#clexaweek2020 day 4
bottom-lexa · 5 years
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Clexaweek - Day 4: Roommates
We’re just friends who happen to live together
The fic is from Clexaweek 2017. So are the edits. But tumblr deleted my old post, apparently it was inappropriate, so I’m reposting it. I had fun making them, and I’m mad that tumblr got rid of it so I wanted to share it again.
Roommates AU where Clarke and Lexa live in the same apartment and have been for the past two years. There's clearly something there with them but well, denial's strong. Raven and Octavia have no chill when it comes to "clexa" and this fic is just some things Clarke and Lexa deal with when living together.
read here || other clexaweek works
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clexaweekofficial · 4 years
https://tesseractingrey.tumblr.com/post/644435350497968128/whats-the-problem-i-dont-know-well-maybe-im :)
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kloxbian · 5 years
In the Substance of Silence
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Clarke and Lexa never had any real interactions despite being roommates. At least, they didn't until tonight.
WARNING: This is based around the fact that Lexa has no family, no friends, and has no one to lean on. It's very heavy on the feels.
I just wrote this to indulge myself but I hope you all enjoy it.
Clarke and Lexa rarely spoke.
 They’d been college roommates for coming up on seven months and they’d never said anything more than polite greetings. They were both stacked with classes and when Clarke woke up on the weekends Lexa was usually nowhere to be seen. It made sense that they didn’t talk. They barely saw each other.
 Clarke’s feelings for Lexa were… conflicted. She admired the girl’s work ethic. She was devoted to her major, criminal justice, a thing she only knew from seeing the titles of her textbooks. She admired the girl’s seriousness, though sometimes wished it wasn’t so much. She admired the girl’s beauty. That was indisputable. But she didn’t know enough about her to know exactly how to judge her.
 Then it changed.
 Clarke woke to the door swinging open, footsteps walking inside. She burrowed back into her pillows. Lexa came home late often. This wasn’t anything new.
 Then she heard her sob.
 The sound wrenched at Clarke’s heart. She rolled over and sat up. Lexa held onto the edge of the minifridge, hunched over it, panting loudly. Tears dripped down her cheeks and the occasional whimper of pain could be heard. She was messy in a way Clarke had never seen. Disorganized. Shaken.
 Clarke slipped out of bed and took a glance at the clock. 01:13. Lexa was never this late.
 She walked slowly up to the older woman. “Lexa? Are you alright?”
 Lexa’s head jerked up, swollen red eyes meeting her own. Lexa gasped, blinking harshly through the tears, letting go of the minifridge to stand up. Bad idea. Her legs were unsteady, wavering beneath her weight.
Clarke caught her as Lexa collapsed forward. She lifted her into her arms, supporting almost all of her weight. “Hey, hey, Lexa, you’re okay, you’re okay. It’s alright.” Lexa trembled in her arms, stiff under her touch. Clarke sighed, resting a hand on Lexa’s curls and setting her head down on her shoulder. “Relax. You’re alright.”
Lexa slowly softened, her body loosening and all of her weight leaning on Clarke. Clarke kept her steady, her hand a constant pressure on her back anchoring her to the world. She tried to rein in her sobs. She had already embarrassed herself as it was, no need to make it any worse. 
She couldn’t help it, though. Clarke was pressed up against her front and her hands were on her back and in her hair and she felt so warm and radiant and she couldn’t help herself. Ever since her parent’s death, she’d had only Anya, who went to college a state over. She stayed with Lexa for the next three months until she was eighteen and then had to return to college, but they kept in touch. Visited occasionally, called each other a lot, something typical friends would do.
And then she got the phone call that Anya had been hospitalized.
She’d rushed over, making the four-hour drive in barely three. According to the doctors, Anya had been caught in the crossfire of a gunman and had been shot in the stomach and shoulder. She hadn’t been allowed to see her until after she died.
So Lexa drove home, keeping her mind elsewhere while she sat in front of the wheel, but back here, with no such distractions, she broke down. And now Clarke had to deal with her weakness.
