#come back funky robot you need to do repairs
kadextra · 1 year
Still racking my brain about how q!Bad found that Luzu’s house looks strangely different and Arin’s computer is torn apart. what does this mean. no one should be able to tamper with it- the blocks are indestructible, so did the federation do something? I have so many questions
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
To Be Human (FNAF SB fanfic) C4 - Despite All My Rage I Still Am Just A Rat In A Cage
In Summary:
In a distant future where humans no longer roam the Earth and the sentient robots they left behind are left with little to no clues as to the lost history of their inherited world, Sun and Moon take up the title of scientists and endeavor to create their own human in their lab (that's where you come in!) in order to shed light on the mystery that is the lost history of the human race. Shenanigans and existential dread ensue as you, a funky little lab creature given sentience, attempt to puzzle out what it really means to be human.
Things To Know (always read responsibly!):
Reader insert! Y/N is not used and gender is not specified, though later in the fic the reader receives a name (also, this reader does not have any boobas lol which I only mention because reader doesn't have a shirt when they first Emerge From The Science Tube Thing and I don't mean to curse / bless yall with the mental image of reader just runnin around titties out lmao)
hurt / comfort :^)
Non-specified relationships between reader and Sun & Moon, this can be read either as pals or more, totally up to your interpretation
enemies (sorta??) to friends (to perhaps more, up to u lol)
Sun & Moon are referred to with gender neutral pronouns
The reader and other characters are often in mortal peril! This world is full of Funky Creatures (other than you) and some of them attack and hurt several characters, including the reader character
On that note there is some blood and minor gore
Occasional swearing
Reader is at times kidnapped / brough to / kept in places against their will
Thoughts and ponderings of sentience and whether or not your thoughts and feelings are your own
Sun & Moon treat the reader as if they are not sentient / intelligent for the first few chapters
That's all I can think of, as always if you want me to add something please let me know!
Start reading here: Chapter 1
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
C4 - Despite All My Rage I Still Am Just A Rat In A Cage
     “Destroy it?? But… Moon,” Sun started.
     “It’s too dangerous. Sun, I know you’re attached to it but… we can’t keep it in the tube forever, and it’s highly likely it would try to attack us again,” Moon reasoned.
     Oh no. No no no. This was bad. You were starting to panic all over again. You pounded frantically on the glass and whacked at it with your tool.
     “I think something caused it to suddenly behave this way… if we could just figure out what happened,” Sun said.
     Moon sighed heavily. “…It’d be beneficial to study it further regardless. But Sun… if we can’t figure it out, if there really isn't anything we can do…”
     Sun nodded slowly. “I understand.”
     You pushed your hand through your hair, trying to calm down. You breathed heavily, working through the panic. At the very least, neither of them could get to you while you were in the tube. They’d have to let you out in order to kill you. You’d have a chance to fight back.
     “I’ll repair the panel,” Moon said.
     “You relax, I’ll do it,” Sun said, moving past Moon.
     Moon watched Sun for a moment, then turned their attention back to you.
     You returned their gaze unblinkingly.
     A moment later, the lights came back on and the door to the room hissed shut. You winced and blinked through the sudden brightness. When you looked back up, your saw Moon was still watching you.
     Moon’s right eye had gone entirely black, and there was a splintering crack beside it across their cheek. You noted they were also gripping one of their arms, the top left one, which hung there limply.
     It seemed you’d done a number on them. You felt… oddly pleased, but also almost… guilty.
     “Are you sure you’re alright, Moon?” Sun asked.
     “I’m fine,” Moon said sharply. They paused. “…Thank you, Sun.”
     Sun looked like they wanted to say or do more. Their hands fumbled and fidgeted.
     “I’ll be fine, I just need a recharge. Can you keep an eye on it?” Moon asked.
     “Okay.” Sun nodded.
     Moon turned and treaded past Sun. They stepped through the door, leaving you alone with Sun.
     Sun eyed you warily. You eyed them back.
     “I guess… I guess i’ll clean things up a bit,” Sun mumbled. They grabbed a brush from a shelf and started sweeping bits of glass up into a pile. They glanced your way every other moment.
     You leaned back against the glass. You weren’t sure what to do here. There wasn’t much you could do. You tapped at the glass with the metal tool still clutched in your hand. Your earlier attempts to smash through the glass had been so unfruitful that you couldn’t even find any scratches or marks on the glass.
     Sun finished cleaning up. They looked over that tall machine that nearly reached the ceiling. You’d deeply dented a panel in its side, dislodging a few of the wires inside. Sun adjusted the wires and removed the panel. They stared down at the dented panel in their hands for a long moment. Then they turned to study you once more.
      “What made you attack us? Perhaps it was the lights…? Maybe you couldn’t recognize us in the dark,” Sun wondered aloud. “You did display somewhat violent tendencies before, though…” Sun thought.
     You fidgeted with the tool. You had just wanted to get out of here. You'd felt so scared in the moment, like your life was in peril. Wasn't it?? It sure was now.
     "Maybe I'm just…" Sun sighed. "Maybe Moon's right. Maybe I just really wanted to believe you were… Oh, I don't know. Different. You're alive, even though by all accounts you shouldn't be. And sometimes you just seem like… It seems like you can really hear me." Sun looked at you then, eyes big and intense.
     You returned their gaze. You weren't sure what you'd say even if you could muster the words. If you told them that yes, you could hear them, you could do a lot more than just hear them… what would that say about you attacking Moon and Sun? That you'd done so maliciously? You didn't think you could verbalize a whole explanation on top of an answer.
     Sun turned away. "I'm just talking to myself," they mumbled.
     You slumped back against the glass. That guilty feeling was back. They hadn't actively been hurting you, and you weren't even entirely certain that they would have killed you. But that uncertainty was too uncomfortable to sit with. You hadn't wanted to take that risk. Beyond all odds you were alive, and you wanted to make damn sure you stayed that way.
     Sun passed the time by continuing to 'talk to themself' while they tidied and re-tidied different tools and papers.
     "I just wish Moon wasn't so smug about it. They're so aggravating sometimes… they're so obsessed with being taken seriously, when it doesn't even matter what everyone else thinks! They get so upset with me when I don't put on an act like they do. I wish they'd see that they don't need the approval of others who would judge them like that." Sun continued to ramble, fiddling with the edges of their sleeves and pacing around when they weren't reorganizing things.
     You did your best to tune Sun out, feeling awkward. They clearly assumed their thoughts were private, and they seemed to be trying to work through something personal.
     When Moon finally came to relieve Sun, your resolve in your actions wavered once more. You stared at the crack beside Moon's dead eye. You could remember how they’d yelled in pain. Moon and Sun apparently felt pain, same as you.
     Sun left to recharge, and Moon leaned back against a table, watching you with a hard expression for a while. You watched them back, wondering what they were thinking. With how they were staring at you, you almost wondered if they would try to kill you now, while Sun couldn't argue or stop them.
     Finally, Moon picked up that square device and tapped at it for a moment. They started to pace, and then they spoke.
     "Log… Two-hundred and seventy-three. Recorded by Moon. Regarding a prototype human brought with us to the… new location. No sooner had we gotten the new lab up and running, the human decides to go and break the chemical manipulator. As well as my face." Moon paused to glance at you, making sure you weren't getting into trouble.
     Despite the fact that you were very much stuck in this tube.
     Moon continued, speaking towards the square device. "Currently unclear as to what caused the outburst. Prior to the incident, there were no attempts of unprovoked violence on either me or Sun. Mainly the human exhibited explorative traits, gathering information on the surroundings and Sun and I ourselves. It also appeared to mimic us on a few occasions, even exhibiting enough vocal control to imitate speech. Sun theorized after the incident that there was a trigger of some sort to set off this violent behavior. There is not enough information available for me to perform any such speculations. However, it does make me wonder…" Moon paused.
     It felt weird to listen, as Moon clearly didn't think you were listening- or rather, that you were understanding- but what were you going to do? Ask them to stop? Even if you could, you weren't sure if you wanted to.
     "I wonder if violence is simply a natural behavioral tendency in humans. All of this is about finding answers, figuring out why… why the world we live in is how it is, how it came to be. Discovering what happened to have left so little record of the past beyond incredible ruins and our very selves. And… admittedly, also to finally prove to everyone that we're…" Moon trailed off. "That's… irrelevant. Future studies of the prototype human will be crucial, I believe, in the creation of our final project. Even as simplistic and underdeveloped as it is. However, I fear the prototype's volatile behavior may make things difficult. Should it prove to be an issue we are unable to handle… we'll just have to do without." Moon glanced at you again.
     You gripped the tool a little tighter.
     "End of recording." Moon set the device down, then settled themself in front of the tall machine you'd damaged, inspecting it. They seemed satisfied with whatever it was Sun had done to fix the wiring. They ran some tests on it and tapped at that device some more, occasionally glancing over at you.
     You were starting to get bored. You sat down, arms around your knees, still holding the tool. You gently tapped your head back against the wall in a slow repetitive pattern.
     Bonk. Bonk. Bonk.
     You stopped when you realized Moon was staring at you, head tilted inquisitively. You scooted so you were no longer facing them but could still keep an eye on them out of the corner of your eye.
     You continued your head tapping, just because it was better than doing nothing. The gentle vibrations of the impact provided you with something to focus on.
     Bonk. Bonk. Bonk.
     "What are you doing…?" Moon approached cautiously.
     You stopped and stared at them. Moon stood still and continued to watch. They didn't seem to be coming any closer, so you hesitantly went back to trying to ignore them.
     Bonk. Bonk. Bonk.
     Moon stepped closer again. You stood this time, lifting your tool. Moon studied you curiously. They took another step closer.
     You weren't sure what they were doing. Whatever it was, you didn't like it. You couldn't be sure of their intentions. They seemed willing to dispose of you if they saw fit. You wondered if they’d try to get back at you for busting their eye. If they were willing to kill you, then why not?
     Moon took another step. They were standing directly on the other side of the glass now, staring down at you. You backed away as far as you physically could, glass pressed into your back. You hissed at Moon, trying to get them to go away.
     Moon squinted at you, head tilting to the side again. "Are you… scared?"
     You scowled at them. You didn't want them to know, but… they were right. You were scared. You didn't think you could beat them in a fair fight, without the advantage of surprise. If they decided to lift the tube and off you right now, there really wasn't much you could do about it.
     Moon hummed, thinking hard about something. They turned and took a step away. You relaxed slightly.
     Moon whirled and jumped at you, slamming three hands against the glass. You yelped and reflexively whacked the glass with your tool.
     A moment passed, and you breathed. Moon couldn't get you through the glass. You scowled at them and clutched your chest, trying to get your heart to calm down. Why the hell were they trying to scare you??
