#class 2-D squad :3
phoward89 · 3 months
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Based on this ask
Peacekeeper!Coriolanus Snow x Nurse!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is in himself his own warning. Obsession, stalking, slight self-harm, cussing, manipulation, allusions to murder - getting rid of a body, allusions to panic attacks, allusions to anxiety attacks, allusions to mental breakdown, obsessed!Coriolanus
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After ‘taking care of’ his once lover, Lucy Gray, and dumping the guns in the lake- to sink to the bottom and never be seen again, Coriolanus returned to base. He looked like shit whenever he entered the clinic, seeking treatment for the snakebite to his inner forearm. A snakebite that he's convinced himself is poisonous; is slowly killing him.
You just happen to be on duty that day, so the Matron of Base D-12’s clinic (who's in charge of the Nursing Core and Medic Unit), sent you to take care of Private Coriolanus Snow. She even went on to tell you how it was such an honor to tend to him since he was the son of the legendary Capitol war hero General Crassus Snow: the fallen Commander of 12.
You honestly didn't give a fuck who's son he was. In fact, your father Colonel Javani Halvir served underneath General Crassus Snow until his untimely death at the hands of rebels in the woods outside of 12. Like who cares who his daddy is. Your Colonel dad made you sign up for the nursing core after you graduated as punishment for being ranked 25th in the Academy and not being able to be a mentor in this year's shit show of the Hunger Games.
You're glad that you didn't have to mentor one of those poor kids. Mentoring seemed to be bad for Capitolite kids’ health since a handful died.
You and the other kids that weren't in the top 24 came out safe, but try telling your dad that.
Your dad even went on and on and on about how his old comrade's son was the top of your class, so why couldn't you have made one of the other 23 spots. Blah, blah, blah…
You hung around different circles then Coriolanus Snow did. In fact, you hung around Odysseus Odair, Livinius ‘Vinny’ Cardew, and Hilarious Heavensbee’s cousin Hector ‘Heccie’ (who had to repeat his senior year at the Academy 4 times, but at least he graduated this year with passing grades at the bottom of the class) and a couple of girls that weren't in the A-list clicky ass bitch squad.
That disappointed your father, the Colonel, as well.
So, yeah, that's why you're a nurse in training aka a nurse’s aide currently sliding open the curtain to Private Snow's bed in the large one room infirmary that could hold at least 2 dozen men- easily.
“So, according to the sign in form you've been snake bit?” You ask Coriolanus, reading his impeccable handwriting off of the form that's on the clipboard the Matron gave you.
“Yes,” Coriolanus frantically nodded. “I think it's poisonous; that I'm dying.”
Oh God, the son of the Almighty General Crassus Snow’s a dramatic baby boy. Oh, wouldn't your dad just crack up laughing if he knew that.
Obviously, if his snake bite was poisonous he'd be dead in the woods right now. If it was a coral snake he'd be shit out of luck since they're one of the most potent venomous snakes in Panem. And if it was a rattler his arm would be swollen 3 times its size and it'd be puffy and oozy, he'd probably be drooling and bleeding from the mouth and wheezing too.
If it was a water moccasin…well…he'd be utterly fucked. His arm would swell and become discolored, he’d have immediate and extreme pain, and he'd have rapid; difficulty breathing, and decreased blood pressure. Most likely would be dead before he made it a few yards away from whatever lake he found while hiking in the woods. And if it was a copperhead, well he would've gone into shock right away; his lymph nodes would've swelled up along with the arm he was bitten on. His arm would also be numb, so would his mouth, tongue, scalp, and feet- all from the poison.
Hey, that's what you read in that District 12 first aide book you were forced to read for the Nursing Core. According to that book Private Snow would be dead before he got out of the woods cause you need to get those poisonous snake bites treated right away with anti-venon or you'll croak. And you're not even sure if the infirmary even has that stuff.
Idiot was bitten by a damn garter snake. A harmless slithering thing, but he thinks he's going to die.
Placing the clipboard down on Coriolanus' bedside table, you go over to the counter and grab some gloves. “I'm going to take a look at your arm, okay?” You tell him while putting on the gloves.
Instead of saying something normal like ‘okay’ or ‘yes’ or even ‘thank you’, Coriolanus Snow asks, “You look familiar. Do I know you, Nurse?...”, as you round his bed and reach for his bitten forearm.
“I’m a Nurse's Aide since I still have a few weeks left of training.” you tell Private Snow while you hold his forearm in your hands and inspect the bite. “My name's Y/N Halvir, we went to the Academy together.” You tell him, noticing that he doesn't have fang marks but deep, jagged teeth marks in a circular shape on the inside of his forearm.
“Oh, that's why you look familiar.” The platinum blonde smiles a bit too wide, too toothily, at you. Goddamn, his pearly whites are on full display with his manic smile and it's a bit unsettling.
“I shouldn't look that familiar to you, I was ranked 25th and hung out with a different crowd then you did Mr. Golden Boy.” You dryly tell him, while going over to the cabinet behind his bed to grab some antiseptic wipes, ointment, and bandages. “Oh, and you're not going to die. The snake bite’s not poisonous.”
“Are you sure it's not poisonous? I felt like I was going to die. My heart's been racing, I'm sweaty, I even saw things.” Private Snow objects, so desperate to be right about having been bit by a poisonous reptile, as you place all of your supplies on his bedside table.
“Trust me Private Snow-” You begin only for him to interrupt you with, “Please, darling, call me Coryo.”, as you're tearing open the alcohol wipe pack.
Coriolanus thinks you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen. Much prettier than that lying, sniveling, singing whore that was going to rat him out to the mayor to save her own ass; who he shot in the woods. Oh, how could he have overlooked your beauty for so many years? You attended the Academy with him; had classes with him and he never noticed you until now.
Now that you're both in this hellhole of a backwater bumfuck district.
“Anyways, you weren't poisoned and I believe you had a panic attack due to stress and high adrenaline.” You honestly tell Coriolanus, grabbing his forearm in your hand and cleaning it with the antiseptic wipe.
“Are you sure, darling?” Coriolanus asks, watching you discard the wipe and grab the tube of ointment.
“Yes, Private Snow, I'm sure.” You respond, opening up the tube. Squeezing some ointment on your finger and rubbing it into his wound, you explained, “Venomous snakes have bites that leave two fang marks while non venomous snakes, like harmless garter snakes, leave ragged teeth marks in a circular shape when they bite.” Grabbing the bandage roll, you unravel a piece long enough to wrap around his forearm. “You have circular teeth marks for your snake bite, but I'm afraid they're deep and will leave a nasty scar.”
“Of course, it'll leave a nasty scar.” Private Snow bitterly sighs to himself as you bandage up his wound.
When you're done you tell him, “You're all patched up and ready to go, Private Snow.”, while throwing away the trash from the antiseptic wipes.
You didn't wait for his response, you just took the clipboard and left his curtained off area in order to file the report on his treatment.
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You seem to have had an effect on Private Snow. The platinum blonde found himself obsessing over you. Yes, he was obsessing and not daydreaming when it came to you.
He was so desperate to see you that he began getting ‘hurt’ as an excuse to go to the infirmary and make small talk with you. Oh, you lost track of the twisted ankles and sprained wrists Private Snow claimed to have. But every time it turned out to be nothing.
He was just faking it to see you. To have your touch on his skin. Even if you were just feeling his wrist or ankle for an injury, Coriolanus still felt that your skin touching his was intimate.
And talk about Coriolanus faking injuries just to see you…
“Is Nurse Y/N in? I need her to look at my finger; it's cut really bad.” Coriolanus asked the clerk at the check in desk. He’s hoping you're on duty today, otherwise he ripped his finger open on a knife during KP duty for nothing.
“I'll get you to a bed and then I'll send her to tend to your finger.” The clerk at the check in desk told Private Snow before bringing him to the beds in the treatment center.
It only took a few minutes for you to be briefed on Snow's problem and sent back to treat him.
“So, Private Snow-” You began and you pulled back the curtain around Coriolanus' bed, only for him to interrupt you with, “I passed my officer exams and ship out soon for training, so my paperwork should say Officer Snow or Petty Officer Snow.”
What? He's leaving this shithole for training? “Why aren't you being trained here?” You ask, scanning thru his clipboard to find his rank. Low and behold he's now marked as Elite Officer Snow. “Never mind, don't answer that. You're marked down as Elite Officer Snow on your form.”
“Oh, yes, did I forget to mention that I passed the Elite Officer's Exam?” Your accident prone patient cheekily asked as you set your clipboard down on his bedside table.
“I'm an army brat; my father's a Colonel, so if you're trying to impress me with your bragging about your new Elite Officer's ranking and soon to be departure then save your breath- it's not working.” You tell Coriolanus while grabbing some medical grade gloves from a nearby cabinet and putting them on.
Coriolanus quirks a brow. “Your father's a military man?”
“Yep.” You pop your tongue. You pick up his hand and start to examine his cut finger. “Enough about me, let's get a look at your cut finger to see if it needs stitches or not.”
The cut doesn't seem to be too deep. In fact, it looks more like a surface wound. A simple knick.
“Your finger just needs cleaning and bandaged, Private Snow. Lucky for you, stitches aren't needed.” You tell your patient before going to the cabinet to grab the supplies you need to tend to his cut finger.
“Please, call me Coryo.” He puts, watching you head over to him with antiseptic wipes and a bandage.
“What can I say, Nurse Halvir, I’m a very clumsy soldier.” The platinum blonde peacekeeper shrugged with a lopsided smirk painting his lips. “But, since you're calling me Coryo now it's only fair that I call you Y/N.” He says as you open an antiseptic wipe and start cleaning his finger with it.
