negreabsolut · 1 year
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Claustre en ruïnes del monestir de Sant Llorenç del Mont, antic municipi de Bassegoda, Albanyà, Alta Garrotxa.
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ernestdescalsartwok · 2 years
CLAUSTRE-CATEDRAL-TARRAGONA-PINTURA-ART-CISTER-CAMPANARS-ARCS-FONT-PAISATGES-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: CLAUSTRE-CATEDRAL-TARRAGONA-PINTURA-ART-CISTER-CAMPANARS-ARCS-FONT-PAISATGES-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- El magnífico CLAUSTRE de la CATEDRAL de TARRAGONA con sus campanarios, arcos y la fuente en el centro del patio, con gran influencia del Císter y utilizando algunos de los elementos del antiguo Templo de Augusto, época del Imperio Romano en la ciudad de Tárraco, el espacio que adornan algunos árboles rebosa de paz y sosiego, arquitectura románica y bella distribución de sus elementos, paisaje casi en contraluz que proporciona agradables sombras. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros.
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[from my files]
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"Many times I heard him (Gurdjieff) use the phrase: become an adult for oneself, and its reference to our lineage; it made us feel the bond with our relatives, our responsibility towards our parents, our grandfathers, our whole bloodline – that has influenced us all...... through this work we help our parents and the people around us.
He took great importance to this and said we had to become the parents of our parents by becoming adults for ourselves."
~ Solange Claustres, 'Talking about Gurdjieff'
[Thank you Ian Sanders]
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davidhudson · 2 years
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Pierre Etaix, November 23, 1928 – October 14, 2016.
1983 photo by Jean-François Claustre.
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What are some common Catalan nicknames/do you have any good references for looking up what the nickname for a particular name is? I've been wondering this for a while and your answer about ONA made me realize there were a lot that I still don't know about.
Here are some common nicknames:
For female names:
Eulàlia -> Laia
Meritxell -> Txell
Josefina -> Fina, Fineta
Josepa -> Pepa, Pepeta
Mariona -> Ona. Mariona itself is the diminutive (affectionate form) of Maria.
Elisabet -> Bet
Isabel -> Bel
Concepció or Assumpció -> Ció/Sió
Cecília -> Cília, Cila
Montserrat -> traditionally was Tat, Rat, Rateta (from Montserrateta) or Tona (Montserratona), but nowadays the most common by far is Montse, followed by some distance by Muntsa. This is a recent change (1940s) because it's a direct translation of the Spanish way of shortening names (with the first part of the word, opposite of Catalan which shortens with the last part).
Antònia -> Tona, Toneta
Caterina, Catalina or Carolina -> Lina
Genoveva -> Veva
Francesca -> Cesca, Xesca, Cisca, Xisca, Xeca
Cristina or Agustina -> Tina, Tineta. Nowadays Cristina among young people because of Spanish influence is more commonly shortened to Cris.
Magdalena -> Lena, Malena. Nowadays because of Spanish influence it's most common to hear Magda.
Maria Isabel -> Maribel
Teresa -> Tesa. Nowadays because of Spanish influence you can also hear Tere.
Margarida -> Lida, Guida, Rita. Nowadays because of Spanish influence it's most common to hear Marga, though Rita remains very common.
Anna Maria -> Mia, Ia.
Elionora -> Nora
Misericòrdia -> Coia, Cori
Georgina -> Gina
Carmina (itself a diminutive of Carme) -> Mina
Beatriu -> Triu. Nowadays because of Spanish influence you can also hear Bea, though Triu is still common.
Maria del Claustre -> Tate
For male names:
Joaquim -> Quim, Quimet, Xim, Ximo
Joan -> Jan
Josep -> Pep, Pepet, Jep, Bep, Zep
Antoni -> Toni, Ton, Tonet
Miquel -> Quel
Gabriel -> Biel
Narcís -> Ciset (from the diminutive Narciset)
Francesc -> Cesc, Cesco, Queco, Quico, Xisco, Xesc, Xec
Cristòfol -> Tòfol
Bertomeu -> Tomeu
Hilari -> Lari
Rafael -> Fel, Felet. Nowadays because of Spanish influence it's most common to hear Rafa.
Vicent -> Cento/Sento
Jacint -> Cinto
Jesús -> Xus, and (mostly in the Valencian Country) Xuso and Suso
Alexandre -> Xandre. Nowadays because of Spanish influence it's most common to hear Àlex.
