#clouded skies my beloved<3
linkedin-offficial · 7 months
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🌾 feels like brooklyn in the summer
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v-iv-rusty · 2 years
finally, it's getting cold and wet and grey again
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sakkiichi · 1 year
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They comfort you while you’re having a difficult time.
ft. Childe, Lyney, Albedo, Shikanoin Heizou x gn! reader.
cw/genre: hurt/comfort.
for my dear @https-furina I know you’ve been going through trying times lately, so I hope this can comfort you a little <3 I also struggled a lot with Heizou’s part, so I apologize if it’s no good at all…
if you enjoy this, reblogs and comments help more than likes !
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Linen sheets feel like ropes on raw skin against the morning chill.
Its warm cream color, ashen, nothing like the mirror sunrises you were used to witnessing right after you opened your eyes.
What’s the point in opening them anymore? You wonder.
You bury your face against the pillows. In any other occasion, you would have been grateful for the coolness of its silk.
Now it’s just an iceberg. Like a missing shard of your shallow beating heart.
“Someone’s sleepy today.” A familiarly perky voice greets, the mattress dipping slightly with new weight.
You rolling in the other direction is all the greeting that meets him.
“Hey, love! It’s time to wake up!” Childe chuckles, his hand gently shaking your body.
Yet something already tells him this is not right; you usually would have already shoved him away by now.
But today you’re just… unresponsive…
The dull oceans of his stare rise in dangerous waves at your state.
Hesitant, he calls your name, his tone more like a question.
And this time, he does get an answer.
Familiar arms he adores wrapped around him loop around his middle, your face burying against his chest.
You’re warm, yet you feel so… faraway… as if the pain of past memories was seeping out your light.
Ajax is no stranger to the despair palpable in your strong grip around him, he’s endured it himself, through years robbed of him by an abyss that turned him into a master of all weapons.
So because he’s known the cold of endless nights where all he had was a tattered red scarf to remember the warmth of a distant home, he now holds you.
And for someone whose hands were tainted in the filth and bloodshed of a lifetime of slaughter, Ajax is undeniably gentle.
His fingertips ghost over your skin, easing the burning anguish of bed covers that felt too rough, too suffocating, too wrong.
When your lover’s hands get lost in your hair, combing it, you swear sun rays filter through the deep sea you’re falling through.
And then, suddenly, the choice to swim upwards presents before you, scarred sun-kissed hands extended towards you.
You take them.
When you open your eyes, russet sunsets and constellations over your beloved’s skin greet you.
His lips find yours, a bit chapped but gentle; not his usual playfulness, but soothing aquamarine waves.
You swear Childe’s kiss tastes salty. And that’s when you realize the dry tear-tracks down your cheeks.
He made them dry, sunlight evaporating puddles after grey days.
You break the surface, the waters now turquoise beneath Ajax’s light.
He won’t let you sink again.
A whole audience’s cheers fill the Opera Epiclese. Lights shine upon every smiling face, every vigourous clap of hands after the magician’s grand finale echoing through the theater.
However, the illusionist’s gaze of amethyst is focused on the sole grim expression amongst millions of joyous others.
Your hands move, clapping together, as if automated; your eyes stare at everything, seeing nothing; your mouth is a taut line, your lips devoid of their usual vibrant tint.
Lyney doesn’t like that being his last memory before the curtain closes.
When you step out of the Opera House, an infinity of starfields is abloom across the crepuscular skies.
What a mockery; a cruel jinx on display, for you to see the unfulfilled sparks dimming inside your heart.
A sigh escapes your dry lips, a small cloud forming when it meets the late night chill.
“You’ll catch a cold there, mon coeur,” Someone you know, tricks and all, utters behind you.
Welcome warmth tinted in lavender envelops you the instant your eyes meet the magician’s starry ones.
A small smile tugs at your lips, the curse of melancholy still clinging to you through it.
“Lyney…” You start. The twilit breeze picks up around you, your arms instinctively wrapping around yourself for some semblance of a warmth you haven’t felt in days.
“That won’t do, ma chérie.” Your lover chuckles.
Then, with a wave of his hand, a piece of the night sky itself seems to become tangible in his grasp.
“Here,” he offers, draping it over your shoulders.
Upon closer inspection, you realize it’s a shawl; the cloth feels delicate to the touch, quite fine too, and yet, you feel the warmth of a thousand suns. If you had to describe its color you would come up empty. Silver glitter seems to be embedded in the fabric, but at the same time, it looks like multiple tiny lights had been stitched to the material. You suppose you’d call the hue, dark; a myriad of indigoes merge into violets, threaded together with navies and cobalts. And yet, when you move it, the colors seem to shift, almost like the clouds drifting across this midnight.
“I take it you liked it.” Lyney smiles, softer than his usual cheshire-like grins, when he observes your wonderstruck features.
“Very…” You muse, awestruck at the magical silk.
“It’s a châle de ciel,” your beloved explains, “It will change depending on the state of the sky at each time of day.” He pauses, eyes, the color of lumidouce bells and rainbow rose petals merged, glinting as he admires how the garment fits you. “But I can guarantee,” your illusionist steps closer to you, plucking something out of your hair. “That it will always keep you comfortable… warm or cool, whatever you need.” He finishes, handing you a pluie lotus.
You take a few seconds to appreciate the second gift of the night. The flower’s petals are the same color as Lyney’s eyes, yet not as vivacious.
“Shall we go, mon amour?” Your boyfriend inquires, already offering your arm to him.
Together, you leave the opera house behind.
You hope for light blues on your new cape tomorrow morning. And somehow, you know that’s what you’ll find.
You squeeze Lyney’s arm gently. The sun will rise soon.
When he sets foot on his camp in Dragonspine, Albedo finds the heater already on.
The sun hasn’t even quite awoken yet, the snowy peaks outlined against skies still clinging to dreamless cloudy nights; shards of ice, embedded in the softness of dawn clouds. An accurate representation of the region of freedom’s snowy mountains: menacingly beautiful, brimming with lethal charm, for one step in the wrong direction, and the cold might as well consume you for good.
At this hour, no one was ever already working at his lab, making of these moments calm sunrise-tinted memories in the alchemist’s mind, before the day’s hustle and bustle began.
However, today, the running heater is not the only out of the ordinary salutation to greet the chalk prince.
The acute sounds of clicking vials, books being rearranged and crunching snow are confirmation enough that he is, indeed, not alone.
With silent steps, Albedo advances, keeping one hand hovering over his trusty sword. Then, he finally lays eyes upon the cause for the commotion, and despite the lack of danger, the sight doesn’t calm him any better.
“My dearest?” He calls. The instant your gaze meets his, your condition scares him more than any bandits ransacking his research material. Your hair is messy, falling on your face; dark circles are etched beneath your lower lashline, darkness clinging to you like remnants of turbulent nights; and you’re shivering, whether from the cold or because you’re distempered he can’t quite discern, although it’s most likely due to both.
“Hello, ‘Bedo…” You mutter, the flesh of your lips bitten, flecks of Dragonspine’s freeze coating them, the cold lacing with your bones, chilling you to the core. Your eyes widen when you notice your lover’s teal gaze scrutinizing you. You quickly busy yourself with classifying some potions, by color and texture, whatever takes the longest for him not to worry about your less than ideal condition.
However, perhaps you underestimated his attention to detail; for he has a skilled artist, after all.
“My love, are you feeling alright?” He questions, gloved hands gently taking the crystal vial-filled wooden box you were carrying off your trembling hold.
And in that instant, you don’t know if it’s the warmth of your prince’s hands on yours; or the comfort of his voice, like honey on bitter tea, but you find yourself taking a deep breath, the fresh air of a midwinter’s sunrise filling your lungs.
And then you talk. You spill every worry and bad dream, your shadows opening up to the gilded starlight of him.
And through it all, the alchemist’s hands warm yours, fingers interlocked, very much in the way your souls are undeniably so too.
Because no matter how daunting the river seemed when you faced it alone, when you were with Albedo, its typhoons calmed down, stone bridges and his outstretched hand painting safety and comfort in hues of gold before your eyes.
While the kreideprinz grounds you, the sun reaches its peak, a canvas of aureate and cornflower blue grazing the mountaintops.
You would be okay.
Emerald eyes read through you as if you were made of clear glass.
The way you worry your lower lip between your teeth; your fingers almost going white at the knuckles as you clutch a pencil, its wood creaking in your grip; and the general absentminded state you’re in, papers scattered over your desk, several case files stacked in disarray.
Something is clearly weighting on your mind.
“I think a break’s in order, wouldn't you agree, sweetheart?” Heizou suggests, standing up, those striking eyes of his fixed on you.
The detective’s voice is enough to stop the quickening clock ticking in your mind, regrets and dark spirals momentarily coming to a halt.
When you rise your furrowed brow, shades of maroon and viridian flood your sight, vivid as summer and warming your up just as much.
Nodding, you stand up too, limbs feeling heavy despite the comfort of your lover beside you.
The brown shades of your office turn into blue skies and soft pink sakuras not long after, the scented tree branches swaying above you, like fragments of dreams someone had given up on, waiting to be picked up by another soul who dared to imagine.
Your back rests against your lover’s lean but strong torso, the sweet smelling breeze combing through your hair, as Heizou’s chin rests on your shoulder.
“So will you tell me what’s wrong, darling?” Are the words of his that break the birdsong-filled calm.
A pang settles on your chest, you didn’t want to take away that cheeky grin that most of the time decorated his quick-witted lips.
“I…” You hesitate. “Well, it’s- it’s complicated, Heizou…” Your lids flutter closed, a shaky breath raking through you, as you turn around in his embrace, your hands bracing on his shoulders. “I don’t want to bring the mood down, you know…”
The detective places a thumb on your lower lip, smoothing over the bite marks you left there earlier.
“You never, ever, bring the mood down, dear. Never.” He leans in, brushing a soft kiss over your forehead. “My intuition told me right away there was something up.” He takes a stray cherry blossom petal from your hair. “So, why don’t we take the rest of the day off, love?” Your partner proposes, as he takes your chin in between his fingers, mischief flashing in his features.
And perhaps your lover’s smile was more infectious than you had ever given it credit for; and maybe the way he flashes his green eyes at you has your heart trembling in ways that have nothing to do with the fear and guilt you’ve been festering, but you find yourself retorting back, with a grin of your own:
“Don’t you have cases to solve, detective Shikanoin?”
This time, he takes a full sakura flower, delicately placing it behind your ear.
“I have something more important to solve right here…” He smirks, cheekily, as he admires your now flustered expression.
When you lean the side of your head against his chest, he cradles it with one of his hands, the other playing with the ends of your hair.
It would be unfair, if gloom were to take your soul captive when spring seems to linger through Inazuma’s breeze.
With a last look at you, the detective’s maroon lashes flutter closed too. He hopes, at least for today, he managed to protect precious you from the crimes of cruel sorrow.
He leans his head on top of yours.
The case is solved.
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solarisfortuneia · 1 year
— 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐤.
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and a man with birds in his hair.
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✦ info: he hopes you know that no matter what ails you, he will do his best to see you smile. (fluff. jing yuan basically attempts to cheer you up with birds and a lion.)
✦ featuring: jing yuan.
✦ notes: i was going to relocate this drabble to this blog sooner but i forgot about it lmao but once again, jing yuan is my favorite disney princess <3
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perceptive as always, jing yuan notices your crestfallen expression the second you step in through the door. a frown seems to have made its home in between your brows, and your eyes look heavier than he's ever seen them. you drop your bags on the ground, uncaring of the pile they form, and surge forward, all but jumping into his arms.
he catches you effortlessly, a small noise leaving his lips. "oh, my darling," he whispers softly, holding your face in warm, calloused hands. "you look like you're surrounded by cloudy skies."
he racks his brain, trying to think of something to explain your mood, but he comes up short. though in possession of a mind so intimately familiar with strategy and logic and the act of anticipating an opponents thoughts, he cannot fathom the reason of your sadness for the life of him. 
"what happened?" he asks ever-so-gently. he receives his answer in the form of you turning your gaze away from his.
clearly, you don't want to talk about it.
every fiber of his being screams at him to fix this, to fix your downcast expression, to right everything until you grin brightly.
but he cannot take away pain of the mental variety, no matter how much he wants to. even the all powerful general on the luofu has his limitations. he knows you will tell him of your own accord soon enough, and he is a patient man; he will wait.
but what should he do in the meantime? 
change tactics, of course.
"would you like a bird for your sorrows?"
momentary confusion immediately replaces your gloom. "excuse me, a what?" you blink, once, twice, thrice, absolutely appalled. he can see the thoughts rushing by in your head. did you hear him right? a bird? surely not?
"i asked if you'd like a bird for your sorrows, my dear." he laughs lightly, a twinkle dancing in aureate eyes. a little bird chirps cheerfully, perched comfortably on his shoulder, and another pokes its head from between a cluster of white hair, contributing another bird-like sound to the conversation.
"i picked these guys up on a stroll this morning," he says, by way of explanation, smile growing as he watches your astonishment. "we've been good friends since, haven't we?" he looks up in the direction of the ceiling, attempting to gesture to the bird on his head with his eyes.
you exhale, the tiniest bit of amusement finding its way onto your face. 
