#coffee and exhaustion don't go well together folks
pheita · 3 months
Flash Fic Friday: Count the Days
yay, still in time despite migraine yesterday @flashfictionfridayofficial
I totally blame my sis for this one, with her love for those werewolf romance novels out there.
So, here we are. I know some folks wanted to be tagged in anything I write, so @cljordan-imperium @bee-barnes-author @writingamongther0ses
The cold, crisp morning air filled her lungs as Idalia stood on the small balcony outside her room and took a deep breath. Summer was slowly winding down and turning into fall, which meant the next gathering of the clans. She was reluctant to admit that she was already counting the days until then, because this year she was old enough to come along.
There was a knock at the door, the manner revealing her mother.
"Ida, are you awake yet?"
"Yes, I'll be right down."
She took another deep breath and then went back inside to get dressed for the day. Luckily, she still had the day off and could enjoy it.
Once in the kitchen, she found her mother staring longingly at the coffee machine, which was slowly bubbling away, and somewhere in the house her father and younger brother were rumbling around.
"Rough night?"
Her mother nodded slowly. Night watches were always the most exhausting for everyone, especially at this time of year.
"There's our sunshine," her father's voice sounded behind her, far too cheerful and awake for the time of day.
Idalia put her head in her neck with a groan.
"What do you want me to do for you now?"
"Can you take Collin to school?"
Blinking, she turned and looked at her father. Even though he was more than a head taller than her and a spitting image of The Rock, he looked as insecure as a little schoolboy.
"What happened?"
"We don't know yet," her mother explained, "But some of the other guards found strange tracks in the south of the territory last night. Don't match any kind of were-being we know of."
"That's why they're all being called together," her father added.
Idalia nodded slowly. That made sense. Unknown werebeings in their territory was something the Alpha needed to take care of and of course he needed the knowledge of the older members.
"Do you think it's connected to the reunion? We're hosting it this year, and it's nothing unusual that it attracts strange creatures."
Her father smiled proudly and hugged her.
"I've had that thought too. We'll see."
She felt his tension in the embrace. Whatever was found was worrying everyone more than they wanted to admit.
"All right, I'll take Collin to school. Do you want me to get groceries while I'm at it?"
"That would be great," her mother sighed and left the guard post at the coffee machine to get a pen and paper.
"Dad! I've got to go!"
Collin rumbled down the stairs as only an overgrown 14-year-old could and grabbed one of the ready-made toasts from the kitchen table. Idalia took the shopping list from her mother and pushed Collin out the door.
"I'll take you today, important clan business."
"Cool, are we taking the other way?"
She grinned at the question. The other way was the road over the mountains with all the curves where you could slide so delightfully. A glance over her shoulder told her that her parents hadn't heard and hastily closed the front door.
"Quick, before they realize what you asked."
Toast in his mouth, Collin tossed his backpack into the backseat and got in.
"And already nervous about the clan meeting?" he grinned broadly.
"Cheeky puppy."
"I'm just asking, everyone else is talking about nothing else."
She gave him a sideways glance as she adjusted the rearview mirror.
"Do I look like the others?"
He wrinkled his nose and chuckled.
"Nah, you're not as crazy about finding your mate as the rest. Luckily."
The agonized groan spoke entire book lines.
"The girls in my class don't know any other subject at the moment. What it's like when they get their wolf, what it's like when they find their mate. Blah blah blah."
Collin's eye roll was something Idalia could well understand, it got on her nerves back then too.
"Let me guess, it's the popular girls who talk about it so loudly."
His grumble confirmed everything. So, it was business as usual. With a mischievous grin, Idalia took the turn to the mountain road and got an amused snort in response. Collin knew that if they were going to slide down the road like a rally driver, Idalia needed all the attention she could get. She had to smile more when she thought about how her father used to do that when she was little.
They had just arrived at the foot of the hill when something darted across the road at such an inhuman speed that Idalia could only steer to the side. They came to a screeching halt a few meters further on and both looked back.
"Holy shit, what was that?" asked Collin.
"I have no idea," she answered honestly, but something told her that was what the clan was sitting together for.
She quickly typed a message to her parents that something was on the move in the southwestern clan territory and tried to calm down. Once more she looked over her shoulder behind her where the strange creature had crossed the road and was shaken. Something told her it wasn't the last time she'd seen it.
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light-wynd · 8 months
Rambling About Menthe and Elphane
(Alternatively: My Exams Got Postponed But I'm Still In Too Much Pain to Draw, So Here I Am, Going On About My Favorite Melusines For Entirely Too Long)
Yeah. I think about these two in particular a lot, and just wanted to talk about... basically everything I could think of that I felt was worth mentioning regarding them (and a bit about Aeval too) to take my mind off of feeling like shit, along with a few general thoughts and speculations based on what we know about them.
Putting this under the cut, not because it's got story spoilers or anything (I don't think it does anyway), but because it's longer than anything I've posted before.
Does this qualify as a character analysis? Idk man I'm not a writer, I'm not confident enough to call it that.
Think I'll just begin with Menthe since I have the biggest soft spot for her - I honestly relate to her a lot more than I like to admit, and just... really want to give her a hug, she could probably use one. All we ever really see her do is stand there sighing to herself at Arouet's café, drinking tea and coffee just to keep herself awake. It's a stark contrast from how we see the other Melusines act, to say the least - not to mention how much trouble she seems to be having with adjusting to human society in comparison to them too. She's really bothered by how large everything in the city is (and that everything that is actually her size was made for young children). She's struggling with her job in the Gardiennage and thinking about finding a different one, even if there aren't a lot of options she's suited for when it comes to "human work". She even wishes her body was more humanoid like Sigewinne's if it could make these things any easier, and there's just something heartbreaking about that - not to mention her constant exhaustion. Yeah, poor thing's not doing great. The fact that she says she was initially very enthusiastic to integrate into human society makes it all even sadder - all these difficulties must have hit her particularly hard.
For this next point, I feel like I should include this screenshot from the café's message board (there's a couple more entries about her, but this is the most relevant one):
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The thing about that is, all the other Melusines working for the Gardiennage must've encountered pretty similarly disturbing things just by the nature of the job, investigating crime scenes and all that - and yet only Menthe seems to be affected by it this deeply, judging by how cheerful the others act and how casually they talk about their work. This makes me think that she's either had some sort of traumatic experience that's unique to her (especially from the wording of "unfathomable darkness"), or that it all just gets to her more than the others for some reason. Either way, it would certainly explain why she'd like to change jobs - and I genuinely hope she manages to one day, for the sake of her well-being. Maybe she really will end up working in the infirmary together with Sigewinne despite her worries about the inmates not taking kindly to her, who knows. (Also I gotta say, when I first saw her "maybe I should just go underwater" line, I thought she meant she was thinking about giving up on human society and going back to Merusea Village - but of course she's talking about the infirmary in the Fortress of Meropide. Still, it does kind of sound like that is the last option she can think of when it comes to work she could do, which is a bit worrying in its own way.)
As for the adorably grumpy Elphane... can't really talk about her without bringing up Aeval too, they're a package deal after all. Most folks seem to assume that Aeval is the newer tour guide of the two, considering how enthusiastic she is, but funnily enough it's actually the opposite! (Probably just by a few days at most, but still.) It's easy to miss this since their aquabus dialogues seem pretty randomized and there's a lot of them, but these two both used to work for the Gardiennage as well - and apparently, Elphane was "the ace up the Marechaussee Phantom's sleeve", while Aeval on the other hand presumably didn't do so great (according to Talochard's quest, being assigned as a tour guide is what happens to a Melusine who's bad at being an investigator - and yeah, honestly I can see how that would be the case here). So first, Aeval got "promoted" to the aquabus (in her own words... guess nobody had the heart to tell her otherwise), which upset Elphane so much that she just quit her job - while on track to a high-paying promotion to the Opera Epiclese, mind you -, put on a new uniform and got on the aquabus with Aeval. Of course, they ultimately ended up assigned to separate lines, but at least they're colleagues again. It's pretty clear that Elphane isn't enjoying this job whatsoever, but she keeps doing it anyway for Aeval, and is still fairly skilled at it in her own way.
So yeah, Elphane is actually incredibly sweet and caring... when it comes to Aeval anyway. Hell, she even recommends that you visit Aeval's line at any chance she gets - whether it's for better commentary, a friendlier guide or just a more photo-ready aquabus, she directs you there. She genuinely seems to look up to her, and maybe even wishes she could do a better job as a guide like her deep down. Something that could point to this is that she gets very flustered by compliments, which might indicate that - unlike Aeval - she doesn't get a lot of positive feedback, so she's not quite sure how to handle it. Aeval looks up to her quite a lot too, and they seem to do pretty much everything together when they're off work (including shopping for cute clothes, which Elphane vehemently denies her interest in, ahahah) - I'm not sure what their relationship is, they just refer to each other as colleagues and Elphane being Aeval's senior, but they're clearly very close and it's absolutely precious. This is even reflected in their designs: they both have a very similar pink-blue color scheme too, just with Elphane being predominantly pink with blue accents and Aeval being the other way around - their uniforms included - and even their eyes are complementary colors to each other. Really cute way to show both their connection while also highlighting their personalities being pretty much opposites.
