#commerce lesson plan
instrill · 7 months
Best Commerce, Business Studies and Economics Lesson Plans for B.ED all Semesters/Years students and teachers Class 9, 10, 11, 12 in English..
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spiritualseer · 2 months
Your Natal Chart and what Side-hustles could be successful for you
If you are deciding what side-hustle can prove successful to you, looking at your natal chart is sure to povide some insights. Keeping in mind your personal capabilities and preference, see the placement of your Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and MC (Midhaven) to see which might suit you better.
Dropshipping, Online Coaching or Personal Training.
E-commerce (Handmade Goods or Art), Stock Photography.
Blogging, YouTube Channel, Social Media Management.
Virtual Assistant, Online Counseling, Cooking/Baking Tutorials (this can also be done if you are a taurus, have taurus placements)
Influencer, Podcasting, Online Workshops or Classes
Freelance Writing or Editing, Proofreading, Online Tutoring
Social Media Consulting, Graphic Design, Event Planning (Virtual)
Online Trading (Stocks, Cryptocurrencies), Research Services, Investigative Writing.
Travel Blogging, Online Courses (Philosophy, Languages), Virtual Tour Guide.
Freelance Consulting, Online Business Coaching, Financial Planning Services.
App Development, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Online Activism or Advocacy.
Art or Music Lessons, Creative Writing, Spiritual Coaching.
Copyright Disclaimer ©️ All works are owned by me and I do not allow reposting or translations- only reblogging
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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"defending civilization against bugs"
lol the mosquito sculpture
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Sir Ronald Ross had just returned from an expedition to Sierra Leone. The British doctor had been leading efforts to tackle the malaria that so often killed English colonists in the country, and in December 1899 he gave a lecture to the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce [...]. [H]e argued that "in the coming century, the success of imperialism will depend largely upon success with the microscope."
Text by: Rohan Deb Roy. "Decolonise science - time to end another imperial era." The Conversation. 5 April 2018.
[A]s [...] Diane Nelson explains: The creation of transportation infrastructure such as canals and railroads, the deployment of armies, and the clearing of ground to plant tropical products all had to confront [...] microbial resistance. The French, British, and US raced to find a cure for malaria [...]. One French colonial official complained in 1908: “fever and dysentery are the ‘generals’ that defend hot countries against our incursions and prevent us from replacing the aborigines that we have to make use of.” [...] [T]ropical medicine was assigned the role of a “counterinsurgent field.” [...] [T]he discovery of mosquitoes as malaria and yellow fever carriers reawakened long-cherished plans such as the construction of the Panama Canal (1904–1914) [...]. In 1916, the director of the US Bureau of Entomology and longtime general secretary of the American Association for the Advancement of Science rejoiced at this success as “an object lesson for the sanitarians of the world” -- it demonstrated “that it is possible for the white race to live healthfully in the tropics.” As Timothy Mitchell writes: “In 1915, the year after the canal’s completion, the newly established Rockefeller Foundation took over the mosquito campaign from the U.S. Army and launched a worldwide program" [...]. The [...] measures to combat dangerous diseases always had the collateral benefit of social pacification. In 1918, George Vincent, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, candidly declared: “For purposes of placating primitive and suspicious peoples, medicine has some decided advantages over machine guns." The construction of the Panama Canal [...] advanced the military expansion of the United States in the Caribbean.
Text by: Fahim Amir. "Cloudy Swords." e-flux Journal Issue #115. February 2021.
Richard P. Strong [had been] recently appointed director of Harvard’s new Department of Tropical Medicine [...]. In 1914, just one year after the creation of Harvard’s Department of Tropical Medicine, Strong took on an additional assignment that cemented the ties between his department and American business interests abroad. As newly appointed director of the Laboratories of the Hospitals and of Research Work of United Fruit Company, he set sail in July 1914 to United Fruit plantations in Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama. […] As a shareholder in two British rubber plantations, [...] Strong approached Harvey Firestone, chief executive of the tire and rubber-processing conglomerate that bore his name, in December 1925 with a proposal to conduct an extensive biological and medical survey of the interior region of Liberia. Strong found a receptive ear. Firestone had negotiated tentative agreements in 1925 with the Liberian government for [...] a 99-year concession to optionally lease up to a million acres of Liberian land for rubber plantations. [...]
Nearly all of the [Harvard tropical medicine] department’s expeditions were to industrial plantations in the making. […] [I]nfluenced by the recommendations and financial backing of Harvard alumni such as Philippine governor Gen. William Cameron Forbes and patrons such as Edward Atkins, who were making their wealth in the banana and sugarcane industries, Harvard hired Strong, then head of the Philippine Bureau of Science’s Biological Laboratory, and personal physician to Forbes, to establish the second Department of Tropical Medicine in the United States [...].
Strong and Forbes both left Manila for Boston in 1913. Strong began assembling a team of researchers and a course of instruction to take advantage of the increasing overseas presence of US firms. Forbes became an overseer to Harvard University and a director of United Fruit Company, the agricultural products marketing conglomerate best known for its extensive holdings of banana plantations throughout Central America. […] In 1912 United Fruit controlled over 300,000 acres of land in the tropics [...] and a ready supply of [...] samples taken from the company’s hospitals and surrounding plantations, Strong boasted that no “tropical school of medicine in the world … had such an asset.” “It is something of a victory for Harvard,” he argued. “We could not for a million dollars procure such advantages.”
Over the next two decades, he established a research funding model reliant on the medical and biological services the Harvard department could provide US-based multinational firms in enhancing their overseas production and trade in coffee, bananas, rubber, oil, and other tropical commodities. [...] As the expedition set sail for Monrovia, Strong wrote in his diary that he hoped their efforts would push the United States to “exert a more stimulating influence upon the development of the … country and its people” as it had in the Philippines, Panama, and Puerto Rico. [...] Harvard’s Department of Tropical Medicine was thoroughly entangled in the material relationships – transportation infrastructure, labor regimes, and commodity production – that were instrumental in advancing the interests of firms like United Fruit, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, and the American Chicle Company as they transformed landscapes across the globe.
Text by: Gregg Mitman. "Forgotten Paths of Empire: Ecology, Disease, and Commerce in the Making of Liberia's Plantation Economy." Environmental History Volume 22 Number 1. January 2017.
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Teachers teach what they were taught... Lesson plan for a sculpture project involving wrapped wire, shown with my project from the source assignment when I was a student at East Texas State University (now Texas A&M - Commerce) studying under James "Jim" Allumbaugh.
Gerard Lange art journals, Book 26: Foundations of Art: Lesson Plans, spread 21 (pp. 22–23), 2021–2022, 28 x 44 x 6 cm (11 x 17 x 2 ⅜ in); original sculpture 'Untitled: Wire Hand,' 17.75 x 15 x 5.5 cm (7 x 6¼ x 2¼ in.), 1995.
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eudaimonia83 · 1 year
For @elucienweekofficial 2023: sunshine prompt. (Could also fit the courtiers prompt.)
Word Count: 4890
Content Descriptors: tooth rotting fluff. SFW. No triggers, unless I missed something major…if so, please point it out to me and I’ll add it.
Summary: Elain, now living in the Day Court, is learning some symbolic braids for Lucien’s hair. I’m not great at one-shots 🫣 but I figured I’d try, bc these sweet bbys deserve some joy…even from yours truly, an anointed Duchess of Misery and Angst.
“Repeat after me: Solaris, Aeolish, Haelicon.”
Elain dutifully repeated the names, watching Corinda, Helion’s Chancellor of Rhodes, as she pulled out a copy of the list of tribes who had requested an audience with the High Lord. Or, failing that, the Sun Prince.
“Now tell me what you’d need to know about any of those, in a meeting.” Corinda examined her over the edge of the paper.
Elain recited, thinking, trying to balance her racing thoughts with the intricate movements she had to make with her hands. These damn braids…would they never behave…?
She realized she’d fallen silent and resumed her lesson. “The largest tribes of the shore and the sea, who possess wind magic that assists them in sailing and fishing.” She wound hair around her left hand, trying to complete the first few inches of the braid, which needed to adhere more closely to the scalp than the lower parts, if it was to serve to keep loose hair out of the eyes, or to act as an anchor for a hair piece. But the strands got caught around her little finger and anchored too loosely in the braid. She was tempted to curse, but Corinda, ever sharp and experienced and unfailingly courteous, would never stand for it.
“Yes.” Corinda’s mellifluous voice inflected up at the end, and Elain knew her answer to be incomplete. “But what will they likely ask for in an audience?”
Elain squinted and focused hard on the fingers of her right hand, where she held the comb that was creating the sections for the box braids. “Wider…access. For fishing rights. And docking privileges in ports and harbor islands.”
“Yes, and who would oppose them in such a request?”
“The harbor and quarter masters.” Elain thought of the reticent, dismissive pair they had just met with to discuss fees and safety concerns at the docks.
“Just so.” Corinda turned to select another dossier and frowned as it wasn’t the one she was searching for. “The harbor fae will not readily relinquish their access to the small islands, as they are a windfall in lightening fees for the larger ships. Not without a fee.”
“And the shore tribes don’t have that revenue,” Elain continued. “Not yet, anyway. Not unless they can also access the lightening docks at the outer harbors and ports.” The comb spun and dropped with a clatter to the tile floor as she tried to draw it toward the back of the section she’d created. She hissed in anger.
With a husky laugh, Corinda put down her dossier of commerce updates from the harbor, picked up the errant comb, and gave it back to her. “Hold the hair looser in your left hand, Princess. Then you can create a straight line more easily; let the strands escape as the comb guides them.”
They had been in the Solarium for hours now, struggling with horsehair and mannequins after the interminable meeting with the harbor fae. The rays were getting long over the Western Sea, and the Sun Tower’s bright beams could now be seen over the sun itself, sweeping gently across the darkening harbor. Elain had had dinner plans, but she’d canceled them in a burst of industriousness a few hours ago, and now she was regretting it, awash in frustration. Corinda watched her for a moment, then stood and with measured, precise gestures, lit tiny glowing lights in the hanging lamps. They created no heat but were still bright enough to hurt the eyes, when not concealed in their brass shades. But under Corinda’s gentle touch, the room flooded with a golden glow.
“How does anyone learn to do this?” Elain gritted between clenched teeth, carving against the rigid marble skull, decorated with a full head of sweeping horsehair after it was repurposed from a crumbling statue — all for her to practice this task. This thing that she so badly wanted to be good at. This thing she was beginning to fear she’d never master.
Corinda approached, observed for a moment, and nodded approvingly; then applied her strong, practiced fingers over Elain’s long and awkward ones. “It is only practice, Princess. Practice, and experience. It is kind of you to wish to learn this.”