"but, i can also offer you a lion, if that is more your preference." he gestures to his beloved mimi curled up at his feet. 
the large cat cracks one eye open when it's mentioned, before lazily stretching out on the carpet. they make quite a pair, the dozing general with his resting lion. it saunters gracefully over to you, gently laying its head on your lap. it nudges your palm a couple of times; a clear indication it wants you to stroke her head. 
"would you look at that," he beams, satisfied that a little smile of your own slowly starts to bloom on your face as you run your fingers through the lion's soft white fur. "let us dispel more of the clouds above your head, shall we?" he holds out an arm, beckoning you to take it. "i believe a date to the dessert shop is in order."
he hears you laugh when the birds on his head chirp in agreement, and he nods to himself in satisfaction, grin never leaving his face. 
he hopes you know that no matter what ails you, he will do his best to see you smile.
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tabootoji · 2 months
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✰ - SYNOPSIS: it's time for you to advance your skills as a curse user if you hope to remain by suguru's side, and who else better to train you than the worst one of all time? (or) you and suguru get down and dirty in the middle of a yoga session. ✰ - WC: 2.8k ✰ - TAGS: reader is female, short, black and curvy, semi public, obsession/possessive, size diff., nipple play, dry humping, groping, pussy slapping, cunnilingus, v. intercourse, dirty talk, praise, belly press, f. orgasm, creampie, no use of (y/n), all lower case ✰ - A/N: our reader is finally going through her training arc! (kinda :P) so ofc i used the opportunity to feed my imagination with the idea of geto in a compression shirt hehe (which was kinda inspired by this). also i put in a really small gojo mention, i was debating on whether i should in this story or not, but since i did say i'm sorta following canon events it just made sense to. anyways, we have one part left, so i hope y'all like how the story's been going so far!
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since the 'incident' with manami, suguru has been carrying himself around the sacred temple with an extra pep in his step. and why wouldn't he? the amount of followers coming to the temple seems to have doubled, maybe even tripled in a short amount of time - which meant more curses to add to his arsenal. the wealthy contributions to their organization have also skyrocketed, granting everyone in the shrine a life of comfortability. above all, suguru was able to walk with his head held high knowing that now, all had graciously accepted your position as his one and only beloved, staying right by his side where you belonged.
however, there was an elephant in the room that he had yet to address: training you. suguru's group consisted of strong, sharp-witted shamans who stood ready to follow his every command. and although he had no intentions of ever putting you in a situation where your life would be in danger, he needed to know that if there was ever a time he or the other curse users couldn't protect you, you'd be able to defend yourself. he also hoped that coaching you would in turn boost your confidence in your own skill and abilities, putting you amongst the ranks of your peers.
suguru made up his mind that at least once a week, he would clear a part of his schedule to physically train you, as well as guide you to perfect your cursed technique. you were hesitant to the idea at first, but after much coaxing, you agreed as long as he promised he would start off teaching you slowly. so today, he stands in the center of the traditional garden behind the sanctuary with yoga mats sprawled on the freshly trimmed lawn, waiting for you to join him so he could start you off with the basics.
suguru decided to forgo his usual long, flowing garments for a more casual look. he donned a compression shirt that fit tightly around his athletic torso, loose sweatpants that hung off of his defined waist, and opted to stay barefooted with nothing on his feet. it was a sunny afternoon, and the clear blue skies accompanying the warm sun that casted a radiant glow over the magnificent oasis gave the fake buddhist priest much to think about as he awaited your arrival.
he thought of the irony of him currently adapting a teaching role in his current position, a role he so desperately tried to run away from when he abandoned jujutsu society. he was sure his former best friend from a period so long ago it felt like it happened in a different lifetime would laugh at him if he saw him right now. suguru closed his eyes as favorable memories of his youth flashed in inconsistent intervals in his mind that the dreadful ones had yet to cloud before he was interrupted by a familiar soft, melodic voice calling his name.
opening them, suguru instantly felt a pleasant tranquility wash over him at the sight of you. sporting a gym top with yoga pants, you stood with a beaming smile on your face, head slightly tilted as you asked if he was alright. he chuckled to himself, shaking his head and dispelling your worries by bending down to your height to peck your forehead. when the troubles of his past barred their ugly fangs, of course he knew he would be fine, as long as he could gaze at you, his future.
you feel your cheeks heat up, very sure that your face was covered in a red blush at not just suguru's affectionate gesture, but by how hunky he looked in his current attire. you don't usually get the chance to see him in anything else besides his robes, so you quickly take a mental image of how his massive arms seemed so close to ripping through the elasticity of his shirt, and how his structured v-line and sexy happy trail peeked out of the band of his sweats.
once you and suguru decide that you're ready to start, you both sit beside each other on one of the yoga mat's cross legged, and begin to meditate. pushing a curly strand of hair that fell out of your styled high bun behind your ear, you try to listen to his prompts to close your eyes, focus on your breathing and rid your mind and body of any anxiety you're feeling.
contradicting his own teachings, suguru takes the opportunity to eye you from top to bottom suggestively. your cropped sports tank top had a slight dip in the neckline that gave him a glimpse of your deep cleavage. and because of how the top was tied behind you, your ample breasts were pushed up, threatening to spill out if you made one wrong move (which suguru was indeed hoping for). and don't get him started on your damn yoga pants. the sheer, tight fitted garment not only hugged your delectable curves in just the right way, your rich skin was visible behind them. suguru's cock twitched at the idea of how easy it would be to rip them right off of you.
but alas, he had to stay focused. after he deemed that you were relaxed enough to move on to stretches, suguru instructed you into the first position. as you lay on your back with your arms flat on the mat, he kneeled in front of you, telling you to bend your knees and lift your pelvic region off of the ground. however, after a couple of seconds your legs begin to shake, already threatening to falter your current pose. when suguru holds your hips firmly in place with his hands on either side of you, your eyes shoot up at the thunderbolt of dopamine rushing through your veins you feel every time the two of you touch. teasingly, he smirks at you. "looks like ya gonna need some help, little one. mind if i assist ya?"
if you thought your face was red before, you were certain you resembled a tomato as you nodded your head slowly, nervously accepting suguru's offer. you've barely had to go through any physical endurance throughout the span of your life, so all of this was fairly new to you. you were already doubting how you were going to perform, now you've advanced to worried at the idea of the well built, good looking man before you grazing your body through it. get your mind out of the gutter and focus, you thought to yourself.
however, this would prove to be especially hard during the next position suguru aids you with. with your back still on the floor, he grasps the back of one of your thick thighs and holds it as far as it can comfortably go, which wasn't much without any force being applied. to your surprise, he situates his groin in between your legs, places your foot onto his broad shoulder, and slowly leans towards your face to deepen the stretch. your size difference is apparent now more than ever as his tall frame hovers over your short one. you're now unsure if your perspiration is due to the hot sun or the sexual implications of this yoga pose.
suguru thanks himself for his choice of outfit, knowing his growing hard on would be embarrassingly apparent right now if not for his baggy pants. though the more you both continued these sensual stretches, the less interest he had in modesty, wanting his sinful thoughts to be known by you. "ya doin' alright baby?" he asks jestfully. suguru watches you bite your lip bashfully at the pet name, humming your confirmation. cute. so, so, cute.
you move on to model your best child's pose, suguru behind you almost passing out looking at you. with the way your knotted shirt twists behind you, he was able to admire the curve of your lower back and the matter in which it dipped in the center. when he tells you to progress into a cat pose, suguru doesn't even give you time to go into the paralleled cow's position, becoming enthralled by your mesmerizing arch and proceeding to grab your waist to push your bottom against his lap.
you gasp in surprise, looking behind at suguru as he slots his covered, rock hard boner in between your clothed pussy lips. wordlessly, he begins to fondle your body, groping the fat of your gut and ass, before reaching beneath your tight top to palm your huge tits, pulling and twisting your taut nipples with his rough fingers mercilessly.
at the sudden, yet thrilling stimulation, you compulsively mewl out his name, grinding your butt against his bugle, and it awakens something inside of him. in the blink of an eye suguru's previous thoughts become reality as he uses his powerful strength to rip open the stemming of your leggings to expose your crotch to him. to his disappointment, the fabric of your cotton underwear stands in the way of his pot of gold. at the speed of lighting he gives your nether regions a sudden 'smack', causing you to squeal at the sensation of pain and pleasure becoming one. "panties? really girl? y'know better than that." he reprimands you.
before you get the chance to explain that you wore them for the sake of the training, never in your wildest dreams being able to predict that the two of you would end up doing this in the middle of it, he slides the flimsy fabric to the side to reveal your already leaking pussy. watching your tightly rimmed hole pulse with anticipation only doubles his insatiable craving to taste you, so without hesitation suguru bends down till he's eye level with your cunt, sticks the wet mass of his tongue out, and licks a long stripe up your quivering genitals.
his eyes roll to the back of his head as he savors your succulent nectar. suctioning his moist lips, suguru sucks up your wetness that dribbles into his awaiting mouth in quick successions. you suddenly become all too aware that you're right at the center of the facilities public garden where the gardeners, servants, any resident of the building could stroll through and witness both of your current indiscretions. but the way suguru flicks your sensitive clit with his flat pink tongue is just too good for you to care right now.
your knees buckle and your trembling voice begins to increase in pitch as suguru continues to messily eat your pussy from the back. you could have confused him for a famished man in the middle of the desert with the way he was slurping your sopping cunt. and if that wasn't enough, he began to prod the muscular organ deep into your delicate flower, as if he was trying to reach the barricades of your soul with just his mouth alone. and every time you tried to squirm away from his passionate lapping's, he would bury his face till his nose nuzzled into your vagina, lolling out his tongue to swipe your bundle of nerves from side to side.
just when you're on the brink of cumming all over his face, suguru retracts from your pussy, panting so loudly you could feel his cool, minty breath tickling you. you huff out in frustration from not receiving the spine tingling orgasm you were anticipating, pouting angrily at him. he plants a parting kiss to your cunt, then leans forward to mutter in your ear four words that make you immediately forget why you were frowning your face in the first place.
"i need you. now."
shame almost overtakes you as you drawl out an eager chant of yeses, but that quickly disappears when suguru rushes to pull his leisurely pants down to the top of his knees, swiftly springing out his now enraged cock before taking it in his hands and thrusting it against your womanhood. collecting all of your excitement onto his thick length, he slides it into your tense awaiting walls.
you both groan in satisfaction as suguru fills you up to the brim with almost no resistance. he almost can't believe he was able to, considering how tight of a fit it is whenever he pushes himself into you the first time. either he's finally fucked you enough for your gummy canals to become his personal fleshlight, or the stretching you did beforehand must have really did its job and relaxed you.
and although the two may be true, he's currently attributing your new flexibility to the later. now that you're warmed up from your previous light workout, you're able to angle your rear side till the front of your torso is pressed onto the yoga mat. looking at you grip the sharp blades of grass with your hands till you're almost pulling them out of the ground, further entices suguru to draw his hips back, before railing his desperate cock back into you.
you and suguru set a ferocious pace, him using brute force to barrel his veiny dick into your sex while you match his thrusts, throwing your curvaceous body back as he drives forward. both of your risqué behavior contradicts the peaceful atmosphere of the beautiful garden surrounding the two of you. the soothing pour of the fountains, the unique chirps of the foreign birds that home the piece of land, and the gorgeous flowers in bloom juxtapose the slapping sounds of your ass cheeks hastily colliding with suguru's thighs, your squelching pussy wrapping around his large membrane with a vicious gripe, and your conjoined wails as he continues to defile you.
you realize you may be just as lecherous as he is as your indecorous spectacle shockingly exhilarates you the more you both achieve your desirous commands of one another.
your jaw slacks open when suguru repeatedly lurches his round cockhead to bump against your tender womb. "su-sugu...right there, right there!" you encourage him. he digs his fingers into your luscious lumps to allow himself to delve even further inside your numbing cunt than you thought humanly possible. "ya like that princess? huh? my dainty toy wants it rough? right here?" he finishes his sentence by pressing his sizable hand against your chubby stomach to feel the point of intrusion.
his filthy words are the final nail in the coffin, consequently imploding your snug cunt as flows of your secretion burst around the girth of suguru's unrelenting cock. you're on cloud nine, your entire body falling slack as you allow him to use it for his own lustful volition. "look so good takin' me, fuck, gonna ruin ya baby girl...agh! cumming...m' cumming, here it comes...!" he grits his teeth in anguish, feeling your pussy cruelly squeeze the life out of him, leaving him dizzy. the steadfast movement of his hips finally stutters as he spurts his heavy load into your belly.
he lunches forward after experiencing his sweet rapture, both of you breathless from your endeavors. while your consciousness slowly comes back to earth, suguru takes the opportunity to pull his weighty shaft out of you. he quickly repositions your underwear back on, the semen pouring out of your abused cunt quickly dampening it. you scrunch your nose at the wetness pooling in your undergarments, kneeling up with suguru and bashfully looking at the aftermath of your robust sex.
suguru has to hold in his laugh by giving the top of your head another long kiss. how fast you switched from a crazed vixen back to his angelic, coy girl was so adorable. "i think that's enough training for the day, don't you think little one?" he asks jokingly, helping you both to your feet while you giggle at him. he will have to make sure that starting next week, you both begin taking your lessons more seriously. starting off by making sure you don't wear anymore revealing outfits, unless you wanted to get your bones jumped again.
