#collapse of Russia
A Madhouse on a Walk: Inhabitants of the Russian World Will Experience Confiscations of their Property for Doubting the Greatness of Domestic Weapons
(Дурдом на прогулке: скрепных начнут лишать имущества за сомнения в величии отечественного оружия)
P.S.The Kremlin is desperately trying to hide the poor quality of Russian weapons and the huge losses of military equipment in Ukraine. Russian propaganda spreads the myth of invincible tanks, invincible missiles and so on. It is quite funny to observe that in the West there are politically "useful idiots" and so-called "experts" who believe in Russian propaganda and diligently repeat the lies spread by the Russians and the wishes of the Russian imperialists...
As strange as it is, the internal repressions and mass disinformation campaign launched by the Kremlin is actually a super good thing that will later lead to the catastrophic downfall of this regime. Authoritarian regimes, in the conditions of general internal political lies and political censorship, lose the ability to adequately assess the situation and they are unable to make correct and effective decisions at all levels of power...
The longer Putin and his gang are in power, the more catastrophic Russia's collapse will be, and there is NOTHING TO FEAR of this turn of events. The collapse of Russia's economy and statehood is absolutely a good thing...
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Quote source English. -–- Quote source Ukrainian. 
Russia may not yet have fallen apart, but it is no longer a superpower writes Robin Wright at The New Yorker.
Putin’s aggression in Ukraine has also backfired. His invasion exposed the weakness of his military, the hapless strategies of his generals, and his own recklessness. Russia has suffered at least a hundred thousand casualties, the Pentagon said last month. Putin has faced internal defiance, too. Military conscripts have complained about being dispatched to the front lines with scant training and antiquated weaponry. Russian commentators have publicly questioned how Moscow has conducted the war. Western sanctions have imperilled his economy. Russia, for now, seems a superpower no more.
The invasion has also strengthened and revitalized NATO, the opposite of what Putin intended. 
Putin doesn’t want to back down because he thinks it would make him look bad. Of course every week he continues this war of aggression he looks even worse. The whole world now knows the Russian Army is shit. And its image certainly won’t improve as it relies more heavily on convicts, mercenaries, and disgruntled and poorly trained draftees.
Russia falling apart is the last thing we should worry about. When the decrepit USSR fell apart in 1991, it meant freedom for tens of millions of people – including those in Ukraine.
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russianreader · 1 year
Down the Rabbit Hole of Late-Stage Putinism
On February 23, Nikolai Zodchii was detained by police in Khabarovsk for appearing in public with these images of Vladimir Putin, which had originally appeared in broadcasts on state-run Channel One. Thanks to the indomitable VB for the snapshot and the heads-up, and for his personal fortitude in dismal circumstances. ||| TRR When contacted by the media, the Kommunalnik health resort, located in…
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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The second amendment: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,..."
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lookninjas · 3 months
Also, there's been a video going around claiming to be footage of explosions on the Francis Scott Key Bridge prior to its collapse. It's footage of the Crimea Bridge, taken in 2022.
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accursedvoid · 1 year
You literally can’t wake up a single day in the 2020’s without some historical event happening I swear.
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Living Legends!!!
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gregor-samsung · 6 months
" It’s important to understand that the Soviet Union achieved collapse-preparedness inadvertently, and not because of the success of some crash program. Economic collapse has a way of turning economic negatives into positives. The last thing we want is a perfectly functioning, growing, prosperous economy that suddenly collapses one day, and leaves everybody in the lurch. It is not necessary for us to embrace the tenets of command economy and central planning to match the Soviet lackluster performance in this area. We have our own methods, that are working almost as well. I call them “boondoggles.” They are solutions to problems that cause more problems than they solve.
Just look around you, and you will see boondoggles sprouting up everywhere, in every field of endeavor: we have military boondoggles like Iraq, financial boondoggles like the doomed retirement system, medical boondoggles like private health insurance, legal boondoggles like the intellectual property system. The combined weight of all these boondoggles is slowly but surely pushing us all down. If it pushes us down far enough, then economic collapse, when it arrives, will be like falling out of a ground floor window. We just have to help this process along, or at least not interfere with it. So if somebody comes to you and says “I want to make a boondoggle that runs on hydrogen” – by all means encourage him! It’s not as good as a boondoggle that burns money directly, but it’s a step in the right direction. "
Dmitry Orlov - Closing the Collapse Gap (2006)
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jacensolodjo · 2 months
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The real socialism, created not by theoreticians and stupid populists, but by communists, looked like this - empty shops and poor residents, while "leaders" enjoyed the benefits created by "capitalists" in special stores: The uniqueness of this photo is that it shows not only a "happy" Russian past, but also their "bright" future towards empty shops and mass poverty... Soviet Union, after WWII (sometime after WWII, a Russian store could look so empty both in the 1950s and just as well in the 1980s)
P.S. No matter how ridiculous it is, there have always been quite a lot of political idiots useful to the Kremlin in the West, who believe that they should befriend with Moscow...In the modern West, the role of this useful idiots has been taken on by various not only left-wing socialists and communists, but also by right-wing and ultra-right-wing foolish populists...
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
In 2005, Putin famously lamented the collapse of the Soviet Union as the “great geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century. It would be ironic if his war completes the Soviet dissolution.
– Thomas E. Ricks, military and national security journalist, writing at the New York Times.