One last thing I want to point out is that both Menthe and Elphane struggle with their jobs in their own way, and seem to be among the few Melusines to really do so to this extent in the current time - but probably the biggest difference is that while Elphane doesn't show all that much enthusiasm or effort towards her work, it's kind of implied that Menthe on the other hand is overworking herself, judging by Arouet's comments on her constant mental and physical exhaustion. Of course, it could also be that she just has no energy because of how depressed she is - but in any case, she's doing her best to keep it together and power through it despite everything.
Aaand that would be all for... whatever this was. If even a single soul has actually read this whole thing, thank you so much, that alone makes having posted this feel worth it! And if anyone wants to talk Melusines, I'd be more than happy to ^^
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whitherwordswither · 1 year
Logs from the Starfields, VI
Captain's Log #0.06:
What… what day is it? I don't even remember.
I never made it back to New Atlantis. I… ended up in Neon. Always tried to steer clear of the place but. I needed fuel and. Well. I'm still hunting for just the right ship and I figured I'd check the shops for some new gear and weapons.
And then the whole thing turned in to one exhausting blur.
Neon is a mess. It didn't take me long to figure out all the little working parts. The guard is corrupt. The ruling body, whatever his name is, is a scum lord. And there are numerous gangs. All the while there are some honest merchants and folks trying to keep their shit from falling apart.
Back on New Atlantis I'd submitted an application for Ryujin Industries for gits and shiggles. Didn't think I'd actually be walking straight in to an interview. Right off the bat, I don't like the head woman I'm talkin' to. I can tell this is a no bullshit shade-throwin' shitshow from a mile away. But I play nice. Pick up a coffee order for all the execs. Then get assigned a job to tamper with a competing companies computers. I head over to the other place across the station, just to scope 'em out. If they were another awful sort of place I could see doing the job… but. They ain't. In fact, the receptionist there is one of the nicest gals I've met. She points me to a local mining company that is having trouble and… well. I end up helping them out. I end up helping out just about every merchant in the strip, actually. They're all fighting to band together and push back against the corruption around them. I admire that.
I leave Ryujin hanging. I… I even join up with one of the gangs. Now, hear me out. It ain't my kinda thing but. This particular gang, they used to run the place. Be the top dogs. Sure, they stole, but they didn't kill. They were an unfortunate side effect of the way Neon works. They do what they do to survive. But the new gang that moved in and took over? They hurt people for fun. So… I sign up with 'em simply to put a stop to the psychotic new gang.
Our last move against 'em, security shows up. Gives us all an ultimatum. The gang gets to swap their street colors for security garb. I can see what's gonna happen here. Luckily, because I've helped cull the badder seeds, I get the chance to skip off on my merry way. Which works for me. I was just there to take out the worse trash.
My persuasion skill has been getting a heck of a work out, let me tell ya.
I leave Neon for a brief run to pick up some medical supplies for the local facility. Seems Bayu, the shitlord of the whole place has been blocking shipments and taxing incoming loads specifically. It's ridiculous. So I offer to run some supplies on the down low. The clinic here is just trying to help people.
Bayu is a piece of fucking work. I get to meet the man himself. And boy, do I wish I could just punch his face off. He keeps the local street drug on the market for profit and to keep people addicted and stupid. I hope to hell there's some way I can remove him. He seems to be the root of all this nasty business and it would do a lot of people some good if a reform came along in the form of a… well…
Lets just say if someone flat out paid me to snuff the bugger, I'd take the job in a heartbeat.
Maybe one day…
Anyhow. Shit. I feel dirty. Like I ain't ever gonna be able to wash the stink of that hole off'a me. Felt like I had to be a different person there. And I didn't like it. After doing what good I could do, I needed a break. I made it back to Akila. I really do think I'm going to end up settling down here. This city has its quirks, pros and cons. But I like the vibe. Its got a community feel to it. I respect it.
Davis and Keoni are actually speaking to each other now and working as a team of sorts. Still prickly around the edges but it's nice to see they understand the common goal. Keoni has been getting some off readings and Davis has been seeing more indications in his patrols of things not being right. I head out with him to investigate more and sure enough. We run in to a bigger breed of Ashta. An Alpha. Luckily, I've got a fancy new pew-pew machine and take it down before Davis can even get off three shots.
He's thankful he invited me out. We both head back to town and I pass along the info to Keoni so she can further calibrate her data. They both are looking forward to learning more and figuring out how better to protect the city. As it should be.
After that I finally decided to learn a bit more about the Freestar Rangers since that sheriff thought I'd be good material. As a test, they want me to take a job from the board and do some proper Ranger work. Blastin' unjust spacer trash? Shit. I'd almost say ya don't even need to pay me!
The target is in a system I ain't been to, so I've got to jump slow and map out new territory. This brought me to a couple very interesting encounters.
The first was a weird, huge, but weird ship in orbit around a resort planet. Communications are all sorts of scrambled so I let them know I'm going to be docking. Turns out… this is a 200 year old colony ship that left Earth before Grav drives were moved from theory to production! And they just arrived at this planet. They have their sights set to settle here and want my help convincing the current owners to leave. That's a tall order. I say I'll negotiate and do what I can.
Down to the planet I go.
Nice atmosphere. Very tourist-trappy. Not my kinda place. Run by a bunch of prissy, rich execs who are only looking for profit. Ugh.
You should have heard the options they gave me that would be acceptable resolutions to the matter! I almost wanted to blast 'em all as they sat in their chairs. One of 'em was at least concerned with the natural beauty of the planet, but the other two? Rotten apples, through an through.
The only decent soundin' option and the one I ultimately went with was to pop over to another system entirely and speak with a specialist engineer who had a penchant for older tech. Even had a grav drive he could help retrofit. The only catch? I pay for the drive. Well. I ain't about to let a colony ship full of people be indebted servants to some stuck up assclowns. So fork over the money for the drive and get it back to the ship and help the engineer there install it. A nice portly man. I'd love to shoot the shit with him more.
Now, how the captain of the ship had spoke before… it sounded like they weren't gonna take no for an answer about giving up this planet they had their sites on. But apparently being given the option to pretty much go anywhere now has shifted that perspective. Which is fantastic. I was really hopin' to not have to persuade anyone to do anything on this excursion. I bid them farewell and let 'em go on their way.
Continuing my jump to my bounty target I come across two ships in combat. One hails for help and since the other is just Ecliptic pirates, I help blow the ship apart. Then they ask me to board. Weird, but hey, if they want to thank me in person…
Trim's Rules of Space Travel #48.5: If something feels off, roll with your gut. But I boarded anyway.
So, what do you get when you cross three Ryujin Operatives and one Sentient Shipborn Anomaly? You get two aggravated Ryujin Operatives, one dead Ryujin Operative, something near an A.I. that just wants to live and… me. Face palming.
Sometimes I wonder how my life got so… so… I don't even have the words.
Whatever. Since I'm still technically a Ryujin Operative I used that to my advantage. Except these two chucklefucks want me to attach a circuit board to the ships computer so they can get control of the A.I. … I can already see where this is gonna go. And I ain't about to let some shady ass corporation like Ryujin have… whatever the hell this is.
I spend some time conversing with Juno, the sentient… whatever she/it is. Another piece of old-Earth that became something entirely new. From some records I found around the ship it seems that Juno was initially sent out to survey Jupiter, report its findings, then terminate by flying in to the sun. Well, it missed the sun by a margin and instead got catapulted out in to the depths of space and somewhere along the way, the base code evolved and… now we have Juno. Who is very much… to me… a sentient entity.
The reports lean toward believing Juno to be lying when it says it does not feel emotion. There's even a whole log dedicated to how it formulates it's responses and what certain words it uses preceding speech mean.
I don't bother trying to persuade the two operatives. I just shoot them. Ryujin is a ruthless company. Juno deserves to live how it sees fit. I don't gel with the thought of enslaving anything.
Juno has questions. I try to steer it in the spirit of learning, doing good and exploring and finding its own path. We part ways.
I… need a break, man.
I make it to the planet where my bounty is supposedly holed up. I landed a ways away from the abandoned facility so I think I'm just going to take some time and relax. Get my head on straight. Lord knows its been pulled in all sortsa conflicting directions these last few days.
Starting to wonder if that's still me in the mirror, y'know?
Almost makes me want to drink.
End log.
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donaldsonfarms · 1 year
A saga of our struggles: Our Quest Amidst Chaos
Friends and Enemies! Lend us your ears! Gather 'round and let us spin you a tale of epic proportions! 
Picture this: two lone warriors, dressed in Hospice-shop hand-me-downs, nails gritty with the grease of a thousand vehicles, hands scarred from endless new battles of resurrection of iron beasts, eyes bloodshot from the exhaust fumes and the late nights, and endless cups of double-shot coffees ('tis the only luxury we have afforded ourselves), armed with a spark (...plug?) of determination, battling the odds in a land rife with chaos and soaring tensions (holy shit! wtf is going on? #TAXIS #TAXES # TATERTOR - RIP little fella - you were a brave one). Those warriors; my friends, my foes; are none other than Craig, The Resilient and Sonnet, The Stormbringer!