"agreed, i think i'm definitely in need of a shower after our...exercise." you chuckled. but before you take a step towards the entrance of the monastery, you glance down at your pants, quickly realizing its tattered state. you look up at him in alarm. "suguru...i can't walk around the sanctuary like this." without another word he pulls his own top off, helping you put it over your head so it covers your bare regions.
suguru now stands before you shirtless, sweat glistening off of his beautiful skin. you ogle at him like it's the first time you've seen him naked, because how could you not? it was as if the man's abdominals were carved by the gods themselves. you have to take a strained gulp to keep yourself from literally drooling before you take his hand to hold in yours possessively. "will you...join me.?" you ask him.
momentarily stunned by your request, he quickly recovers and lets a mischievous grin form on the sides of his face. "thought you'd never ask darling." he whispers in your ear provocatively, walking with you hand in hand into the premises. suguru wouldn't worry too much about skipping your training for today, because he was going to have plenty of time to build your endurance and stamina.
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Celebration: 88,978 Words in One Day!
Just yesterday, a few other LU writers and I, Hot Cheeto Hatred, hosted our first ever monthly (hopefully) Write-a-thon! This event ran on June 4 from 12 am EST to 12 am EST, with one goal in mind---write as many productive words within that day as humanly possible. Words included in the final marathon count ranged from storyboarding, fic writing, editing, answering comments, journalling and homework---basically, any words that furthered yourself, the writing community at large, or your stories. We utilized either the Discord Sprint bot or self-reporting to collect the numbers at the end. Everyone involved gave it their all, with most of them being present for most if not all of the run time as they were able, and I'm so proud of their dedication towards their craft. Anyways, here's the final breakdown of the numbers below, as well as the awards and titles earned by each participant, as decided by the discord server (and myself at random).
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Now onto the awards:
I am pleased to report that @not-freyja (Freyja above) won the "Writer of All Time" Award, pulling ahead with 20,565 of our total words. What an accomplishment! Freyja participated from dawn to well, dawn, and they absolutely deserve all praise and awe.
I'm giving myself, @hotcheetohatred (Cheeto), the award "Writer of Some Time," as I fell behind our lovely Freyja by a mere few hundred words fifteen minutes before the clock struck midnight. Next time, Freyja, next time...
The "Actually A Writer" award goes to @marcusdoodlesalot (Marcus), who, despite the name, DOES actually write, not just draw! Who would have thought. Not Freyja, that's for sure.
The "Early Bird" award goes to @lerikwrites (Lerik), who solely sprinted in the wee hours of the morning (my time, at least). Terrible. Good job.
"Star Commentor" goes to @elle-rosewater (Eliot), because I stole most of her words for the count from my own comment section in the BDOR Prologues. We love you, Eliot :3 Can't wait to see you next month.
"Cheerleader" goes to @la-sera, who gave us much encouragement throughout the day. I stole your 19 words from you saying you were excited to read Estelian's work. Hope that's okay, because I really wanted to include you---you provided a lot, even if you didn't write with us this time <3.
@whumpitywhumpitywhumpity (Dowsemaxxer) earns "Spirit-ed Storyboarder" for all of his lovely, informative talk on Spirit and just what makes him so great as a rather underappreciated LU boy.
Two awards next! "Chief Editor" and "Most Student" both go to @unexpectedstormy (Stormy) for faer work on getting. stuff. done. Fae did a steady amount of work, so proud.
"Editor (of Word Count) in Chief" goes to @tashacee (Tash), who, at reporting time, was scrounging up 100 and 200 word bits like spare change while I desperately tried to do math. I love you, never change.
The title of "Specter" goes to @somer-writes (Somer), who logged in very few sprints, but participated with the rest of us and pulled up at the end with a whole 7.5K words and a bunch of fics to post at the end, with a lot of it being Ghost AU! He's amazing.
The award "Better Late than Never" goes to our resident artist and recently turned fic-writer @estelian-01 (Este), who joined only in the last half of the marathon but managed to pull a whole 4K! Pictures might be worth a thousand words, but Este wrote a couple more anyway.
@across-violet-skies (Riv) gets the title "Mover and Shaker (of Blorbos)" for managing to participate and get quite the hefty wordcount only a DAY after moving. They're a trooper, that's for sure.
@anime-obsessed (Vio/Nene) earns the award "Most Old School" for writing with pen and paper for most of the day. Please go rest your wrist after all of that.
The award "Head in the Clouds" goes to my bestie and beloved beta reader @needfantasticstories (Skip), who spent the day listening to music and writing Skyloft drabbles. I am nervous/excited to see if those drabbles turned out fluffy as a Loftwing, or perhaps into something more angsty.
@noorahqar (Qar), my lovely fragile Victorian wife, earns the title "Chatty." You know why. But you were there nearly all of the run time, and so engaging and encouraging throughout---a blessing to us all. And even then, you managed to pull so many words. I'm impressed.
And finally, @rosehipandroots / @rosetintedtears (Rose) receives the titles "ndskanefnre" (self chosen) and "Birthday Santa." The first was borne of panic of being asked to choose a title---the second of her relentless effort to get her birthday fics done. Great job.
I'd like to thank everyone that I tagged for participating in the write-a-thon, and thank all of you for helping me draft this post as well. If I messed up any word counts or details or pronouns, you want to request a title/award change, or I missed someone, please DM and let me know! The next Write-a-thon will be held on July 1 from 12am to 12am GMT, and we'll be trying to beat our record. Can't wait to see all of you then!
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shanieveh · 1 year
back to december 🌙 !
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scaramouche x gn!reader | genshin smau
SUMMARY: you were childhood bestfriends with scaramouche, and with many unanswered confessions and one sided goodbyes, you both meet again, but now he wears a cold glance even turning agressive when his eyes wander yours, and it all came down the day he became the top of your class, beating you and rejoicing in success. his smile was because of your pain. maybe you could turn back time where promises actually never broke, and love was a beautiful thing.
GENRE: enemies to lovers, academic rivals, mutual pining, angst, crack, childhood bestfriends, profanity, suggestive
STATUS: [05. 29. 23] on-going
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PROFILES— reading club | late night drinking buddies
FLASHBACKS — flashback 1 | flashback 2 | flashback 3
01: how dare him?
02: ocean blue eyes
03: jealousy, jealousy
04: drunken words, sober thoughts
05: selling nfts to billionaires (not a scam)
06: terms of services
07: online therapist
08: stan photomath
09: slaying in the pain
10. the truth is hard, thats what she said
11: x and y aren't the same
12: before you go (emotional)
13: gacha club for intellectuals
14: if bad, why hot?
15: bermuda triangle
16: call it what you want
17: i can never give you peace
18: unsaid actions
19: i feel you forget me
20: i think i've seen this film before
21: how long can we be a sad song?
22: you're losing me
23: whispers of the wind
24: paint me a blue sky
25: letters to my beloved
26: maybe this time
27: long story short
28: memories bring back you
29: september night
30: you held your head like a hero
"dark clouds and stary skies, it was and have always been you... please don't leave us like this."
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
Freedom's Protection: The Eye of the Anemo Archon's Anguish
Summary: Venti had accidentally raised a wind barrier to defend you, your friends, and himself... but it caused some people to suffer the brunt of the Swirl reaction and activated his underlying trauma, causing him to lose control of his emotions and his power. As he was getting close to a nervous breakdown, the people noticed that the skies above the city of Mondstadt are starting to change.
This is the fifth part of Mondstadt's storyline for the Reader Protection Squad SAGAU series.
Note: There are instances of grammatical errors, please bear with me. Also, the entire layout was now changed and I placed a title on them so I could not be confused while I write the next chapters. It's still the same story though.
Warning: Injury, blood, slight PTSD, nervous breakdown, and some OOC moments (I think)
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (current), 6, 7
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Aghast by the scene in front of him, Venti lowered the wind barrier and look at his hands in fear, remembering what Lord Decarabian did thousands of years ago. As people were whispering and screaming with each other, Venti then reached for his fake Anemo Vision attached to his hip and stared at it, his young face reflected in the teal glass of the fake Vision.
He had seen his friend's face on it, but the colors are all wrong. His friend doesn't have aqua-blue eyes, they were bright blue. The braids don't have Venti's teal highlights which glow whenever he uses his Anemo powers.
He had started to doubt himself, as a voice keeps repeating in Venti's head, "My friend would never do what I had done with our people, I had hurt them with my powers using his face! I had desecrated his image... I don't deserve to be an Archon..."
As he was getting close to a nervous breakdown, you noticed that the skies above are starting to change, it was a bright sunny day a while ago but it was starting to darken, with dark clouds starting to block the sun's rays. The wind suddenly picked up speed, as leaves and other light stuff started to blow around the area.
"That's strange," you pondered silently, but as you stared at Venti again, you noticed that his teal braids were starting to glow brighter than usual. You then realized why the weather suddenly changed in an instant, as you remembered Vind's words on one of Mondstadt's daily commissions, entitled 'A New Storm Is Brewing'.
"Since Lord Barbatos began protecting Mondstadt, we have not seen a single storm, and the watchtowers have slowly fallen into disrepair."
"Oh, crap."
You facepalmed mentally as you realized that since Venti is the Lord of Anemo and the Archon of Mondstadt, he may have the ability to manipulate the weather, especially in his domain, and it will be affected his current mood. Unfortunately, he was feeling distressed due to the events earlier, and the weather here in Mondstadt is currently sensing his distress and slowly forming into a storm.
You had to do something or this incoming storm would grow and will affect Mondstadt for the worse. And if the city will be destroyed by his winds, who knows what will happen, especially with Venti's implied trauma regarding the first Mondstadt rebellion where two of his beloved friends had died in the middle of the battle. He would be inconsolable.
Bennett, Razor, and Fischl also noticed the change in weather and looked at each other in worry, but it seems like there are some people who are too engrossed with recent events that they never noticed the change in weather. Amber lowered her bow, her right hand pointed at Venti's fake Vision on his hand, and exclaimed, "He uses his Anemo Vision to injure people!"
You then glared at the young Outrider, while Bennett and Fischl just stared at Amber with a deadpanned look. Wasn't her flaming arrows ignited Venti's wind barrier a while ago? Why would she blame Venti, her very own Archon, for something she did?
Acting Grand Master Jean, who was helping her comrades by using her own healing powers, just sighed and shook her head in resignation, as she knew fighting one of the Original Seven Archons was pointless, while Diluc grudgingly muttered how the Knights are inefficient in any way. Deaconess Barbara suddenly rushed down to help the injured, healing them with her Hydro Vision, with some of the nuns assisting her.
Kaeya and Lisa, on the other hand, noticed how the weather changed and noted that the bard must have done something regarding the weather. It seems that there will be an impending storm, with the skies above suddenly turning for the worse than they had ever seen in their entire life living in Mondstadt. They had to do something, or Mondstadt will be in danger if this keeps up.
"He does not only say blasphemy against our Lord, but he also abuses the blessings the bard got from Him!"
The citizens exclaimed as the uninjured Knights started to calm the people down under the orders of the Acting Grand Master, while Mother Maria and some of the nuns scrutinized the bard from head to toe then she compared the bard with the Anemo Archon statue in front of the Cathedral.
Venti was feminine-looking that you could mistake him for a girl, standing confidently with his fancy green and gold ensemble. A lone Cecilia adorned in his green beret, its petals were still as fresh as if it was plucked recently. His green cape was flowing in the breeze, and it seems to resemble wings with how the cape was designed.
In terms of appearance, Venti seems to have a resemblance with the Lord Barbatos statue, the young feminine-looking face, and the short raven hair with teal highlights on his twin braids... He really looks like the Archon. The old nuns started to have doubts about it, along with the others.
Then you noticed the young bard standing up and he had raised his fake Vision with his right hand clutching tightly to it, with tears in his eyes, making the people stop what they were currently squabbling about, and stare at the Vision he was holding. You gasped, as you had seen his tearful eyes narrow in determination and you finally realized what he was going to do.
"Venti, don't do it!" you exclaimed as you now gained the courage to run to him and reach him. You had extended your hand as you ran, wanting to hug and quell his sadness.
He then closed his eyes, breathing deeply, and do something unexpected: he broke the fake Vision with the Anemo powers he had summoned on his fist. As he did so, he unwittingly created a blast of wind that caught you and other people unaware. Those who are closest to him were knocked back to the ground, including you who was just getting closer to him. You gasped in pain, as you gained scratches and bruises over your body because you had hit the floor harder than it should.
"Your Grace!" Bennett screamed as he recovered and he rushed unto you. You stood up, with Bennett and now recovered Razor holding you up for support.
"I'm fine, but I need to get to Venti!" You told them as you started to approach Venti but Bennett had stopped you, his face full of worry.
"This is dangerous, Venti is not on his right mind right now!" He stressed out as you yelled with tears in your eyes, "If this keeps up, everyone will get hurt! The Venti I know wouldn't do that for his people!"
