#clare bishop
alittlestarling · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
It's almost time for bed but I had this snippet echoing in my head while I showered, so have this very rough and unedited Regency something, featuring the return of the sisters who got me through 2020:
“I’ll return soon, my darling girls, I promise.” Those words echoed against the nearly empty walls of the Bishop's manor home. Again and again, the words repeated throughout time; in letters, brief moments when Rebecca Bishop returned to them, and again as Clare whispered them against the panes of glass. She was the constant watcher, keeping a weather eye out for the mother who never stayed long enough for the eldest daughter, Laurel, to miss her.
Indeed, Laurel had long since hardened her heart against those words once promised to her. It felt too foolish to believe them now, not when she was older and wiser, looking at the world shrewdly for any hint of deception in her midst. 
Clare kept hoping, small hands imprinted along the windows year after year, her bright blue eyes shining with the flickering joy at any morsel of news that Mrs. Bishop was to return home at last. 
“I don’t understand!” Clare cried into Laurel’s shoulder repeatedly; Laurel held her close, cheek resting against the top of Clare’s golden crown of hair. 
“I know,” Laurel murmured as she brushed her sister’s tears aside. “I’m sure she means to come home. Something must have come up.” The words were as hollow as their mother’s promises, but Laurel would hold tight to the hope that burned in her younger sister’s heart.
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irisharchaeology · 2 years
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Ivy clad ruins.... inside a medieval church at Bishop's Quarter, Co Clare
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As important as it is to mark the places where we meet God, I worry about what happens when we build a house for God. I am speaking no longer of the temple in Jerusalem but of the house of worship on the corner, where people of faith meet to say their prayers, because saying them together reminds them of who they are better than saying them alone. This is good, and all good things cast shadows. Do we build God a house so that we can choose when to go see God? Do we build God a house in lieu of having God stay at ours? Plus, what happens to the rest of the world when we build four walls—even four gorgeous walls—cap them with a steepled roof, and designate that the House of God? What happens to the riverbanks, the mountaintops, the deserts, and the trees? What happens to the people who never show up in our houses of God? The people of God are not the only creatures capable of praising God, after all. There are also wolves and seals. There are also wild geese and humpback whales. According to the Bible, even trees can clap their hands. Francis of Assisi loved singing hymns with his brothers and sisters—who included not only Brother Bernard and Sister Clare, but also Brother Sun and Sister Moon. Francis could not have told you the difference between “the sacred” and “the secular” if you had twisted his arm behind his back. He read the world as reverently as he read the Bible. For him, a leper was as kissable as a bishop’s ring, a single bird as much a messenger of God as a cloud full of angels. Francis had no discretion. He did not know where to draw the line between the church and the world. For this reason among others, Francis is remembered as a saint.
Barbara Brown Taylor, An Altar in the World: Finding the Sacred Beneath Our Feet
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companion-showdown · 21 days
Who is the best member of UNIT*?
*or its derivatives
Martha Jones vs Liz Shaw
Jo Grant vs The Brigadier
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Martha Jones vs Benton
Liz Shaw vs Kate Stewart
Winifred Bambera vs Jo Grant
Mel Bush vs The Brigadier
previous rounds under the cut
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Martha Jones vs Other Osgood
Benton vs Osgood
Liz Shaw vs Erisa Magambo
Shirley Anne Bingham vs Kate Stewart
The Doctor vs Winifred Bambera
Harry Sullivan vs Jo Grant
Mel Bush vs Mike Yates
Iris Wildthyme vs The Brigadier
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Martha Jones vs Hamlet Macbeth
Other Osgood vs Ron Winters
Benton vs Inspector Drake
Captain Scarlet vs Osgood
Liz Shaw vs Tony Clare
Erisa Magambo vs Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Shirley Anne Bingham vs Roz Forrester
June Turner vs Kate Stewart
The Doctor vs Abby McPhail
Malcolm Taylor vs Winifred Bambera
Harry Sullivan vs CCPC
Anthony Sinclair vs Jo Grant
Mel Bush vs Jacqui McGee
Ross Bimmocombe-Wood vs Mike Yates
Chris Cwej vs Emily Chaudhry
Adrienne Kramer vs The Brigadier
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
The Brigadier, Benton, Yates, Liz, Jo, Harry, Mel, The Doctor, Martha, Kate, and an Osgood will automatically proceed to the head-to-head rounds
Group 1
Winifred Bambera
Tom Osgood
Carol Bell
Erisa Magambo
Malcolm Taylor
Group 2
Other Osgood
Other Other Osgood
Shirley Anne Bingham
The Vlinx
Group 3
Anthony Sinclair
Kathleen Bregman
Abby McPhail
Ron Winters
Tony Clare
Group 4
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Captain Scarlet
Captain Black
Adrienne Kramer
Muriel Frost
Hamlet Macbeth
Group 5
Sam Bishop
Josh Carter
Jacqui McGee
Ross Brimmicombe-Wood
Chris Cwej
Roz Forrester
Group 6
June Turner
Inspector Drake
Inspector Thorne
Emily Chaudhry
Robert Dalton
Links to previous tournaments
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portraitsofsaints · 4 months
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Saint Conrad of Piacenza
Feast Day: February 19
Patronage: Noto, Sicily, hermits, against hernias
Saint Conrad of Piacenza was born and married into nobility. He was the cause of a terrible forest fire that destroyed farms and fields, while on a hunt to flush out game. An innocent man was accused and condemned to death for this accident. St. Conrad overcame his cowardice and confessed and paid for the damages. Afterward, he and his wife agreed to enter religious life, he as a hermit and she as a Poor Clare. Once when he visited a bishop to make a general confession, he was surrounded by fluttering birds who escorted him home. He lived as a hermit for 36 years and his body was found incorrupt in 1485.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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ronweasleyisourking · 7 months
The most likely characters in the original trilogy to be related to the covey, in my opinion, is Gale's family and in this post, I will explain my theory, using etymology.
