#come and JOIN HIM or idk. sit next to him and david can come up and say Hi.
Hey, I saw ur post saying you were taking requests for lost boys or Billy hargrove x male reader so I was wondering if you could do a lost boys x Billy hargrove x male reader request. I don't have anything in mind specifically but maybe Billy runs away back to california and meets the reader who is a part of the lost boys??? Idk, you can do whatever you want with it :))
Billy and the Lost Boys, my fave together <3 Thank u for this request anon! I hope you enjoy it :)
Be one of us - Poly! Lost Boys x male reader x Billy Hargrove
TW : violence (not more than in canon), some sexual innuendo
Wanna read it on AO3 ?
It was a boring evening. No surf nazi to pick fight with, not so many teenagers to terrorize… Beside giving death glare to passerby with David, there was not much to do. Paul and Marko were having fun on the rides. As David and Dwayne went hunting, for the later was hungry, you decided to not join them as you were not. Instead, you started to walk around the boardwalk. You were a full vampire after all, there was not much that could decently harm you even if you were on your own.
That’s how you spotted him. Dark blond curls, jeans hugging a nice butt, leather jacket. By his looks, he was a runaway. Feeling stared at, he turned in your direction. Those blue eyes! Like Paul’s, you knew that you could drown in them. He was so beautiful, you had to show him to your boys.
You decided to walk to him confidently. You were sure in your guts that he had what it takes to be a Lost Boy. “So, what’s your name pretty runaway?”
That’s how you got to learn a little about Billy. You weren’t aware of where David and Dwayne went, so you decided to lead him to your blonds instead.
You found them sitting together, not very far from a concert. While Marko was quite skeptical, Paul seemed to approve of your choice, not even knowing if Billy was meant to be food or friend. You guys went on together, as you warned David and Dwayne by the mind link you all shared of where your intentions were laying by. David was the one keeping all of you safe, he would always have the last word anyway.
When David looked at him, he seemed to see what you saw because he asked Billy if he had somewhere to go. When he admitted that he didn’t, David offered him that Billy could stay by your place. Billy was okay with that, if he could come with his own car. To your surprise, your lover accepted. He led you all to his car, a nice blue Chevrolet Camaro. Youn could see in your boys’ eyes that they were approving of his taste.
And his driving! Fast and reckless, he adapted easily to the way you all rode your bikes.
He accepted to go down the rickety-looking entrance, even looking less anxious when David told him the story of the place, and he visibly loosened up when Paul mentioned the absence of parents or adults. You offered him a smile as you settled down next to him on a couch, and caught him looking at Paul and Marko, already in their own little world. Your boyfriends had always been very tactile with each other’s. Billy was looking… envious? If Billy was really into men, you did a great job at picking the babe.
Since he was wearing a Metallica t-shirt, you strike a conversation with him about music. Quickly, Paul and Marko come around, launching themselves in the conversation that became loud and animated.
Glancing at David, you saw him talking with Dwayne, most likely about what to do with Billy. And when you see them bringing the jeweled bottle, you know that Billy is meant to stay.
You know that it’s David’s blood in it, so when he offered you the bottle to give an example to Billy, you make a show of drinking the crimson gift of your lover. Licking your lips, you turn to the newcomer.
“Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. Be one of us Billy. Drink it”
You can see the hesitation in his eyes, so expressive, windows to his soul.
“Don’t you wanna be one of us?” David’s voice broke the silence. Looking at David, Billy brought the bottle to his lips… and drank. You all erupted into cheers, greeting the pretty boy into his new life as a Lost Boy.
The night turned into a joyous party, the five of you putting him at ease. As the sun come closer, you helped the halfling get his stuff from his car, and showed him the way to a deeper part of the cave, not too far of your sleeping room so you could reach your new boy if you needed even in the middle of the day.
Once you and Dwayne were sure that Billy was comfortably settled down, the two of you joined your lovers and flew next to them.
The next evening, you woke up early and went to check on Billy. The boy was already awake, and greeted you as you leant on what would have been a doorframe in a normal room. Your scent and the boys’ lingered everywhere, as it was your room when you were still human, and the one you would usually use when things were getting hotter, so it didn’t surprise you when you realized that Billy had your smell lingering on him. David will enjoy it, you thought. I will enjoy what? You repeated your train of thoughts to David, who took his place behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. Somehow his display of affection seemed to put Billy at ease.
Apparently, boys liking boys was not in good light where he was from. But here the young runaway would be free to be whoever he wanted to be, as a Lost Boy. Between Paul’s legs, if you believed the wild rocker’s thoughts. Dude was already picturing Billy as your lover despite him only joining you guys yesterday.
But first pretty boy would have to feed…
While Paul was helping Billy to get ready, the rest of you were wondering how to get Billy to turn. Starting a blood bath in front of him and let him give in to the thirst?  Tell him and let him pick his first kill himself? Tonight? Next week? It was finally decided that he would get a few days, and that the rest of you would let him get comfortable around you all, while you would drop hints and see if he would pick up.
The days passed, and you grew fond of the half vampire.
After a week since Billy’s arrival, you all pilled up in his camaro, as he drove you all to a quiet place where you could get as high and as drunk as you wished.
David had told you that Billy had picked up on the creature of the night thing, but he had not said anything about it yet. You knew that it was only a matter of time before Billy wad finally turning, so you all let him enjoy being half for the last few nights of his life.
At least it was what David had planned. When that angry man barged in, yelling, you all saw Billy freeze. And you got to know what he was running away from.
David immediately put himself between Billy and his father, protecting our boy. Then it all went down really fast.
The man tried to get at David, blood got shed, which seemed to make Billy react. The blond launched himself at his father, protecting the vampire that had welcomed him with open arms. Before the man could do anything to protect himself, Billy had vamped out, ripped his throat open, drinking from  the wound.
When he got up, covered in blood, Billy whipped his mouth with the back of his right hand.
“He deserved it”. No one said anything about it. Instead, David smiled.
“Welcome, Lost Boy. You’re one of us now.”
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mushiimune · 2 years
idk if ur taking writing requests but can you do a (canon era) javid fic where David has a nightmare and Jack has to calm him down (I've seen a ton of the reverse but i like this concept a bit better)
I love that idea! Here's a little something– hope ya enjoy.
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Jack was sleeping on the floor. He found that arrangement more agreeable than taking up part of David’s bed, crowded enough as it was with just one person sleeping in it. Not to mention that summer nights were long and hot. Being squashed together wouldn’t do either of them any favors in the heat that was settled over the city.
Suddenly David sat bolt upright in bed, startling Jack.
“Dave?” He said cautiously.
David blinked rapidly and looked down at him, before ducking away and rubbing the back of his hand over his eyes.
Alarmed, Jack pushed himself up, kneeling next to the mattress. “Hey, what’s the matter? You all right?”
“Yeah. Sorry. It was just a bad dream,” David said in a small voice. Jack couldn’t tell if he was being quiet because he didn’t want to wake up his sister, who was silent just beyond the curtain drawn through the center of the room, or because if he spoke any louder his voice would break. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Jack crossed his arms over the mattress and rested his chin on them.
“I wasn’t exactly sleepin’ anyway, Dave, so don’t worry about wakin’ me up.”
David’s eyes were slate gray in the moonlight, faintly coming through the curtains down by the foot of his bed. The unease fell off his face, confusion creeping in its place.
“You weren’t sleeping? Why?” Before Jack got a chance to answer, David kept talking. “Is the floor too uncomfortable?”
“The floor’s fine, Dave. I just ain’t all that tired. Anyway, this ain’t about me.”
David frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, it’s not about me, either, because I’m fine. It was just a stupid nightmare.”
In truth, Dave was shaken and his heart was still pounding in his ears. For whatever reason, listening to Jack’s voice was soothing the tremor in his hands.
“Sometimes, y’know… talkin’ about your dreams helps you forget ‘em sooner,” Jack said, trying to be helpful, and not just because of how curious he was about what lay unseen in David’s subconscious.
“Really?” David tucked his knees into his chest. “Where’d you hear that?”
“I didn’t hear it, I learned it. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, it was just a suggestion. We could always just try goin’ back to sleep.”
“You just said you weren’t sleeping,” David pointed out. “And I don’t plan on getting back to it anytime soon myself. Which puts us in the same boat, doesn’t it?”
Jack grinned. “I guess it does.”
Jack picked the pillow he’d been using off the floor and joined David on the bed, sitting with his back against the wall. David mirrored his position, pulling the quilt with him and covering both of them with it. The mattress was still warm where David had been laid out before.
“I don’t even remember what it was about,” David confessed while Jack made himself comfortable. “But for some reason I still feel like I do. My heart’s racing but there’s nothing to be scared about anymore.”
“Was I there?” Jack teased, bumping their shoulders together.
David chuckled. “I think you might have been, briefly.”
“And so was the rest of my family.”
Jack’s smile fell. He tried not to think too hard about how David just indirectly called him family. Maybe Jack was the one in the wrong for needing a reminder that David thought of him that way. Suddenly he felt light and dizzy, pursing his lips into a thin line to keep from making a face that would give him away.
“Somewhere down the line there was a boat involved. And a fire, and I guess… I don’t know. I wasn’t on the boat, but you were. It caught on fire.” David looked away, like he was recalling a real tragedy. “The story tells itself.”
Jack nodded sagely. He didn’t know whether to be interested that David was starting to think about him in his sleep, or worried that the thinking David was doing consisted of losing him in a boat fire.
“That sounds rough, Dave. But you don’t hafta worry about that happenin’ for real. I’d just jump in the water if my boat ever caught on fire, and I’d make sure your family would, too.”
“Jack… the suction of the boat sinking would drag you down, if the temperature of the water doesn’t get to you first.”
“Now the boat’s sinkin’? I thought it was on fire.”
“The fire would burn holes into the side.” David sighed. “This isn’t helping at all.”
Jack looped an arm around David’s neck. “Sorry, Dave. Maybe we should just talk about somethin’ else. Try not to think about that lousy boat anymore.”
“It’s not about the boat though, Jack. It’s more about who was on it.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m just sayin’ there ain’t much use in overthinkin’ it now when it weren’t real to begin with.”
David fidgeted. Jack figured he was most likely imagining the way David seemed to lean into him a little more.
“I guess… I guess you’re right. It’s just–” David paused, fishing for words that weren’t coming easily for once.
Jack took over, “Hard to tell apart what’s real and what ain’t.”
David blinked, a wordless gesture for him to elaborate.
“Sometimes it’s like that when you’re scared.” Jack stared darkly at the curtain opposite.
Putting a voice to old memories was something he had never done sober, and certainly not to David. But Dave was jumpy, wide-eyed and warm. Sparing him a glance he reminded Jack faintly of Les. And if it were Les under his arm right now instead of David, the least Jack could do was try and calm him down. But David wasn’t under the illusion that Jack was a martyr or a cowboy, so it was much harder to look him in the eye while he spoke.
“Dreams can feel like a whole lot more than just dreams. And they can be hard to get outta your system,” Jack continued. “But you gotta try and remember that this is what’s real. And – everything’s okay.”
Jack gave David’s shoulders a squeeze. David nodded and took an unsteady breath. He sat a little straighter when he exhaled.
“You’re right. Yeah,” David said with as much conviction as he could muster. “Everything’s okay.”
The tension had gone. Relieved, Jack gave a low whistle, still mindful of the time. “The Walkin’ Mouth just told me I’m right about somethin’.”
“Shut up,” David snickered. He leaned his head back against the wall and Jack’s shoulder, closing his eyes. “It’s a nice thing to be right about. You should be flattered.”
“Oh, believe me, I am.”
Neither of them said anything for a while. Which was fine by Jack, even though he was hoping to actually talk to David for a while, instead of having David fall asleep on him. Of course David was tired. Jack guessed he probably didn’t do a lot of intermittent panicking throughout the night like himself. He went to sleep at a reasonable hour and made his bed every morning so nobody else would have to do it for him.
“You’re a good guy, Davey,” Jack told him quietly. He didn’t know what possessed him to say it aloud. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
To that, David didn’t say anything. He didn’t even move. Jack leaned his head over David’s, letting his eyes fall shut as well.
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
last christmas (spencer reid/reader)
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Title:  Last Christmas
Requested: no
Couple: spencer reid/gen-neutral!reader 
Category: mostly fluff, but some angst
Content Warning: cheating, swearing, christmas (tagging bc i know some ppl don’t celebrate and could be a trigger), pregnancy, engagements, verbal arguments, kissing/making out, swearing, post prison/post series (minor spoilers, but idk)
Word Count: 7,864
Summary: last christmas: reader gets proposed to on christmas night. The very next day, they find out their fiance is cheating on them. So they go spend the night with their best friend, Spencer Reid. this year: Reader gets proposed to by someone special.
A/N: being forced to listen to christmas music for 3-6 hours at work can really do something to someone. And that’s either murder or writing a cute one-shot… so I went with the latter… bc that’s so much easier than murder. and, this was hardly edited.... sorry for any grammatical errors... Anyways, happy holidays, thank you all for the love and support! Check out my masterlist! {***}{***}{***}
Last Christmas:
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as the song would say. The lights on the trees and houses around were beautiful. The downtown was always decked out with bizarre lights and statues, as well as people in full 18th-century garb. Loved ones gathering to celebrate the holidays with their friends and family. 
I didn’t know anyone who loved Christmas more than myself. Everyone who knew me, knew that Christmas was my favorite holiday. I tried my hardest to live my best stereotypical Christmas movie life. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend hated it… So, I guess it’s a good thing that all my friends and co-workers loved it. 
“I don’t exactly understand why we have to go to this party,” Jasper looked down at me with a mild annoyance. I smiled before knocking firm on the door. A quick glance at him told him to be quiet. 
“We went to your work party, so it’s only fair we go to mine,” I looked back at the door. A moment later, the door flew open and there stood David Rossi with his wife, Krystall, beside him. “David, Krystall,” I smiled as I pulled my hand from Jasper to hug the couple. “Merry Christmas,” I hummed happily once we parted. I turned to Jasper and took the bottle of wine to give to them.
“And to you. Please, come in. Reid, Penelope, and Emily are all here.” David graciously took the wine from me and invited us in. I grasped Jasper’s hand once again and pulled him inside. 
“Do you need help with anything?” I looked towards David as I took my jacket off. Krystall took it and brought it to a spare room, where I would assume all the other jackets were kept. 
“We’re almost done. Just get yourself a drink and relax,” he smiled and hugged me one last time. I looked up at Jasper and led him to the living room where Spencer, Penelope, and Emily were. I only knew they were there because I could hear their laughter and lively conversations. 
“C’mon, we don’t have to stay for too long,” I looked up at him with a smile. He nodded before pecking my lips, “I promise,” I smiled as I stared at him. 
“Yeah, okay,” he nodded as he glanced at my friends, “I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick, I’ll be right back,” he whispered before pressing a kiss to my lips. I smiled and watched as he walked away. Once he was around the corner, I walked over to the living room.
“Hey you,” Emily looked up at me as I sat next to Spencer, “How are you?” she smiled. I looked at Spencer and smiled.
“I’m good. Jasper’s nieces and nephews woke us up at like 5 in the morning… And we were up late wrapping their presents,” I laughed and shook my head, “But it was exciting watching them rip through everything,” I added and nodded.
“Sounds Henry and Michael,” Spencer dryly laughed as he looked over at me. 
“Or was it because they got to see their Uncle Spencer?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Spencer looked away from me and smiled, a small blush rising on his cheeks. “I’d get that excited too if I saw you first thing in the morning,” I smiled. 
“Could you be any cuter, I swear,” Penelope looked between Spencer and I. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
“And on that note, I’m going to the bathroom real quick,” Spencer looked at me before standing up.
“Oh, Jasper’s in there right now, so it could be a minute,” I looked up at him as he started to walk away. “Or you could find one of the other many bathrooms Rossi has,” I smiled at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” Spencer waved me off before he walked away. I watched as he walked around the corner, leaving it to be just me, Emily, and Penelope.
“How was your guys’ morning?” I looked back at them with a smile. Emily looked at Penelope before looking at me. The smile she wore made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
“It was good. It was pretty lazy. Just Andrew and I,” Emily nodded before taking a sip of her wine. I nodded and watched her sip. “He said he’d be joining us, but he’ll be a little late,” she added once she put her glass down. 
“Oh good! I’d love to see good ole Mendoza,” I laughed. Emily looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “What? Andrew is a great guy,” I shrugged.
“Well, I had a great Christmas! I got to see my Chocolate Thunder and his spawn and Queen,” Penelope cut in before either of us could further a comment. 
“How is Morgan? I wish I got to see him more,” I frowned as I looked over at Penelope. Jasper stepped back in, and Spencer was right in tow. Spencer returned to his seat beside me and Jasper on the other side. There was a certain tension in the room now that those two stepped in.  I knew those two always butted heads, but they tried to get along for me. But at the same time, I hated when they were around each other. There was always something for them to fight about. And, most of the time it was nothing.
“Uh, well,” Penelope started after a moment of very awkward silence. I looked at her and swallowed the lump in my throat. “Derek’s great! Hank’s great! I swear I could just eat him up,” her voice was high pitched as she lifted her hands like she was pinching an imaginary person’s cheeks.
“Derek or Hank?” Emily looked at Penelope with a raised eyebrow. I wanted to listen into the conversation. But it was so hard when I had two bags of testosterone sitting beside me. 
“Are you okay,” I looked over at Jasper and whispered. He tensed as I grasped his hand. He looked at me and smiled lightly. 
“Yeah, yeah, work called,” he nodded and looked down at me. I furrowed my eyebrows before pouting. I furrowed my eyebrows before pouting. I could hear Spencer’s scowl from behind me. I wanted to turn back and tell him off, but I refrained.
“But it’s Christmas,” I whispered. 
“Don’t worry. It was an easy fix, over the phone,” he smiled before pecking my lips.
After several minutes of banter with everyone, Jennifer and Will, Matt and Kristy, and Luke arrived, all with various bags or boxes. I instantly got up to help someone or everyone, or anyone who wanted my help (and that happened to be Luke). 
“Merry Christmas,” Jennifer smiled as she embraced me. I squeezed her tight before muttering the words back to her. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, a little bit of concern in her eyes. “Did you have a good day,”
“Of course I did,” I smiled as I looked at her. I sighed deeply before looking over my shoulder at Spencer and Jasper. They were talking to each other and I honestly couldn’t tell if the conversation was a good conversation or not. I was just worried that Jasper and I would be leaving early and having an argument on the way home. 
“Your boys fighting?” Jennifer asked as she followed my gaze to the two men. 
“Honestly, with those two? I never know. I just wish for Christmas they wouldn’t fight,” I rolled my eyes. Jennifer laughed lightly as she looked back at me. 
“I’m sure they’ll get along, someday,” she reassured. I looked back at her, dropping my shoulders. “And, for now, don’t worry about it,” she hummed once she saw my disappointment.
“Anyways, Penelope saw Chocolate Thunder for Christmas,” I looked over at Penelope and smiled. She looked back at me with a childlike excitement once I talked about her forbidden love. 
“Oh? Really? I would love to hear more about that trip,” Jennifer looked over at the people sitting in the living room. I smiled as I watched Penelope recount her trip to the others. 
“Wine,” David appeared beside me with a glass of wine. I smiled before graciously taking it from him.
I was happy to see that Jasper seemed to join in on the conversations with everyone, instead of sitting and wallowing in whatever emotion he was in. But I knew something was going on, because I could feel a certain annoyance or nervousness coming from him. Being on a team with a bunch of FBI profilers really helps to tell when something is wrong. 
I smiled at Spencer and Jennifer before silently excusing myself to sit beside Jasper. Even though I couldn’t see him, I could feel Spencer’s eyes watching me. No matter what the situation was, he was always protective of me. He was my best friend, so I shouldn’t be too worried. He was more protective over me when it came to Jasper, too. He hated Jasper.
