#clone trooper tidbit
aliettali · 1 year
clone ocs!!!
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i have sooo much lore. im going insane in my little rubber room
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
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In which one of the GAR mousers finds Tidbit and confuses the poor guy for vermin, much to the dismay of the tiny trooper in question and his brother and self-appointed protector, Poppins.
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There will not be a new fic posted today. Sorry, babes, but I was really busy this week and couldn't finish the request I was working on in time to post 😔
The next part of Where's Mommy? is still on schedule to be posted next Friday, 3/22, so be on the lookout for that!
But... While I'm here. I also have something exciting I would like to share with everyone. A small tidbit from a chapter that I'm working on in the background. One from a series that a lot of my readers have been waiting for me to update. Can you guess which one it is?
A sneak peek is below:
Kix has done everything he can to keep Tup from becoming scrap parts. He's shuffled more flimsi-work, used more aliases, and even deleted clinical items from the record to make sure Tup stays off the radar. Kix doesn't enjoy the secrecy, but the GAR doesn't have any use for a broken clone. He would've dunked Tup in a bacta tank a long time ago, but with his broken jaw, there was no way to do it safely. Now, since so much time has passed, the prognosis isn't good. "What are our options?" you ask. "Limited," Kix answers. He scrolls through his data-pad and sighs. "At this point, the neuropathy is severe." "Meaning?" you ask. Even with all the time you've spent in the med-center, the medical jargon doesn't get any easier to interpret.  "It's irreparable," Kix says. "The damage is done." "No," you gasp. That was the last thing you wanted to hear. "He'll… He'll be devastated." Kix puts his data-pad down and rubs his face. "I know." "There has to be something you can do about it," you quickly add. "Right?" "Cybernetics is his only option," Kix says. "It's not uncommon and it's better than nothing." You fidget with the hem of your shirt, trying desperately to hold in your emotions and stay strong. "How much would you have to amputate?" Kix picks his data-pad up and taps a few times until he pulls up a picture of a nerve map. He leans over so you can look at the image. "See this line here?" You nod. "This is the saphenous nerve. It runs from the upper thigh, here, all the way down the leg. It's a sensory nerve, which means it carries information like touch, pain, temperature, and leg position back to the brain. That nerve was damaged here, so we could probably get away with just below the knee." You let out a shaky breath. It was less than you expected, but it's still hard to imagine. And what's worse, you still have to tell Tup.
That's right, you guessed it. This excerpt is from Chapter 4 of A Man's Worth!!!
Tag List: @nahoney22 @commander-sunshine @sunshinesdaydream @padawancat97 @verndusk @sun-roach @coraex @lickylickylicky @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @starrylothcat @moonwrecked @ladyzirkonia @stunkbiggu @cdblake1565 @ladytano420 @moonlightwarriorqueen @anxiouspineapple99 @clonethirstingisreal @dreamie411 @trixie2023 @cw80831 @ca77m3anna @reader6898 @kimiheartblade @dukeoftheblackstar @arc-trooper-8008 @knightprincess @kell-of-storms @msmeredithrose @skellymom @grindeeloo @totallyunidentified @ladylucksrogue @roboticsuccubus83 @totally-not-your-babe @rinwritesfics @t3mpest98 @asyas-daydreaming @sarcastic-nebula @arcsimper5 @spacemythic @1vlouds
I haven't forgotten about this series, and it still lives rent-free in my brain. As I mentioned in the New Year, I will be updating and finishing many of my series this year, and A Man's Worth is on that list! Thank you to everyone who is patiently waiting 💚💚💚
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niobiumao3 · 7 months
So I feel like we can tentatively say all the Lever Hands in the trailer are identifiable.
This is probably Wrecker:
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Forearm size matches, glove color matches, and Wrecker has big, hefty handplates which are double-layered.
This is probably Hunter:
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Everyone has noted how dark Hunter's wraps and armor look above but editing of images aside, we know there's some reason he and Cross wind up in their armor very blackened (from the Danger promo) and this could easily be from after that event (possibly the death of our Beloved Girl :( ).
And this...is probably a Clone X:
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Note that it's not Tech (as in, not Tech's armor, obviously Tech The Spy or Tech the Clone X are still on the menu...) as the shape of the plate isn't the same and those gloves seem to have armoring in or on them, which the Clone X gloves DO appear to have. Additionally, the vambrace looks closer to a Clone X's.
So, as to what ship the Clone X is doing that in, well--good question. I guess we'll see.
Added trailer tidbit. During the shots of Mega and Cross' escape--which is in a Rho/Nu-class shuttle--there's an intercut of a LAAT taking fire and spiraling down. This is NOT Omega and Cross crashing on Lau, as that was in the daytime and a different ship entirely. The LAAT appears to be crashing over water.
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We see shots of Hunter getting onto a LAAT from Pabu, at night, solo and yeeting TK troopers off it. Same scene, perhaps?
Anyways. Onward to tonight!
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rochenn · 1 year
random little clone culture tidbit that i made up to make myself sad is that the clones give each other star map tattoos of all the systems they've fought in. they adorn them with symbols and writing, numbers and poetry to mark special memories, so each trooper is gradually inked with their ongoing life story. older ones like cody and rex have stories written all over them, some already illegible because of more recent scars that tell their own tales in turn. they might share this tradition with their most trusted jedi eventually and now i'm miserable because O66 just coldly erases all of these personal histories like they're nothing
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totes-tubulardude · 1 year
Thinking about an AU where certain clone troopers have the ability to size shift, namely certain Clone Commander batches.
Just a few little tidbits:
They can either go bigger or they can go smaller, no troopers can do both. Certain batches of stealth trooper were designed to go smaller because it makes missions easier but mainly bigger was the way to go.
Max size would be about 40 feet and minimum size is 6 inches
Sidious did not request this, however the Kaminoans took “make an army of super soldiers that can take on droids and can also kill the Jedi when needed” and ran with it. This lead to more than a few surprises when the war began.
The jedi that worked alongside a clone commander with the ability to size shift understandably were very surprised the first time they saw it, but quickly accepted it.
Any troopers with this ability had special blacks that were designed to grow with their body, however they didn't have any armor so they were vulnerable to certain attacks
They can't hold super large sizes for very long because of how much energy it requires. Usually its an ability reserved for small uses or dire circumstances. After using it the trooper requires a lot of food and rest
Troopers that shrink can hold their size much longer but it still requires rest afterwards
The mutation to allow some troopers to size shift also leaked into a few other batches so some CTs ended up with the ability. Many were terminated prior to decanting but others were allowed to live and train just to see what would happen
Certain moments of high emotion can trigger shrinking/growing and more than a few commanders have slammed their head into the ceiling when someone jumped out and startled them
I like this AU idea and I might explore it more!
