#clearly I need to work on editing and conciseness
luxlightly · 11 months
A real statement I heard that's honestly terrifying: "Tik tok forced brands to be more honest and real with people because tik tok doesn't accept fakeness and that's why propaganda doesn't work on us"
This was said by an adult who claimed to study marketing trends. Do...do people actually think those "hey guys!!! checking out these new Doritos™! Hashtag yum am I right?" videos by brands are real? I get so angry at those videos because they're so insidious in their attempt to appear like friends or fellow average people and not scripted actors, going so far as to fake things like poor lighting or stumbling words, but I didn't think anyone actually BOUGHT it.
And before anyone is like "lol just don't go on tik tok", this is clearly not an app specific issue. And I'm sure that plenty of people know better than to think that brand videos are real or assume that, because you can't tell the difference between a real person and an actor, it means that you can't be fooled by propaganda. And I recognize that it's certainly not an issue entirely divided on generational lines. But it is a disturbing trend in advertisement that has consequences, especially for those who grew up with it. Younger people will get freaked out by giving a second of clear audio before speaking in a recording because it sounds "faked" to them. "The millennial pause" indicates pretty clearly "I am filming something and presenting information and making sure that it doesn't get cut off by leaving a second of audio in case something goes wrong and needs to be edited". They don't get it's done intentionally or why and don't like the explanation when they get it. They get freaked out by presentation voices. Or at least find them off-putting. Anything that says "I'm recording this to give information clearly and concisely" reads as disingenuous to people who grew up in a world where advertisers and brands carefully construct a facade of being a "normal, flawed person, just like you! You can totally trust me! Treat me like a person instead of a brand that wants your money!" Intentional imperfection and careful replication of candid endorsements skeeve me out. People like me, who didn't grow up with it, feel weirded out by them. It's a lie and we don't like it. It feels MORE fake because of how clearly it's trying to appear real. But if you've grown up with nothing else, I guess anything that intentionally tells the viewer that the subject is presenting information formally reads as "they have an agenda". Anyone recording has an agenda. Even if that agenda is just "tell people about my new dog". When you stop believing that, you don't get more immune to propaganda, you stop being able to recognize it at all.
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
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this guy, his girlfriend, and their third, the most stunning woman you ever saw who brought the picnic basket
So I was saying as I was watching that this is an odd duck for several reasons, the main gist of it being that it's at once kind of blander than I have a feeling the book is (or indeed the real events were), but also stunningly weird to watch in 2024:
kevin spacey as a rich dude who shoots a young, vulnerable (but also extremely volatile) hustler under somewhat mysterious circumstances, given we don't actually know too much about their relationship beyond the facts given to us by this rich guy and a couple of brief snapshots of the final night -- and he gets away with it (and then he immediately has a heart attack and it's suggested it was the ghost of the young man getting his revenge... alas not all meta is reflected 100% in reality....)
a movie that features a trans woman, who's playing a version of herself, because she was at the original events, but she's also just giving the best performance in the movie + it lowkey ends on the three of them kinda bein a thing (that is, a romantic couple and she is also there and she's the one who brought the picnic basket!) -- which like. you barely see anywhere and certainly wouldn't expect to see in a movie directed by clint eastwood
this not 2024-specific in its interest, but its general depiction of a community which is clearly so interesting in its contained ways, allowing a myriad of people to simply be, whether it be a trans woman or a suggested wider queer community (although for sure that acceptance is Conditional and not held by all), or a guy who ties live horseshoe flies to himself with string, or a guy who walks an invisible dog, or its respected practice of voodoo (i cannot speak to how well this film depicts voodoo, only that it does and as a part-time american gothic, also highly suggests the ghosts are alive and amongst us)
on the flipside of this we've got:
feels like almost all the leads are fully phoning it in. john cusack is truly the fish out of water in that he just doesn't belong here, nor is it clear why he's so interesting to anyone (why do y'all wanna have sex with this man???) -- and he's in practically every scene, yagotta... yagotta have someone you want to follow for two and a half hours here......
the pacing is meeessy, in that "oh yeah this was based on a book and didn't know what to keep and what to leave out and generally how it would work onscreen" kind of way, which ultimately does very few characters a service (except, again, for The Lady, for she pops up, has a great time, and then we wait around for her to pop up again). it does make me want to read the book!
it also just. should have revelled more I think. this is partially casting, partially scripting, but also I think cinematography and directing, it's so at arms length most of the time, like it doesn't really know how to present this community or the gothic parts of the story, so it ends up being a bit hammy and a bit point-at-the-weirdness and go "well that's weird." AGAIN the exception truly is Chablis, she's the realest character in the story, and AGAIN I'd hazard it's because of the fantastic decision to have her in the film playing herself, all the camera needs to do is point and shoot, she's got the rest on lock! the car conversation! the emceeing! the dancing! the courtroom Ensemble! the showing up with a picnic basket! but yeah, the rest of the film seemed a bit... the word that's coming up for me is timid. a bit dull. a bit lacking in guts
ultimately really happy I finally watched this one, I wonder if it would be possible to do a tight edit that cuts off roughly 30-45mins (keep all the Lady Chablis parts, naturally), but I do think it wanted also to just be more open and possibly also to make some more concise decisions on how it wanted to present this story, because I get the feeling the screenplay didn't know how to engage with the original book + it's got some serious 90s "This Is A Movie" elements to it
there's a part of me that thinks this one is actually worthy of a remake (Angelica Ross anyone???) but also what would that be without at least a cameo from The Lady herself? maybe we just need more American Gothic Crime Dramas with trans women doing cool shit in them. the answer is always more!
some highlights beyond The Lady Chablis
the garden itself -- the graveyard that is -- was quite eerie, especially in the opening and closing scenes
the opening and closing generally I was very into, that vibe wasn't sustained so much by the rest of the movie unfortunately
I liked the scene where the rich guy dies, it was a really cool Moment, especially the way jude law smiles -- he got what's coming to him
I did like parts of the courtroom drama part of it, I think that part was relatively well-paced
I liked the woman in the graveyard, who also bookended the whole thing. I liked the minor characters generally
good times! that time clint eastwood gave us the opportunity for one of the most sympathetically and interestingly portrayed trans women in a mainstream movie i guess???
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The things I'm reading about the commentary for RW/BY Vol. 9 have made me want to write this post. It's just something I want to say, regardless of how it most likely retreads old ground or shares sentiment with other posts like it. At least it'll be more concise and filled with less angry ramblings than if I decided to write this last night, when I was first reading everything.
(Just to avoid confusion, I'll be referring to the characters/writers via their initials as a way of censoring them from people who don't wish to see this post. This makes it easier for me and is less annoying than having to put slashes everywhere)
I mainly wanted to focus on two things. One was the hacker crew (as I will "affectionately" dub the writers) deciding to off-screen W telling the rest of RBY of what happened to P and J killing her. The other was of ER saying on Twitter that he (and the rest of the hackers) didn't think R would find issue with J killing P. Anything else from the commentary may or may not have a separate post, it just depends on what is said and if it upsets me enough.
Let's address the second point first because I have something to say. I don't understand ER's logic here. Why did he, and by extension everyone else, think R wouldn't be upset/angry at J for killing P? She has every abso-fucking-lute right to feel that way! I mean, one of her closest friends KILLED another of her closest friends! Disregarding how it was P's choice (which I hate, btw), you mean to say R wouldn't lash out at J, berating him for not trying to find another way or doing more to save P? Even if R understood that the situation was complicated or everything was just going a million miles a second, I can't see her not being incensed at him. Shit like that needs time to process and I can't imagine R to be super calm after hearing that bombshell.
Which leads me to the first point. Why in the fuck did the scene of W telling RBY of said bombshell happen off-screen? Why do the hacker crew INSIST on off-screening important scenes like this? Even if fans want to say they didn't want to reiterate information the audience already knows, they could've made it to where W starts the conversation, fade to black or cut away, and come back to RBY's reactions afterwards. It's not that hard! Do they think scenes that are character-oriented are filler? I just can't understand their reasoning for doing this.
It's at this point I'm saying the writers are downright lazy. I've known for years now that they're not good but I know for sure now they're just lazy. ER can Tweet all he wants that he and the team should've been more clear on certain aspects of the story or they should've thought more on other aspects but the truth is, they didn't WANT to put in the work. It's too much effort for them to put in care for decency's sake so they might as well half-ass it or better yet, just shoot the first idea that comes out of their minds, write it into the story without any revising or editing, and call it a day. Let the fans who actually do more for the story than the writers do put in the work to explaining the plot because clearly, they care about the material and aren't thinking they're hot shit for writing nonsensical bullshit.
It must be nice, getting paid to sit on your ass all day while the animators you overwork and exploit the services of do all the work that you underpay them for. Wish I and the other people who create art, fanfics, videos, etc. could get money for all the promo we give you, whether that's our intention or not. But then again, the harassment we may receive for any fuckups on your end wouldn't be worth the blood money.
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nuklearis-sutotok · 2 years
Some Tips For College:
On Books:
Always check your book prices at other places, college bookstores are ridiculously inflated and they will eat you out of house and home. Amazon can be much cheaper but isn't always the best deal either (Do take advantage of their student prime). Sites like Abebooks and Ebay can save you a bunch. Check with the professor to see if older editions of the text will work (I saved an absurd amount of money on most of my psychology books by getting the previous edition which was essentially exactly the same as the new one).
Likewise renting textbooks will not always save you money.
Check places like Harvard, MIT, Opentextbooks, archive.org, gutenberg.org, libby, and other websites to see if they have your books online for free. Your local library may have access to materials too!
DO NOT carry all of your books. This can weaken your back, neck, and shoulder over time and can lead to permanent nerve damage and injuries years later. Regardless if you feel fine now. Very seldom, if ever, will you need most of your books in class. Try to find some place to store them if you need a lot of the heavier ones.
Digital textbooks can be your friends but be mindful of code errors. Keep your receipts. Always.
Citing and resources:
Your local library may have broader access to websites like ebsco than your college may have. Reference librarians are your friends.
The Purdue Owl Citation tool is also your friend and has tips on how to cite in all formats. Citation rules change regularly, it's good to be up to date on them while in the field.