“Is everything okay,” I asked as I sat beside him on the couch. He turned to face me more and grasped both my hands. A certain worry was in his eye, which made me worry. “Is everything okay,” I looked at him, trying to push away all my anxieties. 
“I just wasn’t sure if I would get the chance to ask you a question,” his voice was low. I furrowed my eyebrows as he pulled his hands from mine. I watched as he stood up in front of me. He cleared his throat, getting the attention of everyone else in the room. The room went silent as everyone turned to look at Jasper and I (but mostly Jasper). “Can I have everyone’s attention for just a moment,” he spoked, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
Once he was certain he had the floor and everyone’s attention, more specifically mine, he looked back at me. He had a certain gleam in his eye that made me feel happy, and the exact opposite of nervous and worried. 
“You’re the only person I’ve ever loved. There is no one I would rather spend my entire life with than you,” his words were smooth like butter and he was as relaxed as ever. He slowly lowered to the ground, kneeling on one knee. I brought my hands to my lips as I gasped. The girls around me were instantly squealing from excitement and the guys were stunned into silence. Spencer just glared from his seat across the room. “Will you marry me?” Jasper asked as he pulled his hand from his pocket. A black velvet box was in his hands, and inside was a diamond ring. I widened my eyes and felt the breath escape my lungs. 
The room fell silent with his proposal. Everyone’s eyes fell on us, and I could feel the cold and mildly judgemental stare from Spencer. Of course, I wanted to say yes. I loved Jasper. And, no one could make me feel otherwise. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, you fool,” I smiled at him as slid to the edge of the couch. A series of applause came from everyone as Jasper slid the ring on my finger. I rested my hands on his cheeks before pulling him into a kiss. 
“Well, I think it’s time to pop open a bottle of champagne,” David spoke in a cheery tone before standing. I looked up at him with a smile and watched as he walked towards the kitchen. I looked back at Jasper before kissing him once again. 
“I’m going to see if he needs any help,” Spencer spoke cooly before leaving. I looked at him, watching as he left. I looked over at Jennifer with a raised eyebrow, silently asking her to go see what’s wrong. She nodded before chasing after Spencer. 
“Again, congratulations,” Krystall smiled as she hugged me. I returned the hug. As I pulled away, she grasped my hand. “Merry Christmas,” she looked up at me. I smiled before turning to David.
“Thank you guys so much. I’ll see you on Monday,” I looked at the couple again before turning to leave. Jasper had already gone out to the care to start it, seeing as it was very cold out. 
“I’ll walk you out,” Spencer spoke up from behind David and Krystall. I looked past the couple at Spencer. He was already wearing his jacket and scarf. He wanted to leave the second Jasper proposed. 
“Yeah, of course,” I smiled and nodded. Spencer gave his pardons to David and Krystall before we finally stepped outside. 
“Did you have a good Christmas, Spence,” I looked up at him as we walked down the sidewalk. He kept his eyes low on the ground as we walked, and the silence he gave me was nearly deafening. I glanced at him, half worried because he’s never ever this quiet. Even when a sour police officer was getting annoyed or fed up with him, he wouldn’t even shut up. 
“Yeah, yeah, spent it with my mom and JJ’s family,” he nodded as he kept his eyes low. I smiled and nodded. “What about you,” he finally looked over at me.
“Yeah, yep… Spent it with Jasper and his family and friends,” I nodded as I shoved my hands into my pocket. 
“Not yours?” Spencer stopped walking. He grabbed my wrist, causing me to stop. I turned around and looked up at him. “I mean, it’s not very fair that he forced you to spend the holidays with his friends and family, and he looked like he wanted to jump off a bridge the whole time you were here… And you weren’t even here that long,”
“Spencer!” I looked up at him as I exclaimed. I stared at him with wide eyes. “What the hell is going on with you?” I dropped my shoulders as I looked at him.
“I’m just speaking the truth,” Spencer shrugged before he put his hands in his pockets. I shook my head and let out a laugh of disbelief.
“I gotta go,” I shook my head before turning to leave. I could hear Spencer muttering something to himself as I turned, and I just knew he had more to say.
“He doesn’t even love you!” Spencer shouted as I walked towards the car. I froze, staring at the window and Jasper sitting inside. I’m sure he could hear my argument with my best friend.  My heart was in my throat and I could feel myself starting to get sick. My head started to get a little woozy. “I’ve seen the way he’s looked at you and talked to you! And, he doesn’t…”
“Spencer,” I turned around to look at him, feeling the irritation growing in my head and my heart. He was looking at me, face filled with fury. The expression on his face told me he was telling the truth, but also Spencer would never lie to me. 
His eyes grew watery as he stared at me, and I knew the next thing he would say would probably break my heart. He was already telling the truth, a truth that I didn’t want to believe. 
“Please don’t marry him,” his voice lowered as he spoke. And I swear I heard it crack. I swallowed roughly as I looked at him. “He was constantly talking to someone tonight, texting someone. I heard him on the phone with someone when I left the bathroom, and I know it wasn’t work,”
“Stop,” I looked at him, trying to get him to stop talking before he said anything more that would embarrass the both of us. “Goodnight, Spencer. I’ll see you Monday,” I nodded at him before slipping into the car.
“Ready?” Jasper asked, looking over at me as he grasped my hand. I looked over at him with a smile before nodding.
“Yeah,” I whispered before looking back out the window at Spencer. He was still standing on the sidewalk, staring at me. He wore a very hurt expression on his face, and I swear a tear was rolling down his cheek. And before anything could happen, Jasper started the car and pulled away from David’s house and my best friend.
“Have a nice day,” I looked up at Jasper as he slipped from the bed. He pressed his lips to my forehead, wishing me a good day, before leaving to get ready for the day. I was only asleep for a few minutes before my alarm went off, forcing me to get out of bed and get on with my day. And, although I still had a few more days left of no work, I still had my plate full of errands and chores. 
Once my day finally started, I made way towards the dry cleaners. I had to pick up a couple of my blouses and a few slacks. Work had wrinkled and nearly ruined a few of my clothes, and the only place that could fix them was the dry cleaners. After the dry cleaners, I had to get a few groceries, seeing as all we had was some leftovers from Jasper’s parents’ place.
My phone started ringing, almost shocking me because I wasn’t expecting anyone to call me today. But I was more relieved when I saw that it was Jennifer calling. 
“Hey, have you talked to Spence?” Jennifer asked as I pressed my phone between my head and shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows as I readjusted the grip on the bags in hand. 
“No, not since last night. We kind of had an argument before I left,” I muttered as I grabbed my phone. The memories of the argument with Spencer came back, and I tried my hardest not to recount them. I looked up at the sidewalk and people ahead of me and saw Jasper. He wasn’t alone though. Another woman was in his arms.
“Are you even listening to me?” Jennifer spoke, her tone mildly annoyed that I wasn’t answering any of her questions or acknowledging anything she was saying. 
“I’m… I gotta go. I’m sorry,” I muttered before hanging up and shoving my phone in my pocket. I looked at Jasper and the woman and watched as he deeply kissed her. 
I took a deep shaky breath before rushing back to my car. I didn’t even care about my fresh dry cleaning as I shoved it into the back. Tears were slowly rolling down my cheeks, and I wasn’t sure if there was a way I could stop them.
Not wanting to go home, the place that I would be reminded of him, I drove around, trying to figure where to go. Until I found myself standing outside Spencer’s apartment. I wasn’t exactly sure if I had knocked until the door swung open and Spencer was standing in front of me.
“Wh-what are you-Wait, is everything okay?” he asked, reaching a hand out to grasp my arm. I swallowed roughly and allowed him to hold my arm, and then my hand.
"I'm sorry… I didn't know where else to go. I didn’t want to go home because he’s there. And I just didn’t want to be around him,” I looked at Spencer with moisture in my eyes. He looked back at me with confusion settling on his face as he stared. 
“What… What happened? What’s wrong?” He asked as he stepped out of his apartment and rested his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him before allowing myself to fully break down. Spencer widened his eyes before pulling me into a hug. I pressed my face into his chest and sobbed.
“He cheated on me!” I exclaimed after a moment of crying. Spencer backed away from me to get a better look at me. “I was out doing errands… And I saw him…” I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. Spencer looked at me as he slowly realized what I had said. I could tell he didn’t really know what to do, so he just hugged me again before pulling me inside. 
“Sit, I’ll get you… I’ll get you tea. You like tea.” Spencer looked at me as he sat me on the couch. I looked up at him before wiping my cheeks. “Yeah, I’ll make you tea,” he nodded before leaving me alone in the living room. I looked towards the direction of his kitchen, listening to the clatter he was making. I could hear him talking to himself, saying stuff about Jasper, and me, and work, and the party last night, and our argument last night. I definitely shouldn’t be hearing him saying these things. It was an obvious thing that should be said to me another time. 
“Can I stay here for the night?” I looked up at Spencer as he reentered the living room with a mug of hot water and teabag. He looked at me as he sat beside me. I graciously took the mug from him and put the teabag in it. 
“Of course. You didn’t even have to ask,” Spencer looked at me as he grabbed a throw blanket. I sighed deeply as he placed it over my shoulders. “You can stay for as long as you need,” he looked at me as he furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Thanks, Spence,” I looked down at the tea and shrugged, “I don’t know what I’m going to do. All my stuff is over there.” I wiped my eyes again. Tears just wouldn’t stop rolling down my cheeks, I was starting to feel a little ridiculous. 
“Luke, Matt, and I will go over and bring it here. And you can stay for as long as you want," he insisted. I swallowed roughly before wiping my eyes. I looked up at him, trying to smile but it was rather unconvincing for the both of us. “You know that my place is your place,” he added and returned a genuine smile. His smile made me feel a little bit better and turned my unconvincing smile into something more convincing.
“Thank you, Spencer,” I whispered as I looked down at the cup of tea. The steam coming off it was rather soothing. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it! God. I’m so stupid! I’m sorry I didn’t believe you,” I looked at him, my statement sounding stupid. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he whispered a hand and wiped my cheeks. I could sense that he wanted to say more, because he always as more to say, especially when it’s about proving someone wrong. So, when he stopped at ‘It’s okay’ I was a little confused. “You didn’t want to believe something that should be false. I understand that,” he folded his hands in his lap. 
“I just don’t know what I’m going to do,” I looked down at the engagement ring on my finger. I wrinkled my nose before taking it off and chucking it at the coffee table. The ring dinged as it bounced on the hard surface. I muttered a few profanities as I stared at the ring. Spencer looked at me with a raised brow. “I guess that means you’re getting what you wanted… I’m not going to marry him,” I dryly laughed as I looked up at him. 
“I didn’t want it like that,” Spencer whispered as he looked back at me. I looked up at him and frowned. “I was being selfish,” he whispered, mostly to himself. I raised an eyebrow before looking down at the ring. 
“You’re allowed to be selfish, Spencer,” I mumbled before looking back at him.
“You’re right. But I want to be selfish for the right reasons,” he looked back at me. I swallowed roughly and shook my head. “He doesn't deserve you. And you don't deserve to have your heart broken by some guy,” Spencer muttered. I raised an eyebrow. “We don’t have to talk about it now, though, when you’re ready,” he assured. 
I didn’t really want to press why he wanted to wait till I was ready. I was honestly always ready to talk to him, no matter what it was. So, I guess we’ll have to wait till he was good and ready.  Even if that meant a very long time.
New Year’s Eve:
New Year’s Eve was especially difficult. Usually, I love it, just like Christmas. But this time… This time was different. I supposed being cheated on during such a big holiday can do that to you. My spirit for any exciting holiday was simply diminished and gone now. 
So, that’s why I was sitting at the kitchen counter in Rossi’s house with my third glass of wine. I was really trying not to wallow in self-pity. But it was so easy when my excitement for the new year was just… gone. The others seemed okay with my sadness. Although, Spencer was the most concerned than anyone else. Everyone was off in the living room, laughing in their conversations. I just wanted to be alone for a moment.
“Hey,” Spencer looked at me as he sat beside me at the counter. I looked up from my drink and at him. A lazy and drunk smile grew on my lips as I looked at him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m doing great, Spence,” I looked at him as I stood up. He raised an eyebrow as I stumbled a bit. He grasped my arm to steady me a bit. “I’m gonna go outside. I need some fresh air. You stay here,” I patted his chest before leaving.
Spencer allowed me to go outside alone, I was half expecting him to follow me. So, I was happy when I took a seat outside. The air was a little bit chilly and nippy, which was mildly sobering. I kinda wished I had another drink with me.
I heard the back door open and then slam shut, causing me to turn around and look. Spencer was walking towards me with a blanket over his arm. It was only a few minutes since I came out here, he can’t have missed me that much.
“Here, it’s cold,” he offered me the blanket as he sat on the other outdoor chair. I took it and wrapped it around my shoulders like a cape. We sat in an uncomfortable, unnerving silence. I just wished he would say something so we wouldn’t be in the quiet.
“I just needed a few minutes alone. Everyone inside is just a little bit too loud for me,” I shrugged as I looked at the space between us. Spencer’s hum was unconvincing, but I’m sure my excuse was just as unconvincing too. “They’re too happy and I’m, well, not,” I looked up at him.
“I understand,” Spencer nodded, like he knew how I felt. I stared at him, only a little bit annoyed that he said that he understood. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Spencer, I’ve been living with you for the last week, you already know how I feel,” I looked up at him. The previous few nights I was up most of the night sobbing, mostly because I was heartbroken. It was bad and a little embarrassing because Spencer was the one who took care of me. “Thank you, for that… I do appreciate it,”
“You’re my best friend,” he whispered as he looked at me. A friendly smile grew on his lips as our eyes locked. “I care about you. And, I’d do anything to keep you safe,”
I didn’t really have anything to say, because I knew he meant it. He knew I felt the same way about him. There was a reason why I went to his home instead of Jennifer’s, or Emily’s… And, that reason was because he cared about me and he was my best friend. 
I scooched the chair closer to him and threw the blanket over his other shoulder. He looked over at me with a smile and his hair flopped in front of his eyes. I smiled as I brushed the hair away from his face. 
We fell back into our comfortable silence. My head was rested on his shoulder as his fingers slowly entwined with mine. I don’t think I was supposed to notice him holding my hand, but I did. 
“Can I ask something from you, Spence,” I asked, lifting my head from his shoulder. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, like he wasn’t sure if my question was a trick or not.
“Of course,” he nodded and looked at me. I turned to face him more, looking up at his face.
“Kiss me,” I whispered softly. My eyes flicked between his eyes and lips, and it was taking everything within me to not just kiss him. I could easily blame the copious amounts of alcohol I consumed earlier in the evening. Or I could blame the true and exact feelings I had towards Spencer. If I could, I’d wrap them up in a box with a bow and give it to him with a note tag that simply said ‘I love you’, but I wouldn’t. I won’t tell him the real reason why I want him to kiss me. It’s only been a week since my doomed relationship ended. I couldn’t tell him, yet. So I told him a lie. “I’m drunk and heartbroken, Spencer, please just kiss me,” I whispered as I lifted my hand to his tie. 
“I, uh, I... “ Spencer mumbled as he glanced towards the house. I knew no one was watching what I was doing out here, and I knew they wouldn’t care about what Spencer was doing. They were all too busy playing various drinking games and too involved with themselves to care. “Is that a good idea? I’m not so sure that’s a good idea,” he muttered as he moved closer to me. And it wasn’t because I was tugging his tie.
“I think it is… I think it’s the greatest idea ever… Why else would I be asking?” I looked up at his eyes before smiling. I dropped my hand from his tie and noted that he wasn’t moving away from me. “Tell me, Spence, would I be a fool if you kissed me?” I looked into his eyes. My reflection was noticeable in his irises and it made me smile knowing I was that close to him.  
“You’d never be a fool,” Spencer whispered, his breath tickling the space above my lips. I smiled and nodded.
“I don’t know about you, but I was pretty foolish last week,” I dryly laughed. Spencer furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. “Please, kiss me,” I quietly begged. 
He placed his hands on my cheeks before pressing his lips to mine. I hummed happily as we kissed. I could barely keep myself up and myself breathing as he gently worked his lips against mine. My heart was beating in my chest, but at the same time, it was fluttering. He was so gentle and soft, like if he went any harder he’d break me. But, I’m already broken. The butterflies I was feeling in my stomach grew and caused a heat to work its way up my cheeks. But it wasn’t just a kiss. It never is just a kiss with people. And, Spencer is more than just a person. A kiss with Jasper just felt like eh, it left me feeling nothing. But a kiss with Spencer left me wanting more. I wanted more of my life with him. It was in the few mere moments we were kissing that I realized I really did love him. 
Spencer was the first to move away from me, but only a few inches. Our noses were still touching and our foreheads were still pressed together. I licked my lips and smiled softly.
“That was…” I opened my eyes and looked at him. The smile on my lips grew wider as I looked at him. His eyes scanned my face, looking for any sort of worry or fear I might have had. But I had none. “Amazing,” I whispered as I dropped my shoulders. Spencer visibly relaxed as I finished talking.
“Good,” he laughed softly as he looked back at me. 
“Best kiss I’ve ever had,” I whispered with a smile. Spencer returned the smiles he looked at me. “I know you’d fool me if you kissed me again,” I murmured against his lips. Spencer smiled before pressing his lips back to mine. I hummed as I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold him as close as possible. I didn’t want to move from my spot, and I knew Spencer didn’t want to move either. “I’d be okay if you did it again,”
“I love you,” Spencer muttered into my mouth, causing me to freeze in my spot. I kept my eyes closed because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to look at him. “Oh fuck, I shouldn’t have opened my mouth,” he groaned before tilting his head back away from me. I quickly opened my eyes and looked for his face. “Now I’m the fool,” he murmured against my lips. He was clearly embarrassed because I didn’t say anything back. I was mostly shocked because I wasn’t expecting it.
“Don’t say that,” I whispered, bringing my hands to rest gently on his cheeks. He looked at me with furrowed brows, like I was the one who was wrong about our words. “I love you too,” I smiled softly at him. Spencer looked at me, like I was suddenly a light in the darkness. And, I really liked the way it felt when he looked at me like that. “Like, I wished I realized it sooner… And, before I met, you know,” I muttered as I talked about the man who broke my heart a week ago. A look flashed in Spencer’s eyes at the mention of his, I suppose, enemy. I knew he wanted to kill the man. “I’m happy I did realize it though,” I smiled as I looked at him.
“I am too,” he finally said something after a moment of silence. The smile on his lips and in his eyes, and all the previous anger and hatred melted away. “I wish I could have told you sooner,” 
“You told me at a perfect time, Spencer,” I whispered before kissing him again. I nearly fell back in a fit of laughter as he tried deepening the kiss, but I was happy he kept me steady. 
“Don’t worry, I got you now,” he whispered as he held me close.
This Christmas:
You would have thought that I was going to hate Christmas this year. I mean, considering what happened last year? He basically ruined my week and the whole holiday for me. But it got better, thanks to Spencer. 
I looked up at Spencer as I wrapped my arms around his and rested my head on his shoulder. He looked back down at me with a smile before knocking on the door. 
“I hope everyone had a good Christmas,” I whispered as I looked at the wreath on David’s door. Krystall must be happy about her decor this year.
“Well, this is the first year neither of us really spent it with anyone else from the team,” Spencer replied as he brought his other hand to rest on my arm. I smiled before nuzzling my head more into his shoulder. “Well, This would be the first year I didn’t spend with JJ and Will,” he spoke again, changing his answer.
“Next year,” I smiled softly as I looked up at him, “Who knows, maybe next year we’ll have our own family,” I smiled smugly. Spencer laughed and shook his head, but the happy gleam in his eyes told me otherwise. Of course he wouldn’t actually verbalize that he wants kids, it’s just been known for years that he wanted them. 
“Maybe,” he looked down at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head lightly. My words were cut off by the front door swinging open. Krystall was standing by the door with a wide smile on her lips. She looked pretty happy to see Spencer and I.
“Merry Christmas, you two,” she smiled as she stepped to the side to allow us in, “Did you have a good morning?” she looked at us as we walked in.