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
It's kinda funny how hard it is to find any concrete information about anything related to clones in freaking Star Wars. Most of the questions I have either ain't addressed at all or might be alluded to in a single line in a questionably canonical book that's super hard to find. Oh, and then there was the time I spent six hours trying to find proof of something real fucked up having maybe been canonical at some point only to find out TCW literally proved it for me and I guess the entire world decided to just...ignore that that almost happened to me? That's what I get for avoiding watching season 6 for as long as I did, I guess. Though really, can you blame a guy for that?
Anyway, all that to say, it's real funny how I lived a whole life that left me pretty damn obsessed with knowing the truth about what happened in that source, only to reincarnate in a universe where researching said source is enough to give a guy a hell of a migraine. Nothing to do but keep digging for tidbits of what feels true, I guess, but it sure ain't a streamlined process.
-ARC Trooper Fives
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mathmusic8 · 2 years
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I posted 805 times in 2022
That's 685 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (9%)
729 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 800 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 429 posts
#xd - 201 posts
#clone wars - 180 posts
#<3 - 102 posts
#nature is gorgeous - 76 posts
#kenobi show - 67 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 66 posts
#love this - 57 posts
#random - 46 posts
#thanks tumblr - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i work in tech support for an engineering company now so i'm not an engineer but i'm exposed to the field on a daily basis
My Top Posts in 2022:
I've been studying the Old Testament this year, and I happen to be on Job today. I listened to it for the whole 2 hour drive back home from my parents' house today, and I have a few takeaways:
1. Job's friends were jerks
2. Job understood this, and I loved his response--he called them out on it, stood up for himself, and taught them the gospel
3. After listening to everyone else give their spiels, the youngest one in the group (Elihu) basically said "okay boomers, I've been sitting here waiting for you to finish this whole time, and the Spirit's telling me to speak up and I have thoughts, so listen up." And then basically says "God is awesome and the definition of goodness, so all y'all need to spend more time thinking about that instead of trying to sound all wise and crap." It was entertaining.
4. Then the Lord comes in and gives us some awesome tidbits about how involved He is in the lives of all His creations. And Job drinks his Respect juice. And the Lord reassures Job that he's good. And that his friends are jerks and need to repent.
5. They did repent in the end, so good on them
22 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Star Wars Fic Recs on AO3
Family Friendly, some have mild language:
Mathmusic8 - Lost and Found - Fives and Kix, deals with a lot more than Fives and Kix. Also Only Partially Applied, which explores what might've happened if the clone's control chips were just slightly weaker
Epsilonderidani - Vode An, the first “Fives Lives” fic I ever read, still one of my favorites. Fives centric
Cuthalion97 – everything. Humor is 11/10. Start with Misadventures of Jedi Generals if you don’t know where else to go. Clones and Jedi generals centric
Inksplots - Nobody Listens to Kix and Just for Kix, great humor, huge inspiration to me for Kix's characterization. Kix centric
YoungestThunderbird – “Arcadia” series plus other works, very soft and fun. Clone centric
Wishfulthinking1979 – “Empire Reimagined” series plus many, many other wonderful AUs, including but not limited to Modern Day in England, Western, Tall Ships, and more. Firmus Piett and Max Veers centric (two side characters in the original trilogy)
Morwen_of_gondor – occasionally writes with Wishful, has excellent works too, working on an incredible Republic Commandos fix-it series called Cin Vhetin. Generally clone centric
MeridianPony – Dominos, time travel fix-it, very good characterization. Fives and Echo centric
Ariel_Sojourner - Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars, time travel fix-it, also Skywalker Family Values, a (very crack) fantastic Parent Trap AU, pretty broad cast but I guess generally Luke and Vader centric
LadyVader23 – Darth Vader Goes to Therapy, crack fic, absolutely hilarious. Luke and Vader centric
Gaeasun – "After the War" series is super cute and fun. Sticks and Stones Did Break Their Bones, crack fic, Fives and 501st centric, pretty fun. I enjoyed Oh Captain my Captain, too. Works are usually centered around Tup and Dogma. Their angst doesn’t always end with fluff, so mind the tags. Clone centric
Leias_left_hair_bun - specializes in softness and sometimes angst, but mostly kids being kids and I love that. Of toddlers and ARC troopers and its sequel The return of the toddler (Nibbler) are great places to start. Clone centric
sheApunk89 - "Wilder mind" series, Force sensitive Rex gets trained by Obi-Wan. It's been a hot second since I read this one, but I remember enjoying the ending and the fact that Keeli was there. Rex centric
Triscribe - "Vod'e An" series, clones show up back in time at pivotal moments around their Jedi, lots of delightful cameos. Clone centric
AllyMoslof - Operation: Don't Wake the Commander, hilarious crack-fic about a shiny who takes his job way too seriously. Excellent twist. Clone centric
whymylife - --and Your People Will Never Be Destroyed, a fantastic fic where clone cadets piece things together early and do something about it. Cody centric
BonesofBeowulf - "Stars and Beskar" series, pretty unique AU. Has great humor, action, and characterizations. Jango and clone centric (though they aren't technically clones in this fic)
Whathenshallwesay - For The Glory, incredible post-Order 66 double-agent Cody fic. Great humor, drama, and plot. Cody centric
Killbothtwins - The Legend of Liob, a hilarious 212th shenanigans-turned-fix-it. Cody centric
smilebackwards - "Mission Reports" series, a collections of one-shots in an AU where Qui-Gon lived and now has to write his own mission reports. Very soft, hopeful, processing grief, and comfort. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan centric
WeyrWolfen - Eidola, a post-Order 66 fic where Rex and Ahoska head up a clone-rescue organization. Lots of fantastic OCs, emotions, humor, and rich setting-details. Clone centric
Mind the tags and ratings, all have strong language below the cut:
Cac0daemonia - Will You Walk With Me, very good writing and gorgeous art. Other works have adult content, so mind the tags. Waxer and Boil centric
Hollyoakhill - The Intruder, fairly clean thriller/horror, excellent ending, incredible art. Clones and Obi-Wan centric
BlueSunshine – “The Desert Storm” series, very very long, incredible writing and world building. Mind the tags–it gets a bit dark in certain places, and there's a lot of swearing around certain characters. Obi-Wan centric as well as other various people
31 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Asking for prayers
One of my nieces had a seizure last night and passed away this morning. She was a teenager and like a sister to me. We’re going to miss her so much. Please pray for us, especially my sister and her husband. This wasn’t their first loss recently and they still have three little ones at home.
