draco-flora · 3 years
Cleansing Rituals in a College Dorm
For those who don’t know, I am an RA at a state university. I was doing room checks for Thanksgiving break, and in one of the rooms, there was a sage bundle that is used for smudging. Smudging includes lighting the end of the bundle and blowing out the flame so that it is just smoking from the end of the bundle. Any fire is not safe in a college dorm, including candles, incense, and smudging. In thinking of this, I decided to compile a list of potential cleansing rituals that don’t include burning anything.
One of the first cleansing ideas that came up (this one had nothing to do with witchcraft in the article, but it could easily translate) is scent cleansing. The article suggests candles, which are not allowed in a college dorm. Instead, you may be able to use a diffuser with essential oils. Make sure to double check whether essential oil diffusers are allowed in your dorm.
Self-care is more of a personal cleansing ritual than a space cleansing ritual. Cleansing in general is done to banish negative energy from a space, and in this case, a person. Either way, cleansing can be helpful to the mind, body, and spirit.
This website has some good cleansing ideas, including sound and prayer.
They do suggest some smudging or burning of something, but that is not safe in a college dorm.
Stay safe out there!
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ametrine-lilymoon · 4 years
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Here’s the spell I posted about a few days ago!
You can use this to improve your focus, mental clarity and creativity.
I personally used this to help me focus on my studies, be creative with my assignments and be able to concentrate on my studies and my upcoming exam.
This is an original spell, feel free to use it and good luck :)
(The photo was taken from spark Adobe)
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followingatrickster · 4 years
Spell for studying
I’m not going to lie. this is my first spellcraft undertaking but not my first experience with magic. im generally more in the realm of divination (intuitive, tarot, pendulum ect.) A bitch knows magic works, she just didnt practice spell work because she wasnt in that much need; but she is now, money is tight, and getting that 2nd paycheck in the household falls squarely on my shoulders, and we are honest to gods struggling. I am getting ready to start a career as a massage therapist. I have a sort of limbo period now between my internship (570 hours of class and 120 hours of clinic time was a BITCH, but i knocked it out in less than a year) and my licensing exam. getting done was a breath of fresh air. i will admit, after 10 months of busting my fucking ass i wanted a break. unfortunately that break has run longer than intended and i was having a hard time getting my shit back together and motivating myself to hit the books independently, ive always struggled with that, i like to study, but i lean towards studying something fun (the craft in this case). so deciding what spell to cast first when i was ready was pretty obvious to me, and honestly this spell is kicking my ass all over the place about not studying enough so i want to share it with anyone that might need it. Frankly, i think part of the reason its kicking my ass is that i over did it. my version has 7 sigils and a runestave incorporated into it that i found here on tumblr. quite frankly i can no longer source all of the sigils and symbols that i used, but the ones i was able to locate i have included links for, and where i remember the affirmations i noted them, some i wrote down, some i kinda read off the screen and closed cause i was candle carving and had extra space, i wasnt reaaaly planning on posting about this when i was researching. 
A Jar and Candle Spell to Aid in Motivation to Study, and Efficiency of Study 
the color blue was chosen for its correspondences with willpower and focus, I also included a bit of Sun Water (my pantheon��s solar deity is female and i felt like sun energies would brighten my prospects, but if the moon would work better for you im all for it), also where I listed numbers of gem slivers, those are from sacred numerology (or so ive been told, why not?) 4 for stability and 9 for completion. 
Herbs and Essential Oils
Rose: charged for concentration
Lavender: charged for mental clarity
Clove: charged for memory
Oak:  charged for luck
Orange:  charged for luck
Coffee: charged for peace of mind
Cinnamon:  charged for success and speed
Sugar:  charged to sweeten me towards study
9  slivers of Hematite:  charged for memory, courage, clarity, and stress relief 
4 slivers of amethyst:  charged for calming, good judgement, self confidence, and common sense
I placed all of this in the jar with 2 sigils written on blue paper, the first of which was for the affirmation ‘I pass all my exams’, and the second one can be found here: https://puella-terrae.tumblr.com/post/170137936896/i-retain-information-from-studying
I made a home made blue votive style candle and carved it with these sigils, and an affirmation that “I am passing my test” and “I am passing the mblex” as well as a little picture of a brain while chanting to myself the afirmations they represented. unfortunately there were more sigils, but im not going to post someone else’s work without a link.