“But I haven’t really learned it. And with all the other things you have to do? How did you master it?” Elain said, hearing the petulance in her voice and hating it. She sounded like a disappointed child.
Corinda smiled. “I worked at it for centuries. And be fair to yourself, for you have learned, Princess. Your braids are smooth now, even if your sections need work. And you don’t need the seed pod oil to make them shine now. To say nothing of the deference you command in meetings now.” She gathered up her papers and slid them in orderly rows into her leather pouch. Elain was constantly jealous of the chancellor’s organization; her calm, and the level of trust she inspired. Not only from Helion and the aristocrats who relied on her expertise, but the merchants and fae who had faith that she would mediate fairly on their behalf.
“But the braids — they mean things.” Elain twisted the strands she had separated the horsehair into, stroking them into three pieces — then adding them into an additional lock of horsehair for a thicker braid. She had braided her own hair many times, and even her sisters’ on occasion, but never with the damned extensions that got hopelessly tangled, and never in the complex geometric patterns that acted as an anchor for the coronet of the Day Court. She bit her lip, concentrating hard, and let out a frustrated sigh. “And I just want them to mean the right things. For anyone looking closely.”
Corinda laughed. “Yes, Princess, they mean things,” she said, her voice going softer, falling into incantation, intonation. “Long ago the world was built of rage and chaos, and we Fae had to find places we could hear the music of the world. We were wild ourselves, after all, and like all the creatures, looking for safety. And for our Solaris folk — the tribe of my ancestors — following the sun and the open blue of the sky, the solution was to plan routes through the darkness.” Her hand steadied Elain’s, pointing to a forgotten skein. Elain nodded and pulled it back in, the braid twisting naturally around the central fourth strand to create a spiral. Corinda pointed again, and Elain wound the skeins of hair together again. “The spiral represents the route up, and out. A stable way to navigate the chaos. We sailed, mile by perilous mile, into the light; but we never forget our time in the dark…or how easily we could slip backward into it.” She picked up the wire of a coronet, placing it on top of the braids Elain had painstakingly created, and winding each braid around the base to hold it steady. “And we brought the great treasures of Day with us; because beautiful things are a gestalt, a thing greater than the sum of its parts. They mean we made something important in our time on the earth. That’s our responsibility; to make things, and people, connect. Despite the differences.”
Elain was quiet, listening. She had heard it many times, and yet it never ceased to make her calm. To think of how the past affected the future, and the present lived in the fulcrum. How Lucien, in his own way, had lived that connection; forging upward out of chaos and darkness, scraping by on courage and hope, building something beautiful against all odds. The bond rolled against her ribs as she thought of him, purring like a contented kitten. That russet hair, the color so rich it was almost ruby; the bronze skin, aglow with the sunfire that was banked inside him; the gold eye that whizzed faster as his interest piqued and his mind sped to accommodate new information; the gleaming, mischievous smile, rarer these days as the responsibility of his position weighed on him, but all the sweeter for that. Thinking of him, how she wanted him to look on the day of the celebration, when he was presented to his people, she picked up the comb and leaned forward again, making little sections of hair under the golden light, as Corinda murmured encouragement and corrected her every now and then, twisting them and molding them into shapes that could make her Sun Prince unique. To show the Day Court — and all the other courts too, she thought with grim satisfaction — how it might be different. A new kind of High Lord with a new agenda. Step by step, she thought, twisting the hair around her fingers, determination writ large across her delicate features. Into the light.
“Are you going to the Common Market tonight?” Corinda asked.
Elain nodded.
“Be listening,” she said. “Their reactions to your rule will live in their talk, and in their tone. Some will not like our every choice, but if they see it as fair, you have won the day.” She closed her leather pouch with a snap and walked to the door. “And be thinking of what we will need to tell the Sun Prince on his return.”
The shadows were long and blue in the alcoves, under the awnings, and the sound of the sea in the background was murmuring; calming, with an occasional creak and splash as a rope thudded against a dock or a sail was wound up to rest against a mast. It was a beautiful evening, cool and calm, and the white hulls of the boats against the dark bulk of the rocky harbor would be the final sight as the night sank over Rhodes. And here she was, with a purpose, with intelligence to gain, but only missing Lucien. Her heart twisted with longing for him. He’d been gone for almost a month now, up to the hill country, far from the city to avoid any danger from practicing with his sunfire; he’d gotten so much better at it, too, she reflected, remembering how only a few weeks ago it had rushed out of him so intensely that he’d kept the entire county at full daylight for almost two days. Helion had had to shield the city from the relentless sunlight, and announce to the public that the Sun Prince was learning to wield his emerging powers. Yesterday evening, as Elain had walked through the Common Market at the base of the city, breathing in the rich scent of the bougainvillea and the cinnamon trees, she had overheard many people talk about the constant glow to the East, which had faded to a dim arc over the horizon. The prince is learning fast, they’d said, chuckling. When Lord Helion acquired his full powers we were under constant noon sunlight for a week.
This prince is powerful, one old merchant had said. He holds back the sunset even before he is the High Lord.
May he hold back the darkness and danger as well, another had said, making the circular sign for safety over his heart as he handed Elain one of her favorite pastries, crusty with sugar and crackling crisp, the scent of fresh-ground coriander and cinnamon wafting up. She licked the lingering sweetness off her fingers, studying the heliotrope flowers that wound up the side of the pale walls of the Citadel. In their flowering season, the plants absorbed light from the relentless Day sun, and stayed softly glowing in the evening, continuing to attract their pollinators for a few extra hours into the night. Was it her imagination or were they brighter than they had been before? Perhaps the brightness was an indicator they were almost done flowering.
She climbed the steps to the Western Gate, where the guard let her in with a bob of his head and a muttered “good evening.” She went out frequently enough that the guards had stopped insisting on accompanying her long ago; most times, as she had in Velaris, she left through the servants’ entrances with her scarf draped around her head, but now she also kept a clever little glamour she’d learned from Helion over her face, and no one not looking closely would ever have recognized the Sun Princess wandering in the massive Common Market like a housewife. Elain loved the anonymity of it all, and how much she’d been able to explore. For the first time in her life, it felt like freedom. She’d wandered the winding streets, familiarized herself with the pier and the ships that went out on day journeys to fish or trawl, eaten lunch in the shadow of the Sun Tower. She’d made friends with the dairy merchants and the bakers, who now saved her her favorite items and called her over for spirited bargaining, which had embarrassed Elain until she realized it was an elaborate game to which all were privy. And so much more besides.
She’d eaten oysters fresh from the bay with salt and lemon, the acid stinging her tongue and the flavor of the ocean bursting in her mouth…bought twisted paper packets of spices more precious than gold whose scent scorched her nostrils…stained her hands in the buckets of rich indigo and violet dyes…and once been gifted a white silk scarf of a weave so fine it was almost transparent, edged with golden threads. The merchant, a female with faceted, jewel-like eyes and skin of glimmering gold, had nodded at her with odd familiarity and refused payment.
She’d seen barefoot urchins with wings of obsidian black fluttering around pelting each other with refuse, smelters hammering at copper pots and urns, the sick and destitute clustering around the hospitals, distinguished old ladies hard at work on the great looms making the lush textiles that Rhodes was famous for, even lewd street performers impersonating her and Helion and Lucien. Elain had been shocked at first, and had told everyone about the little pantomime with cheeks burning; but Helion had only roared with laughter over it all. Corinda had chuckled and said, “The people may mock you on occasion, Princess, but their hearts are with you. Else you’d see much more violent and angry displays, instead of just tasteless comedies.”
Elain pulled back her hood as she passed under the gate, the white limestone gleaming in the last of the light, and with a smoothing motion over her face, removed the glamour. Her curls fell from the hood and she briefly shook them in the breeze, relishing the touch of the wind against her neck…and then a familiar twinge against her ribs. She opened her eyes just as a bright light spilled from a room on the second floor, doors flung wide to the inner courtyard. Her room.
She knew instantly what it meant, and it sped her steps into a frenzy, all tiredness forgotten, breaking into a run up the stone stairs. She raced along the wide hallway with its generous arches and fluttering curtains and the ribboning bougainvillea vines she had braided with jasmine and coaxed into bloom. Skidding to a stop, she burst through the door into her room, alight with a globe of drifting sunfire so bright it hurt her eyes — and as she threw up her hand to shade her face, arms caught her around her waist, and pulled her in. To him. To his solid, lean frame, warm and welcoming. To his scent, pomegranate and whiskey, ribboned sweet with her own honey and jasmine, just as overpowering to her senses as ever he was.
I missed you, was all she could think as he kissed her, her relief and joy rendering her close to senseless, his lips firm against hers, hands gentle on her neck and waist. Gods, I felt your absence like my own heart was gone from my body. Her arms circled his neck and crushed him to her, and he laughed, lifting her up and spinning her around. The little lock in her heart that shut tight when he had to be away opened with a snap, flooding her chest with warmth, adding fierce desire to her kiss. He broke away after a moment to catch his breath, and she leaned in, greedy for him, her teeth snagging his lower lip.
“Wait. Look,” he whispered, and nodded toward the globe of light bathing them both in radiance. With one hand open, he dimmed it so the shadows lengthened, and his hand glowed as he pulled the sunfire back into his flesh in an incandescent stream, then banked it into a golden gleam that lit his hand enough that she could see the bones and veins inside it.
“You…you can control it,” she whispered, and tucked her face against his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. Last she’d seen him, nearly a month ago, he could call it up but could not pull it back, only hold on to it with arms extended, waiting for his control to rupture before rays shot out in every direction. He was so calm now. Gods, she loved seeing him like this. Expert. Finessed. Magnificent.
He made a noise of dissent and kissed her hair. “I can control it better,” he said. “Not entirely. It’s gotten away from me many times. But it…answers to me more easily now. Like I have a dragon on a leash, and sometimes it eats from my hand.”
“What happens when it gets away?” she asked, tangling her fingers with his, gazing at the pulsing light that beat inside his nail beds.
He cast his eyes down, shamefaced. “I dried up a river by accident…and blasted a field of sunflowers to ash. At first I wondered if that was partially the Autumn fire, but Helion said no, the sunfire burns brighter and is more likely to scorch.”
“But you can dim it and brighten it now, according to your will?”
“Most times, yes,” he said. His arms tightened around her. “As soon as I could do that, I knew it’d be safe to come see you…to tell you how much I missed you, and how often I thought of you…”
“Don’t tell me,” she interrupted, threading her fingers into his hair. “Show me.”
He needed no further invitation to extinguish the remaining glow, plunging them into darkness and surrendering to the bond, which was its own dragon on a leash between them, roaring with a deep and insatiable need.
And now it would feast.
