#clef x 173
univestigator · 2 months
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experiencing intense feelings of romantic love for someone; besotted or infatuated.
Author: Moto42 Title: SCP-173 - The Sculpture Source: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173 CC BY-SA 3.0
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"You think you're so smart dontcha? Let's see how smart you are when staring down the barrel of a shotgun~"
Don't be weird in asks. The mod running this blog is an adult, but would prefer the asks not be sexual. Jokes are fine, but we'll be picky with what gets answered
This blog is being run parallel to/in conjunction with @interview-scp-173 and is thus primarily doing the Clef x 173 ship. Other ships may get entertained, but it is very likely they wont get talked about much unless the storyline permits.
Clef uses It/He + some neopronouns if you want to ask about those. Its PanAce, Aroflux + Polyamourus, and deals with Hypersexuality. If you don't think someone can be both Ace and Hypersexual, get off the blog.
The A Major Chord system exists in this blogs canon! Feel free to ask about it if you'd like (the blog itself is also run by a system with a Clef fictive as a syshost)
Absolutely no discourse here please and thank you, or you will get blocked
This blog will get into heavy topics at times, and will be tagged accordingly. Triggers will be tagged as is and as 'tw trigger' (eg, blood will be tagged as both 'blood' and 'tw blood').
Some topics that this blog may go into include:
- References to 4231 (which will always be tagged accordingly), including mentions of various types of abuse
- Untreated mental illnesses that affect Clef + its system negatively
- Dealing with hypersexuality and intrusive thoughts
- Self harm
- Blood and gore
- Scp standard topics of mistreatment of both personnel and anomalies
This list will be added to as we see fit
Aside from that, have fun!
Ooc posts are tagged as 'Banes.txt', in character posts are tagged as 'Shotgun.txt'
Hat Toss - Lore Hints
Shots fired! - Ask Answered
Ukulele strum - Interaction
Rebar Antlers - Partnered Blog
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banesberry-anomoly · 2 months
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Alt simple colouring under cut, feel free to use as a computer background but please reblog if you do
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reality-blender · 3 months
you can't just have him be blended alone. give him a friend
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Gave him a date instead. Does that work?
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ballorawan740 · 1 year
SCP Scenarios Masterlist Part 2
SCP Scenarios Masterlist/PT 3 | SCP Scenarios WIP | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
SCP 682 x Scared!Abused!Child!Reader | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When you’re pregnant and you accidentally hurt yourself (REQUESTED)
SCP x Hitman!Fem!Reader - Dr Clef, Dr Glass, Dr Bright (REQUESTED)
Dr Alto Clef x Reader Headcanon (New Character//REQUESTED)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki x Reader Headcanons (New Character)
Their bad habits (SCP 049, Dr. Glass, Dr. Clef, Dr. Bright - REQUESTED)
SCP 106 x Chaotic!Fem!Reader Headcanon (REQUESTED)
SCP x Scientist!Reader (SCP 073, Dr. Glass, Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef || REQUESTED)
SCP x Hybrid!Child!Reader (REQUESTED)
When they accidentally kill you (+ Mikell Bright and Agent Strelnikov - REQUESTED)
Yandere!SCP x Evil!Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP x Immortal!Winged!Fem!Reader - ft. 035, 049, 682 (REQUESTED)
SCP x Reader - McDonald's Sprite (REQUESTED)
When their kids swear (REQUESTED)
When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
When the reader can Pole Dance/Aerial Silk dance
Hugs - SCP 035 x Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP x Pregnant!Reader (REQUESTED)
When the reader is suicidal (REQUESTED)
Our Shadow Child - Dr Clef x Child!Reader x Dr Bright | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When you're easily flustered/hopelessly romantic - Ft. Dr Bright, Dr Glass, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki (REQUESTED)
When you do the TikTok dance - ft SCP 076-2, Dr Clef and Dr Kondraki (REQUESTED)
When the reader is similar to the Plague Doctor - SCP 049 x Male!SCP!Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP 1678 x reader (New Character | REQUESTED)
SCP 079 x Reader | New Character
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from-thoseghosts · 7 months
I just put the most popular (and some that I like) so tag if I forgot anyone
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05-redacted · 1 year
Dr. Bright x new employee headcanons?