When doing papers check the backs of your books to make sure the books you are citing are not just citing each other. It's absurd how common this can be, especially in history. If they cite multiple authors it's a little better.
The first rule of order is don't panic. Everyone is nervous, even the guy who is pretending he isn't. Even the people who do this for a living. Try to have some fun with it! It's not the end of the world.
Keep your speeches and your papers concise, list who, what, and where, and be careful of your citations. Use visual aides if you can. Summarize at the end, listing your key points again. 70~ hours from now all your audience will remember is the key points and whatever jokes you told. Two weeks from now all they're going to remember is the summary. Keep it clear.
Move around a little but don't be distracting, just relax, try to keep yourself straight and enunciate your words clearly, make full use of your mouth to accent your projection, you want to be heard but you don't want to seem like you're screaming at people. Typically screaming at your audience unless you're in a play acting the part or being murdered on stage is frowned upon.
Watch speeches. Seriously. Go watch historical speeches on youtube and archive sites, take a glimpse of everybody and the speeches that get remembered. Presidents, movement leaders, world leaders, politicians... Take a look and see what it is that they're doing that is keeping the audience's attention so focused their speech is remembered decades later.
Try not to stress. Yes, you are here to learn, yes, you are paying money and putting in time for your future, you want good grades but not at the expense of your life. The colleges I attended all had the same motto for this, you are paying them, have them help you. If you need something related to the class, e-mail your professor, talk to your advisor, make use of tutor labs, ask your classmates. Not everyone will be helpful but that doesn't mean help is in short supply. It's supposed to be exciting. Do this for you and try not to overburden yourself. If you need to take less classes or drop one until a following semester or find a different teacher don't beat yourself up about it.
Join something fun, the college paper, the theater, the choir, a sports team, anything that gets you connected and a bit of a social life, even if you only hang out with these people in class. Usually they are 1 credit classes that take place in the evening or early mornings so they rarely conflict, but they get your blood plumping, get you some exercise, and can do more for you than you think, just as you can contribute to them.
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content954 · 9 months
The Do's and Don'ts of Copywriting: Common Mistakes to Avoid
Are you tired of your copy falling flat and failing to grab reader's attention? Do you want to avoid those blunders that put off businesses and prospects away from your brand? Well, you are in luck! Read this article and I would teach you all about the do's and don'ts of copywriting to ignite your brand's growth.
The Do's
1. Do you know your audience: Don't try to sell snow to penguins. Understand your target audience, their needs and their language. Speak into their language and watch your brand garner engagement.
2. Do focus on benefits: Instead of listing boring features, highlight how your product or service can solve your readers' problem. Remember, people are more interested in what it is for them not technical jargons.
3. Do keep it simple: Avoid using big words in your copy. Keep your copy clear, concise and easy to read. If your readers need a dictionary by their side when reading your copy, you have officially lost them.
4. Do use humour: Inject some laughter into your copy. A witty joke or a clever pun can make your readers crack a smile and remember your message. But don't go overboard. It is copywriting not a stand up comedy routine.
5. Do edit and proofread: Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors distract readers from your messages. Double check your copy, use grammar tools or get a fresh pair f eyes to review it. Trust me, it is worth the effort.
The Don'ts
1. Don't be generic: Avoid generic phrases like "Revolutionary", "cutting edge" or "world class". They are cliches. Be original and outstanding from the crowd.
2.Don't use excessive jargon: Unless you are writing for a niche group of experts, keep the technical jargons to a minimum. Simplify as possible.
3. Don't ignore the call to action (CTA): Never leave your readers hanging. Clearly direct them towards the next step in achieving your brand's wants: whether it is clicking a button, signing up for a newsletter or subscribe to a channel.
4. Don't plagiarize: Copying someone's else work is a big no! Not only is it unethical but also damage your credibility. Be original, be authentic and let your own voice shine through.
So there you have it, the do's and don'ts of copywriting to ignite your brand's growth. Remember, keep practicing and you would make progress.
Good luck!
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The author kept attacking people that criticized her work and brought her circle to dogpile them so I'm gonna rant a bit here. This fucking article is so bad and it made me think about how leftism doesn't make you immune from misogyny
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WARNING: Indonesian drama. If you're not an Indonesian I don't think this will interest you lol
Like yeah obviously there are examples of debate streamers doing it *coughVAUSHcough* but those people are different from Indonesian dudebros leftism. These people knows sociopolitics/Marxist philosophy more than I do. They clearly read and knowledgable about it. But there's a sense of egoism, thinking that they're above the average Indonesian internet leftist masses because of their knowledge. They disliked feminists that based their views on living experience and non-heavy philosophy books because it's not based on logic, even if the experience is misogyny.
The article was terribly written too. It's confusing to read! This was posted on a pop culture media site and yet this reads like my thesis proposal I wrote on a 3 days deadline. "Ummm ur just too dumb to understand it" baby this isn't a philosphy journal. Alexander Avila made videos about sociology with concept that is beyond my understanding and yet his videos are easily digestible. Even though I have to pause to truly understand, at the end of the day I still get his point. Hell even Hakim, a more serious theory-based leftist YouTubers, is more concise than this writer. I don't get why patriarchy shouldn't be destroyed, there's no explanation about "analyticity", just using big words to appear as an intellectual.
The cherry on top is that this article was written because the writer is FUMING about one (1) feminist writer that said the field of music criticism is male-centric. HOWEVER, what the writer missed is that 1) the feminist writer is someone that worked on art criticism field for 9 YEARS and 2) she didn't link the tweet in the article itself, so readers are supposed to believe the boogeyman feminist she described. Had she linked the tweet, readers would realize that this person did address what the writer was complaining about. Such a terrible journalism practice and I am not surprised that a person like this is currently dogpiling people that are criticizing this article. Leftism can't cure misogyny.
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This is (hopefully) my only callout-format post I will make ever lmao. Compilation of the writer attacking people that criticized her work (PS: this is NOT normal behavior!!!!!):
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(as I'm typing this, she made a new dogpile tweet. And it's towards the same Ann Putri person!! Keep in mind that she already deleted a tweet too... I personally loved Ann's writing and she knew a lot about feminism, but not in the LOGICAL FACTS DESTROYED MARXIST BOOK TIME way that the writer wanted. She's more akin to the feminist writer that she insulted in her article. No wonder why she's obsessed.)
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Compilation of her friends attacking people that criticized her work:
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(apparently Tumblr app has an image limit? Lol. Lmao. Hold on I'll try editing this on web)
Compilation of her giving shade about those darn Indo leftists that can't understand philosophy:
Avoid Indo dudebros leftists at all cost. Insufferable pretentious people. The world needs more philosophy/sociologist writer like Alexander Avila and less like abang abangan fisipol semester 1 like these dipshits.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Tim & Eric Nite Live #7: “Tim and Eric HD” | January 29, 2008 | S01E07
A just okay Tim and Eric Nite Live. I love it on paper, but this one doesn’t really have the huge laughs previous episodes did. During, I think the Valentines watch-along, I remember Tim & Eric describing what it was like to make this show by saying that they’d spend all day shooting stuff for Awesome Show and then they’d “go downstairs” to do this show, live. Those episodes might have actually benefited from the fact that they were a little run down. It probably helped them harness the cantankerousness edge that I think yields so many wonderful gags.
None of what I said might be accurate. In fact: there are some insanely funny episodes to come, and I guess I could chalk this one up to more of an anomaly than anything else. For all I know they were busy busting their humps making season three of Awesome Show and were under the same exact conditions. This one is fine, and perfectly amusing; it just feels like it doesn’t come together in a way that produces the sublime moments that make this show incredible. 
This is the episode where Tim and Eric have a little bit of fun with HD technology. They also announce that Steven Spielberg, the world famous director of Star Wars and Jaws 1-4, is here to direct tonight’s show. Also on hand is Richard Dunn, who is overseeing the technical aspects of the show. Tim and Eric ask him pointed questions about the SD to HD conversion we’re about to experience live on the show, I think expecting Dunn to fumble through it. He delivers solidly concise but clearly nonsensical answers. Dunn was on his toes for this one, and his answers are funny, but I feel like Tim and Eric were trying to wring more out of him than they got. 
While Tim and Eric ask Spielberg about Jaws 5, they do their shtick where they mildly berate him for giving bad answers and ask him to tell better stories. This interaction sometimes can yield really amusing results, but this time it just feels like a repeat. During this interview segment an on-screen but appears for FRUMONDUH SODA, which was a sketch from Leon and Andy, another duo that Bob Odenkirk took a liking to. They had a much smaller presence than Tim and Eric, and not a lot of their material is easy to access these days. We wish Leon well. Andy not so much. If anyone knows Andy’s whereabouts please contact the FBI immediately.
The actual HD segment of the show is the funniest bit of the episode. For some reason it requires a 30 second countdown that needs to be performed flawlessly between two men, so who better to not screw that up than James Quall and David Liebe Hart. Of course DLH, the consummate bozo he is, fucks up big time TWICE. I’m sure Tim and Eric were counting on this, and it’s nice that it paid off. The HD tech doesn’t work correctly, resulting in the image to be incredibly squished. DLH performs his song while in this squished state, a song about how glorious it is to be in HD. Great!
The back half is solid on this one, but I do think that the stuff leading up to the actual HD bit is not their best. This could be the weakest Nite Live episode, and it still ain’t bad at all.
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Volume 5 DVD (January 29, 2008)
Volume Five of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, baby! This has all the episodes from the 2005-2006 season, the one I defiantly call season five even though everyone else calls it season four. Look, I know it’s annoying, but I don’t want to go back and edit all my posts. I’m just going to have to keep being wrong about it.
This one is pretty great as a companion to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie DVD; a LOT of the extras are actually stuff relating to the movie. They also present the 11-minute versions of the Deleted Scenes episode rather than the 30-minute version (that’s on the Movie DVD). There’s also the “Chambraigne” episode of Space Ghost on there, which relates to Carl Wash. My copy of this DVD famously went bad, causing one episode to no longer be playable. Buyer beware.
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e2matrix · 2 months
PhD Scholars' Premier Choice: Comprehensive Writing Assistance from E2MATRIX
Embarking on a PhD journey is both exhilarating and challenging. For scholars navigating this intricate path, E2MATRIX stands out as a beacon of support, offering unparalleled PhD writing assistance designed to ensure academic success.
