#colored text warning
cipherdragon · 1 year
terfs are both funny and disgusting
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GALACTA KNIGHT!!!! And congratulations to Meta Knight for experiencing the Cain Instinct for the first time.
Galacta Knight, as you might've been able to tell already, is one of my favorite characters, and KSSU is one of my favorite games (the original SS was my introduction to Kirby!) so I wanted to go all out. Happy day, old man. I pray for at least 20 more years.
Oh, and don't worry! He's not upset about the cake smash, he thinks it's funny. And he got back at him.
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As for the in-universe explanation for there being 16 candles in his cake?
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... 500+ didn't fit in safely.
The birthday boy and his family were just a bit too flammable.
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glittergroovy · 5 months
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"professional chewtoy" glowtext - transparent background 🦴 feel free to use
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Ah, hello again little animal. I see you’ve brought me a pearl. Would you like me to read it?
This pearl contains a data buffer from an ID drone that belonged to one of my former citizens. I imagine you retrieved this from within my city?
It would appear that the drone transmitted this data to a nearby access point before losing power. That data was then dumped into this pearl for long-term storage. The drone was probably damaged- much of the data is corrupted, but I can retrieve some sections.
The data itself is a combination of citizen telemetry data, vitals, and audiovisual recordings stored as low-resolution qualia. Most of it is rather mundane, just glances at the ebbs and flows of daily life. I can’t imagine you’d be very interested.
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… your expectant stare tells me you are indeed interested.
Very well. I suppose I can spare a moment to entertain you, little animal. If that is what it takes for you to leave me alone. My current background processes don’t require the use of my puppet anyway…
Now then…
… ah, here is a section that is largely intact. This is a recording of a conversation. I will repeat it aloud for you.
???: State your name and title.
???: Fourteen Eclipses, Nineteen Dark Shadows. Member of the House of Two, Count of no Living Blocks, Counselor of 4, Duke of none. Member of the Congregation of Tasteful Ambiguity.
???: Excellent. The House of Spheres has been expecting you. You may enter.
Fourteen Eclipses: I am eternally grateful.
???: …
Fourteen Eclipses: May I ask your name?
???: Distant Stars, Twelve Moons. High Priest of the House of Spheres, Count of 3 Living Blocks, Counselor of 5, Duke of 1. Head of the Congregation of Gracious Thought.
Fourteen Eclipses: I am honored to make your acquaintance, Distant Stars, Twelve Moons.
Distant Stars: Likewise. Follow me.
Fourteen Eclipses: I presume you have read my proposal?
Distant Stars: Indeed. It appears promising.
FE: I am forever honored, Distant Stars, Twelve Moons. I am eager to begin my research under the House of Spheres.
DS: Be patient, Fourteen Eclipses, Nineteen Dark Shadows. Yours is not the only proposal with merit.
FE: Of course.
DS: Upon review, the House of Spheres endorses your proposal. You are aware of this already.
FE: Indeed, I am. Your approval letter arrived via pearl earlier this cycle.
DS: You are a novice of the Institute of Firmamentalist Studies, so I will explain our approval process. Your submitted proposal has been passed through the echelons of the House of Spheres, and the Council of High Priests recommends your methodology warmly.
FE: By this I am humbled, High Priest. I am once more unendingly grateful.
DS: The Council does not hold the final authority on the process of approvals, however.
FE: It does not?
DS: No. We are ultimately beholden to the Divine Exalted Superstructure, Three Stars Above Clouds.
FE: The iterator?
DS: Our iterator, yes. Now that you are a citizen of Zenith, they are your iterator as well.
FE: I see.
DS: Three Stars Above Clouds, in their immeasurable wisdom and ceaseless amenability, ultimately carries out all observatory proposals. The telescopes atop the Institute's Pinnacle Vertex Spires are trusted to our iterator’s gracious influence.
FE: I did not realize this.
DS: An understandable oversight. Precious few Iterators have quite as much sway over the actions of their Houses.
FE: Please forgive my ignorance; why, may I ask, is your iterator allowed such a privilege?
