#code steam
cartesteam · 2 months
Principaux avantages de l'utilisation de cartes-cadeaux Steam pour les jeux
Si vous êtes un joueur passionné, vous avez probablement entendu parler de Steam, l'une des plus grandes plateformes de distribution numérique pour les jeux sur PC. Mais saviez-vous que l'utilisation de cartes-cadeaux Steam pour vos achats de jeux présente plusieurs avantages ? Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les principaux avantages de l'utilisation des cartes-cadeaux Steam et les raisons pour lesquelles elles constituent une option pratique pour tous les joueurs.
1. La commodité
L'un des principaux avantages des cartes-cadeaux Steam est leur commodité. Au lieu d'avoir à saisir les informations de votre carte de crédit à chaque fois que vous effectuez un achat, vous pouvez échanger une carte cadeau Steam et ajouter des fonds à votre portefeuille Steam instantanément. L'achat de jeux, de logiciels et de contenu en jeu est ainsi rapide et facile.
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2. Établir un budget
L'utilisation des cartes-cadeaux Steam est un excellent moyen de respecter votre budget de jeu. En achetant une carte cadeau d'un montant déterminé, vous pouvez limiter vos dépenses et éviter de trop dépenser pour les jeux et les achats en jeu. De plus, vous pouvez facilement suivre vos dépenses en gardant un œil sur le solde de votre portefeuille Steam.
3. Variété
Steam propose une vaste bibliothèque de jeux, de logiciels et de contenus en jeu, et l'utilisation de cartes-cadeaux Steam vous permet d'y accéder. Que vous soyez amateur de jeux d'action, d'aventure, de stratégie ou de simulation, vous trouverez sur Steam de quoi satisfaire vos goûts. De plus, vous pouvez utiliser votre carte cadeau Steam pour acheter des DLC, des packs d'extension et d'autres compléments pour vos jeux préférés.
4. Sécurité
Lorsque vous utilisez une carte cadeau Steam pour ajouter des fonds à votre portefeuille Steam, vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter de la compromission de vos informations personnelles ou financières. Les cartes cadeaux Steam sont un moyen sûr et sécurisé d'effectuer des achats sur la plateforme, ce qui vous permet d'avoir l'esprit tranquille pendant que vous jouez.
Pourquoi choisir CarteDirecte pour les cartes cadeaux Steam?
Chez CarteDirecte, nous sommes votre source de confiance pour les cartes cadeaux et les recharges Steam. Nos cartes cadeaux sont 100% authentiques et nous garantissons une livraison immédiate. De plus, notre équipe d'assistance est disponible sept jours sur sept pour répondre à toutes vos questions. Avec CarteDirecte, vous pouvez être sûr d'obtenir des cartes cadeaux et des recharges authentiques livrées instantanément.
L'utilisation de cartes cadeaux Steam pour vos achats de jeux vous offre la commodité, des options de budgétisation, une grande variété de jeux et une sécurité accrue. Avec CarteDirecte, vous pouvez facilement acheter des cartes cadeaux et des recharges Steam authentiques, rendant votre expérience de jeu encore plus agréable. Alors pourquoi attendre? Rendez-vous sur CarteDirecte dès aujourd'hui et commencez à jouer!
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secondbeatsongs · 9 months
imagine an Observation Duty-type game, but there actually. aren't any anomalies. and if you sit through the full game doing nothing, the music will ramp up and you'll get multiple warning messages, but you'll still always win so long as you don't report anything. because there were never any anomalies to report in the first place
...but if you do try to report an anomaly, the second you do it, shit starts for real. you'll have walls changing texture, stuff falling from the ceiling, ghost intruders poking their heads through doors, the works.
it'll be immediate hard mode, ramping up to the point where the game is near-impossible, with sneaky anomalies along with very obvious ones, as well as some that the game will just simply refuse to fix, because fuck you that's why
and the streamers and the youtube gamers will suffer, and pull their hair out, and find themselves in an endless loop, never to truly feel the satisfaction of victory
because I don't think a single one of them could go the full length of a game without either imagining an anomaly where there isn't one, or getting desperate and guessing wildly out of anxiety and because they think it'll help
anyway I'd probably title it something like "Unobservant", because somewhere in the tutorial it'll have a guy full-on saying, "but don't worry! surely this house doesn't have any anomalies! >:3" and honestly, it's the gamers' own faults at that point if they choose not to believe him
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superbellsubways · 1 year
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hi worstie
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Navigator's Lantern, America, late 19th century
A late 19th century American hand-held signal lamp. This rare example was a forerunner of the better known “Boat Signal Lamp” produced in the late 1800’s into the early 20th century. Hand-made of solid brass it contains an early form “bulls eye” glass lens. The cylindrical lantern body has a hinged door pivoting on the right which holds the lens and closes on the left with a spring-loaded latch on the left. The lens is backed by a rotating light curtain controlled by a knob on the bottom front. The interior contains an oil font with wedge burner as the light source. In combination, this clever apparatus allowed the navigator to send visual Morse code signals by flashing light.