Jordi -> Toti
Pere -> Peric, Perico
Jaume -> Met (from Jaumet)
Isidre -> Sidre, Sidro
Salvador -> Vador, Voro. Nowadays because of Spanish influence it's more common to hear Salva.
To answer your other question, I don't know any place where you can look up the nickname for one specific name, but most of the time you can easily create it yourself. If you need help with any specific name, send me an ask I'll be happy to help.
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beatricecenci · 1 year
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Santiago Rusiñol i Prats (Spanish, 1861-1931)
Claustre de Sant Benet de Bages
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oldsardens · 4 months
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Santiago Rusinol - Claustre de Georges Sand
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en8y · 1 year
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imosirl and chokrypt role systems!
hallucination system (hallu- halluc- or -cination): a gender connected to being a/an [xyz] hallucination, or a hallucinating [xyz]; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, being distressed or distressing, and imosreality!
claustrophobic system (claus- or claustr-): a gender connected to being a claustrophobic [xyz]; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, claustrophobia, and keptity!
a coinfight revenge for @radiomogai !
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points counter: +5 for each term, +2 for a continued revenge chain; for 12 in all!
@kiruliom @radiomogai @liom-archive @buntress @electrosaccharine @3clipse-eats-deodorant @browzerhistory @harts-hoard @petramaeic @honey-makes-mogai @yay-im-a-catgirl @plutobie @madly-motley @role-systems
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dk-thrive · 1 year
You have dogs within you, you must become their master.
You have dogs within you, you must become their master. If you find the animal that is within you, you can understand it. It is not a matter of scolding the animal, it is part of you. You must get to know its nature: it barks, it attacks; but if you understand it, and love it, it will be pleased to serve you, it will not have to be on the defensive, because it will feel loved, understood and it will love you.
— G.I. Gurdjieff, Becoming Conscious with G.I. Gurdjief by Solange Claustres (Eureka Editions, February 20, 2021)  (via Alive on All Channels)
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no-passaran · 1 year
I was tagged by @history-be-written. Thanks!
Favorite color: Purple
Currently reading: The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Last song: Goigs de la Mare de Déu del Claustre as interpreted by Roger Mas
Last series: BBC's Robin Hood
Last movie: Simon Veil, A Woman of the Century (Simone, le voyage du siècle)
Sweet/savory/spicy: savoury
Currently working on: driving license theory exam 😵‍💫
Tagging: @quimerathetraveler @girlwikipedia @minglana @quimerathetraveler and @gaystevenstills if you feel like it
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Solsona Cathedral, Spain (No. 5)
The cathedral is the main church of the bishopric. This cathedral complex not only stands out for its religious significance but also for its artistic-cultural interest.
The collegiate church of Santa María de Solsona was one of the outstanding canonical churches in Catalonia. From the primitive Romanesque church (1070-1163) the three apses, the bell tower, the cloister, the cellar and the dining room of the canons, current "room of the Holy Martyrs", are still preserved. The current cathedral is Gothic, begun in the late thirteenth century and completed in the seventeenth century. To the left of the transept is the chapel of Mercè, with a baroque altarpiece. On the right, there is the chapel where the image of the Virgen del Claustre (patron saint of the city), from the twelfth century, is venerated, cataloged as one of the most important sculptures of Catalan Romanesque.
The outer door of the Church Square is neoclassical (1780) with a relief of St. Augustine in ecstasy. The façade of the Palace Square is Baroque and contains a relief of the Assumption (1769). In this same square is the Episcopal Palace.
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error404vnotfound · 11 months
I know why im sad boy cold in el claustre but why is he also (our calculus teacher)
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mtorne8 · 19 days
Dinàmiques de coneixença per fer amb el claustre en començar el curs I natibergada.cat
En aquest article descobriràs un recull de dinàmiques de coneixença per dur a terme amb el claustre en començar el curs 😉
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danieljacobes · 29 days
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September 13-15, 2024, at Es Claustre, Mahón. Spain.
Paradise. Mediterranean. Concerts. Talks. Groove. Funk. Fusion. Reggae. Soul. Electronic.
The Menorca Groove Festival returns for its 8th edition, celebrating the Balearic gathering of danceable rhythms. The festival champions musical genres like reggae, funk, tribal music, soul, dub, and electronic, all set on the idyllic island of Menorca.
From September 13 to 15, staying true to its original philosophy, the lineup once again includes both emerging and established artists from the Balearic, national, and international scenes. This event promises to be a celebration of danceable music in the magical setting of Es Claustre, located in the historic center of the port of Mahón, Menorca, in the Balearic Islands of Spain.