Why Choose E2MATRIX for PhD Writing Assistance?
E2MATRIX, established in 2013, is renowned for high student satisfaction and quality services through its research centers in Phagwara, Jalandhar, and Mohali. We provide a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the unique needs of PhD scholars, including:
Expert Guidance and Supervision: Receive personalized guidance from experienced professionals throughout your PhD journey.
Tailored Writing Services: Benefit from customized assistance in drafting literature reviews, constructing robust methodologies, and crafting impactful results and discussions.
Publication Assistance: Gain support in selecting appropriate journals, adhering to submission guidelines, and addressing reviewers' comments to increase your chances of acceptance.
Advanced Research Tools and Technologies: Stay at the forefront of your field with expertise in AI/ML, Blockchain, IoT, and Cloud technologies.
Comprehensive Thesis Support: Receive extensive support in structuring, proofreading, and editing your thesis to meet the highest academic standards.
Workshops and Training Sessions: Enhance your skills with regular sessions on various aspects of research and writing.
Phases for PhD Completion
Understanding the various phases of PhD completion is essential for a structured and successful journey. Here's an outline of the key phases involved:
Preparation of Research Proposal: The research proposal is the cornerstone of a PhD project. It outlines the research title, background, rationale, questions, and methodology, along with a time schedule and work plan. Crafting a compelling research proposal is crucial as it sets the direction for the entire research process.
Literature Review: The literature review is a critical section that provides a comprehensive overview of existing research related to the scholar's topic. E2MATRIX guides scholars in conducting thorough literature reviews and synthesizing relevant studies to establish a solid foundation for their research.
Methodology of Research: The methodology section outlines the research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques. E2MATRIX assists scholars in selecting appropriate methodologies and ensuring their research design is robust and scientifically sound.
Results and Discussion: Presenting and interpreting research findings effectively is crucial for a successful thesis. E2MATRIX provides guidance on organizing results, including appropriate data visualization and clear, concise discussions that highlight the significance and implications of the findings.
Thesis & Dissertation: E2MATRIX offers comprehensive support in drafting, structuring, and refining the thesis. This includes assistance with writing, editing, and formatting to ensure the final document meets academic standards.
Viva-Voce Preparation: The viva-voce is the final oral defense of the thesis. E2MATRIX prepares scholars for this critical stage by conducting mock sessions, providing feedback, and helping them anticipate and respond to potential questions effectively.
The Importance of Research-Proposal and its Definition
A well-crafted research proposal is fundamental to securing approval for a PhD project. It defines the scope, objectives, and significance of the research. E2MATRIX emphasizes the importance of a clear and concise research proposal, guiding scholars in articulating their research goals and justifying the need for their study.
Research-Title, Background, and Rationale
Choosing a precise and impactful research title, providing a thorough background, and clearly stating the rationale are key components of a research proposal. E2MATRIX assists scholars in refining these elements to ensure their research is focused, relevant, and contributes significantly to the existing body of knowledge.
For PhD scholars aspiring to achieve academic excellence, E2MATRIX offers a comprehensive, reliable, and supportive environment. With a commitment to quality and a focus on innovation, E2MATRIX ensures that scholars receive the best possible assistance at every stage of their PhD journey. Explore the extensive range of services offered by E2MATRIX and take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling academic career.
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sleepy-ogre · 3 months
1:38 pm, Fri, 28th June, 2024
So today I had an online class as a part of (or more like the only part of) some sort of internship program on mood related disorders. And it's triggered so many thoughts in me. Going through the symptoms and case studies got me thinking all over again about my own condition, coz I do personally feel depressed quite a lot. I really feel the need to consult someone but I really can't at the moment coz one, I don't have any money and two, neither does my family at the moment.
This really got me wondering about how much of a challenge it can be to simply talk to a counsellor. And it further lead to me spiralling into an existential crisis yet again about what is it that I'm doing with my life rn and that I better find me a side hustle coz unless someone has generational wealth, it really isn't feasible to be working simply as a therapist.
And I've got some ideas, I was considering writing and starting up a film blog but neither do I consider myself to be an eloquent writer (who can present their thoughts clearly and concisely, this is a crucial part of writing skills to me) nor do I have deep knowledge on film theory.
I was also considering maybe trying to learn coding coz it's almost a requirement nowadays but it feels like such a random choice since I really don't have much insight on anything computer science related. Neither have I really pulled my bootstraps up to try to learn atleast the basics from the countless free resources online.
I've also had this crazy idea of being a video essayist since I feel i've learnt more from video essays than actual school. But idk how to write a script, idk how to edit and I'm pretty sure a lot of it will require money. Neither am I a good enough speaker. Plus I'm really not sure abt what is it that I can bring to the table should I choose this. And I still haven't figured out the ethics of it all given as of now, I want to get into the line of therapy.
Ig I'll just end up like most ppl who end up in teaching or instructing as a side hustle or main hustle :/
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shivam95 · 3 months
MBA GMAT Waiver Applications: A Complete Guide For Your Application in 2024
When applying for an MBA program, many aspiring business leaders face the challenge of meeting the standardized test score requirements, particularly the GMAT. But, some exceptional candidates may not need to take the GMAT due to their exceptional academic and professional backgrounds. In such cases, a GMAT waiver request letter can be a crucial component of the MBA application process. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling MBA GMAT waiver letter that effectively communicates your qualifications and readiness for an MBA program.
Understanding the MBA GMAT Waiver Policy
Before diving into the letter, must to research the MBA GMAT waiver policy of the school you are applying to. Understand the eligibility criteria, required documentation, and submission deadlines to ensure you meet all necessary requirements. Each school has its unique criteria for accepting case-by-case waivers, so it is crucial to tailor your letter to each school's specific needs.
Tips for Writing a Compelling MBA GMAT Waiver Letter
Clearly State Your Purpose: Begin your letter by clearly stating the purpose of your request and introducing yourself. This should include a brief overview of your background and qualifications that make you eligible for a GMAT waiver.
Highlight Your Strengths: Emphasize your strengths and achievements that align with the criteria for a GMAT waiver. This includes exceptional work experience, high GPA scores, advanced degrees, and relevant certifications.
Quantify Your Achievements: Use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements and show your impact. For example, instead of saying, "I increased sales," say, "I increased sales by 25% within six months."
Show Your Passion for the Program: Express your genuine interest in the MBA program and how it aligns with your career goals. This demonstrates your commitment to the program and your willingness to put in the effort required to succeed.
Keep it Concise and Well-Structured: Ensure your letter is well-structured, concise, and free of errors. Avoid rambling or including irrelevant information.
Use a Professional Tone: Use a professional tone throughout the letter, avoiding jargon and overly technical language. This will help you stand out as a strong candidate.
Proofread and Edit: Carefully proofread and edit your letter to ensure it is error-free and flows smoothly. This will help you make a positive impression on the admissions committee.
Top B-schools Offering MBA GMAT Waiver
Here are the key points on the top business schools offering MBA GMAT waiver:
UVA Darden:
Accepts several standardized tests including GMAT, GRE, Executive Assessment, MCAT and LSAT. Candidates can submit a test waiver as a pilot for the 2020/21 cycle, especially those with strong academic/work experience.
Michigan Ross:
Enables students with over 4 years of work experience to apply for a GMAT/GRE waiver, if they also have an advanced degree and high marks in 4+ quantitative courses.
Carnegie Mellon Tepper:
Offering a test score waiver for the current academic year, granted on a case-by-case basis to qualified candidates who can show math preparedness through an online course.
Georgetown McDonough:
Offering a waiver if applicants are having issues accessing the online exam, but they cannot have taken a GMAT/GRE/EA exam in the past 5 years.
UNC Kenan-Flagler:
Offers a GMAT waiver for those with a 3.2+ GPA in a business, economics, analytics, or STEM advanced degree, or 5+ years of managerial experience in a quantitative field.
Cornell Johnson:
Offering a waiver, without negative bias, in response to COVID-19 hardships. Applicants must submit a short 100-word essay on their circumstances.
Kelley School of Indiana University:
Candidates can apply for a waiver by submitting evidence of academic qualifications, such as previous degrees or analytical work experience, in a 500-word statement.
Benefits of Applying to GMAT Waiver Programs
Applying to MBA GMAT waiver programs can be very helpful for people who want to get an MBA. Here are some of the benefits:
Less Stress: You won't have to worry about taking the GMAT exam, which can be very stressful.
More Flexibility: You can focus on other parts of your application, like your work experience and skills.
More Diverse Group of Applicants: GMAT waivers can help attract people from different backgrounds and with different levels of experience.
Better Evaluation: The school will look at more than just your GMAT score to decide if you're a good fit for the program.
More Opportunities: GMAT waivers can help people who might not have the money or resources to prepare for the GMAT.
More Holistic Evaluation: The school will consider many factors, not just your GMAT score, to decide if you're a good fit for the program.
Help for International Students: GMAT waivers can be especially helpful for international students who might face challenges preparing for the GMAT.
More Competitive Applications: By showing your strengths and achievements in other ways, you can make your application stand out.
More Career Opportunities: GMAT waivers can open up more career opportunities for you.
More Flexibility in the Application Process: You can focus on other parts of your application, like your statement of purpose and letters of recommendation.
A well-written MBA GMAT waiver letter can be a powerful tool in your MBA application process. By highlighting your strengths, achievements, and qualifications, you can effectively communicate your readiness for an MBA program without the need for a GMAT score. Remember to tailor your letter to each school's specific criteria and requirements, and ensure it is concise, well-structured, and free of errors. With a compelling GMAT waiver letter, you can increase your chances of admission to your desired MBA program.
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jlacca · 9 months
Final Reflection
Compare and contrast your movie reviews with your production project.
While making each movie review, it was important to stay away from plot summary. A movie review is an analysis of a film by a critic, in this case being me. My reviews aim to inform the viewer about potential strengths and weaknesses the movie contains. I would explain certain shots and angels, sound, acting, or scenes from a movie but not have to describe scenes leading up or closing out the movie. While making my stop motion production I was able to identify differences immediately. Taking nearly many photos of each piece moving began tedious and I have never done something like this before. The stop motion film tells more of a story than any movie review. Both the stop motion production and movie reviews needed a script of some sort to think about before either getting behind the camera or positioning a piece in the production. While the movie reviews do not summarize, the stop motion film. Lastly the audience of a movie review is able to express opinions and analyze the content while the audience of the stop motion films are engaged through the storytelling and animations.
