#clem masterpost
virginmiri99 · 1 year
Overview: Clementine lived a very short life from December 2020 -July 18th 2021. In those short months Tommy created a phenomenon that remains a blueprint to this day. KNOW YOUR HERSTORY!!!
Clementine started with this fateful clip in December 2020. (Sorry it’s a YouTube reel tiktok short clone but it’s quick and efficient to watch!) From there, Clementine was born off the other clips where Tommy names animals with an affinity for that name.
FAN HISTORY: The first trans lesbian Tommy fanfiction was published on December 12th, 2020 based of the titular clip from the dsmp. Though, the first fanfiction to mention the name Clementine was published December 18th, 2020–just days after the first one—but does not feature the name Clementine as Tommy’s chosen name. The first time Tommy is given the name Clementine come from this random ass dsmp lore fic set after exile posted on December 18th, 2020 just hours after the last one was posted. Thus, slowly began the take over of the name Clementine as opposed to any other random ass name. Clementine began a short journey, perpetrated by Tommy’s own mannerisms in was an excitable time of his life.
Who’s that girl?
- Comparing himself to Disney princesses such as Rupunzel [clip]
- Kareninnit [compilation]
- Girlboss! [clip] [clip] [clip] [clip] [clip]
- Who’s that girl? It’s Tommy! (New Girl reference) [clip]
- I’m her first girlfriend! [clip]
- Just Dance? Asking for gender in 2022?! [clip]
- Misgendered in 2022??? [clip]
-First off, I'm a girl [clip]
-Phil, can you start calling me queen? [clip]
[BONUS: GIRL VOICE!!! [clip]]
- Lesbian enthusiasm [clip]
- The titular “I relate to lesbians” clip 😭 [clip]
- Tommy’s favorite letter of LGBT is L [clip]
- Excited to meet a lesbian couple! [clip]
- Am I a lesbian? I don’t know* [clip]
*NOTE: this is the last time Tommy ever mentioned being a girl/lesbian ever again. The backlash from this clip was extreme, reaching all the way to my KPOP mutuals who bullied him. It was such a big deal even mainblr weighed in on his side, calling out the people saying he couldn’t be a lesbian by saying that mindset is inherently transphobic, bc even if Tommy isn’t a trans lesbian named Clementine what would your closeted friends think of your mindset? Despite this, Tommy never mentioned being a girl or the word lesbian ever again. :(
Specifically not wanting to be a man
- I wish I was a fish bc there are no male fish [clip]
- Why would I ever want to be a man, Wilbur?
- I’m like Charli D’amelio. No. I’m not a man. [clip]
-I’m Sorry I just looked up “Tommy supporting lgbt” bc I can’t be bothered to find clips to prove he supports the lgbt community. We all know he does. I didn’t even watch this so sorry… [clip]
BONUS!!! Things that don’t really count but are fun ^_^
- Ladies? Don’t mind if I do! [tiktok]
- Makeup filter [tiktok]
- Good Clementine fanfiction, Latency [link]
- The iconic faceapp that makes me cry with laughter
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-Its that time of the month!
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-Tommy must really love gay people because that water bottle is ugly as hell
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-My faceapps
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~ Moderator Spotlight ~
I can't recommend that you go follow Clem enough! @fandxmslxt69 is a must see in the Oscar Isaac community.
Writing Moderator, Writing Contributor
When considering people for moderator positions, accepting Clem was a NO BRAINER. Her unique writing style and infectiously fun personality is a pleasure to work with. I can't talk about how much I love her enough!
Thank you for being a great friend and for joining us!!
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Coffee & Cream Masterpost
The Oscar Isaac Collective Masterpost
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undergroundbillions · 10 months
Wow that Raggedy Ann merch design masterpost actually getting decent notes??? is this what you want??? more random merch???
In that post I used a picture of the 1980 Raggedy Ann and Andy board game, which was actually the third one of its kind!
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The first board game was released in 1956. All of these have the same basic mechanics, you spin a spinner and get a card from that character's pile, which will be part of a set of cards that form a character. You also sometimes draw Uncle Clem cards which let you steal cards from other players (which doesn't matter because you can already steal cards normally so I really don't know what purpose they serve).
