#claire novak my beloved
sunflowernovak · 1 year
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thinking about dadstiel
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wise-blue-cookies · 1 year
My two moods:
💜💜💜✨✨✨Destiel🥰🥰🥰😘😘😍😍 dad's with autistic son Jack🥰 and daughter Claire😘 living their best life, also no chuck like ever
2. Cas should dump Dean🙄😒🤮(and Sam) and live his best life with Jack and Claire
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winchestress · 2 years
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Claire meets Kaia and it's hate at first sight 💗
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deancaspinefest · 7 months
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Given to Fly
Author: MittenWraith (mittensmorgul) | Artist: seidenapfel
Posting on Sunday April 14
It only upsets Dean's comfortable routine a little bit when Claire's illustrious uncle moves down to Norfolk to run his airfield. That is, until he meets his new boss face to face and can barely make words happen. Cas isn't doing much better, even if he knows exactly what he'd say to Dean if only he weren't Dean's commanding officer... Test pilot instructor Cas (who's afraid of boats) ran from his Air Force family to join the Navy, Dean ran from his Marine Corps father to work on airplanes for the Navy-- just as long as he doesn't have to fly in one, he's fine. They've met in the middle, but also in an impossible circumstance. It seems as if the one thing they want is something they can't have. Unless solving one impossible mystery could free them...
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Dean arrived at work bright and early the next morning, expecting to have a little time to get ready before Captain Castiel Novak was expected to make a general inspection with Rufus in advance of handing over the reins to him. Unfortunately for Dean, he was a little too late for that. He walked into his office to find Rufus sitting in his chair, having a cup of his coffee. That in itself wasn’t surprising, but the fact he was sharing a cup while having a chat with the illustrious and storied Captain Novak was. He was so entirely caught off guard he almost forgot to salute as Rufus got to his feet.
“Chief Winchester, we weren’t expecting you in for another half hour or so,” Rufus said as Captain Novak stood up and turned around to be introduced and saluted. Dean was grateful to Rufus for babbling on for a bit before getting to business, because the second Dean saw the man’s face he lost the power of speech. “Captain Novak wanted to know where to get the best cup of coffee on base, so of course I led him straight to your office. Captain Castiel Novak, this is Chief Petty Officer Dean Winchester, mechanic extraordinaire and keeper of primo coffee beans.”
Dean managed another salute, which Novak returned.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chief Winchester,” Castiel said, looking just as knocked off balance as he shook himself off as Dean felt. “I understand we’ll be working closely together.”
Since Dean was standing there rather dumbly nodding back at him, Rufus broke the tension by clearing his throat and sitting back down at Dean’s desk.
“Captain Novak will be shadowing me for the next few days, and then taking over full time by the end of next week,” Rufus said. “Though I’m sure you don’t need me teaching you the ropes on how an airfield runs.”
Novak let out a little huff of a laugh at that. “Hopefully not. Though it is a new working environment, and the transition can be difficult for everyone involved. It’s well known you’re a beloved leader to your crew, and filling those shoes is never easy. Though the excellent coffee doesn’t hurt,” he added, taking his seat and toasting Dean with his cup.
Dean just stood there looking at Novak’s shoes before finally shaking himself off and noticing the apologetic smile on his new boss’s face falter just a little. Novak glanced at Rufus before looking back at Dean.
“I hope we haven’t overstepped, invading your space like this…”
“No, sir. My door is always open for anyone who needs it,” Dean finally managed, starting to feel like a human being and not a walking x-ray scan. Novak was still staring at him, though, and he knew he must be making a terrible impression. He pulled himself together and stood up a little straighter. “Even if they just need a decent cup of joe.”
“Well, Winchester, since you’re here, would you mind going through morning inspection with the Captain?” Rufus asked, after it was clear that Dean and Cas would otherwise just continue to stare at each other if left to their own devices.
Dean was doubly grateful that he’d already stopped for breakfast on his way in and hadn’t brought it with him to eat at his desk. He dropped his gear bag beside his desk and grabbed the inspection roster off the shelf beside the door.
“Ready when you are, Captain. One fifty cent tour, coming right up.”
(continue reading on Ao3 on Sunday April 14)
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thegeminisage · 1 month
oooh envesseled, please!!
