#come chaaat
despair-to-future-arcs · 11 months
Striking the Bank!
[Part 1]
*As then the group get into the building and head to the floor which Imposter stop*
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Here we are, exactly where the Monokuma is...
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I don't see anyone up here, where could they-.
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*As Masuyo stop she took notice of a monokuma who look to be holding a card*
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Hu-Huh?! Hey look, right there! It's that Monokuma!
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*begins to run off*
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And could you be anymore louder, we better catch it...
???: Aww, you think you can - not if we have anything to say, Future Foundation.
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Wait... that voice...!
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No, it... it couldn't be...!
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I think it is...
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Knew it, seems you all came from the looks of it, Junko Enoshima cosplayers.
*stepping out of the shadow was a girl... Junko Enoshima*
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Well well, seems Future Foundation came to this building and want to grab something.
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Annnnd lookie lookie! Our master is here, man it's been waaaay too long!
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Sorry but I'm not in the mood for your games right now, I came here to get something and so move...
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Aww but why, I really did miss you... can't we stay longer to chaaat? Your now mega boring!
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But sadly, we can't allow that; we hear all what your going to do...
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You plan to put an end to the tragedy and with no war, if you all think you can end despair like that - sorry but that ain't gonna fly!
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Well it is, I'm no longer siding with Junko or the despairs but instead hope.
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So if you plan to fight me then very well; I'll accept it!
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I see... so that's how it is...
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Oh giiiirls, time to come out and play with our prey!
*As then various girls dress as Junko Enoshima come out from hiding - standing behind the orginal*
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""""""""""Puhuhuhuhuuuuu! Oh what wonderful despair!""""""""""
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Wait huh?! Are we going to fight them but-!
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*whisper* No, you and the others go off and get that Monokuma, I'll deal with her...
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*whispers* Wait what? Are you sure about this...?
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*whisper* I'm certain, someone has to play distraction and we need to get that Monokuma so go and grab it.
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No, he's right... I think it's safer that you both go get that Monokuma while me and the Ultimate Imposter take care of these.
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Yeah and besides, if they follow us - that's gonna be bad news so go after that mascot reject while we take care of this.
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jihyoruri · 7 months
CHAAAT I stuck up for MTSELF tdy (IFK WHY BUT I HAVE SUCH A BIT PROBLEM WITH CONFRONTATION) bc this girl was PISSING ME OFF BRO I go to like an arts school so in drama we had to make a small skit and I was coming up with something realistic and this girl came up with CHICKEN RUNNING AWAY and I was like ermmm that’s a bit unrealistic BC SHE KEPT DISMISSING MY IDEA being like yeah no nobodies doing that AND I WAS LIKE well nobody wants to do ur idea either since u literally won’t let anyone else give input AND THESE TWO GIRLS WALKING BY HEARD AND WENT OKAAYY AND I GOT SO EMBARRASSED BUE they kept peaking around the corner to see if I was gonna say something else IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING 😭😭😭
— 🦢
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hiiii and sunny d for sure
aww anon <3 you should come off anon and chaaat.... if you wanna
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fanghuas · 2 years
Hey it’s been a while!! I hope you’re doing well <3
Sep!! Heya! I'm doing well, hope you are too 💖 Changed fandoms, finished my undergrad, fun stuff. How have you been?
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shoezuki · 3 years
Preamble that I feel bad for the guy tbh but how he's dealing w/ it is on him. End a the day he's a whole stranger and he's not like two, he can handle himself (presumably) and if he can't it ain't our business. Also necessary preamble that there are many Ranboo enjoyers who aren't cringe. A lot of them actually. To the point where I don't really like to bring stuff like this up in specific bc it Does magnify problems via exposure
However. Disclaimer that this is a complaint about the worst aspects of my time in a fandom and that this is not all of it aside
TWT RANBOO STANS *DESPISE* LISTENING TO "OUR" STREAMER LIKE NO ONE FUCKING ELSE. THEY FUCKIN' HATE IT. EVERY WORD THAT IS SAID ONSTREAM OR ON ANY OF HIS MEDIA ACCTS IS NOTHING TO THEM. Ranboo is literally not even a streamer to them the way they act. The man will beg, literally fucking BEG over and over to not mention him in people's chats, to not *yell at people in chat to not spam,* to please not use him as a profpic if they're getting into drama, and then concede ground to please not use him as a profpic if you're sending threats, please do not fucking send threats, please, he has said this so many times, and Yet my comrades' twt blocklists are full of Ranboo profpics that send death threats with 0 shame. 0 shame, what so fucking ever. Chat too! Chat the fuck too! Chat is way better than twt bc at least it's not violent but I swear to Christ they are literally deaf! Begging for answers to questions that are answered in his bios and over and over onstream already and in the FAQ that is RIGHT THERE if you scroll down a HALF FUCKING CENTIMETER! Spamming stupid shit, and then spamming "CHAT STOP" even as streamer exhaustedly says "chaaat putting 'chat stop' just makes more spam".
