phandroids · 10 months
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Polish Coffee Cake This recipe makes 3 deliciously simple yeasted coffeecakes. 1/4 cup warm water, 1 teaspoon salt, 1.5 cups white sugar, 10 cups all-purpose flour, 1/4 teaspoon orange extract, 1 cup butter, 2/3 cup white sugar, 10 eggs beaten, 2 packages active dry yeast, 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract, 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 3 cups milk, 1/2 cup butter cubed
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voddewijf · 10 months
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Recipe for Polish Coffee Cake Three deliciously easy yeasted coffeecakes can be made using this recipe.
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narwhalsarefalling · 2 years
can axolotls survive in a gallon bucket of sprite
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Yeah they can but you really shouldn't.
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reanimationstation · 11 months
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the seeming lack of content for coffeecake, ink edition, was recently brought up to me so CLEARLY i had to right that wrong IMMEDIATELY. also it was a great excuse to get to draw some of my favorite little guys kissing
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fehzsterr · 2 months
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befpre and after drinking liquid detergent 😔
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r0s13-r0w · 6 months
Someone…someone please draw this as chell and miss Pauling
Like Wheatley is the he or something idk
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steam-powered-chaos · 3 months
Melodical Songs
[This fanfiction takes place before the events of Bendy and The Ink Machine, and follows the relationship of Jack Fain and Sammy Lawrence. PERIOD TYPICAL HOMOPHOBIA, RACISM AND OTHER BACKWARDS VIEWS SEEN HERE, THIS FANFICTION IS SET IN THE 1910s-1930s, WARNINGS APPLY]
Date: July 26th 1912
Sammy Lawrence stood up from his spot on the bench, folding the newspaper under his arm, silently remarking on the amount of noise on aircraft’s that had been made recently, picking at his gloves slightly, shielding his eyes from the bright sun which was steadily setting in the sky, beginning to make his way to the nearest corner store to pick up some cigarettes, Chesterfield, of course, as that was all the rage with most. As he stepped towards the shop, his eyes flickered to meet the eyes of a homeless man, before returning back to his walking, dropping a dollar bill into his hat as he did so, ears pricking slightly at the sensitive tinkle of the bell as he opened the door of the store, wandering around it aimlessly before making a beeline towards the register, having picked up some cigarettes and a little sugary snack too. After he had payed, off he went, making his way towards his apartment as the sun drifted down towards the trees, kicking a rock along as he walked. He missed a lot of things from home, the grand piano, the dogs… the church, even if that was the reason he left in the first place. He lifted his head from his drudgerous thoughts at the sound of music, immediately steering off course to where a man was leaning against a wall, playing a fiddle and singing along, nodding thankfully at all who cared to flip a coin into his hat. Sammy didn’t move, staring at him transfixed, until he paused his playing, looking back at him with his head slightly tilted, before he smiled slightly, a little nervously, like he was in trouble. Sammy still didn’t move, frozen as he took in all his features. Dark skin, patched with white, and ruffled brown hair, messy at the top where his hat would usually sit, and the most dazzlingly dark grey-blue eyes he had ever seen.
“Can I help you sir?” The blonde haired man snapped back to life, startled, brushing himself down and shaking some… other thoughts away, stepping closer carefully. “You.. you play beautifully” He resumed his previous manner, becoming reserved once more and folding his hands behind his back. “Why, thank you!” The man grinned at him, making Sammy’s heart flutter a little, blinking his big brown eyes at him. He had a nice voice, this stranger, a little high in pitch, but also smooth with an accent he couldn’t quite place. Sammy finally seemed to realise he had been lingering for far too long, excusing himself and dropping twenty dollars into his hat and hurrying off, leaving Jack alone to think about the pretty rich boy who tipped him generously in a panic, chuckling to himself.