“I guess I can call you that, considering you're in here every other day.” You relant, placing the items in your hand on Coryo's bedside table.
"Of course you'd rather call me Y/N then Nurse Halvir." You shake your head while bandaging up his finger.
Coriolanus was transfixed by your name. He adored how it sounds. So beautiful, so sophisticated, so fitting of a Capitolite girl. It'll sound perfect with the Snow surname as well. Yes, Y/N Snow has a ring to it.
“It suits you.” Coryo compliments with a beaming smile.
A smile that sends butterflies soaring in your tummy.
Too bad he's heading out in a few days for 2, otherwise- well, no use in going there.
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The following day Coryo showed up with a bouquet of beautiful flowers bound by a lace ribbon. You knew that the florists cost a fortune in 12, so you didn't take his gift lightly. In fact, you gasp and take them from his outstretched hand while telling him, “Coryo, this must've cost you a large chunk of your pay. I-I don't know what to say.”
“Well, usually a thank you is enough, darling.” Coryo quips, the corners of his mouth turned up into a smirk.
Looking between the platinum peacekeeper and the bouquet of mixed flowers in your hand, you smile. “Thank you, Coryo.” Sniffing the fragrance of the flowers, you announce, “They're beautiful and smell lovely.”
“They're nothing compared to the roses my Grandma’am grows in her rooftop garden. I'd like to give you one once we're both back in the Capitol.”
“I don't think that'll be for a long while, Coryo.” You tell him, cradling your bouquet of flowers.
“The Matron told me that you just got off duty, perhaps I could escort you back to your bunk?” Coryo asks with impeccable manners and a charming smile.
“Oh, I'm not at the barracks. I live with my brother in an apartment in the officer's housing unit.” You inform him while leading the way out of the infirmary.
“Your brother's an officer?” Coryo asks, keeping in stride with your steps.
“Yep.” You pop your tongue.
“So, the military’s a family affair for the Halvirs then?” The platinum peacekeeper asked as the two of you continued to walk along the path that would eventually lead to the area of officer apartments.
“My brother's the one that wanted to be a peacekeeper like our father; I was tossed into the nursing core because I ranked 25th in our Academy class and my father was ashamed that I couldn't be a mentor.” You honestly tell the man by your side. You probably shouldn't, but something about him has you opening up. Something you just can't put your finger on.
“How did you rank 25th? You seem very intelligent to me.”
“I don't know and I really don't care, to be honest with you.”
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A couple of days after walking you home Coriolanus is set to depart for 2. But he can't leave you. So, with his duffle slung over his shoulder, he tracks down your older brother. It wasn't hard, in fact he was directed to your brother's office right away.
“Officer Halvir, I want to talk to you about your sister, Y/N.” Coriolanus announced as soon as he walked into your brother's office.
“What about her, Snow?” Rein asks, sitting up straighter behind his desk. Don't ask him how he knows, but he's positive that whatever Coriolanus has to talk to him about concerning you’s going to end up with him pulling some strings. He just has a gut feeling that this talk isn't going to be simple.
No, not with the look of infatuation plastered on the platinum blonde's face.
But what your brother thinks is a look of infatuation on Coriolanus' face is actually much darker than that. In fact, the young man didn't have a simple crush on you, but was obsessed with you. Yes, Coriolanus has a deep, soul consuming obsession with you and in his delusional mind you're his girl. His sweet Capitolite girl that he must possess and protect.
Coriolanus stands up straighter as he bluntly tells your older brother, “I want to take her with me. She deserves more than this backwater district. She's too innocent for the likes of this shithole and you know it, Officer Halvir.”
Your brother's face is neutral, but his head is spinning. He agrees with the young man standing before him about you being too innocent, too sweet for life in 12. Some of the things he's seen and had to turn a blind eye to in the coal mining district makes him cringe. He can't imagine what some of those images will do to your disposition.
But your brother knew something that Coriolanus didn't. He was told by Commander Hoff, since the man knew that your father and General Snow were best friends back in the day, that Coriolanus was being sent back to the Capitol as a special request by Dr. Gaul, the Head of the War department herself. So, Rein knows that if Coriolanus takes you with him that he'll be taking you back to the Capitol.
Back home to safety.
“My sister's off today, but if you can convince her to go with you then I'll pull some strings with Hoff.” Your brother tells Coriolanus. Rein only wants what's best for you and in his opinion being in District 12 isn't what's best.
“Thank you, Officer Halvir.”. Coriolanus salutes your brother before taking off to get you.
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You're sleeping in whenever a loud banging on your apartment door wakes you up. You groan and roll out of bed, only to slip on your slippers and put on your robe before dragging your groggy ass to the door. You hope that you're not being called in; having your day off revoked.
When you answer the door you're met with the sight of Coryo in his dress uniform, “Come to say goodbye?” You gather from the duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
“No.” He shakes his cap covered head. “I've come to take you with me.”
“What the hell? I can't just go with you.” Was the reaction you had to his answer. One that you thought was crazy.
“I talked to your brother; he agreed to pull some strings for us.”
Of course Rein told Coriolanus that. Your brother didn't want you in the Nursing Core let alone in 12. It put a damper on his lifestyle. With you living with him on base he couldn't spend all of his free time with that girl of his from the Seam. He also had to cut back on his drinking and how much he snuck off base to get plastered at the Hobb, the black market/bar his girl slings drinks at.
Shaking your head, you sigh, “I’m sorry, but I can't leave.”
“Darling, you'll have a much better life if you come with me. We'll be stationed at The Nut and I'm sure the med bay there'll be more than happy to have you on staff.” Coriolanus tells you, his baritone dripping with finesse and delicate craftiness. Bringing his hand up to cup your face, he asks, “Wouldn't you rather come with me and make your father proud that you've been promoted to a nicer district then being stuck here in this backwater shithole to rot and die- to wither up and grow old in?”
“Coriolanus-” You begin to protest only for him to press an unexpected kiss to your lips. A kiss that was hungry and passionate. His lips were eager as they glided over yours. And you, well, your body instantly responded to his kiss. Your lips move in sync with his, a tiny moan escaping your mouth as your hands fist his uniform jacket as an anchor.
You're breathless as he pulls away from the kiss. You've never been kissed like that. In fact, it has your head spinning.
“Please, my sweet girl, come with me.” Coriolanus begs between placing open mouth kisses along your jaw. He stops kissing you, only to press his forehead against yours. “You're my everything, Y/N. I've lost so much in my life, but I can't lose you. Not when I just found you.” His icy eyes looked so vulnerable, like a puppy dog's.
Those words play at your heartstrings. If only you knew that Coriolanus chose them carefully just for that reason; to manipulate you into saying yes. And the look in his eyes, oh that really gutted you too. Another ploy of the platinum blonde's; one you weren't aware of. The boy was quite the actor when it suits him and what he wants.
“Okay. I'll go with you.” You find yourself telling him before you can think better of it.
And in what feels like a whirlwind, Coriolanus is shoving your things into your travel bag while you're getting dressed in your formal Nursing Core uniform. And then he's dragging you down to the station (well, you're literally sprinting so you won't miss the train) to meet Commander Hoff for the send off.
But Commander Hoff tells the two of you that plans have changed that instead of going to 2 you're going home, to the Capitol. Coryo's being happy hearing that, but you're not sure if you're happy about returning to the Capitol. Your father wanted you to serve your country in the Nursing Core in the districts, so returning to the Capitol would surely upset him.
Coriolanus didn't even ask you how you felt about the news. He just kissed you and shoved you onto the train. If only you knew that his sweet manipulations just ball and chained you to him for the rest of your life. Your career as a nurse would never be; you'd be the socialite wife of the man that would become the most dark, cruel, tyrannical leader that the country's ever known.
Too bad he had to be your patient the day he got snake bit in the woods, huh?
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @princess-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
Invitation to talk about Sayuri and Nymie?
:D CAN OF WORMS: OPENED!! i'll tell u abt how they got found as Jedi
ok so Sayuri is one of the students that doesn't rlly go home bc there isn't much to go back to. Basically her parents were Rebellion pilots (or one was a pilot the other a mechanic. kinda unsure) but were both killed in action against the Empire abt 3-4ABY ish. obvs the Rebellion couldn't look after a 7-8yo while fighting the Empire
so the remainder of the squad manage to get her back to her parents' home village/ where she was born. so having like Everything change all at once leaves her pretty ?? and gives her some serious trusting-her-environment issues. her coolgirl "i dont care" persona is very much a result of this bc she's worried abt getting too comfy in smthn. (which is at odds w the OTHER issue she got from this event which is "deathly afraid of flying" an issue not helped if Master "traffic laws are just guidelines" Skywalker is piloting. but she tries 2 act like shes fine)
this is gonna get kinda long so im gonna smack some unposted art here and then go into a readmore
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anyway fast forwarding to when Sayuri's abt 13 (roughly 9aby) she's visiting her parent's old squadron on a New Republic bc they'd all come visit whenever she could and after the Empire's fall they did a lot more pick her up and fly her to a base to ALL see her. and they're like omg Sayuri you came at the PERFECT time bc this rlly amazing pilot war hero who's also some like. mystical whatever is here!! he's on his way to some magic place we heard. maybe u can meet him!! which sayuri meets w her usual whatever bc she's not that gassed abt war heroes.
very worth noting that the squad's probably all seen her move shit with her mind, but theyre like oh you know how it is with teenage girls. the "nobody knows what a jedi is" + "the empire existed for a decent bit of her childhood" thing has kept anyone from being like yeahh sayuri should like. talk to someone abt this.
anyway she goes along when the squad are like c'mon let's see if we can see him. ok the only way i can describe this is you know the spiderverse like... spidey-sense recognition thing? that's basically what happens LOL Luke and Sayuri both have a FORCE USER RECOGNISED?? moment and Luke then makes a beeline for her then realises oh shit tiny teenager not jedi. would you LIKE to be a jedi?? and sayuri who hates her village and is feeling the strongest emotional connection she's felt in forever w this stranger she met 2 seconds ago is like okay fuckin sure yeah. and woo jedi!!
i posted my unposted nymie art yesterday but likkeeee pretend theres some here <3
So Sayuri falls into the "one of the Jedi found them thru the force or by chance" category of students who get found. However Nymie very much falls into the second category, which is "CAN SOMEONE DEAL WITH THIS WEIRD SUPERPOWERED CHILD FOR US????"
