fallenclan · 5 months
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fernclans · 1 year
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MOON 05. (part 2) (tw; none i think!)
Starring: Cliffpaw (BuddingClan), Flippaw (BuddingClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan), Dashpaw (BuddingClan) Mentions: Magpiestar (FlintClan)
“May all cats of BuddingClan gather beneath the Echoed Stones for a clan meeting!” A ginger feline called before leaping, landing unsteadily at first atop their clan's gathering place; a set of three stone pillars, one taller than the others, where the leader, deputy, and head mediator would sit once upon a time.
“UGH- finally!” A small rosy brown molly bemoans loudly as she bounds around the grassy slope beneath, claws catching dirt between them.
Another cat strides forward, rolling his eyes when he sits. “You don’t have to say the whole thing every time, y’know Cliffpaw? It’s just the four of us.” Dashpaw teases, shooting the other tom a playful wink to show he’s not being serious.
“It’s better than us completely abandoning the traditions our clanmates died fighting to protect.” Amberpaw sneers, not picking up on the toms’ lightheartedness.
The half-white tom’s cheeky expression dissipates into a flat one of disappointment. “You don’t have to suck the air out of every situation, Amberpaw. Lighten up will you?”
“Could you two wait until after my ceremony to argue?” Flipkit complains, shooting both of them an exasperated look and sparing Cliffpaw from having to break things up himself. Both felines seemed startled at the younger cat's comment, both reacting with their own levels of embarrassment and apologies. 
Cliffpaw clears his throat one more time, dipping his head to Flipkit in appreciation.
“Flipkit, you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to begin your training as a warrior of BuddingClan. From today forward, you will be known as Flippaw; while I can’t act as a proper mentor for you, we will all work together to complete our training as a clan.”
“I won’t let you down!” Flippaw meows back enthusiastically while Dashpaw and Amberpaw call her new name in celebration.
The cheering subsided and the three apprentices looked to Cliffpaw expectantly; there was still one more ceremony which needed to take place. His own.
For once, the confident tom looked uncertain, his remaining yellow eye concentrating down on his paws. “I, Cliffpaw, feel as though I’ve completed my training and that I am ready to take the full responsibility of BuddingClan’s first full warrior.” Not that he hadn’t done so already moons prior. “Though, to be honest, I’m not sure what I should call myself. Since I was a kit I always imagined Magpiestar being the one to do it, I hardly spared the thought of thinking of what I would want it to be.”
“You could just skip a step and call yourself Cliffstar.” Dashpaw meows jokingly.
Cliffpaw grimaces. “Even if StarClan didn’t smite me for that, I’m not sure I feel ready to call myself leader- not in that way.” He was a leader, but he didn’t feel quite like he could be the leader. "Besides, I haven't even trained an apprentice yet."
“How about Clifftalon? Or Cliffsnarl? Something cool and intimidating!” Flippaw chirps, eyes shining.
Amberpaw chuckles beside her. “Do you think Cliffpaw is intimidating?”
“Do you think Cliffpaw is cool?” Dashpaw jeers.
“Well I don’t, but other cats might.” The youngest of the four explains.
“Hey--! Come on!” Cliffpaw perches on the edge of the stone, tail swishing behind him. His vision spins slightly as he looks between his clanmates, claws sinking into the stone and moss for stability.
“Right, sorry.” Amberpaw shakes her head, looking up at him and taking notice of his unsteady state. “Do you want to get down? Dashpaw’s right, it is just the four of us…”
Cliffpaw shakes his head, regaining his former posture. “No, not until we settle my name.”
“What about Cliffstone?” Dashpaw meows, almost seeming sincere before following it up. “Because once you’ve set your mind on something, you’re as stubborn as one.”
Cliffpaw begins to grow frustrated. “I’m not that stubborn.”
“Yes you are! Only a cat as stubborn as you would make it back home with that kind of an injury still fresh.”
“Dashpaw kind of has a point.” Flippaw interjects. "He would've let CypressClan take care of him until they forced him to leave." All but Dashpaw laugh, the brown and white tabby tom feigning offense for dramatic effect. The moment subsides, leaving them back to where they'd began.
Amberpaw hums thoughtfully. “How about instead of stubborn, we can say reliable? Even after you were gone for days, we were sure you were coming back.”
Cliffpaw seems taken by surprise, a warmth filling his chest. “How sure?”
“As sure as the stripes on your back.” She smiles.
Cliffpaw goes silent, tapping his tail rhythmically against the pillar while in thought. “...how about Cliffstripe?” 
“‘Cliffstripe’?” Flippaw echoed. “Isn’t that a little… basic? Come on, Cliffpaw! You fought a WOLF for StarClan’s sake!”
The dark ginger tomcat bristles somewhat, forcing his fur to go flat before replying. “We lost everything to those monsters- I won't give them my name too.”
Silence again fills the grassy slope, all cats feeling heavy under the weight of the past five moons. It's Amberpaw who breaks the silence again. “So, Cliffstripe, right? I like it.”
Dashpaw speaks next. “Yeah, it suits you.”
“Mm. It’s fine.” Flippaw pouts, just hoping that her suffix will be different.
