tyriq-edits · 4 years
Hi there! Is there any chance you could make a set of (or just one) clapollier (clay/apollo/klavier) vaperwave/ webcore lockscreens?
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
how would the three of them get together? owo
So I answered it a little bit in the last ask but essentially- Klavier starts courting Apollo after everything in AA5 is settled...and Clay gets jealous smelling Klavier’s scent on Apollo every time Apollo comes to visit him in the hospital.
Apollo is conflicted because now that he’s an Omega, he feels equally pulled towards Klavier and Clay.
Klavier doesn’t mind Clay, in fact he’s finding himself attracted to the other Alpha as well. Klavier doesn’t have a preference towards any designation - he really likes Apollo...and Apollo’s strong sexy Alpha friend.
Pack dynamics are tricky to begin with, but it’s not uncommon for a bonded pair to have a single alpha, beta, or omega in their pack. Or other couples and their family within the pack. Polyamory can be tricky with two Alphas paired to one Omega- due to an Alpha’s natural instinct to protect and be dominate. But if all parties are willing to work at it and balance it all out, it can work. A/O/O , ABO, OOO, AAAs, etc have worked for others so there’s no reason to not try.
It does take Clay awhile to come around- he’s sorting through his own messy feelings with Apollo- is it familial between us or romantic? But I also can’t stand the thought of Apollo being with someone else...and Klavier’s not bad on the eyes, either. Clay’s never been with another Alpha before, so the sex is different- good but very different compared to sleeping with an Omega. But Klavier is pretty submissive to Clay (against all reasons considering Klavier’s a pedigree and Clay’s a heavyweight) and Clay can’t ignore that it’s pretty hot to top Klavier in bed...and seeing Apollo and Klavier together makes Clay go less red and more hot under the collar.
So it takes some time from it being Klapollo with Clay third wheeling/being an occasional addition in their bed, to Apollo and Klavier courting Clay, to the three of them bonding as equal partners. But it’s the best damn decision any of them have ever made and they’re happier for it.
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fitofpaige17 · 5 years
Klapollay sick day?
(ooo, I love that ship name!)
The person who gets sick the most (and actually stays home) is Klavier. Unless he has a big case coming up, he'll stay home to rest. When either of his boys is home, he's a big baby and wants to be cuddled and taken care of.
When Apollo gets sick, he fights through it, which is not the best idea. Everyone at the WAA gets upset with him not only potentially getting them sick, but clients as well. He will wait until Phoenix forces him to go home, or he physically can't move before he'll stay home from work.
Clay rarely gets sick, but when he does it's usually with something TERRIBLE like the flu. He'll stay home, because he won't be able to move further than to the bathroom and back to either the bed or couch, but he won't be happy about it. He easily gets bored, and can only play video games for so long before he wants to get up and be active. He'll look up old wives tales online on how to get over his illness and try them out. ANYTHING to get better faster!... If Apollo doesn't have a big case coming up or anything, he may stay home to watch Clay just to make sure he won't do something stupid.
There's only been one time where they've all been sick at home at the same time, and it was terrible for mostly everyone. I only say mostly because Klavier was very happy to cuddle both his boys all day, despite them all being gross.
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cteranodon · 7 years
Old Fashioned Family Claypollier Recipe
Howdy folks! The best Claypollier recipe has been a secret for a long time, and a lot of people want to know how to make a Claypollier that isn’t sad, bland, and downright unhealthy.
I know one or two people who will have a complaint to share about me giving away this old family recipe, but I decided it was time.
It’s real simple. You need these three ingredients:
For any serving size, you want an even amount of the three. Pour em together and mix until you see those bright, savory chunks.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “cteranodon, is it even okay to use Clayvier?” But I promise you Clayvier is 100% safe, healthy, and full of wholesome, natural chemistry. Some people still might try leaving it out just to aim for a different flavor, and even if I really suggest using all three, the most important thing is the equal spread. Two ingredients or three, if you let one of them overpower the rest, it’ll leave the final product all dry and doughy. People with a taste for Claypollier will notice the difference.
Remember to keep the focus on the healthiness and tenderness of the final product.
I wish you all good luck!
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leonidas1754 · 7 years
Ace Attorney Merperson AU- Apollo
I love merpeople AUs, dunno why, I’m just gonna blab. I’ll probably make stuff for the other characters later but this one is centered around Apollo with Klapollo/Claypollo feels.
Just, merpeople in the modern day. Wright Anything Agency is just filled with merpeople. All are based on Beta fish because beta fish are fucking gorgeous I’m telling you, I love them. Anyways, Merpeople can live on land, transforming their tails to legs, but have to be careful to stay hydrated. Most live by the ocean to stay healthy, if they decide to live on land among humans.
Apollo is not only a Merperson, but a siren as well, along with Trucy. Their voices can draw the attention of others. Usually they have to intend to do this, and Trucy mostly uses it in shows while Apollo uses it (Mostly unintentionally) in court. if they sing, though, the effect is immediate. The only people immune to a Siren’s song are other Merpeople.