So 2 things about Nymie: 1. like i've said before, she's from a very rich high class pantoran family. super stuck up, mostly raised by nannies & tutors, but somehow Nymie just didn't get the stuck-up genes like all her (4!!) siblings who are just obsessed w their social standing etc and is instead just :D all the time. 2. her proficiency ig is the living force esp in the 'good at connecting to animals' way (which I think means I legally need to draw her w Ezra).
so the former often led her to escaping her family's stuffy parties and galas or whatever (usually to whoever's house it is' garden or somewhere she wasnt meant to be) to find something interesting. usually a pet <3 one particular time when she was 9 she was following her Pet Sense but couldnt find anything in the house. so she kinda just reached out more and long story short thats how Nymie managed to call this hugemassive beast (i'd tell u what it was if i knew pantoran animals LOL) out of the nearby countryside to her. massively distressing for everyone, all these rich ppl were like "OH MY GOD I NEARLY DIED" (it didnt attack anyone). very funny exciting time for Nymie who was enjoying this new beastie friend til animal control showed up. saddening. everyone is confused bc HOW did that happen
a dude old (and cool) enough to have seen more than one jedi in their heyday (+ idk uni researcher knows his shit) noticed what happened w it going straight to Nymie and overheard her account and realised what happened and was like hi nymie's parents. i think u need to get into contact w the new republic bc thats a jedi right there (which they take and go oo social climbing. we have a jedi child people will think we're cooler. bc theyre assholes)
and yeah im losing steam now but luke shows up and she joins the academyyay!
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revenantghost · 9 months
Kenji Muto's Twitter Posts: Part 2
Before and while Tristamp was airing, Kenji Muto made some amazing Twitter posts giving us lore and production tidbits along the way. And while I don't speak Japanese (so I'm going to have to use Google Translate for this, so take everything you read here with a grain of salt because it may be skewed by mistranslation), there was some fantastic art and really cool concepts shared, and I want to archive anything Trigun-related. If I miss anything, let me know!) It starts a little slow with stuff we already know, but there are some interesting tidbits! If anyone who knows Japanese wants to correct anything, please feel free! Now, without further ado...
Part 1
Part 2 [here]
12:14 AM · Jan 30, 2023
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方言が南部訛りのメタファーなら、 他の方言メタファーがあっても良いんじゃない? って事で、多彩な地方出身キャラが登場。 もちろん彼らのバックグラウンド物語も構築済み。 神は細部に宿るのだ。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
If dialect is a metaphor for a southern accent, Wouldn't it be nice to have other dialect metaphors? So, a variety of local characters appear. Of course, their background stories have also been constructed. God is in the details. #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:29 PM · Feb 5, 2023
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現代社会にラディカルに切り込む、第五話。 誰の中にも憎悪は生まれる。 親や国籍は選べない。 WE ARE MONEV. #TRIGUN #トライガン
The fifth episode radically cuts into modern society. Hatred is born within everyone. You can't choose your parents or nationality. WE ARE MONEV. #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:35 PM · Feb 5, 2023
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風力発電だけじゃない 上質なワムズシルクも高値で取引されている。 この惑星では、 手に入るものすべてが貴重品。 生き抜くために。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
In addition to wind power generation, high-quality Wams silk is also traded at high prices. On this planet, Everything you can get is valuable. To survive. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:04 AM · Feb 7, 2023
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当然のことながら、 他にもプラントを持てない村が多数存在する。 風力発電、 ワムズシルク以外に、 ワムズ漁で生活する村がある。 例の3人組も、 各地に点在する「漁師の村」出身の可能性が高い。 特に高値で取引されるのが、 グランドワムズ類。 #TRIGUN
As a matter of course, There are many other villages that cannot have plants. Wind-power generation, In addition to Wamsilk, There is a village where people live by fishing for worms. The example trio, It is highly likely that they came from "fishermen's villages" scattered throughout the country. The ones that are traded at particularly high prices are Grandworms. #TRIGUN
11:46 PM · Feb 12, 2023
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時系列を鑑みるに、 この頃はまだ、青年だった。 なぜ髪が「青い」のか? オキシタケヒコ氏の「裏SF考証」が世に出ることを切に願う。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Considering the time series, At this time, he was still a young man. Why is my hair “blue”? I sincerely hope that Takehiko Okishi's ``background science fiction research'' will be released into the world. #TRIGUN #トライガン
5:11 AM · Feb 13, 2023
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惑星ノーマンズランドにおける、 「ハンプバック級」の巨大砂蒸気船は合計7隻存在する。 七都市がそれぞれ一基ずつ貴重な「生体動力炉プラント」を捻出して建造。 水を沸騰させて動く原始的な蒸気機関を採用している。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
On the planet No Man's Land, There are a total of seven "Humpback class" giant sand steamships. Each of the seven cities devised and built one valuable "biological power reactor plant." It uses a primitive steam engine that runs by boiling water. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:25 AM · Feb 15, 2023
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彼は誰の味方? どっちの味方? 国境なき、ワムズの王。 知識でなく、智恵を求めよ。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Whose side is he on? Which side are you on? Without Borders, King of Wams. Seek wisdom, not knowledge. #TRIGUN #トライガン
3:19 AM · Feb 22, 2023
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BADでRADなヤツら。 地獄のような惑星環境もなんのその。 何事も捉え方次第では ポジティブに生きられる。 バド・ラド団の第二分隊、登場。 本隊は…? #TRIGUN #トライガン
BAD and RAD guys. What's with the hellish planetary environment? You can live a positive life depending on how you view everything. The second squad of the Bad Lads Gang has arrived. The main force...? #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:18 PM · Feb 23, 2023
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名前って不思議なもので、 改造人間ニコラスは、二つの顔を持っている。 ニコラス・D・ウルフウッド ニコラス・ザ・パニッシャー 最終的に彼はどちらを選ぶのだろう? 脚本時の名前表記が「ニコラス」で統一されていたのは、そうゆう理由だったりする。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Names are strange things, The modified human Nicholas has two faces. Nicholas D. Wolfwood Nicholas the Punisher Who will he choose in the end? This may be the reason why his name was written as ``Nicholas'' in the script. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:11 AM · Feb 27, 2023
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地球産の動物は惑星環境に適応できない。 SEEDS船団が目的地に到着したとき、その地で育てていくために積まれていた、無数の動植物の胚と遺伝子ストックから植物や動物を複製するためのシステム、 「クローニング・デバイス」 そこで遺伝子改良され生まれたのが、トマ。 トマってすごい。 #TRIGUN
Earth-born animals cannot adapt to the planetary environment. A system for replicating plants and animals from the countless embryos and gene stocks of plants and animals that were on board to be grown on-site when the SEEDS fleet arrived at its destination. "Cloning device" Toma was then genetically improved and born. Toma are amazing. #TRIGUN
10:09 PM · Mar 2, 2023
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マフラーと仮面のようにも見えるが、 実はワムズの一種。 極めて毒性の強い、 砂ムカデ類の幼生ワムズなのだ。 寒い冬に、一匹飼ってみては如何? #TRIGUN #トライガン
It looks like a scarf and a mask, It's actually a type of Wams. Extremely toxic, It is a larval worm of a sand centipede. Why not keep one in the cold winter? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:06 AM · Mar 6, 2023
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シナーズの銃、別名プロトタイプ(改造前)のPeace Bringer。 こちらも「幻のスケッチ」にヒントがある。 なぜ、誰が、いつ、改造したのだろう? #TRIGUN #トライガン
Sinners' gun, also known as the prototype (before modification) Peace Bringer. There is also a hint in the ``Phantom Sketch''. Why, by whom, and when was it remodeled? #TRIGUN #トライガン
4:36 AM · Mar 10, 2023
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ディスコミュニケーションや地獄のような環境で踠く姿は、 とても人間らしく、美しく、 何より”ポジティブな物語”だと考えて作っているのですが。 みたいな赤裸々トークをしたFMラジオ収録。 いつOAだろう? #TRIGUN #トライガン
Discommunication and the appearance of struggling in a hellish environment, Very human and beautiful. Above all, I think of it as a ``positive story'' when I create it. An FM radio recording of a frank talk. When will it be OA? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:34 AM · Mar 17, 2023
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成長した彼女は、強くなりますよ。 “パニッシャー“では太刀打ちできないほどに。 軍用の身体改造ナノマシンによって作り替えられた肉体。 ロストナンバー。 あくまで今回は、前哨戦。再戦はいつか、また…。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
As she grows up, she will become stronger. To the extent that “The Punisher” can’t compete with it. A body modified by military body modification nanomachines. Lost number. This time, it's just a preliminary battle. When will there be a rematch? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:18 AM · Mar 20, 2023
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プラントの力は、空間に開く無数の穴《ゲート》がすべて担っている。 このゲートは大別すると《持ってくる力》と《持っていく力》の二種類がある。 この世ではない別の場所、 別の宇宙なのか、異なる位相なのか、異次元なのか(?)に繋がっているらしいが…。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The power of the plant is entirely derived from the countless holes (gates) that open in space. There are two types of gates: ``Power to bring'' and ``Power to bring.'' A place other than this world, It seems that it is connected to another universe, a different phase, or a different dimension (?)... #TRIGUN #トライガン
Adding a tid-bit from @pancake-breakfast here:
So, my Japanese isn't great, but I wanted to try to clarify something on here that Google Translate isn't capturing, namely from this part: Saying that there are two types of gates and then defining them both as "Power to bring" doesn't make sense in English. Why make a distinction between the two if you're gonna define them the same way? But in the Japanese, it's not quite the same words used for both: "持ってくる力" (motte kuru chikara) vs. "持っていく力" (motte iku chikara. 力 (chikara) just means "power," so we'll set that aside for now since that part is actually consistent across both items. 持って (motte) is also consistent across both items. This means "carrying" or "holding," like you'd hold a bag or a purse or a backpack or something that you're taking around with you. The big difference is between くる (kuru) and いく (iku). These are actually the kana (phonetic) versions of two kanji characters: 来る (kuru) - to come 行く (iku) - to go That provides us with a nice little pair of opposites, and changes our literal definitions as follows: 持ってくる力 (motte kuru chikara) - Power to come carrying 持っていく力 (motte iku chikara) - Power to go carrying So... they're both kinda "power to bring" but it would be more accurate to say one brings and one removes. Or, if you're feeling dramatic, one giveth and one taketh away.
