linuxbian · 2 months
you think we will ever get more clintbobbie crumbs or nah?
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dizzyst4rs · 3 years
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been thinking about an age of ultron rewrite au where clint n natasha kinda trade places. CLEARLY. IM THINKING MORE ABOUT THE CLINTBRUCE DYNAMIC MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE but if i actually took the time to think about it more im sure i could figure out smething fun for natasha too <3
BUT YEAH. BOYS. i luv hulk/hawkeye dynamic in aemh and while im not. exactly envisioning the same thing for this, i still think seeing clint n bruce together in any capacity would be so epic + create a better role for clint to play in aou !
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soloquierodarlike · 3 years
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lovelyirony · 5 years
Hey! COuld you please write #49 "Who hurt you?" with Bruce/Clint?? (Also could it be a highschool/teenage au or something if it's not too much to ask??)
Clint Barton was professionally known as Hawkeye. He never missed a shot, saved the city multiple times, and even had a small little base of fans. 
In high school, it was a different story. He tripped all over the place, couldn’t focus in English class, and only had one friend, Natasha Romanoff. Nat was scary, could probably kill a man and get away with it even if the odds were stacked against her, and was the best person to have as a friend. 
This morning was rough. He’d had to put more band-aids on the new calluses on his hands. Stupid new bow. Lucky also got too excited for breakfast and tripped on the floor and then made Clint trip and fall by default, which means that Clint has a nasty bruise on his knee and his arm is stiff. 
“Why do you always have the worst luck? Who hurt you?” Natasha asks. She’s currently tearing down another “Aldrich Killian for Student President” poster, tearing it into tiny pieces as she waits for Clint to search for his English textbook and try to balance his coffee. 
“Ask God, I’m sure I did something to piss her off,” Clint groans. “I think I’m honestly going to die because of my own self. I think it’s just that. And I had a run-in last night with some of the downtown dudes. Bad news.” 
“Nah. If you die it’s probably gonna be from Lucky. And you won’t even care because of how much you love that dumb dog.” Nat doesn’t mention anything about the downtown incident, because she’s not stupid and she will take him to the range that night and help him with combat. 
“He’s cute and he likes cuddles, what’s not to love?” Clint asks, slamming his locker shut. “Let’s get to class.” 
He doesn’t really like English all that much. Words don’t make a lot of sense unless Natasha explains it in a way or he can find the movie version of it that doesn’t completely suck. 
But he goes to English because of one person, and that person’s name is Bruce Banner. Bruce is a science nerd who has a very nice voice and is also exactly Clint’s type. Sweet, nerdy, and he has very nice arms. Clint stares too much at those arms. 
He wishes that he could be more like his alter-ego. Hawkeye would walk right up to Bruce, ask him out for ice cream, and sweep him off his feet. 
What he gets is tripping over his own loose shoelace because Bruce got new glasses and they look very nice. 
The class explodes into laughter as Clint slinks to his seat, frowning. He wishes the world would swallow him up. 
“I wanna die,” he mutters. 
“Not yet, we have a dinner appointment at seven,” Natasha says. “You promised to  let me choose a semi-healthy option.” 
“If I have to eat celery I will arrest you.” 
“You can’t arrest me for that, it’s not a felony.” 
“Celery sucks, I’d say it’s a felony,” comes a voice. Clint recognizes that voice. 
It’s Bruce Banner, who’s smiling. 
“Sorry you fell, Clint. Always sucks.” 
“Thanks dude, I appreciate it.” 
That’s the first interaction. Clint smiles at Bruce from across the room before it fades as the teacher assigns a new essay based on Lady Macbeth. 
“I hate this class,” Natasha mutters, looking at the directions. 
“No you don’t, you enjoy breaking the teacher’s spirit,” Clint says. “And if you keep it up, she might be broken enough to stop adding to the final.” Natasha shrugs, admitting it; there was a certain pride in getting shitty teachers to finally back down. 
It surprises when Bruce starts waving to him in the hallway, smiling as they walk into school. 
Clint gets bold and starts striking up casual conversation. Just about which classes are up next, what he brought for lunch. 
Bruce sits next to Clint and Nat in English, laughing about the books and some post they saw on an app. 