Now, we've never backed down from challenges, oh no - our mottos: 
"bring it on", 
"is there going to be coffee?", 
"we'll sleep when we're dead"
(ok, so, that hits a little close to home right now - a nod to both Hugh and Shannon - both whose recent deaths came a little too soon), 
"holy fuck, were you not happy with the deal the scrapyard offered you?"
(ok - so, we successfully rebuild completely scrapped vehicles - those ones that they dredge up from the bottom of Durban harbour)
Our quest? To empower ourselves and those of us that are playing life's game in uber hard mode (those of us born with a disability - disclaimer: not all disabilities are physical or even visible - especially those dorks that park in the handicap bay at PNP without a "I am disabled" sticker - shame) and to revolutionize the auto-electrical realm. We want to buy a business and we want to offer training for new little sparkplugs - Why? because we can, we have the necessary qualifications, we have the experience, we have the drive to do this, and we have the balls (well, you know what we means - no reference to anyone's body bits) The business is a longstanding, functional, profitable and up scalable venture in the Western Cape, and it is right opposite a coffee shop (jeeshlike! how can people not see this amazing investment opportunity!!!) (We're just short of the money)
A noble cause, you say! Well, hold your horses, for this journey has been no walk in the park.
You see, dear readers, The Financial Fortresses (aka the South African banks) — declared us unworthy of their aid. Apparently, we don't quite meet their lofty requirements. But fear not, for we will stand tall! The tempestuous winds of uncertainty may blow, but we remain resolute, a beacon of hope amidst the storm.
Ah, the realm of investments, angels, venture capitalists! A treacherous terrain indeed. With tensions running high, investors shy away like startled rabbits. But let me tell you, we're not going to be daunted by such antics. Our purpose burns brighter than a thousand suns, and #wearestaying, we cannot afford to emigrate. Friends, life's necessities have become more elusive than our damned 10" socket itself. The cost-of-living skyrockets, and luxuries? Well, those are but a distant memory. We've even bid adieu to sugar—yes, sugar! (The horror!). Therefore, we are left with no option but to "BYT VAS" and dig in our 2nd hand Hospice-shop heels and create a future for those who have not been afforded the chance.
Amidst this chaotic tapestry, our mission remains clear: disabled youth, ordinary folks like you and me, fellow lovers of coffee, fellow technicians suffering the same curse as us (losing the 13 spanner, the 10 socket) yearn for a chance—a chance to prove their mettle and to thrive. It's a bumpy ride, but the path is worth every twist and turn. The dream of a vocational training centre for these brave souls ignites our heart with an indomitable fire. 
So, let's rally together, like a band of knights on a noble quest! Join us, fellow coffee enthusiasts, as we break the shackles of convention and make a difference. With your support, we'll flip the script, craft our own destiny, and emerge victorious in a world that often seems like a circus of absurdity. Let's be the change, our friends, our enemies; and prove that even in the most chaotic of times, we can create a symphony of hope, resilience, and yes, we can add a sprinkle of sheer luxury. Onward, brave souls, to a future, brighter than the (ever elusive) 10 socket. 
Donate Now!
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agrestenoir · 7 years
things i’m thankful for
so I know that thanksgiving has passed for me, but there were a few shoutouts I wanted to give to certain people who mean a lot to me, and I couldn’t go long without saying something. So here’s just a short list of some people I really appreciate.
To @agermanshepherdpatronus and @thatcrazybookwyrm: you guys mean the absolute world to me. You’ve been with me through thick and thin and are some of the best friends I could ever ask for. I know I’ve been MIA for the last couple of months as life picks up, but it’s thanks to you guys that I am where I am today. You’re so important to me, and I hope you know that. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. You two have changed my life forever, so now you’re gonna be stuck with me till the end, okay? I hope you get all the wonder and happiness you deserve because you guys have given me the world, and I want to give it you in return. Never change, and keep those hearts of gold always shining. I love you, Oz & MG. <3
To @nebulousrose (Honnah): I know you deactivated, baby, but you’re still a star in my sky, and I hope you know that. I always look back on our messages we’ve shared over the years and I hope you know how much you mean to me. At one point in time, you were the only person who could make me smile, and you always saw the best in me. Someday I hope I can become the person you always believed I was. <3 Love you, darling. I’ll see you on Facebook and Snapchat if I ever get my ass on there and be active.
To @perfectlyrose and @dimensionhoppingrose and @nottheopera and @skyler10fic and @tinyconfusion and @chocolatequeennk and SO MANY OTHER blogs and content creators. [This is Erin/atimelordswife, I just realized I posted this on the wrong blog]. I’ve followed a lot of you for years, and you’re all so wonderful and ridiculously talented. It’s been an absolute privilege to watch you all grow. And I KNOW there’s a bunch of people I’m forgetting because you fuckers keep changing your URLs and I can’t keep up. I’m a 22 year old college student in a long term relationship with her coffee cup, so please please bear with me. Regardless, I love you all and thank you for blessing me with your content and wonderful blogs. 
To @breeeliss: You’re too wonderful for words, and I am so happy I met you! You’re so accepting of me and so encouraging and supportive. You’re also god-spanking talented, like I can’t sometimes because I’m in awe of your skills? You’re one of the people I go to when I need to smile because you’re so fucking hilarious, and you’re so entertaining and fun to talk to. Like I’m so blessed that we’re friends? Thanks for putting up with me, Gabie <3 
To @stardusted: You’re another person I’m so happy I got to know. You keep me on my toes and always make me laugh. You are such a wonderful person and friend, and I am so appreciative of you. Also I know you’re gonna make it big someday with your raw talent and the passion you put in everything you do. You’re one of the best people I know, and I just want the best for you <3 Thanks for putting up with me too, darling! I know I can be a handful.
To @flusteredkeith: You are one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. You are always there to listen to me scream and your fics hurt me in such a good way. As a person, you always make me smile, and I love talking to you. The heart you put into your work and thoughts always shines through. You make me fall in love with things [Sheith], which is a very powerful tool. I just love your gusto for the things you love. You’re also so fucking supportive and there for me when I need it, and I just love, love talking to you. I’m so glad I know you, J <3 Thanks for everything!!!
To @miraculousstorytelling: CLAIRE, MY PASTRY, MY EASY-BAKE OVEN. You keep me on my toes, you make me laugh, your zest for life and your kindness and heart are just some of the most amazing things about you. I love your compliment wars, I love your writing because dear GOD do you have a tendency to break me, I love your passion and effort that you put into things. And your passion for people and you’re just... I love everything about you, Pastry Puff, and please never change. You’re always there for me, you’re so encouraging and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve ever done for me. You deserve the world, babe. <3 Thank you.
To @panda013: PANDABEAR. You are one of the most talented people I know, you’re so good at everything you do, like it’s not fair how good you are. You’re so hard working and your strength is a thing of beauty. I admire you in everything you do, how you approach life, and I know things can be rough at times, but I always know you’re gonna pull through and be wonderful. You’re destined for amazing things, Panda. I believe in you so much, and thank you for always being there for me <3 People like you give me a reason to smile!
To @ladyserendipitous: My muse, the story voice, O, the Mom of the Server. You are literally the voice of reason sometimes, and I hope you know how appreciative I am of you. You always make the best comments and are fucking hilarious, but you are also the realist I need to be because I have a tendency to be jump off walls a lot. You’re an anchor to a lot of people, and I really admire you. Plus you’re like super good at writing, and I love your work, and more people need to read them. Thank you for always being there, for having the best ideas, and just being awesome in general. I aspire to reach your level someday!
To @megatraven: You are the epitome of sunshine on a rainy day, the gold at the end of the rainbow, the world does not deserve you. You are literally the kindest person I have ever met, the most supportive and encouraging, and even though you can be a walking shitpost of your icons sometimes, all it does is make me throw my head back in laughter. You deserve the whole world, you deserve all the happiness. From treadmills to bees, from Melon Rodeo to Meggi, you are a shooting star. I love you, I adore you, thank you for everything <3 ALSO YOUR FUCKING WRITING KILL SME THANK YOU.
To @sadrien: What can I say about this incredibly talented person? Your stories give me life, your IRL stories give me life, you’re incredibly awesome in general. You’re so wonderful and kind, and I am so happy I met you. I wish you only the best because you deserve all of it, and just thank you so much for the laughter? The kindness because I don’t think you have a mean bone in your body? I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, Tea, and keep being wonderful because the world needs more people like you! <3 Thanks for putting up with my dramatic ass.
To @zoenightstars: I know you don’t use Tumblr, but for when you ever come online and hopefully see this, just know that I love and appreciate you. Your passion for the things you do, your talent that knows no bounds, your smarts and snarkiness are things I struggle to keep up with. I know college applications are draining, but I firmly believe that you’re gonna go on to do great things. You’ve got the passion and the drive and will to go far, and I can’t wait to see where life takes you. Thanks for always being there to make me smile!
