#clean mtb
yayakoishii · 3 months
home is where the heart is | Taiga x Reader
Fandom: Idaten Jump
Pairing: Samejima Taiga x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre/Tags: Mechanic Reader, Light Angst, Love Confessions, Spoilers upto Ep. 17
Summary: In the aftermath of his battle in the limestone tunnel, Taiga is confronted with his own thoughts and your feelings.
A/n: this is just a quick something I wrote because I was feeling a lot of love and appreciation for Taiga while working on one of the episodes. this fic is set after the events of Ep. 17 but is spoiler free for all the events after that. I hope you enjoy this small oneshot <3
also available on ao3!
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Taiga flinched at the sharpness in your voice but did as you told him to. It was obvious from how you were glaring that you were upset. You crouched in front of him, the first aid kit propped open next to you.
Silently, you gestured to him to remove the elbow guards and his shirt. Left in just a tank top, Taiga flushed as you unblinkingly started cleaning his bruises.
"Are you mad at me?" He asked after a few minutes of stony silence. You always talked to him all the time. There was never any uncomfortable silence between the two of you and now… for the first time, you were so upset with him that you refused to talk. Your eyes flicked up to meet his before you looked back at the wounds you were now applying some ointment to. Taiga swallowed the lump in his throat. "Is it because I lost a gold emblem?"
You paused in your ministrations to cast him an incredulous look. "What? Hey, did you hit your head too? Did those bats attack your brains?"
"No!" He was embarrassed at your snappish remark. He didn't need to be reminded of the bats. Honestly, he didn't want to mention it to anyone else but, it had naturally come out when you had demanded an explanation the moment he was back. He could never hide anything from you.
"Do you think I care more about the stupid emblems than you?" You didn't sound upset so much as disappointed in him. Having put on the band-aids on some of the cuts, you closed the box. "If I'm upset, it's because you're hurt."
Taiga didn't know what to say. An apology didn't feel right because it would not be an apology for what you wanted. You probably didn't even expect him to apologise for it, which is why you were upset enough with him in the first place to be silent.
Having tended to Taiga's wounds, you turned your attention to the emblem-less MTB. With a sigh, you started checking all the parts. Taiga shrugged on his shirt as he watched you.
"I'm not mad at you," you said quietly as you worked. "You know I could never stay mad at you."
He knew. You only got angry because you cared. In the first place, Taiga didn't think that Team Sharktooth suited you. You didn't agree to Gabu's demands a lot of the time and yet you always stuck around. He was always afraid that one day you would just up and leave but that hadn't happened yet.
"I think," you paused, turning around slightly to look at him with a bashful look, "if I ever really got upset with you, I would end up leaving."
Taiga silently swore to himself to never upset you. Maybe it was a little selfish of him to ask you to stay in Team Sharktooth but, he had had a crush on you for so long now. Nearly two whole years. Everything was just so easy with you. Talking, spending time, or even sitting in silence. You just understood him like no one else did. You were the one person he really wanted to always stay by his side but… He couldn't say it to you.
You probably didn't feel that way for him and admitting his feelings would only push you further away. No. It was better to maintain the friendship you two had built up over the past two years.
"It seems okay for the most part," you said, patting his MTB as you stood up. Taiga nodded to acknowledge your work; you had scolded him way too many times when he kept thanking you every time you worked on it. "I'll set it for you the next time you have a battle but… you should take it easy for a while. You're still hurt."
"It's just some bruises," he shrugged. They didn't even hurt all that much. The wounds to his heart, mind and pride were much more painful, in his opinion. Taiga prided himself in his abilities as a rider. Of all the things, he never wanted to show you his defeated side. And yet, you didn't look like your view of him had changed even after hearing he had lost. "They don't hurt me, really."
"They might not be hurting you, but they're hurting me," you sniped back, giving him a small glare as you packed up your toolbox. "Seriously. I get that you love to race but please be more careful."
Taiga didn't argue. He just smiled fondly at your worries and agreed, "Alright. I'm sorry for making you upset like this."
"Shut up," you weakly swatted his shoulder. "C'mon. Rooftop?"
"Let's go," Taiga smiled.
The rooftop was your secret place. In one of the buildings close to the X Tower, you and Taiga would go to the rooftops to just talk and look at the stars. You liked it because it was peaceful, but also because so far above, you could pretend that you were in your original world.
The rooftop was empty as usual when the two of you set down the blanket and lied down on it to stare at the sky. You could feel the chill of the night in contrast to the warmth emanating from Taiga's body to your left.
"Hey, Taiga?" You suddenly felt brave. You didn't know what took over you in the moment but it just felt like the right time.
"I…," you swallowed down the nervousness, "I really like you."
You could see him freeze from the corners of your eyes but, it was already too late. Deciding to just say the whole thing, you ploughed on.
"I know you probably don't feel the same way and that's okay. I am not saying this because I'm expecting anything. I… don't know why I'm saying this, to be honest. I was so sure I was going to take this secret to the grave."
You laughed to yourself but abruptly stopped when you felt a familiar hand slip into your own and give it a squeeze.
"I really like you," you smiled warmly, cheeks pink at the silent support he was offering you. A quiet assurance that he liked you too. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even be here."
"That's right," Taiga sounded heavy hearted. "If you hadn't been with us that day… You wouldn't be here in X Zone."
"That too," you turned your head to look at his side profile, "but I meant here, in X City. In Team Sharktooth. I don't listen to Gabu and Gabu doesn't listen to me and we end up fighting all the time but, you never let him kick me out of your group. Honestly, if it wasn't for you, I would have gladly gone away already but…"
Taiga closed his eyes shut, feeling worse with every word you said. He would do anything for you but your one true wish was something he couldn't fulfil.
"This is not our world," you whispered, squeezing his hand a little in fear. "Going off by myself is harder than staying with you guys. I miss home, Taiga. I miss my parents. We've been here so long and, if Gabu stays the same, I'm afraid we're going to be stuck here for the rest of our lives. And I thought… if I had to be stuck here, then I would rather stay where you are."
You trusted him too much, Taiga thought. Or maybe you liked him too much. He couldn't tell, but he felt that you were being stupid. You were brilliant. You would definitely thrive in X Zone even without Team Sharktooth. Even if you decided to leave, Taiga would never let Gabu lay a hand on you. You could live a peaceful life somewhere else but you instead chose to live here because of him?