So do you want to play tug a war with 682, ring around the rosie with 049, hide and seek with 106, peek a boo with 096 or blind man hide and seek with 173?
Take your time really! Not like you much time left anyways
This motherfucker will try to kill you without you noticing it and then act innocent when he gets interrogate.
"How was I supposed to know that they were gonna get lock up in 682's chamber?" Cue the "innocent" face.
Luckily you'll only get a broken bone since he has been under tight supervision when it comes to new employees.
You will also be getting a ton of pitying looks and when asked about it he will just give you "don't worry about it"
Congratulations if you guys get along I sincerely hope to God you have medical insurance because your now stuck with him and you won't ever get rid of him.
If you hear your name coming out the speaker and you hear shit in the background. You have two choices
You go and (Unintentionally) get in some chaos
Or you could wait to be picked up via shopping cart that runs on a car battery with Kondraki in the steering wheel while Clef shoots an angry 682 and Bright gives you a run down of what's going on.....
Good times!!!
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scp 173 x scp 096 x scp 106
scp 682 x 079
Dr. Bright x Dr. Clef
scp 131 x scp 999
scp 049 x scp 035
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Little Things
Hiya kids... Uncle Alto here. I might have "borrowed" Rabbit's account after she failed to log out while getting lunch. So... while she's still off getting our beef stroganoff, let me tell you a little more about Site Command's unofficial favorite intern.
First off, Rabbit is the first to just jump in to try and help. Very good in a person, but... somehow it never really seems to occur to her to not help out.
She's scarily observant. She knows who's not doing well with hardly any interaction. Hell, sometimes she manages to predict who's about to breach before I do, and resolved the issue before it gets out of hand. Dr. Glass swears 914 gave her clairvoyance.
She may be sweet in person and on the phone, but in the COD lobby, don't mess with her. She's lethal with a RAAL in game.
She always smells great, like my favorite branch of Federal losers... ATF. Alcohol (whiskey), tobacco absolute, and firearms (hint of gunpowder). Gotta find out what perfume she wears, I dig it.
She can cook. Kinda wish I declared war on soup before now that she's bringing lunch in.
She's good at artsy stuff. It's cool to see some of the things she makes. Dr. Light loves the bracelet Rabbit made her for her birthday. She keeps threatening to make me a lei to go with my Polynesian shirts... Rabbit, if you're wondering, red is my color according to 173.
She's the first intern I've seen to make Dr. Iceberg afraid of her. Julian isn't scared of shit, really... but on the rare chance Rabbit blows her stack, he runs and hides in his office. Thankfully, Rabbit is usually chill.
She's adorable when she blushes. Which happens whenever she's complimented. Dr. Gears told her she made great coffee (she does, fyi) and she turned the cutest shade of pink.
She wears these cute little green dresses, which normally no female who had to fight would pick. Nothing too risqué, maybe the skirts are a bit shorter or with a slit on the sides. Yet, she's never had issues with fights, not even in heels. Abel's even impressed she can flip kick in 4 inch chunky heel ankle boots. And they hurt. I got one to the chest last Friday during the Soup Incident, and I'm still bruised a week later. Cute, but kicks like a ballet-trained mule.
She hasn't been back to West Virginia in years, but still has the accent. It comes out stronger if she's tired or getting sick of crap. The trigger warning for her getting really angry? "Bless your heart" or some variant, followed by brutal honesty. Rabbit angry is still polite, but maliciously so. And, so long as she's not mad at me, I'm here for it. While others raise their voices in anger, she tends to get icily quiet. I've only heard her yell once, and it was at Abel. He was so shocked he dropped his sword. Yeah... Yelling Rabbit is Peak Scary Rabbit. Rarely happens, though.
She loves dark chocolate. I think it tastes like dirt, but she enjoys it.