How have your production skills grown over the semester?
As the semester went on, I defiantly was able to grow my production skills. As I continued to make movie reviews and even flip response videos I was able to see how important each clip is to talk in a concise manner. My first videos displayed longer explanations and as the semester went on I was able to trim things down. As for editing I have grown a lot, learning how to use pictures, videos, crop clips or pictures and intros or outros. My skills behind the camera and computer have definitely grown.
As the “director” of these projects, what was most important to you as you put them together?
As I put together my video projects whether it be a flip response or a movie review there were many things to accomplish. If it was a flip review, I wanted to make sure I was answering the question without a verbose and long answer. As for the movie reviews It was most important to talk clearly and carefully.
Do you feel you reached those goals?
I definitely have reached some goals. I have become a lot less scared of being behind the camera. I now know how to edit many different styles of content such as a review, a stop motion video and create online interactive websites such as a genially.
What, in your opinion, is the most important concept or skill you learned during this course?
Like I have already mentioned the skill of being able to speak concise and clear behind the camera is very important. As our world continues to shift digitally I think this skill will help every student who took this course. I know many people who work on the computer and have many important meetings over a zoom call or a different style call.
If you had to take the course again, what would you do differently?
As for movie reviews I would have taken more time to understand each clip, scene, camera angel or sound to explain to the audience. I would have also structured my reviews better to allow a better flow for each video. Working on the case study and production project were my two favorite assignments of the semester.
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assignmentskills · 11 months
10 Secrets to Writing Faster and Better Assignments
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Writing assignments can often feel like an uphill battle. We've all been there, staring at a blank page, wondering where to start. But fear not! In this article, we're going to unlock the secrets to help you write assignments faster and better.
Whether you need assignment writing help or are seeking an assignment writing service, these tips will be your guiding light. Let's dive in!
1. Understand the Assignment Requirements
Before you start typing away, take a moment to fully comprehend what the assignment is asking for. Read the instructions carefully, identify the key components, and make a checklist. Knowing what's expected is the first step in crafting a great assignment.
1.1 Break Down the Assignment
Break down the task into smaller, manageable parts. This will make the project seem less overwhelming and help you maintain focus. Divide and conquer!
1.2 Use Keywords
Identify the essential keywords or phrases in the assignment instructions. These will guide your research and writing, ensuring you're on the right track.
2. Research Smartly
Efficient research is the foundation of any excellent assignment. Instead of aimlessly browsing the internet, follow these guidelines to save time and gather valuable information.
2.1 Start with Reputable Sources
Look for information from trustworthy sources. Academic journals, books, and reputable websites should be your go-to. Avoid Wikipedia for academic references.
2.2 Take Notes Strategically
When reading through sources, jot down relevant points and ideas. Make sure to note the source's citation details to save time during referencing.
3. Plan and Organize
Don't skip this crucial step. Planning and organizing your assignment can significantly boost your writing speed and quality.
3.1 Create an Outline
Before you start writing, create a clear outline. Include your introduction, main points, and conclusion. This will serve as your roadmap.
3.2 Time Management
Set aside specific time blocks for your assignment. Avoid procrastination by breaking your work into manageable time slots.
4. Write Concisely and Clearly
Once you begin writing, aim for clarity and conciseness. Your reader should easily understand your ideas.
4.1 Active Voice
Use the active voice to make your writing more engaging. For example, instead of saying, "Mistakes were made," say, "I made mistakes."
4.2 Eliminate Fluff
Cut unnecessary words and sentences. Be clear and to the point. Avoid verbosity that can confuse your readers.
5. Edit and Proofread
Don't underestimate the power of editing and proofreading. It's the final touch that can transform a good assignment into an outstanding one.
5.1 Read Aloud
Reading your assignment aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing and errors that you might have missed.
5.2 Peer Review
Get a friend or classmate to review your assignment. Fresh eyes can spot mistakes you might overlook.
6. Use Assignment In Need
If you're in a time crunch or need assignment writing help, consider using Assignment In Need, a reputable assignment writing service. Their expert writers can provide high-quality assignments, ensuring you meet your deadlines and academic goals.
7. Seek Feedback
Don't be afraid to ask your instructor or peers for feedback on your assignments. Constructive criticism can help you improve your writing skills.
8. Revise and Rewrite
After receiving feedback, be open to revisions. Rewriting certain parts can significantly enhance your assignment's quality.
9. Time for Self-Care
Remember to take breaks and practice self-care. Writing non-stop can lead to burnout. A fresh mind will produce better work.
10. Stay Consistent
Consistency is key to becoming a proficient assignment writer. Practice these secrets regularly, and you'll see improvements over time.
In conclusion, writing assignments doesn't have to be a dreaded task. By understanding the requirements, researching efficiently, planning, and following these secrets, you can write assignments faster and better. And if you ever find yourself in need of assignment writing services, don't hesitate to reach out to Assignment In Need. Writing assignments will become a breeze with these tips in your arsenal. So, go ahead and tackle your assignments with confidence!
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W8 - Activities
Task 1: Categories
Crochet Hooks
Archie Comic
Get Your Shit Together
Poem Tag
TESTING - Different mediums and methods
Trinket Tray
Dried Flowers
SETTING THE SCENE - My environment
Tea Bag
Laptop Sleeve
PERSONAL IDENTITY ITEMS - Things that make me me
Humpty Dumpty Necklace
Never Let Me Go
Task 2: Typology
What do your current categories tell you about the elements contained in them?
I think there is an aura of sentimentality within my items. For example, my category about inspirations is not just general inspirations, but rather my very first exposures to design from when I was younger. Also, my personal items are each special in their own way.
What underpins your categorisations? Are the elements grouped by a key characteristic, material or medium – or something else? e.g. typography, fluid type, poster design, etc?
I created my categories based on how I came up with my objects - with the idea of creating a toolkit. What are the literal tools and materials I need to make design? What are the things that allow me to be creative? Etc...
What do you these categories tell you about your selection methods, influences and biases?
I tend to want to choose items that look random and unassociated to each other at first glance. However there are always connections, for example several of my items are linked to a time where I was living in Canada before I moved to NZ.
What might these categories tell you about you as an individual, and your design practice?
I design with my family in mind. Everything I know is because of how I was raised, and the kinds of cultures that informed my family life. These things trickle into everything I create.
When seen together, what story do these elements and their categorisation tell an audience?
At first glance, the elements look random. Once reading the descriptions, however, it is clear that there are several deep connections between objects, and how some an only exist with the others. People also say that intentionally making something look random is one of the hardest things to do, so that must say something about how these objects came together in the first place...
Task 3: Overall approach
Does your re-examination of typologies and approaches to classification suggest changes? Do all the elements fit in one category? Should they? Is this coherent or is  it limiting?
I believe I have done well in categorising my elements. As I was sorting them, each decision came quickly, and if it didn't, I made a new category that consecutive items also naturally fit into.
Does a category need be added? Or removed?
5 categories might be a lot, so I might revisit this in the near future. However, it is working fine for now (why fix something that isn't broken?).
Are there blind spots in your selection, editing or approach?
The only element I am worried does not clearly fit into its category is Dried Flowers into Testing. Although I have a rationale behind it, it may not be interpreted correctly by a viewer.
Task 4: Graphic system
Is the graphic system coherent? Overall, would it make sense to someone with no knowledge of you, your design work and chosen elements?
Is it effective?
Is it efficient?
Is it clear, concise and compelling?
Is it the most appropriate design solution for your selected elements, and categories or classifications systems? What other graphic systems could you research and experiment with?
Does it speak to your preferences and strengths as a designer? 
Does it take a unique approach to the assignment reflective of you as an individual?
Yes. I have incorporated my ideas about 'versions' and 'collections', which have led me to the design decision to remove the literal items from my poster, and replace them with 20 similar crocheted shapes that better communicate the idea of a cohesive collection working together to represent one concept or philosophy. This is pushing the boundaries of the brief, but I believe my rationale is strong enough to back this decision up.
How does it create appropriate connections with relevant creative communities? 
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againtodreaming · 1 year
heyy, for the weirder ask game :3
how do you take your coffee?
what type of person are you?
what kind of day is it?
Thank you so much, Johnny!! <333
so this is really late and answers under the cut bc it turned out so long, sorry!!
Complicated answer bc I actually don't really drink coffee? Ashdjdksj. Like, putting aside the fact that I need to do a special diet due to a disease and the special diet prohibits coffee, I never really liked coffee, too bitter for me (^◇^;). But, I do drink it sometimes when I need to stay awake really late to do homework/study (which technically breaks my diet but I can technically break it once a month plus, emergency situation). Those times I drink it with coconut milk, either coconut/maple/agave syrup or coconut sugar (small amount bc I don't like it when drinks are too sweet), and vanilla.
