#coldfucker fic
sunsetsnz · 2 years
summary: seph is having a hard time with the flu, and jonathan is there to console him through a particularly rough moment.
notes: sfw, some swearing. there isn’t actually much snz in this (technically two?) but there is plenty of illness/whump/comfort if you’re into that <3
Seph reaches for his water bottle in its usual place on the nightstand to attempt a sip. He winces. The cool water is momentarily soothing, but with his inflamed throat and swollen lymph nodes, swallowing is torture.
He's curled up in a miserable ball of infection in his own bed, head pounding with dull congestion, stuffed up to hell and back, shivers and aches running through him like tremors before an earthquake. He hasn't had the flu in quite a few years, and it's hitting him like a fucking train.
The arm nestled around his shoulders belongs to one Jonathan Dempsey, who’s watching this with quiet concern and trying his best to be subtle about it. His slightly bushy brows furrow when Seph swallows and whimpers, visibly in pain. His free hand reaches up to tuck a stray braid behind Seph's ear.
“I'm sorry, I know it hurts…”
Seph’s heart sinks in his chest. He feels so utterly pathetic right now he could cry, but he doesn’t want to look ridiculous in front of Jonathan.
“It’s dot your fault,” he croaks. Fuck, talking really hurts too.
They've been trying to watch a shared comfort movie in bed with the lights dimmed, at Seph's request, because anything bright physically hurts. Except it's not helping much tonight…nothing seems to be. His head is swimming too much to concentrate, he's shivering and sweating and nothing feels comfortable no matter what position he's in. He just feels…absolutely wretched and useless.
“I know,” Jonathan murmurs. “I just wish I could do more for you.”
With a weak sigh, Seph buries his aching face in his boyfriend’s fisherman sweater. It’s about the only thing bringing him any kind of comfort right now. Jonathan hugs him to his chest, rubbing his nose on the fuzzy sections of hair where each twist braid begins.
Seph loves having such a human pillow for a boyfriend, always wearing soft clothes and down to cuddle…but being touched and held in this state is reminding him just how gross and repulsive he looks and feels. It’s not the first time Jonathan has seen Seph ill, but he’s never been this bad in front of him before.
The irony of all this is not lost on Seph, either. He’s fully aware of how stupid these feelings are, considering his own kink, and how into Jonathan’s sneezes, allergies and colds he always is. It’s certainly never put him off. But he still can’t help the way he feels about himself, and it makes him feel even more pathetic.
The truth is that he honestly doesn't really want anyone to see or perceive him like this…even Jonathan. Especially Jonathan.
Yet here he is, lying in his partner's arms, snotting and breathing his contagiousness all over him. Shame and disgust begin to bubble up inside him as he thinks about how disgusted by him Jonathan probably is right now.
He starts to pull away from the embrace, and is met with a perplexed look.
“What's wrong?”
“I—” Seph's voice catches dangerously. Wearily he closes his eyes, knowing he has no strength to keep his emotions at bay right now but still trying to fight it anyway. “I just—”
Sitting up further, Jonathan nods for him to go on.
“I feel disgustig,” he eventually chokes out, hot tears pricking his eyes.
Jonathan looks confused again for a fraction of a second. When he realises that Seph means it literally, his face falls. “Wait, what?” He reaches out, touching Seph's knee. “You’re not! Oh, Seph, of course you're not.”
Humiliated by his own vulnerability, Seph turns away from him. “I'b sorry. You shouldd't even be anywhere near be right now...”
“Please don’t say that.”
“Sittig here, breathig all over you…it's gross. I'll make you sick, too.”
Shaking his head, Jonathan frowns. “You know I don't care about that.”
Back still turned, Seph's shoulders slump, voice cracking as the first of a stream of tears spills over and escapes down his cheek. “Well I do.”
Jonathan's entire being softens. Taking a second to pause the movie, he turns his full attention back to him with gentle determination. “Babe, look at me.”
For a moment, the only response he gets is a sniffle.
Wiping his eyes, Seph reluctantly half-turns his body to face him again. His warm brown skin tone is almost ashen, nose running helplessly, teardrops clinging to his eyelashes. He looks so miserable, it's breaking Jonathan's heart.
“You are not disgusting, Seph. Not at all,” Jonathan urges softly, cupping his damp cheek in his palm and brushing away a stray tear with his thumb. “I don't think that, and I'm not letting you believe that either, not for one second. If you don't want me to touch you, that's completely okay, but if it's because you think I'm grossed out, then you're astronomically wrong.”
Seph briefly meets his eyes, a shaky breath escaping his parted lips. “You're dot just sayig that?”
“I'm not.” Leaning in, Jonathan presses their foreheads together, their noses, their lips. “I love you, no matter what condition you're in.”
This seems to be exactly what Seph needed to hear, because his eyes flutter closed with an exhausted sigh. Wordlessly his fingers wrap around Jonathan's wrist, another tear streaking down his cheek.
Jonathan smiles gently, closing his eyes with him. “It's okay to be sick, y'know. It's okay to feel shitty. You're not superhuman, and nobody expects you to be. Least of all me.” He presses a kiss to Seph's burning forehead, murmuring against his skin. “You helped me feel less embarrassed and gross about the things that are out of my control — I'm gonna do the same for you.”
Seph simply nods, letting Jonathan hold him while he calms down, which is answer enough for Jonathan.
As emotions begin to wind down, he reaches for the handkerchief that lives in his pocket and dutifully dabs at his lover's tear-stained face and leaking nostrils. The motion seems to stir up Seph’s oversensitive nose, though, because his breath starts to hitch.
Quickly Jonathan clamps the handkerchief over the twitching nose before him, right as Seph explodes into a messy double sneeze.
“—yyISSHUHH! T’ISSCHH-uhhh…”
Jonathan cringes as Seph clutches at his throat in pain once more, shuddering and sighing. Gently he mops his nose for him a second time. “There you go.”
Finally, after allowing himself back into Jonathan's arms and having pressed play on the movie once again, Seph finds his words.
“Sorry for beig such a mess,” he muffles, curling against his chest. Breaking down like that was embarrassing…but he can work on being more okay with that, after he recovers from this nasty flu. Despite the humiliation, it did feel good to let it out to Jonathan and to feel so safe and comforted in return. If it had to happen in front of anyone, he's really glad it was him.
A soft hum comes from atop his head, where Jonathan's chin rests gently. “No more apologising, okay?”
For the first time tonight, Seph's mouth quirks up into the tiniest of smiles. “Okay.”
“Good.” He can't see Jonathan's expression, but he can hear the smile in his voice too. “And no more talking for a while. I can hear how much it hurts to talk, so…rest your throat, love.”
Nodding against his chest, Seph murmurs sleepily in agreement.
“One last thig,” he whispers, reaching up to grasp Jonathan's hand in his own.
There are many words floating around Seph’s tired mind, all of the sentiments he wishes he could adequately express sitting on the tip of his tongue: Thank you. I'm sorry. I don't deserve you. But he settles on the most important one, the only one that truly encompasses everything he wants to tell him.
“…I really love you.”
He feels Jonathan pull back just a little, and looks up to see that half-grin of his that feels like a patch of warm sunshine all on its own. It's not going to cure him tonight, but it sure isn't hurting.
“I love you too. And I'm not going anywhere.”
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mimikusu · 3 months
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So, this is part of a trade I made with @perfectpaperbluebirds as a commission.
Meet Katy and Aaron from Birdie's Cowboy Verse! Because I love them and because it's the perfect excuse for me to draw some Cowboy snz!
Thank you SO much Birdie for commissioning me and for doing this! I'm super happy about this! 💕🫂
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aller-geez · 9 months
You’re Safe Here ˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
Okay seriously though…. I will not sit here and try to pretend that this fic wasn’t entirely for myself cause wow the whole thing is just self indulgent fluff….
Disgustingly sick Remi with the most sweet and pure caretaking from his mate. About 8k words with a bit more snz…… plus a little more mess than I usually write. Also has Levi help Remi hold back at one point 😏
CW: There’s also one sentence in this about nausea, but nothing past that.
@thekinkyleopard owns Levi as always! 🩶
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Remi's peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered by a heinous nightmare, vivid and horrifying as they ever were. The wolf's cry echoed through the darkness of his dream, but its haunting howl also pierced the veil of reality, shaking the walls of their bedroom as he jolted awake in a cold sweat. His heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer and every nerve in his body was on high alert, fueled by a surge of adrenaline that made his breath come in ragged gasps.
Frantically scanning the familiar surroundings, Remi's green eyes were wide with terror as he tried to shake off the lingering effects of the nightmare. But there was an unfamiliar tightness in his chest and throat, raw and constricting, making it difficult to catch his breath. Before he could calm himself down, his mate's hand squeezed his thigh in a gesture of comfort, but it only served to startle him even more.
With a yelp, the wolf nearly leapt out of bed, trembling as the remnants of the nightmare lingered in his mind. It was a constant battle, trying to keep the terrifying memories at bay, but they always managed to claw their way back into his consciousness, taunting him with their brutality.
“Remington!— Acushla! Hey! It’s just me!” Levi waved his hands in front of his mate’s face, trying to get the others attention.
Quickly, Remi was pulled back to reality by the leopard’s soothing voice. Before he could express his appreciation to the feline, however, the tightness in his chest demanded the spotlight, and his appreciative sigh was choked off by uncharacteristically breathless coughs that rattled within the wolf’s clearly irritated lungs.
Groaning loudly in annoyance over the way his body ached and his head throbbed, Remi forcefully fell back against the mountain of pillows behind him. After a second, he finally turned his head towards his mate, who cautiously smiled at him from the other side of the bed where he was nested in his soft snow leopard print blanket, with a thick, yellow hardcover book in his lap. A half full cup of coffee sat on his nightstand, and the lamp next to him had been dimmed as much as it could, splashing a calming yellow light across that side of the room.
“What’re you doing?” Remi asked through squinted eyes, his voice laden with a subtle hoarseness to it.
Taken off guard by the question, Levi cocked an eyebrow, looking from the book in his hand, then back to Remi and then back to the book again, confused.
“Whatdya mean, Rem? Clearly I’m stealing the Declaration of Independence; isn’t it obvious?” The feline giggled coyly, but the wolf was unamused, rolling his emerald green eyes with a more serious expression over a playful one.
Truth was, he felt like something someone would scrape from a storm drain or a gutter; just soggy and cold and overall just— icky. He didn’t mean to take it out on Levi, and he knew the leopard didn’t deserve it. But his fuse was so short currently, he couldn’t help it.
“No but really.. it’s this amazing book I picked up at the book store a couple days ago with a bunch of different Erotica short stories! At first, it didn’t even sound like something I would like personally, but I started reading it last night and I couldn’t believe —“
Cutting the leopard off mid sentence, the wolf muffled a grunt into his pillow, the pulse of an intense migraine throbbing through his temples. He reached back towards the now silent leopard seated next to him and gently patted the other’s thin thigh through the comforter that was wrapped up around them both.
“I love you, Levi, but—“ Remi’s voice cracked, and he had to forcefully swallow the sticky saliva that coated the inside of his mouth before continuing, though the hoarseness in his tone was clearly heard now. “—but I just— need 5 minutes without any talking..”
Grimacing outwardly, he brought a hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, squeezing his eyes shut. It felt like someone had dropped a cinder block on the top of his head then proceeded to beat him with a shovel, and he was suddenly aware of the pressure within his eyes as his heartbeat pulsed painfully behind his eyelids. The congestion that decided to invade his sinuses the night before had definitely decided to set up shop, making breathing through his nose an imaginary concept. His ears were even clogged, which didn’t help the intensity of the pain within his skull.
Why did he always get such little warnings when it came to his immune system? He would be perfectly healthy the beginning of one day, and within 24 hours he was completely incapacitated by illness.
Without turning his head back and seeing Levi, he could just feel the offense taken by his blunt words. He knew he needed to correct himself and clarify with his mate, however, the energy it took to even confirm with his body about how absolutely shitty he felt was enough to lull the wolf back to sleep for a moment, dozing off with his mouth agape and a thin line of drool escaping his clearly chapped lips, falling onto the pillow below.
The smaller male scoffed almost silently, adjusting the book on his lap and tossing the wolf an insulted glare. “Sure, good morning to you, too, dick.”
Levi shook his head with a frustrated sigh, craning his neck upward a little to try and see his mate’s face, trying to gauge what he was even doing to need silence. When he noticed Remi asleep again, the leopard rolled his icy blue eyes with a huff, before returning to his book.
“Damn, Rude,” he whispered to himself with a crinkle of his freckled nose.
If you didn’t count the loud, ragged mouth breathing, the sub conscious sniffles his body preformed to keep the mess within his sinus cavity from escaping as much as it possibly could while he was asleep, or the occasional unintelligible word muttered in a hoarse, almost grotesque voice, 20 minutes of near silence passed as the smaller male continued to read his book, getting fully enveloped in the story he was reading.
Just as he was coming up on an important part in the plot, he felt Remi’s unconscious body shift next to him, and he managed a quick glance up to his mate, who was completely still again, although now positioned on his back. His broad chest rose and fell rhythmically, although more labored and frantic than usual.
Without giving credit to the sheen of sweat that coated his tanned skin, causing the damp sheet to stick to his bare back, Levi paid the wolf no more mind, desperate to read his book. He picked the book up this time, holding it out in front of his face while his eyes scanned the words on the page until he read something familiar, causing the white haired male to squeak happily before burying his nose back into the text again.
Not even a few minutes pass before Remi’s previously motionless body shifted next to him again; his defined nose quivered involuntarily against the moonlight that was pouring through the bedroom window and glinting off of the single watery line of snot that threatened to drip down the raven haired male’s upper lip.
Quickly placing his thumb firmly under the last word he had read as to not lose his place, the leopard reluctantly ripped his attention from his book again to shoot another glance toward his mate. He had been too invested in the book he still tightly clutched in his hand that his mate’s usual tells had gone unheard and unnoticed, and the cat was caught off guard by the familiar pre sneeze face that twisted the other’s features.
Suddenly, one good inhale caused Remi’s large chest swelled so full it looked as if he might burst, followed by a barely audible whimper, before his lanky frame snapped forward aggressively into a fully upright position.
“hh'IETSH’UE! Hihhh—Hihh’EXTSH’ue! HI’DTSCHIEW!” The wolf sneezed harshly down towards his own lap, decorating the surface of the blanket with thick droplets of mess. His nose ran profusely, causing him to try to frantically snort back the thick wall of congestion without much success as the pink hue that dusted his fevered cheeks became even more intense.
His strategy only resulted in a ticklish coughing fit that rattled deep within his chest cavity, and lasted a little longer than either of the two would have liked, earning a concerned frown from the leopard as he set his book down on the nightstand and reached out one of his pale hands to gently rub circles in his mates damp, muscular back.
“Ghnnhh..” the wolf moaned quietly with his head in his hands, melting into the other’s touch and sniffling unproductively.
Every muscle in his body screamed at him, and the pressure within his skull was almost unbearable after such a rough wake up. Wincing again, Remi brought one of his large hands up to grip his temples between his thumb and index finger, squeezing his eyes shut to try and relieve some of the pressure in some way.
Levi tilted his head as he studied his ailing mate, getting closer to the wolf on the bed and starting to massage up and down the other’s back more intensely, this time with both hands. As the other’s deliberate pressure was increased on his aching muscles, Remi sighed in contentment, turning into jelly within the cat’s expert hands.
“What can I do for you, acushla? Let me help you.” The leopard whispered as quietly as possible to avoid aggravating the other’s headache.
“Hhhnm?” Remi willed his eyes open to glance back at Levi, and the usually bright green glow of his irises was now dim and unsaturated, while dark purple circles painted the flushed flesh under his eyes.
“Oh— Ndo, that’s okay.. Th-Th-hehhh- thandk you, kihhh— ihh- ih’TTSSHH! hih’iiiSSHHH’uu!!” Remi tucked his face into his shoulder to direct the sneezes away from the other, following them up with a thick, waterlogged snuffle and a pained sigh.
“Bless you baby.. do you have a headache? You want me to get you some ibuprofen?” Levi asked gently, already shuffling his body to get up to grab the bottle of medicine.
“Thandks.. and yeah, I guess I could take sobe..” The wolf sighed and admitted defeat, dragging his wrist under his nose and leaving a wet trail up his forearm. With another thick sniffle and a grimace, Remi shuddered, suddenly feeling the air hitting his still damp skin and causing goosebumps to rise all over his body.
“Cad you see if we have ady tissues left, too?” He asked rather pathetically, leaning back against the headboard and pulling the comforter that was lazily draped over his waist up under his chin,  curling up his comically long body so he was in a tight ball around himself.
Levi nodded towards the wolf with an endearing smile, getting up and making his way to the door.
“Of course baby.”
After a second, the leopard returned with a large bottle of ibuprofen paired with a cold bottle of water from the fridge, and gently plopped it into Remi’s lap with a smile.
“Here’s this, and—“ with a sheepish expression, Levi pulled out a fresh roll of paper towels from behind his back and offered it to the wolf. “We ran out of tissues, but I can get more in a little bit.. until then, this is all we had..”
With a single defeated chuckle, Remi took the roll from the other’s outstretched hands, shaking his head as he ripped off a few of the first sheets and folded them twice, then three times before tenting them over his nose. With a loud, productive gurgle, he blew his nose into the paper before exhaling a sigh as he balled it up in his hand, absolutely drenched through. The rough paper towel was harsh against his poor reddened nostrils, only furthering the chapped, irritated skin there. With a ragged inhale, he tried to catch his breath enough to open the bottle of ibuprofen in his lap, but when he was distracted by another onslaught of chesty coughs, Levi’s optimistic expression quickly faded into concern and he sat on the edge of the bed close to his mate, taking the large bottle of medicine from his weakened grasp.
Remi didn’t protest like he usually would; instead he just watched the cat with a pitiful look on his downtrodden features, which made Levi more concerned than anything.
Dumping out 4 ibuprofen into his ivory palm, the cat offered them to Remi with a gentle rumble from low in his throat that sounded like a purr, and a small smile.
He had to remind himself inwardly that his mate always did better when he didn’t lose himself in worry over him, and instead just tried to be optimistic. The wolf always had been bad about absorbing the cats emotions, and he needed to be there for Remi right now, not stress him out more.
Remi reached out to take the ibuprofen almost like a zombie, his expression blank as he took the pills from Levi’s hand, and the leopard could easily feel the heat radiating off of Remi’s hands. Reaching into the wolf’s lap, the cat snatched the unopened bottle of water, cracking the cap off and holding it out to his mate, who took it in an equally uncharacteristic manner as he had taken the pills.
As Remi took a gulp of the cool water, it suddenly occurred to him how dehydrated he was. Without much thought, he lifted the bottle of water so it was almost completely vertical and began to chug the contents as if his life depended on it, only popping his lips from the rim after a moment in order to gasp for air, and sputter a few stray coughs towards his knees breathlessly. Thankfully, at least a couple good gulps still remained in the bottle afterward, and once he caught his breath, he filled his large mouth with the last bit of his water, before tossing back the four pills that he held in his sweaty palm. Once Levi had watched the other take the pills, he tousled the wolf’s hair lovingly as he stood up again.
