#coloring this took forever but i said I'd do it and I'm so glad it's over
gallapple · 2 months
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Part one (a new challenger obstacle appears)
This little furball is so fun to draw. I'll be working on drawing the rough draft of part two soon.
edit: fixed a problem that was bothering me
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bingbongsupremacy · 11 months
Pen Pal
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
Warnings: Slight mentions of homophobia
Summary: You've been Pen Pals with Ellie since you were in 5th grade. Will you finally get to meet her in person?
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
November 3, 2028 (10 yrs old)
Dear Y/N,
My name is Ellie. I'm a fifth grader in Miss James' class in Wyoming. I like Savage Starlight and cookies. My best friends' name is Riley.
Do you have a best friend? Do you like Savage Starlight?
Sincerely Ellie Williams
November 10, 2028 (10 yrs old)
Dear Ellie,
Hi! It's nice to meet you! I love Savage Starlight! My brother hates them though. He never takes me to buy them at the book store :(
My bestfriends' name is Julie! Cookies are cool! I like ice cream. I have a dog. Do you have a dog? Do you like frogs? I like the color pink. Do you like pink?
Sincerely Y/N L/N
June 20, 2030 (12 yrs old)
Dear Y/N,
How's your dog? Joel's teaching me how to play the guitar! I learned how to play a song yesterday! I'm so happy.
Riley and I are planning on going to the fair tomorrow. I wish you could come. I bet you'd love Riley! Maybe some day you could meet her.
I finished the new addition of Savage Starlight yesterday and I'm so fucking sad. Did you finish it? I won't spoil. Let me know if you did so we can talk about it!
Sincerely Ellie!
June 28, 2030 (12 years old)
Dear Ellie,
I have bad news. Pepper died.
She died last night. Mom said she got really old and died in her sleep. Pepper was a good dog. I'm going to miss her.
I'm really sad. I wish she was still her.
I haven't finished Savage Starlight yet. I'm waiting until I feel happy. Maybe in a few days.
Sincerely Y/N
August 3, 2032 (14 years old)
Riley's moving away. She came over and told me today. I'm really sad about it. She's been my friend ever since kindergarten.
She's moving to Boston.
I found an a cute ice cream shop yesterday and thought of you. Maybe some day you can see it. We could get ice cream there and then look at the comic book store.
I can't believe Savage Starlight is fucking ending. I've been reading it since fourth grade. I don't want it to end. How do you feel about it ending?
Love, Els
August 9, 2032 (14 years old)
I'm so sorry about Riley. That sucks. I hope you guys can still talk.
I'd love to go to the ice cream shop and comic book store with you one day. My brother went off to college today. He's studying to be a doctor. Cool right?
I don't want Savage Starlight end either. I wish it could go on forever. Fucking sucks.
I think you're my best friend.
Love, Y/N
September 12, 2032 (16 yrs old)
I won first place in the art show! I'm so fucking happy. Joel took me out for ice cream with Sarah yesterday. We had so much fun.
Do you think we should start using email? Or texting? Joel got me phone yesterday! I'm so excited! Here's my number if you want to text xxx-xxx-xxxx and my email: [email protected]
I've started working out at a local gym. I love it. I'm going every day. I think I might do something with space when I'm older. I really like space.
Also, I'm gay.
Love, Els
September 18, 2032 (16 yrs old)
Subject: Hi
Els, this is my email! I'll send you a text right after this. I'm so happy for you! First phone yay!! Also congrats on the art show!
The gym is fun! And space is so cool! I'm not sure what I'll do yet when I'm older. I'm still deciding. I'm glad you know what you want to do though.
Also, cool! I'm glad you feel comfortable telling me! I love you, Els. <3
My brother's being a fucking asshole. He refuses to come to my birthday party because his girlfriend's parents want to have dinner the same day.
I wish you could come. Maybe some day.
Love, Y/N
May 2, 2034 (18 yrs old)
Subject: So
I think I might not be straight. I'm not sure. I've only told you. I can't tell my parents. I don't know how they'd react. I know my brother would hate me. He's a fucking dick now. I don't know why he's the way he is.
My parents have started fighting a lot. Money problems I think. I think my dad might have cheated on my mom too.
I'm excited to go to college next year. I'm glad we got into the same school! We'll finally be able to meet. I've been wanting to meet you for years. Maybe I can finally get away from all the shit that's been going on lately.
I don't know why this all happened so fucking fast.
I hope you're well.
Lots of Love, Y/N
May 2, 2034 (18 yrs old)
Receiver: y/[email protected]
Subject: So
Hey, so I know how you're feeling. It'll take some time to figure out, but you'll get there. No matter what, I'll love you.
You're family sounds like a bunch of dicks. I'm sorry you have to go through that.
I've been talking with Joel and he said I could do this.
Do you want to come stay with me and my family over the summer? Maybe get a break from your family? We could idk finally fucking meet?
Let me know if you want to come to Wyoming. You could meet my friends. Then we could drive up to school together. It's not too far from my house. Maybe day or two away.
Also, I got a girlfriend. her name is Cat. She gave me this cool ass tattoo. I'll send a pic.
__Pic Attached__
Love, Els
My eyes scan over the email again, making sure I didn't imagine what I just read. Ellie just invited me to Wyoming for the summer! There's no fucking way I'm missing this opportunity.
I'm finally going to get to meet her!
My eyes land on the last line. I got a girlfriend.
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jooskyimo · 4 months
"the way you taste."
a story from the point of view of an imaginary friend.
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i'm in love with the way you taste.
i can't believe i'm finally back.
i haven't visited you in years. i'm excited to catch up with you.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
you didn't see me. it was dark outside, so i don't blame you. but i saw you. i saw you take your clothes off, and i saw your beauty. you've really grown.
i can't wait to reveal myself. you're gonna be so excited.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i was in your room. you still snore. it's still very soft, and it comes and goes. it reminds me of before. i missed it. it helps me sleep.
you were smiling. i think you were dreaming about me.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
you didn't even notice. i was right there. but you walked right past the bathroom like you didn't see me standing right there.
can you not see me anymore?
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i have never met someone who leaves the door open when they shower, did you know that?
i'm not complaining. it was nice to be able to hear you sing while i was in your bedroom. it's been a long time since i heard your beautiful voice. you sound much more grown up now.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
have you ever wondered why i start my letters like that? if you wanna know, you can always ask me.
i'll be here.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
you didn't ask me. but i want to be nice, so i'll tell you something. it's dangerous to leave your body uncovered when you sleep.
i'm surprised you never questioned why for the past few days you felt so wet in the mornings. don't you remember the feeling? doesn't it remind you of before?
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i can hear you on the phone with your friend. why are you acting like you don't know me? you can tell your friend about me, i don't mind.
i'm running out of paper. could you leave some on your bed for me?
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i saw you trying to look for me before you left for work. i liked when you looked under the bed. of course i'm not there, silly. i've never liked being under your bed. don't you remember? you're so funny sometimes.
...you do know where i am, right?
i'm in love with the way you taste.
you took my advice. i'm glad you're trying to keep yourself safe, but it's really difficult for me to do my nightly routine when you tuck your covers in so tight.
it's okay. i get it. we haven't done this in a long time.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i found the note you left for me taped to the door of the other one's room. "funny prank, Alison, but it's not cool to use my imaginary friend story against me. you know that was forever ago. also, pay the fucking eletric bill!!" my name isn't Alison, and i can assure you i'm not playing a prank on you. who is Alison? what do you mean, 'imaginary friend'? and why did you complain to me about the electric bill?
i'm starting to feel like you don't remember me. i was only gone for a few years. why don't you remember?
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i noticed the boxes in your room, and that half of your belongings were placed inside of them. what does that mean? is this some kind of game to keep me entertained while you're at work?
are you leaving me?
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i want you to see me.
i miss the days when you'd see me.
i'm in love with the way you taste.
i guess this is goodbye. again, and for good this time.
i really miss the little you. you used to talk to me, do you remember that? we didn't use letters. you didn't judge me. and you enjoyed when i visited. i'd wake you up, and you'd giggle and greet me. i wish you were still like that. you used to like the way i looked. you never said i looked scary. you liked me. you liked my grey color, my strange eyes, my many sharp teeth, my long tongue, my raspy and quiet voice. but not anymore.
it made me sad when you started seeing me less. it was when you became a teenager. you started to bring boys over from school, and i would come to you and i'd see a boy curled up in bed with you. do you know how mad that made me? i couldn’t take it. it had been years since we'd done our nightly routine. so i left, and found a new kid that didn't have friends. but she died. i think she killed herself during a period where i was gone. she was only a kid. it was very sad. but then i remembered you, and then... i came back for you.
you're all grown up now. you're 18. it's so good to see that you were okay even though i was gone. i worried about you a lot.
i'm sorry for revealing myself. i didn't mean to drive you away. i should have known that you'd forget about me by now. i know you love this apartment, i know you love Alison, i know you were excited to finally move away from home. but i ruined it. and you're moving again.
i want to come with you. but i won't. there are other kids out there that need a friend like me. i should have left you a long time ago. all i ask is that you find someone who makes you happy.
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amiramorozova · 6 months
Best Friends to Eternal lovers - soulmate mark and preparing for the fete
Aleksander led me away as if he wasn't even bothered and I knew that the fete was important. I had yet to make the chance to talk with the King in the five years I'd been there.  So for the next several weeks Aleks prepared me for the fete instead of our usual practices but as soon as that was done we'd done what we wanted. 
Weeks went by as I was glad that things were fine but Baghra was almost like at every corner when I turned around. While I can avoid her thanks to 2nd army there was the matter at which Baghra and I would butt heads and that would be Anna's training. Aleksander already told everyone but her in 2nd army she was the only tidemaker not to be taken to Baghra. So, I took care of her training in a secure location. 
The day of the fete Aleksander held me close as we kissed and he picked me up taking me over to his bed as we made out. I knew the matter of our wedding was just within planning as this was the task at hand this fete before the count down to the day I became his wife officially.  He opened my kefta to remove it and I let him as I moved kissing his neck and made a hickey on him as he soon returned the gesture on me. 
He always made me feel desire, love and want knowing that it was just us. It was after he removed my kefta that I heard him gasp and look as he looked at me in surprise. "What is it, Aleks?" I asked as he looked at me. He removed his own kefta as he looked at his wrist seeing something there and I was confused before he smiled. 
"Aleks?" I asked as he hadn't showed me and he pulled me even closer as we kissed. "Mine, my love, my soulmate." He said which shocked me and I took hold of the wrist he had and looked seeing my markings as I was in shock. I sudden feeling went over me that the love of my life was indeed as I said the one for me after all. I kissed him as I climbed on top of him and had him on his back as I pulled away and looked at him. "I always said you are the only one for me. That stands true forever." I said as he pulled me close and we were going to kiss again when there was a knock on the door. 
"Yes?" Aleksander said as he moved his head towards the door holding me close as I knew we still had to get ready. "Pardon General, but the lady's attire is done and ready. We wanted to deliver hers first." A man said as Aleksander moved me off standing up as he readjusted his attire and fixed his hair from our rolling around on the bed as he walked to the door and opened it as we saw the servants bring in a couple boxes then bowed before leaving us. 
Aleks ran a hand through his hair as he sighed and looked at the time "We have time." He said as he gestured for me to open them. I got on my knees as I opened the boxes seeing the kefta that looked like a dress in his color as I smiled and when I opened the other box I noticed something else shoes that I could wear to the fete. 
Everything is in his color as it should be. I thought 
"Come now put them on." Aleksander said as if it was important I changed then and I went to figure out  how to put it on. Of course I could not do it alone so Aleksander had to help not that he didn't take his own amusement in kissing my exposed skin as he could and zipped it up. before putting the kefta part on me then he turned me around as he smiled adjusting the collar of the kefta to show off my soulmate mark. "I'm going to request Genya to come do your hair. So all I want is to keep my eyes on you." Aleks said as he held me close. 
I smiled as I was just blessed that there would not be any fight, except one..Baghra. Tonight she could ruin possibly just my mood all together but I didn't want that. Aleksander kissed me as I kissed him back and he twirled me in his arms as I laughed knowing soon it would never be any different. "I love you Aleks." I said as he looked at me and I smiled with love in my eyes. "I love you too Sunshine, I have since you were sixteen and I will always love you." Aleksander said 
Yet I worry your attention may go somewhere else if a Sun Summoner..another one show up. I thought 
I surely shook that thought off but then he kissed me as he sighed. "I have to prepare. Genya will come then we'll go to the fete together with you on my arm and that is where you'll remain the entire night." Aleksander said as I nod. I knew that he'd never swayed i his feelings even as we were eternal and he'd have me for the rest of my life. 
Aleksander kissed the top of my hand and then left as he left me to prepare myself the rest of the way. I went to the vanity and started to prepare but then the door opened as I looked seeing a red haired girl in a white Kefta. "You must be Genya." I said as this was my official first fete with Aleks. 
Genya walked over as she looked me over and smiled "I am, you are the General's fiancé." Genya said as I laughed a bit and nod. "Please just Amira. He said you'd help me." I said as she nod and then started to prepare as I watched in the mirror seeing her do my hair and knew I'd be getting ready for the biggest event of my life. 