To @ninoirs: you are a bubbly, accident-prone smol that we all must protect. Literally, I don’t know how you’ve made it almost eighteen years. But like they say, the best things come in small packages, and Rey, you’re a blessing, honestly. Ridiculously talented, so bright and brilliant, and just so amazing at everything you do. You’re so supportive, so much fun, and thank you for putting up with me. You’re honestly so wonderful, Rey Rey. (And your boyfriend is cool too). 
To @amillionsmiles: I literally just started to get to know you, but you’re still incredibly talented. Also it’s kind of scary how good you are. I have always been a fan, and you fucking slay me with everything you do. You’re gonna do great things, I firmly believe that. Thanks for always breaking my heart and putting it back together <3
To @adribug: You’re too smart for words, too brilliant to measure, and your graphics fucking kill me, so thanks for that. You’re just a bubbly person, and your personality shines in everything you do. I love talking to you, you’re so much fun. Thank you for being awesome, thanks for dealing with me, and thanks for just being yourself. You’re amazing, and I know you’re gonna do awesome things <3
To @larvesta: the lady who can sometimes be my twin and who is so fucking talented that her art has legit made me cry. You are one of those people I couldn’t have been happier to meet, and you are so fucking amazing. Your talent knows no bounds, your kindness has no measure, and you are just so... ASKSDGHLGD That’s all I can say, Liv. Thank you for putting up with me, for your endless support, and for being so incredible. I love you ;3
To @miracujess: you’re a walking meme and shitpost. Like I can’t with you, Jess??? You’re fucking hilarious, so incredible, so entertaining and fun. Like I can depend on you to put a smile on my face when I need it, and to be so genuinely awesome that you make me cry. Thank you so much for everything. The world deserves more people like you who are the embodiment of sunshine. 
To everyone else at @mlfanfiction: you guys have become my second family, literally. You’re all so supportive and wonderful and fucking awesome. Thank you for putting up with me, for being there for me, for the support and encouragement. For being so talented and giving me people to look up too. To Erica, Teal, Rae, KC, Kiwi, Sarah, Maha (I can’t fucking remember your TUMBLR URLS SO IM GONNA GET YOU ALL IN VERSION 2.0; I’m sorry it’s literally 10:30 PM at night. I can’t be on top of everything now, especially when I’m on break from school). You guys are so fucking talented and I weep tears when I talk to you or read your stuff. Thanks for the laughs, for the snarks, for the kindness, for making the good days the absolute best. <3 
To everyone at @queermiraculous: thanks for giving me a place I can be myself. Thank you to all the people I’ve met, all the friends I’ve made, I’m too tired to list you cause there’s a fuck ton. You’re all so supportive and encouraging and fun, and I just wish you the best.
To everyone at the MLArtist server that @larvesta runs: You guys are so talented, so supportive and so encouraging. Thank you for giving me a place to learn and grow as an artist, and just for being some of the best people I’ve ever met.
To everyone I didn’t mention, thank you! If I’ve talked to you even once, you belong on this. But I’m a 22 year old college student married to her coffee cup, it’s 10:30 PM, and I’ve gone 26 hours without sleep. Please bear with me. Just thank you for everything, your support and encouragement, acceptance, talent, your passion, your strength, just everything. You all mean the world to me, and I can’t thank you enough.
Just thank you all my followers as well. <3 I don’t know how you got here, but you deserve so much. Thanks for putting up with me. <3
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graniairish · 3 years
Love of an Irish heart 04 - Friend or foe?
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Paring: Kelly Severide x Female Reader
Summary: You and Kelly are at the beginning of something new. You were happy. No one would ever stand in the way of your happiness ... right? ... or maybe not?
Warnings: intrigue, alcohol
A/N: English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Series Masterlist previous chapter
Tag-List: @iamasimpingh0e
This Sunday was wonderfully sunny again. The whole family has always come together every Sunday. There was always a lot to eat, to laugh about and to talk about. However, the whole thing has now degenerated into a small folk festival. After all, your siblings already had children.
The little ones romped around in your parents' garden while the adults talked about hurling. Although you were a huge pack by American standards, you would only have passed as a small family in Ireland.
The few hours of sleep you had were nowhere near enough. Now you got to your parents a bit crumpled up.
Unfortunately, you were a little late. You still hoped that your makeup would cover up last night's events well and that no one would see the dark circles under your eyes.
Everyone was sitting in the garden, your dad was taking care of the grill, and your mum was busy making sure everyone was fine and comfortable.
"Hi guys," you said when you came into the garden.
“Hey, you're late. Where have you been? ”Your brother wanted to know.
"Sorry, I must have overslept," you tried to apologize.
"Long night," Shannon wanted to know.
"Oh, I just slept badly somehow, I don't know."
You really tried not to let it show, but your big sister Shannon had known you for ages. So it was easy for her to interpret your embarrassed expression just right.
You may have slept badly, but you definitely didn't get to bed until after midnight, and it was definitely a man's fault. Shannon didn't mention that at first, though. Why should she? Sooner or later you'd tell her everything anyway.
All she had to do was be patient.
It was colorful, loud and funny in the garden. Everyone told what they were up to in the next week, and plans were made to fly to Ireland again to visit the grandparents and the rest of the relatives. You weren't really into it, though. Again and again your thoughts drifted to yesterday evening and this kiss.
You were smiling pensively when your niece, Kathy, suddenly pulled you out of your thoughts. She wanted to show you the new steps she had learned in the Irish Dance Academy. Apart from that, she wanted to know if you were ever going to take part in a competition again.
“I don't know,” you said with a laugh, “I think I'm getting too old for that. Apart from that, I haven't danced for more than two years. "
"But grandma told me you always won these competitions, aunt (Y/N/N)."
“I was fifteen then. I don't think I would have any great chances now. But I'll be happy to come to your next Feis and I will cheer you on, I promise. "
"Hey (Y/N/N) can you help me, please," you heard a voice from the kitchen and, helpful as you were, you made your way.
It was just before noon when the men of Rescue Squad 3 returned from a mission. Even if Kelly had only slept a few hours, he was less exhausted than he would have expected. His breakfast had only consisted of two cups of black coffee and now he was getting hungry.
Since Mills was accepted into the Rescue Squad, he has refused to do kitchen duty. Unfortunately, that meant that someone else was always responsible for the food at Firehouse 51.
Today it was Cruz's turn, and he was looking forward to trying one of his recipes again. But only he was looking forward to his creation. His cooking was, shall we say, not for the general taste and the rest of the firefighters longed for the delicate dishes that Mills had always served them. Even the smell that was wafting towards Kelly and the others wasn't exactly that good. The men of the Rescue Squad looked at each other in silence, wondering if they should really do this to themselves. Perhaps it would be better, and by far safer, to organize something to eat at the sandwich shop further down the street.
“Hey guys, I'm cooking you a Creole sausage stew with jalapeños and coconut milk. You'll be amazed at such a fine meal. "
"We can't wait, Cruz," said Kelly, rolling her eyes.
He quickly grabbed an apple and sat down with his colleagues from the Rescue Squad at their table outside by the trucks.
“Hey Lieutenant,” Capp began, “who was the redhead you disappeared with from Molly’s last night? New flame, or what? "
Kelly couldn't help but smile. It always happened to him when he thought about you.
"You would like to know that."
Without saying another word, Severide got up and went outside. His colleagues would almost certainly not stop interrogating him any further. He knew only too well how curious these men could be.
Sometimes they were real gossipers.
However, there wasn't really anything to talk about either. Except for that kiss, nothing really happened. Kelly had no idea what was going to develop out of it. That being said, he had never felt the way he felt about you before in his life.
Lost in thought, he pulled his cell phone out of the side pocket of his pants and stared at the black display.
Should he get in touch with you?
He had promised, but would that be wise? Wouldn't it look like he's chasing you?
What should he do?
Nothing like it had happened to him before. You had managed to turn his whole world upside down in a very short time. You changed him within four encounters. He would have tried to get any other woman to bed yesterday.
But it was different with you. He didn't want to rush anything .
"This girl seems to have got under your skin quite a bit."
Kelly hadn't noticed Casey standing next to him. The lieutenant of the Rescue Squad put the cell phone away again, smiling embarrassed and with slightly reddened cheeks.
"Seems so."
"And what are you going to do now?"
Kelly took a deep breath and stared lost in thought for a few moments.
“Frankly, I had absolutely no idea. I find myself in uncharted waters, so to speak. I've never felt like I did for (Y/N) before. "
Casey listened to his friend and just nodded understandingly.
“Do you have any advice for me? I mean, you clearly have more experience than me. "
Casey patted his friend on the shoulder with encouragement and a big smile.
"Listen to your heart."
"As simple as that?"
"As simple as that."
Kelly looked at his friend and colleague in silence, pondering his situation with you. But before Kelly could speak to Matt again, they heard Cruz calling everyone in 51 to eat. Casey pointed meaningfully in the direction of the kitchen.