1:46 AM · Mar 20, 2023
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ノーマンズランドで流通している銃は、 墜落移民船のデータベースから設計情報をサルベージされ、レプリカ制作されたものが大半。 宇宙時代の銃は、設計が判明しても再現は難しい。 乾燥、砂塵の舞う土地が多いため、 故障の少ないシンプル構造のものが好まれる傾向にある。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The guns circulating in No Man's Land are: Most of the designs were salvaged from databases of crashed immigrant ships and were made into replicas. Even if the design of a space-age gun is known, it is difficult to recreate it. Because there are many dry and dusty lands, There is a tendency to prefer those with simple structures that are less likely to break down. #TRIGUN #トライガン
1:05 AM · Mar 21, 2023
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隊長、実はうどんが大好物。 憲兵たちにも大人気、 創業100年の老舗屋台”儒来ヌードル” 大墜落後の闇市からはじまった屋台が数多く存在する、旧市街の横丁。 訪れた際は必ずチェックしたい観光スポットの一つだ。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Captain, I actually love udon. Very popular with military police, 100-year-old long-established food stall “Yulai Noodle” This alley in the old town is home to many food stalls that started as a black market after the Big Fall. It is one of the tourist spots that you should definitely check out when you visit. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:34 AM · Mar 22, 2023
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通常種/自立種を問わず、 プラントの身体の内側では、 ”サプライゲート”が無数に動いており、細胞ひとつひとつに活動エネルギーを供給し、 本来なら生物として生存できないはずの不完全な肉体を健康に保っている…らしい。 "プラント"とは、何なのか? #TRIGUN #トライガン
Regardless of whether it is a normal species or an independent species, Inside the plant's body, A countless number of "supply gates" are moving, supplying energy to each cell, It seems that he is keeping his imperfect body, which normally would not be able to survive as a living thing, healthy. What is a "plant"? #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:48 AM · Mar 24, 2023
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「記憶世界」は”弟側”からの記憶と印象値と断片で造られている。 故に、描き方は限定的になる。 “兄”の視点や感情から見た”テスラ事件”は、もっと凄惨な内容になるだろう。 描く機会があれば…。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The "memory world" is made of memories, impression values, and fragments from the "younger brother's side." Therefore, the way of drawing is limited. The ``Tesla Incident'' seen from the ``older brother'''s perspective and emotions would be even more gruesome. If you have a chance to draw... #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:14 AM · Mar 25, 2023
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あくまでドクターの仮説だが。 体内にある“ゲート“を強く開くことで、 それを物質へ相転移させることで肉体を変形させているらしい。 今後、この謎は科学的に解明されてゆくのだろう。 なぜ”弟”のゲートだけ「黒い」のか? #TRIGUN #トライガン
That's just the doctor's hypothesis. By strongly opening the “gate” in the body, It seems that the body is transformed by phase transitioning it into matter. This mystery will probably be solved scientifically in the future. Why is only the “younger brother” gate “black”? #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:16 PM · Mar 26, 2023
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地獄のような、 惑星ノーマンズランド的現場でしたが、 最後まで生き残ったメインスタッフの皆様、プロデューサー陣、制作陣、音響チーム、宣伝チーム…など、とにかく多くの人に支えられた作品でした。 何よりも、内藤先生の支えには感謝しかない。 本当にお疲れ様でした! #TRIGUN #トライガン
Like hell, It was a scene similar to the planet No Man's Land, This work was supported by many people, including the main staff who survived until the end, the producers, production team, sound team, advertising team, etc. Above all, I am grateful to Naito-sensei for his support. Thank you very much for your hard work! #TRIGUN #トライガン
11:18 PM · Mar 26, 2023
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池田さんは”血”で、松岡さんは”砂”ですよね。 「ぶにゅー」とか「サラサラ」とか、 擬音、抽象度高めのトーク満載、 ブルーレイディスク、オーディオコメンタリーの収録。 本編同様、1回や2回聴いただけじゃ理解できない、 STAMPEDEっぽい内容となっております。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
Mr. Ikeda's name is "blood" and Mr. Matsuoka's name is "sand." "Bunyuu" or "Sarasara" Full of onomatopoeic and highly abstract talk, Includes Blu-ray disc and audio commentary. Like the main story, you can't understand it just by listening to it once or twice. The content is similar to STAMPEDE. #TRIGUN #トライガン
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cupofcappuccy · 7 months
Masterpost + ROTTMNT aus
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Hello silly person viewing my blog! The only thing I do here on Tumblr is spam like my mutuals or post whatever I draw (and definitely [not] the biggest Raph/Leo kinnie you'll ever meet <3)
I prefer to be called Dee/Lee if you ever wanted to come up and say hi! (I actually have more names...)
Tcest/proship/pro-isreal/racist/ terrorists/pedo apologists/transphobe/biphobe/homophobe ect dni. I don't care for tcesters much but I don't want my work to be interpreted as tcest! So please dni and don't tag my art as tcest, thank you!! Personal opinion on tcest if anyone wants to know what I think of them >^_^<. Also please DNI if you ship the Rise turtles with Casey Jr. That's considered proship too. If you ship the rise turtles with April, I won't mind much. But if you ship her with 2003 or 1987 turtles, DNI! I don't care for Kendra x Donnie shippers 'cause I am one so if you don't like that, DNI! PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 13 DNI
I DON'T TAKE ART REQUESTS! Well, sometimes I do
I am a MINOR! Please refrain from getting too comfortable when talking to me!
#Meshilover 🍖: @wren-fest
#Ratz loverz 🐁🍪: @belovedrat
#Freak out buddies 🦈: @atomic-rattz
#Dees' nuts ☂️🌙: @urplepurplegurgleturgle
#Owo lads 👻🔮: @ghosty-0w0
#Cocoapowder 🍫🪓: @coco-idfk
#Secret agents 🧀🦐: @turtles-hurtles-with-gurtles
#Au squad 🦑🌌: @au-not-alternate
#Pathetic queers 🌈: @vaudeville-moggie
#Emotional support 🔍: @magsterdragster
#Purple goobers 🔮: @splatting-stampede
#🍒Rosamango🥭: @rosewashereyt
#Donnie's wife 💜🌙 (I am NOT sorry): @billcipherismywife
If you're a moot, you can ask for a tag if you want :D
DO NOT REPOST MY ART ANYWHERE. DO NOT TAKE INSPIRATION FROM MY AUS. Credit me if you use my art as pfp/banner!
Rottmnt/tmnt au(s)
But Does That Really Make Things Better or Worse?
Comic: 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _7
Fic: Still writing!
The current fandoms I'm in are:
Will Wood And The Tapeworms | Tally Hall | Hollow Knight | TMNT | Dungeon Meshi | DC & Marvel | Vocaloid (Utau, Synthv) | Murder Drones | Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World | SpongeBob SquarePants | Adventure Time/Fionna & Cake | My Little Pony | Class Of 09 | South Park | Gravity Falls | Steven Universe | Skullgirls.
Trigger warning: some posts include sensitive topics such as self-harm of any form. These posts have warnings!
(Rise! Mikey & Donnie are literally my wives' TFYM??)