Literally not a single Ranboo stan has basic damn listening or reading comprehension. It shows in how people fail to comprehend basic fucking facts abt his RP character (everyone knew this was coming) and it shows in how no matter how much he fucking pleads people to stop sending fucking death threats with his face attached or says he's uncomfortable giving out certain information people will just trample on those boundaries as if they ain't fucking there. Being in the Ranboo stan twtbase is literally training to blatantly ignore boundaries and dehumanize streamers and it shows in every aspect of how they treat not just "our" streamer but every single person, character, and social media personality they goddamned come across as text to speech machines, dressup dolls, and punching bags
It honestly blows my fucking mind. Like. Ostensibly, you enjoy this streamer and his content, right? Which I would think means you watch his content? But apparently fucking not!
It is honestly fucking disgusting it is unbelievable. I don't like to dwell on it for aforementioned reasons and like, dwelling is also smth streamer has mentioned correctly as Not Good, but genuinely the situation in certain small vocal pockets of the Ranboo stanbase is horrific and I hope these people get so much help and also maybe better material than increasingly unreadable censorship for "die." Actual productive debate is really fun, guys, come have a redemption arc and argue about the effects New L'Manberg had on c!Ranboo with me, please, why can't we all be nice, god, why,
Anyway that's my piece. Thank you for hearing me out I believe this is the first time I've gotten the chance to try to flex the new lack of charalimit for asks and I must say I enjoy it
tbhtbh I USED to watch ranboo but i jus like. Cant anymore from donations n the unfortunate fact that So Many People whove gotten At me on twitter have ranboo pfps and how a lot of them treat him is genuinely Gross to me. Even jus w like. Seeing shit bout him and tubbo being 'roommates' rn like i HATE that shit. Ppl objectify him n ignore his boundaries n jus do such horrible shit w his name all over their accts n its despicable. I feel so harshly for the dude like that shit Sucks. But also he does tend to 'give in' to twitter shit sometimes like when he was saying not to trend stuff bout his meetup because he didnt want to 'overshadow' current events (altho ppl on twitter couldnt even listen to him for THAT)
Its jus a Shame cuz like. The dude Is genuinely cool. N he cares a lot. I feel his 'fans' of this calibre take advantage of his leniency/desire to please people and his Anxieties around messing up in any minor way n they jus. Walk on him in that regard. Cant even respect their own streamer
I think a bit ago i said somethin on it like. How sometimes i think these twitter ppl dont even LIKE ranboo or actually Watch Him. They jus want to feel some sort of moral superiority of stanning an 'unproblematic' cc and have some sense of control over a cc considering how he was made to apologize on his alt for those largrly harmless 'i dress like a lesbian' jokes he made. Like truly this weirdass gross community they made under his name is such a fucking shame n it sucks. No doubt its turned other ppl away from his streams Like Me
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hanaasbananas · 4 years
100 Ways to say I Love You Chapter 45
Sit down, I'll get it (Marichat)
Marinette pulled the last blanket over her legs, settling back against her cat pillow and grabbing her laptop to open Netflix. Chat Noir was stretched out languidly beside her, the perfect picture of nonchalance.
Just as she was about to press play, Marinette’s eyes alighted on her chaise below, and she groaned, looking around herself. Ensconced as she was beneath all her blankets, Marinette was loathe to get up again. Instead, she turned her eyes to the boy next to her.
“Chat…” she began slowly, leaning into the arm he’d thrown over her shoulders for maximum effect.
“Yes, princess?” Chat peered down at her questioningly. “I’m ready to watch the movie when you are.”
“It’s not that , I just left the snacks down on my chaise…”
“Oh.” He shrugged. “Ok, go get it then. I’ll wait.”
“Chaaat,” Marinette wheedled, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout that she knew for a fact worked wonders. Unfortunately, he chose that moment to look away, rendering her efforts useless.
“Can’t you go get them? Please?” She tugged on his arm, but Chat appeared to have gone temporarily deaf. From the slight uptick of his mouth, she could see that he knew exactly what her game was though. And he wasn’t playing.
Grumbling to herself, Marinette moved to get up, struggling to shift the heavy blankets she’d piled on herself, jostling her laptop and almost sending it pitching over the side of the bed-saved only by Chat’s fast reflexes.
He sighed, managing to sound both amused, and long suffering at the same time. “Oh, sit down, I’ll get it.”
“Yay! Thank you Chat!” Immediately, Marinette sat back down, giggling at his attempts to seem put out by the task she’d given him.
“Can’t believe this is how you treat your guests,” he muttered under his breath, choosing to leap down from the bed instead of taking the stairs. Marinette snorted.
“I wouldn’t call you a guest,” she leaned over so that he could pass her the bowl before coming back up. “You’re just the stray cat that keeps coming back because I feed you.” Throwing a handful of popcorn in her mouth, Marinette grinned cheekily down at him. “You’ve got to earn your keep somehow.”
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helgabatwrittings · 4 years
You and Me Against the World, M’lady
Hi, I’m back!! And with a prompt for day 2: Stargazing, for @ladynoirjuly2020 .