God is good, the resurrection is real, and we're so excited to have my niece back with us someday
46 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Did anyone else know that "umbra" means "A region of complete shadow resulting from total obstruction of light"?
Hats off to the folks who named the planet of Umbara. Nicely done.
59 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It just occurred to me that Daiyu was Leia's first time off Alderaan
No wonder she looked a little shell-shocked to nearly run into that huge alien--it was probably the first moment she finally felt safe enough to run off on her own, to really look at the world around her, and then she realizes how different it is, and how lost she is, aside from this strange man who she's known for like 10 minutes and he smells bad but he got her out of that room and speaks softly and seems to be trying to be gentle, even if he's bad at it
91 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fritoley · 2 months
Howdy! For the WIP Tag Game, the Bluejay title story really intrigues me! So here are a few questions: What's the fic going to be about? What's the significance of the title 'Bluejay'? What are some things you can talk about regarding the whole new planet you made? (because that sounds really cool and any lore on it is greatly appreciated!) That is all, hope you have a nice day/night! 🩵💫
Sorry for the late reply lol. I'm so excited you asked!
I'll try not to spoil too much lmao---
Bluejay is going to be about my Bad Batch oc, Jaye N'Cante, and the story of her of how she became a medic for the GAR (So it's technically a Clone Wars fic). I'm going to include a lot of lore from her home planet, Gradine, and the war's effects on her indigenous people.
I haven’t fully fleshed out this concept yet, but the people of Gradine have a culture that involves tattoos, resulting in Jaye and her family having their family crest on their backs; a Gradinean bluebird. So something something spoilers she ends up adopting the name “Jaye” in honor of both her family crest and some friends she meets along the way ;)
Gradine is an island planet in the Middle Rim that was colonized by the Republic hundreds or thousands if years ago (i have yet to choose), but Jaye’s people (the natives) have lived in relative peace away from the colonies. The colonies built a city on a distant archipelago that Jaye’s people refer to as the “Metal City.” When the Clone War started, the Republic sends troopers to occupy the village “for their safety,” causing much unrest between the city folk and natives.
I’ve taken inspiration on Native American, Hawaiian, a bits of Indian culture to mix it all up into some kind of beachy warrior culture that you will see on Gradine. They have a chief-family type of government, but there’s quite a history behind it:
The natives of Gradine were first brought about by a magical figure called Ashla, who created the village and made them the people they are today. This Ashla wielded a strage power called The Gift, and it is said that they who possess the Gift were chosen by Ashla to lead the people to prosperity.
And with no context at all, there’s your subplot of Bluejay :D
Geez this was longer than I intended—
I’m planning on putting together a timeline of the planet’s history, which will inclide all kinds of tidbits on Jaye’s culture. Thanks for the ask, I hope you enjoyed my overly-extensive rant 🌻
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aliettali · 11 months
I wanna know more about your clone ocs!
thank you so much for asking this you have opened the floodgates i am so sorry! 
i have nine: tidbit, crypt, oops, flipside, sher, intel, three-two, pint, and dangle. i’ve only (officially) drawn crypt and tidbit so far, but i do have a sketch for oops that i’ll be putting in here as reference. it is also worth mentioning that only crypt and tidbit are actually alive - the others all died so they dont have as much lore!
everyone except tidbit (crypt + co) are batchmates. the large majority of them die before they can individualize so they don’t have many unique designs my bad! also they’re all relatively young- i’d like to think that they’re fresh out of kamino and get assigned to the 501st on umbara almost immediately. and that goes SPLENDID (all of them die except for crypt, who is left to deal with losing every single one of his batchmates within a single campaign)
putting things under a "keep reading" section because it gets pretty long
crypt ct-4342:
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well he WAS going to be a medic and them umbara fucked him up so severely (physically and mentally) that he couldnt deal w the hypothetical consequences of having blood on his hands anymore
now hes a slicer (he goes back to get medic certified because he does want to save people but that’s a separate character arc) 
honestly i signed him up for bad things happen bingo and he just has to deal with it
doesnt get a name until after umbara, chose it because a) encryption, slicing reference b) crypt -> grave -> his brothers never got one
facial/corneal scarring that holds his right eye slightly open+ some hearing loss that he makes up for with (unsanctioned) modifications to his bucket. outer arm scarring too because he shielded his head
tidbit ct-2719:
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field medic ! hes also a little bitch but a) older and b) aware of concepts such as “emotional maturity” and “compartmentalization” so he’s doing ok 
he and crypt hit it off pretty quickly because it took him exactly three whole days of being stationed w the 501st to sprain an ankle by doing a cartwheel on a sloped floor (dangle dared him to)... but he was polite and nice and compliant in the medbay which is rare
theyre the most brother figures to ever i love them dearly
anyway tidbit keeps his hair short because he got fed up w it getting in his face when leaning over people you know how it is. never plans on getting a tattoo because he’s seen too many people in the medbay with ink related infections for that to happen, settles for hair bs instead
got his name because he tells his patients random bullshit to distract them
mostly closed off bc he’s seen a lot of troopers die (he cares far too much and it’s becoming a problem) and if he can’t save them in time then it means he’s losing those he loves because of his own incompetence
oops ct-4748 (dies on umbara): 
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this motherfucker decided to catch an activated thermal detonator and tossed it back so late that he burnt his eyebrows off permanently (he also has burns on his hand but they wear gloves)
the only thing he said was “oops” so that’s his brand now
overall he was a pretty chill guy too bad he died saving crypt 
(he dies draped on top of crypt, who wakes up half thinking that they’re back on kamino in a batch pile but nope! oops is dead sher is dead pint is dead three-two is dead he can only pray that dangle and intel are alright) (crypt gets up and casts oops off and has to leave him behind, stumbling through a veritable graveyard, almost blind in one eye and teary-eyed in the other, and almost gets shot when he finally finds more troopers) (they’re the 212th but its okay they're alive and okay) (he gets through the disguise clusterfuck and crypt races over to tidbit to ask about dangle and intel) (they’re dead and gone and he has never been so alone)
flipside ct-4344 (dies on umbara):
little bitch, got his name because he really hated the kamino bunk pillows and kept flipping them over to get at the cooler side (he just ran really hot for no reason)