Hours later, the sky was pale with the coming dawn. Elain awoke slowly, surfacing as if through deep water, limbs languid and wound in the sheets. She turned over to her side to face Lucien, who was still fast asleep on his stomach, arm splayed toward her. She smiled at him fondly, reaching out to push back the coil of hair that had fallen across his face and fluttered in the quiet breath from his nose and mouth. He grunted and buried his face in the pillow, and she almost laughed aloud; there were times when she felt she could see how he had been as a child or a youth, groggy in the morning and wild at night.
“Wake up,” she whispered, and ran her finger down the back of his neck.
She turned her finger slightly so her fingernail sliced into the groove of his spine, right between the angle of his shoulder blades. She couldn’t suppress a giggle when she saw goosebumps bubble along the skin of his bare back. “Wake up, prince of Day.”
He huffed a gusty sigh that lifted his back muscles up, and her mouth went dry as sand at the sight of his bronze skin, bare in the sparse light. She watched little patches of golden light crackling along his ribs as he breathed. “You’re going to miss the sunrise…”
His arm shot out and scooped around her waist, and she went down with a squeal as he rolled, tunneling into the sheets with her, holding her flush against him. “This is a better view,” he whispered. “Brighter than the eastern sun on the horizon.”
Overcome, she tilted her head towards him, pushing against him. Her face fit right into where his neck and shoulder met; he let out an undignified squawk as she scraped her teeth there, catching some of his skin between her incisors. “Stop, or I can’t be blamed for what I do next,” he laughed.
“You think I fear you?”
“You should. I’ve never known you to not succumb to this…” he wiggled his fingers firmly against her abdomen and she doubled up, breathless with giggles.
“Stop, Lucien, stop!” He did, brushing a kiss to her chest; she heaved with laughter. “I just…you’re such a scoundrel, and a mess.”
“Funny, Helion says the same thing,” he groaned, flopping sideways. “And after that river dried up I thought the same thing too.”
She kissed the notch of his collarbone. “My poor Sun Prince. I wasn’t trying to shame you, really; I only meant your hair was a mess, not you yourself.”
“My hair?”
“You haven’t braided it in weeks, clearly,” she said, combing her fingers through it until she hit a snarl, then picked at the tangle with her nails. “Let me?”
He hesitated. “It takes a while,” he said finally. “The braids I usually wear aren’t just the simple ones.”
“I know,” she said, and a grin crept onto her face. “I’ve been practicing.”
“You have?” His eyes went round with surprise. “When have you had time for that?”
“Corinda was teaching me in between meetings. Sometimes as we reviewed for audiences with the merchants and the guilds. It was useful to help keep my statistics and facts and figures straight. While you were taming a few sunbeams, I’ve learned to keep my hands and my mind busy at the same time, you see,” she teased. “And now I just can’t let you look scruffy.”
“I thought you liked me scruffy.”
She relented. “I do. But…maybe I just want that Lucien to be my Lucien. Outside of here you’re the Sun Prince. And you’re changing things, and the people can feel it, and they hope to be able to trust you. I want them to see you that way. Only here…” she tilted her head and nuzzled his throat gently. “Only here will you be all unraveled, and messy, and mine. It’s the only way I can bear to share you. And so I feel it’s only fair that I should help present you to the court.”
He swallowed, and his eye went bright; even the gold one got a bit of extra sparkle. He released her and sat up, shaking his head until the red locks stood out from his head like a mane. “Then show me what you’ve learned, Blossom.”
She pushed up onto her elbows, excitement sparking through her. “Truly?”
“I can’t wait to see your new talents,” he said, and stood up, reaching out for her hands to pull her from the bed. “And to hear all the business of Rhodes as well.”
She seized her white robe from the foot of the bed and swung it around herself, already padding eagerly across the tile on her bare feet to the wardrobe, in search of her comb and the seed pod oil to keep the hair sections neat. Lucien pulled on his breeches, discarded on the floor since last night, and watched her with amused affection as she bustled around setting things up. Finally she took a seat on an overstuffed ottoman, and motioned for him to sit in front of her, tossing a cushion onto the floor. He obligingly sat before her, arms draped over her knees, and leaned back as her hands plunged into his hair, combing through it, smoothing his scalp, dividing the bright russet locks into pieces.
He hummed contentedly, deep in his chest, as the comb sectioned the hair at the front of his head. “How have the meetings with Corinda gone?”
“Fairly well,” she said, her brows pinching in concentration as she began twirling the hair and flipping the skeins over and under, over and under. “The guild of the Solaris fishermen wants fishing rights in the bay, but Corinda says they would settle for shared waters between us and the Western Islands as long as…” she trailed off.
“As long as what?…ouch.” He turned his head to look at her and she swatted him on the ear as she tightened the braid she was working on.
“Don’t move your head,” she said sharply. “As long as their boats can move in and out of Summer Court harbors.”
“That would involve a treaty with Tarquin and spells to make the maritime border passable,” Lucien murmured. Her hands on his head made his eyelids heavy.
“Yes,” she said, crisply, twisting the braid and securing the end before picking the comb up and starting the next one. “And their catch migrates seasonally through the oceans without difficulty, so if the minnows can manage it, and the summer silverfish, why not you?” She dropped a kiss atop his head. “You are the son of the spellcleaver.”
“Hm.” He seemed at a loss for words. “Would that not overstep my authority?”
She shrugged. “If it does, then you can allow Helion to negotiate it as he sees fit. And you will still have the harbor and shore fae’s respect for bringing their concerns to the highest audience.”
He quieted as he thought about it. She teased three skeins of hair from the other side of his head and guided them back over the loose hair. “These braids mean things, you know.”
“Yes,” he said. “In Autumn they refer to your battle prowess. And your rank.”
“I mean here, in Day,” she said. “They represent triumph over adversity. Corinda’s told me some things; I don’t know all of them. But there’s a legend of Solaris people escaping from a great darkness across the sea, where they had come from a garden of plenty who had fallen under the shadow. They had to leave or risk enslavement. So they came east toward the rising sun. They had to fight all manner of monsters for their freedom; and then leave with nothing but ropes and sailcloth and a little food and water.” She pulled the strands into a spiral. “They brought the crown with them — representing sunbeams reaching toward them. And settled in a new place. But they stayed by the sea. To build their lives where they could see where they came from and where they were going.”
She fitted the crown on the top of his head, and wound the braids around it, anchoring it securely in place. Then she pulled another, smaller strand in front of his ear and began to braid that, looser than the top braids. “Your Autumn braids at the sides,” she said softly. “And your Day crown on top. A prince who crosses borders and courts, who lived with the people no one else cares about. You know where you come from. And where you’re going.”
He went very still. Barely breathing. She tightened the last braid and tied it with the bright blue leather band he favored.
“Look at you,” she said, and her hands slid down to his shoulders. “My prince. Of sunshine and fire.”
He sat up straighter, until she handed him a mirror. “The braids could be better,” she said. “I’m working on it. But I’ll have it perfected before the presentation ceremony.”
He stared at himself in the mirror. In the crown. He’d never worn it before, and on his head, it seemed to stand taller, shine brighter, as if the gold soaked up his sunfire and stretched upward toward the source of the light itself. The gold spikes shot up above the braids, which were gleaming and, despite her self-deprecation, only slightly crooked. He was only a chiton and a cloth-of-gold scarf away from the full symbolic costume of the heir. She knew all the moments from before were weighing on him from the way the bond ached in her chest.
“I love you,” she said, hoping it was what he needed to hear, because it was the truth, in all its weight and simplicity. “I’m so proud of you.”
He grasped her hand and squeezed it; then angled the mirror to catch her face above his. “I could not be prouder of you. I couldn’t do any of this without you.” His voice was hoarse with emotion. “Do you know how much I love you? What you mean to me, Elain?”
She bent forward, her bronze-gold curls mingling with the remaining loose red locks around his shoulders.
“Yes,” she said, her smile brighter than the dawn. “I’m your new hairdresser.”
He burst out into a wet laugh. “I’m afraid it will only add to your burdens, my love.”
“I swore to bear them with you,” she said. He rose and pulled her to stand, the comb and the mirror dropping forgotten to the floor. “I meant it.”
His only answer was to wrap his arms around her again, as the first rays of the sun broke the horizon and struck the gold cupola atop the Sun Tower.
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
slitherer-outer - zhongli
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synopsis: in which reader (unknowingly) attempts to teach the god of commerce how to stick to a budget
ship: zhongli x reader
notes: chapter 5 of the bookkeeping!verse
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This was the day! This was the day!! After nagging the Director for what felt like ages, she finally gave you control over purchasing. From here on out, no purchases could be made without the Director’s approval, and you were there to enforce that decree.
What did that mean? It meant the Ferrylady would no longer accompany Wangsheng Funeral Parlor’s most troublesome consultant to procure supplies anymore! Yes, you had everything planned out: a shopping list, a strict budget, possible vendors… This was the day you would finally start beating into teaching Zhongli how to properly use and budget Mora!
You had to stifle a creepy giggle as you reviewed your plan one more time. You both would be purchasing supplies for an upcoming funeral rite for a prominent family within Liyue. The family had a long history tracing back to a little after the Archon War. Because of such, the items required to perform the rite were going to be expensive. After conducting a bit of market research, you came out with a budget of 150,000 Mora. At the very least, 125,000 Mora would be spent today. However, wanting to teach him a lesson, you told him the day before that the Director only allotted 100,000.
“You seem to be in a good mood,” came an amused chuckle at your side.
You glanced away and cleared your throat, doing your best to wipe the grin from your face. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Zhongli. I’m the same as always.”
You did your best to feign interest in the different shops you passed in an attempt to calm your raging spirit. It was going to be a long day, after all. Not only were the shops located all over the harbor, but you would have to compare prices too. Return trips would be inevitable. That wasn’t even mentioning the irritation Zhongli’s cluelessness was going to put you through. Speaking of which…
“Remember, okay? We only have 100,000 Mora to spend. We will have to be picky with the quality and price of everything we come across. There’s no shame in refusing to buy something that does not match our budget.”
“Yes, of course. Being that I am, as you say, not ‘well-versed in Mora,’ I’m sure I will learn much from your guidance today.”
Leave it to him to lay it on thick…
The first item on your list was a box of incense. Not just any incense would do, though. Qixin wasn’t a common ingredient used in incense, but that was what the funeral required. Seeing that the flower only grew at very high altitudes, the incense was typically quite pricey. You were estimating it’d be around 25,000 Mora, give or take a few thousand. 
You knew how it was going to happen. You could see it playing out before you. Zhongli would choose a pricey shop, the shopkeep would rip you off, Zhongli would agree to pay, and there you be to would swoop in to teach him that the budget most certainly had to be followed! You would crush his expensive tastes into the dust! So as he began leading you to the priciest shop in Feiyun Slope, you vibrated with excitement. Things were going to go just as you expected!