As always, I want to tag @sassykittynoir , @miraculouslyinloveagain and @smileytrinity, you guys inspire me so much to write, I hope you like this! In fact, I hope everyone likes this xD! Let me know what you think!
Patrol was by far the highest moment in Adrien’s week. Both he and Ladybug were getting overwhelmed by the crazy amount of schoolwork, on top of Akuma attacks and their extracurricular activities, and so, and for Adrien’s misery, their nightly meetings had to be cut short to once a week. Nevertheless, Adrien would take the most out of it, every minute that he spent with his lady was precious, he couldn’t give himself the luxury of wasting them.
Today, however, he was exhausted! His tiredness could be explained by an accumulation of the last week’s increasing hours of modelling, photoshoots upon photoshoots constantly sneaking their way into his schedule, followed by an intense fencing training every morning before classes started in preparation for an upcoming tournament, the piano lessons that lasted for at least two hours, by his father insistence, the Akuma attacks that also didn’t give any of the heroes a break, and the lonesome meals were all taking a toll on him. Besides, today he couldn’t go to Marinette’s, she said she wouldn’t be home that night, she had a family event or something like that. He couldn’t exactly tell what plans she had for the night since she stumbled upon her words too much for a congruent phrase to be comprehended. It shouldn’t matter what she had planned anyway, she didn’t owe him an explanation, and yet, he was still bummed that he wouldn’t be seeing her.
Beep beep! He looked at the lit screen of his baton, noticing the text Ladybug had just sent him, “Good Evening, Chaton! I have a surprise for you! Come meet me at our spot! Bug out!” He smiled goofily. What had his lady prepared for him? She never failed to impress him.
Adrien vaulted through the rooftops, as fast as his exhausted body could go. He got to the Notre Dame tower where they usually started patrol, and there she was. In all her majestic glory, sitting on a towel, next to a large basket, which he suspected contained some delicious treats inside. She was gazing at the shining Parisian view, transfixed by its beauty, so she didn’t seem to notice his arrival. Adrien smirked.
Silently tiptoeing until he was right behind her, he crouched to her height stealthily, “Evening, M’lady!”, Adrien greeted her in a louder than normal tone, exactly the volume he knew would startle her.
As expected, Ladybug jumped, almost knocking her head on his chin, “CHAAAT! You scared me!!” Despite her annoyed voice tone, Adrien could see a slight smirk gracing her lips.
“Awww, buguinette, you looked so peaceful staring at the view, I didn’t want to disturb you!” He teased her, flicking one of her ponytails.
Ladybug lightly slapped his hand away from her hair, “Well, since you’ve decided to be such a brat tonight, I guess I have no other option but to take this picnic basket home!” She booped his nose and chuckled, “Guess I’ll have to feed these croissants to the stray cat that visits me every night!”
Adrien gasped dramatically at this new revelation, not only was she taking the croissants he loved away, but another cat was keeping her company?? “Noooo, Buguinette! I promise I’ll behave!” To prove his point, he sat on the chequered towel, his hands resting on his legs to keep them from bouncing in excitement.
“Well, since you promised!” She sat right next to him, stretching right over his lap to reach the basket that was just next to Adrien. His cheeks went immediately scarlet, and his heart must have doubled its rate. God, this girl had such an effect on him! She had him right on the palm of her hand, Ladybug would be the death of him. Let it be known, Adrien Agreste would die because Ladybug, Paris darling, would kill him with her beauty and angelical grace!
And the worst, the absolute worst, is that she knew exactly what she was doing! She could have asked him to grab the basket, but nooo… She really wanted to end him, uh? Hawkmoth was an amateur next to his lady. She was the real criminal mastermind in Paris for what she was doing to him.
God, could his face get any warmer? He swore his blood had been entirely deployed to it so that LB could see exactly what she had done to him.
If his heart continued to pump at this rate, Adrien would have a heart attack, he was certain of it.
“CHAT!!” His attention immediately drifted to her. Ladybug was holding a pain au chocolat, her eyes had this sparkle Adrien was used to seeing when she was amused with something, although her face was trying to pull a blank expression. “Do you want this pain au chocolat or not?”
“What?” He asked in a daze.
“Hello! Earth to Chat Noir!!” Ladybug mocked him, lightly knocking on his head.
“I’m here!” He jumped, finally realising what Ladybug was offering to him. He could never say no to those heavenly sweets she brought from time to time. They were on par with the pastries Marinette offered him every time he visited, and those had no competition in Paris. He grabbed the pastry, while Ladybug took a croissant from the basket for herself.
She wasn’t exactly talkative, but neither was he. They ate the pastries in pleasant silence, although Adrien was still a bit confused about why they were skipping patrol to have a picnic.
“Uh… LB?” Her eyes were closed, a pleased smile was gracing her lips while she slowly chewed on her croissant.
“Yes, kitty?” His heart jumped a beat at hearing the affective nickname Ladybug sometimes used for him.
