#collage after 12th
tarotwithavi · 5 months
Jupiter and where you will meet your future spouse
Jupiter signifies husband in a woman's chart.
This is not certain as we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only
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Jupiter in Aries/1st house : They may be similar to you in some sense, may have the same upbringing. They may be atheletic, go gotter and active. They may come up to you, you may bump into them or you may meet them when you will be standing up for yourself and doing something for yourself. You can also meet them at a sports event, competitive events etc.
Jupiter in Taurus/ 2nd house : They can be highly stable and very calm and mature. They will be the shoulder you can lean on anytime. You guys can meet them in a restraunt, a really luxurious place or art galary. You can also meet them a financial institution like bank or something related to finance, art or culture.
Jupiter in Gemini/3rd house : They can be very chatty and intelligent. You can meet them through your siblings/friends or while on short trips. They can have a close relationship with their siblings. You can meet them when you will be engaged in activities such as public speaking, writng, local communities,coffee shop etc. They can also be your neighbour.
Jupiter in Cancer/ 4th house : One thing with this placement is that they will be like a parent to you. very caring and family oriented. You guys can meet them through maternal figure, either your mother or their mother. You can also meet them in a home enviroment. They can also be a homebody.
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Jupiter in Leo/5th house : They can be popular and attract a lot of attention. You can meet them through a celebration like a birthday party, wedding ceremony etc. You can also meet them in movie theater, concert, an event. You will most likely meet them in summertime or in daylight. They can be extroverted and they seem to have nice hair.
Jupiter in Virgo/6th house : They can be health consious or they take good care of themselves and the way they look. They will be helpful and will offer to help in evertything they can. You can meet them through work, in school, in gym or even in hospital. Acts of service can be their love language.
Jupiter in libra/7th house : They can be highly social and can have a bigger social circle. They can be a businessman, salesman or might be woking in marketing. There will be equal give and take in the relationship. You can also meet them in councelling sessions, collaborative events, art exibitions etc. You can also meet them through mutual friends.
Jupiter in Scorpio/8th house : You will meet them when you will be going through an intense transformation. You may also be going through some kind of loss. You can also meet them through reseach and investigation work. spiritual place, occult, nightclub, money and inheritance related matters etc. You can also meet them while getting therapy.
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Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th house : You can meet them in collage, educational institute, spiritual place or when you will be getting higher education. They will be highly educated and will act as a teacher or they will be teaching you a lot of things. You can also meet them in foreign lands or in long distance travel. They can be a teacher, professor, guide etc.
Jupiter in Capricorn/10th house : Okay so this placement can signify a arranged marriage or marriage of convinienve. You can meet them in an arranged setting. You can meet them through your father or they can be your boss. This placement also signifies an marriage that is considered ideal. In most cases the couple can work together or have a business together.
Jupiter in Aquarius/11th house : You can meet them through dating apps, social media, social event, charity event. You can also meet them through someone like an old friend. They can also be your best friend. Most people with this placement can get an unconvemtional spouse. They can have really unique personality or can be a rebel. You can meet them after 30.
Jupiter in Pisces/12th house : You can meet them in faraway lands. However this placement can create some kind of illusion, you may put them on a pedestal or you will meet a lot of people who you think are your fs. They can be into music or can be a musician. You may also get dreams about them. You can also meet them at a spritual place.
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mysticficti0n · 4 months
It's been so long
Hello my beauties, I was looking through my inbox and saw around like 9 people asking for a Phil Wenneck fic and I rewatched all 3 hangover films and this idea came to my head, my 500 follower special is still in the world as I want it to be perfect. I've wrote this in like 4 hours and only skimmed it so if there any spelling mistakes ignore them- love you 😘
warnings- 2009!Phil wenneck x y/n Y/l/n, (he's single and has no kid either), swearing, mentions of underage drinking, pet names, p!inv!, sub/readerxdom/Phil,
words- 7.9k
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"Dylan are you ready?" I called waiting next to the front door, swining my car keys around my finger "Dyl come on you're gonna make us late and mom will kill me if we are late!" I yelled losing my patients
"I'm here" he spoke coming down the stairs "why don't you just don't tell them we were late" I hummed actually taking in his idea
"good idea- well anyways come on" I answered getting into the car. I started the engine and began the short drive to his school, the roads were busy and that meant that was making us later and later
"god- when's your meeting?" I spoke turning to my little brother
"erm.. 5:45pm" he said after looking at a sheet of paper that he pulled from his pocket "and its now...5:45 Y/n"
"Shit-" I spat "oh sorry Dylan" he laughed as I slapped a hand over my mouth "well lets just hope this doesn't take much longer"
finally after another 15 minutes we made it, hurriedly we walked into the school, Dylan had my hand pulling me through corridors until we made it to room 7L and he knocked on the wood "come in" a voice sounded and Dyl pushed the door open "ah Dylan, you're here!"
"Hello sir" my brother smiles going towards a small chair put out in front of a desk "this is my sister, Y/n" I followed behind him and placed my hand bag on the floor before turning to face the teacher
"hi, I'm so sorry that we're late the traffic was ter-"
"Y/n?" the mans voice cut me off "Y/n Y/l/n?" even in heals I wasn't as tall as him, so as my eyes met his face I knew who it was straight away
"Oh my god Phil- I can't believe it!" I laughed, I knew Phil all through school, from Pre-k to collage, and he hadn't changed a bit since we had left, chiseled jaw, sun kissed skin, his brown short hair flowing effortlessly around his face and a smile that was always imprinted on his lips "you haven't changed a bit Wenneck" I spoke as we pulled from a hug
"Neither have you Y/n- you look great- erm please take a seat" he grinned as he took a seat behind his own desk "woah- well Dylan it's great to see you for the second time, and also you Y/n, great to see you again too"
"how do you two know each other?" My brother inquired giving me a confused look
"Me and Mr Wenneck went to school together, well we basically grew up together, he was one of my best friends" I answered shooting the man a smile, Dylan nodded getting a grin across his face
"okay well- lets look at everything shall we?" Phil pulled open a folder and his finger traced down the page and then tapped "here, so Dylan by the looks of things you are doing amazing in all classes with b+'s and some A's which is great for a boy your age..which is 9 but 10 In a few weeks if I'm right?" Dylan excitedly nodded, a cheesy smile coming across his lips, my hand patted his shoulder seeing his smile grow bigger "and your behaviour... no detentions, or warnings this year little man, much better then when your sister was in school" he joked
"excuse me- you were a lot worse then me, remember what you did to Jake that day?" I asked raising my eyebrow
"he had that coming, but I wont say much more, need to professional" I shook my head laughing at him as we both remembered the day in high school-
_____ 12th grade (1992) _____
Me, Sasha, Lauren, Stu, Phil and Doug sat in the bleachers laughing about whatever random things we could think off "and what about that time Lauren fell over the curb when we went to that party?" Stu laughed getting a slap from the red head
"I was drunk okay- and like 15 so that doesn't matter" she angrily spoke trying to stop the smile from going on her lips. the six of us kept talking while we sipped on our drinks we brought from the lunch hall. Soon the break was over and we all went to head back in, I stood up, straightened my skirt around my legs and fixed my top around my shoulders, and grabbed my bag from the seat in front of me
"Nice rack Y/l/n!" I herd a voice call from the bottom of the steps, I stood straight back up covering my front with my hand and my eyes immediately locked with those of Jake Casey "its alright babe don't need to hide them from me- oh and nice panties too girls, down there had a great view- didn't it boys" he joyed blowing me a kiss as the three guys around him shared a laugh
I quickly stopped down the steps, coming face to face with the creep "what did you just say?" my voice was low as I got into his face, his friends oh'ed; clapping there hands
"I said-" Before he could even finish his sentence my hand slapped across his face "Ow! what the fuck is wrong with you!" I went to walk away until the feeling of his hand fixed on mine "don't you walk away now bitch" he seethed, his other hand wrapped around my waist pulling me onto his body
"Let go of me you perv" I yelled, desperately trying to free myself, but in an instant, Jake lay helpless on the ground, his grip on me replaced by Phil looming over him like a dark storm. Soon Phil's fists crashed into Jake's body relentlessly, each punch harder then the last, and those three friends from before were not to be seen as the dashed across the field to get away from Phil who wasn't stopping his beating
"don't- you- ever- fucking- do- that- again" he warned as he hit the boy again
"OKAY, OKAY, I'M SORRY!" A shattered voice pleaded, but the brunette remained unrelenting. "PLEASE, GET OFF!" we all watched as Stu and Doug forcibly tore Wenneck away from the now bloodied and battered man. quickly Jake pulled himself up whipping around and running off to join his group who were half way across the track. Phil backed off, dusting himself from the dirt that lay on his jeans and fixed his sun glasses to begin back on his head
"Thanks Phil," we said in unison as we approached, the two girls going to stand with Stu and Doug as they talked about what had just happened. "You okay?" I asked, brushing his arm where he had a faint red mark.
"I'm fine. How about you?" he replied, his concern evident. I nodded, showing him the small mark on my wrist. "Does it hurt?"
"No, I'm okay... Thanks for stepping in again," I said again, I got the feeling like it was just the two of us in that moment, drawing closer, Phil's hand landing softly on my waist the warmth overpowering the heat from the Los Angeles sun. "I—" I started, but Stu interrupted with his usual humour.
"Come on, you two! We'll be late if you start a love story now after all these years!" he joked, pointing at us "flirt after class is done" I couldn't help the red from painting my face as the whole group fell into a laugh
"Shut up, Price," Phil said, rolling his eyes as he put his arm around my shoulders instead of my waist, pulling me closer in a simple yet meaningful gesture.
_____ end of flashback _____
"and Dylan- how are you finding school?" Phil asked, grabbing a pen off his desk looking back to him with a warm smile
"good- I have lots of friends and a girlfriend!," Phil oh'd looking to me as a we laughed " and I like my lessons, and I'm in the soccer team!" he talked "and the homework is okay, Y/n helps me a lot because she's smart"
"stop it" I laughed scruffing the young boys fluffy hair
"well that sounds good then, I have some of your books here for you Y/n if you want to have a look through and also his end of year report" I grabbed the small pile of books from the mans hand and began looking through while listening to the two talk about soccer and things, I looked to the page with the title 'my family' and saw a family tree scribbled with crayons and our faces drawn in: Mom, Dad, me, him, Grandma, Papa, our cousins and aunties and uncles too.