The Importance of Names
In the covey, each character has a two-part given name and a surname, each with specific importance. This follows the traditions of both Appalachian and Romani people, who the Covey are based off of.
The first name is after a ballad. Lucy Gray is after "Lucy Gray" by William Wordsworth. Barb Azure is named for Child Ballad 84, "Bonny Barbara Allen"; Tam Amber and Clerk Carmine are also named after Child Ballads (39 and 42). Maude Ivory is named for "Maude Clare" by Christina Rosetti. Billy Taupe may have been for "Billy in the Darbies" by Herman Melville or "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" by Billy Joel, or possibly both. While not all these characters' stories take as much inspiration from their ballads as that of Lucy Gray and while no character in the covey should be called simply by this first name, it is still important.
The reason no character should be called by their first name only is because the second name is the one that truly connects them to their community - and loved ones may even use just this second name as a nickname/term of endearment. Lucy Gray was named for the gray of winter, Maude Ivory for the ivory of the piano, and Barb Azure for the serene color of the sky. Second names should never go unmentioned because doing so separates the character from their community.
The surname is after profession. Baird is for bard.
Where do the Hawthornes come in?
First, I should mention that I believe that Gale is related to the covey through his mother, not his father, so the name "Hawthorne" will not be brought up.
Hazelle Hawthorne is Gale's mother, and her name within the books is just that: "Hazelle". Perhaps, having the name of a color is not enough to connect her to the covey but it sure is interesting. Was the tradition of two names lost before her birth? Or is she referred to as Hazelle because that is Katniss, a girl she is practically family with, knows her as such? I have some ideas for the ballad that she could be named after, though nothing will ever be set in stone, but I do like the name "Hazelle" for her. The color seems to emit so much warmth and comfort, as does her character in the books.
As for her children, it is clear that the traditions of the covey have died by now, but I still see significance in their names. Gale is a word commonly associated with old tales and ballads, a specific one being Child Ballad 80, "Old Robin of Portingale". The word also has meanings associated with madness and extremism, but also with nature, i.e. gale-force winds. The covey was particularly fond of nature and often they are named in relation to it. Rory is a name that means "red king" or simply red, which follows the once traditional second names of the covey. Vick could either be the Old French occupational name meaning "bishop" and if this were Hazelle's maiden name, it implies a perhaps her family had a religious role within the covey, or it could refer to Victory, a common theme in many ballads. Posy is another nature name, after the bouquets, however it is quite interesting because posies have at times been used to send secret messages - was her name an act of rebellion? Was Hazelle already invested in the idea of rebellion at the time of Posy's birth? And what group within Didtruct 12 would be most interested in rebellion after the death of Lucy Gray?
While there is no way to confirm it, I am convinced that Hazelle and her children are related to the covey. And it doesn't even mean that Katniss cannot be related to Maude Ivory. After all. Her and Gale are "cousins", right? 😂😂
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Sixteen Spanish nuns have announced they are breaking from the Catholic Church and instead placing themselves under the authority of Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, a self-styled bishop who was excommunicated in 2019.
The 16 Poor Clare sisters, part of the Franciscan Order of Saint Clare, were based in the dioceses of Burgos and Vitoria in northern Spain.
The schism comes against the backdrop of conservative anger over the leadership of Pope Francis. In February, 90 Catholic clergymen and scholars wrote a letter to "all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church," urging them to oppose a document approved by the pontiff that allowed priests to bless same-sex couples. Earlier this month, Francis angered many American conservatives by describing efforts to prevent migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexican border as "madness."
The 16 nuns, led by Sister Isabel of the Trinity, announced their break from Catholic authorities in a five-page open letter published on their convent's website.
In the letter, Sister Isabel said Catholics have had to endure "the silence of our pastors," who "left their sheep alone and helpless to face the wolves."
Referring to the papacy, she added: "From the Throne of Peter we have been receiving contradiction, confusion and doublespeak, ambiguity, lack of clear doctrine, which is all the more necessary in stormy times, to hold the rudder more firmly.
"During this time the sisters, each in her own style, way and rhythm, have been contemplating a question, a doubt about the one who steers the Barque of Peter, and his closest collaborators. A doubt which, in time, became SCANDAL."
Newsweek has contacted the press office of the Holy See for comment by email.
Sister Isabel also said the Vatican prevented the community from selling an empty monastery in Derio, the proceeds of which were intended to pay for a new monastery in Orduña. She said the decision was a bid to control "traditionally minded communities and keep their real estate to sell."
The sister said the group would instead put itself under the authority of Sánchez-Franco, whom she styled a "legitimate bishop of the Holy Catholic Church" despite his excommunication by the Vatican.
She added: "They are going to call us heretics and schismatics, crazy, and many more very disagreeable and calumnious things, but don't believe them; at least this once, don't let them fool you."