“I’ll get you another water bottle, and I want to see how high your fever is..” The smile that he plastered on his face was clearly forced, his head reeling with concern for the state of his mate, but Remi was too out of it to call him out for it.
“Okay, thandk you..” Remi croaked out, only his eyes following Levi as he walked out of the door.
He scurried to the kitchen that was only down a short hallway, stopping at the drawer at the very end that was deemed the “miscellaneous drawer” and for some reason was the spot they had decided the thermometer lived. He fished out the instrument from the depths of the drawer and closed it quickly, holding it up with the screen towards him and pressing the button to confirm it still worked. When the numbers lit up across the led screen, he silently cheered to himself before turning towards the rest of the kitchen. As the leopard pulled open the fridge and pulled out another fresh bottle of water, he was startled by another spontaneous fit that was uncharacteristically loud for his mate.
“HEHH’DZSCHh’iEEw! Hihhh- HHHH- hHEH’TZSCHh’UE! Hd’IZTSsHHhhh’ih! HAH—! hiiih’AETTCHHuh!” The wolf sneezed loudly, scrambling to snatch another sheet of paper towel off of the roll and clamp it to his nose and mouth, however the first two escaped before he had a moment to process his impending actions. A river of ick began to pour from his raw nose despite his incessant sniffling ,and tears that welled up in his dull eyes threatened to follow suit. Desperately, Remi stuffed the soiled paper towel under his nose and pressed it there firmly to catch any leakage.
When Levi returned to their room and laid eyes on the pathetic creature that was his mate, curled up under a big comforter, crazy bed head, a soggy crumpled up paper towel pressed to his nose that beamed a crimson hue now, dark circles under his half lidded eyes that were puffy and damp with tears, he swore he felt his heart melt within his chest.
“Here baby, here’s more water, and you know the drill with this..” The leopard smiled with his faux optimism, holding the thermometer up and wiggling it back and forth between his fingers.
Remi snuffled wetly against the makeshift tissue with a nod, removing it from under his nose and lowering his hand until it sat in his lap obediently.
“Sorry if I get sdot odn you, I cadt help it. Mby nose wodnt stop rudding.” He warned with a flat tone, and as if to enunciate his point , a single bead of clear snot suddenly threatened to drip down his upper lip.
“Don’t worry, Acushla. You never have to worry about that kind of stuff, okay?” The cat smiled down at his mate before leaning down slightly and kissing the top of his head. When he pulled back, the wolf managed a slow nod in acknowledgment with a preemptive snort, and opened his mouth for Levi, his tongue slightly raised.
With expert dexterity, the leopard tucked the uncapped thermometer under the other’s tongue just as he closed his mouth. Well, almost closed his mouth. He had to breathe still, right?
Sitting on the edge of the bed again while he waited for the thermometer to beep, Levi began carding his fingers through the damp strands of raven colored hair that even for Remi, looked messy. The wolf leaned his head back slightly, a pleasured groan leaving him as the instrument between his lips continued to get a reading, beeping periodically as it climbed higher and higher.
After a few seconds, Levi could feel his mate suddenly stiffen under him, his ragged breathing now slow and more deliberate.
“L-Levi—“ Remington tried, and the cat’s thin fingers stopped slipping through his hair as he leaned forward to hear him better.
“Yes, baby?”
“I hhh-… I h-have to.. sdehhh- Hihh—! ..sdeeze—!“
The leopard’s icy blue eyes flew to the thermometer perched between the other’s chapped lips, sucking his teeth loudly in response.
“Come on Rem, hold it back for a few more seconds so the thermometer can finish.. I know you can hold it off for just a few seconds..” He coaxed, removing one hand from Remi’s hair and placing a single pale finger under the wolf’s quivering nostrils, pressing it firmly against his septum despite the small pool of wetness that already resided there.
Remi gasped as the sensation that burned within his irritated nose seemed to take offense to Levi’s control, and roared quickly back into an overwhelming force that buzzed so intensely that the wolf began to stumble over his own breath snagging in his throat. The canines ragged breathing sounded almost strangled; breathless. “Hhhh—.. Hhhiihh—“
“Good job baby, only a few more seconds..”
The concentration it took to swallow back the inevitable fit was almost too much for the wolf, however just as he was about to break and succumb to his urges, the thermometer beeped loudly to signify it was finished. Quickly in one fluid motion, Levi removed his finger from under his mate’s nose and snatched the instrument from his lips, before drawing it back towards his face to read it.
Suddenly uninhibited now, Remi couldn’t dream of holding back the forceful, desperate fit that exploded from him, and not a moment too soon.
“Hah'ISSchuu! Hh— hiiih’IITTSSSHUU! tch’ISSH! Heh— hiiiihh—ITSCCCHH’ah! Sdddrff, haah—! hdt’ishhhh! Hihh’ISSHh! Hh— ihH’ktdSHhh!!!” The sheer force of the sneezes that tore through him left his usually strong, able body trembling, a shudder rolling through him as he blew his nose again, soaking yet another makeshift tissue before tossing it to the side. His shaky hands already fumbled with the roll of napkins to tear off another sheet, stuffing the dry paper against his sensitive nostrils that were the equivalent of a broken faucet. Finally turning his head to face Levi again, he snuffled against the paper towel and looked up at the other much like a kicked puppy.
“S’Whats the dabage?” Remi asked, his voice not much more than a whisper and muffled by the mulched paper in front of his mouth.
“104.3…” The leopard sighed with concern, managing a glance towards Remi, who simply nodded when hearing the results.
“If you were human we would be at the ER right now so your brain wouldn’t liquify but—“ With a soft chuckle and a loving smile, Levi reached out to gently pat the top of his mate’s head in reassurance. “It’s nothing some medicine and rest won’t clear up.” He smiled genuinely, a small sparkle of optimism reflecting with his blue eyes.
This small gesture from the other meant more to Remi than his mate knew, and a small smirk slowly appeared across his face.
“Does this mbeand you’ll lay id bed with mbe all day, thend?” The wolf asked hoarsely before managing a chuckle that wasn’t choked out by coughs.
Levi couldn’t help but grin, a wave of relief crashing over him as he was captivated by Remi’s smile; albeit small, it was still more of a smile than he’d expressed since he woke up.
“Of course my love, I would LOVE to spend the day in bed with you.” He answered genuinely before placing another chaste kiss against the top of wolf’s head. “But there’s one thing I want you to do first..”
Quickly, Remi’s smirk disappeared, and he looked down at the bed as he dabbed gently at his leaking nose, the appendage threatening to leak past the rough paper towel that was meant to contain it.
“Bmaybe… depends…” Remi huffed with a more annoyed tone to his already shot voice.
Levi giggled softly at his mate’s theatrics, shaking his head. Leave it to Remington to be a stubborn ass even in the throws of severe illness.
“It’s nothing bad!” The leopard cried, causing Remi to recoil from the volume of the cat’s voice, and Levi clasped a hand to his mouth selfconsciously.
“Sorry— it’s not bad.. I just want you to take a nice, cool bath so you can be clean and comfortable and maybe it’ll bring your fever down a bit..” The leopard finished, avoiding making eye contact with the other for a second, but when he was met only by silence, he turned back to glance at his mate with confusion.
“I dod’t kndow if I cand—“ Remi finally replied sheepishly, one of his hands absentmindedly playing with a loose string that hung off of their comforter on front of him. He already felt as if his head were in a fish bowl, and his limbs felt so weak that he didn’t even trust them to support his weight for more than a few steps, much less wash himself.
“Oh, n-no! I meant— You should let me help you take a bath.. I know you don’t like me having to do all of that stuff but it’s my pleasure, Rem! I just want to do what I can to make you feel even a little bit better, and I think you’ll be so much more comfortable if you’re clean, and I put new blankets and sheets on the bed.. Please?” Levi could feel himself word vomiting, but once the flood gates opened, there was no reeling it in.
At first, the wolf opened his mouth to decline the others kind offer, but watching him get so worked up trying to convince him was enough for him in that moment.
“—okay.” Remi finally croaked out, and it took Levi so off guard that he continued to argue his point, not fully processing the word that had come from the others mouth.
“I swear, you’ll get rid of all that crap in your lungs! I have some Vicks bath stuff that I think will help you and you’ll already be in the water so you don’t even need to bring the tiss— err… paper towels!” The leopard continued frantically, waving his arms about as he spoke.
Remi couldn’t hold back the slightly strangled chuckle that rumbled through his throat. “Kittend— Levi, baby.. I said okay..” he reached one of his baseball mitt sized hands out to place it on the cat’s forearm trying to ground him, his flushed skin just radiating heat a few inches from its surface.
“O-oh— okay, well I didn’t expect you to agree!” Levi beamed so wide that he was forced to close his eyes, and if Remi was honest, that was all he ever needed to recover. The cats smile was bright and infectious and the octaves that it caused the wolf’s  heart to sing could be heard no where else in the world. He would spend days lost in the baby blue pools if he could. But he would gladly accept the feline’s kind offer, if it made Levi happy.
“Wait here, I’ll go get everything ready for you, okay?” The smaller male chirped as he pulled the door open, scurrying down the hallway towards their bathroom as the wolf shook his head with a smirk, and a few more ticklish coughs.
It only took a few minutes for Levi to draw the bath, toss a fresh towel and a fresh comfortable outfit for Remi to change to into the drier in the hallway, drop two of the Vicks tablets into the bath water, and light a few small aromatherapy candles that were placed along the side of the bathtub. Lastly, he dimmed the bathroom lights to create an ambiance that wouldn’t be too much for the ailing wolf. Pausing in the doorway for a moment to admire his work, the cat clapped his hands together with pride before dashing back down the hallway into their room.
Even though it had only been a few minutes, Remi was already fast asleep leaned back against the headboard, his mouth hanging open as he breathed loudly.
Levi approached his mate slowly and quietly, and once he was close enough, he reached out to gently muse the wolf’s hair and kiss him on his warm forehead a few times.
“Hey babyyy… your bath is ready~” Levi mewled softly into his ear.
Peeling open his emerald eyes, Remi blinked slowly before looking back at Levi, his determination obviously dwindling. “Are you sure you wadnt to do this? If i’mb this gross ndow, I cad prombise you it’ll be way worse ind a Vicks bath..” the wolf warned, a little embarrassed for his mate to even see him at this level of disgusting.
“Come on, Rem.. we’ve been together too long for me to get grossed out by anything that comes out of you, alright? You’re Safe Here with me. Here, take my hand, I’ll steady you.” The leopard grinned with understanding as one ivory hand was extended towards his mate, which the wolf reluctantly took as he stood up next to the bed, and Levi tossed his mate’s muscular arm over his shoulder to brace him while they shuffled towards the bathroom together.
Once they had crossed the threshold inside the bathroom door, Remi scuttled to the toilet to sit heavily on the closed lid, his head spinning from the short walk to their bathroom. For a moment, he was silenced by overwhelming nausea, having to hold his breath as saliva pooled into his mouth, but once he was able to breathe for a second with his eyes closed, the churning of his stomach finally stopped. He breathed a sigh of relief, which just turned into the same thing all the others had, and he coughed harshly several times into his fist.
“Here, baby, if this is too much for you we can wait until you’re a little better, okay? I don’t want you to pass out..” The leopard asked cautiously as he ran one of his hands up and down the wolf’s back.
“Ndo, ndo, I’mb good..” The larger man sniffed sharply, trying to clear the obstruction from his nasal passages, still to obviously no avail. “Oh, Sorry— you probably deed these off of mbe, huh?” Remi asked in a haze, tugging at the hem of his sweat pant that were still very visibly damp from his sweat.
“Rem— lemme help you, alright?” Levi placed his palm on one of the wolf’s toned biceps to stop his efforts and the canine jumped slightly, startled from the physical contact. It took Remi a second to understand; an expression that resembled that creepy friend of Alistar’s had taken over the raven haired males features, his face completely blank and his eyes almost vacant looking as he stared at the leopard for a second, the wheels in his head turning.
“I’ll help you get undressed, Rem— I don’t want you to hurt yourself..” Levi assured the confused wolf, who finally seemed to understand what was being said to him and released his grip on the fabric of his sweats. He then ever so slowly stood from the top of the toilet, his knees visibly shaking from the effort as he stood there.
Quickly but carefully, Levi peeled the damp sweats off of his mate, and then his underwear as the larger male leaned on the cat’s shoulders for support. All of the wet clothing was tossed onto the bathroom sink one by one until the wolf stood there naked, shivering madly.
“Okay baby, I’ll help you get in, too, okay?” He smiled genuinely as he finally stood to match the wolf’s height and Remi wrapped his arm around his mates neck for stability. Slowly, the smaller male helped the wolf lowered himself into the lukewarm water of the bathtub until the water almost completely enveloped his large body.
At first he didn’t even notice the difference in the Vicks bath water, the thick wall of congestion behind his eyes seemly impenetrable. But after a few moments of relaxing his aching muscles in the warm water all the way up to his chin, the intense scent of eucalyptus and mint that Vicks gave off slowly began to creep into his nose. In an instant, the pressure within his sinuses began to decrease, but the adjustment of the wet cement within his nose reignited the tickle that had laid dormant since his last overwhelming fit.
“Oh— oh god?” Remi asked outwardly, sounding almost panicked as a thick string of snot dripped down his face from one nostril, and the other threatened to do the same. Mortified, the wolf tried to snort back the obstruction while pressing the heel of his palm back against the bridge of his nose, but by this point, the dam had broken and there was nothing that would stop the mess from flowing from his overly sore nose at this point.
And oh god it fucking tickled so badly..
“L-Levi.. cehh— cad I have a tihh— tissue? Toilet p-paper, sombethigg—?” Remi asked frantically, waving one hand at the leopard while he pinched his nostrils closed with the other hand, his dim green eyes squinting through tears.
In a panic, the leopard scanned the bathroom for something he could give to Remi, but the toilet paper dispenser sat in the corner behind the toilet with a sad, empty tube on it. “Sorry babe.. I told you I have to go run some errands when it’s a more appropriate time..” the leopard tried to defend himself, but Remi was preoccupied with keeping his breathing steady, his eyes squeezed shut and thumb and index finger squeezing the raw, pink flesh of his nose.
“you want me to get the paper towels from the room?“
The wolf couldn’t even open his eyes to answer his mate’s question; he was only able to nod frantically, his breath snagging harshly in his throat a few times despite all of his efforts.
Quickly, Levi hopped up from his spot on the side of the bathtub, and dashed down the hallway into their room. His bright blue eyes scanned the messy room trying to locate the roll of paper towels he had given Remi as quickly as he could, but when he finally managed to find them stuffed under one of the wolf’s hundreds of pillows, he was too late.
“Hd’IZTSsHHhh’ih! HEhH’eEZSCHhh’iiEW! HEHH’DZSCHh’iEEw! Hih—hiihhh— hh—“ the last sneeze caught, leaving the raven haired male gasping as the tickle began to back off and climb back into his sinuses, refusing to give him the much needed release. A soft, pitiful whimper could be heard from the bathroom as the wolf scrambled to clean his face of any of the thick ropes of snot that had just embarrassingly exploded from his throbbing face before Levi came back into the room. He swiped his wet forearm against the dripping mess that was his poor nose, and Remi couldn’t help but grimace in disgust at the size of the trail that was left on his skin afterward, quickly using the water around him to rinse it off.
When Levi finally returned to the bathroom again, his expression displayed only empathy as he ripped off a few sheets of the mulched paper and as gently as he could, he cleaned up the wolf’s face before holding the sheets gently over Remi’s bright red nose.
“Blow for me? I promise, I’ll get you those lotion tissues in a few hours to save your poor nose.” The leopard flashed a compassionate smile down at his mate, who although under no normal circumstances would he willingly let the cat help him blow his nose, but his head swam and he was beginning to feel rather lightheaded and delirious from the fever that still burned across his cheeks and forehead brightly, even from underneath his thick black mane of hair. These were not normal circumstances.
Complying without a single snarky comment, Remi forcefully blew his nose into the wad of paper towels in the others hand, completely soaking it in one breath.
“That’s it, Rem—“ Levi mewled his encouragement, gently wiping his mates nose again afterward as to not irritate the red and raw skin with such a rough material.
“Hghnnn..” the wolf shuddered violently as he leaned against the back of the tub.
“Okay, let’s hurry up and get you clean so I can get you back in bed, yeah?” Levi asked with a small giggle, tossing the sodden paper into the trash. Reaching to the side to pull out a blue bottle of shampoo, the cat squirted a small amount of the viscous liquid into his palms and rubbed them together before gently beginning to work the shampoo into his mate’s thick raven colored hair.
The wolf felt as if he was put into a trance. With a soft hum, Remi closed his eyes and let Levi run his long, thin fingers across every inch of his scalp as he lathered up all of the shampoo, nearly willing him to sleep again.
Once the cat was satisfied, he took the shower head off of the wall it usually sat on, and when he reached over his mate to turn the water on, he couldn’t help but steal a glance at the wolf. He breathed a gentle laugh at how content the other looked, admiring the man for a moment before returning to business.
Warm water began to flow gently from the handheld shower head, and Levi made quick work of rinsing all of the soap from the wolf’s hair before hanging it up on the wall again. By this time, Remi was barely conscious, his head resting back against the lip of the bathtub with a half lidded haze clouding over his features. He would help lift his own limbs when he was instructed to so Levi could gently wash his tanned skin, but that was about all of the help he was able to give.
Finally, after what seemed like an entire lifetime, Remi was clean and rinsed off completely. Leaning over his mate again, Levi pulled the cover off of the drain in the bottom of the bathtub and the water began to loudly get sucked away from between the wolf’s feet.
“Okay my love, let’s get you dried off and back in bed, okay? Can you stand up while I go get your towel and change of clothes?” The leopard asked seriously, afraid leaving the wolf alone for 5 seconds would mean certain death for the canine.
Slowly becoming slightly more lucid, Remi managed a slow nod before lifting his arms to the sides of the large tub and using all of his remaining strength to will his body to a standing position while Levi dashed off to pull the warm towel and the comfortable clothes from the drier that he had prepared for the wolf.
When he managed to come back into the bathroom again, he was greeted by a naked Remi who stood shivering aggressively on the tile in front of the tub. “Here baby, this should feel a little better..” Levi tossed one of the towels over Remi’s head as he approached and the canine moaned happily, his shaky hands coming up to grasp the towel and pull it tighter around his torso. Levi had another warm towel that he used to tenderly dry his mates legs, before having him sit on the top of the toilet. The leopard continued to dry the rest of the other’s body very gently until the only thing left wet was his dark, thick hair.
As his mate compassionately took care of him, the wolf continued to become more and more like himself again, and by time Levi was ready to help him get into the clean clothing he was brought, Remi was far more alert and present. Relief washed over the leopard to see the other in seemingly better spirits.