My art falls under the "#my art" tag (very creative, I know)
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artistotel · 1 year
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anyway i believe like 2 people will read this but here are my thoughts on classpects and all :3 i got too silly
alhaitham - mage of mind; i figured it would be a good fit with him since its the active knowledge class, one understanding its aspect, and being able to manipulate it (as with knowledge)
kaveh - he was kinda confusing... i was thinking between space (obviously) and light (light of kshahrewar) but ended up going with space in the end; making him maid of space, the active creation class.
cyno - rogue of blood; with rogues being passive stealing class, (kaeya could be thief tho), and blood for familiar relationships
tighnari - sylph of life, healing the aspect and through it, and it made perfect sense, esp with his quest centering around withering zones :P (as im typing this... nahida as sylph of mind, totally)
faruzan - heir of time, being protected by her aspect. tho i could see her as another aspect as well, but i needed a time player
childe - bonus, tho he doesnt belong to the akademiya squad, but i just felt prince of void would be so suitable; prince being the most dangerous player in the game which destroys through its aspect. void obviously being a nod to the abyss. though i could also def see him as a knight. could tsaritsa find a way to cheat sburb and unleash delusional roles tho???? anyway..... also he gets 3 horns. maybe fell into the void before sburb too.
also, i was thinking about archons, and how they would play. maybe they would be cherubs? tsaritsa deciding to doom the session with her harbingers would be rly interesting, betraying other archons. i am thinking witch of heart for her, btw.
as for lands... i didnt give it much thought, aside from kaveh's being maybe "Land of Frogs and Mechanisms", and for faruzan "Land of Winds and Prisms"... alhaitham maybe "Land of Wires and Mirrors", cyno as "Land of Dices and Tombs", tighnari as "Land of Rain and Withering"? anyway lol i doubt anyone actually read all this but thank you if you did :'D
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged in the 20 Questions game by @the-little-moment and @kybercrystals94! It was fun to read both of your answers too! :D
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
15, although one of them is a collection containing multiple short stories :)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
160,403. That's 3x 30k multi-chapter fics and the rest short stories :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, The Bad Batch. I have fond attachment to older stories for Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, and Iron Kingdoms as well.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1/ System Upgrade The Kaminoans upgrade Echo's cybernetics before he is cleared to join the Batch, and then he has to bond with his new squad. 2/ A Fair Price To Pay Crosshair is determined to break Omega out of Tantiss. Along the way, she saves him too. 3/ Test Subject Originally a one-shot, now the prequel/first part of System Upgrade. Echo being experimented on by the Kaminoans. 4/ Beach Days & Hair Braiding Nothing but sweet, tooth-rotting, brotherly fluff. Hunter, Omega and Crosshair on Pabu. 5/ Phobia 300 words, Omega helps the Batch deal with an unwelcome 8-legged guest ;)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I'm an inherently social creature. I always want you to know how much your comment means to me, and it's even better when we get a conversation going.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, this is probably a draw between Soup Of The Day and Presumed Dead. Definitely no positive outlook at the end of those.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Another toss-up between Beach Days & Hair Braiding and Human Weapon aka. the Birthday Cake Fic. Both set with everyone living happily on Pabu and both end with Hunter and Crosshair starting to regain some of their old brotherly closeness :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't yet, apart from getting caught up in the AO3 bot comment fiasco!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do ;) My flavour is more to do with the emotional connection and closeness between two people who trust each other very much, M rather than E rating. I love a love story :')
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No but I get to brainstorm them all the time with @ninjadeathblade! The craziest one? There's been so many! But I want to say The Bad Batch/Mamma Mia crossover. Nobody was finding out who Omega's dad was in that because all the clones have the same DNA XD
11. (Question 11 was missing! So I wrote my own!) Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
Welcome To The Outpost got off to a slow start, and I wonder if it's because for half of the story it didn't include a single main character from the show? But the people who did read left such wonderful comments so I shall continue to consider this fic my underrated gem!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Adrenaline Crash by the fabulous @tech-o-mania
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
None of my published ones, but I literally spent my teen years writing fic by passing notes back and forth in class, me and my friends taking it in turns to add a few lines to the story!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't think I have one? I am fairly open to reading anything and know how to use the back button if I don't like it. It's less about the characters involved and more about reading the same idiots-to-lovers trope in as many different ways possible.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well it would be lovely to finish all my Iron Kingdoms inspired stories because I'm so attached to them, but it's also so sprawling and I have only me to motivate myself so... I guess that's not happening ^^;
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think it's the occasional absolutely devastating heart-breaking descriptive prose that sneaks its way into my writing :P
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Over-punctuation ^^; I tend to add punctuation every time I pause for thought, which means at times, there really isn't a lot of flow, to my writing, because the little reset counter in my head, forgets when the last time I stopped for a proper break is. Then I have to go back and edit it into sensible length sentences!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have only used fantasy languages, but in Iron Kingdoms a large part of my main character's drive was her heritage so language played a significant part in that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Final Fantasy 8! Oh so long ago and sad to have lost it in many computer transfers since then. I think everyone should keep the fics they wrote when they were 14. I worked so hard on that story ;_;
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have a lot of favourites but my number one is probably Adrenaline Crash. I am feral for Feral Hunter.
Tagging if you'd like to play! :- @royallykt @theproblemwithstardust @lifblogs @holdingonforheaven @tech-o-mania @fanfoolishness and anyone else who fancies copying the questions and letting me know about your writing ^_^
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Recreyo has become my hyperfixation (again) and I can’t stop thinking about the SCP eps. So enjoy some writing!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Curt started asking questions after the second test.
Truth to be told, he’d been having odd feelings about the whole thing from the beginning, but he’d kinda brushed them off. Chilly not being in the cell with the others was something he couldn’t brush off though. The others told him one of the scientists, accompanied by a bunch of guards, had asked her to come with them. Christian had a bad feeling and tried telling them to fuck off, but they reassured them nothing would happen to her.
The biggest reason it was so odd though, is that he hadn’t been informed about any of this.
He had been in charge of the chaotic group for two tests and he had known them for much longer. That they had chosen not to tell him was… kind of weird.
Which is why he flagged down an A-Class personnel.
“Oi, I just heard Chilly was moved elsewhere. What happened?”
The man in front of him raised an eyebrow. Curt sighed.
“Chilly Panda, girl with the panda hat, pretty dumb and loud, you know, the girl I’ve been in charge of?”
“Oh, miss Panda. I had assumed you’d been informed.”
“Well clearly I haven’t. Where is she?”
For a moment, the man was silent. Finally, he clasped his hands behind his back. On the name tag, Curt could read: ‘Jonathan Snee’.
“New evidence has brought to light that miss Panda couldn’t possibly be responsible for the c-18 incident. As such, she was found innocent by the court, and as we only employ death row inmates as D-Class personnel - and we do have morals, unlike what some people might say - we gave her the choice to either continue working for us as C-Class Personnel or leave the Foundation entirely. Evidently, she choose the latter.”
Those words felt like a slap across the face. Or a punch to the gut.
“She… left us?”
Sure, Chilly could be an asshole sometimes, just like all of them, and at first glance abandoning them to save her own skin would be in line with her.
“She didn’t even come to say goodbye…”
Chilly would have informed them. Maybe come back to the cell, mocking them. At the very least send them a letter or call. To just disappear on them felt… wrong.
“I’m sorry Richy, but that is what she choose.”
Curt ran a hand through his hair, underneath his cap, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.
“N-no, she wouldn’t. She’s a jerk but she wouldn’t…”
Snee interrupted him harshly. “Then I guess you didn’t know her as well as you thought.”
That stung, although stung was an understatement. It felt like getting stabbed by Den.
“Now then, are there any more questions you have for me?” Snee asked.
With a deep breath, Curt tried his best to swallow the feelings of betrayal down and looked at Snee.
“Yes, sir. I was wondering… why are my only assignments related to my fr- squad D-45?”
Snee cocked his head slightly. “You have no other tasks?”
“I-I do, but they’re all… paperwork that literally could be done by any C-Class Personnel. I’m B-Class, shouldn’t I be having more responsibilities? Why don’t I get to lead more squads or tests, why—“
He cut himself off upon seeing the dark look in Snee’s eyes. It was accompanied by a threatening, powerful aura, that pressed down on him like a large rock.
“Mr Richy.” Snee began, tone coated with warning. “You should do best to remember that a B-Class Personnel is to take orders from A-Class Personnel without question. A-Class is not obligated to disclose all information, and you should trust that it isn’t without a good reason. Some things are better left unknown, especially in this facility, where even knowledge can be dangerous to your health. Please trust that we know what we are doing and are doing it to protect both humans and SCPs.”
He took a step forward, and Curt had to use every nerve in his body to avoid stepping backwards. Thankfully, Snee’s glare became less harsh.
“You are a valued member of B-Class personnel, Richy. And I’d like to keep it that way. Now, are there any questions left you want to ask?”
The unspoken was clear.
“N-no Sir.”
“Good.” Snee nodded, then took a folder from his jacket, handing it to him. “I have a new assignment from you. Be careful, this assignment involves SCP-173. Be sure to evacuate to your designated area in case of containment breach.”
Curt took the file, flipping through it, noting that it involved his friends again.
“Yes sir.”
Snee almost turned around there and then, but stopped himself.
“Oh, one more thing. I have taken the liberty to replace one of your squad members. Her name is Kristine. Be sure to treat her like you treat the other D-Class in your squad.”
Frowning, Curt flipped a little further to see a photo of a girl with flowers in her hair.
“What’s she in for?” He couldn’t help but ask.
“An incident we believe is related to the C-18 case.”
The tone in Snee’s voice indicated he wasn’t going to reveal much more on the subject, so Curt merely nodded and closed the folder, putting it under his arm. “I will gather a few guards and D-45 and head to the assignment immediately, sir.”
Snee gave a nod. “Excellent. You are doing very well, Richy. I hope the rest of A-Class notices your efforts too and give you a raise.” He complimented, but for whatever reason, it felt empty.
“Thank you, sir.” Curt managed to get out.
Snee turned around and walked away, leaving Curt with his thought. He took a deep breath and headed the other way. Dawdling wouldn’t help him right now. He would deal with this later.
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onedismay · 7 months
Mass Effect Tag Game
Stole this thing from @messydiabolical. :)c Anyone is welcome to steal it from me as well!
I am a fan since: Forgot what year it was but I remember ME2 had already been out for a while before I bought ME1. But I caught up quickly and got to experience the release of the Arrival DLC in real time. :D
Favourite game of the series?: It's hard to pick between 1 and 2, but I'll say 2 because the concept of loyalty missions is MY JAM. Also ME2 is my favorite graphics-wise, it's got that high contrast I love so much. (hate the simplified skill trees though)
MShep or FShep?: Most of my Sheps are fSheps because the character creator for mSheps isn't versatile enough for me. :( Where's the long hair! Let me look impractical!