Cliffstripe gives a weary smile, slowly easing his way onto the soft ground. He brushes against each of his clanmates, a deep purr rumbling in his throat while they depart.
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
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pack pack
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sporeclan · 9 months
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Finally back to business as usual-ish!
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officialclangen · 1 year
I had two (2) Coniferpaws at the same time! So I had them both request that the leader change their names because they were sick and tired of sharing a name!
The leader has named them Mountainpaw and Cliffpaw.
They are still slightly miffed that their names are still slightly similar but they can live with it for now...
(I hope they date in the future)
Cute!! I love it <3
☆ Fable ☆
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Dark Forest Resident: Cliffprance
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Aliases / Nicknames: Cliff, Clifffoot
Gender: tom
Sexuality: grey-pansexual, demiromantic
Family: Pebble (mother), Flail (father), Shellsmoke (mate), Redpoppy, Icykit (daughters), Croakpaw, Junipercloud (sons), Roachfreckle (mate, formerly)
Other Relations: Bluemouse (mentor), Dappledlight (wet nurse)
Clan: ThunderClan (formerly), WindClan (formerly)
Rank: rogue (at death)
Characteristics: curious, easily amused, likes telling stories (formerly), cold, emotionless, prefers silence, likes being left alone (currently), bossy, has constant joint pain
Murder Motive: vengeance
Number of Victims: 23
Number of Murders: 19
Murder Method: leading into wars, tricking into wars, have other cats fight for him
Known Victims: Dappledlight, Galepaw (accidently), Agavepaw, Roachfreckle, Flail (indirectly), unnamed foster sister, unnamed warriors, unnamed kits, unnamed apprentices, unnamed elders
Victim Profile: Clan cats [WindClan, ThunderClan], rogues
Cause of Death: redcough
Cautionary Tale: The kit rejected by the Clan will be the one to burn it down.
It is a long told saying, passed from mother to kit, father to brother, or mentor to apprentice. As generations passed, it became unclear of its origins. Did it start with Cliffprance? Or had his story simply been a result of the cats in his life neglecting to heed its warning:
The kit rejected by the Clan will be the one to burn it down.
Anyone who had met the tom when he was just a kit had been horrified to see the monster he had became, and anyone who had suffered in his reign of terror would refuse to believe that even he had once been an innocent, sweet kit.
In fact, many point to his very first murder, committed when he was only six moons old.
Cliffkit and his father, Flail, were welcomed into the Clan after he had just been born. His mother died while kitting, and between being unable to take care of him on his own and the rising aggression in the other loners, Flail had no other choice but to seek help.
The Clan was strongly against outsiders, but turning them away would go against the code. Flail was determined to prove himself and his son, which meant that he spent most of his time out of the camp to hunt, patrol, or gather supplies. Cliffkit, meanwhile, spent most of his time with Dappledlight, the queen that reluctantly and begrudgingly nursed him.
She was not his true mother, blood or adoptive or anything else, and she was keen to make sure he remembered that. She would growl and push him away if she thought that he was drinking too much milk so that her own kits would have enough, and she would make him sleep in another nest because she didn't want his loner-sickness spreading to her litter, only allowing him to sleep beside them when the nights were especially cold, though that was only because she got in trouble for neglecting his health when he caught whitecough.
Cliffkit was able to make friends in spite of this, and, surprisingly, his days in the nursery were the best he would experience in his entire life. Maybe if things had gone differently, if he hadn't made that one mistake that would lead him to a dark and bloody path, everything would have been better.
Perhaps it would have been better if it was his blood that spilled.
Cliffpaw didn't mean to do it. He and Galepaw were best friends! They had been excited to train together....but then Cliffpaw's muscles began to spasm. He knew what was happening, but he couldn't control it. His legged kicked out--
Cliffpaw only had a moment to stare in shock, horror, and dispair before Galepaw's mentor, Harefern, tackled him to the ground, hissing angrily in his face words that Cliffpaw's mind was racing too fast to understand, clawing at his pelt before Cliffpaw's own mentor finally bothered to pull him off.
He was shunned after that.
Cliffpaw's nest was pushed closest to the entrance, far from the others. Bluemouse, his mentor and Dappledlight's mate, hardly allowed him to train with the others following the incident, and on the rare chance that he did train with another apprentice, his once-friends would call him a murderer, and state that they didn't want to be killed as well.
Had they ever loved him?
Was his kithood filled with lies?
They now treated him the same way as the warriors did, if not worse. They spit awful words in his ears and poked fun at his lack of Clan heritage. Cliffpaw couldn't stop himself from wondering if they had always held these thoughts toward him...if they only bothered to be nice because Galepaw was nice to him. Now Galepaw was dead, because of him....
He tried to explain to them, to his mentor, the leader, anyone, that it had been an accident, that his muscles shake sometimes and he couldn't control it. But they pointed out that Bluemouse and Harefern would never had allowed the battle training to continue if that were the case, and neither mentor stepped in to corroborate his story, two worried for their own backs, because yes, of course they would have stopped the fight.
Bluemouse's lessons grew more violent. He had been assigned as Cliffpaw's mentor because of his strong prejudice towards outsiders. Duskstar had said that it was because Bluemouse would push him the hardest. Cliffpaw would later believe that that was just an excuse to allow one of his warriors to beat up the useless loner-blood.
