#coloured shower door seals
goldrays · 2 months
Colored Shower Door Sweeps: Enhancing Functionality and Style in Modern Bathrooms
In modern bathroom design, every detail holds significance, from the tiles on the floor to the fixtures on the walls. Among these essential elements, colored shower door sweep is a crucial component, often underestimated yet fundamentally vital.
In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of shower door seals, exploring their practical functions, aesthetic contributions, and considerations for selecting the perfect seal for your shower enclosure.
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rbbrbikerthorp · 11 months
A Room For The Night
“Urgh!” I said to myself as I walked down the dingy corridor looking at the numbers on the doors. A sign points the way; up another flight of stairs.
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“Room 507 - here it is,″ I said to myself..I put an actual key key into the lock. I turn it to the door to the attic bedroom, I still can’t believe that all the known chains in town were full for the night. After. a really long day trudging around the city from meeting to meeting and then entertaining a customer, I’d missed my last train home. I must’ve checked out two dozen hotels online before I managed to find one with a room. I guess ‘beggars can’t be choosers’.
As I opened the door the stench hit me in the face; a mix of smoke, damp and old furniture offended my nose. No point complaining; there was no alternatives and it would only be for one night.
I dropped my bag on the bed and walked over to the sash window to see If I could open it, but it wouldn’t budge. Years of painting had sealed it shut.  
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I looked around the room to see if there was another way to get some ventilation in. There was ventilation panel and a switch on the wall below it. When I flicked the switch, I was pleasantly surprised that hotel had fitted one of those silent air-con units you can hear faintly as opposed to one with a fan that creates an unbearable noise. I looked around the room and spotted a TV on the wall, there was a fridge and kettle. I also noticed a wardrobe, but as I was only staying one night I wouldn’t unpack my bag. 
I guess the day was catching up with me, because I began to feel very tired. Just then I remembered I had to send a couple of emails before the end of the day. So I grabbed my laptop and sat at the desk. As I typed away, I could hear comforting sound of the air conditioning whispering away in the background . “Mmmm perhaps this wasn’t so bad for one night,“ I thought. The two important emails were sent plus, I sent another to my department head summarising meetings - not something I’d normally do, but I felt compelled to do it on this occasion. I logged out and closed my laptop.
I decided to take a shower before bed. I stripped out of my suit trousers and shirt and head into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, and stepped in, the hot water immediately relieved the tension in my muscles. Not having planned to stay away for the night I didn’t have any toiletries with me, but I was amazed to discover a hotel of this standard actually provided a selection of bathroom amenities for guests.
I cracked open the shower gel and rubbed it into my hair. I whiffed the scent, “wow that’s really overpowering,” I thought. I tried to figure out what the scent was but for some reason my mind wandered onto other things. I massaged it into my hair, lost in the smell, closing my eyes. I stood under the water raining down from the shower head feeling the suds wash out of my hair.. I reopened the bottle of shower gel and applied it everywhere, wanting the smell to cover me entirely. The smell is making me feel soooooooo relaxed and sooooooo horny. Eventually, I know I’ve left the soap on me for long enough and rinse myself off
Turning off the shower, I step out and grab one of the towels from the rail and dry myself off. I felt so drained but also so relaxed. I walk out of the en-asuite and drop the towel on the floor and, fully naked, I climb under the covers. At the side of the bed is the remote control, I grab it and turn on the TV. 
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When the screen came alive there was just static. I flicked through the channels, but it was the same. “Urgh”, I thought, “here we go, the TV doesn’t work.” I was about to get up and see whether the cable had come loose but I found myself captivated by the colours on the screen. There was also a strange humming noise emanating from the television that made it hard to think. I laid there, watching the pretty colours,”sooooo beauuutifullll…” As I watched I became hornier and hornier but I found couldn’t move a muscle. I began to panic, the static was interspersed by coloured spirals and then there were flashes. the flashes grew brighter and more frequent - I’m sure the flashes were actually words but I couldn’t tell. I kept staring at the screen, open-mouthed. 
All I could do was stare at the screen. Sometime later the screen finally went blank. I reached to the bedside table and switched off the light. I quickly drifted off to sleep listening to the soundtrack of the whispering air conditioning.
I vaguely recall having this weird dream when suddenly I came around. Rolling over I tapped my phone to check the time, it was only 3:30am. A thought entered my head - I needed to get up and check the wardrobe. “What? Are you serious?” I laid there for what felt like ages , but the thought didn’t go away. In fact the voice in my head kept getting louder, Check the wardrobe...Check the wardrobe...Check the wardrobe..It kept getting louder still. Check the wardrobe... Eventually the compulsion took over. I climbed out of bed and walked over the wardrobe, and opened the door. 
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As I pulled the doors open, right away there was a rank smell of old leather and cigarette smoke. Hanging inside the wardrobe were some clothes and a pair of boots. Even though I knew thugs wore clothes like these, I couldn’t help myself, I had to touch them. My hand brushed against the green bomber jacket; I felt a static charge that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I picked up the boots, lifted them and held them to my face. They looked as though they’d been well worn. I took a deep breath. Inside each one, someone had stuffed in a sock. At first the smell of foot odour and leather was overpowering, but after inhaling the scent for a few minutes I felt intoxicated and started feeling horny again. 
I picked up the pair of jeans that looked like they’d been splashed with bleach. They looked like they’d been worn a few times since the last wash. There was also a black polo shirt on another hanger. “Hmmm,” I thought, “The last person staying here must have left this behind. I’ll have to mention this to reception when I check out. I put everything back in its place, closed the wardrobe door and went back to bed to try and get some more sleep. 
Back in bed I laid staring at the ceiling listening to the whispering air con. “Was that a voice I could hear? Was it telling me I should try on the clothes hanging in the wardrobe. Why on earth would I want to try on another person’s worn, actually well-worn clothes?” I laid in bed contemplating what the voice in my head was telling me to do. After a while i thought, “maybe I could try the clothes on - it would be a laugh. No, what am I thinking?” I was restless in bed. In the end the voice was becoming unbearable, I caved in. I got out of bed, opened the wardrobe again, and inhaled deeply. This time the smell didn’t offend me. I took out the contents put them on the bed and looked at them closely.
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I grabbed the bleached jeans and slid them on, one leg at a time. I struggled to get into them as they were skin tight, probably a size too small compared to any trousers I’d normally wear. I stood up and walked to the mirror. The jeans had been cut short, so they just covered the knee. There was a clear bulge at the front. I turned around; the jeans were nice and tight around my arse. “Where did that thought come from?” I walked back over to the bed and picked up the black polo, with yellow piping on the collar. I raised my arms, slid it over my head. I looked okay to say I’m not the slimmest I could be.. My horniness was increasing.
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The boots were next. I felt a definite tingle all over my body as I picked them up. I pulled the socks out and one at a time, I rolled up them up my legs. I studied the boots; the white laces were pristine. This was a total contrast to the rest of the clothes, which had been used multiple times. I could tell there was a certain way the previous owner had set about lacing them up.  It took me a few minutes to work out how to copy what had been done before that would, in the end, create a ladder effect. Instinctively knew they needed to be laced tightly onto my feet, so I started with the left and then moved onto the right boot. After a short while I’d got the the boots on my feet. I stood up and walked around. The boots felt heavier than anything I’d worn on my feet. 
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Walking around the bedroom in these tightly laced boots than went all the way to the top of my calf muscles was amazing. I was getting hornier than ever. I could see my growing bulge in my bleached jeans. I walked over to the wardrobe, taking the green bomber jacket from the hanger and slipped it on. I noticed a lump in one of the pockets. Lifting out the contents, I held an unopened packet of cigarettes and a box of matches in my hand. I stood staring in the mirror for ages. I was experiencing a ‘sensory overload’ - that’s the only way I can describe it
The reflection in the mirror was obviously me, but it also wasn’t the me I’d known all my life. For the first time I felt different like a different person, but something didn’t look right. I stared and stared, then I had a revelation. “It’s the hair,” I said out loud, “You don’t wear clothes like this with a head full of hair.” Without thinking I went into the bathroom and looked through the amenities that the hotel provided. Sure enough there was a brand new Mach 3 razor and a tube of shaving cream. I slipped the off the jacket and removed the polo shirt.
Although i kept my hair relatively short, it was going to take some time to shave my head without being able to use any clippers to remove the bulk of my hair. In the whispering air con I heard a voice, so quiet you could barely make it out. It seemed to be whispering “desk drawer, desk drawer”. I walked back into the bedroom and opened the drawer. Inside was a solitary item; a pair of scissors. “Well,” I said to myself, “these will make things easier,” I went back into the bathroom and set about hacking at my hair with the scissors. Clumps of hair were falling into the sink. I kept snipping until there was almost nothing left to cut. 
I turned on the tap and ran the water until it got very hot. Next I squeezed plenty of shaving cream into my hands and applied it evenly all over my head. I rinse my hands of the foam and picked up the razor.
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Instinctively I knew what I needed to do. I put the razor at the back of my crown, and pulled it towards my forehead. I rinse the razor under the running hot water. In steady strokes I went from front to back in the direction my hair seemed to be growing in.
I could feel my the bulge in my jeans getting harder and harder. I’d completed the top of my head. Time to do the sides. I put the razor just above the left hand side, pull it down in an even stroke, only stopping when reach the top of my cheek. When I’d finished the one side, I switched to the other side and did it all over again.
Between each stroke I’d rinse my razor in the hot water to keep the blades clean. When that was done, it was time to do the back. I took my time because I couldn’t see what I was doing. I carefully placed the razor at the back of my crown, then pulled it down toward the nape of my neck. I made very slow, even passes with the razor, repeating it until I could was happy that all my hair was gone.
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One last scrape...done!
I looked in the mirror and could see my head was fully shaved and gleaming. At that moment I felt different. A ‘switch’ in my head flipped. I stared at myself in the mirror - I sensed I’d evolved. A new character had emerged, I was become mean and aggressive.
I was shaken from my thoughts by a knock at the door. I look through the peephole to see who was at the door. Whoever was standing on the other side of the door had obscured my view.