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: I might slightly prefer Earthborn. I enjoy playing characters who've had a rough start in life and made some bad decisions, but grew up to become decent people anyway.
Biotics or Tech: Can't pick, I like variety!
Paragon or Renegade: peace for everybody in the galaxy :') But I reeeaally love the Renegade eyes so I do have some mean Sheps as well.
Favourite Class: I used to main the Infiltrator class but in my most recent run I really enjoyed the Adept. Hard to pick a favorite but I do know my favorite class is NOT the Sentinel, it always feels clunky to me somehow.
Favourite Companion: Tali or Javik. Kaidan and Thane are nearby too. Tali's character development feels very natural and wonderful to me on every playthrough and I always love to see it. Javik is a fave because he's haunted and completely alone and that combo always hooks me like, I MUST see to it that this sad man has at least one nice thing in his life.
Least favourite Companion: It's the writers' fault but Liara. It gets really old when the same companion treats you like her love interest in all 3 games no matter what. I haaaate forced hugs in roleplaying games, don't put me through that, it'll ruin the character for me.
My squad selection: In my most recent playthrough it was unsurprisingly Javik and Tali. But I also ran with Vega quite often in the early game and I kinda missed him in the end game, haha.
Favourite In-game romance: Kaidan, especially with mShep because I really enjoy a slow burn of several years. 🔥
Other pairings I like: I am motioning at my blog and presenting to you Tazzik and the Shadow Broker...... no i don't have anything else to offer at this time
Favourite NPC: I like all these shady-ass salarians like Anoleis and Jaroth and Maelon and Linron (yes) (no i'm not defending her, i just find mean characters interesting sometimes) and Chorban and probably others. Valern isn't all that shady but still a fave. Charn! And Balak, I always look forward to finding out how my Shepard reacts to him. Zaal'Koris vas Qwib-Qwib I always loved you and I knew you were the best admiral before ME3 ever happened
Favourite Antagonist: the Shadow Broker, I was so into the mystery in ME1 and man I was not disappointed when we got the reveal. I would have loved to learn more about his early life.
Favourite Mission: ME2's Suicide Mission because I lovvve how it's a culmination of all your previous actions. It felt really scary and chaotic on my first playthrough and like anything could happen. Now I know all the mechanics so nothing surprises me, but I still look forward to seeing every little detail play out.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali. Also Mordin. And Samara, ugghhh I love Omega and I love playing bait uwu
Favourite DLC: Hmmm I love about half of LotSB very much but I might like Bring Down the Sky more as a whole? The mood is great, it's not super long, and nothing about it annoys me. :D I've only played the Leviathan DLC once so far so I'm not confident enough to call it a fave yet but I liked it a lot, too.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: I just wanted an ending where we finally talk the Reapers down and they go "yeah u right actually, let's not fight anymore. :( handshake?". All this star child borderline magic stuff is kinda goofy to me. I've picked Destroy almost every time tho.
Favourite Weapon: Recently enjoyed the Blood Pack Executioner... Historically I've probably used the Widow the most. Also I LOVE the way the Revenant looks but I can't stand using it myself lmao. My hand hurts just thinking about it.
Favourite Place: nnnoooo there's so many good places. I adore the Shadow Broker's ship, first of all. Such a cool concept. Noveria for the snow and miserable people. Feels like home. I loved visiting the Migrant Fleet! But my absolute favorite place is probably Omega because it's so rough yet there's still a weird sense of community.
A quote I like: The first that came to mind is "I have a home." Idk, I don't really remember quotes unless they're repeated over and over and by that point I start hating them.
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la-galaxie-langblr · 8 months
Positivity post, 22nd January - 11th February
Cooking new things and them turning out fairly well (most notable is the enoki and udon stir fry I made, absolutely delicious)
Soup leftovers
Submitting an exam I'm fairly proud of with plenty of time to spare
I got access to my phonology class on Blackboard!!! So unbelievably hyped for this semester
Calls with my uni bestie, at the time of first writing she isn't back yet but she will be soon <3
Getting more comfortable watching Instagram reels in French (ik ik but it's a start!!)
Green spaces on campus are very emotionally supportive
I've started playing geography games which is pretty fun - matching countries and capitals, naming countries on every continent, click where this country is etc. I'm not very good yet but it's fun to learn new things :)
One of my flatmates came back today, it's nice not having the flat be eerily quiet all the time
Countdown to fun events happening very soon!!
Waking up cosy and more rested day by day, classes are gonna hit me like a bus next week so I'm taking it while I can lol
Talking lots with a class friend about our exams (no collusion here dw) and bonding over our dislike of our history and culture modules, I'm hoping we can go for coffee after a seminar some day :)
Update my class friend said yes to going out for coffee and I can't wait!!!!
The sheer relief of submitting all my exams :D
I visited my friend for their birthday and we played loads of stardew valley
My uni bestie came back!! :D
Spoons and giggles with friends
A new class routine to get started with, my modules this semester are already looking to be much more interesting than last semester :D
The tumble dryer in uni actually dried my clothes for once!!!
Restful nights' sleep
Finalising accommodation for the Squad Holiday in summer and it looks so good considering the price we paid :D
Endless late nights chatting and laughing until we cry
The crocuses are in bloom at the local park and it's gorgeous!!!!
Visiting 2 friends in Scotland over the weekend, so much love <333
Podcast episodes my beloved
Seeing a different side to my uni friends over a game of Catan in a fun way (so much yelling 💀💀💀💀💀 but the insults were incredibly creative)
Clean sheets and clean room
Spoons cookie crunch with strawberries my beloved
Orange juice is absolutely delicious and I should really buy it more often
Getting back into reading and discussing books with friends <3
As an extension to the above: reading a book given to you by a friend and their annotations are all there <333
I recorded half a podcast episode on a night I felt really anxious and it calmed me down and sparked some creativity in me
The joy of learning new things, I'm loving my phonology class atm
Slowly developing a stronger sense of self, in the words of Marina and the Diamonds "I know exactly what I want and who I want to be" well not with that amount of certainty but still
Every year or so I reread Anne of Green Gables and every year I'm reminded of why it's my favourite book ever
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furreservation24 · 11 months
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I like scp, I'm even responsible for 682 in ask. This is a small reference from there. Translation:
SCP-682 - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile Height; 2.5+ meters Weight; 400+ kilograms Humanoid like body with an elongated torso, well-developed chest and shoulders, and legs that are short relative to the rest of the body. Reptile moves faster on all fours and in water. Keep distance from people and rarely makes contact, On questions about his (or past of some other speciement) past Responds reluctantly or does not answer at all. Communicates important information only when he thinks it is necessary, but because of boredom he often does not mind chatting. To allied people is biased and skeptical, rarely makes concessions and is willing to follow the instructions of only those in whom he sees leadership (in his opinion) qualities. The Lizard himself is incredibly proud and willful. He will try to kill anyone who dares to shake these qualities in any way he can. He communicates more willingly with those he trusts, but he can still be rude and aggressive even when showing affection. Very patient and thoughtful. He does not hide the fact that he acts in his own interests and claims that coincidences with people's goals are just coincidences.
-Has a high intelligence; -Rather lazy and apathetic; -Can eat anything; -His body is toxic and carries many infections; -Doesn't remember names and makes up nicknames instead; -Sometimes nicknames become basis for offensive jokes, or already offensive jokes; -Easily loses his temper; -Sometimes reads with glasses due to farsightedness; -Knows most human languages, including dead languages and those used in other dimensions; -Has defended 15 doctorates; -Fears SCP-2935; -Thinks he and SCP-076-2 are alike; -One of his wounds never regenerates; -Considers it incredibly foolish to trust SCP-073; -Keep gifts; -He is very tactile and loves to have his neck, stomach, and back scratched, but only allows this to happen to a few and is very embarrassed by his small weakness; -Those whom he sympathizes, often does gentle bite (although people do not do without bruises and small cuts); -He is a hermaphrodite; -He has a vital need to destroy something or bring suffering to avoid stress, because it takes a lot of energy to contain anger; -He is actually afraid of people; -As a Deva 682 is still a very young individual and translating his age into human terms, you could say he is still a teenager; -DON'T CALL HIM TARASQUE; -Hates the Scarlet King far more than anyone else; -Doubts (fears?) that he change something before he is killed for good.
Likes: Water; Swimming: Spoiled and/or unhealthy food; Destroy; Being alone; SCP-1762; SCP-3000; Summer; Slumbering in the sun; Hearing the wind; Sleeping by piling on top of someone; Sandy beaches; Bully someone; Biting; Tear apart;
Dislikes: People; Crowds; Washing; SCP-999; Reptiles; Scarlet King; Ask for help; His name; When called Dragon/Tarask; Showing emotion; Missing someone or something; Loneliness; Pain; Boredom; 
SCP-682 from Omega-7 Squad (Pandora's Box). A stretchy, well-woven, tight and fire-resistant fabric is used to reduce damage (to both the reptile and the suit itself) without constricting movement. Shoes are not provided for the free use of claws. Clothing is sewn individually due to the peculiarities of the body structure. Cylinders with special mixtures for inducing mutation and adapting to it (like improving regeneration or muscle growth) are attached to the belt. SCP-682 in a D-class robe. A XXXXXL size with custom tailoring is required due to 682's physical features. However, he often tears his clothes and finds them uncomfortable.
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drachonia · 9 months
hiii, drac 💕 how are you doing today?
for noele: 🎮 💯 🐶 💘 🍰 🤩
I'm good! How are you? :D Also THANK YOU FOR THE ASK EEEEE I'm excited for this.
🎮: Noele's into baking, horseback riding, and sparring with her friends in her particular squad.
