#clove ji-eun
wayslidecool · 2 years
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Blasetober Day 3 - Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Rogue Umpire incinerated Niq Nyong'o! They're replaced with Clove Ji-eun. (Now get out of the audience and Play Ball!)
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
Fall Ball Recap #4
They won't stop giving us unlored Players.
New Georgias Player
Meet us in the Georgias Lore Thread of the #✍fanlore channel on the Official Blaseball Discord server to talk about Mckinney Vaughan, a former Fridays Shadow and our fifth unlored Player in a row.
That's it for this week. Tune in December 2, 2022 to find out who the sixth player we'll have to lore from scratch will be!
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polkadotpatterson · 4 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
inspired by @waveridden! thought it would be fun to do an entirely blaseball version :)
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~ Chapter 8. 01 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I was sitting against the piler in the underground garage watching Mister Han inspect the car for the very last time before Hyun-su, Sang-wook, and Yu-ri would go outside.
I was trying to keep my mind under control and not think about the worst-case scenarios. Ji-su and Eun-hyuk have decided to do the surgery, but they needed supplies for it.
That's why Yu-ri volunteered to come with the guys. She is the only other person who knows what we need to perform surgery safely. I'm just scared something will go wrong and we are going to lose someone.
But we can't wait to do this any longer.
Ji-su needs the surgery now or she will die no matter what.
My eyes looked up from my hands when I saw someone passing me. I watched as Sang-wook and Yu-ri began to make their way to the car ready to go out there.
I jumped up when Hyun-su came walking towards me.
"Are you sure about this? I can go and you can stay here to look after everyone." I blurted out.
I wish I could convince him to stay here instead, but he didn't want to it the first few times I asked him. He shook his head adjusting the strap of his backpack.
"No, you need to stay." I nodded my head knowing I couldn't change his mind.
Together we walked to the car in silence. I was just so scared that it would be the last time I would see him.
Before he could get in I grabbed his wrist.
"Hyun-su." He turned towards me with a confused look on his face.
Pressing my lips together I was debating what I should say to him. Before I could stop myself I pulled him a little forward and planted my lips on his cheek. I let them stay there for a second before pulling away a little and whispering.
"Be safe and come back, please."
When I pulled back a shocked expression was placed on his face. I thought that he would just stand there and look at me, but after a few seconds, he managed to get out.
"I....I will. And you stay somewhere safe, please." A small smile came to my face before I nodded my head.
I let go of his wrist before turning around to walk away. In doing so I almost bumped into Eun-hyuk who was standing right behind me.
I didn't want to stay there and see them leave so I just ignored him and began to make my way back up. I just hope that they come back safe.
Promising Hyun-su that I would stay at a safe place I made my way to Ji-su or the area where she would be operated.
She asked me if I could stay with her when it happened and I didn't want to let her down. When I arrived there everyone was already busy prepping everything.
Eun-hyuk wanted to start as soon as the three would be back with everything. We can't afford to lose more time. Before I stepped into the space where they would operate I put on a mask and some cloves.
Ji-su was already lying on the table looking worse than before.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked standing next to her.
Opening her eyes slowly she let out a sigh.
"Great, just great." I let out a little laugh.
"Everything will be fine. I'll stay here with you as long as you want me to."
She grabbed my hand before speaking up.
"Thank you Mi-na. I really appreciate it."
Eun-yu, Eun-hyuk, and Miss An came in.
"Are they gone?" I asked Eun-hyuk when he came standing at the table.
He nodded his head.
"Yes, we just need to wait now until they get back with the things we need." Let's hope it will be quick because Ji-su is looking worse with the hour.
A loud crashing sound that came from outside the building shocked us all.
"What was that?" Miss An asked the question that was on all our minds.
"Or plan must have failed," Eun-hyuk spoke up making my blood run cold.
There was a monster waiting for humans outside! I knew it! I need to go there! I need to see if they are still alive! I was about to run outside when Eun-hyuk grabbed a scalpel from behind him.
Was he still going to do this, but she was still awake?!
A roar from outside made me jump before looking back at Eun-hyuk when he spoke up.
"I can't give you anesthesia. You could die from shock." My senses were in overdrive! I wanted to go outside and see if they were still alive and if I could help them, but I couldn't leave Ji-su like this! Not when Eun-hyuk was still planning to operate on her! I didn't know what to do or who to help first.