"You won't be stuck here," Taiga answered after letting the silence stagnate. Briefly, he thought about what he had said to Yamato Shō after their battle. "I… I don't know how, but I have a feeling. Something is going to change in the coming few weeks. And maybe, then we'd be able to go home."
Not that he wanted to. Home was not a place Taiga wanted to go to. He would much rather stay by your side but just because his family was dysfunctional didn't mean that yours had to be too. You had a loving family and a beautiful home– of course you would miss it. Unlike Gabu and he, you actually missed your parents.
"Okay," you smiled at him, squeezing his hand. Taiga let his head turn to face you too. Even under the moonlight of this other world, you looked the same as you had back when the two of you had accidentally got stuck in the mountains in your own world until midnight. That was the day he had started crushing on you but right now, he felt like this was the moment he was starting to fall into something deeper. "Taiga?"
"Yeah?" He stared at you, drinking in the sight of you with an unnecessary urgency, like you would fade in front of his eyes. You did nothing like that. Instead, your body fully turned to face him and capture him in an embrace. You were warm and comforting and Taiga felt his tension crumble into nothing as you held on tight.
"Let's go home together when that happens."
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the-obiwan-for-me · 9 months
Hi! I’ve just read the She Said the Word series again, and I was wondering what domestic life would be like between some of the characters. Bo and Tol’ket, Obitine, Korkie and Aled, for example, but I am also aware both Ursa and Bo-Katan and Korkie and Ahsoka lived together for a while. I’d just love to hear about your idea of what sort of shenanigans they got into, and also basic things like who made caf in the mornings.
I understand this is a lot to ask for and you’re probably much too busy, so there’s no pressure to answer from me.
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful series!!
Hello there! Thank you for being such a fan! I can't believe this summer will be FOUR YEARS since I began writing this series. (To anyone reading this) please never hesitate to ask me questions about this story and these characters. I may have slowed down a lot in churning out content for them, but they are no less dear to me and I LOVE talking about them.
Yes, Ursa and Bo were all but platonic life partners for a long time, even before Pre died, and definitely in the subsequent years between his death and Bo and Tol'ket getting together. Because Ursa had Sabine on Concordia and was away from Alrich, Bo stepped in and helped care for baby Sabine (which we do see in SSTW). Because of how they lived (in barracks on a base) there wasn't a lot of domestic life to be had, but they spent their downtime together when it corresponded.
Korkie and Ahsoka's years together I think were probably a lot like what you would expect between a rich kid and a self sufficient worldly kid living together. Korkie had minimal real life skills and Ahsoka spent the first few months hating living with him because of it. But he eventually begged her to teach him and it got much better from there. His saving grace was being a neat freak and a good student. She taught him the basics of cooking, and then he became an expert home chef, surpassing her very basic skills. Despite preferring tea to caf, like both of his parents, he learned how to make a mean pot of caf so Ahsoka always had a great caf in the mornings. She could never quite master it, to her annoyance (though her caf did get better than the absolute trash she grew up drinking during the war).
I think Obitine's domestic life is probably not one where either one have to perform any real measure of domestic duties. Which is probably for the best. Satine and Bo were raised in a noble family that held a lot of power and both girls were accustom to being cared for. I think they were taught traditional things, which included camp fire cooking and basic Mandalorian cuisine, but they really never had to learn to cook, clean, etc. Obi-Wan, while more sufficient thanks to a young life in the Order, probably still doesn't know a lot more than Satine (just enough to be extremely grating when they were very young, prior to falling in love, and probably for a long time after that, too). But, as adults, as planetary leaders of a thriving society, they don't need to do much other than make some tea and try not to make the lives of the staff that cares for them miserable (with the exception of Obi-Wan leaving clothes everywhere- that's canon- I think they are probably very neat and very easy to work for). Their sweetest, most domestic thing is that they both know how to make each other's tea perfectly, especially Obi-Wan, who can steep it, fix it, and hand it to Satine at exactly the right point.
Bo and Tol'ket live two very different versions of domestic life from the time they marry until we see them again in MTB. Bo is handier than Satine due to her life in Death Watch, but really isn't to be trusted in the kitchen much beyond the basics. But she also is freakishly tidy and a bit of a clean freak. The problem is that Tol'ket lived a very solitary bachelor life and was rarely at home longer than a night's sleep and shower. He is NOT neat and there were some serious growing pains in that respect. It was never enough to cause strife, but he did drive her slightly insane the first couple of years. His apartment they shared was tiny, which only made his bachelor habits more apparent and, at times, obnoxious. After he becomes prime minister and they move into the grander house that comes with that position, it gets easier. There's a very small staff, and some tensions are relieved. Tol'ket does cook (he learned from his grandfather), and enjoys it. Bo makes the caf, especially since she's the early bird in their relationship.
Korkie definitely ends up teaching Aled a lot about domestic life because Aled was a street kid then lived in Protector barracks. He had no clue how to be an adult with his own space nor how to prepare food beyond a sandwich. It was a steep learning curve, but thankfully Korkie is a good teacher.
Thanks again for this fun little thought exercise! Maybe it will jumpstart my brain into writing again!
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sirmariusrenathyr · 2 months
*At some point, Marius went into his room and took a shower. A quick shower, take a breath, hobbies after this, you’re okay. All cleaned and dressed, Marius kneels down like he has done before many times. A prayer, something he hasn’t done in a long time. Short and simple, he had no faith when in this dark land.
For once, the light of his god shined bright on him, but he could feel it wasn’t for good reason. He stared down at the floor*
Rfwnzx Wjsfymdw. N mfaj sjajw xjjs xzhm f inxfuutnsyrjsy ns fqq rd djfwx. N lfaj dtz f xjhtsi hmfshj yt lwtb bmfy qnyyqj lwfhj dtz mfi fsi stb qttp fy dtz.
I apologize, I-
Dtz xuwjfi dtzw qjlx rtwj ymfs dtz xuwjfi ymj btwi tk Qfymfsijw. Dtzw mfsix mfaj gjjs zxji yt xns wfymjw ymfs fni. Ymj xtzsi tk dtz hfqqnsl mjw sfrj inxlzxyx rj. Fsi dtz ifwj ymnsp fgtzy hmfslnsl dtzw kfnym yt xtrjtsj xt bnhpji? Dtz xmtzqi gj mfuud ymfy N’aj ijhniji yt sty yfpj dtzw fgnqnyd yt ymnsp xywfnlmy.