“Why are we doing this? I, I mean, not that I’m not loving to spend some quality time alone with you in this romantic setting.” He wiggled his eyebrows, flirting with Ladybug to mask his nervousness.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but my life is kind of chaotic right now, and Hawkmoth has not been going easy on us. I just thought we deserved a night off, that’s all.” Her bluebell eyes established contact with his own, and his brain immediately turned into a jumbled mess. Seriously… How could he have any rational thought when his lady looked at him with that gentle expression of hers. Was she even aware of the power she had on him? How, with only a simple look, could she freeze his entire being and capture his heart to be forever hers? Some of Hawkmoth’s Akumas must have taken refuge in his belly, he could feel them inside as Adrien kept watching Ladybug in all her grace munching on her croissant. He knew that if he stood in front of a mirror at that moment, his face would be the same colour as his lady’s suit.
He needed to distract himself with something else, otherwise, his brain would start to make up these crazy scenarios and he wouldn’t be able to deal with them, especially not in front of Ladybug. Damn those teenage hormones!
Adrien looked up to the clear night sky, gazing at the stars above them. Physics was always a passion of his, especially Astronomy. He remembered spending countless nights alone in his room, back when he only had Chloé in his life, gazing through his floor-to-ceiling windows. He owned several stars charts, and his mum had also gifted him a next-gen telescope so he could further feed his passion. He had learned all the constellations, and it was those that had kept him company and helped him stay grounded when he was going through the painful grief his mum’s disappearance had brought upon his life.
“What are you looking at?” Ladybug looked down at him. When had he lied down on that rooftop? Adrien was so distracted gazing up at the sky, that he hadn’t noticed the change of position he had adopted. The fact was that he was currently lying on his back. And his Lady had asked him a question. “I’m only looking at the stars… They look so pretty, tonight. Almost as pretty as you, m’lady!” He chuckled.
“Silly kitty! And here I thought you were finally thinking of something smart for a change.” She teased him, and Adrien put a hand on his chest, gasping dramatically while a pleasant warmth spread through his chest.
“Seriously Chat! You are awfully distracted today. Something wrong?”
Adrien shrugged, “Nothing’s wrong, Buguinette. Don’t worry. I guess I’m just more tired than usual tonight.” His eyes drifted to her face, and his heart missed another beat. Maybe Adrien should ask his father if he could see a doctor, these many palpitations were definitely not normal.
Ladybug lied on her back, her body turned in the opposite direction to his, with her head right next to his shoulder, so close that he could feel the heat radiating from her, and that was enough for his brain to lose any kind of logical thoughts once again.
He avoided turning his head towards her, Adrien knew he wouldn’t be able to resist kissing her lips if he did so.
He heard her huff, “I swear, no matter how many times I read about constellations, I can never identify them. Like, for example, I know that “W” is one, but I don’t know which one!” She pointed, and Adrien followed her gloved finger.
“That’s Cassiopeia, M’lady.” He chuckled.
“Cassiopeia? What even is that?” Ladybug asked dramatically indignant. Adrien loved how full of life she always was.
“Cassiopeia was Andromeda’s mother, and incredibly arrogant and vain. This led to her downfall when she made Poseidon become irate, and the only solution for it was to sacrifice her own daughter, which was later saved by Perseus. Poseidon still thought that Cassiopeia deserved to be punished so he turned her into a constellation.” He explained.
“Wow, Chat! How do you even know that?” Ladybug looked at him and Adrien could feel her breath on his chin.
“I love astronomy. Feels like it was ages ago since the last time I looked at the stars though.” He stated simply as an image of a green-eyed blonde woman appeared in his head.
“It’s so sad that her daughter almost paid for her arrogance…” He heard her voice quivering with emotion. Adrien turned his head toward his lady. Their lips were so incredibly close to each other, it would be so easy to capture them with his own. But he would never do that. He would never take that step, not without her permission.
Ladybug looked stunning lying on that rooftop. The moonlight gave her this ethereal shine and accentuated the blue highlights of her hair. Her cerulean eyes were piercing his soul, they were so close to each other that he could discern all the different blue tones in them. He could count all the freckles adorning her face, and he swore he saw a subtle red hue spreading on her cheeks. He had stopped breathing. Adrien could no longer feel the chill of the night, only the heat radiating from her skin and breath which ironically made his hair stand on end.
Adrien needed to break their eye contact, or else he didn’t think he would survive, he needed to start breathing again anytime soon, right? Her eyes, however, had trapped him in a hypnotic spell which Adrien was certain he couldn’t escape from, and also, he didn’t want to end this moment so soon.
His heart constricted as he was the first one to look away. He knew he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Ladybug liked another boy, and he should respect that.  But the way she was looking at him, could it be? Could she possibly care for him as more than a friend? She was a puzzle in his life, one he couldn’t solve no matter how hard he tried. He shook his head trying to get rid of these thoughts. His Lady wasn’t really his, she liked another boy. Besides, he was already dating Kagami. And Marinette? Marinette was a whole other mystery for him. Wait, why did he suddenly start to think of Marinette? Plagg was right, love was way too complicated.