In an attached 70-page document titled "Catholic Manifesto," the group said it recognized "H.H. Pius XII as the last valid Supreme Pontiff," adding that "the see of St. Peter is vacant and usurped."
In a broadcast on Spanish radio station COPE, Archbishop Mario Iceta of Burgos, under whose jurisdiction the 16 nuns fell, said when he first heard they were leaving, he "thought it was fake news," the Catholic News Agency reported.
He said the schism "seems absolutely wrong," adding that the church must see "if it is possible to heal it, cure it, reverse it" through dialogue with the nuns.
According to the Catholic News Agency, the archbishop added: "I don't know if they realize the profound consequences that this step has and that is why my option or my opinion is that this should not be done precipitously, let this media tidal wave pass, let's see if it's possible to establish a relationship with them and dialogue and look at these issues and give them time to reconsider this situation that seems so surprising and strange to me."
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ae-neon · 1 month
Guess who actually did some wriiiiting
Chapter 12 is gonna be a little gory and will have its own TWs
Nesta only registered the first swing of the meat cleaver because, to her left, Clare screamed.
Trying to see what shaped the man's life to what it is today
“The circle,” his father had told him, “makes those a part of it feel wanted, included, important. Long tables might give you sense of order and importance but they only make it harder to hear what's going on at the other end. Better to keep a circle.” He’d bought the round table not a day later and forced them to have dinner at it every night since. A cruel trick to turn a child’s mind suspicious.
Also in honour of jujutsu kaisen we love an evil uncle
He didn’t need their profit margins, couldn’t care less about what physically passed from ship to warehouse, no matter how legal or illegal.
The Archerons were his foothold, crucial to his control of the board, less a pawn and more a bishop. If even a whisper of this got to Keir… As if by some omen, his phone rang. “Uncle,” he greeted. “I hear you’re finally settling down – can’t say I’m hurt to have been left out but still, for the sake of your father, I thought we might have a drink to celebrate.” Rhys scoffed, “There’s nothing I’d like less.”
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lilabella12 · 2 months
1300 - Day 1
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Meet the Norwood family..... they live on a small farm in the outskirts of Windenburg, a fief of Lord Gilbert de Clare.
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William inherited this farm from his father when he passed while William was just a child. He never had any siblings but found a responsible wife in Eva. She's happy when she is surrounded by people while her husband is the exact opposite.
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Together they had 3 children who help out around the farm.
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The youngest is Evan who is responsible for the chickens, even though his big brother keeps a watchful eye out... He knows that his little brother likes to cause mischief.
Evan turned 7 not too long ago and has developed some other interests.... He takes to archery quite well
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Tara is the middle child of the family. She helps out with planting and harvesting in the garden but most of her time she spends out in the forest... The family doesn't really understands what draws her to it but Eva is always thankful for the supplies she brings home.
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Finnian, the eldest son, mostly manages the crops and goes out hunting with his father when the pantry need filling. He has a really good relationship with his sister.
The year 1300 catches them a little bit off guard. They used up most of their supplies in the last winter and William goes out to hunt almost every day. Eva is worried that they will run short in a few days.
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"Finnian, do you think you could run an errand down at the Bishops? I asked him to set aside some fish for storing and I just want to know if he has had any luck catching some.... I would do it myself but I'm feeling faint today."
"Of course mother, you should rest today. Don't worry, I wanted to talk to Emma anyway. We wanted to go to curch together before Easter."
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When Finnian leaves, she lies done immeadiatly. She isn't feeling good lately, there were even a few fainting spells... If it doesn't get better she knows she need to go to the village doctor.
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Finnian meanwhile has walked over to their neighbours, the Bishops. He's anxious about his mothers illness but happy that he can see his childhood friend, Emma.
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"Sorry, but my father is out fishing today, he didn't catch much the last few days. I'll be happy to come by and bring some if he catches any."
"My mother is really worried, I think I'll just go there and ask him myself... or... We could go down to the river and try to catch some?"
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"Sure, we can try... but don't be disappointed when we don't catch anything."
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They don't catch anything but at least they had time to talk. For some time now Finnian is drawn to Emma's company but he can't quite put together why.... They decide to go to church together next week to pray for a good harvest at least.
But Finnian didn't need to worry. When Emmas father returns shortly after they get home, he shares a bountiful catch with him.
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Emma watches him leave with a smile on her face. She's happy that he feels a bit calmer now.
When he comes home that evening, he's happy to see that his mother recovered somewhat she sits together with the neighbours who brought over some food so share.
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"Look, Finnian, the neighbours brought some pheasants they hunted today, I can prepare it for tomorrow."
"That's nice, mother. The Bishops also had some fish to share. Are you feeling better?"
"Yes, love, thank you. Let me take those to the pantry."
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The neighbours look at their exchange fondly.
"Well, Finnian, you've grown up to be quite the responsible young man. Eva, would you like me to bring over my daughter sometime? He should start to think about marriage soon."
Finnian smiles awkwardly and looks away. Emma's smiling face shows up in his mind.