*Marius opens his mouth to speak but instead he’s met with a locked jaw and serious pain in his fangs. A raw animalistic hiss leaves his throat*
Sty ymfy dtz mfaj gjjs ymnspnsl xywfnlmy wjhjsyqd. Fqq dtz’aj gjjs ymnspnsl fgtzy nx ymfy btwxmnujw Xmfw. N ywnji yt uzxm ufxy ymj afrunwnxr xnshj N gjqnjaji ns dtz, Rfwnzx, gzy ymnx N hfs sty nlstwj fsd qtsljw. Dtz fwj f rthpjwd tk ymj hdhqj tk qnkj. Dtz mfaj st mjfwy yt uzru gqtti yt, ufqj kwtr gjnsl zsijfi, st sjji yt gwjfymj, fsi djy dtz xynqq fhy qnpj dtz it. Dtz it ymnslx ymfy dtz fwj sty xzuutxji yt.
*A pained whine is all the vampire can manage to get out as he nods along*
Zsynq dtz qjfws mtb yt gjmfaj dtzwxjqk, N ymnsp f kjb uzsnxmrjsyx sjji yt gj ns twijw.
*A numbness overtakes him. His arms begin to look like gradient black gloves that go up to his elbow. His neck fades into the same gradient color as his arms and something told him that it also happened with his legs. His mouth finally clamps shut. Nothing felt real. He couldn’t feel anything*
Ymjwj. Uwtaj dtzwxjqk yt rj. Ymfy dtz hfs xynqq gj tsj tk rd gjxy
*The light of Lathander is gone in a flash, only the darkness of Druskenwald and the stupid crooked moon that Marius despised so much was there. He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and flops onto the ground. It felt like nothing. His head was pounding though*
*His voice was fucked up. He could barely raise it past a whisper. The headache got worse by the second. Worrying about what just happened but at the same time he deserved it. The mental exhaustion caught up to him and makes him pass out.
Blood spilling on the ground, flowers growing through the dead corpse. Eyes rolled back, mouth agape. Hair soiled with red, where he lies is his forever bed. Once the best, now a living mess, has finally been put to rest.*
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tracksterman · 8 months
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I wanted this monstercross project to run a wide range 11 speed MTB cassette and derailleur without relying on gadgets like tanpans and hanger extensions. The solution was a set of Microshift SB-M110 drop bar levers, specifically designed to work with exactly that drivetrain! The right/rear lever shifts very nicely, positive without being clunky. The paddles work in an opposite fashion to Shimano brifters, though, which took a few rides to get used to.
Unfortunately, Microshift have missed a trick by making the brake lever cable pull compatible with road rather than MTB calipers. I suspect many customers, like me, might be buying these levers so they can use a load of surplus MTB kit to make a heavy duty gravel-ish bike. I've got round this by buying an Avid BB7 road caliper for the front wheel, mounting it on an old MTB BB7 post mount adapter with a 185mm rotor. I'm running the rear MTB BB7 (which I've had for 17 years) with a long pull Cane Creek drop bar lever. It's all good, certainly better than the Spyres I was using last time I tried this.
I like the fact the gear cable exits the shifter externally rather than running under the bar tape. Just make it a bit longer: nice clean run you can easily slip a bar roll behind. Also, the integral barrel adjuster means you don't have to split the outer cable housing and insert a tension adjusting widget to dial out cable slack. Bonus.
If I was being picky I'd like both levers to have a bit more of a bulge on top, to hook my thumbs behind when I'm on the hoods on rough tracks. Overall, though, quite happy so far.
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windcycleworks-nl · 1 year
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WiND84: Bart's Special Allroader - GCX (gravelcrosser)
(English summary below)
Dit is een vervangend frame voor mijn eigen gravelcrosser. Het oude frame was weliswaar nog lang niet versleten, maar niet meer helemaal up-to-date wat betreft de technische details. Daarnaast had ik weer wat ideeën die nodig in de praktijk moesten worden uitgeprobeerd en getest. Dus tijd voor een nieuw frame met voorvork!
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Dit is een Special Allroader frame net als WiND77. Maar waar WiND77 is getuned en opgebouwd als (Allroad-)racer voor het snellere werk op de weg is dit frame getuned voor gebruik als gravelcrosser. Gravelcross betekent in mijn geval in de winter een paar noppige gravelbanden voor een combinatie van asfalt, onverharde wegen en cyclocross / MTB paden en -routes en in de zomer wat snellere gravelbanden voor een combinatie van verharde wegen en gravel, inclusief gebruik tijdens vakanties (aangezien de gemonteerde verzetten wat meer geschikt zijn om mijn 90kg bergop te slepen dan de polderverzetten op WiND77 :) ).
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Het frame heeft de standaardspecificaties van de Special Allroader met o.a. custom mix van Columbus ZONA en LIFE buizen, non-oversized balhoofdbuis, Paragon RVS dropouts voor flatmount remmen en 12x142mm steekas, en ruimte voor banden tot 40-45mm plus modder (ruim voldoende voor het beoogde gebruik). Verder is frame qua details redelijk 'kaal' (geen spatborden, dragers, etc. want niet nodig) en dus mooi clean.
Daarnaast heb ik een ook paar nieuwe (experimentele) elementen toegepast:
Seatstays: 'single-bend' met custom bend rond de band. Dit voornamelijk voor iets andere looks dan de voorgebogen S-bend seatstays. De single-bends vind ik persoonlijk net wat mooier. Voor nieuwe frames zijn beide opties mogelijk.
Voorvork: Ik had al langer het idee om een stalen voorvork te bouwen met wat meer 'optische body' dan de standaard Allroader voorvork zodat deze wat meer in proportie is met de buizen van het frame, maar zonder dat het meteen een hele zware vork wordt. Dit heb ik gedaan door de nieuwe extra dikke (maar niet al te dikwandige) vorkpoten van Columbus zelf te ovaliseren voor extra breedte in zijaanzicht (en juist smaller in vooraanzicht). De poten zijn verbonden met de vorkbuis d.m.v. een 'segmented' constructie aangezien de gebruikelijke constructie met een gelugde kroonhier niet bruikbaar is.