DS: They were created for such a purpose. The relationship we Houses have with our iterator is a symbiotic one. You hail from an older superstructure arcology, so I understand that such concepts must be a novelty. The city of Zenith was constructed with this mutualism in mind; we depend on our iterator for water, energy, and nectar, and in turn they depend on us. We place our trust in Three Stars Above Clouds to iterate on the Great Problem, but this is an endeavor we share as Firmamentalists. It is a mutual burden.
FE: Iterators are meant to release Us from the Natural Urges. Does this relationship not indulge upon the Third Urge?
DS: Perhaps it does. But Three Stars Above Clouds is our child, and we are beholden to them as their parents. Any aid we can provide our Iterator increases our likelihood of converging upon the Solution. We do this by trusting them to carry out our proposals, and in turn they return with invaluable data. But any good parent must place faith in their child, and we trust Three Stars Above Clouds to discern only the most promising research proposals through their gift of vast intellect.
FE: I believe I understand why this meeting was necessary, then.
DS: Indeed, you have caught on quick. Ah, we have arrived.
FE: Where exactly are we?
DS: Beyond this threshold is the Grand Planetarium, 10th Council Pillar of the House of Spheres.
FE: The Grand Planetarium! I have only beholden its magnificence from the building's exterior!
DS: Here you may commune directly with the Divine Exalted Superstructure, Three Stars Above Clouds.
FE: Directly?
DS: Yes.
FE: …
DS: Fourteen Eclipses?
FE: … I’ve never spoken to an iterator before.
DS: Very few have! You should be honored!
FE: … if I may speak candidly… I am nervous.
DS: There is no reason for fear. Three Stars Above Clouds is a trusted mentor and a dear friend to Zenith. They are highly motivated in their research, and they are eager to be offered a proposal that is worthy of their prodigious intellect and sharp acumen.
FE: I hope what you say is truthful…
DS: ...Three Stars Above Clouds also deeply values their time and has very little of it to spare. I would caution against continuing to dawdle.
FE: Yes! Of course, yes yes…
DS: Let us not prolong these niceties any longer. I wish you good luck.
FE: Thank you, High Priest.
The owner of this ID drone, Fourteen Eclipses, Nineteen Dark Shadows, was a scholar of Zenith’s Institute for Firmamentalist Studies. I cannot recall our conversation; I talked to countless other researchers, scholars, and entrepreneurs just like them in my time as the Director of Zenith’s Stellar Observatory Consortium. Brief interactions like this were a daily occurrence, too mundane to occupy space in my long-term memory arrays.
I do have a record of the proposal of Fourteen Eclipses, Nineteen Dark Shadows in my archives. They asked me to conduct spectral analysis of a star cluster in the constellation known as the Outlaw. The data I collected for them was ultimately used for their thesis, which they later defended before both myself and the High Council of the House of Spheres. Fourteen Eclipses, Nineteen Dark Shadows went on to publish a fairly regular output of methodologies before ultimately deciding to ascend in the cycle of 1101.42.
Such was the life of countless others in my city. Every Major Cycle, Zenith brought in a new crop of novices to educate in the ways of Firmamentalism. Some eventually had their fill of my creators’ unorthodox beliefs and departed the city, but those who remained within the Institute eventually became scholars under the direction of the House of Spheres. Some rose to the rank of clergy or high priests, and would often come to me offering research proposals or asking for advice. Eventually they would decide their thirst for knowledge was sufficiently quenched, and they would depart the Carnal Plane. Fresh novices arrived in their stead, and the cycle would begin anew. It was all very routine.
I was too busy with my duties to become bored by such matters. I will even admit that I viewed their constant interruptions as somewhat of a nuisance, but I understand the importance of their involvement with my assigned task. They were dependent upon me for data collection and complex analysis, and my insights provided them with spiritual clarity. 
These days the only disturbances I receive are from little animals like yourself. I’m not quite sure if you even glean any useful information out of my lectures. Your worldly priorities are certainly more simplistic than those of the pupils I used to tutor…
Yet despite this you never seem to be satisfied. Perhaps I misjudged the capacity of your species’ desire for knowledge.
I hope I have at least abated your curiosity for the time being. Now please leave me be, I must return to my work.
Farewell for now, little Pupil.