"Dylie your work is really good!, especially your family tree, you've got everyone!" I cheered. After I finished looking through all the pages I set them back on the desk and Phil finished up his convocation with Dylan
"is there any questions you have Y/n?" He asked looking to me, his face warm
"I don't think so, I mean he's doing great and thats all I can really ask for, he seems to have a good teacher too" I spoke seeing Phil smirk at me shaking his head
"great, that ends this then- Dylan, Y/n thank you for coming to see me and I'll see you on Monday little guy, and don't forget the trip money" Phil stuck his hand out to my brother who's little hand shook it back and I watched as the blonde waved walking to the door
"Y/n! Sam's out there can I go say hi?" he asked excitedly looking to his friend out side the window
"sure" I replied seeing him hurriedly open the door, he shouted a quick good bye to 'Mr Wenneck' and quickly left us behind in the class room "again sorry for being late Phil- just everywhere seemed to be busy" I laughed grabbing my bag from the floor and placing it on my shoulder then getting Dylans report off the table
"its fine don't worry- you two were my last appointment anyways, and as its you I don't mind either" he smiled coming round the front of his desk and leaning against it "but honestly Dylan is a great kid, I don't even like teaching but kids like him make it worth it you know" I nodded listening to him
"I never thought you be a teacher you know, I mean you hated school" he laughed rubbing the bridge of his nose
"Yeah I know but life happened" he said looking back to me "erm well I was wondering- do you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow?" I was a little taken back, in a good way though "it's fine if not, but we could have an actual catch up you know? I mean I haven't seen you since we were 20 ish and were now old "
"thank you very much for reminding me- but yeah what time?" I agreed, I watched as a smile spread along is face
"I'll come pick you up at 8?" I nodded "cool well erm- I'll see you tomorrow Y/n" he stood up leading me to the door, before I left I pulled him into another hug
"see you tomorrow" I whispered before letting go and walking out to grab Dylan who was happily chatting to his friend and his mom "hi Carol" I waved
"hey sweetie, how'd it go?" she asked
"good, Dylans doing really good- how's sam doing?" she shook her head and her smile dropped "oh"
"I got told he beat up another kid the other day- I don't know what to do, I mean when Charlie was younger he was nothing like this, and I remember when you were little and your little friends, you guys were never in fights- well not when you were 9! but Sam always is" her voice was full of anger
"mh, It's very odd- must be something triggering him" I spoke
"maybe I'll take him to see your mom when she's back, she's a therapist so maybe she can get to the bottom of it" Carol laughed "aways we must get off- Samual come on" the two boys said their goodbye and we walked out
"Night Dyl" I whispered leaving his room, I walked down the stairs to the living room, falling onto the couch and flipping on the tv to a random channel, I couldn't get over that Phil was teaching my little brother, my old best friend teaching my brother... life was weird. It reminded me, I needed to get someone to Have Dylan over the weekend, I knew he would enjoy staying at our grandparents so I picked up my phone and began calling my Grandma
"hello Rosie" she answered
"hi Grandma, how're you?"
"good poppet, is everything okay?"
"yes thank you, I was just wondering if it was okay if you had Dylan tomorrow night please? I met up with an old friend, well actually do you remember Phil?"
"Oh yes Phil Wenneck, of course how could I forget Philly! he was always with Doug, Stu, you, Sasha and Lauren wasn't he" I hummed agreeing
"well I found out he's Dyls teacher! and were going out for a catch up tomorrow night"
"aw thats lovely, of course we can have Dylie, Sofia and Ryan are sleeping tomorrow so its no issue"
"thank you so much, I'll bring him at about 5:30 if thats okay"
"yep thats fine, see you tomorrow lovie"
"night, love you" I came off the phone and saw a dot on my messages, I clicked on seeing -Phil- 1 new message-
'Hey Y/n, just checking (and I hope this isn't weird) are you at your moms house, just I know you're watching Dylan for the two weeks, he was telling me x'
'Hi Phil, yeah I'm here, and bless him I had a feeling he'd be telling everyone, he was saying we were gonna throw a party and everything x' I answered
'I mean if they were anything like your parties, I'm coming x' I laughed
'yeah gonna sing bah bah black sheep with the kids? x'
'of course, it's my favourite song x' I rolled my eyes
'I bet- see you tomorrow Wenneck x'
'night x'
"thank you so much again for having him Grandma, papa" I crouched down pulling my brother into a hug "I'll come get you tomorrow, go have fun and I'll call after okay, before bed" he nodded hugging me back then running to play with our little cousins "see you later" I hugged my grandparents then quickly drove back home to shower and get ready for seeing Phil.
I decided on a black dress, it wasn't to much, just around my thighs, some black heals, smokey dark make up and a dark red lip, my hair straightened down my back and some silver jewellery. I sprayed L’Interdit Rouge and grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder
I went into my kitchen, hurriedly pouring myself a glass of water and chugging the glass trying to suppress the anxiousness I felt rising in my stomach. The sound of the door bell rang through the hall and into the kitchen, I took one more deep breath before walking and opening up the door. I pushed the handle down and pulled the door open
"Hi Phil" I sounded as my eyes met him, he was dressed in a black suit which blended into the night perfectly, it fit his figure amazingly, hugging his muscles in all he right ways, his button up was only done up to the third one and the last two were left open showing of his toned chest, my eyes reached his face, his hair messed graciously behind his head and his sun glasses perched on his head "you look amazing" I spoke not realising I had been staring doe eyed for what felt like a life time
"I could say them same- look at you" he smiled "oh I brought you these" from behind his back he pulled out a bunch of roses, blood red- my favourites
"Phil! you didn't have too- these are beautiful!" I giggled like a child being given a lollipop
"almost as beautiful as you" I herd him chirp, my gaze snapped back to him
"careful" I laughed "come in, I'll grab a vase for these" I walked away hearing him follow behind after shutting the door
"god this place hasn't changed at all- holy shit I feel 17 again" he breathed coming into the kitchen "Its the place I first took a shot how about that" he reminisced
"yeah mom kept basically everything the same though she was going to change it all, then Dylan was born in 2000 and then she just kept it this way" he hummed leaning agains the kitchen counter
"how come your mom had Dylan- is that a weird thing to ask?...I- you don't have to answer that" he awkwardly laughed
"oh well Mom and Dad divorced erm 97' as you know, and mom got with this guy called Michel and then accidentally got pregnant, and we didn't know if he would make it because obviously mom was a lot older then most women who have children but they both made it and Dyls 10 soon" I explained
"oh wow, your moms a strong lady so I get why she made it through, I think thats why I was really shocked to see you yesterday because his name isn't Y/n/l Its Lee"
"yeah, I mean I didn't even know you were his teacher because he only ever called you Mr W or Sir" I spoke "and mom wouldn't have actually met you because this was his first parent teacher thing huh"
"yeah, anyways not that this isn't great we need to get going" he spoke checking his watch "so if you please" I walked towards the man and linked my arm with his as he led us out the house. Phil pulled open the passenger door for me and I gently settled myself into the leather seat, I watches as he went over to his side and slid in "ready?"
"Mhm" I smiled as we began our drive
The car stopped at a restaurant with the name 'Le Rouge', The two of us stepped out the car and immediately my arm hooked on his "wow this looks- beautiful" I breathed. The door was opened by a tall man who shot us a quick smile as we stepped through the threshold. To say I was taken back was an understatement, a soft, red glow washes over the space, enveloping it in an aura of intimacy. The dim lighting, like flickering candlelight, shone a warm hue. The décor, a careful balance of simplicity and refinement, features rich dark wood accents and sumptuous red velvet curtains that drape gracefully, adding to the sultry, moody ambiance.
"Good evening Sir, Madam- how may I help?" a sweet looking girl cooed, her hands quickly grabbing a paper that lay in front of her
"hi, I have a booking should be under the name Wenneck" the girl nodded checking down the paper until her eyes seemed to find the name
"okay- if you two would like to follow me" the blonde began trotting through the many tables full of customers until she stood next to a small dark wood table for two, one candle and flower sat as the centre piece and two menus lay in our places "Erin will be your waitress tonight, and she'll be over soon to take your orders but would you like to get started on drinks?" Phil looked over to me giving me a quick nod telling me to go first, hastily I lifted the drinks menu from the side and scanned the paper
"I'll have a....Cabernet Sauvignon please" I answered seeing her write it down quickly, I turned to look back to the man sat across from me who's eyes flickered down the same menu as me
"make that a bottle and two glasses please" soon the girl disappeared with our orders "so what do you think?" Phil asked, his gaze landing back on me
"you've out done yourself Wenneck, it's gorgeous in here- I bet this place is really expensive though so I can pay-" before I could even finish the brunette chirped rolling his blue eyes at me
"shut up- I asked you out. I pay. let me treat you, I haven't seen you in years so this is the least I can do for making up for the fact that you haven't seen my face in so long" he smirked fluttering his eyes
"oh yeah of course" I laughed pulling my chair in closer "so, how have you been since I last saw you, and I don't mean from just yesterday" I gave a warning look hearing him titter
"well, we all left school I was going to work with dad in the car place but we got into this huge argument and he said I was choosing the 'easy way out' so I proved him wrong and became a teacher, then I got a job at Dylans school in 2007, been working there since, but erm I was with this girl after we left school- her name was Shannon but erm she cheated on me and I haven't actually been with anyone in god 6 years this year" the man sadly laughed "but you know I'm doing okay, I have a home and a job so thats all that matters" without really thinking about it my hand reached across the table taking his softy, I watched as his sad smile got replaced with a warm one, his eyes growing softer "what about you, what have I missed?"