“Oi! Oi!, lad, open the door.”
It wasn’t a request, it was an order. I had to comply.
I opened the door, standing in front of me was a huge skinhead. He didn’t say anything nor did he smile. 
I spent a few seconds taking him in; From the tightly laced boots on his feet and the obscenely tight bleached jeans to the black bomber jacket, black gloves and shaved head. Not only did I feel tiny by comparison, I also felt intimidated by his appearance. 
He walked over to the other side of the room. Lit a cigarette, inhaled and blew the smoke in my direction.
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He took another drag on the cig, exhaled and then spoke. “Right, let’s take a look at you.” 
I walked towards him, inhaling the second hand smoke. He studied me like a scientist looks at bacteria under the microscope. He smiled.
“Yep, it seems that you’ve responded exactly as you were instructed boy.”
All I could do was smile. If I’d have been a dog I’d have been wagging my tail; happy to have pleased my skinhead Boss. “Boss, where did that thought come from” I wondered? 
With that he took another drag on his cigarette. “Boy, I think you’ve already found a pack in your jacket pocket, get one out and light up, ...now! 
Again it wasn’t a request it was an instruction to be obeyed without question. I got one out of the pack, put it in my mouth. I got a match out of the box and, as I pulled it quickly along the side it ignited. I brought the light to my cigarette and instinctively inhaled. I held it for a few seconds and then exhaled.
He took another drag on his cigarette, exhaled in my direction and spoke. “Right boy, get yer wallet and phone and give ‘em to me.”
I walked across to the bedside table where my phone was and then went into my suit trouser pocket to get me wallet. I handed them over without question. 
He watched me finish my cigarette and then spoke, “I want you to get through that pack today boy.”
I didn’t say anything, I nodded still in shock as I realised for the first time in my life I’d smoked.
“Stay there boy, there’s one more thing to do.”
With that he took some red braces out of his pocket and attached them to the top of the jeans I was wearing. He handed back my phone. 
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“That’s better - red braces to hold up yer bleachers. Take a selfie boy, and then give the phone back to me. It’s time to tell all your friends, family and workmates yer a skinhead now.”
I took the picture and handed him the phone. I watched him type out a message, attach the picture I’d just taken and select ‘send to all’. “Done,” he said, putting my phone back in his pocket. “Can’t wait to see the responses you get boy.” Now he had a big smile on his face, “Now put your shirt back on and grab yer jacket. Leave everything else behind, we’re leaving.”
He watched me pull the braces off my shoulder so I could put the polo shirt on. I was about to pull them back up when he said, “nah, leave them down. He paused for a few second, “now yer might be dressed like a skinhead boi, but you’ve got a lot to learn about the skinhead code. Yer gonna live with me and I’m going to show ya, but we need to make a few modifications first in order to finish your transformation. Let’s go...”
Without questioning my new Boss I grabbed my jacket and followed him out of the room. The door slammed shut behind me - not turning back. 
Walking down the corridor, we passed a room where someone had left a pair of black boots and some other gear outside. The skinhead turned around,“Ah good, looks like they’re getting ready for the next 'guest, who will join the growing skinhead ranks.”
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At which point I grabbed the growing bulge in my bleachers and followed two paces this brute of a skinhead Boss ready to embark on my new life and the final stage of my transformation.
The End?
[All of the pictures used to illustrate the story have been found online. If I’ve used someone’s by mistake, let me know and I will remove it.]
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selinascatnip · 1 year
Ask Game: Pearls for DK 🤭🤭🤭
Enjoy, bestie!!
@graysonfamfan2021 asked that one too!
She knew she should have gone with Donna, that now she knew who she was, and after being so close of hurting Rachel, she should keep her distance. Being around them, around him, was just indulging in temptation and that could only result in heartbreak. 
And yet... 
And yet, just five minutes of saying goodbye and getting into Donna’s car, she turned the vehicle around – ignoring Donna’s shouts that she would kill them – and followed the path Dick had taken towards San Francisco until she saw the minivan honking madly until he pulled over. 
“I changed my mind.” 
The way he had smiled at her them, the sunlight making his sweet brown eyes glimmer. Kory knew she was a goner. 
There was a silly fight over rooms, Jason didn’t want to share his with Gar, and Dick didn’t trust him to be alone, so he had to share with Jason and Rachel joined Gar without explaining herself. It hurt Kory, but she couldn’t blame the girl. 
Of course she had fantasied about him coming to her door, but it didn’t take the impact when he did. 
He looked so... Vulnerable there, standing in his pyjama, hair still wet from the shower, open and closing his mouth like a fish. 
She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him inside without a world. Last time, she knew, he might have been the one to suggest they should stop, but only because he read on her face that she wasn’t comfortable with getting into a relationship while she didn’t know who she was, and when she put that in words it kind of sealed the deal. Gave the elephant in the room flesh and made it corporeal and too huge to keep ignoring. 
But know she knew who she was, she just needed to admit that for the first time in her live what she wanted to do and what was expected of her couldn’t be more different. 
“I...” he finally blurted as the door closed behind him. 
Kory licked her lips, and smiled as his eyes followed, and for a moment she contemplated trying to say something, to discuss first, even to tease him about not even doing the curtsy of bringing her a bottle of cheap booze. 
But to the hell with that, to the hell of getting to know each other now they knew who they were, to the hell... They would have time for that later. 
She pushed him to he bed and then crawled over, not quite sitting on him yet, but hoovering her hips over his, grabbing his face and putting her mouth over his. 
Even if she ever returned to Tamaran, right there, wrapped around his tongue, and safe behind his teeth, she found home. 
His fingers entered her hair, massaging her scalp lovingly while his free hand held her waist, digging his fingers in her flesh with the urgency he was trying to disguise in the slow, meticulous way he was letting her kiss him. 
The kiss was a difficult one to break, even thought he was the one who needed oxygen to live, every time she even attempted of making a pause, his lips followed back to hers, and they would lose themselves in another kiss. On a given moment, when she kissed his jaw, trying to spread her kisses down, and let the Earth boy breath a little, he pulled her mouth back to his with both hands, and she laughed. 
She only won a little bit of freedom, when tired of hoovering, she let her thighs relax, sat down, her hot core uncomfortably clenching meeting the rock hard bulge in his pants. 
“Oh god,” he gasped, eyes closed shut, brow furrowed as they rode together that wave of undeniable desire. 
Kory decided that she missed the taste of him even though it was only a couple of seconds since they were kissing, and sucked the skin of his chest, marvelling at how it changed colours so easily, he was so fragile and so strong at the same time. She wanted to wreak him so thoroughly that he would find difficult to walk tomorrow, she wanted to protect him so he’ll never feel pain again. She wanted so many things. 
But what about him? 
“Tell me what you want,” she whispered, looking up at him through her eyelashes, he tried to bring her back to his face, but Kory had secured his wrists against the bed, licking and sucking a path of fire down his chest, freeing one of his hands to pluck one button after another of his pyjama shirt. 
“I want you, god, I want you...” 
“Where?” she said letting go of his remaining locked wrist and teasingly kissing just over the boarder of his pants. “Here?” She kissed his bulge over the stripped fabric. 
Dick sucked the air in, his chest heaving. Kory had seen wonders, stars being born, galaxies dying, yet that was a more of a beautiful sight. 
“Come on, baby, or I’ll stop.” 
“No, please, no, Kory...” 
“No what?” 
“Don’t stop, don’t-” He sucked in another breath, and swallowed down, licking his lips and reaching a hand to her. “Don’t ever go away.” 
She smiled, honestly touched, but didn’t promise anything, she grabbed the hand he had offered, and intertwined their fingers, then, still making eye contact with him, she unwrapped his cock from his pants and sucked the tip. 
There were no way the thin motel walls blocked the sound he made. 
put a ship and one of the prompts in the list in my ask box to get a Smuffy treat
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skullaton · 1 year
Chapter 2: You should head back
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Wally Darling / GN Reader Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Rating: M
The city is full of people. Then why did it feel so lonely? Memories of clinking bottles and dazzling neon lights flickered through your mind. Misty, car filled streets with humans, but no humanity. A bridge and a phonebooth. And a sweet voice that wanted you to come home. You’ve wandered too far, and you don’t know how to get back. But don’t worry! You’ve made some friends from a colourful town that can help you!
TW: Childhood trauma, scopophobia, alcohol references AO3 link: here Wally logo by Clown
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A low buzz of static hummed throughout your living room.
You were alone again.
It wasn’t new to be alone.
Your mom worked multiple shifts, and your teenage sister was often out late.
Your dad had been out of the picture for a long time.
You sat on the verdant shag rug as you leafed through the spines of old VHS tapes on your entertainment centre. Tempting titles such as Pokemon or Doraemon called for you to pick them, but there was one that you always meandered back to.
There was a worn, yellow plastic tape, the sticker long faded from years of use.
Welcome Home.
Your mom picked it out at a second-hand shoppe - probably to get you off her back while she shopped for other things.
It quickly became one of your favourite shows.
It felt like a nice little respite from the world. A home away from home.
You also loved the fact that the artist segment changes every time you watch it!
It must be a new feature for VCR players, because none of your other tapes did that!
You popped the VHS into the player, the gears winding the tape.
The rainbow show lit up the room, like a beacon of life in this dreary existence.
The opening title of the show rolled. You hummed to it as you got comfortable on the floor, your tiny legs kicking in the air as you lay on your stomach.
The segment started, the main character behind an easel peaking out, paintbrush in hand.
“Hello, neighbour!”
Your heavy eyelids blinked as consciousness pulled you out of your deep slumber. You sucked in a deep breath of air as you stretched your sore limbs.
What a day, yesterday.
You rolled to your side as the reality of waking up connected in your brain. You tiredly stared at the rows of storeroom shelves, internally cursing yourself.
Guess it was all real.
You fumbled out of your blanket cocoon and wobbled your way to the door. You were greeted with the same towering, multi-limbed creature from yesterday. There was something comforting about him today, though. He felt more realistic. Kind.