HI wow thank you for asking, because i love talking about this, and i promise no one is obligated to read the whole answer lol. envesseled (partially, but only partially, up on ao3...) is part of cambionverse, which is a sort of spin-off about some EXTREMELY minor characters in s*pernatural that my buddy @callowyn and i have been chipping away at since 2011 or so.
for anyone with a passing familiarity with the show: we were so sure they were going to kill lisa braeden at the end of season 6 (can you blame us?), we whipped up a little scenario where her son ben was partially raised by sam, dean, and bobby instead...until sam and dean go mysteriously missing, a la john winchester, and now ben has to go and look for them the same way they once searched for their own dad.
but since supernatural has those big 3 characters (sam dean cas) and ben is our dean-character (he is sort of like a dean who broke the cycle of abuse and is also a huge lovable dork), we also needed a sam-character and a cas-character. for our sam we picked jesse (a one-episode wonder, the antichrist kid who turned cas into an action figure), and claire novak, the daughter of acstiel's vessel, who at that point was also a one-episode wonder and also had a collective total of less than 50 words of dialogue. we made her up on our own, essentially. jesse struggles with anxiety and controlling his demonic half and trusting hunters/himself after doing so has burned him in the past (or...gotten other people burned, i guess), and claire struggles with trusting anyone at all and the total emotional unavailability/other after-effects that come from being possessed by something with a thousand eyes at age 11.
in the first two "big" stories (one for jesse, one for ben, though there's a shit ton of additional content) they battle meg (my beloved, don't worry, she'll NEVER die), find the missing sam and dean, resolve various other personal traumas, be mentally ill together, and flirt ever closer to a three-person situationship that would make dean actively long for death if he ever found out about it. meanwhile cally and i kind of throw tomatoes at various things in the show proper that annoyed us, such as how much they hate women, how often they forget their own canon, or the double standard of sometimes letting monsters live when they're dangerous and sometimes killing them when they've done nothing wrong.
envesseled is the third "big" story, for claire, and it takes a significant turn because at the very beginning of it, while she and ben are in the middle of a huge argument, he dies (fridged a la MARY winchester), debatably because of something claire did, and the only way to resurrect him is to ask castiel for help. except he can't help because his various misadventures have left him broken into a thousand pieces and his current jimmy-vessel has no soul to put them back together. and so she's still dealing with this castiel trauma, and the grief/guilt over ben, and the grief /guilt over her dad she never processed, while going around collecting all the broken pieces of castiel in her own body so he can envessel HER (hence the title), bring ben back to life--except the catch is the more grace she takes into her body, the sicker she gets, so it's a question of whether or not she has enough time to finish collecting the pieces, and whether or not she can actually bear to be in castiel's presence and also say yes to him in order to allow him to do this.
as one might guess from the summary it is. an INCREDIBLY niche fanfic series with like a dozen fans worldwide, though i am proud to say pretty much everyone who's tried it has liked it, probably because it's diverged so heavily at this point it aaalmost reads like original fiction. like, i wish there were words to convey how deeply you do not need to have seen the show to read it. we are still writing "envesseled" which is why it's on the wip list (it is fighting with us SO MUCH) but we really really really hope we get it finished in time for "cambion day," which is march 29 (jesse's birthday). i tried very, very hard to find an excerpt from what we haven't posted that isn't full of giant spoilers, but i can't, so i'll post an excerpt from what we have on ao3 instead that i really like. this happens right after claire absorbs the first of many of castiel's broken pieces and is kind of a microcosm of the dynamic in general:
Castiel stands, not far enough away, watching her like a crow inspecting carrion. "How do you feel?" Claire takes a deep breath, assessing. There's no apparent difference between the new grace and the old—after all, both are pieces of the same angel—but she feels their presence more keenly, a stronger heat than the one she's been accustomed to for so many years. Apparently she's more sensitive to the powers of the Antichrist, too. "I've stopped feeling like there's a stab wound in my side, if that's what you mean." "Hm." Two fingers brush across her forehead. Claire's entire body thrums, and then she's grabbing Castiel's wrist, crushing it in her grip as she pulls his hand away. "Don't touch me." Her heartbeat is wild, squeezing the bones under her hand with all her strength, knowing she can't damage him but too angry to care. "Don't you ever touch me." Castiel holds motionless in a way no human could ever achieve, lights flickering over his head. "Let go of me, then." He could break free of her grasp with a fraction of effort, but it's still satisfying to throw his hand aside. Claire catches Jesse's eyes, and sees just a moment of ink-black there before he blinks and the light fixtures stop shaking. "Very well," says Castiel, after a long tense silence. He leaves the kitchen, giving Claire a wide berth, and moves to stand in the center of the dusty library. "Try this one."