“Wonderful,” I smiled as I looked up at Spencer and smiled. He returned the smile as he unbuttoned his jacket. Of course, we wouldn’t exactly talk about what we did this morning, I’ll just say it was a little NSFW to share with people you work with. And, somethings gotta stay between Spencer and I. 
“Is anyone else here?” I looked back at Krystall as I slipped my own jacket off. I don’t really know why I asked if anyone else was here… Spencer and I were the last ones to show up...
“You’re the last ones to arrive,” she smiled at us, “Jennifer and Will brought their boys,” she spoke as childish laughter filled the moment of silence after her words. 
“Oh! We were just talking about we didn’t see them this morning,” I looked up at Spencer as I moved closer to him. He carefully wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me closer to him. “I can’t wait to see them,” I smiled as I looked at Spencer. He returned the look with a loving look in his eye. 
“Well, I know you two know your way around the house, everyone is in the living room. If you need anything just let us know,” Krystall smiled at us before leaving to put our coats somewhere. Once she was out of our sight, I looked back up at Spencer.
“We should probably go see everyone,” I smiled as I looked towards the kitchen. Spencer gently placed a hand on my cheek, guiding my face to face his. “What,” I whispered as I looked up at him. 
“I love you,” he returned the whisper before pressing his lips to mine. I hummed as I melted into his kiss. His hand was firmly placed on my waist and he carefully pulled me closer to his body. 
“God, not in Rossi’s house,” a groan came from behind us. I pulled away from Spencer and looked over my shoulder. Emily was standing in the doorway, looking at us as she lifted her glass to her lips. 
“What, he was just hugging me,” I smiled at her. Spencer’s hands were still firmly on my me. And, it was very clear that he was not just hugging me. Judging by the expression on Emily’s face, she definitely saw more than she bargained for. 
“Sure you were,” she smiled at us, “Spence, David needs you in the kitchen,” she looked at Spencer before pushing herself off the wall and leaving. I pouted and looked up at him. 
“It’ll be just a minute. Save me a seat,” he whispered before quickly pecking my lips and swiftly leaving me in the foyar. More laughter came from the living room, causing me to smile. I instantly knew I wanted to join in the laughter and fun with the others, more specifically the two young boys.
When I stepped into the living room, everyone greeted me with a lot of excitement. It felt like they hadn’t seen me in months, but we just saw each other two days ago. 
“Hey, Merry Christmas,” I smiled as I looked at everyone. Michael and Henry ran up to me and wrapped their arms around my legs, “Hey you two,” I ruffled my hand in their hair. 
“Boys,” Jennifer called from her spot on the couch. I looked up at her and smiled as her two boys let go of me. I smiled before taking a seat at the armchair. “Where’s Spence? Did he come?” Jennifer asked as she watched me sit. Everyone had this weird sort of energy, like they knew something that I didn’t exactly know. I always hated when they did that. They knew that too. Granted, I’m not typically a person who likes surprises or secrets. 
“Yeah, he’s helping Dave with something in the kitchen,” I smiled as I looked at her. Michael ran up to me, holding a toy truck he got this morning. “Whoa! That’s such a cool truck, Michael! What else did you get?” I leaned and braced myself on my knees. He was very quiet as he told me what he got, but he was very enthusiastic about everything. When he finished telling me everything he got, he cautiously climbed onto the chair and sat beside me. 
“You were supposed to save me a seat,” a voice came from behind me. I looked behind me and saw Spencer, looking down at me with a wide smile. “I’ll just have to sit over here,” he faked a pout before going to sit on the other armchair.
“What can I say, the fellas love me,” I smiled as I watched him sit. As much as I loved sitting with Jennifer’s boys, I really wanted to sit with Spencer. Even from across the living room, he knew that too. 
As the night went on, food was eaten, drinks were drunk, presents were exchanged. I still had a 4 year old little boy attached at my hip, and there was no getting rid of him. Don’t get me wrong, I loved him… But, there were things that I wanted to do. Like sit with Spencer, and talk about things other than toys and little kid things… 
“Can we talk real quick?” Spencer asked as he squatted beside me and Michael. I looked at him and nodded, feeling my face falter slightly. I looked down at the boy on my knee, silently telling Spencer that my shadow probably won’t leave me alone. Spencer looked over his shoulder at Jennifer, silently telling her something. 
“Hey, Michael, c’mere,” Jennifer spoke to her child. Michael looked up at me before hugging me and leaving me alone. I looked back up at Spencer before standing up. 
“Privately?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Spencer swallowed roughly and nodded before grasping my hand and bringing me outside. The door clicked shut behind us as we walked towards the sitting area. I was instantly hugging myself to keep myself somewhat warm, because it was cold and I wasn’t wearing my coat.
“I’ll be quick, I’m sorry,” he cringed, grasping both my hands to hold them. I furrowed my eyebrows as I warily looked at him. The anxiety that I was feeling was through the roof, and I knew he noticed it too. 
“Is everything okay,” I whispered as I looked at him. I was worried something was wrong. Why else would he want to talk to me alone? But, something couldn’t have been wrong, because he was smiling and laughing and looked happy.
“I just wanted to talk to you for a second... And without Michael by your side,” Spencer laughed as he looked back at me. I smiled as I looked up at him. “And I wanted to have a moment with you, alone,” he looked over my shoulder at the house. Something flashed in his eyes as he pulled one hand from me and put it in his pocket. “In fact… I wanted eternity with you,” he whispered as he looked at me. I dropped my shoulders as I slowly realized what he meant. “I know Christmas is your favorite, and last Christmas was ruined… But I wanted to make it mean something to you again…”
“Will you marry me,” he whispered, pulling out a small grey box and opening it up. The ring was a plain silver band with a diamond embedded in the center. I looked at him and smiled. “I know it’s barely been a year… But,”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” we both said it in unison. He looked up at me and smiled, his eyes a little bit moist. Mine were also welling up a little bit. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, Spencer,” I whispered looking at him with a smile. He returned the smile before sliding the ring on my finger. I placed my hands on his cheeks before pulling him into a kiss. Cheering and applause came from inside, causing me to laugh against his lips. I looked up at him and smiled. “I love you,” I whispered softly.
“I love you too,” Spencer smiled before kissing me again.
The following morning Spencer and I were downtown. We didn’t have much to do, so we explored downtown while the holiday decorations were still up. Spencer was actually taking me to an after Christmas movie thing at a black and white theater. Our quiet laughter and conversation made me feel happy. Our conversations were mostly filled with the excitement of our new engagement and future wedding.
That was until I was stopped abruptly as we walked into a familiar man and woman. I stared at him, feeling a certain sickness rise in my stomach. Spencer’s arm went back around me in a protective manner. My body went frigid as I stared at the man and the woman, so I was thankful for Spencer’s embrace.
“Jasper,” I spoke, almost breathlessly. I swallowed roughly as I stared at them. Jasper was quiet for a long time. I knew for a fact he was pretending to not know who I was. But he 100% knew who I was, and who Spencer was.
 "I almost didn't recognize you," he laughed as he looked at me. I started back and held back the scoff. "You look so different,"
“Well, it’s been a year, so it doesn’t surprise me,” I looked at him and then at his wife. His pregnant wife. I only knew they were married now because of the ring she was nonchalantly showing off to Spencer and I. I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought I was wallowing in pity for a full year. They’re probably both surprised by seeing me with Spencer, Jasper more than her. I bounced back from our spilt faster than he probably thought.
I ignored them and looked up at Spencer, who was staring at Jasper with such laser precision I swear he’d kill him. But, to be fair, Jasper was staring at Spencer with the same amount of hatred. I knew his wife was clearly uncomfortable with everything that was happening. I was uncomfortable. 
“Well, it was nice seeing you again,” Jasper looked at me with a smile that was faker than a Kardashian’s ass.
“We best be going now. Spencer and I have an appointment we can’t miss,” I spoke as he opened his mouth. It was obvious he wanted to have the first out, but we just spoke over each other. I looked up at Spencer before grasping his hand and pulling him past the couple. Not another word was spoken between us, and not another word will ever be spoken between us. But, that’s okay. I have all I could ever need or want.
I looked up at Spencer before looking back down at the ring on my finger. The ring that he placed there. This is a lot better than last Christmas, and I can’t wait for the rest of my Christmases to be with Spencer.
spencer taglist: @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
The Storm
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Detective Loki Fluff
Heyyy! So here’s that thing nobody asked for, but it really helped my on a hard time, hope it can help someone else out there, idk
Prompt: David helps the reader on a dark day, when she’s feeling kinda helpless.
Warnings: depression/anxiety. One swear word. Besides that, pure fluff.
Like 1k words... Enjoy!
The grey sky and the wind causing terrifying noises announced a big storm. You watched it all from the window of your living room and allowed yourself to feel the weather influencing your mood. You had a long day. You were frustrated. You were so tired that you couldn't even cry, but God only knows how much you wanted to. You sat on the sofa long enough to see the grey clouds swallow every little piece of blue from the sky and you felt your soul being consumed at the same pace. But you just couldn't look away. It was so beautiful.
Suddenly, you heard a car parking. A minute later, you heard keys unlocking the door. That sound was the only thing that would be able to get your eyes off that window that afternoon. And when David walked in, you thought he was probably the only thing in the world that could be prettier than any sky.
"Hey, babe." He smiled at you as he took his coat off.
"Hi." You smiled back, but not with the same enthusiasm. "You're home early."
"Yeah, it was a boring day." He shrugged. "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll join you in a minute, okay?"
You nodded and turned your eyes back to the window as soon as his figure disappeared upstairs.
You thought things would get better when David got home. But seems like all his presence did was drain the rest of your energy away. Now you would have to function like a normal human being. Talk. Move. Pretend everything is fine. You just wanted to watch the storm. Every single drop of it. The sun was setting, so they sky would still be dark after the storm.
That thought made you a little uncomfortable. You couldn't explain it. But it just felt like this would never end. It would be dark forever. What if the sun came back tomorrow morning but your inner light didn't? You would feel so empty without a storm to keep you company.
You felt a single tear roll down your cheek. Felt like you lost a competition against the sky. You were crying before it.
You lost track of time and before you could prepare yourself for it, you heard David walking downstairs.
You hurried to wipe your tears, but it was too late. He saw you doing it.
You were so angry cause the rain was taking too long to fall, and now you felt stupid. You looked stupid. Crying in front of a window, with no good reason to do it.
David knew you were struggling these last few days. He knew you had your moments. He had his too. He understood you.
For a moment, he cursed himself for being away all day. He knew he wasn't that good with words, but they weren't really necessary now.
"It's gonna be okay." He said, sitting beside you and bringing you to his chest. "I got you. I'm right here now."
You curled up on his lap and closed your eyes for a moment. The rain started. But you didn't want to see it anymore. You just wanted to hear it while you felt David's arms holding you tightly, keeping your broken pieces together.
"Thank you." Was all you could say.
His only reply was kissing the top of your head. You needed that silence. You needed to breath.
He had this strategy to make you calm down, and you never really noticed. He held you close and started breathing deeply and slowly. Unconsciously, you did the same. Soon, you were calm. The rain was falling at last. David felt, smelled and sounded like home.
"Do you know why I came home early?" He asked calmly and you shook your head. "They played that song you love on the radio. And I wanted to dance with you."
You lifted your head as quick as possible and looked at him with a confused expression. He had a little smile on his face, but no sign that he was joking.
He gently placed you on the sofa, and your body automatically missed his heat. But you watched as he went through his phone. Seconds after he placed it on the coffee table, one of your favorite songs filled the air. That slow, romantic one. The one he always made fun of you for singing your lungs out in the car to.
He stood in front of you and offered his hand. You weren't sure where in your body you found the energy to take it and stand up. Maybe you were stronger than you thought, all you needed was a little push.
"Never, in my entire life, I thought I would see you dancing one day." You chuckled as you allowed him to guide you to the center of the living room.
"I would do the most ridiculous things to make you happy." He told you, bringing your body close to his and wrapping his arms around you. "And to get to hold you like this."
"I don't know what I would do without you, Dave." You sighed, burying your face on him chest.
"You're my everything, Y/N." He said, kissing the top of your head one more time.
You lifted your head to look at him in the eyes for the first time that night. You could see the love in them. The sky should be ashamed of existing in the same universe as those eyes.
The two of you realized in that exact moment how terrible that dance looked. The music had a rhythm, David had another and you had yet another one. He sent you an apologetic look. He just wanted it to be the perfect. But he obviously had never done that before. You laughed. Both at the ridiculous situation and at his embarrased face.
"Fuck, look at how beautiful you are." He relaxed and laughed too. "Missed that laugh."
"My face must be all swollen from crying like a stupid child." You rolled your eyes.
"Nah, you're beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning." He attacked your face with kisses between each of those compliments, making you laugh harder. "God, I love you so much."
"I love you too." You said, taking a step back. "But you're a terrible dancer."
"Just give me a few years." He shrugged.
"Years?!" You raised your eyebrows.
"Yes, we're gonna be one of those old couples who go out to dance on Friday nights." He promised, giving your butterflies.
The thought of growing old with him gave you hope. A few minutes earlier, the thought of the sun not coming back the next morning terrified you. But now, you realized that a little storm now and then wasn't that bad. You would be fine.
Then you realized something else. And couldn't hide your smirk.
"What?" He asked with a chuckle.
"You're gonna be such a hot old man with these tattoos…"
(lol I’m kinda curious, if you want to, tell me in the comments which song came to your mind...)
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dweetwise · 4 years
day 18: panic attacks
prompt from: whumptober pairing: felix x ace notes: fluffy angst, idk if this even qualifies as whump but it’s what i went with <3 warnings: panic attack descriptions word count: 1920
Ace is having a rather good day, all things considered. He finishes his second generator of the trial while Feng is still doing a phenomenal job at being chased by the killer, and he even has time to stop and search a chest in good conscience.
He picks up a broken key with a worn brass token, which isn’t ideal but he’ll add it to his ever growing pile of junk back at camp anyway.
In the time it takes him to find a generator, the Nurse has finally managed to down and hook Feng, but someone saves her right after and the chase beings anew. Ace would guess the rescuer was David and that he used borrowed time to make sure the gamer made it out, since he can’t see Felix being stupid bold enough to unhook in the killer’s face like that.
With the Nurse’s distant screeches providing some pleasant background noise—considering it’s not Ace she’s chasing—he gets to work on a nearly completed generator by one of the exits. If he finishes it before the killer comes to check, it marks their fourth completed objective of the trial, and it looks like they’ll have an easy escape provided she doesn’t have the obnoxious totem perk to ensure an instant down after the gates are powered.
At first, Ace doesn’t question why someone would have abandoned the nearly completed machine, but just before he connects the last two wires, he hesitates. Will this be the last generator on this side of the map? Maybe someone wanted to leave it because it’s by an exit?
He gets up to look around a bit, trying to spot any other nearby generators, but then he hears it.
A sob.
Ace frowns in worry and keeps looking around, not seeing any signs of life. Did he imagine it? Feng is the only one injured, and her moans of pain can be heard from halfway across the map. The girl is a lot of things, but quiet sure as hell isn’t one of them.
He remembers the key in his pocket, a normally useless item with an underwhelming add-on that will allow him to see his nearby teammates for only a couple of seconds. But right now, it’s exactly what he needs, and as he channels the item, he eventually makes out a human form cowering in the corner next to the exit gate.
The key’s power dies out but Ace doesn’t care, carefully approaching his distressed teammate.
He should have guessed who he’s going to find just by basic deduction, as Feng is still keeping the Nurse busy somewhere in the Asylum and David is one to push forward through sheer stubbornness. It still takes him by surprise to notice Felix, normally so calm and collected, huddled in on himself with his knees drawn close to his chest and his head buried in his hands.
Ace suddenly feels very out of place, and he realizes he could just slowly back away and Felix probably wouldn’t even know he was ever there.
But Felix doesn’t seem to be just taking a mental break from the trial, he looks to be struggling. His entire body is trembling and he’s taking sharp, wheezy breaths, bordering on hyperventilating.
And Ace might not be the best at offering comfort, but he sure as hell is going to try.
“Hey,” he offers softly as not to spook Felix, but from the way Felix’s head snaps up in surprise, he’s not successful. Shit, he’s never seen the guy so upset, looking utterly broken with tears and snot running down his face and taking short, shaky breaths. It make’s Ace’s cold, selfish heart clench in sympathy and he slowly kneels down on Felix’s level, far enough away to hopefully not feel like he’s cornering him. “How you holding up?”
That’s probably the dumbest thing he could have asked, but at least it makes Felix react, quickly wiping at his face and averting his eyes.
“F-fine, sorry—” Felix starts, but then his trembling voice breaks on another sob and he hides his face behind his hand in shame as another wave of what Ace assumes to be a panic attack hits.
Ace has never been good at dealing with emotions, his or others’, but he’s learned a lot after being swept up by the Entity and trying to keep everyone in their little group happy and healthy. He knows that Dwight needs to be held when his anxiety surfaces, and although that position is usually reserved for Jake, Ace has been the body for Dwight to cling to on a few occasions when others were unavailable. On the other hand, when something triggers Quentin’s PTSD, the boy wants nothing more than to be left alone, and even the smallest touch will send him spiraling deeper into his own head.
“It’s alright,” Ace says, trying to keep his voice calm and even offering an encouraging smile. “We’ve all been there.”
That seems to calm Felix down some, so Ace optimistically deduces that maybe his presence does help after all.
This is a vastly different situation from Dwight or Quentin, though. Where Ace mostly sees himself as a somewhat shitty parental figure to the boys, he’s been openly flirting with Felix ever since the other got here. And despite Felix sometimes awkwardly flirting back, he fully expected their relationship to stay at the casual friendship level.
But this is huge step, and if Ace manages to comfort him without hiding behind shitty jokes and Felix allows himself to be vulnerable, maybe that’s a sign they could eventually be something more.
“Just say the word and I’ll be on my way,” Ace starts. “But I also have a pretty good shoulder to lean on, if that’s something you think might help.”
Felix glances at him and Ace tries to keep the smile on his face despite his own nerves surfacing and mixing with the worry for Felix already there.
“Are you sure?” Felix asks, voice nowhere near steady but at least being able to form a complete sentence.
“Of course!” Ace reassures without even knowing which option Felix is referring to.
And then Felix looks back at the ground and curls in on himself further and Ace tries not to be disappointed. He’s already moving to get up, an apology ready on his tongue, when Felix shuffles along the exit gate wall to make room for Ace to join him.
The grin that forms on his face might not be the most appropriate considering the circumstances, but Felix doesn’t protest, in fact he immediately buries his face against Ace’s shoulder and clasps his arm in a death grip as soon as he takes a seat next to him.
Felix takes shallow breaths against him and Ace doesn’t care that his shirt is getting stained with wet tears and snot, suddenly hit with how intimate the entire situation is. His own nerves resurface and his free hand hovers awkwardly in the air, not sure if it’s appropriate to touch the distressed man.
But in the end, he’s a gambler, and so he gambles, placing a hesitant hand in Felix’s hair as he remembers the other is usually messing with it when he’s nervous.
When the only reaction he gets is Felix gripping his arm tighter, he carefully starts running his hand through the locks, slightly disheveled from where Felix has no doubt been doing the same.
“It’s okay,” Ace says, trying to keep his voice steady and hoping Felix can’t hear his heart hammering in his chest. “You’re okay.”
“I’m going to get crows,” Felix chokes out through the tears.
“Doesn’t matter,” Ace reassures, discreetly looking up to try to spot the birds that should already be circling above Felix’s head. “Feng and David are keeping her busy. She’s got no reason to come here.”
Ace frowns as he realizes can neither see nor hear the Entity’s spies, despite knowing their captor’s rules clearly state the birds should be giving away their location by now.
The key sits heavy in his pocket and he suddenly realizes maybe the Entity wanted him to find Felix. Regardless of how Ace feels about the otherworldly being, he knows it’s not satisfied unless the trial has been what it considers “fair”. Maybe it’s giving them a time-out until Felix is in shape to continue, and maybe that’s why Feng still hasn’t been caught, despite being injured against one of the strongest killers.