This first version is a mix of iconic book characters (Ann and Andy, Wooden Willie, Percy) and some very minor ones (The little pig that eats and eats was mentioned once in a song book). In this one, the only character set is Ann herself! You only need one set to win.
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Second version, 1974. However the art in this one is taken more directly from 40's Gruelle illustrations. The characters also reflect this, being books slightly later in the franchise. Now you build both Raggedy Ann and Witch Wiggle (or, since the rules can't seem to decide, Wiggle Witch) puzzles, and need one of each to win.
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Andy finally gets his name on the cover! Oh boy, where to begin. Well, first off that's the Musical Adventure title art next to the Chuck Jones designs. But it doesn't stop there, inside we find those same designs, plus Arthur and Alexander G. Wolf, just chilling with movie characters. Now the two characters you need to win are Ann and Andy, and the Clem cards have been completely removed (finally, they literally did nothing).
These are the things that live in my head! Now it also lives in yours.
-𝕸𝖔𝖉 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕯.
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loominggaia · 1 month
razzek omg I want to hang out with Clementino! He He looks like such a chill and friendly person :)
Me too! He's a sweetheart! I imagine him as a really shy, bashful guy. Everyone's kind of afraid of him because he's so big and looks intimidating, but in reality he's a sweet teddy bear who loves everyone.
He couldn't hurt anyone if he tried. Which is probably frustrating to Jelani, who wants his boys to be great martial artists and swordfighters like him...but Clem's simply a lover, not a fighter. He the type of guy who accidentally kills a bug and cries over it lol.
Lore Masterpost
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valorofashes · 1 year
cool awsome title
hi people who probably arent seeing this. our bio explains everything so we'll probably add a link to a masterpost or carrd or rentry of all the current pages when we actual make one. anyways, heres our @'s!!
clem - 🍥 (main artist, writer and storyboarder) (@pewrri on twt and tumblr)
leon - 🐶 (artist, writer) (@zombleon on twt and tumblr)
karma -🩸(writer, helper) (@karmicscara twt, @xincresdsirs on tumblr)
koi - 🦝 (hypes us up) (@koidenns on twt and tumblr)
other socials : @valorofashes on twt -
(insert link to soon to be masterpost/carrd/rentry here)
anyways hopefully we'll get something out soon!!
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Welcome to "But what if it was a turtle?", the hub for all our weird adventures and mishaps! This post is here to guide you to our blogs and what is and isn't allowed, as well as the story so far!
Hamato Raphael (aka Raph, aka Red) - (tba)
Hamato Leonardo (aka Leo, aka Leon, aka Neon Leon, aka Primetime, aka Pepino, aka Blue) - (tba)
Hamato Donatello (aka Donnie, aka Donald, aka Don, aka Dee/D, aka Orthello Von Ryan, aka Purple) - (tba)
Hamato Michaelangelo (aka Mikey, aka Angelo, aka Michael, aka Orange) - (tba)
Hamato Yoshi (aka Lou Jitsu, aka Splinter, aka Snuggle Muffin Beefcake) - (tba)
April O'Neil - (tba)
Sunita - (tba)
Carol O'Neil - (tba)
Mayhem (aka Agent 46) - (tba)
Frankenfoot (aka Buddy) - (tba)
Piebald - (tba)
Baron Draxum (aka Barry) - (tba)
Huginn & Muninn (aka Draxum's shoulder pads) - (tba)
Sloppy Joseph - (tba)
Cassandra Jones (aka Casey) - (tba)
Casey Jones (aka Case) - (tba)
Big Mama (aka Sassy Sugar Badger) - (tba)
Big Mama's Assistant - (tba)
Amphisbaena - (tba)
Cortex - (tba)
Sprite - (tba)
Señor Hueso (aka Hueso) - (tba)
Hueso Jr. - (tba)
Capitán Piel (aka Piel) - (tba)
Clem - (tba)
Mrs. Cuddles (aka Cuddles) - (tba)
Loathsome Leonard - (tba)
Dastardly Danny - (tba)
Malicious Mickey - (tba)
Loose Lips Malinowski - (tba)
Hypno-Pottamus (aka Hypno) - (tba)
Warren Stone - (tba)
Mayor Mira - (tba)
Repo Mantis - (tba)
Meat Sweats (aka Rupert Swaggart) - (tba)
Todd (aka Nails von Melee) - (tba)
//mod (aka Lulu, aka Lu) - @lulu-nightbon (main), @neurodivergent-gremlin (alt)
??? - (tba) [ask box closed!]