“Wait, so you’re telling me Clint will eat anything?” Bruce asks, eyes wide. 
“If you pay for it, then yeah,” Clint says with a shrug. “I don’t turn down food.” 
“You wanna go to the shittiest pizza joint you will ever go to?” 
“I guarantee you it’s gonna be my favorite place in the world,” Clint says. “Shitty pizza is kinda my specialty.” 
As it turns out, he hasn’t been there before. It’s in a small corner, surrounded by abandoned buildings, and even Clint can point out the violations from outside. 
Bruce laughs as Clint looks at the pepperoni they ordered. It looks fine. He just can’t tell if it’ll be good. 
“It’s not about being good, it’s about the experiences,” Bruce says. “Such as maybe getting a mild case of food poisoning.” He then proceeds to take three slices for himself, eats one in quick time, and reaches for the other. 
Clint gets to know Bruce a lot better. Bruce is a nervous guy, likes the way records sound, and his favorite movie is The Sound of Music. They watch it in Bruce’s basement while munching on popcorn and sipping on fruit juice, because Bruce’s mom hates soda. 
“Make yourself at home, Clint,” Mrs. Banner says. 
“Thanks Mrs. Banner.” 
“Please, call me Rebecca.” 
“Okay Mrs. Banner.” 
She laughs at that, tells Bruce she likes his new friend, and they go down to the basement and sit on a couch that is honestly way too comfy to be the basement couch. 
They sit close. Clint notices how nicely TV light defines Bruce’s nose. He then turns to the popcorn and reaches for a few pieces. 
Both their phones buzz with a message saying to stay inside. 
“Another villain,” Clint says weakly. He doesn’t want to leave this, it’s so nice. “I hate it when this happens. My mom wants me home.” 
“It was nice hanging out, but yeah. My mom would want your mom to have you home safe.” 
If they both weren’t so focused, they’d notice that the other is a very shit liar. 
But they didn’t. 
Because Hawkeye runs out to the fray about fifteen minutes later, out of breath and a one-liner about the subway being out of commission due to connectivity problems. 
And then, there’s Hulk. Hulk is cool. he’s a nice guy. Roars a lot, but Clint likes him. 
“What’s the problem?” Hulk asks, voice rumbly and deep. “Skipped out on a date for this, it better be good.” 
“Me too buddy,” Clint says darkly. “But I guess we’re just trying to destroy the robots. I hope Iron Man is back in town.” 
Hulk gives Clint the strangest look, but shakes his head and leaps to a the villain’s minions, smashing the tech to little pieces. Clint counts out his arrows, frowning as he realizes he left four of them at home. 
“Aw man,” he groans, checking the bow. “I’m gonna have to be careful.” He still hasn’t talked to Iron Man about the possibility of homing technology on his arrows. Maybe it would be too complicated, but it’s worth a shot. 
Clint doesn’t really talk to many people other than helping the families get the hell out of the way and one memorable moment from Hulk, who scoops him up in his arms to avoid a car being thrown his direction. 
“Thanks Jadey,” Clint says. “I have an algebra test that I need to study for.” 
“Can’t let you die,” Hulk responds gruffly. “You’re funny.” 
“You say the nicest things.” 
Clint books it after the villain is defeated; no sense in his mom actually getting worried about him being gone. (Not that she usually notices, but still. Natasha might be over.) 
School the next day was rough. Clint had to cover a bruise on his arm (ow) and even worse, endure Natasha’s teasing. 
“You went to your crush’s house. To watch his favorite movie. I think that sounds like you looovvvveee him.” 
“You literally are quite honestly the worst person in the world, Natasha. I should really feed you to the pigeons.” 
“Their best meal yet.” 
Bruce looks really tired in class. He barely talks, eyes are glassy, but he still smiles at Clint. 
“I was wondering if I could tell you something after class at lunch,” Bruce says. “Meet me in the courtyard.” 
“Uh, sure? What’s it about.” 
“You’ll find out.” 
No one likes to hear that they’ll hear something later. It’s usually bad. So Clint worries about it for all of his classes, messes up his math quiz entirely, and tries not to look so nervous come lunchtime. 
