#combat depression
profmj · 1 year
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Just had a somewhat mentally shitty today, so I thought I'd share a cute mug that I glazed this week <3
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mintinol · 2 months
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I forget how to draw like every few months jfc
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dawnbreakersgaze · 7 months
The fact that Dr Zayne is saving people who want to live
And Dawnbreaker Zayne is mercy killing people who want to die
And both are obsessed/disturbed with each other across space and time
Really has me fucked up in a lot of ways and I'm not okay about any of this
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amazinglyegg · 8 months
Preston just randomly muttered "I'm hurt bad" while we were walking around sanctuary together.
Like damn... sorry to hear that bro. You wanna talk about it? I'm here for you.
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good-wine-and-cheese · 4 months
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There exists in my brain a collection of characters that belongs to a loose, cross-fandom polycule/adventuring party and this is the current roster
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sadaveniren · 8 months
So I want to actually take this time to Be SeriousTM. And this is directed to my lovely new fan who is sending me all that hate anon.
I gather - legitimately - from the timing of you sending me stuff and your struggle with proper grammar that you are a child. I do not know if you are in the United States or another country but I want to take a moment to make you (and other people) aware of a ruling that just happened in the United States today.
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There was already precedent for this (albeit with suicide and not school shootings) with the case of Conrad Roy back in 2014. In both of these incidences people were found guilty of manslaughter (unpremeditated killing of someone) and sentenced to jail. These two cases mean that if someone is found to have been negligent with their actions and it leads to someone’s death that person - even if they haven’t actually killed the person - will still be held accountable.
Now. You’re incredibly lucky that I am - as you called me - a hag. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I have been in fandom for many, many years. I’ve been harassed before in fandom. Hell I got harassed on my old LJ by a school mates online friend for daring to not like the person. What this means is I look at your messages and roll your eyes. I do not think I can explain to you how much I don’t give a shit about what you are saying. I - unlike I assume you (and that isn’t meant to be a zetz this is just a statement based on the fact you are spending your free time sending death threats to some random on the internet) - have an incredibly INCREDIBLY strong support system. I have been to therapy. I have so many people I can lean on if for a SECOND I feel bad. Did you see how quickly people responded to my posts? I am incredibly well liked and I know that.
But someone else might not be as lucky as I am. And you may think that you are invincible as an anon but that is an incredibly naive assumption to make - especially if your words end up do killing someone.
I have a feeling this will not reach your ears and I will wake up tomorrow, or maybe later tonight if you’re allowed more Internet time by your parents, with more messages telling me to kill myself. And I will diligently report you to tumblr and eventually block you yet again because you are not mature enough to understand yet that your actions have consequences. That not a skill humans truly will master until 15 or 16, if they care enough to learn.
So yeah. I know this is going to fall on deaf ears. I have a feeling if you are an American teen you won’t actually be able to comprehend all the words strung together because Covid stole two years of your education on top of our already broken public education programs (sorry all the teachers I know, y’all are great and I know you’re trying your best) but yeah. Maybe if it doesn’t reach this specific anon maybe there will be other teens and young adults who end up seeing this as it’s reblogged.
Your words have consequences and in the United States now that means potential jail time if your cries for someone to kill themselves end up causing an ACTUAL suicide.
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alarstar · 1 month
warp train passengers: i have been tortured by my own inability to die for eternities and cannot even remember a time before this pain as every cell of my body begs for release
yi sang:
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s1ithers · 1 month
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dissentersbedamned · 10 months
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madness combat if it was written like helluva boss
art commissions
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 5 months
bury's tips to ACTUALLY combat writer's block
a lot of the time when you hear writers talk about writers block and what you can do to fight it, the advice that you hear is 'just write'
i took this to be true for a long time, and it's not the worst advice or whatever. at the end of the day anything you want to get done w writing does need to be solved by simply writing. but it took me until i was writing much more regularly to realize that actually thats nonsense
there are totally things you can do to help w writers block! ive been experiencing a bout of it recently, so i thought id share some tips partially to help out those who might read this, and partially to help myself out of that same slump
FEEDING THE MACHINE. in my experience, a lot of the time writers block is less of a blockage getting in the way of a flow of creativity and more like a machine running out of fuel. thoughts, ideas, and emotions CAN come from nowhere, but... usually they are coming from somewhere! i get my worst writers block when i am bored, under-stimulated, or stuck in my real life. try getting out into the world and doing something you don't usually do. this can be wild and exciting, or small and plain. take a different route home than usual, go for a drive somewhere cool, take yourself to a garden, bookstore, museum. if you're stuck at home try a new hobby; draw a weird picture, bake something, bird watch. this is really my top advice for myself at least, and something i have to remind myself when im despairing my own worth and dedication as a writer. you cant pour from an empty cup! you cant make something out of nothing! theres no point scraping yourself dry without trying to fill yourself back up.