     "Fascinating…" Moon stepped back, still studying you for a moment before going to retrieve their square device. They started talking again, recording another log. "Log two-hundred and seventy-three, supplemental. Brief experimentation seems to indicate that the prototype will display violent tendencies when confronted with situations it deems unsafe for its physical well-being. Further testing required to be certain, but I have a feeling I may be correct in my hypothesis. This is a base instinct in most living creatures, it would make sense humans shared this trait as well. Which leads me to believe… Sun may be right. The incident might have been caused by something triggering this fear response in the prototype. It would also explain… some other behavior exhibited prior. When decidedly alarmed and uncertain about the function of our analyzer running a basic scan, the prototype reacted by biting me. Further research required. End recording."
     Well, they seemed to be getting there. Would they or Sun eventually figure out that you weren't as underdeveloped as they thought after all? If they knew you were sentient, if they understood… it was likely they wouldn't want to kill you. Hopefully.
     You thought hard. How could you get them to understand? You looked at Moon, who was tapping away at that square device.
     You pat the glass with your palm, getting Moon's attention. You gathered a word, struggling to vocalize it. "Scared."
     Moon stared at you. "That's right… I said that earlier, didn't I?" Moon hummed thoughtfully. "Why try to mimic me now? What drives this behavior?"
     You frowned, frustrated. You pat your chest and pushed the word out again. "Scared."
     "Perhaps to gather information?" Moon mumbled, focusing back on their device.
     You huffed and pushed your hand through your hair. This was going to be a lot more difficult than you thought.
     Sun and Moon went around the lab, running their little tests, booting up machines, talking to each other about things you didn't really understand. They talked as well about you. Moon shared their hypothesis, which Sun agreed with. Sun mentioned you might be 'mimicking' what they said in order to elicit different reactions from them, gathering further information about them.
     You sat in your tube and plotted. You weren't sure how much time had passed since you'd been brought down here. You couldn't see the sun or anything. Your stomach had started to feel uncomfortable a while ago, but it had taken you a while to decipher exactly why, since you were physically unharmed.
     You had no idea how you were supposed to get Sun and Moon to feed you. If you could get back out into the forest you might have been able to feed yourself, but you couldn't get out of this tube, let alone the lab.
     As time pressed on, the hunger grew. That awful feeling churned in your stomach. You felt violently hollow, to the point where you were considering if you really needed all ten of these fingers.
     "What is that noise it's making?" Moon questioned.
     Your stomach had been audibly complaining, making weird gross gurgling and rumbling noises.
     "I'm not sure… do we have any notes on noises like that?" Sun asked.
     "I don't think so. I'll double check." Moon tapped at a square device.
     You groaned and set your head down on your knees. You were going to starve to death because of these two idiots.
     "It seems… upset," Sun said.
     "When does it not?" Moon rolled their eyes.
     You started to gnaw on the tool, just to gnaw on something besides a finger.
     "It's biting the measuring rod," Sun said.
     "Another act of violence? What caused it fear?" Moon wondered.
     "I don't think it's scared… it looks more like it's trying to eat the rod," Sun said.
     "Eat it…?"
     You paused and looked up at them.
     "Oh! It must require sustenance, like other organic species!" Sun realized.
     Oh, thank fuck.
     "Ahh, of course. Sustenance." Moon hummed and shared a look with Moon. "What kind of sustenance?"
     Oh dear.
     "Well… with our limited information, I suppose we'll have to resort to trial and error," Sun said.
     Moon hummed. "This should at least provide an interesting opportunity to conduct further research and record reactions."
     "I'll go gather some samples!" Sun hurried out of the room.
     After a frustratingly long amount of time, Sun finally returned. You eagerly stood and looked on as Sun emptied the contents of their bag on a table across the room. You couldn't make out much from the tube, but you hoped there was something there you could eat.
     The glass tube was lifted just a few inches, allowing barely enough space to slide a metal tray through to you.
     The first item for consideration was a handful of leaves. They weren't even very interesting leaves, though they at least looked clean, like they'd been plucked from a tree instead of off the ground. You accepted them regardless, since you missed your own collection of leaves. You set the leaves in your lap and kicked the tray back under the gap.
     "…It's not eating. Try something else," Moon said.
     A bundle of sticks was next. You weren't interested in these at all. You pushed the tray back without much consideration.
     Sun tried a few different plants, most of which you did not recognize. You may be hungry, but you knew better than to risk eating something that could very well be poisonous.
     "You don't think it's… carnivorous, do you?" Moon asked.
     "I did consider that," Sun mumbled. He pulled out a small container, some kind of mesh box with a dark metal rim. Sun and Moon shared a look.
     Moon took the box and slid it to you. Both of them watched you intently.
     You curiously picked up the box, wondering why they were acting so weird about it. You peered through the mesh. Shockingly, a pair of eyes looked back at you. There was a small rodent trapped in there. You found the word quickly enough. Rat.
     The rat was huddled against the far corner of the box, its nose wiggling as it cautiously sniffed the air, whiskers trembling. It stared up at you.
     You looked at Sun and Moon, horrified. Did they seriously expect you to eat a live rat??
     You very gently held the little box close to your chest and kicked the tray back under the gap, perhaps a little more vigorously than was necessary.
     "Huh. Alright." Moon shrugged.
     Sun looked relieved.
     They tried a few more plants. Eventually, they offered you something that looked like blueberries. You really hoped they were blueberries. You studied one carefully, then tentatively popped it in your mouth. Blueberry. You somewhat frantically stuffed almost the entire pile in your mouth, save for three berries, which you held carefully as you nudged the tray back under the gap.
     Sun and Moon seemed delighted. They chatted and took notes and lowered the tube once more. Sun commented that they had discovered the berry bush not far from here, and they could easily go and get more.
     You turned your attention to the rat, who had started moving around, grabbing at the mesh walls with its teeny little hands. You studied the box. It didn't take you long to figure out how to get it open.
     Once the rat was free, it happily started to explore the small space of the tube. It scurried over your crossed legs, inquisitively sniffing at your knee, tickling you with its little whiskers. You smiled and offered the rat one of the berries you'd saved. The rat sniffed the berry, then accepted it, holding it close with tiny hands and gleefully nibbling on it.
     Sun and Moon were still talking, not paying much attention to you for the moment.
     "I am curious as to how and why it thought to return the tray to us so we could offer it different items…"
     "Moon, look!" Sun hissed.
     You paused and looked back up at Sun and Moon, who were now staring at you wide eyed. You wondered briefly if they were upset that you'd set the rat free. You bristled, wondering if they'd try to take the rat away and put it back in a box.
     "This… doesn't make sense. Why would it…" Moon crouched down to study you better.
     You protectively curled a hand around the rat. The rat finished its berry and sniffed your finger. You glanced back down to offer it another berry, which it happily accepted.
     "It… it saved some of the berries for the rat. Why??" Sun wondered. "Gosh, that's adorable…"
     "By all accounts it doesn't make any sense. If it's hungry, why would it give food away? Why take the rat out of the container to begin with?" Moon asked.
     You stared at Moon and Sun. You weren't sure if these fools would ever work it out on their own. You huffed and decided to try speaking again.
     "Scared," you said, gesturing to the rat, then patting your own chest. "Scared."
     "…It said that earlier, right?" Sun asked.
     "It did." Moon stared at you intently.
     You stared back, willing them to understand.
     "There's no way," Moon whispered.
     "Moon… what does this mean?" Sun asked warily.
     Moon looked at Sun. "I think… Sun, I think the human is not as underdeveloped as we thought."
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rewatching decadence
ep1: so... indoctrinating kids that they life their life in service to an upper class. also like, the way deca dence takes care of giant gadoll is to punch it like no giant sword or laser canon or anything just the power of a giant mountain sized fist. this show actually has some good foreshadowing from seeing Natsume from the perspective of Kaburagi’s hud, to Natsume’s dad (Muno) finding the Solid Quake logo at the beginning of the episode and the logo again being shown in the last shot at the announcement signs off with have a profitable day which is a weird public safety announcement but makes sense as a company slogan. I’m still not sure what the “TIME 1:00  POINT SE,07,G” means. I didn’t write it down last time because I was unsure of myself, but my first thought when the cyborgs showed up was VR chatroom for the upper class.
ep2: yeahs that’s totally an advertisement that plays right after natsume realizes the human costs of war as the tankers pay respects to the fallen. I realized what it was with the cartoony designs, the bright colors and patterns, the funky shapes of all the structures aboard the space ship, it looks like a tv show for toddlers. inoffensive and deliberately cheerful to distract from the horrors of a corporation owning your person. the eng subtitles are confusing here it should be “real death(simulation) awaits” in that the company is advertising being able to experience death but not have any of its permanent consequences as a feature of the game. The cyborgs are corporate wage slaves being compensated for their labor in company credits and the only other things we seen them do outside of work is play the company’s mmo, or recreational drugs. “I should be proud of my function and to be scrapped” as property of the company. aaaa that’s terrible. aaa. what are cyborg cores??? and why are they valuable. Solid Quake has no control over the core, only the cyborg’s housing. Is it that they cannot produce more? Considering the others on the team got executed for sentenced to an eternal forced labor camp with appalling conditions, Minato really did pull some strings for Kaburagi. ooh so “time until scrapping” and “operational limit near are two different warnings. the first is a general reminder of lifespan and the second is because oxyone levels are low. now its “TIME 20:00  POINT SE,05,I”. all those new gadoll events probably wreck havoc on the tanker economy. its 400c now and i think it was 500 for 2 earlier. First time through I wasn’t paying attention and totally thought kaburagi was an assassin, but no he’s just clean up crew. ahh yes, come spend you wages at the company run stores. micro transactions... wait so where were people getting the number 13 from?
ep3: ah yes Solid Quake charges to use the media center, truly a micro transaction hell. Natsume’s character arc is about whether to push herself or not. Here Fei acts as part of a continuing dialectic saying that Tankers have no place outside of Deca-Dence, that sooner of later Natsume will die from it, and once again highlighting Natsume’s right arm. In the other level of this though, tankers shouldn’t go outside because that’s not their role in the solid quake mmo, and those who would disrupt the mmo are killed. I like how you can see Kaburagi switch from videogame logic (oh she’s low level so let’s just stick her in the tutorial zone) to real life (what skills and experiences would help in fighting). So several corporations took advantage of desperate people to sell them a service that would augment them with mechanical parts. I get that pipe in a little outfit is funny, but does no one really realize its a gadoll, i meant natsume recognizes it instantly. like the scene where Natsume talks about her right arm, the anime does a good job of showing how her feeling about it are complicated. She’s lived with that arm for years, but it also hinders her sometimes, and people will comment about it. there’s this specific type of humor that pops up in this show and given how its the same joke, my guess is that its the same person behind it. The “joke” being that Natsume is put in a position that references sexual assault. The first is with fennel where she makes up an excuse of having to go see kaburagi to get away from him. And then there’s this episode. There’s also a few stray lines here and there that alarm me in that they imply Natsume has dealt with the threat of assault before. Since they didn’t do anything meaningful with this, I’d rather it just not be there. Minato is in on the secret of Pipe’s existence and by the way the two talk, they’ve called each other before in the last 7 years. Its good to know that Kaburagi wasn’t JUST brooding for 7 years and that the two of them stayed in contact.