He was stocking his shelves dutifully before looking up to you. He held in a chuckle. “Good morning! You look like you slept well.”
You gave him a groggy ‘huh?’
He responded simply by pointing at your hair.
Your hand went up to touch the literal bird’s nest that sat on your scalp. You hurriedly ran your fingers through the locks, flattening out whatever imperfections. An embarrassed blush crossed your features.
He chuckled once again. “If you want, you can use the shower. I can find you a fresh pair of clothes.”
“You sell clothes?” Your sleepy voice cracked in surprise.
“More like I special order clothes for Julie. The only thing is that silly little girl always forgets to pick up her orders.”
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “Wouldn’t she be mad if you looked through her orders?”
He gave a dismissive wave of a hand as he moved his way to a few boxes behind the front counter. “If I told her that it was for you, she’d probably assume it was for ‘dress up party’ purposes. So I don’t think she’d mind.”
You tried not to think about the ethical and legal implications of going through your customer’s stuff. Arguing probably wouldn’t help you in this case.
He pulled out a pair of high waisted flare jeans and a muted rainbow top. He offered them with one set of hands, while the others went to seal the boxes back up.
Dang, multitasking to the extreme.
You gratefully accepted the clothes. “You sure this is okay…?”
He gave you a caring smile, dismissing your concern, “Go get washed up.”
You bowed your head in thanks, padding your way to the bathroom.
A shower will help you feel human again in this insane puppet world.
Turning on the faucet, hot steam clouded the tiny washroom. Dipping into the warm waters, you felt your woes and worries wash down the drain.
Your mind wandered to Howdy. He sure helped you a lot. His generosity knows no bounds. Maybe you should help him in some way? Maybe pay back your debt by cleaning up the bodega a bit?
Yeah, that sounds good. It must be hard being the only worker.
You stepped out of the shower, wrapping a spare towel around your body. You swiped a hand across the clouded mirror, giving a good look at yourself.
That husk of a human from last night looked more alive. Colour was back in your face, and the fine lines around your eyes seemed to have lightened.
Those retinol treatments you were doing probably helped a lot with your complexion.
Despite everything, you’re still you!
Tossing on the retro styled clothes, you embarked on the new day.
”What can I do to help?”
“Really, you don’t need to do anything.”
You released a stubborn sigh, arms folding across your chest. You stared at the bug man from across the counter. “I really want to help you, Howdy. I want to help pay off my debt.”
The salesman weighed the options. He gave a resigned sigh. “Alright, but you have to follow the price guides of the bodega!”
You quirked a brow. “Price guides?”
He gestured to the ‘100% off!’ sign on the window pane.
Your brows furrowed as you scoffed. “How does that even work?”
“Well, people pay in jokes, ideas, or observations!” He then pointed to an apple display adjacent to the front counter. A sign on it read ‘1 Apple for 1 Joke’.
There’s no way these silly Muppets live in capitalism-free town. “How does commerce even work, then? How do you pay for goods being imported to your shop?”
Howdy put a finger up to his lips as he smirked. “Trade secrets! Maybe you’ll find out some day, young Grasshopper!”
You released a defeated huff.
“Besides, there’s more to life then pointless currency. Sometimes the most valuable things are your friend’s company and wise words!”
They really did live in a commune. In a sense, you envied them.
The morning tolled on, and he instructed little things on how he ran the bodega. You helped by stocking some shelves and sweeping the floors. Before you knew it, it was midday.
The door chimed as a pair of customers sauntered in. Your breath hitched as you saw a 7 foot, bumbling blue dog plod through the doorway. You were tempted to hide behind a shelf,… that is, until your eyes landed on the shorter man walking behind him.
A smile stretched across your face, “Hello, Wally!”
The cardigan-clad puppet gave you an all-encompassing grin, “Hello, neighbour!”
“Oh, is this the kid you were talking about?” the dog rumbled in a deep baritone.
Your skin prickled at the term ‘kid.’ You were quite obviously not a kid.
Wally regarded the towering puppet with a nod. The giant mock Blue’s Clues character offered a wave, “Welcome to Home! The next Big City this side of the forest! I’m Barnaby, by the way.”
You assuaged the temporary anger and introduced yourself with a little wave. Howdy, who was behind the front counter, called out to the new patrons. “What can I get for you fellas?”
Barnaby put up two fingers, “Two hot dogs, please!”
“Two dogs wrapped in yellow and red bow ties, with all the fixin's, comin’ right up!” The caterpillar’s limbs went to work as he swiveled around to the hot dog machine. He loaded the dogs up with whipped cream, onions, ketchup, mustard, and a cherry.
Imagining the taste made you shiver.
He offered the food to the pair, while another set of hands punched in the order on the cash register. “And how will you be paying today?”
Barnaby gave a smug smile. “Why did the baby cookie cry?”
A pause.
“Its mother was a wafer so long.”
Howdy erupted in a boisterous laugh, one of his hands going down to slap his knee. Even you smirked at the atrocious dad joke. He rubbed a tear away from his eye as he regarded Wally. “And how about you?”
Wally gave his signature hum as he rolled his head to the side. “What do you call an insect who can’t get out of bed?”
You peered at him expectantly.
“A bedbug!”
Howdy offered a sympathetic chuckle, the joke not landing as hard as Barnaby’s. He punched the jokes on the register, the receipt screeching out as it was printed.
“You tried, fella,” Barnaby put a big paw on Wally’s shoulder.
“Can’t top the town jokester, after all,” the smaller puppet winked up at his friend and they both chuckled.
With hot dogs in hand, they started to make their way out. As Barnaby ducked out of of the tiny doorframe, Wally stood in place for a moment.
It felt like minutes pass until he finally regards you. “Would you like to come with us? We can introduce you to the rest of the neighbours.”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you considered. You still felt guilty about not paying back all of what Howdy has done for you.
“Go meet everyone, Grasshopper,” the voice next to you pulled you out of your thoughts, the new nickname cooling any form of anxiety that you harnessed. “You can’t figure out how to get out of here without friends, right?”
You offered Howdy a kind smile. “Thanks.”
He shooed you off with your new friend, allowing you to step free into the rainbow world of Home.
Wally and you caught up to Barnaby, who was happily snacking on his treat.
The three of you trekked throughout the colour radiant town, making pit stops in front of each of the townsfolk’s homes.
The first person you all ran into was the mailman, Eddie. He curtly greeted himself, but just as quickly excused himself to get back to work.
You watched him run off into the distance before regarding your friends. “You reckon he’d know the roads out of here?”
Wally tilted his head as he observed you, still just casually holding his hot dog. “I think his route takes him further from the City.”
You gave a sad, thoughtful hum before Wally and Barnaby, the persuasive of friends, convinced you to meet with every one of the neighbours.
Poppy, who lived in a barn, was elated to see you again. She gave praises and crooned over how you were a ‘poor lost duckling.’ She vowed to cook for you if you ever needed food for the trip.
The next new person was a literal star who lived in a theatre. Sally was an eccentric puppet who was working on a set for an upcoming play. When you spoke to her about your story, you can tell she was taking internal notes. Please, Sally, don’t make your lost voyage into a Shakespearean tragedy.
Julie was as excited as ever to see you again. She complimented your outfit, stating that it looks ‘oddly familiar.’ Hm. You wonder why. She offered if you needed anymore clothes, she’s always willing to play dress up.
Frank was out in his lawn, taking notes on a butterfly perched on a flower. You all decided not to bother him. Butterfly watching seemed stressful, as is.
Now you all stood in front of Barnaby’s doghouse. He was hungrily staring at Wally’s hot dog, who, to your humour, was carrying the snack around like it was a show and tell specimen.
“You going to finish that, buddy?” Barnaby rumbled.
Wally shook his head and offered the undisturbed snack to his friend. The dog practically wolfed the food down in a blink.
The yellow puppet clapped his hands to get the remaining crumbs off his palms while Barnaby wiped the remnants on his own forearm.
“I think this is a wonderful day to sun bathe,” Barnaby started before dipping into his yard. “You guys comin’?”
Wally hummed at the offer before shaking his head politely, “I still need to show them Home.”
Barnaby gave a carefree shrug, “Suit yourself. Y’know where to find me.” With that, he sauntered into his littered yard and found a nice batch of grass to plop down on.
You regarded Wally with a quirked brow, “’Home’? Isn’t that just the town name?”
He tutted with a tiny smirk, “Silly, silly.” He didn’t explain, instead marched up the hill to the centre of town. A red house sat on the crest, it’s windows watching you.
Wait… watching?
You stumbled back as you stifled a yelp, the giant windows blinking at your reaction. You tried to scramble behind the short puppet man.
He simply shook his head with a chuckle. He gestures to the sentient house, “This is Home! This is where I live!”
Home made some thumping noises in greeting.
You sucked in a breath as you watched in horror. Your hand came up to grasp your forehead. “Okay, I finally accepted puppets. Houses now? I must be dead. There’s no way this is real.”
“If you’re dead,” Wally looked back at you with sleepy eyes, voice nonchalant, “then this must be heaven!”
You swallowed thickly, not sure how to process his words. You sucked in another big breath to calm your trembling body and forced a weak wave at Home.
Home waved its shutters in greeting.
Well… it’s not trying to eat you like Monster House. Maybe it really isn’t that bad?
Wally broke his barrier between you and Home, making you feel exposed and vulnerable. He maneuvered his way to an easel that sat just outside his home. He placidly began to pack up the art supplies that was left outside. A half painted picture of an apple lay on the canvas, probably abandoned this morning as he opted to hang with Barnaby.
The tension you held in your shoulders ease as you watch his easygoing pace.
There really is a charm about him that can ease your worries.
He briefly glanced back to catch you staring, a soft smile gracing his plush lips. “Penny for your thoughts?”
A blush shot to your face as you looked away, embarrassed. Your heart hammered as you focused on anything but him. You cleared your throat as a thought began tumbling out, “It’s nice here, but I’m wondering if… maybe you have any suggestions on how to leave?”
