sbnkalny · 5 months
Dont forget to Blast royalty free ukele over the speakers
garbage-empress: The loud speakers and antennas broadcast his speech to the uncountable gathered amphibious trucks and small ducks anew.
garbage-empress: The loud speakers and antennas broadcast his speech to the uncountable gathered amphibious trucks and small Boats of a formerly thriving american city: battered wet rot and Musk silt And bones
garbage-empress: The loud speakers And antennas broadcast his SPEECH to the uncountable gathered amphibious trucks and small boats of a formerly Thriving american city: battered wet rot and assimilate Hot to annihilate (tear your face) rot and Musk silt and bones
garbage-empress: You can feel my temperature rising! huh? Whuzzat? Whuzzat! woo Baby, I'm burning up, burning up rot and assimilate hot to annihilate (tear your face) rot and assimilate hot to annihilate (tear your face) rot and Musk silt and Bones
clovertop: RAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG! Ooof! Ooof! RAAAARRRRRGG! bad! bad monster! budda BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA! dead! THWAK! Dead! KA-SHUNK! lord Almighty, i feel my temperature rising! huh? Whuzzat? Whuzzat! woo baby, I'm burning up, burning up for your love i'm burning up, burning up for your LOTS
garbage-empress: RAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGG! Ooof! Ooof! RAAAARRRRRGG! bad! bad monster! BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA! dead! THWAK! DEAD! KA-SHUNK! Lord almighty, I feel my temperature rising! huh? Whuzzat? Whuzzat! woo baby, I'm burning up rot and Musk silt and bones skipping stones Eternal life that brings me
garbage-empress: Huh? Whuzzat? Whuzzat! woo baby, i'm burning up, burning up for your love I'm burning out of control! BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA BUDDA
clovertop: Huh? Whuzzat? Whuzzat! woo Baby, i'm burning out of control! BUDDA Budda BUDDA BUDDA!
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violettesiren · 3 months
The grass grows long in the meadow, It's russet under the sun, And chicory, like a blue eyed girl, Rises as if to run With the wind that brushes the meadow. A great gold butterfly stops To pause for a breathless moment Over the clovertops.
I've heard the brown field sparrow Pour from his slender throat A song of praise for the meadow, Note upon throbbing note. The clear, thin song of a wild thing Come from some lonelier place To serve for a happy Summer Our gentler meadow grace.
The white fringed daisies linger Loving the frequent rain, And one wild tiger lily Glows like an orange stain Splashed on the tall, brown grasses That tremble, shaking the dew, When little white-tailed rabbits Make their swift way through.
There is brooding peace in the meadow, Color and scent and sun, The hush of a thing that's waiting After it's work is done. Like jewels the wild strawberries Are hidden, ripe and red, As joy in the heart of a lover After his body is dead.
The reapers will come to the meadow, Their scythes are sharp and long, The little wild rabbits will run from them, The bob-o-link's song is done. This is the time of fulfillment, The waiting things are dumb, And chicory, like a blue eyed girl, Watches the reapers come.
July Meadow by Louise Driscoll
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outragedslime · 5 years
Hey can you please draw some FefNrp wearing hannukah sweaters I didnt know requests were open and I think I need it for my heart
Tumblr media
here u go!
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badgertablet · 5 years
hey for that request thing! How about "you said you would let them go" for flowey?
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(not taking requests or prompts!) 
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foulserpent · 5 years
replied to your photo
“the question begged by any fantasy series where some people are lizard...”
i always assumed that the facial scales are very sensitive. Not like in a sexual way, but tough argonian fighter scales probably loose a little feeling, while unless hevaily damaged the face will still be sensitive enough for good kisses. idk what that adds but its how i feel lol
thats cute i like that! my headcanon was that some areas like the forehead, tip of the snout, areas around the gills (for people who have gills) and the soft scales under the chin would be sensitive areas and the focus of affection. but they dont really have a ‘kiss’ with their mouths so much as nuzzling all around the head and neck, bumping horns when applicable (between friends, family, partners) and like gentle mouthing around the neck (partners only).
also hate that the “not in a sexual way” thing has to be clarified like it should be pretty obvious that sensitive ≠ intrinsically erotic area (and that physical affection to sensitive areas is a component of like, most kinds of friendly relationships not just romantic/sexual ones), but try telling that to clinically horny people when they get their hands on a fantasy species with anatomy different than humans.
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thesnadger · 5 years
clovertop replied to your post “If anyone has a piece of media, web original, movie, game, book etc...”
no through road sacres the shit out of me its on youtu e
*Googles, watches it*
Dang that was pretty cool, I especially liked the sound from the radio. Very fond neat little internet “found footage” videos like this.