FEEDING THE MACHINE... DIFFERENTLY. same principal applies here, but with what stories you are consuming. what actually got me to start writing and posting fic regularly was starting work in publishing that meant i was reading 1-2 books/manuscripts every day. they were often outside my usual reading genres, and sometimes i genuinely hated them... but they were food for the machine. the brain doesn't care if you like books about cows, the brain cares about variety and expanding its horizons. read something new and interesting! try a classic. try getting into queer classics you've never heard of if you're tired of old white men. read a murder mystery or a biography of a cool person or the history of the romance novel or frued's melancholia. try that new fantasy novel youve heard good things about. even if you only end up reading three chapters, thats still something new youre giving your brain. documentaries are also great for this if you're not feeling a new book; sit back and learn something.
CLEAN UP YOUR ENCLOSURE. humans feel yucky when we're in a yucky environment. cleaning is often exhausting and annoying and it sucks, but so is sitting in an environment that makes you feel bad. try clearing off your desk or table. set something nice you like nearby! choose a sunny spot to work in.
TALK YOUR IDEAS OUT. i really struggle with this one, because i dont like bothering people and im really embarrassed about my ideas, especially in the planning stage. it can really help though! try talking to yourself in the shower like you're being interviewed about your work. try going on some chat site, find a stranger to talk to, and infodump until they leave (or stay and you've made a new friend!). ask around for someone who wants to chat ideas; you can share yours, they can share theirs. if you have a loved one who would listen, ask if they would sit down for 45 minutes and let you talk.
LIMIT DISTRACTIONS. this one also sucks but yknow. turn on forest: stay focused. close discord. ask your dog politely to stop barking. get off tumblr and stop writing advice posts about writers block. turn on some ambient music and rain noises or chappell roan's red wine supernova on loop.
may add to this later as i think of others, but the point here is that writer's block isn't laziness and, even if you do in the end just need to write, there are ways to uplift yourself and make doing so more pleasant. these also dont fully apply to what i think the actual cause is of what we often call 'writer's block,' which is just exhaustion and lack of free time; i wouldn't consider that in itself writer's block. these tips are more for when you have that time, or you're making it, but you just cant seem to make it happen.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Small victory in body image: actually depicting myself in a game or anything like it without idealizing things I decided weren't good enough 🪩🪩
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coruscantjedi · 10 months
merrin & cal make me feel inspired to create (for the first time in years might i add, thank you, little characters in my brain) but i can never decide what to do. like do i project my mental illness onto Cal kestis & then fix him or do i write some hot jedi sex on the mantis kitchen table
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arsonist-tittyfuck · 11 months
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schizodiaries · 9 months
I’m really glad I never fell into the trap of thinking that your teens are your prime and once you hit 25 it all goes downhill from there. That mindset never made sense to me because my teenage years were downright depressing, my early twenties were awkward and confusing, and I hit my lowest point mentally at 25. I’m only just now starting to feel like I have a decent grasp on my life and I’m almost 29. And it still feels like my life has barely just begun. Some people would find that sad. They would say I’ve wasted my time, or that I’m behind in life. But I choose not to feel that way. I just feel lucky to still be alive.
I think it’s ok to miss some aspects of your youth, or to wish things would have been different. But time moves forward, you can’t stop time and you can’t stop aging. Personally, i’m always looking forward to what the coming years can teach me, and what that means for my own personal growth. I hope I live long enough to see 30, 40, 50 and so on. I’m not done here yet, I have so many more decades to experience.
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corpsentry · 2 months
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black eyes
#my stuff#my writing#mein fucking goat i cannot keep having dreams about my ex and yet it is happening still#this is one of the less remarkable ones even. i’ve had two in the past month where i try desperately to give them a flatscreen tv#and one of those big ones too. like 40 inches across. i don’t own a flatscreen tv#i’ll admit it being in singapore is hitting me like a brick to the balls and i am grievously unwell#it’s like i come back and all the work i put in to deal with my anxiety and depression gets high in the woods and dies#but that’s not the point. the point is devoid of friends (in fucking america) and a hyperfixation (haven’t found anything that’s stuck)#i am full of nothing but yearning. good ol classic yearning. and i am so moved on from my ex but i keep trying to give them this fucking tv#!!!! ?????? huh????????????? mayne got………#a girlfriend or a cat would fix me. or leaving this country take your pick#working on it#i’ve made a to do list to combat my i have lost the will to do things problem#and on it is APPLY TO JOBS (note; outside singapore (note: outside america too))#i have a plan and it’s to get as far away as possible and live#we’re getting there#in the meantime here’s a funny poem#i was so. in the dream i actually wanted to see them which is crazy. top 10 bad fan characterizations#but it was a dream with a good color palette. all cool whites and grays and a deep deep blue for the night#cold cold white snow. etc. so of course i had to write about it#which i have done. and now i am going to sleep#good bye
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yugiohz · 3 months
I think my fav artists rn are amaarae, quinine, bree, pinkpantheress, and uncle waffles. I need a festival with this lineup yup
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