Apollo feels incredibly self conscious about his singing, though he’s (obviously) quite proud of his voice. He doesn’t really like to sing around anyone except sometimes Clay (also a merperson). Clay keeps saying he has a wonderful voice even without the Siren’s effect, but Apollo is stubborn as always.
Clay and Apollo often visit the ocean together and swim, and Clay sometimes convinces Apollo to sing for him. One night, they’re swimming by one of the docks and Apollo is singing and suddenly they hear someone call out from above on the dock. They hide under it, but hear that voice still calling out, and Apollo recognizes it.
Klavier had come out to the ocean for fresh air, being stuck on writing when he heard that voice singing, the most beautiful voice he’s heard since Lamiroir’s. He gets to the end of the dock and calls out and it stops, and he can’t find it again, but even as he goes home he can’t get that voice out of his head.
Clay and Apollo sneak off as they hear Klavier leave, Apollo sighing in relief that they weren’t caught while Clay teases him. A few days later, they hear a song on the radio. It’s some slow, romantic song about hearing the ocean calling by none other than Klavier Gavin. Apollo wants to die because Phoenix and Athena are giving him weird looks while Clay and Trucy tease the fuck out of him.
Later, Apollo is in the ocean by himself, and he spots Klavier up above him on the dock, looking out over the water. Apollo knows why he’s there, and against his better judgement, he starts singing again. Klavier practically holds his breath as he hears the voice he never thought he’d hear again, and calls out again. For a few moments he’s terrified he’s scared them off again as Apollo stops, but Apollo takes a deep breath and starts again.
After that, Klavier visits the ocean more. He doesn’t always hear that voice, not knowing that Apollo only went there to swim to keep himself healthy, at least at first. Apollo started going out more, Clay convinced to tag along by a worried Phoenix (Though it didn’t take much to convince him, to be honest).
So there’s Apollo leaning against the poles of the dock and singing, Clay watching him in amusement, and Klavier positively enraptured with this mysterious singing.
Meanwhile, Simon has had to deal with Klavier ranting about this beautiful mystery singer, and vents to Athena about it, who of course tells Phoenix and Apollo. Phoenix then tells Apollo that he should probably either stop or tell Klavier who it really is, since Klavier really has no idea. There was a close moment, where Klavier was talking to Apollo and seemed to pause, thinking he sounded familiar in a strange way but not connecting Apollo to his mystery singer.
Eventually, there’s a night where Klavier is there, and Apollo decides to do something a little different. First, instead of singing words off the top of his head, or making up his own little songs, he starts singing the Guitar’s Serenade. To his surprise, Klavier starts singing back, and Clay just listens in awe as they seem to work together perfectly. Then Apollo pushes back, swimming slowly out from under the dock. In the dark of the night, it’s hard to see exactly who it is, but Klavier doesn’t miss the figure, or the flicker of the moonlight off of his tail. 
Klavier nearly stops singing out of shock, of course, because that was clearly a tail, attached to a person, and merpoeple don’t exist what’s going on here. And for a few moments he considers what to do before basically going FUCK IT and stripping down to his boxers before diving in.
Of course Apollo is not fucking expecting that, Klavier what the fuck, but Klavier surfaces and swims forward, grinning. Clay is hiding behind the poles of the dock trying not to die of laughter because Apollo has underestimated just how crazy Klavier is about him.
Apollo of course yells at him and Klavier is startled because it’s Apollo but smiles anyways because it’s Apollo and that’s pretty amazing. Basically they all end up on the beach with Klavier just cooing over how amazing it was that merpeople exist and Apollo and Clay are merpeople and Apollo’s voice is so amazing. It quickly devolves into Apollo trying to protest as Klavier and Clay shower him with compliments.
So what I’m saying is Klavier/Mer!Apollo/Mer!Clay
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psiioniicarts · 8 years
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Th story behind this is about two weeks ago I was photographing for a wedding at a park and I saw three tourists, two guys and one tall lady, who was dragging around the two guys and taking pictures of everything with a big camera. She had a big G on a purple shirt and the shortest guy has a red polo on so I got home and my mind shat out this concept.
They’re sightseeing in Hawaii. They brought Clay too, Klavier because he likes him and Apollo because he didn’t want it to seem like him and Klav were on their honeymoon (but too bad the three of them are honeymooning now).
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obtuselyrelated · 8 years
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Two Too Tall Boyfriends Terrorize Local Attorney.
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nothlits-archive · 8 years
Is clapollier not the fandom accepted ship name or is there really just this little content
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acutelyrelated · 7 years
Tell me all about 11-15 for the fanfiction meme, along with 44
Thank you!!11. Gosh I have a lot of OTPs... Honestly though I think Gumworth is my surprise favorite. Klapollo is also up there.12. My current OT3 is Clapollier. I know we don’t have a whole lot of information on Clay but the way I’ve come to characterize him - I just think the three of them would mesh really well. 