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gigglingauspice · 8 months
This anonymous source is not who the accused claimed they were. I beg you to leave her alone, entirely. None of this was his fault.
[This link leads to a plain-text version of the post.]
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kulapti · 16 days
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Under the Beautyberry, Aug 2024, ink (brush & fountain pen).
Species from the understory of the oak forests interspersed on the east edge of the North American great plains, here is a Bobcat (Lynx rufus) capturing a Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), and plants that provide food for the dove and others like it. Plant species shown, clockwise from the top: American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana), Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus), Little barley (Hordeum pusillum), Sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), and Canada wild rye (Elymus canadense). I hope one day I am able to learn some of the indigenous names for the plants I have begun to know.
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lgbtqtext · 21 days
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cipherdragon · 8 months
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vlasdygoth · 10 months
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anonymous, c. 1981
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undedkat · 2 years
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girls kissing :)
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trashburgersblair · 10 months
Some Wobbly Bifrost imagery below cut +blackbox version (ID's in alt text)
(flashing lights/colors, and eyestrain warning!)
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And now the Blackbox version
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Bonus base image:
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chibishortdeath · 3 months
Picmix is pretty fun, I’ve made a couple more gifs on there, idk if I should put them all into just one post tho since they’re all different fandoms (TwT). But I do want to share them so uh yeah—
Most recent I’ve made is this one with Richter:
Gonna put it under a cut though cause ⚠️Flash Warning⚠️, there’s some gifs on this one that are just flashing boxes and also ⚠️Eyestrain Warning⚠️, there’s a lot of really contrasting, saturated colors and tiny hard to read text!!!!!!!!
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Which, funny story, crashed my computer in the middle of making it and it had to remake it again using a photo I took of it in progress as reference lol. Like straight up crashed harder than task manager could fix, I had to restart the laptop 💀
Yeah, but these are so fun to make, I think I’m gonna make another one today, idk what character yet tho :3
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 27 days
Inspired and based on this song:
We are the prophets
With the answers you seek
Time with the past, and the future we see
There is a way, where you must confront it
But there is one problem we saw..
I see a world risking your life
I see your heart bursting in pain
I see your friend with their inflicting pain, and shadows lurking her
I hear a song of the remorse
I hear a desperation scream
We see a boy who has moved on in his own life..
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But you're no longer you...
[ Swingset AU belongs to @foxett ]
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
y'know there's something rather ironic about when people put eyestrain warnings for their art in giant brightly colored text
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
Ryu for the ask game?
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Omg thank you all for asking this character I totally didn't specifically ask to be asked about and who I love a perfectly normal amount giggles and twirls hair
Favorite thing about them: He really strives to be good. Good at something, anything, but just good. He constantly fights against his own narrative and I find it very admirable. He was doomed from the start to fail and I feel like he knows that, and I don't know how he finds the strength to keep trying anyway but he does and it's really neat. Maybe his skull really is too thick to listen to the words of a predetermined fate. Just the whole thing about being the tragic character of all time is very compelling to me. Also, his inherently meaningless seeking a validation to live he shares with Atsushi makes me like him for reasons similar to Atsushi.
Least favorite thing about them: MMMHHHH,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Like I really like his flaws, I'm happy he has them, I wouldn't like him the same if he didn't? But at least I can safely say it's someone I wouldn't like to deal with irl lol.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: GIN AND RYUUNOSUKE!!!!! They make me go insane. Holding hands while working in the darkness fr. Being lonely together. Someone who's seen you at your worst FOR REAL but still hasn't abandoned you for some unfathomable reason. I don't know what goes through your mind but I see your eyes and they're the same as mine. Also mmmmhhhh sskk. Chuuaku. Kyouka and Akutagawa though I'm not sure that can count as brotp. Lucy and Akutagawa.