Hopefully this goes well.. I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,   @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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binarystarduet · 6 months
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— Happy Holidays, Eden!! @oldbooksandmodels
I hope this reaches you well! We are a little off schedule today but that's alright, I love you! I hope you enjoy the gifties and are having a wonderful lovely day today ❤️
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my wonderful beautiful magical friend
⟡ This will be short and sweet because what haven't I said to you before hehe but ummm hi . I love you. I've known you for such a long time and there's no mistaking you're one of the most important people in my life. You genuinely mean the absolute world to me, it's true it's true. I've seen you grow as a person in all sorts of directions to be who you are now and I'm very proud of every step you took to get here. You're such a wonderful person, even when you don't want to be or feel like you are. I appreciate all of our calls, and time spent together. You get me more than I give you credit for, call it bpd, autism, or being a psychology major, but it makes me happy that we can bond the way we do. gosh I remember when Anne and I used to be one of your big inspirations and now look, we look up to you for editing! It's genuinely incredible. You're so creative and colorful, and you're so genuinely fun to be around. You've really come into your own, and I'm so glad you found your way back to us after what happened years ago. You're one of my best friends, and I wanted to take the time to let you know how much you mean to me. Even if it is a little awkward and sappy hsnsksdnk but no, there's a lot I could say, and a lot more I wish I could tell you, and I know we sometimes butt heads but hey. I love you. a lot. And no amount of anything could ever change that. ❤️
You knew this already but this year's gifting theme was "characters I knew you as in another life", so obviously I chose Modeus, Chloé, and Sena! Modeus was a actually a last minute decision because there are so many others I could have chosen; Cupid, Kitty, Sonia, Mukuro, Todoroki, Mina, Chuuya, Mami, Chisato, so on... but, Modeus. I made you a mixed board last year but it simply was not enough! You're so wonderful, and interesting, and silly, and pretty, and I was always so so fascinated by you! You taught me so much and all of my memories with you have been so whimsical. Thank you for opening your heart to me! I cherished that forever. Chloé, you saved my life. You gave me a purpose, and gave me a home. You were, in a word, home. Thank you for taking me in, for caring about me, for staying. I don't want to know where I'd be without you, or where you'd be without me. I'm eternally grateful to you, my favorite little snow flower. I love you. I hope you knew that, I hope you know that now. Izumi Sena, I may not know you as well as I want to yet, but I know enough so I thought it'd be fun to include you! As stressful as you say it is, I cannot wait to learn more about you and tell you all of my fondest memories. I can already tell you're going to be someone extremely important to me, more than you already are. Thank you for being in my life so many times, and thank you for being in my life now. Here's to hoping there will be more in our inevitable futures. ♡
heart explosions everywhere ⟡ Mao ❤️
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Bimonthly Media Roundup
- Hellsing Abridged (Webseries) - A rather old one but I do really like the aesthetic of this series - The kind of rough gothic look that was popular in the early 2000s. I appreciate that the author took the Dracula lore and just decided to go really weird with it with the multiple monster designs for Alucard himself, then applying that same "Rule of Cool looks over logic" monster lore for every other character in the series.
- Army of Darkness (Movie) - VHS night at my friends place, While I was familiar with Ash Vs the Evil dead I'd never actually seen this film and uh. Well I don't know what I was expecting but boy this sure wasn't that. I would not exactly call this a 'good' movie but it certainly was a fun one, and an incredible watching experience in a group setting. It reminded me a lot of Big Trouble in Little China with it's campy low budget energy where weird shit is constantly happening that the movie will never explain and the characters react very nonchalantly to the batshit things they are experiencing, Plot wise the movie could be described as Bruce Campbells No-Good Very Bad Day but the things that make it bad are honestly very funny and creative so good for it. I wish they made more movies like this nowadays honestly, just dumb little fun passion projects with obviously fake but still cool practical effects and an unnecessary skeleton army.
- Star Trek Strange New Worlds (TV) - Not too far in yet so not much to say, I like court themed episodes so I'm having fun with season 2 so far. Pike and Uhura are my faves as they are just very likable and silly guys who still know when to take their jobs seriously. Also this is a cool poster.
- Star Trek Lower Decks (TV) - Also only 2 episodes in so far but Season 4 is starting strong, I loved The Moopsy and everything about it and the menagerie in general, the vulcan girl getting a larger role with Tendi in particular seems like it will be a fun dynamic, and the humor and overall hyped vibes of the characters is still as strong as ever. Hmm I wonder if it would be worth it to paint myself green to do a Tendi cosplay or if Homestuck made that illegal for everyone forever.
- Dr Stone (Anime) - Yup.
- The S Classes That I Raised (Webnovel) - While I was never not invested in the story I've glad we've moved on to a new arc. Han Yoojin using his abilities to find people with unique non-fighting skills to take business away from what would be an evil mega corporation is a nice use of time-travel based knowledge, so I hope we get a bit more of that. I also would like some more downtime as I like all the characters and wish they got to hang out in low stakes situations more often. I suppose I'm also just a bit worn out of scrolling through action scenes, as while I quite like the art (and especially the coloring) style, the big effect explosions just don't translate super well to the scrolling style still-art pages of K-webcomics. That being said it could be a lot worse as Yoojin's relative powerlessness does make every fight at least interesting in how it needs to be thought through rather than just punched a lot - I just enjoy the fun character banter and political drama more.
- Ace Attorney Vs Professor Layton (Video Game) - Well that ending. happened. In truth I don't hate the twist necessarily on it's own, so much that it's the kind of twist that if you think about it too long it retroactively makes the rest of the story nonsensical. I also find the storyteller and Darklaw's motives to be very dumb which brings it down, not to mention they just axed Barnum from the last part of the game entirely despite him being arguably the best character in the game. Overall I didn't hate the game though, as I found a lot of the little character dialogue, puzzles, and Layton interactions cute - It makes me want to play a Layton game again that's for sure. I'm not sure it's a good Ace Attorney game as it feels very tonally different from the rest of the series, but hey with this I've experienced every Ace Attorney game in the franchise so that's nice, I'll have to do some character and case rankings at some point.
- One Piece (Anime) - Just finished Skypia and thinking about doing a liveblog from this point out. This was a pretty good arc honestly, I loved the villains design aesthetic and powers, lots of good crew bonding moments (Especially for Sanji + Usopp and Luffy + Nami), I liked the setting, the flashback episodes with Mont Blanc had uh questionable politics but the "we both have wives offscreen but are always shown together, think about each other constantly, and die thinking only of the other" gayness of it all made me laugh, and I think it did a good job giving everyone something interesting to do. Other notes would be how funny it is that Robin for the first half was having an entirely different, lovely experience wandering through the woods while everyone fights for their lives, that she nonchalantly snapped a guys neck when he told her to leave, and that poor Chopper had to fight 3/4 of the big bad guys all by himself that poor little deer.
- Genshin Impact (Video Game) - Still here, doing more co-op with my friend now, exploring the bonkers long Chasm quests in Liyue, hoping Kokomi comes back because I want her on my team so bad. Anyway Inazuma has been cool so far, I like the different environments on the islands (other than the lightning island which can sink into the ocean frankly) and there are lots of good character designs. Also I've been listening to the music more and its good!
Listening To: Bones by MSMR, In My Head by Mike Shinoda, Ivy by Taylor Swift, Dancin by Aaron Smith, Make Up Your Mind by Florence + The Machine, Ordinaryish People and World's Smallest Violin by AJR, Ghost by Justin Beiber, IDOL by YOASOBI, Atlantis by Seafret, Doin’ Time by Lana Del Rey, All the Boys by Panic! At The Disco.
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cosettepontmercys · 11 months
You don't have to worry about replying especially cuz I knew you were having fun at the show!!! That's so great and makes me more excited for Friday! I am trying to watch less videos this week leading up to the show..even if I'm pretty familiar with everything lol. If I am going to see Barbie, it would be tomorrow but I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know my thoughts if I watch it! And also if I eventually see Les Mis or Paramore. I would recommend all of Paramore's music honestly but if you want specific song recs let me know!
Haha I also talk a lot more online to people mostly thru Tumblr asks since they're anonymous lol. It's so hard for me sometimes to find other people with the same interests as me otherwise and around the same age. I just wanna say it's been really nice talking to you this week and I'm letting you know I'm 27 lol. I didn't know if you thought I was a lot younger cuz I said I still read YA.
Anyway I'm so happy for you that you manifested a debut song and Rep for your friend! Also that Marjorie memory is so sweet. It's like when Taylor says you will have lasting memories of this tour every night and that seems like a special one. Have you been to a Taylor concert before? I've only been to rep even if I've been a fan since debut and I wonder how it compares to Eras. I'm sure it will be better in a way just cuz there's more going on but I really enjoyed Rep tour too! I guess the only things I'm curious about or worried about is how was standing for the show and how many videos you took? My sister and I were talking about this yesterday and I was like maybe a little bit of each era but that seems like a lot maybe..idk. Also what was your favorite part of the show?
I'll try not to hope for too many things at my shows. I'm super excited to see No Body no Crime with Haim though and I haven't watched a video or anything yet. One costume I really love is the pink gown for Speak Now..seeing that in person would be amazing! But I think she usually wears it for night two. I also like the green surprise song dress and pink or green Folklore or 1989. Those are my favorite colors. For surprise songs..like I said, I wouldn't mind two songs I just liked generally even if they weren't favorites or anything. That was kinda the case for your shows to me but I'm glad you loved them! I also might not care as much once I'm there and enjoying it. For debut, one of my fav songs is Mary's song but idk if she would play it. I wouldn't mind Stay Beautiful or something from Fearless. I'd like any vault song she didn't perform yet fine but would hope for I Can See You or Forever Winter. Anything from Rep, Lover, Folklore or Midnights. I'm kinda surprised she didn't sing a Folklore song last night cuz of the album anniversary. There are a few on Evermore I wouldn't care for..lol but would love Long Story Short!
wait!! i really want to have our conversations under a specific tag 🤍 do you want to pick an emoji? 🥺 i'm really glad you decided to message me!! i always love talking to people and making new friends 🤍 and also wanted to add there's no shame in reading YA in your 20s! books are for everyone 🤍
i was originally going to try to take my mom to barbie sometime this week, but i think i might have a bit too much to do this week before i go to chicago so i might have to do it when i'm back. i definitely want to see it again soon though! i am notoriously bad at watching movies, but i do really want to watch a bunch this year. i'd originally set up a "23 in 2023" yearly collections journal, and so part of that was that i wanted to watch 23 movies ... but i stopped keeping track and now i'm just a 🤡.
i went to the red tour in seattle way back when but have also been a fan since debut!! i was hoping to do rep tour, but then something came up and it just didn't work out, so i'm really, really glad things worked out the way it did with eras. for night 1, i was in the nosebleeds and you could feel the ground shaking. i was mostly standing aside from i think part of folklore and transitions? i think i sat down at another point. last night, i was standing for everything except all too well 10 minute version (if i didn't use atw10 for my bathroom break/water bottle refill break on saturday, i probably would've sat down during it too — just to give myself a break), i think i sat down for my tears ricochet, and then transitions. i wore tennis shoes, and my feet hurt so much by the end of the night (to be fair, i messed up my ankle last week and so part of my feet hurting was from that + queueing for gracie + standing for her acoustic set too). i would say to focus more on taking care of your body — if you're tired, sit! there's no shame in that 🤍 when i got back to my friend's apartment after eras (i was staying at her place all weekend since she lives within walking distance to lumen), i immediately changed into pjs/showered/etc + stretched + put on icy hot + ate + took advil before bed and it honestly wasn't terrible after night one but getting out of bed today was awful (i also didn't sleep much at her place, to be fair + did a lot more dancing / walking / standing yesterday). i took a couple videos, but not for the entire song; most of it was just little clips here and there, like i knew i wanted to get the fireworks or like i knew she'd do a specific face/dance move/something at a specific moment, and then i got the speeches just for fun! you and your sister could also decide who films what and do a little trade off (i assume y'all are sitting together)!! a lot of people around me were filming a lot of the concert and also were dancing around a lot; don't worry about being judged (and if people judge you, screw them!). i will say, keep in mind that merch lines will be nuts (once you get in, go to a merch line inside — like one closer to your seats, if you're able to/if you want merch) and vegetarian options go quickly in terms of food, if you're vegetarian! on night one, my friends and i went straight for merch and one of my friends did a food run and grabbed us food so we were able to eat while we waited. night two, we got in, did the cap one elevator thing (which was so fun!) and then we went straight for food. i was trying to meet up with a friend during the gracie/HAIM break and my friend i was sitting next to asked if i could get her food since i was out and she's vegetarian — i had to go to five different spots before i finally found something! oh, and be prepared that leaving is going to be ... awful. weave if you're able to, hold onto each other, etc! it does not help that lumen field is close to downtown, but it really was ... brutal trying to get out of there.
is there a particular section/song you're looking forward to the most?
personally, my favorite part of the show was long live, but the energy around reputation and also no body no crime both nights was out of this world. listening to long live and dancing around with your best friends is something that is just so special, and for me, i was that ~ weird swiftie girl ~ growing up and so being able to experience tour with people who loved taylor — and also loved me — was just so ... special. reputation is the album i listen to the least (i have to be in a very specific mood for it, but i do love it) but was one of the best sections i think! this isn't anything new that people haven't already said, but i think the eras tour is structured so well — every time my energy level started to dip a bit something was happening next that brought it back up.