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Interne kabelgeleiding door chainstays en vorkpoot: Interne geleiding van rem- en schakelkabels door de onderbuis is al langer een populaire 'extra' op WiND-frames (mooi en clean met soepele kabelloop rond balhoofdbuis en makkelijk doorvoeren van volledige buitenkabel). Op dit frame heb ik de kabels ook intern door de chainstays en vorkpoot laten lopen. Dat geeft flink wat extra werk, maar blijkt goed te doen en het resultaat is er ook naar (past goed bij het frame (extra clean en organisch zonder externe kabelgeleiders) en geeft een mooie loop van de kabels). Dus vanaf nu beschikbaar als extra voor nieuwe projecten!
Frame en vork zijn gepoedercoat in Ultramarijnblauw (heb ik al gezegd dat ik alle kleuren mooi vind, zolang het maar blauw is ? :) ) en voorlopig opgebouwd met voornamelijk onderdelen van zijn voorganger en uit voorraad. Dat is momenteel nogal een bonte mix van onderdelen op basis van een mechanische 10-speed Shimano aandrijflijn (Ultegra en Deore) met SRAM Rival cranks en mechanische schijfremmen (TRP Spyre). Daarbij heb ik nog een MTB cassette achter de hand voor uitstapjes richting de bergen. Verder o.a. een paar stevige wielen met HOPE RS4 naven en een headset en bottom bracket van Chris King. Ondertussen zoek ik verder naar een nieuwe groep die voldoet aan (zoveel mogelijk van) mijn eisen (o.a. goede kwaliteit en ergonomie, i.c.m. mechanisch schakelen en remmen), maar dat valt nog niet mee ...
Hier staan nog wat foto's van de verse frameset voordat deze werd opgebouwd en bedekt door een laagje gravelstof ...
English summary: My new gravelcross frameset. A Special Allroader with some new features that I wanted to try out (single-bend seatstays, oversized fork legs for nicer visual balance with frame, internal cable routing through chainstays and fork leg). Powdercoated in ultramarine blue and temporarily built up with components from it's predecessor
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jow99 · 1 year
Spring is trying to sprung
Wednesday is Spanish day so we headed off on our mtbs first to get today’s lesson printed out and then to the bar where we meet. The class has got a lot smaller which actually makes it better in some respects and of course we have our excellent teacher, Jose.
After class via an errand or two we headed home for lunch with the Mums. This afternoon was spent doing a few chores at home. We seem to have amassed a pile of washing between the four of us, so that’s kept me busy.
This afternoon I also had my other Spanish lesson. This will be my last one now until June. It was good though to see my teacher and talk about my exam and she’s given me a heap of exercises, etc to keep me going for the next nearly two months.
After class I met Jose and the Mums for a drink at the beach. It was beautiful in the sun so no-one was in a hurry to leave. Dinner at home watching the quiz shows.
Thursday morning Jose and I cycled together again. Another lovely ride in which I ended up sans gilet and with my arm warmers pushed down. We bumped into Marjolein and Linda at second coffee. We hadn’t seen Marjolein since she returned from the Othello trip and we returned from Madrid.
The Mums take themselves out for a walk around the old town and coffee each morning. They’ve become locals at one cafe and the other patrons have started looking out for them coming.
This afternoon the Mums and I broke out a jigsaw that had been purchased while we were in Alcalá while Jose cleaned our bikes ahead of their pre-tour service.
There is a cool breeze about which is stopping us really enjoying lovely spring weather, so this evening the Mums decided not to come out for a drink. So we dropped our bikes off and then headed to the beach. I had got quite warm and taken my vest off, but not long after we sat down for a drink it clouded over and by the time we were heading home there were big spots of rain, so they probably made the right call.
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epicshangrila · 2 years
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What an awesome year of guiding 2022 after the tough 3 years of COVID times for me & my team here in Nepal we Thankyou so much for all the dearest friends who gave us beautiful opportunities to guide you through the Himalayas who supported our small local busines gave us chance to improve & thrive it was awesome to share culture, laughs, smiles, success & toughness through the adventures we look forward sharing the laughs, smiles, pain, toughness & jokes soon again Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou so much you guys are special for us see you soon on the trails & we wish you a very happy holidays 😊😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿 please feel free to tag yourself with the pictures uploaded from the album and we appreciate if you share us with your pictures as well Namaste & Now it's time to clean up the trails soon ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿 Come join our beautiful adventures 🤗🤗🤗😃😃😃 https://vimeo.com/296444094 https://wp.me/p2IcO9-1m https://youtu.be/wl6k8eiH9Nc #getoutandride #explorepage #adventureisoutthere #trailslikethese #outsideisfree #travel #mountains #enduromountainbike #enduromtb #mtbholidays #mtblove #adventure #weridemountainbikes #mtb #mountainbikinglife #mountainbiker #guidelife #trashfreetrails #awesomemtbtrips #mountainbiking #singletrack #mtbtrips #epictrails #jointhetrashmob #mountainlife #mtbtribe #mtbgroups #teamtony #youhavebeenramed #mytravelgram Link for the album https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0S2a6TJUCpxGLNpkdUd2jusDAsB2ssvuWmF4wWecZNaFwuS5U3C2zShLFMJSX8nhKl&id=713311770&mibextid=Nif5oz Link 2 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02awMQR6yaSdGPGXbX5zo589T19JX3R5XaAfT7pyNazoCtrtHJkVhW4Rnfjyhm74Bel&id=713311770&mibextid=Nif5oz (at Epic Shangri la Adventure P. Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClunPByB9pb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pedlaus · 17 days
Dual Suspension Mountain Bikes: Conquer Any Terrain.
Dual suspension mountain bikes, also known as full-suspension bikes, offer a smooth and comfortable ride over rough terrain. With suspension both in the front fork and rear shock, these bikes absorb bumps and shocks, providing better control and reducing rider fatigue.
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The Benefits of Dual Suspension Mountain Bikes
Improved Comfort: Dual suspension bikes provide a smoother ride, reducing strain on your body and allowing you to enjoy longer rides.
Enhanced Control: The suspension system helps maintain traction and stability, giving you better control over your bike, especially on technical terrain.
Increased Confidence: Riding a dual suspension bike can boost your confidence as you tackle challenging trails and obstacles.