Wally noticeably tenses. He was quiet for a few beats, his lazy eyes never leaving yours. “I suppose I can paint you a map! But…”
He paused, his expression softening, tone becoming more sympathetic. “It must have been pretty serious for you to get lost like you did. Do you really want to go back? You wouldn’t be a burden here in Home! You’re always welcome.”
It felt like time stood still as his words washed over you.
There was a heaviness to it all, something akin to scratching at a mental scab. A truth that you didn’t want to uncover the band aid of.
You stood in silence as you mulled over the implications.
He watched you as your thoughts clouded your features. He observed the storm in your brain get cloudier before deciding to intervene. He extended a hand out to caress your arm, the felt touch anchoring you back to reality. His voice was low and pleasant, “Take your time. It’s a big decision, and there’s no need to rush. I’ll be here for you if you need it.”
The pressure from your jaw released, the tension that built up now toppled like building blocks.
He really was a good person.
“Thank you, Wally.”
He only offered a cute feline-like smile. **
It wasn’t long before the sky became a vibrant array of pinks and blues. The sun was settling just over the horizon as you and Wally decided to part from each other.
You made your way back to Howdy’s Place, giving the caterpillar a quiet greeting. He was starting to close up shop, and you decided to help him - much to his dismay.
With the two of you, the shop was closed and cleaned in record time.
He wiped the sweat off his brow, his face bearing a proud smile. “You really help a lot, young grasshopper.”
You shrugged. “It’s the least I can do.”
He shook his head with a chuckle. “You should eat some food. I think I have a spare salad in the back.”
You blinked at the thought of eating. Come to think of it, you didn’t feel hungry at all today.
How strange.
You decided to chock it up to stress from a new environment.
You thanked him for his generosity before wishing him a good night. You dipped into the backroom to locate the fresh greens. Chomping on the leaves, your mind wandered to the day.
The day felt… nice. Almost surreal.
You almost felt like you belonged.
But… you really should head home.
… Right … ?
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thevalleyisjolly · 2 years
Every day, a raven comes to visit Zephrah.
Every few months, a raven comes to visit Whitestone.  It wings far above a group of hunters being led through the forest by the Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt.  It stops by the nursery, leaving little trinkets and shiny things on the windowsill.  It sneaks into the Lord of Whitestone’s workshop and moves everything one inch to the right. 
Similarly, two young gnome children in Westruun sometimes wake up to find little presents -a sprig of juniper berries, a small stick of coloured sealing wax- left on their nightstands.  Coincidentally, their father can never find his extra lute strings when he needs them and the string beans in their mother’s garden are the envy of the neighbourhood.
Anyone who visits a certain magical franchise of glorious goods looking for trouble finds themselves suddenly very unlucky.  Stutters and stumbles interrupt their threats, weapons get stuck in their holsters, spell components fumble out of their hands.  As a final indignity, a shower of bird droppings falls upon their heads the moment they get ushered out the door.
Across the sea in Port Damali, a famous writer is perplexed by a great mystery.  Not every time, but occasionally when he takes a day off to go to the beach with his husband, his clothes mysteriously disappear from where he left them on the sand.  This dastardly miscreant evades even the watchful guard of his ever faithful automaton companion, who only flaps his arms like a bird when questioned.
Once in a while, the Grand Poobah de Doink of All This and All That wakes up to find a small, poorly wrapped parcel lying on his bed with no note.  It is always a razor.
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snappedsky · 1 year
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Moxxi has a proposition for Skies.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
The Handsome Jackpot: Introduction
“So where are we going today?” Skies asked as she followed Jack out of his office.
“The happiest place in the galaxy,” Jack replied, leading her to the fast travel station. He punched in a code and motioned for her to go ahead. Skies cocked her head curiously before using the station.
She appeared in another office much like Jack’s: large, opulent, and heavily decorated with his face. The surrounding walls were made completely of glass and looked out at what appeared to be a city of gold in a space station. It shone brightly, coloured lights dancing into the darkened sky. Just outside the station were two black holes swirling into each other.
“Wow,” Skies breathed in awe.
“Beautiful, right,” Jack said as he approached her. “Welcome to the Handsome Jackpot, my casino and pleasure centre. Just don’t play any of the games- they’re to-ote-tally rigged.”
Skies chuckled with amusement as she turned to follow Jack out of the office. They both stopped as a tiny, well-dressed man approached.
“Ah, H-Handsome Jack, sir, welcome back,” he said in a nasally voice.
“Pretty Boy!” Jack cheered, “Skies, this is Pretty Boy. He’s like a court jester. Pretty Boy, Skies is my guest today. Say something funny for her.”
“Ah, um, well...” Pretty Boy stammered as he fumbled with some cue cards from his pockets. “What uh...what does a baby computer call its father? Data!”
Jack and Skies stared at him, unamused.
“You’re lucky your face is so funny, Pretty Boy, or I’d throw you out the airlock,” Jack grunted.
Pretty Boy withered beneath his gaze.
Skies grinned. “So, you’re Jack’s dancing jabber then. Well, thing’s could be worse. You could be short and ugly- oh, wait.”
“Ha!” Jack guffawed, clapping Skies on the back. “She’s funnier than you, Pretty Boy. Come on, Skies, let’s hit the Vice District. I’ll buy you a drink and a dance.”
As they walked past, Pretty Boy glared daggers into their backs. Someday, somehow, he swore he would have his revenge for this constant humiliation.
The Sky Rider approaches Sanctuary III, directed by it’s auto-navigation system.  When it get close enough, it automatically releases a signal. Within the larger ship, an alarm goes off in the cargo hold, warning everyone nearby to stay out. A force field opens up around the hatchway, vacuum sealing it as the hatch opens. The Sky Rider slips inside, settling neatly on the floor. The hatch closes, the force field drops, and everyone continues about their day.
Inside the cockpit of the Sky Rider, the pilot’s seat is completely empty. This is because she’s in the backroom, fast asleep in her bunk.
Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter had been away for a few weeks on a treasure hunting binge. She had been going non-stop from planet to planet, collecting gold, jewels, and artifacts. When she finally felt burnt out, she decided to return to her new home.
She’s conked out on her bed, snoring lightly and dreaming of treasures and murder. Her sweet sleep is unfortunately interrupted however, by a rapping at her door, and she blinks awake. Groaning, she rolls out of bed and shambles out of her room to the ship’s hatch. She opens it to find the Vault Hunters- Moze, Zane, Amara, and FL4K.
“Nice jammies,” Zane comments.
Skies looks down at her clothes: soft socks, fuzzy, black pants, and an old, baggy Hyperion sweatshirt.
“What do you guys want?” Skies asks, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
“Moxxi wants to see you,” Moze replies, “she has a proposition.”
“Hm, colour me intrigued,” she remarks, “tell her I need like ten minutes to get cleaned up.” She pauses to sniff under her arm and winces. “Make that twenty.”
The Vault Hunters leave and Skies goes into her washroom, yawning as she starts the shower.
She quickly cleans up, washing away weeks old blood stains- not hers. She changes into clean clothes, grabs her weapons, and leaves the Sky Rider, locking it behind her.
As Skies makes her way through Sanctuary III up to Moxxxi’s, many of the citizens greet her; they wave, ask how she’s doing and where she’s been. She replies happily.
The Vault Hunters are sitting at the bar when Skies arrives. Moxxi is behind it and she leans against it as Skies approaches.
“Welcome back, Skies,” she smiles.
“Thanks, Mox,” she replies as she sits on a stool. “So what’s up?”
“I have a proposition for you,” she explains, “not a job. Just something I think we can both benefit from.”
“Go on.”
“Do you know the Handsome Jackpot?” “Of course, Jack’s casino. He brought me there a couple times.”
“It’s one of the few things Jack left behind that I’m interested in,” Moxxi says then winks. “Except you, of course.” Skies smirks.
“So if you help the Vault Hunters take it over for me, I’ll let you have whatever treasure hides inside.” “It’s a tempting offer, Mox,” Skies muses, “Jack did treat the place like his own personal piggy bank. There’s just one problem. With Helios and Control Core Angel gone, it’s now the most secure fortress in the galaxy. Everything with locks on it needs Jack’s face, voice, and DNA to open it. We’d never be able to take control.”
“I figured as much,” Moxxi replies, “fortunately, you have a friend that can help rectify this.” Skies scowls. “Oh, so that’s the real reason you want me help.”
“Of course not. I would’ve accepted your help even if we didn’t need him.”
“I can’t ask Tim to do this. He’s happy now. He even found a way to live peacefully with Jack’s face. He got out of this life and I will not drag him back in.”
“Come on,” Moxxi urges, “it won’t hurt to just ask him. Let me, and if he says no, we’ll drop it.” Skies scoffs. “If you ask him, then there’s no way he’ll say no.”
Moxxi smiles gently but with a sinister look in her eye and holds out her hand. Skies groans, rolling her eyes as she grabs her ECHO communicator and calls Timothy Lawrence.
“Wassup?” he answers.
“Tim, listen, just remember, it’s always okay to just say no,” Skies says quickly before Moxxi swipes the device.
“Timothy,” she purrs.
“Wha-Mo-Moxxi?” he stammers with surprise.
“I need a great big favour from you,” she says in a sultry tone, “and if you help me, I’ll repay you in any way you ask.”
Skies and the Vault Hunters groan with annoyance.
“Uh um wha-what do you need...?” Timothy asks.
“Jack left behind an old casino,” Moxxi explains, “I just need your face and DNA to unlock any security measures so I can take over the casino. You won’t be alone, of course, Skies and the Vault Hunters will be going too.” “Um....” he hesitates.
“You don’t have to do it, Ti-!” Skies tries to warn but Moxxi slams her face into the counter top, cutting her off.
“Y-yeah, I guess...I can help...”
“Fantastic!” Moxxi cheers, “just fast travel to Sanctuary- I can send you codes- and from here you can all go to the casino together.”
“O-okay,” Timothy replies and hangs up.
Moxxi hands Skies her ECHO back. She swipes it angrily, rubbing her face.