So… things most certainly did not go just as you expected. In fact, if you had to be honest, you had no clue what was going on right now. 
It wasn’t normal from the very start. When you took a step inside the shop, the shopkeep already didn’t seem to be in a good mood. And when he noticed you both, the glare on his face intensified. It took a bit to realize it wasn’t you he was staring at, but Zhongli. Which was strange. You knew the consultant got around a lot, but you didn’t think that anyone hated him. Sure, you didn’t exactly like him, but you never felt that strongly!
But your companion didn’t seem to notice a thing. Pleasantly, he inquired about the incense without missing a beat. Not much to your surprise, the shopkeep didn’t reply. He simply stared. After a few seconds, slowly and purposefully came his voice in a low gravelly tone.
“You. You Mr. Zhongli?”
Then the man stood up. His arms were thick, and his frame a hulking build. You’d mistaken him for a bear if he were covered in hair. And when he took a step forward, he loomed, no, towered over Zhongli.
“Ah, yes. May I help you?” Came Zhongli’s polite response. 
You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry. You wanted to throw up. You wanted to take Zhongli’s hand and make a mad dash to the Millelith. 
“There’s something I want to say to you.”
Tears pooled at the corners of your eyes; your legs threatened to collapse beneath you. The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor’s best consultant was about to be murdered and it would all be your fault. What in the world were you going to say to the director?
The man took another step forward, his hands clenched into fists, veins bulging. You had to do something. You had to do something!!
“Zhongli, I–”
Then the man dropped to his knees, took Zhongli’s hands…
And began to cry. 
Long sobs wracked from the man’s chest as tears dripped to the ground.
The man wept as he broke out into a long story about his recently deceased wife. His wife was ill with an incurable disease that often left her in pain. Having no way to pay for her medical expenses, he was forced to pawn off her most prized hairpins to cover the cost of medicine. Sadly, after his wife eventually passed, he did not have the Mora to buy the hairpins back. But right before he gave up all hope, the “lady from the creepy funeral place” visited him with his late wife’s hairpins saying that the debt had been paid off by Zhongli. 
Though he could not give the incense for free as much as he wanted to, the shopkeep offered it for a greatly discounted price of 10,000 Mora. After much thanking, you both paid the vendor and left and…
What in the world just happened?
“Shall we head to the next place, First?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but no sound left. You still had no clue what just… What???
“Did you… know that man, Zhongli?”
He held his chin in thought.
“No, I’ve never met him. But I do remember finding a pair of beautiful jade hairpins collecting dust in Mr. Bolai’s shop,” he replied. “It would have been a pity if I left them, so I asked the Ferrylady pay them off.”
You narrowed your eyes as you searched through your memories. 
“Yes, I think I remember that. The Ferrylady even asked me to put some funds on the side for living expenses…” You groaned as your hands clenched tightly. “That wasn’t a business expense! You should have used your own funds for that!”
But Zhongli gave his usual smile in response to your frustration. “Perhaps, but it did turn out to be a suitable investment for us both in the end.”
He did have a point.
“W-Well, you can’t say that will happen in the future,” You blustered. “A-Anyway, let’s head onto the next place. We need a pair of jade bracelets.”
And as you took off ahead of him, you were going to make sure the rest of the day fell into place the way you planned.
So… the next visit also did not fall into place the way you planned… The moment Zhongli mentioned he would be visiting a “friend,” your mood took a turn for the worst. Just like before, you took a step into the shop, Zhongli asked for the items, and you both walked out with a huge discount. This time, in particular, 60,000 Mora dropped down to 40,000 in an instant. When you insisted on paying full price, the owner protested saying he could never charge the great Zhongli anymore than that “after all he’s done for the shop.”
What made it worse was Zhongli’s utterly infuriating amusement with the whole situation. 
“I am relieved. It seems we are well under budget. I did not expect things to run so smoothly.” 
Your nails dug half-moons into your palms as your lips pulled back into a smile that showed all teeth.
“Yes, almost as if someone planned this all ahead of time.”
“They all were coincidences, I assure you.”
But no big deal. You saw your fault. You would choose the next shop. The last item on your shopping list was a pair of high-grade raw Noctilucus Jade. From your research last week, you estimated it would range between 55,000-75,000 Mora, no lower. Out of the many shops that sold ore in the harbor, you chose to visit one near the end of Chihu Rock. That specific vendor specialized in high-quality ore and artisan products said ore. Most importantly, he was known to be quite pricey. There would be no discounts here! 
When you finally arrived, you were shocked that the shop was much smaller than you thought it’d be. Though the doors were open, the owner was nowhere to be found. Supposing he was in the back, you moved to examine the lefthand side of the shop which housed the artisan goods. 
As you examined the various goods, you couldn’t help but be impressed. You heard they were of fine quality, but that didn’t even come close to seeing them in person. There was one particular figurine that caught your eye. It was a bird made of iron with Cor Lapis embedded into its eyes and wings. Though small, the details were intricate and fine. If you saved up, you wondered if you would ever be able to purchase–
“It’s 165,000 Mora if ye were wonderin’.”
You immediately spun away as if burned with fire. There at the back of the store, the shopkeep stood, probably having just returned from the storage room. He was an older man, though not withered in the slightest. And with that intimidating glint in his eye, you almost wanted to hide behind Zhongli. 
“I-I was just looking, thank you,” you stuttered.
After composing yourself, you gave him your best smile.
“My companion and I are actually here to see your supply of Noctilucus Jade.”
“Yeah? What grade are ye looking for?”
Zhongli stepped forward.
“Your highest quality, boss.”
The shopkeep’s brow rose before walking into the back room. After a few moments, he came back out with a basket of jade. You took a step closer to examine them curiously. Even though you did not know much about precious stones, even in their unrefined state, they still somehow managed to look clearer than the polished jade jewelry you found being sold on the streets. Honestly, they were so beautiful you were half-prepared to skimp on the other supplies just to purchase one.
“95,000 Mora.”
Well, that was definitely out of budget.
“... Is what I would say normally,” he continued.
“Yer in luck. Our guys found a new deposit of Cor Lapis recently. High grade too.”
Oh gods…
“Dropped the price down to 45,000 Mora.”
Was the sound that just came from you a bark of laughter or a sob?
“F-Forty-five… That’s much lower than my research suggested,” you let out weakly.
“That fits within our budget, yes?” Butted in Zhongli with a twinkle in his eye. “We’ll take it, boss.”
And as the boss wrapped up your Cor Lapis, you simply stood there dumbly. And as Zhongli paid with the wallet he took from your hands, you were still in a state of shock. And as you walked away from the store items in tow, your brain was still blank. You were simply gone. 
Your companion, on the other hand, was not. 
With amusement emanating from him like waves, he gave you a smile with the brightness of a thousand burning suns.
“I am surprised. Although I was worried today’s task would be difficult, it proved simpler than I imagined.”
He then paused for much added effect.
“It most surely was due only to your exceptional guidance.”
You screamed.
As you placed all the items purchased within the parlor’s storeroom, you couldn’t help but feel impressed with your coworkers. The moment you stepped inside, they immediately avoided your gaze and glued themselves to their paperwork. Was it because your nearly tangible fury was making its goal to ooze into every nook and cranny there? Perhaps. Even Zhongli was quick to remove himself from your side once he could. 
As the events of the day replayed over and over in your head, you couldn’t figure out where exactly you went wrong. This really should have been a simple task. There never was a time when Zhongli spent at a discount. He always opted for the premium option. So how in the world did every single occurrence today equate to not only spending less than your budgeted amount, but also less than the impossible amount you set up as a prank!?
You groaned and collapsed into your desk chair. You rubbed at your temples, hoping the pounding in your skull and the ache within your muscles would ebb away soon. In the back of your mind, you thanked the gods for not being able to turn down the director’s offer of ending early for the day. She giggled about how you would not regret her offer, and didn’t allow your hubris to refuse. You hated that cheeky grin of hers, but she was right. The sooner you got home, the better.
In your rush to pack your things, you almost failed to notice a small drawstring bag on your desk. It was simple, an unassuming blue, but the way it stood with ease indicated something inside. Reaching inside brought you face to face with something familiar: an iron figurine inlaid with Cor Lapis eyes and feathers. But who–
“Oh, Mr. Zhongli left that for you. He said it was a gift for your assistance today,” called the Ferrylady’s voice across the room.
But… wasn’t that strange? You only saw the figurine for the first time a couple of hours ago. It wasn’t like he could’ve gotten it in advance. You had a tight grip on the wallet the whole time. Not to mention you were the one that paid for every–
Wait a minute…
You lunged for the parlor wallet and poured the mora onto your desk. You counted its contents once, twice, three times, then once more. Something wasn’t right. Zhongli had a history of using parlor funds to purchase gifts for coworkers and friends. Not only that! He was the one that paid for that last transaction, the store that housed the iron bird. No doubt he must have taken advantage of your shock to make the purchase! 
But not a single mora was missing from the wallet.
Nor a beautiful phoenix of iron and Cor Lapis listed on the receipts.
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felixcloud6288 · 10 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 103
I was wondering where Black Hayate was.
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If you think about it, Roy got off pretty easy compared to everyone else who ever opened the portal. It only took Roy's ability to see, it didn't even take his eyes. Meanwhile, Pride's body is falling apart and he's lost almost all of his powers.
My head-canon about Truth is it is semi-omniscient. It's similar to the concept of the Monad in ancient Greek Philosophy. It is a being the represents the totality of all things. Truth is One, All, the World, the Universe, and You. So it should be aware of everything happening and know how things will conclude.
Father called the Truth an "Arbiter of Order" who "puts men in their place", but Truth is just a little thing in a flask that stole power to get where it is.
So I think the Truth wasn't really punishing Roy. It's really setting up Father to suffer his own punishment. And to do that, Truth took the barest minimum from Roy to make him a usable piece in Father's plan.
But at the same time it wants Roy, who has previously been blind with rage and blind to the feelings of those around him, to learn a lesson to be a better person.
Ed and Al made these platforms to set up an air-to-ground attack.
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For Ed, the most effective way to set up a fast-moving dive attack is to build up height by jumping off his slanted platforms which will help him keep his momentum.
For Al, he's too big and heavy to do something like that. So he just builds steps and runs along them to gain height. He can just let his weight and gravity provide the force of his dive.
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Wrath likely knows he won't live to the end of the day. At this point, he's fulfilled all his necessary obligations to Father. King Bradley has fallen in battle. He is free to do what he wants. And he wants to go out fighting a grand fight.