(CW for a dead animal, a rabbit found by the side of the road, and loud noises/jumpscares.)
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abimee · 5 years
clovertop replied to your post “ive made sure to have as little male characters as possible in my game...”
Man i was having this problem writing my comic,,, like i was putting male characters in out of like? complusion to be consumed but after reading this im going to do what i should have done from the begining!! fuck men!! i want to draw and write only women!!!
hell yeah !! I really struggled with it too for YEARS --- all my main characters in my stories were men, even if they weren’t the ‘’important’’ charater/chosen one trope, i just always made the character you see the story through as a man because i was so used to focusing everything around being witnessed by men/being viewed be them
so once i started You (Me) and forced myself to make the main character a nonbinary child, i suddenly lost that weight and realized that... nobody has to be a man in my story. All of it is personal and my own, there doesn’t have to be important men to be watched through in my game and it just opened You (Me) up to be such a personal story with ugly and broken characters... it was so freeing
so hell yeah !! lose that chain of feeling like you need men in your story and write/create through YOUR lens!
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bucephaly · 5 years
clovertop replied to your post: OH  sun might.. be able to use both his larynx and...
maybe the syrinx is present in all argonians, but is a muscle you have to learn and mantain, like a second language. Its not super common for people to learn and speak that way because its a little harder, and the larynx works just fine for normal communication. If you use it, it says somthing about your cgaracter, that ypu bothered to learn essentially a difficult heritage language? idk if he could use it to mimic it might be something ge just decides 2 learn on his own
ooo good point
maybe jel often requires the use of both the larynx and syrinx to speak, but cyrodiilic can be spoken well enough with a larynx for most argonians? But maybe the sarpa just started leaning more heavily on the syrinx and so its become the primary ‘voice box’, with the larynx used more for sounds the syrinx might not be able to make as well. So a sarpa syrinx would be more developed that another argonians, but maybe all argonians when speaking jel could like.. be making 3 different tones at once, giving them a sorta harmonic quality to their voices? and what tones are being made by the syrinx would be another layer of context similar to the subtle facial expressions in humans or smth? which would make jel a veeeery efficient language, able to communicate way more in fewer words than p much any other language.
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pavixc · 5 years
i like how like trees growing rings your characters have more and more stripes on thier shirts!! idk if it was intended but thats what i instantly thought!
haha ! I actually didn’t even notice that comparison! Stripes have always been my favorite pattern, black/white stripes especially since I’ve somehow managed to make it very self indulgent.
    White would be- Emotion        ��                        Black would be - Reason
I thought that less stripes would be the least amount of control over emotions.
Then the most stripes would be the most amount of control over those emotions
However the bolder the stripes the more exhausting it is to try and control it, the constant arguments both colors are having against each other to become 1 full color.
IDK LIKE I SAID...these are the most self indulgent characters I have. I could GO ON about what everything means, but to be honest colors mean the most about them.
 For Example : They all have a monochrome color set, but have their own individual primary as well.
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homestucky · 5 years
@clovertop replied: ugh and like!!! ult self could have been so cool!! like an enlightended version where they see all the good and bad and become the best version but this is just the douchebag version of themselves and i hate it
yeah honestly as an idea it is interesting like... im pretty sure davepeta mentions it in actual homestuck, saying that becoming davepeta made them understand and be at peace with all their selves. but not just... basically becoming weird and brain washed. like... why would ultimate dirk be reduced down to only his worse selves. he had good attributes. why wouldnt ultimate dirk just be AWARE of all his flawed selves rather than embracing it. and why would it make him so powerful anyway?? still dont understand that. 
@lastvalyrian replied: Oh yeah that Dirk has been done dirty by the epilogues goes without saying ofc
yeah all the alphas (except i guess roxy is borderline) are done super dirty tbh. but to be completely honest???? in my mind, dirk isnt in the epilogues. he says like ‘oh hur dur because im super strong and smart i can just physically and mentally handle becoming my ultimate self and it makes me basically all knowing and all powerful’ but honestly i think it DID kill him. maybe not physically but that... is not dirk. you can foreshadow all you like with the pony pals thing and the puppetmaster metaphors, but there needs to be some actual CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT reason why he would become this, and since how/why he became the way he is is so poorly explained its just unsatisfying all round!!
i preferred dirks representation in candy because at least i didnt have to see the insult to his character as much
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sbnkalny · 5 years
Are you smarter than two gay rats? You better be, because i am coming. Im coming and nothing can stop me, not even death. Be smart.And be watching.