The worst was when Cliffpaw began to spasm again. Whether they lasted seconds or longer, Bluemouse would kick at him with his claws unsheathed, demanding he cut it out.
Cliffpaw would beg Flail several times to leave. Though Flail loved his son and tried to protect him, he said that since they joined the Clan, rogues had entered the territories around the Clan, and that it was safer here than anywhere else.
Shortly after their conversation, Agavepaw offered Cliffpaw extra lessons. Cliffpaw happily agreed, all too eager for a friend. But when the two were alone, Agavepaw accused Cliffpaw of being part of the rogue gang, being sent here as a spy.
Cliffpaw was startled, and nothing he said could reason with her, not when her grief for her father--killed recently by the rogues--blinded her to his innocence. She leaped, bit and clawed--he had no choice. He was only defending himself.
Their words rang in his head.
Rogue scum!
Were they right? He was a killer...he killed two cats....he was a murderer.
But there was another voice, a burning flame that turned his tears to ashes.
They deserved it.
He dragged the body back to camp, explaining that they were attacked by one of the rogues. More than a few cats were skeptical, but it made enough sense for them to believe his story.
That didn't make things any easier for him. The apprentices hated him now more than ever. They refused to speak to him, to so much as eat near him.
The first was an accident.
The second was in defense.
But the third would be when his murderous deeds became fully and utterly intentional.
Bluemouse took him on a solo border patrol. There was nothing out of the ordinary about that, Bluemouse rarely allowed him to patrol or train with others, stating that he didn't want his foul stench to stain anyone.
They spotted a squirrel in a thin, flimsy tree. Bluemouse ordered Cliffpaw to go after it. Cliffpaw didn't protest--he had learned by now that it only lead to him being cuffed around the ear, or worse. His body weight caused the branches to bend dangerously, and his heart had raced--but when a yowl split the air, he realized he was lucky to be in the leaves.
He watched as three rogues attacked Bluemouse, pulling at him and slicing at his fur. They were clearly having fun as they bit, jumped away to avoid Bluemouse's swinging paw, and jumped back to bite him again.
Cliffpaw's alarm melted into dark pleasure. His heart was still racing, but differently now. It pounded in a way he never wanted to end, the thrill at seeing Bluemouse's pelt be torn to shreds bit by bit, the satisfaction as his angry growls became painful whimpers...Cliffpaw wished the show would never end.
When the rogues were long gone, he left the tree, gazed happily at Bluemouse's corpse, and trotted back to camp. His story this time was that Bluemouse got tired with him and sent him back to camp early. Since that already happened many times in the past moons, no one batted an eye.
Cliffpaw's apprenticeship had already been extended two moons for Galepaw's death, and now with his mentor dead, Duskstar saw no point to letting it go on any further. He named Cliffpaw Clifffoot. Of course he did. Even with Bluemouse gone, Cliffpaw couldn't forget.
The cheers of the crowd were low and half-hearted, all but Flail's, who shouted it to the Stars.
Clifffoot tried not to care. He didn't need them. They were too weak for him. But though the darkness had gripped its ugly claws in his heart, it still ached to belong, to be loved, to just have one friend that wasn't his father.
After his vigil, he spent the day curled alone in his nest and crying into his paws.
Whenever his emotions were especially getting to him, he would send silent prayers to his mother. He had never been able to meet Pebble, but Flail had talked about her often enough for Clifffoot to picture her perfectly in his mind. From there, his imagination built her more and more, as he pretended she was curled around him or watching him play so that he had someone other than his father to talk to.
That day was no different. Alone in the den, his shaking voice called to her, begging for her forgiveness as he cried that he didn't want to be a monster. He begged her to take him from this place, something he had begged of her many times in his kithood, when he pretended that someone was curled around him in the nursery. But like all the times before, there was nothing but silence.
He was dumbfounded when Shellsmoke, a pretty she-cat, confessed her feelings for him. He had thought that everyone in the Clan either hated him or tolerated him, so he met Shellsmoke's words with skepticism.
But the more time they spent together, the more open he became. It took a moon, but finally Clifffoot was able to realize and accept that he loved someone and someone loved him.
Someone loved him!
Curse StarClan for taking that away.
Moments before a rainstorm broke, a patrol returned with her bloodied body, stating that rogues had attacked and killed her.
Dappledlight spoke up first, voicing her doubts of Flail's innocence--who had been on the patrol. After all, everything had been fine until 'those two' arrived, then suddenly cats were dying like flies and rogues were getting bolder.
Her words were quickly joined by her remaining kits, Clifffoot's once-friends who now demanded he be exiled into the unknown.
With so many warriors against them, Duskstar listened and sent the father and son into exile.
Flail was determined to keep his spirits high. He told Clifffoot not to blame the Clan, that they were scared and needed someone to blame. Clifffoot didn't listen, too bitter to. He didn't even get a chance to grieve for his mate before he was kicked out just because of his origin.
Flail began to say something else dull and supposedly encouraging again when the pair were jumped. They hissed and clawed at the rogues, and when they were shoved to the ground, the weights were lifted and they found themselves facing Clan cats. Different Clan cats.