let people send you an ask with the WIP title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
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liminal-zone · 9 months
fanfic round up 2023
(2021, 2022)
Crave (LOTR | haladriel | tentacles and rings of power | rated E)
somewhere in the haze (LOTR | Celeborn/Sauron | mutual stockholm syndrome | rated M)
taking me with your song (The Little Mermaid (2023) | Ariel/Eric, Ariel/Ursula | tentacles and possession and mindfuckery | rated E)
can't escape the ghost of you (The 100 | clexa, clarke/the judge | being fucked by the divine wearing the face of your dead lover is better than therapy | rated M)
Eating fire (SPN | Claire Novak | the girl who was castiel grieves for her fathers | rated T)
Bound (SPN | megstiel | a demon and her angel | rated NR)
uncharted territory (Supergirl | supercorp | the dangers of being hated by a luthor | rated M) (technically, just chapter 4 counts for 2023)
nothing can go wrong when you're in love (Nimona (2023) | Nimona/Gloreth | when your boss’ boyfriend looks like your ex, ugh! | rated Gen)
through a father’s eyes (Narnia | King Lune | dads gotta dad | rated Gen)
atomic blonde (Narnia, LOTR | Susan/Eowyn | it’s not the first time a power beyond understanding ripped Susan away from her home to fight in another world’s war | rated M)
Beware how you give your heart (LOTR | haladriel | a fourth age haunting | rated M) (a wip!!)
a little touch in the night (LOTR | haladriel | a love letter in tiny bites | rated T)
+three yuletide offerings to be revealed in January!
MCU: the king and queen of Asgard wrt Valkyrie/Carol Danvers
MCU: the final conclusion of my winterbaron sugar daddy fic
LOTR: Doriath trash party wrt Melian/Galadriel
LOTR: “Sauron becomes a tree”
LOTR: dark Galadriel/Samwise and their garden of the world
LOTR: healing generational trauma with fourth age Arwen and her peepaw
The Matrix: Trinity and Smith as mirrors
Good Omens: Crowley haunted by his angel
Star Wars: A really scandalous dinluke sex pollen
Total number of completed works/fandoms written in: fifteen completed works in 2023 for a total of just over 32k words; six LOTR, two SPN, two Narnia, the rest sundry & various.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: ::taps the top of this car:: you can put so much monsterfucking in this bad boy, jfc.
PERSONAL FAVORITE: Getting unblocked by the most unlikeliest of sources and FINISHING MY SUPERCORP HATESEX. uncharted territory finished FIVE YEARS LATER. This has been a weight on my shoulders for years; I always knew it ended with a sadistic Lex Luthor torturing Kara (oop), but it was time passing and The Flash (2023) that got me where I needed to be to get that banged out. I’m really really pleased how that ended, and that I actually can finish a WIP.
MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED: Bound is really exceptional. It was part of my WIP amnesty week, and a revisitation and remix of a meg masters fic I wrote in 2013 after I had a terrible life-altering accident. My favorite 2023 additions are how she can only speak in the language of Sodom at the end. It’s not a GREAT fic, but I really love Meg and I love Meg & Castiel.
MOST POPULAR: Definitely Nimona (nothing can go wrong when you're in love) with 1,200+ kudos. Y’all, the teen/gen fic in younger fandoms hits hard. OOPS. re: my deeply funny stats for the little mermaid tentacles fic with over 3k hits and 86 kudos. AHAHHAHAH. welp.
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT: OKAY, so this is sexy specific to me: in Crave, Galadriel taunts Sauron about how he has to fuck Ar-Pharazôn (a mini love letter to my beloved 5ummit!) and this, to me, is everything: “And you’ll never enjoy Ar-Pharazôn’s little prick again,” she says, drinking in the horror of his recent memories, a soured scheme. “Your play at feigned pleasure in service to a base creature will be ash in your mouth now. You will only think of the taste of my cunt with his cock shoved in your whore mouth.” The crass words burn on her lips but she can sense how he trembles, even in this form. “You’ll hunger for the taste of me. And when he’s dead, when you’ve sucked the miserable mortal life out of him, you’ll never take a lover again for the rest of your unnatural life,” she says. “You know where your dick should be sheathed. In me and no where else.”