so i was fully expecting TTDS on night 1, and since i was up in the nosebleeds that night, i saw parts of her dress before i recognized HAIM was coming up with her and i SCREAMED "not stinky dress" and lowkey fucked up my voice because i was so excited that the bronze dress was back. and then i heard the sirens and it was ... amazing. no body no crime is usually one of my skip songs (not because i don't like it, but because the sirens stress me out and i usually listen to evermore in the car, hence ... stress) but their performance was electric and just so, so fun.
we got the pink gown last night, and it was so pretty!! my friends and i played swiftball on saturday night (since we were all getting ready together saturday; yesterday some of us went to gracie's acoustic set, etc.) and i was manifesting so hard for purple speak now cupcake dress but honestly the speak now dresses are SO pretty. the one dress we were all really manifesting for was the green folklore dress (and i also really wanted the white folklore dress, which i got night one), so i feel very very lucky! my friends and i were split up last night (two of us were in section 109 row d, the other four were in 117) and saturday (three of us were in 309 row g, one of us was in 309 row j, one of us was in 320 row ee) and so we were texting in between transition periods —
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the thing about surprise songs is there's genuinely not a single bad song! every single night i'm like "damn, i wish i was there" even if it's a song i don't totally love. i cannot wait for her to play me! — i was telling everyone how much i would've loved to hear me! on guitar or on piano. i would love her to sing beautiful ghosts, crazier, etc. i went on tiktok earlier and saw people being upset about TTWAS and it made me soooo sad because i genuinely love love love it. when we got this is why we can't have nice things on night one i was like omg a rep song for my bestie!!! it was just so fun, even though i don't usually listen to it. but also, it is like, two songs out of forty five — i was telling my friends she could do the SNL monologue and i would've had fun just being in the moment 🤍
i would LOVE for her to play mary's song at some point — i know it's like, a running joke on here that she soundchecked it. i was really, really hoping for castles crumbling, foolish one or forever winter in terms of vault songs, but i cannot complain at all about my surprise songs. literally everyone around me was so shocked she didn't sing a single speak now song for surprise songs, and also didn't do anything for folklore's anniversary! ugh long story short would be SO fun to listen to — are you hoping for piano or guitar? i'm also curious about which evermore songs you don't particularly care for!!
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elliebear666 · 1 year
I wrote false-self fan fiction? I fell in love with a fictitious man that I'd created, like an author that falls in love with one of their characters.
It was no wonder that he and I had fallen in love. Like the two sides of a coin; like positive and negative; dark and light; two forces inexorably attracted to one another, destined to spend eternity yearning to be reunited.
I looked into his dark brown eyes as we lay together in his bed, the sheets tangled around our naked bodies. He smiled sleepily, crows feet wrinkling as he blinked. My fingers curled around his hand as my fingertips gently traced his palm. Shafts of fading light filtered through the window blinds, painting us with golden strokes.
I hoped this moment would last forever. Just he and I, entwined like the roots of two ancient trees. The thought of getting out of bed was painful - were it my choice, we would stay like this all day. Perhaps make love again; maybe more than once.
But, as much as I knew we had eternity in this moment - such as it was, I knew it would come to an end. As all things do, the weekend we'd shared together was in its final hours. Night was closing in, and then Monday would be here.
If only we could run away, elope, abscond and abandon society's expectations and the rules of our world for a better life. But such a life was a fairytale. At least I was cognizant of this flight of fancy's unobtainable nature. I was beholden to the dictate of society, just as everyone else was. There was no reality in this universe in which Matthew and I could live the life we so desperately desired.
In its own way, I suppose the finiteness of our time together made it all the more valuable. Isn't that a lesson some guru or other teaches? "Be thankful for death's inevitability, lest life's precious moments lose their meaning and worth." It seemed like some self-righteous platitude that a self-proclaimed authority would espouse.
Still, that didn't mean that the concept itself didn't have merit. I suppose that our short time on this Earth helps us to create and live a journey of sorts. Although we are more and more being taught to enjoy the journey itself, the destination is usually the reason for the journey. And what a destination is death; a yellow brick road that every person on this planet is unknowingly born to travel.
As I studied Matthew's face, his dimples and his soft lips, I realized that I had begun to cry. They weren't pained tears that zigzagged down my cheeks. I was more confused than hurt.
"Babe?" Matthew asked groggily, his face scrunching up as he took notice of my emotional state.
"Yeah?" I asked quietly, and tried to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat.
"Are you okay?"
I shrugged, chuckling at my own feelings. "I'm okay. Just… I'm glad I'm here with you."
Matthew smiled tiredly. "I wouldn't trade what we have for anything, Ellie."
"Neither would I." Another round of tears streamed down my face.
"Baby? What's the matter?"
"I'm just…" I trailed off into hesitation, then exhaled slowly as I gathered my thoughts. "I wish we never had to get up. I wish we could just do and be whatever and whoever we wanted until the day we die."
"What brought this on?" Matthew said gently, squeezing my hand in his.
"Reality is what you make it."
I chucked. "Maybe."
"Within reason," Matthew added with a grin.
"There's the caveat."
My lover sighed deeply and twisted his lips as he ran a hand through his curly, chocolate-colored hair. "We just had an amazing weekend, baby. What's wrong?"
I swallowed hard. "I don't want what we have to end. I want it to last forever. I want to be with you forever."
Matthew smiled sadly and looked into my eyes, bloodshot from the tears. "I would give anything to make that our reality. I would climb the highest mountains, delve into the deepest depths, weather the hottest deserts and the coldest arctic tundras just to spend eternity with you. But… we don't get eternity."
"I know, but-"
"All we get is right now. That's all that's promised, Ellie."
"I know."
"So, try not to focus so much on the time we won't have, and be here, right now, for the time we do have."
I nodded quietly. He was probably right. Maybe I was thinking like a child in a daydream. But why was that so wrong? "I'm here for the now, baby. I just wish we could say that until reality fucking... implodes. Or whatever follows the end of the universe."
Matthew sighed softly and scooted closer to me. He leaned forward and gently kissed my lips. "So do I. Tell you what…"
I nodded fervently, eyes locked onto his.
"... If there is life for us after the one we have now, I'll find you. Across any infinity, space and time, I'll find you. Time and time again until everything ceases to exist."
"Promise?" I asked with a smile both laced with joy and great sadness.
"Pinky promise," Matthew replied. He smiled and locked his pinky finger around mine.
"I love you," I whispered as our faces were inches apart.
"I love you more," Matthew said with conviction.
I believed him.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Something with abby anderson please!!!😭
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Abby Anderson x G/N!Reader 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - None?
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙? - Yeah/Nope/Kinda
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - So sorry this took me so long to write! I'm so behind on a lot of my requests so if you're waiting for something, don't worry it will be out soon loves!
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It was late in the day, dark outside, nearly everyone had gone to bed in the stadium. Besides the unlucky groups working the graveyard hours. You walked into you and Abby's shared room. Fresh from the shower, only in shorts and one of her old t-shirts.
The light from beside the bed was the only one turned on. Bringing a warm glow to the room as you sat down on the edge of the bed. It was near silent, bringing no comfort to you as you laid back onto the mattress staring up at the ceiling.
You were tired, yet couldn't sleep. You'd tried just an hour before and decided a hot shower would help. Yet now you laid here, not tired a bit, wondering when your girlfriend would make her way through the door. With all the extra shifts she'd been taking, you wondered if she'd even come home.
In that moment, the door opened, Abby walking in, across the room, and almost immediately throwing her backpack onto the ground. Just beside the bedside table near where your legs hung from the bed. You tilted your head a bit, looking at her as she tiredly rubbed her face.
Her hair had begun falling out of the braid she almost always sported. The crewneck sweater was lazily tugged down on one side, though raised on the other.
"Long day?" You questioned, watching as she took her hair down and pushed it back. "Yeah." Was all she said. You sat up on the bed, crawling over into your spot nearly the wall, the spot Abby always preferred you slept in. Safety, she'd say, maybe it was the fear of the outside still finding it's way to creep in.
"Wanna talk about it?" You then asked, pulling the blanket onto yourself while she slipped her boots off, kicking them away before tugging her jeans down. "Not really." "Well... I'm glad your back. I haven't been able to sleep." For a moment Abby glanced at you, your eyes far off looking at some other part of the room.
"Hey." Your eyes moved to look over at her, standing now in a pair of sweatpants. "I'm sorry for working so much." You shook your head. "It's fine, Abs. I'm just worried about you." She slid into the bed beside you, smiling when you moved to sit between her legs. Laying back against her chest.
"You smell good." You laid your head back, laughing quietly as you intertwined your fingers together. "I missed you." Even though you'd seen the girl this morning, it felt like forever since you had a moment like this. Abby moved to kiss the side of your head, watching your hands as your fingers traced her scarred knuckles.
"Today me and Mel treated this little girl. Adorable. Her teddy bears name was Egg. Very great day." You heard her chuckle right beside your ear, her head resting near your shoulder so her breath tickled your skin. "Sounds good." Her fingers ran up and down your arm causing you to relax farther into her. Snuggling down into the blanket.
"I can't wait for us to both have the day off." You looked up at her smiling, the already returning it. "Maybe I can get us two days off instead." "That's a dream." Abby's hand rested on your head as you laid on your side, cuddling into her stomach, allowing her to hold you.
"Abby?" "Yeah?" "Do you ever wonder what it'd be like if we were born before the outbreak?" She hummed. "I used to, don't really have the time." She joked, smiling when she heard you giggle. "I do and I think about it all the time. I'd like to get a cat." "A cat?" You nodded, staring into space finding the wall very interesting in the moment.
"Yes, a pretty cat. Like those black ones or those ones with lots of color patches on them." "Calico?" You suddenly lifted your head, her hand moving along to rest on your shoulder. "How do you know that?" "I do have hobbies." "Oh yeah. You like reading about cats?" She laughed and moved for you to lay back down.
"I read, Y/n. I read." "About cats." You stated listening to her laughter, bringing a little grin to your face. "No." "Hey, don't catch a cattitude. I'm just kitten around. "Go to bed Y/n." "Okay." You giggled, feeling her lean over to shut off the lamp the room going nearly dark besides the little glow of the moonlight.
"I love you, Y/n/n." Abby spoke softly, her eyes finally closing from the exhaustion. "I love you more Abby."
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aio-rya · 3 years
Silver Birthday Card — SSR Personal Story
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NRC Scholar Newspaper.
Interview with the birthday person.
~Feat. Silver~
ーCongratulations! How's today's birthday party going?
Silver: I'm so glad to see everybody likes to celebrate this way.
That's why if I fell asleep half way through, I'd feel very sorry for all the students who prepared this for me.
I got enough sleep yesterday and, just in case, I drank lots of black coffee earlier.
Now I'm sure, today I won't fall asleep.
—Do you have any memories of your birthday in your home town?
Silver: Of course... Every year, my father would have taken a commemorative photo. With Sebek and Malleus, who came to celebrate. He'd shoot it all of us, side by side.
The photo we took last year is displayed on the desk at the dorm lounge. It is a wonderful and irreplaceable birthday present.
When I became my father's apprentice, he was taller than me but, he was overtaken by me before we'd noticed.
When I realised about it, I was quite surprised.
Since then, we'd be asking for Sebek to take out the plates from the top of the cupboard.
You can actually do it with magic, but... Every time I asked for it, Sebek looked at me with a proud face.
Perhaps, I guess he likes to take things from high places. You may call it a hobby, just don't get on his way.
That's why I'll keep on asking him for it.
ー・ ⚔︎ ・ー
Part 2
Silver: Zzzz... Zzzz...
Silver: Huh... I'm sorry, I felt sleepy out of a sudden. I slept well last night but it didn't work as it should...
I'm sorry. Please, if I fell asleep again, don't hesitate on waking me up.
—Understood. How's your school life going?
Silver: I'm often surprised on how different it is. Until the day I came to school, I've lived in the depths of the forest of the Valley of Thorns.
For example, electrical appliances. It's very helpful being able to do cleaning and washing without using magic. Even after the sun goes down, I was surprised lights were shut off. Back at home, the forest at night became pitch black.
But, what surprised me the most was... That food was delicious.
Apart from making it by myself, I grew up with the taste of homemade food cooked by my father... So I was deeply moved.
—Has anything else changed since you entered school?
Silver: I did make a lot of friends. Back on the Valley of Thorns, there was only Sebek around, we were the only ones sharing the same age group. Buying something along my classmates during the breaks. That was something I have never experienced in my hometown.
When we go shopping, I often buy whetstones and the latest self-defense tools at sight. While everyone often seeks for sweets and manga.
Though, I was not familiar with fashion and entertainment. That's why Kalim has thaught me a lot and that's been very helful.
Ah! Speaking of which, Kalim sometimes invite to his dorm banquets too... Eating some fruits from the Land of Hot Sands, riding over the maginc carpet, it has all been a very valuable experience. Is interesting to make contact with things you've never seen. With everyone else, it's a completely new experience.
I'm very grateful for my friends.