Type of person...hmm...I'm a human person? Wait, let me think...((went to ask some of my siblings this for some inspiration, one said that i'm "boring (not my fault none of my siblings like to read 🙄), overthinks every little thing all the time (unfortunately true, although during the last year I've just started to being really direct and open to try to avoid spiraling too much), and passionate (she was clearly refraining from bringing up all the times i have annoyed her by talking non-stop about whatever fandom i'm obsessed at the moment or about my wips asdfghj) (she also added later "sighs a lot" which like?!? she's the one who delights on annoying me?!? on purpose!?!) " another one just agreed with boring and then said smth i'm still trying to figure out bc she refused to elaborate so now i'm really confused, and another one just said "you are a Mila" which, okay, at least that answer had more originality than the 2nd one lol))...this is why typology is useful lmao. Okay!! ...this is getting too long ay, sorry, finishing this, I would say I'm trying to go back to being a person after becoming a complete disaster and just not living at all except inside my head basically all my teenage years (which coincided with moving countries, yippee/s) (the moving countries thing was actually the main factor why i was too overwhelmed and other stuff to be able to deal with real life at all lol) (don't get me wrong, i'm really grateful for the moving countries thing, it was just really tough and still dealing with it). Always felt like I didn't fit in during my whole childhood (i did have a good group of friends tho) and that feeling just got super amplified after moving countries lol. All my old friends have remarked that I tend to be really quiet and shy at first (was literally the quietest in class, even the other shy girls opened up by the end of primary school) but after we have known each other for a while, I become super talkative (...I also tend to talk really fast asdfghj, so many amazed comments or complains or pls could u slow down's 😅) (i don't really notice when i go fast unless i've taken coffee bc then, i do go SUPER fast and i have no idea how to slow down) (if possible, i tend to speed up any video I'm watching to 1.5x or 1.75 or 2.0x) (my sister complains that i'm messing up the songs by doing that lol) (...at this point, i feel like i need to add that i'm also the type of person who doesn't know how to get to the point fast and just goes in a huge messy doodle of a labyrinth as a road to get to the point and the journey is usually necessary to my efforts to illustrate the point bc if not, smth would feel like it's missing ig?? i have no idea how to articulate myself fast and concise anyway, so envious of the people who can, so apologies for the huge paragraph asdfghj) (i either talk too little or too much, have tried somewhere to fall somewhere in between but just didn't work, felt too edited and not genuine)
What kind of day it is…I don't know if you have ever tried to surf, I never really learned learned, but my dad did try to teach me a little of it one summer in Peru (with the small waves and a small swimming board), and it was a lot of try and fail and whenever we did it wrong, the wave would yank you and you needed to hold your breath and like, protect yourself ofc, but you also needed to just surrender to the force of the wave and let yourself being spun around until you were close enough to the most shallow part with sand and only then, you were able to force yourself to a stop and stand up. So yeah, that feeling of being dragged underneath the water, where everything feels so fast but slow and blurry and blue and out of your control but the world keeps moving, spinning, pushing you forward, and really, you just need to let the wave finish its course before you are back to the surface where everything feels more real-crisp-sunlight bright and you are finally able to pause long enough to catch your breath…it's sort of like that this week. The wave will pass though.
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demigodforfend · 1 year
Twilight of the Demigods: Forfend Edition - Session 21
Forfend rushed as quickly as it could, its feet pounding across Cragwall's cobblestone streets.
Kairi whisked along beside it much more quietly, but with no less urgency.
Ahead, the guard barracks carved a dark black blot out of the navy blue sky.
A dim light highlighted Melzaryn and Kagoshi standing in front of it.
Forfend couldn't tell where the light was coming from. Did one of them have a lantern? They could both see in the dark.
As it approached, it saw the truth.
Melzaryn's eyes were glowing a piercing white.
He looked up. "Glad you're here. Secret tunnel. Hidden switch."
"Where the hell is it?" Kagoshi gruffed, smacking randomly at the stone wall of the guard barracks.
Melzaryn stepped on a particular cobblestone and pushed a particular brick. Both shifted slightly.
A rune briefly glowed on the brick. A plume of green smoke hissed forth, straight into Melzaryn's face.
Melzaryn reeled back, coughing. He swore under his breath. "Yeah, that should've been expected."
The brick slid back into place. Nothing else happened.
"Alright, I've done my work. Somebody else figure this out," Melzaryn wheezed.
"And how do we do that?!" Kagoshi snapped.
Forfend knocked on the stone wall and cobblestone pathway where Melzaryn had been standing. A hollowness emanated.
"Smash a hole in it," it decided.
There was no time to worry about property damage or permissions. Duncan was in trouble.
"That I can do!" Kagoshi agreed, grinning wildly. "Melzaryn turn around."
Forfend stepped back as Kagoshi pounded fists into stone.
Melzaryn visibly winced at the destruction. He turned and shielded his eyes.
Kairi stared off into the distance, squinting back the way they'd came. "Did he run this whole way in that stuffy suit?"
Forfend started to ask what she meant, but her ethereal wings were already lifting her into the air.
Forfend watched her disappear into the dark of night.
She returned only a moment later, hauling Eamon along with labored wingbeats. She deposited him and flit down right at his side. "Why'd you run so far in your suit?"
Eamon wheezed and bent over with his hands on his knees. "It was... an emergency... I didn't have time to... change," he managed between gulping breaths.
He lifted his head up as much as he could manage. "Why are you breaking things?" he asked in thin, breathless panic.
"To find Duncan," Forfend said.
The thought very suddenly struck Forfend that Duncan may not be the only one in danger.
It tapped the medallion on its chest with three fingers and pulled the soft orange light up to the top of its rune.
"Former Envema gladiator," it hummed, projecting an image of the man's face into the magic.
It connected to the gladiator's mind and Sent a mental message across. "Are you safe? If not, describe to me as concisely as possible where you are."
The tenuous connection buzzed with the mechanical whir of Forfend's magic. It worried for a moment the gladiator couldn't answer.
There was a vague sense of stirrings from the other side before the gladiator's voice rang through clearly, "Uhhh, was kidnapped. Woke up. Um, fought back. Don't know where I am. Underground, somewhere? I need a weapon and--shit!"
The connection severed.
Forfend hummed anxiously.
The gladiator sounded breathless and scared. What had cut him off? Would he still be alive when it got to him?
Kagoshi's fist crunched through the ground with frightening ease. He headbutted the wall, sending it crumbling down as well.
The pathway was laid bare.
It was a deep, pitch dark tunnel leading rapidly down into the earth.
"The gladiator from our first day in Cragwall says he is trapped underground," Forfend relayed. "We should look for him down there on our way to Duncan. He is in just as much danger."
Kagoshi slapped Melzaryn's shoulder much harder than necessary. "Alright, tunnel man, you're up."
Melzaryn coughed. "Just because I happen to know the layout doesn't mean I should be the one to go first," he argued, his voice uncharacteristically strained. "I've already been poisoned once today."
"I can go," Forfend offered. Its stone form meant poisons were ineffective.
"Can you even fit?" Kagoshi asked.
Forfend tilted its head at the tunnel. "Yes. Not comfortably."
"You'll slow us down if you're in front," Kagoshi growled.
"Then go!" Forfend said more forcefully than it meant to.
People were in danger. Its patience was short.
"I'm going!" Kagoshi bounded straight into the tunnel.
Kairi followed right on his heels.
Forfend glanced at Melzaryn.
Melzaryn waved his hand and covered his mouth to stifle more body-wracking coughs.
Forfend hunched down into the tunnel.
"What's happening?" Eamon asked.
"Keep to the plan. Get the guards," Melzaryn didn't really answer as he trotted after Forfend.
Forfend reached out along the thread of magic that had connected him to Duncan before. The Detect Creature spell still held. The magic was still seeking out Duncan, but all it could do at the moment was course aimlessly in the direction Duncan had been in when he exited Forfend's range.
It had no idea where he actually was anymore.
That worried it immensely.
"Tunnels are sprawling," Melzaryn mumbled to himself. He looked all about, his glowing eyes seeing much more than the tight walls of the tunnel.
Melzaryn guided the party through the winding pathways, avoiding dead ends, false stairways, and strange traps.
They walked for much longer than Forfend would've guessed. And much longer than it would've liked.
Every second they wandered these tunnels was another second innocent people were in danger.
The group turned a corner and were immediately confronted with a heavily armed and armored man standing in the middle of the hallway.
He didn't startle or start to move.
Forfend got halfway through the thought that maybe something was wrong with him when Kagoshi lashed out with his fists.
"No!" Kairi yelled too late.
The man dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, his helmeted head clanging off the wall on the way down.
"Kagoshi!" Forfend fussed.
Kagoshi leaned down and cast Light on the man's helmet. "He's still breathing. He's alive."
Forfend shouldered its way forward and crouched down.
The man was an odd combination of limp and stiff. He seemed to be trying to hold his facedown position for some reason.
Forfend carefully worked the man's helmet off and shifted him so it could look into his eyes.
He stared blankly forward into nothing.
"Uh, can you hear me?" Kagoshi asked.
Forfend touched the man's face.
Like many of the other Envema members, he bore a farmer's tan and an average build that wouldn't look out of place among any of the commoners in Tyrwedia.
"If you can hear me, my bad," Kagoshi mumbled.
The man made no acknowledgement of having been spoken to. His eyes didn't even blink.
"Hm. Well, fuck you then," Kagoshi changed his mind.
Kagoshi stepped over the man and continued down the hallway.
"He's fine. He's breathing. Whatever's happening to him, I'm sure it'll resolve itself."
Forfend lifted the man up and tossed him over its shoulder. "I cannot leave him here."
"Godsdammit," Kagoshi complained.
"How worried about him are you?" Melzaryn asked.
"Extremely," Forfend answered.
"Not at all," Kagoshi said at the same time.
"At least a little bit," Kairi piped up.
"Give me one minute." Melzaryn sighed. He coughed into his elbow and propped his staff up in front of his face, beginning a spell.
"Hey, what do you think that is?" Kairi said.
Forfend looked to where she was pointing.
There was an indent carved into the wall roughly the size and shape of a human person.
"Forfend, this might be a weird question," Kairi started, "but will you see if he fits in this?"
Forfend hummed. "I am uncertain if that is wise."
"Just let me finished with my spell," Melzaryn huffed. He coughed again, louder this time.
Forfend was beginning to worry about the severity of the poison Melzaryn had inhaled.
"I like Kairi's idea," Kagoshi grinned maliciously.
"I'm just worried there's something we're not understanding about this whole..." Kairi trailed off.
"City?" Kagoshi suggested.
"Situation," Kairi opted instead.
"Definitely Envema," Melzaryn confirmed what Forfend had already assumed. "He's got the same enchantments."
Forfend hummed.
"I don't know what will happen if you put him in the wall. You can try it if you want," Melzaryn added.
The man started to struggle in Forfend's grasp. Though, not much. It seemed like he was trying to walk even though his feet weren't on the ground.
"Oh shit, he's awake," Kagoshi remarked.
"He has been awake the entire time," Forfend corrected.
The man still seemed to be staring off into the distance.
Forfend took the battle-axe from his waist and the shield from his arm.
He didn't fight for them. He just let them be slipped away.
Melzaryn glanced around. "I think he's meant as a sentry. I think they know we're coming."
