#close enough?
beyondthesefourwalls · 9 months
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This is by far one of the funniest things I’ve ever managed to screenshot before it was deleted, and I have no idea why😂
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delicatetaysversion · 11 months
do you ever think abt how when adults have sexual fantasies abt minors its labelled pedophilia but when minors do it its okay
hm ive never before but omg you're right i guess it's because they're minors so they don't know better and they're lonely and feel misunderstood and exploring new feelings hormones for the first time and anyone who makes them feel seen they get obsessed with them
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agentravensong · 2 years
i mentioned in the tags of my last post that I watched bride of frankenstein (1935) for my horror film class this past week, and i’ve been thinking a lot about it, specifically through a queer reading lens, as preparation for when we talk about it in class… and this morning, it led me to notice something neat on a kind of meta level that the movie does. spoilers ahead if you care.
the basic plot is that henry frankenstein’s old disgraced college professor, dr. pretorius, wants to partner up with him to create a mate for the monster. henry keeps turning him down, so Dr. P starts working on it on his own, planning to eventually force henry’s hand. meanwhile, the monster is trying to just live in the world and find a place in it, but everyone only sees him as, well, a monster, something evil to be destroyed (except for a blind man whom he forms a cute friendship with before having to leave him behind).
but then, when the monster goes to hide in a crypt, he finds Dr. P, chilling there having a meal after doing some grave-robbing, as ya do. and Dr. P’s like, “ah hey, it’s you! come eat with me, friend :) you know, you seem lonely. you know what you need? a partner, made from the same stuff as you. let’s see what we can do about that.”
so, the thing happening here that caught my eye is that Dr. P is actively doubling himself with the monster. Dr. P enters this film seeking a partner who will understand him and work with him, someone who’s gone down the same road, someone (metaphorically) made of the same stuff. now, in this meeting with the monster, he uses the monster’s loneliness for his own ends by projecting that same desire for an equal partner onto the monster. (and the fact that it’s specifically a romantic relationship bolsters the queer reading but that’s for another discussion)
and this in itself is interesting, that Dr. P does this doubling himself (kind of like when the villain says “we’re not so different, you and i”, but not as directly stated, at least in this instance, and to different ends). but it’s especially interesting in the context of how the film ends.
in short, the attempt to create a bride for frankenstein(‘s monster) who will love and understand him fails, arguably framed as an inevitability. this convinces the monster that there is no place in the world for him, so he pulls the switch in the lab that blows the whole place up (because of course they have that).
he lets henry, his creator, leave with his fiancé elizabeth. but he makes Dr. P stay. he says, “we belong dead.”
in other words, the monster sees himself in Dr. P, just as Dr. P primed him to for the sake of bonding with and using him. and therefore, when the monster decides “i must die”, by the same logic, he declares Dr. P must too.
in other other words, Dr P. doubling himself with the monster tied their fates together. when the monster became marked as doomed, he was marked as well, indirectly by his own hand.
and i think that’s a fascinating concept. and i feel like there have to be other examples - character a goes “hey, character b, you’re like me :)” only for character b to later decide “i have to die - and you, you who share my flaw(s), you have to die as well”; or for some third party to come to that conclusion about character b and then apply the same logic to character a who, if not for the connection they declared and fostered, otherwise would have been spared… but i’m struggling to come up with examples right now, so if other people have any, please share!
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Stuffs a screaming Transformer into its chest.
Grinding noises and wet splatters echo out.
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malicemismanager · 1 year
I've gotten stuck on the WWX outer robe and been ignoring it for months and stressing out about ignoring it for months because Deadline, so I made the executive decision to take the pressure off myself and just not worry about finishing the cosplay for next con specifically. It'll just get finished when it's finished, and while yeah it's a bit of a bummer, the relief not worrying about it has already given me is fantastic. I might change tack and keep working on the skirt instead (so many pleats x_x) while I try to work out where I'm stuck, or get started on the over robe or working on the accessories and wig, but I'm gonna take it easy about it and be nice to myself when I just don't feel like looking at any of it.