Putin is no time lord, he can't turn back the clock no matter how much he wishes to be Stalin. The Soviet Union is DEAD DEAD DEAD and nobody can bring it back.
Nobody has done more in this century to strengthen NATO, make former parts of the USSR more distrustful of Russia, and damage the Russian economy than Vladimir Putin. The invasion of Ukraine was an overreach of Shakespearean magnitude.
Putin is Russia's self-inflicted catastrophe of the 21st century. And it may take much of the rest of this century to sort out the mess he's created.
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russianreader · 2 years
Be Careful What You Wish For
Be Careful What You Wish For
“An Alt-future map where Russia is divided. Could be Post-WW3 or after collapse due to economic sanctions etc.” Source: Reddit Re: the “volunteer battalions.” Many people, including me, have spoken out quite harshly here [on Facebook] about the irresponsible fools who have posted map[s] of a “collapsed Russia” on the web. The centripetal forces in the country will be more powerful than the…
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slavicgerman · 3 months
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I love Russia. So much.
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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Prigozhin should have used a mushroom when he was still Vladimir's caterer.
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commiearabgirl-2 · 4 months
'Ukraine is a Nazi-infested shithole full of white supremacists and Zionists.' i have some bad news for you about modern russia lol
I never said that modern Russia is an inclusive progressive socialist state.
They are however more pro Palestine than Ukraine and their lib supporters are ever gonna be- which is saying something.
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workersolidarity · 9 months
Just a warning now, something I've seen coming for a while now, don't be surprised if some time this winter or spring we see a complete collapse, Afghanistan style, of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The writing has been on the wall for a while now, pretty much ever since the UAF didn't make a major puncture, or any puncture for that matter, through any of the main Russian lines of defense in the first few days of the Offensive anywhere on the frontlines where they attacked.
It doesn't matter that they seem poised to secure with infantry a small section of trenches Northwest of Verbove, East of Robotyne that does in fact bypass the first line of defense because Ukraine no longer has the offensive potential to exploit it.
And now with Poland ending weapons shipments to Ukraine, the US clearly looking for a way out, and Russian Forces looking poised to launch a missile offensive, pretty much ending any ideas Zelensky may have had at compensating for the loss of Polish supplies with domestic production.
What domestic production? The Russians have grinded out of existence Ukraine's domestic productive capacity.
Long story short, they don't have the productive capacity, the manpower, the munitions, the ammunition, or the logistics to continue this fight alone.
Yet, the Ukrainian leadership went so far as having a law passed that preemptively prevents Zelensky from negotiating with the Russians as long as Putin is the President and as long as they have their Forces occupying any Ukrainian territory based on their 1991 borders.
So you have a regime that cannot continue the fight alone, cannot negotiate, and has now lost over 300'000 men, with many times more severely wounded, millions of refugees have fled the country, their infrastructure and production is decimated, and its allies are backing out.
So again, I'm going to say it now.
Don't be surprised if we see a complete, Afghanistan-style collapse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces sometime this winter or spring or whenever.
I'm not trying to say I know exactly what's going to happen, no one does and anyone who says they do about any war, is thoroughly full of shit.
What I am saying, is don't be surprised if it happens.
All the conditions are there. For some, though not all, of the same reasons.
There are some differences, Ukraine had a much stronger military it started this war with, but the inevitable crush of Russian Forces grinding forward, learning from their mistakes, honing their skills, all the while Ukraine was spending its best forces on losing battles.
The saying, "pick your battles" doesn't exist for no reason.
Ukraine chose poorly, by defending every inch of land, spending endless lives, weapons systems, and ammunition on battles they knew they couldn't win, like Bakhmut, and the Kharkiv and Kherson Offensives. Both of which were a pointless waste of lives spent on taking tiny farm villages instead of building the kind of Defenses the Russians did in Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk.
Had Ukraine's leadership chosen to defend land they knew they could, instead wasting Military capabilities and lives on a pointless and exceedingly costly offensive, they wouldn't be in this position today.
And then they did it again! And this time never even broke through a single main line of defense in nearly 4 months, at the cost of more than 70'000 Ukrainian lives.
The insanity of these policies speak for themselves. They don't even make any sense from a strategic, or even tactical point of view. It's just plain stupidity. Any idiot can make these observations.
I haven't even mentioned the simple fact that Russia is, and always was going to be a MUCH MUCH bigger country, with a much much greater productive capacity, and a population pool many many times greater to draw its conscripts from.
And now the Ukrainians are likely going to face collapse. All because they chose to listen to whispers of those who would make them heroes in the eyes of the Western media, at the cost of the country they claim to represent and love.
Love, even as they run 24/7 war propaganda on tv with no other stations allowed, they refuse to hold elections next year, and are in fact extorting the US for billions more dollars before Zelensky will hold any kind of elections, they raid churches, arrest priests, journalists and political dissenters, the ones they don't assassinate and then brag about.
And to add to all this, Zelensky will never ever ever ever again get the kind of weapons or men to launch an offensive of the kind he just fought.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces Offensive capabilities are essentially no more. Gone. Completely and utterly decimated. Tens of thousands of men, gone. All for roughly about 8-12km of gains, depending on where you're measuring.
They've also lost about an equal amount of territory in the Kupiansk direction, so there REALLY was no point in these 70'000 deaths.
Think about that.
This has to stop, but I'm afraid it may be way too late for Ukraine to come to its senses in time. And I don't think the Russians feel like talking anymore.
That's why I expect a collapse.
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