He goes to the courtyard. They’ve planted nicer flowers this year, probably thanks to the botanical club. Bruce is sitting on a wooden bench, lunch spread out before him. He has celery and peanut butter. 
“Hey,” Bruce says, smiling. 
“Did I do something bad?” Clint blurts out. “Because if I did, I’m really sorry. Sometimes I say things that are just terrible all the time because my filter only works about twenty percent of the time, and--” 
“Nah,” Bruce says. “Just wanted to tell you something.” 
“What?” Clint asks. 
“I know you’re Hawkeye.” 
Clint drops his lunchbox, and then sits down. 
“Please don’t tell the school.” 
“I’m not going to. But I need to tell you something. It’s a secret. Nat can know, but no one else.” 
“You got it,” Clint says. Bruce breathes deeply, closing his eyes. 
“You know the green monster?” 
“Um, you mean the Hulk?” Clint asks. “I wouldn’t really consider him a monster, he’s considerate about hotdog carts.” 
Bruce blinks and then giggles a little bit. 
“I’m him.” 
Clint blinks. 
“I can see it. You have the same kinda nose. His is just bigger.” Bruce snorts, laughing. He takes a bite of the celery. 
“And here I thought when I asked you out I’d have a hard time explaining that I was considered a superhero.” 
Clint grins, moving closer and kissing Bruce. 
“Not as difficult as you thought, huh?” 
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bifrostiron · 7 years
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*displays this unedited as part of my senior project presentation bc I literally don’t give a shit anymore*
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callitcoulson · 3 years
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“Theoretically, how exactly does shield decide who they collaborate with?” Because she was entirely sure that if she knew the process, she’d be able to poke Bruce into helping with some things. 
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teamfroglogic · 7 years
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ARE YOU FIRED UP?!?!? I am sooo stoked to be back on the @team_neverquit #Podcast with my awesome teammates @marcusluttrell and #TheWizard. I would first like to thank #MorganLuttrell and #ClintBruce from @carrytheload for filling in for me during our last recording session back in April. My "vacation" time was actually spent utilizing my very own #NeverQuit mindset going through some tough personal stuff. Second, I want to thank all the amazing post from our awesome followers and their request and concerns for Ol Rut getting back on air. IM BACK! Lastly, stand by for an Insane show this week! We welcome, award winning documentary film maker, #GregBarker to this weeks show. Greg has spent the last 20 years making some of the most memorable documentaries. #GhostofRwanda #ManhunttheinsidesearchforBinLaden and finally his latest #Sundance pick, #LegionofBrothers. Listen to Greg tell his greatest Never Quit story and why he needed to tell the incredible story of the #SpecialForces #ODA teams that literally lead the charge against the Taliban and Al Qaeda during the beginning of the War. You won't want to miss this episode of the #TNQPodcast HOOYAH #greatstoriesignitelegends #thehorseriders
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Spent the morning listening to Navy Seal, Counter Terrorism Expert, Ex-NFL Player, and a Powerful Man of Faith - Clint Bruce. This guy is the real deal. He challenges men to be, not just excellent, but elite - putting forward the message that we are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with. Thank you Clint for all the work you do for our country. #navy #navyseal #nfl #clintbruce #faith (at LifeAustin)
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almondpants · 4 years
okay idk if yall watched emh but clintbruce in that series is mwah!
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dzzystrs · 3 years
think im gonna try to rewatch at least Some of age of ultron tonight cuz 1. today has been. so profoundly difficult and i need fuckin. something to chill the fuck out. and 2. ive been meaning to do uhhh. clintbruce aou rewrite au art (what a mouthful) so i need to “research” (aka come up w ideas of what exactly i wanna draw) anyways lol
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roleplay-finder · 3 years
I'm 23 and nonbinary. Looking for partners 18+, preferably in their 20s too. There's are the fandoms I wanna write in, plus the character I will write, and maybe the ship I want but open to more. I write more characters than this. Rp would be over a discord server we make, please dm @dramaticgremlin if interested. Normally write in paragraphs.