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/641411171907354175/    (specifically the one marked wisdom)
I then dressed the candle with olive oil, and burnt it on top of the jar, allowing some of the wax to run down the sides to seal the spell. i let the candle burn until it went out on it’s own. I now study next to the jar to charge it, and when i am feeling distracted while studying i shake it for focus. I am also not kidding, I am trying to take breaks and make time for rest but i am suddenly and honestly now uncomfortable sitting still, and i can only goof off for about 10 minutes before i start looking for my books. I hope this finds someone else to help. 
Peace be with you bitches <3
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Friend bought me this for a post recital/samhain gift. Tell me this ain't me.
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blackflamewitch · 5 years
College Witch Ramblings
Ya ever just have random herbs in jars everywhere, but they’re slightly hidden so roommates don’t ask questions? Cuz same.
Except for today. I had to explain why I desperately needed an old pasta sauce jar. Without revealing that I’m a witch. 
So now I’m just a crazy DIY Pinterest bitch to them.
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afri-witch · 5 years
“The Least Walked Path”
By Afriwitch
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Sometimes I gaze out my window thinking about what might’ve been
Thinking of how different I would’ve been, and then I feel the pulse
The beating of life deep below my toes as they guide me out into the forest.
The fallen leaves crunch under my weight and they are incorporated into the leafy floor
Shy licks of tiny voices are carried like waves in the wind’s song
I lean my head up against an evergreen, just to feel the energy the trees emits in the air
I continue to walk as the sun’s rays, hit my back and the warmth seeps deep into the contours of my bones
Silent whispers of love and appreciation leave my tongue and taste the air, thankful for what has begun
Yes my life has many paths, but I stand tallest walking with this one.
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dreamingdreamwitch · 6 years
Florida Water Tip
I do not remember where I heard this, but just remember that this is not my original idea:
Buy it in soap form and after dealing with negative people or situations, wash your hands with it. Imagine washing them off of your hands.
Florida water is a cologne that can be used for cleansing and purification. This is great if you work in customer service, and technically you can use any soap for this ritual.
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Alter update:: so because I’m in college it’s a little hard to find space for extra witchy supplies so in planning my alter I took that and the fact that my mom once told me that college is a very mobile time so making things easy to pack up and move is the best option . So I got this crate from Michael’s for $10 and a small piece of black cotton for about a dollar and a half. The crate makes a good surface and storage space. The black fabric makes a great alter cloth and a curtain I guess you can say to cover the storage space. Also because it’s a crate it’s very easy to pack up and move
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witchka98-blog · 7 years
Does anyone else find college and witchcraft hard to make get along? I keep having great ideas, spells, BOS entries, rituals, etc. that I plan on doing and then after a day of classes, work and homework I no longer have the energy, everything is just being used to keep anxiety at bay. I’m becoming extremely fed up with this. Last year I lost touch with my practice completely and I don’t want that to happen again. I don’t know what to do.
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babybrujaaa · 7 years
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lizardstudios · 5 years
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DAY 6!!! Here we are and still going strong. This husky witch could knock anyone’s lights out. #inktober2019 #inktober #ink #inkdrawing #witch #boxing #illustration #halloween #fighting #collegewitch #skull #pumpkin #pentel @artsnacks @jakeparker #art #artwork #magic #lifeofanartist #collegeartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B3TXBSAAAgW/?igshid=vijw5w0d5ql3
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battyinthegraveyard · 7 years
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🌿-The Old Gods are watching-🌿 First Mood Board images to come from my latest project: Sustainable Fashion Design and how it relates to animal cruelty, and the environment. Excited to share more soon. Stay tuned for ethical taxidermy ✨ Listen to @wardruna for full effect #fashiondesign #moodboard #forestwitch #sustainablefashion #sustainability #ecofriendly #vultureculture #paganism #paganfashion #collegewitch #ethicaltaxidermy
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adkins-mark · 4 years
DM me loyal sugar baby to get spoiled
silly with gifts and weekly allowance $4500 and daily $850 daily. First 10 loyal baby are getting ×2 daily payment, it's almost Christmas. Dm along with your paypal or cash app tag$$$$ #feet #feetporn #collegewitch #sugarbabyneeded
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🔮Aphrodite mood board🔮
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sappy-witch · 4 years
can you recommend some witchy blogs?
Hello 🥰
Here are some of the witchy blogs I follow (mainly eclectic, post some recipes and tarot meanings):
And here’s one I found who may still be answering general questions on the craft: @spell-recipes
✨ Other witch blogs, interact! ✨
Hope this helps 💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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afri-witch · 5 years
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🌑🔮Question of the Day🔮🌑
**Midgrad Morningstar found off Pinterest**
1. Do you believe in deities at all?
2. Do you have a set of deities that you work with?
3. Did they call to you, or did you call to them?
4. Do you feel a connection with those deities?
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