💯: 1. Some of the besties (specifically Celicia and Cure) actually gave me the inspiration to develop her a bit more, so she's a knight under Licht's command to boot.
2. Noele was an OC I came up with about halfway through 2023, but I really started developing her more during my history class on the Viking Age, so that was a decent inspiration for her homeland and her ideals.
3. Her home, Quartz, is partially born of the setting I had been building for my old DnD characters, a former duchy that broke off to become its own nation with a climate and landscape somewhat reminiscent of Norway and Iceland's coasts and fjords. (So...really fucking pretty with some seascape outside Noele's front door while she was growing up.)
🐶: She has a horse named Menthe, but otherwise not really a pet person. Her family and friends would have hunting dogs, though, and she doesn't mind getting a pet, she's simply too busy for anything not related to her profession.
💘: If anyone's been unfortunate enough to be in my vicinity when I talk about my brain babies (read: OCs) like Noele, she's my MC for Nokto's route. Safe to say she holds the goofy fox awfully close, even likes teasing him a fair bit!
🍰: Noele's favorite dessert is probably roll cake, the more fluffy, moist, and cream-filled, the better. Make her a vanilla roll cake, fill it with strawberry whipped cream, frost with buttercream or ganache, and top with fresh fruit and you have a very happy Noele.
🤩: Mostly spontaneous, she's usually not a thinker, she's a doer. A friend's caught up in trouble? Time to rush headfirst in with a greatsword and see what happens. Though sometimes she will plan things out if she judges her impulses to have a negative impact. She's an adaptable sort.
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iowriteswords · 2 years
Let's kidnap the Waynes, and Jay Text <3
Let's Kidnap the Waynes:
One man grabs the girl by the waist, and she screams. The sleeping boy opens his eyes just as Joe crouches down to get him. A few sleepy blinks, and then he smiles, sharp and bright and manic. A leg sweeps out, effortless, and Joe finds himself on the floor, uncomfortably reminded of the Joker, that one night they worked together before Joe decided some things were above his pay grade. A gun goes off.
Glancing around proves to be a fascinating mistake. Three of his men are on the floor, unconscious, two of them bleeding profusely. The girl sits on his fourth man’s shoulders, bringing him down with a strange twist. The fifth man is nowhere to be seen.
The larger boy has a gun in one hand, a phone in the other, dialing without looking down at the keys. “Tim,” he says, “you wanna grab the runner?”
Tim gets up off the couch and jogs out of the room, and the girl drops into his spot.
“Commissioner,” the boy says into the phone. “Yeah, I know. Attempted kidnapping, I think. We’re gonna need two, maybe three squad cars?”
A slight pause, and he sighs. “I know. You told me last time. But Bruce won’t let me get a gun license!”
A much longer pause. He rolls his eyes.
“He’ll pay the fine. Come on, you know you can’t give me community service. I’m not stable enough. Like, mentally or whatever. And I’m already in court-mandated therapy. What you gonna do, Jim?”
A heavy thud upstairs.
“Cass, go help Timmy with the body.”
He turns back to the phone. “Yeah, no, I get it. We’ll just—hang on.  I think this goon is conscious.”
The last thing Joe sees in Wayne Manor is a boot approaching his head.
Jay Text (I'm just gonna post the entire thing; it's short):
DickieBird: Some kid stole Bruce’s tires
BarbieGirl: I’m in class, D.
DickieBird: his nighttime tires
BarbieGirl: And suddenly accounting seems unimportant.
DickieBird: His name is jason and i love him. I think we’re gonna keep him.
BarbieGirl: We? Thought you weren’t speaking to Bruce.
DickieBird: Alfred called. I came. Great kid. New brother.
BarbieGirl: you and B are both ridiculous. You cant just keep a random tire thief.
DickieBird: he’s from crime alley. Dad in prison whole life. Mom died 2 years ago. On streets since then. 12. Desperate enough to jack B’s tires.
BarbieGirl: …fine.
DickieBird: Come meet him.
BarbieGirl: Still in class, dick.
DickieBird: Later, I’ll pick you up
BarbieGirl: Is my name still Barbie in your phone?
DickieBird: …maybe?
BarbieGirl: Change it and you can pick me up at 6.
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Thank you all so much for tagging me @papermint-airplane @treason-and-plot @hazely-sims I feel so grateful to have wonderful mutuals like you guys!
Answers are under the cut!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I play Sims 3 the most so I'll answer it for that one. There are so many cool deaths in Sims 3, unfortunately I only experienced a few and in those my favourite is definitely the meteor one. I got this only one time in my 10+ years of playing. I remember it like yesterday, I had just made a new sim, was planning on playing a legacy and sent her to university. I shit you guys not she got hit by a meteor on her first class activity. As that was my only sim, the game was over xD
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Ahh, hard to answer. You kind of have to go with Alpha hair in Sims 3. I remember I used a lot of Alpha cc for sims 2 back in the day. Before MM was this popular. I really do not like alpha cc in clothes for Sims 3 though. I guess a bit of both?
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I never actually felt the need to do that. I personally like exercise and my sims usually are on the active side as well and they keep good shape. I certainly don't mind seeing sims who are a bit on the heavier side around town.
Do you move objects?
Probably not as often as other simmers, tbh. I do build but I don't like clutter. If I feel the need to use it I will, but it doesn't happen often.
Favorite Mod?
Definitely Nrass MC. It just makes it so easier to fix some of the quirks this game can have. Also being able to just makeover townies, is a must for me. Even though I carefully select my randomizable outfits I'll still take them to cas for a touch up.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Ah, hard to remmeber. I think I had open for business in Sims 2 as my first expansion but the first one I specifically saved up money for was Late Night for Sims 3.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Kara Down, had a post dedicated to her a few weeks back and it's here xD
Have you made a simself?
Eh, not on looks exactly like myself but definitely on traits, Kara is pretty much me/my alter ego. I made her when I was 12 and didn't know how much I liked dancing or clubbing xD Realized it after I grew up and got to do those things, haha
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Hmm, there was this hair mutation my only 4 generation legacy had. It was a very nice shade of blonde, I liked that.
Favorite EA hair?
For Sims 3 it's this hair Karen has in this post.
For Sims 2, harder to choose. I love all these ( 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ) my favourite is gonna be the Bella hair.
Favorite life stage?
Always gonna be YA. In every iteration. Loved university stuff in Sims 2 and I love that stage in all other games.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Well, I like building the lots my sims play in. A lot of the cc lots out there have too much clutter and I do not like clutter. Whenever I download a lot I'll end up deleting all those decorations anyway so why bother. Adding the fact that I'm an architect in RL, I just notice, specially in residential lots, some no-no's we were thought in school.
Short answer is, I build them for myself to play in and share just in case if people would like to add my things to their games.
Are you a CC creator?
I haven't dabbled with creating meshes but did some recolours, tattoos, lots or whatever. Am I a cc creator tho? Nah, I just share the stuff I make for myself.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Sim Squad? No. Simblr friends? I would like to think, yes. I consider people I chat regularly under posts as my simblr friends :D
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I am in more control of the town but less in control of my sims these days if that makes sense? I try to do what they would wish to do and leave certain things to their autonomy.
What’s your origin id?
Do not use origin. I have the games on discs and I created their disc images long time ago. I use the no-disc crack for them now as I couldn't set the disc image to work for Sims 3 on this laptop.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I do not have that much cc for sims 3 but first people that comes to my mind are @sweetdevil-sims and @simlicious. Love their edits to simple maxis clothes and simlicious' patterns. They are out of this world in quality! looking at @aroundthesims for some objects I find myself looking for also.
How long have you had simblr?
I think I have been sharing my lots on @simsitecture since 2017 but haven't interacted with the community much back then due to my main blog being something else. I changed this blog to be a simblr I think about a year ago and since then I've been more active here.
How do you edit your pictures?
I have a few actions for brightness and saturation in PS. I use those on images I think that are too dark etc. Nothing else.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Sims 2: Nightlife
Sims 3: Late Night
Sims 4: Get Together
Hmm, think there is a pattern there...
I think most of you guys have already done this but I'll tag some people I haven't seen share this yet. There is no pressure to do this and also if you want to do it and haven't been tagged consider this your tag!
Tagging @simstryingtheirbestok @zergula @ts3strayastray
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circesays · 2 years
Fam I just had the most incredible and stressful 2.5 hours of my goddamn life.
Let me set the scene:
It is 11:30 pm. I’m finishing a shower, remembering that I have a couple of levels left in the Apex Legends season battle pass that I need to finish, as today is the last day before it ends. I quickly realize that I’m at level 106, and I need to be at 110, and even though I have very little left to do to level up, I’m not the greatest at Apex.
So I rush to finish my shower, and dry off as quickly as possible, change, and jump straight into a match. My hair is dripping water, I’m hella uncomfortable, but goddammit I’ve been chipping at this battle pass for months (I didn’t spend money, I just really really liked the level 110 badge aesthetic) and nothing was going to stop me from getting that pass.
That’s when I met my buddy who I’ll be calling D. D and I won a game together, it was fantastic, and the two of us were chatting over the in-game voice call. He asked if we could play together, I told him about my battle pass goal, and the two of us set off to get me my goddamn badge.
Let me set the scene further.
There is an hour and a half left in the season. In order to finish leveling up, I need 4 SMG knocks (which is basically when you damage an enemy enough to “kill them” but their team is still alive and able to get them up) and 5 LMG knocks. These are types of in-game guns.
At one hour left I needed 3 SMG knocks and 4 LMG knocks.
At half an hour left I needed 1 SMG knock and 4 LMG knocks.
At 15 minutes left I needed 3 LMG knocks.
At five minutes left, I needed two.
At 1 minute left, I needed two.