ep4: Natsume after having gained confidence in herself takes down several gadoll and earns her place in The Power. Its a fulfilling payoff after seeing her train for several episodes. Natsume is where she always wanted to be, fighting gadoll in the Power. gahh It really is a patch release trailer. Ohh so I assumed that the other structures on the cartoon earth were other corporations, but in this episode we see one of them (the white and red striped cone thing opposite the deca-dence dome) and the cyborgs there are talking about the game (MMO LARPing lol), so either Solid Quake owns multiple of those structures, or these cyborgs are customers not owned by Solid Quake and playing of their own volition. that would makes the cone cyborgs where solid quake is deriving its profit from since its not like it pays its workers. reading comments online, a lot of people missed that because a ranker was found to be cheating (mikey), the rankings were abolished. In the present time, gears/players are not ranked. Ah so Kaburagi was transferred to the maintenance department from the warrior department. Wow reassignment is so much better than the poop jail. I remember it being said, armor repair, doctor, and weapon shop could be employee(cyborg) run so I wonder if the medics and that one armor shop guy are tankers or not. So this anime already snuck in a sex joke with the when the poop gang swapped kaburagi’s avatar with a sex toy, so i wonder if the safetyprivatemode was made so that the mods wouldn’t have to listen to robot sex. I really wish this show could have had 24 episodes. The trend for the past 20 years has been shorter and shorter shows so I know it would have been likely impossible to get the clearance and funding for 24 eps but oooh in som alternate universe maybe... i brought up fleshing out minor characters and character relationships before but there also stuff like Natsume’s right hand almost clamping on ... Mindy? Which usually would be a narrative flag but is completely dropped because of the episode limit. And the confidence Natsume gained last episode come to work against Kaburagi trying to keep her from the suicide mission. Its only from this point on that Kaburagi starts to really change, as of this point he is still a loyal cog to a machine that does not care about him. Kaburagi and Natsume in the 2nd half of the episode continue the same dialectic that runs through the whole of the show, about giving up and learning to try again, about pushing your limit, about why someone bothers trying. On the collectivist versus individualist spectrum, Deca-Dence is on the individualist side with assertions of the importance for deciding for yourself what you will do with your life. Its an interesting counterpoint to The Twilight Mirage (Friends at the Table) which I am currently listening to in that The Twilight Mirage is a western production and strongly collectivist with one of the antagonist being sort of kind of an embodiment of independence/individualism while japanese works as a whole tend to be more about the whole over the individual than western ones. Kurenai talking about why she fights is very good and very important for 2 reasons, first it help flesh out not only her but offer a very needed other opinion on what its like to live as a Tanker, second it segues nicely into Natsume’s memories of her dad telling her about the outside world and him being the only one to believe she can do it (fight in The Power) as contrasted with flashbacks of all the other characters telling her she can’t. This culminates in Natsume gathering her resolve to fight not because of something grand like changing the world or the fate of humanity, but something very personal scale: changing herself and proving to herself that she can do it. The is also the climax of her character arc, the point of no return.
ep5: If last episode was natsume’s point of no return, then either this episode or episode 7 is Kaburagi’s. Rationally speaking, the optimal scenario would have been for Kaburagi to stall long enough for the Tankers to escape before pulling back himself, but emotionally and narratively, there’s no way he couldn’t. After all the build up of deciding for yourself how to live and pushing your limits. Its appropriate that here in defense of the girl that inspired him to live and choose for himself rather than just continue existing in the default of what Solid Quake demands of him, that Kaburagi chooses to release his operational limiter (literally pushing him limit) and derail the company’s plans. How did no one realize purple dude was breaking imprisonment to play on a hacked avatar. Like he’s still as purple and bloodthirsty as ever. He acts and speaks the same. Someone would have totally seen him and gone “eyyyyy [i forgot this guy’s name] is back” and talked to people about it and someone should have heard. So I remember reading comments from various idiots who were mad because they mistakenly thought the anime took place in a virtual space and that Natsume was made of lines of code. And first off even if that was true there’s a difference between objective reality and the lived experiences of a person and what’s to say her experiences and emotions would be any less real than yours. And second, did everyone forget The Hunger Games? Like its just another game that plays with real lives and doesn’t care who gets killed. Solid Quake is just using humans as a stage prop. Man this episode is jam packed. Its like getting punched in the face 4 times. The pacing of the last 4 minutes was really good. The quiet scene as dawn breaks acts in direct contrast to the high energy of the Stargate takedown that preceded it. After time and against not listening to him, Minato still calls Kabu to check in with him. There’s also his certainly that it was Kaburagi that saved the Deca-Dence mech (i need to be clearer when I’m talking about the physical fortress city mech, the mmorpg game, or the deca-dence system itself). And then when the world state gets reset is just so good because it make it clear that the gadoll were never the true enemy. The tankers could kill as many gadoll as they want and nothing would change. Kaburagi’s at an interesting point here, in that he’s no longer in a state of having given up like he was in episode 1 just waiting to die and following along with Solid Quake’s orders, as of this episode he has deliberately gone against the company’s rules, and yet he’s still believes that nothing will actually change. He’s broken a rule and resigned himself to punishment instead of say for example getting rid of the punishment all together. He’s still a good little employee that hasn’t rebelled against the system. And then the “Take care of Pipe” and Natsume turns around and he’s already gone, is sooo good. The final shot too of his avatar face down in the snow! The “This world needs bugs” is in direct contrast to Hugin/Fugin(?) repeating that this world must be rid of bugs, and the same phrase Kaburagi repeated 7 years ago when he was transferred to the Maintenance Department instead of being killed. I wonder how much the cyborgs feel in their original bodies  vs. how much they feel in their Gear avatars. Kaburagi doesn’t seem to care about food and no food stalls were shown in the Gear area so maybe they doesn’t have much sense of taste? The avatars also have a lessened sense of pain. And then the limit release sequence shows connections increasing between the two bodies so does it make the cyborgs more attuned with the avatar’s senses?
ep6: eh so this is another example of what I mean when I say some of the humor in this show is in bad taste. They probably put the oxyone port where the ass would be just to make this joke. But this is better then doing to it Natsume. The animators even had a gleam censor for the over where the capsule was inserted as if it wasn’t obvious enough what it was suppose to look like. Spurned on by the the promise that one day if they work hard and behave (”rehabilitated”), the cyborgs will get let out when in actuality its a forced labor camp so that Solid Quake can squeeze just a little more labor our of the cyborgs for even less compensation. The cartoony style here helps offset just how horrific there working conditions are. And Kaburagi still the good little employee (iiko) tries his hardest to play by the rules and win. Except in this game, there is no “win’ written into the rules. So finally he is forced to move outside of the system Solid Quake has made. I still can’t believe they let Donatello keep the gun... Maybe cyborg cores are brains. In 5.5 Kaburagi’s core is in the top half of his metal case, and Donatello’s is also in his head. I’m still not sure what that sequence where Kaburagi takes the head fin and an image of a cyborg core is overlayed, means.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 5 years
Tony Stark’s Guide to Being a Functional Adult
Step 3: Get a Job (AO3)
The next morning Bucky came into the kitchen for breakfast and made a face at the funky smell.  He found Tony was sitting at the table, determinedly eating his way through what looked and smelled like burnt, rubbery eggs.
“Breakfast mishap?” Bucky said, smothering a smile as he went to the pantry for cereal.
“Yeah,” Tony sighed, poking at the eggs.
“If you would like someone to show you around the kitchen, I can,” Bucky said as grabbed a bowl from the cabinets. “I used to make breakfast for my sister all the time.”
Tony washed down the eggs with a large swallow of coffee.  “I used to sit with Jarvis in the kitchen while he cooked, so I thought I knew what I was doing.  Turns out it’s a lot harder than it looks.”
“Try doing it one handed,” Bucky joked without thinking, and winced.  He snuck a glance at Tony but Tony was just looking mournfully down at his plate.  He’d been waiting for Tony to say something about his missing arm, to at least ask, and waiting for the inevitable awkward questions was making him anxious. 
“I couldn’t even crack the eggs right, I know you should be at least able to do that one handed.”  Bucky looked in the trash can and sure enough, there were a handful of destroyed eggs along with a ridiculous amount of paper towels.
“You’ll get the hang of it.”  He sat down at the table with his bowl and smiled at Tony’s downturned mouth as he gazed covetously at Bucky’s breakfast.
With a sigh, Tony managed to force down the last bite of eggs and pushed his plate away.  “Speaking of fixing things,” he said, clearing his throat and fiddling with his fork. “I don’t suppose you need any help in your garage?”
“You got experience working on cars?” Bucky said in surprise.  Nothing about Tony screamed “blue collar” much less “grease monkey,” but he should know better than to judge people by their looks.
“Not professionally, but I’ve been working on my dad’s cars for years.”  Tony must have realized that he was fidgeting because he flattened his palms on the table and met Bucky’s eyes.  “I know we just met, but I was thinking if you just let me show you what I can do…you know what, I’m sorry,” he said, pushing back from the table and standing. “It was a dumb idea, you’ve already helped me enough-”
“No, stop,” Bucky said, grabbing Tony’s hand before he could turn away.  “It’s not a dumb idea.  There are jobs that I can’t take because of, you know, my arm, so I could probably use another pair of hands. One whole pair of hands.  You know what I mean.” He let go of Tony and ran his hand over the back of his neck.  “Just come down whenever, or I can just get you when I have something for you to do.”
“Great!” Tony brightened like Bucky just made his day, and for some stupid reason Bucky felt himself blush so he turned back to his cereal and hoped Tony didn’t notice.  “I’ll just grab my laptop and come downstairs in a little while.”
“Sure, sounds good,” Bucky said in what he hoped was an offhand manner and prayed that this wouldn’t turn out to be a really dumb idea.
(More after the break!)
Bucky’s business was not what you would call ‘booming’ these days; having to do everything one-handed made him slow and limited the types of repairs he could do, and most of the people in the neighborhood already knew that by now.  He had one guy come by to change out his battery, which he suspected was more of a charity thing than anything else, and a couple of people came in for inspections.  Bucky was about to apologize to Tony for wasting his day when a guy in a suit came striding up his driveway, shouting into his cell phone.