ー・ ⚔︎ ・ー
Part 3
—Please, tell me about your family.
Silver: I'm an orphan. but I have a father who raised me.
When I was little, I thought he was my real father. When I think about it now, he looks completely different.
Finally, one day, I noticed my father's ears and mine had different shapes. "Why does our ears have different shapes?", I asked him. Then, he explained at me that we were from different races. And, that's how I realised we were not blood connected.
"So, you did notice it!", he laughed a bit confused. When I noticed, I was already jumping out of my house while it was raining...
Eventually, I was found by my father and he brought me back home. After that, I got a fever and fell asleep. My father told me, "I can't help it". He laughed again and took care of me.
He must have been tired of looking for me in the rain, but he didn't leave me until the fever went down.
..... I. The smile of my father that day, is something I don't think I could ever forget.
..... That's it.
That was the father who named me Silver.
When I asked him for the origin of the name, he said "Your hair color!". I got a clear answer. I guess he is that kind of person, after all.
The name given to me by me beloved father, is the one I will continue cherishing forever.
—That's a wonderful parent-child relationship.
In regard of the hair that inspired him to name you, do you have any special care on it?
Silver: I have not taken any special care. I'm not particularly worried about my hairstyle, so I always try to cut it properly. Sometimes I cut it by myself, other times I ask for my father and my friends to do it.
...... By the way, I have been questioned about my hair before by senior Vil. I told him I was not doing anything on it.
I remember being scolded.
Perhaps it was because of that that, after I helped him with the Movie Appreciation Club some time ago, he gave me a special hair care set as a thanking.There were two types of shampoo on it. It also contained some creams and oils I couldn't understand how they worked.
Senior Vil said, "Beauty must be done evercyday"... but hair care is a hassle, it takes too much time and effort.
Certainly my hair had changed, I used what I got at hand, but it seemed I wouldn't be able to continue.
Now that I have finished it,I wash myself with the same soap from head to toe when I take a shower.
—Thank you! And once again, happy birthday!
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 years
By Chance • Part 4 • Jackson Avery
Word Count: 1036
Summary: Y/N and Jackson have a kid together but when heartache gets too hard, then worse things happen
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"Hunt told me to drop this off, said it was a 'can't come in' thing?" Link placed the chart in Jackson's hands. "And this."
Link took the blue-colored box out of his jacket pocket, handing it over as well. "You sure of doing it? If it's a no, she'll run away forever."
Jackson frowned at the surgeon in front of him, slightly nodding his head to the five-year-old boy n the ground, playing.
"Oh, shit- I mean crap, I'll just stop." Link chuckled running a hand through his hair, noticing Jackson's stern glance. "What? I'm not doing anything wrong am I?"
A ringtone was sounded from Link's pocket before he took out his phone and noticed Amelia calling him. "Amy? Why are you calling me for the fourth time?"
"Well, because you indeed didn't answer any of my calls since a half hour ago and in that time, y/n has left the hospital, I tried to keep her here with a surgery, but I failed," Amelia spoke through the phone, frustrated. "Just come back here and don't screw this up."
"Wait, the only thing I did is dropping off a chart and an engagement ring, I never screw stuff up." Link just finished his sentence before he heard the call being ended by his girlfriend. "And she hung up, that's great."
"Not to stress you out or anything but your girlfriend is on her way home because mine failed to keep her away, so I'd say you just act like everything okay?" Link rambled while he walked towards the front door. "Good luck, Avery."
"Uncle Link is crazy," Miles mumbled as he was still playing with the toy cars on the floor, not looking up. "When is mom coming?"
"Link is always weird, bud, it's not gonna change." Jackson chuckled before sitting down on the couch. "Mom could be home any minute, honestly."
Miles made a voice, moving the cars around on the floor. "What was in that small box Uncle Link gave you?"
"Box, a box? Which box?" Jackson frowned at the five-year-old, eyes on April's missed calls. "I don't know about a box."
"The blue one, about this big." The boy showed a square with his fingers, looking up at Jackson with a face that spoke words. "What's in it?"
"This stays between us right?" Jackson pulled the small box out of his pocket, opening it as a subtle regular golden ring band filled with diamonds showed itself. "Opinion?"
Miles hmm'ed, placing a finger on his chin. "Mom does like subtle things and not too many details, so I think she'll love it."
You turned your keys in the lock as you walked in and noticed Miles driving with the small toy car and Jackson faking to catch a fly.
You raised an eyebrow at the two males in your house as you dropped your bag on a chair and strolled over to your kitchen.
"Not weird at all," you muttered to yourself as you poured yourself a glass of wine, ignoring the weird behavior.
"Why don't you go upstairs, I'll be there soon," Jackson spoke to Miles, ruffling the boy's curls. "Come on."
You walked up to your son, pulling him in for a hug before he got up the stairs, leaving you and Jackson alone.
"So what were you catching, a fly, a mosquito?" You chuckled to yourself, taking a sip from your glass, staring at the man in front of you. "Earth to Jackson?"
"Wha- oh nothing? I'm just reminiscing everything we've been through." Jackson shrugged his shoulders, meeting your eyes. "And we've been through a hell of a lot."
"Well, we're good now, better than we were before, why are you worried about that?" Your voice had a small crack in it, not knowing if this was going where you thought it was. "You shouldn't be worried, I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me."
"I'm not worried I just- I want to make sure we- no I do the right thing." He said, fiddling with the watch around his wrist. "Because what you deserve, is the right thing."
"Jackson Avery you're scaring me with all this emotional talk." You started to walk towards the living room before he caught your hand. "You're gonna tell me what's wrong?"
"Most of my entire life has been like most, riding a roller coaster in a pitch-black cave, never knowing where I’m at or what’s coming up next. Most of the time it’s like riding the old Texas Giant at Six Flags where you’re slowly struggling to make your way up the hill with the thought in the back of your mind that at any second something is going to give way and you’ll plunge back to the bottom." Jackson chuckled, walking up to you, noticing your nervous face.
"I love you, y/n y/l/n. Maybe more than you’ll ever know. Your stubbornness and thoughtfulness, how you’re able to ground me and calm me down. You always bring out my sunshine with every daybreak. I owe you for bringing me out of my shell and being grateful for the smallest things, helping our son to blossom into the little miracle we could always love and treasure. I owe you for helping me express the light I have in me, I’m so glad I can let it reflect off of you every day.”
"I swear to God if you're pro-" You didn't finish your sentence when you saw him sinking down on his knee. "Fucking hell, you are."
"Will you marry me." The small box popped open which made you chuckle.
"It's subtle, good you remembered that for seven years." You snorted, pointing at the ring.
“April already has a venue already, and my mom will dig out the old address book for the invitations and y/n don't give me that face but an answer!”
“We’re doing this?” Jackson's whisper was only heard by you.
“Yes, I'm not running again and neither are you”
a sympathetic but gorgeous smile found its way onto the man's face.
Jackson just smiled, “Trust me, there's no way I'm letting you leave again.” before he tackled your lips.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 3.3k
warnings: fluff at first, angst ig, angry levi, hitch, swearing, arguing/fighting, yelling
sorry it took a while to get this out there. school started for me last week and it’s been hard getting back into the groove of things. thank you for being patient with me!
listen to the music masterlist
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A couple of days passed since Zeke's sudden arrival. Eren agreed to your terms of his brother's stay with reluctance. He understood where you were coming from, though. Armin was right about him respecting your decision.
Tonight you and your bandmates would meet your large friend group at a nice restaurant nearby. You stood in the bathroom attached to your room, styling your hair the way you wanted.
In the last two days, you received texts from a few of your curious friends. They all seemed very interested in who you were bringing to dinner. If only they knew it was the strong-willed girl you'd had a crush on for years.
Sasha and Connie put the pieces together and teased you relentlessly about 'bringing a date to dinner'.
You were nervous to see the reactions of your friends when you walked in with Mikasa. Unlike you, they didn't get a warning of her return.
Stepping back from the counter and smoothing down your outfit, you exhaled softly. You took one final glance at the mirror and left the bathroom.
Two blonds were arguing in the living room when you entered.
"What's going on?" you asked cautiously.
"We can't leave him alone in the house while we're out. He's like a child! He already broke two vases because he slipped while looking for spare change!" Armin explained. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. He ran a hand through his silk hair then placed both hands on his hips.
Zeke protested, "Y/n, you can trust me. Don't listen to him, he's delusional." He was still in his usual attire, a t-shirt, and jeans.
Armin's face turned red from anger. "Why you-"
"You broke my vases?" you interrupted.
"He did! I watched him do it the second time!"
You learned the hard way that messing with Armin was a death sentence. Especially when he was mad. The argument had to stop before it turned physical.
"Zeke, get dressed. You're coming with us, but you sit far away. You don't talk to us or our friends." You pointed a stern finger at him.
He pouted and groaned like a child before slumping his shoulders and stomping down the basement stairs.
Armin rubbed a hand over his face and, in an annoyed fashion, checked his watch. "Will they ever be done?"
You chuckled. "You're always the first one ready. Don't you know that by now?"
He rolled his eyes and fell back on the couch. "Shut it."
Eren appeared at the basement door, looking frustrated. In his hand, he held out the tie to the suit he was wearing. "How the hell do you tie this thing?"
Armin sighed and stood back up, his rest short-lived. They made their way over to him and began to walk him through each step while his eyebrows only furrowed more.
His long hair fell around his face as he tried his best to maneuver the tie correctly. His face lit up once he got it right.
"How have you gone this long without knowing how to tie a tie?" Jean leaned his head out of the hall bathroom, which you didn't even know he was in.
"Shut up, Kirstein. I get by." He glared.
Jean laughed and fully emerged from the bathroom wearing a beige suit vest and slacks. Underneath, he wore a cream-colored dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was tied back in a short ponytail with a few strands falling loose.
Your eyes shifted back to Eren, who was struggling to put on his suit jacket and you stifled a laugh.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny." His words were hard to understand since he held around three bobby pins between his teeth.
You laughed some more despite his agitation. You were disrupted by the light clacking of heels on the stairs to the second story. Looking in that direction, you saw Mikasa walking down and you had to stop your mouth from dropping open.
She was wearing a simple tight black dress that reached just above her knees. Silver dangly earrings were in her ears and a dainty silver necklace hung around her neck. Her ring adorned fingers played with the hem of her dress. She smiled at you from across the room.
Eren bumped your hip and you nearly shrieked. His presence next to you had gone unnoticed until then. He snickered at you and nodded to Mikasa. You narrowed your eyes and tugged a lock of hair out of his bun.
His smirk dropped. "What'd you do that for? Now I have to do this all over again. Bitch." he grumbled the insult and left your side.
Mikasa walked over to where you stood. "Hi."
"Hi." You returned her smile.
She sucked a quiet breath. "You look nice."
You couldn't fight the grin that spread across your face at her simple compliment. "As do you."
She smiled again and you felt you might collapse from the surge of butterflies in your stomach.
Zeke came up from the basement, gaining everyone's attention. "What the hell are you wearing?" Eren chided.
He was adorned in a baby blue suit with ruffles decorating the dress shirt. You struggled to hold in your laughs, as did the woman beside you.
"Don't talk about it." Zeke lowered his eyes to the floor as Eren laughed loudly without shame.
"Marco's here to pick us up," Jean announced, shoving his phone into his pocket. He wanted to see Marco's reaction to Mikasa's homecoming at the dinner, but that dream was cut short when she answered the door to him the day prior. He was shocked, to say the least.
Sure enough, when you looked tho the front door, you could see the glare of Marco's headlights in the darkness.
He waved you all over to get in his car. Jean sat in the passenger seat, perks of dating the driver. In a backseat that was designed for three people, you were crammed inside with Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. Zeke was forced to ride in the trunk.
Mikasa was pressed up against your skin. In the confinement of the car, you could feel her warm breath tickling your shoulder whenever she spoke.
A shiver ran through your body and your hands gripped your knees. Nobody noticed, thank god. You were very grateful that the only light sources were phone screens and the button rims inside the car.
Everyone chatted mindlessly until Marco turned a corner into a parking lot. He parked the car near the entrance and got out with everybody following suit.
Once you were inside, you were greeted with the familiar smell of the restaurant. It was the one you always went to when meeting up with the group. You didn't know the owners, but Reiner did, and he was the one who planned these gatherings.
"Welcome to Galliard's!" greeted a blond man whose name tag read Colt. A look of recognition crossed his face. "Oh, it's you guys. Right, this way." He grabbed a menu for each person and led you to a large booth in the middle of the restaurant.
You took a good look at everyone. You all went to the same high school, some of you just didn't meet until later. Like you, Sasha, and Connie.
Five people were seated at the table. Two were missing. Ymir and Historia were late. Figures.
They all saw Mikasa looming behind you since each of them had some form of shock on their face. Several voices suddenly arose from the group.
"When did you get back? And why did I not hear about it?" voiced a betrayed Bertholdt.
"Mikasa, I didn't know you would be here," Annie said coolly.
"Oh my god, Mikasa!" Connie tried to act surprised.
"Mikasa! I had no idea you'd be here." It turns out Sasha was just as bad of an actor.
"This is your plus one, Y/n?" Reiner held a knowing expression.