1. Please do not send anything explicitly nsfw- these blogs portray underage characters, and nsfw content of them is really fuckin weird! (this includes gore- no matter how good or engaging it might be, we have to be mindful of the other anons! implications are a very fine line and will be decided on a case by case basis, and mod will try to tag potentially triggering content! however, mod is not perfect, so if they miss something, please remind him!)
2. Please do not harass others! While some of you may have your various issues with the turtles and co., please do not take it out on mod or the other askers, as they are actual people! As well, any bigots- homophobes, transphobes, antisemitics, anti-autism, the like- will not be acknowledged! mod vixself is genderqueer and most definitely not straight, has clinically diagnosed autism, depression, and anxiety, as well as a history of anorexic behaviors, and traumatic experiences. while fel may fare well against just seeing/hearing about certain things, and can stand comments being launched at them, he does have a limit, and his limits may be higher than other anons. these blogs may be a bit, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed, so please do be mindful and respectful!
3. Don't be afraid to use your oc's in asks! The events of the canon show and movie are entirely unchanged, so any previous histories will be void and null here! Some may be formed, but these blogs take place within a year after the movie (specific numbers will be posted to this after a hot second of research, so these blogs will not be responding to asks until a timeline is established!), so be aware that backstories for your oc's may be ignored! also be aware that mod likely does not know your oc's backstory, so feel free to type it up and tag him if you want them to understand something going on in your ask that has to do with the backstory. also, be aware that some nicknames are off-limits. unless you are running an rp blog of a character that would use said specific nickname, you are not that character, so do not use that nickname.
4. "But what if it was a turtle?" is not responsible for content sent into them! If askers send in content that crosses the nsfw, triggering, or harassment line, do not expect it to be answered! We do not want our askers to be heckled, so we will put our foot down if content sent in does not follow the rules!
5. Please be mindful that shipping is a tentative area! We're sure you all have your own headcanons, desires, and child oc's, but, once again, these are underage characters! If you are really dead-set and hellbent on a ship, you're going to have to work for it, and we can't guarantee you won't have competition or that anyone will be able to achieve such a feat! Of course, we are aware of the subsect of you that may send in shipping material to REACT to in order to see how torturous it may be for said character. This is going to be accepted on a case by case basis, and please do remember that these must apply to the other rules to be answered! However, asks that do not make the cut are more likely to be referenced as an independent post (though that may not be a good thing, so don't be getting ideas).
6. No T-Cest. No one wants to see that. We don't care if you'd like to see the Hamatos be tortured by seeing this. It's not allowed.
7. Have fun! That's what these blogs are for!
8. Rise baby, Rise baby! (leo insisted on this. donnie warned him.)
rules sourced from The Turtles And Their Colors!
... it's empty. we haven't started yet.
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psycho-killar · 20 days
my study accountability blog masterpost ! ✯
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why are we here, clem? :
because i hate studying.
no, really. i started college a couple days ago and i’ve already decided that if i’m not locked in* by january, i’m dropping out and getting an apprenticeship instead.