“Hold on a second,” he said to the person on the other line, and muted the call to speak to Bucky.  “You’re a mechanic, right?  My car started making this ticking sound on the highway and when I got off on the exit, it just shut off at the intersection.”
“What kind of car is it?” Bucky was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be able to help this guy because it sounded like a fuel pump problem, but it was worth a shot.
“It’s a 2016 Jaguar XJ,” the man said, and Bucky started to open his mouth and admit that he didn’t know anything about Jags when Tony jumped down off the work bench he’d been perched on.
“I might be able to help you,” he said.  “How far away is it?”
“Just down the street.”
Tony gestured for him to lead the way and out of sheer curiosity, Bucky quickly locked up the shop and followed.  The man returned to his phone call, apparently more than happy to ignore them both as Tony popped the hood and took a look.
“Do you have any idea what it might be?” Bucky said in a low voice as Tony leaned into the engine compartment.
“Yeah,” Tony answered absently.  “People haven’t been buying Jags as much these days because of the economy, so in order to keep from having to raise prices too much or, god forbid, reduce the salaries of the senior employees, they’ve been getting cheap on the parts.”  He reached down and started fiddling with something Bucky couldn’t see from his angle.  “Will you grab some stuff from the shop?” Bucky nodded and Tony gave him a handful of things to bring back. When he returned it only took Tony about thirty minutes of fiddling in the engine while Bucky handed him tools before he took a step back and was closing the hood.
“Give it a try,” he said to the driver, who got behind the wheel. It cranked up with no problem and Tony smiled in satisfaction.  “The fix will get you another couple hundred miles,” Tony said to the driver through the window, who seemed to be barely paying attention, still intent on his phone.  “But you should take it to your dealer, it should still be under warranty.”
“How much do I owe you?”  The man said, tossing the phone on the side seat as he reached for his wallet.
Tony looked to Bucky, who took a gamble and said, “Two hundred for an onsite service call, since we had to close the shop.”  Bucky halfway expected him to protest because Tony only worked on the car for about thirty minutes, but the man pulled out four fifty dollar bills without protesting, which kinda made Bucky wish he’d asked for more.
“Good work,” Bucky said in surprise as they watched the Jag drive away, purring like it just came off the lot.
“Thanks.  I used to tell my friends that I was good at three things: drinking, fucking, and fixing things,” Tony said, surprising a laugh out of Bucky.
“Drinking, fucking, and fixing things, huh?” Bucky said as he turned to go back to the garage. “Are you as good at fucking and drinking as you are at fixing things?”
“Better,” Tony said with a lewd wink as he flipped a wrench into the air. He tried to catch it and missed as it came down, wink turning into a wince as it clattered loudly on the sidewalk.
“Smooth,” Bucky said, smiling. He took one of the fifties that the man had given them for repairing his car and put the rest in the cash drawer.  “Let’s knock off early and go get a drink.”
He led them to a tiny, hole in the wall bar called, somewhat ironically, The Yacht Club, that was only four blocks away. “This is my favorite place drink,” Bucky said. “Well,” he amended as he pulled the door open for Tony, “It's kind of my only place to drink. I don't tend to wander very far from home these days.”  Going more than a mile from his house usually sparked a panic attack that only got worse the farther away he went, but he didn't want to sound like a nutcase so he kept that part to himself.
As they went to sit at a booth near the bar, Tony was acting like he never seen a place like this before, running a hand over the scarred wooden tables and picking at the cracking fake leather of the seats.  In honor of the bar’s name, the décor was beach themed with pirate accents;  Bucky looked around and saw it as Tony must be seeing it and realized that objectively speaking, it was probably a bit of a dump. But it was a dive bar, a locals bar, with great food and a beer tap that rotated just enough to say interesting without attracting too many of the hipsters that were invading the neighborhoods of New York.
“Bucky, you son of a bitch, I thought I told you never to come to this bar again.”  Bucky was pulled from his thoughts as a man came up and threw an arm around him with affection.
“You told me to never come to this bar again unless I was bringing somebody who could actually drink,” Bucky corrected.  Bucky was usually on a one or two drink limit because of his meds, and though Sam knew that he still liked to give him a hard time.  “So that's what I did,” he said, gesturing to Tony.
“Oh yeah?” Sam looked at Tony with interest and Bucky noticed curiously that Tony seemed to tense but smiled politely anyway under his scrutiny.  “I'm Sam, the main bartender here,” Sam said, holding out his hand.
Tony relaxed as he shook Sam’s hand. “I’m Tony.  
“Tony is my new roommate and co-worker,” Bucky explained. “Today was his first day on the job so I brought him here to celebrate. The food here is amazing, if you are hungry,” he said to Tony.
“Yeah our cook is a visionary,” Sam added. “Not good with people but a magician in the kitchen.”  Interest piqued, Tony reached for the menu.  At this point anything would be better than more frozen dinners; they'd run out of Jarvis's meals last week.  “I’ll give you a minute to decide,” Sam said, and gave Bucky one more clap on the back before he left.  “Nice to meet you, Tony.”
“So I keep hearing that you are planning to go to school in the fall,” Bucky commented as Tony looked over the menu. “What are you going to study?”
“Mechanical engineering, hopefully,” Tony said. “I would like to go into clean energy, I think.  Or robotics, I haven’t decided.”
“A Master’s?”
“Uh, well,” Tony cleared his throat. “A PhD, actually.”
“Oh, wow,” Bucky sat back with a smile. “Impressive.”
“It will be my second,” he admitted. “It’s why my dad kicked me out.”
“Really? For wanting another doctorate?”
“Yeah, he said I was just wasting time instead of helping with the family business.”   Tony ran a hand over the back of his neck.  “Which might be a little true, but not for the reason he thinks.  He thinks I’m, I don’t know, lazy or something, but the truth is that I just don’t think our company is in the right business.”
Bucky waited for him to continue, but Tony just shrugged and smiled apologetically, clearly unable or unwilling to say more. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that about your dad, but the PhD thing does explain a lot, though,” Bucky said, waving for Sam to come back.
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Like why you don’t know how to cook but you can fix a Jag with some duct tape and a clothes hanger.”  They placed their order, two loaded burgers with a couple of beers, and Sam wandered off again and came back after a moment with their drinks.
“Cheers to your first day of work,” Bucky said, tapping his glass against Tony’s.
“Cheers,” Tony repeated, taking a sip. "So, how about you? Have you thought about going back to school or are you happy with the mechanics shop?"
Bucky snorted.  "Nah, I got my bachelors in history while I was in the Army because I was going to try to become an officer one day."  He gestured wryly to his shoulder.  "But things didn't really work out.  Nowadays the thought of going back to school..." Bucky grimaced.  Even if he got into a program, which would be difficult enough, he could imagine being in class with a bunch of people who were ostentatiously trying not to stare at him, or having to constantly find workarounds for only having one arm, or having to commute so far outside his comfort zone.  Even the idea of dealing with papers and deadlines and presentations made him sweat just thinking about it.  "Just sounds exhausting,” he finished.
"I can see that," Tony said, which Bucky thought was rich coming from a guy going for his second doctorate. Bucky's skepticism must have showed on his face because Tony protested. "Hey, I hated writing papers," he said.  "All of the English and History prerequisites, even for a science degree, were horrible.  My roommate Rhodey is the only reason why I passed those classes."
"If you say so." Bucky took a sip of his beer.  “I liked writing essays. I wasn’t too shabby at math, but history was definitely one of my favorite subjects.”  Bucky told Tony about this one essay he wrote on the impact of snipers in World War 2, and Tony shared some of his dad’s anecdotes from working with the military, and when Same brought their food over, he got drawn into the discussion from his experience with the Air Force.  The bar was slow enough that Sam was able to sit down with them and talk, which was when Tony found out that Sam had a day job with the local Veteran’s Affairs center.
“But enough about me,” Sam said, leaning over the table to study Tony with a mischievous look in his eye. “Let’s talk about you.”
“Sam,” Bucky said warningly, apparently knowing what he was about to say, but Sam ignored him.  
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“Uh,” Tony glanced at Bucky in confusion, but he was hiding his face in his hand and was therefore no help. “No?”
“No?” Sam echoed, sounding pleased.  “Hear that, Bucky? You know, Bucky here’s not seeing anyone either,” Sam said over Bucky’s embarrassed groan.
“Go away, Sam,” Bucky said, voice muffled by his hand.  “You’re not helping.”
Bucky couldn’t see the slow grin of unholy amusement that came over Sam’s face at that, but Tony knew that Bucky had just fucked up. “Helping, huh,” he said, and Sam’s tone made Bucky’s eyes fly up in alarm.
“Sam-” he warned again, but Sam just talked right over him.
“Helping implies that there’s something to help,” Sam said musingly, stroking his chin thoughtfully.  Then his eyes widened. “Oh my God, I’m crashing your date.  This is your first date, isn’t it?” As Bucky started to protest, Sam slid out from the booth.  “I’m so sorry, you guys get back to your awkward first date conversation.”
“This isn’t a date!” Bucky called out to his receding back.
“What was that?” Sam called back. “One slice of chocolate cake for the lovebirds? Ok, coming right up!”
Tony could see that Bucky’s face was getting red and knew he was blushing to match. “I’m so sorry,” Bucky said.  “Sam likes to think he's funny."
“It’s fine,” Tony said.  He wanted to say, I mean, it could be a date if you wanted it to be, but he didn’t know if that would make Bucky’s embarrassment worse, and anyway, they were living together and working together, so dating would be too much, right?  He sighed internally and plastered on a reassuring grin. “My friends are the same way.”  The silence between them was awkward for a minute then Tony said, “But we’re staying for the cake, right? That wasn’t just a joke?”
“Well, yeah we’re staying for the cake,” Bucky said as if that were obvious. “I mean, free cake.”
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meowloudly15 · 5 years
Stranded: Day 9 - BREAD HINDRANCE
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Gwen felt exhausted, even though it was hardly 5 in the evening. Everything had taken its toll on her, especially the unceasing atomic disjunctions.
“So, what do you say we get shawarma before saving the world?” asked Peter B., trying and failing to sound chipper.
“What’s shawarma?” asked Peni.
“Hah, it’s only the best type of food anywhere ever, besides pizza bagels, of course! C’mon, I know the best spot! At least, I hope it exists here!”
Peter B. led the spider-gang through the streets of Manhattan to a restaurant called the Shawarma Palace. They ate there in silence.
It was the perfect excuse for Gwen to ponder what Peter B. had told Miles. “A leap of faith,” he had said. And he was right, for once.
What was her leap of faith?