"So much for the topic of unknown waters."
"Should we really dare to eat it?"
The two lieutenants went in laughing, after all, you had to set a good example.
The meal with your family had been fantastic, but more than enough to feed a small company of hungry soldiers. Once again you had eaten way too much and were sure that tomorrow you would easily weigh a kilo more.
Like every other Sunday you were in the kitchen with your sister doing the dishes. Your hands were soaking wet and full of soap when your cell phone started beeping.
Instantly your heart rate had increased. Could it be that he had just written you a message?
With slightly shaky hands, you dried your hands in a tea towel, and finally got your cell phone out of your handbag, which was on a chair in the corner.
When you saw who had just sent you a message, a big grin crept onto your lips.
> Cruz cooked today. Hope your food was better. I think of you - K <
"Tell me, sister, why have you been grinning like that all day?" Shannon asked you.
Startled by the sudden speech, you immediately put your cell phone back in your purse.
"I have no idea what you are talking about" you said and helped her dry the plates.
"Oh come on, (Y/N/N), there is something going on. I already know you when you were born. So spit it out. Who is it that makes you shine like that? Do i know him?"
As always, your older sister hit the nail on the head. You had never managed to hide anything from her before.
Actually, you didn't want to tell her about Kelly. What should you have talked about? Except for one kiss, nothing really happened. But there was no escaping Shannon's knowing gaze.
“I met someone,” you finally began, without stopping to dry the plates any further.
"What? Who? And when? How did that happen? Tell me! "
And so you told her everything. From your first meeting at Molly’s, the rescue from the office, the reunion in the park and finally from yesterday evening. Your sister was hanging on your lips as if you were prophesying the lottery numbers for the next drawing.
“Ah, so our little (Y/N/N) met a knight in shimmering armor. Could it be that you fell in love?"
Her voice had turned into a slight singsong. You knew that Shannon was happy for you. Still, your sister couldn't help teasing you a little.
And that's exactly what she did. In a matter of seconds, the color of your face turned a deep red. Now you couldn't really deny it anymore. Your reaction was just too clear.
"Well, first of all, he's not a knight in shimmering armor," you said defiantly.
"Okay, then someone in a sooty firefighter uniform," Shannon teased.
"And second," you had meanwhile raised your finger threateningly, "I certainly haven't fallen in love."
"Oh yes? Are you sure about that too, little one? Because judging by the color of your face ... "
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Honey, it's me. You know you can tell me anything So out with it, did you fall in love with this Kelly?"
"No ... yes ... I don't know, I don't know him well."
"But then so good to make out with him in front of your apartment," Shannon said smugly, "believe me, every blind person can see what's going on inside you!"
You looked out the window pensively as you nibbled your lower lip. Maybe your sister was right.
Maybe you really fell in love with Kelly.
The days and weeks that followed passed by in a flash. You and Kelly met almost every night. You just enjoyed each other's presence. This tender, almost shy kiss had meanwhile become many.
And even if you both had one or the other wild make-out session, you hadn't taken the last step yet. You didn't know him well enough to let him in your bed.
Kelly hadn't tried to lure you into his bed either. He took the advice Casey had given him and listened to his heart.
That told him that you two had all the time in the world and absolutely nothing to rush into.
It was friday. Kelly was on shift and you hadn't come out of your office in ages again. You were absolutely exhausted and just wanted to end the evening comfortably with your friends.
You wanted to meet them in your local pub downtown. The Flanagan's. As a precaution, you decided to take a taxi today. You knew your friends and if the evening went as usual, no one would be able to drive in a few hours anyway.
Frankly, you felt guilty for neglecting them so much in the past few weeks. You would certainly have to endure one or two comments today. But you were lucky.
After you volunteered to pay the first two rounds, your friends were ready to overlook your unfaithfulness to them.
You were in the process of discussing the results of the latest hurling game when Susan unexpectedly sniffed in.
"Hey guys, how are you?"
"Good thank you. And you? Aren't you trying to seduce firefighters tonight?” Your best friend Lucas wanted to annoy her.
He still apparently hadn't gotten over the fact that she'd dropped him after a few weeks just to make out with a firefighter.
"No, you can't hang out there every evening."
Lucas rolled his eyes while Susan got one of these colorful cocktails. However, she just couldn't help it and quickly flirted with the bartender before joining your group again and standing next to you.
"Oh (Y/N/N), before I forget, I'm really sorry it didn't work out with your guy," she said, so softly that only you could hear.
"What do you mean?"
You looked at her inquiringly.
A queasy feeling was building up in your stomach, and your breathing was getting faster and shallower.
Confused and also a bit scared you looked into Susan's eyes, who gave you a sad dog look.
What was that supposed to mean?
What was going on here ?
"Well, I was back at Molly’s yesterday and I saw him at the bar with such a cute blonde. The two seemed to get along really well, if you know what I mean. "
You actually wanted to meet Kelly in the bar yesterday. But you had to work longer and then you preferred to go home to catch up on some sleep.
“They also disappeared together,” she continued, “and this morning when I happened to pass firehouse 51, I saw them again. Together. Guess what else I found out. "
Susan paused meaningfully and then went on with a smug tone in her voice.
“Because I'm such a good friend, I asked around a bit: You won't believe what I've learned. The two live together. For ages ... well ... I'm really sorry for you, but apparently you were just a little distraction for this firefighter. "
You felt sick instantly and felt like you were about to throw up. You couldn't believe it. What were you getting yourself into? The heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
It really seemed too good to be true.
Why should such a gorgeous man be interested in a gray mouse like you?
Without further ado you empty your glass in one go and put it back on the counter.
"Hey, are you okay, (Y/N/N)?", Lucas wanted to know, "You're suddenly pale as a sheet!"
Immediately he was at your side and protectively put his arm around your shoulder. He had never seen his best friend like this before. What did Susan whisper to you that threw you so off the rails?
"I'm not doing so well. I'll call a taxi and go home, will you pay for me, please? "
"Yes, of course, should I come with you?"
He was always so caring. Ever since you met him at the age of twelve.
"No thank you. It's okay. "
With these words you left Flanagan's and drove home. But you couldn't get a minute of sleep that night. For hours you lay on your bed and cried bitter tears.
What have you been to Kelly? A distraction?
Why did you fall for him?
The next day you felt even more miserable than the night before. That bad feeling in the pit of your stomach was not gone either. You just felt sick. You didn't meet your friends for a run either.
As if all life had been sucked out of you, you lay on the couch and thought about what you had learned yesterday.
Was it all just a lie between Kelly and you?
When your cell phone rang, you already knew from the ringtone who was trying to reach you. But you didn't want to hear from him. You didn't want to talk to him.
Never again.
Kelly had tried to contact you again and again. But you never answered your cell phone and each of his calls ended up in your voicemail. Confused, he looked at the clock. It was just before noon.
Were you still running with your friends?
He paced up and down nervously. After what happened at Molly’s on Thursday, he urgently wanted to talk to you. He couldn't and didn't want to risk that you would find out about this incident through the rumor mill.
He wanted to talk to you about it himself. After all, he didn't want any secrets from you.
"Hey Kelly, are you okay?"
Shay was worried about her best friend. She had never seen him like this before. Maybe he shouldn't have waited until after his shift to speak to you.
"I can't reach (Y / N)."
“Now don't worry, she may just have forgotten her cell phone at home. She'll call you back. "
"Do you think?"
Shay just nodded, she had seen the two of you together. What was between you two was clearly love. Nothing and nobody could get in the way.
On the other hand …. the devil never sleeps.
next chapter
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tuiccim · 4 years
Brassy (Part 4)
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Pairing: Loki X Reader,  Bucky X Reader
Words: 1881
Warnings: Language, PTSD, Smut (18+, NSFW), Casual sex, some angst
Summary: You’re in a friends with benefits situation with Loki and some of the other Avengers aren’t happy with the arrangement. Reader and Bucky finally have it out. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
You rode Loki until you exhausted yourself. A while later you felt him shift out of the bed. You grab his wrist and say, "Stay."
"What?" He says surprised.
"Are you certain?"
"On one condition." 
"Name it, darling "
"Wake me up fucking me."
"My pleasure." 
You smile into your pillow and fall asleep.
As promised, you wake up spooned against Loki as he slowly works himself into you from behind. His left arm curled under you playing with your breast and his right hand making slow circles around your clit. "Ohhh…yes." you breath as the pleasure washes over you. Loki continues his ministrations at a leisurely pace while whispering in your ear. "Is this what you wanted, my darling? Hmmm...you're so tight. So perfectly tight. Ohhh. So wet for me, my darling…"
The feeling of his breath on your ear, his hands swirling their magic around your breasts and clit, and the steady rhythm of his cock moving in and out of you drive you to the edge. Your release is strong and prolonged as Loki never pauses from his duties. When he finally succumbs to his own release, you're spent. Eventually, you turn to face Loki. You lean into him for a kiss, saying, "In answer to your question. Yes, that was exactly what I wanted." You say with a soft giggle. 
