#commendable anon
my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Oh my godddd do I need ur advice Cassssssssss! So in my friend group with have this mildly sexist joke, of whenever an annoying man does something irritating, we say “ugh men suck”. I am conscious that an “ugh women suck” would offend our group and therefore we’re hypocritical, but to be fair, we say it when men randomly sexualise us, they say it when women cry… so? Anyway, the other day, me (im a girl btw), and two of my other friends were hanging out in town. Ones a girl and ones a boy. 
And this guy walks past and catcalls us, and my friend rolls her eyes and goes “ugh men fucking suck”. And my guy friend (who btw him and our other guy friend have said they’re fine with these jokes as long as we don’t act like they’re a part of it? u know) jokingly goes “ouch”. It’s a joke. I knew it was a joke and laughed. He’s respectful and kind and sweet and the type of guy to agree that that type of guy SUCKS.  
BUT MY FRIEND goes; “Oh not you, you don’t count. You’re not a real guy.”
He’s trans.
And I wanted to punch her.
OF FUCKING COURSE HES A GUY. He literally put more effort into being a guy than any other guy you’ve ever met. All other guys are born having to be guys. He had to put the effort in to be called a guy. He’s more guy than any other guy.  
But I didn’t punch her or correct her because knowing my guy friend, I knew he wouldn’t want to bring it up. He sort of looked at me, and me at him, and then there was an awkward silence before we went back to normal.
So we walk home and drop him off at his place and I give him a look, roughly translates to “is it cool if I bring up earlier to her and tell her she made u uncomfty.” and he gives me a look that’s sort of like “u know I hate talking abt this stuff but I don’t want that to happen again so sure, thanks”.
So we’re walking, its just us two now, and as we go I say, “Hey mind if we talk abt something u said today, I don’t think you meant it this way but I think it upset *my guy friend”
And she says sure and looks kinda confused. So I bring up the whole, you’re not a real guy, thing. And she says she didn’t mean it that way. 
So I say, “You know I think you’re really lovely, and it was an accident and all, just for future reference, saying he’s not a real guy, it can cause dysphoria. So he feels like you’re rejecting him being trans and being a guy.”
And she’s goes “But he’s not a guy. He was a girl first so he gets it.” And I go “But he’s always felt like a guy and now he’s presenting as a guy and using male pronouns, so you saying he’s not a real guy is upsetting for him”.
And she goes “But he’s like us so he’s not a real guy.”
So I go “What? He doesn’t have a dick, is that it?” (i’m getting a lil defensive at this point, i’ve known my guy friend for YEARS and she’s a newer friend of like this year- and before this point very lovely, so i’m like confused and annoyed) then i say “Or is it that he’s nice. Did you mean he’s nice, like *our other guy friend who btw isn’t trans*. Not the type to catcall ppl?”
And she goes “Yeah. That. But like, if you think of a guy, you think the sort of body type right? He has our body or whatever. I’m not saying he’s not a guy. Just not a full guy.”
So I go, “No. No he is a ‘full’ guy. He’s as much guy as any other guy. And if you say he’s not- look my point is that saying that sort of thing really upsets him so please don’t in the future.”
And SHE GOES “Well if he has a problem he can tell me himself”. 
GIRL WHAT THE FUCK? Okay look, I love my friends. And i’m not often the type to choose sides because a lot of arguments at 18 are petty ones. But I won’t be friends with this girl if I know she’s going to be transphobic and make one of my closest friends uncomfortable. Even if she doesn’t realise she’s being a transphobe.
So I say “please look this up so you understand why it would upset him. He doesn’t like to talk abt this stuff, but it bothers him”.
And she goes “how do you know it bothers him if he doesn’t talk abt it.”
And yes this could be genuine, if she finds it tough to read emotions on ppls faces, so I tried to be fair in answering.
I go, “Well, he seemed upset when you said it. And that sort of comment has been said to him before, and in private he’s mentioned that he doesn’t like it.”
We’ve had long talks abt the way it bothers him. But she doesn’t need to know that. He hates talking to ppl he’s not really close to abt this stuff since they can swerve any second (like this girl now).
So she goes “If he can tell u, why can’t he tell me?” And I go “He’s just more comfortable around me since we’ve known each other so long.”
