#comments rbs and leaves nice tags
tteokdoroki · 1 year
when u guys leave nice tags on my work I am looking at u like this
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pineapple-frenzy · 1 year
YOUR HEADER OMG 🙇🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
Ajkdjankdks tyty it's literally my favorite hoshi drawing that I've done
,,,also I just wanna say I noticed you're @seokmins and I see you in my notifs every time I post svt art akdkjslkm I offer a quick dk doodle for you :>>
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seijorhi · 2 years
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Honestly? Asks. Likes and reblogs ofc – but so many people rb without tags or a comment, so you never know if it was a ‘hey this fic is halfway decent’ or if it’s a ‘oh my god this fic is fucking incredible!!’ y’know?
So if I wake up to an empty inbox, the fic flopped. If people are coming to yell at me/scream about it, I did a good job :)
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xavalav · 1 year
i hope everyone who leaves nice messages in the tags of rbs of my art knows that i love them and would do literally anything for them
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lunarblazes · 2 years
not to be a negative nancy on here but hmmm. those artists really were not lying that reblog rate on art really can fucking suck
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Not to be corny but godg I love this website so much everyone is so nice to me and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside its so good imbad at words but u all are so cool and I hope youhave a good holidays AAAAA ok I go sleepy now
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sanchoyo · 2 years
getting REALLY annoyed the 'show reblogs with comments/tags' feature seems to be glitchy on both mobile and desktop... :/
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glimmeringtwilight · 2 years
your yandere dottore x reader post is the best thing ive read all year , i love it smm
You're literally so sweet 🥺 ty,,
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mars-ipan · 8 months
watching my shitpost that took maybe a couple hours to make blow up way faster than the illustration i spent days on is. bittersweet.
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tmpttion · 8 months
i know this is out of the blue but i just wanna say i love seeing you on my dashboard 🥹
help i was just about to go on your ask box to thank you for your lovely tags 🥺🥺 i feel like you're one of the people who interacts the most with me here and i am vv grateful for that and OF COURSE I LOVE to see you on my dash too, you're literally one of the most entertaining users on this site if i may sAy 💗💗
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fangirl-dot-com · 10 months
Chapter 6 - Ok It’s Happening! Everyone Stay Calm!
This chapter is going to span Tuesday night into Wednesday night. Nothing really happens in between the initial post and family dinner, so I tried to add some things to fluff it up. You finally get to read a bit of reader-lore. The next chapter, “Family Dinner,” will be posted Wednesday night. Enjoy and don’t forget to comment to be added to the tag list :D 
Arthur had to leave early Monday morning. You were sad, but were thankful that he was able to come spend a few nights with you. You almost forgot why you were in London in the first place. 
Oh yeah, to become one of the best freaking F1 drivers there ever were. You could see the TikTok edits now. You hoped there would be at least one with an Olivia Rodrigo song in the background. Or maybe Taylor Swift? The possibilities were endless. 
You were able to drive the car a few more times in the span of Monday and today. You really felt like you were becoming more familiar with it. One of the last times, they put you into the RB-19, just to get a feel for it for Vegas. 
Speaking of Vegas, something popped up on your Instagram that you just had to share with Vito. 
“Hey Vito, can you find me someone to marry while I’m in Vegas?” you nonchalantly asked while the two of you were having breakfast. He nearly spit out his orange juice. 
“Excuse me?” he responded while wiping his mouth with the nice cloth napkin. The brunch place was very high end. You ended up getting pancakes though, while Vito got something you didn’t even want to try to pronounce. 
“Well, there’s this Formula 1 wedding chapel, and I thought, how cool would it be to get married there while it’s up? So, I thought I’d ask to see if you could find me someone.” 
Vito took a deep breath before massaging his brow. He was “this close” to quitting. But he would never do that to you. Instead, he said, “Kid. You cannot get married in Vegas.” 
He thought you would have put up more of a fight, but you just shrugged and stuffed your mouth full of another bite of pancake. He shook his head as he tried to take another sip of his drink. The breakfast went well after that. You didn’t try to bring it up, but somehow, you would find your way to this chapel. Even if you weren’t going to get married. 
As the two of you walked out of the building, you angled your body to Vito. “So, what do I have to do?” 