"So no one is happy to see me?" Eren sounded hurt.
Reiner wasted no time standing up to pull you in for a hug. He pulled back after a few seconds and held you by the shoulders at an arm's length away. "Like the beard?" He gestured to his chin.
"Sure, Reiner, it suits you." You patted his shoulder and he returned your cheerful smile. He moved to talk to the others as Bertholdt came into your view.
When he hugged you, you noticed how much taller he was than you. You had to stand on your tip-toes to see over his shoulder. "What the hell, Bertholdt?" You fucking ladder," you blurted.
He laughed at your lovely way with words. "Hi, Y/n. It's been a while. I'm glad to see you're still doing well."
"It has. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. How's it going at the school?"
"It's definitely going. I'll tell you about it in a second. You wanna sit down?" He moved to the side to let you slide into the booth. Mikasa was on your right and Bertholdt was on your left.
Everyone was seated except for Zeke, who stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Eren told him to find someone to get him to a table. He just pushed up his glasses and left.
Across from you sat Sasha, Connie, and Jean who were laughing their asses off at something Marco said. Reiner, Eren, and Armin sat on the cushy bench across from Annie who sat on one of the three chairs pulled up to the table.
"So, Mikasa, when did you get back?" Annie asked.
"Earlier this week."
"What? You've been here that long and we didn't know?" Reiner gaped at her.
"We thought it'd be a nice surprise." You shrugged.
"I thought you were bringing a date. Or is she your date?" Connie teasingly wiggled his eyebrows while Sasha laughed loudly.
You blushed madly at his question. "Shut up, guys! You already knew I was bringing her, anyway."
"You knew?" Bertholdt's eyes boggled.
"No wonder you're so calm. Out of everyone I'd expect you two to go ballistic," Annie pointed out.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Connie lifted his arms in an attempt to appear threatening.
A new voice spoke, "It means you're an idiot." You looked up to see Ymir stood behind Annie's chair with one hand around Historia's shoulders and one in the pocket of her suit jacket.
"Ymir, hi!" You greeted and she raised an eyebrow.
"This is your date?" She chuckled.
"She's not my date," you grumbled, folding your arms. Ymir just snickered and sat in the chair next to Annie's, Historia sitting next to her.
"Quit it, Ymir. Is that all you have to say to someone we haven't seen in two years?" she scolded her girlfriend.
"How is it, Mikasa?" Ymir turned and asked.
"It's good. Glad to be back." She gave a small smile.
"That's good to hear! We're all happy you're back," Historia said with enthusiasm. Mikasa nodded in response.
You picked up your conversation with Bertholdt from earlier about his job. He was an elementary school teacher and from what he told you, he was very good at what he did.
Other conversations went on, jokes were told, and by the time the waitress came to the table for your orders, you'd caught up with everyone. The whole group was excited Mikasa came home and it showed.
Her hand brushed against yours multiple times under the table and your shoulders tensed up whenever they touched hers. She didn't seem to mind the contact. You wished she'd just take your hand since you were too scared to do so yourself.
Those moments of giddiness were short-lived because you noticed two familiar figures at a table toward the back.
Hitch smiled maliciously and waved at you while bringing her champagne glass to her lips. Marlo sat across from her on his phone, drumming his knuckles on the table.
Your eyes widen and you quickly move away from Mikasa, startling her.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" She placed a hand on your shoulder with a worried expression.
"I'll be right back." You brushed her hand off and shimmied out of the booth, heading to the bathroom.
You pushed the door open and luckily no one was inside. Your hands gripped onto the edge of the counter as your mind raced. What the hell were they doing here? Why tonight? Your blood was beginning to boil as you became angrier by the second.
The door swept open and in walked the woman of the hour. "Hello, Y/n," she sang.
"What are you doing here? Can I not have a meet-up with my friends without you riding my dick?" you sneered, looking at her in the mirror.
Shock flashed across her face and she let out a breathy laugh. "Such colorful language, Y/n! I didn't expect that from you!" She turned to face the sinks and your eyes met in the mirrors.
"What are you doing here, Hitch?"
"I'm having a nice dinner with my friend, that's what I'm doing. It just so happens you were here tonight as well," she said.
"So it's a coincidence? If you say so, I don't believe you."
"That's exactly what it is. You don't have to believe it, but it's the truth. I can promise I wasn't planning on spying on you tonight." She blew her bangs away from her face.
She honestly couldn't tell if she was lying or not but your anger level was rising quickly and you didn't know if you'd be able to stop yourself from saying something you would regret.
"What is your problem, Hitch? Seriously, have you nothing better to do? I haven't seen half of those people in months." You tore your eyes away from the mirror to fully look at her.
"I told you, Y/n. I wasn't here for you. I don't have a problem." She narrowed her eyes as she stood at her full height, facing you.
You scoffed. "Tell me what your problem is. I want to hear you say why you're doing all this. You never did give me an explanation."
"I don't have a problem."
"Yes, you do. Why did you follow me in here? Do you think you can intimidate me or something?"
"I know I can intimidate you. Stop acting like you're the one with the power right now. I'm the one who has the guts to tell people what we were. You wanna know my problem? My problem is you. You couldn't get over a stupid high school crush. You still aren't over it and it's fucking weak."
You backed away as she got angrier with every word she spat. She hesitated for a moment and inhaled sharply.
"What's weaker is how much I care. I gave a shit about you and you couldn't see that she didn't. I knew about your feelings the whole time. You think I'm dumb? I know you thought of me as a distraction. And I liked being your distraction. But you run away from everything. You're a fucking coward."
You were too shocked to even try to apologize. Your mouth fell open and tears pricked your eyes.  Her breathing was ragged and her eyes were big. She blinked several times and the light caught a few wet streaks on her face when she turned her head.
"Hitch, I-"
"Please, don't say anything."
The state of shock you were sent into was broken when a sudden bang sounded outside of the bathroom.
Hitch looked desperate to get out of the situation, so she took the opportunity to bolt out of the bathroom. You took a moment to compose yourself before leaving to assure your friends you were okay.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom, you stopped dead in your tracks when you were greeted with the jarring sight of Zeke seconds away from being punched in the face.
A man with short black hair was kneeling on Zeke's table with one hand gripping his collar and the other pulled back in fist.
"Zeke Jaeger right? You owe me a lot of money and my wedding ring," the man seethed and punched Zeke hard in the jaw.
He fell to the floor, clutching where he was hit. You stood there, stunned. Just as the man was bringing his leg forward to kick him, your instincts kicked in and you rushed to crouch in front of him.  You braced yourself for the impact that never came.
"You'd really kick a woman?" an unfamiliar voice spoke.
You looked up and saw him being held back by a man with a slicked back undercut and a bomber jacket adorned with patches.
Eren and Mikasa were at your side in an instant with the others following closely behind.
"Are you okay, Y/n?" Mikasa put her hands on your shoulders and you nodded. Eren shot you a worried glance while tending to Zeke.
The short man was still being held back by the guy from before, but now someone new was at his side. He looked like bomber jacket dude but with a different hair color and style. He was trying to talk down the black-haired man.
Bomber jacket interrupted, "Look, dude, you're scaring my customers. We don't do that shit in here. One of my waitresses panicked and called the cops. They'll be here soon for you if you don't take this the fuck outside."
"Porco! Watch your language," the brunette hissed. 'Porco' glared at, who you assumed was, his brother.
Eren and Mikasa helped Zeke up and began to lead him out of the restaurant. You and the others followed, except Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt who stayed to talk to the restaurant owners.
Once you had safely gotten outside, you sat Zeke down on a bench. Sasha managed to snag some napkins for his wound.
Everyone except for you, Eren, and Mikasa were seated on the sidewalk. You three were also on the bench.
The door to the restaurant was pushed open and two voices were heard. The short man was walking out and a taller blond man was lingering behind.
He noticed Zeke and stopped his mumbling. He pointed a shaky finger at him and his face contorted into a nasty glare.
"Where's my money, bitch?" he shouted.
"Levi, why don't you calm down before you do something again." The blond man said.
'Levi' scoffed. "I just want my money back. And my wedding ring. Where the fuck is my wedding ring?"
The color drained from Zeke's face. Levi yelled at him again, "Where the fuck is it?"
"I pawned it."
If looks could kill, Zeke would be dead. The pure anger that was displayed on the man's face was enough to make you cower.
"Let me at him!" Levi purged forward and Jean attempted to stop him, but just ended up on the concrete. He pushed past Eren and in the blink of an eye, Zeke was on the ground. He was getting the shit beat out of him in front of your eyes.
Your friends yelled at him to get off. The man who was following him tried to hold him back, but Levi seemed even angrier than he was inside the restaurant. Eren tried pulling Zeke away with help from Mikasa.
Sirens sounded in the distance and you knew they were growing closer with each passing second. The staff hadn't called off the police, you realized. "Guys," you called.
"I'm gonna kill you!"
The sirens were muffled by the yells.
"Stop, Levi!"
They were clearer.
"Get off him!"
They were loud.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Blaring lights could be seen over the hedges.
"Get off my brother!"
"Guys!" you yelled over everyone. You pointed to the police cars that were now pulling into the parking lot.
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posted: 9/7/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
My moon and stars
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**not my gif**
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Note - this is for @our-marvel-universe's birthday! I'm so sorry I'm late and that I'm bad at summaries.
Divider by @writeyourmindaway
Date posted - 26-08-20/Wed
Summary - Steve swoops in and saves your birthday with some stargazing and confessions.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 1386
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You groaned as another person bumped into you, spilling a good amount of their drink on you. They didn't even bother apologizing, probably thinking that you're just a nobody, even though this was your party.
You had never had a huge birthday bash before or tons of presents, you were so naively excited when Tony told you he was throwing you one and inviting the whole city. You felt for some reason, they're here because they care for you or the super hero work you do everyday.
You couldn't be more wrong. Most of them didn't even know you. Your own family and friends, other than the Avengers had failed to show up. Now you could only look at the crowd of people and shake your head in disappointed.
Resisting the urge to punch Tony in his stupid face when he so smugly asked, 'You like the party?'
You would've, despite everything, but he wasn't here. He was gone on some stupid mission. Not that you cared that much. He wasn't yours, he didn't need to wish you a happy birthday or attend your party. You still couldn't help but hold out hope that you'd both stop dancing around each other.
No longer interested in the party where even the people you knew were completely drunk you made your way over to your favorite part of the compound.
You held on to your jacket a little tighter as you shivered, the wind messing up your fancy hairstyle. You looked up at the sky to see so many twinkling stars and beautiful colors, something you don't get in cities. You wouldn't trade this view for anything.
You instantly became alert when you heard someone stand behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see the man of your dreams, your captain, someone you had a hopeless schoolgirl crush on.
"Hey." Was all he said giving you a pathetic wave as you huffed.
Folding your hands over your chest you asked "Where were you? You didn't even tell me you were leaving. Not - not that I'd care why would I?" You stammered as you feared you had just accidentally revealed your deepest secret. "You're not that important Steve!" You yelled in an effort to backtrack.
He furrowed his brows before giving you a stupidly handsome smile, "I'm so sorry doll. But I'm here now. Tell me how I can make it up to you."
"Whatever. It doesn't matter." You said dejectedly as you turned around to lean against the railing and continue your stargazing.
"I just knew you'd be here when I didn't see you at the party.” He mumbled under his breath as he stood next to you. You could see him staring at you through your peripheral vision. “What’s wrong kid?”
You winced at the nickname. That’s what he thought of you, that’s all you’ll ever be to him. A Kid. Over the months, you had tried your best to act like an adult, taking some tips from Maria and Nat, to be cool and non-chalant, you doubted he’ll ever change his mind and think of you as a woman or a possible romantic partner.
You shook your head which only made him probe further. “Doll. You’re sulking on your own birthday. You can talk to me.” He assured you putting his hand over yours.
The warmth of his palms and his finger drawing patterns on the back of your hand felt so familiar and comfortable. You tried looked for his sparkly blue eyes best you could in the dark, his pupils blown wide.
“I used to think... I know this is childish but I thought - I don’t know people appreciated me putting my life on the line everyday. And that’s not why I do it obviously.” You had to clarify. You could pretend to hate him but you never wanted him to have a low opinion of you. “It’s just sad that no one sees the work that I do while you’re all so well known and beloved. It’s sucks to be a female avenger I guess” You shrugged.
He gave you an understanding smile and walked a step closer to you as you tried to calm your heartbeat. “I understand. It’s not childish. You deserve to be appreciated. And I can think of at least a couple hundred people who’re thankful to you. All the lives you’ve saved. You make the world a better place.”
“I don’t know how true that is.”
“Well you make my world better just by being here.” He argued.
“Steve,” You shook your head, “You can’t just say things like that! I’m not – it gives me false hope.”
“False hope?” He repeated cocking his head to the side. “I only ever speak the truth sweetheart. In fact I think it’s time for your gift.” He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to you.
You frowned as you tried to read the paper in the low lightening. “Oh... Steve.. you named a star after me?” You looked up at him to see him sheepishly scratch his neck. “That’s so romantic.” You sighed dreamily holding the document close to you.
“I asked around and Bruce told me I could do that. I could even get you a piece of moon but this felt more appropriate. I know how much you love stars.”
