#cobweb arachne
creamecream · 1 year
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Full Name: Cobweb Charlotte Arachne
Nickname(s): Webs, Webby
Age: 16
Gender: Female (she/her)
Species: Spider
Birthday: September 14th
Side: Royal (”Sounds like fun to climb up and slide down over and over again!”)
Destiny Role: The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Roommate: Unknown
BFFAS: Unknown
Romantic Interest(s): Apple White (girlfriend)
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not going to try hard at anything cause what if Athena gets jealous and turns me into a spider? what then?
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classyfruit · 2 years
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[INKTOBER '22 - DAY 9 - Nest] "After hours of wandering through cold, wet caves, the soft, warm nest you've found deep within the mountain is a pleasant change. And for the lady of the house, YOU are a pleasant change, too."
… so many arms to hug you, hold you tenderly, massage your shoulders… et cetera. 👀
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pipandco · 8 months
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🤍The feathers are from an owl called "Athene noctua" and is associated with Athena/is believed to be Athena's owl
🤍The statue she is holding is Nike, goddess of Victory and often paired with Athena (and no, that's not a weeping angel)
🤍The cobweb on the necklace (for Arachne) and Medusa's face are to represent old grudges Athena has (very prideful indeed)*
🤍Apparently emerald green was a colour associated with Athena. I love the way green looks with Teagan's red hair so I just went with it 😊
*Edit/small note : Athena is known for not being a girl's girl. But it's also quite well known that stories are often translated by men who like to pit women against each others. There are multiple versions of each Greek stories. For Medusa, some say that she was turned into a monster by Athena because she was in the wrong. Others say that she was turned that way out of mercy from Athena, so that she would never be hurt by men again. For Arachne, some say that she was turned into a spider because she won and Athena was too prideful to accept her defeat. Others will say that she lost against the goddess and k*lled herself. She was changed into a spider by Athena so she could keep weaving for all eternity.
I think these two elements can either be seen as old grudges Athena has or testimonies toward these two people she couldn't save on time (add the spear for Pallas into that but that's another story). Imo, the lyrics I was inspired by in My goodbye (selfish and prideful and vain) can be interpreted like Odysseus having actually no idea what really happened, or him being actually right and Athena being all of these. Anyway, I love all the layers in every song !
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airrareree · 1 year
Eren/Levi fic recs part 1
• My Little Lover (Eren shrinks, 34k)
• Aquarium (Mermaids, 25k)
• The Loving Machine (machine!Levi, 53k)
• Cyber Link (cyborg!Levi, 178k)
• The Sound of Music (35k)
• It's Like Wishing For Rain (As I Stand In The Desert) (zombies, 79k)
• The Captain’s Ransom (pirate!Levi, prince!Eren, 36k)
• Guide Dog (247k)
• Honey and Lavender (victorian, 19k)
• The Caged Cat (vampires, cat people, 79k)
• Red Ribbons (vampires, 109k)
• Imposed Changes (abo, 55k)
• A World of Our Own (arranged marriage, 173k)
• Cobwebs (unfinished, arachne!Eren, 76k)
Recs part 2
Recs part 3
Recs part 4
Recs part 5
Recs part 6
Recs part 7
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pjohoo-reclists · 11 months
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood Fic Recs
A list of fics starring Percy Jackson and Grover Underwood's platonic friendship. Requested by @evadne01 Enjoy!!
Decided Family by greensgables
G | 600 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Book 1: The Lightning Thief, Fluff, Friendship
Despite what most people might think, Grover is very aware of the fact that he doesn't have family at Camp Half Blood. Or he didn't, until Percy came around.
The start of a legend by Phantomxlegend
G | 800 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Hurt/Comfort, 12 year old Percy, Percy Angst
When you just find out you’re a demigod and immediately get thrown on a world ending, life or death style quest. It can be a little stressful. Or: Just some small Grover comforting Percy because y’all forgot about Grover.
Words of Affirmation by punkfistfights
G | 900 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase
Fluff, Past/Implied Child Abuse, mentioned Gabe Ugliano
“Actions don’t always speak louder than words.” How the three people closest to Percy made sure he knew they loved him.