"ah well- we left school obviously and I started working for a few people as a PA, worked on a few sets during like 2004 and 5, but it wasn't really enough money so changed and stared working at this bank place 2 years ago. I can't say I love it but I bought an apartment West Hollywood but I've taken the next 2 weeks of to watch Dylan but I'm looking for a new job again, hopefully back on the PA thing because I enjoyed that" he nodded, listening to every word "I was also with a guy, Jackson for a good few years but we broke up on my birthday actually, he said he was bored and needed a 'new spark' so I guess I wasn't that interesting to him" I chuckled, I looked down to my one intwined hand, the feeling of Phil's soft padded thumb swiped on my skin
"who needs those people though, I don't doubt that one day a good guy will see you and think 'damn, she's beautiful, talented, interesting, funny, beautiful'"
"you said that twice" I spoke in almost a whisper
"Its because I mean it" I felt my face heat up a ferocious red colour, before I could say anything else a wine bucket was placed onto our table and two glasses placed with it "ah thank you" Phil spoke with a smile, our hands broke away leaving mine cold. "do you want some?" the blue eyed man spoke, his voice filling my ears bringing me back to reality, I hummed holding my glass to him, the work popped and soon the red liquid began to flow into the glass until it nearly reached the rim, he filled his own then steadily placed the bottle back on the ice "to old friendships" his hand clenched around the neck of the glass, lifting it up
"to old friendships" I cheered, I let the wine cool my throat, taking all the red blush away with it, I could still feel the pricing blue gaze watching me over the table, not in a menacing way- but a adoring one. I tuned my attention back to Phil whose eyes fixed to mine "what are you going to have?" I asked seeing him look to his menu
"stake maybe, or lamb- you?" I checked down the list, until my eyes found my favourite "let me guess- filet mignon?" I nodded, a grin spreading on my lips "still know you well then"
"well I mean its been a good few years Wenneck- you sure?" I pondered, chewing my lip "do you really know me?" my voice lowered, and I couldn't help but watch his expression falter from being confident to slowly becoming more soft
"whats changed about you- tell me love" hearing the nickname nearly knocked the breath from me, something about hearing It in his voice, from his face, on his tongue
"you'll have to find out yourself" I challenged, his stare narrow
the meal was one not to be forgotten, and the bill was another thing I would also never forget "Phil stop it- split it with me, you can't pay $250!" I snapped trying to pull the bill from his grasp
"Y/n I am a grown man with my own money- fuck off let me do this- I'll be paying tonight" he demanded
"next time I pay" I sassed, shoving my card back into my pocket, I watched as his eyebrow lifted, questioning my words
"a next time huh?" he responded with a smirk, I shook my head staring away from his eyes as he paid the bill "come on gorgeous lets go" He was killing me- the nicknames, the watching, the smirk.. I felt like a teenager again... the first time I fell for the stupid boy
"watch it Wenneck" I quipped, he brushed me off by taking my hand and leading me from the building, it was a warm night, the sky still a ink blue but a darker colour than before
"wanna go see something?" Phil's voice broke through the silence "it's only down there" I followed his out stretched arm that pointed to a small cleaning in some trees, in my head I kept thinking of the negatives but in my heart, as cheesy as it sounded, I knew if I was Phil I would've been okay.
"okay" I agreed and soon we began moving toward the narrow entrance, he pushed some branches out the way with his free hand, his other still softly holding mine "where are you taking me?" I asked, a soft laughter leaving after I saw him look back with his signature smirk. Soon we stopped as we came to a opening
"welcome to the most cozy place" I looked round the mans figure to see a small pond littered with lily-pads, and pond grass, lit by the moons glow, it was very romantic and every girls dream place to sit after a night like ours
"Phil how do you find these places?" I questioned taking in the view, he gleamed shrugging off his jacket and laying it on the floor next to the water "careful it'll get dirty"
"Y/n it can be cleaned- just sit down" without wasting anymore time, I perched myself next to him on his jacket, our legs bumping as we relaxed into the floor. I stared out in front of me, watching the small movements off the trees as the wind blew past, and the ripples that bounced in the water "tonight has been so amazing Phil, thank you" I said sincerely, my look changing to face him "really" in this light he looked heavenly, his outline illuminated by the light cascading from the sky, his eyes shining into mine, it felt like it was just us again in the world, only me and only him
"Y/n, can I ask you something?," I hummed, slowly nodding my head because no words could leave from my lips "can I kiss you?" every good emotion began wizzing around my heart, butterflies flitted in my stomach and my brain turned hazy, none of it felt real
"please" I breathed, feeling his gentle touch as his hand caressed my cheek, drawing me closer to him. My heart raced as I wrapped my arms around his neck, surrendering to the warmth of his embrace. Slowly, I settled onto his lap as his other arm pulled me onto him, our bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Our lips met in a tender kiss, igniting a spark that had been smoldering between us for years. A sweet hum escaped my lips, a melody of longing and relief, as the weight of unspoken words lifted from my shoulders..
Reluctantly we both pulled away, taking in each other movements, my lips curled into a smile which Phil quickly mirrored, his hands finding my hips as he sucked for a breath "god I've waited so long to kiss you Gorgeous" he muttered, the pads of his fingers drawing random shapes as he spoke "why did we wait so long?" he questioned
"Phil, kiss me again" My voice trembled slightly as our mouths met once more, a surge of desire mingling with passion, flooding my senses. In an instant, Phil shifted our positions, his form now looming above me, casting a shadow over us, swallowing us in darkness.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this," his words pierced through the intensity of our kiss, but I couldn't bear to be apart from him for a moment longer. With urgency, my hands pulled him closer, silencing any further words with the press of our lips. His knee parted my legs as he leaned further into me, his wight laying on his arms that caged my head between them; his lips slipped from mine and began traveling down my jaw, to my neck, to my collar bone
"Umph Phil" I whined unexpectedly, my eyes fluttered open seeing the brunettes gaze shift to a darker, hungrier side, his lips began another assault on my skin, sucking and peppering me in little butterfly kisses as I tried to stop myself from making any noises that the outside world could hear.
Phil pulled away, smiling at the view of me, I copied his expression as my hand carefully tucked back a fallen piece of hair "you should let me take you out more often" he laughed softly, his hands found mine and pulled me up to meet him, my legs felt uneasy from the moment but I forced myself to stand although my head only met his chest, the hands that once lifted me began to drag up my side until the two cupped my jaw "you okay?"
"yeah... I think just still in shock, I don't think I've ever been kissed like that in my life" he hummed, a suggestive look painting his features "what?" I asked looking up to him
"I just think you look really hot right now," he spoke with a amused smile "like, really hot" Phil repeated, his head bent so our mouths were basically exchanging air "can I kiss you again- please" It sounded almost like a beg but how could I refuse?
"you don't need to ask" I replied as once again my arms tangled behind his head. Though this kiss felt different than the last ones: hungrier, more passionate, wanting, pleading for more. My one hand knotted into his hair pulling a handful of strands causing him to lift slightly from the kiss
"ugh- fuck Y/n, don't do this to me" his voice croaked in a moan "or I'll take you home right now" I felt a rush of excitement run through my veins hearing the words leave his mouth
"do it then" I commanded pulling away to stare into his blue eyes that seemed midnight black all of a sudden. In one swift movement Phil lifted his jacket off the floor and grabbed my hand leading me back out the wooded area and to his car, the lights flashed as we climbed in and in seconds the engine roared. I couldn't stop my face from heating up as I watched his knuckles whiten from their grip on the wheel as we turned out from the restaurant parking lot back to my house.
His hand hadn't left my thigh the entire drive home, it drew small circles on my bare skin and I couldn't help but fall into the rhythm, I watched as we turned into my street and the car came to a abrupt stop on my drive way. We exited the car and rushed to the front door, I dragged my keys from my purse and slotted them into the lock and after a few tries the door swung open
I spun around to face Phil, my heart pounding with anticipation as my arms wound around his neck, pulling him closer. Through the doorway, our bodies collided, a rush of heat and longing coursing between us. My back met the wall, but the world around us faded as our kiss deepened, the intensity building with each passing moment.
Our shared desires spilled into the air, mingling with the soft sounds of our breath and the gentle rustle of clothing. In the haze of passion, we fought for control, our bodies moving as one in a dance of longing and need. As we finally broke away, gasping for air, our faces flushed with desire, I closed the door behind us, turning my back to the man that now stood behind me, softly I felt his hands creep around my sides, his breath climbing up my neck
"I need you gorgeous" he whispered, his lips brushing the lobe of my ear, without another thought I grabbed his palm and led him up the stairs. I felt like a teenager again, messing around with my crush for the first time. We made it to my room and I knocked the door open but soon my attention was torn away and all I could think of was Phil, Phil Wenneck who's hands were holding my body as his lips pushed against mine, Phil Wenneck who was laying me on my bed and holding himself above me. Phil Wenneck.
"Take this off me," I whispered, my gaze locked with his, my voice dripping with desire. As he obeyed, his fingers trailed down the small straps of my dress, exposing my chest to his hungry gaze. I felt a shiver of anticipation race down my spine as his touch ignited a fire within me.
His hands caressed my skin, teasingly light, sending sparks of pleasure dancing across my body. I watched in rapt fascination as he cupped each breast, his touch firm yet gentle, kneading them as if they were dough in his palms
With a soft groan, his lips left mine, blazing a trail of kisses down my body, each one sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. I arched my back, offering myself to him, my breath hitching as his mouth hovered tantalizingly close to my aching nipples.
As he took one between his teeth, a sharp gasp escaped my lips, pleasure and pain intertwining in a heady mix. "F-Fuck," I hissed, unable to contain the overwhelming sensation coursing through me.
"Like that, don't you?" Phil's voice was husky as he released me, his gaze smouldering with heat. I could only nod, my body trembling with need, words failing me in the face of such intense pleasure. He repeated his actions, each touch sending me spiraling further into ecstasy. His tongue traced delicate patterns on my skin, leaving me trembling again and again, his kisses a gentle reminder of the tender passion that consumed us both.