Rising to his feet a little faster than he should have, Remi had to pause for a second and brace himself with one hand against the doorframe. Recovering with a slow shake of his head, the wolf took the pair of socks and clean underwear from his mates hand and proceeded to clumsily pull them onto his lanky body. Once finished, he glanced back at Levi with a bigger smirk than before, almost like he hadn’t just been nearly comatose in the bathtub a few short minutes ago.
“I’ll let you help mbe put these odn though..” the wolf chuckled, stumbling backward a bit and sitting back down on the top of the toilet seat rather roughly.
Levi couldn't help but chuckle softly at Remi's playful remark, his heart swelling with relief and adoration. He understood that the wolf's attempt at humor was a way to mask his vulnerability, to lighten the weight of their situation.
With a soft smile, the smaller man nodded and approached his mate with the sweatpants in one hand, and the tshirt thrown over his shoulder. He kneeled down in front of the wolf, and gently guided Remi's feet into the openings, carefully pulling the fabric up his toned, trembling legs. Each movement was slow and deliberate, ensuring that he didn't cause any discomfort to the weak wolf.
As Levi slid the shirt over Remi’s head, his fingers brushed against Remi's hot, flushed skin, causing a shiver to run up the wolf's spine. Once the shirt was pulled down over the wolf’s head and adjusted around his torso, Levi stepped back to admire his handy work with a grin.
“Perfect!” Levi squealed, to which Remi couldn’t help but blush.
Finally reaching for the hairdryer and turning it on, its familiar whir filling the room as he positioned himself behind Remi. The wolf's damp hair cascaded down his neck in disarray, strands clinging stubbornly to his flushed skin. Levi combed through the small tangles with his fingers before using the hairdryer to blow warm air through the thick raven colored strands, drying each section of Remi's hair with delicate patience as the wolf sat more still than the leopard had ever seen him.
Finally, after what felt like hours, Levi finished drying Remi's hair and set the hairdryer aside. With a gentle hand, he turned Remi's face to the side and pressed a tender kiss to his fevered cheek. The wolf let out a soft sigh, feeling the warmth of his mate's lips against his skin. It was moments like these that made him feel truly loved and cared for, reminding him how lucky he was to have the leopard in his life; let alone being actually LOVED by such a compassionate, outstanding man, when Remi was so… well, Remi.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed,” Levi said softly, helping Remi off the toilet seat and leading him over to their bed. As they walked slowly through the hall, Remi stumbled slightly, his weakened body still struggling to find its balance. But with Levi's supportive arm around him, he managed to make it over to their bed without falling.
As they approached the bed, Levi noticed that the sheets were still damp from where Remi had been lying earlier. He knew he had to change them before they could snuggle up together.
“Shit, hold on babe. Lemme change these first, okay?” the leopard asked, to which the wolf nodded slowly as he rubbed at his nose with a soft clicking noise and sniffled . With a sense of urgency, he quickly pulls off the old linens in a flurry, balling up the fabric and tossing it in the laundry hamper in the corner. The leopard then rifles through the closet, selecting a fresh set of sheets in a cool grey hue that he knows Remi loves. As he makes the bed, Levi smooths out every wrinkle and tucks the edges in neatly, wanting to create a comfortable haven for his recovering mate.
With the bed ready, Levi helps Remi over and eases him down onto the mattress.
With a contented sigh, the wolf sunk into the pillows and closed his eyes in pure bliss. He couldn't help a small smile to tug at the corners of his mouth at how considerate Levi was being, taking care of him even in this small way. He honestly didn’t deserve the leopard by his side.
Climbing into bed next to his mate, Levi and pulled the covers up over their bodies. He wrapped a freckled arm around Remi's waist and pulled him close until their bodies were pressed together tightly.
For the first time, Remi buried his face into the crook of the smaller man’s armpit, his lanky frame awkwardly tangling into his mates.
“Thanks.. for everything.,” Remi murmured against Levi's chest, avoiding eye contact with the other as he fidgeted with a button on the leopard’s shirt.
Levi sighed softly with a small smile and shook his head. “It’s my pleasure, Acushla. I’d move mountains for you… So making you feel a little better when you’re sick is the least I can do, alright? I fucking love you, Remington Connors— in ways I don’t think you’ll ever understand.” The leopard stated matter of factly, like it was already something well known to everyone except Remington, before kissing his mate’s warm forehead passionately. His lips lingered against the wolf’s flesh for a few moments before finally pulling back to flash a genuine smile.
Nuzzling into the warmth and comfort of the leopard's embrace, Remi returned his mate’s smile before snuffling softly against his wrist. “I fucking love you too, Levi Anderson.” Remi attempted to reply with determination, although he was very clearly fighting his heavy eyelids from closing.
“Get some rest baby.. don’t worry, you’re safe here with me.” The leopard whispered quietly against the other’s temple. Content in each other’s arms, they both fell asleep, their breathing synchronized as they lay intertwined with one another.
Thanks so much for reading! If you’re so inclined, I really appreciate getting feedback, so let me know if there’s something you liked, or even something I can improve on next time! 𖧧 ࣪ . ִֶָ ๋
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sweetlysniffly · 1 month
I feel like I’ve been here too long and I’m too afraid to ask but…
Guys…what’s the difference between a head cold and a chest cold??? Is one worse???
9 notes · View notes
thekinkyleopard · 1 year
Based off a Prompt
A Remi x Levi Non-Canon Snz Fic
Special Geezie Request
⚠️Content Warning ⚠️
Snz, Mess, Spray, Smut, Rough Sex, Contagion
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Author’s Notes: Tis another Geezie request special ya’ll 🥵 This fic was inspired by @victoriablackrose with a slight twist. Levi does not have the fet, Remi does, but Remi is the only one who fits a rich and powerful character who is prone to sick. 🥴 I’m sorry to those of you disappointed by how long this will be but I promise I stuffed it full of good shit and lots of love so please enjoy. 😊🫶🏻
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Remi is a successful autobody shop owner, he worked really hard, and his shop is the absolute best in town, no seriously he's put half his competition in the ground. This is because the wolf expects nothing less than perfection, and competence from his entire team. Five stars on yelp for that very reason. So much as one screw loose and you're going to have to face an irate Remi, something no one wanted to do on any given day.
He ran a tight ship, but he hired the best of the best which meant, his presence in the shop was less and less needed. Financially, they were doing incredible, he was able to maintain what he had to for the business, as well as pay his employees a good wage including benefits, and he could do the thing he loved the most, take care of and spend time with the love of his life, Levi.
This time he'd booked a very special trip for them, it was going to be amazing. He had rented a private Island along the coast of Bora Bora. However, the week before, was proving to be an entire nightmare. Two mechanics called out sick and one had a family emergency, all with plenty of proof to provide the incredibly stressed man. It was fine, his employees needed to take care of themselves now, so they could return when he went on vacation. Fruits of his labor....fruits of his labor.
Surprisingly, he managed walking out of the week alive, though it was leaving him feeling incredibly, burnt out. Like a crispy chicken. However, he was in Bora Bora now, lounging on a beach towel in their own private paradise wonderland with a full staff to wait on them hand and foot.
"Isn't this wonderful?" Levi asked with his face illuminated by the rays of sunshine basking down upon him, enjoying the environmental ambience of ocean waves and gentle breeze.
"This is exactly...Hh'..." suddenly feeling a burdening sting in his nostrils, his throat getting tighter and his chest feeling heavier.
"Rem?" Levi looked over, lifting his sunglasses above his head to get a better glance at him.
"H'TscHU!" The wolf sneezed openly in front of himself, his body lurching forward from his towel, now in a sitting position. "Fuck...snnff” he sniffled, rubbing his nose against the back of his hand.
"Oh no, are you allergic to something out here?" The leopard now suddenly looking around anxiously at any new flowers, or maybe animals that had crossed their path, not even considering his walking virus catcher of a boyfriend may be sick, again. Remi shook his head slowly back and forth suddenly feeling the mind numbing pressure in his cranium forcing itself to the surface.
"N-No...I think it's just...passing through don't worry.." he sighed softly rubbing the sides of his clammy temples.
"O-Okay, honey.." Not entirely believing that for a second as he watched Remi’s features fall into that familiar state of sick he’d seen so many times before. However, running with it anyway, just to see how it would progress. Having SOME faith in the wolf's ability to identify his own needs. "Well, I'm going to grab you some water, and me a cocktail, I'll be right back.." Levi went to stand up before the man gripped his wrist forcing him back down in the space next to him.
"Babe, don't get up, we're here alone, we have staff, raise your hand up...watch," he explained confidently before raising his arm and waving his palm about loosely. In record time, a handsome young man appeared out of nowhere, dressed professionally in a white shirt and black pants, carrying a tray of drinks.
"Good afternoon, Mr. R-Remi and Mr. Levi. M-May I offer you some refreshments?" The man's voice was smooth as silk but shaky with nerves, his smile warm and welcoming. Despite the trembling in his knees from the sheer presence of the business owner.
Remi nodded, "Yes. Water," his voice stoic, his tired emerald orbs gazing lovingly at his sunbathing leopard. He did absolutely adore the way he looked out in the tropics. No shirt, that freckled pale skin in the sunlight distracting him at every turn, and always wearing some sort of colorfully printed pattern swim trunk. Absolutely tasteful...and he was going to get a taste, full.
"Of course, sir." The man handed him a glass of water with a shaking and nervous hand, snapping Remi straight back into reality, taking it, he shook his head gently, the server now turning to Levi.
"And for you, sir?" clearing his throat before hand, extra emphasis on the respect towards the scarier man's date. Suspecting instinctively it wouldn't go well for him if he was providing anything less than excellent service to the two.
Levi smiled tenderly, "I'll have a Mojito, please." now sighing with contentment as he laid back down, comfortably in the sun. It wasn't too hot, and it definitely wasn't cool. It also wasn't often they got to spend time out in the sun since they had bought their home in Alaska. A breath of fresh air for them both.
The man bowed slightly, "Right away, sir." And just like that, he disappeared as quickly as he had appeared.
Remi sighed, feeling grateful for the staff's efficiency. He took a sip of his water, feeling the cool liquid soothing his parched throat. However, the sneezing fit wasn't going away. If anything, it was getting worse as he felt his sinuses beginning to congest. He knew he had to do something about it before it ruined their entire vacation.
He stood up, feeling the sand between his toes and began to walk towards the water. Levi looked up at him curiously, "Remi, where are you going?"
"I'm going for a swim. Maybe the salt water will help clear my head,” He gave him a reassuring smile before taking his leave down the sand shore and throwing himself into the sea. Levi wasn't complaining, he liked to see water cascading down the man's toned chest, his wet long hair sticking to his neck. He shuddered in anticipation.
As Remi swam around for a few minutes before diving deep beneath the water, he felt the salty sea rushing through his nose and sinuses, causing him to sneeze uncontrollably while down under. "PlfPhtB! Pl'fPhtbB!" A mist of bubbles releasing around him and floating up to break at the surface. But to his surprise, with each sneeze, he felt himself clearing up.
He emerged from the water, feeling refreshed and much more stable than he had going in, his sneezing fit now subsided for the moment being. His body glistening in the rays of the sun. The leopard took this moment to sit up properly and get a good look at his boyfriend coming up to the shore. He whistled suggestively at the man wiggling his thin white brows at the object of his desires. “Feeling better, hot stuff?” He may or may not already have gone one and a half mojitos deep while the wolf had taken his time for a swim. He had told the staff member to keep a full drink in his hand any time he saw him without one. Needless to say, Levi was already feeling pretty light headed and loose.
Remi grinned, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks as he walked towards the ogling cat.
"Much," he smirked, Levi's favorite half toothed grin, long fingers reaching out to run his fingers through the leopard's hair as he closed in on their space. "But I think I need more than just a swim to clear this ache inside me,"
Levi giggled flirtatiously, leaning up to kiss Remi deeply on the lips. Their tongues wasted no time reuniting with their familiar fleshy counterpart, swirling in a rhythm of passion. Remi eagerly returned each hungry advance, deepening the kiss as he pushed Levi onto his back in the sand.
Their bodies intertwined as they continued to kiss, hands exploring every inch of each other's skin. Levi moaned softly, feeling the heat of Remi's wet body pressing and dripping against him. The cool droplets hitting his chest making him shudder. He could feel his own arousal growing, aching for more. Remi's body increasing in temperature for more reasons than the obvious one at current. He was still feeling out of touch with his health, the aching in his head now a throbbing motion, but god..his little kitten just tasted so good...he needed to have him. He would just have to hold it in.
Remi broke the kiss, trailing hot, wet, open kisses down the cat's neck, nipping at his skin with his teeth, leaving behind marks of various sizes against the pale flesh. Levi moaned louder, body expanding and contracting in a rhythm only his mind can understand. His lips parting as he breathed out and then as they meshed together, he breathed in "God, Remi..I want more of you," he whispered almost helplessly, his voice heavy with desire.
Remi reached down between them, his hand gently moved over the firm flesh, matching the rhythm of his body against Levi's hardening member through the fabric of his trunks. "I can feel that," he growled into his ear, adding a hard squeeze that made the smaller gasp. "But first, I need to take care of you..."
Remi gently traced his tongue over Levi's body starting from his neck, down his clavicle, then reaching his delicate budding nipple, feeling it harden and peak under the touch. He traced his teeth across the edges, running his tongue over one of those pink waiting areolas and enjoying the soft moan that filled the open tropical space around them. His hands roaming over the other's smooth chest and stomach.
Levi writhed beneath him, his body trembling with need, his pale skin glistened with the warm humidity of the tropics. Sweat beads upon his brow before being washed away by the gentle breeze. He panted rapidly with each pressing movement, his chest rising and falling beneath the larger man. His ocean eyes half lidded, staring at the photographic sky above him. His mouth parted, breathing heavy.
Remi, descending furtherly, eager to get a taste of his beloved as his nails trailed hard, heavy, deep claw marks down the leopard's delicate sides. This eliciting a drawn out moan from the small man below. "Remi..." he breathed out, his voice hoarse with passion, "Please.."
"Please what?" Remi's voice was low and husky, his deep emerald eyes gazing back at Levi through his eyelashes. He made sure his smile was showing through in his voice, he was so in love with his kitten, and wanted him to know that.
Levi bit his bottom lip, blushing lightly as he turned his face away, "Please…Sir..." answering pathetically. Remi grunted low in his chest inhaling sharply through his slightly still stuffed up nose, he liked the way it sounded. The way Levi's moans echoed through his voice. It was like nothing else he heard, his absolute favorite sound in the world. Enough to keep him distracted from the worsening conditions that were waiting for him under the surface of lust.
"Hmm, come on kitten. You can do better than that..." His teeth gently grazed Levi's delicate hip bones, leaving little blood blisters along the boundary of his V lines to mark his territory. The leopard's swim trunks were sitting dangerously low on his haunches. So low one could see the start of his pubic bone. It was driving the wolf absolutely wild.
"PLEASE, Sir...I want to feel your m-mouth on me...Please...I don’t want to wait anymore..." Levi continued. The words fell out of his mouth in a rushed mess. His eyes shut tight, expecting the wolf to devour him at any moment.
"Oh, tell me all about it, baby…" Remi chuckled darkly sliding his tongue across the top row of his teeth, "Mm, Just as I thought..." he hissed lowly under his breath as he slowly peeled the leopard's swim trunks down past his length.
Levi's eyes shot open as he spoke, "What, what did you think?" but before he could continue he was cut off as the wolf's mouth descended upon the head of his erect member.
"Mmmmm..." the larger moaned softly, savoring the flavor of his kitten. A flavor he loved beyond belief, could never get enough of. He groaned in pleasure as he felt Levi's length fill up his mouth. He had a deep urge to swallow the boy whole. He knew he wouldn't be able to with the persistent burning in his throat, it would be too much despite his abilities in different circumstances. But he could at least do his best.
Levi could only moan in relief at the sensation that traveled down every cell in his body, his toes were curled into the sand and his back was tingling with an electric voltage that could not be stopped. The feeling was almost too much to bear. Remi's lips wrapped around his shaft, and his teeth grazed across the sensitive skin, giving a slight sting that went straight to Levi's gems. His eyes rolled back as he moaned. "G-god..."
The wolf's tongue caressed the sensitive organ, lapping up the leaking pre-cum with each flick.
Levi's body arched in pleasure as Remi's tongue began to trace around the head of his erection, licking away the pearly white liquid. The wolf groaned, this ignited a primal need deep within him to consume the kitten. His desire to taste every inch of him was overwhelming and he wanted nothing more than to take him in one fell swoop. His tongue explored Levi's length, sucking hard as much as he could. The cat’s cock pulsed for release inside the man's throat, when he was suddenly pushed full hilt.
This would have been fine, had the length of it not tickled the back of his throat the way it did. Remi gagged once over, pulling himself up, the leopard found this reverberation of sound, extremely erotic, unaware that his mate was actually suffering in this moment. 'Don't do it Rem...keep it together...' he coached himself internally as his tongue continued to work circles around his lover's aching shaft, but his nose still tickled.
Remi with all the mental strength he could muster, continued to push it down, trying to keep himself from ruining the mood, his nose felt like it was going to explode. He breathed in and out deeply, hoping to push out the urge before he could do anything that would ruin the moment, but the more he fought it, the stuffier his nose got, the harder it was to breathe. Groaning deep from within the pits of his chest as he slipped up the other's leaking tip, sucking at a pressure, that proved to be too much.
It was going to come out whether he liked it or not. Just as he thought he was winning the battle against his sensitive nose, he pulled up from Levi's cock with a swift movement and an almighty "Hah'TSCHUU!" escaped from his lips and sent wet droplets of saliva all over Levi's cock.
The wolf quickly pulled away, embarrassed at what had just happened. He wiped his nose and face with the back of his hand and tried to apologize but it came out in a barely audible stutter. “S-sor-..”
"Shh...M'ere," the slightly intoxicated cat whispered, his hand finding the back of Remi's neck and pulling him in to a deep and lust-fueled kiss. A moment of tongues clashing, and mouths sliding together in a messy and needy rythmn, the leopard pulled away just slightly, their foreheads pushed together, his own face wet from contracting the other’s sneezy mess. "That...actually felt really fucking good..."
A tinge of arousal shot up Remi's toes straight to his groin, the little cat thought that....felt good? He liked his blow out? That was surprising, but absolutely delicious news to hear in his throbbing, hazy head.
"Still want me to leave you breathless?" Remi asked, his voice was low again, rough as it pushed through the chords, his lips brushed past Levi's like a soft breeze of wind, panting tenderly amongst each other. The wolf could still feel that hot pressure pushed to the surface of his skull but attending his mate was so much more important than that.
Levi nodded, his reply was simple but filled with desire, "Yes..." he whispered past the man's ever ghosting lips, his hips adjusting in discomfort as his needs increased and as Remi's mouth found it's way to the cat's sensitive neck.