Date: December 14th 1918
The war had ended, and Jack was still working, of course, he would never get a break as he made his way towards his work, itching his moustache slightly. He hadn’t seen that quiet rich man in a while, although he had usually stopped by his corner to listen to him perform for money, usually leaving with his face flushed and his eyes low. Of course, Jack knew what that meant, a young man, struggling with his feelings for other men. Many such cases. Jack stripped into his uniform, if you could call it that, a skimpy little thing that hardly covered anything. Although, Jack supposed that was probably the point in the nature of his work. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy working like this, it could be enjoyable sometimes… but it certainly wasn’t his passion, although music wouldn’t feed him much after all, especially as Sammy’s visits became infrequent as the war raged on. He was older now, starting to become past his prime for his industry, and he could feel the pressure from those looking down his neck to get him to quit, but Jack planned to hold on, long as he could.
He walked into the dimly lit room, although he saw no sign of the usual objects that lay within it, no handcuffs, or rope, or even a gag in sight. His client must be new to this, of course, too shy to ask for anything too… out of the ordinary. He couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle, although it disgusted him the moment the noise slipped out of his mouth. Why should he laugh at another’s innocence? At another’s sweetness? They should be proud of being so brave, even if it was payed for. So Jack sat on the bed, all pretty, waiting patiently for his client. The door soon opened, and a familiar, gorgeous face came into view. Sammy, of course, looked confused, and quite frankly, extremely shocked when he spotted Jack, unable to stop his eyes from roaming his body, his face flushing a deep reddish colour, his eyes dropping to the floor respectfully. Jack strode over, lifting up his chin gently, brushing a lock of hair from him. “I wouldn’t have thought you to be the type Mr Lawrence… how much did you pay hm?” Sammy pressed his hands against Jack’s chest, leaving them lingering just a little bit too long as he pushed him away.
“I.. I only came to see you- not this I didn’t know-!” Jack stopped, his eyes going wide, before he chuckled and sat back down, patting the space beside him, Sammy following suite, looking at his hands. Jack smiled warmly at him, touching his shoulder. “Well, it’s nice to see you again… I’m assuming you couldn’t dodge the draft like I did?” Sammy shook his head, letting his gaze linger on Jack for a long moment, before he sighed, pressing something into his hand. A key. He glanced at Sammy, eyes shining slightly, before they narrowed, examining the key, as if expecting it to be a trick, dragging his thumb over the metal surface of the object. He looked back up at him, confused. “Look… Jack, I don’t know why you work like this- but I can’t stand to see you on the streets any longer, not if you’re my friend.. you don’t have to accept it right away, but please.. come with me tonight?”
Jack Fain paused, before he let his shoulders fall, and he smiled at him kindly, taking his hand and following Sammy back to his apartment, his new home.
Date: May 16th 1924
Another successful performance, Sammy thought to himself, making his way to the rooftop area Jack had found for them, their own secret little place to relax after a performance together, and do a little more, if the mood struck them. This night was… different, somehow, as the warm May breeze flowed through his golden hair, already streaked with slight grey despite being only a rather young man in his late twenties. He looked up, taking Jack’s beckoning hand from above as he led him to what he had created. A picnic, on the roof, the blanket held down by the basket and a few pale stones he had found, sitting down eagerly. Jack reached into the basket with a small smile, occasionally looking at Sammy, before pulling out a bottle of Chardonnay, much to the other’s surprise. He poured the two of them a glass each, smiling warmly at the sweet smile on Sammy’s face, rolling his eyes when it became playfully accusatory.
“How’d you get this?” He scooted a little closer to Jack, their fingers not quite touching, not yet anyway. Jack chuckled warmly, pressing a finger to his lips playfully, and, as Sammy gazed at the man he lived with, the man he played with almost every night, he realised something. He had fallen in love, and there was nothing he could do about it. Dread began setting in. What would his parents think? They’d accuse him of being a sin, they’d disown him, saying he was a scourge on their good name, that he could never truly be a good man, that he was damned. But as Sammy Lawrence stared into Jack Fain’s eyes, none of that seemed to matter as he leaned forward, cupping Jack’s cheek with one hand, kissing him. Jack kissed back, steadying his hands against Sammy’s back, pulling away with a smile. Sammy’s face fell, it was clear Jack thought it was just another kiss, and the other man’s eyes softened, brushing a lock of hair from his eyes.