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an-ivy-covered-summer · 6 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
thanks for tagging me, @boringpandas 🩵
List 3 ships you like: oh my, this is one of those situations where you have to say the ones that first come to mind bc they’re the ones that you really care about (am i being too dramatic? lol) anyway, malec, pepperony, solangelo. (such a sucker for portmanteaus i even got a baseball ship with an official one, iykyk)
First ship ever: knowingly? lizzie & gordo in lizzie mcguire. truly? mary poppins & bert lol
Last song you heard: bishops knife trick by fall out boy
Last film you watched: the ballad of songbirds & snakes
Favorite childhood book: journey to the center of the earth
Currently reading: lord of shadows by cassandra clare
Currently watching: percy jackson and the olympians, also still watching selling sunset lol
Currently consuming: water, i forgot to hydrate today
Currently craving: hmmm i don’t know, a salted caramel milkshake, maybe. i won’t have it, alas
tagging: @captainbradmarchand @blue-da-ba-dee @swiftzeldas @kerilynnrussell @cleoselene @danhalen @jcismycopilot @two-tickets-to-paradise @roseoswiins (no pressure, of course💕)
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posi-pan · 2 years
2022 books with pan rep 📚
At the time of posting previous lists, there were 57 books in 2020 and 141 in 2021. This year, there are 176!
30 Things I Love about Myself by Radhika Sanghani
Ablaze by A.H. Cunningham
All I’m Asking by J. Marie Rundquist
Apparition by Zahlia Amin
Attraction (Mobsters + Billionaires #3) by Kelly Fox
Bad At Love by Gabriela Martins
Barcelona (Circus After Dark #3) by Chloe Adler
The Barkeep and the Bookseller by V.L. Locey
Barnabas Bopwright Saves the City by J. Marshall Freeman
Bartholomew (The Temple Brothers #2) by Elle Sparrow
Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra
Bishop’s Opening by R.S.A Garcia
Bitter Medicine by Mia Tsai
Blood Bound (Youkai Bloodlines #3) by Courtney Maguire
Blood Legacy (Avators of Ruin #2) by Tej Turner
Bloodmarked (Legendborn #2) by Tracy Deonn
Bound (Fangs with Benefits #3) by Aveda Vice
Bound (Kozlov Chronicles #2) by Elena Sobol
Carnal Cryptids 2: Southeast (Carnal Cryptids #2) by Vera Valentine
Changing the Rules (Rules of the Game: Evanston River Otters #1) by Brigham Vaughn
The Chasm (Finding Humanity #2) by Branwen Oshea
Cold Cases and Bitter Enemies (Cold Case Unit #3) by J.M. Dabney
A Cosmic Kind of Love by Samantha Young
Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
A Cruel and Fated Light (The Hollow Star #2) by Ashley Shuttleworth
Dance with the Devil (Mercenary Librarians #3) by Kit Rocha
The Darkest Edge by Lyra Blake
Dead Draw by Layla Reyne
Death by Society by Sierra Elmore
Dinner with the Schnabels by Toni Jordan
Dominance of the Heart by Char Dafoe
Dragon’s Honor (Irresistible Dragons #2) by Nora Phoenix
Dreams Bigger Than Heartbreak (Unstoppable #2) by Charlie Jane Anders
D’Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding by Chenica C. Higgins
The Edge of Being by James Brandon
Electric Idol (Dark Olympus #2) by Katee Robert
Epilogues of Lost Gods (Unwritten Runes #2) by Cat Rector
Errant Vol. 1 (Errant #1) by L.K. Fleet
Eternal Hoptimist by Lee Blair
Every Word You Never Said by Jordon Greene
Exodus 20:3 by Freydís Moon
Extra Witchy (Fix-It Witches #3) by Ann Aguirre
Fabricated by Zoe Lee
The Fae Keeper (The Witch King #2) by H.E. Edgmon
The Fake Date by Trisha Bradley
Fate in Suspension (Horn & Haven #1) by Archer Kay Leah
Fault Tolerance (Chilling Effect #3) by Valerie Valdes
Fight + Flight by Jules Machias
Fighting Monsters: Part One (Fighting Monsters #1) by Sam Hall
Fighting Monsters: Part Two (Fighting Monsters #2) by Sam Hall
Forward March by Skye Quinlan
Furious Heaven (The Sun Chronicles #2) by Kate Elliott
Going Public (Jade Harbor Capital #2) by Hudson Lin
Got Me Looking (Vet Shop Boys #3) by Casey Cox
Griff by Ana Night
Grim and Bear It (Love Me Dead #2) by Heather Novak
Grounded for All Eternity by Darcy Marks
The Heartbreak Handshake by J.R. Hart
Her Stubborn Warrior by Kaylee Pike and Kyra Keys
His Heart Knows by Riley Long
The Hourglass Throne (The Tarot Sequence #3) by K.D. Edwards
Howl Down the Moon by Layla Dorine
How to Love a Dragon (Dragon Tamer #2) by Lila Mina
How We Ricochet by Faith Gardner
I Am Sebastian by Cameron James
I Bought Him, So He’s Mine by Kaylee Pike and Kyra Keys
Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace
I F-ing Dare You by Emm Darcy
If I Were A Weapon (All These Gifts #1) by Skye Kilaen
The Immortality Trials (The Immortality Trials #1) by Madison Nicole
Incandescent by Christina Lee
Indigo: Nights (Indigo B&B #2) by Adrian J. Smith
Inked Temptation by Carrie Ann Ryan