Flail thanked them, and right when he was about to introduce them, Clifffoot stepped in and announced them both as kind loners--Flail and Cliff--looking for shelter from the rogues.
Flail privately questioned him after they were welcomed, but Cliff figured that they wouldn't have as high a chance if they told them the truth. How would they explain why they were exiled, and how could they prove their innocence?
It was only luck that Duskstar decided to keep the loners a secret from the other Clans, and that the rain had washed most of the Clan-scent from their fur.
All was peaceful, at least on the surface.
Cliff's Clanmates were warmer, though still wary due to the rogue attacks. They were still willing to share prey and a den, and when they patrolled with him, they were more than happy to engage in small talk. One of the cats, Roachfreckle, even asked him to be her mate! He agreed, only to keep up the appearance of a trusted Clanmate. One of them.
But he wasn't. He spent too many seasons having that lesson beaten into him.
It could have been a second chance for Cliff to finally live happily.
But it all came too late.
He was denied a mother that loved him.
He was denied a mentor that didn't take every opportunity to beat him.
He was denied littermates, blood or otherwise, that cared for him.
He was denied friends.
Even before he was born, he was denied health.
And when he finally found love, it was struck down from him and he was kicked out of his and his father's home.
Cliff couldn't easily forget.
He couldn't easily forgive.
All his life, he was pushed and pushed and pushed, each shove adding a sliver of ice to his heart. There was no longer warmth, no longer affection, and there was not a single trace of the gentle kit he had once been. It was all frozen, forgotten and buried, and there was nothing left but bitter resentment--resentment for his old Clanmates, resentment for the rogues that first caused their distrust, even resentment for the Clanmates he had now, and for his father that hadn't even noticed how much pain his son had suffered. They were all worthless, and they all deserved to die.
It was the only logical next step, wasn't it? After all, he was already a murderer in seemingly everyone's eyes.
He didn't care if he was killed, and that kept fear at bay. It was why he could take some extra prey from the pile late at night, when he was the only one awake--sitting guard.
With no terror against the rogues and what they could do, he walked through the moors unbothered until he came across a scent trail. He followed it, growing larger and larger until cats sprang out and demanded what he was doing so close to their home.
Cliffprance spat what he carried to the ground and offered them the food.
While they eagerly ate, Cliffprance noticed how skinny they were. Bones with a veil named 'cat.' It was no wonder they were crossing over the borders. They must have been starving!
Cliffprance tried not to show his delight at seeing their suffering. He hated the rogues just as much as the Clan cats.
The leader of the small group introduced himself as Domino, and questioned Cliffprance's reasoning for helping them. Cliffprance told them the truth, part of it at least. He told them that his parents had been starving just as they were, and that he, too, suffered by the Clans' cruelty.
The more they talked, the more he learned.
As far as these rogues--'loners' they called themselves--knew, they only tried to hunt, but anywhere there was plentiful food, there were Clan cats who chased them away. Of course, some of the loners became aggressive. Wouldn't anyone who was desperate to eat? And with more cats becoming aggressive, less Clan cats were tolerant of the remaining loners.
Cliffprance offered them help.
He would be their 'saviour.'
He snuck out food to them once a day, whenever he could sneak out. With that, he gained their trust. More and more cats heard about the generous Clan cat offering meals, and more and more cats trusted him with their lives.
He spent moons feeding them, talking to them like they were buddies, and soon enough, training them to fight. You know, in case those Clan cats give them trouble.
Slowly, he planted the seeds.
First it was just a thought, a joke, a random thing. "I wonder why Clan cats think they're so much better than everyone else. Can't they see others are starving?"
Then it was feeding their resentment. "I can't believe anyone would turn their backs on those that need help! How cruel can they be?"
Then it was hypothetical. "What would you do if you could say something to a Clan cat, other than me?" "What would you do if you could take vengeance?"
Then it became planning.
But while the gears were still turning, voices became doubtful. Domino was the most loud of them all.
Cliffprance had to show them that harming the Clan cats was the only way, while squashing all doubt.
He acted distressed when he returned to them one day with food and they told him that Domino had been killed by the Clan! They had found him with his throat slit, a mouse in his jaws. He only wanted to feed them--there weren't even any signs of a fight! They just jumped him without warning him or chasing him off! They wanted him dead!
Things became incredibly easier after that. Moons of being chased away from good food that they desperately needing, of being torn into for 'trespassing,' and now for being killed, all for being different than a precious Clan cat made all of the loners, rogues, whatever, willing to follow whatever Cliffprance said that they needed to do in order to serve justice.
He didn't want to attack all at once. Instead, he lead the occasional patrol in a certain direction, and would return home panting and distressed that the rogues! The rogues had attacked them!
Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to lead all of the patrols that died. Sometimes, he happened to be out at the same time and told them of this great place for hunting he found the other day.
It was only after two and a half--the final patrol was just two cats--were killed that Featherstar declared that no cat should leave the camp unless accompanied by four of their Clanmates. Cliffprance figured that that was a good enough time to strike.
He lead the rogues under cover of darkness, their scent hidden by the lavender fields they rolled in.
Cliffprance took out the guard before she could raise the alarm, his identity as a fellow Clanmate allowing him to get close enough before she realized something was wrong.
Every den was attacked. The warriors, the elders, the medicine cat, the queens and even their kits were thrown into the fight.