“Seems like the crows are on their lunch break,” Ace voices his observation in hopes of reassuring Felix. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Not surprisingly, the knowledge that he’s not on a time limit seems to calm Felix down some, and the grip on Ace’s arm loosens as the sharp breaths slowly turn into more deliberate ones.
“That’s it, deep breaths,” Ace murmurs and keeps petting Felix’s hair since it seems to be working, or at least not making the situation worse. “You’re going to be fine.”
He has no idea how long they sit there together, with Felix slowly coming back to himself and Ace offering generic encouraging sentiments he hopes are somewhat helpful, lost in their own little bubble while the trial carries on without them.
When Felix eventually pulls away, Ace feels disappointed, even if he finally gets some much needed blood flow to his arm that has fallen asleep a while ago.
“Fuck,” Felix sighs and leans his head back against the tiled wall with a dull ‘thud’. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m not,” Ace offers with a small grin. “But I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“I didn’t expect one in the middle of a trial,” Felix says, letting Ace is on the fact that this wasn’t a one-off. “Thank you. You, um, helped. A lot,” Felix says bashfully, and Ace has to resist the urge to pull him back into his arms.
“Don’t mention it,” he says instead, and when Felix just gives him an adorable, tiny smile, can’t resist adding a cheeky “There’s a lot worse ways to spend a trial”.
“I’d say being a liability and making a complete fool of myself isn’t something I’m eager to repeat,” Felix mutters, but he’s still smiling, so Ace hopes he’s not still embarrassed.
“Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t make the situation worse,” Ace jokes. “Or that my brain didn’t implode on itself from not making jokes or flirting for five minutes.”
“You were perfect,” Felix says so earnestly it takes Ace completely off guard, and he’s not blushing he’s just suddenly really warm okay— “I should get back to my generator,” Felix seems to remember, looking over Ace’s shoulder in the direction of the machine. “I’ve wasted enough of everyone’s time for today.”
“If there’s anything we have plenty of, it’s time,” Ace reassures, pushing himself off of the wall and ready to join the trial.
He offers a hand to help Felix up, and it makes him smile when Felix only hesitates for a split second before accepting the gesture.
“You know, we should do this more often,” Ace says with a grin as he pulls Felix up on his feet. “I mean, preferably without the panicking. I didn’t mind but it didn’t exactly look like you were having the time of your life.”
Felix huffs out a small laugh at the statement, and then he squeezes Ace’s hand that’s still clasped in his.
“I’d like that.”
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Potentially loaded question but do you think Frida was forgiven a little too easily? Like considering how much she lashed out at Hilda and David then turned to the marra. I know she's a kid and it's understandable to make mistakes, but from a story structure point of view was it earned or rushed? This came up in a discord chat and
you're the most active Hilda blog I've seen (also you're super cool and I accidentally hit send too early 🤣)
Hey there, anon! Okay, so... I had actually never given this topic much thought before, so after I read you ask this stuck in my head. I even re watched The Black Hound so I could remember things and answer you properly. I’m not the best at media analysis, but this is a very interesting point that you brought up so I’ll do my best to break it down so I can try to explain my mixed feelings about this subject.
(Also please forgive me but this is not at all a straight forward answer, I’ve rambled a bit so there’s even a cut😅)
First off, I think we should consider Frida’s mistakes as two separate things: one would be lashing out at Hilda and David, and the second one would be joining the Marra. It’s clear that they’re both connected and that one led to the other, but their orders of magnitude are so different that I think it wouldn’t be appropriate to consider them the same mistake.
So let’s begin by her lashing out. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that the argument scene was right after they fought a ghost. Taking that into consideration, I can understand why she lashed out. She was feeling scared after a life threatening situation, and that plus the emotional stress that she was going through, with questioning everything she’d ever thought she was, made her burst. But even though it was understandable, it wasn’t justifiable, specially since she told Hilda some things that didn’t even have to do with the ghost situation.
And stopping to think about it, it did sort of bother me that this happened, and then Hilda and David after long seemed to have forgotten it. In the Nisse episode, they’re worried about Frida missing classes and sparrow scouts meetings, and so they simply go to her house and... act completely normal. It is normal for people to be worried when they know someone they care about is going through a rough patch in life and it stops them from leaving their house. I mean, it’s a symptom of a few mental illnesses, even. But the fact that they just went to her house, no questions asked, and acted as if nothing had happened just didn’t sit well with me. Especially because it would have been a simple matter to solve. People lash out with some frequency, it’s nothing out of this world. If Frida had just apologized and explained why she had said what she did, things would have been fine, somewhat. But she didn’t really, and things only got worse.
And that takes us to the Marra issue. Not only did Frida all but discard her old friendships without amuch of a reason, she also looked for friendship somewhere else. But let’s think about it, though. Frida isn’t going to school. Frida hasn’t been leaving her house, we know this. So how could she have met Kelly? This whole situation gives me the feeling that somehow the Marra know when someone is vulnerable, and that Frida was manipulated to become Kelly’s friend.
Sounds reasonable, right?
But the thing is that Kelly isn’t just some mean girl that Frida wants to impress (probably because when you’re young you think teenagers are cool for some reason). Kelly is a marra and Frida knew that.
In the end of The Nisse, we see Frida around the campfire, feeding off of nightmares herself, and in the beginning of The Black Hound, we see Kelly throwing Frida forward saying “last to join, first to get eaten”. These two occasions make it clear that Frida didn’t only befriend her, she joined the Marra, even though it seemed like she was at some sort of apprenticeship stage still. And that’s something I can’t wrap my mind around.
This isn’t lashing out in the heat of the moment. She had time to form a “bond” with Kelly, and I’m assuming that she didn’t only learn that she was a Marra after Kelly brought her to the forest. I mean, if she’d just dragged Frida to the campfire and said “surprise, I’m a nightmare spirit and I’m recruiting you!” she’d definitely try and get away, because she’d be scared! So there was some time for her to get used to that idea, not only that Kelly was a Marra, but also that they wanted her to be one as well.
I could argue that Kelly groomed Frida to accept, and it’s a factor that we definitely should keep in mind; grooming is not something to be taken lightly. But after what we see in The Nightmare Spirit? I’m sorry to say this, but Frida should have known better. She saw those spirits torturing her best friends. She had already seen what they were. And I can’t get it in my head that she simply ignored that! That could have been some sort of revenge against them, but it wasn’t, because there seems to be no more resentment from Frida’s side after her blow up in The Ghost. So something that could easily have been vengeance (even though Hilda and David did nothing wrong) was actually just what she chose? Probably manipulated but otherwise unprompted?
And now we get to her “redemption arc”. Let’s take a look, shall we?
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This scene happened right after they ran away from the hound. Frida offers to help him, and this is what she says while doing it:
“You were right, you know? About my new, so called, friends.”
This quote actually made me realize something. I could be wrong, but has Frida, at any point in the series, said that David was right? Specially while saying that she was wrong? We see her look remorseful in The Sparrow Scouts, but I don’t think we’ve ever heard her saying that she was wrong before, and I think it was probably very hard for her to say it. Next, she says:
“I’m sorry, I’ve been acting like an idiot.”
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And to her credit, she really does look sorry.
For the next few minutes of this episode, there are other instances where she tries to take back what she’s said and done. When Hilda is with her by her door, she says she trusts her and comes up with a plan to help her get a badge. When she is collecting Kelly’s garage sale stuff, she tells him to keep her plushie, because “it’s never a good idea to throw away your real friends”. And while I loved those scenes (and that last one was quite the shade she threw at Kelly, ngl), I’m not at all sure that this serves as a redemption arc (amen, after eleven paragraphs I finally answered the question!)
If all of that had been said before her joining the Marra, I would have thought it perfect. Like you said, anon, she’s a kid, it’s understandable that she doesn’t have a good enough grip over her emotions not to lash out in stressful situations. But this was all done after a more complex and problematic action on her part.
So what would have been a good redemption arc? Well... I don’t think she’ll be completely redempted before she does something to earn their friendship back, instead of just saying apologizing. It would be super cool to have her actually, idk, “resist temptation” for her friends. Maybe if the marra came back and a tried to manipulate her into joining them again, and she refused, that would be a nice way to tie her redemption arc.
Since what you asked was an opinion and not an AU, let’s get back to it. I think it was really easy to have Frida just deliver a few meaningful lines and try to help Hilda earn a badge (though I think she would have done that regardless of trying to apologize, and so would any good friend) and write her off as redempted. But that really didn’t work completely, because it’s easy to be kind and nice when the problem has already passed. How will Frida react when their friendship goes through another tough situation? Will she lash out again or has she learned from her mistakes? We don’t know, because at no point was it shown that she learned.
And now we get to how I feel about it from a storytelling point of view. This redemption is what had been building up since episode 9, and since the Vittra episode we were shown that Frida needed a cold reality shower. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but if she didn’t realize that she couldn’t be perfect, and that putting her attempts at perfection above her friends was an awful choice, she would only have problems later in life.
What I mean is, with so much build up to this arc, and so much significance to it, it’s disappointing that we had what, half an episode for it? If only the time had been taken to put Frida in a situation where she proved that what she went through made her learn, but no, they didn’t take the time. Which is a shame, because seeing Frida’s character development is always delightful to me.
Summing it up: Frida’s lashing out made sense to me and it was a somewhat easy matter to solve. However if there’s no more said about this topic in season 2, her redemption arc will have been, in my eyes, rushed and incomplete, because nothing was done to show that Frida actually learned. It’s a shame that they didn’t dedicate more time to expanding on that arc, because it was a story that was due to being developed ever since the first episodes.
Thank you for this ask, anon! This was very fun to think about and write, and I’m happy to know I come across as cool :D
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
science experiments - d.d.
requested: yes! can you like do one where the reader is David's neighbor and she always get's annoyed with all of the science experiment's they do and they start talking idk something like that
word count: 1450
You twisted your key into the front door when you heard screams coming from the house at the end of the street. You pushed your door open and ushered your dog inside before looking over and seeing a cloud of pink erupt and cover the entirety of his backyard. You let out a loud sigh and shook your head in annoyance. This was the fifth science experiment your neighbor had done since you moved into the neighborhood a month ago.
Your realtor had gone on and on about how quiet of a neighborhood this was and how relaxing it would be to come home to after a busy workday, however, as you had quickly learned, that was far from the case. Your neighbor was obnoxiously loud, and it was starting to get on your nerves. He constantly had people over and music playing at 3am as if no one else in the neighborhood had a job.
After you made dinner, you took your dog on another walk. This time, you noticed a cleaning crew leaving your neighbor’s house and decided to stop by and ask about all of the science experiments. You gripped your dog’s leash and pulled him past your house and towards the one at the end of the street. There were less cars parked outside than usual, but you still felt bad about interrupting him. The gate was wide open, and you didn’t hear voices outside, so you knocked on the front door.
“Hi, can I help you?” a blonde girl asked, swinging the door open. Her eyes lit up and she knelt down to pet your dog.
“Yeah, um, do you live here?” you asked, and she shook her head.
Before she could answer, you heard a voice coming from inside the house. “Taylor, you know you aren’t supposed to open the door for fans.”
“Fans?” you questioned, raising an eyebrow as a puzzled look crossed your face.
“Yeah, I work for David Dobrik.”
“He’s a popular YouTuber.”
“Taylor,” the voice repeated.
“She’s not a fan, Dave.”
“Just an annoyed neighbor,” you laughed, and a few moments later, you heard footsteps echo across the wood floor. A few seconds later, a tall guy with shaggy brown hair stood behind the blonde girl. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his face.
“I’ll let you two talk,” Taylor smiled before excusing herself. David stepped outside on to the front steps and shut the door behind him.
“So, you’re the new neighbor?” he chuckled, and you nodded before introducing yourself.
“I live down the street, and I don’t mean to come across as a bitch, but,” you started, before he cut you off.
“What? My friends and I are too loud? The street is too busy?”
“No, well, a little bit of both of those. But I’m mostly just annoyed at the science experiments you do all the time. I don’t know what you guys are doing and I don’t know if any of the chemicals are toxic to breathe, especially for dogs.”
“Most of what we do isn’t harmful. If something is considered slightly dangerous, my assistant sends out a text to a few other neighbors with the time that it’ll happen, and the chemicals involved so you can do research on it. I can give her your number if you want me to,” David suggested, giving you a smile.
“That sounds great, actually. Again, I feel so bad for bothering you about this. I just don’t feel safe if you’re constantly putting chemicals into the air that people on the street breathe.”
“It’s not a problem, I’ll give Natalie your number and she’ll give you a heads up about any future experiments” he reassured you. “And sorry about the noise. We try to keep parties to weekends or holidays, but that doesn’t always happen.”
“Just try to keep it down after midnight. Some of us have real jobs that we have to wake up early for,” you giggled. “Anyways, sorry for being a downer, but it was nice to meet you, David.”
“No worries,” David smiled. “It was nice to meet you, too. I’ll see you around.”
You started to walk down the driveway when you heard him shout your name.
“Feel free to stop by whenever. I’d love to have you come to a party or watch a science experiment sometime,” David yelled, and you told him you would.
 A few weeks later, David’s assistant had texted you that they were doing a science experiment today and she made it clear that David wanted you to come watch. You reluctantly agreed and finished doing your makeup before heading down the street to David’s. Cars lined the street, and you overheard the conversation of the two girls walking in front of you. They were talking about how David was planning to top an experiment he had already done.
You followed them into the house, and David’s assistant was handing out white suits and goggles.
“Is it really that dangerous?” you questioned, and she shrugged.
“Better safe than sorry.”
You stepped into your suit and headed into the backyard to find David. He was filming the scientist and some of his friends as they talked about what the experiment was. He looked up and smiled at you, motioning for you to sit down and wait for him. You sat on the white outdoor couch, looking around and watching as David explained what was going to happen and who would be filming from where. He said they would do a run through to get the angles for each shot before they actually did the experiment.
“Okay, everyone be in position in ten minutes,” he yelled, before coming over to talk to you.
“Hey, I’m glad you came,” he grinned, leaning in for a hug. You gave him a smile and a small hug.
“I wanted to see what all of the hype was about,” you shrugged, and he shot you a puzzled look. “Your assistant Taylor told me that you’re a popular YouTuber and I wanted to see for myself.” You didn’t want to admit that you had spent seven hours watching his videos one day when you were home sick from work or that you were so easily entertained by them.
After a few minutes of effortless conversation, David was calling for everyone to get in their positions for the run through. A few of his friends came over to the patio set you were sitting at to watch the experiment, since they didn’t have an assigned role in the filming process.
“Let’s go, this is the real one,” David shouted.
Two of his friends pulled the rope to tip the large bucket and seconds later, blue and green foam exploded into the air and around his backyard. David ran towards the patio set, the foam chasing after him. his back was to you as he filmed the foam, and you were looking at the foam falling over the fence and down the cliff. Neither of you were paying attention and David ran right into you. You stumbled backwards and landed on your ass.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” he said, holding his hand out to help you up.  You grabbed it and he pulled you to your feet. You eyes met his and you could feel your cheeks turning rosy. There was an undeniable chemistry between you two and you had the sudden urge to kiss him. You couldn’t, though. Not in front of all of his friends and not after only knowing him for an afternoon. 
“No worries,” you reassured him with a smile, even though you were certain there was bruise that would make sitting painful for the next few days.
You and David continued talking and after about ten minutes, you looked around and noticed that most of his friends had gone back inside. You and David followed the path his friends made and joined them inside.
“I should go,” you said, feeling like you were intruding since none of his friends knew you. You headed towards the
“I’ll walk you back,” he said, helping you out of your suit and taking his own off.
He handed his camera off to one of his friends to review the footage and followed you outside.
“You don’t have to walk me back,” you insisted. “I live down the street.”
“I want to,” he grinned.
The two of you talked as you walked three houses down back to yours.
“I had fun today. Thanks for letting me crash your shoot.”
“Hopefully this means I won’t get anymore angry knocks,” David chuckled. “I had fun today, too. And I’d love to go out sometime.”
“Call me tonight and we’ll talk,” you smiled, before waving goodbye to him and closing the door. 
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venmomejoy · 4 years
The Lucky Ones
Idk if this has been done before but it's an actors au! All characters and relative plot belong to Nora Sakavic!!
Read it on Ao3 here
part two / part three / part four
Neil would never get used to the attention. The small amount of fame afforded to him as the lead character in the small town's production of Hamlet was stifling.
For him, it was instinctive to duck, to hide, to run at the first sign of recognition. Making himself unnoticeable was a habit beaten into him in childhood, his mother's fists compelling him into inconspicuousness when her warnings could not. Her lessons lingered in his mind even months after her death, urging him to grab the first ride away from here he can find and run every time he stepped onto the stage. He could almost hear her screaming at him, almost feel her phantom fists as she punished him for disobeying her. She had made him promise he would never act again, and he had broken his word. 
If this even counted as acting. Theater was fine, but Neil longed for the screen. He had tasted screen acting as a child and fallen in love with it, and no matter how she tried, his mother could never entirely curb his craving. She would beat him black and blue every time she caught him taking a second look at a poster for a new movie or lingering when he heard people discussing a favorite show, but he could not help himself. 
He hadn't planned on acting again, but when his mother died, he had felt stranded. He didn't know how to go on without her. Through all the years of running, of moving to a new city every few weeks, of fake names and boxes of hair dye, she had at least always been with him. Now that she was gone, he was entirely alone, and he did not know how to do it by himself. He found this town, got a new ID, and let himself drift. He knew it was stupid and reckless and all kinds of dangerous, but the acting was the only thing that felt real. So he let himself stay here for a few months, let himself audition for the play, let himself stand in front of the crowd and be seen. He promised himself he would be gone as soon as the show closed.
He hadn't anticipated that day coming so quickly. Despair started to creep in; he wasn't sure he was ready to let go of Neil Josten quite yet, although it seemed he had no choice. Tonight was the final showing, and all of the seats were full, although there couldn't have been more than fifty. Neil knew that most people in the audience had probably already seen the show- nearly all of them came to see family members perform or to "support the community"- but it still didn't lessen his nerves. He scanned the crowd for the tenth time, checking for any familiar faces, any sign he needed to bolt to the nearest exit. His father and his men hadn't caught up to him since they killed his mother, but that doesn't mean he is in the clear, especially since he's stayed here far too long. Yes, a move was overdue. 
Neil let himself get lost in the performance, immersing himself in someone else's life, someone else's story. His eyes still constantly flicked to the wings, to the crowd, to the catwalks, anywhere someone could be concealed, waiting to catch him off guard, but he let his brain shut off beyond the basic actions to confirm his safety, so customary they hardly took a second thought. Adrenaline thrums through his veins as he recites his lines, as he contorts his features into rage and despair and grief. He morphs himself into his character, allowing himself a reprieve from existing inside his own mind for a few hours. 
The performance ends far too soon. As Neil runs out for his bow, the cheers rise to screams. He knows he is a good actor, if a little out of practice. He smiles, taking it all in for the last time. He knows he won't be acting again. He already took too big of a risk by staying here this long.
Neil can't bear to see the set torn down, the theater cleaned and closed, so instead he sits in the dressing room, waiting for everyone else to leave so he can change out of his costume. The brutal scars marring his chest would draw too much concern, so every night he waited until the cast cleared out before changing into his street clothes. Some of his castmates tried to make idle conversation with him, but most knew he was not much of a talker and leave him alone. He watches them all leave, a couple inviting him to some sort of afterparty, which he promptly declines. If going up on stage was stupid, going to an unfamiliar location and getting engulfed in a large crowd was even stupider.
When his last castmate left, Neil basked in the silence as he quickly changed and then waited for the crew to finish as well. He needed to shower and brush his teeth before he went back to the house he was squatting in, but he did not need anyone to know he was utilizing the theater's facilities. It would raise too many questions. 
The sound of the door swinging open had Neil raising his head, eyes tracking his director's movements closely as he strode over to him. 