"We know, but hurting yourself isn't the answer!" the young adventurer replied as he held your hand to support you in standing. You winced over your bruises and cuts, and you see your golden blood on them, shining over the light of the day despite the weather.
Wait, golden blood?
Meanwhile, Venti winced over the pain he had felt due to the broken shards, remembering how he made his fake Vision transform into his current lyre, Der Frühling, but he had assured himself that he could make another lyre next time. He had never heard the commotion around him, as he was too busy with his self-pity to see what was happening.
He teared up, not because of the wounds he got from breaking his fake Vision, for the pain in his hand was incomparable to the pain in his heart.
"I'm a monster..."
Everyone, who was still on the ground because of the blast they had experienced earlier, was flabbergasted and confused, including you. They just saw him break his fake Vision, the important part of his disguise.
"He had broken his Vision!"
"Wait a moment, didn't Visions break easily? You had tried that one time when you received yours, Sucrose?" Noelle had asked the young alchemist who just arrived recently. Sucrose nodded as she answered, "It can't, not that I know of. I tried burning it out of curiosity but it was like it wasn't burned at all. It just made a dangerous Swirl reaction instead, kinda injured me that time."
The people were horrified at the harmless sweetie's remarks, causing the said person to shrink back in shyness. How would this girl still be alive with her dangerous experiments with that elusive Chief Alchemist?
"He may have a Delusion in his possession!" Someone screamed in the background, and you assumed that it was one of the Fatui members assigned in Mondstadt. You forgot about them, you facepalmed mentally.
"He does not have a Delusion on him," Jean spoke up as the eyes of every single person were looking at the woman with shock, gossiping around themselves.
Jean just said nothing as she continued healing some people with her Anemo power, helping her sister and the nuns in healing the injured.
As people were whispering among themselves, the harsh wind picked up again and swirled in Venti's direction, slowly forming into a small tornado. Your hair was starting to block your eyesight because of the wind, so you held your hair back and then gasped in horror as the sight of Venti's wind surrounded him like he was an eye of an upcoming hurricane.
You and the whole city of Mondstadt then saw the young bard float up from the ground and you could hear his laugh. But it was not his usual "ehe" or his happy-go-lucky laugh, it was a crazed laugh, and the laugh he had right now had chilled the spines of everyone.
He had appeared on a burst of insanity, the distress he had been building for more than two thousand years has starting to overflow like magma on a volcano and started to show signs of eruption.
You could hear the worried chants of the citizens who had seen Venti's outburst. They were now fearing for their lives. You understood that this one is not good for the people of Mondstadt, and you had to do something useful for once.
"How does he still manipulate the wind if we had seen his Vision break in front of us?!"
"The wind... it's not like the usual winds we had in Mondstadt..."
"Barbatos have mercy on us..."
"It can't be..."
"Jean, Diluc!" You shouted at the Acting Grand Master, who was shocked beyond words, "I know that you are distrustful of me and my friends right now, but please evacuate the citizens of Mondstadt that are currently here today! You know who and how powerful he is!"
Diluc and Jean nodded as they acted quickly, Jean commanded her comrades to evacuate anyone who are nearby, and everyone, except a few people, followed her orders.
"How about you?" she replied with a worried look, as you were surprised that she was still concerned about your well-being after what she and her Knights had done to you and your friends.
You responded with a smile, "I'll be fine! Now go protect Mondstadt, I'll be handling your beloved Archon!"
"You will be in danger too if you try to help him in that state," Diluc spoke up, his red eyes narrowed. You just smiled as you could see the concern in the redhead's crimson eyes, even though his expression was unchanged. Typical Diluc...
"I'll catch up with you after, don't worry," you reassured him as you raised a thumbs up at the man. The two looked at each other before they eventually nodded, and ran away with some of the crying children and injured people they could carry with them, but before they did, you saw Jean silently mouth the words of apology to you.
You smiled sadly, hoping that at least all people of Mondstadt would be safe somewhere, but you then noticed the other three people who remained at your side. You widened your (eye color) eyes, still worried about the three people who were still determined to be with you.
"What are you all doing? You should be evacuating!" You stressed out as your gaze shifted from the three youngsters to the tornado-like wind above you.
"We can't leave you here! If you don't go, then we won't either!" Bennett shouted with determination as he raised his fist up. Razor nodded to his friend's statement, his claymore appearing on his hands, as he also added, "We are Lupical, we don't leave Lupical behind."
Fischl spoke in her usual fancy words, her trusted companion flying beside her, "For with my left eye, the Auge der Verurteilung, which sees the threads of fate, I will surely keep you from harm, dearest Grace from the Heavens. Even at the last, when I bring the lightning of retribution upon this world, you shall come to no harm, for thou art blessed by the Prinzessin."
Her bird companion, Oz, just translated his master's words, "Mein Fräulein just wanted to protect you because that's what friends are for."
You were touched by their dedication, making you look at them with a grateful gaze. You wanted them to stay away from here to protect them but you know that they could be stubborn as they wanted to be if their minds are set on a goal in mind.
But before you could reply to their words, a sudden blast of wind shook the entire city like a nuclear bomb, shattering the windows of some houses nearby, and those who are closest to him were knocked back to the ground once again.
Unfortunately for you and your friends, you were also knocked out of your place due to your distance from him. You groaned in pain as you hit your head on the pavement, your blood from the cut on the head suddenly gushing on the ground below. You are pretty sure that you will get a concussion or a serious head injury later on due to the impact.
You were worried by your three friends since they were also with you when the blast hits. You were hoping that they would be okay compared to yourself.
The last thing you had seen before your world fades out into darkness is an image of an angel-like boy floating in the air and looking at you in absolute horror, his teal-colored braids glowing brightly while huge snow-colored wings flapping in his back.
I'm back with Part 5. Yes, a new update for Reader Protection Squad.
I apologize if this takes me ages, I had been busy with my schoolwork and tons of fan art to finish in between. I also lost some motivation to write this part, but I managed to get my shit up due to your compliments.
Thank you for the compliments though. To be honest, I'm not a good writer, some people could notice how my old fanfic works are usually unfinished or abandoned over time. This series though was a nice change of pace.
So another cliffhanger, I suppose? It was never intended that way, but as I said, I'm not good at planning, I tend to write on a whim, whenever my imagination takes me. So if you see some...incomplete parts, let me know.
Spoiler alert, the Archon form of Venti is on the way... or the first official appearance of Lord Barbatos, I think?
Yes, @elixirthe3rd, I also wrote for Assassination Classroom, in fact, I made some little one-shot series and an OC-centric fic on that fandom.
Taglist: @mmajoko, @leafanonsforest, @angstylittleb1tch, @sunflowers1970, @haru-tofuu, @kiraisastay, @valeriele3, @ladyorchidia, @peter-the-pan, @i-have-a-lot-of-ocs, @yuyuzi-ling, @aludicpoet, @milly-nila, @yaesflorist, @asoulsreverie, @loafilw, @genshin-impacts-me
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elleloquently · 2 years
hi lovely <3 could i request protective!ellie and reader (relationship) in a patrol but things go south and she almost gets bit by an infected and ellie is just "i can't believe i almost lost you" and literally never gets reader out of her sight after that. thank u so much! :D
a/n : i literally love this sm thank you for requesting bc after reading this prompt i could not get it out of my head!! that being said though i'm sorry this took a bit ): the format for this is kinda weird i think maybe idk yeesh but i had too many ideas so anyway yes so cute love her c/w : weapons (guns mentioned,) violence against infected, protective!ellie my beloved (not quite edited </3)
fears all the way down - ellie williams
spring hesitated to make its welcome, the morning rays shyly peeking out from behind gray skies and dark clouds. every morning upon waking you would yearn for a sunny day, and finally the sun decided to grace the sky. it was the kind of brightness that would cause you to squint upon stepping outside, desperate to shed a few layers despite the air still being chilled, anything to feel the sun on your skin.
morning frost turned to morning dew, the slight crunch of a boot or a hoof that once crushed the delicate crystals into the grass was replaced with a slippery wetness and mud, new prints left to track.
you relished in it now, closing your eyes only briefly to imagine a world without infected, free to walk or ride without pausing at any given sound or movement. your horse followed faithfully behind shimmer, ellie's horse, as she led the way. she was always like this, leading and guiding and taking charge. it was infuriating and endearing, you would roll your eyes but only if your lips wore a smile as well.
you didn't patrol often, but when you did, ellie always found herself as your partner. incessant and persistent, you weren't aware of just how much trouble she had caused behind the scenes. rearranging shifts and lecturing just about anyone who would listen to her thinly veiled threats, the patrolmen of Jackson would rather give in with a sigh than have ellie williams worked into a fuss over who was partnered with her girlfriend.
even jesse, a dear friend to you both, knew exactly who was knocking at his door even before the sun came up on a day where you were supposed to ride out on patrol together.
it wasn't that ellie didn't trust them, or have good faith in them, because she did. and it wasn't that she didn't trust you, or think you to be capable, because she did. nevertheless, ellie displays her affections by protecting the ones she loves. you happened to be a lucky one, much to your frustration and adoration. you relished in her care but you also worried about her well-being, an endless cycle of stubborn lovers where you both seemed to keep simultaneously winning and losing.
"all good back there?" ellie noticed your silence, glancing over her shoulder with a curious smile.
you hummed in response, nodding to affirm your answer to her question. it had been a quiet patrol so far, but neither yourself nor ellie were one to let your guard down.
continuing down a well-worn path, you had spotted something in the distance that was once a house, part of it nearly collapsing within itself. it grabbed your attention anyway so you tugged on the reigns, signaling for ellie who seemed to have spotted it as well.
"think it's worth a try?" you posed, and ellie mentally debated your question.
"i think it's been a bit since anyone's gone down there..." ellie eyed the path, coming to a decision with a sigh. "might as well," she shrugged, directing shimmer towards the house.
your horses fell in step with one another as you approached your destination, weary of the trees that nearly covered the house. shimmer stopped first and ellie quickly jumped down from her faithful companion, coming to your side.
ellie shielded her eyes from the sun, offering up her free hand. you took it, gratefully, and landed feet on the ground next to her. you took a quick inventory as ellie pulled out a gun, cautiously scanning the surrounding area.
"be right back, tulip," you murmured to your horse, armed with your own weapon as you carefully approached the house.
less snow made it easier for delicate footsteps, but any infected were sure to be better blended with the greenery that were soon to be blooming again. no matter how often you were outside, or dealt with infected, you couldn't stop your heart from pounding with the threat of danger looming over your head at any given moment.
the door to the house was ajar, raising your own levels of suspicion. you glanced at ellie, who's eyebrows were drawn to a crease. you were practically holding your breath upon entering, only to let out a breath of relieve when yourself and ellie came to the conclusion that it was clear.
"i'll watch the front, do you wanna check the back?" you offered to ellie, relaxing your grip on your weapon.
"be careful," ellie responded with a nod, giving you a quick, cautious smile.
you glanced around the room, trying to see if anything was worth picking over when ellie's voice broke the brief silence.
"i mean it!" she called pressingly, though the desperation in her voice was just enough to make you laugh.
a quick glance out of the window at shimmer and tulip left you satisfied, so you pulled your attention to the wreckage that covered the room's floor. there wasn't much, not really, but some of your best finds thus far had been from searching through areas like this one.
you kicked at an old chest with your boot, watching dust particles fill the air. not expecting much, you lift open a fragile compartment and grin at the unexpected sight.
"ellie," you call, using a lighthearted tone so that she doesn't mistake it for trouble.
she appears quickly anyway, amused with the proud look that's painted itself on your face.
"more ammo," you clarify, presenting her with a little box. it wasn't much, but it was certainly more than either of you were expecting, considering the looks of the place.
"that's my girl," laughed ellie, reaching out to bump your arm to which you rolled your eyes affectionately. you could show her a rock and she would probably still respond with, 'nice!'
you poked around in silence for a bit, occasionally hearing drawers opening or a mumbled swear coming from ellie's direction. it was almost nice, and you admired the way that the sunlight was warming you from the windows when a sound broke through the atmosphere.
freezing immediately, you drew your gun and waited. you prayed that you were only paranoid, but the noise sounded again and this time it was closer, there was no mistaking it.
you were lurking near the doorway, close enough to keep a watchful eye on the horses when another croaking sound made your blood run cold. the floorboards underneath your boots creaked with every step so you stayed put, eyes frantically darting around the trees as far as you could see.
gun pointed through the door, you held your breath and waited. anything that knew you were around would be hot on your trail by now, and quickly.
you waited and waited, and all you heard was silence and the occasional snort from a horse. despite the nothingness that greeted you, you felt a growing pit in your stomach and a strong desire to go back to the main pathing where you had been previously riding.
you slowly crept through the doorway, carefully closing it only halfway while you checked everything within your eyesight once more before calling to your girlfriend. you frowned, glancing over tulip. shrugging off your extra jacket, you slung it over her saddle when you suddenly heard a branch snap.
at the sounded tell, it was already too late. a stalker came barreling out from behind a line of trees, hyper focused and thrashing as it hurdled toward you. with no time to think and hardly any time to move, you wielded your gun but the creature was faster than you, stronger than you.
your body slammed against the door, knocking it open and you nearly fell backwards which allowed you to slip through the infected's grasp as it thrashed for you. immediately footsteps pounded through the house and gunshots rang in your ears, the stalker lying at your feet.
dazed and trembling as if you were frostbitten, you stared down at the infected unmoving as ellie quickly pulled you into her arms.