Monday evening was the hardest evening she had ever spent crimefighting. Gwen hadn’t bothered to go out over the weekend after Peter had died. Putting on the costume that day felt strange, like she was wearing somebody else’s clothing. Torn clothing, actually. Before she could set out, she had to repair the damage done to her mask. It took her 90 minutes to fix it, sacrificing part of her bedsheet.
With her promise newly made, Gwen set out to fulfill it.
It was easier said than done.
Her first foe was a mugger who was threatening a young man at knifepoint. Gwen assumed that the takedown would be simple and painless. It was neither of those things.
She misjudged her leap and landed squarely on the victim of the mugging. The young man hit the ground with a loud thud and a softer crack. He didn’t make any effort to get up, even after Gwen stepped off of him. The bell in her head started up again.
The mugger took Gwen’s shock as the perfect opportunity to attack. He stabbed her in the upper arm. She yelled and kicked him in the gut. The mugger stumbled backwards, dragging the knife down her arm. Gwen winced and clasped her hand over the wound.
Before she could react, the mugger stood up and rushed her again. Gwen stepped aside and grabbed the man’s right hand, crushing it. He screamed. Gwen finally disabled him with a punch to the jaw.
She helped up the mugger’s victim, who was in a great deal of pain. “I’m so sorry, sir. Are you all right?”
“My head… owww...”
Gwen managed to half-carry, half-escort the whimpering victim to the emergency room. A kind nurse bandaged her stab wound while she was there.
She set off again. This time, she walked, since her injured arm wouldn’t allow her to web-swing.
“You’re that super-freak who killed the kid!” yelled a middle-aged woman on the other side of the street.
Gwen gave her a sarcastic salute. “Yeah, hi, nice to meet you too. I’m your friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman.”
“Go burn in hell, mutant!” hollered another guy.
Gwen rolled her eyes behind the mask. She wasn’t one of those creepy mutants. At least, she didn’t think she was.
“I’m no mutant, dork, though judging by your face, you might be,” she replied acrimoniously.
The bell in Gwen’s head grew louder, fueled by the untrusting gazes and half-heard whispers of passersby. She broke out into a run to escape it.
She darted down the street, running faster than she thought was physically possible, until she collided into somebody. That somebody was a woman, a tall, stocky, pink-haired lady with tattoo-covered arms.
“What’re you doing in those funky clothes, girl? DashCon’s not until February.”
“Oh boy,” Gwen muttered.
The tall woman squinted at her. “What’d you call me?”
“Uh, uh, nothing, ma’am!”
The woman grinned, showing a missing tooth. “Now that’s the kind of respect I like to hear. You’re the superpowered girl who killed the boy, huh? I recognise you from the news.”
Gwen nodded nervously, slowly edging away.
“A’right. Then how’d you like to join our gang?”
Gwen’s eyes widened. Of course she didn’t want to join a gang! She wanted to be a hero, not a villain! Why did everybody think she was the bad guy? That wasn’t her plan!
“No thanks, ma’am,” she blurted out. “I’m actually trying to stop people like you.”
The woman’s eyes narrowed again. “All right, superhero, have it your way.”
Gwen squared up.
“Chill out, I’m not gonna fight a kid. Pick on somebody your own size.”
Gwen relaxed and walked away.
She immediately remembered her promise and whipped back around. The bell clattered in her skull.
“Sorry, Pink Panther, but you’re going down!”
Gwen shot a web at the woman. It adhered to her back, and she used it to yank the woman over to her. However, the woman was both ready and angry. She pulled out a gun, flicked off the safety, and fired.
Gwen didn’t know that it was possible to dodge a bullet at point-blank range. She also didn’t know that a bespectacled lady in her late thirties stood a few yards behind her.
Gwen crushed the gun with her hand. She knocked down the pink-haired woman with a foot to the neck. She ran over to the lady, who was bleeding from a bullet wound in her gut.
She carried her to the hospital, but it was too late.
The bell let out deafening clangs.
Gwen didn’t remember how she had climbed to the highest strut of the Queensborough Bridge, nor did she recall how long it had taken to get there. Even less did she know how many people had heckled her or given her untrusting looks along the way, although she was vaguely aware of it happening. She was trapped in her own thoughts, not caring what happened on the outside.
All the same… she did care. And she knew what had brought her to that place.
She had broken her promise. She had tried so hard to succeed but had failed nonetheless. Everything she did resulted in her hurting others! Everything! Why, oh why couldn’t she do anything right?
Connecticut City didn’t need a hero like her. Connecticut City didn’t need her. She wasn’t a hero. She couldn’t be a hero. She would never be one.
Gwen took off her gloves and pocketed them. She pulled up her mask.
She watched the murky water swirl below, then raised her head so she could watch the sun sink below the horizon. The clouds were a beautiful mix of purples and oranges. Somehow, the mess of colours blended beautifully and reflected off of the water, giving it a glow that disguised its pollution. The fading sunlight cast shadows across the far side of gleaming steel buildings.
Any city, no matter how ugly, looked better if it was partly encased in darkness.
Gwen wasn’t scared. She knew that the fear would come later and would end abruptly.
The question was, would it work?
There was only one way to find out.
“Hey, new hero!” yelled a voice from below. It was a man, an elderly man with a small white moustache and large, distinctive glasses.
“I believe in you!”
Gwen pulled down her mask and dove from the bridge.
Time slowed down, and Gwen retreated into her mind.
The old man believed in her. Why? What was there to believe in? Didn’t he know?
He had sounded so hopeful. What hope did she have?
It was the same hope that had led Gwen to get back up and to stop Peter from hurting himself and others. It was the same hope that had led Gwen to believe that she could become a hero. It was a hope that she thought she didn’t have but which resided in her all the same.
She needed to get back up.
She needed hope.
Gwen pulled a glove back on and fired a webline.
Her feet skimmed the water.
She soared into the air, carried by a thread. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, heightening a confusing mix of fury and triumph. She yelled. Her voice sounded clear and wonderful and alive.
It was time for her to fly.
Gwen remained lost in thought after leaving the Shawarma Palace. (The food wasn’t as bad as she had expected it to be.)
As much as she wanted to disown it, hope was the one thing that kept her going. Belief was the one thing that let her get up. That, and a stubbornness which stubbornly refused to stop being stubborn.
Since she wasn’t paying attention, Gwen clotheslined herself on a pole adorned with a rainbow-patterned flag.
“Hey, you alright back there?” asked Ham.
She peeled herself off the pavement. “Yeah, I’m good.”
The Spider-Gang reached a crane which overlooked Kingpin’s large apartment building.
Sp//dr scanned the building. “Kingpin has a private elevator from his penthouse to the collider below the building.”
Noir watched the crowd of affluent-looking people entering the skyscraper. “We can count on having an audience.”
The gang proceeded to peer into the penthouse.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” everybody said simultaneously.
Of course, the penthouse was the location of a banquet. In honour of Spiderman.
“What a pig,” Gwen spat.
Ham narrowed his eyes. “I’m right here.”
“Hold on,” interrupted Noir. “Look at how the waiters are dressed.”
They were all wearing Spiderman masks to conceal their identity. And bow ties, because it was a formal event.
“It can’t be that easy.”
It was that easy. After sneaking through the unlocked door to the roof, the Spider-Gang happened upon a bin full of adhesive bow ties. Peter B., Noir, and Gwen each took one.
“Uh, what are ya gonna do with Peni and me?” asked Ham.
“I’ve got an idea,” replied Peter B. with a mischievous intonation. He grabbed a large square tray and one of those food-covering domes from the closet. “Do you have any glue?”
“I think this will work,” said Peni. She pulled a handful of gumballs out of Sp//dr.
After five minutes of vigorous chewing, the tray was attached to the top of Sp//dr’s dome. Peni tucked herself safely inside of her robot. Noir draped a white tablecloth over the tray, and bingo: instant serving cart.
When Peter B. gestured to Ham to go under the food dome, he refused.
“C’mon, where else are you gonna hide?”
“For Pete’s sake, I won’t do something so undignified!”
“Nobody will see you! We’ll keep the lid over you the whole time.”
Ham sighed. “Fine.”
And so the Spider-Gang entered the banquet undisturbed, posing as waiters (and a waitress, and a serving tray, and a roasted pig).
“It’s that easy,” commented Peter B.
Did they have Easy Buttons in this dimension?
“I just wanna thank MJ for being here this evening,” said Kingpin from his dais.
Peter B. stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the woman in question.
Oh boy.
Gwen snapped her fingers in front of Peter B.’s face. “Pay attention!” She pushed him back towards the “cart”. “It’s not your Em Jay, Peter.”
Peter B. seemed to relent, but then he swung the “cart” back towards Em Jay’s table. “Excuse me, but I gotta…”
Gwen intercepted the Spider-Cart. “Peter! No! Remember the mission.”
She wasn’t getting through to him.
“Trust me, I’ve been there. You gotta move on.”
“C’mon, it’ll take one second!” he pleaded.
Peter B. let go of the Spider-Cart and started to jog over. He stopped in his tracks upon seeing Em Jay standing directly in front of him.
“Hello,” said Em Jay.
“Oh. Wow.”
“I was just wondering if we could have some more bread at Table 12.”
Peter B. remained stock still, frozen by… was it anxiety? Guilt? Well, it was something, and Gwen was not going to get involved in whatever it was. She could only hope that he’d realise that the mission was more important than his not-ex-wife.
“Uh, yeah. I’m just… I’m really sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be sorry.” Em Jay chuckled. “It’s just bread.”
Gwen couldn’t stop herself from facepalming. Noir looked on, as impassive as ever.
“I… I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. I didn’t even try.”
Em Jay looked uncomfortable. “Yeah, uh, that’s fine. You know, I should really get going.”
“I know I could do better! If I only had the chance to get you… the bread that you deserve!”
This situation would probably be hilarious if it weren’t so important that Peter B. not act like a moron. Gwen needed to take action before it got worse.
“Are you okay?” asked a disconcerted Em Jay.
Gwen stepped up to pull Peter B. away. “Ma’am, we’ll get you some bread right away. Just sit tight.”
Em Jay nodded and walked away. She looked relieved.
Peter B. continued to wax poetic. “For you, they should fill this place up with fresh bread.”
Had his shawarma gone bad?
Gwen led Peter B. back to the Spider-Cart. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good, ‘cuz we’re not getting her any bread.”
The Spider-Gang left the dining hall and headed into the kitchen.
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knifeshoeoreofight · 6 years
How about a late night stream-of-consciousness chatfic from last night?
me: reg text
@icosahedonist: bold
There’s a particular path Sid likes to take in the mornings to jog with his dog. It’s quiet and barely used.  And it’s pretty. He likes to go as often as he can, to clear his head. Even in winter. 