He rambled on about the whole process and how his assistant helped him, hoping you wouldn’t see notice how red he was. His gift wasn’t completely selfless. He had an objective, to make you his forever and ever. But he was too scared to ruin the relationship you two did have and lose a precious friend.
Bucky’s words echoed in his head ‘Real men can admit their feelings.’
He cleared his throat “I was hoping –“ he was cut off by your cool lips pressing against his, stealing his breath away. His hands naturally went to your waist to pull you closer to him, his taut body craving the warmth of your soft one.
You pulled away after a beat and blinked up at him. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think I thought...”
“No no I liked it. In fact I was hoping to do that.” His fingers traced the outline of your lips.
“Good.” You nodded not sure of what to say next. But it felt better to just not say anything at all and look back up at the beautiful sky in comfortable silence.
Until the whole team decided to ambush you from, you heard Clint and a drunk Tony sneaking up on you, they really weren’t as sneaky as they thought but you still humored them by acting surprised.
“What the hell girrrl? We’ve been looking everywhere for you. But then I was like we can just ask FRIDAY! So we did.” Tony grinned proudly as his words slurred.
You took the beer bottle away from him “Yeah I’m going to cut you off now.”
“What were you doing here though?” Clint asked and you said something about needing air.
Steve couldn’t help but stare at you as you talked to the rest of the team. Feeling a bit of jealousy and even frustration that they all had to interrupt the precious moment you both shared.
“Did you do it punk?” Bucky asked slapping a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Uh yeah. I mean I didn’t – she did.” He replied lowly so no one else could find out just yet.
“Of course she did.” Steve frowned as his oldest friend clutched his stomach, laughing loudly at him. “After all these years you still haven’t changed.” He shook his head and all Steve could do was smile. “I’m happy for you.” He said and meant it, so proud of his friend.
When Steve was finally able to get you alone, glad that your mood had gotten considerably better, you even seemed to be a bit buzzed from the booze.
“You were right Steve.” You said holding onto his arm treating him like your own personal heater as the night got cooler. “Everyone who matters to me does appreciate me. Especially you.” You leaned up on your tippy toes to peck his lips before scurrying off to tell everyone about the star named after you.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm. Comments and feedback are really appreciated! ❤❤
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heyheyheyhaikyu · 3 years
twenty five - fleeting view (w/p)
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The meetings seemed to drag on for forever. It's not like I wanted to get them over with quickly, because I loved you job and everything I do for it, but I couldn’t help the nagging curiosity pulsing through my thoughts.
Once the meetings were finally over however, I shot up from my desk and ran to take a quick shower before deciding what to wear. He probably won't change out of what he was wearing earlier, so comfy and casual should be the best, right? Ive always been one to second guess everything, so I ended up stock in a loop trying to figure it out for ten minutes before finally deciding.
After grabbing my jacket and locking my door, I was out of there in a flash.
I still couldn’t help but wonder what he could possibly want, but hopefully it wasn’t bad. He’d been so clingy since Yuji left, maybe he’s uncomfortable with that and wants some space? Or maybe he thinks I'm unconfutable with it? I mean we literally told each other how we felt, but we’ve avoided the topic ever since, so nothing is official. I just hope he hasn’t changed his mind...
I walked down the street for a while to the park he wanted to meet at. There was nothing too notable about it, just a bit a nature in the fast-paced city. I don’t think I’ve ever even given it more than a quick glance as I walked by. It was refreshing to see the beautifully grown-up greenery though.
The sky had turned a light shade of orange as the sun began its decent into the horizon. This had always been one of my favorite times of day. The way the sunlight reflected off the clouds, painting the sky in colors almost too mesmerizing to be real. The natural beauty in the world had always amazed me.
Entering into the park, I looked around, desperately searching for the familiarity of his stunning features. When my eyes met his from the short distance, it was like the whole world stopped. Every time our eyes met like this, the world always seemed to slow.
He walked the shot distance with his hands in his pockets and that classic smirk of his plastered on his face. “Well, hello there, puppy. I'm glad you could make it,” he said in a low tone as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and held it out for me.
I took his hand into mine with confusion tugging at my features and a light blush across my cheeks. “Y-yeah, of course, kitten. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
He chuckled softly and lead the way as we walked. “So, how was work? Everything finish smoothly?”
“Mhmm! It was great actually! Although meetings over the phone have never been my favorite. The manager is out of town for a bit though, so it can't be helped,” I sighed and smiled.
“Yeah, I get that. I’ve always done better with face-to-face interactions.”
“Are we just going to keep small talking or are you going to tell me what we're doing here?”
He rolled his eyes. “Impatient as always I see.”
I huffed and dropped his hand, crossing my arms. “I am not impatient, Kuroo Tetsuro.”
“Sure doesn't seem like it,” he teased.
“I deal with Bokuto Kotaro on the daily for my literal living,” I blankly stated.
He just laughed and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, you got me there I suppose,” he said with his arms up in retreat.
We stopped in front of a small pond with a perfect view of the sunset through the tall buildings in the city. I stared in amazement at the beauty of the scene while Kuroo took my hand into his, looking at me.
“It's so breathtakingly beautiful,” I said in awe at the sight before me.
“It is, isn't it,” he said as he lovingly smiled at me.
I glanced over at him with an excited gleam in my eyes, meeting his gaze. I frowned and huffed. “You're not even looking at it,” I pouted softly.
“The fleeting beauty of the sunset today could never compare to you,” was all he said.
I stared at him for a moment, processing what he said. “I-” I tried to speak, but my thoughts were so scrambled, I couldn’t seem to respond. A warm blush pigmented my cheeks as I turned to sit on the bench behind us. “Stupid kitten,” I huffed.
He laughed and took a seat beside me, laying his head on my shoulder and looking out at the view.
After a few minutes on silence, a happy sigh escaped my lips. “For such an amazing place, I'm kinda surprised no one's here.”
“Well, it's not a well-known place. I mean, yeah, this park has been here for years, but it's rare for people to actually come in, so why would anyone know of the hidden beauties it holds?”
I lightly shrugged. “I guess that makes sense, but how do you know about this place? Do you come here often?”
He nodded. “I used to come here all the time in high school when I needed a break from it all. A lot of people expected a lot from me, especially in my third year. I might have seemed put together and on top of everything, and yeah, I might have been most of the time, but that doesn't mean I didn’t have far too much on my shoulders. I was still just a kid after all.” He closed his eyes and smiled softly. “This place was my safe space. When everything would get too overwhelming, I would come here to this park.”
I smiled at him and nodded. “I'm sorry you have so much stress on you back then. You were quite amazing at hiding it though. I might not have ever had the courage to talk to you, but I admired everything about you from afar. That might sound creepy, but it's true. Ive always admired the way you handle people. I mean you were friends with Ko and Tsuki after all- Being those two idiots best friend now, I know how parallel they are.”
He chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Oh yeah, they were so much worse in high school too...”
“Yes, yes, I'm aware.” I laughed with him and we chatted a bit more.
Before we knew it, it was already getting dark. “Oh, the reason I brought you here in the first place is still waiting,” he said with a bright smile.
“Theres more?”
“Well yeah, that was just to pass the time a bit more.”
We stood and walked around a bit more before he stopped and looked around, making sure no one was around before walking through a wall of vines and greenery, pulling me through with him.
I looked around at the new scenery with a perplexed look on my face. “What is all this?”
“This is my favorite place in this city.” He grabbed my hands and looked deep into my eyes. “I set it all up in hopes you’ll except.”
I looked at our hands then back at him. “Are you about to propose to me or something, kitten?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “No... not yet at least.” he smirked.
I blushed lightly and rolled my eyes.
“I brought you here to formally ask you if you would be interested in being my boyfriend.”
“if I'd be interested in being your boyfriend, hmm?” I put my finger to my chin and tilted my head, looking at him with a smirk. “I suppose the thought does intrigue me a smidge.
“So, what do you say then, puppy?”
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masterlist || next || previous
☞ Fateful encounters happen all the time. When you find yourself after a bad breakup getting pressured by friends into making an online dating profile, you give in and do it. The fateful encounter to come wasn’t quite what you were expecting though.
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A/N: uh... this didn’t go as planned- what is this fluffy shit😤 I want to go back to murdering your hearts please and thank you✋😔 oh and there will probably only be like two ish more parts maybe?? Idk hope you enjoyed!
taglist: @kookie-doughs @sparklylandflaplawyer @azztronut @channiechanchan @choke-medazai @420-uwu @afire24
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acommonloon · 3 years
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about last night's mperfect ending. After stops at three Louisville venues, each more fun than the last, we decided to get a nightcap in New Albany. We didn't manage to get a drink at any of four stops in that sleepy town but we did witness a police officer chasing a black man down the side of State Street. Still watching for a news report.
Alternately a night for Morgans
D's niece's husband, J, is a sweet guy. He has almost no family of his own living in the area and his own family unit consists of an unruly teen (not his) a precocious 6 year old and 3 year old twins. It's a lot.
With that in mind, I always wait for him to contact me and he always earns his kitchen passes so when he texted me he had a free night out I was glad to hang with him. I only asked if he had a curfew. No sir. He's nearing 40 and regularly admits he wishes he could more often frequent the places D and I do, meaning bars and restaurants. I remember those days when self came last.
Our 1st stop was World of Beer. With 50+ taps and hundreds of bottles and cans sitting in glass front coolers directly across from the bar, it's one of my go to spots. J immediately set about building a flight of five small pours while I took my time picking one or two low gravity beers to sip since I was driving. They had two bartenders on this Wednesday night, Morgan was ours and our service was prompt and friendly. By the time we finished a plate of tots, loaded with melted cheese and fresh jalapeno slices I had our plan.
I hadn't been to Commonwealth Tap since before 2020. This small wine bar is in a movie set sort of town called Norton Commons. Think "The Truman Show." The houses were all built over a small number of years and though they are comprised of many different styles, with no two near each other being the same, they are on the same size lots and there is no variety in terms of weathering or decoration. Everything to plan. Unreal. Creepy.
I glanced at the wine list on a chalkboard noticing a Turley Zin at $18 and a Cotes de Rhone at $8. When the bartender asked what I wanted, I said, "Talk me out of the Turley and into the Cotes. He hesitated for a second and I said, "I want something minerally, earthy, not fruity." Like a Beaujolais Morgon or an Italian grown on the side of a volcano. Before he could reply, a guy sitting at the bar said we don't have that on tap. The Cotes is your best option and the bartender handed me a generous taste saying, try that.
I took the glass all the while evaluating the man who'd spoken up. He'd said "we" don't have that. He was alone at the bar except for us. I doubted he was just a bold regular, maybe drunk, who felt everyone benefited from his opinion, he wasn't drunk. Then he stood up and walked over the the wine racks. His search was one of familiarity and he pulled a bottle and sat it down on the bar next to me. Was he an employee or maybe a distributor on good terms with the staff? Then he began talking about the wine, about his many trips to France, and I suddenly I knew. "You're an owner here aren't you?"
He laughed and admitted he was. He introduced himself, Neal Morgan and for the next 40 mins or so he told us about himself and the bar. He told us about his wife, a pediatrician who worked for 20 years in Indiana and he went so far as to describe his Scottish heritage along with his general thinking about wines. When he said he was going a friend's house for a pizza party, I thought he was about to leave. Then he said he was going to take a kick ass wine but first he wanted me to taste it. It was a California pinot noir priced at $30 more than the first bottle he'd put down on the bar. It was fantastic! He gave us tasting notes and I admitted I couldn't perceive half of what he reeled off. I said he spoke like a sommelier and he laughed again and said he claimed he had a better palate than Kenny, the sommelier who worked for him. He thanked us for coming in and seemed sincere. When he left, J looked at me and said, "That was amazing." I laughed and said it was a Wednesday at a bar.
Before we left, I asked Rainha to make me a Penicillin and we talked about Scotch. She related how she introduced her brother to Scotch and now that's all he drank. We talked about how things were during the shutdown and I told her about a new place I'd been the previous Saturday. Outside, J exclaimed this was just the best time! He said he'd never be able to talk staff like that, let alone the owner. I said talking to industry people was one of my favorite things. They are so interesting and I think they find it refreshing when someone at the bar wants to hear about them instead of wanting to talk about themselves. Then I said, I know where we'll go next. Maybe Stephen is working.
Our next stop was at Cuvee Wine Table and Stephen greeted me at the door with a huge "Shane!" and a hug. If J was impressed with Commonwealth, I thought he should fasten his seatbelt. Stephen is a trip. Except, Stephen exclaimed I'm on this side of the bar now! To my quizzical look, he said he was the manager now. Amidst introductions, our bartender, Andie came over and introduced herself. She was tall, regally thin, and wore a colorful scarf on her head. She offered an engaging personality I perceived as professional banter but sensed alos she seemed to enjoy her job.
When I described what kind of wine I preferred, she said, "OOh how about a white?" Ooookay??? I thought to myself, this is going to be fun. Stephen came back as Andy set my glass down in front of me and asked, "What are we having?" Andie said, it's the Santorini. Stephen, a newly minted sommelier, immediately launched into an enthusiastic description about this remarkable wine from a Greek Island. He said it was so constantly windy, they braided the vine boughs into bowls to protect the fruit on the inside. I smelled it and it reminded me of a Sav Blanc but when I tasted it, I knew I'd found a new favorite. It had a salty savory aspect with more minerality than any white I'd had previously.