Versatility: These bikes are suitable for a wide range of riding styles, from cross-country to downhill.
Types of Dual Suspension Mountain Bikes
Cross-Country (XC): Lightweight and efficient, XC bikes are designed for long-distance riding and climbing.
Trail: Versatile bikes that excel on a variety of terrain, from mellow trails to technical descents.
Enduro: Built for aggressive riding and downhill racing, enduro bikes have more travel and robust components.
Downhill: Specialized bikes designed for steep descents and rough terrain, featuring long travel and downhill-specific components.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dual Suspension Mountain Bike
Suspension Travel: The amount of travel in the front and rear suspension determines the bike's ability to absorb shocks.
Wheel Size: 29-inch wheels offer better roll-over and stability, while 27.5-inch wheels are more maneuverable.
Geometry: The geometry of the bike affects its handling and riding characteristics.
Budget: Dual suspension bikes can be more expensive than hardtail bikes, so set a budget before shopping.
Maintaining Your Dual Suspension Mountain Bike
Regular Maintenance: Keep your bike in top condition with regular maintenance, including cleaning, lubrication, and adjustments.
Shock Servicing: Have your suspension serviced regularly to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Tire Pressure: Maintain proper tire pressure for optimal traction and comfort.
A dual suspension mountain bike can elevate your riding experience and open up new possibilities for adventure. By carefully considering your needs and preferences, you can find the perfect bike to suit your riding style and terrain.
Visit US - https://www.pedl.com.au/collections/dual-suspension-mtb
Contact US - Phone - 0291717860
Timings - 9:30 AM - 6:00PM
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rewiredthethirdblog · 1 month
Kona cinder one i believe got the bike gg. Only had to pay $300 including installation of different saddle and tires parts thanks to the manager and of course the lady who helped put it all together! Excellent value. Didnt check for derailer hanger which is good in case you crash the bike derailer hanger is designed to pop off and brake so the frame isnt binned in case of a crash. The hybrid used tyres i selected are perfect for the bike. I knew by the handling and comfort and directness that the bike was good for me but man so glad i swapped out the old mtb tires (which had small annoying vibrations) to new ones. Holy fuck it makes the frame come alive and so fkn comfy now the bike literally i had no clue would feel this comfy with hybrid tyres on it. The quick release front end got the bike in the car fr but i had to mess with it quite a bit at home to make sure i wasnt damsging the disc brakes when i out it back together.
Gonna look at rj bike guys vids for some things for tommorrow. What i figured out is you leave both ends unscrewed so clamping force isnt too hard and also then spin the wheel with bike upside down and listen make sure disc brake sound is continuously scraping the pad smoothly not every other spin. This is how you know its straight in line correctly. Also dothis with 3/4 clamp for ease you dont have to have full clamp. Now allthats left before riding is a clean round the seatpost etc and saddle screwing in more since it wasnt perfectly tight etc. The girl didnt perfectly tighten it just enough to work but the seat was squiggly left right a bit so ill have to figure out how to edit that tomoz. Or take out seatpost snd do it todsy lol cbf. Also found my head light thingy does it stack with bike helmet? Lol.
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redcliffscloset · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Chrome Industries Womens Size XS Capri Cycling MTB Urban Commuter Pants Gray.
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benefits1986 · 2 months
upgraditis izzitttzzzz
Beep, beep. Sabi ng wonky B. LELS. LULS.
After a round of errands forda death and taxes, eto na po. 'Yung hamunan namin ng tatay kong pakitong-kitong umabot na sa rurok sa ngalan ni Vici. Taccaaaaaaaa. Ganito, 'di talaga ako fan ng upgrades kasi honestly, bobo ako sa lahat ng mekanikal at teknikal na aspeto ng biking. Gusto ko lang talaga siya kasi nakaka-good vibes with gigil 'pag trip ko kahit saan, kahit kailan. Tapos, wala pa akong screentime 'pag nagpe-pedal syempre with hefty tabing-daan pitixxxx from the hip, so solb na solb. Boogsh.
Syempre, tatay kong mukhang road bike and MTB, lagi'ti lagi talagang wagas ang bashing sa inyong noona. 'Di siya pumapalya. Sabi ko naman, wala kasi akong pake sa mga kaganapang pandagal ng bikes forda big boys and big biatches. Kung gusto niya 'yun, e 'di go. Pero, the moment na attack mode siya sa gusto ko na 'di ko naman siya inaano, ibang usapan na 'yan. Tabi. Giba.
Alam ko naman kasi 'yung kabobohan ng foldies kahit 'di ako teknikal or mekanikal being. However, si MatchaME siya na bike ko hanggang sa dulo ng mundo. Period. Forda travel and for Vici. Syempre, lalo na punggok ako kaya need ko talaga 'yung bagay sa kapunggukan ko. Bakit B? Gusto ko kasi 'yung itchura niya. And forda record, wala naman akong alam noon hanggang ngayon sa uniberso ng B. Para lang akong ngawngaw kasi nga, gusto ko lang talaga siya. And so, iyak-iyak tayo sa mga upgrades.
By the way, si Dahon ko, legit na walang upgrades 'yan kasi sobrang hardworking niya. Walang arte. Walang vibe except sa color way na 'di ko rin naman ni-custom. Utilitarian points 100000000. Kaya 'di rin talaga about sa brand ang biking kaguluhan ko. Gusto ko na talaga ibenta 'yang si Dahon pero pigil-pigil dad ko kasi gift niya sa akin 'yan ages ago. Gago ko raw. Sabi ko naman na sa dami ng pinagdaanan namin ni Dahon, it's time to move forward without looking back. EMS. Tampo levels ng tatay kong andropose 1000000000000 din. Ngayon, may panga-agit na siya kung saan, 'di umano, ako'y kaniyang sinasabayan 'pag nag-ride kami with my wonky B. TACCA.
Wala pa talaga kaming laspagan ride na pabebe pa rin nitong si MatchaME. Pero soon bilang the hills and the "Kunat I Kennat" shitshow roads are gonna be my hood all forda greater good. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Paano na ang aging and degenerating kasukasuan ko nito? Abangan.