dies in a classic krell “push forward no matter the consequences” maneuver- he's the first of the batch to die actually good for him
was probably the closest to straight up defecting out of everyone
sher ct-4190 (dies on umbara):
the calm normal guy, he and intel are probably the reasons the batch got off kamino in the first place
slightly longer hair than regulation - he wanted to grow it out into a ponytail but guess what happened
was an older brother out of necessity but the others realized how hard he was taking it whenever any of them did something reckless and got hurt as a result so they toned it down a bit
forces crypt to go on without him when he gets shot and subsequently dies alone
he was going to be a sniper bc he always had steady hands (his batchmates always asked him to cut their hair for them) (he was trembling when he died) (i think he was too kind to survive much longer than that anyway)
intel ct-4223 (dies on umbara):
REALLY focused on making plans, the second most responsible
“guys, please, what’s the plan? we have intel for this test, we just watched the other group take it-”
“you and your intel. i say our plan is to FUCK IT and BALL” 
he and sher try really hard to manage the others. sadly kamino does not manufacture child leashes
gets killed on umbara like a good soldier who follows orders (krell tactics again)
he dies painfully aware of his own insignificance bc preciously he was driven by some hope that hey!!! if we get past this training/test/battle we won’t be forgotten but exactly three people end up remembering him as a person lmao (tidbit, crypt, rex)
i think he and dogma fucking hated each other
pint ct-4337 (dies on umbara):
the only one of them to have paint on their armor pre-umbara and thats through sheer bad luck - he walked into a room and kicked over a can of paint and got some of it on his boot toe
dies alongside intel
three-two ct-4332 (dies on umbara):
never chose a name, pretty withdrawn from the rest of his batch bc he, unfortunately, is hyperaware of his circumstances and what will happen to his brothers after the war
aggressively regulation haircut
as soon as intel and pint are killed in front of him he realizes that they might not matter in the long run but his brothers wormed their ways into his heart and now they're gone before he even chose a name. he didnt even get to tell them his name and they're dead (messes up and gets shot moments later)
dangle ct-4322 (dies on umbara):
suspiciously flexible, probably hypermobile, loved dangling (!) from the top bunk with his legs on the bed and his entire upper body just. hanging there
saw shaak ti do a sick jedi trick ONCE and decided that was his brand so he liked practicing cartwheels and splits and backbends in his spare time
they didnt have music (cant have shit on kamino) so he hummed his own and imagined dances to them
dies on umbara ft the clone eating plant thing because he was under the impression that crypt was just killed
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Haven't seen any screenshots of the scene in the Umbara Arc where Dogma is apprehended (pre Krell's capture), and I think that's a shame because it offers two interesting (to me at least) tidbits about Dogma as a character. Plus a warning to always wear your helmet kids.
So let's fix that!
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My thoughts on what makes this scene interesting, via putting a few curious details under a microscope:
Even after Rex's speech about the clones not being programmed like droids and having to make their own choices, it seems to me like Dogma wasn't 100% sure he believed the captain, and chose to instead follow Tup's guidance when the latter warned him not to try anything. As a whole we know Dogma is unquestioningly loyal to the Republic and the Jedi like any good clone trooper, and that he'll follow orders without batting an eye. So even if he was acting in a way that he believed was righteous (prevent a mutiny) it's very interesting that he ultimately chooses to listen to Tup rather than to Rex who is still his superior officer. It shows Dogma's actions might go a little deeper than him just being a strict by the books sort, and that he does value his brother's opinions (or at least values Tup's opinion more than anything else) even if he doesn't openly show it.
That said Rex's words do have an effect, and it shows primarily via how unfocused and confused Dogma looks in the first three frames. At this point, he's either in denial about circumstances as they are, or trying to reconcile his idea of what the Jedi should be with the jarring reality that is Krell's indifference and aggressive tactics (plus every horrific thing that's gone on at this point). So being confronted with the reality that things are not at all like they were drilled into him on Kamino, is seeding all kinds of doubt in his mind. Man's having his entire life's purpose and belief system upturned. That is not an easy thing to process.
I always thought the tackle wasn't necessary. I understand it was a tense moment and that Dogma did still have his blaster in hand, but he was clearly not about to shoot anyone and also wasn't wearing his helmet. The impact of his head meeting the ground was substantial enough that it bounced back, and I feel like that would be grounds for either a concussion, broken nose or at least a couple of lost teeth. The fact no one else lowered their blasters despite Dogma not fighting back also feels a little over the top.
I have no idea why that one trooper is sitting in the background of the last frame but @milfcutlawquane suggested he was on lunch break so who am I to judge that? Eat your Lunchables™ trooper, you'll need the energy in the coming minutes of animation (where you're probably gonna get killed by a four armed maniac with lazer swords).
Anyway, hope you enjoyed these rambles about a tiny insignificant piece of a much more impactful scene that I highlighted for Blorbo Thoughts.
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moodymisty · 2 years
If you could spend a whole day with any squadron who would it be and why?
[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙| 𝕬𝖔3]
So, I'm gonna use this largely as an excuse to write cute headcanons for my boys, my men, the lights of my life
✨ Delta Squad ✨
Keep in mind not everything here is canon anymore, since some tidbits of the Republic Commando lore, particularly in the books, got written over by TCW show and Disney's canon/legends shitshow
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⊳ Delta squad gets up to mad chaos; Like they can put the 501st to shame with some of the banthashit these mad lads get up to.
As in you could be having a conversation with someone and casually mention a time that Sev rode a spider droid as if that's just a 'normal week with the boys', meanwhile everyone else is like w h a t.
And as such, they make the best clones to spend time around; Because no day is ever boring with Delta Squad on your heels.
⊳ Over the course of one day you'll probably end up making some sort of illegal explosive with Scorch, Sev teaches you the best way to kill a man larger than you with just a vibroknife; Boss attempts to get the previous two to stop teaching you these things, and then you'll drink some sort of hot drink be it tea or caf with Fixer and wonder just how they're some of the best GAR has to offer.
⊳ Being trained hands-on by multiple Mandalorians they more than likely know a decent bit of Mando'a, as well as Mandalorian culture in general, as it's a huge part of their 'unique' upbringing. As such it's hilariously quick even after a short while how much you pick up from them, or what they tell you.