The thing was, she hadn’t had a single comforting touch since her parents died three years ago. Sure, Anya was there, but Anya wasn’t a touchy person. There had been the thing with Costia two years back, but their relationship wasn’t cuddly or anything. The only time they really touched was during sex.
It made Clarke’s comforting hold all the more addicting.
She felt her hand rubbing circles on her spine, her hair tangled in her fingers as she lightly scratched at her scalp, and Lexa melted. Her arms circled tightly around Clarke’s waist and she buried her face into her neck. Tears dripped down her cheeks and trailed down Clarke’s neck but she didn’t care. She held a broken, shaking mess of a girl in her arms and gods be damned would she just leave her to deal with it alone.
Clarke stepped back, tugging Lexa along with her. Lexa allowed herself to be pulled along, unaware of where they were going, only aware of the tightness in her throat and the hot press of Clarke’s skin against her face. Clarke sat down on the bed and pulled Lexa down beside her. Stroking a hand down her cheek, Clarke pulled away gently, trying to lay her down onto the pillows.
To her embarrassment, Lexa whined loudly, arms tightening around Clarke’s waist as she pushed her face into her chest. Clarke shushed her, tucking an arm back around her back and pulling her closer. She rested her chin on Lexa’s head and stood there while the other girl quivered uncontrollably. 
Clarke was gentle. It took some time for Lexa to calm down but as soon as she did, Clarke began to coax her back onto the bed. Lexa felt heavy, her vision blurry, and despite the small whimper at Clarke’s warmth leaving, she lay down on the bed. She felt the heavy layer of a blanket settle over her and curled up beneath it, still shivering. Clarke stayed at her bedside, stroking her chocolate hair until she finally quieted and fell into a fitful slumber.
She returns to her own bed, the exhaustion from staying up until eleven the past three nights studying rushing back to her. She had no time to deliberate what had just happened before she only saw black.
Clarke groaned as she came back to the real world, burying her face deep into her pillows. The alarm was blaring next to her but she ignored it in favor of curling back up on her side and pulling the blanket up to her chin.
The alarm stopped. She rolled over sluggishly, blinking sleep out of her eyes and saw Lexa looking down at her from where she stood next to her nightstand. She looked exhausted, eyes red and large bags under her eyes.
It took Clarke a moment to remember last night, but she did. She sat up, rubbing her sleep-saturated eyes. “Morning, Lexa.”
“Good morning, Clarke.” Even her voice was off. It was raspy and stiff.
Clarke stood, reaching blindly for a pair of jeans she knew she had left out. “Are you alright?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Clarke gave her a ‘really?’ look, slipping her shirt over her head. Lexa averted her gaze. She exhaled long and slow as if dreading having to answer. “No. I’m not.”
“Want to talk about it?”
“No.” Lexa walked over to her desk, pulling a banana from where she kept them. They were her usual breakfast, and she knew Clarke occasionally stole one as well but usually made up for it by buying some herself. She tried her hardest to ignore Clarke getting ready behind her.
Clarke didn’t just walk out like she usually did. “I’m going to get some coffee with my friends,” she said, walking up behind Lexa and gently resting a hand on her shoulder. “You sure you’re okay?”
Lexa turned to look at her, a bit stunned at the bright expanse of blue that resided in her eyes. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” She tried to block out the feeling of Clarke’s hand on her shoulder. 
Clarke didn’t give her the sympathetic look she was expecting, instead just nodding and squeezing her shoulder. “Okay. See you later, then.” 
Lexa couldn’t help the disappointment that came when Clarke left.
They didn’t talk for three days after that. 
Lexa saw the looks that Clarke gave her - the worried, I-want-to-talk-but-I’m-not-going-to looks she’d seen other people give but never received. In all truth, Lexa kind of wanted her to talk. She didn’t want to face her feelings, which she knew would happen one way or another if she actually engaged in conversation, but Clarke was one of the only semblances of home she had left. Her entire family was dead, she’d never bothered making friends in college, and she was alone.