“I love you.” Sammy couldn’t deny it, the words slipping from his lips before he has a moment to even think about what he was saying. Jack’s eyes became impossibly kind, and he didn’t look him in the eye, sighing. His cheeks had darkened a little, flushing his face. “…Sammy, we can’t, you know that..” Sammy let his hand fall from Jack’s cheek, staring down at his lap, trying to hold back any tears threatening to start slipping down his cheeks. “I know it’s dangerous Jack, but can’t we try?” Jack hesitated for a minute, obviously trying to hold onto any resolve he had, which quickly faltered when he saw Sammy’s face. “It’s not that I don’t feel the same. I do, but that’s exactly why I’m… why I’m scared. I don’t want you to get hurt like I did!”
Sammy’s eyes softened, before he wrapped his arms around Jack tightly, squeezing him close, Jack meeting the embrace with a quiet sigh, playing with his hair. He wiped any tears Sammy had away, before he kissed him again. “…Alright, we can try. But we must be careful, alright?” Sammy nodded, and the two clinked glasses together, Jack taking little sips of his drink, Sammy having glass after glass.
Date: October 29th 1930
Jack had just finished organising his new office, setting up his stash of candy in one of the more… hidden drawers, looking up as Sammy leant against the doorframe, looking him up and down in admiration. He was certainly handsome, his features pointed in some areas, but rounded in others, and his slicked back blonde hair, carefully arranged to hide the more greying areas, which he had became self conscious of as he got older. “How can I help you, Mr Lawrence?” Jack teased, as Sammy strode over to him, leaving Jack to fix his tie so it would no longer be crooked. His hand darted towards the snack drawer, getting immediately smacked away gently by Jack, as the two laughed together. “You’re looking handsome as ever… did you need something, or are you here just to steal my candy?”
“Can a music director not request to see his beautiful lyricist?” He chuckled, “but yes, I did need something… Mr Drew already wants us to start making some music. I wanted you to come listen to see if it sounded… right” Jack chuckled warmly, nodding and following him, closing his office door behind him, following his lover down the hallway into the music room, sitting beside him on the piano, listening intently as Sammy played. There was definitely something… off about the piece, a little too melancholy for the episode, which Jack carefully flipped through the storyboards of. Jack glanced at Sammy, taking one of his hands to stop him from playing, lovingly. “Mind if I..?” Sammy nodded, restarting the piece, shuffling over slightly to let Jack join him. The two lovers played together, the song coming together as Sammy quickly scribbled down additional notes, seemingly satisfied with the finished product.
“Sammy Lawrence.” Mr Drew walked into the room from behind them, completely ignoring Jack, as if he wasn’t there. Jack recoiled slightly, sitting back. If it was Sammy that his boss wanted, he probably shouldn’t intrude. He had a young woman with him, she was pretty, with black hair, and she looked absolutely entranced at the sight of Sammy. “This is Susie Campbell, I imagine you two will be working closely from now on!” Sammy looked interested, of course, but kept himself to himself, nodding politely as she waved eagerly, although her eyes drifted to Jack in slight confusion, most likely because Joey was refusing to acknowledge that he existed. “…Oh, right, this is Jack Fain, our lyricist… you will probably work close with him too.” She bounced forward shaking Jack’s hand eagerly. “It’s really nice to meet you! Both of you!” Jack chuckled warmly, returning her handshake, although he couldn’t shake the prickling feeling at the back of his neck, looking at how… hungrily Mr Drew stared at his lover. He shook the feeling away, smiling enthusiastically at Susie, as she was led away by Joey.