He looked at his phone, “So you have to approve your helmet. And then we have to take some pictures for your post tonight. Tomorrow we have a flight to catch that will take us to Vegas. After, you will get settled at the hotel and then eat dinner with the team.” 
“Geez, that seems like a lot doesn’t it?” You opened the driver door to your vehicle. Vito had said that it was your time to drive. You wanted to argue that every other waking moment was spent behind the wheel, but you knee that he wanted to be the passenger princess for once. He said that was not the case as he couldn’t handle you picking Country Girl by Luke Bryan one more time.
He said he even heard the song in his dreams. 
You thought that was total madness. How could someone get tired of Luke Bryan. Maybe Daniel would listen to it with you at some point, if the two of you got close enough. Vito had walked around the car, got in, and started to buckle. 
Using the button to start the car, the engine came to life. You carefully backed out of the parking space and pulled onto the road. Per the request of the Vito and Mitch, you were to return to RB to go over some last-minute paperwork and things of that nature. 
Since the drive was so familiar by now, the time seemed to fly by even faster. You knew what you were doing. It was crazy to think that just last week, you were winning your F2 championship with no future plans. And now you were pulling up to headquarters like it was just another Tuesday. 
Time was weird like that. 
At the building, you almost cried when you saw your helmet. You wanted to make a joke, but decided against it. You could do that later over the radio in free practice one. It was everything that your little F1-loving heart ever wanted. The white and silver had a great contrast. But your favorite part was the glitter. You tried it on and had a couple of pictures taken. You let them know which ones were your favorites. 
You later found yourself in a conference room going over last-minute legal things. Vito made sure that you knew what you were getting into with a multi-year contract and how much it would damage you if you were to break it. You were still 100 percent with it all. You also discussed what picture you wanted to use for their official statement. You picked one that had been taken after your first F2 win of the 2023 season. You sheepishly smiled when they pointed out the Mercedes logo, but you told them that it was there since you had won a sponsorship to help pay for everything. You had no loyalties to the other British team. 
“All right, I think that wraps things up. Any questions, comments, or concerns?” one of the lawyers asked as he packed his things up. 
With multiple shakings of heads, he bid farewell and left the room. 
Now that it was just you, Mitch, and Vito, you spun your chair to face the two of them. You felt like a villain out of a movie as you put your hands together.
“Mitch, did you bring the special thing that I asked for?” you said in a darker tone, wanting to feel mysterious. 
She rolled her eyes as she got up and walked to a clothing bag that was laying on the end of the table. She brought it back over and laid it over your lap. 
You unzipped the bag and stared at the item. It was a vintage Red Bull bomber jacket. Just the sight wanted to make you cry. 
You stood up and carefully put the jacket on. You turned towards Mitch and Vito. 
“How do I look?” you asked. Now you were getting shy. You might be loud with people you were comfortable with, but you always put people’s opinion of you over anything else. They both had comforting smiles. 
“I think you were born to wear that jacket kid,” Vito said, with almost tears in his eyes. 
“Same here Y/n. You truly belong with us,” Mitch said as she gave you a hug. You let a few tears fall when doing so. It had been long since you really felt accepted somewhere. 
With your parents, you constantly wanted their approval, but never got it. That drove you to be the best at everything. People always told you to quit in F4, but you slowly rose above them as you entered F3. There, people told you that you, a girl, did not belong in F3. You were only 15 at the time. 
You proved them wrong as you became the first female to join the ranks of F2 two years later. You spent 3 years fighting for your hard earned right to be there. It got easier with the help of friends, but you always wanted more. One more chance to prove yourself. And you got that with the F1 seat. 
“Could we take a few pictures for me to post later?” Mitch and Vito agreed. You three found a nice spot on a hidden balcony. It basically looked like you were on the sidewalk, but you wouldn’t take that risk. It was too close and you had people right where you wanted them. 
You had grabbed an iconic can of Red Bull on your way out and cracked it open to pose with it. It took a good 30 minutes for you to get the pose correctly. 
While going through those photos, you spoke up. 
“Did you know that my first kart had the Red Bull logo on it. I loved that thing, even if I crashed it multiple times.” You chuckled at the memories. 