... I think Sid is a..............how about a kid's hockey coach? It's not well paid, and there are rumors his program might be cut, and he'd be out of a job. He's stressed out about it.
Geno is a KHL star who retired early. He's got a lot of money but no idea how to have an actual life outside of playing hockey.
He's ended up in wherever-the-fuck Canada because..............
maybe there's some kind of rich people ski resort.
But he's brooding so he ends up walking this trail that ends up winding through a local park.
He need to walk as part of his knee rehab maybe.
He notices the dog first. It's this squat little pitbull mix, goofy looking and cute, and always looking thrilled with life.
One time it lunges for him, tail whipping wildly and tongue lolling, trying to make friends. "Come on, Peanut," the owner chides. "Leave him alone." Geno has to laugh to himself. Peanut. What a name. (If only he knew that the dog's full name was Peanut Butter, and that he'd been named by one of Flower's daughters).
(because he's a brown dog and Uncle Sid likes PB & J, of course!)
And one day he hears the same guy calling and calling his dog, but this time it's loud and anxious, interspersed with piercing whistles and beseeching "Here, boy!"s
oh no
He jogs a little, turns a corner and there's the guy, hands cupped to his mouth, calling.
"Lose dog?" Geno offers. the guy turns to him, frantic. "Yeah, there was a squirrel, and we've been working on this in obedience class?? But he bolted, and I--" the man's breath hitches. Geno is quick to offer to head the other direction down the trail and help look.
He's a ways down the trail when he practically runs into Peanut, who is jogging down the trail looking bewildered because his dad? was just right there? but now he's not??? !!!!!!!!
Geno calls his name and Peanut happily lollops up to him, grinning and excited.
(a friend!)
He grabs him by the collar and quickly walks him down the trail towards Sid. It's hell on his back, Peanut is kind of low to the ground, and he eventually decides to just pick him up, sturdy as he is. Peanut just puts his paws up on Geno's shoulder and peers happily around from his new vantage point, tail bap-bapping violently against Geno's middle.
"Fuck, Peanut, you stupid dog!" Sid cries as Peanut practically mauls Geno as he flails to get back down on the ground and oh boy! Kiss his dad all over! His dad! That's his FAVORITE person!!!!!!!! Geno has to laugh. Sid's scolding is obviously totally out of fearful relief. His (pretty, hazel, luminous, oh no) eyes are red-rimmed and too bright as he clips a leash on his dog and thanks Geno profusely.
Geno really takes a moment to look at Sid for the first time. oh. no. He's....he's got black hair curling out from under a lumpy knitted toque (it was a gift "for Coach," from one of his peewee girls, in their team colors)
knitted with love, no doubt
so much. Coach Crosby is adored.
Anyway this guy has pretty eyes and a prettier mouth and a cute hat and a cute dog and Geno can just feel the flock of butterflies take up residence in his stomach.
he walks back with Sid to his car, even though the park's parking lot is in the complete opposite direction of the resort. His knee is beginning to ache a bit and he knows the slog back will be murder, but. Sid.
He's asking Sid about himself, trying to remember how to be charming, how he chatted up beautiful people all the time in clubs and bars before he got hurt. Before he left Russia and the KHL behind.
Meanwhile Sid is about 70% sheer relief that Peanut has been corralled and about 30% oh wow TALL, and oh wow ACCENT.
he noticed Geno wince when he stumbles over a ridge of compacted snow at the edge of the parking lot and it triggers his Coach Senses. Is Geno hurt, what hurts, how long has it been hurting etc etc
Geno is shamefacedly forced to admit that he's rehabbing his knee and he maaaaybe overdid it. this will obviously Not Do as far as Sid is concerned and before he quite knows what happened, Geno is sitting in Sid's beat-up truck, Peanut ensconced between them (thrilled that there's TWO people, his favorite things, in the car, his favorite place, oh boy)
Sid apologizes if the trucks a little funky, he hauls around a lot of hockey gear as well as a wet dog. Oh no, Geno thinks. Hockey. He had really wanted to stay away from hockey.
(why did you go to fucking Canada then, Geno?)
oh no, cute guy with cute dog who loves hockey... whatever will geno do???
And he finds out Sid is a hockey COACH, even. Sid gets talking about his kids on the way up, and even though Geno hadn't wanted to hear any hockey talk, the love of the game and his charges just kind of, radiates from Sid. Geno can tell this guy loves what he does. So damn much, He's.....probably amazing with kids.
the answer seems to be fall in love
A couple days later, Geno kind of Accidentally Ends up at the community rink. It's part nervous hope he'll see Sid again, it's partly that the yearning to put on skates and just, fly, never really left him.
He's been okayed for skating months ago. But he hasn't felt ready to face a rink again until now.
The rink is run down, but clearly busy and loved. There are little teeny kiddos with brightly colored figure skating bags in the foyer, putting neon fuzzy soakers on their blades after their lessons. God, their skates are so tiny.
There's a lot of happy yelling coming from the ice, and when he walks through the doors to the rink, after he's recovered from the emotional hit that is the sting of cooled air, the smell of the ice, the rubber flooring, he sees a hockey practice is happening on the ice.
He's not been around little hockey players in a while. He's forgotten how funny tiny kids look in gear. Especially the goalies like little robots in all their pads. And there is Sid on the ice, somehow making a set of trackies look good, gliding gracefully between his miniature players as they wobble through their drills.
Geno climbs into the stands to watch and wait for the public rec session after this. There are a smattering of parents watching.
A nice mom greets him. "Which one's yours?" she asks, and his heart does a funny thing in his chest.
*lies face down*
"Uh, none," he has to admit. "I come for public skate but I come too early." He waggles his beat up pair of rental hockey skates.
The nice mom continues to chat with him, telling him how WONderful Coach Crosby is with the kids, how they just ADORE him.
Geno makes faint noises of acknowledgment and tries not to let both his crush and his dormant love of hockey unfold any further.
she has an active ear, geno gonna get sid's entire life story and every scrap of gossip by the time the kiddos are done
Then, the mom sadly adds, "But, this is probably the last winter we'll have this, you know?"
And then Geno gets to hear that the rink is in disrepair and the town can't afford to repair it to code. It's going to be shut down at the end of the season, with no timeline for it to reopen.
uh oh
Sid's going to lose his job, he realizes. He looks at where he can see Sid as he carefully helps a kid back upright, pulling a kleenex out of his pocket to wipe their tears and snotty nose as he makes sure they're okay, just a little scared from the tumble they took.
He thinks about his untouched millions in the bank. How bleak he'd felt, with nothing to work towards and no need to strive for anything anymore.
Well. This he can do. This is easy.
"Who in charge?" he asks the mom. "Where can I find?"  She blinks but tells him the board of trustees is having a meeting next week.
What a helpful lady.
the helpfulest!
Geno already has his phone out, and is already busy canceling his flight home in two days. He's going to be here a while longer, he thinks.
And scene.
(you can imagine the rest: geno saves the rink, but like, secretly, and he gets to know sid better, and they fall in love, Geno skates again, and finds out how good it feels to get back on the ice. He meets Sid's beer league friends. They definitely at one point kiss in Sid's questionable old truck. Peanut anoints him Best Person Ever After Dad.)
(eventually somehow Sid finds out, there's a dramatic conversation, maybe with snow swirling around them, etc. It's a little angsty but things get resolved and theres a Big Damn Cinematic Kiss.)
hmmmmm but... what if sid knows who geno is, and it doesn't take too much figuring out to know who had the cash to save the rink, and he never says anything bc geno never says anything, and it doesn't seem like he did it just to get into sid's pants (altho that is a bonus for sure)
that too
he just waits for Geno to tell him when he's ready.
Couple years down the line, they're 1. Moved into the gorgeous lodge-style house Geno buys. 2. Engaged, with plans for a December wedding. 3. Looking into adoption.
when geno tells sid about his past, and all the money that geno just "mysteriously" has, it's anticlimatic. sid may be a hockey coach in nowhere, canada, but he's heard of evgeni malkin
He gently kisses Geno's forehead. "I know, babe. It wasn't hard to figure out. I knew you'd tell me when you were ready."
and anyway, he didn't fall in love with geno bc of his money. when geno asks what it was, then, sid smiles beautifically and says, "your ass."
AHAHA yess
(but it was actually his heart, of course)
(bc he's too fond of chirping to let an opportunity go by!)
Geno: "Hm, smart, is best ass."
"Need to lock up." "Lock down?" "Yes, that."
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Break The Ice ~ Meihem
Junkrat messes up, and tries to make things right.
Implied sexy times  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Mei sat in the communal area, sipping her drink slowly while glancing over some data she’d been collecting over the last month. Something seemed off about it and she couldn’t quite place it.
Jamison Fawkes sat with his bodyguard at a small table, a little ways apart from everyone else. He was sipping his bobba and seemed oddly quiet for his usual neurotic self. Roadhog had been sat watching the small man, studying his frantic glances, and serious expression. After some time he let out a grunt, causing Junkrats eyes to flick up to meet his.
“Wot?” The smaller australian spat.
Roadhog sighed loudly, “You’re quiet.”
“So wot?” Jamison gruffly responded.
Roadhog grunted in response, unsatisfied by the vague answer he was given.
“Back off mate.” Junkrat glared up at the masked man.
“Jamison.” Roadhog emphatically wheezed his name.
“Foine! Its that little sheila, neva seen her look so…o’i donno…um lost…I guess.” He explained, his eyes drifting back to where Mei was sat.
Mako sighed, Jamison wasn’t the most empathetic man, but he had always had an interest in the little ice woman. The only problem between the two was well Mei’s obvious distaste for the crude Australian, and Jamison’s obliviousness to the situation.
“O’im gonna ask her wot she’s doin.” Junkrat suddenly said, jumping from his chair and sauntering over towards the small woman.
This happened in the blink of an eye, giving Roadhog no time to stop the lanky man. He turned in his seat and saw Jamison peering over Mei’s shoulder to see what she was looking at.
Mei, completely unaware of the tall man leaning over her, was getting more and more frustrated by the minute, what was wrong with this irritating data?
*“Yěshì zuìle!” She muttered angrily at the data.
“Wot you lookin at Mei?” A shrill voice sounded behind her.
She leaped out of her skin at the sudden sound of the voice, causing her to spill her drink all over her tablet, short circuiting it in the process.
“Shǐ!” She winced as she attempted to salvage the device.
The screen flickered a few times before passing away in her hands. She was already wound up due to the data she was trying to wrap her head around, and this was just the icing on the cake. She span around to meet the face of her scarer, her blood was boiling.
“Jamison Fawkes! Why am I not surprised!” She shouted. “Look what you’ve done!” She said pushing the broken device into the hands of the junker. She glared at him furiously before storming off out of the room. Junkrat hadn’t spoken a word, but his mouth was wide open.