King-Size Candy Bars by liketolaugh
G | 1.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Abused Percy Jackson, Developing Friendships, Pre-canon
It takes a week or two for Percy and Grover to actually become friends, even after they're roomed together. Because Percy, twelve years old, pragmatic, and hostile, is about as easy to make friends with as Thalia was. Hopefully, Grover will pull it off in the end.
five ___ + one by samosasandlife
Not Rated | 1.6k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Fluff, Pre-the Lightning Thief, Monsters
Five times percy nearly got attacked by a monster and grover had to save him without him noticing, and one time he couldn’t.
first flight by wiindblumewisps
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Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Fluff, Wings, Comfort no Hurt
“I can’t believe I’m helping you with this,” He says. “You didn’t have to.” “I have to.” He waves the hose at him again. A small group of water stays suspended in the air. “I have to be there for when you eat total shit. So I can say I told you so.” Grover attempts to bat away the water when it’s flicked at him. He sticks his tongue out at Percy, who responds in kind. “Your lack of belief wounds me,” Percy laments, holding a hand to his chest, in a tone that suggests he doesn’t mean it. “Really though, I’ve done way more out there things before, and they worked out fine, yeah?” “How could I ever forget your pool noodle fight with a cyclops?” Or: I wanted percy to have water wings so i gave him some.
in dusting cobwebs by GraeWrites
T | 2.6k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Grover Underwood
Grover Underwood is a good friend, Percy and Annabeth are traumatized, Empathy Link
Annabeth shakes her head, adamant. “It was. Arachne’s web got twisted around my ankle and… and it pulled me in, and Percy grabbed me, but—” Tartarus. There’s a sudden sense of vertigo, and he reaches instinctively for Annabeth’s hand. He grips it, and the contact with her is enough to keep him from feeling like he’s falling into Tartarus again. “Annabeth,” Grover is saying, but he sounds far away. “Annabeth, that doesn’t mean it’s your fault. I mean, gods, after what you two went through…” Percy jolts, realization hitting him sharper than Jason’s lightning. His eyes snap to focus on Grover, his stomach twisting with sudden nausea. “The empathy link.” -- Or, Grover reunites with Percy and Annabeth following the battle against Gaia. They talk about some things. They don't talk about others.
blue by carolinaa
T | 3.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Clarisse La Rue
Empathy Link, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mental Health Issues
Left to his own devices, Percy starts to spiral. Someone notices.
an illusion you hide behind by maverickk
T | 4.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
Good friend Grover Underwood, Dark Percy Jackson, Road Trips
Percy and Grover's road trip is going great. They're meeting with nature spirits, working on restoring the Wild, and completely ignoring the emotional tension slowly building between them. Yep. This is definitely a sustainable system.
to preserve the heart by aknosde
T | 13k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase & Grover Underwood, Sally Jackson & Grover Underwood
Grief/Mourning, Emotionally Intelligent Percy Jackson, Healing
Percy's disappearance—his death—is a knife in Grover's gut, radiating pain in a steady, silent flow. He can feel the blood building behind the blade, like a dam ready to burst. This is the problem: Grover can't heal until it's pulled out, and there's nothing he wants to do less. Or: loving your friends, grieving, and what you can and can't move on from in eight months—and the rest of your life.
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rougerosei0 · 2 years
Iris Van Herpen, Fall 2022 coature
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Future oriented, inspired by post-humanism, metaverse, futurism and hyperreality.
Inspired also by Ovid's Metamorphoses, especially by the 3 poems of Daphne, Arachne and Narcissus.
Collection consists of 16 physical looks and 3 digital ones.
Made as mark for her 15th anniversary in the fashion industry. She considered doing a retrospective into her career but quickly threw the idea away as her whole thing is looking forward and not back.
All of the 3 poems come from Greek mythology
Daphne - nymph and daughter of god of rivers. Apollo and Eros got into fight, to spite Apollo Eros shot arrow which made Apollo fall in love with Daphne. Daphne tried to run away but Apollo was persistent. Daphne ended up begging the goddess Gaia to turn her into a laurel tree which which happened. In art Daphne is often shown transforming into the tree, through out the fashion show there's a sculpture of Daphne transforming.
Arachne - skilled weaver which challenged Athena. They had competition to weave a tapestry, Athena was angry at how good Arachne was and tore Arachne'a tapestry. Arachne, being disappointed, hanged herself. Athena felt sorry and loosened the loose thus making it look like a cobweb, Arachne changed herself into a spider.
A lot of the designs are cobweb-like and made out of some form of silk, thus taking inspiration from the myth.