but what am i meant to do in the mean time? yearn for january to get here so i don’t have to show up? hell no. that’s the pussy way out. i’m going to hold myself accountable for everything i don’t do, and log everything i do. in other words, i’m publicly shaming myself into not disengaging with college. ❤️
*see: happy with my decision to go to college
subjects, a levels :
- psychology
- politics
- film studies
subjects, other :
## psychology coursework
## psychology studying
## film studies coursework
## film studies studying
## politics coursework
## politics studying
## EPQ updates
## ranting
## misc college life
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Is there a way to find all ur aus? (Do u use ao3? 😳)
-tumblr newbie
yes, you can find all the AU tags here! I now have an AO3 account and still not sure what to do with it, but I might post there the longer pieces I wrote on tumblr for different AUs just to have them all in one place, and also the new ones that won’t leave me alone until I wrote them
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walterdecourceys · 3 years
i cant think of any of ur ocs off the top of my head but. 🍀🎂 for whoever you want :]
tbh i can't remember my own ocs half the time lol.. i'll do these w madison <3
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
they probably don't believe in luck, tbh? i could see them believing in fate, but probably not luck. they're not a big fan of random forces. however they absolutely have like 50 "lucky rocks" that are just slightly shiny
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
january 14! birthdays were never a big thing for them, honestly. their dad never celebrated w them or anything, & when they moved into the woods they sort of lost track of time in general. clem makes a point to get them a gift & a cupcake when she can though <3
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shutterbug2012 · 3 years
everyone loves the mission reports so much it warms my heart :D
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htommo · 7 years
anyway i cant believe there are still people out there who dont think zayn and liam are in a relationship when:
zayn has been in love with liam since i can even remember 
he knows liam’s entire music history
liam was in in love with zayn too but it took him a while before he figured it out (see tattoo section for more)
x, x
this masterpost
the vegas fight happened..... which led to the beginning of their relationship where we can see them being all loved up:
itunes x, x, x
germany x, x, trying to walk and early bird gets the worm was about zayn and liam, not louis and harry, x, x, :) :), x, x (germany is even more painful than the yougeneration video)
just as many ziam vids have been deleted as larry vids (e.g. x) 
it’s you before she happened
zayn titled his his entire album in alternating capitals just to disguise the sHe 
zayn whispered brave???? when he wasn’t even meant to be describing liam???? this isnt the only time they’ve fawned over each other either/showed how in love they are:
zayn’s always been there helping liam out
liam had a speech dedicated to zayn’s singing basically every night in the tmh tour 
they call each other babe
they’re literally attached at the hip
liam is little spoon
the soft waist touching??? x, x
liam is zayn’s teddy bear???
they influence each other :( and have the same interests :(
they inspire each other :( 
i need to stop (pls note the lap sitting) 
flirting galore
what is this
this wasnt even meant for public consumption he just wanted to tell zayn he loved him :(, and zayn did the same another time :( 
kisses? jealousy? liam only letting zayn touch his head???
larry AND ziam mirroring and again, and again
more body language!!!
:) :) :) (see section u in particular - liam can’t get comfortable) 
they get jealous too  
they love each other
ok boys
i hate them
subtle 1d day things
liam looked distraught every time the z*rrie “engagement” was brought up (and shook his head when someone asked zayn if he was sure: x)
liam said thank you when someone congratulated zayn on his engagement 
this happened??
all this happened too (including liam saying the rings are gonna get lost) 
see i like your skirt mary’s vids for more 
but zayn and liam are probably most definitely engaged if not married:
:) :)
zayn gave liam a cartier love bracelet
they both have rings
liam’s ring (x) which he replaced with a ‘4′ tattoo which represents an angel aka zayn
zayn’s ring which he replaced with the tattoo below:
zayn has a mandala tattoo which pakistani brides get aka they are marRIED (and a follow up post)
liam’s already married :) :) :) (to zayn if u hadn’t caught my drift)
whilst we’re on the topic of tattoos:
we are the quiet ones is about zayn and liam 
zayn literally has liam’s name tattooed on him
zayn literally has liam’s outline tattooed on him?? dont @ ME 
roses are very important to the boys (liam even got them tattooed TWICE and they mean ‘i love you’) 
‘i figured it out’ and you and i 
liam figured out that he’s in love with zayn and you and i is their song - it’s so important to him that liam got the lyrics tattooed :) (from x)
liam always sings this song to zayn too (x, x) and zayn sings it back
their tattoos match :)
both have constantly made reference to having beards (see: zouiam beardy boys, zouiam ‘progression of beards’ (go to 4 mins in), zouis ‘you grew a beard’ ‘i do have one actually’ ‘so do i’)
(some of this section is only available on mobile)
liam... literally had........ beard..... auditions......
p*yzer 1.0 is shady as fuck and p*yzer 2.0 is definitely fake
z*rrie is fake
also the niall/s*phia weirdness
s*phiam is fake as fuck and rbb predicted the breakup with a 5 day countdown
do i even need to explain why ch*am and z*gi are fake 
z*gi and z*rrie are the same relationship
all the stunts follow the same storyline 
rbb predicted bg with ch*ryl aka colgate 
also zouiam avoiding girl questions led by liam 
“c’mon then, c’mon” is a thing (i.e. a literal confirmed ziam kiss)
also the toothpaste kiss!! 