"hey, hey," she reassured you, checking over your body quickly just in case for any marks, but you had been saved.
"ellie," your voice wobbled, but you quickly blinked back any tears. you wanted to just dust yourself off and move on, strong and brave like you always promised ellie you would be. she worried so much, and you didn't want to actually give her a reason to worry but despite your efforts, you found yourself falling apart in her arms.
ellie held onto you, tightening her grip with every shaky breath that escaped your mouth. "it's alright, i've got you. i've always got you," she mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
you stayed like that only for a moment, too anxious to make another mistake. you quickly gathered your bearings and decided to call it on patrol, ellie gripping your hand as you left the house together. she helped as you hoisted yourself up onto tulip, only letting go of your hand and returning to her own horse when you were firmly grabbing the reins.
ellie was in autopilot, checking in with you and mumbling directions as you rode quickly and carefully to Jackson. the obnoxious sunshine only made your tears look more obvious on your cheeks and you roughly wiped them away with your sleeve, not wanting to appear as pathetic as you felt.
ellie grew increasingly more quiet, only quickly squeezing your hand once you made it back to safety. without a word she moved to stable shimmer, and a horrible feeling washed over you. she was acting as if she were mad, and you couldn't blame her. you remained at tulip's side, stroking your horse as you watched your girlfriend wordlessly move around the stable.
"i'm so sorry," you whispered, and ellie froze once you broke the silence. her back was to you, and you almost expected her to simply ignore you, or to start into a lecture, even though ellie would swear she wasn't always like joel, all you heard were reflections of his words in her careful pleas.
"i don't know what happened, it was so dumb and it happened so fast, ellie, so fast and i had my gun out but-"
ellie slowly turned to face you, and the look of guilt was evidently written all over her face. you abruptly cut yourself off, feeling even more awful than before.
she tried not to often reflect the losses that she had experienced, but even as strong as ellie was, it wasn't something that could be buried. even when the wildflowers start to bloom again and the skies turn blue, the threat of potentially losing someone that you love was hidden in every corner, ready to jump out and completely envelop you at any given moment, any small slip or mistake. it was nearly maddening, not knowing if that could be the last time you ever hear someone's voice. her losses were her failures, and she refused to let you be one of them.
shame and worry took over you, your eyebrows drawing together as ellie stared at you, shaking her head before starting towards you. ellie quickly pulled you into her arms once more, furiously blinking away her own tears. "i can't believe i almost lost you," she whispered into your hair, to which you quickly drew back.
"hey," you started, relieved that she wasn't upset but devastated by her confession. "i'm okay ellie, i'm not going anywhere, i promise," you reassured her.
"i know," ellie pressed. "that will never happen again," she spoke, half telling you and half telling herself. "i promise, nothing will ever happen to you."
you yearned to make ellie the same promise over and over, but you knew it wasn't the time. you allowed her to dote over you for the rest of the evening, her hand never leaving yours, not even while you had dinner. with every quiet check-in of a whispered, "are you okay?" you would nod and squeeze her hand, allowing her to look after you because you knew it was what she needed, to feel competent and to prove to herself that she was capable of protecting the one that she loves.
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dionysism · 2 months
hello new mutual!! delighted to be mutuals with you, love your blog <3 i was wondering if you had any favorite scenes or lines from the Homeric epics that really stick with you or resonate?? have a great day <33
hello!! delighted to be mutuals with you too :)
i love this question!! tried to really cherry pick my favs or this would be quite a long post so here we go 😭
from the iliad:
- the "ah, father zeus, athene and apollo, if only no trojan could get away alive, not one, and no greek either, and we two could survive the massacre to tear off troy's holy diadem 100 of towers single-handed!" from achilles when he tells patroclus he wishes they could conquer troy just the two of them
- that whole scene where thetis comes to achilles after patroclus' death but especially "my child— why in tears? what sorrow has touched your heart?" i really love thetis and her relationship with achilles. it is just so. tragic
- "yes, my friend, you die too. why make such a song about it? even patroclus died, who was a better man than you by far."
- "as fire from the skies rages through deep gullies on a scorched mountain-side, a great forest is consumed and everywhere a driving wind sends the flames billowing, so achilles ran amok with his spear like something superhuman, killing as he went, and the black earth ran with blood." one of my all time fav quotes from my rieu translation
from the odyssey:
- the whole scene where telemachus visits menelaus and helen in sparta is a personal fav of mine because 1. everything menelaus said about odysseus was so heartbreaking he really loved that man ("his destiny was suffering and mine the endless pain of missing him" from wilson and "nothing could have parted us, bound by love for eachother, mutual delight, till death's dark cloud came shrouding round us both" from fagles) and 2. it was also hilarious because helen drugged the wine?:$:?/? and her and menelaus clearly have unresolved tension from the war. meanwhile telemachus there like 🧍
- when odysseus returns home and is greeted by his people ohhh this touches my heart so dearly. his people truly loved him and he truly loved them. "flocking out of their quarters torch in hand they embraced odysseus in welcome, and took and kissed his shoulders, head and hands. a sweet longing came on him to weep and sob, as he remembered them every one."
- the odysseus and penelope reunion, of course. my favorite of all. odysseus being like "haha my beloved wife you won't talk to me while i'm in dirty rags i see how it is" and then athena making him look extra gorgeous and the entire exhange that follows. "what a strange woman you are!" "what a strange man you are!" then her doing the olive bed trick and telling eurycleia to pull the bed out and odysseus replying "lady! your words are a knife in my heart! who has moved my bed!" and them him explaining the whole of how he built the bed and penelope bursting into tears and they embrace but ohhhh rieu again (if you couldn't tell hes my fav) with the "it was like the moment when the blissful land is seen by struggling sailors, whose fine ship poseidon has battered with wind and wave and smashed on the high seas. a few swim safely to the mainland out of the foaming surf, their bodies caked with brine; and blissfully they tread on solid land, saved from disaster. it was bliss like that for penelope to see her husband once again. her white arms round his neck never quite let go." just beautifully put but also the likening of penelope's joy to see him again specifically to that of a sailor finally making to land again after a hard and painful journey like oh the odyssey was truly just as painful for penelope as it was for odysseus i'm SICK!
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sycamorality · 5 months
favorite oc of yours? :3
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i was gonna say all of them/i can't choose but No ..... this is my blorbo ever. this is eclipse. though i forgot to draw their wings for this one... they're one of my dearest ocs and i swear they're a rain world oc i've just never gotten around to draw them like ... pre-selfmods... i do have pre-the horrors however
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this is my beloved i love them dearly ^ they were originally a ferven, a species created by the ancients to act as companion animals [think rain world's edition of cats, lol]. i might get in to making a ref of their species later because they are by no means a regular ferven. they were created by three clouds, lost skies - a prolific and artistic bioengineer.
while they can't exactly speak, they are sapient [unlike. other fervens. but fervens are in general very intelligent] and know how to express themself and communicate with clouds.
umm shit happens wrong place wrong time. they watch clouds get Murdered. absolutely fucking murdered. and its by Mr High Ranking Bioengineer Guy That Has No Morals Whose Name I Shall Not Speak [you can find him on my toyhouse or whatever lmao]. so That Guy sees the perfect opportunity to see if it's possible, just for science really, to turn a creature into an ancient.
he knows how very illegal and immoral this is. he does it anyway. The Horrors[tm] ensue for eclipse and they are NOT taking it well and i actually have this written but i'm not sure if i should share it ... just imagine being so very confused and panicked and nothing you do is familiar so you try to scream but that isn't your voice and this isn't your body what happened- and then it cuts black.
anyway. skipping forward a bit. they get used to it ... sorta. but there's still a lot of body dysmorhpia. That Guy doesn't know eclipse remembers their origins [he's just chalking their weird behaviour up to, well. what they used to be], but he does keep them very... isolated, to say. they don't know a lot of people. near the mass ascension though, he tries to force them in a vat of void fluid and wouldn't you like to know who gets his ass absolutely fucking echoed.
eclipse feles very guilty about this and feels like they weren't justified At All just because of how much vigil manipulated them and their mindset throughout the entire time, so they take off to the surface and just run. they don't know where they're going but they're running. they can't fly, they just lost one of their wings to the void fluid burns coming from the void fluid splashing out and hitting them. the adrenaline rush is whats keeping them from feeling that pain.
so! that just happened! they basically just murdered a man! okay! i don't know about you but when they realized the fuck they just did while the pain also hits them. yeahhhhh that's not ending up very well.
either way, time passes, they make friends with an iterator and said iterator helps them with genemods. eclipse, alike their creator, is also a very prolific bioengineer and knows what they're doing. a lot of the genemods are ones they made themself, while some are made with the help of the iterator - seven songs ablaze.
eventually though, a bunch of time after the mass ascension they find the global line's back up. and boy are they in for a ride
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dragonjesterwrites · 7 months
hey dj!! if you find and time/motivation, would you write a sun x moon thing? i love em sm, and u write them rly well!! preferably a first kiss or confession or something if that’s okay! i’m a sucker for the getting together parts, and there’s not much when it comes to these two :(
again, if you’re not feeling it dw! but thanks anyway, love ya!! <3
Paris my beloved (platonic) 🫂 I'm sorry this took so long!! You get two stories, because I misread your ask originally (I'm illiterate) and wrote something cute but unrelated- then I fixed it and wrote a whole 'nother story! (I'll put the Ao3 links to both stories at the bottom)
Anyway, I hope you see them and enjoy 💛✨️
Circuit Board Sparks (+ Origami Kisses)
Word Count
Circuit Board Sparks: 5,759
Origami Kisses: 1,434
Pairing: Sun/Moon
Circuit Board Sparks (Angst, fluff, suspense): Fazbear Entertainment strictly prohibits their animatronics from forming romantic attachment. Thankfully, Fazbear Entertainment is stupid, and will do anything if it means saving money.
Origami Kisses (Fluff, minor suspense, a wee bit suggestive 😳): LGBTQ/worker's rights win! The robots are slacking off work to make out in the closet
Sun didn't know why he did these things to himself.
He held the pink, heart shaped card aloft, rubbing its glittery edge idly with one thumb and causing a small sprinkling of white and red sparkles to fall down on his faceplate.
But he didn't react, except with a simulated sigh, as he stared at the picture on the paper. A delightful little doodle of him and Moon, separate and standing on either side of Ava, one of their little regulars. Everyone was smiling and holding hands, and they were all standing on a grassy, flower-filled field, with blue skies made purple by the pink of the paper and scribbly, rosy-white clouds.
My dads and me, read the caption above- well, a few letters were backwards and the ‘a’ on the ‘and’ was missing, but Sun was accustomed to the wonky handwriting of toddlers and translated it with ease.
They weren't the girl's fathers, of course- that honor belonged to Ava's two lovely and hilarious mothers that she followed around like a little duckling, but during her time without them at the Daycare, she'd decided that she needed two fathers as well… preferably ones in a relationship like her mothers were. As many times as Sun and Moon had tried to gently dissuade her from referring to them as her married fathers- it wasn't allowed- they weren't allowed- she was resolute, and they'd taken to answering any suspicious probing from upper management with a shrug and a cheerful kids, am I right?
It was a little troublesome, sure. But they adored her anyway, and besides, they'd gotten good at being convincing.
If only Sun was as good at convincing himself. The truth was, he would give anything to be free from this wretched mall, and have kids of his own, and… and marry Moon. The thought made his processors stutter, his fingers twitching against the back of the card and triggering another tiny glitter shower.
He'd tried to bury his love deep. He'd almost tried to rid himself of it, make himself forget. Maybe he had- it's not like he'd remember. But if that were the case, it had come back, and with force. Sun would often lay awake on the rickety bed they'd constructed together and wonder if the squeezing hurt in his circuits was at all comparable to what the humans called heartache.
What he'd give to raise little ones with Moon. He'd be such a good father, Sun just knew it. They could have a big, big house somewhere, with a big ol’ bedroom filled with all the blankets and pillows Moon desired. A big kitchen too, Sun thought. He could make so many snacks for the kiddos! Like cookies, and brownies, and homemade candy… go upstairs, past all the pictures of them together, and walk into the room with a trayful of treats, only to find them all cuddled up and asleep. Sun could just see it. 
A storybook in Moon's gentle grasp, still open and drooping towards the plush carpet. His music box, chiming softly in the cozy dark of the room. String lights and nightlights casting rainbow reflections on the walls. And all their kids, snuggling up on Moon's chest where he cradled them, or nestled comfortably in his lap, or laying next to him on the massive, starry beanbag in the center of the room.
And Sun would set the cookies down as quietly as possible, and pad over to give each child and Moon a little kiss on the temple. He knew he'd linger on Moon, keeping his grin pressed softly against his love's faceplate for at least several seconds, before pulling away to fetch his charger. Sun would want to savor the contact, to make up for all the times he-
…to make up for all the times he couldn't. 
