clexmas23 · 1 year
Clextober is NEAR!
Let’s celebrate all things Clexa and one of the best seasons of the year! 
We’re talking fanart, fanvids, fanfics, mood boards, photo manipulations, videos, fic recs, TikToks, the works. You don’t have to participate every day but it would be amazing if you did. You can pick one, or three, or any combo you would like. Listed below are a few ideas to get your creativity going, but they are by no means strict guidelines. You do you, boo! 👻 
Remember to tag #Clextober23, #7DaysofClexa, and #(day/prompt) when posting. 
Example: #Clextober23 #7DaysofClexa #Day4 #Day4: Magical Nights, and of course, any other tags you’d like to add.
Day 1 - Spirit Week A typical spirit week happens during the fall months and is designed to spark joy, creativity, and happiness in any school campus or place of work.
Day 2 - Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice Pumpkin patches, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin carving, pumpkin spice candles, all things pumpkins!
Day 3 - Annual Fall Festival Craft fairs, apple picking, pumpkin patches, sweater weather, corn mazes, baking, bonfires, hayrides! 
Day 4 - Magical Nights  Witches, warlocks, black cats, spells, potions, broomsticks, candles, curses, and magic is definitely one way you can take this. Or you could have just a magical night under the stars with the woman you love.
Day 5 - The Other Side The other side of what?!  Are we talking about Spirits and the afterlife or are we talking about seeing a beautiful woman on the other side of the street?  
Day 6 - Vampires to Werewolves Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, graveyards, aliens, beasts, Frankenstein, demons, creatures, etc.!
Day 7 - Free Day On Halloween, it’s FREE DAY! 
Didn’t see a theme that you wanted? Missed a day but now you suddenly have a brilliant idea? Today’s YOUR day.
If you need any more suggestions/inspiration, send me an ask. I’ll try my best to give you ideas, or you can always make a post for my friends and/or followers to come up with clever things for you
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This one. This one right here.... I love this one. Chapter 1 sets a tone. But chapter 2 is where everything hits. It’s a wild ride with lots of feels, and so so SO worth a read! Let me know what you think if you read it.
285 of 7,993 Clexa Fics
Move On Me Author: caelzorah
Completed March 15, 2015 Chapters: 2  |  Words: 16,035
Author’s Summary: The first time Lexa meets Clarke, those are not their names. Reincarnation. What a magical word.
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months
How about Easy A for Clexafication? I could see Clarke trying to help out a fellow gay by telling other kids in school that she slept with him. And then, thanks to her loud mouth friends, it gets out of hand with her trying to help out other guys and she gets labeled the school slut even though she’s never slept with anyone. At first Clarke leans into it and plays up the slut bit but soon realizes that it’s all too much. Her actual crush Lexa seems to be the only person who doesn’t believe the rumors. I see Lexa as the school mascot (the warriors) and she does the whole warrior getup with black eye makeup and riles up the crowd at pep rallies. Lexa also works at a local seafood restaurant where she dresses up like a pirate which is also a look that Clarke quite enjoys. Eventually the truth comes out and Clarke and Lexa become everyone’s favorite couple at school.
Ahoooo do I have a cavalcade of HCs for an Easy A au 👀.
First of all, they'd be childhood friends. The kind with weekly sleepovers and even a joint a 5th birthday party one year (despite their birthdays being 3-4 months apart, much to their parents dismay. But they insisted.) I'm talking the childhood friends who practiced witchcraft in each others backyards (potions of mud, cool lookin rocks, and leaves. Highly dangerous stuff), who learned to ride bikes together, who caught fireflies in glass jars together, who promised to grow up and get married to each other 'cuz boys are yucky' kind of friends.
And then middle school happened. And they both kinda went their separate ways.