Wrath has no ideals. Everything in his life has been driven by someone else's design. But in a fight to the death, no divide or ideals matter. Everyone fighting to the death is just trying to survive. Perhaps that's why he's so excited to have this fight.
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Until a few months ago, Scar also had no ideals to himself. He had abandoned his name, his religion, and everything he valued so he could live a life bent on revenge.
But now he lives to bring about change in Amestris. And he chose to embrace the culmination in his brother's research as part of that ideal.
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I mentioned I'd talk about Scar's tattoos way back in chapter 16, and this is probably the best time to give my thoughts on it.
The two tattoos together have "TERRA", "AER", "IGNIS", and "AQUA" written across them. So the tattoos use the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
The twin snakes are likely representative of the Caduceus, the staff that Hermes carried. The staff would later be the basis for the symbol for Mercury which represents the spirit.
The staff itself is associated with trade and commerce, which ideally is an reciprocal exchange.
In modern days, the Caduceus is sometimes mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius which depicts a single snake wrapping around a rod (And might be partial inspiration for the symbol Ed, Al, and Izumi have on them). The Rod of Asclepius represents medicine.
But moving on, I think the most interesting part of the tattoo is how the left and right arms are inversions of each other. The left arm is entirely in white while the right is black. And the patterns are upside down from each other as well.
And since there's a sort of arrow pattern along them, it makes me envision a flow concept. Scar's alchemy uses Xingese Purification Arts which channel energy from the pulse of the earth. So I imagine the two arms combined are supposed to channel that energy through the user. Maybe it's something like energy flows out of the right arm to induce destruction and then that energy flows back into the left arm to induce creation. And since Scar only had the right arm, he could add energy to break things apart, but couldn't channel it back to create.
One thing that's especially interesting is Scar's Alchemy doesn't use a circle. Every Alchemist either has a tool with a circle or has a circle tattooed to their hands, but Scar does neither. I was thinking at one point that maybe the act of channeling between both arms might act as the circle, but Scar could use destruction Alchemy without the right arm while Ed has to clap his hands to perform it.
It seems like Scar's brother figured out some entirely new way to perform Alchemy.
And one little pointless note. Scar's tattoos have the letters A, V, E, and H under TERRA, AER, IGNIS, and AQUA respectively. I have no idea what, if anything, they mean. The only thing that popped to mind was those are letters for 4 of the 20 essential amino acids needed to build proteins, but that seems far too separate from everything.
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bywons · 3 months
hii can i know your daily routine from morning to night. i also want to know how you manage writing and how you manage your tumblr. i want to know what major you study. i want to know because i am new to tumblr and managing time is hard for me. if you feel this ask uncomfy, you can ignore me.
afraid you asked the wrong person for this cuz my daily ( mostly evening & night ) routine is VERY different from each other throughout the whole week because of my tuition classes/study schedule TT but no probs, i'll try to give u my routine in the best way possible ^^
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6:00 — 6:30 am : wake up time boooo. although this time varies during exam season or when i pull an all nighter/ sleep late cuz i was watching a series, this is the usual time i wake up, or at least try to every single day ><
6:30 — 7:30 am : brushing teeth/skincare etc + morning workout & pilates. i usually try to do the first part is lesser time so that i have more time to workout & stretch ^^
7:30 — 8:05 am : break/creativity period. here i give myself a 35 minute break for relaxation or checking social media / practicing my italian lessons ( im vv beginner >< ) or draw or write short essays/poems or plan out my day which is the MAIN task i usually do
8:05 — 9:05 am ( 30 min gap 4 chai + breakfast break ) , 9:35 — 10:35 am, 10:35 — 11:45 am, 12:05 — 1:05 pm : with breaks, these timing are for my studying, and i follow my study routine for the day >< [ WHEN I DON'T ATTEND SCHOOL ]
1:05 — 3:15 pm : shower + lunch >< [ WHEN I DON'T ATTEND SCHOOL, i return at 3pm from skl ]
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3:15 — 5:00 pm : relaxing & writing for blr/watching shows ( or i sleep TT ) >< ONLY IF i don't have tuitions, when i do, i head out for them around 4:30 — 5:00 pm according to the timing of my classes.
(after break 4 evening snacks/chai) 5:30 — 6:30 pm, 6:30 — 8:30 pm, 9:00 — 10:00 pm, with breaks again, i follow my study schedule ><
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10:00 — 10:30 pm : have dinner
10:30 — 11:00 pm : ghost around my home / free time TT
within 11:30ishpm : finish skincare,brushing, and take my meds
after that o clock : 😴 but if i pull an all nighter or watch a series with my mum that's another story lol
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well i'm still in school so i don't have any major, but we indian students are given to choose between 3 streams — science, commerce & humanities. as for me i am a science student ^^ i have bio, chem, phy, maths, psych, eng !!!
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again, a hard question to the wrong person cuz my schedule is not constant TT but as u can see there are breaks between my study sessions! i tend to manage my time and do stuff between those breaks, and when life gets too hectic, i take hour long breaks and write for blr! keep in mind, that you NEED TO BALANCE life & social media. find the right time for each of your important sectors like studies, work, hobbies & schedule them out equally! that also doesn't mean you have to follow them blindly, make sure to take breaks, do things that you enjoy & love life & most importantly, your precious self ^^ MWAH. hope i helped ya <333
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daisystuff · 1 year
Top 10 ways to earn money using AI tools:
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1. Content creation: AI writing tools such as GPT-3 can be used to create high-quality content for websites, blogs, and social media platforms.
Creation of content: To produce excellent material for websites, blogs, and social media platforms, AI writing tools like GPT-3 can be employed. For content providers, these systems may generate articles, product descriptions, and even poetry. AI systems may also analyse data to identify the ideal content formats and offer recommendations for what subjects to cover to draw in more readers. Businesses and individuals can improve their online presence and drive more visitors to their websites by adopting AI tools for content production.
Click here for some AI Tools
2. Social media marketing: AI tools such as Hootsuite and Socialbakers can be used to automate social media marketing campaigns and analyse data to optimize performance.
Social media marketing: Hootsuite and Socialbakers are two examples of AI systems that may be used to automate campaigns for social media marketing and analyse data to improve performance. These tools allow users to plan and produce content, keep track of mentions on social media, and analyse engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments. AI systems may also evaluate data to identify the most effective content genres, the most engaging audience segments, and the ideal times to post. Businesses can save time and money while enhancing their online presence and engagement by utilising AI solutions for social media marketing.
3. Customer service: AI chatbots can be used to provide 24/7 customer service and support, reducing the need for human staff.
Customer assistance: AI chatbots can be used to offer round-the-clock customer care, hence lowering the requirement for human staff. These chatbots can process orders, recommend products, and respond to frequently asked queries. Furthermore, AI systems can examine client interactions with chatbots to spot patterns and pinpoint areas for development. Businesses can enhance customer experience while cutting costs by employing AI tools for customer support.
4. E-commerce personalization: AI tools can be used to analyse customer data and provide personalized product recommendations, improving the customer experience and increasing sales.
Personalization of e-commerce: AI techniques can be used to evaluate user data and offer tailored product recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction and boosting sales. These technologies can look at past purchases, purchasing patterns, and even social media activity to provide suggestions for specific products. Additionally, by showing pertinent content and deals depending on client choices, AI systems may tailor the purchasing experience. Businesses may boost consumer loyalty and profitability by adopting AI solutions for e-commerce personalisation.
5. Online advertising: AI tools such as Google AdWords and Facebook Ads can be used to optimize online advertising campaigns and increase ROI.
Internet advertising: To improve online advertising campaigns and boost ROI, employ AI technologies like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. These programes can evaluate data to find the most effective keywords, target market, and ad placements. AI systems may also test various ad variants and automatically change bids to enhance performance. Businesses may boost their online presence, draw in more customers, and do so while spending less money by adopting AI solutions for online advertising.
Click here for some AI Tools
6. Fraud detection: AI tools can be used to detect and prevent fraud in financial transactions and e-commerce platforms.
Fraud detection: AI systems can be used to spot and stop fraud in online and financial transactions. With the help of these technologies, data may be analysed to spot suspect patterns, transactions, and behaviours and flag them for more examination. AI tools can also draw lessons from past events to increase their accuracy and stop fraud in the future. Businesses may safeguard themselves, their clients, and their reputations by adopting AI systems for fraud detection.
7. Business intelligence: AI tools can be used to analyse large amounts of data and provide insights into business performance, helping to identify areas for improvement and growth.
Business intelligence: AI systems can be used to analyse vast volumes of data and offer insights into organisational performance, assisting in the identification of opportunities for development and growth. These technologies can examine client behaviour, market trends, and sales data to offer recommendations and insights that can be put into practice. AI systems may also automate data collection and analysis, saving firms time and resources. Businesses can use AI tools for business intelligence to make better decisions and increase their bottom line.
8. Health care: AI tools can be used to improve patient outcomes by analysing medical data and providing personalized treatment recommendations.
Healthcare: By evaluating medical data and offering individualised treatment recommendations, AI techniques can be utilised to enhance patient outcomes. These systems may examine medical files, genetic information, and even data from wearable devices to spot potential health hazards and offer individualised treatment options. AI tools can also help doctors diagnose and treat patients more accurately and with fewer mistakes. Patients can receive better care while paying less money and operating more effectively by adopting AI tools in the medical field.
Click here for some AI Tools
9. Education: AI tools can be used to provide personalized learning experiences for students, improving engagement and retention.
Education: By offering students individualised learning experiences, AI systems can increase student engagement and retention. With the use of these technologies, educators can identify learning gaps and offer tailored solutions. Additionally, AI systems can give pupils individualised feedback and encouragement, boosting their motivation and self-esteem. Students can benefit from a more efficient and tailored learning experience with the use of AI tools in education, which will improve their academic results.
10. Gaming: AI tools can be used to create more realistic and engaging gaming experiences, improving user satisfaction and increasing revenue.
Gaming: Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be utilised to develop more realistic and compelling gaming experiences, boosting user pleasure and income. With the help of these tools, game experiences may be tailored and difficulty settings can be changed to reflect player competence. Moreover, AI techniques can make gaming landscapes and people more lifelike, enhancing immersion and engagement. Game makers can produce more popular and lucrative games while enhancing the user experience by integrating AI techniques in their work.
Click here for some AI Tools
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With their new majority, House Republicans are planning to take on “woke capitalism.”
“Republicans and their longtime corporate allies are going through a messy breakup as companies’ equality and climate goals run headlong into a G.O.P. movement exploiting social and cultural issues to fire up conservatives,” Bloomberg reports. “Most directly in the G.O.P. cross hairs is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is under pressure from the likely House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to replace its leadership after the nation’s biggest business lobby backed some Democratic candidates.”