Lexa has to pause for a moment when she steps into their shared room and sees Clarke passed out at her desk. It wasn’t an uncommon sight, Lexa knew Clarke always studied until her brains fell out, but her feelings toward her had changed. It wasn’t purely mutual respect, there was something else. The realization that Clarke was the closest thing she had to a family despite them rarely speaking made things different. Made her mean something more.
Lexa rested a hand tentatively on her shoulder, hesitating a moment before shaking it lightly. Clarke grumbled something and sighed, eyes fluttering. Lexa felt something akin to affection rise deep within her. She leaned down. “Clarke. Wake up.”
Clarke blinked blearily, her eyes adjusting to the dark. “Lex? Is that you?” Her voice was heavy with sleep, the rasp making her shudder. She felt touched at the name, even though it was only a slip-up.
“Yes, Clarke. You fell asleep at your desk.”
“Oh.” Clarke sat up, rolling her neck to try and get rid of the ache and arching her back. She yawned widely. “Thanks, Lex.”
 There it was again. She’d never been called that by anyone, and really, it shouldn’t have been a big deal. The name Lexa was technically a nickname anyway, not that she ever used her given one. Alexandria. Much too formal for her taste, though as a lawyer it might sound better than Lexa. The only nicknames she’d ever gotten were from Anya, who’d called her Commander and sometimes Alex just because she knew it pissed Lexa off.
The thought of Anya brought her down again. She’d tried to avoid thinking about her, afraid she’d break down again, and if the blurriness of her eyes was anything to go by, she probably would. The thing was, though, that this never happened outside of this room. With other people, she refused to show it. To show any semblance of weakness. With Clarke, the barriers began to crack. Maybe it was because she’d accepted Lexa’s weakness before. Maybe it was because she didn’t feel nearly as comfortable with anyone else. Maybe it was just because she needed someone. 
“Lexa?” She blinked, clearing her vision to look Clarke in the eyes. Her eyelids drooped but beneath there was concern. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” she said, pushing down her emotions. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Clarke didn’t argue as Lexa ushered her to her bed, draping herself on the mattress without bothering to change. Lexa had to hold back a laugh. She grabbed the covers from the end of the bed and lay them delicately over the younger girl. “Goodnight, Clarke.”
“G’night, Lex.” Lexa smiled as Clarke curled in on herself, burying her face into the pillow and pulling the covers up to her chin. She changed quickly, laying down in her own bed and watching.
What was it about that girl that made Lexa so careless? Whenever she was alone here with Clarke, the facade she always had up began to fall away and it terrified her. No one, save- her, had ever seen Lexa without a mask of apathy. And without even trying Clarke was tearing it down piece by piece.
Lexa stared, watching the blankets rise and fall with each breath, a strand of curled golden hair blow lightly from the steady beat of exhales. Her face was smoothed over in a way that Lexa envied. Despite the struggle of being a med student, Clarke never found herself unable to do what she wanted. Sure, she stayed up until four in the morning studying some nights, but it never brought her down. She still found time to smile, to laugh, and Lexa wished, gods, she craved to be happy with such ease.
Lexa rolled to face the wall, squeezing her eyes shut and crying silent tears.
She hadn’t had a nightmare that bad in years.
Whenever she dreamed, it was always a nightmare, but not like this. She hadn’t had one like this since she was orphaned eight years ago.
She woke up with a shriek, visions of Anya flashing behind her eyelids, old pictures of her parents disapproving faces leering down at her from a place she couldn’t see. 
She heard footsteps and curled inwards on herself, hiding from the ghosts of the dead that would forever haunt her to no end. A sob ripped at her throat, one so hard to contain that it felt like her insides were burning. She could barely breathe, she couldn’t breathe, gods, why was it so hard to fucking live-
She felt something wet splash down onto her cheek. Her tears? No, she was too afraid, too caught up in her terror to even think of crying. It brought her back from her oblivion, making her aware of the warm body curled over her, crying for her. She couldn’t think clearly, she was too unstable to be dealing with this right now, all she could think of was Clarke and how good it felt to have someone to touch, to feel, to love.