So 'yun na nga, sa ngalan ng mga algo ng best app ever, tatay ko, nagforward ng mga links. Syempre, legit check mode tayo with init ng ulo na malala. Saktuhan, nadarang tayo na mala-gamu-gamo sa kandila ngayong Sabado. Honestly wala namang masyadong nabago except for some really essential stuff like a rack and a saddle. 'Yung tatay kong makulit at matigas ang ulo, ayaw niya tantanan 'yung stand dahil daw para sturdy 'pag nakasakay si Vici. Me: TACCAAA. Ayaw mong tumigil. Pero, sige. In love, it's better to be kind than to be right. AMEN. The gospel of the lerrddddddzzz tayo diyan kahit sobrang agit ko talaga. Para siyang batang bubwit na pilit mode 100000000000000000000000x.
'Yung rack kasi since overpacker ako saka may mga errands ako tulad ng grocery, pagkain ng mga aso, cleaning supplies at iba pa, sinsulit ko talaga bawat paglabas ko na rare 'pag nasa MNL. Sobrang congested lalo dito these days. Nakakahilo ang maraming tao. O baka andun lang talaga ako sa part na 'pag super daming tao, feeling ko mag-tag team ang avalanche at stampede.
Speaking of the saddle, pinagiisipan ko pa talaga kasi saks lang naman 'yung "stock" saddle ni MatchaME. 'Di siya ergonomic, pero 'di ba, nung bata naman ako, BMX na basic, oks naman na. 'Di rin naman ako nagre-race or whatever so WTH. Eto loko kong ama, sabi siya na raw bahala sa saddle. Kaya 'yung pikon ko kumulo ng malala. Hinamon na naman ako. So, ayun, lalong iyak tayo at wala ng hihinga hanggang sa September.
Makasarili rin talaga tatay ko kasi rason niya is dahil utos ako ng utos na ipasyal si Vici, dapat daw maganda upo niya. Kamot-ulo talaga ako kasi buti kung sa Kilometro ZERO niya dinadala si Vici. E hindi. JUSQ. Jeskelerddd.
Ang totoong rason kung bakit ayaw kong simulan 'tong upgrades is because, chenennnnnnnnnnnn. Curation is addiction. And mas malala kasi ako internal invalidation and validation ang core ko. Opak. May validation na tayo kahit paano. LULSSSS. Ang aga mo na naman. HUY. 'Di kasi ako talaga ma-compare sa iba. Basta dapat oks siya sa pake ko, 'yun. So ang ending, madalas weirdo which I don't give a fuck about. The quirk tworkkkkkssss in my shitshow book talaga since Day 0 e. Wala na akong magagawa doon kasi sobrang tagal ko siyang ni-try to tame and slay (as in patayin). =)))))))
Alsoooo, mejjjjjj malala na po dahil nag-scout na po tayo ng mga B shops sa location na ating liliparin at nakahanap ng "kitchen" kung saan the cooking is the highway to heaven and hell. Tacca. 'Di na yata tats ang souvenirs natin sa trips. Upgrades na munti na. Researching din more and more kung ano bang pros and cons ng pagbitbit natin kay MatchaME sa ibang lugar kasi mhie, 'di rin siya biro talaga. E trust issues ko malala to the point na mas oks ng may well-concealed 30kg akong backpack na ayoko rin i-check in or luggage na 30kg pero akala mo handcarry lang. HAHAHHAHAHA. But, this H2 onward is a test of gradually letting go of my legit trust issues. Maiba naman. Bike insurance, kasado na. Hahahahahaha. Para sure.
Ngayon, ang isa pang bigger topic e paano ba akong drips natin sa ngalan ng biking around the perimeter of that location I shall not name yet. Sa tamang panahon na. Akala mo naman posh location noh? Syempre, practice muna tayo bilang napaka-weak ng PHP sa lahat ng dako. Ang malala pa nito, may naiisip na akong next destination kung saan magaganda ang biking lanes and sceneries. EME. Revenge bike x travel na ba talaga us? WOOT. WOOT. UTUT.
Init ulo ko talaga sa tatay ko kasi niyaya ko siya sa trip kong parating. E sobrang pabebe na, pajeje pa. UGH. Kaya ekis siya though iniisip ko talaga na puwede siyang sumama kaso as a kuripot na naman siya dahil ni-compute niya magagastos 'pag sumama siya and of course, walang magpapakain ng mga doggo babes. HAHAHAHA. As an utusan, very consistent din talaga siya. Sinabi ko rin naman na puwedeng iwan mga doggos sa dog hotel. Aba. Paano raw if may mambully or may sakit 'yung mga kasamang dogs? Me: JUSQQQQQ. Talaga ba? Talagang-talaga lang a. Big brain moment na naman si ungas. LOL.
BTW, dad ko talaga saka ako parang tropa lang mag-hamunan. Ganun talaga kami since bata pa ako. May mga batok moments pa nga kami kung saan ganti ko sa kanya malutong na tampal saka pinunong-pinong kurot. So, ngayon siya na umaayaw. Masakit daw mga ganti ko. Tameme szn na niya now. Baka kasi tumatanda na rin.
Sabi ng tatay ko, mas nakakatakot daw ako sa nanay ko. Saka pati raw lakad at postura ng nanay ko, kuhang-kuha ko. LUH. 'Di puwede 'yun kasi Mother Dragon is super ugh in all levels. Hahahahaha. In fairness naman kasi sa dad ko now, nakukuha na siya sa irap at saka low voice. 'Di lagi, pero minsan I find it magical and insane. Hahahaha. Tapos sasabihin niya na susunod na lang daw siya sa sinasabi ko kesa mahagupit siya. LOL. Again, I'm not bragging about this kasi nga, nanay ko ang pinnacle of ka-terror-an sa household namin kahit dedsss na siya matagal.
Anyway, balik tayo sa errands and prepper mode sa mga avalanche and stampede in a few hours that will become days, dhzaiiii. 'Yung PL ko, worship songs na progressive na levels real quick. Napaka-unholy na naman natin ng Sabbath day, pero, sabi nga, grind it like it's hot. Ganern. Wala e. Upgraditis szn is officially on, kaya naman, eto na ang hindi trending, at hindi pinipilahang tambak ng labada. Taruuuuh!