I wrote last year about this notion of “woke capitalism” and the degree to which I think this “conflict” is little more than a performance meant to sell an illusion of serious disagreement between owners of capital and the Republican Party. As I wrote then, “the entire Republican Party is united in support of an anti-labor politics that puts ordinary workers at the mercy of capital.” Republicans don’t have a problem with corporate speech or corporate prerogatives as a matter of principle; they have a problem with them as a matter of narrow partisan politics.
That the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, railed this week against the “raw exercise of monopolistic power” by Apple, for example, has much more to do with the cultural politics of Twitter and its new owner, Elon Musk, than any real interest in the power of government to regulate markets and curb abuse. (In fact, DeSantis argued in his book, “Dreams From Our Founding Fathers,” that the Constitution was designed to “prevent the redistribution of wealth through the political process” and stop any popular effort to “undermine the rights of property.”)
Nonetheless, there is something of substance behind this facade of conflict. It is true that the largest players in the corporate world, compelled to seek profit by the competitive pressures of the market, have mostly ceased catering to the particular tastes and preferences of the more conservative and reactionary parts of the American public. To borrow from and paraphrase the basketball legend Michael Jordan: Queer families buy shoes, too.
Republicans have discovered, to their apparent chagrin, that their total devotion to the interests of concentrated, corporate capital does not buy them support for a cultural agenda that sometimes cuts against those very same interests.
Here it’s worth noting, as the sociologist Melinda Cooper has argued, that what we’re seeing in this cultural dispute is something of a conflict between two different segments of capital. What’s at stake in the “growing militancy” of the right wing of the Republican Party, Cooper writes, “is less an alliance of the small against the big than it is an insurrection of one form of capitalism against another: the private, unincorporated, and family-based versus the corporate, publicly traded, and shareholder-owned.” It is the patriarchal and dynastic capitalism of Donald Trump against the more impersonal and managerial capitalism of, for example, Mitt Romney.
To the extent that cultural reactionaries within the Republican Party have been caught unaware by the friction between their interests and those of the more powerful part of the capitalist class, they would do well to take a lesson from one of the boogeymen of conservative rhetoric and ideology: Karl Marx.
Throughout his work, Marx emphasized the revolutionary character of capitalism in its relation to existing social arrangements. It annihilates the “old social organization” that fetters and keeps down “the new forces and new passions” that spring up in the “bosom of society.” It decomposes the old society from “top to bottom.” It “drives beyond national barriers and prejudices” as well as “all traditional, confined, complacent, encrusted satisfactions of present needs, and reproduction of old ways of life.”
Or, as Marx observed in one of his most famous passages, the “bourgeois epoch” is distinguished by the “uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions.” Under capitalism, “All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at least compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.”
In context, Marx is writing about precapitalist social and economic arrangements, like feudalism. But I think you can understand this dynamic as a general tendency under capitalism as well. The interests and demands of capital are sometimes in sync with traditional hierarchies. There are even two competing impulses within the larger system: a drive to dissolve and erode the barriers between wage earners until they form a single, undifferentiated mass and a drive to preserve and reinforce those same barriers to divide workers and stymie the development of class consciousness on their part.
But that’s a subject for another day and a different column.
For now, I’ll simply say that the problem of “woke capitalism” for social and political conservatives is the problem of capitalism for anyone who hopes to preserve anything in the face of the ceaseless drive of capital to dominate the entire society.
You could restrain the power of capital by strengthening the power of labor to act for itself, in its own interests. But as conservatives are well aware, the prerogatives of workers can also undermine received hierarchies and traditional social arrangements. The working class, after all, is not just one thing, and what it seeks to preserve — its autonomy, its independence, its own ways of living — does not often jibe with the interests of reactionaries.
Conservatives, if their policy priorities are any indication, want to both unleash the free market and reserve a space for hierarchy and domination. But this will not happen on its own. The state must be brought to bear, not to restrain capital per se but to make it as subordinate as possible to the political right’s preferred social agenda. Play within those restraints, goes the bargain, and you can do whatever you want. Put differently, the right doesn’t have a problem with capitalism; it has a problem with who appears to be in charge of it.
There is even a clear strategy at work. If you can stamp out alternative ways of being, if you can weaken labor to the point of desperation, then perhaps you can force people back into traditional families and traditional households. But no matter how hard you try, you cannot stop the dynamic movement of society. It will churn and churn and churn, until eventually the dam breaks.
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y’know, besides the real issues of new teacher burnout in the first few years of teaching, and the behaviour of BOTH parents and kids towards teachers today and obvs the overload of admin and poor pay…. i think the reason so many early career teachers are leaving the profession is because it’s often made to seem as the ONLY career path for each and every liberal arts/arts major; no matter whether you’re an english student or religion or sociology or philosophy etc etc etc major.
because i know i’ve talked about a fuck tonne in the past, but the one thing i absolutely LOATHED about job fairs at uni and, in the end, just the careers department at uni, was that the only field they could suggest to me as an english lit and philosophy student/graduate, was teaching. apparently with english, with good language and critical analysis/thinking skills, i wasn’t appropriate for other fields like marketing (despite my marketing diploma), advertising, media/communications/PR…. even though yes i did begin in that actual degree…. but i found it far too structured (mostly bc i picked my TRIPLE major way too early) to my liking; and that STUDYING media/comms/PR etc etc whatever the fuck the major called, i realised halfway through first year that the study of the field itself wasn’t for me…. but that i could probably work in it still.
but the problem with job fairs, every time i went up to a booth that wasn’t specifically aimed at arts students (bc we all know every workplace has a media and communications dept don’t we????) i was automatically almost sneered at by the carrier booth people and told to “go over to the teaching booth, they’re over there 👉”. “but i want to work in your advertising/marketing dept” “too bad. you should’ve picked media & comms or an ACTUAL commerce/business marketing degree 🙄🙄. now, run along to the Teach For Australia booth, they’ll hire you in no time!” ok. so. maybe i was wasting some of these people’s time, yes: obvs particularly law and engineering. but that doesn’t mean i should’ve been automatically booted away from their career fair stall, and basically automatically directed to the teaching booth; just for the fact that i picked to study english. also most esp the stalls where the company is all like “we hire ALL degree streams 😊!!”; and then they still boot you away bc you didn’t pick the apparently or inherently “correct” arts dept field (eg. media & comms).
because what i imagine is that so many of the early career teachers that are quitting (not counting burn out etc), are quitting because they were part of the sea of arts students who got sick and tired of everyone suggesting teaching as their ONLY viable career path because “you love english!!! teaching is a way to make money!” or whatever the fuck dumb bullshit people say to convince people to do teaching as a career. so what did they do??? they went into teaching. maybe they did like it, in the masters course or whatever. maybe they did genuinely feel like they were helping kids with writing and promoting a love of reading in their classes; and a range of other motivations that i’ve read in recent news articles about this issue.
but over time, and with the myriad of other reasons that are obvs more tangible (burnout, pay, copious amounts of admin, lesson planning even taking up your holiday time, behaviour of both students and parents etc etc)…. i imagine the people who felt like they were forced to pick teaching as a career path because of their chosen arts major field/s, are feeling even worse about their careers as teachers…. and are feeling just as (if not more) burnt out as the people who actually love their choice to go into teaching. (although i do acknowledge that people who love their job as a teacher are also suffering from major burnout and anxiety and stuff around their job as well).
anyway. this post is just me saying that i’m glad that i didn’t pick teaching; despite being told it was apparently my ONLY VIABLE choice of career, due to doing english. bc tbh, it’s because i fucking well KNEW i’d be one of the resentful teachers that every kid would hate; because it was my only forced choice of career that everyone told me was a smart move- when it’s not actually one of those “cushy ass” jobs, that most people always love to paint teaching as. it’s hard. it’s tiring. it’s mentally and emotionally draining/challenging. and now with it being paired with constant uncertainty of contracts not being stable/long term or just being stuck on a casual/part time basis for most of your life as a teacher….. it’s just not worth the stress/anxiety et al, all because “you studied arts, so you HAVE to be a teacher!”
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
for @sonicsponge03 - Dec 17 * reference is this post cause i have a big ole birthday encyclopedia. post is not original thoughts. excerpts will be cited.
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December 17th The Birthday of the Vital Realist | "I am what I do."
Life Lesson: Seeing the lighter side. The Way Forward: To understand that one of the ways to improve your life satisfaction is to take everything and everyone less seriously. Luck Maker: Carry a lucky charm to activate your sense of wonder and inspire a positive expectation of good fortune.
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December 17-born tend to say exactly what they mean and they expect others to do the same. Success to them can be measured in concrete terms and, as a practical realist, they garner responsibility and a reputation for honesty and hard work. With the courage and vitality to achieve almost any goal they set, these people are doers rather than thinkers. What interests them is facts, results and actions, not dreams, debates or theories. Everything is focused on what can be achieved or produced right now; this ability to concentrate only on what is before their eyes means they can achieve spectacular results. They can be overly serious at times and don't understand the importance of small talk and a sense of humor; they need to smile more and recognize that emotions sometimes can't be explained or categorized. Born managers, they are drawn to business, retail, commerce, administration, accounting, the law and sales, but may also excel in education, writing, science, sport or research. Their artistic side may pull them toward music, acting or other creative pursuits. Their lifestyles can be sedentary, so regular exercise and paying attention to their posture helps them feel fitter and more upbeat. For self care, wearing, meditating on and surrounding yourself with the color orange encourages you to be more spontaneous. Although others value these people's earthy sensuality and sincerity, real intimacy requires them to lighten up a little. Until the age of 34 they focus on practical issues and a need for order and structure. They already tend to be pragmatic and realistic, so it is important they don't also become too materialistic. After 34 they become more experimental. The key to their success and happiness is their ability to introduce a spiritual dimension to their lives, because this will give them the sense of certainty, truth, order and wonder that they have been seeking. Once they are more self-aware and in touch with their emotions, their destiny is to pioneer wonderfully creative action plans.
© Excerpt Cite: Francis-Cheung, Theresa. “December 17.” The Encyclopedia of Birthdays, Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, CA, 2022, pp. 504–504.
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immograin · 2 years
How can I make my career in teaching after a BCom?
If you are passionate about teaching and have completed a BCom degree, there are several avenues available for you to pursue a career in teaching. Teaching is a rewarding profession that can provide you with the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of your students. Here are some steps you can take to make a career in teaching after a BCom:
Identify Your Area of Expertise: The first step in making a career in teaching is to identify your area of expertise. As a BCom graduate, you can consider teaching subjects related to commerce such as accounting, economics, business studies, and management.