“What goes around comes around,” Vito muttered as he went through the photos. 
“Reminds me of that Taylor Swift sound on Tik Tok. It’s been a long time coming.” 
Mitch gave a playful scoff, “You should use that as your caption.” You hadn’t thought of that! Mitch definitely thought that you wouldn’t, but the look on your face showed her that you really wanted to do it. She, once again, rolled her eyes at your antics. But, she herself was comforted by your easy-going personality. She had only known you for a couple of days, but you were becoming very dear to her. 
You were becoming very dear to everyone. Every worker was amazed at your talent. A few even compared you to Sebastian Vettel and their very own champion Max Verstappen. But Mitch wouldn’t tell you that in fear of scaring you off. It was a big thing to be compared to the two legends, but you didn’t need that pressure on you. You already had been through so much. Vito had let Mitch know before of what has happened with past race strategists. She never wanted to be like what you’ve had to deal with. 
You now were beginning to explain the entirety of why Taylor Swift was re-recording her albums in the first place. Your hands were pointing at invisible objects in the air while Vito just stood and listened. Mitch thought it would be hilarious to see you and Max discuss race tactics. 
There was the Maxsplaining and the Leclerifying. Now you would be Y/n-strating (illustrating but with your name in front). 
“And that is why we don’t like Scooter. We’re gonna come for his ankles before he can come for ours. Mother never told us to be nice to him,” you gestured as you finished your rant. Vito looked bored to death while Mitch was just smirking at the two of you. You wondered what she was thinking about. 
Oh well. She could read your mind but you couldn’t read hers. 
When it got dark, you and Vito headed back to hotel to pack before you were supposed to be at the hotel. Riggs, Lacy, Mitch, and other personnel would be flying out with you. There would be no commercial flight, instead there would be a private plane for everyone. You couldn’t wait, since this would be the first time to fly privately. 
There was really nothing different to it until you actually got on the plane. Security was the same and the private lounge area wasn’t much different than the ones you had already been to. There were fewer seats on the plane, but everyone fit comfortable. 
You were excited that you didn’t have to pay for WIFI on the plane to watch your TV shows. There were a couple of Brooklyn 99 episodes that you hadn’t seen yet. Once those were finished, you told yourself that you’d take a quick nap and wake up way before you landed. 
That was a lie. 
You practically slept the entire way there, and was only awoken by the plane landing. You were excited to be back in the states. You hadn’t been in years. Texas would always be your favorite state though, since you lived there for 5 years when you were in your teens. You had begged Arthur and Ollie to go with you once, but they declined and you ended up not going. You couldn’t wait to drive at COTA. 
The nap really helped as you weren’t exhausted when you got to the hotel. Vito told you though that you had time to sleep before you needed to wake up the next morning. But the nerves were getting to you. 
At 9 a.m. Red Bull would be posting the statement. Which reminded you to do the same. You inhaled sharply as you picked the pictures on your Instagram. You were able to find a picture of your old kart, and you definitely used Mitch’s suggestion for the caption. You tagged Red Bull before posting and turning off your phone. You could deal with everything tomorrow morning when you had gotten a good night’s sleep.  
Well, that good night’s sleep was way too short for your liking. Your alarm sounded way too loud and interrupted the nice dream that you were having. It was something about marrying some dude at the F1 chapel. You just couldn’t get it out of your mind. 
You took a shower to at least feel better. The staleness of the plane air clung to you throughout the night. Should you have showered after sending the world into a panic? Yes. But did you? No. Your phone might as well have combusted last night. Turning on the front screen, there were thousands upon thousands of notifications. You simply swiped left and deleted them all. 
Opening your Instagram, it was worse. Your face was everywhere. Happily, enough, almost everything was a positive outlook. Only a few bad ones stood out, but you knew better than to look. While scrolling, you were interrupted by a face time request from Ollie. You quickly picked up and were met with the sight of his face. With jaw dropped, he just stared at you. 
“Hello to you to?” 
You pulled the phone away from your face as he started screeching. You just listened as he ranted for another 10 minutes before he went silent. 
“You done?” you deadpanned. 
“Uh, yeah. I think so.” 