If there was one thing that Cliffprance had convinced the rogues of, it was this:
the Clans had to be culled.
Flail had looked at his son with such horror, begging, asking why he was doing this.
Cliffprance only stared at him coldly, maintaining unblinking eye-contact as Flail was jumped.
Then, when he was satisfied with the damage--he yowled into the air. "ThunderClan! Retreat!"
The trick had worked.
After they had rolled in lavender, the rogues caked themselves completely in mud. Their scent had been disguised and so too their appearance. Cliffprance had given them the names of his old Clanmates to use during the attack. "Duskstar, over here!" one cat would say to another.
WindClan had believed that Cliffprance--and possibly Flail--were traitors all along, sent by ThunderClan to infiltrate them. The irony. That's just what ThunderClan used to think of them.
Cliffprance only had to sit back and watch gleefully as WindClan and ThunderClan tore each other apart.
He returned to the ThunderClan camp one day, while most of the warriors were away in one of the many battles. Any remaining cats that tried to force him away were easily beaten by the five rogues that accompanied him.
Cliffprance followed Dappledlight's scent and found her, amazingly, in the nursery. But she wasn't the one that had had kits. No, the vile she-cat was an elder now and merely visiting her daughter, one of Cliffprance's foster-littermates-turned bully.
Cliffprance didn't do the killing himself just yet. No, he sat back, wanting to watch the carnage as well as the horror on both she-cats faces as the rogues did what had to be done to their kits. Only after bathing in the cries of their anguish did Cliffprance rise to silence them.
Now both Clans knew of Cliffprance's horrid actions. Both knew he was a monster--not the kind they imagined him to be. No, he was much, much worse.
But the battles would continue a while longer before either Clan figured the connection and realized that they had been tricked. Knowing now that they had a common enemy, they joined forced against the rogues.
But by then Cliffprance had already left.
He knew what was going to happen--he had known since the beginning, and he smiled as he walked as yowls rang out in the distant air.
All it took was a little bit of manipulation and he had started a war. Two, in fact, depending on how long the rogues lasted.
It was the fault of those filthy rogues that had ThunderClan distrust Cliffprance so much, and it was ThunderClan that had treated him like filth most of his life.
He only had to be friendly with one before he he got them to kill each other.
He knew that ThunderClan would live on, and so would WindClan--though with much smaller numbers. The rogues were more of a mystery, but he guessed one or two may live.
There was one thing that was certain:
they would not forget him anytime soon.
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Additional Information: 
--Cliffprance was a cat collectively created by many of us! Together, we designed him in Clangen and gave him his conditions, and decided via poll the range of his victim number. I decided to specify his story using some ideas from things that happened in Clangen.
These things include his father's name, becoming mates with the two named, and dying as Clifffoot (and me reviving him as Cliffprance and writing it as him being exiled and finding a new name that way).
You can see who did what here
--Base: Full Reference Cat FTU Base by Naxolite on DeviantArt
Yes I realized I messed up his foot placement on the refs.
--It doesn't show too much on these refs but he is a longhair!
--It didn't make it into the story because I couldn't find a spot that flowed right, but Cliffprance lost his paw in a training accident by a twoleg trap. Bluemouse likely left him there.
--I might explain it in a more detailed post, but basically some loners became more aggressive as they became more desperate. One accidently killed a Clan cat, causing many ThunderClan cats to hate them and become more violent when they chased them off, in turn causing the rogues to become more violent against them.
I might also make a thing where the ThunderClan cat was actually murdered and it was pinned on the rogues?
--While ThunderClan did majorly suck in not noticing Cliff's pain and not stepping in, many of them did not hate Cliffprance as much as he believed they did. But who could blame him for thinking what he did?
--Roachfreckle either died in the ambush or in one of the battles against ThunderClan.
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oceanclangen · 9 months
cliffpaw what did you try to tell Clover?
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For the record, The Sparkling waves is their version of starclan!!!
Also happy late Christmas and new years!
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phloxclan · 30 days
Moon 93
Mistlepelt and Beesechurgerleaf retire.
Fluffypaw earns the warrior name Fluffyrustle.
Wolfpaw is apprenticed to Groveglide, Cliffpaw to Murkfreckle, and Tawnypaw to Orchard. During the ceremony, Molepaw interupts to requests Snowshadow as a mentor, and Weevilstar agrees.
The healers are having an easier time managing, so Weevilstar tells Limebird he can return to warrior duties. He choses to remain as a healer instead.
Groveglide and Squirreldapple have recovered. Groveglide goes for a walk with Shiveringstripe and they are ambushed by a dog. Shiveringstripe saves Groveglide but is injured.
Cliffpaw and Salmon have whitecough, Fruitstreak has greencough, and Ratstalk sprained a paw.
Minnowcinder has grown more and more curious about his origins. Thinking he's found a lead, he sneaks out of camp to meet with some rogues. Later, he is found dead, killed by those rogues. Auburngale is distraught.
Moon 94
Shatterpaw choses to become a mediator apprentice under Roachstripe.
Beesechurgerleaf is expecting kits!
Cliffpaw, Vinepath, Salmon, and Aspenswipe recover, but Quiverwing develops whitecough.