“What are you so worried about?” Moxxi asks, “you’ll make sure no harm comes to him, right?”
Skies grumbles and leaves in a huff. The Vault Hunters follow close behind.
“I have to admit, I am a bit confused,” FL4K says.
“As am I,” Amara adds, “this Timothy is clearly a friend of yours. He has Jack’s face...? Like as a trophy?”
“It’s hardly a trophy,” Skies replies, “Tim was one of Jack’s doppelgangers- the first and the last. It made his life a living hell, having to work for Jack, even after he died. He finally found a way to leave peacefully- making parody movies of Jack’s life, which are hilarious by the way. I hate having to drag him into this.”
They approach the fast travel station and Skies leans against a nearby table, glowering angrily. But her fury quickly subsides, to be replaced with excitement, as the station turns on and someone digistructs in.
Skies giggles happily and leaps into his arms before he’s even fully in. “Tim tam!”
Timothy smiles and hugs her back, spinning her off her feet. “Skies! It’s been so long.”
“Well, somebody’s been busy being a successful actor.”
“And somebody else has been busy being a successful treasure hunter.” They both laugh as they split up. “You look good,” Skies comments.
“As good as Jack?” Timothy asks.
“Jack wishes he looked this good.”
They laugh again, squeezing each other’s arms. Behind them, Zane awkwardly clears his throat, catching their attention.
“Oh, right,” Skies says and steps back, motioning to the Vault Hunters. “Tim, this is Moze, Amara, Zane, and FL4K. Kids, this is Timothy Lawrence.” “I’ve heard a lot about you guys,” Timothy says, waving politely.
“All good, I hope,” Moze replies.
“Well...good for a Vault Hunter.” They suddenly feel the ship lurch and look out the window to see they’ve entered hyper space.
“We must be on our way to the casino,” Skies says, “come on, we’ll use Ellie’s drop ship to get there.”
The group makes there way through the ship to the cargo hold. Many Pandoran citizens stare at Timothy, muttering to each other.
“Been a long time since I got stares like that,” Timothy mutters.
“Ignore them,” Skies demands, “they used to stare at me too.”
“So uh what are we expecting from this place?” he asks, “enemies?”
“Who knows,” Amara replies, “so be prepared for anything.”
“Should be lots of fun though,” Zane grins.
When they reach the cargo hold, they start to go to the drop ship when Skies stops. “Ah, hold on a sec.”
She quickly goes into the Sky Rider and comes back out, holding Jack’s mask. “We’ll probably need this,” she says as she tucks it into her coat.
They all squeeze into the drop ship. Ellie gives them a salute before sending it off. They watch through the window as they approach the bright and shining space station and get caught in a tractor beam.
“The casino’s got a hold of you,” Moxxi warns through their ECHO communicators. “Strap in.”
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abysscronica · 2 years
New chapter of Mudblood! [One Piece Hogwarts!AU]
«Water or fire. You can choose, little Y/n.»
«What a lucky girl!»
«Such an honor!»
«Come along now.»
«Where’s daddy?»
Your eyes snapped open and you gasped raggedly, finally able to breathe. Your lungs felt on fire and your limbs were… numb, stinging.
 You blinked a couple of times then raised your face.
A wide office with dim lights, mostly the moon beyond the big windows, an ancient desk, books, plants, models of the solar system. Chakra maps, constellations, floral guides and pictures of the human body were covering the walls. The ceiling glowed with a model of the milky way, lazily coiling on itself.
 Your gaze wandered around the room before landing on the man leaning beside you.
«Here, drink this-yoi.»
 Professor Fushichō offered you a porcelain cup.
You frowned, trying to collect your memories.
 What the hell happened? I remember a beautiful woman, the occamy… right, the scan!
As soon as you shifted on the little couch, you realized your clothes were soaked in sweat.
«Take it easy.»
 Finally, you took the cup from the professor’s hands. Its warmth was welcomed on your idle skin. The colour of the liquid was deep blue.
«It’s an Dusk Tea. It’ll help release the tension.»
«What happened?»
«The scan had a heavier toll on your body than we expected-yoi.»
 The new voice almost startled you.
Nico Robin came forward from the shadows of the room.
«Okay, is there anybody else in here?» you asked, looking around.
 Marco chuckled.
«No, but the headmaster and the Donquixotes are just outside my office. We can call them, if you wish.»
 So this is Prof. Fushichō’s office. One of the few I hadn’t visited yet.
«It’s fine, just tell me what happened. Is it even the same day?» you tiredly grumbled before taking a sip of the concoction.
The flavour was light, with a note of bittersweet aftertaste spreading slowly from the back of your tongue.
«Yes, we finished just a couple of hours ago.» Nico Robin spoke, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you.
«And? How’d that go?»
 The two teachers exchanged a look you didn’t like.
«We weren’t able to complete the examination.» Robin informed «There seems to be a seal in your mind that we couldn’t recognise. You went in physical distress when we tried to bypass it, so we didn’t deem it safe to proceed further. Marco took care of you afterwards.»
 Your heart started pounding.
«A seal? What does it mean? A curse?»
«No. It sounds more scary than what it is. The other professors and I have seen our share of curses and dark magic, and whatever stopped us tonight looked nothing like it.»
«But you just said you have no idea what that is.»
«True, but now that we’ve found it, we can find out. Professor Darcule and I will personally research it.»
«How did this seal end up there?»
 The witch shook her head.
«We don’t know. You had a lot of unusual encounters in your young life. It’s possible that, at some point, you came in contact with a peculiar kind of magic. I’m confident we’ll know more soon.»
Your eyes fell on the tea.
«So… you’re sure I shouldn’t be worried?»
 Nico Robin observed you. Her words were kind when she spoke again.
«There was nothing wrong with anything else. Whatever this is, it’s not affecting your body, nor your magic. Don’t lose your sleep on it, Y/n, and let us take care of everything.»
 After a moment of hesitation, you took a deep breath.
 You drank half of the tea before properly sitting on the couch.
«May I go back to my dorm now? I feel the urgent need to take a shower.»
 Nico Robin smiled.
«Of course.»
«Great. Thank you Prof. Fushichō for fixing me. My debt with the old hag is getting a bit out of control.»
 Marco chuckled again.
«No problem-yoi.»
 You stood up, fought off the sudden dizziness that came with the action, and walked toward the door.
«Oh, I almost forgot, there was also some protective charm on you.»
 Nico Robin’s words had you spin on your heels. She smiled at your alarmed expression.
«A rough application, but quite powerful. Whoever cast it must truly care about you.»
 You felt your cheeks heating up.
«Huh, yeah, noted.» you murmured before hotfooting out of the office.
Continue reading:
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vmsplusblog · 6 days
10 Innovative ways to use Glass in your Bathroom Enclosures
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We all recognise that the bathroom glass partition is an incredible medium used as a panel within the bathroom to describe the region of the wet shower from the dry part to stay away from water that splashes. The shower glass partition brings in transparency, with unhindered vision, and even makes the bathroom look brighter.
Here, we are sharing some interesting ways to work with different types of glass to partition the shower area of your bathroom:
Fixed glass partitions
This glass partition helps limit the spaces and split them into different areas of your bathroom. They are light, like bricks used to make walls. This form of partition works well for small-size bathrooms as it offers a sense of openness. When you use glass shower enclosures, it will make a small size bathroom look bigger.
1. Frameless shower door
For a minimalist and clean-lined look, you can choose frameless shower doors. These types of glass cubicles are modified according to the dimensions of the bathroom. One should use shower seals of silicone to watertight the gaps in the floor surface and glass door.
2. Framed glass door
On the other hand, think about a metallic glass door for bathroom to give extra support and strength to the glass door and panels. For a modern look, the door frame can be made up of metals like steel or aluminium, though metals like brass can be utilised to impart a definitive appearance.
In this type of shower glass panel, a grid-style pattern has been formed in black aluminium, framing it with glass inserts to form a striking design.
3. Colourful lacquered glass
Providing a vibrant and bold feel to your bathroom can instantly enhance your bathroom’s look. This glass is readily available in yellow, green, blue, red, and more.
These types of glass should be selectively used as a fixed glass partition. You can collect bathroom shower ideas online to make the most of them. You can ensure that the colour you select contrasts nicely with the other spaces in your home and does not subdue your bathroom’s look.
4. Frosted glass
If you don’t wish to go with clear bathroom glass, you can check shower enclosure ideas, choose frosted glass, or combine clear glass.
Frosted glass shower doors bring a logic of precision into the bathroom area. This type of glass is relatively simpler to maintain than clear glass, as watermarks don’t show on it.
5. Textured glass shower enclosures
One more way to partition your bathroom is textured glass. It permits partial vision and even allows light to pass through easily.
6. Patterned glass enclosures
One can integrate multicoloured patterns for your bathroom glass shower doors with either tainted glass by inserting wallpaper between two glass pieces or using glass film. It is the best method to add an attractive pattern.
7. Glass sliding doors
If your bathroom does not have sufficient space, it is suggested that you choose a sliding door bathroom. It is the best space-saving option.
However, one disadvantage is that these doors should be gently opened and closed; otherwise, the door’s alignment can get damaged. It can cause the door to be misplaced from its tracks.
8. Bent glass
Tempered glass can be bent to accomplish curved shapes, but remember, this form of glass is costly and needs to be carefully handled.
9. Glass bricks
Stay away from the usual methods of utilising glass. Choose glass bricks available in attractive styles, colours, and thicknesses. You can make curved or straight wall sections with these glass bricks.
10. Corrugated glass
This type of partition makes an exciting texture with a special effect. These glass panels are installed from the floor to the ceiling height to give your bathroom a high-end, modern look.
VMS Plus is an excellent firm to contact for all your glass partition needs.
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greendalerubber · 1 month
All About Rubber Cords - Features, Benefits and Applications
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Rubber cords are extremely popular products for various industries. The natural rubber used to make rubber cords provides excellent elasticity and durability. They are really hard and of the greatest quality. A variety of uses call for solid rubber cords, including sealing, electrical insulation, vibration dampening, and soundproofing. The cords have a wide range of potential applications in various fields. Built to withstand years of use, solid rubber cords won't fray or break. Chemicals, water, and oil do not harm them either. 