Andie was from Lexington and our other bartender, Heather, was newly arrived from the Nashville area. Heather was training behind the bar but seemed tres calm. At one point she asked us to wish her luck and I realized she was going to take an order. When she came back, I was a little surprised but delighted when J asked her where she was from specifically. It turned out they were from the same area and knew the same high schools and such. Great fun. When Stephen came and asked if we were eating, I said, "What am I having?" The cassoulet he responded immediately and then he tried to add in sweet breads but I insisted I was out on that. J selected a flatbread and when my giant bowl of white beans with pork and a small chicken leg came, I felt I'd got the better order. He admitted sheepishly he just didn't like beans and that was that.
I suggested we finish with a French brandy served in proper snifters and asked for a bottle of the Santorini to go home. It was full dark but comfortably warm walking to the car and J asked if I were up for one more on him. I suggested we go see Emily at Brooklyn and the Butcher. She made me a perfect drink in January and I'd been craving another ever since.
All the way to New Albany, J kept bringing up how much he enjoyed the two wine bars and how he hoped he and his wife could indulge in similar experiences when their children were older. He worried his wife didn't really like anything but sweet wine and was picky about that. I laughed and said D was exactly the same but she was game to hang out and recently started to appreciate ciders and frutied beers, and even some semi-sweet wines.
There were still plenty of cars parked on the street when we arrived at Brooklyn and the Butcher. I noticed there was no one at the hostess stand when we walked in but I breezed past into the bar. There were two women sitting at the bar and I was a bit disappointed when I realized the bartender wasn't Emily. I was even more so when she came over and apologized but said they'd closed already. I laughed and made a joke about the owner being an old man for closing so early then I realized who it was sitting at the bar. I asked, "Is that Emily sitting at the bar?" she said it was and I got up and walked over. We talked for ten minutes about my last visit and I asked her about her trip to Savannah. She kept apologizing for the bar being closed but I assured her I would be back. It was fine, we'd walk down to The Earl.
I got a bad vibe the minute we walked in. The bar was mostly full and there was only one bartender. He was wearing short shorts and took forever to get us a drink menu then never looked our way for the next five minutes. I suggested we go to Recbar nearby. There it was the same. The lone bartender, woman this time, was overwhelmed and though the bar was half empty she never looked our way before I lost patience.
Okay then. We were driving to my final option (so I thought) when I stopped at a light. J said, "Look at that! A cop is chasing that guy!" Sure enough through the sparse traffic I could see a black guy sprinting along the side of the normally busy road. His arms were pistoning up and down, his hands flattened into chopping motions like a track sprinter. Coming behind but steadily losing ground was a hefty police officer. He looked ridiculous and I can only imagine he might be thinking everyone watching thought he looked ridiculous. I wondered if he might pull his gun.
The light turned green then and I moved forward. That's when we spotted a car with the front passenger side crushed in where it had impacted the guardrail, on the opposite side of the road. There was a cop car with its lights flashing parked behind it. I couldn't see any activity around the cars as we drove past. About a half mile up the road we pulled into the parking lot of our 4th attempt to get a last drink. It was closed.
We laughed and decided we'd had enough fun. As we headed back towards the scene of the incident, sirens and flashing lights were suddenly all around us. I guess there was a manhunt. I weaved through parked cruisers while J counted eight more with lights flashing on side streets . Fifteen minutes later I dropped him off. He thanked me profusely but it nothing but what I like to do anyway.
20 mins later I pulled into the garage and for a second my heart did the little flutter it always does when I see D's car parked in its spot. Then I sighed remembering she wasn't home and wouldn't be for another week.
Just a Wednesday.
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
ssa hotchner: chapter 2 - one week
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TW: threats, language, talking abt abuse/what happened to y/n the night before, mild drinking
WC: 5,116
series masterlist
you woke up to the bright sun peeking in through your window past the hills, shining brightly into your eyes. you sat up, and rubbed your eyes in attempt to wake yourself up even more. you looked over at your clock to see the tie was already half past 6 a.m.
you didn't have to go to work for the first time in what felt like forever. trudging out of bed, you made your way into your bathroom and started the hot water.
the cut on your face looks exponentially better than it did last night. the handprint's swelling on your face had gone down quite a bit, but the bruise on your arm was definitely still there.
you brushed your teeth while you waited on the water to warm up. once the shower was ready, you shed your clothes and hopped inside. you took your time, letting the events of last night try to sink into your mind.
after you finished up, you used a towel to dry your hair a bit and got dressed in some leggings and a large t-shirt. you figured you might as well be comfortable if you didn't have anything else to do.
going back into your living room you decided to read the note that was taped to your gate. you pulled the bin out, followed by the shoe box, followed by the note.
you've been receiving them for close to 7 years now, ever since that high profile case you did for the bau. honestly, there was no telling if the letters were from more than one person. they are all typed and printed out.
at first they were all 'thank yous' for putting away a serial killer, but then came the anniversary of him being in prison... and people got a bit angry. then, people who were grateful for you putting him away forgot about it, as they should since they have lives of their own, and all that was left were the people who were angry.
the people who would wish you were dead. the people who think you should be inside there with the other killers. the people who were upset about you putting their 'true love' away for good. those were the people you were scared of.
the people that knew your address.
the people that sent you death threats.
those were the terrifying ones. the ones that kept you up at night, looking out of your window, trying to see if anyone was truly out there. nobody ever was. logically, you knew that nobody was out there lurking.
but if you told big bro, he would go all fbi on the letters. he would try to figure out who sent them, and send them to jail themselves. you didn't know if they were truly a threat, so what's the point in poking the bear? if they got too terrible, you would tell him. maybe...
you son of a bitch. you should've been his last victim so you wouldn't be here and he would be. you're nothing but a manipulative little bitch.
you don't deserve anything you have handed to you.
go die, bastard.
you folded it back up and placed it in the box, the bin, then pushed it underneath the couch.
were you worried? of course. would you tell anyone? not yet. if your fear became unmanageable, you would let someone know.
the only problem with the notes is that there was no return address. you put up security cameras everywhere around your gate in hopes of catching the culprit(s) on video, but sadly they were able to hack into the cameras you had gotten.
you would check the video footage after you received a note or picture. the time stamp went from 8:54 to 9:03, meaning they probably hacked into it before they got there.
maybe garcia could find whoever hacked into it every night if you needed her to. surely she would be able to work her magic when necessary.
you went into your room to check your phone for any new messages.
a <3: what're you doing for lunch today? feel up to spending time together two days in a row? let me know whenever you can; there's no case today.
you: i don't have any plans at all today, i guess i'll just have to suffer through another lunch with you.
and... sent.
unknown number: hi, y/n. it's spencer. i just wanted to know how're you doing? is the cut on your face okay?
you: hey back genius :) i'm doing pretty well, all things considered. my face is looking much better than it was before i went to bed, thank you for asking.
while waiting for a response, you decided to clean the house a bit. you vacuumed your rugs, washed the dishes in your sink, did your laundry, and that was pretty much all you had to do today. everything done before 10 a.m.
checking your phone, there were two more messages, one from each of the guys.
a <3: great! would you mind just meeting me at the office around 11:30?
you: that's no problem at all. any place in mind?
you checked the other message from spencer.
spencer :) : i'm glad you're doing well, y/n. and to clear things up, your face didn't look bad at all last night, bruise and cut included.
what a little charmer...
you: thanks for the clarity, it's very appreciated. so how've you been since last night? save any other damsels in distress?
you put your phone down and decided to start getting ready. you opted for some blue jeans, high rise, and a lavender halter top. you paired that with some white high-top converse and threw on your gray blazer spencer brought you from last night, after you retrieved it from the dryer.
wearing something so casual, you decided to just wear your natural hair to the office. you did, however, need to cover the remnants of your adventure last night so aaron wouldn't be upset upon seeing something.
you used some good ol' color corrector, concealer, a bit of foundation, and some powder to cover the bruises and fail to disguise the cut. then again, there's not much that can be done to cover that up.
you checked the time on your phone, 10:53, and saw two more message notifications.
a <3: i was thinking about ordering some mexican food to the office so we could just stay there.
you: i'm good with anything, so that sounds great! i'll see you soon.
you sent the message and hopped over to the one spencer had sent you.
spencer :) : sadly, no other damsels. although i suppose that could be considered a good thing to most. oh! and if you were wondering, i got your number from garcia. i wasn't stalking you or anything, no worries.
you: yes, i'm glad i was the only damsel in need of saving last night. also, if i were to find out you had been stalking me, i don't think i'd be afraid. in fact, i'd probably be more flattered that THE dr. spencer reid would consider me stalk-worthy.
was it flirtatious? yes. would it make him flustered? probably. would i enjoy being the person that flustered him? absolutely.
you got into your car and began the journey to quantico. the drive isn't very long, only about twenty minutes. you hopped out of the car, and made your way to the front desk to check in. looking over your shoulder, you saw none other than spencer reid walking up to you before the woman gave you your visitor's badge.
"hi there, damsel," spencer smiled as he greeted you. you walked closer to him after thanking the lady.
"hey, hero," you laughed as you both got closer. "is it too soon to hug you?"
"oh, uhm... not at all. i was actually-yes. i do want to- i'm just gonna..." he stuttered as he opened his arms for you to snuggle into.
"i like your hugs," you surprisingly announced.
"th-thank you," he smiled as he rested his chin on your head, secretly enjoying the coconutty scent that wafted off your hair into his nose.
"yea this is gonna be the new greeting tactic for us. just saying," you huffed into his chest.
"i wouldn't mind that at all," he laughed before you pulled back from his embrace, giving his shoulders a little squeeze before relinquishing all contact.
"okay, i'm here to see aaron. i'm assuming he's in his office, like always?" you rose one eyebrow in question before feeling a hand on your shoulder, turning to see aaron.
"i'm not always in my office," he rebutted as he embraced you in his arms. "how are you?" he asked nicely.
"i'm good! i hope you aren't overworking yourself like you usually tend to do," you voiced into his chest. he pulled back, not releasing your shoulders but looking deeply at your face.
"what's that?" he pointed to your cheekbone, his brows furrowing in concentration.
"oh, pshh. it's nothing," you shrugged as you waved his hand off, noticing spencer behind aaron with a look on his face that suggested you tell your brother what it was.
"y/n. what happened?" he pushed, giving you his 'brother' look.
"fine," you huffed. "i was gonna have to explain it eventually," you rolled your eyes. "last night before i left, ron got a bit handsy. before he did too much, spencer showed up to return my jacket. things got out of hand, ron might've slapped me, spencer might've pushed him against a wall, all's well that ends well," you grinned in hopes that he wouldn't have understood a word you just uttered.
"ron slapped you?" he asked in disbelief, his face still showing no emotion as per usual.
"yea, but spencer stopped him before he got to do anything else. oh! i don't have a job at all anymore, so i'm free for the next two weeks," you pressed your lips together.
"reid was there?" he turned to face spencer, who's face looked like a deer in the headlights.
"yup. i don't know what would've happened if he didn't show up. i really owe him, aaron," you said, trying to calm your brother down from the edge he was not-so-clearly teetering on.
"well, reid. uhh, thank you. and y/n. you should've told me this the second it happened," he ordered, looking at you shooting daggers.
"sir, yes, sir," you nodded off. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you. i just knew you'd be upset and i figured since everything's okay now that it wasn't important," you shrugged, trying to diffuse the situation.
"it is important. it will always be important because you're important to me," he emphasized before taking a deep breath. "as long as you'll tell me next time i think i'll be okay."
"great! now when's the food supposed to get here because... food," you excitedly asked as you followed aaron as he turned to go to his office.
"it'll be here in about 10 more minutes," he announced as he motioned for her to sit beside him in the chairs in front of his desk. "so... what's the full story of what happened?"
"are we really gonna talk about that right now?" you huffed, clearly over the situation from last night.
"yes. we are. harassment is a serious issue that should be dealt with accordingly. you know that, y/n," he reasoned, propping his arm on his desk as he looked at you with his stern face.
"i do know that. i also know that he only ever did that to me. he has a wife and two kids; he'd never do anything to put them in jeopardy," you announced, trying to convince aaron not to press the issue any further.
"but he would be willing to risk a law suit from you because of what happened?" he questioned in defiance, not accepting the ask to drop it.
"i wouldn't give him a law suit, aaron. you know that," you remarked, leaning in towards him slightly.
"you should. logically, you should sue him for hitting you. and i'm assuming for whatever else he's done to you in the past," he corrected you.
"how do you know he's done anything in the past?" you questioned, aaron nodding his head to the side. "right. profiler," you sighed. "look, he used to call me names i'm uncomfortable with, but now i won't have to deal with him. i don't work there anymore and never will again."
"you may not work there, but what if another woman starts working in the office? who's to say he won't harass them as well?" you looked down into your lap, fondling your fingers in avoidance. "look, i'm not trying to be rude about it. i just don't like seeing you hurt, and to know that the guy who hurt you isn't getting anything done to him is ludicrous."