13. NoTPs I have quite a lot of. I’m usually willing to explore the dynamics of most relationships if they might be interesting, but there are a few hard passes. Franziska/Miles for one, Trucy and Pearl with anyone not around their age (or with each other, tbh) is Not Good for me. I’ve got a lot that make me uncomfortable and most of them are because of age differences or relation to each other.14. Because of a headcanon I have and would love to talk about, Clay and the real Fulbright are my unlikely BroTP.15. I keep accidentally shipping Blackquill with people... I’ve quickly fallen for Klavquill. I really really like it. I also like them as just friends too. I hope we get to see them interact someday. 
44. Needs more attention? Haha, to be honest I’d like to see more Gumworth out there. I haven’t checked for new material recently, but it hasn’t been that long since I ran out!!
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
hi can is ask for... a what if scenario with Clay Terran being, like, you know. alive. eheh. if not, then just something with clay or klapollo kiddos! ty!
So this is not a super spoiler as I’ve been hinting in the comments of B-Sides for a while now-but we will be seeing Clay again in the story and there will be a resolution with the drama surrounding him, his family, and his and Apollo’s relationship.  As for kiddos...that’s going to have to be off in the future before we see Klapollo’s kids :D
NGL, when this is all over though...Imma gonna post my Clapollier AU for this AU...because hey- we all liked Apollo in between two hot Alphas in chapter 3 of Strange Days... so let’s give him a better, second Alpha XD
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fitofpaige17 · 5 years
Claypollier at the movies?
As far as movie preferences go, Clay LOVES horror movies, Klavier loves romance (because of course he does), and Apollo usually goes for the animated films. They all usually end up going to see comedies, because it's the one thing they can all agree on.
Sometimes Clay can convince them to see a scary movie, if the plot is interesting enough. Klavier is a scaredy cat, and will definitely end up grabbing hold of one or both of them, Clay loves it. Apollo gets more surprised by jumpscares than anything, and will scream. They have been asked to leave before because of this, so Clay usually goes through the effort of seeing if a movie has many jumpscares before dragging Apollo along.
Klavier really gets invested in story and characters, and just the overall feeling of love and angst that comes with the romance movies that he wants to see. He doesn't really like to see movies alone, so Apollo will tag along most of the time (Clay doesn't care for romance movies unless they're mostly comedy based.) Apollo makes sure to carry tissues because Klavier will forget and he ALWAYS ends up crying.
As stated above, Apollo is all about animated movies. He's really into art styles and the ins and outs of animation. He does like a good story, but it needs to look pleasing to the eye for him to really enjoy it. He also loves pointing out certain things about how some animations are done to the boys even though he knows they don't know wtf he's talking about. (They at least act supportive though)
Nobody buys popcorn or candy at the concession stand because they always sneak in snacks. Clay especially. He has definitely snuck in a whole damn bucket of chicken wings, along with dipping sauce. Don't make bets with him on getting shit in without getting caught, because he WILL fucking do it.
((all I got! I'm not a big movie person, so I'm sorry there isn't more 😅))
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kinoutau-blog · 7 years
god i love klapollo, claypollo, clayvier and clapollier so much they’re such great ships and I owe @spacecamped and @achtungx so much for rping these with me and being amazing friends so shout out to them <3 //
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
I am but a simple human; I see Clay Terran and scream because he is excellent. Thoughts on how his case goes in this au?
So in this AU of Strange Days, which is already an Omegaverse AU of AA4/5... everything is the same except Clay obviously doesn’t die.
He was really hurt but Interpol got to Clay first and spread the news that Clay actually died as a way to entrap the Phantom. After the bombing of the court room, Apollo was told that Clay was, in fact, alive but had to keep operating under the idea that Clay was dead to keep luring the Phantom out.
So all that changes really is Apollo’s interactions with the WAA in between cases AA5-1 and AA5-4.
Then afterward he see’s Clay and is relieved. Apollo’s omeganess is kicked off my the stress of nearly losing Clay /getting caught in the bombing , however his heat goes off during a date with Klavier rather than in the cell block with Kristoph.
Apollo is helped through his heat with Klavier and Phoenix (helped in a platonic sense not a romantic one ) but once Klavier expresses formally courting Apollo, Clay gets involved.
Clay is initially very aggressive towards Klavier...not realizing that Klavier is and Alpha who doesn’t mind being with other Alphas. Apollo is the first Omega, Klavier’s ever considered. Apollo had feelings for both of them and refuses to be fought over/choose one over the other.
So it’s Apollo who demands that they all form a pack and he’ll bond with both of them. Clay is still mildly jealous of Klavier but agrees. It takes a while before they formally bond, initially Apollo would only bond one-way with each of them, but after a time Clay learns to have genuine feelings for Klavier and so when they bond to Apollo, Klavier and Clay bond to eachother as well.
When Clay leaves for his space mission a year later, he knows that Apollo will be taken care of by Klavier, and though he’ll miss his mates terribly, he knows that they are fine :)
Don’t ever apologize for screaming over Clay. The man deserves the world and the entire galaxy
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fitofpaige17 · 5 years
If y'all could send me more of those HC prompts for Claypollier I like to answer, I'd be eternally grateful, because I LOVE writing those ❤️
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ivyclanmoonblossom · 8 years
Please imagine Apollo wearing his boyfriend's too big shirts which help him sleep bc they're cozy and smell like him
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