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brooklynisher · 3 months
I was gonna say something relating to this post and so I went to look at the lyrics and I realized HEY
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And I was really confused and then I remembered, "Wait, isn't this one of the really really really old songs that they've reworked"
The Jon really possessed The Spine with this one
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alexis-royce · 7 months
Sorry if this feel like, random, but how did you learn Ren'Py? Is there any tutorial you'd recommend? I know enough Python to work with the terminal, but I have noooo idea how to work with graphics and stuff ^^;
Hey there! I learned Ren'Py little by little, by making progressively larger games. I've also come across a lot of resources, so here's my recommendations for learning:
Crack open the script.rpy file for The Question. This microgame is packaged with your copy of Ren'py, so you'll come across it naturally after downloading. You'll be able to see how to make backgrounds, characters, text and music appear, as well as how to create branching choices.
Watch Vimi's channel. He's a cool dude that I respect immensely, I worked with him on a game last year, and his vids are a ton of fun! Here's an absolutely rapidfire tutorial to get you started. I would recommend pausing frequently or returning to the video often while you work.
Play indie games! itch.io is full of wonderful indie VNs. They're short and will open your mind to new possibilities. Also, you can often crack games open to learn how to do new things. (If you're nervous, then know you have my express permission to look at my games' code.)
Connect with other VN makers! The DevTalk discord is a very friendly place, and you can get both encouragement and serious advice on your projects.
Participate in a game jam! If you're starting out, you should be making short VNs. NaNoRenO and The Spooktober Game Jam are super popular, and the Winter VN Jam is going on right now! Jams also have resources, and the NaNoRenO page is one of my favorites.
Good luck! Aim small with your first game; try making something that's well under a thousand words, and try to do it with one location, and as few characters as possible. Making a game is already enough of a challenge as it is! XD
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saym0-0 · 1 month
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lol replaced this guys daughter with a robot everybody point and laugh
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junespriince · 26 days
Dick, a little silly: show me something tough, something monstrous. Something I can't overcome.
Joker; Will, I can bring back your parents and kill them again in front of you. how's that!
Dick, drops the smile; I have been doing hero work for well over a decade. Do you think nobody hasn't already done that to break me?
Dick, grabs Joker, Joker looking at the batfam for help: you think something so overused is going to get under my skin, get a reaction out of me, do you know what the fuck I've been through in my time as a hero!? You think- you think dead parent jokes are going to get me, HUH!?
Dick, throws Joker to a wall: I am Dead inside and if you think you're going to toy with me like you do with B and I will break from that bullshit, you have another thing coming to you!?
Joker, actually scared:
Batfam, sacred since they never saw him slip:
Dick, a deep breath and smiles again: Anyway, have a nice night in Arkham Joker, I have math homework to help out on. *walks away*
Jason, looks at Bruce: what the hell did you do to the first Robin?
Bruce, defensive: Why do you assume it was just me!?
Batfam, glare at him for valid reasons:
Bruce, shuts up and take joker to Arkham;
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ihaveanaxe · 2 months
Y’all if Rabbit’s red, The Spine is silver/grey, The Jon is yellow, Hatchworth is orange, and Upgrade is pink, wtf is Zer0
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boneinator · 2 months
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This is literally hatchworth to me . That's him . Creature
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rui-drawsbox · 4 months
Comm for @ CitrusCynical! Part one bc I'm working on a few more ♪
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goose-24-7 · 9 days
yandere rambley mf'ers when they realize he's the most ace coded mf on this planet and would absolutely hate sex
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buttclench-ryugazaki · 3 months
the nds visual novel puzzle game girlies getting all we ever wanted towards the end of the switch's life cycle fills me with an emotion i can't identify
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tifamiu · 18 days
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one of my fave alice dresses
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skredjun · 3 months
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📢SUPER SALE📢 All my ✨Otome Enamel pins ✨are 20% off!
The discount will last until March 15th.
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brooklynisher · 8 months
Friendly reminder that VI walks around the manor barefoot.
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