some-scribbles · 1 year
RANDALL’S DEATH WAS SO QUICK MAN I REALLY FOUND IT KINDA FUNNY. They were just like “So anyways here’s Randall he’s Marc’s brother ok now he’s dead! Moving on from that.”
Yeah, I just had to go back to make sure we didn't just... dream the whole thing up because it's just so weird.
Like, Marc tells Marlene The Hatchet Man is someone he used to work with who went rogue and killed Marc's girlfriend and fellow operative, so Marc had hit him with a grenade and severely injured him.
And... that's all he tells her? He doesn't even mention that The Hatchet Man is his brother until Marlene has already been attacked and he's yelling at Randall?? I know you're kinda estranged from your family in general, Marc, but this feels like important information you should've told Marlene before you let her act as a decoy that might (and did) lead her to getting attacked by a literal axe murderer???
And then he spends the rest of the next issue brooding over Marlene getting attacked and how he's a horrible person for putting her in danger. But iirc he doesn't even think about his brother once the whole issue?
Very "I killed my brother. Anyways--" vibes.
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fanghuas · 2 years
Hey it’s been a while!! I hope you’re doing well <3
Sep!! Heya! I'm doing well, hope you are too 💖 Changed fandoms, finished my undergrad, fun stuff. How have you been?
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darlinglissa · 4 years
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here’s my fic for this year’s @batfam-big-bang​!! on god it’s been a ride with this, but i am so so so grateful that the bang went so well. i’ve met such amazing and talented people that have made my little world so much brighter.
(credit for the title edit to cai!!)
you’re under fire (i’ll cover you)
When Tim is injured on patrol, he's ordered to bedrest. Instead he finds himself running straight to the doorstep of a man who tried to kill him--the Red Hood.
or: how tim drake finds common ground with jason todd--the ground of a warehouse, that is--and bonds over it.
word count: 5,993
here’s a link to my fic on ao3!
and here’s a link to my fic here on tumblr!
a million and one thanks to my stellar team:
auri - @battoad​ - her art is always so amazing, i’m always left in awe so i can’t wait for y’all to see her piece for my fic
cai - @bisexualoftheblade​ - they have such an eye for aesthetics, as you can see from the title edit, and their moodboard is no different. it fits so well
reese - @reese-haleth​ - reese is so talented, and i can’t wait to see the pieces she’s put together for my fic because i just know it’ll be astounding
cess - @wiitts​ - god, cess, thank you so much for putting up with my wordy ass and fixing up my (not very) long sentences and helping my flow, i don’t think it’d be as nice as it is now without you
ren - @dont-taunt-the-octopus​ - oh my father i swear that even though you don’t go here, your comments were always so helpful and uplifting that they helped me push through every bit of block i had, so thank you so much
september - @schweeeppess​ - sep!!!! you’ve been so constructive and respectful throughout every part of my fic and i couldn’t be more thankful for the critique and positive comments you made, i appreciate you, babe
i really couldn’t have made it this far without all y’all, so thank you for everything you guys did throughout these past few months
special shoutout to my mod team, my second family, jay @wisdom-walks-alone​, shelby @shelbychild​, and lucy @lostinmyfictionaluniverses​. y’all are my dream team, and i’m so happy that i had the chance to run this event with you. all the love!!
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cassiestephensart · 5 years
I love you!
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Ladies and gentlemen, an angel has blessed my inbox ❤
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an-all-write-life · 4 years
Katara vibes!
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inkydandy · 5 years
Hi! So I was looking through your OC tag (again, because I can never get enough of them), and can I just say. Rylen is my spirit animal. I relate SO HARD! Short people for the win 😂. He's also really cool? And I love him? Just- THANK you for sharing your brilliant OCs with us! They're all wonderful and I love Rylen and Kai's friendship.
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That means a lot to me! I’ve actually just started a very, very short comic on them set in Shinjuku on my Instagram. You might enjoy it :) Thank you again for the love!!
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bbb-shenanigans · 4 years
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thanks sep
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onipilot · 5 years
moronsexual, oblivious, hal jordan energy
at first i was like “what is this referring to” bc i didnt reblog that ask game recently but now i rememberTHANK YOU i am both the moron and the moronsexualhonestly i kin hal jordan we are both disasters
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
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@schweeeppess is this what you asked for in this post?
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some-scribbles · 1 year
You remember right! He doesn’t talk about Randall and his guilt over him for another few issues when what’s-his-name with the face tats destroys the duplicate Khonshu statue and he kinda goes on a mental spiral which is absolutely wild af
I am once again absolutely obsessed with this fictional man's sense of priorities.
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teatitty · 5 years
why are girls. cute. attractive. it's putting my """heterosexuality"""" at "risk". i'm having feelings. just. girls bro.
Girls Pretty and we are simple gays
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fanghuas · 5 years
Love u 💚💚💚💚💚
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no, you fool, tis I who loves u-
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doctopher · 5 years
Hi doc! Just checking in to a) say youre wonderful, ily, and you bless this fandom with your work, and b) ask how you're doing! Im praying you're well 💙
Ahh, comrade Sep. All is well in my homeland, as is the recommended answer by the secret police. 
This fandom is blessed by numerous talented creators of all media, shape, and sizes including you, the fandom is very lucky. If anything, I devalue DC with my content.
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maychorian · 5 years
not related to mcdonalds but. can i just say that i'm absolutely THRIVING off of "Through the Wall"??? It's so incredibly well written and that last chapter? G O D bruce is a MOOD. i wanna hug them too, and tim is so painfully intellegent for his age but he doesnt know it all and i'm running out of words but i LOVE YOUR FIC THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING IT, im enjoying it very much and you have t a l e n t, and go you, ya funky little writer!! 💙💙💞💙💙
Aww, thank you! This last chapter made so happy because FINALLY, the babies got some HUGS. Yes it’s very difficult because they are both incredibly traumatized, but also horribly touch-starved at the same time. And Dick Grayson is magical, there’s no other word for it. He can make anyone feel at ease. Poor Bruce is gonna have to wait for any contact with Jason, but at least he got to carry Tim, which is not nothing.
And yes, writing tiny, very-intelligent-but-not-all-knowing Timothy Drake is such a joy.
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an-all-write-life · 4 years
More questions! 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30
1: what song makes you feel better?
High Hopes by Panic! at the Disco
5: who do you feel most you around?
My friends
6: say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
(Gahhh you just had to pick this one didn’t you) I have a nice smile, I like my hair, and my hands are special. I like my sass, my love for puns, and my terrible dad jokes. 😂
7: what color brings you peace?
9: what calms you down?
Reading or going for a walk
12: how are you?
I’m very content right now. 😊
17: fairy lights or LED lights?
Fairy lights! My sister and I are actually planning to put some up in our room
19: most important thing in your life?
My loved ones
20: what do you want most in the world right now?
Peace and just some common human decency
21: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
“You don’t have to be perfect to deserve love.”
23: favorite piece of clothing?
A polka dot summer dress!
25: what’s the best personal gift someone could give you?
Really anything that they take the time to put their heart into, but a playlist or a letter would honestly probably make me cry
28: hugs or hand holding?
29: morning, afternoon, or night?
Can I choose all three? Because I choose all three
30: what reminds you of home? (doesn’t have to mean house, just things that remind you of the feeling of home)
...blue walls 😂
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