I began to feel the heat between my legs grow hotter as I watched him draw himself down my body, my dress slowly coming all the way off and pooling at my ankles leaving me in just my black thong "you look- just woah" he grinned, his hand petting mine
"you still have too much on" I flirted sitting myself on my knees in front of him, I let my hands trail up his front till I met the first button and I pushed it undone, then the next, then the next until his top was bare revealing his tanned torso, and tanned muscles that decorated his front. I pushed myself closer to the man, my lips pressing against his peck until I reached his collar bone, my tongue poked out from between my lips as I licked a line up his neck to his ear "I need you to take these off for me" I sighed
"do you?" he purred, standing from my bed his hands unfastened his buckle then popped the button letting the material fall to the floor leaving him In his boxers which outlined his boner leaving nothing to the imagination "gonna keep staring or come do something about it" he asked with a smirk
"not if you act like that" I answered slyly as I kneeled at the side of my bed in front of the man, his hand reached for my jaw propping my mouth open, dipping his thumb into the wet
"be a good girl and lay back for me, hm gorgeous" I pulled off his finger with a pop and lay myself down, my thighs parting to show him stood just in front of me, his palm stroked my heat, the friction sent waves through my body "so sensitive already" I hummed, trying not to grind myself against his flat hand. His fingers dipped behind the material and hooked the thong away, pulling them down my thighs then to the floor, softly his hands once again parted my legs, showing him my already went cunt "look at that" he praised
"please do something" I begged, in a matter of seconds I felt his fingers brush over my skin, a few digits pushing through my folds "agh- oh Phil" I whimpered at the touch
"god if you say my name like that again I'll cum right fucking here" I smiled looking up to the man who's finger began slipping down my wetness again "deep breath baby" he spoke. I sucked in a breath which was harder then anything I had ever done before then felt a finger push through the threshold, dipping into my cunt
"Angh" I cried as Phil began a agonisingly slow pace, the pad of his finger narrowly brushing my want "a-another- another please Phil- oh please" I pleaded
"already? such a good girl gorgeous" I nodded but soon my body was stuttering at the feeling of another digit sliding in
"Nagh- tha...nk you" I breathed, my hips moved involuntary at the pleasure- my eyes screwed shut, I hadn't got the power to force them to look at him, my voice was stuck in my throat as the knot in my stomach tightened "Phil-holy... I'm gonna-" before I could finish my own sentence I cut myself off "Ooh- fu....fuck fuck my god Phil" I called, my hands blindly reached for something to hold, trying to stable myself but I couldn't reach a thing
"you're okay- come on you're alright" he cooed, his free hand stroked my head as I slowly came down from my first high, my eyes finally opened and my first look was at Phil "there we go, hey gorgeous" he smiled
"hey" I greeted back, our lips connected again and I couldn't stop my fingers from going back to his hair, small pieces caught between each digit as I pulled him closer
"hmph- Y/n gentle with me" he joked breaking the kiss, I rolled my eyes turning my gaze away from his face to his body that sat above mine, I couldn't help but notice the tent in his boxers only looked larger. Slowly I lifted my leg letting the bulge sooth over my knee "agh.. mh you think your funny don't you?" he taunted
"no- I just really want you inside me Phil" I purred as both my hands held his face "please Phil" the man moved quicker than I have ever seen a man move before, his boxers were pulled away from his hips and down his legs revealing his length. My eyes widened- he was huge, no wonder girls in school jumped at the chance of a night with Phil, now I understand.
He knelt behind me, lightly pumping his cock before brining it up to my entrance "your safe word is Mexico okay- you say that and we stop" I murmured an 'okay' and he started to come closer, his warm tip stroked through my split "ready?" I hummed, steadily he pushed in, breaking through my entrance inch by inch before pulling out and repeating his action until he was fully sank into me "god baby you're so tight" he grumbled, I nodded not being able to speak because of feeling so full "want me to start moving now?" he spoke breaking the silence.
"mhm- slowly, you're so big" I welled watching a smirk plaster his face, Phil agonisingly pulled back until only his tip sat in me "Phil don't tease" I whined "need you to...fuck me so good" i was breathless already
"no problem gorgeous" he snarked before slamming his hips back and his full length pushing back inside me, I yelled at the force as he found a pace, our bodies hitting together in a rhythm only gods could create
"Oh Phil...Feels so good in me" I chattered, eyes fixated on him, I couldn't tare my gaze away as his shoulders tensed to keep himself up, a sheen of sweat building on his skin, his hair becoming unruly on his head as stray strands fell
"You feel so good around me- ugh fuck Y/n- such a good girl Y/n" hearing my name fall from his mouth only made me needier, it sounded so right
"fuck Phil- I feel so fucking good, shit- you fill me up so well Wenneck" I panted, my hands digging into his shoulders, nails scratching his skin
"fu-fuck you say it so well baby, I only wanna hear my name out your mouth" he moaned pressing open mouth kissed on my neck "I feel close- are..are you?" his voice trembled
"mhm- I was trying to hold off for you" I spoke, to brain numb to stop the truth, I could already feel his cock twitching inside me as he pounded my g-spot tirelessly
"cum with me- fuck baby" he hissed as I felt his thrusts get faster, our moans started to sync, I never thought I could fall for Phil, but seeing this side, hearing his voice, his moans, his venerability, I couldn't help the feeling "Y/n I need to come so bad" he begged
"shit- i...I- Oh my god" I hiccuped feeling the tie in my stomach rip apart and a swarm of warm blanketing me everywhere, then the sensation of my walls being painted with ropes of cum as the man above me faltered
"mgh- ah, holy fuck" he gulped, his head falling to my shoulder "I've never came that quick in my life" a small laugh escaped as he caught his breath while pulling out
"neither...Jesus Phil" I breathed, our eyes met again and we both had a new glow about us "you look pretty like this" I spoke brushing my fingers through his hair
"you've always been beautiful but right now," his lips tenderly met mine, the kiss was sweet and meaningful making the moment only better "Y/n can I say something?"
"yeah" I agreed, he shifted to be lay next to me, his palm sliding down to rest in the crook of my waist "what is it?"
"I really love you, I did all through school and, when we left I regretted not telling you but yesterday, seeing you and all, then today, I remembered how I felt," I blushed, hiding my face with my free hand "that was so cheesy but I don't even care anymore" he chuckled
"I really love you too Phil" our lips caught each others again, smiling into the make out, we pulled away letting our foreheads rest against each others "we waited so long"
My eyes fluttered open to my sun kissed room, the light stripping against my walls, I hummed letting my head nuzzle back into Phil's chest where I'd been lay since the early hours of the morning, my fingers drew up his stomach and scratching softly over his peck, I felt him stir at the touch, pulling small faces at the feeling "what are you doing" he yawned
"nothing" I hummed pressing a kiss to his skin "but it is time to wake up" he sighed rubbing his face with the hand that wasn't wrapped around my waist. Finally he opened his eyes and faced me, though I had already been watching for a while
"morning gorgeous" he sounded
"morning Phil" he pulled me close laying a kiss to the top of my head then propping his chin against my forehead "I've gotta get Dylan soon by the way" he hummed again, I could tell he was falling back to sleep, so quickly I sat myself up pulling the cover away from our bodies
"Y/n come on! five more minutes" he sneered "please baby" his voice begged as morning still lay thick on his voice
"no, come on Wenneck- I remember when we were kids you would say that then not move for another hour so up" I demanded taking his hand and pulling him from the bed. He rose up, towering above me
"you're mean" he commented as he loomed down on me
"but you told me you loved me last night" I played, my finger teasingly running down his front
"I do," he grinned leaning closer "but I also think you're mean" I rolled my eyes wondering away as he sat himself back on the bed falling back.
Quickly I got showered, washed my face and brushed my teeth and changed into jeans and a jumper in a few minutes, Phil on the other hand had just managed to brush his teeth and stick his shirt back on as he continuously groaned about being awake so early on a Sunday, though it was 11:30am
"okay well I need to go get Dyl now, he's got a soccer club to get to at 1 and I need to clean the house and things" I moaned, leaning my head against Phil, soothingly his hand ran down my back comforting me as he laughed
"why don't I stay and help? I have nothing better to do, and I can stay with you a bit longer, make dinner, be like another date" he asked, and I couldn't help but smile at his idea, having him around would make things better
"sounds perfect, now come on we've gotta go get Dyl"
My hand pushed the doorbell and soon enough the shuffling of slippers appeared on the other side "afternoon sunshine" my grandma beamed pulling me into a hug "and who's thi- Oh my lord, Phil Wenneck, look at you!" quickly she came out grabbing his face, inspecting all his changes "Philip aren't you so handsome!" she cooed
"thank you, you look lovely yourself, haven't changed a bit" he spoke as she stepped away laughing
"stop it you, anyways let me grab Dylan, he's been playing with the dog all morning- Dylan Y/n's here!" she called wandering back into the house
"Y/n!" a voice called as the noise of shoes tapped down the hall way and soon hands wrapped around me "you didn't call last night like you said!" he complained though still with a smile on his face
"I'm sorry, I got a bit busy last night Dyl" my gaze changed to Phil who was stood smiling at us
"Mr Wenneck?"
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decodedlvr · 1 year
the band-aid to my wounds
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Older!Eddie Munson x naive!Fem reader - eventual twins Steve Harrington x reader x Kurt Kunckle series| pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 … TBC
Summary: After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
warnings: talks of cheating, abuse, angst, slight stockholm syndrome at a glance, anxiety, childhood trauma, parent problems; daddy issues, eventual smut, cursing, drinking, smoking, perviness, slight dub-con, miscommunications, blood mention
word count: idk? 1k?
June 12th, 1988 the roads were closed off.
I have no idea why im still together with this asshole, why am i so stupid? oh because id do anything for people to love and not leave me. Looking at him now..hands beating the steering wheel, veins popping through his temples..not to mention his breath. Ashton my oh so loving, narcissist, no good boyfriend. We've been together for 6 years, basically high school sweethearts. Went from flirty glaces, to lab partners, to collage students with an alcohol addiction. Mainly his addiction...he got me started on it.
Ashton basically took me in with his fatherly like protectiveness when we first got together. He was walking me to my front door after a bowling date he asked me out to my sophomore year, of course i said yes.; until the front door opened. Uh oh, dads home; Bill. The moment the door opened i watched my father tackle Ashton to the ground without so much as a reason screaming words like "get off my property, boys like you should be dead in a gutter, ill kill you"...
Lets just say that date night was a bit too eventful for my liking.
My dad always had a problem with Ashton because he went to highschool with his father. Ashtons dad was a bully back in the day, made my dads life a living hell.. took everything away from him. the girl, the looks, the job..
Dave, Ashtons father, was caught making out with Shannon, my dads ex lover but also first love. Dave knew he had the upper hand when it came to getting the things he wanted. Hell, Shannon seduced him into it. Shannon was only with my dad for the money. Got knocked up but gave him the baby and ran away to be with his dad. As you can see I am that baby now today.
I made a promise to Ashton after sneaking him to my bedroom window that same night cleaning his wounds; that it was me and him against the world. He knew about me and my parents relationship. How my step-mother only has good things to say about me in a room full of people, but how she degrades me behind closed doors. How my dads drinking problem gave him alcohol poisoning, twice' and about his anger problems. You'd think being in a household that is always loud would help you shape up to loud sounds in the future. Boy was that theory proven wrong.
anytime someone yells or raises their tone, you're immediately in fight or flight response. tense..anxious. You hate going to basketball games just for that reason. Its uncomfortable.. and he knew that, but apparently in this moment, he didn't give a fuck-
"Did you hear me??" Ashton says impatiently. "No im sorry, i cant hear when you mumble.." you reply
you also hated when people uttered things under their breath.
dad does that shit.
"Don't be smart with me y/n, ill leave you right here,right now in the middle of the fucking road
"Yeah whatever Ashton, just stop talking to me and drive" feeling the breaks pull forward and in a flash he was out of the drivers seat, and already pulling you out of the passenger-
"WHAT THE FUCK" i yell- what the fuck are you doing Ashton?”
