#clone trooper sher
aliettali · 11 months
I wanna know more about your clone ocs!
thank you so much for asking this you have opened the floodgates i am so sorry! 
i have nine: tidbit, crypt, oops, flipside, sher, intel, three-two, pint, and dangle. i’ve only (officially) drawn crypt and tidbit so far, but i do have a sketch for oops that i’ll be putting in here as reference. it is also worth mentioning that only crypt and tidbit are actually alive - the others all died so they dont have as much lore!
everyone except tidbit (crypt + co) are batchmates. the large majority of them die before they can individualize so they don’t have many unique designs my bad! also they’re all relatively young- i’d like to think that they’re fresh out of kamino and get assigned to the 501st on umbara almost immediately. and that goes SPLENDID (all of them die except for crypt, who is left to deal with losing every single one of his batchmates within a single campaign)
putting things under a "keep reading" section because it gets pretty long
crypt ct-4342:
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well he WAS going to be a medic and them umbara fucked him up so severely (physically and mentally) that he couldnt deal w the hypothetical consequences of having blood on his hands anymore
now hes a slicer (he goes back to get medic certified because he does want to save people but that’s a separate character arc) 
honestly i signed him up for bad things happen bingo and he just has to deal with it
doesnt get a name until after umbara, chose it because a) encryption, slicing reference b) crypt -> grave -> his brothers never got one
facial/corneal scarring that holds his right eye slightly open+ some hearing loss that he makes up for with (unsanctioned) modifications to his bucket. outer arm scarring too because he shielded his head
tidbit ct-2719:
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field medic ! hes also a little bitch but a) older and b) aware of concepts such as “emotional maturity” and “compartmentalization” so he’s doing ok 
he and crypt hit it off pretty quickly because it took him exactly three whole days of being stationed w the 501st to sprain an ankle by doing a cartwheel on a sloped floor (dangle dared him to)... but he was polite and nice and compliant in the medbay which is rare
theyre the most brother figures to ever i love them dearly
anyway tidbit keeps his hair short because he got fed up w it getting in his face when leaning over people you know how it is. never plans on getting a tattoo because he’s seen too many people in the medbay with ink related infections for that to happen, settles for hair bs instead
got his name because he tells his patients random bullshit to distract them
mostly closed off bc he’s seen a lot of troopers die (he cares far too much and it’s becoming a problem) and if he can’t save them in time then it means he’s losing those he loves because of his own incompetence
oops ct-4748 (dies on umbara): 
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this motherfucker decided to catch an activated thermal detonator and tossed it back so late that he burnt his eyebrows off permanently (he also has burns on his hand but they wear gloves)
the only thing he said was “oops” so that’s his brand now
overall he was a pretty chill guy too bad he died saving crypt 
(he dies draped on top of crypt, who wakes up half thinking that they’re back on kamino in a batch pile but nope! oops is dead sher is dead pint is dead three-two is dead he can only pray that dangle and intel are alright) (crypt gets up and casts oops off and has to leave him behind, stumbling through a veritable graveyard, almost blind in one eye and teary-eyed in the other, and almost gets shot when he finally finds more troopers) (they’re the 212th but its okay they're alive and okay) (he gets through the disguise clusterfuck and crypt races over to tidbit to ask about dangle and intel) (they’re dead and gone and he has never been so alone)
flipside ct-4344 (dies on umbara):
little bitch, got his name because he really hated the kamino bunk pillows and kept flipping them over to get at the cooler side (he just ran really hot for no reason)
dies in a classic krell “push forward no matter the consequences” maneuver- he's the first of the batch to die actually good for him
was probably the closest to straight up defecting out of everyone
sher ct-4190 (dies on umbara):
the calm normal guy, he and intel are probably the reasons the batch got off kamino in the first place
slightly longer hair than regulation - he wanted to grow it out into a ponytail but guess what happened
was an older brother out of necessity but the others realized how hard he was taking it whenever any of them did something reckless and got hurt as a result so they toned it down a bit
forces crypt to go on without him when he gets shot and subsequently dies alone
he was going to be a sniper bc he always had steady hands (his batchmates always asked him to cut their hair for them) (he was trembling when he died) (i think he was too kind to survive much longer than that anyway)
intel ct-4223 (dies on umbara):
REALLY focused on making plans, the second most responsible
“guys, please, what’s the plan? we have intel for this test, we just watched the other group take it-”
“you and your intel. i say our plan is to FUCK IT and BALL” 