(i would like to add in here, we are very good friends but also not the type to leave ppl out. She didn’t have a “reason” for her comment or a reason to be mad. We were all chatting all day. Never left her out. Just because we’ve known her less long, it didn’t bother me or him. There was no duo in a trio thing all day- I only brought up our closer relationship now since it seemed like a good way to explain it to her) 
And she goes “Oh my god so you knew him before he transitioned then? What’s his deadname?”
I go silent. Then I say “I’ve known him a long time.” And then I go silent again and she doesn’t say anything and we walk the remaining like two- three minutes to her place. My house is like five minutes from there, it’s the exact way so it’s not like I could’ve gone a dif route. 
So yeah. That happened. 
So I text my guy friend once i’m home and give him the debrief.
He ends up deciding he doesn’t want to make this a thing. She’s friends with our bigger group- which is like 9-10 ppl- so he doesnt want to cause anything, even tho they’d all happily explain why she’s being a transphobe. He said he didn’t want her to feel ganged up on.
So I text him; “if she says anything else transphobic i’ll do my best to explain it to her and have her stop but if it becomes more than one more comment I think we should consider her friendship cause I know you’ll be uncomfortable and I don’t want to be friends with a transphobe.”
So yeah. Look I get that partly it’s not fair. She wasn’t raised somewhere where they’d teach her this stuff. She doesn’t understand that she’s being transphobic. But also, she should look this stuff up and listen when I tell her, instead of disregarding me when i’m tryna help. 
But I also really want to get through to her. But most importantly I want my guy friend to be comfortable around his friends. But he’s way to nice to bring up what she said to everyone else (they would not approve either). 
Oh, wow.
Okay, first, I want to commend you for approaching this where you're trying not to make your guy friend uncomfortable while still being an ally. Genuinely, it sounds like you're a fantastic friend, and you're trying hard to listen to his needs.
This is so hard, because at first, I was like- oh! The other friend is just ignorant. A lot of people who make comments like that are ignorant, and like...even as a trans person, I can see the twisted way of thinking that ted to those comments.
But then, after being gently and kindly corrected, the friend doubled down, and THAT is the problem.
People are allowed to make mistakes, especially when they may have been raised with a set of views. But to double down like that is where I take issue, and I think you're right to take issue as well.
This is first and foremost, your guy friend's battle. If he doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, you need to respect his wishes. You're absolutely correct (and very smart by realizing) that these comments can cause dysphoria, which is awful. But it could be that your guy friend wants to cope with that by not acknowledging it. And that's valid.
So I think the right thing to do is to not bring this specific issue up unless he asks. But if your other friend says generally transphobic things, I think it's okay to correct them if you feel comfortable. So like, if your other friend says "'Guy friend' is emotional like a girl." then I would wait for your guy friend's permission to say something. But if she says like.. "Trans people should have to go to the bathroom of their gender assigned at birth," then you can speak up. You can also choose on your own to take space from this other friend.
You can also be there for your guy friend by reminding him that you know those comments are not okay, and you support him however he needs.
I know it's a lot to think about, but I really think you're doing a great job. Write back with updates! I'm naming you commendable anon in case you do!
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robobarbie · 6 months
i think toasty is great. i would like hold them like the blessed virgin mary cradles the mortal body of jesus christ after his descent from the cross.
great idea for easter bp art. thank you
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spotify-official · 2 months
Do you stand with Palestine or are you conplicit in a genocide?
I stand with Palestine.
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stevie-petey · 4 months
I saw you like byler. And I am sorry to ask this but do you support Noah schnapp? If so, I just need to know so I can stop reading your stuff. Sorry.
oh absolutely NOT that mans is a piece of shit. trust i absolutely hate that mans and the way hes been acting and his zionism is fucking appalling.
i do not at all support him and anyone reading this who DOES support noah or isreal: you are not welcome here
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hushimstressed · 10 months
Hi, rat anon here again! Your response to my last ask has given me just. SO many thoughts about a post juanaphlipa confrontation. Let me set the scene:
It’s been about two, three months since juanaphlipa’s death? Mariana doesn’t know. They say time heals all wounds but he’s become so lost in his grief he can barely keep track of it. He barely keeps track of a lot of things these days. Doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, just throws himself into being spiderman because maybe if he were better juanaphlipa would still be it helps. But he’s getting sloppy. Taking more hits, landing less in return. And it’s fine! He’s fine. Maybe if he weren’t so careless he would have noticed it sooner. The flash of green out of the corner of his eye, the claw marks, the ooze on his windowsill- maybe he didn’t want to notice. Until he’s not. It’s not even one of his main rouges gallery - just some up and comer trying to make a name for himself by putting Mariana in the ground. And he thinks this is it. End of the line. Bleeding out while some asshole talks about… bananas, maybe? The blood loss is making it pretty hard to understand if he’s being honest. So it takes him a minute to realize banana guy’s talking to someone else.