And as for who teaches you all the swear words? Scorch doesn't because he thinks 'you're too cute to say those things', and Boss refuses because he's supposedly got a reputation to uphold.
But one day you end up yelling some sort of horrible Mando'a swear and it turns out Fixer is the one who 'taught' you, because he's constantly mumbling them under his breath and you picked up on them like a keen child. You use it non-stop all day now, and Scorch finds it hilarious.
⊳ Clone commandos are raised from birth in pods of four, making them extremely attached to each other and by extension, super untrusting of anyone outside of their 'pod brothers'. If you become part of that little circle, I don't think there's a droid or Sith or trooper in that galaxy that can stop these guys from being super protective.
If you pick a fight with one you get the rest, and the same goes for you, as well. If you're at a bar and someone doesn't take your 'no' for an answer? They're going to be staring down four extremely displeased commandos.
It's sweet, until the physical altercations start and you have to break them up before things get too crazy.
⊳ And just for a romantic crumb at the end here; If you're romantically involved with any of them, the others will absolutely bully the ever-living soul out of him. Nothing is sacred, and they'll always find a way to get in a jab.
"Did you hunt her down like all those droids Sev? Or did you actually speak some words for once?"
"Just don't blow up the first girl to give you the time of day, Scorch."
"And here I thought Fixer was too busy nagging us to spend time with someone else."
"Awww, Boss brought his cyare with? She's not going to reprimand us for breaking protocol like you do, right?"
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naberiie · 7 years
Various excellent background knowledge and unintentional parallels of From Which Stars uncovered today during planning conversations with @evaceratops:
Padmé and Anakin’s team during the Alderaan mission essentially end up adopting three whip-smart young Nabooian girls who are visiting Aldera for their debutante tour
Names TBD, but they are more of a worry to the undercover mission than any potential Separatists or spies in the courts
Fives and Rabé are both children of the water, and, by extension, so are all of the clones and the handmaidens/Padmé:
Kaminoan oceans are visibly more dangerous, powerful, and threatening (like the clones). Though the oceans of Naboo are calmer, they are just as deadly, if not more so, to any unsuspecting or flippant passerby (like the handmaidens!!)
And water is a prominent factor in many of their scenes.
The Naboo have a folk saying:
“All that comes from the water must return to it in the end.”
Rabé is, if possible, even more friendly and very affectionate when she’s had a few drinks. She has tried, on more than one occasion, to cuddle every single member of the 501st.
Jesse is also an extremely affectionate drunk and more often than not Fives is their third wheel as they try to outshine and out-cuddle each other
Both of their internal monologues are just: [endless heart emojis]
Rex is super awkward when it comes to the hugs, but he likes them all the same
(also: we’re going to update every two weeks now, because college is a thing. And because I want to get the intricacies and flow of the next few chapters down tight before updating!)
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An offering to the tumblr gods... or my mutuals same thing
From out of your peripheral you saw a leg come into view. You squeeze your eyes shut. As more troopers pass you they kick up dust, tickling your sinuses. You push your tongue to the roof of your mouth in an attempt to stifle the oncoming sneeze… but to no avail. You cover your face in your hands to muffle the sneeze but it didn't matter. They heard you.
“Hey!” One of them shouted. You stood and whipped around the tree, dodging arms and torsos as they came at you.
Two of them cornered you. The one behind you sweeped his leg, effectively knocking you to the ground. You had just barely caught yourself when one of them pinned you down. You were forcibly flipped to your back. He pinned you down with only a forearm across the chest. You noted the handprint on his chestplate.
This is a tidbit of a WIP I've had THOUGHTS about for a while. It's going to be a series. So this is a large undertaking, especially since I just applied for college (pre nursing school, something I never thought I would do, so yay me!). This will be a Child/Teen!Reader fic, so no clone romance, and it is most certainly a self insert because that's the only thing I write. And if we're being totally honest I'm hoping to connect it to the Bad Batch injury oneshot I wrote a while back.
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Your Highness Pt 2(Commander Wolffe x Royalty!Reader)
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Masterlist || Tag list || Requests/Prompt sheet || Requests
Commander Wolffe x Princess!Reader, mentions of Rush Clovis x Princess!Reader
Don’t try to outdrink a clone of Jango Fett
Masterlist Prologue Part 1
Costume art/inspo for Reader // Writing Prompt inspo
Warnings: Excessive drinking, drunk!Reader, canon-typical cursing. 
A/N: Okay I think this chapter is really sweet and it focuses much more on the Reader and Wolffe compared to the prologue and pt 1. On a different note, I was thinking of doing another part for my Rex Soulmate!AU just because I really rushed to finish it and didn’t like how I ended it(just a random tidbit of info that you probably didn’t need)
Comments, reblogs, and likes are appreciated
“Your highness,” Wolffe addressed you. You instantly recognized the helmet as he walked with a couple of other troopers behind him. 
You and few of your handmaidens stepped out of the doorway of your father’s quarters, exiting after a tense meeting with his medical team. 
You were surprised by the commander’s presence. It had been a couple weeks since your meeting in the gardens and your sighting of him had been limited to only seeing him in the occasional passing. 
During that time, Senator Clovis had come and gone. Only making his stay so long as to greet you and lay out the plans of your wedding before heading back to Coruscant to vote on some banking bill. One that would give the Republic more credit and give the banking clan even more authority in the outer rim. 
While your mother and your future husband got along perfectly during that short time period and agreed on every aspect of your wedding to a perfect T. The same could hardly be said for you. You found yourself and your thoughts often wandering back to that moment in the gardens when you had met him there. Daydreaming about your time spent there rather than putting more thought into your impending future.
“Hello,” You greeted him in a shy voice, “How are you? How have you been?”
“Fine,” He responded, pausing a brief, calculated moment before continuing, “And you?”
“I am alright. I was just visiting my father and his doctors,” You replied, tucking some loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“How is his majesty doing?” He asked, then taking off his helmet.
A flush of heat rushed to your cheeks upon seeing those eyes that you had found yourself missing so much. 
“I’m-m afraid my father could be-e better,” You stumbled over your words. Kriff, this had never happened to you before. Your heart flutters in no way it had before. For Maker’s sake you had just gotten the news from the doctors that your father’s days were numbered and that you should be prepared to take the throne. But all you could focus on was the man in front of you. 
“I’m sorry to hear, your highness,” He said. His voice, much clearer, not restricted by his helmet anymore.