Lexa reached out blindly, her fingers grazing soft, fragile skin, and she swore that was going insane because no way could something so meager feel so good. She groped for something to hold onto, grasping Clarke’s shoulder and pulling herself closer, dropping her face into Clarke’s lap and sobbing.
She felt Clarke all around her, surrounding her, consuming her in a way that she never wanted to be let out of. Warm hands fell into her hair, fingers drifting softly over Lexa’s face and neck, wiping away the tears that stained her cheeks. She could feel Clarke moving and whined sharply, wrapping her arms around her waist and shoving her nose into the dip of her hip. Clarke shushed her, laying a heavy, comforting arm over her shoulders and pulling her up as Clarke reclined against the headboard. Lexa’s hand made its way under the back of Clarke’s shirt, splaying out over her warmth and soaking her in.
Clarke didn’t know what was going on but said nothing, holding the weeping mess of a girl close to her body. Lexa was always strong, so strong, but the trembling body in her lap showed her that Lexa was just as human as anyone. She’d tried so hard to keep everyone blocked away, to stay away from the real world, but even the strongest have their breaking points. 
She kept one arm tucked protectively over her back and the other scratching lightly at her scalp, muttering hushed reassurances into Lexa’s ear. She didn’t know how long it took, she didn’t dare tear her eyes away from Lexa curled up in her lap, but she eventually began to calm, her breathing softening, slowing, her body relaxing deeper into Clarke’s hold. A huge sigh washed over the skin where her shirt rode up at her stomach. She leaned down, talking lower than a whisper.
“I’ve got you.”
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bigg1999 · 5 years
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Clexa Week Day 4 ~ Roommates - Polis (It’s really neighbors, but it’s close enough, right?)
Lexa took the leap and moved to the busy city of Polis. Settling into the city, she quickly falls in love with her neighbor. One big problem though, they’ve never met. 
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thessclexa · 5 years
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Stellar Collision: read here
They’re roommates and they hate each other, until they don’t.
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Dance Like No One is Watching
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Fandom: The 100 Pairings: Clexa (Clarke Griffin/Lexa), Ranya (Raven Reyes/Anya (if you squint)) Rating: All Warnings: recreational drinking Summary: Where Clarke has a relationship end, and Lexa's advice is to dance. Story Snippet: Clarke was not having a good day. In fact, that was a serious understatement. She was having the worst day of her life. So she sat in the kitchen, taking shots of tequila. She wanted to be obliterated. She didn’t want to think about what Finn had done to her. Thank god she hadn’t wasted years on that piece of trash.
Read on AO3
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clarketomylexa · 5 years
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Inside Clarke’s Phone x The Roommate
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taschas-clexafix · 5 years
Letters to Lexa
Dearest Lexa, 
You filled so many hearts with love. On this day we honor you and your legacy. You will forever live on through all of us. We will continue to make art and stories that bring all that you are to live on for generations. You brought so many people together you taught us to be strong. You showed us how to love and be proud to love. You shined a light into the hearts of people who felt alone and brought us all together. There are not enough words to describe what you have done for us. One person can and did make all the difference. The world today is better because of you. No other soul will ever shine as brightly in our hearts. We are so blessed to have you in our hearts and promise to forever remember you, honor you, and love you.
    -Forever and Always Love ClexaKru
Heda/Nomon Lexa,
It has been a while since I wrote to you Nomon. Clarke still cries in her sleep and I always hear your name on her lips like a whispered pleading to have you back. She tries to hide it but the pain is so clear on her face. She talks about you all the time and says I am turning out to be just like you! She showed me how to do your war paint and everything she calls me her little Raccoon or Snacha when I wear it, not that I ever need it. Peace has been so nice! You are going to love it! Oh and Clarke cut her hair really short and let me color it pink in spots with the berries! We also tried on my hair but it is hard to see. Nomon you will love it trust me. Mom is so pretty and she has no clue! I wish I had blonde hair but at least I have her eyes! She always talks about how beautiful I am and how I am the spitting image of you, which of course I use to my advantage. My pouty face would destroy yours according to her! Oh and guess what Mom finally let me drive the truck this week and I am of course a pro. I can show you it’s not hard although I wish we could find some horses! Mom says you love horses. She drew me some pictures and I think I would like them too. I can’t wait for the day I finally get to give you all these letters, even the ones when I was little and was just practicing writing. Mom says I have gotten way better, I hope it shows! She doesn’t know I still write these. She thinks it is just my diary, she says it's good for me to write about my life and that she used to when she lived in space. I like writing to you best. I have to go soon. Mom should be back with fish and I promised to make dinner for two weeks to be able to do our hair coloring. I hope she is in a good mood. I think she is missing everyone but you especially. She is starting to give up hope that we will ever meet you again but I stay strong for both of us. I know we'll meet again hopefully soon! This time I just know we will find you. Mom just says jumping through time is harder than it looks kid when I ask why we can’t go everyday. Float! I hear her coming. I will write again soon if we don’t see you first! Ai hod yu in Nomon! 