"I'll give you what you want..." Remi muttered, his tongue hungrily exploring every inch. Savoring every taste. His breaths were ragged, messy, it drove the leopard wild with each huff felt across his flesh. Levi's hands quickly snaked their way into the wolf's hair, his fingers curling in to tangled knots as he moaned delicately out loud, his body squirming beneath Remi.
He bit down slightly on Levi's neck, his teeth digging into the skin, drawing a few trickles of crimson and leaving a large hickey. The wolf needed to mark his territory, always, without fail. His teeth pulled back over his tongue, dragging the skin along with it, as he let it slip loose from his jaws. He then licked the area where he had just bitten, savoring Levi's salty taste before kissing it softly.
The action alone caused Levi to all but collapse. His body writhing against his lover's movements, while his moans became more and more desperate with his increased arousal. He knew exactly what was to come, and he knew it was going to drive him insane. A smile split across his face as he felt Remi's lips against his neck, he took a strong inhale of the leopard's skin, relishing in the scent of him, but his nostrils still begging for an ounce of comfort. His breathing hitched, and his chest rose sharply with every tickle that crawled up his nose. "H'h..." he tried to pull away, but the smaller, only pulled him in closer.
"I want to feel all of you..." Levi whimpered loosely, sending a jolt of excitement down the wolf's loins. Did he mean..? He very much did, the smaller was so deeply entranced by their encounter, and desperate for the raven haired man, he didn't care what kind of attention it was, as long as it was on him.
Remi let out a soft, and deepened moan, his tongue flicking over the leopard's skin until it settled on the sensitive area of Levi's throat. His breath was hot and raspy as he stuck his tongue out to deliver one last kiss before allowing his head cold to have the ultimate say, "Hh'itsshhih! Hah'TSCHU!" sending the wet particles of spit all over Levi's neck that trickled slowly downward against his chest.
Levi only responded with a low moan, pressing into the mess but never fully releasing him from their embrace. His hands still locked in Remi's hair as he tilted his head over and met the wolf's glassy green eyes with an expression that could only be described as pure lust. "That felt so good…" he purred, licking away some of the saliva that lingered upon the wolf's lips, before lightly pressing their mouths together once again. In between a slurry of passionate tongues, the raven haired man could be heard with little wet sniffles as his hands explored down the cat's thin body.
Levi's own hands slipped to the wolf's already strained swim trunks, the fabric fighting against the unfastening as his fingers worked to tug it down. At long last it gave way and Levi had what he was looking for. The wolf pressing urgently against the smaller's warm palm, as it rose with every rough breath Remi could muster.
"Hih'ITTSCHU!" He cried out in another fit, his nose twitching against the crook of the younger man's neck, his tongue flicked out the corner of his lips, as if he was trying to fight against the urges within his sinuses, but they were too strong. Remi's entire body shook and convulsed as he let out a deep raspy, "Hh'itsshhih!" His entire face pushed forward as his nose leaked against Levi's pale freckled flesh, who's movements on his cock only seemed to increase. Soft fingers encasing him, and massaging him.
"God bless you, baby...." responding breathlessly to the fitting wolf. The sensation was too much for the Leopard, and Levi's breathing quickened as his hips began to undulate in time with Remi's explosions. His body becoming ever more aroused as it responded to the wetness that trailed down his chest. He began to beg pathetically "Please, Rem...I need you," his voice echoing inside the ravenette's pounding head from the sheer amount of desperation. He wanted nothing more than to feel the wolf all over him once again, pushing against every inch of his skin until he was completely satisfied. In an unorganized rhythm, Levi continued to pump and squeeze at his lover's aching, large length in his shaking palm.
Remi groaned, his sensitive nose was making it impossible for him to immerse himself within the pleasure of his mate's hand, but Levi's pleas were just as hard to ignore. Reaching over, the wolf took a firm hold of Levi's hip to pull him in closer to stop the overwhelming pleasure from becoming more than he could take, his words coming out wet and sex crazed, “Yes...” He grunted, the wolf's voice was strained and tight, like he's trying to hold something back from escaping. He was.
“Don't make me wait anymore...” Levi's voice soft and sensual as his cock throbbed against the open tropic air, trunks still pulled barely below his ass. Remi swiftly overpowered the smaller, forcing him onto his back in the sand.
Remi had been beaten. He didn't have it in him to speak, instead he let his tongue trail languidly from his lips and down the length of Levi's stomach. His arms were on either side of Levi's head as he allowed the older man to lead their dance and with a swift yet gentle shove, he ripped the rest of the man's trunks off with his teeth.
Remi's tongue pressed into the skin of Levi's now peach fuzzed pubic line, as he traveled down and began to work on teasing the smaller length, "H'h..." hitching his breath over the sensitive flesh, allowing the feeling of his oncoming eruption to consume him. "H'Hah...." a slight pool of saliva dripping from his tongue down Levi's waiting cock, his cheeks flushed vermillion.
"Hah'TSCHHUU!" letting it all fly forward and completely coat the cat's waiting member, who, with the feeling of being soaked caused him to push his hips up from the sandy ground to try and elect further sensations out of the wolf's mouth.
"F-Fuck..." Levi whimpered, tossing his head back and forth from the overtly erotic stimulation.
A few droplets of the salty fluid dripped off of Levi's engorged cock and down onto his stomach, which the wolf began to lick away at eagerly, sloppily he moved to suck the cat's tip in rhythm with his tongue. His lips formed a tight seal around Levi's shaft which left the man to believe his brain was about to explode. Remi’s head was bobbing back and forth, side to side, in circular motions that his mouth performed strategically well.
"H-haahh!" the smaller cried out, his whimpers echoing through the private beach as his heart raced and his body ached for more. He could feel his length getting harder, and the longer Remi licked him, the closer he was to orgasm. "It's...too much," he whispered, his moans coming out in ragged breaths as he felt the man's tongue swirl around his cock.
Remi snaked around the exposed flesh, running it's course up and down the shaft as his lips sealed around it once again. The wolf pulled back, allowing just enough of the cat to slip out of his mouth before he dove in for more. With each pull Remi took on Levi, he could feel the man's body tremble beneath him with pleasure that was too much to contain. "I’b gonna dhow you, doo mud," voice stuffy from his previous fit.
Remi smiled wickedly, knowing what Levi needed- a deeper satisfaction than what his tongue could provide. He placed both hands onto Levi's thighs and pushed them up towards his chest, spreading him so wide that the wolf could have full view of the opening between his legs and exposing him fully to himself. Spitting one time onto the area in wanton lust with the excess amount of saliva collecting under his tongue, Remi shifted himself up until their bodies were finally aligned, his cock fully erect outside the hole of his trunks - letting Levi know how badly he wanted to be inside him now.
With a single thrust, The wolf forced himself inside the cat's tight walls, pushing his hips forward as deep as he could go. Remi groaned with each pass, marveling at the feeling of Levi's wetness surrounding him and squeezing him with such pleasure that it nearly made him lose control. He grabbed onto either side of Levi's thighs and began to fuck him violently, almost desperate- pushing himself further and harder into the man below him as his own orgasm loomed closer.
"F-Fuck me," Levi cried out in a strained voice, shivering from pleasure even as Remi continued to pound into him relentlessly. His entire body was shaking now, arching up into the wolf with each stroke as if begging for more even though it felt like he was about to break apart from the intensity of it all.
Remi felt his own claws digging into Levi's flesh unconsciously- gripping tightly onto the smaller man's legs, keeping them firmly pushed against the cat's chest, but as deeply invested in his orgasm as he was, Remi couldn't hide the fighting battle inside his sweating body. It didn't matter though, Levi was past the point of finding a limit and the wolf knew deep down he could use the man like his own property, even like a tissue. As the wolf hovered over the mess of a leopard, he allowed the breath in his throat to stutter and hitch, his face pulling back, eyes squinting from the brightness of the sun. It was any minute now, a thin line of drool falling down the side of his open maw.
"H'TSCHU!" He sneezed atop his lover, a misted cloud of sick falling over the man. Levi jolting at the sudden action, eyes widening in shock as he watched Remi's head whip back to face him again. His mind raced with desire, the feeling of the wolf atop him pushing him closer and closer to his own climax.
What snapped him out of it was not what was happening between their bodies, but instead the sensation of a few drops of saliva that had been released from Remi's sneeze landing on his mouth. Without a second thought, Levi parted his lips slightly and sensually lapped up the stray beads.
The sight of this sent Remi over the edge as he increased his thrusts even more violently now- "Jesus fuck..." swearing lewdly at the scene, as he felt himself come closer and closer to orgasm. With one last powerful thrust, striking Levi against his prostate in one aggressively fluid motion, they both cried out in equal pleasure. Remi busting his seed inside of the trembling cat, while he painted the majority of his own pale freckled chest.
"H-haa," Levi gasped, his white and black hair now covered in a fine sheen of sweat as he panted loudly, his voice broken up as he attempted to catch his breath. He reached down with his hands to pull Remi's hips close to him, causing him to fall forward. Their lips met in a lazy and messy fashion, tongues crashing against one another.
The cat had his arms wrapped around Remi's shoulders now slinking his hands together behind him, kissing him deeply as the wolf returned with equal lust and passion. After a few more heated moments, the wolf pulled away huffing desperately to catch his sanity.
"God, you're rather insatiable today aren't you?" Remi chuckled generously, still panting from his orgasm. The symptoms of his current state falling back to the surface after having been subdued by their moment of passion. His face was much hotter now with the added circumstances, unable to make out whether or not that insistent warbling was a sound being made around them or just inside his own head.
Levi huffed out a short laugh, "You have no idea...You were rather busy this week...I missed you..." his head falling back against the sand as they spoke.
"Mmmm," Remi smiled, rolling off of the cat and laying onto his side beside him, watching as Levi did the same. "I'm sorry, I just had a lot on my plate with the call outs," the wolf sighed shaking his head and laying his hands onto his face to shield his aching head from the blinding rays.
"It's all right!" Levi spoke still in the same cheerful fashion he always did, turning to face Remi with a much more flirtatious look on his face. "You made it up to me now...I'm not mad anymore..."
"OOOH, Okay," Remi laughed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he reached over and ran his fingers through Levi's hair. "I see you," narrowing his watery swollen eyes in a playful manner.
"Yeah and I see YOU...clearly have a cold coming on...again," sticking his tongue out at the larger of the two who sniffled in persecution, before the leopard reached over and gently rubbed and squeezed his neck.
"I know! I know....I think it's leisure sickness...I may have over worked myself, and now our vacation is ruined...." feeling a bit down on himself for allowing his health to come second to the business.
Levi’s thumb pad rubbed small circles around the flesh of skin on Remi’s neck. “It’s not ruined, my love, even if I spend the whole time taking care of you..It’s always worth it spending time together,” he purred suggestively, leaning forward to plant a heated kiss against his boyfriend’s chapped lips. He sniffled against the cat but still gave as much passion as he received.
“That so?” He asked in a breathless whisper against Levi’s mouth.
“Mmmm definitely…” responding as their foreheads slid together intimately. Hesitantly, Levi pulled back and sat up, he looked around and decided maybe he should get the wolf back to rest up a bit. “You wanna go back to the room?” Looking over with excited cerulean eyes. He loved the beach shore they had to play on, but, he would like to get the sand out of his ungodly places as well as spend more time in their gorgeous bungalow.
“Yeah…be nice to lay down on a bed for a bit…” he mumbled pushing the back of his hand against his sore, and still wet nostrils. Being under the sun with an already growing temperature, was probably a bad idea…and having sex on top of that.
Levi was the first to take his stand, extending his palm out to the other, using the bulk of his own strength to help Remi back to his feet. “Come on, let’s go…I’m due for another drink anyway~” he shook his hips with a giggle, the large man chuckling through his nose and rolling his emerald orbs. Once back on their feet, they fixed their trunks back on after shaking out all the sand.
“Mmm, oh?” Remi laughing once again, knowing exactly where this vacation was going if Levi planned to keep on the cocktail train, shaking his head as they helped each other through the sand. The wolf following the cat back to their temporary humble abode.
It didn’t take too long for them to get there, but as soon as they opened the door to their bungalow, the larger felt a wave of illness wash over his body. He stepped further into the room, trying to fight the spinning and pounding against his skull, taking notice of the beige walls that contrasted against dark wooden furniture and linen bedding. An air conditioner blew cool air from one corner while the shades were blocking out the bright sun rays coming from outside. "Man...just not being surrounded with blinding sunlight alone feels so much better..." he sighed, noticing some relief behind his aching emerald orbs.
Levi giggled in response, but hopped past him, quickly making his way over to an already made drink that was sitting on the coffee table between two white wicker chairs. “Woah! Look at this- A giant fishbowl!” he murmured with wonderment, pointing out to a massive round glass filled with a tropical alcoholic concoction and several different fruits coming out of it.
Remi walked closer to inspect it himself and laughed softly before shaking his head again in amusement. “God damn that's like 4 drinks in one....might want to be careful before I'm peeling you off the floor..."
Levi laughed and looked over to him with a smirk, taking a gulp of his drink before making a pout. “I can handle it! Besides, I’m sure you can catch me if you need to...you're a big strong man.” sending off a wink of his playful ceruleans as he chuckled, Levi finally taking another big swig of the cocktail and settling it back into place. Feeling that continued looseness he had been buzzing off earlier.
Remi rolled his eyes with an even wider smile before he shook his head and fell onto the bed. His face felt hot and tight against the pillow as he tried to fight off the growing tickle inside his nose, feeling like sand may be stuck up his nostrils. “Hah-h..aha...there's no way in hell I'm catching you if you fall off more than two drinks," he replied struggling to keep the mess at bay, laughing between each tickle that threatened to make him sneeze again.
Levi looked over quickly at Remi's sudden laughter, his expression turning from amusement to concern as he noticed the wolf still looking rather uncomfortable in his own flesh. "Seriously though, honey, are you okay? Do we need to pack it in early?" Remi shook his head swiftly.
"Nonsense, I'm sure I'll feel better tom-....H'ITTSCHU! Hih'TsscHIEW!!" He sneezed twice into the open air in front of him on the bed. His body convulsing, every muscle flexing to the surface, which the little leopard took much note in. He wasn't usually the one to be so turned on by his lover's sickness, that was a Remi trope, but with the mix of tropic air and these delicious beverages, it was all so enticing.
"You know what might make you feel better? A nice dip into the jacuzzi later tonight, Once the sun goes down," Levi suggested walking over to his mate's bed side, running his thin fingers through the man's sticky black threads.
"Hah...ha...thats...thats a...good idea..." he snuffled and hitched, his chest arching and flexing against the bed. His whole nose ached with stuffy ick, making it impossible to breath through his irritated nostrils, his jaw slacked as he breathed deeply through his mouth.
"For now maybe...take a bit of a nap? You'll be feeling right as rain in no time." Remi nodded his head slowly, groggily, the sandman already threatening to take over. "Yes...maybe a nap...is what I need right now...Hih'iitsCHUU!" he murmured before it was swallowed by a room echoing sneeze, spraying a mist around the two of them, it caused his nostrils to drip and he groaned drowsily, swiping the edge of the blanket against his messy, wet face.
“Oh, Acushla..." he whispered the Gaelic endearment, while he rubbed at the wolf's forehead softly, cursing himself for not having brought any medications.
Levi watched him quietly for a moment, smiling at the peaceful look on his face as Remi's emerald orbs slid to a close, only the sound of his staggered breathing filled the space. Eventually, when Levi was certain that the man managed to find his way into dreamland, did he turn over to reunite with his beverage. Grabbing his fishbowl and walking to the outside space that led to the jacuzzi and view of the shore, he watched the waves crash against the sand.
The leopard sat on a nearby chair and began sipping away at his beverage - though they were meant for two people that was no match for this little cat's determination. In between gulps and laughs the occasional burp would escape from his mouth as he slowly got himself drunk off of Remi's future headache, hoping to take full advantage of this rare moment with himself alone while his boyfriend napped.
As he did so, the night sky slowly descended upon them both, twinkling stars and a glowing crescent moon enchanting all who laid their eyes on it, Levi finishing his drink with one final gulp before finally deciding upon stumbling out of the chair. He was feeling completely and totally different from the hour ago he sent Remi to bed.
Slowly, the cat managed to get himself over to Remi's bedside once more, now planting soft, sweet kisses across the wolf's clammy face. "Baaaaby~" he whispered gently into his ear. "Baaaaby~ C'mon...s'time to get up..get in the hot tub with me.." starting to slowly peel the covers off his now stirring and grumbling mate.
Remi groaned in protest, his head throbbing something fierce and his mouth feeling like a desert, rubbing at his eyes and stretching. As a reflex his hand went to cover one of his nostrils, only to get it smothered in mucus instead. He grimaced before looking around the room, blinking several times until eventually folding back into Levi's gaze. "B-Baby?" He squinted over at the cat who slowly slid himself out of his own trunks from earlier.
The leopard just stood there with an expectant look on his face, knowing that Remi would never be able to turn him down when he was like this - all vulnerable and cute. Despite feeling like death twice baked, the wolf couldn't help but feel aroused by the sight before him - Levi standing there completely naked with a playful glint in his eye. He smiled fondly and nodded before slipping off the bed himself.
"Alright then," he said with a sigh, rubbing his eyes free of sleep as he stepped out and forward towards Levi. "Let's go for that hot tub you promised…”
He wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep off the growing cold inside his head, but feeling Levi’s eyes on him excited the wolf enough that he couldn't pass up this opportunity. Stifling a yawn, Remi slowly stripped his own trunks, before following Levi out into the night air. The two made their way over to the jacuzzi nestled in the corner of their private balcony overlooking the open sea.
The lukewarm waters were inviting and comforting as they sunk into it, relieving all of Remi's aches and pains as he let himself relax into the embrace of its warmth. “Seeeeee, isn't this nice?" Levi purred slowly swimming his way across to slide himself gracefully into Remi's lap, fitting like a comfortable puzzle piece.
"Mmm. you're definitely not wrong..." Remi consciously fought off the heat of blush that threatened to overtake his blanched cheeks, trying to keep a cool composure in spite of how drunk Levi seemed. He smiled weakly and nodded, still too exhausted to move much as he continued to fight off the stuffy heat inside him that kept threatening to take over.
However, Levi seemed more than happy with Remi's simple response; With a content smile the cat nuzzled further into Remi's chest before purring out another question - "Is this okay?"
Remi leaned his head back against the rim of the hot tub, running a hand through Levi's hair as he let out a low hum in response. "Yeah, this is perfect," he murmured, feeling his body relax even further in the calming waters.
Levi's purrs turned into contented sighs as he snuggled his face into Remi's neck, feeling the man's heartbeat against his cheek. The sound was soothing, like a lullaby, and the leopard couldn't help but let out a soft exhale of his own. This was exactly where he wanted to be, wrapped up in Remi's arms, with nothing else in the world to worry about.