In the City of Time by Gwendolyn Clare
Irresponsible Puckboy by Eden Finley and Saxon James
It’s Not Unusual To Be Loved by an Alien by Chloe Archer
Jamison by A.N. Waugh
Jilted: Jaren (The Foster Brothers #1) by Nora Phoenix
Just a Touch Away by Jae
Just One Date (Castleton Hearts #5) by Chelsea M. Cameron
Kieran by Avery Tu and Kota Quinn
The Kindred by Alechia Dow
Kink Camp: Hunted by A. Anders
Know It In the Dark (All These Gifts #2) by Skye Kilaen
Kostya the Fallen Star by Melissa Polk
The Last Hero (The First Sister #3) by Linden A. Lewis
Last Resort by Helene Gadot
Lead Me Astray by Sondi Warner
Let Me In (Gods of Hunger #3) by R.M. Virtues
Let the Light Shine Through by A. Marie
Lipstick Lies (The Order Duet #2) by Kris Butler
Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake by Mazey Eddings
London (Circus After Dark #4) by Chloe Adler
Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly
Love Me Gently by E.M. Dennings
Love You Like That by Scarlett Cole
Lunar New Love by Ophelia Silk
Man o’ War by Cory McCarthy
Match with the Demon by Chace Verity
Meet Me on St. Patrick’s Day by Bryony Rosehurst
Moon Dark Smile (Night Shine #2) by Tessa Gratton
MumFest & Murder (The Java Tavern #2) by Elizabeth Garver
Music Lights & Never Afters by C.L. Matthews
My Roommate Romeo (First Times #1) by Billie Bloom
Nestor (Green Hill Pride #6) by Catherine Lievens
Not Good for Maidens by Tori Bovalino
Not Your Type by Elizabeth Jeannel
Odder Still by D.N. Bryn
Omega’s Study Partner (Sweet in Silford #3) by Hope Bennett
One Night With You by Laura Jane Williams
One Night With You by Sky McCoy
One Step at a Time by Lily Seabrooke
One Week with His Stepbrother (Daddy Tales #3) by Kelex
The One Who Loves You the Most by Medina
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie
Paris (Circus After Dark #1) by Chloe Adler
Pitcher Perfect (Tap That Brewery #1) by Lee Blair
Playing for Keeps by Jax Calder
Play Me (Dragons Love Curves series #10) by Aidy Award
Pull (Love Is Love #1.5) by Nyla K.
Project Himbo by S.J. Whitby
Promote (Shattered Pawns #3) by Jennifer Cody
Pushing the Limits (Secrets Kept #2) by Riley Hart
Queen of Queens (Our Fae Queen #5) by Traci Lovelot
Queen’s Hope (Star Wars: The Padmé Trilogy #3) by E.K. Johnston
Reaper Hospital: Code Hot Nurse (Their Repear #2) by Lacey Carter Anderson
Recast (Handled #4) by Romilly King
The Redemption by Alexia Chase
Ripped (Kozlov Chronicles #3) by Elena Sobol
Rookie Mistake (On the Board #1) by Anna Zabo and L.A. Witt
Royal Exposé by Jenny Frame
Royal Lines (Boston Rebels #4) by R.J. Scott and V.L. Locey
Sasha and the Butcher (The Moretti Family #1) by Stephanie Kazowz
The Savior’s Rise (The Windermere Tales #2) by Talli L. Morgan
Scorpica (The Five Queendoms #1) by Greer Macallister
Seize the Castle (A Knight’s Revenge #2) by Elizabeth Dear
Shake Things Up (Love at Knockdown #2) by Skye Kilaen
Silent Secrets (The Secrets of Sorlphi #1) by Miranda May
Silhouette and the Shadows (Silhouette #1) by Delaney Andrews
The Society For Soulless Girls by Laura Steven
So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens
Spin the Damn Bottle (All the Games We Play #2) by Emm Darcy
Stiletto Sins (The Order Duet #1) by Kris Butler
Stitched (Kozlov Chronicles #1) by Elena Sobol
Stone Wings (The Gargoyles of Arrington #1) by Jenn Burke
Storm the Gates (A Knight’s Revenge #1) by Elizabeth Dear
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows
Sugar Girl by Emma L. McGeown
Sweet to the Core (Lighthouse Bay #3) by Amy Aislin
Temptation Cove (Hot Takes #3) by T.S. Ankney
Tempt Me Tonight by Natasha Washington
A Tended Garden by J.P. Jackson
Thank You, Next by Andie J. Christopher
That Good Mischief (The Nine Worlds Rising #3) by Lyra Wolf
This Cursed Crown (These Feathered Flames #2) by Alexandra Overy
This Wicked Fate (This Poison Heart #2) by Kalynn Bayron
Tracking Trouble (Spellster Universe #2.5) by Aldrea Alien
The Trow of Duncaster by Melissa Polk
Twilight’s Touch (Prairie Smoke Ranch #2) by V.L. Locey
Two Rights Make a Wrong by Chloe Liese
Undeniable (Bainbridge University #4) by Andi Burns
Uninhibited (Bainbridge University #3) by Andi Burns
Unlikely Savior (For the Gods’ Amusement #3) by Catherine Lievens
Untitled (The Councillor #2) by E.J. Beaton
Us Against the World by Shayne Prescott
VAMPS: Fresh Blood by Nicole Arend
Venice (Circus After Dark #2) by Chloe Adler
Violet is Nowhere by Faith Gardner
Warrior Queen (Our Fae Queen #6) by Traci Lovelot
Warwick (Rebel Sky Ranch #4) by Kelly Fox
What’s Mine Is Yours by Willow Renee
When the Walls Come Down by Harper Robson
Wicked Beauty (Dark Olympus #3) by Katee Robert
The Wicked Love by Pru Schuyler
Wrong Hunt by J.S. Harker
Have you read any of these books? Or books with pan rep at all this year? Let me know! Happy Pan Week!