Even if I chose one or the other there is a chance people can die.
"Mi-na!" Eun-yu grabbed my arm pulling me back to reality.
"Help her!" My eyes went from her to Ji-su who had now a cloth in her mouth to help bite on for the pain.
"Me! I can't do anything to help her!" I argued back.
Eun-yu let out a scoff ripping my glove from my hand.
"Eun-yu that dangerous! She can get an infection!" Eun-hyuk spoke ready to cut into Ji-su's skin.
"Shut up!" She snapped back at her brother before she laid my hand on Ji-su's arm.
"Take her pain." A confused look came on my face. "
Eun-yu let out another groan.
"Take her pain when she is being operated on! You did it with my ankle. You can do it with her now too!" I blink a few times at her before looking at the other people in the room.
I totally forgot that it did that. With everything that had happened after that.
"You can do that Mi-na?" Eun-hyuk asked looking at me intensely.
I shook my head.
"I....I don't remember how I did it. I can't say for sure that it will work!" I explained looking from him to Ji-su.
She had a pleading look on her face.
"Can you try?! Nobody will be mad if it's not working, but at least you will have tried." Miss An spoke making me look away from Ji-su.
I don't want Ji-su to be in pain or die from the shock. At least if I try and it works she has a little more chance to survive.
I let out a deep breath before looking at Eun-hyuk.
"Okay, I'll try."
Without waiting anymore he began to cut into Ji-su her muffled groans filled the room.
I could feel Eun-yu looking at me waiting for me to start, but I had no idea what I needed to do.
Wanting more touch I took the other glove off as well before grabbing Ji-su's hand and arm.
A gasp left my mouth when I felt her squeeze my hand tightly from the pain. I didn't want to see her suffer anymore so I quickly began to focus on her and the pain.
I focus my gaze on the place where Eun-hyuk was working on and the pain that it would cause. Soon black veins began to appear on my hands and the familiar cold feeling I had when I did this Eun-yu cane rushed through my skin.
This was much worse and stronger than it was with Eun-yu. Cold went to warm and it felt like each cell in my body was on fire.
A groan left my mouth making me squeeze my eyes shut. The sounds from Ji-su's mouth came to a stop making me hope that she wasn't feeling the pain anymore.
My whole body seemed to vibrate the longer it went on. There was wet liquid running down my nose and I was pretty sure that it was blood.
"Mi-na!" I hear Eun-yu say from beside me.
"I...I'm fine." I mutter out still having a tight grip on Ji-su who has lost hers.
I almost lost my grip when I heard a loud bang coming from outside followed by a loud growl.
I was hoping that Hyun-su, Sang-wook, and Yu-ri were okay.
The feeling in my toes and fingers began to faith, which made me panic, I did everything in my power to not let go of Ji-su.
It was like taking her pain was getting too much. This was too much energy for my body to handle. In the beginning, it helped me, but now it was like I was overflowing with power and energy.
The warmth turned into pain. Still not letting completely go of Ji-su's hand I took a hold of the table trying to steady myself.
"Mi-na let her go!" I hear Eun-hyuk say from in front of me in a stern voice.
"Is it done!" I spit out trying to hold it together.
"No, but you can't take much more!"
My eyes open looking right at him. I guess they were black because Miss An let out a gasp taking a little step back.
Even Eun-yu was shifting on her feet next to me.
"I'm not letting go until it's done," I growled, but it did not affect him.
All he did was look at me before going back to what he was doing.  
Another painful moan left my lips making me bend forwards. It didn't matter if I felt like this. If it means that Ji-su isn't feeling like this then I'm okay to suffer.
More blood was running down my mouth falling onto the ground and my shoes.
"Mi-na, you can let go. She's passed out." I looked up when I heard Eun-yu speak.
Ji-su eyes were closed.
At first, I thought that she had died from shock, but her chest was still going up and down.
"That's good. I need to..." I wanted to talk more, but my lips didn't want to work actually it seemed like nothing in my body wanted to work.
I felt my legs give out from underneath me before everything went black.