"Can you tell Eamon this man is down here?" Forfend requested.
"I can," Melzaryn said slowly. "I could tell him there's a guy under the ground near the statue of King Falco, but I don't know how much that would help. There were a lot of twists and turns to get here."
"I do not want to leave him, but I do not want to carry him into danger either," Forfend fretted.
"So tie his ass up," Kagoshi suggested.
Forfend nodded. It pulled the man off its shoulder and held him in place.
He continued to attempt to stride forward.
"Kairi, could you get the rope from my belt and tie him?" Forfend asked.
Kairi tried to throw the rope around the man, but he started to struggle with more vigor.
To Forfend's surprise, the man still didn't grow violent.
He did, however, slip from Forfend's grasp, duck Kairi, skirt past Kagoshi, and tuck himself into the indent in the wall.
He refused to move even when touched or tugged.
Any motion that pulled him from the wall, he immediately undid. He was determined to stand stockstill in his strange alcove.
"We do not have time for this," Forfend hissed steam. "What do we do?"
"Just leave him," Melzaryn said. "We'll come back for him."
Forfend nodded, not liking the choice but not seeing a wealth of others.
A clatter of chains rattled and a hidden door opened in the wall.
A man strode out of it with a large rucksack thrown over his shoulder.
He walked straight toward Forfend and its allies, but he didn't seem to see them. His eyes were glazed and staring forward just like the man in the alcove.
The stranger with the bag paused right in front of the other man, pulled water and hardtack from his pack, fed it to the man in the alcove, and turned back around.
He walked down the hallway past where he'd exited the hidden doorway and kept going.
Kagoshi immediately started following the man with the bag.
Forfend reluctantly tailed him.
The man stopped every little while and fed another stockstill sentry.
Forfend was unnerved by the number of them trapped down here in these winding tunnels.
Some were dressed in the black robes of the Envema mage they'd fought. Others were dressed in armored gladiator attire. Most, however, were dressed in basic leather commoners' wear, like one would use for hunting.
A few were dressed in rags, with runes much larger and more intricate than those carved in the chests of the other Envema members.
Forfend guessed they were meant as nothing more than bombs. Its core spun with sickening anxiety.
It would do whatever it could to help them, but it simply lacked the magic to do it all alone. Especially right now. It could only handle so many crises at a time.
Eventually, the man with the rucksack turned around and returned to where he'd come from, leaving the group alone in the tunnel.
Forfend and its allies kept walking.
They passed more and more Envema members tucked into indents in the wall.
Kagoshi growled at something ahead. "That's probably not good."
Forfend stared as hard as it could.
In the middle of the next crossroad, one of the Envema members lay dead.
As they approached, Forfend saw the man's head had been caved in.
Melzaryn turned left, but Forfend stopped and gazed down the right hallway.
Another dead Envema member lay just a short ways down it. And another after that.
"Can you see where that goes?" Forfend asked.
Melzaryn glanced down the hallway. "Leads to a cylindrical room under the guard tower right next to Moli's shop. We should check it out."
Forfend nodded.
Kagoshi and Kairi tromped down the hallway.
Forfend and Melzaryn followed.
Bodies littered the hallway. Many of them were missing their weapons.
Many others had those missing weapons buried in their corpses.
"Were they fighting each other?" Kairi wandered.
Forfend hummed.
The gladiator had said he'd fought. Could he have done all this?
"Why didn't they explode?" Melzaryn questioned aloud.
"Anyone else thinking trap?" Kagoshi grumbled. "Because I'm thinking trap."
They turned the corner into the cylindrical room.
Two enormous humanoid figures, Forfend's size or larger, were dead in a heap on the far side of the room.
One of them had a splintered chunk of wood through its throat.
The other had its helmet ripped off and appeared to have been bludgeoned to death with it.
There were other huge humanoids tucked into their own special indents in the wall. Twelve total indents encircled the room. All but two of the indents were still occupied.
Between the two empty alcoves, the gladiator leaned against the wall.
He was covered in blood, his chest heaving.
Forfend pushed past Kagoshi and knelt at the gladiator's side.
"Thank the gods," it said as it pressed its stone hand to his chest.
"H-hey," the gladiator managed. "Gods, that hurts." He sputtered blood.
Forfend let magic course through its body.
A warm orange glow spread across the gladiator's chest, systematically closing his most severe wounds.
"That's great," the gladiator breathed. The tension in his body began to ease. "That's so much better. Thank you."
Melzaryn coughed loudly.
The gladiator dropped the splintered length of wood he'd been gripping like a lifeline.
Forfend pulled the mundane mace it still carried from its belt and placed it in the gladiator's hand.
"Oh, thank you." He glanced the weapon over and nodded approvingly.
"What happened?" it asked.
"You know the crowd at the courthouse? I was trying to leave. As soon as I escaped the crowd, someone grabbed me and pulled me into an alleyway. They tried to knock me unconscious." The gladiator rubbed at a bloody spot on his temple. "They didn't quite manage it, but I faked it anyway because I genuinely didn't think I could fight him. At least, not as I was. No weapons on me."
Forfend nodded, listening intently.
"They brought me down here, I guess? They tried to put me in the wall for some reason. I left and whatever these things are didn't take kindly to that." He paused, looking around the room. "Odd thing is, only some of them started moving. I don't know why. I took down as many as I could, but, well, you can see how that went."
The gladiator gestured to his wounded state.
Melzaryn suddenly had a lengthy coughing bout.
The gladiator straightened his back up. "I was just trying to find an exit. I'm not sure, but I might've found one?"
He pointed to a spiral staircase leading upwards into the ceiling.
"It's a stairway up. That's got to be something, right?" the gladiator assumed.
Melzaryn shrugged. "It's definitely an exit, but I don't know if it'll poison us like the last one."
"Poison?" the gladiator blinked.
"Yeah, the last door had a poisoning mechanism if you didn't have the key," Melzaryn said. He cleared his throat and coughed.
"I could handle that," Forfend offered.
The gladiator nodded over at the two huge dead bodies and out the door toward the trail of other Envema bodies he'd left behind. "I don't really understand what's going on here, but it's some shit. They all just... move. There's nothing in there, man."
"You were like that until recently," Forfend hummed.
"Really? These guys didn't even talk. They just... did." The gladiator shuddered.
Forfend hummed, concerned. It looked up to where the stairway joined the ceiling.
"Hey, uh," the gladiator started as he hauled himself to his feet, "how did you know to call me?"
"Another Envema member we rescued, Duncan, was kidnapped," Forfend explained. "I thought he may not be the only one. The other man we rescued with you has likely also been kidnapped."
"Shit," the gladiator swore. "Do you know where we need to go to rescue them?"
"The Galloford estate."
"Who is this guy again?" Kagoshi asked.
"The gladiator from our lovely introduction to Cragwall," Melzaryn answered.
"Oh," Kagoshi nodded.
"The Galloford estate?" the gladiator asked. "We should--" His jaw clicked shut as he looked himself over. "Actually, I don't know that I should help. I'm not doing too well. Do you mind if I just stay here and rest up a bit?"
Forfend didn't think anywhere in these tunnels was safe enough to rest. "I can go up the stairs and open the hatch. Hopefully, whoever is on the other side will be friendly."
"Okay, you do that," the gladiator agreed. "Thanks for the mace and the healing. I'm just going to sit back down and maybe take a nap."
He groaned as he sank back to the floor.
Forfend carefully made its way up the stairs.
At the top, it found only the flat surface of the ceiling. There were no grooves or handles or any apparent mechanisms of any kind.
"Melzaryn," Forfend called.
Melzaryn scaled the stairs, wheezing and coughing the whole way up.
He inspected the wall. "The switch isn't mechanical. It's magical. There's not much I can do about that."
Forfend scraped its stone hand across the ceiling. "We are under a guard tower, you said? I would not want to alarm anyone."
"You most certainly would if you broke it," Melzaryn said.
Forfend nodded.
Melzaryn trotted back down the stairs.
Forfend followed.
The gladiator seemed to have drifted off, his head leaned back against the wall. He flinched awake. "Oh, you're all still here."
"I do not have any nearby way to get you out of here, but I do not want to leave you in such a dangerous place either," Forfend hummed. "We are going into more danger, so it would be unwise to keep you with us."
Melzaryn strode over to the gladiator, placed a hand on his shoulder, and locked eyes with him. "Can you read a map?"
"Yes," the gladiator answered, confused.
"Are you sure?"
"One wrong turn and you're screwed. Are you sure?"
"Yes!" the gladiator said forcefully.
Melzaryn nodded.
He pulled a sheet of paper from his spellbook and rapidly scribbled on it. He thrust the paper into the gladiator's hands.
"That's a map," Melzaryn stated the obvious. "It'll take you out of here if you follow that path. Don't go down any of the branching paths I've indicated. They're tangled and labyrinthian and you probably won't find your way back out of them."
The gladiator inspected the simplistic but precise directions.
"It will lead you to just outside the guard barracks," Forfend shared.
"Can't miss it. There's a hole in the wall," Kagoshi added.
"If you see the guards, let them know what is happening. They already know you," Forfend hummed.
"I'll do that," the gladiator promised, hauling himself upright.
He started to hobble out of the room, but paused. "Can I keep this?" he asked as he held up Forfend's old mace.
"Yes, that is yours," Forfend nodded.
The gladiator looked the weapon over again. "Thanks. It's really nice."
"I made it myself," Forfend's chest lit up briefly orange. It tapped the mace, casting Light on it.
"Oh, good. I was running blind down here," the gladiator said more to himself than Forfend.
The mace flickered almost like a torch, giving off more than enough light to read by.
The gladiator nodded and exited the strange room.
Kairi narrowed her eyes at the massive corpses on the floor. "What even are these?"
"I wish we had time to find out," Melzaryn huffed.
The group gathered themselves together and returned to the seemingly endless tunnels.
The further they traveled, the more everything looked exactly like everything else they'd already passed.
More strange circular rooms loomed from the other side of narrow doorways they didn't pass through. More lifeless but living people idled in the walls. More blankly-staring bag carriers fed the immobile sentries.
Forfend felt as though its core had dropped to the center of its abdomen.
It wanted to help, but there was so little it could do for something on a scale this absurdly large.