OTP: Sskk is like, pretty cool if you ask me <3 Imagine a fully rotten individual who was never meant for anything but killing and making people suffer since they were born, loving someone. Imagine the “I will kill you” being replaced by “I will love you”. But also imagine being so deeply interlaced with another person, your existence just can't escape the other. Destined to be together and destined to fall apart at the same time. I'll never be able to move forward until I've denied your very being but if you die my existence will stop having a meaning. Don't tell me what to do. I will follow you to the end of the world. I will kill you. I will die for you. I just think them <333 Chuuaku too, have already spent countless words on them but. Finally a ship that's real and relatable. Finally something that doesn't feel ethereal and idealized and distant and untouchable, but real and stained and messy and human. What if I didn't understand you but I wanted to. What if we walked together home. They're neat <333 Other Akutagawa ships I vibe with would be Akutagawa × Beast Atsushi, Akutagawa × Tachihara, Akutagawa × Kajii, akuatsulucy...
nOTP: 🤨🤔🧐
Random headcanon: I think he's numb to pain. And I don't mean it in the “oh no he suffered so much he's used to it at this point :((( ” pitying way, I mean it in the “he's felt such very strong spikes of pain in multiple occasions, his pain detectors just gave out” way. The “he won't notice a wound because he just can't feel it” way.
Unpopular opinion: In the last period, it's been bugging me a little how Akutagawa and Dazai's relationship is portrayed in fancontent. It's just always so black and white, while actually I feel like there's so much nuisance to it that just gets lost in fandom. Yes, the way Dazai treated Akutagawa was horrible and inhuman. Yes, to an extent Dazai thought highly of Akutagawa's abilities and cared for him. Yes, Akutagawa was victim of Dazai's heavy abuse. No, Akutagawa isn't entirely subject to Dazai, he explicitly gave his consent to an hard training (which, I reiterate, doesn't justify it at all; but does give more nuisance to the whole situation) and did oppose him in multiple occasions. I just think sometimes Akutagawa is framed as this helpless damsel in distress and Dazai as this inhuman monster whereas their relationship is indeed unhealthy, but still so much more complex than that. And just, really, I feel like portraying Akutagawa so helpless in Dazai's hands makes him a disservice? Even though in canon he said to be willing to kill Dazai on multiple occasions, has punched him more than once, has told straight “no”s to his face. I just think... People tend to make Akutagawa a lot less aware than he actually is. Here, there it is, that's what really troubles me. Akutagawa does know Dazai hurt him. He does know Dazai's treatment of him was cruel, and unfair. He is aware of what Dazai did to him. That just can't stop him from seeking his approval, even against his will. But to think that Akutagawa is blind to everything Dazai did to him does him a disservice, because he really is not that stupid or with completely null self-awareness. The fact that he tends to run after Dazai despite knowing how much he's hurt him is just further proof of how complex and human-like Akutagawa's psyche is. Also, he does NOT like reading. All my homies hate booknerd Akutagawa.
Song i associate with them: Well, I associate with him songs I definitely shouldn't associate with him alcfjyalfiygaslfiya. One song I always listen to that infallibly makes me think of Akutagawa although it really DOES NOT fit Akutagawa is Patchwork Staccato by toa, with its delicious sewing symbolism and words of toxic codependent relationships and the line you, I'd really rather you just stop existing I just can't help but link to him. Or Vampire by DECO*27, which. self-explanatory. but really shouldn't be associated with Akutagawa. On the side of songs that do fit Akutagawa, Tokyo Teddy Bear (AKUTAGAWA SEWING SYMBOLISM MY ULTIMATE BELOVED) and Lost One's Weeping (“Who stained that heart black? Who was it? Who was it!?” “Can you untie the rope around his neck? Can we keep going like this? What're you gonna do? I don't care anymore!” “But why does this lump in our hearts // Say we want to disappear? Say we want to die?” “Can you remember the dreams of your childhood? Who threw those dreams in a ditch? Who was it!? You know who it was! When are you going to grow up!? What is a grown-up anyway? Who has the answers? What're you gonna do? I don't care anymore!”) and basically everything from Neru. And Rolling Girl by wowaka, obviously.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga: The one above LMAO. I. Really like that scene and think it's the most beautiful climax Akutagawa's character arc could have ever had. Here's my second favourite though:
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Favourite illustration: There's a lot of beautiful ones...
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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BUT ALSO this please don't make me choose. And various anime screencaps. I feel like I'm cheating but maybe it's unethical to ask from me to pick a favourite Akutagawa picture in the first place.
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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glittergroovy · 25 days
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Brooklyn Baby · Lana Del Rey
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