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yuzurk · 4 years
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CHOI YUZU • A TEMPORARY GOODBYE GAME: League Of Legends 142.902 watching | 212.109 total views
“Wassup everyone! This is Yuzu and here we go one last time... For now!”
The moment she goes live and music runs as she gets her things set up, she can already see the crying emojis in the chat at her title alone. a mix of kekw, ‘I knew it’ and crying emojis with the words ‘so the day has come’ make her feel all types of twisted and weird. She bites her lip and lets the music run for a moment longer. Covering her face and patting her cheeks, the female inhales a deep breath to stealth herself for this. Patting her cheeks she decides to dive in, a last encouraging breath exhaled as she puts herself into view.
Headphones over her ears, one can see the packed boxes behind her and before she can say anything the sad emojis in the chat intensify. “Chaaat, nooo, don’t cry,” she chuckles with a whine before dropping her head down onto her desk, a groan leaving her lips. “Dun be sad guys, I’m just- okay listen,” she begins straightening up again and pushing her glasses up her nose.
“Listen, ye? This ain’t goodbye forever. I just got some stuff right now goin’ for me I ain’t wanna reveal to ya ‘till things are all finalized n’ shit, okay?” It’s as much information as she’s allowed to give them as well- if at least she could tell them what was going to happen in her life, all of this would be so much easier.
“Y’ain’t seen the last of me, y’all. I’m just gon’ focus on the stuff goin’ down right now n’ return once I’m all settled n’ stuff. Now- y’all like surprises, right? I know y’all like surprises. N’ I do got good news that I ain’t disappear completely, okay? I’m gon’ be chillin’ in discord when I got time n’ will randomly pop into the voice chats to hang n’ game with y’all so dun be too sad, ‘kay?”
Yuzu exhales a sigh when she gets all types of mixed reactions back, her mods doing wonders at banning the angry ones who demand explanations and compensation for the money they invested into her. She ignores them and focuses on the encouraging messages, the tell tale sound of bits coming in that she’s going to miss like nothing else ringing in her ears. “Biiiits~?”
“At least you told us in advance this time :kappa: but real talk, we support you in whatever path you wish to choose. thank you for all the wonderful fun hours and the community you helped create.”
 She wipes an invisible tear at that, pressing her soundboard for a cooing sound she placed on that button. “Geez, you guys... gettin’ me all emotional n’ stuff...,” Yuzu exhales, tugging her cap more comfortably onto her head and adjusting her headphones.
“Alas... what ya say we go out with a bang? Lets see if we can tune into the FBG pleps n’ see if we can get some neat games goin’, eh?” 
After a good two hours of pure derping in normals with her friends, Yuzu leans back in her chair, a laugh still echoing out as she leaves the voice chat to tune out her friends and spend some last moments with her chat. For a moment she just watches all the incoming messages altering from crying emojis to ‘don’t go’ to them quoting lyrics from sad break up songs. “I promise y’all this ain’t a farewell. ‘s just a goodbye for now guys, ‘kay? I promise I’ll hop into discord when I can. I love y’all too much t’just disappear on y’all. I ain’t able to tell y’all... how much yer support means t’me. For all dem years you guys just been the best n’ kindest chat ever. N’ for that I’m amazingly grateful. I promise I ain’t ever forget what y’did for me guys. Let’s continue to hang in discord n’ I proooomiiiise once I got everythin’ sorted out, y’all be the first t’know, deal?” She smiles when she gets thumbs up and messages of ‘you better!’ in the chat, allowing her to laugh again while she toys with the cord of her headphones. 
With a last sigh, the now ex-streamer claps her hands together. “Aight. ‘s time to go foreal guys. Now with me- one last time for now. Let’s exit on our favourite meme: synchronized zuuuitz in 3, 2, 1 ZUUUITZ!” And with that she lets her outro roll for the last time, leaning back in her chair and looking up at the ceiling. She doesn’t have the heart to look at the chat, a feeling of excitement and insecurity settling into her chest.
Was this really the right decision?
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im-just-trash-o3o · 5 years
Chat x David fanfic
I’m gonna make this very simple and clear.
Don’t like, don’t fucking read.
I don’t appreciate negativity. It’s not constructive criticism. I don’t even want that either lmao. This is all just for fun.
I can’t put this under a read more either. I’m on mobile.
I know how tumblr is. So just shut your mouth if you don’t like my stuff.
Also, if you have never heard anything of @yeennqueenn ‘s original universe of object heads, (which I like to call the ‘belliverse,’) I suggest you don’t read. You will most likely be confused.
Tags: vague depiction of sex, vague mention of past sexual abuse, fluff, ummm...can’t think of anything else. Lemme know if I’ve missed any.
Here we go lmao.
Soft giggles filled the room as the two men plopped onto the bed, one on top of the other, tickling him until he couldn’t breathe. “AHA- AHAHAHA- Chat, st-ahP! Oh-hah-oh my ga-hahaha-ahd! Chaaat, you’re killing me!”