“Hey, this one’s mine, so back-“ a green blur cuts him off. And then the screaming starts. A lot of screaming. So, despite the hole in his side, Mariana pushes himself up, ready to face his new opponent please let this one finish it. He just wants to see juanaphlipa again. Only to be greeted by an unexpected sight. There, in all his bulked up slimy glory, stands his ex-roommate. And he looks pissed.
He knew, theoretically, that Slime was dangerous. He ate people! But this is different. Brutality on an unfathomable scale. He watches his former best friend - where did he even come from? - tear the wannabe villain into pieces. And when the noises stop, and Slime turns, stalking towards him, he thinks, oh. This is it. A fitting retribution for failing to protect his niece, he supposes. Should have expected Slime’s revenge. But then the slime retracts, and then Charlie, his Charlie, is barreling towards him and cradling his face in his hands.
“Are you okay? How bad did he hurt you? Do you need the hospital? Is-”
Mariana cuts him off. “Charlie? Wha- are you crying?”
He is. He looks panicked too, but Mariana can’t imagine why. Surely he’d be happy to see the end of spiderman? But- “Why am I- you’re all I have left, Mariana!”
It pierces through his thoughts like a lightning bolt. He stares into Charlie’s eyes looking for deception, and finds nothing but sincerity and devotion. He feels hands tighten on his shoulders.
“You’re all I have left.” A slightly manic gleam enters Charlie’s eyes. “And nothing is going to take you away from me.”
Holy shit rat anon!!!!!!
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There’s a ringing in Mariana’s ears as Charlie rambles to himself in circles, she thinks she’s about to pass out from the blood loss before what Charlie says next is sharp against the white noise.
"i've found a way to bring Flippa back to us."
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taralen · 3 months
YOU took the DE@L, and you will get FREE EXPEDITED SHIPPING on FUNI PICTURS to your [heart-pounding] LOVE LETTERS from my [[REDACTED]] STRAIGHT TO YOUR PO[s] BOX!!!!!!!!!!
Į̧̨̙̐̋̀̀ ̡̨̢̭ͣͩ͠ṉ͛̀͟͢͞ȩ̴̖̾̿ͯ̀̕v̵̵̧͈ͦͬͧͦ́e̢ͣ̓͟͏̷͍r̢̠ͩ͐̕͟͠ ̷̴̢̞ͧ̈́̆͠ŗ̛̝̌̾͛̀̚͡é̵̷͉̈͌̕͢c̡̟ͣͮͯ̀͜͜e̴̙ͨ͘͜͠ì̡͏̸̴̦v̋̂́͡҉̧͉e̽҉҉̧̗́ḓ̵̨̧̔ͩ̅͢ ̴̡̲̓̽͆͢͝ȃ̡̡͌҉̵̼n̷̘ͥ̽̕͜͝y͂̋҉̷̶̛̻ṱ̷̢ͥ̆̚͢͜h̛͌̐͏̶̛ͅiͪ͆҉̨̰͜͡n̷͓͐͊͂̅͘͟͞ģ̴̘̐̄͒͞͠ ̷̶̡̻ͬ̏̏̇͝a̷̶̷̠ͦ̿̽͡s̶̷̹ͫ̕͜ ͨ͗́́҉̵̪r̃̚҉̢̰̕͡o̴̸̝ͤͮ͊ͨ͡͞m̸̛ͫ̍ͦ͟͏͚a̢̛̗̅́͠nͥ͆͢͏̪̀́t̵̴̵̰ͩͮͥ͠i̧̜ͦ́̍ͩ́͜͢c̦̍ͮ́́͝͡ ̴̧̺͒͐͊̿͢͝aͦ͐̌͛͜͏͏̸̤s̛͚ͧ̈́̀́͘ ̧̛̙ͣ̏͟͡t̸̵͓͗͞͠h̷̨̨̛̰̏͛̔͊e̸̢̡̅͋̐̄͢ͅs̡̗̎̓̕͟͝e̷̢̢̧͍̎̆ ̡͑̇̌͗͏̛͈͘i̴̸̡̻̾͠ṉ̵̡͆͟͟ ̵͓̑͜͡͝m̧̘͛ͨ͟͝͝y̸̶̯͆͝͞ ̸̛̪̿͘͜e͐̅͏̷̶̖͝n̴̴̡̢͙͒ͪͬt̛͎̒̓́͘͡͝i̶͑̿͞҉̠͝r̶̛̰̀ͥ̍̇͝͡e̵̵̔̊̇҉͏̫ ̧̘ͪ͑̑̊͟͟͠ļ̷̻ͯ̈́͝͞i̡͙͑̊̉͘̕͞f̵̷̡̖͑ͩ̇́̚e̴̢̛̛̝̓̓ͫ̋.͎̐ͬ̀̀͢͢.̵̡̧̫ͮ́.̷̜̾ͮͧ͜͟͢ ̴̛̞̈́̽͗́͟W̷̧͓͛̇͢͟h̶̻͒ͯ́͢͜͠ÿ̨̢̛͔̿̈́̃͡ ̸̴̢̣̾̃̍͟d̸̢̽͂̿́́ͅoͮ͡҉҉̟́ ̷͓̄̚͘̕͞y̨̬͊ͨͩ̕͘͝o̧ͥ͌̚̕͞͏̼ṷ̷̸̷̋͞ ̏̓҉҉͏̷̼.̛͕̀̊͟͞͡.̢͉̓̄̈̚͘͜͡.̆̋ͪ͡͞͏͍̀
GO AHEAD AND [[send another]]!!!!! ID ARE YOU
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dykecubes · 1 month
Bro, stop fucking doomposting. The QSMP is not ending, nobody said it was ending lmfao
Just because 3 eggs left doesn't mean anything lol