Date: January 28th 1933
”Distractions… stupid, fucking distractions..” Sammy muttered to himself, working quietly. He and Susie had gotten.. close, over the past year, starting to put tension on the relationship between him and Jack. Sammy didn’t see what the big issue was, yes Susie was an attractive young woman, but he loved Jack! Any feelings he had for Susie were ones of friendship, nothing more than that! Although, he did suspect that Susie felt more for him, perhaps it would be kind to venture the idea of an open relationship to Jack, rather than break her heart. She was only young after all. So off Sammy went, down to Jack’s office where he was scribbling down song ideas, as usual when there wasn’t too many strict deadlines. He glanced at him, smiling and waving him over. Sammy stood behind him, looking over the ideas, impressed. “I had something to ask you Jack..” He put the pencil down, spinning around on his seat to face him.
“How would you feel about… an open relationship, to let Susie in?” Jack suddenly went very quiet, his eyes hardening as he stared at him. Sammy flinched at the ice in his eyes, the growing anger as Jack stood up. “How long? How long have you been with her?” Something told Sammy he should not answer him, as Jack chuckled, taking his hat off and running a hand through his hair. “Sammy I..I trusted you! I trusted you and you pull this? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Sammy began to protest, stammering that he and Susie had never been together, and Jack scoffed, becoming more furious by the minute. He got closer, starting to shake, angry tears beginning to prick in Jack’s eyes. “…get out my office Sammy. I don’t want to see you.”
Sammy quickly scurried out, tail between his legs and head hung low in shame. That was a very stupid idea.
Date: June 6th 1933
Jack had never wanted Susie to lose her job, he liked her well enough, of course he did. It wasn’t her fault his former lover was stupid enough to be with her, and tossed her away once he was done with her, leaving her to be replaced. She had come to him crying a while after, leaving him to comfort her, and he couldn’t help but feel guilt, as if it was his fault that Sammy decided to be selfish. His relationship with Joey Drew however was… a different story, something that Jack both wanted Sammy to know about, but would also hate for him to find out about, as he enjoyed the praise Mr Drew gave him once they were done, even if it was Sammy he was really interested in. Although the two continued to live together, they went about their days completely separate, Jack ignoring Sammy, and Sammy starting to get the message. His former lover had began coming home late too, clothes often stained with ink as Jack had moved his office to the sewers to stay as far from him as possible.
He couldn’t deny it… he missed Sammy, he missed the light he brought into his life, but now that he was with Mr Drew, that shouldn’t matter, not anymore… but he supposed a little visit to see Sammy wouldn’t hurt. So Jack stood up from his desk, walking up the stairs to Sammy’s office to find it.. empty? He shrugged, with a sigh. They used to know all their schedules together… Jack shook his head, starting to walk towards Joey’s office, before he stopped, hearing a strange sound from a nearby supply closet, opening just a crack, going stiff at what he saw. Sammy, with a bottle of ink in his hand, the stuff dripping down his chin, his lips stained black. He didn’t have a chance to look at him, Jack slamming the cupboard door and sprinting back to his office as fast as he could, panting. What was happening to his lover?
Date: December 2nd 1943
Sammy shambled down into the sewers, stepping down the stairs weakly, dragging his axe behind him as he walked. Jack was there, sitting and getting ready to go home. Joey’s words swam in his head. It was his fault, his fault that everything has gone wrong… his lord needed a worthy sacrifice after all, and his former lover would be perfect for the role of sheep. He stood up, narrowing his eyes at the sight of the figure blocking the light from upstairs, shining above Sammy’s head like a halo. He didn’t give Jack a second to move, running at him, axe held high as he barrelled him over, sending the smaller man falling backwards into the sewer. Sammy straddled him, raising the axe high above his head, before he let it fall, Jack’s eyes full of terror as the axe slammed again and again into his chest, until he finally fell still.
Sammy leaned down, pushing his mask aside, kissing Jack’s already chilling lips, before he stood, grabbing the foot of the corpse and pulling it along, before coming to a stop outside the machine, smiling down at Jack’s motionless form, before throwing him in, and leaving the machine alone.
Date: ???
His mind swum in silence, a roaring in his ears as the searcher emerged from a puddle, taking the hat from the abandoned pile, putting it on, sinking back down into the ink, his mind no longer singing.