Loki smiles. "Am I being kicked out now?" He asks half-jokingly. 
"When do you have to go back?" You ask. 
"Spend the day in bed with me, then." You grin winningly. "Unless you think you'll be bored."
"Not if you're in it with me." Loki pulls you to him and begins nibbling along your collarbone. You hum contentedly and smile knowing the day will be spent pleasurably. 
That afternoon you and Loki were sitting on your bed eating the lunch you had brought from the kitchen. 
“How come you didn't fall in love with me?” Loki asks.
“Oh, god, where is this coming from?” You say rolling your eyes.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’m just curious.”
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Tony last night. I’m not the fall in love kind.” You say.
“What does that mean?” Loki  queries.
You shrug. “It means I don’t fall in love.”
“Nope. Just, I don’t know, Loki. I feel emotions. I just don't fall in love.” You paused. “Besides, like I said, I’d hate you if you weren’t so good in bed.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” He grins.
“True. You are rather fun. I’m glad we’re friends.” You say in a rare moment of transparency. 
“With benefits?” Loki says with a smirk. 
“Hell, yeah.” You laugh. 
Before Loki left that evening he looked at you and said “Next time?” as he always does. 
“Look forward to it.” Your rote response. 
You are glad to have him as a friend. Loki didn’t judge. You could laugh, make mischief, or just be quiet together. You didn’t have to worry about his emotions running away from him either. You understood each other. Loki made things easy. And that’s the way you liked things.
Sunday morning you, Natasha, Clint, and Sam were sent on a two day mission. Nine days later, you all returned worse for wear but having accomplished your mission. Clint and Natasha helped Sam to the infirmary for some stitches. You went looking for Steve to check in. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., where’s Cap?” you ask. 
“Captain Rogers is in the training room.” F.R.I.D.A.Y replies. 
You see Steve and Bucky sparring as soon as you walk in. You watch them for a minute and then yell out, “On your six!” distracting Steve and giving Bucky the upper hand. Steve’s back slams onto the mat and you chuckle despite your exhaustion. 
“Really, (Y/N)?” Steve rolls to his feet.
“Payback for the shit mission we got.” You counter.
“Everyone okay?” Steve looks at you with concern. 
“Sam’s getting a small gash on his leg stitched up but that’s about it. Intel we gathered has been uploaded. I’m going to bed.” You start to turn. 
“Rest well.” Steve says. Bucky stayed silent for the entire exchange.
“K, thanks.” You say as you walk away not bothering to turn back. You take a hot shower and hit the sack. 
You awake from a nightmare with a start. 3am. You just want more sleep, but knowing it to be futile you decide to head to the kitchen. Your stomach feels absolutely empty and you still feel drained from the mission. It hadn’t been an easy one physically or mentally. You’re nearly finished making a sandwich when Bucky walks in. 
“Hey.” you say and turn back to your sandwich. 
“Hey.” he says back and goes to the fridge.
“Want a sandwich?” You ask, unsure why you’re offering to make one for the asshat.
“No...thanks.” He says and you see him start to leave. 
Setting down the knife and taking a deep breath, you say quietly, “What did I do wrong?”
“What?” Bucky turns back to you. 
“What did I do wrong?” You say a little louder. 
Bucky stares at you but says nothing. 
Frustrated you say, “I’ve wracked my brain. Gone over every discussion and interaction we have had and I can’t figure it out. What did I do to you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turns to leave.
“Bullshit, Barnes! There has to be some reason you hate me!” You say vehemently. He just keeps walking and your temper gets the best of you. Grabbing your half drunk water bottle, you hurl it at him hitting him square in the back. “Talk to me!”
“Did you throw a water bottle at me?” Bucky says in disbelief. 
“You’re lucky it wasn’t the knife, Asshat.” You counter.
“You’ve lost your mind!” Bucky yells.
“Why do you hate me so much?” You holler back. 
“I DON’T!” He screams. 
“YES, YOU DO!” You scream back.
You stare at Bucky confused. “Why who?... You mean, Loki?” 
"He's using you."
"What? No he's not."
"Yes, he is. He doesn't love you."
"I don't love him. It's not like that."
"What?" Bucky looks at you in shock.
"Loki and I are not together. We're just friends with benefits." 
"What the hell are friends with benefits?" Bucky says.
"Fuck buddies. A mutually agreed on arrangement between friends to include sex with no strings and no emotions." You explain. 
Bucky gapes at you, "And you don't care what that makes you?" 
Your blood runs cold. "What that makes me?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." Bucky backpedals.
"You think there's a name I haven't been called? I was a runaway at 14. How the fuck do you think I fed myself?" You say venomously. "Men used me my entire life. And now that I am the one that says when and who and where, I'm supposed to dress it up with hearts and flowers. Fuck. That. I'll do who and what I want."
"That's not what I meant." Bucky says. 
"What did you mean?" You glare at him.
Bucky looks at you and his face softens. "I meant you deserved better. You should be loved."
"Some of us aren't meant to be loved." You turn to go back to the kitchen but Bucky grabs your hand. 
"Everyone is meant to be loved. You are meant to be loved." Bucky says quietly. 
"No. I'm not." You say pulling your hand away. 
"Why would you say that?" Bucky pushes.
"Because I'm not someone people love. I'm not someone anyone loves. I never have been." You explain.
"That's not true." Bucky says.
"Look, Bucky, I know most people grow up with people who love them. But I didnt. I don't deserve love and I don't need it." You finish making your sandwich. 
"You're wrong." Bucky turns you around to face him. "God, (Y/N), you're so wrong. You deserve love. You deserve everything."
"You have to see the irony that the guy who hates me is the one telling me I should have love." You scoff.
"I don't hate you." Bucky says.
"Coulda fooled me." You said.
"I was jealous." He confesses. "I was angry you were with Loki."
"Why?" You say, genuinely confused. "Because I wasn't sleeping with you?"
"Because I like you, (Y/N)!" Bucky says exasperated. "You're smart and funny and beautiful and strong." 
For a moment you're stunned speechless. You couldn't meet his eyes any longer and looked away. "Don't, Bucky. Don't like me. I'm not the fall in love type. I'm not...I'm not worth your time."
"Can't I be the judge of that?" He asks.
"You don't know anything about me. And if you did, you wouldn't ask that. My past is not pretty." You say.
"I was a brainwashed Hydra assassin. I've got a pretty sketchy past, too."
Bucky puts his hands to your lips to stop you. When you finally look up to meet his eyes, he moves his hands to frame your face. "I don't know anything about you? On mission, you are always willing to take the shittiest job to spare anyone else. You bake treats for everyone all the time and know what everyone's favorite food is and how they take their coffee. You go out of your way to help others. You never leave a room without asking if anyone needs something. You go shopping and come back with nothing for yourself but little gifts for everyone else. You always have a joke at the ready but an apology on your lips the minute you think you've offended someone. You have the mouth of a sailor on you but the minute a kid or old folks are around you are the most charming person on the planet. You want everyone to see the brash facade you put up but you wear your heart on your sleeve without even realizing it. Whatever is in your past, is your past. We all make shit decisions in life. The person I see, she's amazing. And she is worthy. And she deserves love. She deserves everything."
You stare up at him and whisper, "I don't see her."
"She's right here. She offered to make this total 'asshat' a sandwich just because he walked in the room. Even though he's been a complete jerk to her."
"Well, Steve always calls you jerk so I figured it was your default." 
"There's that humor I mentioned." He stares into your eyes. "Give me the chance to prove you deserve love."
"I'll hurt you." You say shaking your head.
"You're scared. I'm scared, too. We can go as slow as you need." Bucky caresses your jaw.
"I don't know how to do this." You say.
"Let's start by being friends. We'll figure it out as we go." Bucky smiles at you. 
You look at him wondering how the hell this just happened but somewhere deep inside you felt a kernal of joy spring forward. Part of you wanted to believe you did deserve everything he was saying. The other part was screaming that this was a trick and you were an idiot.
Bucky can see the war going on inside you. "Gimme a chance, Doll. Please." 
You smile at him. "So...you wanna sandwich, asshat?" 
Part 5
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spicymayo1983 · 3 years
Hiya. The movie Inside Llewyn Davis is one of my favorite movies of all time. Oscar Isaac was brilliant in it, the movie definitely had it's funny and really dark moments.
You are a young waitress and folk music aficionado working at The Gaslight Cafe in Greenwich village.
You see Llewyn Davis in there frequently and have become one of his biggest fans.
You genuinely admire him for his talent first, but the fact that he happens to be nice looking is a bonus.
You offer him your couch to crash on for a few days.
That's when things begin to heat up a little between you, and you begin to wish that Llewyn was in your bed instead.
Will you get your desire fulfilled?
Warnings, the usual from me. Lol. Not for anyone under 18, light drug use, unprotected sex.
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It's another busy weekend for you. You are a waitress at The Gaslight Cafe, a hotspot for folk musicians in the 1960's to showcase their talents.
Llewyn Davis is performing tonight, and as usual his smooth voice makes it difficult for you to concentrate on your job and you are making a few mistakes.