Like now.
The squeezing grew tighter.
Sun sighed again, though this time it was more of a strangled huff. He shook his head wordlessly, the heart beginning to tremble in his grasp.
With a flurry of clicks and whirs, he abruptly stood, and marched over to the arcade machine- behind it sat a small plastic chest Moon had pilfered from the old supplies that were to be thrown out. It had a crack in it that Sun had patched with outdated bandaids, hiding, for the most part, the contents inside.
He brought it out from its hiding place, opened it up, and placed the heart inside, along with all the other offered-up notes, doodles, and gifts from the kids that even remotely suggested he and Moon might be in a romantic relationship. The chest was getting a bit full, now… they'd need another soon.
Sun stared down at the heart for just a moment longer. It rested on top of the stack, the newest addition to the collection of something that never could be. Perhaps never would be, anyway- after all Sun's internal strife; his daily cursing out of the company, their backwards, restrictive policies, and their penchant for electric punishment- he had no idea if Moon even liked him back.
He dropped the lid, and it shut on the heart with a snap!
Once again, Sun decided as he dragged himself back to bed, he would bury his feelings. Everything hurt, the shocks would hurt more, and it was late. Flopping into the bed face-first did nothing to alleviate the pain, but Sun knew something that would. He reached out blindly for his charger, patting the blankets for it. There.
It slipped easily into his charging port, and he let himself relax into the bed with a series of discordant click-tick-clicks as the charger's influence began to take over him. As his programming slowed, the hurt ebbed away with everything else, until he was nothing more than simple code in a dreamless void.
Click. Click. Click.
Moon tapped the pen against his carved teeth, reading over what he'd wrote.
There were two things, actually- two letters, one to Sun and one to management. Moon sincerely doubted they'd listen, even though he made some very good points about the cost-effectiveness of his idea, but it was worth a shot. He'd never stop trying for this favor in particular.
A tiny bit of red glitter swirled down on to the letter, and he paused his tapping to watch it come to rest on the word separate.
Hmm. Moon set down the pen and reached up to his grin to scrape at it with his fingertip, only for more glitter to join their lost piece on the page. When Moon pulled his finger back, it, too, now sparkled with little bits of red and white, and Moon let out a fond hum, tilting his head at the sight.
“Up to some arts and crafts, were you, Sunny?” He asked the empty room. His voice echoed back at him, and he huffed quietly, looking down at his letter. With any luck, he'd soon never have to hear his own voice come back to him again. With any luck, their room would be filled with shared giggling, and teasing, and songs sung together after a long day's work.
The idea filled Moon with both an incredible softness and a deep, deep longing. It was dangerous to want like this, he knew that. Didn't stop him. As long as he wasn't open with it, they wouldn't punish him, or Sunny. As much as it killed Moon, he'd keep it in.
He could still be friendly with Sun, though. Management didn't order them to hate each other, just forbid them from expressing romantic feelings. So Moon got away with what he could, putting little blue hearts on his ‘i's (it wasn't like they were red, humanity's typical symbol of romantic love) asking Sun how his day was, and bringing him gifts he hoped he'd like from the lost and found.
He wasn't half as good at arts and crafts as Sun was, but he attempted that from time to time, too, sometimes spending hours cutting out paper dolls and doodling silly things to make him laugh. And if little heart sequins somehow found their way onto the paper and cardstock with the rest of the glitter, well, whoops. Total accident.
Moon lifted the letter to management and gave it a good shake, sending the red and white bits of glitter down onto the letter to Sun. Hm. Speaking of arts and crafts…
He left the letters on the floor and headed for the balcony. His cable came when called, clipping onto his back and allowing him to soar down to the supply closet.
He was back five minutes later, the supplies necessary bundled into his long arms. He set them down besides the letters, spread them out, and got to work. Moon was careful, each snip of the scissors and swipe of the glitter glue's brush deliberate and slow.
He was probably pushing it. If management found out, he was sure they'd have some questions. But after Moon finished up, and as he headed down to both return the supplies and drop off the letter to the Parts and Service supervisor's office, he thought of what he should say if questioned. By the time he was back at the Daycare and sitting in front of his finished piece, he decided he was content with his defense, and plugged in for the night with only a little bit of unrelated anxiety sparking in his circuits.
Sun's letter and Moon's gift sat by their bed, ready for Sun in the wee hours of the morning.
“Hey, Sunny.”
Sun couldn't help but wince, despite the little ones sitting beside him at the craft table. He knew that tone. The helper approaching him was friendly enough, but her tone was not one of camaraderie. 
“Why, hello, Julia! How are you this fine morning? Would you like to join us? We're making paper puppets!” Sun said, wiggling his fingers. A few of them fell off, and he let out a dramatic gasp, making the kids laugh.
If Julia picked up on how forced his cheer was, she didn't say anything. She did grimace a little, however. “Yes, but P and S want you. I can take over- I'll save you some supplies for when you come back.”
At once and in unison, the kids groaned, and Julia's eyes narrowed, ever so slightly, at Sun. Sun shrugged subtly back at her- he understood why she'd be suspicious. Honestly, training the kids to guilt trip the adults is exactly the sort of stunt he'd pull, but he was pretty sure it was just because he'd been even more active with them than usual. 
Throwing himself into his work was always a good distraction.
“Don't take Mister Sun away, Miss Julia!” One of the kids cried, pouting at her and throwing down their supplies. “We just got started!”
“Don't worry, kiddo. Mister Sun will be back before you know it! Well… by the end of the day at least.” 
Oh, no. End of the day? It was only eight in the morning!
Sun picked up the kid who'd cried- Percy- and held him up, to Percy's surprise. “Oh, can't it wait just a little longer, Ms. Julia? Just until Percy and I have finished our puppets!”
Julia's sympathetic twist of the mouth became a frown, and when she spoke she'd lowered her volume to a murmur. “Sun. C’mon, man. Don't do this.”
Sun met her stern and mildly disappointed gaze with an innocent blink, but then Percy began to squirm.
“Mister Sun, I can't finish my Monty puppet from up here.” Percy protested, kicking his legs a little.
Sun closed his eyes and sighed, setting the boy down. “No, I suppose you can't. Very sorry, Percy, go ahead and keep creating! I'll be back to see it before you have to go, okay?”
“Okay. I'll watch your stuff.” Percy said, pulling Sun's craft towards him. Sun had no doubt the little Moon puppet would vanish before he returned, but even in the midst of his anxious despair, he appreciated the thought.
“Aww, thank you Percy!” Sun stood and clapped his hands together, briefly catching the attention of the more focused toddlers. “I'll see the rest of you superstars in just a few hours, okay? Have fun, and be good for Ms. Julia!”
A chorus of okays and bye-byes was offered to him, and he returned each and every one as he swapped places with Julia.
It was only once the kids had returned their attention to the crafts, and he couldn't drag it out any longer, that he turned and let the cable take him to his room. The Parts and Service tech was waiting for him at the door, and they waved the keeper device over his upper right arm. It deactivated the boundary lock that kept him within the bounds of the Daycare and Theater, and simultaneously activated the tracker that the company could use to, well, track him and Moon down if they ever managed to escape.
It was a too-short walk down to Parts and Services. He fiddled with the heart locket Moon had made him, hidden safely from suspicious eyes in the deep pockets of his jester pants. It couldn’t ease his anxieties entirely- just having it on his person brought its own little pang of anxiety- but Sun was glad for it regardless. It was probably the closest he'd ever get to holding Moon's hand.
The tech escorting him hadn't told Sun anything about the apparently lengthy procedure planned, and Sun hadn't asked. He was just too nervous, he didn't want to know.
But as the tech opened the door for him, and Sun walked into the room to be greeted by at least a dozen techs turning their heads to stare at him, he really wished he had.
“Alright, let's do this.” Lance, the ever-blunt and irritable head of Parts and Service began giving orders, and the techs scrambled to obey. “Daycare Attendant, go ahead and get in the cylinder chair. Irene, Max, go in with him. Strap him down and turn him off, then get his measurements. Tyler, Muhammed, you're on cutting station, Flor and Charlie- wiring…”
Sun walked as slowly as he could without attracting attention for it, quiet but rapidly puzzling over all the information he was taking in as fast as possible. Too many techs- training? No, they're too quick- professional. Why bring in professionals? And why so many? Different stations; metal-cutting, wiring, endoskeleton-
Oh. Oh, no. They're not- surely they're not decommissioning us?
He squeezed the locket and chuckled as he got into the hard plastic chair, the sound high-pitched and nervous even to his own audio receptors. “You know, I forgot to ask- silly me, hah- what is all this fuss about, hm?”
“It's a surprise, if that makes you feel better.” Irene told him with a smile, Max nodding along as he tugged Sun's hand out of his pocket so he could wrap his wrist in the restraint.
Sun's voicebox crackled with a hummed laugh. His now empty hand flexed under the newly tightened restraint, before he dropped it so his fingers could tap out a shaky rhythm onto the chair rest. “Oh- no, that's quite terrifying, actually.”
The pair of techs laughed too- they must have thought he was joking. But before he could say more, Irene reached up to the back of his faceplate. “You'll be fine, big guy. Gonna turn you off now, alright?”
Then he woke up. Woke- woke up! Oh, thank every star in the sky-
“Alllrighty, bud, up you get.” The tight pressure around his wrist released, and he turned his head to see Max and Irene, looking significantly more tired and dirty, their uniforms spattered and streaked with grease and machine oil. “Moon's turn.”
“Moon's turn?” Sun repeated. He looked down at himself and through his software, examining inside and out. Unlike the humans, he was clean- not just that, he was completely unchanged.
“Yeah, he- ah, right. We didn't tell you.” Max chuckled. He lifted his arm, pointing at the opposite side of the glass cylinder. “Look for yourself.”
Sun turned, and if he had had a jaw to drop-
Moon stood on the other side, staring at him through the glass. His eyes glowed blue, so brightly Sun was amazed he hadn't noticed the glow reflecting off of Max and Irene. They grew even brighter as Sun met his gaze, and Moon tipped his faceplate, wiggling his fingers at Sun in enthusiastic greeting.
Sun was out of the chair in a flash, vaulting over the armrest to press against the glass. “Moon. Moon! Moony, is that really you?”
The glass muffled Moon's response, and Sun flexed his fluttering rays at him in half confusion and half delight, but then Moon stepped closer and pressed his hand against the glass, too, so that only two inches of glass separated their palms. It's me. I'm here.
“Hey, Sun, you can talk to him for real if you use the door.” Irene's amused voice snapped him out of it, and he whipped his head around, first at her, then at the door.
“Then tell him to come in for us.” Max added.
“Yes- yes, of course!” Sun took one last look at Moon, and watched his eyes flash, his faceplate tipping to the side. A sense of playfulness gripped him, and he dropped to a crouch, preparing to dash out. Moon did the same, and Sun ripped his hand away, booking it for the doors.
He almost crashed into Moon, and reached out to catch him. Moon grabbed onto him in turn, large hands warming Sun's casings, and they both burst out giggling, clutching at each other, overwhelmed with joy.
“Hey! What did you do to them?” Lance called, exasperated. “Why are they acting high?”
“They're not high.” Erica- one of the techs that had been by Moon- laughed. “They've got the zoomies. It's like- two excitable dogs meeting each other for the first time.”
“Well, you can throw them a ball later. We've got work to do.” Lance said firmly. “Daycare Attendant Moon, get in the cylinder.”
Moon's laughter died down, and he glanced first at Lance, then at the cylinder, eyeglow dimming significantly. “Right. Yes, sir.”
Moon's voice wasn't at all what Sun had expected, but Sun loved it regardless. It was soft, and raspy, and crackly, and it made its home in Sun's processors right away. But he pushed the rush of adoration aside for the moment, focusing instead on assuring his counterpart.
Sun squeezed his arms, prompting Moon to look at him. “Hey, Moony. I'll see you when you get out, and I'll be right here, waiting for you, okay? Not gonna move an inch, no sir!”
Moon eyes regained most of their original brightness, and Sun heard his fans whir a little faster. “Okay, Sunny. I'll see you soon.”
Sun barely resisted the urge to press his forehead against Moon's, instead squeezing him again before letting him go. It took the last remaining scrap of his self-control to do so, and he watched him go, eyes never leaving him for a second.
He didn't have to wait long to touch him again, thankfully. The techs were just finishing up, running tests on them both to make sure Moon worked right and Sun still worked right after the techs had gone poking about his gears and wires, moving things aside so they could compare their bodies as they built Moon's.
Sun told them he'd never felt better, but they still insisted on running the tests on him too, which he put up with only after another brush against Moon as he passed him back into the cylinder, the contact making his wires buzz.
And then, once the restraints had come off again, he jumped out and all but ran to Moon, who beamed at him before turning away. Sun followed his gaze, landing on Lance standing nearby, frowning down at a clipboard as he flipped through its pages.
“Okay, you're good. Get out of here.” Lance ordered, after just a minute more.
Moon whipped back, faceplate spinning in delight, and grabbed Sun's hand. Sun had barely a second to register the feeling of Moon's hand slipping into his and holding him tightly before Moon was pulling him down the hall and towards the double doors.