he and sher try really hard to manage the others. sadly kamino does not manufacture child leashes
gets killed on umbara like a good soldier who follows orders (krell tactics again)
he dies painfully aware of his own insignificance bc preciously he was driven by some hope that hey!!! if we get past this training/test/battle we won’t be forgotten but exactly three people end up remembering him as a person lmao (tidbit, crypt, rex)
i think he and dogma fucking hated each other
pint ct-4337 (dies on umbara):
the only one of them to have paint on their armor pre-umbara and thats through sheer bad luck - he walked into a room and kicked over a can of paint and got some of it on his boot toe
dies alongside intel
three-two ct-4332 (dies on umbara):
never chose a name, pretty withdrawn from the rest of his batch bc he, unfortunately, is hyperaware of his circumstances and what will happen to his brothers after the war
aggressively regulation haircut
as soon as intel and pint are killed in front of him he realizes that they might not matter in the long run but his brothers wormed their ways into his heart and now they're gone before he even chose a name. he didnt even get to tell them his name and they're dead (messes up and gets shot moments later)
dangle ct-4322 (dies on umbara):
suspiciously flexible, probably hypermobile, loved dangling (!) from the top bunk with his legs on the bed and his entire upper body just. hanging there
saw shaak ti do a sick jedi trick ONCE and decided that was his brand so he liked practicing cartwheels and splits and backbends in his spare time
they didnt have music (cant have shit on kamino) so he hummed his own and imagined dances to them
dies on umbara ft the clone eating plant thing because he was under the impression that crypt was just killed
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m0mmat0rtle · 3 years
Star Light Chapter One
Pairing: Tech x Pantoran!OC
Words: 1498
Warnings: none (future warning: major angst & character death)
Summary: Tech seeks the medical attention of a medic in training due to regularly staffed medic’s of Kamino being over staffed. He meets the curious Pantoran, Star Light who has a secret that he feels he must find out.
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Tech looked down at the small abrasion on his forearm from today’s training with his brothers. It wasn’t often that members of the Bad Batch ever got injured, they never got injured on a major scale. But Hunter had miscalculated ever so slightly with his knives and accidentally snagged Tech’s arm in the process. The cut wasn’t bad but it was enough to warrant some medical attention. And so Tech was heading to the wing of the cloning facility on Kamino. He held his forearm in his hand, glancing down at it every so often. The cut was still there with blood smeared around it. On his way to the facility he passed a group of regs who had been stationed on cleaning duty, cleaning up another mural that had mysteriously appeared on the walls of the facility. Tech and every other clone on Kamino was familiar with these murals. They would mysteriously appear over night and have to be scrubbed away the next day by order of the Kaminoans. However they were always beautiful, this particular mural showcased a sunset over green grassy plains that reflected the soft light of the setting sun. Tech seemed to get lost in the artistic nature and skill of the piece that he was a bit shaken when a reg swiped his soapy sponge right over the center of the painting, washing away the very focal point of the painting and taking out the setting sun. Just like that the light of the painting was gone. Tech felt his heart drop for a mere moment. The art that was so stunning was now permanently messed up, but a spark of hope ignited in him when he remembered each mural that was washed away would soon be replaced by another even more lovely then the last. And another thought dawned on him before he continued to walk, the sun must always set. He thought to himself as he moved on to the medical wing. Because if the sun does not set then it is impossible to see the STARLIGHT.
“We can’t help you trooper.” A busy medica said as she worked diligently to disinfect a blaster wound on the shoulder of another trooper. “We are understaffed and overworked. And the 212th just came back from a terrible battle. We don’t have the space for a clone with a small cut, I’m sorry.” She added as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve before taking out the supplies needed to stitch up the same wound that she had just disinfected. “We could send him to that medic in training.” Another medic suggested. “Would Lama Su be okay with that?” The first medic replied and the other one shrugged. “I don’t see why not. I mean she never gets to see any action and it’s not like this is a major wound, it’s just a small abrasion. Just a little disinfectant and maybe a batcha patch and he’ll be fine.” The other medic replied as they turned from one injured clone to the other, taking on two of the injured clones as to show just how short staffed they were. The first medic sighed before turning back to Tech. “Alright, go see Star Light. She’s down the hall to the right. Second door. She can help you.” Tech nodded and thanked the medic before leaving the busy medical wing.