First off this is my blog and I’ll post what I goddamn want thank you, I’m not obligated to be all sunshine and rainbows 24/7 because it might make someone scrolling past me upset
Second, the qsmp has been on a very obvious downward spiral over the last several months, gradually losing more and more key streamers and it probably wouldn’t be incorrect to say the few that are still streaming are seeing a decline in viewership too, especially after purgatory, first there’s the whole thing with how frequently events on the server force players to put their lore and projects on hold indefinitely by dropping them into unfamiliar locations for seemingly no reason, with both purgatory and the more recent move to the new part of the island being extremely discouraging for players, leading to several of them quitting entirely, then the guy who started the whole thing was forced to step down after being doxxed, two major members were outed as abusers, I’m not gonna start on the whole admin situation, the more controversy surrounding the server the less people want to associate and involve themselves in it, and since the eggs were made to be a central part of the server they were a major driving force in encouraging certain members to play, with them leaving those players are most likely soon going to follow
No, the server’s not ending now, you’re right there, but that’s not what I’m saying, it’ll probably still be slightly active for a little while over the next couple of months, but this is certainly its death knell
I’m not fully pessimistic on this, though, I don’t doubt that if it does end within the next few months it’ll probably make a return within the next year with a second season like hermitcraft or karmaland, hopefully with some major improvements, a lot has been put into this project so I doubt they’ll just give up on it, which is good, it’s a great project and I don’t want it to end, but it definitely feels like this chapter of it at least is coming to a close soon
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thethirdromana · 5 months
I like how the genius protagonist tries to catch the shapeshifting beetle in a cup as if he didn't see with his own eyes that it can change sizes and shapes anytime. It's not going to stay in the cup!
OK, so I need you to know that I hate writing the words "in fairness to Sydney Atherton". But. In fairness to Sydney Atherton, I'd argue he does actually cope remarkably well with his first introduction to the supernatural. He defeats the hypnotism and figures out a strategy for fighting back. He carefully records everything even while not quite believing the evidence of his own eyes (much like we were all very proud of Jonathan for remembering to do in the early bit of Dracula).
I mean, I'm not much of a fan of the message that Richard Marsh is going for here, which is that what you really need to defeat a supernatural menace is an arrogant xenophobic Englishman with a strong line in chemical weapons and racial slurs. But I don't know if it's fair to expect lightning-fast deduction from the guy who didn't know until now that shapeshifters were real and is also still recovering from nearly poisoning himself from his own Magic Vapour.