She's very practical for someone claiming to be a witch. Not militant witch, nor airy-fairy, but very grounded. Like, before saging the office for evil spirits, check the carbon monoxide detectors first stuff. But will holy water the hells out of a fool if needed. Fun fact, even for non-demons, a super soaker full of holy water will at least slow someone down a bit, if not just confuse them.
She's not flirting, she's just nice. Catches people off guard, but some guys just take it the wrong way.
When she's had enough of my crap, she'll tease me relentlessly. Favorite insult of hers towards me? "Bless your heart, Dr. Clef, but, you ain't evil. You're just a surf hobo with access to shotguns. Tone it down."
For a Dungeons and Dragons game, she once created the most evil minions I've seen in game. Forget what she called them, but they were basically what would happen if a casowary horde caught the G-Virus in Resident Evil, but with a hive mind. Meaning... see one, get killed by many while the rest beeline to you and your crew's asses. Rather face an entire factory of Nemesis and Mr X than see those demented nightmares ever again. I took the first chance to lay low after my poor rogue barely survived... which led to a one night subplot, "Phineas The Unseen Attempts to Evade the Overly Serious Sisters of Sigyn and Dodge the Bills". Fun times, but I got out of it.
She's actually funny. She can be mean, but it's with an intent of improvement. Some of her jokes are a bit odd, especially the dad jokes. An example; Dr Gears- "I'm serious-" Rabbit- "Hi, Serious, I'm Rabbit." I did see ol COGswell crack the tiniest hint of a grin while shaking his head.
She's seen the weirdest shit in creation, yet hasn't stopped marveling at little things. The first snowfall is still magic to her. She likes the sounds of thunderstorms, stuff like that. It's honestly one of the things that surprised me most.
She keeps a secret stash of candy for surprise incentives for junior researchers. Those that do good work will often find proposals returned with a candy bar enclosed. Really clever and well drafted ones get the better options.
I've only known her personally over a year or so, but... it's easier to tell her some of the terrible stuff happening than even Glass. She never really judges, just listens and tries to come up with solutions. Plus, sometimes she brings in goodies.
Her laugh. I swear by 343, if anyone really gets her laughing it's more infectious than a zombie virus. There was a three way Joke-Off in the site cafeteria between myself, Bright, and Agent Maine, by the end of round two none of us could tell any more jokes we were all laughing so hard. Her laugh is loud, but like a good pitch.
I may have a tiny crush on my intern. This... may be trouble. But then, I am a Clef, it's only natural I find trouble, heh.
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finiffy · 2 years
Sense the Clef x 173 child fic came up. Funfact about the crackfic is that Clef named the statue kid Francis. Which I felt was cute enough to bring out out of context of everything else that happens in that story.
Huh?? <- did not read the story and only gains information out of context
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univestigator · 14 days
roth cameo real
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mjlor-chan · 6 years
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scp sketches
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banesberry-anomoly · 20 days
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Twist my Spine 'til Im paralyzed / So I never leave your side / Hold me tight, can't leave you behind / Such a pretty little lie, a pretty little lie
Collab with @univestigator
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legion-naire · 4 years
Dr. Clef and scp-173:
“I just like it when people watch”
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ballorawan740 · 1 year
SCP Scenarios Masterlist PT 3
SCP Scenarios Masterlist/PT 2 | SCP Scenarios WIP | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
When the reader is a possessive reality bender (REQUESTED)
When you’re going to be executed - Yandere!SCP x D-Class!Reader (+ Mikell | REQUESTED)
When you curl up in their lap - Yandere!SCP Doctors x Reader (REQUESTED)
When you kiss their neck
SCP 343 (God) x Reader | NEW CHARACTER
SCP 173 (The Sculpture) x Reader | NEW CHARACTER
When their child gets hurt (REQUESTED)
When you have a bad day (REQUESTED)
Scarlet King (NEW CHARACTER) 🎃
When you hug them from behind (+ Agent Strelnikov | REQUESTED)
When you’re a Yandere (REQUESTED) 🎄
When they’re sick (REQUESTED)
Highschool AU(REQUESTED)
When their S/O is a stalker (REQUESTED)
When they cheat on the reader (REQUESTED)
SCP Scenarios WIP | SCP Scenarios Masterlist part 1 | SCP Scenarios Maserlist part 2
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STALK CAPTURE POSSESS (Aka Secure Contain Protect)  -----Rules And Requests Open----- Yandere SCP/Doctors/Guards (Headcanons/Oneshots/Scenarios)
Any SCP Any Doctor Any Guard All Yandere and They WILL Have their Darlings Stalk Capture Possess 
Rules And Requests Opens 
Hello My Sexy Readers, I am doing A Deep Dive Into SCP Foundation and that means this was bound to Happen. First I will be transferring all oneshots, headcanons, base headcanons, mini series, scenarios, and such for anything SCP over to this now onto the rules. 