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zombiefishmonster · 2 years
1: i want james and erin to be together SO BADLY. duh. idc what michelle said. they're adorable.
2. i really wanna know more abt michelle and james' family
3. clare moving means that she's far away from laurie and that makes me sad </3 it's good grieving-wise but also clare deserves a love interest and i rlly liked laurie, she was so cool!!!!!
4. i want an orla focused episode. they deserved their own episode. that's all. they're great.
5. the bishop trying to fire sister michael was a FOUL thing and im glad she stood up for herself
6. the spice girls costumes and the angel costumes were SO cute, literally perfect fit for each of them
7. clare's dad dying made me sob. that was so painful. i feel so bad for clare, especially after she just had a rlly eventful halloween night
8. i think that we could've gotten more of a subplot with sister michael and father peter, for whatever reason, i just like the scenes with them
all in all, the fact that we won't get a season 4 is heartbreaking honestly, im grieving
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Gather Conference
This looks like it will be very good! It is for LGBTQ Latter-day Saints and those who love them. September 15-16th in Provo, Utah.
I’m really impressed at the group of people they have involved in this.
Here is a list of presenters:
Steve Young - famous football player, stood against Prop 8 in California and for the LDS Church being more loving & inclusive of the LGBTQ community
Darius Gray - a Black man who joined the LDS Church in 1964, one of the first Black students at BYU, one of the founders of the Genesis Group, involved in the "Race and the Priesthood" essay, a supporter of LGBTQ rights and the church expanding to fully include them 
Charlie Bird - gained fame as the BYU mascot Cosmo the Cougar who publicly came out as gay, author of the books “Behind the Mask” and “Expanding the Borders of Zion”, co-hosts the podcast Questions from the Closet, is an active LDS church member and public about having a boyfriend
Ben Schilaty - co-hosts the podcast Questions from the Podcast with Charlie Bird, they are the two most well-known gay men still active in the LDS Church. Ben wrote the book “A Walk in My Shoes: Questions I'm Often Asked as a Gay Latter-day Saint”, and works for the BYU Honor Code Office
Tom Christofferson - older brother of the LDS apostle Todd Christofferson. Is best known for leaving his long-time partner in order to rejoin the LDS Church and writing “That We My Be One: A Gay Mormon's Perspective on Faith and Family”, then publicly announced that he has begun dating
Allison Dayton - is founder of Lift+Love which seeks to provide a positive, uplifting space for LGBTQIA+ LDS church members and their families & friends
Liv Mendoza Haynes - best known from the 2021 BYU Women's Conference when Sharon Eubank presented her and Liv announced she is queer and that she once left the LDS Church but returned and shared the story of a bishop who made her feel welcome and asked how to make the ward a safe space. Liv is married to a husband and is a busy mom
Meghan Decker - is married to a husband, loves being a grandma, but she also is attracted to women, wrote the book “Tender Leaves of Hope: Finding Belonging as LGBTQ Latter-day Saint Women”
Michael Soto - a trans man who grew up LDS and spent the last 25 years being an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, including co-founding the Equality and Fairness Coalition, former CEO of Equality Arizona, and now is Chief Advocacy Officer for One Community
Iese Wilson - best known for his work of building bridges at BYU-Hawaii, where he publicly came out gay. His efforts include co-founding Hawaii’s first LDS LGBTQ+ support group off campus for students and staff of BYU-H, helped create and host the first LGBTQ+ fireside on the BYUH campus, and offered the first LGBTQ+ awareness training for the Guest Services Department at the Polynesian Cultural Center
Richard Ostler - host of the podcast Listen, Learn and Love and author of two books, “Listen, Learn and Love: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints” and “Listen, Learn and Love: Improving Latter-Day Saint Culture”
These individuals aren’t listed as presenting at the Gather Conference, but are shown to be involved in some way:
Bree Borrowman - a science teacher in Bountiful, UT who transitioned during the pandemic and provides a safe space for students, co-hosts the Lift+Love Adult Gender Identity support group. Bree is an active member of the LDS Church and is helping her stake and ward move towards being more inclusive & accepting
Jess Case - a clinical psychologist who identifies as gay and is married to a woman, an active member of the LDS Church. His work focuses on helping youth and adults feel safe in their communities and suicide prevention
Clare Dalton -  a seminary teacher and CES employee. She came out as lesbian in 2021 and is open about her faith, her orientation, and her career as a way to exemplify that Christ meant everyone when He said, “Come, follow me” 
John Gustav-Wrathel - Was raised LDS, married his husband, raised children, and then decided to return to church where because he is excommunicated he attends each week as a visitor. He is a former president of Affirmation and co-founded Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry which aims to works for the safety, well-being and happiness of LGBTQ people in and adjacent to the LDS Church