“Ok good.” You went on to tell him about everything that happened in the past week. He definitely whined when you told him that Arthur knew before he did. He demanded that you tell him next time. And you told him that you hoped that there wouldn’t be a next time. You were determined to stay with Red Bull for as long as possible. 
After the phone call, you kind of just chilled around the room all day. Dinner wasn’t until later and you had time to get ready. 
After watching episodes upon episodes, you saw that you needed to get ready. With your trusty playlist, cans of hair spray, your makeup, and your curling iron – you were ready for the battle that was looking perfect for dinner. 
Each curl had to be calculated, each face product must be weighed to the exact suggested amount. Did you do either? No. 
You just did it how you normally did, and somehow you got it done. You took a quick picture and posted it on your story. The dress you picked was black. A long slit showed just enough leg, while there was only one sleeve. You paired it with some gold heals. You only hoped it wasn’t too much, but you wanted to make a good impression. Vito had gotten the go ahead from Christian beforehand. The restaurant was supposed to be of the upmost hoity-toity-ness and you hoped you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself. 
With a knock on your door, you knew it was time to meet the family.  
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(Your story)
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse
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andcars · 21 days
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★ 𝗣𝗨𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗖 𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗦 maxiel , rbr x vcarb admins au
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THE RBR AND VCARB admins have been getting real friendly on social media recently . the fans very much notice it
TAGS . . . # daniel ricciardo/max verstappen , alternate universe — not racing drivers , max is the red bull racing social media admin , daniel is the visa cashapp rb social media admin , established relationship , outsiders pov , slight suggestive content FIC STYLE. . . # social media au (twitter , instagram , tiktok )
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— this one is dedicated to my baba <3 might continue this as a series
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dannyricciardo Who will I be tonight... 🤔🤫 #VCARB #thatsthequestion #lol
sebbettel NOW... WHY IS BRO HOT
baddassformula the fact that this is the face of the man who's been flirting with the rbr admin
condiified whoever the rb admin is, they're a lucky person
justinn_case Does he go to the races as well?
dannyricciardo Have to give the live updates! 🥳
justaninchi_shutup i wanna devour this man
webberspider fuck redbull i support vcarb
dannyricciardo🤣 Yeah... Fuck Redbull (👀)
bearmansbear WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
realnamegucci lolll why'd you expose yourself like that
dannyricciardo Don't wanna join in?
realnamegucci not trynna get myself fired mate
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liked by @ realnamegucci and 923 others
Had a nice vacation! Work 💪
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realnamegucci why do u look like that
dannyricciardo Like your boyfriend?
realnamegucci fucking idiot hahahah
multiplyer ???? MY STALKING IS NOT IN VEIN
victoriaverstappen Bring my brother next time, he sulks too much
realnamegucci idk what ur talking about
dannyricciardo @ victoriaverstappen Duty noted 🫡
kennybeer Who's here after the TikTok reveal 👀
ubercrashesinf1 holy shit bro is Really fucking hot
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liked by @ dannyricciardo @ teamredline and 1,143 others
fun stream today 👍 sorry had to leave early guys
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dannyricciardo I was sad when it ended but became happy when I remembered you're coming to me ♥
realnamegucci no i'm going to work
dannyricciardo To me! 😚
realnamegucci why're you like this loll 😂
lukecraneofficial Could've won the race with you
realnamegucci can't be the only good driver in this game 🤣🤣
dannyricciardo Look so good playing racing games 🙏Got me praying on my knees
realnamegucci ew lol
dannyricciardo You say that now...
victoriaverstappen There are children in here!
multiplyer the flirting is crazy i'm going to find something i know it
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liked by @ realnamegucci and 112 others
My favourite part of working
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jarnoopmeer Calling HR for this
realnamegucci lost focus and had a workplace relationship? lol
realnamegucci i told you not to post that picture!
dannyricciardo I can't when my boyfriend looks this good 🤩
janicester Why're you so whipped
dannyricciardo LOVE!