Minus the sudden hitching, and stuttering of the wolf's chest. Levi leaned back and he could see it all over the man's scrunched up face. "O-h n-H-ah..." Remi whimpered behind his gasping voice. The cat, panicking to avoid a face full of sneeze, snapped his palm over the man's mouth just in time.
"H'PBfFNGXT!" It made a loud sound against the flesh of Levi's palm, and it soaked through his heated skin, cautiously, Levi pulled it back, just an inch off the wolf's lips before another fell out between them. "Hah'TSCHUU!" spraying his lover's hand once more. Levi cooed sympathetically, casually dipping his soiled hand back down into the water before sliding both hands up Remi's chest, wrapping around his neck.
"Bless you, sweetheart," his voice loving, kind, as it always was when addressing the sickly man. He felt bad, but the vulnerability of his mate, the combination of using him like an old napkin as he had been all day, drove something wild inside the drunk cat. He glazed over those soft, wet lips that belonged to the love of his life, and he felt his heart stop in his chest. Levi leaned in, pressing his lips against Remi's in a hungry fashion, his hands locking behind the other's head as he pushed himself forward. Despite being slightly taken back by the leopard’s persistence, Remi allowed them to get lost in the heat of the moment, the steamy waters, and the pleasure of each other's bodies. The wolf’s hands immediately roamed over his little leopard's back, pulling him in as their tongues danced passionately against each other.
Levi moaned into the kiss, his arousal growing with every passing moment. He wanted Remi, badly, and it seemed like the feeling was mutual. Their bodies pressed together, the water sloshing against the sides of the hot tub as they moved rhythmically against each other in a desperate fashion.
Finally, with a gasp, Remi pulled away, his chest heaving with exertion. "Levi...wait...we can't..." he panted, his eyes clouded with desire and illness. "I'm sick...I don't want to get you..."
Levi scoffed, rolling his ocean blues before he bit his lower lip and shrugged softly. "So what if I do?" challenging the man with a heated gaze. "Maybe, I want it...
"Oh?" Remi raised a thin black brow, a smirk growing on his face. "You want me to get you sick? You're asking for it, huh?" His voice was low and threatening as he leaned forward, letting out a devilish chuckle before he pressed his lips against Levi's again only for a few more moments, their mouths moved in messy unison.
The wolf pulled away by a few inches, a mischievous glint in his eyes and a lustful fire burning deep within his chest. As the two of them grasped at each other aggressively, their desire evident in every movement, Remi's nostrils giving off a slight leakage from all the sneezing. But it only seemed like it made the cat more fired up than ever before as he gave into the temptation. Just as he was looming over the sexy, flushed and pathetic little face of his mate, he could feel the the urges burning back up through his throat and lungs. His chest feeling heavier by the second. The wolf reached up and grabbed Levi in a tight grip by his jaw and quickly commanded of him before it erupted. "Open," referring to the cat's mouth.
Levi, curious as always, did as he was told and opened his mouth like he had been taught to do by his larger dominant. He stuck out his tongue, looking very lewd in the process and giving the other man a perfect view of his little pink tongue.
Remi groaned feeling himself harden, loving how passionately the cat gave in to his demands, but before he could enjoy himself and take a mental picture, he blew his lid off, sneezing aggressively into the cat's face. "Hah'TScHIEW!" Levi was caught off guard for a moment, blinking away watery eyes as he felt the cooling difference in temperature as the spray fell upon his heated freckled features, but as the wet mess fell upon his skin he felt his eyes roll into the back of his head, and his hips shifted forward into a rough grind against his partner.
"Yeah? You like that? My dirty little kitten likes to be used doesn't he?" The grin that spilled over his features was something dark, capturing Levi’s breath in his throat at the sight as their eyes locked.
The cat slinked forward, his breathing turned frantic, and his voice seemingly slurred as he spoke erratically. "Y-yes…I fucking love you using me..." His normally, cute voice even more so, panting and airier than usual. The blush that was on Levi's face from the heat of the hot tub stayed, turning into a perpetual dust, as he turned to gaze upon the other man, seeing his lover with a sneeze covered face, nose red, lips swollen, hot, and dripping. Levi's heart fluttered with carnal desires and the intoxication of the moment.
Remi smirked, a bit of a sadistic nature coming through as he allowed himself to revel in the sight of his own personal pet who wanted nothing more than to be his, to serve him, and to give him whatever he wanted. "Good…because truthfully," he began, his voice coarse with a heat building deep in his stomach, his hands running up and down over the man’s smooth body, kneading into his bare cheeks from under the surface of the water, sliding his length between them teasingly. “I wouldn’t give you any other choice,”
Levi felt like he could barely contain himself from wanting to sink his claws into the man's shoulders and rip him apart- but not in a violent way- rather just in a way that, he could scar the lover as his. Permanently. Leaving a hot trail of bites and nips against the wolf's bare neck and shoulders, his mate could no longer keep himself at bay, pressing the tip impatiently at the smaller’s waiting entrance.
As Remi's hands moved along Levi's ass, the wolf began to force himself inside, pushing further and further until he was all the way in. The slick flesh of his lover quivered as his body opened up and made room for him, their heart beats mixing into a single rhythm, both seemingly losing control of themselves. "Thaaaat's it...fuck," Remi hissed lowly, the hot water was splashing around them from the outside forces of their movements as Remi wasted no time in finding a steady rhythm, causing the pool to overflow its edges and onto the sides of the tub.
Levi felt himself unable to release his control as Remi bit into his neck, riding him with full effort, throwing his hips up and down against the large cock pulsating inside him. Broken up and stifled cries of pleasure polluted the night sky. "God....I love that cock so much baby..." the leopard whimpered helplessly, his arms clutched behind Remi's head as he used the base of his forearms against the man's shoulders for leverage.
Remi groaned softly, his glowing greens rolling back as the pleasure intensified, feeling his wet hair sticking to his forehead. "Fucking shit...you're so tight...you like using your Master, hm?" he pointedly grunted, his hips continuing to move at a steady pace to match his partner, his heart beating faster and faster as the prickling sensation in his nose was winning over his body, but he had no time to pay much attention as the pleasure burning in his loins out weighed what he felt in his sinuses.
"Y-Yes...I like..claiming that cock…taking it..." Levi gasped as he felt his insides get warmer and warmer, his whole body burned with a heat only his wolf could build inside him. "I want to drain every last drop from it...I want it to fill me over and make me spill..." he gasped between words as he began to grind his hips against his lover's in a faster rhythm, loving how the other’s body felt against his.
Remi could feel the cat's unrelenting need for release, drowning out any of the man's pain or discomfort as he continued to fuck him with quick, hard thrusts. Levi, himself, became more and more dizzy, his head beginning to swim with the building desire and pleasure. Remi's matched with it’s own swirling thoughts between a mix of unhinged desires as well as the primal urge to allow the tickle and strain in his nostrils to have free reign.
"Ohh g-god, I'm gonna fuckin' blow again..." Remi warned as his nose starting to twitch and scrunch, causing Levi to pick up the pace even faster, both of them now desperate for a climax that seemed to be just out of their reach.
"Release, baby...let it out...go on.." Levi urged him on, his voice trembling with an unknown excitement as he continued to ride the pulsating length that assaulted into his prostate.
Remi's eyes snapped open and he let loose with a loud, powerful "HIH'IITSSCHU!" Splashing another cloud of sickness across his escalating lover, he lost all control of himself and was sent hurtling over the edge into oblivion, hitting his orgasm the same moment the sneeze rocked through his sinuses. The man filling the smaller's hole with his hot seed. As his body turned in on itself and shuddered uncontrollably from the pleasure coursing through him, Levi followed shortly in a succession of jolts, his own orgasm punching through him like an earthquake as his lover sprayed all over his delicate body.
They stayed there, connected in one for several passing moments. Yet, once their breathing had returned to normal, Remi felt his body heat up again. His skin was flushed and steamy from all the hot tub water and his hair was damp with sweat. He pulled back just slightly from Levi's embrace and looked down to meet his gaze. "Can we get out now? Starting to feel like a boiled egg in here after all that..." he chuckled sheepishly. Levi groaned with a certain tone of protest, leaning in to press more gentle kisses against his lover's neck.
"Hmm...we definitely can...but that doesn't mean I plan to stop..." the cat purred tauntingly crawling his way off the man and leisurely out of the tub. His body shuddered as it hit the cold tropic night air. Swiftly he grabbed one of the nearby towels and curled it around his body. "Chilly~" he giggled, grabbing the second towel and having it waiting for Remi to take as he too slid out of the heated water.
"Yeah it is..." he took a deep breath out wrapping himself up in the article of cloth. "Am I going to have to tie you up to a chair?" Remi laughed at his overtly excited mate who was already coming up to wrap his towel clad arms around the large man.
"Mmm, I might like that too much.." he teased, buzzing languidly as he ran his softened hands up and down the man's strong glistening arms.
"Hm? Then I guess you'll have to start being less of a perv, hm?" He teasingly bantered with the younger as a grin slipped over his mouth, wrapping a towel around his lower half, before leaning in to give the shorter man a loving kiss.
"Well that's just like asking me to stop having freckled skin...I can't!" Levi laughed, his body pressed closely into the taller man’s motions unable to keep his smiling at bay. Sweetly nuzzling against his chest before turning his head back to look up at the man.
"Yeah...I guess you're right." Remi couldn't help but match the other's loving gaze as he slowly coaxed the drunk leopard inside. "Oh hey...we should probably order some dinner here, I'm feeling at least well enough right now for a good meal.." the wolf spoke genuinely as he picked up the room service menu mulling over the varying options available to them.
"If they have sushi, I want some," Levi hiccupped slightly as he began to messily dig through his and Remi’s suitcases.
"Yeah, Yeah, scales for you, steak for me.." writing down their order on a notepad while he continued to browse their options, simply unaware of the mess his little cat was making of their things.
"And have them send up another one of those fish bowls.." he wobbled about as he plucked a handful of clothes into his palm with his toiletries and headed towards the bathroom.
"Cause you need another one of those, hm?" Teasing the leopard who stumbled about, quickly turning to lock eyes and stick his tongue out at the man.
"I do....to wash down the sushi," he winked with a cheeky grin before quickly disappearing into the washroom.
Remi laughed at the sight, shaking his head as he picked up the phone to order their dinner. His body still fought against the cold chill that was racking through every cell in his body, but he battled through it, picking up the room phone and reaching the line to room service. "Room Service how can we help?"
Remi clears his throat to make sure he can get through it without giving in to his internal struggles against his raging sickness. "Yeah, can I order a plate of steak, rare, and I mean rare, if it's not done right, I will send it back..." He warned harshly through the very silent line. "For the sides, I don't want any of that rabbit food shit, I want two fully loaded baked potatoes," he almost sounded pre-irritated as if they had just presented him the menu noted green beans, twice. Taking a deep breath to try and center himself.
"And then I'm also gonna need... a Shrimp tempura roll, a Dragon Roll, a Spicy Salmon Roll, and double tuna Sashimi," As he placed the order, there was an almost instantaneous build up of pressure from within him that seemed like it had to be released. He held back long enough to finish the rest of what he needed to for the order. "Another one of those...like..really big fucking drinks...thanks....bye," he quickly slammed the phone down and then allowed himself the freedom he so desired. "Hah'TSCHUU! Hh'iitschuu!" he sneezed unrestrained, loudly as it echoed the chamber of the bungalow.
He grumbled feeling like he just got hit by a sack of bricks now, sitting up in the bed rubbing his nose roughly as if trying to scratch the damn thing right off his face. His nostrils were so leaky, and his head was so hot, as if the very air around him was fueling the very fire that raged, more and more each minute. He let out a low groan, pulling his head back in frustration before taking a deep breath and rubbing his nose slowly between two fingers in a circular motion, trying to rid of all the congestion within him. His eyes squinted with satisfaction at the relief he got from this simple action, but it was still hard for him to focus on anything else other than how irritated he felt, looking around the room with watery vision as small streams of tears rolled down his swollen emerald orbs.
Just as he was about to lay down in defeat, feeling a bit relieved after the sneezing fit, Levi slowly sashayed out of the bathroom. Remi felt his breath catch in his throat and all his woes seemed to melt away as he saw Levi wearing nothing else but his favorite Guardin shirt, black with a pink circle, and a little alien dude holding a balloon. It was the wolf’s favorite shirt. Walking out seductively, slowly, with short but somehow, the illusion of slender length, legs carried him across the room with the most alluring little dance. His hips swayed delicately back, and forth moving with grace like precision.
The wolf couldn't help but smile widely at the scene, feeling a bit distracted from his current status of illness. Levi smiled devilishly at him and wiggled his eyebrows before striding over to him and planting a passionate kiss on Remi's lips, stealing away the last traces of cold that had been lingering around them earlier. They broke away, before the leopard placed a hand on his flushing chest. "Oh baby..you're burning up..." he stood back and swiped his palm over the male's forehead. "Maybe I should call room service, see if they have any cold meds," he nodded confidently standing up now to rush toward the bathroom. Remi deflating as the man left his side, almost as if his little leopard was cure enough, spoiler, it wasn’t. He was fooling himself to think it wouldn’t stand in the way of their good time, right?
Levi acquired a hand towel and soaked it through with hot water, before squeezing the excess liquid out. As the white haired man returned to his lover's bed side, Remi reached a hand out to touch his mate's wrist. "Don't call them, they'll be here to deliver dinner soon...just ask 'em then," he smiled sweetly, hoping to ease some of the steps the cat would have to take in order to help him.
"I will definitely do that....now lay back so I can put this hot towel on your sinuses....maybe it'll help clear them up a bit," he laid a hand on Remi's chest, helping him lean back against the headboard and a couple of perfectly stuffed pillows.
"H-huh," he made a sound of hesitation, but he didn't resist as he cocked his head up and let the cat help him lean back, resting against the pillows. He felt an immediate difference in the air as Levi lifted it over his face, the slightly coarse material, the warmth radiating from it. He closed his eyes and smiled, enjoying the sudden release from behind his eyes already.
"Is that ok, baby? It feels good, doesn't it?" he asked softly, pressing the towel gently against his forehead.
"Mm...mmm..." he hummed with a deep grumble as he felt a gentle stream of warmth trickle down his face, neck and chest from the towel draped over him. He smiled warmly before he reached out and firmly clasped Levi's hand in his own.
The smaller smiled in response, letting his mate hold onto him for a few brief minutes, but soon found himself having to pull away. There was a gentle series of knocks at the door, indicating to him that room service was here with the meals that Remi had ordered.
"I'll get that," he quickly strode over to the door, his fingers hesitant to flutter away from his mate's, but releasing anyway and moving with purpose to let the server in. "Hello!" he smiled warmly at the young man with one very large bamboo tray adorned with everything they ordered, in one strong hand. Levi was actually pretty impressed by this but shook it off in order to help the man place the tray on top of the dining table.
"Hello, we have the Sushi, Sashimi, and Steak with two potatoes...oh as well as another large drink," he smiled anxiously at the small white haired man reading off their order, praying everything looked and sounded correct.
"Awesome! Thank you so much..." Levi clapped his hands together happily, momentarily he almost completely forgot he had another quest for the staff. Drooling and ogling over the fresh fish in front of him.
"My Pleasure...can I get you anything else?" the cat quickly shook his head to snap himself back to reality and nodded it instead, ripping his gaze off the delicacy before him and bringing attention back to his partner’s needs.
"Yes actually! Do you guys have any cold medicine perhaps?" biting his lower lip, hoping he wouldn't hear the word no.
"Oh, Uh, Yes, we can provide that for you, just give me a bit and I'll bring that back," the server replied thoughtfully with a smile, bowing once before taking his leave to return with what was requested.
Levi let out a sigh of relief, his mind already envisioning himself enjoying the ocean side feast before him. He turned back to Remi with a toothy grin on his face, glowing underneath the dim lighting of their rental, "Looks like we're having a feast tonight, baby!" he exclaimed, grabbing a set of chopsticks and digging in without a moments notice, slurping his drink in between shoving rolls down his open maw.
Remi smiled weakly, surpressing a laugh, knowing it would only stir up trouble at this point. Regardless, he was happy to see his mate enjoying himself, but just feeling too sick to partake. He let out a soft cough, hoping to clear his throat before speaking up, "You go ahead and enjoy, kitten. I don't think I can eat much tonight after all…" he said softly, his voice hoarse and weak.
Levi swallowed his current mouth full, immediately put down his chopsticks, and snapped his head over to look at the sickly man. There was concern written across his freckled features, and soon found himself rushing back to Remi's side. "Oh baby, are you feeling worse? Let me get you some water…” his hand sweetly brushing bits of hair out of his boyfriend’s eyes before rushing towards the mini bar. He grabbed one of the many complementary water bottles off the small wood counter top, considering possibly taking a cold one as well from their tiny fridge. Yet decided against it, knowing room temp was better for hydrating.
Remi nodded weakly, feeling grateful for his boyfriend's concern. He watched closely as Levi rushed around the room, gathering the supply to help ease his discomfort. He felt a sudden rush of affection wash over him for the leopard, just so blown away by how this amazing man was all his, and always so quick to drop his own needs and wants...just for him. Silly little him.
Shortly, Levi returned to his side with the bottle of water, "Here you go, my love," the leopard smiled brightly with accomplishment. Remi quickly cracked open the lid and took a sip, soothed by the liquid that slid down his dry throat. He smiled gratefully at his mate, feeling that same familiar warmth spread through his chest at the sight of Levi's doting expression.
"Thanks, kitten," he responded softly, tired emerald orbs still gazing lovingly up at his favorite freckled face.
"No problem, baby. Just rest and let me take care of you," Levi replied, settling back onto the bed and pulling Remi into his arms. The wolf hummed gently, feeling so incredibly close, and loved by his little cat. His hands, roaming, clammy long finger tips gliding up the large shirt to feel the hot, smooth flesh of his mate's sides.
"Mmm...I don't wanna rest..." Remi murmured softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of Levi's neck. His hands trailed down to the hem of Levi's shirt, tugging at it gently. "I wanna play with you," he mumbled with a coarse tone, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want to forget about this damn cold," The words came out low from within his throat, almost reaching those ever so feral levels that drove the leopard absolutely wild.
Levi's breath hitched as his mate's words reached his ears. Desire flared up within his intoxicated body, and he wouldn’t even consider resisting the prominent urges that now fluttered to the surface. All he could do was wordlessly nod his head. That was all Levi needed to do to sign away the chains holding Remi back, the wolf consumed him. Pushing away the persistent prickles, and stings that loosely passed over him.
Immediately the wolf hovered the smaller cat, looming over him like an eclipse as his pounding head dipped to meet his mouth at Levi’s own. Their kiss was messy, and brief, the larger had other plans as he placed rough, nips down the other’s jawline, willing away his symptoms, when he paused at the crook where jaw meets neck. He bit down with a feral force, urging a pained yelp from his lover, that followed with a shudder and twitch of his slender hips. “A-ah~” he gasped under him.