He looked down at the broken machine in his hands, and then back up at the door that the small woman had just stormed out of. Roadhog, who had been silently observing the events that had just passed, made his way over to his boss. Placing a large hand on his back in an effort to console him, he led him away towards their living quarters.
“O’i just wanted to ‘elp her.” Jamison said as he sat down at his workbench.
His station was covered in explosives, gunpowder and shrapnel, but that was how he liked it. Clearing a space on his desk, he placed the tablet down on it. He rested his head onto his hand, his brow furrowing as he attempted to think of ways to apologize.
Roadhog grumbled in response, as he sat himself down in a large chair, grabbing a magazine to flip through as he did so.
Mei had returned to her room, furious with the junker. He was so damned annoying, with his loud voice, and his constant pestering, and did he ever bathe? And he was so impolite and crude, and tall, and strong, and handsome in his own way…and….No! Make shook her head, trying to remove thoughts of the australian from her mind. She flopped onto her bed, groaning loudly as she pulled a pillow over her head.
“Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about that data anymore.” She said aloud.
Her small robotic friend beeped to life, flying over to her, it peered into her face.
“Hey Snowball.” She said patting it gently.
It beeped happily, snuggling up next to her. They lay there for a while, until both fell fast asleep, thoughts of the australian man still on her mind.
Junkrat had been working non stop repairing the broken tablet. A few hours had gone by and he had finally gotten it working, granted the device didn’t look as slick as it once did, as he had to use scrap to fix it up. It looked better in his opinion anyway, like it had been junkerfide.
“O’i fixed it!” He declared happily, letting out a shrill laugh.
He turned holding the device above his head proudly. Roadhog looked at his friend, he had fixed it yes, but the machine somehow looked more broken, but that’s what happens when a junker gets hold of something. He gave junkrat a thumbs up, which caused a wide smile to spread across his face.  
“Roight, ima go show ‘er.” He said spinning on his peg leg and clunking his way out of the door.
He marched his way around the base, until reaching Mei’s bedroom door, at first he raised his fist to aggressively knock, but stopping himself before assaulting the door, he gave a gentle tap, and called out her name. At first he didn’t get any response, but after the second knock hear could here shuffling from behind the door.
Mei woke to the sound of a gentle knocking, stretching she made her way over to the door. To her surprise Junkrat stood sheepishly looking down at her, with what seemed to be her tablet in his hands, but it looked slightly different.
“What do you want Jamison!” She yawned his name, as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
Junkrat thought he was going to turn into a puddle on the spot. Her hair was tussled, and her face slightly flushed, she looked so warm and soft. So…perfect.
“Oi…um…o’i…” He began, his nerves kicking in. “O’i um fixed it.” He said thrusting the device towards her frantically.
Mei looked down at the machine, she carefully took the tablet out of his hands, her fingers brushed against his skin, he was so warm, his skin was rough and it sent tingles down her spine. She looked up at him, her eyes meeting his golden ones.
“Jamison…you didn’t have to…” She piped up.
“It wos nothin.” He said trying to mask his embarrassment, by shoving his hands into his pockets. “Wos me who broke it.”
“Well thank you,” She said looking down at the funky looking device in her hands.
He smiled at her, shrugging his shoulders. “Roight, i’ll be off then.” He said turning to leave.
But before he could leave he felt a hand grab his arm softly. He turned back to see Mei clutching onto him, looking equally as surprised as he was.
“I…I’m sorry I don’t know why I did that.” She stuttered surprised at her own actions.
She looked up at him, his eyes searching her face. Neither spoke a word but there was a silent understanding between the two. Mei’s hand slid into his, it felt so small in comparison. His eyes flicked to there intwind hands, he was unsure what to do. Mei pulled him slightly, leading him further into her room. She pulled him towards her bed, she sat down, and he followed her motion. It crossed his mind that he’d never been this quiet in his whole life.
She placed her hands on his chest, feeling his strong muscles move under her gentle touch, she slid them upwards until her arms wrapped around his neck, he carefully placed his hands on her waist, pulling her towards him and setting her on is lap. Mei squeaked slightly in his arms.
“Sorry darl.” He said immediately letting her go.
Mei giggled slightly, grabbing his hands and placing them back onto her waist.
“It’s fine, you just surprised me, thats all.” She reassured him.
She rested her forehead against his, he was warm and smelt slightly of burning and ash, it was intoxicating, she found it drew her towards him even more. His eyes were watching her closely, studying every little movement she made. Every little gasp she made as his hands roamed around her body, caused him to feel as though he’d been electrocuted. 
 This whole situation was a complete surprise to him, he’d expected her to just thank him for repairing her machine, and then shut the door on him. Not for all his wishes to come true, he was sat in her room, with her sat on his lap, her arms wrapped around him. Maybe he was dead, was this heaven? It had to be. 
Her head tilted slightly, he could feel her warm breath on his lips, she was so close inches away from him. Their lips brushed against each other, when a loud knock sounded at the door, causing Mei to jump so quickly out of his arms that he didn’t even see her do it. She opened the door to find Tracer stood happily looking back at her.
“Lena! Hello, what can I do for you?” She said as she tried to compose herself.
“Winston wanted me to ask you to go and see him, I think he needs help with some ‘irregular data’ or something.” Tracer said, peering into the room behind Mei.
“Oh! Yes I noticed that too!” Thoughts of the data returning into Mei’s mind
Out of the corner of Tracer’s eye, she spotted Junkrat sat on Mei’s bed, looking as though he was rethinking his existence. Mei suddenly snapped out of her data ridden thoughts, and pulled the door slightly shut, obscuring Lena’s line of sight.
“Could you tell him I’ll be there soon.” Mei said trying to distract Tracer.
“Hmm? Oh yeah sure…is that…?” Tracer said trying to see through the door.
“Ok, thank you Lena.” Mei said shutting the door quickly.
Junkrat looked up at her, “Ao’right darl?” He questioned.
Mei nodded and sighed loudly, well keeping this quiet had just flown out of the window. She made her way back over to the bed. 
Might as well finish what she’d started. Winston could wait.
“Yěshì zuìle!”  - From what I gather this is an expression of frustration, it more or less means to call someone or something drunk as it’s not making any sense.
“Shǐ!”  - This was the closest thing I could find too shit. - Its literal translation is faeces. (There is probably a better word but this is all I could find) 
Hope you enjoyed this, this ones a little more…suggestive (?) Than usual. 
Sorry about spelling and grammar, I’m a dyslexic disaster.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 25+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/evan-rachel-woods-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, is an American actress. He began acting in several television series in the 1990s, including American Gothic and once again. Evan joined The Rachel Wood trend and sacrificed her long mane for a fairy with slightly longer covering hair and sideways fringes. She continues to surprise her followers with her creative hairstyles, as her hair is short. In October, Rachel Wood did it again. Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, The Ides of March actress gave her pixie a Sixties look. Straight Alice band is the perfect accessory for this fairy style. Evan Rachel Wood showed off her coolest short product, L'oreal celebrity hairdresser Mara Roszak. I love this length, it hits just below the ears and has curls at the ends. This fun and fancy hairstyle proves that short hair can be versatile. The edges are slicked back smooth while the top is styled in waves for contrast and shape. Evan Rachel Wood's Hairstyles and Haircuts Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, This fab do is great for thin ones with medium hair and you need the product to keep and shine. And I like that you have a slightly longer front section to frame your face perfectly along with a deep side part. I actually love everything about this haircut so much that I had to contact Roszak to get tips on how to communicate with roszak, I'll never get mad at cutting my long hair. Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, That is to say. Here, the Westworld and Forest star and frontwoman of the new Gucci Guilty Eau perfume share her beauty in highs and lows. Her beauty vibe is androgynous and a little bold is my personal look. Evan Rachel Wood's Short Haircuts Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Evan Rachel Wood recently cut her long locks by debuting the super cute short cut in the episode pikie episode rockstar in the Season 4 premiere of True Blood. Compared to the long blonde hair she had before, it's almost hard to recognise her with shorter hair. But we love the messy texture on the back, and when it comes to work, we bet that this new cut will be surprising as it will never get in the way of any event it does. Wood would like to see more famous haircuts as big as most. Evan Rachel Wood's Hairstyles Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, check out the figure Gallery of the best celebrity hair makeovers. Let's do it before and after to confirm the 23-year-old actress looks more stylish than before. Repeat. That's how he looked at the Mildred Pierce premiere in March. Which Wood do you prefer. It looks great in both directions but I'm leaning towards this haphazardly tousled short cut. Evan Rachel Wood's Haircuts Post your comments now and share your views on this vital to humanity or at least cut a fierce figure on the red carpet with a styled blonde quiff like Evan Rachel Wood on Evan Rachel Wood's head. This look isn't for everyone, but it works. You have downloaded GLAMOUR hair and beauty apps. Evan Rachel Wood turned heads last night as she debuted a dramatic new pixie hairdo. The actress attended the season four premiere of hit TV show True Blood as she showed off her super short new look and ensured her small screen cast was slammed. Earn a designer bag every day this month. Enter now to win. Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hair Hairdresser Peter Butler's back-to-back Sports Illustrated covers seven Canadian actress Evan Rachel Wood recently returned to the Gliss Hair Care line that began working with the androgynous aesthetic but the New-based New York Ambassador is known for sultry beach to create waves. Unlike the typical fairly long wig she wore at Westworld, she progressed through awards season in her Altuzarra tuxedos, which set off with her bleached short hair. We asked Butler how to pull short hair. A creative style should not be set in stone. Evan Rachel Wood's Hair Most of the world doesn't know Evan is a musician. He has a band with his wife and they are really fun and have the same hair as who we are at the moment but it will change. I'm so excited to work with someone who's so docile and open. I have a great idea what you think of this, ‘ she says. It strengthens an unconventional hairstyle. Evan's air is power. The edges of Evan's hair are gelled and combed to polish this sleek bold look. Comic Con is a super fun event for many reasons. TRESemmé celebrity stylist John D. Evan Rachel Wood Has a Message for Short-Hair She came up with an incredible look for wood for Comic Con and gave Allure all the exclusive details about her process. John said Wood himself was the inspiration for the look and wanted something withdrawn and stylish. It was to think of something that made the business less traditional, and it certainly succeeded. They didn't necessarily have a plan for the night when they decided to go with the wooden feeling of just what they are now and still ended up with a stylish look that screams confidence. Evan Rachel Wood short haircut She wore a black and white jumpsuit with structured shoulders, so I wanted the hair to have a sharp modern vibe to complement John's jumpsuit. We chose to pull back to 2 graphic knots on the back of the super chic head. The make-up