The larger of the two, David, was turning red from laughter and embarrassment. “Nnnnope! You started this, David,” said Chat, laughing maniacally.
“Okay, okay! I surrender! No-AHA- no more tickles!” “Are you suuuure?” “Ye-AHAHA-es! Chaaaat, please!” At that, he finally stopped. But the moment he did, his mind began to wander.
“Ye-AH-es! ChAAAT, PLEASE, OH MY,” David cried out, covering his mouth. Chat’s body was moving, but his mind was still. Calm, even. He watched as the man before him covered his mouth and rolled his eyes back in his head. Chat admired every feature -every detail- on that wonderful face and body of his. He loved the way he bit his lip and scrunched his nose as he tried to hold back the noise he oh-so badly wanted to make, how his toes curled and his back arched as pleasure took over his rational thinking and ability to form coherent words. And oh, how he adored that expression. It was one of pure bliss, extreme ecstasy even, and it was all his doing. He made David feel this way. He was the reason for all of these lovely features being shown in the most intimate, trusting way possible. And he was loving every minute of it.
“Ch-chat, o-OH LORD, PLEASE, MORE! CHAT- chat? Chat! Chat, are you here? Helloooo?” And with that, he was snapped out of his fantasy. His face was as red as a blossoming rose in June. He turned his head away, so David wasn’t able to see his expression, but that didn’t stop something else a bit...lower down from being quite visible. And quite visible, it was. Chat quickly scrambled to get off of David, and lie on the bed.
“U-uh...y-es, yeah, i’m here. Uh, sorry, hah. I kind of...spaced out a little.” “It’s alright. What were you thinking about?” Chat immediately became a stuttering mess with a lot of “um”s and “uh”s in between.
“H-hey! Chat, it’s okay, you don’t need to tell me! Don’t worry, I won’t judge you,” David reassured calmly. He seemed to either not care to point out, or just not notice Chat’s little...predicament.
Chat averted his gaze, and turned his body towards the other side of the bed, facing away from David. He felt incredibly...worked up from his earlier daydream. He shifted uncomfortably in his position, and sighed. “N-no...I want to tell you. It’s just...embarrassing.”
David didn’t ask Chat to face him or turn back around. Instead, he moved closer to chat, and spooned him from behind, gently wrapping his arms around Chat’s abdomen. “...well, you don’t have to tell me if you find it that embarrassing. I won’t make you. However, I am very curious. You were out of it for a good three minutes or so. You wouldn’t respond to any of my names for you. I wonder what could have gotten such a...strong reaction out of you. If you would like to talk about it, I’m all ears.”
Chat contemplated for a moment. Was he really ready for this? What if he got too scared in the middle, and wanted to back out? What if he couldn’t truly satisfy David properly? What if David was weirded out by his daydream? Many questions swarmed his mind. Chat whimpered anxiously, and then took a breath and sighed. “...I want to tell you...but I’m scared.”
David’s eyes widened, and his expression changed to one of confusion and concern. “Chat, what are you scared of? Have I done something? I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable someho-“ but he was cut off before his ramblings could continue.
“N-NON! non, vous n'avez rien fait de mal,” he blurted out, turning back to face David. Chat took a deep breath. “No, you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s just...hard...to talk about for me. A-and I know my fears are irrational, but...I still have worries and reservations about it,” he said. “B-but I think I’m ready...or at least as ready as i’ll ever be...to talk about it.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “...when I was on top of you...my mind wandered off. And then...suddenly, your screams of joy and laughter turned into...m-moans...a-and screams of p-pleasure. And I know it sounds..weird...but it’s been on my mind for a while, and I had no idea how to bring it up. B-but I guess the opportunity presented itself in a way, heh,” he laughed nervously. “...I had never thought I would be able to even think about having sex with someone again...not after him. But...you just...you’ve proven me wrong. And...if you don’t mind...I want to try...maybe. I-I don’t know if I would want to right now, but I certainly...wouldn’t mind trying eventually.”
David listened intently to every word, not looking away for even a second as Chat discussed what was on his mind. He blushed and became quite flustered when Chat explained his daydream in a quite detailed manner to him, but despite his embarrassment, he was very grateful for the fact that Chat felt comfortable enough in their relationship to talk about this with him. He smiled as Chat explained how he had been thinking about this for a while, but his smile faded as he heard about him. He listened painfully as Chat talked about how he had made him feel, but was revived with hope and pride when he described how that wouldn’t deter him any longer, and how he himself had made Chat able to think about pursuing something so intimate once again. After all this time...all they had been through together...Chat felt like he was ready to take that step again. And David couldn’t be more happy or proud of him for that than he was in that exact moment.
“Chat...my love...I’m so glad you feel comfortable enough to think this way. I’m happy you are able to be so open with me...and I would love to try having sex with you when you’re ready. It makes me nothing but ecstatic to hear that our relationship is strong enough for you to conquer that fear you have from previous events in your life, and share such an intimate act with me. I love you, Chat, and whenever you feel like it’s time for you to take that step, you come to me, and we can discuss how we want to go about it. I will make sure you are as comfortable as possible, and that you have every way to opt out if you so choose. I love you, Chat.”