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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Hey guys! I hope you guys like this chapter. So I have been writing for season 2 and I have to say that it is hard. Like, I have some ideas but it’s hard to find a storyline in it. If you have seen season 2 you know that there isn’t much of Hyun-su in it. They are building up for season 3 so they focused more on Eun-yu in this season. So I’m stuck with which direction I want my character to go. I can’t say much about what I’m writing because I would be spoiling the ending of this, but it’s just hard. Right now I have two different storylines I could write, well actually three….. So I’m just going to wait and see what is going to go best or just wait until season 3 comes out and see what’s that gonna bring.
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nyancheetos · 2 years
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#blasetober day 2, certified blaseball moment! for the just about all of you who don’t really know blaseball, this is a drawing of players on the team I support when we schemed to steal a ring that replicated the effects of the massive soul the player Chorby Soul had, which was only obtainable from replicas made from Chorby Soul (replica number 5 is the guy with the eyepatch and red dreds). The massive amount of soul was extremely heavy, increasing the density of teams who had a Chorby replica (or just the ring) on their team. However, my team won a postseason blessing that made the weight of all items negative, decreasing our density and allowing us to float. We floated up so high that we broke out of the original blaseball and entered blaseball 0, a barren land of cacti. We passed the ring off to Clove Ji-Eun (the person with the halo and wings) so she could keep us afloat from the bench. Nothing really came of it, but we did find a blagonball, so that’s cool :) hopefully that was a clear explanation and I’m sure no one has any questions :) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRw884uJCc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seisho99 · 2 years
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necromancer-mango · 2 years
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[start image description: Nine digital drawings of various original characters drawn during artfight. The first image is a drawing of Clove Ji-Eun from the game Blaseball. Clove is facing profile right with one hand braced against the chest. Clove’s ear is webbed with a gold hoop earring. A golden halo rests above the head. The second image is a drawing of Josephine, A D&D character and a human paladin. He is wearing full plate armor, with dyed blonde hair cut to the shoulders. The roots of her hair is a natural brown. A purple fabric is attached around the waist of the armor as well. He is looking at the viewer in front of a black background, with three golden circles on the top of the image increasing in size as they approach his head. The third image is a drawing of Thoma and Nova. Thoma is a dark skinned person wearing a long sleeved white and black cropped top with a diamond pattern cut out at around the cleavage. This is paired with a pair of black pants with light teal loops at the waist. Her hair is robotic and shaped like multiple puffs in a line. Thoma is standing with crossed arms and a neutral expression, somewhat behind Nova. Nova has a brown skin tone, lighter than Thoma. She is wearing a cropped dark navy jacket paired with a pink skirt. A star decal is affixed on the front of the jacket. Nova also has a pink and white backpack on as well. Her white hair with a pink streak is cropped short around her ears. Bunny ears sprout from the top of her head, and she is flashing a peace sign. The fourth image is a drawing of Blue Cheese. She is a bunny girl that is also blue cheese, with pale skin and blue freckles. Her hair is long and dark, and she is also wearing glasses Blue Cheese is wearing a blue turtleneck with a short dark grey-blue dress on top of it, paired with boots. She is sitting at a table with bubble tea in one hand. The fifth image is a drawing of Mushroom Girl, who is a mushroom person, where the head is a red spotted mushroom cap. Lichen and other small mushrooms grow on her body. Mushroom Girl is standing in a dark tree-filled forest. The sixth image is a drawing of Idur Thohiy, a person with brown skin and hair cut short and close to the head with some messy strands at the front. Idur is seated, with one arm held up to rub the neck. They are wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, paired with warm grey pants. There are silver piercings in her ears, as well as a scar by the mouth. The seventh image is a drawing of Taffy, a D&D character designed by spookiboo on artfight. Taffy is a Purple-blue Tiefling and Earth Genasi. The tips of her fingers turn gradually into a darker blue, and their horns are a teal color with icy chunks scattered on them. One of the horns is broken, while the other curls like ram horns and is decorated with jewelry. Taffy’s eyes are bright teal with an icy blue iris. A gold circular earring pierces the one ear visible. His hair is shaved on one side, with the rest gathered into an over the shoulder braid that turns more blue the further down. It is fastened with an arrow through a hairtie. Taffy is wearing a black turtleneck top  with billowy lace sleeves that swoop off the shoulder. The entire shirt is tucked into striped purple and blue pants. The pants have a slit on the side that is covered with white lace. Taffy is blowing a kiss to the viewer in front of a blue and purple background framing him. The eighth image is a drawing of Emilia Hyperpop. Emilia has a stylized mullet dyed in blues, pinks, greens, and streaks of white. It is also wearing headphones around the ears, with a white checkered crop top paired with a black strapless top with tears in it. The white top has splashes of greens blues and pinks on it as well, including a pin with the trans flag on it. Hyperpop is also wearing a heart shaped necklace, and has a tattoo of a music staff on the upper arm. The background is white with pastel hearts, stars, and suns framing Emilia. The ninth image is a drawing of a Blaseball character, Lottie Ceilingfan. Lottie is a black bat demon who lives in Hades. Lottie is wearing a black top with pale lace sleeves, and has many piercings in aer bat ears. Lottie’s hair is black and curly, but also has colored streaks in them. Most of the hair is pulled into two pigtails. Some of the strands in the front have been braided and fastened with colorful beads at the end. There are bat decals accompanying her in the background. /end image description]
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caelumsthelimit · 2 years
9 and 14 for the blaseball ask game!