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adamworu · 6 months
I remember you posted one time about Shinji and Kaworu arguing and I really loved that idea. :' )
What arguments do you headcanon them having? It can be as severe or as silly as you'd like!
There are times where Kaworu is sort of plagued with the knowledge of his powers. Sure, there's the usual angel shenanigans of how their vocalizations can level neighborhoods. Accidental angel shenanigans where just them being excitable obliterates all windows in a 20 mi. radius. But Kaworu worries that even the slightest bit of excitement from him may actually hurt people. So he bottles it for the safety of Lilin. There's a day where one of the angels becomes little bit happy and he tells them, anxiety dripping in his words, to keep it down. This isn't Kaworu. And Shinji knows it.
When Shinji prods on about this, Kaworu wraps himself within his AT Field. Not fully cognizant of his power here, it blocks off sections of the house. He's too high strung now. He can't be talked down. Yet.
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confession: i made an attack for someone once and it unintentionally came out a lot more suggestive looking than intended and i couldnt find the users age anywhere (but their art looked pretty beginner level so i figured they were a minor) so i didnt wanna upload the piece even tho i really liked it :( i ended up making a different drawing for them
Jul 1
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dctrfate · 11 days
Hey, I saw your post about how well various DC heroes fuck and was wondering why Batman was so high given the infamous no eating pussy mandate?
(Sorry if this is rude)
okay so when pussygate™ happened literally EVERYONE on the internet knew about it like there were news articles about this shit zack snyder posted fanart of batman eating out catwoman on twitter every mutual i had was experiencing a life-or-death adrenaline rush live on the tumblr dash and the conclusion i came to after three consecutive days of this freakshow was that no one actually believed that batman didn't eat pussy. this whole drama started because the higher ups in dc made the harley quinn tv show get rid of a joke about batman sucking puss because they thought it'd sell less merchandise. famously, "heroes don't do that," aka the phrase that launched a thousand explicit batcat fics on ao3. that's literally the only justification and considering that a) it's not representative of actual popular opinion and b) batman's somewhat notorious dating history in the comics.....it has to be said that he's a good fuck.
plus this article by cathy herbert (written in the voice of bruce wayne) has made it impossible for me to imagine him being bad at sex like it's just way too fucking good:
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solarcitymelodies · 6 months
peepee weewee moment
I'm 80% sure you're Darcy. But because I am 20% unsure I am going to let you down gently.
You, out of my house.
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uglypastels · 10 months
unpopular opinion: the guy that plays Eddie isn’t attractive 😭🙈
that is so fair tho. everyone has their own taste in people :) and i will admit joe grew on me as i fell in love with Eddie, as at first i didn't find him all too attractive either haha, and even now i have my moments where i see pictures of him and think :? :/ really?
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wlw-cryptid · 1 year
For Strange Women has a London fog perfume oil that’s black tea, vanilla, cream, honey, and bergamot!I had a friend that used it and the smell was addicting.
oh fuck. oh god . could the dream be real?
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hvly · 5 months
It’s funny how you and so many other people just found out about this conflict because of October 7th and now all of a sudden you’re all experts. Keep playing like you’re an activist though !
i’m not ashamed to admit that i was ignorant up until October 7th, nor do i claim to be an expert or an activist. i’ve been very open about the fact that i’m still learning about this whole conflict because it didn’t just happen just because Hamas felt like blowing up a couple people on a random day.
and since i’m still learning about over 75 years (and it seems like it’s longer than that) worth of history that i wasn’t aware of until this point, i might come across something that makes me change my mind. but as it stands, looks like i’m still Pro-Palestine.
and also, i don’t think you need an in-depth history lesson to say that collectively punishing an entire population is wrong and unjustifiable.
good job tryna “gotcha” me, though ! try a little harder next time over on @/chaosim, sweaty <3
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gemkun · 3 months
hi gem! your commentary on your muses is always so analytic and thoughtful ☺️ have a good one!
stop this is so 🥺🥺🥺
thank you so much this means the world to me and made my entire day. i did have a setback before due to an anon but hearing this just made me feel so warm and confident. i hope to keep producing content and comments that stay true to the stories that hoyo and other authors have created with my own little spin on them. cause i love my blorbos sm.
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