"That was a great performance Neil, one of the best I've seen from you." He took a seat on the couch next to Neil, causing every muscle in his body to tense. His director was one of the most even-tempered people Neil had ever met, but he'd seen enough aggression from middle-aged men to not trust a seemingly calm demeanor. 
"Thank you, Mr. Hernandez," he replied stiffly.
"Your talent is promising. Would you ever consider making a career in the arts?"
 Neil just shrugged, casting his gaze to the floor. Telling Hernandez that acting was not an option for him would open up a can of worms that Neil could not afford. He couldn't tell him that he would be leaving first thing tomorrow, taking his meager belongings and heading to another state, becoming another person, so his best option was indifference. 
"Well, maybe this will help you make up your mind. There's someone here who wants to talk to you."
Neil's eyes shot to Hernandez, alarm bells sounding in his head. This was his worst nightmare. He had been found, he had been found, he had been found-
He pulled his duffel bag over his shoulder as he stood, already making his way towards the nearest exit when someone cleared their throat loudly from behind him. It was too late. 
Neil turned around, hands still gripping his bag as he stood poised to run, and met the eyes of the stranger. The man was tall, likely in his late thirties or early forties, with honed muscle visible where his arms were crossed over his chest. His face was hard, but his eyes were searching as he scanned Neil from head to toe. He was unfamiliar, but that didn't mean he was harmless. Perhaps his father had gotten a new lackey. "Who are you?" Neil asked. 
"He's a director, Neil. He wants to recruit you," Hernandez said. 
Neil scoffed. "Please, the population of this town is barely five hundred. No one recruits here."
"He sent out an open call, looking for someone to cast in his show. You fit the description pretty well, so I sent him some videos of you during rehearsals. He came to watch you tonight, to see if you were good enough for the show. I didn't mention it to you because I wasn't sure anything would come of it."
Neil couldn't believe what he was hearing. He hadn't even seen anyone take any videos of him during rehearsals. His panic was steadily rising. "What?"
The man stepped forward, and Neil unconsciously stepped back. He noticed, his gaze hardening as he looked Neil over again, searching for something different this time. "I don't have time for this," the stranger said. "We start filming in three weeks, and the actor we had set up for this role fell through. You have talent, kid. All you have to do is sign the contract and your set for two seasons with us. If we get renewed again, likely more."
Neil did not know what to say, so he just stared at the man, assessing the sincerity of his offer. The director just stared back, unfazed by Neil's blatant scrutinization. 
After moments of silence, the man sighed. "Look kid, The Foxes is a incredibly popular show. Signing with us could jumpstart your career.”
Deafening silence rings through Neil’s head as that name hit him. He thinks his heart has stopped beating. "You direct The Foxes." 
The man- who he now recognizes as David Wymack- only nodded. Neil knew all about The Foxes. The first season of the show was a hot mess, barely scrounging up enough support to get renewed for a second season. But it did. And when esteemed actor Kevin Day joined the cast, the show started rising in popularity. 
Kevin had been raised in Hollywood, adopted at a young age into the Moriyama family, one of the most powerful names in filmmaking. Tetsuji Moriyama was arguably the most famous director on the scene, so when he took in Kevin and his nephew Riko, he raised them to be formidable actors. The two were as close as brothers. Tetsuji gave Kevin and Riko small roles in his productions when they were children, and as they grew older, the two starred in almost all of his work. Most notably, the two were costars on Evermore, an immensely popular fantasy show. Riko played a young boy who was adapting to his new life as a vampire, while Kevin played his best friend, still a human, who helped him adjust. The show had a huge fanbase- it was easily the most popular show on television right now. But in the middle of filming the fourth season, Kevin and Riko vanished from the public eye. No one knew what had happened to them, what they were doing, but when they resurfaced, it was discovered that Kevin had shattered his hand in a stunt gone wrong. Tetsuji decided the show could not halt production to wait for Kevin to heal, and instead wrote him out of the rest of the season, saying he would return for the fifth season when he was fully recovered. Kevin all but disappeared, not saying or doing anything while he recovered. Until Kevin decided not to renew his contract. Two months ago, Kevin had announced that he would not be returning to Evermore, and was instead signing with Wymack on The Foxes. His fans were devastated. Many were angry at him, feeling betrayed at his leaving. Others were intrigued by this new project, his first apart from Riko. Either way, the move brought a lot of attention to The Foxes. Kevin not only brought a fanbase with him when he began the show, but he pushed his costars to work harder and hone their acting skills, making the following of the show grow exponentially. 
Neil hadn't seen Kevin since he was ten years old. Neil had started acting lessons when he was four, had even been in a few small productions in his childhood. He assumed it was his father's attempt at getting him out of the house while he did his business, and Neil was happy to go- every time he was present during his father's dealings he ended up with a beating. One day, his father took him to rehearse with some kids. He had never met Kevin and Riko before, but Neil was happy to make some friends. He had never really been allowed to have any friends, so he was excited to finally have some kids to interact with. With the help of an older man who guided them, the three spent a few hours going over scenes, trying the lines with different emotions and figuring out how they all worked together on-screen. But their rehearsal was cut short when they were forced to watch Neil's father tear a man to ribbons. His mother had taken him and left the next morning.
There was no conceivable way Neil could accept Wymack's proposal. He had garnered too much attention as it is performing in a small town's theater production. The last thing he needed was his face to be broadcasted all over television, his name tacked on to a credit list. Beyond that, the media is up The Foxes's ass, what with Kevin on the cast. He cannot afford that kind of notoriety. His father would find him in an instant. And if Kevin recognized him? He could not risk Kevin giving him away.
"Please leave me alone," Neil said. 
"We need to fly you out tomorrow if you're going to be halfway prepared when we start production. It would be best if you sign tonight," Wymack pushed.
"I'm not signing anything. I'm not working with you."
"I won't work with Kevin."
"Aw, hear that, Kev? The rookie doesn't like you," a sardonic voice drawled from behind him. 
Every bone in his body seized at the implication of that statement. If Kevin was here-
He whirled around to meet the dark green eyes of Kevin Day. He was significantly taller than Neil, at least six-foot to his five-three, with a good fifty pounds of muscle over him. And he was blocking the only other exit. Neil had not noticed Hernandez leave the room until now, acutely aware of his compromised position. There was no way for him to escape. Neil just stared at his old friend, barely breathing as he waited for recognition to kick in, for the realization to dawn on him. But nothing came. Could it be possible Kevin didn't recognize him?
It made sense, he supposed. Neil had seen Kevin grow up, his face plastered on every magazine and television screen he saw, but Kevin had not seen Neil since he was a child. That, coupled with the brown hair dye and the brown colored contacts he wore may have been enough to slip under Kevin's radar.
"Jesus, Andrew, can't you be polite for ten minutes? We're trying to sign this kid and you're going to scare him off," Wymack's incensed voice sounded from behind him.
"Oh, come on, Wymack, he doesn't look like the type to be scared of little old me now does he?" Neil broke his stare with Kevin to look at his companion, only to find Andrew Minyard's eyes already boring into his own, a manic smile plastered on his face. He would have recognized the blond actor anywhere; he had made quite a stir in Hollywood. 
Andrew was the first person to turn down a role with the Moriyama's. Riko and Kevin had found him, had seen his work in other projects and knew he had potential. When they approached him with a part on Evermore and a chance to join their little clique, they had never even considered he would say no. Working with Tetsuji was a straight shot to stardom. But Andrew instead signed a contract with Wymack, who had agreed to cast his twin brother Aaron and his cousin Nicky as well. 
Neil turned back to Wymack. "I'm not signing anything. I'm leaving now."
"I'm going to let you reconsider." The first words Kevin spoke to Neil in eight years sent chills down his spine. 
Neil turned towards him again. "I've already given you an answer."
"Why won't you sign?" Wymack questioned. "From what your directer said, you've got nothing keeping you here. In the three months he's known you, he said he's seen no friends, no family. Said your parents never answer his calls, something about them having a long commute to work, that they barely even see you. Why not join The Foxes?"
Neil couldn't very well tell him the truth, so he told him the first plausible lie his mind provided. "I'm not near good enough to work with Kevin. And I'm only used to stage acting, I don't know how to perform for television." 
The first lie would have been reason enough, but the second one needed to be thrown in to keep his story believable. He had told Hernandez he had only done a few plays previously, not wanting to raise any suspicion. If Wymack had spoken to his director about him, he had likely been told this. And anyone who had only done a few plays would be concerned about switching to screen acting, so Neil played the part. 
"Both unimportant," Kevin said. At Neil's surprised look he continued, "You may be inexperienced, but we saw your performance tonight. You have talent. Now stop wasting our time and sign the contract."
How had he missed Kevin Day in the audience? He must have been hiding in the back, trying to avoid being recognized by any fans. Still, the misstep unnerved Neil. "There are plenty of actors with talent who would be thrilled at this offer. Why not ask them?"
"Like I said, we've seen you perform. We knew you had talent from the videos your director sent us, but it's not just raw ability. You throw yourself into your role like it's all you have left. You don't just channel the emotions, you become the character. Actors with that kind of passion are rare, and are the only kind worth bothering with."
Neil couldn't stop the pull in his chest, begging him to accept, no matter how foolish an idea it was. He was not ready to give up acting, but pursuing it would bring him closer to the man he had spent his entire life running from. Signing with Wymack was as good as signing his death sentence. But it was a shot at living, at truly living for the first time in years. The acting was the only thing that felt solid now that his mother was gone, and he wasn't sure if he could survive without a tether. 
If Kevin didn't recognize him, perhaps he could indulge himself, just for a little while. He didn't have to stay for the full two seasons; at the first sign of trouble, he'd run. Perhaps he could base his plan off of Kevin- at soon as Kevin started remembering, started asking questions, Neil would know it was time to go. Because if Kevin remembered, if he started digging into Neil's past, he would clue in the whole host of people after Neil on his whereabouts. If they didn't discover them on their own. 
"An answer tonight, Josten." Wymack clicked the pen, holding it out to Neil in offering. Neil stared at the pen, every ounce of self-preservation screaming at him to be smart, to take his bag and get the hell out of this town, to blend back into the shadows. But another voice, a voice he had been repressing for far too long, was making itself heard: desire. Desire to act, desire to be settled somewhere, desire to be real. 
He could always run. That's what he told himself as he took the pen from his new directors proffered hand. That what he told himself as he signed his name along the dotted line, the name of a person who didn't really exist, but was going to try to for as long as he could. That's what he told himself as he felt his throat closing in as he realized how he had disregarded everything his mother had worked for, died for, with the quick stroke of a pen. 
"Perfect," Wymack said. "We'll pick you up here tomorrow so we can fly to L.A. and get started." Neil couldn't think of anything to say, so he stayed silent.
Kevin handed him a thick stack of paper with "The Foxes: season three, episode one" printed across the front. The script. "Start reading it now. We have a lot of catching up to do if you're going to be ready by the beginning of production."
With that, he strode from the room. Andrew followed him, stopping only to flash Neil that same grin, raising his hand in a two-fingered salute. Neil couldn't contain his eye roll.
After the two actors had left the room, Wymack held back for a moment. "You made the right choice, kid." 
Neil almost laughed. If only he knew how wrong he was.
Notes: Hello everyone!! I’m not completely happy with this but I'm publishing it anyways because bad writing is better than no writing, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself :) I’m going to write more chapters on this fic, so I hope that someone likes it!!
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moonscarsandstars · 4 years
hi! hope you're having a good day! (or evening, idk) Prompt: could you one where they take Teddy to the beach and Remus gets insecure and Siruis and Teddy start hyping him up? idk how prompts work so i hope this is okay!
aww, thank you @thatonecrackheadshipper​, i hope the same for you! also, i love this prompt, so i hope you like it!
"You ready?"
"More than ready," said Teddy with a huge grin on his face, jumping up and down and tightening his grip on the seat he was sitting on. 
Sirius fiddled with the float armbands, decorated with crescent moons, trying to tighten them up a little. Of course, it was only on Remus's insistence that Teddy was wearing them, after Sirius and Teddy had begged him to go to the beach.
"Wanna call your dad? Maybe he'll know how to work these stupid muggle things," said Sirius in defeat.
“It’s easy!” Exclaimed Teddy, pulling a strap- one that Sirius could’ve sworn had come out of nowhere.
“Talking of him, where is he?”
“Dunno. He said he’d be here,” said Teddy, eagerly tapping his foot on the floor.
“Moons?” Called out Sirius. “Where are you?”
“Coming,” came his voice from upstairs.
“Moony,” whined Sirius, earning a chuckle from Teddy. “Don’t worry about how you look, it’ll be okay.”
“Mmh, yeah, I know,” mumbled Remus, coming down the stairs. 
Sirius’s jaw dropped.
An olive green tank top hung from his scrawny figure, where light scars travelled over his arms. A small necklet with a seashell at the end hung from his neck, covering a small, red scar. He wore shorts that almost reached his knees, and stuffed his hands in his pockets sheepishly.
“Moons, you- you’re beautiful,” whispered Sirius, almost in shock.
“Padfoot’s in love,” said Teddy childishly, giggling to himself.
“That I am.”
“Pads, come on,” said Remus cautiously, jerking his head towards Teddy. “Shut up.”
“I’m not going to shut up! I’m not-”
“Here we go again,” said Remus fondly.
“-where I can love who I want to, and there’s no way you’re going to stop me. Besides, Teddy already knows, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah, you’re in love and it’s disgusting!”
“Believe me, Teddy, when you grow up, and meet the love of your life...” trailed off Sirius, looking towards a sheepish, almost blushing Remus.
“Little brat, aren’t you? We’ll see in five years, when you’re a teenager-”
“That’s enough, Pads,” said Remus, fondly exasperated. He snatched a look at his watch. “Well, we’ll need to go now, if we want to miss the evening block on the motorway.”
“What’s a block?”
Giving a deadpan look towards Sirius, he continued. “A traffic jam.”
Sirius looked up sheepishly. “What’s a traffic jam?”
“Sirius,” started Remus, half confused, half shocked. “Did you not learn anything from three years of muggle studies?”
“I learnt who David Bowie was, and I don’t regret it,” said Sirius proudly.
“Oh, come on,” said Remus fondly exasperated, lifting Teddy and carrying him to the door. “Lets go.”
“It’s a beach, Pads, what did you expect?”
“I didn’t expect it to be so bloody hot!”
“Well did you think it’d be snowing?”
“Yes, Padfoot,” said Teddy solemnly, trying to fight back a smile. “Moony is right.”
Sirius feigned a shocked, hurt look, and slammed a hand against his chest dramatically. “Teddy? How could you? I thought I was your favourite!”
“No chance of that,” muttered Remus, the usual amusement and humour void in his voice. Sirius sensed something was wrong, snatching a look at him.
“Moony,” whined Teddy. “Can’t we go now?”
“Uh,” hesitated Remus, wrapping letting his hands sink further into his pockets, as he retreated a little into himself. “Why don’t you go? I’ll catch up later.”
“So that’s what this is about?”
Sirius caught his warning glare, and ignored it, pulling Remus gently by the arm. “Moony, don’t worry, you look fine. No one’s going to look at you weirdly, I promise.”
“I know, I know,” said Remus, not thoroughly convinced. Keeping his head down, he dragged his feet through the sand as he walked next to Teddy. 
“Moons,” said Sirius, stopping. “You’re absolutely beautiful, and no one can convince me or you otherwise. Your scars are barely visible, and even if they were, they’re nothing to be ashamed of, right Teddy?”
“Yeah, Moony,” said Teddy, pulling up his shorts. “Look here! I have a scar, but I don’t care.”
Remus chuckled, and gave Sirius a quick peck on the cheek, before bending down to lift up Teddy and hug him. “What d’you say we go to the sea?”
“Yay,” said Sirius in a splitting expression of Teddy, getting Remus to roll his eyes in amusement.
“Pads, d’you have the sunscre-”
“Oh Moony, there’s sand between my toes,” winced Sirius, shaking his feet and sending a flip flop flying off.
“What a travesty,” deadpanned Remus, carrying on as Sirius sheepishly hopped over to the the family who’d been hit in the face with the sandy, rainbow coloured flip flop. “Oh come on Teddy. Fine, you can join him.”
As the warm breeze weaved through Remus’s messy curls, waves neared the shore. 
Before he knew it, Sirius had grabbed his hand and was running straight towards the water, Teddy by his side.
Water splashed at his ankles and he yelped at the freezing temperature of it. Teddy giggled uncontrollably, while Sirius gave him that look- the one that never failed to make Remus weak at the knees.
“Hmm?” Remus looked down to Teddy, who was up on his toes, still laughing.
“I love you,” he said, before hugging Remus’s legs.
A warm feeling settled in Remus; one that never really went away.
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Brave Enough (to Break Your Own Heart) - Chapter 2
Jack reaches out to Davey a few days after the party 
Jack returned from his art history class with a headache like he’d never had before. He wasn’t hungover, he hadn’t been drinking since Saturday at the party. The party where he met David. David, who he hasn’t stopped thinking about but also hasn’t texted.
He was probably just stressed. He would tell himself he was stressed about school, about the essay he had to write by Friday and by the sketches he needed to finish, but he knew deep down that wasn’t the case.
He was stressed about himself, his life. His identity.
He wasn’t straight and it was terrifying.
And constantly thinking about a guy he hooked up with isn’t helping his fear, his worries.
But ignoring it wouldn’t help either. Quickly, before he could stop himself, he opened his texts to David.
Jack: are you doing anything right now?
David: Not until my class at 2:00? What’s up?
Jack didn’t know the answer to that seemingly simple question. He wanted to see David, obviously, but he didn’t want his friends to know who he was with and therefore why they were together. He didn’t want to go out somewhere because it would be a date and that definitely wasn’t what he was looking for.
Jack: oh god i dont even know im sorry. im just stressed and i wanna figure shit out but idk how
David: Can I help with anything?
Jack: i wanted to see you i guess
David: Okay, do you still want to?
The fact that David was being so understanding wasn’t helping Jack’s guilt. His guilt that he wanted to see David but not be seen with David. Jack: yeah.
David: And I’m free so what’s the problem?
David: Are you afraid of your friends knowing and asking questions?
Jack: it sounds bad
David: Nobody’s blaming you.
David: I’m in a single, do you want to come over?
Jack: yes please
Jack didn’t feel good about wanting to hide but he would feel even worse about seeing his friends while he was with David and having to either tell them or get caught in a lie if he chose to hide the truth.
David sent his room number and Jack didn’t hesitate in leaving his room to go to David’s, thankful that Crutchie was still in class and therefore unable to ask where he was going. The walk was short, leaving Jack without enough time to overthink his actions, thank God. He knew that he would find far too many flaws in his situation if he took the time to mull it over.
He did, however, pause outside David’s door for a while before he could bring himself to knock. He just stood there, staring at the fall-themed name card on his door, no doubt put there by his RA.
Maybe he should just go, he thought. David was out and secure in his identity, he shouldn’t be burdened by Jack’s identity or lack thereof.
But, still, David was the one who invited Jack over, the one who asks questions and supports Jack.
He knocked.
David opened the door with a smile kind enough to knock any hesitant thoughts from Jack’s head. “Hey, Jack.” David stepped aside, allowing Jack to enter before shutting the door behind him.
Jack wasn’t expecting to make it this far and he didn’t know how to proceed. He lingered in the center of David’s tiny dorm room, just standing there. He didn’t know where to sit, what to say. It wasn’t often that Jack was left with no words on his tongue.
It seems like David realized Jack’s hesitation because he guided Jack by the shoulder as he walked to his bed. They sat against the wall, treating the bed like a couch, as you must in a dorm with minimal furniture. Their shoulders were touching but Jack wanted more contact, he just didn’t know what was allowed.
He realized he still hadn’t spoken.
“Hey.” It came out quieter than he was expecting.
“What are you thinking?” David asked.
Jack knocked his head back against the wall, exasperated. He wanted to say he didn’t know again, it felt like the most convenient answer.