9 favorite stupid blaseball moment
ok i’m gonna answer this one as in like “glitched” moment, but when Nines kept pitching after fae staticed,,, it sheimps me so hard
14) favorite lesser known character
um well obviously all the wyatt masons but other than them i think maybe clove ji-eun <33 it is so sad
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Since I’ve been gone...
Hey guys, I know I haven’t really written in the past week, but now that I have some free time, I plan to give you guys quiet a few things to read! So get ready!
“Ocean Eyes” — Shownu Ask
MX Reaction to... “S/O Disliking Large Crowds” for Anon
“Dying Ember” — Kihyun, “Cigarette Ask” p. 3 for Anon
“Faded Polaroid Love” — Kihyun Ask for Anon
“Runs Deep” — Hongjoong Ask for @sweetie-yoongi7
“Blood Count” — Hyungwon Ask for anon
“Ginger Spice” — Colors: Changkyun
“Sunbeam Glow” — Colors: Minhyuk
“Himalayan Pink” — Colors: Hyungwon for @breathingkpopforever
“Revolutionary” — School Boys: Hyungwon
“Tongue Tied” — Jooheon x Reader x Chanyeol
“Clove and Eucalyptus” — Late Nights: Baekhyun
“Emerald Honey” — Twisted Strings: Jinu
“Tattoo” — B.I
“Star Gazer” — Until I See You Again: San
“Just Like Candy” — Bang Chan for @cho-ji-eun
“Straight To the Face” — Jooheon for @hope-ji
“Make It Better” — Ziu for @xkpopobsessedx
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wayslidecool · 2 years
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figured i should do my own blaseball text post meme feat. the beta atlantis georgias. sorry if it is glaringly obvious who my favorites are,
(most minis by HetreaSky, Nanci Grackle and Ortiz Lopez minis by myself)
(part 2, part 3)
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
HERCULES ALIGHIERI: Georgias player from Season β12 to Season β17. Was the Georgias' star hitter during his career, and really, an up-and-coming star player in general whose career was cut tragically short. As the first incinerated player on the Georgias, he has since been memorialized through his Memorial Statue above third base, his Memorial Coral Garden renamed in his honor, and his scrumptious Memorial Hot Fries, which you can buy at the Georgias' concession stand.
JI-EUN CLOVE: Georgias player from Season β20 to Season β23. Was the incineration replacement for Niq Nyong'o, and a decidedly worse player than her, which was bad for our performance, but led to some really good narratives. Was part of the "Ball-eun scheme," where a Chorby's Soul was stolen from Gloria Bugsnax and given to Ji-Eun to take advantage of the Georgias' Light-Handed mod and keep us in Cactus Land. It worked until the introduction of the Phantom Thieves' Guild, after which the soul was stolen immediately. Then Ji-Eun was stolen, too.
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
JI-EUN CLOVE: Georgias player from Season β20 to Season β23. Was the incineration replacement for Niq Nyong'o, and a decidedly worse player than her, which was bad for our performance, but led to some really good narratives. Was part of the "Ball-eun scheme," where a Chorby's Soul was stolen from Gloria Bugsnax and given to Ji-Eun to take advantage of the Georgias' Light-Handed mod and keep us in Cactus Land. It worked until the introduction of the Phantom Thieves' Guild, after which the soul was stolen immediately. Then Ji-Eun was stolen, too.