Ally Isom - a public affairs professional who has worked for LDS Church as head of global branding, in 2021 ran against Senator Mike Lee to be the  Republican nominee for senate, known for her work for gender equity. In 2017 she helped the church restructure the mormonandgay website by changing the language to be less divisive and to include videos of queer members sharing their stories. She works to improve understanding between the Church and the LGBTQ community
Erika Munson - in 2012 she co-founded Mormons Building Bridges which is most famous for having LDS people dressed in their Sunday best march in Pride parades, and in 2019 co-founded Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry which provides affirming monthly devotionals and events to LGBTQ people and their families in and adjacent to the LDS Church
Austin Peterson - a gay member of the LDS Church who works in IT at BYU and serves in a bishopric
Jordan Sharp - VP of Marketing & Communication at Utah Tech University, active member of the LDS Church, and father of a gay son. Jordan wrote a Facebook post about the LDS Church needing to be more loving and accepting of LGBTQ individuals
David Smurthwaite - co-hosts the Lift+Love Adult Gender Identity support group, identifies as gender expansive, active member of the LDS Church, married to a wife and is father to 4 children
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Masterpost of every character who has already competed
If you want to request a character be included in a future bracket, check this list first to make sure they haven't already competed
Lena Adams Foster (The Fosters) Elida Al-Feyr (Vagrant Queen) Nyssa Al Ghul (Arrow) Cassie Ainsworth (Skins) Luisa Alver (Jane the Virgin) Winter Anderson (American Horror Story: Cult) Miss Audrey (Snowpiercer) Babs (A Series of Unfortunate Events) Saanvi Bahl (Manifest) Bambi (Minx) Josephine Barry (Anne with an E) Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Bilquis (American Gods) Maya Bishop (Station 19) Sarah Bishop (A Discovery of Witches) Alana Bloom (Hannibal) Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale) Anne Bonny (Black Sails) Kelly Booth (Black Mirror) Nova Bordelon (Queen Sugar) Nancy Botwin (Weeds) Dana Bryant (Mythic Quest) Robin Buckley (Stranger Things) Lena Burnham (Ray Donovan) Calliope Burns (First Kill) Delia Busby (Call the Midwife) Amanita Caplan (Sense8) Wendy Carr (Mindhunter) Chanel #3 (Scream Queens) Max Chapman (A League of their Own) Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black) Denise Christopher (Timeless) Grace Choi (Black Lightning) Cassandra Cillian (The Librarians) Jade Claymore (Willow) Dani Clayton (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Raelle Collar (Motherland: Fort Salem) Dulcie Collins (Deadloch) Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black) Theo Crain (The Haunting of Hill House) Frannie Crowne (Brave New World) Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
Alex Danvers (Supergirl) Ashley Davies (South of Nowhere) Carina DeLuca (Station 19) Jo Deluca (A League of Their own) Bo Dennis (Lost Girl) Clare Devlin (Derry Girls) Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) Franky Doyle (Wentworth) Camina Drummer (The Expanse) Waverly Earp (Wynona Earp) Kat Edison (The Bold Type) Philippa Eilhart (The Witcher) Mabel Elmsworth (The Buccaneers) Camile Engelson (Stitchers) Eretria (The Shannara Chronicals) Isobel Evans (Roswell New Mexico) Dana Fairbanks (The L Word) Juliette Fairmont (First Kill) Emily Fields (Pretty Little Liars) Veronica Fisher (Shameless) Fleabag (Fleabag) Flower (Ghosts) Gabrielle (Xena: Warrior Princess) Lupe Garcia (A League of Their Own) Bibi Garvey (Bad Sisters) Mirror Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek: Discovery) Gigi Ghorbani (The L Word: Gen Q) Stella Gibson (The Fall) Sue Gilbert (Dickinson) Emily Grace (Murdoch Mysteries) Yara Greyjoy (Game of Thrones) Monet de Haan (Gossip Girl) Judy Hale (Dead to Me) Yuri Han (XO, Kitty) Millie Harcourt (The Bletchley Circle) Nicole Haught (Wynonna Earp) Lauren Heller (Younger) Emma Hernandez (Vida) Pamela Isley (Batwoman) Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5) Bradley Jackson (The Morning Show) Alice Jones (Once Upon a Time) Tara Jones (Heartstopper) Quinn Joseph (Harlem) Kate (One Mississippi) Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder) Tina Kennard (The L Word) Kennedy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Yasmin Khan (Doctor Who)
Aneela Kin Rit (Killjoys) Camille L'Espanaye (The Fall of the House of Usher) Victorine LaFourcade (The Fall of the House of Usher) Lagertha (Vikings) Shelly Lambert (Minx) Sara Lance (Arrowverse) Lauren Lewis (Lost Girl) Lexa (The 100) Maggie Lin (Saving Hope) Anne Lister (Gentleman Jack) Veronica Lodge (Riverdale) Santana Lopez (Glee) Lucretia (Spartacus) Lyria (The Shannara Chronicals) Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Elizabeth Macmillan (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries) Queen Maeve (The Boys) Maggie (Good Omens) Sofia Marchetti (Sex Education) Margot (Once Upon a Time) Bess Marvin (Nancy Drew) Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker) Max (Black Sails) Katherine Mayfair (Desperate Housewives) Ally Mayfair-Richards (American Horror Story) Mazikeen (Lucifer) Shane McCutcheon (The L Word) Betty McRae (Bomb Girls) Lake Meriwether (Love, Victor) Freya Mikaelson (The Originals) Sandy Milkovich (Shameless) Mabel Mora (Only Murders in the Building) Ellen Morgan (Ellen) Rory Morningstar (Lucifer) Aleesha Morrison (Upload) Hayes Morrison (Conviction) Blanche Mottershead (Upstairs Downstairs)