“Shut up!” he smacks me. Your eyes widen in more shock than fear over anything. “Did you j-just hit me?” i ask with a scratched voice--
“I told you more than once not to back talk me didnt i?”
“i didn’t.. it was once and i stopped ashton”-
-“You’ve done it all goddamn night, accusing me of cheating, clinging onto me when i ran into Tommy, i told you to give me some fucking space --i interrupt him.
“YOU did cheat on me you asshole!! That bitch was fucking bragging about it in the bathroom”—
“Do you really think after what 4 years-“6 actually“ i say pissing him off further. he looks at you angrily
He sighs. “Do you really think after years of being together, i would do that to you?” he say looking down at the ground sadly; making you instatly regret your words
“..no-no of course not i just thou”-
-“You thought wrong! he snaps-I would never do that to you baby..y/n?” he says letting go of the grip on my arms, caressing my cheek-“..I know you get a little confused sometimes, its okay come here” he says pulling you into a deep hug
“..im sorry ash”-
“shh” he coos.
“I really thought—what the fuck is that?” you shove him away
“Y-you piece of shit!!” you pull around back collar piece of his shirt up to his face; showing him the peach colored lipstick stain
“Are you fucking serious Ashton?” his eyes widen and stomach drops when he sees the prominent evidence of his past events—
“B-baby look-“
“No! fuck you were done!”
He grabs me closer, “No we fucking arent- ive gave you everything! he starts shouting making you flinch
P-please stop yelling at me! you plea tears rolling down your face
“Just—here” he opens the car door “just get back in and ill explain on the way”—
“No.” you shove past him running and crying
“Y/N come back here!. its too dark—
“ i dont care leave me alone!”
“Y/n theres crazy people out here..!”
you stop in your tracks, turning back to say- “You’re the crazy person!”
he laughs. “Oh im crazy? Ill show you fuckin crazy”—he says marching over to the drivers side of the car starting it back up—mumbling ill show you a fucking crazy person babe—and he spees off
you cant believe he actually just left you.. standing here.
“ASSHOLE!” you shout regulardess if hes still there or not, turning back around to walk down the cold empty road
are you fuckig kidding me?
wow he fooled me
how didnt i see this before
did he love me?
he says he does
then why did he leave me..
fucking jerk!!
The long 7 mile walk with a head full of shitty thoughts walk you to a sun burnt orange barn.
you're exhausted. your hearts broken. your feet hurt. its too dark to keep walking
"I mean i could crash here right?" you say already walking towards the musky building
hay bells, chickens, tools. looks already owned
you dont care you just need a place to rest you head for a bit.
stinks in here. muttering to yourself, opening and shutting the barn door behind you.
perfect you say spotting an old rocking chair..and yard sale signs?
does somebody live here?
you're too exhausted to think any more tonight
this'll do. taking your jacket off to use as a prop pillow, climbing into the chair almost immediately drifting off.
whats that smell? smells like bacon?
bacon? your eyes are still shut but you can sense a different environment around you. Fluttering your eyes open.. a clock? pictures? what?-jumping up at the sound of a shoe
"WHO ARE YOU?" your already in flight or fight mode
"Whoa whoa its okay, im the owner of the barn i found you in”.
is he lying?
"YOU'RE LYING!" you look around in a panic
"Sweetheart if i was lying, how come i specifically found you in my rocking chair, you must of been tired, i got my buddy who also runs the farm to scoop you up and bring you to our guest bedroom, couldn't just leave a woman out in the open like that.. especially at night"
your stomach knots when he calls you sweetheart.
okay maybe he harmless, just very kindly harmless?
"Here" he throws his arm out, "I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
- - is this interesting so far? lmk- -
reblogs appreciated:>
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Cats Musical 2023 Gift Exchange!
Hello tumblr cats musical fans! It is that time of year again: Gift exchange signups! This is a SFW gift exchange centered around the Cats musical! If you have any interest in any production of the show then you are welcome to participate by creating something CATS related!
Signups open on September 1st, and close on September 17th. Your giftee will be assigned to you sometime from the 18th-22nd, and you are free to start working as soon as you receive the prompts. You can 'give' the gift anytime from December 17th 2023-January 12th, 2024. If you forget to sign up when the sheet is open, then DM me anytime from the 18th-22nd! I can still get you in then! However, after the 22nd, you would be out of luck :[ If you need an extension past January 12th, then send me a message! If you find that you can no longer create something, then let me know- there are people willing to help out and make an extra gift, or I will step in and go for it.
This is, as previously mentioned, a SFW gift exchange. Nothing created in this exchange should be content that only adults can consume. Per my own personal rules, I will also not allow proship content or users I know are proshippers in. I have most of you blocked, and it will stay that way :]
The media that you can create for this greatly varies! Draw a picture, write a cute fic, create a playlist, make a photo collage, a video edit, anything that you can think of! As long as you are able to upload it to the internet for the recipient to see and enjoy, then you are golden. YOU must create this content!!! Do not commission someone else to create something for this! Do not trace someone elses art!
If there are any questions, then you are more then welcome to message me on tumblr, discord, or send me an anon ask. Have fun!!
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sunnydaleherald · 13 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, September 12th
ANGELUS: Early 20's by the cars. What is this — Chicago? (sees Angel standing on the other side of the street) Oh, no. I remember this. I remember this place. I gotta get out of here. FAITH: Why? You freaking out? ANGELUS: It's coming. (a car speeds around the corner down the street in front of them) Again. FAITH: What's coming? ANGELUS: I can't do it again. I won't! (Angel runs into the street right in front of the car.) FAITH: Angel, get out of the road. (Angel continues until he's completely across the street. A small squeaking sound can be heard. Angel turns around to reveal that he's holding a tiny Pomeranian puppy.) ANGELUS: (throwing a fit) Doh! FAITH: (giggling) Dude, you just rescued a puppy.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sexyme Street by MamaBewear (Angel/Spike, Puppet Angel/Spike, M)
Proposals by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Darla/Drusilla, M)
Tea With Milk In by evesock (Spike/Drusilla, E)
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As You Purr by VoronaFiernan (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Unmake Me by tempestt (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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A Sword in the Man - ch. 3 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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And Then There Were Two - ch. 3 by Murderpart1 (Willow/Vamp Willow, Not Rated)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer vs. La Blue Girl - ch. 1-2 by Muhabba (Buffy/multiple, other pairings, E)
After Life - ch. 4 by Alwaysandforevermylove (Buffy/Faith, E)
Recompense - ch. 15 by Moonkid10 (Buffy/Faith, M)
Dear Journal - ch. 7 by desicat (Buffy/William Pratt, M)
Horrorshow - ch. 24 by vampbrat (Angel/Spike/Wesley, Spike/others, E)
Infinitely - ch. 69 by Laragh (Willow/Tara, M)
In Case You Haven't Noticed... - ch. 35 by Sdhuskerfan (Buffy/Giles, E) COMPLETE!
Midnight At The Lost & Found - ch. 4 by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, E) COMPLETE!
A Ripple In Time - ch. 24-45 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, E) COMPLETE!
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A Taste of Buffy - ch. 4 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Getaway Gang - ch. 2 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] - ch. 50 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Waiting for You - ch. 20 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Through The Keyhole - ch. 7 by Geliot99, cd85 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Getaway Gang - ch. 2 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Waiting for You - ch. 20 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Eyes Forward, Monster - ch. 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Zombydale Gates, CA - ch. 1-2 by veronyxk84 (Buffy, Spike, T) COMPLETE!
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: [FANART] Control by girlpire (Angel/Darla, very NSFW)
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Artwork and video: Spike Study (to match his girl >:3) by lunchtimebedamned1997 (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: “It’s Summers Blood” by pocketsizedann (Buffy, Dawn, worksafe)
Artwork: 🖤 "With others I live, with you I exist..." 🖤 by o-cm-draw-o (Buffy/Spike, mildly NSFW)
Artwork: Fanart rec: [prints by] @artbychayne : SLAYERS recced by practicalsmagic (Buffy, worksafe)
Fanvid: Anthony Head in 1997 (He is the same age here as the first season of BTVS) – @buffyannegiles on Tumblr (worksafe)
Moodboard: [green colors] by buffyannegiles (Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #156 DHT - Listen to Your Heart - Edmee's Unplugged Vocal Edit by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #157 by thedecadentraven (Buffy, worksafe)
Collage: Collage #158 by thedecadentraven (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Edit: Hunger by raffaella-cerullo (Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy and Faith meeting pre-Sunnydale by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: EARSHOT and we're all like that. we all have our little internal iagos, that tell us... by detectivedawnsummers (ensemble, worksafe)
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Fanvid: buffy & angel | haunted by lostlcve (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
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Artwork: Team RWBY Say Why You Should Watch Buffy by MattanzaMFedora (Team RWBY, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I'm rewatching Buffy the series (S3E2) and I hate everyone but Buffy in this episode... by ohumokay
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Season 5 Episode 10 What A Bizarre Message by friendofathena
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PODCAST: Buffy S7E10: Bring on the Night by Booze & Buffy
[Recs & In Search Of]
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RECS: Spuffy Fic Recs — August by veronyxk84
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RECS: Spuffy Fic Recs — August by veronyxk84
RECS: [post Chosen Buffy x Faith fic recced - see the discussion in the replies] by ao3fics-lost-and-found
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ISO: unsuretryhard seeks proof this soundtrack song was in the series: Hepburn - I Quit (Buffy The Vampire Slayer Video Clip Version)
[Community Announcements]
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Thursday Prompts: Drinks by comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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Giles is a bi metafore by ourflagmeansworms
[Angel losing his soul on ATS - Bangel vs Cordelia in S4] by initiumseries
[on ATS, thoughts on Spike as champion] by initiumseries
[ATS and Cordelia and misogyny] by destiel-wings
I feel so sorry for "the initiative" episode, they try to push Riley as this cool guy that Buffy likes. But... by abadbadbrujah
Meme: i've been re-reading the locked tomb and watching btvs lately... by 3d10fire-damage
Meme: REAL [Spike] by buffytheslayrposts
Meme: [Buffy/Spike] by paperpuzzles
Meme: [Tara, ensemble] by unnamedmedicalprofessional
Meme: [Buffy] by paperpuzzles
Meme: [Faith] by goaskmalices
Meme: [Faith] by goaskmalices
Meme: [Faith] by undermyctrl
Meme: [Cordelia] by paperpuzzles
POLL: Favorite Vampire Bracket Day 10! Spike (BTVS) vs. Lazlo Cravensworth (WWDITS) by helloitshaley
POLL: ROUND TWO [Drusilla vs Bloberta] by sadboytournament
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Willow the teacher updated by Stake fodder
Discussion of 2.19 "I Only Have Eyes For You" updated by Stake fodder
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Can someone articulate why I don't like Xander? by Pfacejones
What do you think Buffy is up to in 2024? by MR422
Where does Anya get money in seasons 3 and 4? by grownmars
[discussion of reviews and reactors] by fabe1haft
I really hate how they treat Spike by amandarm81
[Buffy elders, do I need to watch ATS for the full Buffyverse experience?] by aspergirl10
Can we rest now, Buffy? [Spike praise] by lauanimau
Bad girls..Angel pilot? by Specialist_Ad_134
What songs shoud I add to my Bangel playlist by spectacleskeptic
Something I just realized about I Only Have Eyes for You by spectacleskeptic
I do enjoy Dawn’s descriptions. by AndrewHeard
Angelus in S4 by brwitch
POLL: Series Episode Ranking Day 10 (S04 - Best Episode) [for ATS] by dcgraca
POLL: Episode Ranking: Part 11 [worst ep of S4] by Past-Throat-6788
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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VIDEO: BTVS Panel [with Tara, Anya, Darla, and others] - Fanboy Expo Orlando Sept 7, 2024, Part 1 of 3 recorded by tuxedomark
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yooxoo13 · 6 months
So today i looked at my previous month's accomplishments and i found out that i did so bad last month. It was the first month of my academic year of 12th but I felt a bit disappointed when I saw that I completed only 14 chapters (including textbook readings, lecture and notes). I could have done more better but I did not and it feels more stupid when I remember that how happy i was with my small accomplishments that I forgot my big target. But as always I am the most optimistic person that I have ever seen in my life. So i was in disappointment for like 10 mins but now its a new start so I am keen on doing better and more inclined to optimism and determination. I have set my new target for the month and I am in the process to achieve it from today.