Really this has been a continuing adventure of my efforts in trying to work on how frustrated I get when I don't immediately get something I've never done right on the first try and then stressing about it, and then giving up because clearly I'll never get anything right, and then stressing about giving up because I know I can probably do better if I just take a breath and try again while not expecting/demanding perfection of myself. Results have been mixed, but we shall keep trying. I'll let you know how it goes. XD
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technicallywrite · 2 years
So I’m working on this Osgate fic, but I’ve been watching a lot of Janeway/Seven clips on here and now all my dialog for Kate Stewart is coming out sounding like Janeway. Help.
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mangozic · 5 months
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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narwhalsarefalling · 3 months
my (cis) brother is using my old license to buy wine and it has the gender marker F on there. so whenever he gets asked he just says “oh i’m trans”. its literally worked every single time.
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whilomm · 1 year
happy almost extremely loud sound wednesday monday everyone!!!
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i cant believe its already almost extremely loud sound TO BE CONDUCTED AT AROUND 2:20 PM EST wednesday monday
edit: reblogs turned off bc YALL READ THE FUCKIN DATE
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crybabydraws · 1 year
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^^^THIS ONE!!!^^^
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magentasnail · 1 month
the silly straws page wont leave my head
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I want fries :(
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dotssu3 · 2 months
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tfw when you're not lactose intolerant
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koboldinatimeloop · 5 months
Chapter 0: Prologue
It's a new day! You've just got out of bed, your myriad of blankets pressing against each other as they settle into the space you used to occupy. It's an important day, for all kobolds in your den, and you specifically, as well! For it is the day you're named! The day you've chosen to embrace your colony's dragon, Syptem, and gain a little bit of his power!
At least. that's how you should feel. In reality, you weren't feeling your best today, for the prior mentioned reasons. You've dreaded this day for a while, the past 23 years to be precise. You were one of the last kobolds in the den to be free of the dragon's gift, a gift most would fight each other for. Yet you knew you wouldn't be the same if you accepted it. Those who took the gift seemed to magically brighten up, magically become better at what they were bad at, magically become perfect! And yet. You wanted to achieve this for yourself.
Walking over to a small desk, you read over your plan once more. A plan you yourself wrote, in handwriting not too dissimilar from chicken scratch. "Step 1: Make a wish to the local shrine of the God of the Deep for luck. Step 2: Sell some stuff from your house, accrue some gold to please the dragon with for: Step 3: Offer your gold to the dragon, and apologize when you deny his gift." Surely, if you explain your thought process, he'll understand! He was so kind, so nice. Nice enough to offer you, someone unwilling, someone plagued with issues, his gift. Surely, he would understand!
You took a look in the mirror before you left. No one would want you looking bad, and being nice and shiny couldn't hurt your chances with the dragon! Your lavender scales sparkled in the bioluminescent moss lighting the room, highlighted by the specks and flakes of gold and black sprinkled here and there, like obsidian and gold. It wasn't, of course, but you could dream. Picking something else up off your desk, and slinging it over your shoulders, you walked to the door while absentmindedly reaching into the thing, checking your stock. Inside the satchel, there was:
2 Bottles of water, just in case there was a thirsty plant.
2 Emergency rations, just in case there was a hungry not plant.
1 Notebook, and 3 pieces of charcoal, just in case you got a good idea while you were out.
A Knife. For self-defense. You'd never needed to use it before, since everyone in your den was nice, but you never know! Better safe than sorry, as they say.
Several bundles of things you planned to sell, according to step 2 of your plan.
And finally, a handmade charm, to give to the God of the Deep when you visit his statue. You've read all about the rituals, and you think this one will actually work, in granting you a wish!
And so, with your plan, your supplies, and a fire in your heart, you set out, one-hundred percent sure it would be a great day!
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artofhangingon · 6 months
On the one hand tempted to finally go back to miqote in ff14 but I worry doing so may give my wol a very complicated case of dysmorphia
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bumbleboa · 3 months
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#4 - Nami, bike
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