More like Lexa grew into her own person. Doing things like joining the girls basketball team. And then volleyball. Even ruining their weekend plans with track and field practice one too many weekends in a row. She started branching out in her interests and making new friends, and left Clarke totally behind. Or so that's what Clarke has always thought (more on that later)
Cut to high school and they haven't spoken to each other in years. Not since about 3 weeks into 6th grade. There's no animosity or anything, it's just... They're strangers who occasionally wave and smile at each other in the school halls. Lexa way more often than Clarke ever does, but it's not like anybody's keeping a tally. Right? Because it doesn't matter because they don't know each other anymore. Clarke doesn't even really recognize Lexa as the same girl who used to wear matching Mutant Ninja Turtles pj shirts with her and stay up late staring at the glow-in-the-dark stickers on her bedroom ceiling while they talked for hours. Now Lexa is like, Ms. High School with all her Track and Field trophies and her badass Warriors mascot credentials (the pauldron, plastic sword, and warpaint coming across much more threatening than their old mascot, The Raccoons 😕 (tho there will always be something to be said for their freshman year when Lexa was forced to rally in the overstuffed costume while menacingly rubbing her lil raccoon-y painted hands together...)). That all has cemented her a seat at the Cool Kids Table.
Not to mention the fact that Lexa spent all of sophomore and junior year with her arm permanently attached to her (now ex) girlfriend's hip.
Not that Clarke ever cared. Or even noticed. So like, why did you even bring it up? ಠ_ಠ
So when her not-really friend but general acquaintance Monty asks her to... well, be his beard, Clarke agrees. In a way that, jesus fuckin hell, really got away from her faster than she ever anticipated. Because then Monty tells Jasper, and Jasper asks her to do the same, and before she even knows what the hell happened to this simple favor, everyone in school seems to believe that a painfully virgin Clarke is fucking the entire AV Club. And more.
It all spirals from there with the usual slut shaming and everything that goes along with society's hatred of women who have sex. It's only when her own best friend Raven/Wells (whichever, doesn't matter) turns on her - accusing her of being a slut and a liar and a terrible friend for not even telling them - that Clarke just says "haha Ok Fuck This" and goes all in.
Which. Whew. This is Clarke Griffin we're talking about. She's aware she's been blessed by puberty. So when she starts shaking her ass around school in tight jeans and corset tops, it has the exact effect she desires.
And then some.
More, in fact, than she had initially bargained for.
In the melee that follows of more guys bribing their way to be on the Griffin Bedpost Notches of Shame (and few a who missed the fucking memo that all of this is actually fake 😒), there is... Lexa.
Seemingly out of nowhere.
Where people had started parting in the hallways just to not touch her, Lexa seems to start showing up out of nowhere.
The smiles still come, and the friendly waves too. Nothing big. Nothing imposing, or like she wants something like everyone else. But then things like Lexa coming over to sit next Clarke during her break at the pep rally start happening (in her full Warriors getup to boot). Things like Lexa making little jokes to Clarke in passing. There's the moments when she asks Clarke if she's ok and offers her a ride after school, which Clarke always absently turns down. It's weird having Lexa back in her space again, but honestly, she's got too much on her plate to give it much thought. Because Lexa's just Lexa, and now Clarke's apparently the school slut, so... Their worlds are still very much divided.
Until eventually one night Clarke thinks she's actually going out on a date with a nice guy. I mean, she's known Finn since 10th grade. And he picks her up and opens the car door for her and everything. Like,,, this is most definitely a real date!
Except it's not, and he's a pervert asshole just like everyone tf else.
But thankfully, wouldn't ya know it, guess who happens to work at the very seafood/pirate themed restaurant that fuckboy Finn had decided on?
It's finally, FINALLY, in the quiet of Lexa's car when she parks them outside of Clarke's house that they actually talk. It starts with Clarke feeling like a fool for even thinking Finn could—... Not after everything. And Lexa of course does that thing she's taken to doing again. That calm, knowing, entirely too wise for her years kind of smile that Clarke still remembers from when they were kids.
Even in her ridiculous yet oddly attractive pirate's uniform (complete with a discarded eyepatch and clip on parrot) it's distractingly charming.
It's what has Clarke admitting that she doesn't know how she got into this mess. That she never meant to become this person. To which Lexa, in her infinite patience and wisdom, replies, "Clarke, you're still the same person you've always been. I know you. Nothing about you has changed."
Of course Clarke's dismissive answer to that is a smartassed, "Haven't you heard? I'm the school slut."
She can't help but smile at Lexa's laugh. "Actually, if I recall, you're the girl who once convinced me if I hung upside down by my feet from a tree, it'd help me grow taller."