"i know. you've always looked out for me since we were kids, but i'm not a kid anymore. i'm a grown woman and can take care of my own business when i need to," you replied softly, placing your hand over top aaron's in comfort. "but thank you, for always caring. i know you do it because you love me, even though you don't say it often," you laughed, trying to bring some light hearted-ness to the situation.
"i do..." he nodded along. "love you, that is," he added with a rare smile.
aaron has always been there for you. ever since you were kids, because of you dad he would take the role of protector for both you, sean, and your mom.
because of his role of 'protector,' he has this external shell that he feels as though he can't shed. in his mind, if he sheds it he's not able to mask his feelings, leaving not only himself but also those he protects vulnerable.
"i love you too, a.," you smiled back, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it from your grip. aaron took his phone and checked the time.
"the food's here now," he announced as he went to go pick it up from the front desk.
when he returned he gave you the food and you began to eat together, him telling you the latest garcia story that got quite the kick out of you until his attention went elsewhere.
"... so...?" aaron asked sneakily, a sly grin appearing on his face.
"... so what?" you furrowed your brows in question as you took a sip of your drink.
"you and reid, huh?" he widened his eyes in suspicion.
"what about me and reid?" you wanted to press him further, even though you knew exactly what he meant.
"that's exactly what i would like to know. what's going on with you and reid?" he finalized, pointing his fork accusingly at you.
"nothings going on with me and spencer," you raised your hands in defense. "i just drove him home after he intervened in the... situation, last night so i made sure to thank him. he texted me earlier today to ask me how i was holding up after yesterday evening- like a gentleman," you pointed out, raising your eyebrows to establish some sort of dominance you knew you didn't have over your brother.
"right," he said in a sing-song voice, you rolled your eyes at his tone.
"shut up," you scoffed as you threw away each of yours' trash. "so, i think it's time for me to go," you smiled as you turned to face aaron from the doorway.
"ahh, right," he sighed with a small grin. "i actually talked to strauss about getting you onto the team," he raised his eyebrows.
"did you, now?" you smirked. "what'd she say about it?"
"she said that you'd need to fill out an application, and that if you were to be hired there'd be a trial run first to see if everything would work out smoothly," he announced happily.
"really? so there's a chance i could work here?!" you squealed, rubbing your lips into a tight line from the excitement.
"a pretty good one, at that. i actually have an application right," he reached over his desk to retrieve a couple pages stapled together, "here," he smiled, handing you the application forms.
"oh my gosh!" you shouted, throwing your arms over your brother's stomach and squeezing him tightly. "this is so exciting! do you think i'm actually qualified?" you asked, pulling back from his embrace.
"are you kidding? of course you are?" he asked incredulously. "just fill those out, return them to strauss, and i'm sure she'll review them quickly," he nodded.
"right. i'll get going now," you smiled widely. "thank you, a. thank you so much," you said, giving him one last hug before you whooshed out of the door, papers in hand.
you walked down the stairs and out of the glass doors towards the elevator. the doors started to close after you pressed the 'lobby' button, but there was a brown satchel stuffed between them to stop the from closing right before they shut. once thy opened back up, you noticed who the bag belonged to.
"hey, spencer," you smiled, scooting over in the elevator to make more room for him.
"hey, y/n. how was your lunch?" he asked, returning your smile.
"it was pretty good. aaron gave me an application for the bau, which is very exciting," you bit back a wide grin.
"really?" he asked happily, his eyebrows raised, you nodded in return. "that's so great!" he said cheerily, wrapping his arms around your waist an lifting you off the elevator floor as the two of you giggled together.
"i know! if i'm being honest, i'm a bit nervous about it, y'know?" you said as he placed you back onto your feet, your hands still on his biceps.
"why? we already know you'll fit in well and do great. what's making you nervous?" he asked, his head tilting slightly as he looked at you with a confused expression.
"i don't know..." you started. "i guess since i've only worked at one job, doing one thing, moving nowhere, staying stagnant, i just don't know anything else," you shrugged.
"it's actually incredibly normal to feel nervous about a new job. over 80% of working professionals feel nervous or anxious when starting a new job," he clarified as the elevator doors opened, you both walking out together. "think of it this way: you know the material, you're more than qualified, you know everyone you'd be working with, and you're passionate about what you'll be doing. there's no doubt that you'll do amazing," he encouraged as you continued the walk to your car.
"thank you. at least i know i'm not the only one that gets this way," you sighed. "so why'd you walk all the way out here?" you giggled. "don't you still have work?"
"uhh, yes. i-i do have to work. i just f-figured- i just wanted to uh, talk to you?" he stuttered out, clearly not realizing how charming it was.
"well, thank you, spencer. i really enjoy our little chats," you nodded as you unlocked your car. "thanks for walking me out. i'll see you?" you asked.
"yea, yes. i will uhm, see you later. goodbye, y/n," he smiled gorgeously.
"see you later, spencer," you grinned back as you closed your door and began to drive off after buckling up.
halfway home, you got a call from someone. you pressed the bluetooth answer button on your radio to answer.
"hello?" you replied, readjusting your hands on your wheel.
"y/n hotchner. i can't believe you were at the office and didn't even bother to say hi to me!" emily's voice rang through the speakers.
"emily! hello to you too," you giggled.
"you even said hi to reid! but not me?" she shouted. "what gives?"
"sorry, i just kinda ran into him, i guess. well, he ran into me," you corrected yourself.
"what does that mean?"
"well, he kinda stopped me while i was in the elevator so he could talk to me. he's such a good friend," you complimented.
"only friend?" emily asked suggestively.
"yes, em. only friends," you laughed at the insinuation.
while it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be more than friends with him, it certainly wasn't the right time for a serious relationship in your life yet.
"righhtt... anyway, that's not the only reason i called you," she stated.
"and why did you do that?" you asked as you turned onto the highway, a straight shot to the street with your house on it.
"i wanted to know if you'd like to come with us to a bar after we get off of work tonight?" she asked.
"hmm... who's 'we'?"
"well there's me, morgan, garcia, and you if you'll come?"
"sure, it sounds fun," you agreed. "besides, not like i have anything to do with no job and all," you laughed out.
"great! now we could probably convince reid to come now that you're going!" she exclaimed.
"jeez, em," you huffed as you rolled your eyes and turned onto your street.
"you know it's true. morgan's already teasing him about it and everything," she snorted out over the phone.
"oh poor spencer..." you grimaced as you thought about the relentless teases.
"yea, yea, yea. but you're coming, and there's no backing out! i'll just pick you up before i head to the bar. be ready at 8, ma'am. dress hot, please, garcia and i already agreed to it," she demanded.
"yes ma'am, sounds good," you nodded even though she can't see you.
"alright, love you, bye," she said, holding out the 'e'.
"love you too, bye," you said as she hung up the phone, finally turning into your driveway to be met with your gate.
you entered the code and the gate opened, allowing you to drive half a mile up to your house. you had always wanted a nice, big house as a child. the kind that people had in movies, and everyone looked at online. you signed a lease for this house a while back, and got an amazing deal on it sense you knew who owned it previously.
unlocking your door, you walked into your house with the papers in hand. you walked into your dining room and started filling the papers out easily. it was only 1 p.m., so you had a while before you had to start getting ready for going out with them tonight.
you threw on a maroon colored corduroy skirt, tucking in your spaghetti strap, black tank top. adding some black  heeled booties, you added a few silver pieces of jewelry.
after adding some mascara, lip gloss, and a bit more powder you felt like you were ready to walk out of the door. you did a few spritzes of perfume before grabbing your black crossbody purse, letting it hang on one shoulder before grabbing your black denim jacket, dashing out of the door to emily's car.
"hey em," you said as you swung the door open, crawling not-so-gracefully inside.
"hey there," she said as she examined what you were wearing. "i seriously did my makeup for half an hour and you come out looking like that? it should be illegal to look that hot, y/n," she rolled her eyes with a huff.
"are you kidding me?" you replied, looking over to see what she was wearing herself.
she had on a short, black dress that had a low neckline, allowing tasteful cleavage to show through. she wore that with some red pumps to match her lipstick and some shimmery eyeshadow.
"okay, you can't say that. you look hot, em! don't sell yourself short," you punched her arm playfully.
"yea, yea, yea," she said, beginning to drive out of your driveway.
once you arrived to the bar, it looked like it was almost full. the music was loud, and you could feel the base through your feet on the floor. it took you about a minute until you could find the others, derek, pen, and spencer, sitting at a booth in the corner of the bar.
because of how crowded it was, you sat across from penny and derek and in between spencer and emily. you were practically on top of spencer because of how small the seats were, the poor guy.
"damn, you look great, y/n," derek gushed before looking at spencer with a smirk. "don't you think, pretty boy?" he laughed out, earning a jab from penny in the stomach.
"play nice, derek," she scolded him. "but you do look great, y/n. your legs look amazeballs in that outfit... like wow," she exaggerated.
"oh, shush," you blushed. "i'm kinda hungry... you guys?" you asked them.
"i could go for some cheese sticks," emily replied.
"i ate before we came here," spencer replied with a smile, leaning into your ear a little bit to answer.
"so cheese sticks and... cheese fries? i adore cheese fries," penny added.
"i'm okay with whatever. i'll go order," you said as emily got up to let you out.
"i'll help," spencer added as he scooted out with you.
"great, any drink requests?" you asked, pointing out to all three others.
"jack and coke," emily requested.
"anything fruity they have!" pen told you.
"whiskey, on the rocks," derek said with a smile.
"you've got it," you said as you turned around, realizing how crowded it was as you tried to weave through the first few people in your way.
you felt a hand grip yours firmly, turning to see it was spencer's hand you felt a sigh of relief wash over you. he leant down to your ear to talk to you, so you leaned a bit closer to him.
"i'm gonna put my arm around your waist so we can get through easier. is that okay?" he asked. his breath on your neck and ear almost distracted you from the question.
"y-yea. that's uhm... that's okay," you nodded your head as you felt his arm snake around your waist, pulling you closer to his side.
you moved one of your arms around his torso in return, squeezing yourself further into your side so you could avoid bumping into as many people. you could smell his sweet cologne, and the smell of what seemed to be coffee and old books. the warmth of his entire being was undeniable, drawing you closer to his presence.
eventually when you made it to the bar, you both kept your arms around the other. after ordering the food and drinks, you finally pulled your arm back, but stayed just as close to him.
"have you filled the application out yet?" spencer asked sweetly, leaning into your body.
"yea, i finished them just before i got ready to come here, actually," you nodded your head with a smile. "i guess you could say i'm a bit eager to start working."
"i think that's a good thing," he smiled brightly.
"oh, it definitely is!" you agreed. "i'm just so bored at the house. i've only been gone for a day and i need something to do, y'know?" you shrugged.
"busybody?" he questioned.
"oh you have no idea," you laughed, pushing his shoulder back playfully.
"i guess it runs in the family. hotch is always working on something as well," he mentioned. "so working at the bau would be a great fit for you both."
"yea, i sure hope so," you said longingly. "so what else do you do for fun... besides reading and working, of course," you asked.
"uhmm, i enjoy magic, i guess," he expressed.
"really?" you perked up, straightening out your posture at what he revealed.
"yea. i know a few little party tricks. wanna see?" spencer proposed, you nodded eagerly. "okay," he licked his lips as he began digging into his pocket and pulled out a $20 bill, also getting a pen. "watch..." he said as he jabbed the green paper with the pen.
"okay?" you squinted your eyebrows at what he was doing, unsure of where this trick was leading.
he then started to drag the paper around the pen, not tearing the bill at all. you felt your jaw drop in awe as he continued playing with it. then, he drug the pen all the way out of the bill, not a hole in sight. he made the bill disappear, leaving you stunned.
"what? how did you-? where did it-?" you stuttered, looking at him accusingly.
he reached around your hair, behind your ear and pulled out the same twenty dollar bill as earlier, a smug look on his face as he did so.
"okay... wow." you said as you began slow-clapping in awe. "i'm thoroughly impressed, spencer."
"thanks," he smiled shyly as he tucked the bill back into his pocket. "i've been doing magic since i was a kid. it's one of my hobbies when i'm we're not trying to catch serial killers," he shrugged.
"i'd say you've picked a good hobby," you chuckled. "i bet kids love it when you do them, huh?"
"yea, it's quite the entertainment for children," he nodded. "i love their reaction to it. it just makes me happy that i can bring a smile to their face."
"that, spencer, is fascinating," you complimented as the bartender handed you the drinks and spencer the food to take back to the table.
walking back was much easier than your journey to the bar, people actually making way for others with their hands full of refreshments. at least some people still had their manners.
"okay guys," you addressed as you began passing out the drinks, "here is your whiskey, jack and coke, and a tequila sunrise for pen."
"ouuu! i like the sound of that!" penny cheered as she took a sip of the drink, her eyes widening with delight.
"thank you, ma'am," derek thanked as he took a sip of his drink.
"absolutely perfect, y/n," emily relished in her beverage.
the rest of the night was fun. you laughed, joked, and danced with the girls. you even got to know spencer a bit more, much to your liking.
the next day you turned in your application, and was surprised when you got the job on the spot. you would begin your trial run in one week.
and you couldn't believe how fast that week went by, because as soon as you blinked, you were in the bullpen of the bau at your very own desk.
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