“Thank you. I see you are-re not alone today,” You quickly changed the subject to the two troopers standing a half-step behind him before you melted where you were standing. 
“This is Sergeant Sinker and Sergeant Comet, my staff officers,” He introduced them.
You gave a small courtesy bow, acknowledging them before one of your handmaidens stepped in to tap your shoulder. 
You let out a slight groan, knowing what tap meant.  
“I am afraid I cannot stay any longer. I am scheduled to have lunch on the Garden Terrace soon,” You informed them. Your father’s doctor visit made you miss lunch with the royal court, although you weren’t really too sad about missing a meal in which the only discussion would be about your wedding,
“Well then, it was good to see you your Highness,” 
“It was very good to see you too Wolffe,”
You caught one of his troopers behind him, Sinker, nudging the other when you called his commander just by his first name, wiggling his eyebrows at his brother. The other one, Comet just rolled his eyes in response. 
“My troopers and I should get back to our responsibilities,” Wolffe agreed before he started to make his way past you.
“Well uh -actually Wolffe, is there a possibility where the three of you like to escort me to lunch?” You asked on an impulse. 
Wolffe glanced back at you, blinking a couple of times, a little unsure of how to answer.
“Uh, well the three of us-” Comet started.
“Our Commander would love to escort you to lunch,” Sinker interrupted him with a smirk on his face, “I’m afraid Comet and I have to make sure the shipments of Saava silk the queen wanted gets unloaded. But our Commander has nothing else to do today,”
Sinker was practically on his heels, pushing the other sergeant out of the doors with him to leave the two of you. 
“Well would you look at that? I guess I’m all yours, your highness,” Wolffe said. 
“Wolffe are you sure you don’t want anything to eat?” You asked, dismissing your handmaidens before sitting down at the table set out with delicacies that had been shipped in from each sector of the galaxy. 
The commander stood idly near you hesitant to take a seat.
“As nice as this is, I really must get back to my troopers, your highness,” He said before claiming he was doubtful that Comet would be able to keep Sinker in line all by himself. 
Even though, deep down in his heart, he did really want to stay with you. 
“Wolffe, have you eaten today? I would hate for my hospitality to leave you hungry,” You asked, a little saddened when you noticed that he wouldn’t call you by your name, instead just using your title like everyone else.
“Don’t worry, I ate with my brothers this morning,” He lied. He had actually been on the night shift and then replaced one of his brothers who had gotten sick on the Queen’s security detail. In between that and seeing you, he hadn’t had so much of a sip of water or a wink of sleep all day.
“Well before you go, will you at least taste this for me?” You requested, pushing forth a plate stacked with fruit, “Just to make sure no one is poisoning my planet’s future queen,”
“I suppose that would be a part of my duty as your security,” Wolffe justified before plopping a slice of jorgan fruit and letting it melt in his mouth. 
“You should try a sip of the blossom wine. It is imported from Naboo,” You said before pouring him a glass, “You know, just to be safe,”
“Of course, your highness,” He said before bringing the flute to his lips.
It took the commander longer than it should have to realize he had practically spent the latter half of his day with you. You and him had managed to finish off the bottle of blossom wine and open a bottle of Ryborean gax before realizing the sun was setting. 
Wolffe was a hardened drinker, due to many nights spent at 79’s. However, the same could not be said for you. You had tried to keep up with him until you felt your dazed state take over halfway into the bottle of Ryborean gax. You were pretty sure if you stood up in this state, you wouldn’t stay vertical for more than a few steps.
“I’m tired,” You giggled, slouching down in your chair, “All this juice -it makes me want to take a long nap,”
Wolffe chuckled a little. He could tell you didn’t drink often, and when you did it wasn’t anywhere near the two bottles you had shared.
“Wolffe, will you take a nap with me?” You asked before taking another sip from your flute. A little bit dribbled down your chin. 
The commander could only shake his head with a smirk on his face.
“(Y/N), I’m afraid people might get the wrong idea if we take a nap together,” He leaned over with his napkin and wiped your chin. As much as he was enjoying any time with you, he had been taught better than to sleep with a drunken princess in her own home. 
Although, he would be lying to say he didn’t find some humor in your tipsy state. He couldn't help but smirk a little, looking at how cute you were with the sleeves of your gown rolled up to your elbows and your heels kicked off with your feet perched up on the table. While everything you wore told of your royal background, the image of you was surprisingly domestic.
“Wolffe, don’t make me take a nap alone,” You wined with a pout on your lips, “I don’t want to take a nap with anyone else in the galaxy except you,” 
“(Y/N), I know my place well enough to know who I can and can’t take naps with” He replied. 
“Wolffey don’t say that -you should know that any one would be lucky to take a nap with you,” You cooed with a faint, little smile.
“Your funny princess,” He smirked at his nickname.
You giggled again, liking how the word princess rolled off his tongue, “I know I am Wolffey. That’s why you always like it when I’m around,” 
You gave him a sleepy, little wink that made his heart skipp a beat.
“That’s one of the reasons,” He said before picking up your heels off the ground and sliding them gently onto your feet into them. He then leaned in close to you and delicately tucked some of the same fallen hair strands behind your ear again. 
“You’re so pretty,” You whispered at him, “Much pretty than your brothers,”
“Promise me you’ll tell them that next time you see them?” He asked with a grin. His brothers wouldn’t believe a princess told him that otherwise. 
“I promise,” You lazily held up your pinky up towards him.
He took your cue and interlocked yours with his. The two of you had leaned in so close to each other, you could both smell the blossom wine and Ryborean gax on each others’ lips. The two of you interlocked eyes, only looking at each other and forgetting about everything else. Just for a sobering moment, you weren’t a princess and he wasn’t a trooper.  
“Um,uh how about I take you back to your quarters?” He suggested in a low tone. The last thing he needed to be thinking about was a drunk princess running around the palace because she had tried to outdrink him. 
“But Wolffey,” You pleaded softly, wanting to stay.
“What (Y/N)?”
“You’re really handsome,” You pouted, “And we haven’t finished our bottle yet,”
Both of your eyes drifted to the bottle of Ryborean gax sitting on the table a few mere inches away. 
In one swift motion, Wolffe stood up and grabbed the bottle. Raising it to lips before promptly finishing it off right in front of you. He chugged it down before pounding it back on the table like he was drinking at 79’s with his brothers instead of the royal gardens with you, “Finished your highness,”
“You’re still handsome,” You uttered as if it was a problem.