“Too much,” he answered.
David didn’t respond, instead opting to take Jack’s hand in support and hopes he’ll continue, elaborate.
“I’m frustrated,” Jack continued.
“About what?”
“That I have to deal with this bullshit. Not you, obviously. You aren’t bullshit. But like, two weeks ago I wouldn’t have even thought about not being straight. But now, now I have to like figure myself out and I got all this emotion and whatever and I can't just get rid of it.” Jack moved his other hand to their joined hands, fidgeting with David’s fingers as he spoke.
“What happened two weeks ago?” asked David, tone steady. Jack was almost annoyed by how collected he was while he himself could barely string a sentence together.
“I kissed some guy at a party. That’s the stupid shit I do when I get drunk that I was talking about.”
“So you mean to tell me that I’m not your big sexual awakening? What a scam.” David joked, knocking their shoulders together playfully.
Jack rolled his eyes. “Trust me I was a lot less drunk with you and I did a whole lot more with you. You can take credit for the crisis.”
“Good, something for me to be proud of.” David paused for a few beats before he continued speaking. “What do you need now?”
Jack knew he should say something along the lines of “talking it out” or “dealing with his emotions” or whatever, but that wouldn’t be the truth.
“I could go for a distraction.”
“I can help with that.”
Jack turned his head toward David to kiss him, hesitantly at first, this being the first time he’s kissed a guy with no alcohol in his system. It didn’t take long for him to warm up to the idea, though, and soon he was turned so he was sitting on his knees in order to face David completely. David’s hand moved to Jack’s hair and Jack would do anything to not have to admit how much he liked it. His mouth dropped open as David gave a slight tug. He opened his eyes to look at David and he had no right looking that sexy, smirking knowingly with his fingers still clutching Jack’s hair.
“Yeah, a distraction was definitely the right move,” Jack said through a smile.
David put a hand on Jack’s shoulder and pressed him down, onto the mattress.
Things moved much slower this time. The added conversation and the vastly different environment striped them of the fast paced urgency from the party. Once Jack was flat on the bed David opted to lie next to him rather than on top of him, leaving the heat to build slowly, rising with their heartbeats.
Jack couldn’t tell you how long they stayed like that; lying on David’s bed, making out and constantly pulling each other closer until they needed to break away to breathe. Could be minutes, could be hours, it made no difference to him.
At some point Jack ended up flat against the mattress, not turned to face David, and David was hovering over him. He wasn’t quite on top of him, his shoulders turned to Jack while his legs stayed by his side. It was at this point where things started to escalate, but also this point where David pushed Jack back slightly, Jack attempted to chase David’s lips back up, not wanting to break the kiss but he was unable to. David’s hand on Jack’s chest kept him in his place.
He wasn’t actually holding him back but Jack got the hint. He let his head fall back against the pillow and he pressed his eyes shut.
“You really like stoppin’ us, huh Davey?” Jack tried to not sound too frustrated.
“Again, it’s not that I want to stop but we have to. I told you I have class at 2:00.”
“Skip it.”
David laughed but Jack wasn’t joking.
Jack pulled David back to him with an arm around his shoulders and David gave in for a little while. Jack tried to pick up where they left off, sitting up a little from the bed in order to get even closer to David and catching his bottom lip in a quick teasing bite. The sound David made suggested that he would rather stay with Jack than go to class but he broke the kiss once again, anyway.
“I really have to go.” David stood up and adjusted his clothes, his shirt was askew from Jack tugging at it and his pants were uncomfortable for an entirely different reason.
“Come on, Davey.” Jack was lying back and propping himself up on his elbows. David glanced back at Jack but quickly turned away again, moving toward his wardrobe to get a jacket.
“No, you have to stop sounding so desperate and looking so hot because then I’d actually stay.”
“Well good, that’s what I’m aiming for.” Jack countered.
“I’m gonna be late.” David walked to his door but turned back to Jack. “You can go or you can stay, it’s up to you. Class ends at 3:30.”
And then he was gone, leaving Jack alone and wanting on his bed. Jack wanted to stay, to be there when David got back, but he couldn’t. It was too intimate.
He checked his texts and refreshed Instagram, killing time while he gained some composure. Eventually, he stood and gathered his things and left David’s room. He sent David a text as a formality but it felt like it was too much. Too much like they were together instead of hooking up. He put his phone on silent and began the walk back to his own room.
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daresplaining · 5 years
Hey, Idk if you know this but imma ask you anyway cause I think you’re cool. ANYWAY, how do other hero’s react when they find out Daredevil is blind? (You have any HC’s that go along with it?)
    Hi, and thanks! I’m happy that running a comics blog is considered cool.
     This doesn’t actually come up as much as you’d think, because this kind of revelation almost never starts with people discovering that Daredevil is blind. Matt is (mostly) good at pretending he can see while in costume, since that’s an illusion he feels the need to maintain. Instead, what usually happens is this: someone (a fellow hero or otherwise) will learn that Matt is Daredevil, they’ll assume he fakes the blindness, Matt will then explain about the hypersenses, and that will be that. Sometimes he’ll be asked to prove it, but not always. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Kesel’s Daredevil run. Matt and Foggy are standing together in an office. Foggy has his back to Matt (and the reader).]
Foggy: “Okay, Matt– you can stop pretending, now.”
Matt: “Foggy–?”
Foggy: “This whole ‘blind’ thing. I know you’re really Daredevil! Some ‘best friend’– lying to me all these years… playing me for a fool…”
Matt: “No, Foggy– you’re wrong! I thought you understood… I really am blind, from a childhood accident that heightened my remaining senses–”
Daredevil vol. 1 #353 by Karl Kesel, Cary Nord, and Christie Scheele
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[ID: Daredevil and Karen Page are sitting together in a large, fancy, primarily green sitting room.] 
Karen: “And, your brother ‘Mike’… the aerial explosion in which you ‘died’… even your ‘blindness’… they were all nothing but ingenious frauds!”
Matt: “Two out of three right, my darling! I never had a brother… and that explosion was trumped up to flush out a would-be blackmailer! But, I have been blind for years… perhaps in more ways than one!”
Karen: “Really blind? I don’t… understand…!”
Matt: “When you get down to brass tacks, Karen… neither do I! As Matt, I told you once about the childhood accident that blinded me! That story was true, but not the whole truth!”
[ID: A panel showing a montage of Daredevil doing cool acrobatic tricks against an orange background.]
Matt (off-panel): “For, in some mysterious way, the same mishap that robbed me of my sight… amazingly sharpened my remaining senses, to far beyond those of other men… enabling me to avoid disasters, and to perform athletic feats that few people even dream of! Taste… touch… smell… hearing… all my senses were heightened! Except perhaps for that secret ingredient called… common sense! Why else would I never have told you before… that I love you?”
Daredevil vol. 1 #58 by Roy Thomas and Gene Colan
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[ID: Daredevil and Black Panther are swinging in tandem across the nighttime city.]
T’Challa: “DD… I know I promised no questions… but I have never comprehended how a blind attorney can battle crime with the best of them! –If you truly are blind, that is!”
Matt: “I am… but I’ve got some other super-senses that just won’t quit! Remind me to tell you about ‘em sometime!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #69 by Roy Thomas and Gene Colan
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[ID: Daredevil and Spider-Man– who is in his black costume– are crouched on a rooftop, talking.] 
Peter: “So… ‘Peter’, huh?”
Matt: “Yup. And in case you’re wondering, my handle is… Matt Murdock.”
Peter: “You’re kidding, right? I mean… Murdock’s blind… I mean… that is… uh, let’s go someplace and talk about this…”
[In the next panel they’re in Peter’s apartment, and in civvies. Matt is sitting on a chair, wearing a white shirt and blue pants. Peter is walking into the room, wearing a green shirt and blue pants.]
Matt: “Faintly acrid, but a nice apartment.”
Peter: “Boy, you really must be blind. And yeah, I had a fire recently. Let me understand– you could tell when you heard my heartbeat as Peter Parker and later as Spider-Man that we were the same guy? That’s some power. What do you call it?”
Matt: “Listening.”
Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man vol. 1 #110 by Peter David, Rich Buckler, and Bob Sharen
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[ID: A panel of Luke Cage and Danny Rand– both in civvies– standing on a rooftop at night. They are looking up toward the viewer (at Daredevil, off-panel). Danny is holding up a newspaper.]
Luke: “You can put that down. He’s blind.”
Danny: “Oh, he really is blind. I thought he was pretending because of all the heat on him.”
Luke: “No, he’s really blind.”
Danny: “Oh.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #38 by Brian Michael Bendis, Manuel Gutierrez, and Matt Hollingsworth
    These are just a few examples, but you get the idea. It’s very rare that someone figures out that Daredevil is blind without it being tied to a full-on secret identity reveal. The best example I can think of is this great moment from one of the Daredevil/Batman crossovers. Trust the World’s Greatest Detective to figure it out…
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[ID: Daredevil and Batman are standing together on a rooftop at night.]
Bruce: “Let’s say you’re visually impaired. You favor your other modes of sensory input. A subtle inclination of your head when there’s a sound. An extremely slight flaring of your nostrils, probably indicating olfactory acuteness. You’re practiced– or possess sensory enhancements– making your powers of observation markedly proficient.”
Matt: “Thanks. Yours aren’t bad, either.”
Daredevil and Batman by D.G. Chichester, Scott McDaniel, and Gregory Wright
    I love this because Matt’s blindness and powers would affect his body language, and I kind of wish that more characters– particularly those with combat expertise– would notice. As it stands, pretty much everyone who knows that Daredevil is blind also learns about his hypersenses immediately afterward, and since there’s always been a tendency for writers to allow Matt’s powers to get him out of situations that would generally require sight, his blindness doesn’t come up as much as I wish it would within the context of his actual hero work and team-ups. The little evidence available suggests that his fellow heroes are accommodating (we get little details, like the fact that the text on Matt’s Avengers ID card is written in braille) and they’re generally impressed by him, but they don’t make that big a deal of it. Sometimes they’ll forget he’s blind, but he is quick to remind them. In the wider context of the Marvel superhero community, a blind superhero isn’t that weird, no matter what Brainwashed Wolverine™ might claim:  
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[ID: Wolverine and Matt (in costume, but without his mask) are fighting in Matt’s apartment. Wolverine is slashing with his claws; Matt is trying to restrain him]
Logan: “Hands offa me, you blind freak!”
Matt: “This isn’t you that’s saying this. You have to fight it, Wolverine. You’ve just been reprogrammed.”
Logan (caption): “Listen to you, Murdock: talking like you’re some kinda super hero– Ever wonder why they didn’t ask you to join their fancy teams, big shot? Ever wonder why you always work alone? ‘Cuz you’re blind. Handicapped. Oughta hear the sick jokes they crack behind your back–”
Wolverine (2003) #24 by Mark Millar, John Romita, Jr., Paul Mounts
    (This comes after a long rant about how Matt gets more dates than him. Brainwashed Wolverine™ was going through some stuff in this issue…)
    One context in which Matt’s blindness does come up is in his interactions with other blind superheroes. In these cases, it usually serves as a source of bonding. Gerry Conway gives us this weird-yet-touching issue in which Matt encounters a blind hero from another dimension:
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[ID: Daredevil is standing over a figure (Tagak), who is wearing a purple and orange skin-tight suit and a leopard-print mask that covers his whole head.]
Matt: “Now maybe I’ll get some answers! Like, number one… who you are… and number two… how you pretend to see– when you’re blind!”
Tagak: “How…?”
Matt: “Big clue: the way you hesitated just now… and let’s just say it takes one to know one!”
Tagak: “Then you…? It seems there is much to speak about, my friend!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #72 Gerry Conway and Gene Colan
   Since Matt generally works so hard to hide his blindness while in costume, it’s notable that he shares this information with Tagak within minutes of meeting him– especially when he didn’t actually have to.
    Here’s a more recent example, from after Matt has revealed his secret identity to the Inhuman superhero Reader:
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[ID: A panel showing Reader sitting at a table, with Matt– in civvies and with his arm in a sling– standing next to the table.]
Reader: “Wait… are you really blind? Gotta admit, I kind of liked being on a team with another blind guy.”
Matt: “I’m really blind.”
Reader: “Then how…”
Matt: “You’ve got your tricks, Reader, I’ve got mine.”
Daredevil vol. 5 #609 by Charles Soule and Phil Noto
    This example is a bit more complicated, since (spoiler alert) it’s all in Matt’s head, but 1. this conversation seems in-character for Reader anyway, and 2. the fact that Matt would want him to react this way is still significant.
    And then there are the villains! One of my favorite examples of Matt’s blindness coming into play in his hero work is this great scene from Waid’s run, in which the Jester– having learned Matt’s secret identity but assuming that the blindness is just an act (as everyone does at first, see above)– sets a trap that is entirely vision-reliant…
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[ID: Matt, in civvies, comes across a life-sized dummy of Foggy hanging from a noose. He perceives it in an unrecognizable form with his radar sense. This alternates with panels of the Jester, who is sitting in front of an array of computer screens and getting increasingly agitated.]
Matt (caption): “And what is this? A Jaycees haunted house? Who are you supposed to represent?”
Jester: “He’s staring right at it! Why– why isn’t he reacting?”
Matt (caption): “Real dead bodies have a distinct odor, Jester. This smells like foam rubber and latex. What were you trying to accomplish here? Fail.”
Jester: “React, damn you! That’s your best friend hanging from a noose! Anyone who’s ever seen Murdock in a fight knows the ‘blind lawyer’ gag is a put-on! Open your eyes!”
Daredevil vol. 3 #32 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez
    I don’t really have headcanons as much as I have a wish to see more of this sort of thing in the source material itself (though I would love to hear other people’s headcanons, if they have some!). We’ve come a long way, in general, from the “Matt’s senses more than compensate for his blindness” attitude that plagued early (and some more recent, unfortunately) Daredevil comics, and Waid’s run in particular made great strides in this area, but I always feel like more can be done. I want Matt to hang out with more of the Marvel Universe’s other blind characters (there are a bunch of them!). I want his blindness to come up more often in his team-ups with sighted heroes. We’ve seen antagonists target his hypersenses, but I was surprised and a little disappointed that, back when his blindness was public knowledge, his rogues didn’t try to use that against him. On the other hand, we got awesome things like this during that period…
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[ID: A panel showing Matt on the street, in civvies, signing an autograph for a blind kid with a service dog.]
Daredevil vol. 4 #11 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson
    …which is another of the many reasons I’m sad it’s over, as Matt/Daredevil interacting more with the non-powered disabled community is another thing I want– including negotiating his identity as a superpowered disabled person. 
    There’s a tricky line that needs to be walked in handling this aspect of Matt’s character. In making his blindness too prominent, or too debilitating, there’s a risk of turning him into a caricature or making it seem like a burden rather than a simple fact of his existence. Matt is a complex character, and his sensory array is only one part of that complexity. But he is one of the most prominent blind characters in comics– if not media in general– and I still feel like there are a lot of stories surrounding this part of his identity that haven’t yet been told, in the context of both the civilian and superhero sides of his life. 
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rogerina-deacon · 5 years
Secret Weapon // Pat Murray x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Pat Murray x Fem!Reader Request: “Hi I have no idea if you're doing Pat Murray imagines or recieving requests. If you dont ignore this it's chill. If you are then: maybe the D-backs are playing a team with a girl (possibly outfield but whatever you're comfortable with) and all the guys are like trying to flirt and get with her but shes only got eyes for Pat? And like bench bets of who gets her number Pat obvi wins.... idk I just think that it'd be so cute and funny…” Summary: A certain player on their rival team has the D-Backs distracted beyond repair. Warnings: None! Just some fluff! Word Count: 1.6k
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“Okay boys, today we’re up against the Marlins,” Ty started as he stared at his clipboard, eyeing the roster he had printed a copy of, ‘Now, word on the street is they’ve got some sort of secret weapon of a player, so I need you all to be on your a-game today, alright? Okay, let’s stretch.” And with that, a few of his players followed him onto the field as members of their opposing team arrived, most passing by them with a laugh and a snide comment. They all just rolled their eyes at their rivals, until they noticed someone they were not expecting to play against.
“Woah, who is that?” Barone spoke as he approached the men stretching on the ground, his eyes practically popping out of their sockets as his gaze scanned over your body.
“Barone, your girlfriend is right over there.” Ty pointed out to him, his hand motioning to said woman whose eyes were staring daggers as if to say “you ain’t getting shit for a week”. Meanwhile, you were just making your way to the dugout, bat slung over your shoulder as you joined the rest of your team, the D-Backs eying you not simply for the fact you’re their rival.
Barone entered the dugout, being greeted to the sound of everyone chatting over the secret weapon. Palacco was never the best at subtlety, and now was no exception as he held his hands in front of his chest as he talked to Zapata about your “killer knockers”, David in between them wishing they would quit being pigs when talking about you. He had seen you play before, as you two went to high school together, and knew you wouldn’t take whatever objectifying bs they threw your way, since that’s what happened seemingly every game you played. You were that cool senior he had an innocent freshman year crush on, and he’d seen you clap back at many sexist competitors, whether they were saying how girls can’t play baseball or how hot you looked in that uniform. He figured he would wait for them to get what’s coming to them in time, it had been a while since he’d seen you really go off on a guy and today seemed like a good day to get a refresher.
“Heyo Murray, you seen the marlin chick o’er there?” Zapata asked as Pat looked through his bag, Zapata motioning to the nearby dugout with his chin. Pat looked over to find you chatting with your teammates, bat in hand and Double Bubble in mouth. It looked like you were showing him how you swing, as he followed your movements. You patted the man's shoulder before walking over to the corner to spit out your gum, not one for being “ladylike”. You began stretching by yourself, your hips moving side to side as you bent down to touch your toes, one side and then the other, and the D-Backs followed every sway, namely Barone, Murray, Palacco and David.
“Keep your eyes on the prize, boys. No need to focus on her so much.” Fotch tried to knock some sense into them, to no avail. Palacco simply waved him off.
“If we’re lucky, though, she’s the prize” Zapata reasoned, his hands out in a shrug, earning a chuckle from Fotch.
“C’mon, guys, she’s no prize to be won. It’s just Y/N.” David said, knowing if he didn’t say something to defend you his ass would be on a stick with the rest of them.
“Y/N??? YOU KNOW HER, DAVID?” They all screamed, and your attention was pulled at the echo of your name, brows furrowed as they all continued hounding the poor kid with questions.
“Yeah, I mean, we were in high school together, she’s a few years older than me, no biggie.” He shrugged off, even though inside he was ecstatic that finally, he was cool to the other guys.
“I mean,” he continued, “we’re not even friends on Facebook, guys.”
“Yeah, probably cause you’re too pussy to request to be” Barone scoffed, rolling his eyes. And all David did was sigh, cause he knew he was right. You had 20 mutual friends with him, and every time he saw your profile in his suggestions he was this close to sending you a request, but he was too terrified of rejection.
“Fine, mock me, but don’t come crying to me when she kicks your asses after the game.” He said before wandering off to the other side of the dugout.
“Whaddya think he meant by that?” Palacco asked the other guys as he looked to each of them, but all he was met with was shrugs and sighs.
The third inning was upon us, and bench bets were well underway. David, Barone and Palacco had already gone through two rounds, though no one got any money, as per usual, since the song Mike chose as the best Spice Girls song was none of their answers (“Say You’ll Be There is nothing compared to Wannabe!” according to Palacco), and the Marlins only did two chants within the next five minutes, and no one thought it would be that few. They were eager to win something, whether it’s this game or some money, and money was more immediate. So, they began brainstorming new bet ideas, this time with Fotch. He had hurt his shoulder tossing the ball to Ty, and they all agreed that he should just sit out.
“Hey-uh, how about who can get Y/N’s number after the game today?” Barone suggested, and he was met with scoffs.
“Barone, your girlfriend is in the bleachers, remember?” Fotch reminded him, and Barone just rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I remember, that doesn’t mean I can’t get her number. Just means I can’t use it.”