multiplyer can't believe it took me to 2019 to find this picture
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liked by @ realnamegucci @ multiplyer and 6,524 others
Didn't mean to reveal you, @ realnamegucci but... I always did want to show you off to the world ♥ ♥
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realnamegucci if i get fired for this it's your fault
dannyricciardo Maxy, pretty sure everyone knows we are deeply in love
realnamegucci i didn't... hahaha 🧡
ubercrashesinf1 @ multiplyer is the real goat in this
dannyricciardo Such a 🕵️‍♀️
multiplyer ON GODD AHHHHH
cloudszz1 this is gonna be part of the ricksf1addiction iceberg
mclaren Happy for the couple! or something
realnamegucci you're next la***
mclaren NOOOOOO
realnamegucci next time tell me before you're gonna out yourself and me to everyone... but also sure ig ily2
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you support me best on tumblr with reblogs and comments !    by andcar
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bibibudin · 1 year
Sub!Brahms Heelshire x Reader
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Follow me on my new account @bibibudin666 where I’ll be posting more content there :-)
Just a little somethin somethin I put together while I work on other things hehe~ Hope you filthies~ enjoy!!
warnings: (that I def forgot to add before)
handjob, begging, blood drawing (very minor just a lip bite), cum. pretty sure that's it hehe~
Check out my new Brahms POV Drabble here!!
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His face was glued to your neck, pressing the porcelain nose onto your skin it burns cold like ice. His tousled black hair tickles your chin, you bring your hand up to stroke his curls as he nuzzles into you deeper. Your other hand is wrapped around his cock as you pump him nice and slow. He couldn’t control the whimpers that fell from his lips as you pleased him. 
He deserved this treatment you were giving him. Throughout the whole day he was being such a good boy for you and Brahms is well aware that good boys get good rewards. His eyes screwed shut, reveling in the feeling of your hand on him. He didn’t want it to end. He was so close to finishing but he wanted to stay in this euphoric state just a bit more, so he held back his release. Trying to delay it as much as possible, as hard as it is for him. 
His whimpers only grow louder and louder, like music to your ears, he sounds so beautiful. There’s nothing you enjoyed more than making the tall brooding man melt like putty under your hands. 
“Come on Brahmsy, I know you’re close. Just cum for me hmm?” 
He lets out a groan at your words, a complete 180 from the sounds he was making before. You feel yourself ache at his noises, you grip him tighter, wanting him to hurry and finish. Although you want him to cum, the night was far from over. This would only be the first of the night considering you plan on making him beg for you for hours to come. 
“Not yet…” He pants, his quiet voice barely reaching your ears. 
Your soft pets at his hair halt when you swiftly grab his locks, yanking his head from your neck so you could look into his teary eyes. 
“You cum when I say, so cum Brahms.” You demand. 
You couldn’t see him bite his lip under his mask, the metallic taste coating his tongue as he draws blood. He mustn’t disobey your orders now, not when he was being so good for you all day. His eyes screwed shut as he finally let himself reach his peak. Your hand movements not faltering as you carry him to the end. You can feel the hot thick liquid coat your hands and stomach. You coo at him and kiss his cold cheek in the process, slowly slowing down your strokes. 
When he’s finished you bring your hand up to your mouth and taste him, the saltiness melting on your tongue as you lick up every bit of his release on your hand. He whimpers again at your gestures, admiring the site. When you’re finished you smile delicately at him. He’s so in love with you and everything you do. He’d do anything, kill anything to make sure you’re safe and happy. 
After you finish you cup his face in your hands and plant a kiss on his porcelain lips. He closes his eyes as to kiss you back and you pull away slightly. His eyes flutter open to meet yours and he gets lost in the color of them. He then nuzzles his face into your hands, wanting you to touch him more. You don’t give him the satisfaction just yet. 
“Let’s go upstairs, yeah? I’m not done with you just yet, we still have a whole night ahead of us.” You say calmly, looking deep into his eyes. 
He nods and lets you take his hands in yours as he follows you up the stairs, where the rest of the night takes hold.
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If you enjoyed make sure to like and rb, hey why not leave a little comment too hehe~ thanks for reading OKAY BYEE!!