Starlinggleam and Groveglide get caught in a blizzard. They huddle together for warmth and Starlinggleam tells stories to keep their spirits up.
Moon 95
Swiftpaw earns the warrior name Swiftchasm.
Quiverwing, Ratstalk, Fluffyrustle, and Fruitstreak have recovered, but Ravenfleck has yellowcough, Quesadilla has greencough, and Honeyspider has whitecough.
Sloenight is injured by a fox, and Ottercinder sprains a paw.
Snowshadow has a migraine.
Riftbeam joins Starclan.
Fluffyrustle confesses to Lichenspeck, but is rejected. Fluffyrustle hopes to dream of Lichenspeck tonight.
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mistleclan-sideblog · 9 months
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Moon 16! Posting these together because it's not super eventful. (I accidentally call cliffpaw cliffkit on 16 part 2, oops-)
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dreemurr-fever · 5 months
I want to ask me about my Transformers Warrior Cats AU
Adding onto the last post:
Cliffjumper and Bumblebee were raised within the Clan after their mother left them there. She left when they were pretty young so they don't have any memory of her.
Something I didn't mention before was that they had a third brother from their litter. His name was Bumper. He was the runt of the litter and looked up to his big brothers who were protective of him.
As apprentices, Bumblepaw was given to Dawnstar (Optimus) and Cliffpaw was given to Ironhide (still working on a name). As for Bumperpaw, it doesn't matter who his mentor was because shortly into his apprenticeship he was killed in an attack from Darkclan. He was a brave little warrior but unfortunately he wasn't strong enough for Darkstar's strength, who wanted to send a message.
This forever changed Cliff and Bee.
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warriors-pride · 2 years
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@burning-thistles-bt icons part 4! Characters/identities below the cut
Bonus character!
Lesbian Sedgecreek | Lesbian Spottedleaf | Omni Frostfur
Omni Onestar/Onewhisker | Pan Lionheart | Pan Nami/Night
Pan Scraps | Pan Swiftpaw/Missingheart | Polyam omni Cody/Cliffpaw
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fallenclan · 4 months
how are buzzardcry, palepaw, and darkpaw doing? what are their respective top relationships, and how do you imagine their relationships to be like in game? they're the siblings ever
I LOVE THEM!!!! i picture their relationship as pretty close. Buzzardcry is a more stoic/reserved/grumpy sort of cat, and his little siblings are the most spoiled & entitled shitheads in the clan (affectionate). hes like the older brother that complains about his siblings all the time and then secretly does nice things for them when they've had a bad day
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fernclans · 1 year
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MOON 03. (cont.)(final) (tw; medical talk, i think that's it this time!)
Starring: Cliffpaw (BuddingClan), Bitterndrift (CypressClan), Amberpaw (BuddingClan) Mentions: Bitterrumble (CypressClan), Dashpaw (BuddingClan)
“Are you sure you want to walk the whole way on your own?” A lithe orange she-cat asks, passing a glance down towards the injured apprentice. “Bitterrumble urged that you take it easy for the next moon at least.”
Beside her, a smaller ginger tabby struggled his way down a rocky slope, skidding down on his heels towards the bottom. “I’m alright, this’ll end up being the only real exercise I’m gonna get in moons, I want to enjoy it.”
Though she could tell Cliffpaw was being earnest, Bitterndrift could also see the strain in his one remaining eye as he traversed. “Alright. Do you remember Bitterrumble’s instructions for when you get home?”
“Keep the poultice on my wound for the next day, have someone help me with cleaning it off with fresh moss, and ask someone else to try looking for garlic or marigold.” He recites, his heart racing somewhat as the meadow comes into view, closer and closer. He freezes when the stale scent of wolf catches his nose, but reassures himself that it's old -- the wolf is gone.
“Yes. And remember that some weeping is expected from the injury site, but to be aware of the kind of drainage it is and the smell.” A clan without a leader or healer… the closest to StarClan’s monument, but without connection to its world. A part of Bitterndrift considered just asking Cliffpaw to let FlintClan- or BuddingClan- go. To join CypressClan and assure he and his remaining clanmates survival, but she knew that would never happen. Pride and the instinctual desire to hold onto what has been lost would never allow that.
Cliffpaw nods, silent now, seemingly lost in his thoughts. It had been a difficult four days, in a way the warrior herself could only begin to imagine. His clanmates must be worried sick. When they come across the border between Cypress and BuddingClan, the scent marks are stale. In a way, this was comforting to him; it meant that Dashpaw wasn’t over-exerting himself, and Amberpaw heed his warning to stay near camp… at least, that’s what he hoped it meant. Any other alternative was banished from his mind.
“Thanks for everything, Bitterndrift, but I can make it from here.” He turns around, dipping his head to the ginger and white molly.
She looks the apprentice up and down, dipping her head politely in return. “If it’s all the same to you, Cliffpaw, I think I’d like to accompany you until you’re secured in the paws of one of your clanmates.” The last thing anyone needs is you collapsing from exhaustion somewhere no cat can find you. “It would be a shame if Bitterndrift’s treatment went to waste.” She says instead.
Though he seems a bit frustrated, Cliffpaw doesn’t argue and continues trekking through the familiar tall grass. The further into the meadow they went, the looser Cliffpaw’s movements became, posture relaxing as he grew more comfortable in the world around him.