I been growing to muscular Hunk for a while *sprinkles some CINNAMON on MY sugar* because I am dead. i am a mudbitch, i am a mudbitch.. Is........ Geoffrey.......... Doing well can you say something So much
Almost nothing can go eat a meme. Who should my new parents be
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stayatsam · 5 years
clovertop replied to your post: sir i am so sorry your not on t. Is it a money...
damm the t working just a little too well
yEAH i was like "THIS is gonna be my issue?" gbtbgtg
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outragedslime · 5 years
seriously i love yoyr nepeta!! its one of my fav things about you and the whole reason i followed!!!
hh thank you ily
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foulserpent · 5 years
Is "the sharpest lives" a valid ned song or am I off?
i dont like mcr (sorry) and the general vibe of the song itself is off so my gut impulse was to say no, but i can see it lyrics-wise i will give it that
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mordenheim · 4 years
Fictober 2020 15:  “Not interested, thank you”
(Mention of Caramel Treat’s restaurant is a location cameo from the universe of the talented @ask-de-writer !  Give them a read sometime! :) ) Fullerton let out a groan as another door slammed in his face.  The gray unicorn levitated his heavy sales case down off of the porch and slumped his way down the street towards the next house.  Pony after pony, mare and stallion alike, they all had the same answer for him. 
“Not interested, thank you.” 
Thinking back to when he first started selling, he reminisced about mares happily inviting him in, listening to all he had to say.  They would offer coffee or cookies sometimes and even if there wasn't a sale that day they would remember and invite him back in when he had new wares to sell.  Always a friendly, smiling face. 
“Not interested, thank you.” 
A dark cloud seemed to hang over him in spite of the idyllic fall weather.  The crunching of leaves underhoof and the sharp smell of ripe apples from the nearby orchard did little to lift his spirits. He hadn't had a sale all day.  Hell, he hadn't gotten more than a few words out before he heard that hateful, hurtful phrase again. 
“Not interested, thank you.” 
As the day wore on, his depression grew.  His head hung lower and in spite of being carried by magic, his sales case dragged through the fallen leaves on the ground.  Calling it quits for the day, he stopped in at Caramel Treat's restaurant, using his last few bits to buy a clovertop scramble, a mug of tea, and to give the waitress a nice tip.  The sweet mare had been nice to him, after all, she deserved it. 
They had talked for a while about their respective jobs, him smiling grimly as she regaled him with tales of some of her more troublesome customers while he explained his job to her, even showing off some of his wares.  She had looked at his beautiful magic trinkets in awe, but sadly couldn't afford them right now.  At least she had shown some interest in them and didn't use those awful words. 
By the time he left the restaurant it was well dark outside.  Luna's moon sat fat and heavy on the horizon as the stars shimmered in the night sky.  A damp chill crept into the air as the stallion stifled a cough.  Just his luck, to some down with a cold while he was flat broke he thought to himself. 
He was almost halfway home when he saw a light click on in somepony's front room.  Shrugging his shoulders, he dragged his case towards their front door.  Taking a mirror from his pocket, he used what little light remained to clean up his appearance a bit when the door suddenly opened inward.
“Ah!  A salespony!”  The mare smiled brightly at Fullerton.  She was dressed in a lovely red jacket to protect her from the chill.  Her pale fur offset her dark eyes beautifully and her mane was done up in a smart bun, “Please, won't you come in and show me what you have for sale?” 
His heart practically exploded with joy as a smile crept onto his face. He had finally found someone interested in his magical trinkets and baubles and he didn't even have to knock on their door! 
His smile froze on his face when he glanced back at his mirror once more and saw the doorway as empty where the friendly seeming mare stood. A feeling like creeping frost enveloped his heart as he realized what he was dealing with immediately. 
Turning back towards the mare, he bowed graciously, picking up his bag and giving her his best, winning smile before bolting out of there as fast as his hooves would carry him, shouting back over his shoulder as he ran. “NOT INTERESTED, THANK YOU!!!”
(story continues:  https://mordenheim.tumblr.com/post/632511661856653312/did-i-ask )
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abimee · 5 years
clovertop replied to your post “I'm pretty curious as to what you'd change for Under//sw/ap and f/ell....”
ohhhh abimee i am so so in love with this!! If you decide to expand a lot on the au, would you consider making a side blog for it?
thank you ! sadly i dont think i will just because i like to keep everything i have in one place, so if i ever genuinely make more content for this concept i’d like to keep it over here even if it makes stuff cluttered, sorry!
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