It only took, oh, about ten seconds for his processors to catch up, but when he did he let out a joyous laugh to match Moon's adorable giggles, and put on a burst of speed, which Moon was happy to match.
They ran all the way to the Daycare, and it was only once they reached it did they slow to a stop.
“Oh, goodness.” Sun peered through the netting, letting his gaze sweep the empty, clean Daycare. “I- or, well, we, I mean- must have been gone the whole day!”
“They did a good job of cleaning up without us.” Moon said. Sun felt his rays flutter just hearing Moon speak, and he turned to him right as Moon did the same, his eyes brightening again. “I guess that means we get to spend time together.” 
Spend time together. His words, and the sweet, tender way he said it made Sun feel all fuzzy and gooey and warm inside.
He chuckled, his rays fluttering again. They might not have stopped, actually. Is this what being drunk felt like? “O-okay.”
His processors caught up a second later, and if he wasn't holding Moon's hand, he'd have slapped himself. Sun, you fool! Say something else! You're programmed with over 170,000 words, surely you can come up with something more eloquent!
His voicebox only stuttered once before he managed to get it working. “I would love to spend time with you, Moony.” 
Moon's eyes brightened, and he stepped closer, so close Sun could feel the heat his fans were pushing off him. Moon reached up, his hand making gentle contact with Sun's cheek, and Sun melted further, letting his faceplate roll into the touch. Oh, if only Moon knew the effect he had on him.
A little bit of doubt crept into Sun's mind- what if Moon was just being friendly? What if the barely-held-back need to grab him and kiss him silly- as best he could with his immovable grin- was all his own?
But Moon chased away Sun's worries with little brushes of his thumb over Sun's cheek, and Sun reached subconsciously up to hold Moon's wrist, fingers sliding between the bells and making them ring quietly. Moon leaned in even closer, eyes dimming into something soft. “Hey, Sunny?”
“Yeah, Moony?” Sun breathed.
Moon's voicebox buzzed almost inaudibly with the beginning of a sentence, and then his eyes flickered brighter, and- Sun thought- moved briefly to the side, but he wasn't sure. Moon tore away and spun with a clean pirouette, leaving Sun stunned and only able to watch as Moon then pranced over to the slide.
“Race you to our room.” Moon taunted, before grabbing the top of the Slide Into Fun! sign, picking his legs up, and launching himself down like a blue and white torpedo. “Last one there is a rotten egg!”
For a moment, all Sun could do was stand there and listen to Moon's cackles echo up the slide, hand still hovering in the air where he'd been holding him. He took in a deep artificial breath, then glanced to the side. Doors. Right.
His heart wasn't really in it, but he still vaulted over the railing with ease and speed, then booked it down the stairs three at a time. Moon crashed audibly into the ball pit by the time Sun reached the doors, which were pushed easily open and then kicked shut behind him.
Moon was wading noisily through the pit, and Sun caught his eyes flash as they locked gazes. Sun called for the cable, but Moon was faster and closer. It dropped from the ceiling, clipping onto Moon's back and pulling him up and out. “Ooh, too slow!” Moon teased, and despite the worry and emotional stranglehold on his circuits, Sun still huffed, amused by his counterpart's antics.
The cable dropped Moon off on the balcony, and Moon took one last lingering look at Sun over his shoulder before disappearing between the curtains.
The cable came for Sun next, having logged his ping. It clipped securely behind him, and brought Sun soaring up to the balcony next. He listened for Moon as it detached, noting the sound of his machinery heading further away- he was probably heading into the second room via the tunnel.
The carabiner released fully, and Sun pushed through the curtains, looking around the room before heading down the short steps. “So!” He called, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. “What do you want to do first? We could do arts and crafts- that's what I was doing with the kids before I was called to Parts and Service.”
Sun reached the lip of the plastic blue tunnel that connected the rooms, and began to crawl through. “Ooh, we could also build a pillow fort! Or play cards, or read together.” He got out, standing and brushing himself off before continuing. Odd, but he couldn’t see Moon anywhere.
“We could also play one of our board games! I just found a game called Battleship collecting dust in the supply closet-”
“Actually, Sunny... I had something a little different in mind.”
He barely had time to turn around before Moon was stepping into view and into Sun's personal space again, both hands taking his faceplate. “Wh-”
Moon closed the distance and kissed him, hands coming around the sides of Sun's faceplate to weave through his wires. Sparking electricity shot through Sun's circuits, his whole body suddenly buzzing with warmth. The same joyous delight from before gripped him, but this time it was so strong he locked up, unable to move.
Moon broke away several seconds later with a quiet pant, like he'd actually run out of air kissing Sun. “Sun, I… Sunny? Are you okay?”
Sun meant to say something along the lines of yesI’mokaypleasepleasekissmeagain, but sadly, the only thing that came out of his voicebox was a lame wheeze, and Moon's eyes grew bright and wide with what Sun presumed was alarm.
“I- I'm sorry, I should have asked.” Moon stammered, pulling his hands quickly away. “I just- are you- do you- are you alright?”
Sun tried again to speak, but this time instead of a wheeze, his voicebox produced only a static crackle. Hmmmm… alright, maybe I'm… not fine.
Moon hesitated only a moment longer before grabbing Sun's hand and tugging him over to the bed, pressing on his shoulders to get him to sit. Sun's concern for himself all but vanished with each touch of Moon's hands on his body, and was completely forgotten when Moon's trembling fingers tangled through his head wires again.
“Stars, what have I done?” Moon muttered as he poked around. “Moon, you idiot. Kiss him without asking, break his voicebox.” He raised his voice a little from its low growl, becoming something softer and apologetic. “Sun, I'm sorry- I can fix it. T-the second thing, at least.”
Sun tried to respond, but still nothing. Then there was a click! in the back of his head, as much a sensation as it was a noise, and his voicebox beeped in his chest. Reset.
Moon scooched quickly back, the blankets rustling as he moved. Sun turned to look, watching as Moon began to fiddle with a section of one. “Are you okay? Does it work?”
“Mmhmm. It works.” Sun confirmed.
Moon sighed in relief, joints clicking as he deflated. “I'm glad. And I'm sorry again, truly, I just- I was so excited, and I really like you-”
Sun got up, and all but tackled Moon back down, wrapping himself around the other animatronic. Moon let out a surprised grunt, bouncing on the bed a little and blinking up at Sun with bright blue eyes as Sun began to ramble.
“Oh, Moony, I like you too! I was so worried you wouldn't, I was so excited to finally hear you and see you and touch you and kiss you but I didn't know if you liked me back, and I didn't want to scare you off, and-”
A giggle, soft and crackly but growing louder, caught Sun's attention, and he faltered, peering down at Moon beneath him. The lunar animatronic reached up for him, eyes bright and frame trembling with mirth. One shaky hand caressed Sun's cheek, ghosting over the rounded silicone. “I'm sorry, I just… I love you so much.”
Sun's processors came to an abrupt halt, clearing any other thought but that one out of his mind. “You… you love me? You really love me?”
Moon took a proper hold of Sun's cheek, cupping his face in his hand while his eyeglow softened, along with his voice. “I do. I love you a lot. More than words can say. I- ooh-”
Sun dropped, smashing their grins together in an overjoyed kiss. He wrapped his arms around Moon, holding him tight, as tight as he possibly could without crushing him, and his circuits sparked when Moon returned both the kiss and the embrace, pressing his grin back into Sun's and laying his hands on his back.
It was Sun who broke the kiss, though it was only so he could press kisses onto every other inch of Moon with a pronounced mwah! between declarations of love. “I love you! I love you so, so much and you have no idea how long I've wanted to say that- well, okay, maybe you do, but- I'm just so so so excited to say it, I want to say it forever, and hug you, and kiss you, and hold you forever and ever-”
Moon, for his part, was reduced to a flustered mess, giggling like mad and barely able to reach up and pull his hat over his face- but with each delighted spin of his faceplate, he had to let go of the brim of his nightcap, and Sun could see just how brightly those beautiful eyes glowed.
Moon's laughter made Sun giggly too, and it wasn't long before the dizzying euphoria stripped him of words, and he ran out of untouched casing to nuzzle and kiss. He kissed him all over a second time anyway, just to make sure Moon knew how cherished he was, but eventually collapsed on top of him, panting between pleased chuckles and little extra nuzzles against Moon's chest.
Their laughter exhausted itself eventually, and they settled into each other's embrace in the cozy, afterhours quiet of their room, holding each other as close as possible and purring just loud enough for the other to hear. After a few minutes, Moon shifted ever so gently, and Sun moved his faceplate to look up over at him, rays fluttering.
“I love you too, Sunny.” Moon's voice was thick with affection, and he nuzzled against the top of Sun's faceplate, eliciting a louder more rumbling purr from the solar animatronic. But then Moon sighed and averted his gaze, eyeglow dimming, and Sun searched his face with increased attention, worried. 
Was… was I too much? He wondered, but then Moon continued. “...We'll have to hide it, of course, but-”
“No.” Sun shook his head, rays pulsing. “No, we're getting out of here.”
Moon's eyes brightened, then dimmed again, just as quickly as they'd lit up. “How?”
“I don't know.” Sun replied. “But we are. I absolutely refuse to live in a place that won't even let me hold hands with the love of my life. I mean, it's ridiculous!”
Seized by indignation, he sat up, and Moon let him go, watching him with brightened eyes as Sun stood and began to pace up and down the dusty floorboards. “Can't put ideas into the kids heads,’ they say. As if there aren't plenty of kiddos with gay parents already! No, no, it's not that. They know if we fall in love, we won't stand for seeing our partners suffer at their hands. We're used to getting hurt ourselves, but seeing each other receive the same treatment?”
He growled, shaking his head to clear the image of Moon writhing in pain. “I'd- oohoohoo, I'd do something I might regret, that's for sure.”
“Sunny.” Moon's soft call of his name made Sun falter, and he turned to look at Moon. The sight of him laying there in their bed, head propped up in his hand as he watched Sun with those beautiful eyes of his made Sun turn to absolute mush, anger fading and guilt taking its place.
“I'm sorry.” Sun said, making his way back over to the bed. Moon scooched back and opened up his arms in invitation, and Sun gladly accepted his embrace, laying down on his side, facing Moon. With the hand not settling on Sun's waist, Moon brushed his knuckles against Sun's cheek, and Sun sighed, closing his eyes. “It's just… I love you, and I hate them, and I couldn't stand to see you hurt. The very thought makes me furious.”
“It's alright.” Moon murmured. His voice was so kind, so gentle even underneath the static crackling, and Sun felt more of his anxieties fade. “I love you, too, and for what it's worth, Sunny... I share your sentiment.”
The kindness had dissolved in those last words, replaced by an underlying growl, and they were punctuated too with a squeeze around Sun's middle. But then Moon huffed, and when he spoke again, he just sounded a little bit tired. “But yes… we will escape. We'll have to bring the others with us, it would hardly be fair to leave them behind… but once all is said and done, we can enjoy our freedom. Maybe find a nice big house out in the middle of nowhere to make our own.”
Sun could feel his casings grow warmer, despite the efforts of his fans. “Aww. I had the same idea.”
Moon chuckled. “Great minds think alike.” He pulled Sun closer, and Sun obliged him, snuggling up. “We can make plans later, though. For now, how about we just enjoy each other's company? All the humans have gone home, and there are no cameras in here. We're safe, Sunny, and we're together.”
“Yes. That does sound nice.” Sun whispered, and Moon lowered his hand, then leaned forward to gently press the top of his head to Sun's. 
“I love you, Sunny.”
“I love you too, Moony.”
Ao3 Link to Circuit Board Sparks
Ao3 Link to Origami Kisses
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 6 months
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A king's pity
Day 3 for @manweweek
Prompts: The Children | Whispering Breeze: Manwë & Fingon
Pairing: Manwë & Fingon
Themes: A bit of Russingon | Happy ending
Warnings: Maedhros' imprisonment against a precipice of Thangorodrim | Fingon's attempts to grant Maedhros' plea by using his bow and arrow
Wordcount: 1.3k words
Summary: Manwë hears Fingon's prayer for pity, and must decide if he is to aid the exiled Noldor
Also available on AO3
This was requested by @melestasflight. I hope you like this!
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“O King to whom all birds are dear, speed now this feathered shaft, and recall some pity for the Noldor in their need!”
Manwë listened attentively to the prayer that was carried to him on the swiftest wind. It was a plea for his aid, no more, no less. He peered into the heart of the one who called to him, taking care to shield himself from discovery. And he saw much: a barren land that reeked of death and worse, fell towers of black stone, skies darkened with black, acrid smoke, a steep precipice covered in soot and dust, and a lone elf hung by the wrist of his right hand upon the face of it. A stray wind lifted wisps of brilliant coppery hair, revealing a countenance so marred that it nearly made the king recoil in horror. Another elf stood far beneath that captive elf, bow and arrow at the ready, his cheeks and robes wet with his tears. Manwë, aggrieved by all that he saw, recognized the elf with the marred countenance and the elf that stood beneath him. 
It was Findecáno who called out to me, and it is Findecáno who wishes to free his kinsman from his agony, he thought. And he did not need anyone to tell him what the bow and arrows were for; he understood well enough. He yearns for nothing more than to grant Nelyafinwë the kindness of a swift and peaceful end. 