As David said what he had to say, he made eye contact with Chat. He held it all the while he was speaking, to make sure Chat knew every moment of it was genuine. Chat was on the verge of tears. Not ones of pain, or sadness, but ones of happiness, and relief. He couldn’t be happier than he was in that exact moment, and he felt the need to express it properly with words. “I...-“ he paused for a moment to breathe “-I love you, David,” he said, clinging tightly to David’s chest. David just smiled, and reciprocated the gesture. “J’taime, too, Chat,” he said in a hushed tone, letting out a deep, tiny chuckle at his own attempt to speak Chat’s language.
They stayed intertwined like that for the rest of the night, David petting Chat’s head and Chat clinging to David, falling asleep fairly quickly. They would get there eventually, but that night, they would sleep soundly in each other’s arms, as if letting go would separate them for all eternity.
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paganinpurple · 7 years
Marichat May - It Was You - Day 13: SIN
Buy Me A Coffee?
Have I mentioned before that you can find all of these in order on AO3 (Lunar_L) and FF.net (Lunar-L) under the title It Was You? (I don’t want to link because you can’t find posts with external links in tag searches.)
Here, take my soul...
It Was You
<<Chapter 1     Chapter 13     Chapter 14     Chapter 15
Make It Better
Chat was feeling very agitated as he ran across the rooftops of Paris with a specific destination in mind. Seeing his newly designated girlfriend as a young adult this afternoon had been a moment for the ages and he'd been struck border-line speechless until he'd encountered the akuma, at which point he'd been thankful for the distraction. It had taken a lot of concentration to avoid his ageing blasts and he was starting to feel weary by the time his Lady had arrived.
Just in time to change him from speechless to tongue-tied.
She'd immediately admitted she'd been hit as a civilian before she had a chance to transform, explaining her absence at the beginning of the fight. So she had fought as a woman in her twenties. A twenty-something Ladybug in skin-tight red armour. A new, more grown-up, busty figure in skin-tight armour. Running around and doing parkour.
Chat grimaced as he remembered the way he'd spat out nonsense at her as she tried to talk strategy with him and how in a role reversal he'd had to be knocked out of range of the akuma on two separate occasions by Ladybug when he lost focus.
“Eyes on the prize, Minou,” she'd told him whenever his eyes strayed.
He landed on Marinette's balcony and spent a moment or two pacing as his thoughts about earlier swam around his head guiltily. It wasn't polite to gawk at a girl in public at the best of times but he supposed he could be forgiven at least a little if the girl in question was his girlfriend. Marinette had almost seemed to be teasing him at one point, so she clearly didn't mind as much as she'd initially seemed to. But he'd also been stunned senseless by Ladybug. And that would probably show on the TV reports. Which Marinette would have seen. He felt like the worst person in the world.
A voice distracted him from his thoughts suddenly.
“Are you coming in or do you just want to wear a groove in my balcony?”
He turned to see Marinette's upper half, clad in her pyjama tank top and arms crossed and resting on the balcony floor, while her legs presumably dangled into the room below. Not for the first time, he was hit with a wave of utter amazement at how strong she must be to be able to haul herself up onto her balcony regularly.
He moved towards her skylight and waited until she'd stretched out her arms to drop back down to her bed before following her. She sat where she landed, half-way towards the ladder from her giant cat pillow, and pouted her lip at him, arms and legs crossed.
His cat ears drooped at the sight of her annoyance and he reached out for a moment before snatching back his hand at the last moment.
“I'm sorry,” he said, “I'm a horrible person.”
Marinette's face snapped into a look of utter shock at his words and her crossed arms slowly began to unwind to settle her hands on her knees instead.
“What?” she said, “It was just a picture. And I'm not really mad. Mostly just annoyed with myself for telling you to do that, even if I was just being sarcastic.”
“No, I mean, when I was fighting the akuma with Ladybug...and I, um...have you seen the footage?” he asked gingerly.
He braced himself, waiting for her to go back to being upset, or shout at him or something. But she didn't. To his surprise, Marinette didn't do any of those things. Instead she uncrossed her legs and swung them under her to kneel towards him, her hands coming up to cup his face, and she placed a tender peck of a kiss on his lips.
“Oh Chaton,” she said in a cooing tone he'd expect her to use with a young child, “My Pretty Kitty. That's okay. We only just got together the other day, and you were honest and told me you still liked her. As long as you're not seriously trying to date her, you go flirt and get flustered as much as you want.”
“Wut,” he said in a rather ineloquent deadpan.
She giggled, and kissed him again, though he didn't respond as he was still feeling a little stunned. She leaned in to whisper in his human ear playfully.
“Just bring your flustered butt here afterwards so I can make it all better.”
Chat's heart rate shot up faster than he thought was healthy and he cast his mind back to before seeing an older Ladybug, to when he'd encountered his Princess looking more like a Queen. He stared at her as he remembered the way she'd cocked her hip at him and smiled coyly, pretending she had no idea what she was doing to him...