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coffeecakescommissions · 10 months
I’m taking art commissions again! :)
✨Now with a new and updated commission ref sheet✨
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Here’s some closeups of the examples shown :P
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I’m very excited to be starting up commissions again, and I’d really appreciate it if people share this, cause I want to start to make an income for myself :)
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inky-evergreen · 1 year
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Sammy got a slightly different look and is rocking it and Susie and Jack surely thinks so
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keennachotraveler · 1 year
MOREEE plus more human design drawings for em yippee
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postthiscat · 2 years
if sammy x susie x jack doesn't have a ship name can it be named "coffeecake cafe" please
all in favor say i
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thedailyarabicdose · 4 months
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cinamon cake easy to make for the whole recipe
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wirm-boy · 1 year
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The Bendy hyperfixation has hit me hard and is back for some ungodly reason, and I’ve been playing around with a different art style so naturally I created myself a Sammy and Jack phone background! I think they’re very cute :)
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kushi-s · 2 years
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Apple coffee cake with crumb topping
Recipe https://www.cookwithkushi.com/apple-coffee-cake-with-crumb-topping/
Apple Coffee Cake With Crumb Topping is a delicious Fall dessert that will surely be a show-stopper at any party. The cake is light, soft, and moist on the inside and is topped with perfectly caramelized apples and buttery-nutty-crunchy crumb topping.#icancookchallenge #easyrecipes #applecake
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reanimationstation · 1 year
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BEHOLD. JACK DESIGNS APLENTY TO MATCH WITH THESE SAMMY DESIGNS. I had so much fun designing and drawing these guys, as I wanted to make Jacks that specifically complimented their Sammys. LONG WINDED DESIGN NOTES UNDER THE CUT
Pair 1:
i knew that i wanted to make at least one absurdly tall Jack and he was a perfect candidate
matching music tie and bowtie!!!
i love height difference sam and jacks and jack deserves to be the taller one sometimes
this Jack is probably Dominican. gotta get that latino rep in here lets gooo 💪😎 (lighthearted)
their shirts are the same shade of white which you'll see again in the third pair
iirc i wanted to give tribute to TIOL so I made this Jack orange, though I kept it leaning yellow to better compliment Sammy's blond tips
i think this Jack is the prettiest
Pair 2:
i originally wasn't planning on giving Jack dyed hair but I thought it would be cute for both of them to have it dyed since this Sammy has bleached hair like his VA. I tried to keep it subtle since he already had so much color on him that I didn't want it to look overcrowded
I love red/pink Jacks but instead of a sweater vest I gave him a normal vest since I feel like I don't see that a lot on Jacks?
i tried to lean into more mischievous vibes with him because I think more Jacks deserve to be pranksters, as a treat
he also looks chill to counterbalance a pretty high strung looking Sammy
this Jack is very very loosely inspired by someone I know irl. not really appearance wise, just through vibes
i don't think these two are dating but they are inseparable as per usual
Pair 3:
the glasses on Jack were a last minute addition because i KEEP ON FORGETTING TO GIVE CHARACTERS GLASSES
the green sweater and hat match his Sammy's green eyes (not pictured here). i like to think he does this on purpose
they both have gray hair because i think its so pretty
i think this Jack is probably the cutest
this pair is comprised primarily of soft shapes
Jack's hair is actually inspired by someone i used to know!
Misc. Notes:
i need to give more characters glasses
i forgot facial hair existed oops
i didn't set out on designing them with the intention of making the first pair both Black and the second pair both Asian, but I do think it adds something to how they operate as a pair. you gotta stick together, y'know?
in the initial sketching process i wasn't planning on drawing Sammy along with the Jacks but i realized very quickly i couldnt design them without their Sam there. they are a set! do not separate!!
this does mean that there's a scrapped Jack design sitting in that file...alone....Sammyless.... very sad. I gotta get that man a Sammy
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
My Bad Leg Is So Goddamn Tired
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