We get into the last game. If I don’t get these knocks, I’ll be stuck at level 109 for this pass for the rest of my Apex career. At this point, I’m practically vibrating out of my skin. We’ve run into so many supportive people at this point- “3rd” players who were helping me get the ammo and guns I needed to win. I was stressed. D was less stressed but still rooting for me. It’s 2 in the goddamn morning, I have a class at 8, but nothing is going to stop me.
I don’t get the knocks. I failed.
I exit the match. The menu loads.
The season hasn’t ended.
D looks it up. The season doesn’t end at 2 am- it ends at 10 am. I just thought it ended at two because Apex doesn’t give you an hourly counter to the seasons end, it just says “0 days left in the season.”
Every muscle in my body fucking melts. In half an hour, I breezed through the dailies and got my badge. It was incredible. It was exhausting. D and I agreed to play more during less stressful times.
Goddammit I could have avoided so much stress if I had just looked up when the season ended.
There’s no real point to this post, honestly. It’s just a fun story because I thought others would enjoy it. I’m so proud of this, which is also kinda silly but I love it. Apex is a huge game in my family and we play together all the time so getting this badge was special to me because it represented incredible moments. And I’m happy I got it.
I’m not kidding when I say that we ran into some very kind people. Many squad mates wished us luck as we bounced from games early, because we couldn’t waste any time being revived. We felt bad abandoning them, but they understood we were on a time limit (even if it wasn’t actually real. Whoops.)
The only guy who was even slightly inconsiderate was a guy who left our game early because we were using our mics. And I respect that. He just left instead of asking us to turn them off. He could have been an asshole about it, but he wasn’t.
Today was a wild ride. Anyways that’s about it. Thanks for the fantastic season (‘•w•)b
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Spy borrower au!
Besides Techno, who else is on the spy squad? Is it a international or national thing? maybe the cold war setting for some extra james bond style angst of the peace depending on them getting the info, dispite Tinies defs not being as patriotic as humans im guessing.
Also, is training all Techno has ever known? Like the red rooms of the black widow? Or is their some past atleast without training, also how old is he? Don't think the organization cares all that much about their age of maturity 😅
Just throwing out some prompts, i am very bored, and all i got is access to wifi and nothing else😑
But i love sending asks here! Get the creative juices flowing🙃
hellooo !!
mm yes i don't talk abt this au enough,,,
okay for the fbi itself (this au takes place in the us cause the fbi is mainly there and i don't want to do any more research than i have to lmaoo) there are quite a few tiny agents, karl and george come up the most. george is actually the reason behind this whole thing staring. i have a prologue in the works but dream and george met when they were young. like, young young. think 3-5
george came from a colony and wandered off during a borrowing trip with an adult (irresponsible adult mind you) and accidentally let dream discover him because he was being too curious)
skeppy is on, ant, sam, hannah, jack, eret, callahan is there but sticks to himself most of the time, tubbo but he builds stuff he doesn't go into the field like ever, fundy, ranbooo <3, phil and then connor :) (there's more but those're background ppl like yk ocs or whatever. insignificant as of now)
i'm actually clueless with where to put wil. do i make him a part of the bad guys or have him be a human fbi agent? i want him big but what field do i put him in????
this is an international thing, like pretty much everywhere has at least a local station with 1-2 tinies working for them,,,
this whole thing is pretty recent because i'm scrambling to make sure george is a reasonable age (ps. he's 27 in this & dream is 25)
the government-tiny thing started in 1999-2001 soo there hasn't been too much conflict as of them starting the whole deal,,,
yep techno hasn't really had enough time to enjoy life, his childhood was filled with fake missions and weapons, which is a good partof the reason why he's emotionally unavailable and overall a very boring person (on the outside, he's still a geek on the inside :])
yess i love the red rooms metaphor. also think lila in the umbrella academy,,,
techno is 19 in this so he was born into the fbi place like he has only known government since he grew up. (so i can avoid writing new characters his mother died during childbirth :'D) (this is completely clashing with techno----for consistency lets say techno has some secret plan to annihilate the government)
yeah no they could care less abt how old someone is. they recruited george and started working on him when he was 5, like c'mon---
thank you for all of these, they're so fun to answer!! they take my mind off things which i love. aaand speaking of which i'm 11 minutes late to class from answering this but it was worth it :D
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To Secure / Risk It All
Chapter 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | | Part 10 | Part 11
SCP-173 had been a nightmare and a half, but they’d finally be able to contain it again. Curt leaned back in his chair in the panic room. All in all, everything had worked out decently well. Sure, Den had died, but she was thankfully the only casualty.
Speaking of, Den floated next him, having found him and deciding to keep him company. Curt would never say it out loud, but he appreciated it.
“So.” He turned to her. “How do you find Kristine?”
Den glanced over to him, shrugging. “She’s funny, that’s for sure. Can’t help but think of Chilly though. I know that’s not fair to her but that’s how it is.”
Curt sighed. “Yeah, it’s gonna take a bit to get used to her. But you guys seem to like her, I think.”
Den chuckled. “She definitely brings back the energy we’ve been missing.”
Curt chuckled with her, slowly getting up from his chair and preparing to head back now that it was safe.
Den’s voice stopped him before he could do so. “Hey, do you know what happened to her? To Chilly?”
Curt paused. It was still hard to believe Chilly just up and left them. And honestly, he wasn’t really obligated to tell them. But as he turned to face Den and saw her worried look, his conscience won. Chilly was Den’s friend too. She deserved to know.
“I… was told she was found innocent, so she was allowed to leave the Foundation. Don’t know anything more than that.”
“Oh, I see…” Den rubbed her arm, her face full of mixed emotions that Curt couldn’t really pin down. Emotions were more Christian’s thing. “Well… good for her I guess.”
His eyes trailed away. “Yeah, I’m happy she’s safe…”
But they both felt something else. Betrayal? Bitterness? Disappointment?
Because he couldn’t face Den, he tried to focus his eyes on literally anything else. Which is why noticed movement on one of the cameras.
“Hey are those Foundation guys moving your corpse?”
Den, broken out of her thoughts, spun around, looking at the screen.
“Oh motherf- they better don’t do shit to my body!”
She zipped away, ghosting right through the wall. Curt decided to was time to meet up with his friends too, and left the panic room.
Christian, Ivan and Kristine were teasing Den as she tried to get her body back from some staff member Curt didn’t bother to remember. Soon enough, they were all back on their way to the D-Class cells. At some point, Ivan and Kristine started arguing. Curt wasn’t sure what started it, but from the snippets of dialog he could make out ‘anime titties’ and ‘Worcestershire sauce’. He was good not knowing, thanks.
Besides, he was too busy thinking thinking to himself to pay attention to him. This whole mess didn’t make sense. Why did Chilly just up and leave like that? Why was it a researcher that took her out of the cell? Why were his main assignments only having his friends get into trouble with SCPs? Sure, trouble was usually part of their usual shenanigans with scenarios, but no one had ever commanded him to do things like this. And why did it feel like no one in the Foundation was doing any work towards uncovering what happened that faithful day that resulted in his friends lying unconscious in a field of dead bodies. It’d been weeks now, shouldn’t they be at least having suspicions? What—
Something bumped into his hip. Startled, Curt looked to his side, meeting Christian’s eyes.
“You good, man?”
Curt blinked. Stared ahead. Ivan and Kristine had gotten into a fist fight with each other that got the two guards with the squad occupied, while Den cheered them on. No one was paying attention to him.
Scratching his neck, Curt put his focus back to Christian and exhaled. “Yeah, just… thinking.”
“Mind sharing with the class?” Christian asked him, bluntly reminding him that Christian was in fact, a therapist.
He cast his look downwards, kicking some loose rubble away.
“It’s just… things aren’t making sense. I feel like I’m overlooking something big. Something… important. Like this goes beyond just our usual stuff.”
Christian waved his hands sarcastically. “Oooooh, what tipped you off? Our shitty hint provider? Chilly being mysteriously taken away? The fact we’re still in this shit ass place?”
Curt couldn’t help but give him a small smile, though he dropped it a second later. “All that and more I guess. I dunno, I guess I just have a lot to think about.”
“Use that brain to prevent us from dying next time, thanks.”
Curt laughed. “Come on, how many times have we died already? It’s not that big a deal, Den’s gonna be back soon enough and—“
Realization hit him. Oh. Oh! Oh god, why didn’t he think of that before? Jesus, is that’s true… then…
“Hey,” Christian’s voice distracted him. His look was more serious now. “you figured something out?”
Curt’s mind was racing, but the guards were finally starting to calm down Ivan and Kristine. He took a deep breath and looked Christian directly in the eyes.
“I think do, yeah, but I gotta confirm it first. Can you do me a favor?”
Christian smirked. “Depends, what’s in it for me?”
“Ribs. Dunno if I can get the McDonald’s one but I’ll try.” Curt smirked back.
“Ehhhhhhh… good enough, what’s it?”
He lowered his voice, almost in a whisper. “Once you’re in the cell, wait about 30 minutes and then cause a distraction.��
“Dawg, you should have started with that, I’m always up for starting shit. I’ll still take the ribs though.” Christian laughed, though his voice was softer than usual too.
“Thanks man.”
It looked like the guards finally succeeded in calming the other two down. Before they continued, Curt leaned towards Christian once more.
“Last thing. I might sound crazy, but don’t trust Kristine yet.”
Christian’s face didn’t change, though his eyes did flicker to her. “Any particular reason?”
“Nah just… a gut feeling.”
“Noted, thanks Curt’s gut.”
They arrived at the D-Class cells. Curt playfully waved them goodbye like usual, though his smile didn’t reach his eyes. The second he walked out, they steeled.
He knew what he had to do.
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