This year, the festival proudly features Chilean singer Ana Tijoux, known for her unique style blending hip-hop with Latin American music, as the headliner of the 8th edition of the Menorca Groove Festival. The event will bring together several unique acts on the island of Menorca, such as Nickodemus, a DJ, and electronic music producer with global influences, and MIDI Jazz Club, a project that mixes jazz with electronic music. Also performing is Miguel Campello, known for his fusion of flamenco and contemporary music, as well as Jazz Magnetism, who will bring their jazzy style. Finally, Back Yaad and Hanakito will perform on Friday and Saturday nights, respectively, with their sets of dub, Latin, and Afrobeat music, in what promises to be an eclectic edition that once again celebrates the contribution of groove to our popular music.
As a new feature, the festival is reviving its professional workshops aimed at the educational sector within the music industry, the MENORCA TALKs. This section of the festival will kick off in September 2024 with panels such as "Music and Community: The Role of Music Education," "From the Classroom to the Stage: Professional Preparation for Emerging Musicians," and "Island Challenges: Hosting a Music Festival on an Island."
Menorca Groove thanks the support of the Fundació Foment de Turisme de Menorca, Instituts d’Estudis Baleàrics, and Estrella Damm, as well as the collaboration of the Ajuntament de Maó, for making this 8th edition possible.
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If you are into mysterious and folky ethereal vibes with a deep voice, listen to this song: an interpretation of Goigs de la Mare de Déu del Claustre de Solsona with a modern arrangement, by Roger Mas.
Roger Mas is a musician and singer-songwriter from Solsona, Central Catalonia. In this album, he included some traditional songs from his city. This one is a goigs (Catalan prayer songs) dedicated to the patron saint of Solsona, the Madonna of the Cloister.
Lyrics in Catalan and translation to English under the cut.
Puix tant amor ens teniu per ser la nostra Patrona: de la ciutat de Solsona els vostres fills protegiu.
Since you love us so much to be our Patron: of the city of Solsona protect your children.
Quan la terra a l'aspre jou del pecat quedà lligada per no veure-us profanada us amaguen dins d'un pou. Dels claustres on el teniu tothom el títol us dóna. De la ciutat de Solsona els vostres fills protegiu.
When the Earth became linked to the rough yoke of sin in order to not see you profaned you were hidden inside a well. Everyone gives you the title of the cloisters where you have it [the well]. Protect your children of the city of Solsona. Un dia anant-hi a jugar un nen en ses aigües queia; sa mare que mort el creia, així el va sentir cridar: mareta, no us afligiu, que ja tinc qui ajuda em dóna, de la ciutat de Solsona els vostres fills protegiu.
One day, going to play there a child fell in its waters; his mother, who thought him dead, heard him shout like this: "dear mother, don't grieve, for I already have someone who helps me". Protect your children of the city of Solsona.
Els monjos i els habitants, corrent-hi tots de seguida, encara el troben amb vida en vostres sagrades mans. A la imatge, que els somriu, claror una llàntia dóna de la ciutat de Solsona els vostres fills protegiu.
The monks and inhabitants, all of them quickly running there, still found him alive in your holy hands. A lamp illuminates the Image, which smiles at them. Protect your children of the city of Solsona.
Sens cap núvol al cel blau un gran tro causa sorpresa, i queda la llàntia encesa per un llamp que del cel cau. Aquest fet tan expressiu el vostre poder pregona, de la ciutat de Solsona els vostres fills protegiu.
With no cloud in the blue sky a great thunder causes surprise, and the lantern remains lit by a lightning that fell from the sky. Such an expressive event proclaims your power. Protect your children of the city of Solsona.
Puix tant amor ens teniu per ser la nostra Patrona: de la ciutat de Solsona els vostres fills protegiu.
Since you love us so much to be our Patron: Protect your children of the city of Solsona.
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lescroniques · 4 months
La UB se suma a les protestes per la guerra a Gaza
Pedro Arias Redo / lescroniques.com El Claustre de la Universitat de Barcelona ha aprovat elevar a l’equip de govern i al Consell de Govern de la Universitat la Moció de suport a Palestina, presentada per un grup de 45 membres del mateix Claustre. Hi ha hagut 59 vots a favor, 23 en contra i 37 abstencions. En aquest sentit, la universitat s’ha posicionat fermament a favor del poble palestí i…
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