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bikequeenstown · 6 months
Elevate Your Queenstown MTB Experience with Bike Queenstown's Ultimate Accommodation Indulge in the ultimate MTB Accommodation Queenstown with Bike Queenstown. Select from a range of options, including luxurious chalets, self-catered apartments, and budget-friendly hostel rooms, all equipped with bike storage, wash stations, and complimentary cleaning products for a seamless biking adventure. Leave the details to us, from lift passes to airport transfers, so you can unwind and savor every moment on the trails with absolute peace of mind.
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edithcrawleygirl · 10 months
Best Sunglasses lens color for MTB
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As you gear up for the exhilarating world of mountain biking, there's more to consider than just the trail ahead. Your choice of sunglass lens color can significantly impact your overall biking experience, from enhancing visibility to protecting your eyes from the elements. Join us as we explore the vibrant spectrum of lens colors and unveil the ideal shades for your MTB adventures.
Factors Influencing Lens Color Choice
Lighting Conditions
The lighting conditions on a mountain trail can vary significantly. From shaded forests to open, sunlit paths, choosing a lens color that adapts to these changes is vital.
Trail Type and Terrain
Different trails pose different challenges. Dusty, rocky terrains might require a different lens color compared to lush, tree-covered paths. Matching your lens color to the terrain enhances visibility and safety.
Personal Preference
Ultimately, personal comfort and preference play a significant role. Some riders prefer a warmer tint, while others opt for a neutral shade. Understanding your preference ensures a more enjoyable ride.
Best Sunglass Lens Colors for MTB
Clear or Light Yellow Lenses
Ideal for low-light conditions, clear or light yellow lenses enhance contrast, making obstacles more visible in dimly lit environments.
Rose or Copper Tinted Lenses
Excellent for overcast days, rose or copper tinted lenses provide better depth perception and enhance visibility in varying light conditions.
Smoke or Gray Lenses
A versatile choice, smoke or gray lenses offer natural color perception and are suitable for bright, sunny days on open trails.
Green Lenses
Green lenses are perfect for mixed light conditions. They provide excellent contrast and reduce glare, making them a versatile choice for various terrains.
Special Considerations for Different Conditions
Low Light and Overcast Conditions
In low light or overcast conditions, prioritize lenses with high contrast like yellow or rose to improve visibility.
Bright Sunny Days
Opt for darker lenses like gray or smoke on bright, sunny days to reduce glare and protect your eyes from intense sunlight.
Mixed Light Conditions
Green lenses work well in mixed light conditions, providing a balanced contrast for both shaded and sunlit areas.
Lens Coatings and Their Impact
Anti-Reflective Coating
Reduces glare and reflections, enhancing clarity and comfort during rides.
Polarized Coating
Minimizes glare from reflective surfaces like water or snow, improving overall visibility.
Mirrored Coating
Reflects sunlight away from the eyes, reducing eye strain in bright conditions.
Choosing the Right Sunglasses for MTB
Frame Design and Fit
A secure and comfortable fit is crucial. Look for frames that offer stability during rapid movements.
Ventilation and Anti-fog Features
Opt for sunglasses with adequate ventilation to prevent fogging, ensuring a clear line of sight.
Durability and Impact Resistance
Given the unpredictable nature of mountain trails, choose sunglasses with durable frames and impact-resistant lenses.
Maintenance Tips for MTB Sunglasses
Cleaning and Storage
Regularly clean your lenses with a microfiber cloth and store your sunglasses in a protective case to prevent scratches.
Lens Replacement and Upkeep
Replace lenses if scratched or damaged to maintain optimal visibility. Check and tighten screws regularly for a secure fit.
Popular Sunglass Brands for MTB
Known for their high-performance optics, Oakley offers a range of lens colors suitable for various MTB conditions.
Smith Optics
Smith Optics combines style with functionality, providing lenses that excel in different lighting scenarios.
Specializing in eyewear for extreme sports, 100% offers durable and reliable sunglasses for MTB enthusiasts.
User Reviews and Experiences
Real-world experiences matter. Explore user reviews and gather insights from fellow MTB enthusiasts to understand how different lens colors perform in various scenarios.
In the dynamic realm of mountain biking, where each twist and turn presents a fresh challenge, the significance of choosing the right sunglass lens color cannot be emphasized enough. Consider MRY as an excellent choice for your lens needs, providing a diverse selection of replacement lenses compatible with the mentioned eyewear brands. As you gear up for your upcoming MTB adventure, recognize the transformative potential that MRY replacement lenses carry for your eyewear.
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wifibikesindia · 11 months
Mountain Biking Safety 101: Protecting Yourself and Your MTB Cycle
Introduction: Mountain biking is a thrilling and exhilarating outdoor activity that allows riders to connect with nature while challenging their physical and mental limits. However, just like any adventure sport, mountain biking can be potentially dangerous if safety precautions are not taken seriously. In this guide, we will explore the essential aspects of mountain biking safety and how to protect yourself and your precious MTB cycle.
Bike Selection and Maintenance: The foundation of mountain biking safety lies in the quality and condition of your mountain bike. Wifibikes, being a bicycle seller, should emphasize the importance of choosing the right MTB cycle. Riders must select a bike that matches their skill level, the type of terrain they plan to ride on, and their budget. A good starting point is to consider factors like frame material, suspension type, wheel size, and gear ratios, and Wifibikes can offer expert advice on these choices.
Additionally, regular maintenance of the mountain bike is crucial, including cleaning, lubrication, brake adjustment, and tire inspection, to keep the bike in optimal condition. A well-maintained bike not only ensures a smooth and enjoyable ride but also reduces the risk of accidents caused by mechanical failures.
Safety Gear: Mountain biking can be physically demanding and often unpredictable, so riders should invest in high-quality safety gear.
Helmet: A properly fitting helmet is a non-negotiable safety item.
Gloves: Gloves protect hands from blisters, enhance grip, and can prevent injuries in case of a fall.
Body Armor: For more aggressive riders or those tackling technical terrain, body armor such as chest protectors and elbow/knee pads can provide extra protection.
Eye Protection: Goggles or clear glasses shield the eyes from dust, debris, and branches, ensuring clear vision on the trail.
Skills and Training: These courses can cover fundamental riding techniques, such as body positioning, braking, and cornering, as well as more advanced skills like jumping and navigating technical descents. Experienced instructors can help riders build confidence and make informed decisions on the trail, reducing the risk of accidents.