And aside from the topic i have prepared a new gift for myself and to all those who see my posts, the gift is that I have made a collage of photos of 'Me after 10 years from now'. The gift was becuz I have successfully completed a month with my new hobby of blogging and on this app. I am thankful to others who influenced me to keep on with this and to myself of finding myself a hobby that I love and cherish the most at the moment and probably always will. I will post that collage in my next update or post or blog, whatever you call.
Things I did:
Indian economy development [ IED ]: Indian economy on the eve of independence - lecture
Song of the day: Daylight by Taylor Swift
Good luck to me for tmr.
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rikerxworf · 1 year
‧⁺✧ Worfriker Week 2023 ♡°‧
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Welcome to Worfriker Week 2023!
The whole week from October 9th to 15th is dedicated to creating fanwork that includes Worf and Will Riker from the Star Trek franchise. There are two prompts to choose from each day. They are as follows:
DAY ONE (October 9th): “I need you by my side.” | Fluff
DAY TWO (October 10th): Missing Scene | Poetry
DAY THREE (October 11th): Hurt/Comfort | Transporter Malfunction
DAY FOUR (October 12th): “You look good in a dress!” | Food
DAY FIVE (October 13th): Holodeck | “I will go with you!”
DAY SIX (October 14th): Alexander | Alternate Universe
DAY SEVEN (October 15th): free choice of your own ♡
Please tag @rikerxworf​ in your tumblr creations so that I can reblog them. There is also an AO3 collection available to post your work there.
What kind of fanwork can I create?
You can create anything, as long as it includes Worfriker and one or both prompts for the day you’re posting on. That includes fan fiction, fan art, edits, collages, photography, videos, playlists, recipes etc. There is no upper or lower limitation/ wordcount for your work.
Do I have to participate on all days?
No, but you can! This is a very casual event.
What if I can’t post on the day of the prompt I like?
As I said, this is a very casual event. The AO3 collection will stay open for a little longer after October 15th, and I will reblog your tumblr post even if it is late. Real life happens, that’s totally fine!
Must I follow the prompts?
Yes, that is a requirement for this event. You are free to skip a day if you don’t like the prompts. If you like both and can’t decide, no problem! You can just as well create fanwork that fits both prompts for the day you’re posting on or even create two fanworks, one for each prompt.
Must my creation be TNG-related?
No, your work can take place in the timeline of any Star Trek show, book or movie, or even completely outside of established canon. No requirements here, anything goes!
Can I create explicit fanwork for this event?
You can, as long as you are over the age of 18 and tag your post accordingly.
I have another question...
Don’t hesitate to send it to @rikerxworf​ here on tumblr!
Huge thank you to everyone who voted in the events poll and sent in ideas and votes for prompts! I can’t believe we’re doing a rarepair event for a sci-fi show from the 80s/90s for the third year in a row now... You’re the best! ♡ Qapla’!!
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #30: 1979
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: The Knack, Donna Summer (x2), Chic, Rod Stewart, Peaches & Herb, Gloria Gaynor, Village People, Anita Ward, Robert John. End description]
More information about this blog here
We have made it through another decade, everyone. As we reach the end of the 1970's, we are also reaching the end of disco. This is something that makes this genre stand out in a historic sense. Because while we've covered many genres tied to their decade (traditional pop with the 50s, doo-wop with the 60s, etc), those didn't necessarily end the moment the decade switched over. We're still in disco's peak (the dance party before the storm), and many of the songs and artists featured on today's poll are still considered classics. Fun fact, the original name for Chic's Le Freak was called Fuck Off!, which in my opinion is the correct way to sing along to it. The song was written after the band couldn't get into Studio 54, the disco hot spot of the 1970's.
Which brings us to the first crumbling pillar that will send disco collapsing. As disco became mainstream, the aesthetics of disco became less about marginalized people surrounding themselves with opulence and luxury as an escape, and more about...the opulent surrounding themselves with more luxury. The communities who had built this subculture were getting priced out of their own hot spots as the upper class and the celebrities flocked to the hot new thing.
But the disco backlash wasn't just marginalized people and disco purists frustrated with the gentrification and commodification of their subculture. In fact, I think it's safe to say that they were the minority. In reality, the disco backlash had two main prongs: the general music-listening public who was sick of hearing disco on every station, and/or bigots who would hate any kind of Black or gay music they heard no matter how commercialized it became.
So, let's talk about Disco Demolition Night.
July 12th, 1979, the rock vs. disco conflict reached its ugliest peak as tens of thousands of people stormed Comiskey Park in Chicago. Disco records were crushed, burned, and even blown up. The event soon broke out into a riot and thankfully no one was killed, but the demonstration still casts an unpleasant shadow over this moment in music history.
I don't want to diminish the ugliness of this event. As Craig Werner, a professor of African American studies at the University of Wisconsin put it:
"The Anti-disco movement represented an unholy alliance of funkateers and feminists, progressives and puritans, rockers and reactionaries. None the less, the attacks on disco gave respectable voice to the ugliest kinds of unacknowledged racism, sexism and homophobia." (A Change Is Gonna Come)
And to quote Chic's Nile Rogers:
"It felt to us like Nazi book-burning. This is America, the home of jazz and rock and people were now afraid even to say the word 'disco'. I remember thinking - we're not even a disco group."
So I don't want to imply that Disco Demolition Night wasn't a shameful moment, because it was. However, it didn't kill disco. I see a lot of music retrospectives use this event as the one climactic moment that killed the genre and forced music itself to change. And I get why; it's an exciting and narratively satisfying conclusion to come to. But I don't want to say that, because I don't want to give Steve Dahl, the anti-disco shock jock radio DJ who organized the event, the credit in taking down an entire subculture.
Commercialization killed disco. White executives and artists cramming disco into everything without appreciating its roots killed disco. Gentrification killed disco. Changing tastes killed disco. Homophobia and racism killed disco. Capitalism killed disco.
A radio DJ and his angry drunk white boy fans storming a baseball stadium didn't kill disco. But it was the symptom of a disease that was already coursing through the system.
And despite the genre's historic death, disco would actually continue to live on past this decade in a variety of ways. Much like most other genres, disco was able to change and evolve with the times -- it just couldn't do so under the "disco" label as even the name itself became poison.
Also, as I said I keep these polls focused on the U.S. charts because that's where I'm from so I have a better understanding of the musical and historic context. However, it seems like disco's death was mostly contained to this country. When I glance at the various European charts (and any European followers can feel free to correct me), disco didn't seem to drop off in the same way. This will become relevant when we cover some of the European crossovers in a few decades.
So as we celebrate/mourn the end of the seventies with its last dance party, we can all come together and agree that whether you're a rock fan or a disco fan, at least most of your music has aged better than talk radio.
See you all in the 80's.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
"𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚝𝚘𝚘, 𝙽𝚞𝚗𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎?"
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Greetings, fellow Napo-lovers! Our favorite sleepyhead's birthday is right around the corner, so I put together a little celebration, both for content creators and non-content creators alike!
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The rules are simple: Every day from the beginning of the month to Napoleon's birthday, August 15th, I'm going to post a question for you to answer in your preferred way - via reblog, reply, or by making your own post tagged #napoleon birthday celebration. Every three days, the theme changes - and each theme is a prompt that you may use for all your creative needs. Don't be afraid of being late to the party - there are no deadlines here!
Standard rules for content creators under the cut. There you can also find a typed list of the questions and prompts.
Have fun celebrating our ex-emperor's birthday!~
DAILY QUESTIONS POSTS: [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5] [Day 6][Day 7][Day 8][Day 9][Day 10][Day 11][Day 12][Day 13][Day 14][Day 15]
any form of art is welcome! sketches or fully rendered art, ficlets or multichapter fics, collages and edits, everything you can think about!
you can choose between using the standard prompt, using the dialogue line, or using them both.
Rating, Genre, Pairings, etc. are all up to you! So is the interpretation of the prompts. If fluff is where your heart takes you for prompt 2 [NOT ALONE], then do that - if you'd rather make it angsty, that's more than alright! :) Make sure to put content warnings where needed!
there will be no masterlist for this challenge. Which means, no deadline - don't stress over the posting days and don't be afraid to be late. This is all about appreciating Napoleon, after all, and it's always the right time to do that!
Don't stress over completing the whole challenge, you're perfectly fine participating with just one work - and for that matter, you can also create multiple ones if you have more than one idea. They also don't have to be in order!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
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PROMPT ONE, Aug 1-3 : NAPO STYLE "Should I go out like this more often?"
AUGUST 1ST    ----> What is an accessory/item that Napoleon carries around that stands out for you?
AUGUST 2ND   ----> In Modern AU, how do you think Napoleon would dress?
AUGUST 3RD   ----> If you could change anything about Napoleon's design, what would it be?