Narcissus - young shy man, but very beautiful that even nymphs wanted him. But soon they got annoyed by his selfishness and asked the goddesses Aphrodite and Nemesis to punish him. The nymph Écho fell in love with him and tried to persue him but he was ignoring her as he was too obsessed with himself. That angered the gods and they punished him. One day Narcissus was looking at his reflection in the river, he fell into the river and drowned. At the place of his death a flower narcis bloomed, since then the flower has been associated with death.
Personally I don't see any relation with this myth. The only thing I can think of is that future = selfishness and narcissism, but I'm really not sure & it might be a reach.
I included my favorite pieces from the show but I recommend you look at the rest as they're amazing♡
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midnightcaptions · 9 months
I feel bad for Giriko and Mosquito. Simping so hard for Arachne and here comes the kishin to clean out her cobwebs.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 7 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'm looking forward to read what you guys think of this one -Danny Words: 1,533 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Haunted' -by Taylor Swift
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XXIV: I Use the Power of Love (Goes Wrong Too)
When they reach the bottom, Annabeth is staring down a ridge in the middle of the cave. Percy pulls her away from it and hugs her. Annabeth sobs against his chest. 
"It's okay, we're together," he eases her.
"Annie," Ara reaches for her T-Rex. "Your leg..."
Ara gets to work quickly while Leo follows her instructions and takes the Athena Parthenos. Hazel and Piper come down with Nico as well, and Ara wants to yell at them to go back, but she keeps it quiet, they're trying to help them get out of there faster.
"Your leg," Piper crouches next to Ara. "Oh, Annabeth, what happened?"
Annabeth starts telling them about her quest, and Ara half-listens, her heartbeat so loud she can barely focus on fixing up Annabeth's ankle. Jason joins them while Leo lifts the statue into the ship.
"Gods of Olympus," he says, listening to the final parts of Annabeth's story. "You did all that alone. With a broken ankle."
"Well... some of it with a broken ankle."
"You made Arachne weave her own trap?" Percy smirks. "I knew you were good, but Holy Hera—Annabeth, you did it. Generations of Athena kids tried and failed. You found the Athena Parthenos!"
"Yeah, good job—now eat," Ara places a piece of ambrosia in Annabeth's mouth. "How're you feeling?"
"My ankle isn't throbbing anymore," she gives Ara a teary but grateful look. "Mike would be proud."
"You have no idea..." Ara strokes Annabeth's cheek, pulling most of the anguish out with her empath touch. "Percy, help me get her out of here."
"On it."
"We have to take her with us to Greece," Annabeth points at the Athena. "The statue is powerful. Something about it will help us stop the giants."
"The giants' bane stands gold and pale," Hazel hums. "Won with pain from a woven jail... It was Arachne's jail. You tricked her into weaving it."
"What about you guys?" Annabeth looks around, still covered in cobwebs that she doesn't seem to mind at the moment. "What happened with the giants?"
"You can talk about that on the ship," Ara urges them. "Get up!"
Percy pulls Annabeth to her feet. "Maybe you can talk some sense into Ara, she's been—"
The floor cracks, reminding the group they're not in a safe place. Jason takes Piper back to the ship, and Hazel holds Nico. "This floor won't last! The rest of us should get to the ladder."
"Great idea," Ara replies. "Nico and you first. Percy—take Annabeth."
"What about you?" He frowns.
"I'll be right behind you," she lies.
"Do you promise?" Her brother presses.
Ara can't, of course, and she doesn't get the chance to, because Annabeth gets yanked away from them screaming. 
The cobwebs are dragging her down, probably stuck to some debris that's fallen into the pit. Ara pulls Almighty out of her pocket and runs to her friend.
"You catch her!" She yells at Percy.
The boy throws himself and grabs Annabeth's hand, Ara slashes across the floor and cuts the cobwebs, but her sword cuts through the ground as well, making it more unstable. The girls lock eyes, and Annabeth sees right through her just like Lily would. Her expression shifts into one of pure panic. 
"Leave." Ara sprints towards the pit and Annabeth, charged with adrenaline, gets up and runs, seemingly not in pain as she quickly catches up to Ara. Both girls hear Percy scream at them to come back.
It happens extremely fast. Annabeth seizes Ara's backpack and yanks her back, the girl falls sideways and her elbow explodes in pain, leaving her unable to move for a second... and a second is all it takes for things to go south, quite literally. Annabeth screams, and Ara rolls over just in time to see her and Percy slip out of sight. 
"NO!" She rashly crawls to the edge.