MOST FUN STORY TO WRITE: Okay, I traveled for work a LOT this year and one night I was feeling down and angry about the world and asked on twitter that for every like, I’d write a soft haladriel headcanon and by the end of the night, i had the bulk of a little touch in the night and I was such a happy delighted lil soul. Such a highlight of the year.
HARDEST: A tie between Crave, which was writing on hard mode since I’m violently anti dominant Sauron (oop), and uncharted territory since I had been blocked for years.
BIGGEST SURPRISE: The delicious lush connection of Celeborn/Sauron in somewhere in the haze that STARTED AS A JOKE and now I’m full rarepair conspiracy theory into it.
DID YOU TAKE ANY RISKS IN WRITING THIS YEAR? Posting SPN in 2023, lol what was that. And neither of them explicitly destiel. Girl. Both tanked but I love those two fics.
MOST UNINTENTIONALLY TELLING STORY: Okay, one of my yuletides this year is really too close to something I’m working through in therapy. Oop.
FAVORITE LINES/SCENES: Okay literally everything in atomic blonde, that fic is nonstop bangers imho. I love this especially:
“Ah, there it is,” he replies. Stops, and turns to look into her eyes. To drink in her fury. “This isn’t your world, Daughter of Eve. Take your cursed horn and your beautiful face and take the little shieldmaiden too for all I care and leave Middle Earth to me. Grow old and find joy in women’s work.” He blinks, nonsense words emerging out of him: “In Christian Dior dresses and Chanel lipstick, in Italian leather handbags and silk nylons, in handsome British officers and those American boys who offer more than kisses, in the rumble of a Jaguar and the cries of healthy babies who do not fear war. Live and die on an island far, far away.” He blinks again. “I do not want you here.”
MY FAVE PART OF FANDOM IN 2023: Repeatedly saying “you hear me, baby? hold together” at the haladriel fandom like Han Solo does to the Millennium Falcon and we did! We made it another year!!! Let’s go, 2024!!!! (YOU HEAR ME, BABY. HOLD TOGETHER.)
2024 WRITING AMBITIONS: same as last year’s: Write more steadily and consistently. Get back into the drabble mode. Make time, take time, just do it. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it just has to be creating something. The joy of creation is like nothing else. Chase that high.
2024 FICS ON THE IMMEDIATE HORIZON: Jan 1 - htp trash fic exchange Feb 3 - rffa exchange March - haladriel exchange!
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perseephoneee · 6 months
my Roman Empire is wayward sisters never being picked up
also— every complaint I’ve seen against claire novak (my beloved) is about her personality as if she isn’t a copy of dean winchester
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waywardvamp · 1 year
Claire Novak, my beloved.
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pinknatural · 2 years
my most beloved fics (of mine)
howdy, here are the fics i've written that are my specialist little princesses <3 i spent a lot of time on all of these and they mean a lot to me in different ways. i did notice when looking at these fics that all of them have claire in them, so maybe that's the common thread here.
gifts given & words unspoken
4k, gen, mostly dean & claire but background deancas, set in s12
“Hey, Claire,” Dean says. She nods at him distractedly. “What do you think of the place?” Dean hadn’t known she was coming over. He looks at Cas, who shrugs at him, and then shifts his gaze back to Claire, still standing on the bottom step. Her eyes cycle through a few emotions, then she shrugs. “Lame,” she says. or Cas brings an injured Claire back to the bunker to have dinner and spend the night.
this one took a long time for me to write because i had such a vivid vision of what i wanted it to be and it was hard to put that vision to paper. i wanted it to be complicated and a little messy and i'm really glad i spent so much time on it, i think it turned out just how i wanted it to.
the lord of the lake (and i don't want to leave it)
29k, t, aspecnatural, emmanatural, lordhuronnatural, hohnatural, deancas, post-15x19 fix-it
The lakehouse is haunted.
this fic took me forever to write and it's the longest single fic i've ever written! i poured my heart & soul into this and i hope you can tell. i made dean asexual in it and through writing him tackling that i learned some new things about myself, too. thank you all so much for giving me a space to project my sexuality onto my favorite character and giving love to this fic &lt;3
in tight places
45k (it's 2 fics, 20k+25k), t, emmanatural, deancas, AU set during s8
Claire Novak escapes from her first foster house, determined to find Castiel and demand he return her father. But when she encounters the Impala in a hospital parking lot, it’s not Sam and Dean she finds inside. Dean Winchester and Castiel are missing, and Emma Winchester is determined to track them down. It only makes sense that Claire goes with her. Of course, they’ll find Dean and Cas right away, and certainly won’t be driving for months on end, with only each other and the road for company. Right?