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devourable · 1 year
☹ the alt kids
sfw | tags : poly!nb!yans x gn reader (only prn used for reader is ‘you’), obsessive thoughts, slight manipulation, mentions of drinking
listen,,, i know melchior / nb demon yan beat these three in the poll but im itching to write about them. this goes out to my friend who wants to get piped by faust + lolita anon. love yall mmmmwah
also for reference, faust is they/he, delta is they/them, and anton is he/she/they !
please rb to support me 🫶
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the alt kids were notorious for seeking out club newbies to play with. it was just something they did.
there was just something so adorable about the way someone totally out of their element dipping their toes into their scene! and the three had made it clear that fresh meat was off limits to anyone but them.
it was a simple cycle — someone new would enter the club, they'd swoop in and show them a good time, take them home at the end of the night if they're lucky, and repeat.
they thought it'd be no different when you came along, but...
oh, how wrong they were.
see, faust could practically feel the inexperience dripping off of you the moment you entered the nightclub.
all on your own, your eyes wide as you took in the flashing lights and loud music, the way you cautiously stepped around the sea of dancing bodies in attempt to find some place you could fit in comfortably? definitely another cute little freshie that'd soon join their ranks.
but faust didn't account for the zip of heat that ran through his body when you and him locked eyes from across the club. he didn't expect the unfamiliar feeling of his heart racing, a feeling only comparable to how he felt when he saw his partners — but why was it so much stronger? and when you offered up a shy little smile and averted your gaze, it damn near knocked him back.
who were you?
they had no clue, but they knew one thing. they needed to leave this club with you at the end of the night.
so faust all but ran to your side, appearing by you before you had even noticed their approach. god, you were even cuter up close... the way you looked up at them made their heart want to leap from their chest!
but they kept their cool. faust introduced themself, commenting on how they noticed you from across the bar and how they couldn't just let a sightly little thing like you venture around all on your own. the club could be so intimidating for newcomers — dangerous, even! but you didn't have a thing to worry about with them by your side.
they loved how demure you were, how you held your heating face when he complimented you, how you tried to wave off their advances but seemed to enjoy it just a bit too much to wave them off. were you intimidated by them? or… did you like them back? they wish they knew!
so you joined them, and accompanied them to the bar.
it was there you met one of their partners — a startlingly tall, reserved goth. you saw him well before you even got to the bar! between the major size difference, her icy gaze, and seemingly disinterested demeanor, it was safe to say you were intimidated. so you were incredibly surprised when faust strutted right up to them, pressed a kiss to his cheek, and waved you over to meet her. and it surprised you even further when they took one of your hands in theirs, pressed a kiss to your knuckles, and introduced themself after studying you silently.
unbeknownst to you and faust, anton was feeling that same intense fire in his chest that faust got when they first looked at you. he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over your attire as you gave your name in turn.
you were so small compared to him. as was most other people, but… it was strangely endearing when he looked down at you. it’d be so easy to just scoop you up, wouldn’t it? and you wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. he kept those thoughts to himself, but they flickered across his mind every time you came enough for him to take in the difference in your sizes.
the pair bought you drinks, got you a nice seat and showered you in attention. chatting you up, complimenting you, practically treating you like you were part of their polycule already. though they never mentioned it, faust and anton knew they had the same feelings towards you. the intense desire to just… have you. and not just for the night, either. you were so much more than all of their previous flings.
then delta came along. petite, sly delta who liked to play coy when it came to those they were interested in. they had pretended to be too busy dancing the entire time before joining their partners and you at the bar, but they were watching. and after witnessing how their boyfriends were all over you for so long, they had to join in. what were you doing to them?
they walked up to the three of you, pointedly looked you up and down, and… they understood in an instant. man, you were a looker! and even sweeter than the usual folk the three would usually play around with. they easily invited themself to the conversation, taking a seat right on faust’s lap and stuck up a chat with you as if they had been there the entire time.
they loved how flustered you were, so overwhelmed by all the attention the three were now pouring onto you. and despite your overstimulation, you were trying so hard to talk to them all anyway. you clearly had no clue what to do, poor thing… they had no choice but to take the lead for you!
“wanna dance? ..no? that’s fine~ let’s get another drink!”
“it’s so loud in here. let’s go somewhere quieter, yeah? i wanna hear that pretty voice more clearly.”
“aww, you wanna leave? you can sober up at our place! it’d be dumb if you got a ticket you could’a avoided.”
“you’ll stay the night with us, won’t you, darling? we’d hate for you to leave us so soon.”