No Sex Scenes with SCP  or Reader or OCS under the age of eighteen 
No Gate Keeping 
Do Not Take These updates serious they are fiction and are just entertainment 
No Bullying 
Not A TON Of Blood and Gore
No Detailed Rape (I may do reluctance and drugged but in the end of the day it is not hands down rape Darling consents it on some level) 
Be Pleasant 
-Base Headcanons- 
(Vote for as many numbers as you want for seeing their base headcanons and if I did not add a scp or doctor you want feel free to write all of them in the comment bellow or if you are on my tumblr my ask box) 
1: Dr. Jack Bright 
2: Dr. Simon Glass
3: Dr. Alto Clef 
4: Dr. Gears
5: Dr. Iceberg 
6:  Benjamin Kondraki 
7: SCP-014
8: SCP-035 Possessive Mask
9: SCP-049 Plague Doctor
10: SCP-049-J The moron Plague Doctor (As I call him) 
11: SCP-073 Cain
12: SCP-076 Able
13: SCP-079 Old AI
14: SCP-096 Shy Guy
15: SCP-106 The Old Man
16: SCP-173 The Sculpture
17: SCP-682 Big indubitable lizard
18: SCP- 939 Voice One (can't remember) 
19: SCP-993 The Clown
20: SCP-999 Tickle Monster
21: SCP-1486 Benny the f up baby
22: SCP-2030 Laugh guy XD (as I call him) 
(Once again voting for them with help very very much on what they are base like now moving onto headcanons as base headcanons are only with gender neutral reader) 
So you can ask for any type of headcanons with any SCP Any doctor any guard even ones I did not mention 
for example 
Headcanons With SCP-035 X Female Immune Reader 
Headcanons With SCP-049 X Male Straight Patient Reader 
Headcanons With SCP-076 X  Non binary Bisexual Immortal Reader
Headcanons With SCP-073 X Genderfluid Pansexual Chef Reader 
(As such you can choose gender and sexuality for headcanons BUT It does not stop their!) 
Stalker Jack Bright X Married Female Reader
Therapist Dr. Simon Glass X SCP Safe class Male Reader
Husband Dr. Alto Glef X Researcher Genderfluid Spouse Reader 
(As you can see you can add anything really and make it even more deep dive than it already is) 
-Scenarios That you Can Vote on!-
(This section of Scenarios will be able to vote on the one bellow the numbers will be make your own add as many characters that I mention or not yet for you all to enjoy!]
A: Meeting them and what happen after mini series basically when they first saw you through everything they do to or for you to the end where they make you theirs by force or courtship (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality?)
B: Forced Pregnancy/Breeding/Mating (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality) (If male on male Mpreg?) 
C: Doctor Reader put to help the SCP the SCP(S) get very attached) (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
D: How they react to you being married? (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
E: Fantasy a life with you were it is the main dream if they were not stuck their and could be with you (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
(Now these again you can put as many yanderes doctors or scps or guards to them but it is going to be you making up a scenario)
F-1: Put here .....
One Shots
At this point we cannot do a lot of Readers in one shots that are smutty 
but you can have Marie and Mark and Michelle as OC in the place Marie and Mark get done the quickest 
Can be anything though 
[Comment bellow and Stay sexy but once AGAIN If you are On My Tumblr please put in the ask box I am 100% likely to see that compared to the comments your Requests stay sexy everyone!] 
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