The scent of cats began to grow stronger; they were approaching camp. The faintness of its scent made Bitterndrift’s heart sink. Cliffpaw really wasn’t lying when he said there were just the four of them.
“Cliffpaw, is that you?” A young mollies voice calls from atop a grassy slope. “Oh StarClan, it really is, isn’t it?” She doesn’t wait for a reply before bounding down the hill and directly into the ginger tomcat, nearly knocking him over if it weren’t for Bitterndrift on his other side to brace the both of them. “Dashpaw isn’t gonna believe it!”
Cliffpaw staggers against the excited impact of his clanmate, chuckling to suppress a hiss of pain. “Amberpaw, it’s so good to see you! I’m so relieved that you’re alright.”
“That I’M alright? You’ve been gone for days!” She shouts back, almost sounding offended. Now away from his frame, the young molly finally gets a good look at the wrappings around half of his face. “Wh..what happened to you?”
The older apprentice flinches slightly at the question, gritting his teeth.
Instead, it’s Bitterndrift who answers. “The wolf pack which terrorized your pack came back. It… seemed to target Cliffpaw deliberately, but didn’t take the opportunity to outright slay him.”
“An eye for an eye.” Cliffpaw mutters, feeling himself grow weak in his legs.
The previously vibrant Amberpaw seemed at a loss for words, her eyes unable to properly meet Cliffpaw’s remaining. Out of all of the horrible things Dashpaw had concocted, he didn’t dare suggest the wolves-- all of them knew such a joke would be too grim even for their gallows.
“Amberpaw, was it?” Bitterndrift breaks the silence again, always seeming to know how to push the moment forward. “My name is Bitterndrift, of CypressClan, can I entrust you with something important?”
She seems to blink out of her daze, bright eyes looking up at the seasoned warrior and giving a firm, confident nod.
“While Cliffpaw is a strong tom for managing this far, I think it would be good for him to have some assistance the rest of the way to his nest. The trek from CypressClan’s camp to here is not a short one, and he still has a lot of healing that he needs to do.” The warrior's blue gaze flashed to Cliffpaw a few times while speaking, but it was unlikely he noticed given his blind-side.
“Right!” She’s already at his side, offering her support by the time Cliffpaw could begin to protest. “You helped me after the wolves, now it’s time for me to help you.” Amberpaw smiles up at him, a sincere passion showing in her expression.
“Cliffpaw has a few things he needs to tell you from our healer, Bitterrumble, but I trust that he’ll do so when you get to camp.” Bitterndrift meows, hoping it’ll server as a final reminder if the tom needed it. “It was a pleasure getting to know you Cliffpaw. Thank you for finding us, Amberpaw. May StarClan light your paths.”
“Thank you for everything Bitterndrift, I… I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for you. I owe you more than I can express.” Cliffpaw almost feels guilty letting the warrior go empty-pawed.
“Nonsense. You can thank me by getting better, and becoming the best cat that you can be. No cat could ask for more.” Giving a final bow of her head, Bitterndrift sprinted into the dense grass and began her journey home.
“Wow… she’s so cool!” Amberpaw beamed, staring off after the ginger and white molly. “Yeah…” Cliffpaw meowed. “Yeah, she is.”
woooo we made it back! :D cypressclan will be benched for now, and we return to the main cast of buddingclan! hope y'all enjoyed our lil field trip!
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
mmmmm can you please confirm that Ear Rip is not Longtail and Cliffpaw cause 😬 that makes me uncomfy
yeah i'll confirm that lol! ur the second person to ask actually
i can confirm that Longtail and Cliffwhisker will have a continued mentor-apprentice/father-daughter-like relationship <3
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sporeclan · 11 months
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New apprentices!!!!!!! (plus a few other cute lil random things <3)
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primrosepaw · 1 year
LightningClan Moon 26-37
Moon 26
Cliffpaw gets his warrior name and is now Cliffcrash!
Also, Cliffcrash is hilarious. He's apparently so confident he's full of hubris. He's LITERALLY not the fiercest fighter in the Clan, but yet:
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Meanwhile, Cliffcrash's littermate, Puddlepaw, is finally healed, but she is entirely blind as a result of the hare injuring her eyes. It looks like she's working very hard on her warrior training, though, so I think her goal is to still be a warrior (and contrary to what canon says, blind cats can totally perform all the activities that a warrior needs to be able to do), so here's wishing her luck!
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Toadclaw has whitecough
Flutterpaw is now Flutterwhisker, Jackdawpaw is now Jackdawclaw, and Jaggedpaw is now Jaggedfeather! So many new warriors this moon!
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A patrol found a cat named Dakota and brought him home. He currently has a broken bone, but if he survives, as per usual, he will get a full warrior name.
Moon 27
So many cats are better! Lightningstar, Toadclaw, Willowtwist, Daisypelt, Blazetail, and Shine are all better!
Shine also gets a warrior name now! He is now officially Shinecloud!
Also, I feel I should note. Our neighbours are BearClan, BrightClan, and BrindleClan. We are currently at war with all of them. Good job everyone.
Jaggedfeather tried to hunt and eagle and got bitten for his efforts.