Wolffe moved to pick you up, carrying you in his arms, “I don’t think we can fix that problem tonight,”
@photowizard17 @cyaniderainfall
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siennahrobek · 3 years
7:48 p.m. standard time
When Alpha-17 got a direct call from his old general, Obi-Wan Kenobi, he wasn’t entirely sure what to think. He hadn’t really talked with his old general for quite some time, not for any significant length of time at least. Their goodbyes after Rattatak had been brief and quiet, especially considering neither could speak well at that point. He had to go back to the front and Alpha-17 was ordered back to Kamino. He wasn’t completely benched, he would heal for the most part, enough, but someone preferred he didn’t stay out in battle.
He was sure General Kenobi needed something, but he hadn’t expected the call to contain what it did.
But now that the first call was ended with General Kenobi’s conviction-filled and firm statement – ‘with my life. And now, with my family’s lives as well’ – that proceeded his question of trust, he had a whole new layer of thoughts and even more now, feelings. Because, for whatever reason, this had changed everything.
Alphas weren’t supposed to have feelings, even less so than the other clone troopers. They were some of the first generally successful batches, although a bit more violent, impulsive and independent for the Kaminoan’s tastes. His class, although generally fine with the Jedi, had more of a strict loyalty to the Republic rather than the Generals they served under. Not that it often mattered, virtually no Alpha clones served directly under jedi in a commander, captain or similar capacity, they were better with reconnaissance and specialized missions.
At least, except Alpha-17. He had first met the Jedi, specifically General Shaak Ti, who had been stationed on Kamino at the time, and General Kenobi with his annoying little padawan, Skywalker, when there was a Separatist invasion of the planet and the cloning facilities. They had fought back the droids and even saved a few Tubies’ lives in the process.
Alpha-17 did not know exactly what he did to get Kenobi’s attention but the next thing he knew, the General was bringing him along to other missions. He didn’t think he officially had a rank at the time, but Kenobi seemed just fine with letting him have authority over the troops, stepping in as some sort of leadership figure.
General Kenobi had been surprisingly efficient, though Alpha-17 never had a shortage of things to complain about. His lack of a helmet was one of them, although the General at least had the sense to have some armor on his person, which he silently appreciated. Alpha-17 had learned a lot from General Kenobi at the time. If there was anything anyone wanted to know about the Jedi, he was open with answering any questions. Troopers became rather fond of him and even comfortable, as he treated them well. Apparently the jedi had encouraged some types of creativity and even names, which Alpha-17 found a bit odd but somehow, it almost seemed to help casualties, although he couldn’t be certain of the correlation.
He learned a lot about Kenobi specifically as well. The General would answer most questions if they were small and harmless about himself, such as his love for tea, likes and dislikes, hobbies and opinions. But if it came to something deeper and more personal, he was a master at redirecting the conversation without anyone being the wiser. No wonder he was called the Negotiator.
That didn’t stop Alpha-17 from learning the man through his actions and expressions. Somethings Alpha-17 had learned he hadn’t even asked.
By the time Kenobi had requested him to accompany him and Skywalker to another mission, this time to Jabiim, Alpha-17 probably would have taken out any politician on planet that gave him trouble. Would not have been that hard; Alpha-17 didn’t care much for politicians.
But after that place, when he and his general were captured and thought to be dead, and taken to Rattatak, Alpha-17 learned more about not only the Jedi and their culture through observation, but about the inner workings of his General as well.
He couldn’t forget their time on Rattatak, tortured and hopeless.
Nor could he forget how even though he probably should have, Kenobi never let him go. Alpha-17 was almost disappointed when he got reassigned and transferred back to Kamino. He wasn’t sure who did it, perhaps someone higher up thinking he was a liability, but after spending several weeks in a bacta tank, he was sent back to his home world to train soldiers alongside General Shaak Ti, stationed there. His training regimen was a bit brutal, but he could now safely say he had trained some of the best commanders and command class troops that had come out of Kamino. He was promoted to Captain, and he let his cadets have open names, encouraged it really, which, like the troops he saw in the Jedi’s command, helped their efficiency. So perhaps not a coincidence.
Training cadets, sometimes alongside General Shaak Ti, was not so bad, although he couldn’t say that he really cared for the weather anymore. The General was respectful and good, and she treated all the clones well, they had started to refer to themselves as brothers. One of his command class cadets showed even more certain promise and Alpha-17 found himself attempting to pull a few strings to help him get sent out to General Kenobi’s command. Cody would do well with him.
And he did. Alpha-17 had heard of their successes.
But learning what General Kenobi had said, that Cody had attacked him, that seemed ridiculous. Alpha-17 knew Commander Cody, he had trained him. He knew the commander was rather fond of his General; it seemed rather unrealistic. But hearing the General go on about choice and loyalty and then even going further to say he suspected an attack – an attack on the elderly, injured and children – that had unexpectedly rubbed Alpha-17 the wrong way. At the mention of escape, suddenly the alpha clone knew exactly what he was going to do. The statement that the General had brought to him, about trusting him with his family’s lives, just solidified it. Because wasn’t that exactly what Alpha-17 had been doing since the war started? Trusting others with the lives of his family?
It took him a long time to see his brothers as such.
Turning the call off, Alpha-17 spun on his heel and marched out. He was known for his steadfast loyalty to duty for the Republic. He and his brothers were bred for this.
The Kaminoans would never see it coming.
Captain Alpha-17 went straight to Commander Colt and explained the situation. Colt worked with General Shaak Ti much more than Alpha-17 did but respected her just as much. Liked her a whole lot more, he was sure.
“Are you certain of this?”
“Look, I trained Cody personally. He would never attack his General, no matter what,” Alpha-17 insisted. “I have no doubt they are right about the chips. And if so, that means whoever planned for us, also planned for us to turn against and kill the Jedi. And you don’t want to kill the Jedi, do you?”
Colt’s eyes hardened. “No.”
After that, Colt was quickly on board, and they made a plan to investigate the chips.
And then Alpha-17 told him about his other idea.
That took a bit more convincing, although it became much easier once he had explained in more depth to Commander Colt about the danger General Shaak Ti would be facing and was probably currently facing. Alpha-17 didn’t have all the answers, but he wasn’t stupid; he knew this was not going to end well for the Jedi or his brothers.
Then Colt got on board.