Obtain a Teaching Qualification: To become a teacher, you need to have a teaching qualification. You can either pursue a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) or a Master of Education (M.Ed) degree. A B.Ed degree is typically a two-year program, while an M.Ed degree is a one-year program. You can choose the one that suits your career aspirations.
Gain Practical Teaching Experience: Gaining practical teaching experience can be very beneficial when pursuing a career in teaching. You can consider volunteering at schools or coaching institutes, which can help you gain valuable experience in classroom management, lesson planning, and student engagement.
Apply for Teaching Jobs: Once you have obtained your teaching qualification and have gained some practical experience, you can start applying for teaching jobs. You can search for job openings on various job portals, school websites, or by networking with other teachers in your area.
Enhance Your Professional Skills: As a teacher, it is important to continually enhance your professional skills. You can attend workshops, seminars, and training programs related to teaching, which can help you improve your teaching methodologies, learn new techniques, and stay updated with the latest teaching trends.
Consider Private Tutoring: Private tutoring can be a lucrative career option for teachers. You can consider offering private tutoring services to students who need extra help with their studies. You can start by advertising your services through social media platforms or by joining tutoring platforms such as Superprof or TutorMe.
Consider Online Teaching: Online teaching has become a popular career option for teachers, especially during the pandemic. You can consider teaching online courses or conducting virtual tutoring sessions. There are several online teaching platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare that offer teaching opportunities to professionals.
In conclusion, a BCom degree can provide a strong foundation for a career in teaching. By obtaining a teaching qualification, gaining practical teaching experience, and continually enhancing your professional skills, you can make a successful career in teaching. Additionally, considering private tutoring or online teaching can offer you even more flexibility and opportunities in your career.
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deevsblog · 2 years
Java for Kids
Coding is a crucial talent that is progressively becoming ubiquitous and vital in our lives as the world becomes more dependent on technology. Today, knowing how to code is a highly sought-after ability that businesses are looking for. Coding is the process of laying out a set of instructions for a computer to follow in order to teach it to perform a specific activity. Almost all of our technology uses coding, which can be done in a variety of languages like Scratch for basic coding, C++ for building and creating entertainment applications, Java, JavaScript, and Python for intermediate and advanced coding.
What is Java?
Java is a programming language that is extremely popular in the coding world. Out of 700 languages,Java is frequently ranked among the top ten most used languages. But why is Java so very popular? And why is it a suitable coding language for kids to learn? Well, continue reading to find out more.
A popular object-oriented programming language since the early 1990s is Java. Created by James Gosling, Java is now used by many big companies such as Netflix, Meta, Airbnb, Microsoft, Spotify and Amazon. Java is also used in many industries such as cybersecurity, video games, cloud computing and e-commerce. Thus, learning how to code in Java is an important skill and is valuable for numerous professions.
But why is Java so popular? Well, unlike other coding languages such as C++, which uses structured programming, which involves repeatedly using chunks of similar code over and over again, Java is an object oriented programming language, which involves basic instruction-containing classes and objects and a class is a type of template. An object can be easily inserted into the code by a programmer. There is no need to create code to make the object function because it inherits its behaviour from the class it belongs to (its template) and it is immediately usable.
Advantages of Java
Because it is durable, Java is a wonderful language for kids to learn. It has existed since the beginning of the 1990s. In the realm of computers, that's a long period of time. Additionally, Java has a sizable development community of roughly 9 million people and a significant online presence. Numerous sophisticated apps are powered by Java, and the language is here to stay.
Learning Java improves children's soft skills and increases perseverance. Java programming fosters both strong abstract reasoning abilities and inventiveness. A problem can frequently be approached and solved in a number of different ways. Finally, cooperation skills are developed by aspiring programmers through group classes and projects. Professional software engineers frequently collaborate in teams to plan projects, produce code, review work, and resolve issues. Hence, Java is an ideal coding language for kids to learn. The best candidates for learning Java, an intermediate language, are those who want to design and build their own apps. Java is famous for its adaptability and ability to generate a wide range of applications, which broadens students' coding options.
How to learn Java
There are many ways to learn Java, some of which are listed down below.
Through Minecraft
This may be a surprising option, but Minecraft is a good resource to learn more about Java and how it works. Some Minecraft players do what is known as "modding." That's a phrase used to describe modifying a game's programming. Java can be used for Minecraft modding by players. Anyone interested in learning Java modding for Minecraft should definitely check out YouTube.
Via online classes
Online coding classes are another method to introduce your kid to Java as expert teachers who are experienced in teaching Java can guide your kid and give a lesson plan best suited for them. These classes are fun and informative while also maintaining a structured approach to the lessons. Code Karo Yaaro is an online coding school for children organised by the Suvidha Foundation is the first online coding school in India and is a good platform to learn coding for kids. Code Karo Yaaro's teachers provide the best support to kids and parents alike. Code Karo Yaaro's classes can be joined by using a mobile phone or computer and has a doubt clearing initiative focused on speedy solving of problems round the clock. Code Karo Yaaro has brainstorming classes to encourage students to visualise the ideas and emphasises the entrepreneurial mindset from a young age.
Fees for the classes are from INR 3,299/- to INR 31,699/- . However, free sessions to experience the classes are available. So Code Karo Yaaro's classes are a good way to teach Java to kids.
Using books
Books are also a good means to learn more about Java. Java Programming For Kids aged 12-18 provides a clear, short introduction of basic Java concepts. It makes learning engaging, instructive, and entertaining by using extensive examples. In Easy Steps explains the foundations of Java in a concise way. A Beginniners Guide To Java Programming Language For Kids aged 12-18 is a good way for children to begin learning Java that uses thorough examples and code.
You might not believe that listening to a podcast can teach you how to cod in Java. But there are many podcasts that explain how to use Java step-by-step, inform Java enthusiasts of the most recent Java-related news, and cover the steps involved in becoming a proficient Java coder. How To Program With Java is perfect for those kids who are just embarking on their Java journey as it provides a detailed guide to the basics. The Java Easily Podcast is also a good choice, although it is geared more towards intermediate learners. However, those podcasts are more suitable for teenagers.
By using games
There are many Java based games which kids can okay to hone their Java skills. Some of these include Robocode, CodeGym, CodeMonkey and CodeWars. Robocode is a famous game in which kids can create a battle tank. CodeGym is a free repository of tools to create your own games. CodeMonkey is a fun, simple game that anyone can play. CodeMonkey is created to suit those gamers with no coding knowledge whatsoever, and and it teaches one simple concepts and principles of programming and Java.
Thus, nowadays even kids can learn programming languages such as Java. By using these methods, we hope your child becomes proficient in Java.
Code Karo Yaaro can be contacted via the following sites for more details.
Website: http://www.codekaroyaaro.com/
YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GUyPIpdDVJQMugEtkH8Pw Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/codekaroyaaro
Email:http://[email protected]
Address: H NO. 1951, Near Water Tank Annamod, Khaparkheda, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 441102
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johndsmiths1 · 3 days
Shanavas M.P. (AKA SHAN): The Visionary Entrepreneur Leading Global Change
In the world of business, only a few individuals manage to carve a legacy that transcends industries, generations, and geographies. One such figure is Shanavas M.P., also known as consultant Shan, a global entrepreneur, investor, consultant, filmmaker, and speaker. With over 25 years of unparalleled experience, Shan has not only mastered the art of entrepreneurship but has also become a beacon of knowledge and inspiration for millions around the world.
A Legacy of Over Two Decades
Shanavas M.P.'s journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication to innovation, leadership, and growth. As an entrepreneur and business strategist, his expertise spans across various domains including digital marketing, e-commerce, investments, WEB3 technologies, and business development. With over 18 years of rich experience in the digital space alone, Shan has built a formidable reputation as a digital entrepreneur, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the online business world.
Having collaborated with over 100 privately held businesses, from startups to established corporations, Shan has cemented his position as a trusted advisor and leader in the global entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The Digital Entrepreneur: Mastery of Online Businesses
Shan’s extensive expertise in digital marketing and e-commerce has empowered countless businesses to achieve online success. He has played a pivotal role in driving digital transformation across industries, helping organizations transition from traditional business models to more agile and technology-driven frameworks.
His understanding of WEB3 technologies is particularly noteworthy. As blockchain and decentralized platforms continue to revolutionize various industries, Shan’s foresight into these developments has positioned him as a leader in the WEB3 space. He has successfully guided businesses on how to integrate decentralized systems into their operations, enhancing security, transparency, and scalability.
Business Consulting and Strategy Development
Shan’s proficiency as a business strategist is evident in his role as a consultant to various businesses. He has the unique ability to identify growth opportunities, devise innovative strategies, and implement plans that ensure sustained business success. His consulting expertise covers a wide range of areas, including:
Business Planning and Development
Strategic Leadership and Management
Investment Strategies
Enterprise Platform Management
Sales and Marketing
Project Management
What sets Shan apart is his holistic approach to business strategy. He collaborates effectively with stakeholders, clients, and vendors, ensuring that all aspects of a project align with the organization’s overarching goals.
A Global Impact: Empowering Millions
Shan’s influence isn’t limited to boardrooms or high-level business meetings. Over the years, he has empowered millions of individuals across 40 countries through his Digital Mastery programs, seminars, webinars, workshops, boot camps, and live events. His teachings focus on the intersection of business and personal development, helping individuals unlock their full potential in both areas.
The Digital Mastery programs are particularly popular, providing participants with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in the digital world. These programs cover a wide range of topics, including digital marketing, business strategy, leadership development, and personal growth.
Shan’s unique style—marked by his warmth, humor, and keen insights—has made him a favorite among participants, transforming their perspectives on business and life. For over two decades, millions have attended his events, taking away not just lessons but also life-changing experiences.
Recognitions and Awards: A Life of Distinction
Shan’s accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. In 2007, he was honored by the Government of India with the prestigious Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana Award for "Outstanding Individual Achievements & Distinguished Services to the Nation." This recognition highlights his commitment to both business excellence and societal contributions.
In addition, Shan was also nominated for the Young Entrepreneur Award by CNBC TV, further cementing his reputation as a forward-thinking and innovative leader in the business world.
Shan’s Cinematic Journey: A Filmmaker’s Perspective
Shan’s talents extend beyond the boardroom and seminar stage. His diploma in filmmaking adds another dimension to his illustrious career. As a filmmaker, Shan’s understanding of storytelling, production, and cinema reflects his creative side, showcasing his versatility as a leader.
Filmmaking is an art that requires strategic planning, attention to detail, and the ability to manage diverse projects. Shan’s skills in these areas are evident in his business endeavors, where he has successfully managed large teams and complex projects with precision and foresight.
Mastering Strategic Leadership and Business Growth
As a strategic leader, Shan has the ability to look beyond the present and plan for the future. His experience in strategic management and leadership has enabled him to create actionable plans that improve business performance and fuel organizational growth. He is a keen planner, strategist, and implementer, proficient in managing projects that span multiple industries and sectors.