A loner named Bluff joined the Clan and is now named Bluffbreeze.
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Also a kittypet named Jewel joined the Clan, and his name is now Jewelbrook.
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AND then a patrol that included Mosaicspots, Bluffbreeze, and Jewelbrook ended up finding a wounded cat named Jackal who, as per usual, will get a full warrior name if she survives. She has a broken jaw.
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Moon 28
LightningClan has claimed some of BrightClan's territory back!
A cat named Lady was found with a broken bone near the Thunderpath. As is Lightningstar's standard, if she survives she will get to have a warrior name.
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Moon 29
Apparently the med cats are struggling to keep up with the demands of such a big Clan. There are three kits in the nursery right now, so I imagine they are keeping an eye on them to see if any would make good medicine cat apprentices. I think their eyes are on Oakkit right now, but we'll see how that goes.
Moon 30
Heatherheart was attacked by an eagle. She survived, but is in the medicine den.
Puddlepaw has been made a warrior, finally! Her name is Puddlestrike!
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Jumpdrift was injured in a border dispute with BearClan
Moon 31
Presumably that same eagle also attacked Cliffcrash, who survived and is healing.
Blazetail and Jumpdrift are healed!
Jumpdrift is also expecting kits. Presumably with Heatherheart, her mate (since I have same sex kits turned on)? We'll find out.
Stonekit is now Stonepaw and apprenticed to Grasshopper, Snowkit is now Snowpaw apprenticed to Jackdawclaw, and Oakkit is now Oakpaw, a medicine cat apprentice under Bugdapple!
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Snowpaw's going to be a stickler for the rules, I can already tell.
Dakota healed, and got his warrior name, Firefur. Unfortunately, he immediately got whitecough.
Jackal, sadly, died due to infection.
While on patrol, Weedshade was caught in a twoleg trap and stolen. Which. You would think he would know better, given that he was lost this way before, but apparently not.
Fogstripe was injured during a training session which surprised a badger, and his leg has been "mangled" in the ensuing confusion.
Shinecloud was scraped up trying to steal prey from a fox.
Moon 32
Jaggedfeather has whitecough
Shinecloud and Firefur are healed.
The Clan sits vigil for Weedshade, though he is only lost.
Toadclaw's leg was injured in a fight with BrindleClan BECAUSE WE ARE STILL AT WAR WITH ALL OUR NEIGHBOURS ahsdfjkasjdhkl
Moon 33
Heatherheart died from her wounds, which devastated her mate, Jumpdrift. Following this, Jumpdrift pushed her kits away because they look too much like Heatherheart.
The kits are Lilackit, Featherkit, and Snailkit
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Snowpaw fell in the water and has been coughing ever since, but Grasshopper, Jaggedfeather, and Lady are all healed up.
Lady's new name is Hornetstorm!
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Lightningstar picks Jackdawclaw as the next deputy.
On patrol we met a kittypet named Spam
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And a loner named Ponyboy.
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Bluffbreeze's ear was torn by a dog.
Moon 34
Piperfur has greencough, Jewelbrook has yellowcough, and Willowtwist has whitecough
Fogstripe and Cliffcrash have healed, but Cliffcrash has scars from where the eagle tried to carry him off.
Puddlestrike got frostbite from hunting in the snow.
The medicine cats found a tom with kits, which they brought back to camp. The cats are Bitty, now Palefern, Skykit, Silverkit, and Thunderkit (presumably named in reference to the Clan that rescued them).
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Moon 35
Piperfur and Toadclaw are healed.
Jumpdrift continues to not really connect with her kits, though she loves them. It seems that she may have some sort of infection, but I imagine her grief is also impacting this issue.
Cliffcrash has also been stolen by a twoleg trap.
A kittypet named Wisteria has joined the Clan and is now Wisteriadawn
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Moon 36
And this marks the end of year 2!!
Jaggedfeather and Wisteriadawn go out of camp together to watch the moon rise
Puddlestrike's frostbite is healed, as is Willowtwist's whitecough and Jewelbrook's yellowcough
Snowpaw's lungs are permanently damaged from the water that got into them. She is considering whether she should become a mediator apprentice, because that role would require her to exert herself less, but she hasn't decided yet.
Jewelbrook retires and becomes an elder.
I should also poitn out the Mosaicspots is ancient (126 moons)
STONEPAW was lost to a twoleg trap.
A kittypet named Camoflage joines the Clan and becomes Smokeheart
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And as is now tradition... it's the end of the year, and the game's RNG has refused to give me any mates so I'm going to go through and see if we have any new pairings.
Those are:
Jackdawclaw and Piperfur! Our first m/f pairing lol.
Podpelt and Palefern.
Smokeheart and Blazetail.
Fogstripe and Hawkflare.
Firefur and Splashfern.
Hornetstorm and Willowtwist.
Wisteriadawn and Jaggedfeather. Which is sweet, since RNG also decided to say they went on a date earlier!
Puddlestrike and Flutterwhisker. The only queer ship this time around, but also I think these two girls are very cute together, so worth the wait.
Moon 37
Mosaicspots finally becomes an elder
A kittypet name Queso joined the Clan and was renamed Sandblossom!
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and... whooo that's all for the evening!
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