There are many other features and benefits as well. Continue reading the article to understand the scope of rubber cords before you buy solid rubber round cord online. 
Features of Rubber Cord
Stable in extremely cold (-50°C) to hot (200°C) environments (special grades can withstand temperatures up to 300°C).
Seamless, non-stick surface
Superior electrical insulating characteristics
The available outer diameter sizes span from 0.5mm up to 37mm.
Ensured to be weatherproof
Extremely adaptable, high-quality item
Anti-UV and anti-ozone
Highly long-lasting
Low Toxins
Protected from the proliferation of bacteria and other organisms
Benefits of Rubber Cord
To buy solid rubber round cord online it is best to be equipped with the advantages of rubber cords. Here are some of those for you: 
Customisation: Rubber cable can be easily modified to meet specific requirements by adjusting its material, coil length, diameter, and other parameters.
Resistance: Rubber cables made of the correct material can endure pressure, high voltage, and incredibly low and high temperatures.
Hygiene: Rubber cord made from materials like silicone, which have antifungal qualities, can be highly hygienic.
Chemical resistance: Acid and alkali resistance is an impressive property of speciality rubber cords.
Storage and transport: The portability and pliability of rubber cords make them ideal for storage and transportation.
Applications for Rubber Cords
Rubber cords are essential in many different industries and for many different types of applications. If you want to buy solid rubber round cord online, look at the common areas of application: 
Automotive: Rubber cable is highly effective for sealing electrical enclosures in automobiles, even when subjected to high temperatures.
Aerospace: When it comes to sealing components, the aircraft industry relies on rubber cables because they can withstand both very hot and very cold temperatures.
Construction: In both commercial and domestic settings, you can find rubber cords used for shower doors, window seals, oven doors, and electrical connectors.
Food and beverage: Rubber cord is used in food processing machinery because it can seal off the moving parts and keep out dust, gas, and liquids.
Medical and pharmaceutical: Because of its biocompatibility and ease of sterilisation, rubber cord finds use in the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
You can tailor the size and colour of the solid rubber cords to match your specific requirements. Greendale Rubber is a popular rubber production company where rubber cords are available in a range of finishes, including plain, ribbed, and diamond-textured options. Cords of various thicknesses and lengths are also available at our online store.
Solid Rubber Cords are manufactured to the highest standards at Greendale using state-of-the-art technology and equipment. Feel free to connect with us if you want to buy solid rubber round cord online or have any queries related to the products.
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goldrays · 2 months
Coloured Shower Door Seals: Enhancing Your Bathroom Aesthetics
In the domain of bathroom design, every detail matters. From the tiles to the fixtures, each element contributes to the overall ambience and functionality of the space. One often overlooked but crucial component is the shower door seal. Not only does it serve a practical purpose in preventing water leakage, but it also plays a significant role in aesthetics. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of coloured shower door seals, exploring their benefits, variations, and maintenance tips.
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tilerescueclean · 11 months
A Comprehensive Comparison of Shower Seal Options for Your Bathroom
Having a watertight shower is essential for maintaining a clean and functional bathroom. When it comes to Sydney shower seal, there are various options available in the market. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive comparison of different shower seal options, helping you make an informed decision for your bathroom.
The Importance of a Reliable Shower Seal
Before delving into the different options, let's understand why a reliable shower seal is crucial:
Preventing water damage: A quality shower seal ensures that water remains within the shower area, preventing leaks and seepage that can cause extensive damage to your bathroom floor and walls.
Maintaining hygiene: Properly sealed showers prevent water from seeping into hard-to-reach areas, reducing the risk of mould, mildew, and bacterial growth.
Enhancing durability: By protecting your bathroom from water damage, a reliable shower seal extends the lifespan of your shower and prevents costly repairs or replacements.
Now, let's explore the various Sydney shower seal options available:
Rubber Seals
Rubber seals are a popular choice for shower enclosures due to their flexibility and effectiveness in creating a watertight barrier. Here are some key points to consider:
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Easy to install and replace.
Flexible, allowing for adjustments to fit different shower door sizes.
Affordable option.
May require regular maintenance to prevent degradation over time.
Color options may be limited.
PVC Strips
PVC strips offer another reliable option for sealing shower enclosures. Let's take a closer look:
Excellent water resistance, preventing leaks effectively.
Durable and long-lasting.
Easy to clean and maintain.
May require professional installation for optimal results.
Limited colour and design options.
Silicone Caulk
Silicone caulk is a versatile and widely used shower sealant. Consider the following when evaluating this option:
Provides a seamless, waterproof seal.
Highly flexible, accommodating movements in the shower enclosure.
Available in various colours to match your bathroom aesthetics.
Requires proper application technique for optimal results.
Periodic maintenance may be necessary to prevent mould growth.
Shower Door Sweeps
Shower door sweeps are often combined with other seals to enhance water containment. Here's what you need to know:
Effective in blocking water from escaping through the gaps between the shower door and the frame.
Easy to install.
Compatible with various shower door types.
May require periodic replacement to maintain effectiveness.
Limited in preventing leaks from other areas of the shower enclosure.
Making the Right Choice
When selecting a shower seal option for your Sydney bathroom, it's important to consider factors such as budget, installation requirements, maintenance, and aesthetic preferences. Each option mentioned above has its own strengths and considerations. Assessing your specific needs and consulting with professionals can help you make an informed decision.
Remember, investing in a high-quality Sydney shower seal is an investment in the longevity and functionality of your bathroom.
By understanding the various options available and their pros and cons, you can choose a shower seal that suits your needs and ensures a watertight and enjoyable showering experience.
Now, go ahead and transform your bathroom into a watertight haven!
source URL : https://tilerescueclean.wordpress.com/2023/07/18/a-comprehensive-comparison-of-shower-seal-options-for-your-bathroom/
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allareass · 1 year
All Areas Floor Sweeping
Cleaning your home or office is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy environment. Regular cleaning can eliminate dirt accumulations and keep the space sanitised and safe for your family members and employees.
Clean the ceilings, exhaust fans and walls. Remove cobwebs and accumulated dust from windows, vents, shelves and closets. To know more about Floor Sweeping Sydney, visit the All Areas website or call 1300659609.
Floor sanding and polishing is a great way to revive the appearance of your vinyl and linoleum floors and improve their value. While it is not the only option, it is a good choice when you want to make your house or building stand out from the competition. It is recommended that you do a thorough job of cleaning and polishing on a regular basis.
There are floor polishing products that can be applied with a cloth or flathead mop (most commonly for residential floors) to achieve the desired results. When using such a product, it is important to ensure that it is meant for your particular flooring type and to follow instructions.
A sanding machine is best used on floors that have a polyurethane finish. You can spot sand the wood where scuffs or burns occur. However, you should be aware that the sanding process will expose any worm eaten cores of the timber planks.
Marble floor cleaning is a time-consuming task that can be challenging to do on your own. A professional marble polishing service provides a deep clean of your marble surfaces that will make them look new again.
Marble is a beautiful material that adds an elegant touch to any home or office. It is also durable and versatile, making it a popular choice for floors and benchtops. However, like all materials, marble is prone to damage and requires proper maintenance to keep it looking its best.
Our marble floor cleaning and polishing services include cleaning, stripping, sealing and grinding. We use high-end professional hot water extraction equipment to thoroughly clean contaminated tiled and natural stone flooring. This leaves your floors disinfected and free of stains, dirt, mould and mildew. We can also apply a protective sealant to the surface of your marble tiles to protect them from oil splashes, water ingress into the pores of the stone and other contaminants.
Whether you have wood floors throughout your home or just in the kitchen and dining area, it is essential to keep them clean. Regular cleaning will help to prevent the build-up of grit, dirt, and grime that can damage the surface of your floor and cause it to become dull. A hardwood floor is also easy to sanitise as it can be mopped with natural, non-toxic cleaning solutions.
Use a door mat at the entrance to catch dirt and grit before it hits your wooden floors. Use a microfiber mop and dip it in a natural cleaner, like baking soda or hydrogen peroxide that doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals, to remove any stains from your hardwood floors.
For best results, you should allow the cleaning solution to dry before mopping again. Depending on the type of finish on your hardwood flooring, we can polish them using a variety of products to achieve a scuff-free shine.
In a residential or commercial environment, tiles can become dull and discoloured over time due to dirt and grime. Mopping is not enough to keep tiled floors clean, sanitised and looking their best. Our team uses specialised cleaning equipment to get the job done right.
The polishing of tile can transform a matte or honed surface to create a highly reflective finish. It can also help rectify a common problem with polished porcelain tiles known as optical hazing, which leaves the surface with a smudgy or hazy appearance.
After the thorough cleaning of your tiled surfaces we will apply an epoxy based grout colourant to ensure consistency and to protect against future staining. This is suitable for indoor and outdoor tiled areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, showers, balconies & surrounds to the swimming pool.
We offer a high pressure cleaning service to remove moss, slippery oil stains and other contamination from concrete driveways, pathways and patios. This will enhance the appearance of your outdoor area and improve safety. To know more about Floor Sweeping Sydney, visit the All Areas website or call 1300659609.
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tileregroutingau · 2 years
Hire Professional Cleaners Offering Comprehensive Outdoor Tile Cleaning and Sealing Services
Homeowners prefer hiring renowned companies offering Outdoor tile cleaning and sealing services to remove harmful pollutants and fill between the gaps once the cleaning takes place. Further, they provide in-depth washing for patio, balcony, pathway and driveway so one could have visually pleasing space to breathe in. Skilled cleaners use highly effective foaming formulation that will remove dangerous components and eliminate bad odour.
Benefits of Reliable Shower Regrouting Services:
For starters, trusted companies offer high quality shower silicone replacement in Carnegie available in different colours that will match up with existing tiles. Moreover, replacing the grout on timely basis would likely prevent from potential damages that can also cause structural destruction. Renowned companies provide comprehensive services to clean tiles, glass as well as shower silicone to eliminate dust particles from every nook and corner.