Ah, but there was more within that heart filled with kindness and mercy, Manwë knew. He heard many things, and he had witnessed a great many others with his own eyes: a touch that had lingered longer than it should have, a look filled with longing and hunger, words that held hidden depths and meanings. The king was no fool. Maedhros was more than just a beloved friend and kinsman to Fingon. Fingon was more than just a beloved friend and kinsman to Maedhros. Their bond was deeper and held within it more than one would find in an ordinary bond between kith and kin. While another would have openly condemned it, calling what they had a sin of both the spirit and the flesh, Manwë kept his peace instead, believing this bond, this hidden love, could one day end the strife plaguing the House of Finwë. 
I could answer him, he thought, rising from his throne. His bare feet made no sound as he descended the marble steps. And help bring this healing about. But there is the decree to consider. We swore to offer the exiled Children no aid.
The king, caught between the growing need to show pity and the need to be as unwavering as a king sometimes ought to be, made his way out to a balcony open to the sky. He peered at the slopes beneath Ilmarin and the great white clouds swirling peacefully around them. There was a mighty gust of wind, disturbing the clouds and bringing another prayer only the king could hear. This one was more insistent and desperate. Fingon’s arrow had missed its mark.
He is resolute in ending Nelyafinwë’s life, Manwë considered in astonishment. The one whom he loves over all others. 
Determined to learn more, he willed his mind to open fully. Fingon, startled by this unexpected intrusion into his thoughts, stumbled and fell to the stony earth. He tried to shield his mind, believing himself to be yet another victim of the unseen hand of the enemy. When Manwë made his true identity known, he sighed in relief. 
“Speak true to me, Findecáno,” the king commanded, though not unkindly, “and tell me why you are determined to do this.”
“I love him, my lord,” the elf returned swiftly but respectfully, for even in this new land, Manwë was king. “More than what has been allowed to us by both custom and law, as you have no doubt seen in my heart. I wish to free him from his torment.”
“I have indeed seen; long before you departed for these lands,” The king admitted and reflected on the elven prince’s confession. Then he said, “Tell me. Do you truly wish to free your beloved by ending his life?” 
“There is no other way”—Fingon trembled, despair cutting a fresh wound through his heart—“to free him from his torment, my lord.” 
"And this is what he wants as well?"
"It is what he pleaded for, my lord."
“You willingly do this, knowing you will have to live through the ages without him by your side?”
“If it means that he no longer suffers, then yes, my lord, that is the price I am more than willing to pay.” 
The king heard all he needed to hear and withdrew without a word of farewell. Then he stood as he was on the balcony, silent and unmoving, searching for the path he must take.
Do I abandon Nelyafinwë to his fate? He thought. Do I leave him to languish against that precipice alone? 
He considered the wisdom of aiding the exiled Children and acting against his own decree. He pondered for a great while, wondering if it would make him as cruel and unforgiving as his brother if he did nothing to aid Fingon and Maedhros in their hour of great need.
Could I truly do it? Forsake them at such a time and leave them with no hope? Manwë could not make such a decision lightly. And he did not have enough time to seek the counsel of his queen; she had departed for the timeless halls to aid others in their work. He turned to the creator of them all instead. 
“Show me the paths that lay before me in this great matter, my lord,” he pleaded wordlessly.
 Eru then revealed to him visions that had been hidden from his eyes until now. He saw what would happen if he aided Fingon, and all that could come to pass if he did not. He trembled.
“You know what you must do,” Eru returned after the visions ended.
“I do, my lord.” Manwë opened his eyes. His decision was made.  
And Fingon, now caught in a state of slow-growing uncertainty and despair, returned to his tent and waited. The new lights ascended and descended in turns once and then twice. He received no further visit from the king during that time, no word of his aid, no word of his refusal. Then, after the bright golden orb rose from its resting place a third time and painted the clouds the color of brilliant flames, he returned to his usual place at the base of the precipice, thinking Manwë’s silence alone was enough of a sign. The Noldor had been forsaken by all and were very much left to their own devices. He reached for another arrow and whispered another prayer, asking for forgiveness for what he was about to do. He pulled back the string, hoping against all hope that this arrow flew true to its mark and freed his beloved from his agony.
Can I succeed this time, he thought, when I have failed so many times before? A moment passed, and the elf hesitated, lowering his bow in shame. Fingon could not do it. He knew he could not. He was no Oromë; his arrows would never reach their mark, no matter how hard he tried. His beloved was doomed to hang upon the face of that accursed cliff until death and the Great Judge’s embrace finally claimed him.
Forgive me, my love, for failing you. He turned to walk away, grief-stricken and helpless, preparing himself to deliver dark news that would distress them all.
A strange, whispering breeze swept around him, carrying with it a barely heard command to "stop." Fingon halted mid-stride, his skin prickling and fear squeezing at his heart, when a great shadow fell over him. He looked up, thinking he had been discovered and that the enemy had sent a fell beast to hasten his demise. What he found soaring high above him, watching and waiting, prompted the faintest of smiles to tug at the corners of his mouth.
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tags: @asianbutnotjapanese
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John Gossner's Treasury
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"And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. And when the voice was passed, Jesus was found alone." – Luke 9:35-36
All the world ought to listen to this voice coming from the skies. But people find it hard to turn their heads and ears upward, because they are charmed and captivated by the voices which they hear from below. The world rings too much in their ears. They cannot heed the voice of God. As yonder by the Jordan and before all the people (Matthew 3:17; John 12:28), so God here solemnly declares to the disciples that Jesus is His well-beloved Son, a Preacher to be heard and believed above all other preachers. But the gracious God Himself, as all His messengers, must complain, "Who hath believed our report? " God has preached from heaven and given His Son a wonderful testimony; He has offered Him to the world; He has set Him apart and confirmed Him as a Preacher and a Teacher, and, behold, the world reviled Him and crucified Him as a blasphemer. He whom God Himself has declared to be His Son? Yes, and until this day the world has been unwilling to hear the Son of God. Who, then, is to preach to the world, since it will not hear this Preacher who preaches from such an exalted pulpit, from the skies, who speaks kindly and lovingly? Will you not, dear reader, believe the Father’s preaching concerning the Son? Will you not follow the word and drawing of the Father and go to the Son, as it is written, ’’Every man that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me? " (John 6:45). Will you not love Him above all things, whom the Father loves above all things? Will you not receive Him since the Father offers Him to you and bestows Him upon you from heaven? When the disciples heard the heavenly sermon "they saw no man, save Jesus only" (Matthew 17:8). Moses had departed; Elias had departed, they knew with certainty that the Father spoke to them of the Son, and not of Moses and Elias. They were to hear the Son only; they should preach the Son, not Moses. He who is willing to be a hearer, may daily hear the Father’s sermon; for the Father always testifies concerning the Son and draws men to the Son. Oh, that we might hear the Son and follow Him!
Beautiful Savior! Lord of the nations! Son of God and Son of man! Glory and honor. Praise, adoration, Now and forevermore be Thine!
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leviiackrman · 10 months
I was tagged by @perpetuagf to answer these questions for a new oc, as well as being tagged by @simonxriley @corvosattano + @marivenah to post songs relating to my wips - so I merged them! Thank you my beloveds🤍
Tagging: @risingsh0t @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @roofgeese @unholymilf @florbelles @arklay @captmactavish @shellibisshe @simonxriley @queennymeria @nokstella @mrdekarios @thedeadthree @jacobseed @jackiesarch @heroofpenamstan @dameayliins @jillvalentinesday @shadowglens @fenharel @alexxmason @yurgir @malefiicarum + @baldurians
Chika x Kakashi Playlist || Obscure OC Associations Pt. 1 || Character Page
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Sorry - Halsey
Sorry Mom x - Halflives
Big Girls Don’t Cry - Fergie
Lethal Woman - Dove Cameron
thenineteenseventyfive - Push Baby
Fly on the Wall - Miley Cyrus
ANIMAL: squirrels, dogs, pigs
COLORS: cream, black, forest green, sand
MONTH: april
NUMBER: 29, 3, 1
PLANTS: Japanese maple, flowering quince, any medicinal and/or poisonous plants
SMELLS: antiseptic solution, dust, soil
TIME OF DAY: twilight, early morning
GEMSTONE: emerald
SEASON: warm summers
PLACES: densely packed forest, sandstorms, around a campfire
FOOD: bocchan dango, mochi, onigiri, miso soup
DRINKS: black tea, small amounts of sake, milk, water
ELEMENT: earth, air
SEASONING: ponzu, katsuobushi, karashi, mild spices
WEATHER: light rain, soft breeze
SKY: clouded skies or half moon skies
MAGICAL POWER: medical nin, summoning, transforming, secret jutsu: poisoned blood
WEAPON: acupuncture needles, poisoned needles, kunai, paper bombs
SOCIAL MEDIA: 100% a Reddit gal. Would stalk the shit outta people and find EVERY piece of info about them lmao
MAKEUP PRODUCT: opaque eyeshadow, eyeliner, intense blush/face paint, dark lipstick
CANDY: dorayaki (red bean pancakes), higashi, castella
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: running lmao, summoning jutsu (in difficult situations), expandable cloth to fly/glide like a squirrel
ART STYLE: minimalism, baroque
FEAR: causing comrades/friends deaths, being a leader, failing at what she’s good at/known for (ie saving lives), confined spaces (yknow… being buried alive and all)
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: tailed beasts (muhahahahaha)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: pencil (can do sm but is v fragile), scrolls
CELESTIAL BODY: Neptune, Pluto, crescent moons
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
went ransacking through my ao3 bookmarks bcs i live vicariously through these when the going gets tough. some of these might have already been recc'ed alrd but im too lazy to check 🫠
The Menagerie by zegez
Tsuna collects everyone as pets, literally, most if not all of them are animals. it's glorious and very cute
Bad Influence by Emric84
Toji and Tsuna meet, what follows is a catastrophe for everyone else. Toji27 is the most left field ship i had ever encountered but by god was it good while it lasted. ABANDONED but had enough content to it BUT STILL GOD IM SO SAD THIS WAS SO GOOD????
body aches by HeavenlyDusk
In which KHR was originally a very different story.
This one is a little heart breaking but also really hopeful bcs tsuna is learning to be more comfortable w/ being Tsuna™ the protagonist while still maintaining some semblance of himself from a past life. its still ongoing but i have it as one of my comfort fics <3
Overcast universe by Ocearna
a khr rewrite where 1827 meet and bond as kids and tsuna getting that cloud influence. cloudysky!tsuna my beloved.
Beginnings and Middles But No Ends In Sight by Ourliazo
Arcobaleno shenanigans before the curse.
in the hearts of men (there be madness) by Silverfox579
YKNOW WHAT'S SOMETHING THAT'S ALWAYS FASCINATED ME IN CANON AFTER I GOT OVER THE ANIME ENOUGH TO NOTICE IT??? THE HYPER DYING WILL MODE PERSONALITY like after the kyaa badass tsuna lets gooo, you start wondering what the fuck is going on there actually bcs basil is not like this,, what goes on here 👀👀
or!! dark!tsuna au-ish in reborn's pov
Bargaining chip by Mina37
like the one before but in xanxus' pov this time
My Sweet Affinity by Chaotic_Roses
criminal minds au featuring tired w/ a mysterious bg leader tsuna, freshly released from prison hitman reborn, intern gokudera, Hana, and scammer kyoko.
[this could've been] a villain's origin story by petroltogo
Tsuna running into and unknowingly helping villains after helping release xanxus from the ice box should've really been the hill where it all went wrong, surprisingly tho, only shenanigans. featuring!! chikusa and tsuna childhood friendship that i very much adore
whisper in my ear (i'll build your dreams on bones) by Silverfox579
or!! the five times the stress of war and battle got to tsuna and wakes up the God in his head. (the last two are spoilers for the manga but hnnnggg i NEED to rec this)
a rose by any other name (would taste just as bitter) by heyimflamel
sealing flames has very, very dangerous repercussions. not only are you sealing this person's will to live but sealing someone w/ sky flames whose purpose is to harmonize? you get something dangerous indeed. dark!tsuna corrupting flames one guardian at a time.
High School Montage by HeavenlyDusk
a montage of vongola tenth gen as they navigate through high school through outsider pov. slice of life-ey and very chaotic (the side story w/ the childhood friends oc my beloved 🫶)
The Boy in the Ice by eloquentelegance
UA has to deal w/ these weirdos lurking around their courtyard all thanks to the mysterious ice pillar that just dropped from the sky w/ a boy frozen inside.
rattle this ghost town by blackkat
Mukuro meets Naruto and spirits him away lmao
Set the Skies Ablaze by cywscross
K(anime) and khr crossover that took me by the neck and never let go. it's essentially discontinued now but the 3 chapters it has??? keeps you coming back in hopes that it does, miraculously, update 🫠
To the Beat of My Own Drum by Seito
College AU where reborn is the normal one and tsuna and his friends bring the chaos in his life. the found family that this fic gives and radiates is so 🫶🫶🫶 like i love it so MUCH
that's it for now bcs im sleepy hehehe
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