Percy and Annabeth had always been there to protect her, and she'd always been thankful for that... but she should've never let them get used to it, cause it has led to this: her brother holding onto a ledge, where Ara cannot save him. 
The boy is holding Annabeth with his other hand, and Ara realizes the girl is hugging the T-Rex, the strap must've broken when Annabeth pulled her out of danger.
"You should've left!" Ara desperately tries to reach her brother even though Percy is more than ten feet below. "You never listen to me!"
Percy screams back, sounding as scared as her. "Why didn't you listen?"
Deep down, she believed Annabeth and Percy's love had limits, she convinced herself that even if they cared about her, their resolve would break and they would back off just like Lily did. This is not how she wanted to find out she was wrong.
Nico speaks next to her, sounding shaken. "What did you do?"
Ara whimpers with frustration, none of them should've been there.
"Percy, let me go," Annabeth speaks hoarsely. "You can't pull me up."
"Never," Percy growls. His eyes go back to Ara and Nico. "The other side! We'll see you there. Understand?" 
Nico's face gets even paler than it already was. "But—"
"Lead them there!" Percy urges him. "Promise me!"
"I—I will," Nico gulps.
Ara's knuckles are white from holding onto the edge. This is not how it was supposed to go. It was her sacrifice to make... "No." Nemesis speaks in her head. "You don't value yourself, which makes you a poor sacrifice. These two, they are your offerings."
Ara's commitment to the cause runs deep, she's willing to give up her life with Leo, but only because it's her the one stepping out. She doesn't want others to be taken so she can remain. Percy and Annabeth should have never been hers to give away like this. It's unfair, as all her life has been.
Percy starts to slip, and the chamber crumbles down faster, none of them is going to survive if they stay there. "The T-Rex!" Ara shouts. "It's got supplies and my blessing! Love will keep you safe!"
Those words saved Percy's life once, they can do it again. Her brother's eyes burn with anger and something else she doesn't recognize, he realizes Ara had prepared for the fall and it doesn't make him feel better. 
That look being the last one he will ever give her is not an option, it would haunt her more than Mike's words.
Her brother's hand loses its grip, and Ara lets out something like a scream and a sob, but so broken it doesn't even sound human.
"GET UP!" Nico yells, pulling her to her feet and dragging her away with the last bit of strength he's got in him.
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I always thought having a real family was better than having half-siblings. I imagined it'd be an unbreakable bond, affection with no limits. I feel that way about Percy most times, but right now, I want to trip him down the amphitheater steps.
I give a start. Mike's sweating profusely, and he does not appreciate it when I ignore training. I look at him, then back at my brother.
"What is it?" He follows my line of vision.
I speak without tearing my eyes away from Percy, currently taking a break from climbing the lava wall. "Five minutes."
"Takes him five minutes to climb the whole thing."
Michael rolls his eyes. "Well, it's Percy."
That's the response I get whenever I say my brother can do something better. "It's Percy". I know he's strong and skilled, but I've been in this camp for longer than him, I train more, so why are my efforts still not enough to compare to him?
"Age, gender, godly parent," I pout. "Why do those things set us apart? We have similar experiences, and he might have control over water, but—"
"It's more than that," Mike interrupts me. "There are things that big-three kids get since birth because they get targeted more than us. He heals faster, he moves faster—"
"I don't heal slowly," I argue.
"Percy could get stabbed and keep going for an entire hour before he even starts to feel dizzy. You'd be out of the fight in five minutes. Lily and I know you can be sneaky, but Percy doesn't even need to."
That last sentence irritates me. I don't want to hide and run, I've been hiding and running from every monster for the last three years.
Beckendorf joins Percy while I think of this, both look like all demigods should: Athletic, handsome, and powerful. I'll be fourteen in a week, and I'm bruised, calloused, sweaty, and tired. I'm not like them at all, nowhere near their level.
"Whatever," I mutter, picking up my sword.
Mike sighs. "Don't dwell on it, bug. One day you'll be the daughter of Olympus and you'll be stronger than all of us. It won't matter if you were born with power or not, you'll have it either way."
"I know," I reply, adopting a fighting stance.
I don't know if my friend can tell, but I mimic Percy's movements when I fight. I try not to because they don't work for me, but I can't help it. 
I keep saying that. "I try not to", whenever I think about Percy. I try, but I can't stop. Being close to someone like him, and knowing what a great hero he is, it's easy to flick the switch and resent him for the reasons I liked him at the start.