NEERIE MCCLOUD: Georgias player from Season β12 until Season β24. Got Shadowed while Elsewhere, and stayed there for the bulk of Expansion, only to make a triumphant return in Season β23, now a respectable hitter after many seasons of buffs and alternations. Currently a hitter on the Mechanics, where fae has since been alternated again.
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
JI-EUN CLOVE: Georgias player from Season β20 to Season β23. Was the incineration replacement for Niq Nyong'o, and a decidedly worse player than her, which was bad for our performance, but led to some really good narratives. Was part of the "Ball-eun scheme," where a Chorby's Soul was stolen from Gloria Bugsnax and given to Ji-Eun to take advantage of the Georgias' Light-Handed mod and keep us in Cactus Land. It worked until the introduction of the Phantom Thieves' Guild, after which the soul was stolen immediately. Then Ji-Eun was stolen, too.
ALEXANDER HORNE: Currently buried in Atlantis somewhere. Has never seen active play here, but has a pretty long history in beta Blaseball as a hitter for the Moab Hellmouth Sunbeams and San Francisco Lovers. Also the first ever player to fall in Horizon weather! Neat!
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wayslidecool · 11 months
how do y'all feel about Blaseball Story Time, because i saw fan art of Fish Summer in a Georgias jersey and it got me thinking about the Georgias' quest to have a Hot Fish Summer. putting this all under the cut because it's a Long Story
so! the Georgias are a new team, and we are Not Very Good. we aren't that keen on trading our players, but after a few seasons with little in way in results, it's clear that we're gonna need to if we ever want to get ahead. thankfully, it didn't take a lot of time for us to find a player that most Georgias fans could agree on: Fish Summer.
there was a lot we liked about Fish Summer. obviously, the name and theming were on point for us, but they were also a notably minmaxed player, with some of the best batting in the league, but really low stats in everything else. this might not sound attractive on paper, but with the Equivalent Exchange will in play, it meant that we wouldn't have to give up one of our best players if we wanted Fish to join our team, letting us give up a mediocre player in favor of one who would be a massive boon to our lineup.
still, we were a bit hesitant -- Fish Summer was on the Moist Talkers at the time, and Talkers fans were very attached to Fish. we wanted to maintain good relationships with the rest of the league, and if we stole a Team's fan-favorite player, what would the chances be that they'd just reverse the trade in the next election? fortunately for us, a wimdy would send Fish from the Talkers to the Crabs, and we decided that would be our time to strike. we put up our Season 16 voting guide, encouraging fans to trade Mordecai Kingbird for Fish Summer.
unfortunately, the Georgias were very prone to weird wimdy trades at the time, and instead of trading Mordecai for Fish Summer, we traded him for Montgomery Bullock, a pitcher from the Fridays who couldn't bat to save their life. we didn't particularly care for Monty, so when the end of the season rolled around, we traded them off to the Crabs in order to finally enjoy a Hot Fish Summer. this trade would be intercepted by the Crabs however, who put in a wimdy vote that would trade Fish for Wyatt Mason IV (aka Ivy), a Tacos pitcher who also couldn't bat to save their life. hilariously, this triple-trade left all three players involved in a position they absolutely sucked at, benefiting no one.
that being said, after that mishap, we were kind of over Fish Summer. we moved Ivy to our rotation, and by that point, we had partied enough that our roster was actually looking pretty good. it was time to put Fish Summer behind us.
this would not last for long. our respectable rotation would soon give up Ivy and Jan Canberra for Dickerson Morse and Goobie Ballson, who are more recognized for "Dick and Balls" jokes than their pitching talent, and respectable small-ball leadoff hitter Niq Nyong'o would be incinerated and replaced with Ji-Eun Clove, who could only hit the occasional triple once in a blue moon. the Georgias were once again Bad, and with a bunch of newbies we didn't particularly care for, trading for Fish Summer was once again on the menu.
and this time, it went off without a hitch! in Season 21, we traded Goobie Ballson for Fish Summer, who thanks to our new Fax Machine and Voicemail, had a quick path to the Georgias' lineup. this was it. the Georgias were finally Good again.
or so we thought. while Season 22 was the best season of the Georgias' career, a new problem would plague us, which was Flooding. Flooding was rampant in the Expansion Era, and players were being sent Elsewhere left and right, with Fish Summer being no exception. Fish Summer would end up spending the majority of their Georgias career Elsewhere, playing a total of 58 games for us over the course of three seasons. Atlantis may have loved Fish Summer, but Fish Summer decidedly did not love Atlantis.