PROMPT TWO, Aug 4-6 : NOT ALONE "Thanks for enjoying my company."
AUGUST 4TH   ----> Which suitor is closest to Napoleon, and who do you wish interacted with him more?
AUGUST 5TH   ----> Besides his eagle Jupiter, what other pet would suit Napoleon?
AUGUST 6TH   ----> If you wanted to get closer to Napoleon, what would you do?
PROMPT THREE, Aug 7-9 : SKIN-DEEP "I guess this is just who I am."
AUGUST 7TH   ----> What, in your opinion, is the emotion Napoleon feels the strongest?
AUGUST 8TH   ----> How does Napoleon manage stress? How would you comfort him?
AUGUST 9TH   ----> What can make Napoleon act out-of-character?
PROMPT FOUR, Aug 10-12 : HABIT "Do I really do that?"
AUGUST 10TH  ----> What can make Napoleon wake up on time for once?
AUGUST 11TH  ----> We know Napoleon loves crepes, but what flavor?!
AUGUST 12TH  ----> Does Monsieur de Wahaha have a charming or an annoying laughter?
PROMPT FIVE, Aug 13-15 : LIONHEART "Because you showed me what love is."
AUGUST 13TH  ----> What is Napoleon's love language?
AUGUST 14TH  ----> How far would Napoleon go when fighting for his love?
AUGUST 15TH  ----> What is Napoleon's perfect idea of celebrating his birthday?
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of-mutton-and-wool · 4 months
So more cotl reincarnate thoughts
Basically reminder
Because the youngest died first
The youngest are the oldest and the oldest are the youngest
I’m not entirely sure if their disabilities carry into this life ( I am leaning towards yes so, we are going to assume these apply here)
Oh and it’s like hundreds of years after the main plot so it’s modern times
- their about 14-15ish at the start of this au
- their parents are pretty neglectful. They keep food in the fridge but never have time to see shamura, so they mostly spent time by themselves when they were at a age where they could ‘take care of themselves’
- because of this neglect shamura struggles in social interactions because nobody taught them anything how to really interact with their peers
- plus they struggle in school due to undiagnosed memory issues + adhd (they don’t know. Doctors scare them so they try not to say anything)
- they aren’t exactly bullied? But like, they aren’t exactly friends with anyone either
- … its lonely at school.
- because of this shamura is very enthusiastic and latched onto anyone who gives them the time of day
- this leads to shamura befriending Leshy, the city’s local Florida man.
- they got a shitty laptop for their 12th birthday and have unrestricted internet access (to their gain and detriment)!
- their main interests are mythology, video games, and programming + hacking
- they honestly feel the safest inside their room in a little tent they created with webbing and tents
- they babysit camellia from time to time!!
- once did soccer. Got kicked off because they bit another kid
- like, 30
- he was born blind :].
- he’s married!!! To the yellow cat, Elio!! They have a daughter and her name is camellia!!
-how does that work? I don’t know! Its best not to ask
- he loves his family very much
- he’s known for causing trouble around the city, no major crime (to his dismay, but he has a husband and daughter he wants to stay close to).
- he thinks the governing body of the city is a bunch of cowards
- I’m not entirely sure how Leshy gets around just yet but I’m tempted to give him a service worm which assists him in his schemes! Or he’s lived in the city his whole life. Maybe both.
-cops hate him. He hates the cops.
- sorta concerned that shamura hangs around him because ‘shouldn’t you be hanging out with your peers??? ‘
- but hey leshys got a pal!
- Leshy 🤝 shamura (living in the unmarketable part of town)
- he can purr :]
- Leshy really resents his parents. They were the opposite of shamura’s, they were VERY overprotective and basically locked Leshy at home
- he doesn’t talk to them anymore. They’ve long since moved out so they will leave him alone.
- when he’s upset Leshy tends to fall back into some old self destructive habits
- despite being very lively he doesn’t often go to crowded parts of town because he much prefers to be able to hear thank you very much.
- late 20s (probably about 28)
- she feels… stuck. She didn’t have enough money for collage and she ended up dropping out of high school for reasons I can’t think of right now
- she lives with her family and siblings. They operate decently successful supermarket.
- heket wants to be satisfied but she’s not. There is this anger inside her she can’t do anything about.
- she’s had her fair share of petty crime in her youth. Unlike Leshy she’s mellowed out.
- she’s selectively mute again due to lore reasons. She knows sign language and usually keeps a notepad on her.
- She sees kallamar a lot, and being the only other person she knows who knows sign language, she and him are good aquitances
- the type to blast music when she’s upset
- the only one I would trust behind a steering wheel
- decent relationship with her parents (shocking).
- decent with kids as well! She babysits her siblings a lot. Babysat shamura when they were younger (they haven’t spoken since)
- probably started smoking in high school and has yet to quit the habit
- honestly romantic intimacy scares her so she’s not in the romance scene
- she actually used to be in a band! She still has her base and plays it sometimes, reminds her of simpler times
- also as a way to try and manage her anger she took up crocheting. While not particularly patient she can make a damn good granny square.
- she doesn’t drink. She just doesn’t consider herself a fun person to drink around.
- about 24ish
- cunty,, in collage. He’s a trust fund kid </3
- he’s in college for medicine but really kallamar wants to be a fashion designer (but daddy said no because ‘that’s not a man’s job’)
- still, when he isn’t drowning in work kallamar daydreams about running his own clothing brand.
- kallamar frequents a local convenience store because they are the only place to have the drinks he likes, and thus he’s become friendly with heket!
- considers her his friend. Your honor he’s just a little lonely
- you will NEVER catch him lacking in the fit department. Will GUSH about his choices if you let him
- some of his fits are definitely not practical tho, he just doesn’t know when to not wear something
- he makes most of the stuff he wears! His mother taught him
- he thinks he’s pretty. Not in a vain way, he just thinks he’s an attractive person
- pericings guy.
- he’s an average student, not particularly special.
- he envies heket a little because it looks like she’s got it all figured out and has her whole life set out
- kallamar is paralyzed by uncertainty in his one future
- he’s got a fast reaction time, VERY good at dance dance revolution.
- he’s to afraid to get a tattoo but he paints little symbols on himself!
- very sassy. Kinda mean to, in his head he’s Regina George but in reality he’s just kinda pathetic
- however he gives really good advice.
No narinder lore (yet) sorry :[
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bitter-limelight · 9 months
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“I had this same one when I was little!” Crowed Daniel with excited delight as he picked up one of the tin horses lined up on top of a glass cabinet, alongside soldiers, carts, and canons. He smiled as he felt the little toy in his hand, remembering the shelf he kept his on, in front of a collage of western pictures he had cut out of magazines.
Marius beside him laughed gently, picking up a tiny soldier. “Very nice,” he appraised, setting it back down in exactly the same spot he had plucked it from. “Did you have this many?”
“Almost! My grandfather bought them for me when I was 6, the Christmas after they found me playing dress up in Mom's house coat, the one with the feathers? I guess they thought it would straighten me out if I had more soldiers and cowboys to play with. Obviously not very effective.”
Daniel looked around this space, in awe of how deep this store ran. Marius had taken him, an evening trip during one of their visits to New York. They had stayed the night before in a little cabin far away from the urban height of the city the night before, and were making an adventure of exploring this town now. As a mortal Daniel hadn't cared much for winter, but now as a vampire he loved it. It was dark by 5 pm, so they were awake in time to see movies, hunt among the crowds, pop into the smaller shops usually long closed by sundown in the summertime.
This one was an antique store, Marius said, but Daniel had marveled first at its size and layout. A three story split level style house has been converted into this space, further divided out into cubbies, corners and little books. Every inch of existing space was used to show wares, and even some space that didn't quite exist, with folding screens and paper barriers being used to create false walls. Here could be a corner showing dinnerware in stacks on buffet tops and carts, then right beside it racks of dresses and doilies. Just walking around was an adventure, and Daniel liked the music playing softly overhead, singing along quietly to a tinny version of Miracle out of Nowhere.
It was 1998, and Daniel was doing very, very good. That's what Marius said at least, on the regular, and it's what Daniel believed. He knew that sometimes he got lost, either for real or just in his own head, but not anymore. He was painting with Marius some nights in their home in Norway, beautiful if messy pieces with rich, touchable textures, all taught by Marius' hand. Sometimes too much by his hand, as Daniel would mutter about his critiques and go paint on something he shouldn't instead. But not here; he would behave here in a shop, and behave very well.
Hand in hand he and Marius walked, Daniel pulling him around a corner to see a Christmas display in a center booth, the highlight of which was a tree. A large, artificial tree bedecked in a mess of silver strand tinsel off each branch.
“Oh man, I remember that stuff. Mom hates it!” Said Daniel as he ran his fingertips over the thin strips, the sparkle of it attractive to him even if it was cheap. “We would fight over who got to put it on every year, and it kept falling all month. Mom said it was gonna ruin her sweeper but she bought more every year!” At his side, Marius listened, and Daniel liked that he listened. Curious after a moment though as he looked at the tree Daniel asked, “is it Christmas?”
“It's December 12th, 1998,” he answered, sounding very matter of fact as though he always had this information on the forefront of his mind, ready to speak. “So very near Christmas yes.”
Daniel thought on this, and frowned. “But we just hunted for shells on the beach,” he protested. “And lit a fire? At low tide?”
Marius' face was ever calm as he told Daniel, “that was in June, my love. Six months ago.”
Daniel didn't like this answer because eir made no sense. He wanted to call Marius a liar but that made even less sense; Marius was kind, and very honest with him. He's never caught him in a lie, and Daniel was quite good about detective deception. So he just sighed, and shrugged, and wandered. Past the Christmas displays he went, down the cluttered makeshift aisles, the floorboards old and freaking underneath his Converse sneakers. Parasols hung from the ceiling along with red lanterns, a folding table held a turn of the century Singer. Then a large cabinet caught his eye, a huge, handsome thing, made of oak, tall as he was. Each door was carved in thick, beautiful designs, inlaid with scrolling geometric metal.
“1922!” He whistled, looking over his shoulder to Marius. “Art nevouz! Isn't it beautiful?”
“It is,” his companion agreed, admiring the piece himself. “Excellent condition. This could be lovely in your room for holding your paints and extra parts, Daniel.”
Daniel was taken with the idea, having such a pretty antique for his things, the sort of thing he might have seen in his grandmother's house, but then Marius opened the doors to check the hinges, and Daniel found himself confused. Inside more items were kept, specifically a set of dishes, beige ones, rimmed in green, with orange, green and brown flowers set into the center.