Pressing further into his mate, Remi felt himself slipping out of control as he tried to resist the urge to rip his boyfriend open from the sure passion of it all. He didn’t. He wouldn’t. The larger’s strong fingers slid with feather light touch down the sides of his lover’s freckled arms before roughly capturing his wrists and forcing them over the leopard’s head. Levi shuddered, his body squirming below, anticipating every crack through the wolf’s sanity. Small lines of crimson liquid trailed down his neck, under the collar of the shirt he borrowed. It made him shudder.
Remi’s jaw unhinged, he finally pulled back a few inches to take a long look at the bleeding, swollen and bright red mark of his teeth that now stained the cat’s delicate flesh. “I’m trying…so fucking hard…not to just devour you whole,” licking his teeth clean but unable to find authority over the blood that began to pool from under his tongue, his now glowing green gaze baring down on the smaller. Somehow, the dark circles, and the sunken look across Remi’s sickly features only made him look more dangerous. “Aren’t you scared?” Lifting a brow, testing the man as his chest heaved above.
Levi could only crack a devious smile, pulling his swollen lips up before he responded with a sultry velvet tone. “Absolutely,” his heart racing a million miles per second, there was always some percentage of danger being intimate with a mentally unhinged shifter. Especially one so powerful like Remi, and that was all the more why the cat could never get enough. Treading that fine line of insanity as regular as he could, his lover was his own brand of drug. The high of being so passionately in love with someone so unbelievably dangerous, knowing their own desires for you out weigh their animalistic urges…the leopard thrived off it.
Remi’s hands squeezed tightly, closing the pressure of Levi’s breath as it caught, the cat made a struggled sound, but his eyes never left those daunting emeralds. “I could kill you…just snap your fucking neck right now….” There was something completely different tonight, it excited the cat, it left him feeling delirious as his hips lifted trying to brush his completely stiffened length into the other, just an inch shy of real friction. Remi’s upper lip twitched, lifting once, twice, before it turned into a full grin at his little cat’s responses. “You’re so fucking naughty, aren’t you? Needlessly trying to rut your little cock on me, while I threaten to end your very existence….” His chuckle came out in a gasp of hot air across the leopard’s blushing cheeks, his mouth falling open at the lack of oxygen, and the increase of desire.
The only response he could possibly return with was a very stiff nod. His crystal blues now leaking through his overwhelmed ducts, vision blurred as it filled with tears. Instinctively, Levi wrapped his thin legs around his boyfriend, pressing them together, feeling Remi’s solid girth through the fabric of the trunks he fell asleep in.
“My god…you drive me insane,” his voice strained as he gritted his teeth together, he couldn’t get enough of his desperate little kitten’s advances and sounds. It was making the task of trying to remain in control of himself, difficult. “Open your legs,” he growled, the sound of it could make a grown man tremble. Levi took no time to oblige his demands as he unhooked his legs from around the wolf’s hips to now spreading himself wide at his pleasure. “I’m not going to be fuckin’ nice to you, understood? I need a real distraction..I need to lose control…” giving Levi his final warning, he loosened the strength in his hands to give the cat a chance to turn back, speak now, or be in a wheelchair tomorrow.
“Use me,” was all he could manage through his sore throat before Remi quickly pulled himself out of his trunks and angled his now bare cock back to his previous position.
“Remember, you had your chance,” the darkness returning in his voice as he now took both of Levi’s wrists in one feral gripped hand shoved against the headboard. The cat dare not close his legs, they trembled as he anticipated the sharp sting that would soon penetrate him. Levi looked up at his lust driven mate, the slits of his eyes almost completely gone as splats of blood fell from his mouth and onto the man below.
Using this to his advantage, Remi pursed his lips and allowed a stream of blood and saliva to cascade between them and down his twitching length. In a few short seconds, without warning or any time to prepare himself, he felt Remi’s hardened cock force its way inside him. “A-aah!! Nngh..” the leopard struggled behind Remi’s returned force against his neck, familiar fingers tightened on his wind pipe.
“Fffff…” the wolf grunted snapping his hips in a desperate and uncontrolled rhythmic fashion, the sound of slapping skin echoed around them and he found it only encouraged him. The headboard slammed obnoxiously against the wall, leaving blackened lines across the material, but neither of them gave a shit. Levi’s head fell back with a hard *THUNK* against the wood, ocean blues fighting to stay open as they gazed up at Remi.
“Don’t fucking look at me,” he hissed almost angrily, one hand coming off his neck to push the side of his face away and down, his thumb forcing it’s way inside the cat’s open drooling mouth. “If I see that god damn look on your face, it’ll make me want to be nice to you,” shoveling his hips deep within Levi’s tightened walls. “And I don’t wanna be fuckin nice to you right now…” should he feel guilty for treating the love of his life like an old dirty sock? Probably. He didn’t though. He knew how deeply masochistic the little cat was. Truthfully, the only person on this planet that could probably handle a true unhinged dicking from the wolf.
Levi whimpered as his head was forced to the side, his skin littered in goosebumps as his mate completely took over him. He felt like a hole, Remi’s hole, it fueled him, it caused him to push his hips upward to match every thrust slammed upon him. His lips closed around the man’s thumb, sucking as he tried to keep a steady breath through his nose, despite there still being one hand on his throat for the large wolf’s leverage.
“You’re mine….all mine…for whatever I fucking say,” feral words dripped through his lips as he huffed through his open bleeding mouth, staining both their skin as his nostrils were still blocked by the illness that lived inside him. His urges burned through them, all he could feel now was the full desire to claim the cat. Levi continued to suckle, and lap at Remi’s gripping thumb while he felt the assault of rough and sporadic snaps of his lover’s haunches. The larger struck his prostate, over, and over. Each time the cat let out a small strangled squeak, his ocean eyes having rolled back long ago. He felt himself reaching his limits, closer and closer, starting to fall off rhythm the more he could taste it.
“That gonna make you cum? Huh? S’that how fucking desperate you are?” Berating his little toy, feeling entirely satisfied by the very distinctively pleased reactions he was receiving. Remi shot his hips forward again, his hands pressing Levi down into the mattress as he relentlessly snapped inside of him. It was overwhelming, naturally, the leopard caved into his needs, a stream of hot seed shot straight onto Levi’s exposed stomach, just barely missing the misplaced shirt he still adorned. He tried to cry out but alas, his mouth only opened and the best he could do was a high pitched gag as his body spasmed underneath the stronger of the two.
Remi found himself trying to desperately rip his attention off how completely desirable his little mate looked spilling over the edge. He was so god damn submissive for him, it only increased the urges inside him, his hands quickly let go of the cat, and slapped against his thighs. Hiking his hips upward, he used the bit of strength he had left to flip the leopard over onto his stomach now, pulling his ass upward by his right hand hip, his length never slipping out. “My turn,” licking his lips, only to smear crimson across the lines of his mouth. While his right grip stayed to keep the cat’s hips aligned, his left took a fistful of Levi’s wet strands of hair and shoved the man’s face viciously into the pillow.
He worked at a much more desperate, and untamed pace, driving his cock inside the cat at an almost impossible rate. His ear drums rang and his skin shivered as he heard the muffled cries of the tortured leopard. “Mmhmm…take that dick…I’m not stoppin’ til I fill that slut hole,” Remi’s voice rang through Levi’s deepened core, his body was shaking underneath as he maintained the forced arch of his body, working his thighs to push his ass into every harsh pound. “You’ve been so bad today….” He grunted, feeling his groin boil. “Teasing me with this sudden desire for my cold…” another aggressively huffed expression of primal thought. “Where’s that been, huh?” Gripping the man’s hair tighter as he pulled him up to whisper in his ear. “You’ve been holding back on your Master, do you forget I own you? I own your lust, your desires…” nipping, pulling at Levi’s lobe. The cat shivered below him and whimpered in response, uncertain he could speak clearly as he was driven into between each word.
“I-I…di-didn’t know…it-it c-could…” he hesitated, he struggled to proceed. Remi’s grip tightened and he snarled into the side of the cat’s sweating temple now.
“Ca-ca Could?? Could what? Spit it out,” barking his commands with a harsh impatience, his hips only turning more and more desperate left with this cliff hanger of thought.
“Feel so good…it felt so good…” he gasped finding the train of thought he was losing under Remi’s thrusts.
“What. Did?” He spaced the words out dangerously, his palm sitting now under Levi’s chin, fingers wrapped loosely around his cheeks.
“It felt so fucking good when you sneezed on me…I couldn’t help it…please…” the white haired man practically sobbed in between his breathless moans as he confessed his latest discovery. Remi lost all his sense of restriction as his mouth opened wide, pressing his head against the side of his mate’s as he slammed himself forward one last time, nearly blacking out as he hit his orgasm.
“Sshhhee-sus..fuckin….Christ,” he grunted as he sputtered wildly into his boyfriend’s hole, spilling over his load with his haunches twitching and pausing between pumps.
Levi's eyes rolled back into his head as he felt warm liquid hit the walls of his entrance, it caused a shiver to roll down the middle of his spine, his whole body quaking at the feeling of being so full “S-So good…”
"Unbelievably ..." Remi smirked with another huff of breath releasing the frail leopard from his vice tight grips, and allowing each other to just collapse in a heap on the bed. The wolf rolling to his back, and Levi rolling to join him on his chest.
"Good distraction?" Levi giggled playfully unbothered by the mess he was covered in, just wanting to be close to his lover at this moment after such an intense session. Remi labored to catch up to a regular pace of breathing, still struggling to do so out his nose. Finding that the second his animalistic urges had settled, his symptoms came rising back to the surface. His nose twitched, scrunched and he tried to just push it away from his center of attention. It failed.
"I'm feeling better alre-...h..hiH'ITTSSCHU!" his cold unrelenting as a forceful sneeze over-powered his exhausted strength. “Shord libed….” He mumbled with defeat as he slid his hand over his aching nostrils.
“Oh you poor thing…can’t catch a break…” clicking his tongue, despite his body screaming in protest, the leopard slid out of his lover’s grasp and moved out of bed. “Where is that-….” The phone rang suddenly and the cat almost jumped out of his skin. He turned swiftly and picked up the phone to answer. “Hello?”
“Hi there, just wanted to let you know, our staff member felt you might have been busy, so he left your order at the door for your convenience,” Levi blushed brightly realizing that the young man probably heard some very suggestive sounds coming from their room when he approached.
“O-Oh! Thank you! Appreciate it!” Hanging out shortly with embarrassment. “Shit, I think the room service boy heard us fucking…” he bit his lip sheepishly to look over at Remi now that, despite fighting a leaking nose and his itching eyes, chuckled.
“Good for hib,” scoffing pridefully now turning his attention to trying to relocate that wet rag from early…considering using it to clean up his suffering nose.
Levi narrowed his eyes and huffed, but feeling a slight twinge of lust prickle at his blood stream while he carried himself to the door, he flung it open and there was a small bag waiting for him outside. “Ah! Perfect,” he picked it off the ground and closed the door behind him, immediately scrounging through the contents. “There’s some Tylenol severe cold and flu in here, think that’ll work? Cough drops…tissues…nasal spray! Ooo,” inching closer to the bed as he rummaged through the bag.
“All ob id sounds abading…” Remi huffed having found the towelette and using it to nurse his swollen face despite it being beyond cold now. Levi looked up and furrowed his brows again, quickly snatching the old towel from his mate’s grasp.
“Use real tissues, this thing is gross now,” he tsked his lover before handing him the sack of supplies. “Take some meds, and blow your nose a bit okay?” Levi now sitting himself on the edge of the bed, feeling uncomfortable as he was becoming more self aware of the sticky situation on his skin.
“Can’d you helb me?” The wolf looked up at him with pathetic eyes, now a much different man than he was but 5 minutes ago. It melted the heart strings within Levi’s tender heart and he could only smile sweetly in response, deciding he could put off his comfort for a tad bit longer as he nursed his mate into bed.
“Of course, baby, of course,” leaning down to kiss Remi’s forehead, taking the bag back now he began to distribute the Tylenol to him, grabbing the bottle of water off the night stand to hand over. “Here, take two,” he instructed, and while the wolf obeyed his little medical assistant, Levi took the package of tissues in his hand and peeled one out from the plastic with his other.
Remi tossed back the pills, and slugged down a few gulps of water, more than necessary, he didn’t realize how dehydrated he actually was til now. “Thang you…” he gasped as he twisted the lid back onto the bottle.
“No problem, sweetie, now I’m gonna need you to blow when I say so okay?” He spoke gently, lovingly, the tissue in his hand perfectly scrunched to fit over the entirety of Remi’s reddened nose. Once he was sure it was fastened snuggly where it needed to be, he pinched one nostril closed and nodded his head. “Blow,” the wolf allowed himself to force the sick out from his left hand nostril with a loud sound. It broke the barrier of silence that had settled over the room, while the cat scooped out whatever was pushed out. Balling that tissue up in a calculated fashion to avoid getting any ick on his fingers, Levi tossed it to the nearby can, making it in. “Score,” he grinned over at the wolf with a cheeky wink.
Remi breathlessly chuckled at his little cat’s playful demeanor, always making light of a sickly situation. Levi then pulled another square of tissue out from it’s packaging and once again, cupped it against Remi’s slowly clearly nose. “Okay last one,” the smaller coaxed, pinching the now clear nostril, the ravenette mustered up a deep breath before he allowed himself to clear the second nostril out with another wet and loud, “FFFFHHHKK,” god that felt so good. It was almost as satisfying as the orgasm he just had. “God damn…” he grumbled hoarsely while Levi swiped and pinched any left over mess off him. “Thanks, kitten,” he huffed, voice cleared as he reached over, grabbing the water once more to take another hydrating gulp.
“You’re Welcome, Acushla,” working to clean up the mess of tissues and find his footing on the ground again. “Im gonna throw this away….clean up, and then you wanna watch something before we go to bed?” He spoke casually but still with that same aura of compassion as his eyes sparkled towards his mate.
“You gonna take another shower?” Remi asked curiously as he sat up and his eyebrows lifted over his eyes as he searched over the leopard’s standing frame.
“Yeah, why?” Levi looking just as curiously over at his boyfriend.
“Can I join? I’m kind of a mess over here…” he chuckled and gestures towards his body that was covered in varying substances.
“Absolutely, we’ll get cleaned up, and spend the rest of the night cuddling with some Princess Bride, how about that?” Remi for the first time since they’d been there, lit up with excitement.
“Deal!” Despite the fever raging through him, and his body being even more sore than he started that day, he really was having a good time with his mate. Though the memories are covered in sick, they’ll always look back on these days together, and remember despite the obstacles, they always made the best of it, and they always would.
The End
Author’s Notes: I’m sorry this took so long, I’m back at work, and my boss really said 🖕🏻 sticking me with crazy long shifts, exhausting me past writing more than a few paragraphs. PHEWWWWW Did you expect the twists? Just a smidge of alcohol and the leopard suddenly catches a Snz Fet 🥵🥵🥵 Oops. Hope you guys enjoyed it took a lot out of me 🤫😂
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big-snot-1997 · 1 year
An Unusual Deal
Spamton x Reader
---18+ ONLY---
1000+ words
Contains: Sneeze kink, nose kink, contagion, cold, touching noses, handkerchief, sniffling, cuddling, flirting, literal sleeping together
Additional Descriptors: Reader is a Lightner, Reader is gender neutral, Reader is not Kris, Reader gets sick, No use of (Y/N)
Synopsis: You pay Spamton to get you sick.
AO3 Link
You're sitting on a bench in Cyber City, half lost in your thoughts and watching cars go by. You've had a long and tiring day, and you're trying to figure out what to do for the remainder of the evening. Finally, you decide to go and see that handsome salesman who lives in the dump. His constant huge grin and enthusiastic personality always cheer you up.
As you enter his shop, you see that Spamton is leaning against the counter with his head in his hands. When he glances up and sees who you are, he immediately perks up.
"WELL,, IF IT ISN'T THE LIGHT nER!! HOW'S MY [[Favorite customer]]?"
"I've been better. Today kinda sucked. How's my favorite salesman?" 
"I'M [Alright Alright Alright Alright Alr] BUT I'V3 GOT A HHHhh...SNF HHH- HEH'TCHIEW!" He sneezes into a handkerchief decorated with a pattern of dollar signs and then wipes his long, red nose with it. "SNF I'VE GOT A [[Cold]]..."
You open your mouth to speak, but he continues.
"BUT [Don't worry about] ME!! I'M SORRY TO HEAR YOU'vE HAD A [$!$$] DAY. I'LL TELL YOU WHAT. I'VE GOT A [[Specil Deal]] JUST FOR YOU [Little sponge]. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU WANNA [Buy Now] AND I'LL SELL IT TO YOU FOR [[The low low price of   ]]."
A blush spreads across your face, and it takes you a moment to respond. "...anything?"
"YES!!! DO YOU WANT [Hyperlink Blocked]? DO YOU WANT [[HotSingle]]?? SNF WHAT'S YOUR [[HeartShapedObject]]'S DESIRE ??"
"I want your cold."
"WHAT?" He responds with a puzzled look on his face. "TRYING TO GET OUT OF A [Host Your Meeting Online for Free], ARE YOU??" He pauses to consider this. "ANYTHING FOR A [[Valued Customer]] LIKE YOU. 100 KR0MER," he declares before placing his used handkerchief on the counter.
You shake your head, and blush harder. "I...want to catch it straight from you."
"HUH..." He thinks for a moment and finally understands what you're after. He takes the handkerchief back and smirks. "THAT 'S GONNA COST YOU A LITTLE MORE [[Cash Money]] [Angel]. 200 KrOMER."
You nod and place a bundle of Dark Dollars on the counter. He takes it and puts it into the cash register.
"4LRIGHT. LET'S GET [Start Free Trial Now]." He puts up a sign to indicate that his shop is closed for the day and locks the door. "SO, LIGHT nER..." He begins to speak as he approaches you. "YOU KNOW I ALW4YS MAKE SURE A CUSTOMER GETS THEIR [Product] AND [[100% Satisfaction]], RIGHT??" You nod in response.
He leans in very close to you - so close that the tip of his nose is touching yours. "YOU PAID [Hard-earned] [Dinero] TO CATCH MY COLD, AND I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT HAPPENS. [Okay]??" You nod again and smile excitedly.
"EHEHEHEH..." He chuckles at your reaction. "COME WITH ME." He takes your hand and leads you to the back of his store, where he has an old, beat-up couch. "OKAY. NOW MAKE YOURSELF [Comfortable]." You get onto the tattered couch and lie on your back. Spamton climbs on top of you, and the two of you are face to face.
"SNDFF I FEEL A [Sneeze] COMING ON," he says, looking into your eyes flirtatiously as he rubs his nose with one finger. He moves his face even closer to yours and positions himself so that his nostrils are touching your nose. It's surprisingly warm to the touch. His position also draws attention to just how big his nose is compared to yours - it must be at least a foot long.