:) (from x)
they constantly share/match clothes (esp on red carpets) 
x, x, x, x, zayn’s pocket square literally matches liam’s shirt??, x, matching bracelets
their family loves BOTH of them
they all hang out :)
zayn’s aunt constantly likes ziam posts on ig
their friends love them too
they have pets together (x) 
liam does not have a baby :)
that’s a post in itself so tl;dr liam shaded and predicted bg by calling a doll thrown on stage a fake baby multiple times, along with louis 
they both support the lgbtq+ community
liam cowrote on home and end of the day which are lgbtq+ anthems e.g. :) 
x, x
they are still!! together!! (because zayn leaving was a stunt and all 5 boys are still friends, x !!, x !!)
liam’s constant positive talk about zayn since zayn left 1d (x, x)
he even said i love you zayn during the ot4 history performance on txf (don’t @ me it happened) 
sure sounds like they’re on bad terms!!!! 
they still love ziams news :) wonder why :) 
they! are! together!
they communicate through their clothing
liam wants to collab with zayn
ziam linkage in the media
lyric parallels (get low and fdtd)
???? niall?????????
sharing even in 2018 :)
liam brings up zayn at any given opportunity and is always up-to-date with his zayn facts and he can still do zayn’s accent spot on despite the fact that they’ve not publicly seen/spoken to each other in 3 years 
do they even have separate wardrobes at this point?
ziam love roses 
zayn is liam’s protector
zayn confesses his love for the 1023923490234823th time in let me and i am not ok
this needs a point all on its own
they kissed at an award’s show
fighting the closet
ziam being extra x100
everything in this tag
ziam in comparison with larry?
why louis and harry’s closeting didn’t work, but zayn and liam’s did
they ARE TOGETher
this is definitely not an extensive list (there has definitely been more stuff but this is already long and i can’t include everything because there’s too much) but if u wanna add something feel free (if u want more ziam content, u can check out my ziam tag!)
see also my liam is not straight post
also look at i like your skirt mary’s videos 
tl;dr they are in love; always have been, and always will be 
credit to the ziam gc (in particular @softestziam, @ziam-is-golden, @xxsincerely-insanityxx, and @marvelsziam) for helping me massively 
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loominggaia · 1 month
darkwingphoenix I'd TOTALLY vibe with Clem, especially after reading this! Tyger is prolly subconsciously making up for Clem's pacifism by being a semi bully (Unless Azura put a stop to that once it stopped being cute by way of projectile chanclas), and Rusty is just trying to exist wothout
You are so on the money with Tyger! I imagine he acts hyper-macho to impress his dad (who he looks up to a lot), but his idea of "macho" means bullying his siblings and being a dick...y'know, a lot like Jelani when he was younger.
Azura would try her best to curb his behavior, but she takes her job as queen very seriously and probably wouldn't have enough time to fully deal with it. Frankly Jelani wouldn't have time for it either. I think it would take some big, life-altering event to finally sort Tyger out. That, or spending enough time with someone righteous-hearted that he respects.
Hanging around Evan and the FGG sorted Jelani out quite a bit over time. Evan taught him that there are more ways to be masculine than being an aggressive jerk. I wonder if the same would be true of Ty.
Lore Masterpost
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tran5rightsos · 4 years
I Feel Stupid, But It’s Something That Comes And Goes (masterpost)
Summary: Luke’s dug himself into another inescapable hole. His mum has become too invested in his relationship with his boyfriend of three years and was devastated to hear that it’s all falling apart. So, obviously, she signed him up for couples therapy, but there’s a problem. Luke’s boyfriend, “Mike,” doesn’t exist. Good thing his friends know someone dastardly enough to pretend to be his boyfriend and go to counseling with him.