Star flipped the page of the only book in her possession as she laid on her stomach on her bed. Her quarters on Kamino weren’t large or spacious by any means but they were enough for one person. “GONK” Her gonk droid spoke as it waddled up to her, nudging her bed as it did so. “Yes, Gink, I know I have read this book at least a dozen times this week.” She muttered to the droid. “GONK” It replied, the word being the only word in it’s vocabulary. “Well what do you wanna do? It’s not like I have anything else to do and Lama Su won’t let me leave without her permission.” “GONK” “I can’t sneak out now! It’s daytime! Someone will notice!” She replied as she looked down at her droid. “I like it in here and so do you.” “GONK” “Oh come on, Gink it’s not so bad in hear.” Before the droid could even respond the door to her quarters swooshed open and Star sat straight up in her bed, yellow eyes wide and nervous. She was expecting to see Lama Su or another Kaminoan visit her to remind her of the rules in place for her stay on Kamino but instead she was met with a clone. And not just any old run of the mill clone, this one was different. Unlike any of the others she had seen before. “Are you Star Light?” The clone asked, his accent was also different from the others which only peaked Star’s curiosity. “I am.” She replied as she stood from her bed and brushed a loose strand of violet hair away from her face. “Hi.” She added meekly with a small wave. “What are you doing here?” She asked once it clicked that there was someone who probably shouldn’t be in her quarters now standing across from her. “My name is Tech. The medical wing sent me here because they were overwhelmed.” “They sent you to me?” Star asked as she pointed a blue finger at herself and her yellow eyes widened once more in surprise. “But I’m just a medic in training- I don’t know how to-” “It’s just a small cut, miss Star Light.” Tech said as he lifted his arm, showing her the wound and Star sighed in relief. “Oh.” She said softly. “Well let me see what I can do, please sit.” She offered as she gestured to her bed where her singular book stayed open to the page she was just reading. Gink watched the clone sit down on her bed and turned in the direction Star went to get a bachta patch. “GONK” “It’s fine Gink let him sit.” Star replied as she got the supplies and walked over to him. She sat down next to him and gently took his arm in her hands. “Can you either roll up your sleeve or take off your shirt?” She asked politely and Tech nodded. He removed the shirt of his blacks leaving his upper half bare and giving her a clear space on his arm to work. She quickly used a clean cloth to wipe away the blood from the cut and clean the wound. Tech’s eyes wondered as she worked and looked over to the open book on her bed. “You were reading about Naboo?” He asked, making small conversation. And indigo flush covered her cheeks as she worked. “Oh, um, yes. It’s an Atlas it has information on all kinds of planets I’ve never seen and probably won’t ever get to see. It’s also the only book I have so I spend a lot of time reading it over and over again.” Tech’s eyes focused on the picture at the top of one of the pages in the book. A sunset. It was identical to the one he had seen painted outside on his way to the medical facility. Perhaps Starlight was the artist responsible for the murals that always seemed to spontaneously appear.
“What did you mean when you said you will probably never be able to see these planets?” Tech asked as he gestured to the book and Star put the Bacta patch on his arm. “Well, I’m not exactly supposed to leave my quarters on Kamino.” “Why not?” “Well-” “GONK” Star flinched as she heard Gink interrupt their conversation. “You need to go.” She said quickly to Tech. “What why?” He asked as she quickly pushed him up and out of her bed before tossing his shirt to him. “I’m not supposed to have visitors.” Sher replied. “And Lama Su is on her way here now.” Star added in a panic. “But why can’t you have visitors?” He asked, wanting answers. Tech was only doing what he knew best, research and investigating. There was something about this Pantoran that was being kept from him and naturally, Tech wanted to know everything that he possibly could. “There’s no time for me to explain. You need to go now!” Star ushered him one more time before finally her door swooshed open and she got the man to step outside and leave. Once the door swooshed shut she let out a sigh of relief. “GONK” Her droid barked again. Lama Su was closer and therefore, Star was in danger. She quickly moved to “act natural” and threw herself back on to her bed and continue reading her one book. And it was just in time too, the doors swooshed open and there was the Kaminoan who monitored her every move. “Good afternoon, Lama Su.” Star said quickly and politely. “Hello Star.”
Chapter Two >
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jacensolodjo · 3 years
I found a guy who does custom armor clone troopers so I had Sheres made. :D Can’t wait to get the payment thru and get him to add him to the collection. Also getting Jaster done. But Sher bear was priority once I found the custom maker. 
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