"YOU KNOW, [Angel]," he begins as he caresses the side of your face with one hand. You lean into his touch contentedly as he speaks. "I'VE BEEN SNEEZING [[All Day Estate Sale]] AND IT' S ONLY GONNA TAKE [One (1)] LITTLE SNEEZE TO GET YOU AS [[Totally Sick, Dude!]] AS I AM..."
"Mmh, I can't wait," you respond quietly. He smirks, hearing the excitement in your voice.
You feel his nostrils twitch against your nose. "HHH...SNF I'M GETTING [Closer]," he says, his voice sounding congested. You bite your lip.
"SO, YOU'RE FROM [[Heaven]]...HAVE YOU EVER HAD A [Cyber Cold] BEFORE ??" he asks.
"Can't say that I have," you answer, and he laughs softly.
"W3LL, [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] IS HONORED TO GIVE YOU YOUR [Congratulations! 1st Prize]. Y0U'rE IN [4] A [Treat]." He winks at you.
"What do you mean by that...?"
"OH, YOU'LL SEE [Little Sponge], YOU'LL SEE." You feel his nostrils twitch again. "HHHH-! IT'S C-cuhh-COMING LIGHT nER. ARE HHhh- ARE YOU [Ready] ??"
"Yeah," you respond breathlessly. You place your hands on the sides of his face and tilt your head so your nostrils are against his.
"HHHhgh...hhHG'TSHOO!" he finally sneezes, directly into your nose. You inhale deeply and sigh.
"THERE YOU GO, [Angel]. SNRGF ARE YOU [[100% Satisfied]] ??"
"Mhm," you answer and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. He smiles a bit sheepishly and blushes.
"LIGHT nER<, IT'S GETTING [[Late]]...WOULD YOU LIKE TO [Stay the night]? YOU KNOW...SO I CAN MAKE SURE YOU [Catch it]."
"That's a great idea, Spamton." You gently wrap your arms around him and close your eyes.
"I'M [Glad(TM) Garbage Bags $6.99] YOU THINK SO." He settles on top of you. "GOODNIGHT, [Angel]."
You wake up groggily from a dream you can barely remember. It feels like a few hours have passed since you fell asleep. You see Spamton still asleep on top of you, and it takes you a minute or so to remember what happened. It must be the middle of the night now. Another minute passes and you notice how badly your nose tickles. You don't want to sneeze and wake Spamton up, but you can't help it. "hgHHHH'Tchiew!" Immediately, you hear a familiar yet jarring voice inside your head.
"Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need."
"What...?" you say out loud, perplexed.
"OH, WAS THAT A SNEEZE? YOU'VE GOT MY [[Cold]] ALREADY ??" Spamton says drowsily. "I MUST BE PRETTY GOOD." He winks.
"Snff...Did an ad...just play in my head?"
"I TOLD YOU [[Cyber Colds]] WERE [Specil], DIDN'T I? WHAT DO YOU THINK ??"
"Mmm...it's different, but I could get used to it," you respond, already falling asleep again. It isn't long before Spamton drifts off as well.
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Ok so I’ve seen so many posts floating around about opportunities for canon verse Steve to catch a cold and the one that has me in an absolute chokehold is in S3 where they’re spying on the Russians in the rain. I mean??? Come on….
Well. I’ve come to say look no further. @butyoumakemesohot and I are collabing on a two part “series”. I’m making a little something for S3 and she’s doing one for S4 😎
Also this was so hard to write because it’s before Steve and Robin really become close friends so at this point they’re more like coworkers who talk. ~KB
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Steve flicked away some water from his eyes as Robin looked down from the roof with binoculars. Not that it made any difference - he, Robin and Dustin were thoroughly soaked to the bone.
It was pouring rain, the way only Hawkins could in the summer. When Robin had said she cracked the code earlier today, Steve was the first on board with their plan to scope out the mall that evening. But now, soaked and sniffly, he was regretting that decision.
“Snf how much longer do we have to be here?”
“Until we find what we’re looking for!” Robin said, not moving her eyes from the binoculars.
“Well… find it faster. It’s wet and snff cold SNF and I want to go home.”
“Stop complaining!” Dustin elbowed him.
“Ow! Hey! SnFF I have a cold and you dragged me out in the rain. You’re lucky if I don’t get pneumonia…”
Robin sighed, exasperated, “You don’t get sick from being wet, Dingus.”
“Gimme the binoculars.” Dustin made a grab for them, Robin taking them off her back and handing them to the boy.
Steve shook his head and lifted a hand to comb the hair out of his face. Robin looked at him, perplexed.
“Why do you have that stupid look on your face?”
“I’m snff gonna snehh sneeze…”
“Don’t you dare!” Robin hissed through her teeth.
Everyone was familiar with how loud Steve’s sneezes were, and on top of this echoing roof? There would be no hiding that. Their position would be compromised immediately.
“Just don’t sneeze!” Dustin said as if it were an obvious solution.
“I can’t just nehhh not .. sneeze, Henderson…”
His breath was already starting to hitch. Robins eyes widened as she did the only thing she could think to do. She took off her Scoops vest and lunged forward quietly.
Laying on top of his back like a hug from behind, she pressed the vest to her coworker’s face, trying to pinch his nose and cover his mouth at the same time.
The three froze for a minute, making sure the guards didn’t see or hear them. It seemed they were in the clear.
“There!” Dustin stage whispered.
“Umb a bless you would be ndice.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“No dummy, those are the boxes. Right there!!” He pointed down so they could see right where they needed to go.
“Alright. So we’ll just have to figure out a way to get back there!” Robin exclaimed as if it would be easy.
“Figure it out tomorrow. I’b going home.”
Ding ding
The bell at the front of Scoops Ahoy rang. Steve wiped at his nose with his already damp tissue and shoved it back into his shorts pocket.
“Ahoy, sailor! How can I hehh help- HAESSSH! ISSSH! HAKSSHIEW!”
The two girls at the counter grimaced, “On second thought, we’ll go to Baskin Robbins…”
The window to the back room slid open, “Switch with me Dingus, you’re scaring away all our customers!”
“I ab ndot! … iKSHew! snlorff”
Steve slurped back congestion and Robin gagged as she shut the window and walked around to the front.
“Bless you. You really weren’t kidding about that cold.” She tried to make light of it, feeling slightly guilty her antics may have contributed to making it worse.
Steve shrugged, “Been happeni’g a lot m’bore since I started hanging out with the kids.”
Robin pulled a couple napkins from the dispenser on the counter.
“Blow your nose, moron. I can hardly understand you.” She chuckled.
She felt a panic in her chest as he did as he was told.
“Hey, why don’t you go home? I can finish up here.”
“I can’t ask you to do that Robin.”
“You aren’t asking. I’m offering.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asked again.
“Yeah. It’s what friends are for.”
Steve thanked her as he grabbed his backpack and headed out. Robin couldn’t stop hearing that word echoing in her head.
‘That’s what friends are for.’
Her new friend, Steve Harrington.
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sunsetsnz · 2 years
Saturday Night Fever
wrote something small to introduce my oc quinn. sfw, short drabble :)
Ever seen a sick bartender before?
Well, if you were in Angel's bar tonight, you'd see one.
Behind the bar is Quinn Navarrete, like most nights. If it's your first time here you probably wouldn’t recognise the subtle indications that he's feeling under the weather — the slight slump in his proud shoulders, the paleness of his caramel complexion, the redness in his elegant roman nose, the little shivers of his body inside his open shirt. If you're a regular, even a friend — if you know him just well enough, then you might notice.
You might ask him if he's feeling okay. With a polite smile, he'd insist he's fine, but the soreness in his voice tells another tale. Maybe you'd ask him why he's here tonight, when he should be at home getting some rest.
As he slides your drink carefully to you across the bar, he'd lower his poor voice to tell you that he doesn't have much choice. That he doesn't want to risk his hours being cut down for taking a night off, despite his years of loyalty to this place.
You'd catch the way he pauses mid-sentence and presses his knuckles under his nose to keep an oncoming sneeze at bay. The way he winces a little when he speaks because it just hurts.
If you expressed your sympathy, he'd smile ruefully and thank you for your concern, but he'd also tell you not to worry about him. Ever the gentle, composed, well-put-together man that he is, even when he clearly feels like crap. He'd turn the conversation to you, ask how you're doing, what's been happening in your life.
For the rest of the night until his shift is up, he'd keep dutifully serving drinks and making conversation the best he can. He'd hope nobody notices when he takes a moment to turn his back and sneeze quietly into a tissue. Or when he'd feel his own forehead and cheeks with his hand when no one's looking, finding both to be just as hot as the last time he checked.
When Quinn's finally relieved for the night and climbs into the privacy of his own car, he scrubs a hand over his face and just sits there for a minute with his forehead against the wheel.
He sniffles softly all the while he's driving himself home. In the rear-view mirror, catching sight of his gross appearance, his own weary expression, he heaves a sigh, feeling deeply sorry for everyone who's had the displeasure of looking at him tonight.
Getting out of his car is an effort. Unlocking his front door is an effort. But once he's home in his little apartment, at long last, and he's taken off his jewellery, changed into a light T-shirt and his boxers, brushed his teeth, crawled into bed with a cold washcloth and sneezed a few more times along the way — once he's forced his tired body through all the motions — only then does he close his eyes and finally let himself wallow a little.
He runs shaky fingers through his shoulder-length mane of curls, a little damp against his neck and forehead. Sips water to calm his enflamed throat. Muffles another tickly sneeze into his pillow. Groans softly to himself in the dark of his bedroom as he tosses and turns, desperate just to drift off to sleep after an exhausting night.
The last thought that slips from his mind as sleep eventually finds him is that, despite how lonely he really is, he's kind of glad he doesn't have anybody to see him like this.
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brandnewcouch · 7 months
i am so bad at writing descriptive sneeze fics. they always end up being dialogue fics with sneezing incorporated. if anyone has any tips please let me know i am struggling 😭
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sweetlysniffly · 6 months
Hey, everyone 💌
my names Millicent and I’m new here :) I’ve got this unique affinity for snzing and made this blog to just kind of gush about it with other likeminded people.
that being said, I may be posting some fics so look out for that, but mainly just be reblogging and rambling whenever I feel so spirited 🤍
I do not make wavs, as I really don’t feel comfortable with it.
Here are some of my more specific interests
WLW centered content
I’m such a coldfucker oh my god
Vocal build ups
inducing to feign illness
Historical Sickfics
My current fandom fixation is the hella//verse
My fandoms interests kinda come and go as well, so if you ever wanna build off of one of the ideas i post here feel free 💞
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weirdbutohhkay · 3 months
i’ll be MIA for a bit as i’m going on a trip and will be around people too much to be active… BUUUUT i really want to write my first official fic and im curious what the majority of the snzblr community would like more of?
these would all be sick scenarios because i am a total coldfucker but i dont quite have the plot laid out yet.
let me know your thoughts i’d really appreciate!
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clockworkflicker · 2 years
Iris!! Sorry this is ten million years late but for that ask game would you consider 🛒 and 🤡?
Sure, there's no expiration date on ask games. Ty for the ask!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
As far as imagery goes, I wouldn’t be the first to point out that I have a tendency to lean hard into wilderness and autumnal themes haha. Rustic settings and chilly air and red leaves that match red noses, my beloved.
I didn’t realize it until I started on my latest work-in-progress fic, but I guess I really like writing characters with both the kink and a cold. Like, it’s not outright stated that they’d think a cold would look sexy on someone else, but they carry themselves with a mindset that I could best describe as “coldfucker is painfully aware of their own plight and yearn for the comfort of others but is simultaneously flustered about the thought of 1) being seen like this and 2) possible contagion” (it’s not a concise description, regrettably). It’s fun and cathartic and idk, there’s something neat about finding a way to subtly communicate through a character’s mannerisms that they fuck a sneeze rather than just saying it outright. That’s kinda how I write Hotaru -- you see it most obviously in her internal monologues. And the next F/ire E/mblem fic I’m hoping to get published (it’s taking a hot minute because I’m attempting to make some art to go with it, but alas this is my first time working digitally in actual years) will also feature a coldfucker with a cold.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
So chapter two of Lakka & Hotaru’s story has seen multiple rewrites and has been in WIP Hell for ages. Naturally with all those rewrites, I’ve had to cut some otherwise perfectly good interactions. Here’s one of my favorites, in which Hotaru is looking for a werewolf loose in a hardware store. Lakka drives out to the hardware store to look around too, but she believes she’s only on the hunt for a normal wolf.
“Oh, hey. What’re you doing here?”
“Jus’ picking up a new shower head and browsing.” Lakka gestures a little with the shower head box she’s carrying under her left arm.
“You drove out to a Lowe’s three hours away to pick up a new shower head?” Hotaru raises an eyebrow.
“And browse,” Lakka amends. “While there’s certainly no shortage of hardware stores in Minnesota, I just had to come check out the one that’s allegedly so popular with the wolves these days.”
Hotaru rolls her eyes. “What, you think it’s anything other than a defective signal?”
“Your presence here leads me to believe you’re just as curious as I am.” Lakka gives her a knowing look.
Hotaru scoffs. “I’m here because this is the only store in this whole state that carries the brands of epoxy resin and PLA filament I use. My Etsy shop doesn’t run itself.”
Lakka can’t help but laugh. “Right, of course! That’s why you’re here in the outdoor power tools section!”
Also it’s not apparent from this specific interaction but I want it to be known that Lakka is a lumberjack lesbian with a lumber allergy in a hardware store full of sawdust. Also she maybe possibly might be coming down with Hotaru’s cold. Who’s to say? Thank you and good night.
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aller-geez · 10 months
A Blooming Bromance
A platonic Remi x Rexar sickfic 🖤
Content warning: talk and description of marijuana use.
@thekinkyleopard as always, owns Levi 🖤
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So without further ado, Please enjoy some cute platonic snzy friendship between Rexar and our fav grumpy wolf boy 🥰🥰
It was the last day of their seven day cruise to Mexico and Remi had begun to feel himself dragging his tired feet behind an excited Levi who ran hand in hand with Kriia through the stalls and various shops scattered throughout each stop, while he followed behind at a much slower pace and made small talk with Rex. He only knew surface level things about the guy, and combined with his extremely laid back attitude, it made mind numbing chatter a little less mind numbing.
However, the day prior, the wolf had started to feel a little run down while on the groups normal outings. His throat felt a little scratchy, all of his muscles felt a little sore, and that all too familiar feeling of congestion began to set in behind his eyes. He begged his body inwardly to hold out for just one more day, and they could finally get back to their own bed and he could rest— but when he woke up the following day, he realized that his prayers had fallen on deaf ears.
“Babyyyyyyyy~ Wake up! It’s finally the day we get to go to the tide pools!” Levi chirped in his usually upbeat tone, bouncing his small frame off of his mate while he remained balled up under the mess of blankets that sprawled across their bed.
Remi muffled a groan into his pillow before a pair of dull green eyes were peeled open and a soft, unproductive cough escaped his already raw throat. “Hhm?”
As if a premonition to what was to come, the raven haired man was suddenly forced to a sitting position as a string of harsh sneezes tore through him. “hh'IETSH’UE! H'ihhSHHhhiew! Hh'IISHH!”
Levi blinked for a second, before his optimistic expression was quickly replaced by one of disappointment. “Bless you baby.” The feline frowned. He had been looking forward to dragging Remi to the tide pools; it was all that the smaller man could talk about for months and honestly the entire reason he decided to book the cruise for the four of them.
“Oof, you feeling okay?” He asked cautiously with a slight cringe as he sat on the bed next to a rather dazed Remi, even if he already knew the answer to his question. Maybe there was a chance—.
“Ndo.” Remi replied simply, his voice already thick with congestion. Running a sleeve under his nostrils that subtly gleamed with moisture, the wolf tried to snort back the sticky obstruction that lay between his throat and sinuses, although the action only ended in a short fit of ticklish coughs and a deepening to Levi’s concerned expression. “I feel extrebmely shiddy actually..” he grumbled once he was able to catch his breath.
“— but still okay enough to go to the tide pools for our last day on our cruise though, right?” Levi tried once more, this time batting his eyelashes and giving Remi the most pitiful puppy dog eyes he could manage, knowing full well that the large wolf was wrapped around his finger and would do anything the leopard asked, with enough begging of course.
At first, the wolf’s expression became more intense, his eyebrows knitting together on his forehead and his eyes narrowing into almost a glare. He hated it when Levi begged him like that. Mostly because of how powerless he was to deny the adorable pout across his mate’s pink lips and dappled cheeks. But within a second, it softened again, without a trace of anger or frustration hiding in his dim green eyes. The wolf let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head softly back and forth.
“You dnow I hate it whend you pull that shit..” Remi shot a side eye to his mate with a small smirk, but his attention was quickly ripped away again as his nostrils flared helplessly, his mouth falling open as his thick eyelashes began to flutter against his cheeks.
“ihh- ih’TTSSHH!! hhh’ISCHIh!! Fuckidn’ A!” The canine growled in frustration, his dim, emerald eyes quickly scanning the area around him for something to blow his nose into. When his gaze met with the black wifebeater tank top he had worn the day before that hung off of the side of the bed, he sighed in frustration, but still swiped it up in his large hands and balled it up to press his reddening nose into it. The productive gurgling sound made them both wince as he soaked through the fabric easily, although it did absolutely nothing to relieve him of the congestion that packed into his sinuses.
After a moment, Remi finally tossed an apologetic glance toward the leopard, but the icey blue eyes of his mate were glued to his phone screen as his thin freckled fingers flew across the keys. Pinching his nose gently in the fabric before tossing it to the floor, the wolf grunted softly in disapproval, crossing his muscular arms over his chest.
“Who are you even texting right now?”
Levi looked up quickly, flashing a sheepish grin. “Sorry Rem, just Kriia. She’s trying to tell me they have to cancel today too cause I guess Rex woke up with whatever you have, too.” His freckled fingers continued to fly across the screen as he spoke. The wolf furrowed his brow, not willing to let the smaller male go out alone in a strange place, no matter how shitty he felt. He opened his mouth to admit defeat, but was quickly interrupted.
“— so I told her to bring him here to hang out with you while we go to the tide pools~” the leopard giggled, holding his phone out in front of him to proudly display their conversation.
“…. Ndo you diddt..” Remi gave the other a look of disbelief, snatching the phone from Levi’s ivory fingers and reading the messages. Sure as shit—
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The wolf sighed loudly, slumping his shoulders and handing Levi his phone back. “I’bm ndot a fuckigg baby sitterrrr…” Remi nearly whined, throwing his head back dramatically and rubbing his temples.
The leopard scoffed softly at his mate’s theatrics, placing a small hand onto Remi’s head before lacing his fingers into the thick, raven colored strands. “You aren’t baby sitting; Rex is the same age as you, baby. It’s just two guys, hanging out and killing time while you’re both sick. It’ll be fine.” Levi flashed a reassuring smile and placed a chaste kiss against his mate’s dampened forehead.
The sudden knock on their cabin door started both of them, however Kriia’s voice quickly filled the nervous silence.