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Professional cleaners also provide sealing for gaps in the between tiles to avoid entry of harmful external elements, pests and other toxin substance. They also ensure that the seal would last long and avoid the risk of anyone tripping over while walking. Skilled cleaners also provide disinfection for surfaces and glasses so it could eliminate the existence of bacteria.
Generally, many well-known companies also provide cleaning for glass showers to remove dirt and achieve shine along with smooth surface finishes. Moreover, they also clean door and side panels to wash all harmful variables that might affect the surface environment.
Perks of Choosing Tile Cleaning & Grouting Services:
The code of conduct offers pressure cleaning, tile treatment, sealing, polishing, honing and other grouting assistance.
Further, qualified cleaners are well-equipped with advance tools and techniques to clean tiles as well as enhance overall appeal of the surface.
They also offer shower mould removal and natural stone cleaning as well as sealing assistance.
One should enquire with the best company if they are looking for outdoor cleaning and sealing services at cost effective prices.
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cleanmastersydneyau · 2 years
Essential Tips and Tricks For Tile and Grout Cleaning
Almost every homeowner has to deal with grout in some capacity. Grout is present throughout the house, whether it is on the floors of the hallway, the countertops in the bathroom, or the backsplash in the kitchen. When grout is brand-new, it is both gorgeous and practical. Grout can be an unsightly hazard if it is old and neglected. The fact that Tile and Grout Cleaning Sydney is difficult is something that almost all homeowners appear to be aware of. You can take better care of your home by learning how to manage your grout and what you can do to keep it in good shape. Another convenient option is to hire Tile Grout Cleaning Services Sydney.
We refer to the mortar used to attach tiles to walls, floors, and even worktops as grout. Since white grout is the most popular colour among grout types, it is quite easy to see when grout is becoming discoloured. You might even notice unhealthy black mould developing on grout if it goes for a long time without being cleaned. Why? Tiles are frequently found in damp spaces like bathrooms and kitchens, and grout is a porous material. These are the ideal conditions for mould or fungus to grow. Therefore, it's crucial to understand how to properly clean bathroom tiles and maintain tile grout to reduce the likelihood of mould growth in your house. Apart from hiring Tile Grout Cleaning Services Sydney here are some easy-to-afford advice and tactics for Tile and Grout Cleaning Sydney:-
1. Always maintain a dry floor
When doing domestic duties, there is a significant likelihood of spilling food; thus, don't wait too long because it will be more difficult to clean up once it has sat. Always strive to leave your shower as dry as you can, just like the restroom. Water can be used to effectively clean the walls, doors, and floor. To decrease the humidity in a room or bathroom, you can also leave a window open or turn on a fan.
2. Use mats in frequently visited areas.
Mats and carpets can help prevent Rugs or mats help stop damage from foot traffic. In the unlikely event that your main entrance has tiles, you can add a small floor covering or Mat to secure the tiles immediately within the entry. You may also prevent any splash on your screen from being soaked into your tile by using floor covering or mats in the kitchen or in front of the sink. Additionally, you can use the rug outisde and inside your home and place of business to wipe up spills and moisture off the floors. These became a must for every home on days that were snowy or rainy in the spring.
3. Regularly vacuum your floor
The best way to remove loose dirt and dust from the tile on your flooring is to vacuum.
You may prevent soils from being "ground" into your floors by people walking on them by regularly sweeping your floors. Additionally, if you have pets in your home, you are surely aware that pet hair frequently floats on hard surfaces. The only way to keep pet hair away from surfaces is to periodically vacuum.
4. Employ qualified Tile and Grout Cleaning Sydney service
The easiest way to maintain a germ-free home or business is to occasionally hire a professional
Tile and Grout Cleaners Sydney. They employ specialised equipment and cleaning solutions to remove filth and grime that a broom or mop may not be able to remove. Many Tile & Grout Cleaning Services are available 24/7, so you can call them at any time. For your convenience or on days when you are not working, you can quickly make appointments online. They merely call you ahead of time and supply services to create your spotless home.
5. Examine the grout sealing.
Given that grout is permeable, it can readily absorb soil and spills. However, a good grout sealant can stop it. To make your grout more liquid-absorbing, a grout sealer creates a protective film on top of it. To your grout line, you can also add a clear or coloured sealer. The grout line with the permanent discoloration responds brilliantly to the colour sealant.
If you want to improve the appearance of your office, you can choose to have the grout resealed after a few years. To test the grout, though, just dab a little water on it; if it beads up and sits on the surface, the grout is fine. On the other hand, if it soaks, that indicates that the moment is correct to use service of Tile and Grout Cleaners Sydney.
How To Naturally Clean Tile Grout
You can attempt the following natural way, but bear in mind to test it on a small area first if you don't like using commercial mould and mildew prevention solutions or need to avoid bleach due to the type of tiles in your home:
1. Apply a thick paste made of white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda directly to the grout.
2. Give the paste enough time—at least 30 minutes—to work its magic on the grout.
3. To remove any stains, clean with an old toothbrush.
4. Use cold water to rinse the grout, then allow the area to air dry.
Regardless of how expensive or decorative the products you used to decorate your business or house were. However, all your efforts can be in waste if your tile is unclean and your grout is missing. As tiles are intended to enliven a home, they will eventually lose their lustre as time goes on. Don't worry if the same thing occurs in your house.
Cleaning the grout and tile can be a cheap and easy task. Simply follow the instructions above to create simple cleaning solutions for your home or place of business using common household items. If DIY cleaning is out of the question for you, you might call a nearby Tile and Grout Cleaners Sydney service. We provide a wide range of floor cleaning programmes. Due to its assurance of thorough cleaning and stain removal, our tile and grout steam cleaning process has received the highest client recognition. Additionally, we provide customizable pricing for tile and grout cleaning services that are affordable for any budget. Call us whenever is most convenient to receive your free estimate for our Tile and Grout Cleaning service Sydney.
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Fugabella® Color - Kerakoll The groundbreaking hybrid grout Fugabella® 50 Colour collection is ideal when decorating any surface in porcelain, ceramic tiles, mosaic and natural stone. Fugabella® Color achieves performance characteristics such as water‑repellence, very low water absorption, high surface hardness, high resistance to the most common acidic substances and total colour uniformity. Fugabella Silicone Kerakoll Fugabella Silicone Color is range of 50 design colours perfectly matches Kerakoll Fugabella Color Grouts. This range of silicone sealants are mould resistant, resistant to freezing, and has high chromatic stability. Because of their silicone make up, Kerakoll Fugabella silicone sealants are ideal for sealing porcelain and ceramic tiles, even in areas that have permanent contact with water like swimming pools, spas, and wet rooms. Kerakoll Silicone Color is for elastic, waterproof sealing of expansion and connection joints on: porcelain tiles, low thickness slabs, ceramic tiles, klinker, cotto, glass and ceramic mosaic, of all types and formats & bathroom fittings, showers, metal doors and windows, glass and fibreglass. For internal and external use, including environments subject to freezing, on expansion and connection joints in tile coverings on balconies, terraces, internal floors, aquariums and swimming pools. #Construction #Melbourne construction #waterproofers #waterproofing products #waterproofingsystems #Melbourne builders #Melbourne builder #Melbourne architects #tilers #tiling #balcony #bathrooms #bathroom waterproofing #balcony waterproofing #Melbourne #Grout #Silicone #colour #fugabella (at Australia Wide) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg0VYdrPIKE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raggaraddy · 2 years
Hi I just read your oneshot bout jungkook, where she gets drunk and slap him and I was wondering if you could do one where with youngi.
A/n: Glad to hear you liked the JK version! Thank you for the request and the long wait during my hiatus xxx 💜💜💜
You can make requests here.
Trigger warning: Smut, oral, facial, imprisonment, violence, abuse, alcohol, binge drinking.
Yoongi Assassin! Yoongi
You are so screwed!
Yoongi had been gone for a few days, and in a rare moment of forethought he actually told you in advance that he was going to be leaving. However, he told you he would be gone for four days. Not three.
Normally, you were a well-behaved prisoner. You never do anything against the rules- not intentionally. You're convinced that you'll get caught, so you just don't risk it. In fact, over the past few months, your behaviour had been so good that Yoongi had steadily begun to fill your room with more and more. By now you have a TV, stereo, games; both board and console, art supplies, toys and so many other little things for you to occupy your time when you're in isolation.
But still, even with so much to distract you, it's hard not to remember that you are locked up and alone. Just once you wanted to do something that would help you forget your cage and turn your brain off.
On hearing that Yoongi was going to be gone for half a week you were eager to take advantage of that knowledge. And the day before he left, when he was distracted in his shed, you snuck a bottle of whiskey from his liquor cabinet. It was an old bottle. One that had been in his liquor cabinet collecting dust since long before you arrived. You were certain he would never miss it because it seemed like he was never going to drink it.
You would just apply the same trick you did to your father's alcohol collection when you were younger. All you need to do is refill the bottle with a strong back tea and seal it back up. This one has a cork stopper and a wax seal, which is child's play. A hot spoon over the wax and he will never know the difference. And by the time he does open it, well if you're still here by then, clearly you have larger issues.
You were organized and ready. You had everything scheduled and planned out to make sure that you would never get caught. The problem is that you were expecting him home tomorrow. Not today. And you have been drinking all afternoon. Worse still, after months of not being allowed to drink your alcohol tolerance is shit.
Which means right now you were hammered.
Hearing the heavy thud of the front door, you kept assuring yourself that it would be okay if only he didn't unlock your door. However, in another rarity, that was the first thing he did. Now you're in a terrible predicament because you know if you don't rush out like you normally do it's going to look suspicious. But if you go out there it's fairly obvious that your drunk.
Your only hope is to sober yourself up, but all you have to help you is a splash of water and some mouth wash. So you will simply have to pray to any deity that will listen that it's enough to help you pass by. And hopefully, he'll stick to his coming-home ritual; showering, eating, and retreating to his office for the remainder of the night.