"You can't say for sure that it didn't help," is Clarke's automatic response with a wave toward Lexa's general lanky, goddess-esque physique. Which earns her another laugh. Again, not that anyone's keeping a tally.
"True," is Lexa's response and, dammit, she's doing that all knowing smile-y grin thing again. "But you're also the girl who used to help me tie my shoes. And traded her pickles for my carrots. And taught me how to fold our secret notes so that nobody else could ever read them."
And, yeah, Clarke does remember that. Which in hindsight had been kind of stupid. It wasn't like they ever let their class time correspondence fall into the dastardly hands of anyone but each other, so the chances of interception were zilch making the whole exercise rather moot. But at the time it'd felt... important. Because what'd they'd had was only ever meant for just them.
What the hell even happened to those girls?
"You stopped answering my calls," is Lexa's simple reply. It doesn't even seem to hold any blame. "It was like... one day you just cut me out."
Which was not what had happened?
Was it?
Except, as Lexa gently explains that while, yes, she did start getting into sports, she still always tried to make time for Clarke. She did call and leave messages that kept going unanswered. Sent texts that more often than not were left on read. She'd ask Clarke to go to her games and track meets, sometimes would call her just to come out to eat with her and her teammates. But Clarke had always given her a disinterested promise for a million next times that never actually came.
Eventually Lexa just stopped trying because Clarke made it clear that she didn't like who Lexa was anymore. And it stings ten times worse because Lexa's doesn't sound angry or blaming. Just a little hurt. Maybe still a little sad even after all these years.
It's just one more thing to feel absolutely awful about. Like, she really is the universe's biggest asshole. She has no idea what to do with this revelation of her own failures, or the soft way Lexa keeps looking at her.
After that night things both change, yet stay completely the same. Because after that night when she'd apologized to Lexa and said she regreted doing what she'd done - that 6th grade her was an idiot. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade her as well 🤧 - she was still the "school slut" and a social pariah, but she had her best friend back at least.
Her best friend who smiled her every time they passed in the hallway and sometimes walked her to class. Her best friend who now ate lunch with her and texted her on the weekends and would laugh at every single one of her jokes (fINE we're keeping a fucking a tally).
Her best friend, who when Clarke mentions is the only perso who talks to her without looking at her corset wrapped breasts, nonchalantly corrects, "Oh I look. Just... Respectfully."
It's hard to return the decency of that favor when Lexa walks away after leaning into Clarke's ear and whispering, "You know I prefer Ninja Turtles pjs anyway."
Clarke eventually comes clean about the whole fiasco, too the shock of everyone. Everyone, that is, except Lexa. Because Lexa kind of knew. Because, as Lexa says in all her glorious Warrior gear, when she kisses Clarke in front of the entire school at the end of the football team's pep rally—
"I told you, Clarke. I know you."
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Are there any NSFW shots of alycia in this latest episode 👀
I'd say the sex scene is pretty nsfw just being a sex scene 👀 you dont see anything, just her on her back and him moving and her moaning softly, its filmed at an angle thats the top of their heads and Alice looking back.
I am clexafing that scene in my mind completely, Dylan? Never heard of him. That's Clarke making Lexa moan 😌
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clexas-wh-0-re · 2 years
Fr i miss These Gay bitches so much !!! 😫
#clexa #lexakomtrikru #clarkegriffin #clexafic #clexaforever #ilovethem
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ylvapublishing · 3 years
WLW Book Recs: Books for Clexa Fans
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andimarquette · 3 years
debating posting a couple chapters of this Clexa AU I’ve been working on. Thinking if I do it, it’ll kick me in the ass to finish it…😂
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iadmireuwashingline · 5 years
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‘Ugh, it’s that time of year again’ by @jazzyjazzin
There is no one Clarke gets along with less than Lexa Woods. Normally when it comes to rivals you are not forced to spend every holiday with them, let alone a room with one singular bed. But Lexa Woods and her siblings spend every holiday with Clarke and her family and what's Christmas without a persistent rivalry and constant competition? At least, this holiday seems to be shaping up the same as every year until the Blake's arrive changing Lexa's normal un-bothered attitude to something different and new that Clarke isn't used too.
Will they spend the holiday at each others throats as usual, or will new guests force out new confessions that change the way Clarke and Lexa communicate forever?