Mulan (Once Upon a Time) Leighton Murray (Sex Lives of College Girls) Raffi Musiker (Star Trek: Picard) Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Nicky Nichols (Orange is the New Black) Nico (Vida) Nina (Good Omens) Allie Novak (Wentworth) Dani Núñez (The L Word: Gen Q) Ola Nyman (Sex Education) Shona O'Keefe (This Way Up) Kelly Olsen (Supergirl) Van Palmer (Yellowjackets) Marjorie Palmiotti (Veep) Gail Peck (Rookie Blue) Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters) Valencia Perez (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) Laura Peterson (The Morning Show) Lindsay Peterson (Queer as Folk) Anissa Pierce (Black Lightning) Brittany S. Pierce (Glee) Naomi Pierce (Succession) Alice Pieszecki (The L Word) Eve Polastri (Killing Eve) Bette Porter (The L Word) Bill Potts (Doctor Who) Arthie Premkumar (GLOW) Amae Rali (Vagrant Queen)
Scylla Ramshorn (Motherland: Fort Salem) Amy Raudenfeld (Faking It) Logan Rawlings (Young & Hungry) Maia Rindell (The Good Fight) Arizona Robins (Grey's Anatomy) Eve Rothlo (How to Get Away with Murder) Root (Person of Interest) Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Kenya Rosewater (Defiance) Susan Ross (Seinfeld) Siuan Sanche (WoT) Ellaria Sand (Game of Thrones) Jenny Schecter (The L Word) Jinju Seong (Snowpiercer) Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager & Star Trek: Picard) Toni Shalifoe (The Wilds) Kalinda Sharma (The Good Wife) Carson Shaw (A League of Their Own) Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest) Leslie Shay (Chicago Fire) Amy Silva (Vigil) Bea Smith (Wentworth) Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin) Rose Solano (Jane the Virgin) River Song (Doctor Who) Kitty Song Covey (XO, Kitty) Serena Southerlyn (Law & Order) Zelda Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) Maya St. Germain (Pretty Little Liars) Moira Strand (The Handmaid’s Tale) Della Street (Perry Mason) Tamsin (Lost Girl) Kit Tanthalos (Willow) Stahma Tarr (Defiance) Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Thirteen (House, MD) Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who) Tara Thornton (True Blood) Bess Till (Snowpiercer)
Tituba (Salem) Toni Topaz (Riverdale) Callie Torres (Grey’s Anatomy) Fabiola Torres (Never Have I Ever) Taissa Turner (Yellowjackets) Two / Portia Lin (Dark Matter) Alex Vause (OITNB) Mel Vera (Charmed) Villanelle (Killing Eve) Karen Walker (Will & Grace) Martha Walker (Silo) Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black) Ellen Waverly (For All Mankind) Kerry Weaver (ER) HG Wells (Warehouse 13) Sterling Wesley (Teenage Bounty Hunters) Nora West-Allen (The Flash) Jayne Wetherby (Dracula) Lucy Westenra (Dracula) Ilana Wexler (Broad City) Ryan Wilder (Batwoman) Carol Willick (Friends) Lana Winters (American Horror Story) Bernie Wolfe (Holby City) Camile Wray (Stargate Universe) Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess) Meh Yewll (Defiance) Yorkie (Black Mirror - San Junipero)
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companion-showdown · 26 days
Who is the best member of UNIT? Nomination Day
the rules are:
must be a member of UNIT, a precursor to UNIT, or a succesor of UNIT
must be emplyed by the relevant organisation (eg Sarah-Jane doesn't count just because she's around UNIT a lot). Some exceptions may be made if for example the relevant organisation doesn't emply anyone, but the character must be as close to an official member as its possible to be
No nominees that are spoilers for series 14, meaning their working for UNIT must be pre-The Giggle
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
at the moment these are just the ones who'll obviously be nominated, nobody has actually nominated them except, I guess, me
The Brigadier
The Doctor
Sergeant Benton
Mike Yates
Liz Shaw
Jo Grant
Harry Sullivan
Martha Jones
Kate Stewart
Petronella Osgood
Mel Bush
actual nominations
Erisa Magambo
Malcolm Taylor
Abby McPhail
Anthony Sinclair
Ron Winters
Tony Clare
Other Petronella Osgood, + the other other one to replace the other one (zygon/human)
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Captain Scarlet (SPECTRUM)
Captain Black (SPECTRUM)
Kathleen (UNISYC)
Adrienne Kramer
Winifred Bambera
Shirley Anne Bingham
Tom Osgood
Muriel Frost
Hamlet Macbeth
Sam Bishop
Josh Carter
Jacqui McGee
Ross Brimmicombe-Wood
The Vlinx
Corporal Bell
Chris Cwej
Roz Forrester
June Turner
Inspector Drake
Inspector Thorn
Emily Chaudry
Robert Dalton
Nominations will be open for at least 24 hours (until 29/05, 20:00 BST (GMT/UTC+1))
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Conrad of Piacenza 1290-1351 Feast Day: February 19 Patronage: Noto, Sicily, hermits, against hernias
Saint Conrad of Piacenza was born and married into nobility. He was the cause of a terrible forest fire that destroyed farms and fields, while on a hunt to flush out game. An innocent man was accused and condemned to death for this accident. St. Conrad overcame his cowardness and confessed and paid for the damages. Afterward, he and his wife agreed to enter religious life, he as a hermit and she as a Poor Clare. Once when he visited a bishop to make a general confession, he was surrounded by fluttering birds who escorted him home. He lived as a hermit for 36 years and his body was found incorrupt in1485. {website}
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