Your coworkers tease you about this, a lot, you brush it off and attempt to wait tables.
Almost like it was fate you are wrapping up your shift that evening when you happen to bump into Llewyn at the back of the busy Cafe.
You eavesdrop on his rather tense conversation and from what you gather he needs a place to crash for a few days.
"I have a nice little studio apartment not far from here". You volunteer, smiling a little. "You are welcome to my couch for as long as you need it".
"Do I know you?" Llewyn replies with a slight laugh.
"No, not at all, my name is y/n and I'm a huge fan, I listen to you every week". You reply, your face feeling a little flush.
"Sit down next to me, y/n". Llewyn tells you with a sweet smile, his dark eyes lighting up. "I need to know more about you".
The two of you talk for what feels like hours. He learns that you are 22, a political science student at NYU from somewhere in the Midwest. Your childhood was safe, mundane and sheltered. This is your first time being on your own and at times being so far away from home feels lonely.
You leave the Cafe together and walk the few short blocks to your tiny but brightly decorated and clean 1 bedroom brownstone apartment.
"You're welcome to anything you want in the fridge". You explain with a cheery smile as you hand him an extra blanket and pillow. "The bathroom is down that hall, and I'm a deep sleeper so you don't have to worry about waking me up".
"You are an absolute saint". Llewyn tells you, smiling faintly. "How can I ever repay you?"
"Don't worry about it". You reply, smiling a little. "Consider it a gift from a fan".
As usual you fall asleep quickly. The next morning you are awakened by the sound of a guitar strumming and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. You throw a robe on and head into the living room.
You stand in the doorway and silently admire him from afar. Even in rumpled clothing Llewyn is simply a feast for the eyes. His deep brown eyes and wild curly hair just kind of draw you in.
The sight of him calmly strumming his guitar is arousing to you in a simple way.
"Good morning, I hope you slept well". You greet him with a slight smile.
"No complaints here". Llewyn replies with a slight laugh. "You have the most comfortable couch in the village".
You have another delightful conversation over a bowl of cereal. You can't help but feel like there's some chemistry between the two of you.
Over the next couple days you settle into a happy little routine with your houseguest. You hate to see him leave so soon.
You share your hopes and your fears with him, he is comfortable enough to share happy and deeply sad things with you.
It's wonderful to wake up to the smell of coffee and the sounds of Llewyn playing his guitar.
He has become a close friend. But you can still feel that chemistry and ache for it to be more.
Truthfully you want and desire him unlike any other man before.
You've had boyfriends from time to time since your arrival in the city but no true, meaningful relationships.
You are a modern woman of the 1960's, a bohemian, a beatnik.
It's been months since another human being has touched you, the desire building in your body felt like a painful ache.
The night before Llewyn is scheduled to leave the two of you spend it relaxing in your living room, listening to Woody Guthrie records and smoking pot.
You had scored from one of your classmates and were passing the pipe around and enjoying the music.
You were sitting next to him on the floor, stoned to the bone like he was.
You are relaxed and rest your head on his shoulder, with a deep sigh you confess quietly,
"I don't want you to leave".
"You're baked". Llewyn tells you with a laugh. "Noone wants me around for more than a few days, especially women".
Llewyn looks deeply into your eyes, his own lovely chocolate brown eyes look pained, haunted even.
They are also red from the excellent weed that you've been enjoying all night.
Without another word exchanged you share your first kiss together, a passionate, electric one.
"This feels right". Llewyn blurts out, closing his eyes and biting his lip a little. "You're so perfect".
His hand stealthily moves under your sweater and underneath your bra, he's playing with your breasts and you beg him not to stop.
You can feel yourself becoming physically aroused by his touch, the longer he continues the more you crave him inside of you.
The two of you end up in your bedroom, with a laugh he tumbles onto your soft bed and remarks,
"This sure beats the couch".
Llewyn helps you out of your clothing and you help him out of his, his thick, hard cock is ready for you.
His hands are all over your body, feeling, exploring, thoroughly enjoying every inch of your soft curves.
You are breathless from all the kissing and caressing, you've never been touched like this before.
Llewyn's hand travels between your legs, he gives your throbbing clit a gentle, teasing flick before he sinks two fingers into your tight hole.
You moan in delight and cum hard for him, without thinking, you aren't on the pill yet and he doesn't have a condom, he softly pushes himself deep inside you as you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Fuck, you're so warm, so wet, so tight". Llewyn moans, his eyes closing from delight.
You bury your head into his shoulder as he thrusts tenderly, gently into you, enjoying your warmth and tightness, and doing his best to prolong his own orgasm.
You run your fingers through his thick curly hair and breathe in his salty scent, the sex is passionate and primal.
When he does cum it's a big one, you can feel his seed shoot deep inside of you, the sheets are soaked in a mixture of your juices.
Exhausted you fall asleep in his arms. The next morning when you awaken you can still feel some of Llewyn trickling down your thighs.
You put on a robe and head out into the living room, Llewyn is sitting on your couch, his hair still messy from the night before and wearing only his underwear.
You sit down next to him, he looks at you, smiles a little and quips ironically,
"I hope you're not pregnant".
"What would make you think that?" You reply, laughing nervously.
"I've gotten two other women pregnant". He confesses, his smile fading. "I'm scared that you might be the 3rd".
"I could just get it taken care of". You reply matter of factly. "No big deal, I know where to go."
"But what if I don't want you to?" Llewyn replies, a look of complete sadness taking over his gorgeous face. "What if I don't want to leave?"
His words shocked you, and then you realize that over the past few days you have bonded with Llewyn unlike anyone else before him.
There seemed to be a deep connection, almost like one of the soul.
He's vulnerable to you, and to be honest you have no idea what to say next.
"You can stay as long as you want". You tell him, smiling a little. "But no more sleeping on the couch, I want you in my bed every night".
The end
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ryvswb · 5 years
@pandanoko01 Asked: Soooo, what are the freelancers, like Carolina and Washington doing? Are they with any other RWBY characters?
Washington, the camera zoomed onto his face: Oh Carolina and I? We've just been hanging here.
Washington, the camera zooming out, revealing that he and Carolina are in the middle of a city: Wherever "here" is.
Washington: Also what the heck is a "rew bee"?
Carolina, mildly annoyed: Focus Wash. We need to figure out where we are and how we ended up here in the first place. For all we know the Reds and Blues could be in the same situation as us.
Washington, with a sigh: I just hope they aren't causing too much trouble...
Caboose, inside the Blue base, putting a bowl of red powder in the microwave: This Hot Cheeto dust is not hot enough.
Blake, dropping her book and making a mad dash from the couch: CABOOSE NO THATS FIRE DUS-
Church, on the roof of Blue base as the floor under him lightly rumbles as an explosion is heard: *Sigh* Shella order a new microwave.
Carolina, in a reassuring tone as her and Wash walk around the city streets: You worry too much. I'm sure they're doing fine.
Washington, sarcastically: Yeah I'm sure they are.
Washington, stopping to look around: Hey are we lost? Cause I'm pretty sure we walked by this coffee shop three times by now.
Carolina, snaping back: No we aren't! You're just imagining things...
Washington, sassily: Oh. So am I also imagining the white haired girl with the long braid thats been judging us and staring at us like we're idiots everytime we walk by?
*Wash and Carolina turn to the coffee shop, revealing Weiss sitting by the front window inside, staring at them with an unamused expression*
Washinton: Cause she's making me very uncomfortable...
Carolina: *sigh* FINE. Lets go inside and ask the clerk for directions.
Weiss, taking a long sip of her coffee as Wash and Carolina walk into the shop: Are you folks lost by any chance?
Carolina, sacastically: Oh! How did tell?
Weiss: I've seen you walk by three time by now.
Carolina, turning to Washington as he snickers: Shut up.
Weiss, furrowing her brow: Do yooou, need my help? I'm also new to these parts but I know the way out of the city if thats what you're looking for?
Carolina: Well, we're actually looking for our friends.
Washington: A bunch of guys in armors kinda like ours. But in varying shades of red and blue.
Weiss, her eyes widening in surprise: Oh! Do you mean the Reds and Blues?
Washington and Carolina in unison: You know them!?
Weiss, pinching the bridge of her nose: For better or for worst, yes.
Carolina: Alright, were are they then?
Weiss, finishing her coffee: The Blues are still at their base, most of the Reds are with one of my friends at a pizza restaurant a few streets away.
Weiss, standing up and looking out the window: Its not that far from here I could guide you ther-OH SHIT!
Carolina, concerned: Whoa are you okay?
Weiss, dashing to the ladies restroom: Shitshitshitshit!
Washinton, facing away from the door as two figures walk in: What was that about? Must be some pretty bad coffee huh?
Carolina, looking past Wash at the two figures walking to the counter: Ummm...Wash? I don't want you to panic...but don't turn around.
Cinder, walking up to the cafe's counter with Tyrian in tow, an exhausted look on her face as she slams a list on the counter: Make me all of this. To go. Names are next to each order. Do not get mine wrong.