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closetcasefabray · 5 years
Don’t Make Me Spell It Out For You, Part 1/6
briefest of brief summaries: clarke kind of hates her neighbor because lexa hates fun or something. aka & they were neighbors
okay, so finally writing this as a fic. i could’ve definitely made this a one-shot, but i divided it into 6 parts (of varying lengths) to have fun with it, and i’m cleaning it up and adding more. also managed to hit several of the classic au prompts: fratboy!clarke, neighbors/girl next door, (kinda) enemies to friends to lovers, city au, useless lesbian/bisexual, & one bed. hope you enjoy.
titles courtesy of Janelle Monae.
EDIT: apparently this entire thing just up and disappeared when i made a small edit on mobile. fixed it. thanks tumblr for being generally awful.
1. all the feelings that i’ve got for you
You love and hate living in New York—love the diversity, art scene, local parks, trips to the Bronx Zoo, concerts in Prospect Park, and (finally) earning a living wage after graduating two years ago. You hate the MTA’s ceaseless delays, the owners of the dog barking outside your window every morning, rude restaurant guests who tip poorly, and the puddles that seem to always be on the sidewalks even when it hasn’t rained for days. You love your neighborhood but hate how old your building is—tiny living space, worn out hardwood flooring that slopes, the distinct off-off-white color of it all, and the incredibly thin walls.
You also recently determined that you’re really starting to hate your neighbor.
The first time you receive a knock at the door, it’s understandable.
Raven is, in her own words, “Queens, born and raised, and therefore a die-hard Mets fan.” It’s not always clear because most of the time she spends watching games, she’s swearing at the players and coaches, and groaning, “I fucking hate this goddamn team.”
So you’re sitting between Raven and Octavia late one night, watching the Mets play the Padres, drinking beer, and shoveling pizza into your mouths, when an unexpected home run has Raven jumping to her feet and shouting, “I fucking love this goddamn team!” She does a dance and claps as the Mets celebrate their two run lead.
A soft knock at the door interrupts Raven high-fiving you and O repeatedly less than a minute later. You all exchange looks and you roll your eyes when Raven and O look at you expectantly. You stand up, take a swig of beer, and open the front door.
A stunning but half-asleep girl, about your age, is standing on your old, beat up Welcome mat. You figure she’s your neighbor, but you hardly see anyone else who lives in the apartment building, not to mention the number of people who move in and out throughout the year. Your assumed neighbor is in her pajamas—a Columbia grad school t-shirt, striped shorts, and some moccasin slippers—and her hair is a mix of brown waves and curls, tousled no doubt from struggling to sleep. Her grey-green eyes remind you to finish your painting of a storm at sea.
“Sorry,” you say quickly, then explain, “West Coast Mets game.”
The other girl just nods.
“We’ll keep it down. Sorry again,” you say, offering a small smile.
Your neighbor doesn’t reciprocate and just turns around to go back to her apartment. You feel guilty as you gently shut the door.
“Well, that’s one way to meet your new-ish neighbor,” Octavia says before drinking from her beer.
“It is two in the morning,” you say with a shrug.
“She’s been here for over a month. This shit-hole I call home is nicknamed the City that Never Sleeps for a reason,” Raven says, taking an aggressive bite from her slice of pizza. “Also the Mets are winning!” she adds as she chews, “That, like, never happens, so she should respect my devotion to this piece of shit team.”
You and O just roll your eyes, and you hope the pizza and beer will keep Raven busy enough and her mouth full to prevent further yelling.
The second time Lexa—you read her mailbox label—knocks at your door, you expect it.
You get home from a killer shift and Raven is scrolling through Hulu and the like for something to watch, so when you say you never saw John Wick 2, she immediately tells you to “sit your ass down and watch this shit.”
You can’t hear the dialogue over the crunching of the chips you’re sharing with Raven, so you keep turning up the volume. Raven gets up to use the bathroom as you watch the scene unfold.
Then his house explodes.
For a brief moment you think the apartment is too because the surround sound speakers Raven has set up shakes the floor and walls. You scramble to turn down the volume and manage to pause the movie.
Raven’s head immediately pops out from the bathroom to look at you with her mouth hanging open in slight horror. “Oh no…”
You look at the time. It’s 12:30AM. “Shit.”