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Next Chapter –>
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year
Arachne Blight-Daughter of Chaos - CR20 Aberration
A powerful drider boss with disease powers, based on the Daughter of Chaos from Dark Souls.
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Artwork by Orphasm on Tumblr.
The Daughter of Chaos, also called the Fair Lady in the in-game dialogue, is, despite appearances, a friendly character in Dark Souls 1.  Due to the blight she’s contracted, she’s in a weakened state, and if attacked, simply dies in one hit without fighting back.  This Pathfinder creature is meant to function as an actual boss fight, though, and is only loosely inspired by the Dark Souls creature.
Unlike typical driders which all have the upper body of drow, the Arachne Blight-Daughter of Chaos is a fair-skinned surface elf - thus the term “drider” isn’t actually accurate for her.  Her mother, consorting with the demon lord Flauros in an attempt to forcibly bring light to the Darklands - one of the same demon lords that the drow worship as deities - was overwhelmed by the demonic powers she touched.  She was destroyed, and in the process, cursed her daughters with the same kind of arachnid transformation that affects driders.  The Arachne Blight-Daughter of Chaos spreads her parasitic eggs into the underdark, infecting its inhabitants so that their bodies are consumed by her brood.  Drow and other driders consider her and her followers to be enemy invaders.
The Burdened Egg Carrier that I released stats for some time back was designed to be either a servant or victim of the Arachne Blight-Daughter of Chaos.  It’s a very low level creature, but that just means you can fill her lair with literally dozens of them, and have them all aid each other as they attack.  You could apply the template to something stronger, however, if you actually want to use a Burdened Egg Carrier as an enemy in the same adventure as the players fight this boss.
The defiant glaive lets her use Heroic Defiance and Heroic Recovery 5 times per day instead of just once.  If she casts gloomblind bolts, she typically casts quickened fractions of heal and harm first.
Arachne Blight-Daughter of Chaos - CR 20
Embedded into the back of this massive sickly spider is the upper body of a pale-skinned woman with bleached-white hair and distinctly elven features. The spider-like abdomen is covered in open red sores, and draped with long strands of webbing that hangs from the enormous spider legs like cobwebs.  All together, this aberration stands perhaps fourteen feet tall and twenty feet wide, and could easily stretch out to twice those dimensions if needed.
XP 307,200 CE Gargantuan aberration Init +6 Senses darkvision 300 ft., arcane sight, aura sight, deathwatch, true seeing; Perception +15
AC 34, touch 21, flat-footed 32; (+5 deflection, +2 Dex, +14 natural, –4 size, +7 profane) hp 375 (30d8+240) Fort +19, Ref +13, Will +24; +4 to end ongoing conditions Defensive Abilities divine chaos protection, mental resilience DR 10/magic and lawful Immune disease, poison, sleep SR 31
Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft. Melee +4 defiant obsidian glaive +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d10+18/19-20/x3 plus implant eggs), bite +18 (1d8+9 plus implant eggs plus poison) or bite +23 (1d8+12 plus implant eggs plus poison) Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with glaive) (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks infest, sickening waves, the true blight, web (+21 ranged, DC 30, hp 29)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +23)    Constant—arcane sight, aura sight, deathwatch, true seeing    At will—blight (DC 23), gloomblind bolts (3 bolts, ranged touch +22, 4d6+7 damage, DC 22), harm (touch +24, DC 25), life blast (DC 23), sending, unholy blight (DC 22)    3/day—quickened eldritch ague (DC 20), quickened fractions of heal and harm, mass fester (DC 25)
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 25, Int 16, Wis 24, Cha 26 Base Atk +22; CMB +31; CMD 55 (67 vs. trip) Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Heroic Defiance, Heroic Recovery, Infectious Weapons, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell-like Ability (fractions of heal and harm), Quicken Spell-like Ability (eldritch ague), Spell Focus (necromancy), Toughness, Weapon Focus (glaive) Skills Climb +26, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +27, Knowledge (religion) +36, Linguistics +5, Heal +24, Perception +40, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +36, Use Magic Device +18 Languages Abyssal, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Undercommon SQ profanity of the flames, undersized weapons Gear +4 defiant obsidian glaive, ring of protection +5
Divine Chaos Protection (Su) Once per hour, when a creature within 60 ft. of the arachne blight-daughter of chaos makes any d20 roll, after the results of the roll are revealed, she can force the d20 to be rerolled with either a +1d20 or -1d20 bonus (her choice).  After she does so, she loses her spell resistance for the next hour.