Cafe clerk, fearfully grabbing the list and turning to his work station, shaking like a leaf: Y-yes mam!
Washington, wispering in a worried tone: Carolina? Whats going on?
Carolina, wispering back: Shhhh! Just act natural!
Cinder, turning to Tyrian as the clerk makes her orders: You never gave me your order, do you want anything?
Tyrian, rubbing his hands together: I want to blood of my queen's enemies!
Cinder, in a tired tone: I only have 50 lien.
Tyrian, grabbing his scroll as it buzzes, answering it: Yeeeeeeeeees? Hm hm? Yes of course your grace. Goodbyyyye! *beep*
Cinder, exasperated: What does she want NOW!?
Tyrian, declaring loudly, causing Wash and the cafe clerk to flinch: Our GODDESS demands PIZZA!
Cinder, grabbing Tyrian by his coat: PIPE DOWN. We're supposed to lay low you imbecile!
Tyrian, prying Cinder's hands off his clothes while rolling his eyes: Yes yes yes, whatever you say. What kind of pizza do you want? Her grace told me to get enough for everyone.
Cinder, as she turns back to the counter to recieve a small cardboard tray with four paper coffee cups in it: All dressed with extra black olives.
Tyrian, mockingly pretending to vomit, as he walk towards the front door: BLUURRRRG!
Cinder, turning around and pointing at Tyrian as he leaves: Quiet you pineapple gobbler!
Cinder, turning back to the counter and taking a sip of the cup marked with her name, before throwing it at the wall behind the clerk causing him to scramble back to his work station: You forgot the CINNAMON!
Washington, wispering: Wow this lady is an asshole.
Cinder, turning to Wash and Carolina: What did you say!?
Washington, turning to Cinder, spesking nervously: Huuuh I said Wow I could go for some ashbrown! Hahaha...ha...
*The sound of glass breaking is heard, causing everyone to look outside through the front window, where Tyrian can be seen driving away in a car with a broken window*
Carolina: I...think your friend just committed a car theft...
Cinder, hiding her face in her hands in exasperation: I noticed.
Cinder, taking a sip a new cup thats shakilly handed to her by the clerk to make sure her coffee was done right, before slamming some lien on the counter, grabbing the other three cups and leaving: Ugh. Lets hope he doesn't commit too many felonies along the way...
Carolina, waiting for Cinder to be far away from the cafe before speaking: Well that could've been worst.
Washinton, sighing in relief: Lets hope we don't see these two freaks ever again...
Weiss, awkwardly poking her head out of the ladies restroom: Yeeeaaaaah...about that...
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readexplorerepeat · 7 years
Disney's Magic Kingdom: Travel tips
Magic Kingdom is everything you've imagined since you were a kid.  At least that's how I see it.  When we first walked through those doors (after passing a thorough security check) and you walk down Main Street U.S.A, at the very back your eyes spot the magnificence of Cinderella's castle...THE castle. The castle that is featured in the introduction to every single Disney movie you've ever seen.  That moment, was just priceless. 
We prepared, read, and planned our trip fairly well, however, there are things that we were glad we knew in advance and others that we wished we knew.  I put together a list of my favorite "must do" things and other tips that can help you navigate this world of magic.
Parking is a nightmare.  The parking lot is sooooooo huge that you can literally lose your car if you don't pay attention.  If you are staying in a Disney Resort, you will have complimentary transportation to the parks.  Use it! the buses are reliable and the monorail is fast.  The bus stops are easy to find and secure.  If you are not staying inside Disney, consider Uber or a taxi service like Mears.  
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Our first day at Magic Kingdom we decided to be there before the park opened so we had time to do everything we wanted to do.  Their opening times vary depending on the season, so make sure you check online or at your hotel for the weekly schedules.  The bus service picked us up at 6:45 a.m. and we got to the park a little after 7 a.m. for a 8 a.m. opening.  You go through security faster and get prime viewing for the opening show at the Cinderella Castle.
Get the Disney Experience App on your phone if you can.  It's free and it will help you navigate the parks via GPS location (it's great when you have to find a bathroom fast).  It will also allow you to view your fast pass itinerary and manage any reservations you have.  I recommend that you have a list of the rides you would like to ride and pick them in advance.  Remember, you can't possibly ride everything unless you are going to the same park multiple days.  So, plan ahead, use your fast passes wisely and don't get overwhelmed.  
One of the most magical moments while visiting Magic Kingdom was to see the fireworks at the end of the night.  They were absolutely beautiful and, well, magical.  I know that after a LONG day of walking, riding, walking, and more walking, you and the little ones will be exhausted...BUT please, believe me when I tell you...go to your hotel and take a nap in the afternoon and come back for the fireworks at night! You'll be glad you did.
Make your reservations in advance for Cinderella's Royal Table.  This was one of the best meals we had, not to mention it was super fun for the little one!  When you come in, you get to meet Cinderella herself and take a picture with her while you wait for your table.  When they call your name, they will escort your royal family up to the Royal table (this is all inside the iconic Disney Castle).  The room is spectacular.  You really feel as if you are in a real castle, dining with real royalty.  Once you are seated, the other princesses will come to your table to greet you, take pictures and sign your autograph book.  One by one, we met Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine, and Aurora.  It was fantastic.
Just delicious! Stop by Gaston's Tavern when you are in Fantasyland and order their giant, succulent cinnamon rolls.  You can share one or two with your group (they are big).  Don't forget some coffee! Even though this is a "tavern" it's still alcohol free.  Sorry folks.  
This is not really a ride, but I thought it was pretty great.  You are taken to this little island (literally) by riding on a raft (literally) across the river. Once there, you can take your time to explore on your own.  Get lost.  Yeah, simply get lost and imagine your own adventure.  There are several caves and secret passages to fuel your imagination to high speed.  Be brave and go across the barrel bridge, or simply just hang out and people watch while playing checkers and watching the riverboat go by.  
Everyone is always going to have different favorite rides, but for me, here's my list of favorites:
This ride was simply breathtaking, and just amazing.  It could be a little scary for small children, but if they can take seeing some ghosts and ghouls, do it! I waited since I was a child to do this ride, and it was everything I dreamed.
was really beautiful and magical.  You feel as if Tinker Bell for real gave you some pixie dust and you fly! You fly above London and towards Neverland.  Beautiful animations and special effects. Get fast passes for these as they fill out fast and lines are long, hours long.  
Obviously, you still have to check out the classical rides like:
 Splash Mountain
Definitely wear a rain poncho when riding this one! you'll thank me later!
 The Seven Dwarfs mine
A family favorite.  This is a trip down the Seven Dwarfs mine, where you can see them working, and singing merrily.  The movement and facial expressions of are lifelike, and you are transported to their world in a way you don't expected.  A combination of a somewhat fast roller coaster with the sweetness of Snow White's story.  You can actually see her dancing inside their house if you pay close attention at the very end!
Big Thunder Mountain
It's a Small World
Ever since I can remember, I've known the tune of "It's a Small World"...don't ask me why; so when I saw the line was slightly shorter than normal (it was late and raining... it's usually a couple of hours wait) we jumped in and enjoyed the ride.  It's a classic! yeah, the animated characters are obviously old and you can tell the ride has been there for many years, but it was absolutely beautiful.  A must do. 
 Mad Tea Party
Another spinning classic you can't leave without riding! I have to admit... the teacups are small to fit 4 people.  It was tight and spinning quite fast.  Next time, we'll do two per cup.
 Pirates of the Caribbean
You'll be surprise where you can spot Captain Jack Sparrow.  That guy is everywhere! have fun riding and searching for Jack.  It was actually very nice and well done.
 Space Mountain and of course, the Disney Railroad.  
Sorry folks, I didn't get a good picture of the train or Space Mountain.  But, my daughter loved both.  Space mountain is VERY fast, dark and goes around ... in space... or so it's supposed to feel.  Pretty nice thrill ride. The train is just a train that goes from station to station, slowly crawling it's way around the park.  
Tomorrowland was fun too, especially Monsters Inc Laughing Floor (yeah, I was chosen to speak up with the microphone while talking to a cartoon character on the stage... my daughter thought it was quite funny as my face turned tomato red), I also enjoyed Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress; a quiet little ride that takes you on journey throughout the decades of progress and how technology has evolved.
Oh I almost forgot! we LOVED dining at Belle's Castle and riding the little Mermaid Undersea Adventure. 
Although most things in Tomorrowland were OK, the Tomorrowland Speedway -where you ride the little go-carts and race other people- is NOT my idea of fun.  The whole place smells like smoke and burnt rubber, the carts are very difficult to control, and the pedal is very hard to press.  My whole body was hurting after riding that go-cart.  Wouldn't recommend it at all. 
 Overall, Magic Kingdom was fantastic.  Something that I wish everyone could experience at least once.  We were fortunate to visit when Christmas decorations had started in late November so we got to experience the extra magic...it was also Mickey's birthday! so it made it even more special.  
Tell me your tips and your favorites too! Please comment below. 
*** If you found this information helpful, please share it with your friends! 
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