You realize you’re holding your breath when you hear the light knocking ten seconds later.
“Hi,” you say, feeling stupid as you look at another form of tired Lexa. She’s got her glasses on this time and a Les Mis tee to accompany a different set of striped sleep shorts, but her hair is in the same state of lovely disarray as it was a week ago. Eyes still quiet storms.
“Could you just turn it down a bit?”
“Already did. Sorry. It was hard to hear the movie and then something blew up… on screen, I mean.” You question if you ever actually learned the English language or had a normal social interaction with an attractive person before. Whether bars, clubs, or even work, you can typically charm people’s pants off. Apparently in your own apartment, all it takes is a pretty girl with messy hair and full lips to throw you off whatever game you can manage.
“Thanks,” is all Lexa says in response.
After you close the door, you turn to a still shocked Raven with her mouth agape. “Okay, so that one was fair,” she admits.
“Is there a thin-apartment-walls setting for your sound system?”
The third time Lexa knocks at your door is the last straw.
You have the night off after a 45 hour work week, carrying 20-pound boxes of wine up and down the stairs, memorizing five new menu items and an entirely new cocktail menu. Do you love the restaurant industry? No. But you’re decent at it and it pays double what the YMCA paid you for children’s after-school art lessons.
You manage to crawl out of bed around two in the afternoon, and proceed to drink an entire Britta’s worth of water before refilling it and sticking it back in the fridge. You probably shouldn’t have had the last two (or five) shots you took last night after work with your coworkers.
You hear the familiar sound of Raven coming up the steps and her keys in the door as you plop yourself into the chair at the small table that separates the kitchen from the living room.
“You’re home early,” you say, Raven is helping her mechanical engineering company collaborate on a big project with MoMA, so she’s been working ten hour shifts, six days a week.
Raven, despite looking exhausted, lifts her fist above her head in victory. “And I have tomorrow off! I’m going out!”
You groan, and Raven just laughs. “I heard you stumble in last night, so it’s cool. I’m going out with O and Lincoln later. I have pot, and you look like you need a cannabis miracle.” 
You smoke some of Raven’s weed, and while it does make you feel better, it doesn’t do much for the lethargy part of your hangover. You order delivery for the both of you and wait, sprawled out on the couch in the living room while Raven showers. You snap out of your daze when Janelle Monae’s voice starts to pour out the bluetooth speakers, and you let out a full belly laugh as Raven dramatically exits the bathroom into your line of sight, dressed in only a towel with another wrapped around her head, using her phone as a microphone.
“Live my life on birth control. I lost my mind on rock and roll,” Raven sings, spinning through the kitchen to the living room. She points at you as she continues to sing along and dance. You join her and turn up the volume at the chorus.
You’re both belting along, dancing all sexy despite the fact that Raven’s in a towel and you’re still in a baggy shirt and sweatpants. Raven takes a small hit from her bowl and passes it back to you.
You’re not sure how long she was knocking, but it took a set of louder-than-usual knocks for you to hear it. You look at Raven and briefly feel like you’re back in your college dorm together and resist the urge to chuck the bowl in your hand out the window.
“Really?” Raven mouths, gesturing at the clock reading 3PM.
“What do I do?” you ask. Yeah, you’re moderately stoned.
Raven turns the volume down a bit. “I don’t know, but I’m naked,” Raven says, trying to appear serious before snorting and running to her room to put on clothes.
“Fine, I can just go fuck myself, yeah?” you stage whisper after her.
“Heeeeeey,” you say, opening the door and leaning against the doorframe.
Lexa still looks tired but is wearing a nicer version of your own outfit—jogger sweats, a UMD tee, and some red TOMS she evidently shoved onto her feet without pulling the backs over her heels.
“Your music… It’s distracting me, and just… Could you just turn it down a little, please?” Lexa asks with a light sigh.
“Sure thing,” you reply, and, christ, give her a thumbs up.
You’re sure Lexa can smell the pot, but she doesn’t say anything. She just shuffles back to her apartment, and you close the door not-as-gently-as-usual before turning off the stereo.
Raven walks back into the living room, now fully clothed, and sits on the couch with a dramatic sigh. She grabs her bowl and takes a hit.