Trail Selection: Choosing the right trail is essential for a safe mountain biking experience. Wifibikes can provide information on local trail options and their difficulty levels. Encourage rider’s to start with beginner-friendly trails and progress gradually. Riders should be aware of their limits and avoid trails that are beyond their skill level.
Emergency Preparedness: This includes carrying basic tools for bike repairs, a first aid kit, a charged mobile phone, and knowing the location of the nearest medical facilities. Understanding how to perform basic bike repairs like fixing a flat tire or adjusting the brakes is a valuable skill for every mountain biker
Weather Awareness: Mountain weather can change rapidly the importance of checking the weather forecast before heading out on a ride. Riders should be prepared for unexpected weather conditions and know how to respond to rain, snow, or extreme heat. Carrying extra clothing and gear suitable for different weather scenarios is a wise precaution.
 Mountain biking is a thrilling and rewarding sport, but it comes with inherent risks. Wifibikes, as a bicycle seller, has a role to play in promoting mountain biking safety by providing the right equipment and information to riders. By focusing on bike selection and maintenance, safety gear, skills and training, trail selection, riding with others, emergency preparedness, respecting the environment and local regulations, and maintaining weather awareness, riders can enjoy their mountain biking adventures while minimizing potential hazards. Mountain biking can be a safe and enjoyable activity when approached with caution, respect, and proper preparation.
best mtb cycles, best cycle for mens, full suspension mountain bike, gear cycle with disc brake.    
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alexsmith987 · 11 months
Electric MTB Maintenance 9 Tips to Maximizing the Lifespan of Your Electric Mountain Bike
Electric mountain bikes have gained immense popularity in recent years, offering an exhilarating and eco-friendly way to explore the great outdoors. However, effectively utilizing and maintaining your electric mountain bike is fundamental to prolonging its battery life and ensuring optimal performance. In this article, we will provide you with professional insights on how to use and electric mtb correctly to extend its lifespan.
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1. Correct Usage of electric mtb:
When using electric mountain bike, follow these expert tips to maximize its lifespan:
a. Understanding Your electric mtb:
Take the time to read and understand the user manual to familiarize yourself with the bike's features, settings, and limitations. This will not only ensure safe usage but will also help you optimize battery life.
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b. Conserving Battery Power:
Utilize the power-assist levels wisely, especially when riding uphill or facing strong winds. Selecting the appropriate power level will prevent unnecessary strain on the battery and extend its overall runtime.
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c. Smooth and Controlled Riding:
Avoid sudden and aggressive acceleration or braking, as it can put excessive strain on the motor and battery. Aim for smooth and controlled riding, allowing the ebike's power to assist your pedaling.
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2. Extending the Battery Life of Electric mtb:
An electric mountain bike's battery life is a crucial factor that affects its overall performance. Here are expert tips to help you extend emtb battery's lifespan:
a. Avoid Overcharging and Draining:
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b. Store the Battery Correctly:
When storing your bike for prolonged periods, make sure the battery is not exposed to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight. Additionally, consider removing the battery and storing it in a cool and dry place to preserve its longevity.
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c. Regularly Check Battery Connections:
Inspect the battery connections periodically and ensure they are clean and properly connected. Loose or dirty connections can result in inefficient power transfer and potential battery damage.
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3. Daily Maintenance of Your Emtb:
Routine maintenance is essential to keep your electric mountain bike in top condition. Here are some tips to help you maintain your emtb's performance:
a. Keep Your E Mountain Bike Clean:
Regularly clean the bike, paying special attention to the motor and battery areas. Use a mild detergent and soft cloth to remove dirt, grime, and debris that could hinder performance.
b. Check Tire Pressure:
Maintaining optimal tire pressure not only enhances your riding experience but also reduces unnecessary battery stress. Check tire pressure regularly and inflate as necessary following the manufacturer's recommended levels.
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c. Professional Servicing:
Consider scheduling professional servicing sessions to ensure the motor, battery, and other components are functioning correctly. Professionals can identify any issues and provide guidance on extending your e mountain bike 's lifespan.
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By following these expert tips on correct usage, extending battery life, and daily maintenance, you can significantly prolong the lifespan and optimize the performance of your electric mountain bike. Proper care and understanding of your bike's limitations will ensure you have countless enjoyable and eco-friendly adventures for years to come. Remember, a well-maintained electric mtb is a reliable and long-lasting companion!
If you need a electric mountain bikes with excellent battery performance and long battery life, we recommend RANDRIDE Forerunner. The 1000W brushless motor and 48V 20AH lithium battery of this mountain electric bicycle will bring you a new riding experience. Let you move forward bravely on the way to work and exploration.
Click here to check more about this emtb:https://randridebikes.com/products/dual-suspension-electric-mountain-bike
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iamrishikajain · 11 months
How To Maintain Your MTB Bicycle Efficiently?
Owning a mountain bicycle (MTB) opens the door to thrilling adventures on rugged terrains and challenging trails. However, to ensure that your mountain bicycle performs at its best and remains safe to ride, regular maintenance is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into effective strategies for maintaining your MTB bicycle efficiently, so you can enjoy every ride to the fullest.
Keep Your MTB Bicycle Clean
One of the simplest yet most effective maintenance practices for your mountain bicycle is to keep it clean. After each ride, make it a habit to clean your bike thoroughly. Use a gentle detergent or bike-specific cleaner and a soft brush to remove dirt, mud, and debris from the frame, drivetrain, and other components. Regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of grime, which can lead to premature wear and reduced performance.
Inspect and Lubricate the Chain
The chain is a critical component of your MTB bicycle’s drivetrain. Regularly inspect the chain for signs of rust, dirt buildup, or stretching. A stretched chain can cause poor shifting and premature wear on the chainrings and cassette.
Clean the chain using a chain cleaning tool and a degreaser. Once clean, apply a suitable lubricant to ensure smooth and efficient movement. Excess lubricant attracts dirt, so be sure to wipe off any excess after applying.
Check Tire Pressure and Condition
Proper tire pressure is essential for optimal performance and control while riding your mountain bicycle. Check the recommended tire pressure range indicated on the sidewalls of your tires. Underinflated tires can lead to sluggish performance, while overinflated tires may compromise traction.
Regularly inspect the tires for cuts, punctures, or excessive wear. Replace worn-out tires promptly to maintain grip and control on various terrains.
Read More at (Original Source): srmarticles.com
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