Love Always Madi
I miss you more than I can put into words. 
I Hope life's been good to you, Since you've been gone. I'm doin' fine now, I've finally moved on. It's not so bad, I'm not that sad. I'm not surprised just how well I survived. I'm over the worst, and I feel so alive. I can't complain, I'm free again, And it only hurts when I'm breathing. My heart only breaks when it's beating. My dreams only die when I'm dreaming. I can’t even lie to you. I am forever changed because of you. I am so sorry I let you go in this timeline I mean a bullet come on! God Lexa that bullet was meant for me! I may have read some of the letters Madi has been writing to you and now I can’t stop crying. She is definitely your Yongon! She is so stubborn and wise like she is a child but here she is writing to you like she is taking care of me. Oh who am I kidding she is! She saved my life Lexa I was barely surviving! She is so full of light and love. She has these looks she gives me that make my mind instantly flash to you giving me the same exact look! She is so beautiful Lex she has your wild dark hair that she is obsessed with having me braid at the moment, I secretly hope she never grows out of that. Her eyes are just so full of wonder and light. Nothing can be compared to her smile. She has your smile. It melts my heart and time always stops for me to admire it just for a moment. She is brilliant Lex she soaks up everything which sometimes really sucks. I have never been good at holding my tongue as you know and I see she used “float” in her last letter knowing damn well what it means! I told her not to repeat it or any of the other horrible words that always seem to slip from my mouth. I feel like I am not doing a good enough job without you. I want only the best for her but I need you to help me. I am sorry this letter is all over I am a mess! I have never loved anyone like you. You are it Lex my forever love my soulmate. I miss my friends and family but can’t deny not having to worry about them and saving everyone has been so nice. You are the only thing that could make it better. Since we found the time jumping portal Madi asks everyday to try and find you. I don't want to get my hopes up but tomorrow we are trying again this time jumping to find you feels different. The portal has been acting really weird and I just think we are getting close. Maybe you are on the other side trying to find us. I wish I had said I love you then I tell Madi all the time I never plan to make that mistake again. Lexa you are so special so incredibly different than any person I had ever known. I have never been loved the way you love me. I look back and think how respectful and supportive you were and curse myself for not getting over myself fast for not falling into your arms when you first kissed me. I was ready, I was just scared. May we meet again my love. Lexa we may have never officially bonded or got married but you are mine and I am yours forever. Ai hod yu in Houmon.
Love Clarke
Clarke has an Idea and quickly puts all of Madi's letters together with hers she dates then writes a description of the place and time they are in and then flings them into the time portal.
A day after Lexa comes rushing out of the time jumping portal with the most brilliant of smiles on her face as she sees Clarke. They rush to each other and fill each others arms in the tightest embrace. Clarke pulls back only slightly to quickly lock lips with Lexa needing much more but knowing a young pair of blue eyes watches. Lexa's smile is like breathing the most wonderful fresh air. Clarke pulls back and grabs Madi by her hand pulling her to Lexa. Madi hides at Clarke's side for a moment the realness of the situation not hitting her yet. Lexa drops to her knees to match Madi's height "I read your letter Yongon. Madi I am so proud of you thank you for taking care of Clarke for me." Light flooded Madi's features as her smile took over her entire face. Before Lexa had time to admit to Clarke that Madi indeed had the most beautiful smile Madi was leaping into Lexa's arms "Nomon! You found us!" Lexa nodded "of course I did." Lexa stood once again when Madi let go "I love you too Clarke and you too Yongon".