“Who, like, gets fucking mad about Janelle Monae? On a Friday? At 3PM?” you ask, taking the bowl Raven offers.
“Someone who hates fun,” Raven says, blowing smoke out her nose and mouth.
In the week following the last knocking incident, you decide you don’t like Lexa Woods, maybe even hate her and her stupid university sleep shirts and stormy eyes. Sure, she’s got her beautiful hair and maybe you’ve thought about how soft her lips probably are once or twice; none of that stops you from declaring her the Enemy of Fun.
You’re not sure what mood you’re in, but you are sure that you drank a lot of gin at O and Lincoln’s engagement party. Raven jokes that gin makes you aggressive, a really dumb “fight me” kind of aggressive.
“She can fucking knock all she wants,” you huff, sitting down on the couch to stop the room from spinning. “Like, what? Are we not allowed to have fun anymore?”
“I know, but let’s try not to have tonight be another night where she comes knocking.”
“I’ll tell her what’s what. Come on, fucking Janelle Monae?” you say, waving your arms in exasperation. “And why not? I fucking dare her to come over. I thought you hated her too?”
“I mean, I think she kind of sucks, but hate is a little dramatic. You’re also pretty confrontational right now, so I don’t want a knock tonight,” Raven says with a chuckle, and you realize she’s far more sober than you as she pours you a glass of water.
“I’d win in a fight.”
“I would.”
“Of course, Clarke.”
“I hate her.”
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 5 years
Kiwi by @coeurdastronaute is one of the best Clexa fics of all time. Fight me.
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clexmas23 · 9 months
Thank you everyone so much for who participated in any way for this year’s Clexmas event!
Let me know if I missed anything! Send them to me as a message and I’ll get it posted. I’ll still post anything winter/holiday-themed on here until December is over.
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267 of 7,995 Clexa Fics
Horrors & Hand Holding Author: hedaleda
Posted March 12, 2015 Chapters: 1
Author’s Summary:
Clarke & Lexa are strangers who end up sitting next to one another at the theatre during a horror movie.
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poppyseedxx · 5 years
Do you write clexa fanfic?
Thanks for the question, anon. Not currently, but I do plan on it soon once I have completed the 3 I'm writing now. I have another AO3 account that I have an older Clexa AU fic I started a couple years ago, but I lost motivation to write it. 😅 I will start back with that one when I find time to write Clexa fics. :)
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months
After seeing ADC’s birthmark now I can’t get the idea of a Clexa Overboard AU out of my head 😭 The gay urge to queer-ify every straight movie I’ve ever seen and make it about a little blonde bitch and a slightly less little brunette bitch 🥴 Brainrot at its finest
Ok here's my problem. Objectively!!???? Overboard was a terrible movie 😩 not the movie itself on a surface level. The movie itself was entertaining and amazing and a classic. But the plot??? The pLOT??
Dude lied to her, gaslit her, took her and turned her into his maid/nanny. He neglected her and talked to her like shit, degraded, humiliated, and demeaned her repeatedly (often in front of people, to his own glee), and then had sex with her while she didn't have all of her mental faculties. And then had audacity to be genuinely hurt when she was mad and left when she found out. I know they painted it as though she could overlook all that for ~true love~ and that she, whew, that she learned the errors of her ways of being mean to him (I could write a dissertation on what the filmmakers were saying here 😒) but uhhhhhhh being a rude and shitty employer is nOt the same as kidnapping, borderline slavery, and basically sexual assault. I mean he made this woman believe she had children and made her feel like a bad mother for his lazy ass parenting. HE HAD SEX WITH HER WHEN SHE DIDN'T EVEN ACTUALLY KNOW HER OWN NAME FFS. I just
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Believe me I've thought this movie through for clexafication because I do like the movie and have watched it a bunch of times, but I just... idk how I could adjust it realistically so it excludes all that awful shit 🥴
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phoenix-rises-again · 5 years
Status update on AWKOHAWNOH...
I know it’s about to be a month since anything new has been posted for this little fic I’m working on. I have no excuses. I just don’t have the motivation to write. The fic will be finished, it just may take longer than any one- including myself- would like. I’m sorry. Please have patience.
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sunspill · 6 years
am i responsible enough to reread this and do a round of editing or do i just slap that post
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