Blighted Blisters (Ex) An arachne blight-daughter of chaos is covered in blighted blisters.  Each time she is dealt more than 5 points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from a single attack, one of these blisters bursts, releasing a cloud of harmful blight in a burst that affects creatures within 5 feet of her.  This blight enters the lungs of all living creatures within the cloud that need to breathe unless they succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude save, and deals 1d6+8 points of damage immediately, plus an additional 1d6+8 points of damage every round until the disease is healed.  This is a disease effect.  A creature that is already suffering from the disease but fails the saving throw simply takes the damage again immediately.
If the arachne blight-daughter of chaos is killed, her blisters burst all at once in a larger radius, affecting all living creatures within 50 feet of her that need to breathe unless they succeed on a DC 37 Fortitude save.  The save DC is Constitution-based, and the DC of the effect triggering on her death includes a +5 circumstance bonus.
Implant Eggs (Ex) A living creature hit by an arachne blight-daughter of chaos’s bite or weapon attack must succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude save against a disease effect or take 1d6 Con and Cha drain.  If a target takes a total of 9 Con and Cha drain from multiple applications of this effect, the target immediately gains the burdened egg carrier template.  The save DC is Constitution-based.
Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 32; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str and Dex, and fatigued; cure 2 saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Profanity of the Blight (Su) An arachne blight-daughter of chaos gains a profane bonus to her AC and all of her damage rolls equal to her Wisdom bonus.  This is already calculated into her statistics and abilities.
Sickening Waves (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, as a free action, an arachne blight-daughter of chaos can release waves of sickening energy in a 60-foot cone.  Creatures in this cone must succeed on a DC 32 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 day.  A creature that is already sickened and fails its saving throw doubles the penalty from being sickened for 1 round, in addition to having the duration refreshed.  The save DC is Constitution-based.
The True Blight (Su) As a move action, an arachne blight-daughter of chaos can attempt to permanently remove a target’s resistance and immunity to disease.   Unless the target succeeds on a DC 33 Will save, it loses immunity to disease, and loses any bonus to saving throws it has specifically against disease effects, regardless of whether that immunity or bonus is supernatural, extraordinary, a result of its creature type, or gained in a different way.  This is a transmutation effect.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
Undersized Weapons (Ex) Although an arachne blight-daughter of chaos is Gargantuan, her upper torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid’s upper torso.  As a result, she wields weapons as if she were three size categories smaller than her actual size (typically Medium).
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plutofae · 10 months
Arachne Web Method of Capturing Energy
Arachne Web Feeding Method. Arachne was an extremely haughty mortal who had such an enormous ego that she was transformed into a Spider by the Goddess Athena. For this form of Psychic Feeding, we will build energetic Cobwebs around a place that gets a lot of sun, using your preferred method of energetic construction and giving the command that this web should capture only solar ENERGY and not solar spirits. Tell the web that it should notify you whenever a new form of energy is captured by the web, and when it does, absorb the captured energy. You can also summon astral spiders to automatically capture the energy and share parts of it with you. But this seconde method have the consequence of bringig spider smell to the local, so do not use this in your house, if you don't want to attract spiders.
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creamecream · 1 year
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"Smoking cigarettes on the roof,
You look so pretty, and I love this view,
Don't bother looking down, we're not going that way,
At least I know, I am here to stay,
We fell in love in October,
That's why, I love fall,
Looking at the stars, admiring from afar,
(My girl, my girl, my girl)
My girl, my girl, my girl,
You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl,
You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl,
You will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl,
You will be my world, my world, my world, my world,
You will be my girl,"
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behold-booklovers · 1 year
This was the worst cliffhanger ever!
She tried to stagger toward the ladder. Why was she moving backward
instead? Her legs swept out from under her and she fell on her face.
“Her ankle!” Hazel shouted from the ladder. “Cut it! Cut it!”
Annabeth’s mind was woolly from the pain. Cut her ankle?
Apparently Percy didn’t realize what Hazel meant either. Then something
yanked Annabeth backward and dragged her toward the pit. Percy lunged. He
grabbed her arm, but the momentum carried him along as well.
“Help them!” Hazel yelled.
Annabeth glimpsed Nico hobbling in their direction, Hazel trying to
disentangle her cavalry sword from the rope ladder. Their other friends were still
focused on the statue, and Hazel’s cry was lost in the general shouting and the
rumbling of the cavern.