The next few hours were a frenzy of explaining, recruiting and bit of sleuthing, although that was more on Commander Colt’s part. Alpha-17 preferred a bit more of a brute force approach. With a team on the investigation and experimentation of the chips that were in their heads, Alpha-17 and Commander Colt, along with a few other clone leaders, gathered together, rather discreetly and implemented Alpha-17’s other plan.
A mutiny.
With the organization and teamwork of the clones – even the ones that had not yet passed all their tests and training – it was almost too easy to take over Tipoca City and surrounding facilities. Even if the Kaminoans had a fail safe for their product, the troopers moved too quickly and had too much surprise on them for those to do anything about it. Alpha-17 couldn’t say that he felt bad that a few died in the assault, but most of them ended up surviving. All Kaminoans, nat-born officers and bounty hunter trainers were locked away as Alpha-17 continued with his plan.
General Kenobi had only mentioned the possibility of the Jedi having to escape and evacuate Coruscant.
But he knew, and Alpha-17 knew, that was going to happen, one way or another.
And Alpha-17 would be ready for it.
Nearby fleets and ships – none had Jedi attachments – had been quickly called back to Kamino, where their ships were taken over, non-clones were brought to locked rooms and the ships immediately began to be retrofitted.
Alpha-17 knew the Sith were no joke. He had learned plenty from General Kenobi’s tidbits of history lessons. Learned plenty from even a simple dark sider like Ventress. And if the Sith had enough power to try and eradicate the Jedi, they would do so, and the Jedi would be forced to flee.
He would not be a brainwashed slave to whatever government would replace the Republic. None of the brothers would.
If the Jedi would have them (Alpha-17 had no doubt that they would; they were sentimental like that) they would also flee to whatever corner of the Galaxy their compatriots decided to run to. He couldn’t imagine many objecting to it.
The Jedi hadn’t started their evacuation quite yet, but the clones had.
Not everyone knew what was going on, but something was happening. Machines were packed up, sometimes piece by piece, and sent up into the destroyers. Babies that hadn’t been decanted yet, followed soon after the machines that kept them alive and safe were assembled as well. Walls from both inside the ships as well as the facilities below were torn out to reinforce the ships. The smartest of them worked out the quickest and best ways for longer term habitation.
Everything was nonstop and most realized the sense of urgency in the air.
Medical teams found the chips and quickly realized what they were for. No one was happy. A few slicers had been recruited and they had found a list of commands, nearly all of which chilled the troopers to the core. Anything from destroying their comms to destroying the Jedi to destroying themselves. One thing was for sure, they had to get them out. They quickly found a few ways of neutralizing the chips, although none of those ways were fast enough. A compound could be injected into the brain – very carefully – to destroy the chip but that was still very time consuming. Surgeries were also a choice, but there were few medical droids and specialists on Kamino to assist. Alpha-17 couldn’t yet take the time to have everyone have surgeries yet. They needed to be ready to escape. One of the medical personnel and a slicer had found an electronic pulse that temporarily nullified the chips from getting orders, but it only lasted a few hours. Neither were sure if multiple uses would bring about brain damage. It was a work in progress.
It wasn’t long when Commander Colt pulled him aside into a communications tower. They had cut off anything that wasn’t coming from the Jedi or specific ones they were waiting for, but things could still come in through other forms. They watched as a stream of a Senate meeting had commenced.
“I think you should see this,” one of the troopers at the desk said, grimly.
The Chancellor was in a dark cloak, a large hood over his head and obscuring his face. His voice had started off rather slow and gravelly but ended with a loud announcement. “The Jedi Rebellion has been foiled. Any remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated.”
Commander Colt and Alpha-17 looked at one another.
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed but I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger,” the Chancellor continued. “In order to ensure the security and continuing stability the republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire for a safe and securer society!”
Commander Colt turned off as the speakers boomed with thunderous applause from the senate. He let out a sigh. “If the Jedi are not already dead, they will have to flee the planet.”
“General Kenobi mentioned having to evacuate,” Alpha-17 nodded. “Once the battle at the Temple is over, they will. Those who survive will run, and we will be ready for them when they do.”
Colt just glanced at him. “You plan to help them?”
“The Republic is gone. I was not raised to serve an Empire. You saw that command list. The Sith and the Empire will use us in ways the Jedi never would even dream of. There is a command to kill our brothers, ourselves.”
“That is why you started the mutiny,” Colt realized. “Because General Kenobi called you and mentioned a possible evacuation. And the Sith.”
“The Sith kill and destroy,” Alpha-17 growled. “We will no longer die for them.”
It was barely a half an hour after that when Kenobi contacted them again.
He looked weary, pained, and exhausted.
Alpha-17 wondered who he had to fight. It was probably a personal one.
Those were the worst and hardest kind.
The clone hadn’t cleaned himself up from the skirmishes he was involved in, one of the bounty hunters had gotten in a bit of a lucky shot. He was no longer bleeding but the cut on his head was still there, close to his facial scars. When Kenobi expressed concern, Alpha-17 could not contain his grin. The fights he had been in had been great.
There were a few other commanders in the room while Alpha-17 and Commander Colt spoke with Kenobi, listening as the Jedi explained the attack on the Temple, questions about the chips and their plan to evacuate the planet to flee. Colt didn’t tell him any specifics about the list of possible orders.
Colt and Alpha-17 looked at each other knowingly. Alpha-17 smirked when he explained the loophole in their duty. The Republic may have been first and the Jedi second, but the Republic was no more; they had no real loyalty to it. Especially with Kenobi’s talk of the Sith, Alpha-17 knew this was the right choice. The Sith were brainwashing the troopers. That would not stand.
Kenobi had offered a place with the Jedi for all of them. It wasn’t much; many of them had died and they would be on the run, but Alpha-17 knew the Empire wouldn’t like any of this, not what Colt and Alpha-17 were doing.
The clones had grinned, this certain kind, uncharacteristic for them.
It made Kenobi curious.
Colt had explained what they were doing, the mutiny they had already pulled off and the preparations that they were in the middle of. Alpha-17 watched his expressions, a myriad of ones that he couldn’t quite identify over the holo call. Perhaps if they were in person. There was plenty of confusion and surprise but also some relief, gratefulness and contentment. What Colt and Alpha-17 had done wasn’t what Kenobi was expecting but Alpha-17 was fairly certain he was glad that the clones wanted to go with them.
They were stuck with each other now, by choice, and both parties seemed rather alright about that.
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