“Oh…we had these,” he said with hesitation, picking up a small plate. “Only…” only these one's were worn in some spots, the glaze chipping away. Only these had some rougher edges, a hairline crack in one. But he remembered them new when his mother bought them, when he was in high school, and eating inunerable family dinners on them, awkward and stilted conversation. Hardly anything to have good memories about but it made him feel strange all the same.
“...why are these here?” He asked Marius, holding the plate up and looking to him with trust.
Marius let out a slow breath and took the plate, looking it over as though it would help him parse out an answer. “Because Daniel, they're over 30 years old now. That's vintage, more or less. Same with the vinyl records in boxes and the phonographs, same with the pillbox hats and pearls. People like things that are…I think the term they're using now is retro?”
“But this isn't retro!” Daniel protested. “This is just…this is just our stuff. We used this-”
“In the sixties, yes. And it's 1998 now, Daniel.” He handed the plate back to his young one, and Daniel knew he was meant to put it away, but he just held to it, then looked around, seeing all the items that Marius has mentioned. Record players and 8 tracks tapes alongside the housecoats his great aunt would wear, photographs in sepia and black and white, posters from Woodstock.
“...when did this happen?” Asked Daniel, and Marius wrapped his arm around his shoulders, finally easing the plate from his clutch.
“Sometime between now and then. Somewhere along the way they stopped speaking Latin, and then stopped knowing Rome as a place and knew it only as archeology. It happens slowly, slowly, and then all at once.” He kissed Daniels temple, and Daniel found himself leaning in to him, feeling wholly unsteady now. “But you, Daniel, you will never wear or fade or crack. You'll be vibrant and alive forever, now, with our blood. Do you understand?”
Daniel nodded, though he only understood a little. “If it's Christmas then I have presents to buy,” he said into Marius' shoulder, and he was glad Marius didn't press him to name who he could possibly need to buy for. He just let Daniel set the tone of their day, and followed his lead.
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faceglitchsworld · 7 months
It's the 12th of March here and one of my most popular series is back!
Happy birthday Hwon 🥳
Please look at the collage I made for him 🥹
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Ok, no, maybe I should put some explanations here because if you followed my birthday letters from last year you might wondering where is the baby pic...
I didn't find it.
I'm sorry I'm dumb, I don't know if he ever posted it or if Google betrayed me but I didn't find it. That's why you get this messy collage. BUT I tried to give a sort of theme so have him: interacting with my biases, him being a model, THE SELFIES 😭 and he during one of my favourite eras recently.
I think I did a pretty good job tbh.
And now, after all this yapping, have the letter for him.
Ok, maybe starting this letter will probably traumatize everyone but, well, I've stanned Kingdom after Hwon joined the group.
Ok, now you can pull the guns down, it's not my fault ok? I just wanted to listen to another group my mutuals were stanning, I came late 😭
So, I needed to put this because I know that, unlike the other fans who were there before me, I never felt the same estrangement the others got when Hwon joined the group. Probably if I was there too, I would have been estranged. But it didn't happen. Hwon for me was someone who has been there since the beginning. At first I even thought that he was the oldest member! Then I discovered that he's actually one of the maknaes...
No, I'm still not getting over that he's one of the youngest, I can accept that he's the tallest but not the youngest NO! I REFUSE!
After I've discovered that he wasn't there since the beginning, my perception of him changed drastically. And I kinda feel bad for him at first. Like, imagine finally debuting but only because you're replacing someone else (because let's be honest, GF let him debut for the sake of saving the universe they've built since the beginning) and your fans will probably always remember you that. I don't know you all, a start like this isn't the best if you ask me and I think Hwon was aware of this too.
And that's why, in my opinion, he worked hard, I think even harder than the other members for gaining his own spot and not being remembered as a simple replacement. Heck he even became a model! A solo one, mind you! And even if he was his first time, he did everything perfectly. The way he was walking, his way to stare at the crowd, everything was perfect.
And I think I wasn't the only one who noticed that because, in my opinion, it's not a case that he's the one who starts singing Dystopia and its own choreography. I mean probably they made him do it also for story reasons but, let's be honest, you don't choose the one who starts the song only because the story requires you to do so.
And he didn't work hard only for his place songs wise but also for building his relationship with the other members. If you've read my letters from last year, you know that I always think that there's always a member who gets well with all the others, the member who keeps the group united after the leader. And Hwon, in my opinion, fits perfectly with this role.
To be fair, of course he probably has his preferences and he's closer to some members instead of others. I mean, look at how cute and adorable he acts towards Ivan every time he shows with him my heart melts. Well, I always melt with Ivan but when he interacts with the others I melt even more. And Hwon manages to give me such adorable moments he's like a big brother to him I'm...I'm yapping again.
Apart from me remembering how Ivan is cute and precious and my bias, what I wanted to say is that Hwon is the one who's always with the others at every moment. It's the main reason why I thought he was the oldest at first. If you noticed all the pictures where he interacts with the other members, he's always there. Whether it's because he wants to be funny towards Dann, whether he wants to participate in something the Hyung Line is preparing, whether it's because he wants to be affectionate towards the maknae, he's always there. And it's a quality that I always appreciate and love from someone.
Dear Hwon, we've finally reached the end of this letter. To be honest I wasn't even expecting to write this much about you because recently I didn't catch up too much with Kingdom. I even wonder if I gave you an accurate description of what you actually are. But if there's at least one thing I'm sure I didn't mess up is telling you that I'm proud. I'm proud of what you achieved and what you gained in so little amount of time. I'm proud that, despite your not so easy position, you gained the love from both the fans and the members.
I can't say more, except keep saying that I'm proud of you.
My birthday wish for you is that you'll keep and grow what you gained and that you'll receive the same amount of love from us.
Since you've already made the live, I can just wish you to spend the rest of the day happily with the members and that you'll manage to talk with your family. Have a good day, little wolf, you deserve it.
Happy birthday Hwon 🐺
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moonrosesaphos · 11 months
I'm gonna graduate highschool and enter collage by the time the last percy jackson and the Olympian book comes out.
If Rick releases the 2nd book by the end of next year during my 11th year and releases the 3rd book the end of the year after that during my 12th year it means I'll fucking graduate highschool by the time percy gets into New Rome and the same time I'll he applying for collages as well and Holly shit those that realization make me stop for a minute and think about the fact that I'm really growing up, and I'm growing up with my favorite character.
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eurovision-revisited · 7 months
Eurovision 2003 - Number 47 - Maja Blagdan - "Moje ime je ljubav"
2003 finds Maja Blagdan, relatively speaking, in the shadows of the Croatian music scene. After hitting the highest note in Eurovision history and taking Croatia to 4th place she had several years of fame and fortune before her star began to wane. What better way to try to turn that around then entering Dora again and giving it another go?
She's teamed up with song-writer Zrinko Tutić again, a prolific Dora song-writing entrant who she worked with before on her Eurovision entry in 1996. He also wrote all-time Eurovision classic Hajde Da Ludujemo for Tajči in 1990 as well as Yugoslavia's 1986 entry Željo Moja for Doris Dragović. This singer/song-writing partnership has pedigree.
Moje ime je ljubav (My Name is Love) is a song that revisits the past but detours through Asia along the way. There's that high note in the finale, just like in 1996, although Maja doesn't quite hit the heights she did in the past. The Asian flute motif crops up at the beginning and after the first chorus although that influence doesn't mesh with the rest of the song. I'm not sure what it's doing there.
Everything else is power-ballad-love-song-with-key-change. It may not quite be a Frankenstein-ed collage of Eurovision moments, not quite cookie cutter, copypasta - but it feels very familiar. It's pleasant and Maja does get to show off her vocal chops once, more. But it's definitely not anything new and that showed in the result. Although Maja made it through the semi-final, in the final she finished last. 12th place from the 12 finalists. Her schtick is a bit too old hat for Dora in 2003.
Maja's career revival would have to come from another source. And it did. A few years after this, she participated in Zvijezde pjevaju, a Croatian reality TV show that paired professional singers with famous celebs, sing duets and compete against other pairings. In the first season, Maja finished second (to another Eurovision alumnus...) and went on to compete three more times after that. Plus she hasn't given up on Dora quite yet. There may be more Maja to come.
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Guess what this is! The official sign-up post for the CATS holiday gift exchange! 
( https://forms.gle/n2GhsjDYRiEosLvr7 )
This form is opening on October 22nd and will close on November 5th. If you realize the next day that you completely forgot to sign up then obviously message me, but you cannot contact me a week after I close the sign up and expect to still be put in.
I will be giving out everyone's prompts and partners starting on the 7th of November and ending on the 11th, although it probably will not take that long. If you do not receive your assignment by the 12th of November and are absolutely certain that you signed up, then please message me so I can correct my mistake! However, do not go messaging me on the 8th of November asking when I will be getting everything out. I am one person, things take time.
This is a Safe for Work gift exchange. People of all ages will be participating. Do not request and do not give any gifts that include adult themes. I also do not tolerate Pro-shippers. Yes, I am still on this. I’m certain that we all involved with CATS know what this means by now, but if you do not, then please message me so that I can help.
This is also a CATS themed gift exchange! All requests and gifts should be related to any of the characters/songs/themes from the stage productions, 1998 movie, or 2019 movie in some way. Your requests can get as specific or nonspecific as you would like. 
The gift you give the person that you are paired/partnered with must be created by you and should be on-theme to their requests. This means it must be an edit, artwork, collage, fanfic, playlist, or anything else that you can think of creating that is relating to the CATS character, ship, song, and/or prompt that is provided.
Your gift should be finished and given to the person by January 7th. However, you are free to give your gift any time after December 18th. Do not feel pressured! You are not required to give it on the 18th. Thats simply the day you are free to start, and the last day that you should be gifting on is the 7th. 
You are free to ask any questions you need to right now, or message me, or send an ask. I think I still have anon turned on if doing that work better for you. Happy Holidays!!!
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entomolojosh · 2 years
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I made a desktop background from a collage of Wenceslaus Hollar’s insect-related drawings and prints. I was inspired to make it after seeing those images posted by @oncanvas.
Wenceslaus Hollar was a 1600s graphic artist from Prague when it was part of the Bohemian Empire. He created over 6,100 works of art between 1625 and 1670, with these 11 plates being part of a 12-plate series (I omitted the 12th) called “Muscarum Scarabeorum Vermiumque varie figure“ (Various figures of flies, beetles, and worms in Latin). Also interestingly, for much of his life he lived in Arundel, a very nearby to where I live.
I really love old illustrations of insects like this - they just have such a nice charm to them :)
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