sniperct · 1 year
Got up to finishing "Awakening" in FFXVI and goddamn this game is so good. If I didn't have to work tomorrow I'd probably keep playing another 3 hours past my bedtime!
tw for heavily implied past sexual assault at the end of that part though, so be mindful
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blueskrugs · 1 year
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surprise song o'clock
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joshtriesathing · 2 years
Gross. We r thinking about friendships lost over drama that happened in 2020 tonight :-/ it was a while agao and i know dam well they dont think about me but i getbso stuck in the fact that will never...EVER fucking know about both sides becasue she was hid how disgusingly one sided that shit was UGH
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lightless-danny · 18 hours
Gotta love having a teacher who CLAERLY doesn't care about the subject their teaching
ESPECIALLY when it's you FAVORITE subject and his assignments make you hate doing it
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unskilledpoint · 9 months
"I am unaware of current events and thus care."
"My caringness has been satisfied. I no longer care."
- Mewo translator
incocrrect. it is my curirorustity hsas been satsifieyed. claerly yu aer ntot fluent in mewo!!!!!
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Honestly, I wasn't surprised. I was hurt but I knew it was coming. (Ranting Again)
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Why? Because if she's willing to do this than why wouldn't she do that? As Mick said "the code is what makes a young boy kill his best friend". Except it extends much further than that. As proven:
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Now, tell me (I dare you), that these scenes are not the axact same occurrence, just years later. Why do you think that Ketch is so reluctant to admit that he cares about someone? Because he knows this corrupt sadistic bitch would make him kill them. She doesn't like her Hunters getting too close to anyone. And, especially, doesn't want them to see the error of her ways. Not that TFW is much better because, frankly they aren't. In comparison (AKA to Mick and Ketch) they'd seem damn near like saints but we're not talking about that, are we? Not only was Mick slipping from her iron grasp, so was Ketch. So, she felt the need to correct them. It's no different. And if the fantheory is right about a Mick x Ketch relationship in there later years of Kendricks is correct, I'm surprised she didn't do it sooner. Because I know she's the reason they broke up. Fuck her. Miss against happiness and anything decent. She took away Mick's childhood friend, Ketch's twin, and then she wanted one to kill the other. Reasons like this is why I hate her.
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There should be a support group for the British Men of Letters because of the shit she put them through and made them commit. And don't even try to say she wasn't forcing there hand. There's only one way out and that's death. Also, did you ever think the reason why Ketch went along with it is because he knew Toni and Mick (his ex-lover and best friend) were safer dead than alive.
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Which goes to show the truth about Dr. Hess and the fact that she had that whole thing planned before she ever contacted Mick to return to HQ. Ketch said he didn't do it and he doesn't straight up lie (only withholds information, not exactly the same thing). So, she made it look like Ketch had texted him, knowing far well that Mick (the caring soul that he is) would respond almost immediately, thinking Ketch was hurt or something. He did seem genuinely concerned and you know it. I wanted Ketch to kill her. Not then (that would make everything worse for them), but later. Like when Jody killed her. Ketch had every right and Jody didn't even know her. And then Team Free Will treating Ketch like he's a worse dick than they are when he was the only one who gave a genuine fuck about Mick. Might I remind you that it's Sam who sent him to his death? Which put Ketch in the worst situation possible. He had two choices: kill his best friend to save him from the code or let Dr. Hess do whatever she wants to him and knowing her, she'd make Ketch do whatever she decided on. He did the right thing. He saved him from the code by obeying the code. It was his only option that would save Mick and not make him just as sadistic as Dr. Hess. Sam nor Cas will never have the capability to care about Mick the way Ketch did and still does. Evidence? Tell me that this does not look familiar?
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Can't get a good view of the suit but you can claerly see who he modeled it after. So, please, Ketch haters, tell me I'm wrong.
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cloudthemangaka · 6 months
stuff concepts for eyes just keep in mind the order is auctauly more complex in looks but i could not draw what i.. man today is hard for me to think claerly about art
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please tell me about idaes i need them i have art block and am tried!
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magentameows · 3 years
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Some sketchbook pages of some of my sylvari 🍁
Aedorwyn (mirage) on the left, Yslarei (druid) in the middle and Claerlys (necromancer) on the right!
this is my art blog, my dedicated guild wars 2 blog is over at @glowingplant !
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glowingplant · 1 year
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a collection of some of my lesbians, since it's lesbian week!
Advisor Lyza - Avordelle - Hyun-mi Mössner
Aria Bronzeblade - Optimizer Yzma - Seirvaldia
Eupheme Snowfang - Dionaeri - Necrotechnician Ivo
Dynamist Derra - Carina Leifsdottir -Vaeyalin
Claerlys - Neema Adebayo - Apprentice Toola
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impartialbias · 2 years
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Poképride 2022: Flareon (3/9)
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carygrantsbeard · 4 years
If you put your comment in the tags, then you'd have to reblog the original post... except your tags won't get carried over when someone else reposts it. So only the OP's words get preserved, and rebloggers' words are cast aside.
‘Preserved’ are we talking about a sarcophagus or a tumblr post lmao. You people are so annoying....ppl are allowed not to want annoying comments on their posts. Are you gonna call me a tumblr elitist next
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toyboy-molloy · 5 years
ghosts 1x05 highlights
the ghosts watching friends
fanny and mary helping with the dinner
the moon ritual
the captain helping mike through alison to shoot the pheasant
julian with that inside knowledge
that whole scene with using mary to outsmart the creepy guy but it just backfires
the captain stanning chandler
mary doing her best
of course thomas ships ross and rachel
alison shouting over the ghosts’ ritual
‘pray tell, how you doing?’
thomas and the captain arguing over the speech
the sofa scene at the end
pat continues to be pure and too good for this world
‘could that BE anymore vexing?’
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burn-the-town · 6 years
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