I love writing about Clexa especially Happy Ending Clexa!
If anyone wants more of this I am kind of tempted to put it on Ao3 and start a full-on fix so let me know if anyone is interested!
Feel free to write your own Letter to Lexa it was really fun and therapeutic to do it from different perspectives. She lives on through us.
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blu3haw4 · 5 years
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clexaao3feed · 5 years
Hot Mess
by DreamsAreMyWords
When Lexa's parents force her to attend a dinner with them involving a blind date with a colleague's son, her roommate Clarke offers to come with her as a buffer, maybe even flirt a little with the son to take the heat off Lexa. It doesn't exactly go as planned. You could say it's a hot mess, even.
Words: 11471, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Lexa (The 100), Clarke Griffin
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Clarke Griffin & Lexa
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Roommates, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Opposite of Fake Dating, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Clexaweek2020, Clexaweek2020 Day 4, Day 4 Roommates, Warning for some minor homophobia, it's not heavy at all this is a pretty light fluffy smutty fic, hope ya'll enjoy
Read Here: https://ift.tt/38E8CDV via IFTTT
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by ProphecyGirl
Clarke, Lexa, Merlin, and Arthur have a picnic, a protest, and zero time for stupid people in red hats. Morgana and Gwen are adorable, Gwaine will beat up anyone who's mean to Merlin, and Murphy's never met a table he didn't want to dance on.
Words: 3154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Clexa Week 2020
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), Merlin (TV), clexa - Fandom, Merthur - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Raven Reyes, John Murphy (The 100), Jacapo Sinclair, Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Indra (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Crack Crossover, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor, Merthur - Freeform, Clexa, Clexaweek2020, clexaweek2020 day 7, day 7 free day, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, big block of cheese fiction, Everyone Is Gay, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, High School, Not Canon Compliant, but Uther still sucks, Murphy is a Little Shit, Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin), Lesbian Morgana (Merlin), Lesbian Character of Color, Canon Bisexual Character, I'm Sorry, Protests, Gay Rights, Homophobia, Anti-Donald Trump, make america gay again, merlin makes good pasta salad tho, and also stew I've heard, I love you merthur stans you're all valid and the last season doesn't exist, nor does that bullet clexakru, morgana deserved better.. writing
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2A7oovX
by ProphecyGirl
Clarke, Lexa, Merlin, and Arthur have a picnic, a protest, and zero time for stupid people in red hats. Morgana and Gwen are adorable, Gwaine will beat up anyone who's mean to Merlin, and Murphy's never met a table he didn't want to dance on.
Words: 3154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Clexa Week 2020
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), Merlin (TV), clexa - Fandom, Merthur - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Raven Reyes, John Murphy (The 100), Jacapo Sinclair, Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Indra (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Crack Crossover, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor, Merthur - Freeform, Clexa, Clexaweek2020, clexaweek2020 day 7, day 7 free day, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, big block of cheese fiction, Everyone Is Gay, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, High School, Not Canon Compliant, but Uther still sucks, Murphy is a Little Shit, Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin), Lesbian Morgana (Merlin), Lesbian Character of Color, Canon Bisexual Character, I'm Sorry, Protests, Gay Rights, Homophobia, Anti-Donald Trump, make america gay again, merlin makes good pasta salad tho, and also stew I've heard, I love you merthur stans you're all valid and the last season doesn't exist, nor does that bullet clexakru, morgana deserved better.. writing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2A7oovX
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clexaweekofficial · 5 years
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(this amazing gif was created by @perxonal! Link here )
Clexaweek2020 will take place from March 1st to March 7th. Here are links to posts that provide more information on each theme.