It would have to hope the guards would meet the gladiator and begin removing the innocents from the tunnels.
Melzaryn frowned at the walls.
Forfend wasn't sure what had him bothered until it began hearing the sound of rushing water just on the other side.
Storm drains began to pocket the floors and ceilings both every ten feet.
"We're alongside the aqueducts," Melzaryn noted. "To be built into them like this, they would have to have been constructed together at the same time."
Forfend hummed darkly. "The city was built with this in mind? Why?"
Melzaryn shrugged. "Makes the tunnels easy to flood though."
Kagoshi chuckled maliciously. "I hope we get to use that."
Kairi peered through the storm grates above them.
There was some noise out there, but Forfend couldn't make anything of it.
"There are knights and guards around the Galloford estate," Kairi almost whispered. "A lot of them are on edge and all of them are angry. I can't tell who he is, but one of them is super pissed."
"That is likely in our favor." Forfend hoped so anyway.
"What do they have to be upset about?" Melzaryn griped. "It's not like any of them have been poisoned and not received any kind of healing at all."
Melzaryn coughed dramatically.
Forfend straightened. "Would you like help?" it asked, magic already sparking between its fingertips.
"Yes," Melzaryn said, exasperated.
"Sorry for not noticing earlier," Kairi apologized, lacing her words with arcana.
Melzaryn immediately seemed to relax, his breathing evening out to a normal pace.
"Thank you," he said.
A strong tug of magic nearly startled Forfend.
The medallion on its chest with its weak string of light suddenly strengthened and arced forward before disappearing into the floor.
Forfend caught hold of Duncan's presence again.
"He is below us," Forfend blurted. "Almost straight down. Melzaryn, can you see how to get there?"
"Of course," Melzaryn almost sounded insulted.
He led the way with confidence and a renewed burst of speed.
"We're under the floorboards of the Galloford estate," Melzaryn said slowly, "but... we're running right into another structure that was already here a long time ago. It looks like these tunnels kind of accidentally ran right into the ruins."
Forfend glanced around, noting the sudden differences in the structure of the walls.
"From your description, Duncan's down in these old ruins. Way down in them," Melzaryn said, and swore under his breath. "By Talberius, relics of the past are never good. Well, let's go."
They hadn't been walking for very long before Kairi suddenly tapped all their shoulders and pointed up. She pressed her fingers to her lips and tilted one ear toward the low ceiling.
Forfend looked up and concentrated.
Melzaryn and Kagoshi seemed to be doing the same.
Voices wafted down. Forfend couldn't make out what they were saying, but Kairi apparently could.
"That's King Falco," she whispered. "And someone else. I don't recognize him."
"We're almost dead center under the Galloford estate right now," Melzaryn shared. "If it isn't Clayton, it's probably the patriarch of the house."
Kairi nodded.
"My dear king, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Kairi repeated the voice above for the rest of them to hear, doing her best to match the exact tone and cadence.
"You know why I'm here," Falco snapped.
There were footsteps as though Falco was pacing in a confined space. He inhaled, sharp and short. "What the fuck? I--"
Falco stopped himself. He drew in a deeper breath. "Adhron, what happened to you?"
"Whatever do you mean?" Highlord Adhron feigned ignorance.
"First, it was taking over small businesses all over Cragwall. Next, it was starting rivalries with other families. Now, it's... whatever this is?!" King Falco sounded positively livid. "You and I both know there's no way your son could've gotten away with that without you knowing. So what the hell is happening?"
"Well, my king," Highlord Adhron began with a vague type of fake politeness, "it is quite unfortunate what my buffoon of a son has done, but his actions are his own."
"Bullshit!" King Falco yelled. "We both know that's a lie!"
"The facts remain, my king. I made no action to assist him."
King Falco growled, undoubtedly snarling with barely contained rage. He started to yell again, to argue further. Something stopped him.
"Wait, no. No, no. Is this what you fucking wanted?" he accused.
"Please elaborate, my king," Highlord Adhron requested. "Oh, please do."
"You..." A faint breath escaped King Falco as he started pacing again. "I can't believe it. Why? Why would you do this? After everything I did? For you? This is what happens?"
"My king, you are becoming obsolete," Highlord Adhron said nonchalantly. "And the rest of us, the ones who are truly thinking forward to the future of Tyrwedia anyway, see the writing on the wall. We are swiftly falling behind in the arms race and our place in the world is dwindling. How long do you really think King Maggard will allow you to reign over this place? How much longer do you think he'll allow this place to remain as a vassal state before he assumes direct control over here?"
King Falco hesitated. "That doesn't mean..." he began haltingly but quickly trailed off.
Silence spread its ghostly hands across the room above and tunnels below for a long moment.
Kairi strained to hear, but either they'd gotten too quiet even for her keen ears or they'd fully stopped speaking.
"The things we did in the past," King Falco's faint mumble broke the deafening noiselessness. "It was terrible. Alright? You and I both know that. But at least I regret it. You're keeping it going."
Highlord Adhron didn't respond.
"At least I'm trying to atone for my mistakes. You should do the same," King Falco said. "Where's the old Adhron Galloford? As far as I can tell, he's dead. You're someone different."
"My apologies, my king. Is there any way I could possibly make it up to you?" Highlord Adhron asked, his concern so fake it was nauseating.
King Falco's barely constrained seething was palpable even through the floor. "I guess there's only one thing left to say: thank you for turning all the noble families against me."
Footsteps swiftly, angrily left the room.
"Tsk," Highlord Adhron scoffed. "What a fool."
Forfend started to move on, but Kairi remained rooted in place.
"Butler," Highlord Adhron demanded.
"Yes, my lord?" came the immediate answer.
"What is the current situation regarding my son?"
"He is currently facing life in prison."
"I'd like for you to contact the Highlord of the Sagemantle family. Get it handled," Highlord Adhron ordered.
"Understood, sir."
A second set of footsteps exited the room.
Again, Forfend started to move, but the others were staring at each other.
Kairi's brow was creased. "That wasn't good at all. That was really, really bad."
Forfend nodded. "We should move on."
Hurried steps reentered the room.
"Um, sir," the butler nervously started, but almost immediately cut himself off.
Forfend wondered what kind of hateful look Highlord Adhron had given to cause that.
"What is it?" Highlord Adhron ground out.
"Well, um, it's unfortunate to mention, sir, but it appears that the guard are here," the butler informed. "They're requesting entry to the premises."
"On what grounds?"
"Apparently, there is word of Envema here."
"Preposterous," Highlord Adhron scoffed. "Handle them. I shall prepare a greeting party in the meantime. They will find nothing and they will find themselves wanting."
The footsteps exited again, even more promptly than the first time.
Finally satisfied with their eavesdropping, everyone turned and continued down the steeply descending tunnel.
The tunnel opened very abruptly into a tiny circular room.
A ladder peeked up from a hole in the floor in the exact center. It descended into depths so dark, foreboding, and unknowable that Forfend couldn't help but shudder.
"Ladder," Melzaryn stated aloud.
"Ladder," Forfend agreed solemnly.
"Ladder," Kairi repeated.
"Yes, ladder. Can we move on?" Kagoshi snapped.
He tromped straight into the room and climbed down. Within seconds, the darkness had swallowed him.
Kairi followed, then Melzaryn.
Forfend stood at the top and stared down. It waited until it heard what it hoped to be the echoes of feet hitting the stone floor beneath.
It carefully gripped the ladder and very slowly made its way down.
The ladder creaked and groaned, protesting Forfend's weight. Luckily, it held.
Forfend finally touched down at the bottom and turned to see its allies already staring at the path ahead.
The ruins stretched out before them, all cold stone walls and stale air.
Forfend's core stuttered as recognition struck it.
This structure was ancient, built in roughly the same timeframe as Forfend itself. This place was a fortress designed during the Sundering to withstand the horrors of Atrox's ilk.
This was a Mortal Bulwark.
Created by Cassis himself to house mortal warriors for upcoming battles, these Bulwarks also served as barriers from and connectors to other planes of existence.
This one was far past serving its use. The walls were cracked. Dirt spilled through the cracks into small piles on the floor. A lamenting, oppressive air weighed on the place, as though it knew its importance in days long since past and knew it could no longer perform its duties.
Forfend felt understood standing within this relic of the past.
"Finally!" a voice echoed hauntingly through the decrepit hallway. "I wondered how long it would take you lot to get here."
Immediately, Forfend recognized the bowman's gravelly cadence.
It couldn't see the man at the far end of the dark corridor. It couldn't see how far the dark corridor even went.
"Welcome," the bowman called. "Do you know this place? Do you recognize it?"
"I do," Forfend answered. Its metallic voice reverberated off the walls until it disappeared into the distance.
"It's what ages long past called a Mortal Bulwark," the bowman explained anyway. "A sort of key to other planes, but also the lock. Fascinating, isn't it?"
Forfend hummed.
Even that low noise was carried far off and away.
"You know what's really fascinating about this place?" The bowman paused a moment and then answered his own question. "It gives one hell of a sightline."
Forfend heard the arrow release.
A massive glowing green bolt spiraled out of the black and slammed into Forfend's chest.
The whizzing turned to grinding as the javelin-sized arrow burrowed into Forfend's stone body.
Forfend slid back a few feet before it managed to plant its center of gravity low enough to stop itself.
It gripped the arrow, the merciless spinning tearing into its marble palms.
Pain burned through it.
The arrow's sickly green aura erupted.
Forfend's mind blanked as an icy grip crushed all its thoughts away, leaving nothing but a debilitating migraine behind.
Flashes surged past its blinded gaze.
It dropped suddenly onto its feet in Fornax's Forge.
Fornax stood like a mountain. He spoke with Riven and Cassis.
There was a fourth deity with them.
This one, Forfend didn't know. He was new. Freshly born into the chaos and desperation of a universe trying desperately not to die.
Accipo, the name came forth in Forfend's memory.
Fornax nodded solemnly.
The other deities took their leave. Whatever conversation they were having was resolved. They had no time to spare.
Fornax turned, staring down. "Forfend," he said, "a battle is oncoming. The Sunderer draws near to the Gleaming Isles. I cannot let him touch down."