“Guys! It’s us! Open up~” the elf girl called through the door happily.
Levi smiled brightly, pleased to have someone around with the same level of enthusiasm, and he nearly skipped to the door to greet them. Flinging open the door, the redhead beamed brightly at the leopard. “Hey!” She waved at Levi before her hand disappeared to the blind spot behind the door. “C’mon baby, Remi won’t bite you.” The girl chuckled, flashing an amused grin to Levi as she pulled a maroon lump of blankets into eyesight and into the room. “That’s ndot how everyonde else mbakes it seemb.” Rexar’s scratchy voice was muffled into the huge comforter wrapped around his lanky frame, followed by a breathless chuckle as Kriia hurried him into the room. The pyro sniffed sharply, swiping his dampened nostrils against his already sopping hoodie sleeve, the shade of the raw, chapped appendage nearly matched his crimson fringe that sprawled across his forehead.
Kriia offered her mate an empathetic frown, ghosting her fingertips across Rex’s back as he crossed in front of her to sit at the tiny dining area, but he simply shook his head with an enthusiastic grin.
“Dod’t worry about me, Prindcess.” The canine’s grin somehow managed to grow wider as he reassured her, reaching out to squeeze her hand gently in his palm. “Go have fudn at the tide pools with Levi, add I’ll be here whend you get back.”
Kriia and Levi beamed back at him, both extremely thankful that at least one of the two men were reasonable. Swiftly the redhead hooked her arm around the cats, not wanting to waste any more time than they already had. “Well, you heard him! C’mon, sweet cheeks!” She winked with a mischievous grin, dragging Levi to the door without giving him another moment to even consider staying back in the room.
“Call me if you guys need anything, kay, Rem? I love you, be good!” The cat shouted as he was removed from the room by his ecstatic friend.
The wolf watched them go rather sadly, although his gaze quickly shifted over to Rexar as the door shut behind them.
Making small talk with the guy while they were forced to follow their mates through the never ending stalls and shops was one thing, but being stuck in a small hotel room for an entire day with him when you feel like you were hit by a truck was a completely different story.
Subconsciously, the wolf raised one eyebrow slowly as he watched Rex get comfortable in his seat, his laptop opened and set out on the table in front of him, along with a pair of seemingly well loved wireless earbuds. The case that housed his earbuds had dark singe marks on the outside, the crimson plastic of the case almost peeling away in some places where it had been melted. With a thick, viscous sniffle, Rexar wiped his streaming nose on the corner of the comforter wrapped around his shoulders this time, leaving a wet trail against the fabric before cracking an apologetic grin to the still silent wolf who sat upright in the bed.
“Sorry, I kndow I’m probably super gross and easily the last persodn you wadda see right dnow, right?” The pyro had less energy than he usually did, his hoarse voice making it difficult to keep up his usual banter as well. He reached into the bag that he brought with him, hidden underneath his large comforter, and pulled out a full box of tissues that were set on top of the table he sat at. “Feel free to help yourself; I know I’ll probably— hh— use this whole—..” Rex’s usual calm, laid back demeanor was suddenly twisted into one of desperation as he hurried to pop open the box, as well as snag a few and tent them over his face in time..
“HIIH’NKXSHH! H’KngxsstSH! nXGtCHhh!” The pyro pitched forward, a handful of tissues crammed over his nose and mouth that smothered the embers that exploded from his face before they could catch fire to anything. “Fuck, Bless mbe, sorry!” Rexar chuckled breathlessly before soaking the handful of tissues with a few deep blows of his nose.
Remi could only furrow his brow self consciously when he made eye contact with the redhead again afterward, though his nerve broke instantly. “Bless you—“ the wolf muttered quietly, words that almost never came out of his mouth except when directed at Levi, making even Rex stop what he was doing and flash Remi another grin, despite how crappy he was currently feeling.
“Thandks! But I would’t hold your breath, you’ll be tired of sayigg that withidn the h—.. hour with hhH—.. how— per—.. h'ieXSHHH! Hxxtschhh! HIH’NKxXSHH! Damnd! See?!” The redhead laughed a little, scrubbing the red, leaking appendage on his face vigorously with his index finger. The smoke that usually flowed freely from Rexar’s nose was no where to be seen except when he sneezed those messy triples, and then suddenly a huge cloud of it burst forth from his momentarily unclogged nostrils along with another shower of embers.
“Krii was telling mbe you get odne of these modnster colds like odnce a modnth? How do you survive themb? I feel like I have mbore ndose goo in mby head thadn braidns..” The canine snuffled weakly with a laugh, dragging yet another tissue from the box and drenching the soft paper with another wet gurgle.
The closing statement from the other the corners of Remi’s mouth turn up into a small smirk. He couldn’t deny the fact that Rex was extremely amusing, as much as he really wanted to dislike the guy, and that was something for the usually ornery and defensive canine.
See? As long as his body continued to cooperate with him and his usual constant string of desperate, exhausting sneezes whenever he came down with something were kept at bay, this sick day with Rex would be a walk in the park.
Remi cleared his throat, the sharp stinging from within making him wince slightly. “Yeah, mby Ibbude systebm is shit.” The wolf responded simply, his words rounded from his own congestion, although at the end of his sentence, he began to feel the tickle from deep within his sinus cavity begin to grow; the one thing he asked his body NOT to do.. Using his index and middle finger knuckles, the canine scrubbed his septum in small circles, hoping to stave off the inevitable. But he already knew it was too late when his huge chest began to hike up a few times as his breath snagged.
“H'ihhSHHhhiew! iit’shHIEW! Hnkt'KNXTuhh! Hhh— heh’iTTSHH’iiEW!! Hiihh— ihh- ih’TTSSHH!! Ssnddfffff!!” Remi sneezed harshly into his sleeve and grimaced at how damp it already felt against his skin before his newly focused vision was caught by the pyro, who studied him with tired eyes from across the room for a second. Feeling the full force of the fit against his open palm, the wolf dared not lower his hand even slightly before getting a tissue, although his embarrassment almost immobilized him. A few more seconds pass in silence, and the flush to the wolf’s cheeks only continued to deepen as time went on.
Suddenly, Rexar was overwhelmed by small, breathless chuckles that quickly evolved into full on laughter, although a sharp coughing fit put an end to it quickly. Once able to catch his breath again, the grin across his face was huge but genuine and he was still fighting off short chuckles as he spoke.
“Bless you, Jesus fuck. Yo, you good?!” Rex laughed loudly again.
If this was any other person, Remi’s ego would have definitely taken a hit, thus creating a resentment for the redhead. But somehow, his humor was lighthearted and even the wolf himself couldn’t help but chuckle through his fingers, although the other’s question went unanswered. Sniffling thickly behind his large hand that was still held in front of his face, Remi finally willed his aching body to peel itself out of the damp hotel bed and shuffle to the table where Rexar was sitting.
Without even being asked, the pyro knowingly snagged the quickly dwindling box of tissues from the table in front of him and offered it to the wolf with an innocent grin on his face.
“Here— my bad. Didn’t mean to hog them all!” He chuckled, running his long fingers back through his somewhat knotted white and crimson locks before palming the back of his neck sheepishly.
The wolf was almost stunned for a second, completely thrown off by his guest’s cheerful, helpful attitude despite the circumstances. After a moment, Remi swiped the box from Rexar’s outstretched hand with an almost untrusting glance, yanking a few out to blow his nose again before quickly cleaning himself up of any mess that was forced from his full nose and disposing of the tissues into the trash.
Satisfied for the time being, Remi sighed as he trudged back towards the large couch that sat off to the side of the spacious room, throwing his sore body across the furniture with a slightly pained grunt. He lay there motionless for a few moments, completely absorbed in the comfort of the strange couch. The wolf had no intention of passing out, but his body seemed to have other plans..
Though he would definitely deny it, Remi’s eyelids began to grow heavier and heavier as he sprawled out on couch; his soft, inevitable snuffles as he tried to get air through the wall of congestion in his nose slowly dissolved into a full snore.
It was so easy for the canine to forget his guest, however, the pyro wasn’t too bothered. Besides, there was still 13 songs left on Toad Biscuit’s album to master..
—Though he would be the first to admit that this final, tedious step was his least favorite of the entire process.
With a sharp, thick sniffle, and a glint of determination in his uniquely colored eyes, Rexar pulled up the comforter that hung lazily over his shoulders and again wrapped it more securely around his lanky frame while he adjusted slightly in the chair and his gaze stayed locked onto his computer screen.
After only a few minutes, Rex suddenly froze with a look of horror replacing the calm, laidback expression he had plastered on his face, his gaze quickly flying to Remi’s sleeping body that still lay motionless sprawled on the couch.
‘Fuck, really, nose? You always have impeccable timing..’ the redhead grumbled inwardly, scrubbing his quivering nostrils on the back of his wrist in hopes of avoiding the inevitable.
Surprisingly, his forceful approach seemed to convince the persistent tickle to climb back up into his full sinuses.. but the relief lasted him only a few fleeting moments.
“Hhh—! H’KngxsstSH! nXGtCHhh! Hih— ehhh'NGXX!!” Rexar tried desperately to stifle the ticklish sneezes that forced its way out to avoid disturbing Remi, although the shower of embers scattering across the table top and the pyros laptop were loud enough to subsequently jolt the wolf awake again. The canine’s thick black hair stuck out wildly in every direction as his emerald eyes scanned the room in confusion. When his gaze finally fell on Rexar who was still sitting at the table with his thick comforter pressed tightly to his suddenly flushed face, Remi quickly adverted his eyes to the floor as his cheeks lit up to match the redhead’s.
“Fuck, I’bm sorry, I didd’t mbeand to—“ the two men reply at the exact moment, before breaking to snort a chuckle at the situation.
Desperate to alleviate the new, slightly awkward atmosphere in the room, the wolf cleared his throat with a small grimace.
“Hey, you trynda sbmoke a blunt? I cad throw od sombe mbinddless TV if you wadnt— I’bm sure you’re bored..” Remi offered, shrugging as he slumped back against the couch, his neon green eyes that were much dimmer than usual scanned the pyro’s reaction for any uneasiness. Of course, Rex was nothing but enthusiastic.
“Fuck, yes please, I’m hella dowdn dude. Anythigg but masterigg this damnd album, ond god..” Rex let out a slightly sheepish chuckle as he stood from his seat, stopping to completely secure the comforter around his broad shoulders and snag the box of tissues from the table before making his way to the couch and plopping himself down next to the wolf. “I do gotta wardn you though.. it’s probably godda make me sdneeze.. so.. beware of that.” He laughed as he palmed the back of his neck sheepishly.
By this time, Remi had already fished out his massive grinder, a pack of Irish Cream Dutch Master cigarillos, and baggie of dark purple herb from one of the almost untouched suitcases that was propped up next to the bed. “Do whatever you godda do. Cand you gridd these while I gut this?” The wolf asked offhandedly, holding out the baggie and his grinder for Rex to take.
The pyro grinned again with a nod, taking the items in his own warm hands and removing the top to the grinder and setting both pieces on his lap. The plastic baggie crinkled softly as he pulled open the zipper, and without thinking, Rex plunged his nose into the bag and attempted to inhale deeply, wanting to take in the pleasurable aroma. However, he only was able to nearly snort, the congestion that made his sinuses home refusing to allow air to pass through, and his cheerful expression faded to one of disappointment.
“Fuck, I forgot..” he mumbled, more so to himself than the wolf, and Remi couldn’t help but laugh deeply, shaking his head with his trademark smirk as he pulled a cigar from the plastic pouch and began to split it down one side between his thumbs.
Rex began to remove the buds from the bag, carefully destemming each one as he broke it apart and stuffed the smaller pieces into the teeth of the grinder, and replaced the top. Smashing the top down with one hand, and tightly gripping the bottom with his other, the pyro began to roughly twist the grinder back and forth until he felt no more resistance, and finally held it out again towards Remi with a grin.
By this time, the wolf had split the entire cigar down the side, and emptied the tobacco guts into the trash that sat next to the couch. With a soft, ticklish cough, Remi cleared his throat before nodding his appreciation to the other, and taking it from his freckled hand.
“Thandks. You wadda fidd somethigg to watch while I roll this?” He offered, raising an eyebrow towards the tv remote that sat on the coffee table in front of the other.
“You got it! I godda show you this odne show Kriia’s got me stuck odn..” the redhead beamed with excitement as he scrambled to lean forward to swipe the remote from the table and turn on the tv.
Glancing up at the tv momentarily, the canine dumped the contents of the grinder into the wrap, and finally began to roll up a blunt for them to share.
Rex had the same huge grin plastered on his face as he turned on a show called “Love Island” and settled back into his comforter against the back of the couch.
The wolf tossed a quizzical look towards the pyro, who met his eyes with both palms raised in front of him defensively.
“Trust mbe, I had the sambe reactiond..” he laughed before swiping at nose quickly with a freckled wrist.
Remi had his doubts, however, he did ask him to find something to watch, so he couldn’t complain all that much.
After a few minutes of Rex’s show filling the silence between them, the wolf held out his hand to show off a perfectly rolled blunt with a proud smirk. “Bars.” He chuckled with pride before putting it between his lips.
“Deed a light?” The pyro asked with a raised eyebrow, and Remi nodded. With a quick snap of his fingers, a small flame shot from the tip of the redhead’s index finger, licking up from the bottom of the blunt and igniting the tip as the other inhaled. After taking a long drag, the wolf removed it from his lips and blew out a large cloud of smoke that slowly spread across the room, before finally passing it. Almost as soon as the smoke left the canine’s lips, Rexar’s eyes began to water, causing him to squint as he took the blunt in his own hand and put it to his lips. He, too, took a long drag and blew out an equally thick cloud, but near instantly his breath snagged and he began to hitch with desperation.
“Hhh—…” The pyro half whined from the intensity, however his expression seemed nearly stuck for a few moments before he sighed, shaking his head. “Ndope, lost it.” He chuckled with an unproductive sniffle, taking another drag off of the blunt before passing it back.
Remi couldn’t help but study him cautiously, but eventually cracked a smirk and took the blunt again. “It’s good, yeah?” He asked, trying to make small talk before inhaling again.
“For sure! It’s rea—.. hhh.. real t— tastyyy—! et’tCHOO!! HH— hah’ESSHH’IUE!! hh'ieXSHHH!!” The pyro muffled his sneeze into the comforter wrapped around his shoulders, a few stray embers dancing through the air and across the floor. “Bless mbe.” He mumbled, producing a liquidy sniffle and a breathy exhale.
“—bless you. Do you always sndeeze in threes?” The wolf asked with a slightly awkward chuckle, coughing deeply to the side for a moment before handing the blunt back.
Rexar looked up with a smirk, taking the blunt between his fingers.
“Literally always.” He replied matter-of-factly, shifting his weight in his spot on the couch and leaning his suddenly heavy head against the back of the couch and hitting the blunt again.
The two passed the blunt back and forth until it was nothing but wrap left, every few times it was passed resulted in another firey triple erupting from Rex, who proceeded to bless himself and brush it off.
Remi smashed the roach into the side of the trash can beside him, putting it out, and tossed it onto the table before slumping back into the couch. He felt extremely heavy, but in a good way, his aching body easily getting comfortable within the soft cushions of the couch. His reddened eyes lazily focused on the show that played on the tv, trying to absorb anything of substance. “Wait, is this evedn the first episode of this show?” He asked after a moment, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at Rex.
The pyro’s blank, open mouthed expression that was lost in the TV didn’t change for a few moments, until suddenly he realized he was being spoken to.
“Shit, sorry, imb mad zooted. I probably should have started it from the begiddidng huh?” He laughed at his own stupidity, grabbing the remote from beside him and adjusting the tv.
Remi burst out in a deep, genuine laugh that shortly dissolved into a harsh coughing fit, but afterward he wasn’t left with a frustrated grimace on his face. He was actually slightly enjoying the others company, although he would never admit to that. The wolf shook his head with a smile as he leaned more into the couch, propping his head up on his elbow, and his focusing his attention on the tv again. After no more than 30 minutes of near silence besides the tv, and the soft coughs or unproductive sniffles of either man, his vision began to unfocus and his eyelids would flutter closed for a moment, before flying back open, trying desperately to fight off his own body’s exhaustion.
His efforts to stay awake worked for a while, but not for long. Soon the quiet, rhythmic sounds of his congested snores replaced his occasional sniffling, and his chin began to slide from his palm, his heavy head lolling towards the redhead.
When Remi’s head inevitably fell to land roughly against Rex’s shoulder, the redhead gasped in surprise, but upon the realization of the situation, he smiled gently. Honestly, he had no idea why everyone seemed to have so much of a distaste for the big guy. He wasn’t all that bad once you got past his defensive outer shell. Chuckling under his breath, he returned his gaze back to the tv that continued to drone on in the background, and leaned his head closer to Remi’s ever so slightly.
“Awh, don’t worry, bud. I had fun with you today too~” Rex whispered with a smug smile on his face, very gently patting to the top of the wolf’s head.
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sunsetsnz · 2 years
i have this one contagion-related instance that makes me want to melt and die when i remember that it actually happened in my life
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brandnewcouch · 10 months
i haven’t written a snz fic in so long because all of the characters i’ve been into lately are from british shows and i don’t think im knowledgeable enough in british slang to write for them 😭
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sunsetsnz · 2 years
word prompt: struggle!
ok out of 100 word prompts, two people sent in 'struggle' lmao. so this one is for both of you. here goes!
Ryder's eyebrows knit together in concentration as he leans forward slightly. The buzz of the tattoo machine held in his gloved hand and the faint music playing in the parlor are white noise to his mind, as he focuses deeply on the lines he's currently etching into his client's skin. That long, unruly hair has been tamed into a firm bun to keep it out of his face. Due to his bunged up nose, his breath escapes somewhat weakly through his slightly parted lips, like a draft through a crack in a door.
His features smooth out momentarily when he looks up to check on his client. "How you doin' over there?"
They give a little thumbs up in response, smiling through a grimace. Ryder grins crookedly back despite his aching head and moves to resume his work. As he does so, he feels his nose prickle with a ticklish sensation that's been occurring way too often for his liking lately. He shakes his head almost imperceptibly, furrowing his eyebrows again, as if that will ward off the sneeze.
Fuck off, not now...
He wrestles with the building tingle for a moment more, trying to hold back, before his nostrils flare as a final warning. Lifting the tattoo machine in defeat and turning his entire body away, Ryder releases a desperate, wet sneeze into the crook of his elbow.
"I godda-- h-hehh-- heeEEHHSHIEWW!!"
A sigh follows, the relief of having gotten it out flooding his body. Haphazardly he grabs a tissue and cleans himself up, blowing his nose so he has a chance at fucking breathing again. His client pipes up to bless him.
"Thank you," He chuckles wetly, sniffling. "’Scuse be, jeez. I'b still a little sick, heh..."
After cleaning his hands and a change of gloves, he's good to go again. The rest of the session goes without interruption, save for Ryder's little sniffles punctuating their conversation now and then.
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