Annabeth sobbed as she hit the edge of the pit. Her legs went over the side.
Too late, she realized what was happening: she was tangled in the spider silk.
She should have cut it away immediately. She had thought it was just loose line,
but with the entire floor covered in cobwebs, she hadn’t noticed that one of thestrands was wrapped around her foot—and the other end went straight into the
pit. It was attached to something heavy down in the darkness, something that
was pulling her in.
“No,” Percy muttered, light dawning in his eyes. “My sword…”
But he couldn’t reach Riptide without letting go of Annabeth’s arm, and
Annabeth’s strength was gone. She slipped over the edge. Percy fell with her.
Her body slammed into something. She must have blacked out briefly from
the pain. When she could see again, she realized that she’d fallen partway into
the pit and was dangling over the void. Percy had managed to grab a ledge about
fifteen feet below the top of the chasm. He was holding on with one hand,
gripping Annabeth’s wrist with the other, but the pull on her leg was much too
No escape, said a voice in the darkness below. I go to Tartarus, and you will
come too.
Annabeth wasn’t sure if she actually heard Arachne’s voice or if it was just in
her mind.
The pit shook. Percy was the only thing keeping her from falling. He was
barely holding on to a ledge the size of a bookshelf.
Nico leaned over the edge of the chasm, thrusting out his hand, but he was
much too far away to help. Hazel was yelling for the others, but even if they
heard her over all the chaos, they’d never make it in time.
Annabeth’s leg felt like it was pulling free of her body. Pain washed
everything in red. The force of the Underworld tugged at her like dark gravity.
She didn’t have the strength to fight. She knew she was too far down to be
“Percy, let me go,” she croaked. “You can’t pull me up.”
His face was white with effort. She could see in his eyes that he knew it was
“Never,” he said. He looked up at Nico, fifteen feet above. “The other side,
Nico! We’ll see you there. Understand?”
Nico’s eyes widened. “But—”
“Lead them there!” Percy shouted. “Promise me!”“I—I will.”
Below them, the voice laughed in the darkness. Sacrifices. Beautiful
sacrifices to wake the goddess.
Percy tightened his grip on Annabeth’s wrist. His face was gaunt, scraped and
bloody, his hair dusted with cobwebs, but when he locked eyes with her, she
thought he had never looked more handsome.
“We’re staying together,” he promised. “You’re not getting away from me.
Never again.”
Only then did she understand what would happen. A one-way trip. A very
hard fall.
“As long as we’re together,” she said.
She heard Nico and Hazel still screaming for help. She saw the sunlight far,
far above—maybe the last sunlight she would ever see.
Then Percy let go of his tiny ledge, and together, holding hands, he and
Annabeth fell into the endless darkness.
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Annabeth is Autumn
Annabeth is the reader, the bookworm, the hot chocolate and coffee girl, with the boots and the sweaters and flannels. She is the embodiment of fall. She sits in the park on a cool fall day reading. She loves the peace and the colors and the cooling weather. She doesn’t like one thing about fall; Halloween.
Annabeth already hates most holidays, being jealous of the “family traditions” that comes with each of them. She always felt left out whenever her family carved pumpkins or made leaf piles to jump into. She hated how she never felt loved on Valentines Day. She’s just hated holidays, but Halloween was always the worst.
With all of the scary monsters, she was always reminded of her real life. Her demigod life and that’s why she didn’t fit in. It shocked her back to the real world after her fall reading. She has always hated spiders, more than others. With the spiders that always visited at night, seeing life-sized ones never helped her fear. She wasn’t a coward or a baby, but Halloween always hit somewhere harder than the rest of the holidays.
After the books, she’s learned to LOVE most holidays. Having her friends and Percy’s family around to carve pumpkins, open presents with, and to put ornaments on the tree, she grew to love them. She felt invited and loved now. But one holiday never changed. Halloween.
After seeing the biggest spider in her life (Arachne), and walking through Tartarus, seeing the ghosts, goblins, zombies, and monsters that halloween brought with it only made her think of the bad memories. She didn’t like Halloween at all. Sometimes, seeing large faux cobwebs and spider decorations caused her to have a small panic attack or flashback. 
But other than that, Annabeth Chase is fall. No one else can even compare. She is fall and fall is her. No argument.🍂🍁🎃👻🪦🧟‍♀️☕️
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grazer-razor · 24 days
i was bored. so i made a few H2O: just add water-esque transformation triggers for monster girls other than mermaids.