Fornax's expression didn't change, but the weight of his seriousness did. "I leave this place as yours to defend. Can I trust you with this?"
"You can," Forfend answered with powerful determination.
"Hmph," Fornax hummed approvingly. "I'll take my leave immediately. We cannot let the Sunderer touch down, lest he sunder the Gleaming Isles from its place."
Fornax fixed a gaze Forfend recognized as proud onto it. "Live up to your namesake."
"I will," it promised.
Fornax nodded once.
He raised his forge hammer to the sky and slammed it down.
Golden light bright as the sun burst forth.
When it faded, Forfend was alone.
Forfend turned. It had duties to attend, mortals to protect.
It strode out of the Forge and down into the village just below.
The whole village had come crowding around, curious and scared about the commotion of other visiting deities.
One of them stepped forward. He was an older man, equal measures jolly and cantankerous.
Forfend knew him. Well, it realized.
His name was Chisel. He carved statues of livestock and other animals in his spare time.
Despite his age and the arthritic knots in his joints, he insisted on working. On helping.
"Forfend," Chisel said, his voice thin with worry. "What's happening? Where's Fornax gone?"
Forfend didn't lie. It felt no need to. "He has gone to battle the Sunderer in the Gleaming Isles."
A series of gasps rushed through the crowd. Murmuring followed.
"He's gone?" Chisel almost whispered.
"For now," Forfend hummed. "He will return."
Chisel pressed his hand to his chest and breathed in short bursts. "Oh no."
The village stirred up, the murmuring growing more anxious, more fevered.
"I am here," it promised. "I will care for you."
Forfend couldn't say it wasn't afraid. They were in dangerous lands facing dangerous demons and they wouldn't have a god to protect them for possibly quite some time.
But it had faith in these people. It was not alone and neither were they. The village would prevail together.
"We are only mortal," Chisel lamented. "We can't fight. We... We are frail! We don't live long. We won't survive long."
Forfend squared its shoulders, looking out over these people.
People who had traveled untold distance to plant their roots in the safest place they knew. People who held celebrations under bleeding skies because they believed they could make things good in the worst of circumstances. People who had survived demon attacks before and would survive them again. People who were resilient and hardworking and kind, no matter how roughly the world treated them.
These were not people who could not fight.
They all looked to Forfend as though it could bring about the solution to their problems. They'd been following it since it had met them.
It had been teaching them then, but now they knew. Now they could stand on their own. Forfend decided it was time to tell them that.
"Do not worry for your limited life," it heard itself begin, voice so strong it carried far over the plains. "We mortals live our lives to the fullest. Do not worry for your lack of skill or experience. Our mortal determination will overcome all. Do not worry about the pain and suffering we will face. We are more than our bodies. We are a community, a people, a collective soul."
Forfend saw the crowd stir.
They were listening.
Words continued to well up and pour out of it.
"You are unyielding," it spoke directly to and of its brilliant little village, "for you do not have fear. For your life is always lived to the fullest. You are undying, for your skills and art and legacy shall live on forever. You are unmovable, for you are more than a body. You are an idea, a heart, and a soul."
Forfend clanged its fist against its chest and held its arms out to the crowd it called family.
"You are not born in strife, nor forged in war. You are born of the hearth, the center of all mortal homes."
The village held at rapt attention, hanging on to every word. A new murmuring had started. A braver one.
"Remember yourselves," it called. "You are unyielding, for you fear nothing. You are undying for your legacy will live on. You are unmoving, for you are bigger than your one body."
Someone yelled. Another person whistled.
"You are Hearthborn!" Forfend shouted, slamming its fist against its chest again with a reverberating gong. "You are Unbreakable!"
The village stared, wide-eyed. Inspiration welled up like magic behind their eyes. Many of their mouths had fallen open.
Someone huffed something like a laugh and then pumped his fist in the air. "Yeah!"
Cheers erupted.
"He's right," a woman shouted. "We've come this far!"
"We've survived this horrible situation," another person hollered out. "We're still living happy! We can do this!"
Fervent roars built up and up until the ground shook with the force of mortal fortitude.
Forfend's chest lit up as bright as it had ever been.
Far quicker than it had gathered, the crowd scattered.
They spent the next days and weeks preparing themselves, training themselves, celebrating themselves.
They were ready. They were strong. They were survivors. They were finally fully their own.
Forfend couldn't possibly have been more proud of them.
As Forfend surveyed their work, a child ran up to it.
Mithril was her name, Forfend recalled. She was a sweet girl. Intelligent beyond her years and forever desperate to learn.
She gripped its finger and tugged. "Forfend, look! I made this!"
She thrust a small wooden panel up as high as she could reach. She'd embedded a thin sheet of silver into it, creating a simple but lovely handheld mirror.
"It's pretty cool, right?" Mithril asked giddily. "It lets you see yourself and other things around! Even right over your shoulder!"
Forfend crouched down to gaze into it.
The memory rippled like water as it did so.
The face in the mirror shifted from stone to metal. Its rune glowed faintly from beneath the metallic coating, fuzzy around the edges from the diffusion of light.
"It's beautiful," it heard itself say. "I like it."
Forfend was reeling from shock.
The memory, maybe vision, pulled it from its own body and let it see itself as it had once been.
Its back wasn't hunched. It stood straight and even taller than it was now. Metal encased its entire body from head to toe. It looked smooth, sleek.
The stovepipes on its back weren't exposed or quite so haphazard. Instead, they were housed in something resembling a massive metal dome built directly into its body. Open spouts left room for the smoke to billow free.
But it wasn't smoke wafting from the pipes. It was silvery-golden steam.
Inspiration, Forfend knew it to be called. Pure inspiration spilled freely from it as it stared out over its village.
"Thank you," Mithril spoke to the echo of Forfend's past it was now watching from a distance.
A sharp electric buzz cut Forfend's vision to white.
It staggered back into the present.
The arrow in its chest had finally stopped spinning. It sat lodged into the gap between Forfend's metal chest piece and its stone skin. Dead center of Forfend's chest.
The arrow dissipated into misty green magic and faded entirely away.
Dank, stale air rushed into the open gash, laying wispy fingers on Forfend's core.
Forfend shuddered.
The heat of the spilling ichor wasn't enough to keep it warm with its core exposed. If it was hit there again, it would surely perish.
It tried to pull its gaze up, but got caught on its stone hands.
It recalled, very suddenly, its first vision.
"Iron for the body," Fornax's voice whispered in its memory. "Magma for the muscle."
All its iron had been stripped away. Its magma had hardened in place of the missing protective layer.
Forfend wasn't meant to grind and crack and scrape when it moved.
It was wounded. It was still so very horribly wounded.
Its hands shook, horror sinking deep into its center.
A soft, but distinctly malicious chuckle sounded through the shadows.
The bowman.
He had Duncan.
Forfend fumbled for the mace at its side and pulled its shield up in front of its wretched chest wound.
Forfend had other priorities right now.
It would worry after it had rescued Duncan.
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airiat · 1 year
Hello! I am an aspiring graduate student, possibly going into a post doc. I love writing fanfic, yet I feel like I must focus on academic writing.
How do you reconcile both styles?
i'm interpreting this question in two different ways. let me speak to both of them. but also know that i am extremely biased--academic writing torments me. i have nothing positive to say about it. this is long, so here's a cut.
one: there is no need to reconcile both styles. you can keep the creativity out of academic writing, and, in many cases, it's necessary to do so. do not think of your academic writings as works of art. think of them as a means to an end. you just need to fulfill a set of requirements. you just need to get a grade. you just need to make a point. they can be soulless. it's alright if they are.
however. you can be creative if it's appropriate, if it makes you feel better to do so. here's the introduction to a paper i wrote last term. you'll see what i mean:
To be human is to tell stories. For as long as we have had minds to think and mouths to speak with, we have been weaving tales about ourselves, our ancestors, about how to explain the way the world works around us. People have been using art, for perhaps almost just as long, to grapple with the pain that comes as a part of living. From J. R. R. Tolkien conjuring a literary marvel out of the horrors he endured in WWI to a teenage girl scribbling angry poetry in detention, creative writing has become a way for us to cope and overcome. It is only natural that it could also be used as a therapeutic tool to process trauma.
this is not my best work. frankly, i don't care that it isn't. it just made me feel a little bit better to write this way. it gave me the relief of that little creative spark while i wrote something that i have to turn my brain off in order to cope. sometimes that's all it has to be. but my professors probably liked it. i got 100% on this paper.
you can grow as a writer through academic writing. it will teach you how to organize your thoughts and present ideas clearly. it will teach you how to convince and how to be concise. but, again, i say: your writing does not have to be a masterpiece. do not hold it to the same standard as the work that you are passionate about. but if you are, perhaps, passionate about academic writing, go ahead and give it that treatment. i'm not, so i won't. i'll cry about an assignment and grit my teeth through the whole thing. that's okay, too. it gets it done.
lastly, my first draft is my final. i run it through grammarly and then hit that submit button. if you have been writing, in any capacity, for a long time, you can probably do this, too. you'll have the foundational skills down, and you can be adequate, or even above adequate, in anything you write with little effort. you can also use your creative process in academic writing. if you outline, you can outline. if you pants, go ahead and do it here, too. use your editing practices. don't reinvent the wheel.
all in all, your professors are not expecting beauty. they just want you to follow their rubric. toss your work into the ether, get the grade, and then forget about it.
two: i'm not sure that this is what you were asking, but i thought i'd talk about it, too, briefly. how can you continue to pursue your creative endeavors while also in school?
believe it or not, you can. it just takes a lot of sacrifice. i'm in school, i work a highly, highly stressful job, and yet, just about every night i sit down and write. but i also have no social life. absolutely none. that's my sacrifice. but it does not feel much like a sacrifice because i need to write. i cannot live without it. it's the only thing i do that makes me feel like i can actually get through my days.
if there's a will, there's also a way. if writing is important enough to you, you will find a way to do it at any cost.
but even if you love writing with the whole of your heart, do not feel badly if you just can't swing it while you're in school, or when you're enduring another stressful time of life. it's okay. it'll be there for you again when you're ready. you're always a writer, even when you're not writing.
hopefully this helped in any small way. but i'm not really in the best place right now, being bitter and resentful toward academia. take it all with a grain of salt.
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