In the best-case scenario, 30 to 40 minutes from now you should be in the clear. You just need to stay out of his way.
Sitting on the sofa in the living room you are trying hard to make your eyes focus as you stare down at the swirling colours of the TV remote. You were hating yourself so incredibly much right now. Just before you were surprised with Yoongi's early return you were having an internal debate as to whether you should have one more drink, or not. There was only a little remaining in the bottle and in a moment of genius you decided that regaurdless of already feeling super tipsy it would be better to finish the rest, because it would be smarter not to drink at all tomorrow. That way there was no chance of being caught by Yoongi in this exact position. But even though it turned out to be more than a little bit, you still downed it like it was a shot.
And now you feel sick for so many different reasons.
Walking downstairs after having a shower Yoongi's honey blonde hair is still damp and flicked in every direction. You're watching him out of the corner of your eye, trying your best to not make it too obvious. But honestly, at this time you have no measure of how you're behaving. Your eyes are swaying back and forth like you're on the deck of a ship at high sea. Just holding your breath until the moment he shuts himself in his study so you can relax and drink a gallon of water.
Instead though, of going downstairs into the kitchen, in another unprecedented turn of events he comes to the couch and sits next to you.
Somehow forgetting the way you normally sit, move, or even breathe, you are restlessly on the edge of the cushion, feeling gawkish in your own skin.
"Y/n," he calls lowly, holding his hand out for you to take. "Come here,"
Your body feels like it's moving jittery and slower than you're meaning to. Following his instruction you do your best impersonation of a sober person. But even in this state, you're smart enough, or paranoid enough to know that he knows.
"Why?" You hesitate to take his hand.
He smiles knowingly and you realise your mistake right away. You are always too eager for his physical contact and attention, almost needy and desperate for it. Hesitating in any way to his offer of affection? Well if it wasn't already obvious that something was wrong with you, it had taken less than 2 seconds for you to act abnormally.
You overcorrect. Jolting forward you take his hand in yours, staring at him attentively to try to predict what he is thinking and how he is going to react.
"I-" you cough on your own miss-timed inhale, nerves getting the better of you. "I-um. I- did you have a good trip?" You ask, hoping to god you're speaking clearly.
"Do we want to pretend like we don't both know what you've done?" He asks. Smiling wider, the right corner of his mouth lifting.
Clumsily springing up from the seat you snatch your hand back, refusing to believe how truly fucked you are.
"I don't know-I-ah have to go to the toilet." You blurt out, making a persistent effort to escape this situation and the truth.
"Stop." You hear the leather of the couch squeak. Freezing in place, you feel him quickly enter your space. His chest pressing to your back. His chin brushing past your ear. "Do you want me to tell you something you didn't know Y/n?"
Your hands come up to your chest in a defensive brace. Too anxious and inebriated to find the words to reply coherently.
"I put a camera in your room months ago." He whispers.
You feel your stomach drop. A sweat building on your forehead and neck.
Oh god! This is horrible. That means he has seen everything you have done when you thought you were alone.
"I have to say, I was flattered to hear that you call my name when you cum." He hums, his gravelly voice getting deeper in your ear.
Breathing heavily, your face is burning red. Every time you masturbated, all the times you talked to yourself or danced around the room. Every time you acted like a slob or walked around naked or cried to yourself- he saw it all.
You're so embarrassed. You're humiliated. How could he do this to you! Even with all the horrid, cruel, psychological methods of manipulation he puts you through, this is so much worse. He literally removes you from all human contact, but still won't let you have the security of being alone. And worse, he is recording and watching you without your knowledge!
"How could you?!" You spin, snapping at him. "Don't you do enough? Don't you already treat me like fucking shit? How dare you watch me!"
With an egotistical glimmer in his eyes, Yoongi pushes back towards you, removing the space you created. The backs of his fingers lightly tracing down your arm.
"Isn't this usually the point where you, in your predictable attempt to avoid being locked up, get on your knees and beg to make me cum?" His words hit you like an anvil, but it's his arrogant smirk that does the most damage.
He really thinks that you're pathetic. You knew that he thought of you as weak and helpless, but it's worse. He thinks less of you than that!
"Stop being an asshole," you croak. Stuck in this frustrating space where you are too intoxicated to form a smart functioning rebuttal but too aware to ignore how vicious and cruel he is being. "I just wanted to forget I was here. Okay, Yoongi. I wanted to forget you and how much I hate you, and this stupid fucking place!"
"Forget this place?" He scoffs, his breathing starting to deepen. You're far too drunk to notice but there is an air of revulsion to his response. Normally calm and unphased, upon hearing you say that you hate him and this place again, after all this time, you've angered Yoongi more than the lying, stealing, or drinking might have. "How is your life difficult? You have no use, no value other than to entertain me and you can even do that right. The only thing that actually makes you worth anything I can do better with my right hand." He taunts grabbing up your wrist.
You see red. Your reason swallowed up by rage.
How dare he?! It's not like you choose to be here. Or that you enjoy being his prisoner. He forced you into this and still he is mocking you, calling you useless? What an absolute fucking cunt!
You react too fast to rethink your decision. Lifting your loose hand you swing it with full force into Yoongi's face, batting his cheek with the curve of your palm. A sonorous clap bursting through the room before dead silence replaces it.
His head knocks to the side. In opposition to your reckless reaction, his is slow and thoughtful. His nails dig into your wrist, keeping you from retreating even as you squeal and pull away from how he cuts into your skin. His face blankens immediately after the hit, but as he turns back to face you a cold vicious smile curls onto his lips. His head cocking to the side.
You can't proccess what you've done fast enough. In a foul sweep, his hand darts towards you and mats into your fringe. He tears you forward and down, dragging you off your feet, sending you crashing to the floor. Your face inches from colliding with the tiles. Being jerked further your forehead smacks into the ceramic. A heavy stomp, stamping down on a chunk of hair close to the base of your skull. The pressure so firm it's trapping you to the ground.   
Screaming shortly, both of your hands grip into your hair, beating and shoving at his foot and ankle with no give.
"Get off!" You shriek. Tears forming in your waterline.
He twists his heel tearing the hair even more painfully from your scalp, causing you to yelp. "Be quiet. You've already said enough." He growls. Pivoting his foot again for painful emphasis, extinguishing your fight.
For a few moment, he lets his ridicule linger. There is no movement, no noise other than your panting breath. He simply holds you in pain until he is convinced your fight has truely died out.
Once he is, his foot finally comes off. You falling onto your side, gasping in relief, kneading your fingers into your tender head of hair. 
"You want me to prove that I'm right?" Finally, you start to realize how cold Yoongi's tone has become, and how there is an underlying wrath to his voice. "Get on your knees and ask nicely for me to cum down your throat, and I'll forgive you for stealing, I'll forgive you for getting drunk, and I'll forgive you for being a bitch," Your stomach sinks. Your heartbeat is racing. "Or don't, and I'll make sure you don't see the sun for the rest of the year."
Any signs of your resistance, pride, or self-respect disappear. It's been over a year since he threatened you with being locked in the basement, and longer still since you had actually been down there. You knew one thing for certain, more than you knew or understood any other thing; you would do anything- anything at all to avoid being sent down there again.
"Okay," you whisper, holding your hands up in defeat as you roll onto your knees. "I understand. I do. I was so wrong. What I did. What I said. I was wrong." Nothing is connecting well in your brain for you to make a better case for yourself. You have to hope that he doesn't care about your articulation and that he only cares that you show surrender.
Resting your hands on his thighs, bunching into the material of his pants, you're trusting that your sincerity is coming across.
"I'll make you feel good. And everything will be okay."
Nodding eagerly, you tug his pants and boxers down. Not hesitating a moment to lick his cock. He is not yet erect so you guide him onto your tongue with your hand, stroking down and up as you lick along him. His hand shoving the back of your head, pushing you further into him as you work your way down and tongue his balls. Feeling him grow and harden in your palm with each twitch of his shaft.
Lifting higher you finally aim to take him into your mouth, taking a few sharp inhales in expectation. However as your lips touch the head of his dick, Yoongi's large grip once again painfully latches into your hair. Angling you back, he holds you in place with his left hand, his right taking over your actions. Stroking up and down his shaft.
For a moment, you are completely confused. He never stops you. In fact, by this point, he normally would be roughly pushing himself down your throat.
But as you see his smug expression his earlier taunt plays back in your mind.
Smirking, he spits into his palm. The wet sounds as he rubs himself an inch from your face sends a shiver through your ear. Hunching over he's purposefully getting too close, every few strokes smacking himself against your cheek.
After everything you have experienced and everything you know about Yoongi, somehow you are still in disbelief of how disrespectful he is being. And worse still you are heartbroken at the realization that your instinct is to let him do this, to let him do whatever he wants as long as it will keep you from being chained up downstairs.
Yoongi lets out a whispered breathy groan. His cock now smacking your lips on every jerk. His salty precum making them sticky.
With a grunt of pleasure, he holds your head back, keeping you in the right position to take his load. His hot jizz shoots across your nose, making you flinch. Spurt after spurt of his cum floods your face until you are covered in it. Feeling it drip down your cheeks. All while you sit motionless, your fists digging into your legs. Breathing heavily, your mouth is dry. Your eyes tightly clenched shut.
Finally, as he finishes he wipes the head of his cock over your lips. Rubbing the last drops into your mouth. Make sure you still have to taste his cum.
You know you really fucked up, but you can't stand how vicious he is being. He didn't even treat you like a sex object just now. He treated you like something less. And he did it to be intentionally derrisive.
Slowly opening your eyes, Yoongi is staring down at you, admiring his handy work. A satisfied grin on his face. Looking pleased in more ways than one. Bending over he scoops your hand in his and runs your cupped palm up and down his softening dick, wiping the excess cum and spit before throwing your arm away and zipping himself up.
"You're not as useful as my hand," He smirks, cleaning cum from his thumb onto your temple. "but at least you make a decent cum rag."
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