these fics are the most self-indulgent thing i've ever written, i think. it was really fun to explore claire and then emma's povs in this AU space and i had a lot of fun going over what could happen if emma survived slice girls, how that would affect canon. i remember i thought of this au and typed it onto a post, like "au where claire decides to go looking for cas but instead finds emma, who has survived slice girls and is looking for her dad while he's in purgatory, and they roadtrip together" and then i looked at that typed up post and instead of hitting the post button i quietly deleted it because i knew i actually wanted to save that idea for a fic. and then somehow i got 45k out of it!
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 years
fic origin story
Thanks for the tag @thosetwofirefighters @hippolotamus and @shortsighted-owl 💖
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)? Supernatural. I'd never really got into a show seriously until I watched that and I fell deep. It was my main hyperfixation for years and then 911 came along and gave it the boot
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it? So I technically wrote Halloweentown fanfic when I was a kid, because I had a huge crush on Marnie and I was obsessed with magic
What piece of advice would you give your younger fic-writing self? I've really only recently started seriously writing fic, but I would tell the me of a couple months ago to pace themselves, nothing wrong with taking your time, the world won't end if you don't get everything done all at once
What's an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)? Again, I've only recently started actually engaging with other people in the same fandom as me, and these past few months I've had a lot of amazing interactions and conversations with so many beautiful people in the 911 fandom. There is one person who has been so supportive and has been really inspiring and become a really good friend and I'm very thankful for them and honestly everyone I've interacted with
Post a sentence or two from an older fic and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want). Well I have no idea where the old Halloweentown fic is so RIP to that and I did start writing a spn fic that centered around Claire Novak years ago but there's no way I'm sharing something from that 😆
I will share a little snipped from my fantasy au
Eddie sits on the bed, cleaning one of his beloved daggers. Buck can see the firelight glinting in the bone white hilt, the one Eddie keeps strapped to his thigh.
Buck’s eyes flitter to the strap on Eddie’s leg, empty but still so tempting. The leather hugs the muscles of Eddie’s thigh, highlighting the strength there and shifting with Eddie’s movements like it’s a second skin.
Idly, Buck wonders which would be more soft and supple, the leather strap or the inside of Eddie’s thighs.
The mere thought of having his hands, his lips, his tongue on that part of Eddie, so hidden and delicate and sensitive, makes him shudder.
No pressure tagging @spaceprincessem @buddierights @elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @ajunerose @lostinabuddiehaze @prettyboybuckley (sorry if you've already been tagged)
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steely-eyedmissileman · 4 months
Supernatural, 4x20
The Rapture
oh boy this was an episode. this. was. an. episode. my beloved castiel, my beloved castiel, i don't know about this one bud.
the novak plot line was heartbreaking. claire was heartbreaking. i can't possibly express how upsetting the whole thing was. claire deserves better, she's so young, and such horrific things have happened to her. i don't understand how she can ever come to terms with this, even though i know she must.
i don't understand how cas can live with this. how he can look into the eyes of that little girl and tell her he isn't her father. how he can possess her, potentially forever. how it can take him so much time to accept jimmy's offer.
honestly, i think the thing that makes it hurt worse is that he went home. i think it would have been better if they thought he died, if they thought he just disappeared forever. coming home and then dying and then leaving must have hurt so much worse than just being gone.
(side note: fuck you sam fuck you so bad i hope you get locked in that jail cell forever you self-serving bitch [sorry about that, sam])
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birdyboycas · 6 months
Claire Novak my beloved 💖💖💖
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gnbrules · 3 years
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Suptober21, Day 7: Young at Heart
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allanalightwood · 3 years
Claire and Jack taught Cas how to use social media. 
Spread the fooking word
And the dude never learned how to make his account private so the amount of people that follow them is astro-fcking-nomical.
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segernatural · 2 years
i havent written the section yet where i want to use a pair of them, so i'll toss you an example with 'knife' to make up for it:
“He wasn't just yours, Dean,” Claire spits, tears in her eyes, twisting the knife before she storms out.
send me a word and i'll share a sentence with it from my WIP
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