Day 1- Sunday, March 1st: Forbidden Love
Day 2- Monday, March 2nd: Survival
Day 3- Tuesday, March 3rd: Time Travel
Day 4- Wednesday, March 4th: Roomates
Day 5- Thursday, March 5th: AU
Day 6- Friday, March 6th: Historical/Period Drama
Day 7- Saturday, March 7th: Free Day
Rules for tagging: makes sure to tag #Clexaweek2020 and the day and prompt first before any other tags to make it easier for me to compile the master list. 
So for example the first day, your tags should be #Clexaweek2020  #Clexaweek2020 Day 1 #Day 1 forbidden love #forbidden love (and then the others for the other days, ofc)
If you post your fic on ao3, you should also add it to the collection Clexaweek2020 as it makes it easier to find and to form the master list.
Submit a link to your post or directly to your work, whatever you would prefer, so that I can share/reblog it. Here is the link for that.
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ao3feed-the100 · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2A7oovX
by ProphecyGirl
Clarke, Lexa, Merlin, and Arthur have a picnic, a protest, and zero time for stupid people in red hats. Morgana and Gwen are adorable, Gwaine will beat up anyone who's mean to Merlin, and Murphy's never met a table he didn't want to dance on.
Words: 3154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Clexa Week 2020
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), Merlin (TV), clexa - Fandom, Merthur - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Raven Reyes, John Murphy (The 100), Jacapo Sinclair, Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Indra (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Crack Crossover, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor, Merthur - Freeform, Clexa, Clexaweek2020, clexaweek2020 day 7, day 7 free day, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, big block of cheese fiction, Everyone Is Gay, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, High School, Not Canon Compliant, but Uther still sucks, Murphy is a Little Shit, Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin), Lesbian Morgana (Merlin), Lesbian Character of Color, Canon Bisexual Character, I'm Sorry, Protests, Gay Rights, Homophobia, Anti-Donald Trump, make america gay again, merlin makes good pasta salad tho, and also stew I've heard, I love you merthur stans you're all valid and the last season doesn't exist, nor does that bullet clexakru, morgana deserved better.. writing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2A7oovX
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clexa-endgame · 4 years
by ProphecyGirl
Clarke, Lexa, Merlin, and Arthur have a picnic, a protest, and zero time for stupid people in red hats. Morgana and Gwen are adorable, Gwaine will beat up anyone who's mean to Merlin, and Murphy's never met a table he didn't want to dance on.
Words: 3154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Clexa Week 2020
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), Merlin (TV), clexa - Fandom, Merthur - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Gwen (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Raven Reyes, John Murphy (The 100), Jacapo Sinclair, Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Indra (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Crack Crossover, Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor, Merthur - Freeform, Clexa, Clexaweek2020, clexaweek2020 day 7, day 7 free day, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, big block of cheese fiction, Everyone Is Gay, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, High School, Not Canon Compliant, but Uther still sucks, Murphy is a Little Shit, Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin), Lesbian Morgana (Merlin), Lesbian Character of Color, Canon Bisexual Character, I'm Sorry, Protests, Gay Rights, Homophobia, Anti-Donald Trump, make america gay again, merlin makes good pasta salad tho, and also stew I've heard, I love you merthur stans you're all valid and the last season doesn't exist, nor does that bullet clexakru, morgana deserved better.. writing
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24614296
0 notes
clexaao3feed · 5 years
Summer Roommates Reunited
by GrizzlyBear1710
Lexa and Clarke had been working at the same summer camp every year in between their years at different Universities. Clarke hadn't seen her tall, awkward, shy friend in nearly a year, and was excited to once again be sharing a room with her. However, with Finn gone this year and Clarke needing a new way to release tension, she's looking for someone new to share a bed with. When Lexa returns to camp, almost unrecognisable with a muscular build and newfound confidence, how long can Clarke go without giving into temptation?
Words: 4759, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Anya (The 100), Costia (The 100), Finn Collins, Raven Reyes, Abby Griffin, Octavia Blake
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Clarke Griffin & Lexa
Additional Tags: Clexaweek2020, Day 4 Roommates, Alternate Universe - Summer Camp
Read Here: https://ift.tt/38Mw1mJ via IFTTT
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