He surged forward, knocking a startled Marinette onto her back and hovered over her, with a half-lidded gaze and a huge grin on his face. In return Marinette's eyes widened exponentially and she stuttered at him – something she'd never done with Chat as far as he could remember.
“Ch-Chat?” she asked nervously.
“I thought you wanted to make it all better?” he asked, lowering his voice and applying the flirtiest tone he could conjure.
He watched as Marinette's pupils dilated and her breath caught before dipping his head and capturing her mouth in a kiss. In return she grabbed at his hair, fingers intermingling with the strands and gripping tightly as she returned his sudden intensity with her own.
He willed his claws to retract (something he'd been practising for the past two days) and ran his hand down her side, lightly outlining her ribs. She gasped into his mouth in response and he took the opportunity to trace her lips with his tongue.
His Princess responded eagerly, opening her mouth and letting him memorise the feel of her, her tongue pressing back against his in equally inexperienced experimentation. She wriggled her leg out from where he was laying across it, which forced him to settle between her legs, much more comfortably than he'd been a moment ago. He pulled back a little to reposition himself and used the chance to trail kisses along her jaw and down to where her throat met her neck, leaving a wet open-mouthed kiss against her skin.
Marinette let out a strangled sound of pleasure and he excitedly nipped at her skin in response, trying desperately to draw out more breathy moans from her. Simultaneously, his hand slid just beneath the material of her tank top, thumb grazing her stomach and bringing him close to whining over how he couldn't feel her skin with his own because of his suit.
“Ch-Chaaat,” she keened, as he moved the strap of her top out of his way to pepper her collarbone with kisses before gently biting down.
He revelled in the way she writhed beneath him, the noises she was making doing horrible things to his blood pressure. One of her hands moved from his hair to curl against his chest, attempting to find something to grasp onto but because of the material of his suit being forced to simply press against his pectoral instead. The other hand gripped at his scalp tightly, her nails tiny pin pricks of sensation. He bit harder, sucking in his best attempt to leave a mark on her.
It was at that moment that she arched up into him; he gave an involuntary grunt and became intimately aware of just how worked up he'd gotten during their sudden, unplanned make-out session. There was no doubt in his mind from how their bodies were pressed flush together that she was just as aware as he was. His face flared despite the fact that their activities up to now had not caused him to blush at all.
“I'm so sorry,” he whispered at her, lifting his head to look guiltily at her face.
Marinette lay beneath him, skin rosy and glazed eyes passing from lusty to confused and back to lusty just as quickly.
“Oh shut up, it's a compliment,” she said suddenly, “I'd feel insulted if that didn't happen.”
She didn't even give him time to properly process her words before she was dragging his head down to meet her for another heated kiss. When they pulled away for air he grinned at her.
“You are the best girlfriend ever.”
Buy Me A Coffee?
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hey, leggete qui ed aiutaaaaaaatemi
quest’anno ho iniziato l’università.
Tra i vari corsi che ho seguito nel primo semestre ne ho frequentato uno in particolare (giustamente quello che mi piaceva di meno) nel quale ho conosciuto un ragazzo; o meglio un ragazzo ha catturato la mia attenzione. Durante il corso a causa della mia timidezza non sono riuscita mai a spiccicarci una parola, se non fosse per il fatto che lo fissavo in continuazione. A fine corso lui si rende conto di ciò ed inizia a fissarmi, senza però mai parlarmi. Nel frattempo, giustamente, ho provato a cercarlo sui social e nonostante il fatto che non sapessi nè nome nè cognome sono riuscita a trovarlo ed aggiungerlo, senza scriverlo. Lui mi accetta la richiesta. Finalmente mi faccio coraggio e decido di contattarlo e puuuuuff, elimina i suoi account sui social e niente.
Secondo semestre, nuovo corso, per fortuna lo frequenta anche lui, la situazione però non cambia, lo fisso tutto il tempo ma nonostante ciò non ho idea di come iniziare a parlargli. Ogni volta che penso di convincermi lui non c’è a lezione. Sembra fatto a posta. Facebook sempre disattivato, non riesco a beccarlo mai in altri posti e niente.
Da un lato mi piacerebbe conoscerlo, dall’altro no. Non vorrei conoscerlo in quanto svanirebbero tutte le mezze idee fatte su di lui, su ciò che ho potuto constatare in base al suo modo di essere, i corsi che frequenta, il modo di vestire, o il modo di guardarmi. Il modo di guardarmi in realtà mi fa paura, non m’ispira, ho paura che lui possa giudicarmi per il mio aspetto. Forse è per questo che non voglio avvicinarmi a lui. Non sarà mai come lo immagino io.
non voglio dilungarmi troppo. la mia domanda è, nel caso mi decidessi a parlargli, cosa potrei dirgli?
scrivetemi in chaaat, pls
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Cause I haven’t made enough bad decisions tonight
Forever rules
Be nice
Be creative
Reblog if u want
Set in an ambiguous emptyish apartment complex in the US
And go
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