Genre: Everyday
Relationships: Clemmings, Cashton
Tags: fake dating, couples therapy, idiots to lovers, homophobia, transphobia, rich kid Luke, punk Michael
Leave Kudos?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
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clem-chan · 5 years
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We organized a gift exchange for valentine’s day on the GaaSaku discord. Here are all the fics created for the exchange. All fics feature GaaSaku as the main romantic pairing. MOAR CONTENT!!! 
Eyes on the Prize by Cut3nPsych0 (@reallystrangecoffee) | Rating: E
Summary: Sakura was having trouble sleeping. AU. PWP. GaaSaku. **Creator chose not to use archive warning**
Slice of Life by Binxxx | Rating: E
Summary: Small glimpses into Sakura's and Gaara relationship. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.  **Creator chose not to use archive warning**
If You Leave Me You Are Lost by aelibia (@heynattyice) | Rating: T
Summary: Sakura learns to let go of her post-war troubles while wandering the world looking for purpose. **No archive warning apply**
Love Thy Enemy by MindTrash (@pikaboubou) | Rating: E
Summary: Gaara can't stand Sakura Haruno, especially since she has been bullying him for their entire highschool life. He wants distance from her up until he finds her crying in the nurse's office... **Creator chose not to use archive warning**
The godaime gets pegged by @the-formerone | Rating: T
Summary: What it says on the tin. **Creator chose not to use archive warning**
Roots by Clementive ( @clem-chan me-self) | Rating: T
Summary: When Gaara agreed to housesit for his sister, he never imagined the loudmouth next-door neighbour would completely derail his life one cup of sugar at a time. **No archive warning apply**
ravel (of spindles, spells and sisyphus//of centuries and kings) by @mouseymightymarvellous | Rating: Not rated
Summary: at eleven years old, sakura was given the chance to outrun her fate and she took it. she's never learned how to stop running.
or, sakura knows the weft of magic but she has never learned how to distinguish blessings from curses. a simple tug, and they both unravel. it's a wonder she isn't just a pile of yarn herself; she won't make one of herself or gaara. not if she has the choice. **No archive warning apply**
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gaasaku-fanfests · 5 years
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Well it’s over. Another wonderful slew of amazing talented people.😘
Thanks so much to everyone who participated &/or liked, reblogged, and commented on the submissions. It’s been a pleasure organising this fanfest. Experience definitely helps lower the stress levels.😋😅💕
Without further ado, here is the masterpost for the GaaSaku Fic & Art Challenge.
PLEASE GIVE YOUR LOVE TO THE PARTICIPANTS. And happy reading, rereading, and enjoying. (What do you call it when you look at art, idk.)💕
Soulmate AU
never sing your absolution by mouseymightymarvellous
Hurtless by sayuri12moonlight
Mythology AU
Dream Eater by darquedeath4444
art by natsumi-no-hibi
Under the Vastness by keltoi-oak
part 1 by darkkurama
part 2 by darkkurama
Friends to Lovers or Enemies to Lovers
The Bar Flower by pikaboubou
art by dreamwalker44
Unresolved Sexual Tension
Getting Almost There by drharunosakura
art by scarletpom
Hot Doctor/Medic
She Chose Who? by meythecat
art by darkkurama
Dark Gaara or Dark Sakura
Devil’s Due by darkcivet
art by darquedeath4444 [trigger warning: flashing. flashing gif.]
Arranged Marriage
Misfits (part 1 & 2) by clem-chan
Misfits (part 3 & 4) by clem-chan
Misfits (part 5 & 6) by clem-chan
Misfits (part 7 & 8) by clem-chan
Misfits (part 9 & 10) by clem-chan
art by the-raging-demons [trigger warning: flashing. flashing gif.]
Fluff or Hurt/Comfort
Dog Day Afternoon by anoceaninthesun
art by distant-voice
Mutual Pining
So Close by nsart.