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lilyvines · 2 years
pro tip to all new tumblr users: don’t ever hesitate to leave a nice comment in the tags of someone’s post when you rb it (especially if it’s a Creation)!! it will probably make the op happy and even if you’re annoying, its just tags so who cares
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almayver · 1 month
hi alma!!!!! i see you often rb phumpeem fics. do you have any personal favorites that you would like to recommend?
HI Anon!!!! OH BOY. Do you know who you sent this ask to? OF COURSE, I have personal favorites, and I'm very, very happy to gush about them, thank you dear anon.
So first I did a mini smut rec a couple of weeks ago (A MONTH AGO?? Time flies, damn) and I stand by all of those so here. All of them are very, very beautiful, and fun and have a lovely grasp on the characters and their relationship (Also if you are not reading Cole's omegaverse fic I urge you to fix that right now. I breathe for that fic)
Also, this has to be obvious by now, but I'm very biased, and I think that @thunder-point @alan-apologist and @therethatstar are gifts of the universe to fill our world with great writing. So yeah.
Muse - Very sweet take of phumpeem after the kiss. Love the imagery and the flow of it. Just really nice.
Around the sun - Different first meeting AU featuring absolutely smitten Phum!
reach for me a bit (this loop is infinite) - HYBRID AU MY BELOVED. Cole rewrote my brain chemistry with this one folks. I keep thinking about them. Its very sweet and lovely, with Peem being very protective and caring!
Now and forever - This one is just a very beautiful introspective look from Phum about his relationship with Peem and the group, and its sweet and a little smutty and just very beautiful and soft.
Tiny moments everyday - I'm fully cheating here because this is a TanFang fic, but you don't understand the emotions this fic made me feel. I'm always here for soulmates AU, people we need more We Are soulmates AUs. And Phumpeem are cute in the background
pretty in blue - GLORIOUS SMUT, courtesy of Alan of course no one is surprised. But also, OH MAN, this one is very sneaky and it's actually POETRY. You are like yay smut and then a line comes that makes you clutch at your chest and process the emotions. Once again its Alan so really we shouldn't be surprised.
I hope it's not the kind of rain that only soaks you for a little while - This one is a soft little hurt/comfort that took my heart. Very soft and sweet and beautiful.
your back beneath the sun, wishing i could write my name on it - Star wrote this “Phum thinks they are FWB” that was very beautiful and also had me cackling
Counting stars - and then @danonenen was inspired by that one to write a “Phum thinks they are FWB” that actually had me very emotional and feeling a lot for my sweet insecure boy.
Wild geese - A very cute short different first meeting AU with some lovely ruminations about love
My dog really digs you - This one is an ongoing multichapter that I'm so invested in! A bit of magic and curses and loneliness. So fun!
hand under my sweatshirt, baby, kiss it better - Star makes you feel like you are in this house party watching two strangers fall in love in real time and you will have the time of your life
in the cracks of light, i dreamed of you - A fic about soulmates. In the most beautiful way possible. This fic has my heart and soul and if you want my thoughts on it I keep leaving my ramblings on the comments. So go read it, weep, leave your own comment and read mine.
i got an appetite (you too, just maybe) - The famous and beloved lap sitting fic. Really really cool exploration about feelings, and desire. Just fun!!!
Not without you - I see this as a tribute to Peem. And its a truly beautiful one. Featuring insecure Phum and the friendship group being lovely as always
Take my self-control - Short fun different first meeting au (Yes i like different first meetings im aware).
When I look at you - A bit of a canon divergent fic about Peem drawing Phum. Very fluffy and fun.
Every day's a memory - This one to me is a classic. Just a collection of drabbles, not all of them phumpeem but all of them very lovely and sweet.
There are SO MANY more, and as always go to the AO3 phumpeem tag and have a look around because oh gods so many good fics! These are just the ones that stuck with me a bit. Also I will say some of the best fics are the ones that are being written here through a weird form of exquisite cadaver through asks and tags (like the hanahaki fic Cole is threatening my sanity with (yes i made the og post but she escalated the situation)). So def check the tag here and try to catch some of those because oh gods they are glorious.
Thanks for giving me the chance to rant about phumpeem fics because i do love to do it!
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