“You are a pig, Barone.” David pointed out, dumbfounded at how dumb Barone was being.
“Besides,” David continued, “I doubt Y/N would go for a guy like you.”
“What, you think you’re more her type than me? At least I fuckin play, man.” Barone teased, hitting a bit of a soft spot on him.
“I’m just saying, she doesn’t go for sexist assholes, ‘kay?” David said defensively, holding his hands up in defeat.
The guys came in from the field, putting their bats away before taking a seat on the bench.
“So, what’s the latest bet?” Zapata asked as he plopped down next to Barone.
“Who can get Y/N’s number after the game today.” Palacco said with a smile, which was greeted with a scoff from the rest of the team.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Don’t think any of us can?” Palacco defended himself, and for the most part they just rolled their eyes.
“I doubt she’d go for jerk-offs like you guys… no offense, David” Pat said, hoping the young teammate understood he wasn’t referring to him.
“None taken, I know I’m not an ass.”
“What, think you got what it takes to get with her, Murray?” Barone challenged.
“More than you do” He said, taking out his wallet. “How much?”
“5 bucks” David said, and Pat threw the bill on the ground to join the others before he headed back out to the field for his turn at bat.
“Aaaand strike three!” The ump yelled as Pat took his final swing, trying to hold back his anger in fear of scaring you away. But as soon as he was in the far corner of the dugout, he lost it. Yelling, pulling at his hair, hitting the chainlink of the dugout with his bat until it broke, anything to release his frustration at his inability to hit a damn ball. And while all the guys on his team went to the opposite end of the dugout, and all the guys on your team just stared at each other in disbelief, you just kinda laughed to yourself at his reaction, which in no way went unnoticed.
“Okay she isn’t freaked out by Murray’s anger, you guys are screwed” Zapata told Barone, Palacco, and David, who just looked at each other in defeat.
“Well he doesn’t have her number yet, now has he?” Palacco reasoned, and Zapata just shrugged before continuing.
“Just sayin’, it seems like she’s already into him and they haven’t even talked.”
The game has finally ended, and the D-Backs just barely won. Now, they were doing handshakes with your team to be good sports. You were last in line, as was Pat, which was the perfect time for him to make his move.
“Great game, Y/N.” He said sweetly much unlike the others in both his tone and in that he actually said your name.
“You too, Pat.”
“You were really great out there today, best on your team no doubt.” He praised with a hint of a gleam in his eyes, a genuine smile formed on his lips. “I know we kicked your team’s ass today, but would you want to go out for a celebratory dinner for your great work?”
“I kinda doubt your team would want me at their dinner.” You pointed out with a chuckle at the end, which Pat returned as soon as you said it.
“Who says I want them there?” He said playfully, his eyes meeting yours in a way he hoped would make you know what he meant.
“Are you asking me out on a date, Murray?” You teased, shifting coyly.
“Maybe I am, Y/L/N. What do ya say?”
“I’d love to, Pat. Pick me up at seven?” You said, taking a step back.
“Sure, just one last thing…” He trailed off, reaching into his back pocket for a pen he grabbed before leaving the dugout.
“Can I get your number?” He asked, holding the pen outwards to you.
“Sure” You responded with a smirk, taking the pen and writing your number on the back of his hand, placing it in his palm before walking off the field, waving to him as you left.
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jeffxwittek · 6 years
Love At First Beer | Todd X Reader
A/N: This is my first Todd imagine and I hope you guys like it...idk what else to say besides let me know what you think!! Request: being friends w natalie and she introduces you to the vlog squad at coachella and you end up hooking up w todd -anonymous Summary: You meet Todd during Coachella weekend and the two of you hit it off. Warnings: drinking, sex (implied)
You feel like you’ve been driving forever as you pull up to the house the rest of Natalie’s friends were staying at. You had known Natalie for a while, yet never had a chance to meet her friends. She thought Coachella weekend would be a perfect time for everyone to meet you. You reluctantly agreed and now you’re finding yourself nervously shaking while getting out of your car. You send Natalie a quick just parked text and make your way to the front door.
Before you have a chance to knock, Natalie swings the door open. “Y/N! You’re here!” She has a beer in hand, a sight you don’t usually see.
“Hey, Nat! Sorry I’m late. Work was a bitch with letting me leave early.” You step into the house and throw your bag into the corner.
“C’mon. Let me introduce you to everyone!” Natalie grabs your hand and drags you through the house to the backyard where people are jumping into the pool, running with water guns, and playing beer pong. Not the surrounding you usually see Natalie in. She’s always calm and reserved when you two are together.
She takes you over to the lawn where you see a shaggy haired boy in all black, camera in hand, filming two other guys chugging Coronas. “This is David, Todd, and Zane.”
“Hey. I’m Y/N.” You say as David turns around and points the camera in your face.
“Hi! Wanna join?” David asks enthusiastically.
“Uh, yeah, sure. Why not.” You grab a beer off the table next to you and pop it open stepping in front of the camera next to the two other boys.
“1, 2, 3, GO!” David yells as you all start chugging the beers as fast as possible.
You’re the first to finish and drop your bottle to the grass and look over to the others finishing up the last of their beers.
Zane looks at you with shocked eyes. “Woah! How’d you do that? I’m supposed to be the beer champ.”
“Beginners luck?” You shrug your shoulders as Todd flips his hair and makes eye contact with you for the first time. Maybe it was the fact you just chugged a beer on an empty stomach, spent God knows how long in the car, or it could be that you were just completely in awe of the beauty standing in front of you, but you suddenly became speechless as Todd smiles at you.
“Beginners luck looks good on you,” Todd says reaching his hand out to you. “I’m Todd.”
You reach to shake his hand and open your mouth, but no words come out. Natalie jumps behind you putting her hands on your shoulder. “She’s Y/N and she’s just a little shy.”
“DAVE! COME LOOK AT THIS!” You hear someone yell as the boys run off together.
You turn around to Natalie with flushed cheeks. “Oh. My. God. He’s beautiful.” You turn over your shoulder and see Todd leaning against David looking at his camera.
“Todd?” Natalie perks up with a smile. “I knew it!”
“Knew what?!”
“That you would like him!”
“Like him? I don’t know him!” You get slightly defensive. “I just think he’s attractive,” you say calmly.
Natalie rolls her eyes and loops her arm with yours. “Whatever. Let’s just get you another drink.” — A couple hours later a party bus pulls up in front of the house and David calls for everyone to get in. “COME ON GUYS! Jack said SeatGeek has a VIP tent and we need to go!” Camera in hand again, David films everyone climbing into the bus while you’re putting your shoes on and checking you have everything in your bag.
Natalie pops her head through the door. “You coming?”
You look up and give her a half smile. “Be right out.” You pick up your stuff and make your way to the bus and find yourself looking around for a place to sit. You see Natalie is already sitting with Joe and Jason.
“Y/N!” You look over to see Todd with his hand up. “Over here.”
You walk over to Todd and sit down next to him. “Hey.”
“You chugged that beer like a pro earlier by the way. I’ve never seen a girl take back a drink like that.” He says looking at you impressed.
“Thank you for the kudos. I guess going to a party school for college had its perks.” You open your bag. “Speaking of party schools,” you say pulling a flask out. “The one thing I learned from college was to never leave home without one of these.”
“Ah. My kind of girl. May I?” He says gestures towards the flask.
You hand it to him happily. “Go ahead.” You watch him take a sip and laugh when he gags.
“Okay. I did not peg you for a vodka girl at first sight,” he scoffs handing the flask back to you.
“You mean Natalie didn’t tell you I was full of surprises?” You joke putting the flask back in your bag.
“She mentioned looks, brains, and wit but seemed to have left that small detail,” he jokes.
You can’t help but blush over his comment and look over to Natalie who is smiling at the two of you connecting. You two talk for the rest of the the ride not realizing that you’ve pulled up to the venue.
You suddenly see a hand come and smack Todd against the head. “What the fuck, Scott?” Todd touches the side of his head. “I was having a conversation.”
“Let’s go liquor up,” Scott says walking off the bus.“I guess we’ll finish this later?” Todd asks.
“Sounds like a plan,” you smile at him getting off the bus to find Natalie and tell her about talking with Todd. “Girl. Why didn’t you tell me about him sooner? He’s amazing!”
“Todd? Amazing? Yea, he’s good looking. But amazing? Might be a stretch,” Natalie laughs.
“No, Nat. He’s smart and funny and he even laughed at my lame jokes that you don’t even laugh at. Like genuinely laughed at them.”
“Even you’re whale joke?”
“Yes. Even my whale joke.” You roll your eyes. “Let’s just go to the tent.” — Later in the tent you’re walking by yourself and see Todd talking with David, Jeff, and Jason. You stop and sit quietly at a nearby table and listen in on if he says anything about you while you pretend to be on your phone.
“Guys, really. She even has this little toy whale in her bag and has this bit where she pretends to to look for something and then pulls it out and says ‘whale, whale, what do we have here?’” He laughs at the thought of the bit you did earlier on the party bus.
Jeff hits him on the arm. “C’mon, dude. You’re saying all this over a toy whale?”
“Give it a rest, Jeff. Todd’s in loooooooove,” David mocks Todd.
“Oh shut up, losers. I’m not in love. She’s just kind of cool,” Todd says pushing his friends playfully.
You can’t help but blush to yourself as you listen in on their conversation.
Hours pass and you find yourself alone again sitting on a bench outside the tent hoping you magically find cell service. You see someone sit beside you and look up to see Todd holding two beers. “Two beers?” You question. “Someone is getting alcohol happy.”
He hands one to you. “Ones for you. Thought you could use a refreshment.”
“Thank you, Todd.” You grab the beer from his hand. “Cheers.”
“Cheers to what?”
“To—,” you think for a moment. “New friends.”
“To new friends,” Todd repeats as you clink bottles and start drinking. — Drinks later, you find yourself stumbling back into the rental house with your arms wrapped around Todd. You can’t remember seeing anyone perform at the festival, but you remember a lot of drinks and little food being put into your body. Todd walks you down the hall into his bedroom and lays you down on the bed.
“You wanna sleep in here tonight, Y/N?” He asks helping you take your shoes off.
You prop up leaning back on your arms and look at him through glossy alcohol eyes. “If you want me to.”
He sits down next to you on the bed and pushes some hair behind your ear. “I’d like that. We can talk more.”
It’s silent for a couple seconds before your drunken thoughts become vocal. “Kiss me.”
“What?” Todd looks taken aback by those words.
“Kiss me.” You sit up straighter. “We’ve been hanging out and talking all day. We wouldn’t have done that if there wasn’t some connection here.” You shrug your shoulders. “I may be drunk, but I’m not so drunk that I’m blind to what’s happening here. Even Natalie caught onto something on the bus earlier. If I’m wrong then tell me so I can leave and not waste my—”
Todd’s lips crash into yours mid-rant and you can taste the mixture of beer, tequila, and the vodka from your flask mix together in passionate kiss.
Todd pulls away and whispers, “Wanna know a secret?”
“I wasn’t going to come this weekend, but Natalie told me that you were coming and showed me a picture. I knew I had to meet you.”
“Well, I’m glad you decided to come.” You lean in to give Todd another kiss and he wraps his hands around your waist pulling you close to him.
“I’m glad I came too.” He kisses your neck and you let out a light sigh. “Oh, you like neck kisses?”
“I mean, I don’t hate them,” you joke.
“Then, what about this?” He starts kissing your jaw and makes his way down your neck to your collar bone.
You let out a laugh and pull away. “As much as I do enjoy that, I can’t. Natalie obviously wanted us to meet, but I don’t think she wants this to happen.”
“Look,” Todd sighs and let’s go of you. “Y/N. If you really don’t want to do this, that’s fine. But please don’t let Natalie be the person to stop you from doing something. Like you said, she wanted us to meet. She’s probably expecting this to happen.”
You roll your eyes knowing that Todd is right. “Fine. Let’s do this.” You pull your shirt off and look at Todd’s shocked face. “What? You wanted to do this.”
“I just—,” Todd rubs his eyes. “You’re beautiful, Y/N. From the moment I saw a picture I’ve thought so and now you’re here.”
“You’re right. I am here. So let’s get to know each other more.” You move to sit on his lap and start kissing him. He moves back on the bed and lays down pulling you on top of him. You tug his shirt off and he does the same with your skirt. Soon enough clothes are strewn around the room and you and Todd are laying in bed both staring at the ceiling.
“Wow,” is the only word that has come out of Todd’s mouth.
“Good wow or bad wow?” you turn your head to look at him.
“Great wow. An amazing wow,” he says looking at you.
You let out a laugh and crawl out of the bed to go check your phone to see if you have a text from Natalie.
Girl! We can all hear you!
You turn to look at Todd. “Well, I guess they know what we just did.”
Todd grabs the pillow from behind his head and holds it over his face. “Fuck. They’re gonna mock me for the rest of the weekend.”
You jump back onto the bed and pull the pillow away from Todd. “That’s okay. Natalie will mock me too.” You give Todd a kiss and grab his hand pulling him up. “Now let’s get out there and deal with the mockery together. Deal?”
Todd sighs and looks at you with bright eyes. “Fine. Deal.” He points a finger at you. “But if Natalie doesn’t make fun of you I’m coming back in here to hide.”
You laugh and get up to grab the clothes from around the room throwing Todd’s at him. “Fine. But that’s the only reason you’re coming back in here. Let’s go!”
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mellz117 · 5 years
Hello and welcome to the start of Mellz Plays Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM on the Playstation 2; Riku’s campaign
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If you haven’t seen my thoughts on Sora’s story, why not start with Part 1? For the 5 of you who’ve been following along since then, welcome back! Check out the rest under the read more! I’m playing on standard difficulty so if I’m having a hard time, I just suck.
So we, as Riku wake up in the basement of Castle Oblivion. How did he get there? Sora just waltzed in like it was no big deal. Riku has to materialize in a cold basement and be woken up by the disembodied voice of an all too familiar bastard… Who has a new voice.
Thanks for the card, voice of Ansem, “Seeker of Darkness”. That ain’t him. It’s been almost 10 years and I don’t remember much of this game but I know that new Richard Epcar voice ain’t Ansem.
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Riku’s got no time to waste, he’s a man on a mission.
So we get a melancholy scene with Riku happening upon the room Maleficent gave him during his association with her in the first game. Memories he’d rather forget.
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After progressing a bit, the disembodied voice returns once again to taunt Riku. “You cast aside your home, your friends, the darkness. What else do you have? Nothing. Your heart is as empty as your old room.”
It’s so weird playing as Riku but I hope we get more of that beyond KH3 (ReMind hasn’t released at the time of writing this)
Alot of this game so far has been me saying “I don’t remember this”… …So I don’t remember Riku’s level up system being this different to Sora’s.
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…well that’s bullshit. I vaguely remember that. The fact that I can’t even edit the order my cards appear to me in battle is even more bullshit. I like to organize my cards by type and value until I’m forced to use a different method.
So I dont have to wait for the reload gauge to count down, it’s immediate and I dont lose a card on every reload like I thought I remembered… What’s the catch? I don’t trust like that.
We meet up with Maleficent at the end of the map. She’s 100% aware she’s a figment of Riku’s memory. Riku is none too pleased to see her.
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I love his sass
Riku’s ready to kick the asses of everyone corrupted by darkness, including his own, he says. Time for a dragon fight because otherwise Maleficent isn’t a threat apparently lmao. I don’t think the mcguffen card even showed up.
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Oh look it’s that asshole. Or is it? Dun dun dunnnnn. God his lips look soft. Why was this necessary???
So who has dominion over this castle? Marluxia, or Ansem?
This fucker is like “Sonny, you couldn’t even win against Sora. You don’t stand a chance against me”.
You have a teenager lying on the ground... Please reword your demands.
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Oh my god it’s Mickey Mouse! well… sort of. He’s a bright light. Gives Riku some nice words to keep him going.
Knowing what I know now about the Guardian heartless bro, everything is so much worse…
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Ooh first scene with the boys in the dark room. “Don’t I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?” I don’t remember seeing this as funny before but now, like 10 years later I appreciate how funny it truly is. Zexion sounds so insulted.. Lexaeus is a man of few words. Then Vexen shows up and he’s getting right down to business. Zexion’s like “Nice to see you too. We all used to be so close, what happened?”
Vexen’s all offended about that and gets pissy about “rank this, rank that, ooh I’m number 4, you shrimpy child.” as if your number indicated rank. Xigbar is the 2nd member but Xemnas’s 2nd in command is Saix (from my understanding) so sit your ass down, Vex.
So Zexion’s special talent? He smells people.
Riku smells people too?. Oh ok he can smell the darkness in his skin. Take a shower! …When was the last time he even got the opportunity?
Mickey appears before him and tells him some words of encouragement. He’s transparent because he can’t fully manifest in the castle right now. So where’s the other 50% opacity hanging out at?
“We shook hands in our hearts” omg… 
Let’s go to Neverland first yay. I did a team attack with Mickey. I remember that!
Imagine being in Riku’s stupid, dumb, giant, anime boy shoes… addressing a giant, bipedal mouse as “Your Majesty”……….. Actually my sister and I used to do that back in the day when we both were obsessed with the series. Regardless of context we’d call him “King Mickey”. It makes me cringe thinking back on it.
Oh I was gonna try to challenge myself to avoid using the dark power but I guess I dont have a choice but to use it. Might as well put points into it if that’s the case.
uses Key to Beginnings, is immediately thrown into a battle with Captain Hook oh I guess we’re not focusing on any events in these worlds they’re literally just to pad out Riku’s story. Riku is officially less Disney than Sora.
How does Zexy know who Riku is? “Riku is here because Sora is here”. Vex that makes zero sense. What else is new?
Agrabah. Uneventful. Riku is not good at hitting small targets. Had a hell of a time fighting Jafar, or rather beating Iago to a pulp, in comparison to playing as Sora.
Next scene, and immediately like NO breath between the fade in and the scene itself, Vexen appears. And in even less time after he appears, “I take it you’re Riku?” This mofo has no time to waste. He’s a busy man.
Riku’s already tired of his bullshit and is ready to FIGHT. Same, Riku. Same.
I had him stun locked during most of this battle.
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Vexen is a fucking twerp. And seems alot more crazy, mad scientist-y when interacting with Riku than Sora. Emphasis on “mad”. He cray
Why do they hang out in the dark? I mean, why no lamps? All I can imagine is them hanging out and barely able to actually see each other. The only way anyone knows who’s there is because Zexion can smell people, everyone else just assumes Lexaeus is there, Vexen won’t shut up about something something science, and Axel likes to hear himself talk.
Fat boi
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Zexion and Lexaeus are talking about what’s going on,  I’m still not sure what they’re doing here. Like, do they want Sora for the Organization? But Marluxia wants Sora as his personal puppet? What about Roxas? Isn’t he like, in a coma or something? Just kill Sora, Roxas will wake up, and SOMEONE’S got a Keyblade wielder again. Lex says Vexen hates Marluxia and things with the replica could turn out disastrously because of it. What IS Vexen’s beef with Marly?
Ok I know it’s to pad out a second campaign but why does Riku go to SORA’S memory worlds? Unless Riku stalked him throughout the entirety of KH1, or had so visit them for darkness missions, and those are his memories as well? Idk, it doesn’t have to be explicitly stated
Oh no Riku, it’s you.
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So at this point he’s aware hes a copy? Does he forget later? With Namine’s meddling? How does Vexen create a living, breathing entity out of battle data? Like, where did the body come from? Did he have it on standby for a while until the right moment?
“You’re afraid of the dark” Repliku states.. Lmao yeah, Riku- he still sleeps with a night light. Don’t tell Sora.
Repliku is like, a worse Riku as far as personality goes. The punk-ass bitch Riku from KH1 but worse. Repliku is quick to ditch the double pants with suspenders and ankle belts for a muscle suit and grass skirt. I’m not sure which one’s worse.
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FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! I got two level ups out of that!