@mouseymightymarvellous​  @sayuri12moonlight​​ @darquedeath4444​ @natsumi-no-hibi​  @keltoi-oak​  @darkkurama​  @pikaboubou​  @dreamwalker44   @drharunosakura​ @scarletpom​  @meythecat​  @darkcivet​ @clem-chan​   @the-raging-demons​   @anoceaninthesun @distant-voice @nsart
I cannot thank everyone enough. This has been so fun and it was great to see so many people so eager to add to the GaaSaku fandom. Truly an amazing fandom. Here’s to more fanfics and fanart and I can’t wait!😘💕
Everyone is now free to post elsewhere!😉😋😎😍😘💕💓💗💖  
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, April 4
Buffy: "Jonathan, you can't keep trying to make everything work out with some big gesture all at once. Things are complicated. They take time and work." Jonathan: "Yeah, right."
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Factory (Xander, M) by CantSpeakFae
Starbucks Cup (Spike/Buffy, T) by fancyflautist
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Starbucks Cup (Spike/Buffy, PG) by Fancyflautist
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What you see (is what you get) (crossover with "Batman", Selina/Dawn, FR7) by OldEmeraldEye
Shades of Emerald (crossover with "Batman", Dawn, FR7) by OldEmeraldEye
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Almost Home Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by slaymesoftly
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Almost Home (Part 3 of IWSHLY verse) Chapter 20 (Spike/Buffy, M) by Slaymesoftly
Seer of Southdown Base Chapter 9 (crossover with Firefly, Xander, T) by Alittleauthor
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Bihaldan Chapter 4 (Spike/Buffy, R) by Twinkles
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Buffy Ragnarök Chapter 4 (crossover with "Thor", Buffy, FR7) by nedwards
The Ninth Bomb Chapter 13 (crossover with NCIS, FR13) by Cordyfan
Five Times Followed Up Chapter 2 (multiple crossovers, Giles, FR13) by vidicon
Star Wars and Buffy are Non-Mixy Chapter 99 (crossover with "Star Wars", Buffy/Obi Wan, Andrew, FR18) by Sharie
Xandificer Chapter 103 (crossover with Dungeons and Dragons, Xander, FR21) by Datatroll
Punishment Chapter 6 (crossover with "The Punisher", Xander, FR18) by zheuse
Rebirth: A Stargate Tale Chapter 14 (crossover with Stargate, Buffy, FR7) by lateVMlover
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Drawings and watercolors: Buffy; Spike; Faith (worksafe) by wlwkorra
Artwork: Buffyverse Icons (Buffy, BtVS and AtS ensemble, worksafe) by mrsgordo84
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Video: POLARIZE (Wesley) by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Video: LOVE ME (Buffy/Angel, Angelus) by MadameDamn2018
Video: worst of you (Buffy/Angel) by Daenerys targaryen
Video: Always - Saliva (Spike/Buffy) by Angela Ac94
Video: Love profundo (Spike/Buffy) by SAN7AFE art
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Artwork: Buffy/Angel played by Jeffrey Hunter and Sandra Dee (worksafe) by christytrekkie
Artwork: Fluff Week - Day 7 (meet cute) (Willow/Faith, worksafe) and other aesthetic + AU headcanon posts by heterocosmica
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 1 Review by Introvert Reacts
It Needs Retouching (S02E02 "Some Assembly Required") by Buffy Boys
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Positives and Negatives: Over the Rainbow by Stoney
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PODCAST: Buffy 6x17&18: Normal Again/Entropy by Unspoiled!
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
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Photo comic version of "Black Widow" by bogwitch recced by Double Dutchess
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I'd like some recommendation on podcasts that 'do spoil' by kittyflaps with multiple responses
[Community Announcements]
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Thursday, April 4th, 2019 - Death and Resurrection at fic_promptly
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The April Zombie Apocalypse Challenge at Twisting the Hellmouth
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Comparison on how TV shows deal with sexual assault: 9-1-1, Grey's Anatomy, and BtVS "Seeing Red"] (section 4 of the post) by shadowkat
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Xander Harris Meta masterpost by luscious2
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Thoughts on Dawn/Connor by thetopher
Thread: Oz on Angel S5 hosted by AnthonyCordova
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BTVS archival materials, a question by authentick
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What happened with Buffy in LA between s1 and s2? hosted by SilentHillFiend
Shout out to the unsung hero.. Clem. by multiple people
6x01 -- what's the point of Buffy bot? by kevavz
'Hush' wouldn't work today hosted by cfc1016
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