was gorgeous and soft to create a beautiful balance in the final look. Haircut inspiration alert. Anyone who says you can't do anything with short hair at the LACMA Arts and Film premiere over. Evan Rachel Wood's Short Hair Color Is Going The weekend is wrong. Just wood. Every day my style turns into something new and there are so many different ways you can wear it. From Punky pixie looks to retro finger waves she has tried it all. Click through our gallery to see the many ways the actress wears her hair and read her tips on working with short strands. Wow. Evan Rachel Wood seriously cut her long hair and I can't wait to hear from the ladies if I like her new short haircut. The last time we spoke about Evan, he was wearing an elegant updo at the Met Ball. Evan Rachel Wood red hair But look at her hair last night at the premiere of True Blood. These short spoilt backs and sides are swept into long upper layers to make the shape and style tapered into confusing sides. It is flipped over the forehead to soften the front face, and the extreme completes the entire look perfectly. It was really fun back then but in retrospect, why did you pluck all your eyebrows, man? The first smell is my memory. when I was little, I used to sneak into Victoria's secret and spray myself with strawberries and champagne. Evan Rachel Wood Beauty Evolution I was too shy to buy. I'd go in and spray it and run. The smell of it now. I wore Gucci Guilty for years. hot and sweet. Gucci is more romantic and spiritual than guilty Eau is a bit softer. We've all been patiently waiting for HBO's newest sci-fi drama, Westworld, to air last year. A remake of a 1973 film written and directed by Michael Crichton's the Western world is about an amusement park, no matter how guilty or desirable it is for a robot House to wealthy visitors who want to live out your fantasies. Evan Rachel Wood black hair We're excited to see how this plays out and after watching the trailer we know Evan Rachel Wood is going to kick a big ass. The Hollywood premiere photos are out and we no longer know if we're more excited about the show or Evan's hair. The 29-year-old beauty effortlessly rocked a simple black cut dress and looked absolutely stunning. But the new hair colour completely stole the show. Evan Rachel Wood seems to embrace the ingenious experiment. Example. new La last night's Season Four premiere of True Blood was notable for the cut in all-and-Away challenge on stage, which was very different for a very stiff Fairy on top of texture, but still gave her versatile long-looking flowing locks. Evan Rachel Wood's Hairstyles & Hair Colors he was sporting cropped up recently. The length at the front is no longer his chin, but he graduates in a shorter and choppy way at the back. The mouth of the neck is cut really short and cleanly, and the cut is given a bit of a surprise element. For the opening gala L'oreal Paris spray increase the hair moist and straight creating and maintaining a tidy edge rough fiction and the top tapered used to blast the mixing layers long enough to be styled short left and the edges behind the head advanced high lift the hairstyle straight. Evan Rachel Wood haircut This versatile hairstyle can be worn or slipped as funky as you like for a more conservative style. To prepare wood's hair for all that badassery John spritzed TRESemmé, repair and maintain 7 pre-styling sprays for his hair. Evan said of the product that I wanted to prepare this conditioning front styling hair because the hair is so colorful recently and I wanted to give it a little extra love and protection from the heat or stress it might have by styling. Make sense. Sometimes we can use a little extra TLC. Evan Rachel Wood's Hair Evolution Evan Rachel Wood is not for harmony. Whatever the moment the great beauty trend is likely to be doing something away from it. But look at this has served him well even though he has had learning experiences. And his personal style is among his best. Anything unless you have a personal style and gorgeous hair. The product is needed to keep this style in place and will improve regularly every 4 to 6 weeks. Evan Rachel Wood looks stylish and cool in a short hairdo. This is a statement. The roots are really dark and the ends are pale grey. Evan Rachel Wood hair color It's a matte tone and not a color found in nature. I actually cut her hair just before the sag Awards and it was longer and shattered rather than blunt, so I sharpened the line. Your favorite guy made the 2020 list of Sexiest Men. Evan Rachel Wood's hairdresser makes sure her styles reflect her badass personality. Evan Rachel Woods may have short hair length but her style is certainly long. The length and length of the thin long layers enhance the jagged cut and edgy look and feel of the whole style over the dark ends to achieve cool and comfortable. Evan Rachel Wood's Six Tips for Styling Short Hair This funky style needs a small amount of product to tighten the ends and make the hair fly. Copper highlights pale suggestion is a recent study of the hair length of blonde Rachel Wood Evan. Evan maximizes the height of his super-short strands by combing his hair from the brow and back. You can copy her style by adding a volumetric product at home and combing back or teasing your hair behind the smooth front section. Evan Rachel Wood hairstyle Evan Rachel Wood was never afraid to make a bold move. Her most recent. make chopping off her long locks in favor of a short summer. Not only do fans cosplay as their favorite characters who seem. Super impressive but we also get updates on some of our favorite shows and movies. It couldn't be better if some of our fave celebrities show up for Comic Con and we get to see them rocking their best personal style. Pics of Evan Rachel Wood Pixie Evan Rachel Wood star of HBO's hit series Westworld will be at Comic Con this year, showing off her staying power on Strictly with her pixie haircut. The style belongs to true hair style classics. Currently pixies claim their prominent place in hair fashion. Soft steps give the haircut its characteristic shape. This type of cut gives the Fairies a particularly natural and feminine appearance. She made a prickly fairy cut at last night's HBO premiere, and we think the look really suits her. Evan Rachel Wood bob haircut Working with an edgy style like this, she featured delicate features and opted for a swipe of dark pink lipstick and eyeliner to further balance the feminine make-up. Now of course we're dying to find out if this has anything to do with his character on the show. This short do is ideal for a square face shape as it shows off its strong jawline and cheekbones.
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the-voice-of-hell · 4 years
This is an entry in a choose your own adventure.  Probably not worth reading ‘til it’s finished.
You packed up your bag and got a cart for the rest of your belongings, moving elsewhere in the station, ignoring all of your chore list in favor of your new quest - messing with Madam Thebe.  By then you had gotten a better idea of the station’s layout, and were able to find yourself a disused suite as close as possible to her workshop.  You set up camp in there, then steeled yourself for a confrontation.
You looked in the mirror, brushed your teeth.  What would she say?  Should you pack heat?  Whatever happened, you were done playing her games.  If she wanted your service, it would be on your terms.
You put on a clean outfit - a little bit pleasure bot, a little bit space bastard.  Gun on your hip.  Fuck it.  Then you went to see the queen.
The ship’s doors were hesitant to let you pass, but you had figured out how to fake pleasure bot credentials and used your computer to push them into submission.  The elevator let you out in a less hotelish area of the ship and you walked the last unadorned hall to her frankenstein lab.
It was a big round room, surrounded by robot-sized metal tubes and domed with soft white light.  In the center was her robot workshop, with several slabs and computers, and lots of bizarre service robots and tools.
There was no door so you rapped on the wall to announce yourself.  “Madam Thebe?  Space trash here to see you.  I’m coming in.”
She was standing next to a low slab on the floor, in her lab coat and hovering over a fair-skinned naked man.  He was as still as the dead, but pristine and well sculpted.  One of her subjects you didn’t recognize, similar to Ferdinand.  She pretended to be unfazed by your arrival, not bothering to look up.
“Fine, come on over.  But don’t get your DNA on my work, OK?”
“Not a problem, I assure you.”  You strolled around to the opposite side of the slab and looked down.  The man had a huge penis, though within the realm of believability at twenty centimeters limp.  “This how you like it?”
Again, she didn’t look fazed, focused on her work.  “What is the perfect penis size, space jockey?”
“Everyone knows there’s folks that only want a mouthful and folks that would ride the Eiffel Tower if it was still around.”
“In the orifice of the beholder, then?”
You snickered.  Damn, she won that round.
Thebe stopped prodding the guy’s side with random tools and looked up at you in her nerd glasses.  “And what gives you so much courage today?”
“I’m not going to do just any little chore anymore.  Yeah, some of that work needs thinking eyes on it, but Gawain and his amigos should be enough to knock it all out in time.  I’m bored and it’s a waste of my skills.”
She rolled her eyes.  “Well, I could just find the most dangerous bullshit in the entire moon to get into.  Want to scrub atmo in the outer ring?  Personally repair the damage you did at the hangar airlock?  Scrape the filters in central recycling?”
The queen turned around, tossing her coat over a computer and walking to the swiveling chair at the center of her lab.  Her heels put a little wiggle in her rear end, which you either found slightly thrilling or not at all.  She assumed her throne, tapping an unseen button to make it rise to your eye level.
You followed her there and leaned back against an empty robo slab.  “It’s not just that.  If you ask me, I don’t really care that much what I do, as long as it isn’t an insult.”
She crossed her shapely little legs and slouched in place, arms sliding across her chair.  “Mm, awfully fired up for someone who can’t tell me what they want.”
You looked her in the eye.  Time for the flex.  “I want to be around the only human on this damn rock.  I want a sense of what’s real here, or I’m just one of the johns riding this guy’s jock.”
“Hey!  Be respectful.  That’s his penis.”
She finally sat upright, finally taking your imposition seriously.  ”What’s so great about reality?  Nothing!  You come into my world and you experience my world as I choose to make it - romantic, tempestuous.”
“I noticed how you make the tempest happen and I don’t fucking appreciate it.  We can hate each other all we like, but I am not going to be one of your dollies.  I’m staying close to you, Madam Thebe.”
Thebe’s chin stiffened and the expression crept up into a sneer.  “You know my charge.  You know this station.  This is a small jovian body, but one dedicated entirely to vice.  We serve worlds’ worth of clients.  I personally have more power in my pinky than your tiny dog-like brain can imagine.”
“Have you really been cooped up in here so long that you believe that matters?  You’re a heartbeat away from being as powerful as a cupcake.”
“Ah, the old ‘you can’t take it with you’ canard?  You know that was invented by pharaohs to keep peasants in check, right?”
“So you are capable of being realistic,” you said.  “Glad to know I’m not alone on this rock.”  You started to walk away.
“You think this is over?,” she called after you.
“Not at all.  See you around, Ma’am.”
She surely wanted to scream, but was canny enough to know it would give you more satisfaction.
That went about as well as you could’ve hoped.  Now you just had to avoid being gassed to death in your sleep and tossed in the protein recycler.
Time went on.  She tried sending you chores, but you deleted the commands without reading them whenever they took you more than a few hundred meters from her lab.  You used tricks and hacking to find her location, just to cross her path and annoy her.  For her part, she started annoying you back with insulting messages, having maintenance bots dump trash around your suite, flooding your suite, making the food from all the local replicators taste like funky hot dogs, and more.  And you returned those favors with your hacking skills and other tricks, while that part of the station quickly degenerated into a ruinous state.
One day, she called you to a different part of the station for what she termed a “formal occasion.”  You were intrigued, but cautious.  You packed heat.
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