I high key love Repliku’s laugh here when Riku tries to attacks him again RIGHT AFTER THEIR FIGHT. It’s adorable, hilarious, and creepy. GG David Gallagher! Check out that video if you want. [video]
Dutch angles make everything more dramatic. Unofficial rule no. 1 of cinema. Repliku peaces out and we give chase up another flight of stairs and another cutscene plays. Repliku joins Zexion, Lexaeus, and Vexen in the dark room and they talk about introducing him to Sora.
Riku finds himself alone on the next floor, yelling at empty air. Ansem shows up to taunt Riku again. This dude just doesn’t quit. God forbid he learns no means go the fuck away.
Oh hey we’re in Atlantica! Maybe Riku can wash that darkness smell off his skin. Oh wait the water doesn’t really exist. And hes just a human, not swimming like a mermaid. Give me mer-Riku, you cowards. Twiggy mer-Sora is funny, twiggy mer-Riku with buff arms would be HYSTERICAL. I had a difficult time with Ursula because poor card management and I’m avoiding battles to get this game over with, which kinda shoots me in the foot as I’m not leveling up.
Yeah I was right, he ends up thinking HE’S Riku. I honestly feel bad for the guy… he’s so scared and betrayed. I know I was shit talking him just a bit ago but I need to protect Repliku. [video]
Give Riku a Halloween Town outfit, you cowards.
This scene between Repliku and Namine is so bittersweet. [video] Just listen to how gentle he talks to Namine. Oh, my heart cannot handle it.
This game makes me so sad. Poor Repliku, poor Namine… Larxene continues to be The Worst. Like, the ABSOLUTE worst. Was Elrena like this?
(I keep getting progressively more and more angry because I can’t upload a video file to this on desktop but I can on mobile, but if I post a video on mobile I can’t edit a read more on desktop. AND I HAVE THREE VIDEOS I WANT TO PUT IN. SO I MADE A BLOG SPECIFICALLY SO I CAN POST THEM THERE AND LINK THEM HERE)
See you in part 2, where I will continue to drag Larxene.
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My Once on this Island Experience 2!!
I saw Once on This Island for my second time August 12th at 7:30 pm. There were a few casting differences: T. Oliver Reed was Agwe, Merle Dandrige was Papa Ge, Darlesia Cearcy was Erzulie, Loren Lott was Ti Moune, and Boise Holmes was TonTon!
🌴 So this time I was sitting in the second row of Papa Ge’s section (I got to step in the sand i died) the view was sooo incredibly different and I loved being so close.( Right next to me was where the actors kept their water so sometimes the run back and get a quick sip 😆) I think I enjoyed my seat more the first time. I’ll tak about why later on
🌴 So it was so cool bc I was so close to the front I got to talk to David Jennings and Cicily Daniels for a minute. I love the beginning of the show because you wouldn’t even know you’re about to see a show. It’s so natural.
🌴 Alex came out and immediately went to his little cooking station and started frying food. Idk what he was cooking but when he lifted the top off there was steam and it smelled REALLY GOOD. He talked to the audience in front of it. Behind him was the table with the table cloth on it.
🌴 Isaac comes out holding a ton of stuff and I could see all the muscles in is arm I was shook.
🌴 When papa Ge came out with the goat I died a little. She’s so HOT WTF. You could FEEL how pissed off she was. Because I was so close I could see Merle’s facial expressions and she didn’t give off the same cheerful positive vibes that the rest of them did.
🌴Honest to god I fricking love when there’s that giant crack of thunder. That marks the start of the show and the actors are no longer joking or talking with you and you realize how serious the situation is.
🌴 The actress who plays big Ti Moune (in this case Loren) also plays her mother at the beginning
🌴 This time I was close enough that I got to watch how they slowly transform into the gods. Agwes and Erzuled were the same but I noticed that Asaka is buttoning (?) the skirt to her shirt. And Papa Ge sliced her hand with a dagger and then swipes it on her face.
🌴 yes Isaac Powell is a GOD and THE BODY ROLL
🌴 I love Agwe so much he’s so amazing and arguably the most important god because none of this would have happened without his storm
🌴 I love the gods heard her prayer. The gods are so FUNNY even papa Ge lol.
🌴 The VOICE Asaka does when she says “the peasent girl wants ...”
🌴 When Asaka says a juicy mango, Agwe gets close to her and (kinda sexually) pinched her waist and she slaps him away with her fan.
🌴 when they said drop the mango, Alex bent so far back I thought he was gonna snap in half lol
🌴 t. Oliver reed was such an amazing Agwe wow. Like he reminds me of Q more then he reminds me of Norm. Norm was amazing (and probably my favorite) but he didn’t sound like the other two.
🌴 So from where I was sitting I was able to see Agwes entrance. It was very foggy and it looks like rapids. The water was moving intensely to imitate a storm.
🌴 from papa ges angle the car in rain was compleatly different. The back part of the car fell off first.
🌴 I inhaled so much fog during rain it was great lolol
🌴 at the beginning of pray Isaac was convulsing on the ground as Loren sung to him.
🌴 the peasants come up and make a circle around them and papa Ge is constantly lurking around it
🌴 I STILL don’t get the lighting for this part of the show. It’s so cool and sOmE SAy that it is supposed to represent the days going by but I didn’t really take away thay message. The lights are purple and red and those are the colors I associate with papa Ge, I assumed it was to represent the sadness and anxiety around the whole situation
🌴 When Julian arrives at the hotel beauxhomme the hold hold him at gunpoint
🌴 After Pray they say ‘Because of lack of sleep Her mind began wondering further from reality and into her dreams’
🌴 FOREVER YOURS. So I finally realized what happened. So during the insane lighting of Pray, Papa Ge and Daniel switch spots. When papa Ge leaves you can’t see her face so you wouldn’t know that it was actually Daniel. Since I was so close to the front I was able to see a teeny bit of isaacs Chest so I knew it was him 😆
🌴 he comes out from the other side to sing with Ti Moune but there’s still someone in her bed. When papa Ge starts singing she hops out of Daniels bed and he falls back down on it, unconscious.
🌴 the ensemble is sitting in a circle around them holding candles.
🌴 when Ti Moune trades her life papa Ge gestures to her almost like she’s pulling her life out and Ti Moune was gasping for air.
🌴I’m going to be compleatly honest with you. The sad tale of the beauxhommes is MUCH better for the other side of the stage. I was in agwes section at first so I could only see shadows. In papa ges section, you are on the same side as you are so you can see the shadows but you can also see the people making it and it’s nowhere near as cools.
🌴 When Armand curses his family , he goes to the other side of the sheet and papa Ge takes his place. So if your in agwes section you’ll be able to see papa Ges shadow
🌴 when the curtain falls, Daniel is on his knees in front of it. And the peasants/ beauxhommes pick up the sheet and they spit on him
🌴 Ti Moune is the saddest song ever
🌴 When Ti Moune says she wants to go and that Daniels heart beats for her Mama LAUGHED and her and was shaking her head in disbelief.
🌴 At the end of the song TonTon reaches out to Ti Moune but she doesn’t see it because had already run away :(
🌴 when Alex sings ‘WAaaOH” he screams into this poor (lucky) woman’s ear and she whipped her head so face lolol and when Loren walked by she patted the woman’s head apologetically
🌴 At the end of the song Alex grabbed Loren’s face and pulled it to her chest it was precious
🌴 Mama Will Provide (reprise) was so cuteee and it transitioned into some say as she was holding that super long note she ran off stage. For most of the time she wasn’t on stage for this song
🌴 When Ti Moune reaches the city there were a ton of city noises and the lights were so pretty
🌴 During Some Say they begin setting up Daniels room so like the crates became the post and legs for his bed
🌴 he comes down the stairs by erzulies side and he is on a crutch. Even though his leg is bandages you can see the red makeup around it making it look inflamed.
🌴 He goes to lie down on his bed and he leaps back because Ti Moune climbed through his window. He threatened to call the guards and Ti Moune was talking about how she healed him and bathed him and she prayed to the gods. And Daniel said “WHAT CAN YOU AND YOUR FAIRYTALES FIX THAT DOCTORS CANT, LITTLE GIRL”
🌴 Erzule appeared in the corner and it was like she was she put Daniel under a spell and he says “Alright you can stay. What harm could it to” and Darleisa starts singing and I died
🌴 I really REALLY loved Darlesias voice. Idk if I liked her more than Leas because it’s so hard to compare. Lea has a much lighter, saprano voice and Darlesia has more of a belty mixed type voice. It was beautiful whatever it was and it made me cry
🌴 once again; GLITTER FELL FROM THE CEILING as Daniel and Ti Moune made out. Daniel gently flipped her over and went down on top of her as the song ended
🌴 Gossip. So Daniel and Ti Moune were being really cute in bed and they were all around them.
🌴 He runs into Armand who looks like he came from the country club. He pointed his bad mitten racket at Daniel ask he sings.
🌴 Daniel goes straight from his father to look in the Mirror and that’s where he starts singing Some Girls.
🌴 From Papa Ges section isaacs back is facing you but you can see his face in the reflection of the mirror. he is closest to agwes section
🌴 There was a mirror on the other side of the stage (close to me in papa ges section.) and Andrea is looking through it. At some point isaac Walks over and looks in the same mirror but on the other side
🌴 when he sang “you face the world through a child wide eyes” Agwe had a light attached to the end of a fishing pole and Ti Moune Followed it like it was a firefly
🌴 At the end of the song they hug and Andrea is starring at them
🌴 At about this time, Agwe takes off his beard.
🌴 Chandeliers fall from the ceiling for the ball.
🌴 When they say “Dancing to their own little tune” during the The Ball, the servants said it with a giant smile and they turned around and rolled their eyes.
🌴 Daniel was dancing with Andrea and it was so fucking fucnny. Daniel was holding her as far away from him as he could and his smile looked like he wanted to die
🌴 Since I was so close, I was able to see how Ti Moune was walking when she came in. She was walking in the sides of her feet so the heels were pointing inwards.
🌴 Her Dance once again was the cute. She took of her shoes and I can’t even describe the dance it was beAUTIFUl. It’s so fun to watch all the servents join in and all the grandhommes freaked the fuck out. Armand was so mAD at Daniel and at first Daniel was kinda discouraged but then he took of his jacket and joined in. At the end of the dance they are all facing Andrea and bowing down to Andrea
🌴 Papa Ge was standing in a corner (close to me) and she was blowing out all the candles.
🌴 It was so heart breaking because Ti Moune was smiling so biG and Andrea told her she was going to marry Daniel her face just droPPED it was so sad.
🌴 i fucking love papa Ge. She’s such a badass. When she says “now your life is forever mine” she almost drags ti Moune over. It’s like she’s sucking the life out of her. Ti Moune is gasping for arm and she screams please don’t.
🌴 the ensemble is in a circle around them. They are moaning and crying. Erzulie and papa Ge are circling her when Ti Moune has a knife. She physically was struggling to put the knife anywhere near Daniel. When she dropped it he turned around and picked it up and he looked so hurt. She told him that she loved him and she tried to kiss him but he ran off stage.
🌴 Ti Moune is cast out of the hotel beauxhommes. The ensemble members moved the gates around to block Ti Moune. Basically they were throwing sand and spitting on her. Her dress became more and more ripped. Andrea and Daniel come through the isle on the right side of Agwes section. They opened the gates to let them through. They threw three coins lol. Ti Moune calls Danile and he looks so sad. I loved being so close because it helped me appreciate Daniels character a little more. I still don’t like him, but I was able to see the emotion painted on his face. He walked to Ti Moune and handed her a coin and Andrea calls him and he leaves, subtly wiping his face. Ti Moune looks at the coin. And drops it. And slowly lays down and died.
🌴 As if papa Ge realizes that she has been defeated, she breaks her stair with erzulie and runs of stage. I wasn’t sure but it looked like she was crying.
🌴 One of the servants starts singing a part of us and she slowly starts taking off the servents clothes. She reveals that’s she’s mama euralie. Next TonTon takes off his servants clothes and joins her.
🌴 Erzulie used her powers to stand Ti Moune up. Agwe grabs her hand and twirls her and she rests her back gently on his chest with her arms folded in front of her. He slowly sits her up and Papa Ge outstretched her arm and she walks into it and leads her to Asaka who gave her the biggest hug.
🌴 At this point Asaka no longer has on her head piece. Daniel has come back on stage as well, but he’s in his cargo shorts and t shirts.
🌴 Ti Moune exited through the water and there was a huge bright light and they were all facing her. This means that if your in Papa Ges section their back is to you. And since I’m short and was so close to the front, I couldn’t see her exiting.
🌴 Papa Ge And Erzulie come back and they are back in their outfits they had on in the beginning.
🌴 T. Oliver Reed and Isaac Powell lift the tree.
🌴 The end of Why We Tell the Story is Emerson standing in the middle of the circle and a fire is glowing like a campfire story.
🌴 Ti Moune comes back on (looking beautiful in her flowy long red dress. Her face is fixed up again and she has flowers in her hair) and climbs the tree and Mama takes her super long skirt and wraps it around the base of the tree.
🌴 There are red petals falling around the tree.
🌴 Ti Moune reaches her out to the little girl down below her and the little girl reaches up.
🌴 Ti Moune smiles down at her and there is only a spotlight on her face.
🌴 The spotlight fades out and that was the end 😭
It’s such a masterpiece! If you’ve seen the show or want to see the show feel free to reach out to me I fricking LOVE this show.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
skinny dipping - d.d.
plot: you and david go skinny dipping in the middle of the night after a party
requested: yes! this is a combination of two requests that i got: 1. Can you please write an imagine where David does a prank involving the pool (like they record pushing people in or something) and he thinks you look really hot when you get out of the pool? So later you guys go skinny dipping together in the pool? Idk I had a dream where something similar happened 😂 and 2. I would love an imagine where David and Y/N get hot and heavy in his pool after a party with the vs, but it’s also got a bit of fluff. ☺️☺️
author’s note: hi! this was requested anonymously so hopefully it was something similar to what you wanted. if you want to send in a request for an imagine, send me a message! i am super behind on requests right now but i have a few pieces in progress that i am working on. i am hopefully back to posting daily because i am trying to get caught up.
word count: 1430
warnings: smut
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It was a hot night and everyone was over Jason and Todd's for the final party in their house before they had to move out. The music was loud, drinks were flowing, and everyone was having a good time, well except David. He was stressed about having to get footage for his next vlog, so he told a very drunk Zane decided to throw people into the pool, thinking it was only a matter of time before Zane stumbled and fell into the pool himself, which was what David was anticipating.
You were Zane's first victim. "Zane," you shrieked, before hitting the water with a loud smack. You weren't wearing a bathing suit because you weren't planning on swimming, but now your white t-shirt was see through and clinging tightly to you. David's camera should've been pointed towards Carly, Zane's next victim, but instead it was aimed at you as you pulled yourself out of the water. He sucked in a breath when you tilted your head back and shook some of the water out of your hair.
"Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?" you asked Todd, not wanting all of your friends to see your bra through your shirt.
You followed him up to his room, David getting slightly jealous that you two were alone even though he knew nothing would happen. Todd tossed you an old t-shirt of his, turning his back as you pulled your wet shirt over your head and slipped on Todd's. You undid your bra and left it in the bathroom to dry along with your shirt before heading back downstairs to rejoin the party.
David was still recording, only now Jeff was throwing dodgeballs at most of your guy friends as they stood on the edge of the pool, trying to knock them into the pool. You rolled your eyes at how stupid the idea was, but couldn’t contain your laughter when Jeff nailed Scott in the head and knocked him into the pool.
"This doesn't seem like the best idea," you warned David, your maternal instinct worried that one of them would slip on the concrete or get injured in some other way.
"Just because it's not a safe idea doesn't mean it's not a good one," David chuckled, zooming on and focusing the camera in time to get Jeff knocking Jason into the pool. "Okay guys, I think I have enough footage!" David called to them, turning his camera off after a few more of the guys were knocked into the pool.
As the night went on, people drifted inside to find a place to crash. David was sitting on the couch editing his vlog and you were curled up next to him, chatting with Carly and Mariah for a while before they both decided to head home.
It was late and you were tired. But David was in the zone and he didn’t want to take a break from editing to drive home, so you were staying over. You wanted to sleep but you also knew David liked having help on his vlogs, so you were trying to stay up.
"Babe," David said quietly, nudging your shoulder. You hummed in reply, opening your eyes to watch the clip he was editing. It was the clip he filmed of you getting out of the pool. "God, you are so hot," he muttered, his eyes glued to the screen, and you let out a quiet laugh before getting an idea.
The house was silent, and you assumed everyone was asleep by now. And you needed a distraction, something to keep you awake for the rest of the night.
"I have an idea. Come with me," you whispered, grabbing David's hand and pulling him on to his feet.
He was hesitant, but he left his laptop on the coffee table in the living room and followed you outside to the pool. The water was illuminated by the bright white pool light and the full moon above you. He watched you undo your belt and slide out of your ripped jean shorts. You sat on the edge of the pool, dipping your toes in the warm water, and gave David a sly smile before pulling your shirt over your head. You pushed yourself into the pool, trying not to make a lot of noise, watching David stare at you with wide eyes, and before you knew it, David was kicking his shoes on to the grass and pulling his clothes off.
"About time you joined me," you grinned, letting out a shriek when he jumped it.
He swam up behind to you, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. You turned to face him, combing your fingers through his wet hair before resting your hands on the back of his neck. It was rare to get a moment alone with him, he was always so busy with work and with life in general. Even now, he should be editing his vlog, not skinny dipping with you.
You stood on your tiptoes, your arms draped over David's shoulders while his hands held your waist. Your bodies were pressed together and your eyes were locked on each other. After what felt like hours, David finally leaned in, his eyes fluttering shut as your lips met his.
“God. I love you,” David muttered as he pulled his lips off yours to catch his breath. You didn’t say anything back, just gave him a small smile before grabbing the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss once again.
Your fingers were tangled in his hair as his hands moved from your waist to below your butt. You gasped as he lifted you up, but you wrapped your legs around his torso. David moved his lips from yours and left sloppy kisses on your jaw and down your neck, causing you to yelp when he applied just a little too much pressure on your neck.
"Baby, be quiet," David hissed, not wanting to wake up anyone who was sleeping inside the house.
"Sorry," you giggled, running your fingers through his wet hair and pushing it out of his face. David's lips moved to your collarbone and you let out a low whine.
He pushed you up against the edge of the pool to hold you steady as his lips moved down your chest. You had to hold in a moan as David wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, his thumb flicking and pinching the other. You bit down on your lip when David lifted you up and on to the cold concrete, his hands separating your thighs as he placed you down.
"Fucking hell, baby. How did I get so lucky?" David muttered, completely captivated by you, before slipping two fingers into you and causing you to gasp. His lips met yours in an attempt to keep your moans quiet as he sped up the movements of his fingers.
You were gripping the edge of the pool so hard that your knuckles were turning white and you tossed your head back in pleasure as David's lips quickly moved down your neck and stomach, biting and sucking on the exposed skin.
Without warning, David removed his fingers, replacing them with his tongue and you bit down on one of your fingers to avoid screaming. His tongue circled your clit before darting into you, his lips sucking on you. You arched your back trying to push yourself further into him. Your thighs tightened around his head and you could feel him moaning into you.
“Fuck, David” you whimpered as he dipped his tongue into you ever so slightly and swirled it around your clit. He pulled his head away and began working with his fingers again. He rubbed his finger on your sensitive clit, adding a second one and increasing his speed. You could feel the pleasure coursing through your veins and the pressure building inside you, you were close. And David knew. You locked eyes and he watched as your eyes roll back and your jaw drop when he moved his finger faster.
He worked his way up to your lips, sucking on the already bruised skin and making your whine in pleasure. Pretty soon, his lips were on yours and his tongue entered your mouth. His fingers were moving fast and with a string of profanities and shaking legs, you reached your high.
"Holy shit," you gasped, trying to catch your breath.
"Skinny dipping was a great idea, babe," David chuckled, leaning in and giving you another kiss.
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