-mermaid: turns into a mermaid when she touches water -cecaelia: turns into a cecaelia when she touches water, too -dullahan: turns into a dullahan when a sufficiently strong impact bumps her head(like a volleyball) -centauress: turns into a centauress when she eats foods containing wheat(because that's what horses eat) -harpy: turns into a harpy when she is standing at a high place(other ideas included being blown by wind and hearing birds tweet but those ideas weren't as great) -satyr/faun: turns into a satyr when a loud noise startles her(because goats fall over when scared) -naga/lamia: turns into a naga when she smells the smell of meat(because snakes are basically made to sniff out food) -cat girl/dog/wolf girl: turns into her respective MG when she comes into contact with a cat or dog (cause allergy logic) -slime girl: any liquid or ooze-like substance will transform her into a slime girl, not just water -bee girl: turns into a bee girl when she eats honey or anything related to nectar -plant girl: coming into contact with most plant substances(grass, leaves, pollen, ETC) will turn her into a plant girl -imp(you know what this is): turns into an imp when the mischevious/malicious thoughts pile up too much -arachne/drider: turns into an arachne when she touches stray cobweb material, or even regular spiders -dragon girl: turns into a dragon girl when it gets too warm or hot, being near forms of fire(like candles) can trigger the transformation instantly, regardless of temperature -kitsune: turns into a kitsune when she gets exposed to japanese culture-related things (because kitsunes are a big part of japanese culture) -mimic: turns into a mimic girl when she has enough money in her pockets
will post more if i think of them. given some of these transformation triggers, this might stand on it's own as a H2O ripoff :)
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sonotthedrama · 1 month
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NAME: Kimberly "Kim" Possible AGE: 23 GODLY PARENT: Athena - Goddess of Wisdom and War AFFILIATION: Alumni (2009-2019), Competitor SPECIES: Demigod ABILITIES: Strategist (She will come up with good plans in a fight and can use others' weaknesses against them). Audiokinesis (She never forgets what she hears and can be manipulative). Telumkinesis (She has great control over every weapon but prefers to use a sword). BIOGRAPHY:
James Possible got the attention of a certain goddess while studying Aerospace Engineering and Astrodynamics at MIT. She helped him get through his studies; consequently, they fell in love. Shortly after, On 8th June, Athena sent him their daughter, a girl named Kimberly Possible, as a gift.
Kimberly was not the gift that Athena had hoped she would be for James; he begged Athena to return her to Olympus and raise her there because he had no idea their connection would result in a child and was unprepared to care for her. Athena refused, telling James that demigods should be raised by their mortal parents rather than their godly ones. In the end, he had little choice except to reluctantly accept Kimberly and care for her as best he could.
Kimberly took her father's last name. When she was five years old, her father married and had two sons with her stepmother Ann: the twins Jim and Tim. Kimberly was a target for monsters since she was a demigod, which led to frequent quarrels between her and her parents, who believed she was constantly endangering everyone.
Kimberly was attacked by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne each night for three days. Her skin was freckled with bites, and cobwebs covered her eyes, lips, and nose. She would then scream for her father, who was constantly away at work, so her stepmother would check on her. When her stepmother entered her bedroom, the spiders would hide, so she assumed Kimberly was making things up to scare her stepbrothers and refused to contact James. By the time she got dressed each morning, the marks from the painful bites on her had vanished, leaving just the cobwebs, which did not provide convincing evidence.
As a result, Kimberly ran away from home at the age of eight, believing her family hated her. She then spent a few months fighting creatures with only a hammer, guided by her immortal mother.
After months of fighting monsters, she ended up in the company of another demigod and a satyr who were on their way to Camp Swynlake. Kimberly hadn't heard of that so they said she could tag along and eventually they made it to camp.
During her years at camp, she went by Kim and anyone who called her Kimberly didn't get the chance to do it again. She was a force to be reckoned with and everyone knew that. She wrote letters to her father and she would go home at some points but would always end up back at camp as it was too dangerous and nothing had really changed in her family.
After she turned eighteen, she went home to see her family and it was still dangerous but not as it used to be. She also found that her family were more understanding and she could handle being there for longer periods. She even travelled the world and found herself enjoying life for once, not having to constantly look over her shoulder.
Now, Kim is back to compete and bring honor to Athena and show those Ares alumni exactly who they think they're messing with.
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