Marvel Comics, not mcu ( Johnny Storm -> spideytorch, johnnywyatt, johnnyben, johnnyreed // Clint Barton -> bobbiclint, clintbucky, clinttony, clintwanda, clintsteve, clintbruce )
DC ( Mera -> arthurmera, meradiana // Zinda Blake -> zindahelena, zinda & any of the birds of prey, zindajasontodd ) Dragon Age ( m!Hawke -> hawkevarric, hawkeanders, hawkefenris, hawkeisabela, hawkemerill )
House MD ( house or wilson -> hilson // on a rewatch, at s3 )
Mass Effect ( fem & m! Shep -> all ships // m! and f! ryder -> all ships )
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cr3v · 3 years
Ahaha the purple green reminds me of ClintBruce.
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capxtony · 7 years
Peppertony Tonyrhodey Sambucky Buckyclint Clintnatasha Clintbruce Tonywanda
PepperTony = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP 
TonyRhodey = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP 
SamBucky = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP 
BuckyClint = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP 
ClintNatasha = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP 
ClintBruce = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP 
TonyWanda = dislike / no thanks / ok / didn’t think of it before / like / like but i prefer them as a brotp / love / OTP
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It happens one day when they're finishing up the month's battle with the big bad.
The Hulk is wandering his way over to the rest of the team, a large grin on his face as he breathes heavily out of his nose, hands flexing slowly by his sides as his arms swing.
It only takes a moment for chaos to reign, however, and sometimes a singular moment can seem like an eternity.
In the time it takes for Hulk to let loose the first snarl, General Ross has him surrounded, cut off from the rest of the team, and guns pointed at his head.
"Alright men," he spits, a vicious smirk on his face. "We got him."
Someone clears their throat from behind him.
Turning, Ross notices that most of the small group he'd had behind him are now, in fact, unconscious on the ground. One of the ones who isn't unconscious has an arrow sticking through his leg.
The man who'd shot him is aiming a loaded bow directly at his face, anger drawing his eyebrows down into a deep furrow. "Why, exactly, are you attacking Hulk?"
"How the hell did yo-" Ross sputters his way through most of a sentence before the man draws the bow back tighter, baring his teeth in a snarl.
"I said," He stepped closer, "Why are you attacking Hulk?"
"Cupid?" Hulk tries to move closer only to be stopped by the few men still darting around his feet.
Briefly, less then a second and his aim never faltering, the man looked at him and grinned. "I'm good, Jade Jaws. We'll get out of here and go home soon, alright? If you promise to turn back into Banner, I'll even let you have reading time tonight."
Grunting, The Hulk sat down, careful to nudge the surrounding soldiers away from his feet.
"You're General Ross, and you're going to leave my mad scientist boyfriend and his alter ego alone." The man turned a slightly crazed smile on him, the glint in his eyes threatening. "Or I'll find you and make sure that you never see sunlight again."
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marshyoftheblobs · 9 years
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I headcanon that Togrutas have reptilian ancestry, hence the godzilla look the Hulk has going on here. The look is also heavily inspired by @spectralvulture’s Togrutan redesigns. Bruce’s profile for the AU is here.
The Hulk:
As a result of the experiments in inducing Force sensitivity, the Hulk is the alter ego of Berusu Banar. When Berusu is under huge duress, he transforms into the monster, a giant green behemoth emanating with pure rage in the Force, enough to cause any Force sensitives in the area to get splitting headaches. The Hulk retains a certain level of intelligence, but is far much more controlled by his emotions, and so is likely to lash out violently if he feels he’s in danger. He communicates with grunts, growls and roars, although sometimes he may speak in very basic Basic. His favorite phrase is “HULK SMASH!” 
The Hulk possesses immense strength and stamina, as well as invulnerable skin, partly from the physiological changes and partly from the Force. Although initially the only way to turn the Hulk back into Berusu was to knock him out, basically by orbital bombardment, it was discovered that he would calm down if someone who was Force sensitive, and he considered a friend were to approach him carefully while singing the Togrutan lullaby which Berusu’s mother used to sing in his childhood. As such the three people who can calm him down are Steve, Natasha and Clint. They’re still figuring how Clint of all people is in that group, but then the big guy seems to like him the best, so they’re not gonna look at a gift horse in the mouth for now. 
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lokirogers · 9 years
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Bruce/Clint [fist appearance] edit for bruuce-banner
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