anyway, after a long siesta, Blaseball would return with Fall Ball, which would send Fish Summer to the Shoe Thieves, which would be their final team as Blaseball would end two seasons later, ending the Georgias' Hot Fish Summer once and for all.
and you wanna know the funniest part? i don't think the Georgias even did that much with Fish Summer's lore after getting them! i mean, i would frequently forget Fish was even on our team, and i'm not sure how much they were developed past "lol a player named Fish on the ocean team" and "man Fish really hates it here huh". and despite this, Fish managed to leave one heck of a legacy on the team.
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atlantisblasebl · 2 years
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I wanted to call it "The Cup of Water," but I wasn't sure if that would be as clear.
Since it's March Madness, and the people of Tumblr have fallen in love with making brackets for pretty much anything, it's time we settle once and for all who the most popular Georgias player is. Sixty-four will enter, but only one can win. (Since there have only ever been sixty-one Georgias players who have seen active play, however, three NPCs have been picked to fill in the remaining slots.)
The bracket was largely seeded based on how I perceived each player's popularity to be within the Georgias' fanbase (with some margin of error), but anyone is allowed to participate in voting! Simply vote for whichever player in each matchup you like more, and winners will proceed to Round 2!
You can find all matchups under the #georgias bracket round 1 tag on our blog, or in the list below:
Rigby Friedrich vs. Poseidon
Niq Nyong'o vs. Goodwin Morin II
Flattery McKinley vs. Nagomi Mcdaniel III
Neerie McCloud vs. Jenkins Ingram
Siobhan Chark vs. Vernon Glump
Jan Canberra vs. Basil Ball
Geraldine Frost vs. Montgomery Bullock
Yurts Buttercup vs. New Megan Ito III
Nanci Grackle vs. Pitching Machine
Ortiz Lopez vs. Dickerson Morse
Ankle Halifax vs. Cote Loveless II
Ji-Eun Clove vs. Alexander Horne
Mint Shupe vs. Lachlan Shelton
Steals Chark vs. Justin Alstott
Chorby Soul V vs. Jelly Burgertoes
Hercules Alighieri vs. Goobie Ballson
Waverly Mori vs. Jessica Twolephone
Manu Candle vs. Doc Cash
Juan Murphy vs. Knight Triumphant
Beck Whitney vs. Lance Serotonin
Slosh Truk vs. Gita Biscuits
Frankie Hambone vs. Jon Tumblehome
Fish Summer vs. Wyatt Mason III
Mckinney Vaughan vs. Hiroto Wilcox
Emmet Atomic vs. Zephyr McCloud
Norman Muggins vs. Agnes Caster
Kit Ratoon vs. Mordecai Kingbird
Lady Matsuyama vs. Erin Jesaulenko
Randy Dennis vs. Angelika Aufdiscord
Daisuke Witless vs. Sosa Hayes
Penelope Video vs. Wyatt Mason IV
Son Jensen vs. Khulan Kebede
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polkadotpatterson · 1 year
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
I was tagged by @cryinginblaseball! guess this means I gotta include the couple of warrior cats fics I posted recently even though this is a blaseball blog. don’t judge me
reflections in the river: 
It doesn't take Thrushpelt long to figure it out. 
room to grow: 
Before there was Gloria Bentley, there was the garden, growing wild and tangled in a Miami backyard. 
let the light on through: 
There is a house by the sea, with wide windows and a warm fireplace and a porch overlooking the ocean and a yard big enough for an entire team's worth of dogs and people to run around in.
The kits are perfect.
fragments from a new universe: 
You wake up in Seattle. This is the first thing that's wrong.
the long cat of the law: 
Law school turns out to require a bit more studying and caffeine than McBlase anticipated, but that doesn’t deter her.
the weight of the worlds: 
Clove Ji-eun had always found the Bubble to be a little confining, even long before she ever stepped out on the field herself.
commissioner vapor's pogtastic existential crisis: 
Anyone whose existence begins in a chaotic storm of flames and smoke and screaming tends to have a lot of questions.
eloise butterworth breaks the world: 
It's nighttime, and Eloise Butterworth is playing.
Seems like most blaseball writers have been tagged by now, but if you haven’t then feel free to go ahead and say I’ve tagged you!
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