Shan’s approach to leadership is rooted in empowering others. He believes that great leaders inspire and uplift those around them, fostering an environment of collaboration and mutual growth. This leadership philosophy has played a key role in his success, enabling him to build lasting relationships with clients, partners, and colleagues.
A Passion for Investments and Startups
Shan’s involvement in over 100 privately held businesses, including startups and corporations, is a testament to his passion for entrepreneurship and investment. He has an eye for identifying promising ventures and providing them with the resources and guidance they need to succeed. His investment philosophy revolves around supporting innovation and helping businesses unlock their full potential.
As an investor, Shan has a proven track record of making smart, strategic investments in businesses that are poised for growth. His extensive network, industry expertise, and commitment to innovation have made him a sought-after partner for startups and corporations alike.
The Future of Business with Shanavas M.P.
As we look to the future, Shanavas M.P. is poised to continue his trailblazing journey in the business world. His expertise in digital marketing, business strategy, investments, and strategic leadership positions him as a key player in shaping the future of entrepreneurship.
Moreover, his commitment to empowering others through education and mentorship ensures that his legacy will continue to inspire generations of entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators.
Conclusion: Shanavas M.P., A True Visionary
Shanavas M.P., or Shan, is more than just a successful entrepreneur—he is a visionary leader who has touched millions of lives through his business acumen, leadership, and dedication to empowering others. With over 25 years of experience, a portfolio of over 100 businesses, and a legacy of mentorship that spans continents, Shan stands as a beacon of inspiration in the global entrepreneurial landscape.
Whether it’s through his Digital Mastery programs, his consulting work, or his role as an investor and business strategist, Shan’s impact on the world of business and personal development is profound and lasting. He is not just shaping the future of businesses—he’s shaping the future of people and communities around the world.
For anyone looking to grow their business, develop new skills, or find inspiration in the world of entrepreneurship, Shanavas M.P. is a name to remember.
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digitaltravelexpert · 13 days
Essence of Inspiring Entrepreneur Quotes for Travel Ventures
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How can fellow inspiring entrepreneur quotes push you forward when you are facing challenges in establishing yourself as a go-to-source travel blog or travel company? Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship, particularly in the realm of travel blogging or establishing a tour company, is both exhilarating and daunting. The allure of exploring new destinations, sharing captivating stories, and curating unique experiences for travelers fuels our passion. However, amidst the excitement, it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. In this dynamic landscape, where creativity meets commerce, the wisdom encapsulated in entrepreneur quotes can serve as guiding beacons for those just setting sail on their entrepreneurial odyssey.
Harnessing the Power of Entrepreneur Quotes for Aspiring Travel Entrepreneurs
While it is good to learn from fellow entrepreneurs' experiences as you embark on your dream entrepreneurial journey whether building your boutique travel blog or tour company in a well-researched niche, always remember inspiring entrepreneurship quotes for travel businesses will only work if you are dedicated to your work be it content creation, collaboration with fellow travel bloggers. In summary, it will only help you if you are fully dedicated and disciplined to deliver creative work.
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1. The Essence of Entrepreneurial Wisdom Entrepreneurial wisdom is distilled from the experiences of visionaries who have traversed similar paths before us. Their insights, often encapsulated in succinct and profound quotes, serve as invaluable lessons for navigating the turbulent waters of entrepreneurship. For aspiring travel entrepreneurs, these quotes offer not just inspiration but practical guidance on how to carve a travel niche in the competitive landscape of the travel industry. 2. Finding Inspiration in Entrepreneur Quotes One of the most significant challenges faced by budding travel entrepreneurs is staying motivated amidst uncertainty. The journey from conceptualizing a travel blog or tour company to establishing a reputable brand requires resilience and unwavering determination. Entrepreneur quotes act as catalysts for inspiration, igniting the fire within us to persevere in the face of obstacles.
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Consider the words of Walt Disney, who famously said, "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." For travel entrepreneurs, this quote serves as a reminder that despite the challenges, the pursuit of our dreams is always within reach. It encourages us to embrace courage in the face of adversity and to relentlessly pursue our vision for our travel ventures. 3. Cultivating Discipline and Dedication While inspiration fuels the initial spark of entrepreneurship, it is discipline and dedication that sustain the flame. Building a successful travel blog or tour company requires consistent effort, meticulous planning, and a relentless commitment to excellence. Entrepreneur quotes serve as gentle reminders of the importance of discipline in our entrepreneurial endeavors.
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Elon Musk once remarked, "Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up." These words resonate deeply with aspiring travel entrepreneurs, emphasizing the significance of perseverance in the face of challenges. They remind us that setbacks are merely temporary obstacles on the path to success and that unwavering persistence is the key to overcoming them. 4. Fostering Creativity and Innovation In the ever-evolving landscape of travel, creativity and innovation are paramount. As travel entrepreneurs, our ability to captivate audiences and differentiate ourselves from competitors hinges on our capacity to think outside the box and push the boundaries of convention. Entrepreneur quotes serve as catalysts for creativity, inspiring us to embrace unconventional thinking and pursue innovative solutions to industry challenges.
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Steve Jobs famously urged, "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." For travel entrepreneurs, this quote serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of innovation in carving a distinct identity in the competitive landscape. It encourages us to embrace creativity as a cornerstone of our entrepreneurial endeavors and to constantly strive for innovative solutions that redefine the travel experience for our audience. 5. When Motivational Entrepreneur Quotes Boost Your Passion Fellow motivational quotes for entrepreneurs can be immensely impactful in pushing you forward when facing challenges in establishing yourself as a go-to-source travel blog or travel company.
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When facing setbacks or feeling demotivated in your travel blog project or safari company, motivational quotes for entrepreneurs like "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" by Steve Jobs can reignite your passion by reminding you of the intrinsic connection between passion and excellence, motivating you to persevere and pursue your vision with renewed enthusiasm. Here's how: 6. Providing Perspective and Instilling Resilience Motivational quotes often offer a fresh perspective on challenges, reminding you that setbacks are temporary and part of the journey to success. When encountering obstacles in building your travel venture, quotes like, "Obstacles are the raw materials of great accomplishments," by Thomas Carlyle, can reframe difficulties as opportunities for growth and innovation. This perspective shift can fuel your determination to overcome hurdles and persevere in your endeavors.
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Establishing a travel blog or company requires resilience in the face of adversity. Motivational quotes serve as reminders of the resilience inherent in the entrepreneurial journey. Quotes such as, "The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory," by Les Brown, inspire resilience by emphasizing that challenges are integral to eventual success. They encourage you to weather the storms with fortitude and emerge stronger on the other side. 7. Igniting Passion and Encouraging Innovation Passion is the driving force behind successful travel ventures. Motivational quotes have a unique ability to reignite your passion when faced with obstacles or moments of doubt. Quotes like, "Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you," by Oprah Winfrey, remind you of the intrinsic connection between passion and achievement. They encourage you to channel your enthusiasm into overcoming for instance travel blogging challenges and pursuing your vision with renewed vigor.
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Innovation is key to standing out in the competitive travel industry. Motivational quotes inspire innovative thinking by challenging conventional wisdom and encouraging bold experimentation. Quotes such as, "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing," by Walt Disney, urge action and creativity in problem-solving. They embolden you to embrace innovation as a means of surmounting obstacles and distinguishing your travel venture in a crowded marketplace. 8. Fostering Community and Cultivating Gratitude Entrepreneurship can sometimes feel isolating, especially when facing challenges alone. Motivational quotes foster a sense of community by connecting you with the experiences and wisdom of fellow entrepreneurs. Sharing inspiring quotes with peers in the travel industry creates a supportive network where challenges can be collectively addressed and triumphs celebrated. This sense of camaraderie instills confidence and motivation to persevere through difficult times.
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Amidst the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship, it's important to cultivate gratitude for the journey, including its challenges and triumphs. Motivational travel slogans and quotes remind you to appreciate the opportunities inherent in overcoming obstacles and pursuing your dreams. Quotes such as, "Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings," by William Arthur Ward, encourage you to embrace gratitude as a source of strength and inspiration on your entrepreneurial path. Key Takeaway: In summary, fellow motivational quotes for entrepreneurs serve as powerful allies in navigating the challenges of establishing yourself as a go-to-source travel blog or travel company. By providing perspective, instilling resilience, igniting passion, encouraging innovation, fostering community, and cultivating gratitude, these quotes empower you to overcome obstacles with confidence and determination. So, the next time you face a challenge in your entrepreneurial journey, let the wisdom of motivational quotes propel you forward toward success in the dynamic world of travel entrepreneurship. 9. FAQs on Entrepreneur Quotes for the Travel Industry What is a powerful quote about entrepreneurs?"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." - John A. Shedd. This quote encapsulates the essence of entrepreneurship, urging individuals to embrace risk and venture into uncharted waters to achieve greatness.What are good business quotes?Good business quotes for travel entrepreneurs often emphasize resilience, creativity, and the transformative power of exploration, serving as reminders of the unique challenges and opportunities within the travel industry, and inspiring innovative approaches to building successful ventures in this dynamic field. Here are some: "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." - Saint Augustine "Adventure is worthwhile." - Aesop. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu.What is an inspiring quote for a business owner?"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill. This quote reminds business owners that setbacks are temporary and perseverance is key to long-term success.What is Elon Musk's most famous quote?Elon Musk's most famous quote, "I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary," inspires individuals across various fields, including travel entrepreneurship, by emphasizing the power of determination and the belief in one's ability to achieve greatness through perseverance and innovation. Conclusion: Embracing the Wisdom of Entrepreneur Quotes As aspiring travel entrepreneurs, we stand on the precipice of a remarkable journey filled with boundless opportunities and unforeseen challenges. In our quest to establish successful travel blogs or tour companies, the wisdom encapsulated in entrepreneur quotes serves as guiding beacons, illuminating the path ahead. From fostering inspiration and resilience to cultivating discipline and fostering creativity, these quotes empower us to navigate the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship with confidence and conviction.
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However, it's essential to recognize that the true power of entrepreneur quotes lies not in mere recitation, but in their application. To derive maximum benefit from these pearls of wisdom, we must embody the spirit of dedication and discipline in our entrepreneurial pursuits. Only through unwavering commitment to our craft, relentless pursuit of excellence, and a willingness to embrace innovation can we truly harness the transformative potential of entrepreneur quotes in our journey to establish thriving travel ventures. So, as you embark on your entrepreneurial odyssey in the realm of travel, remember to draw inspiration from the timeless wisdom of visionary entrepreneurs. Let their words be your guiding light, illuminating the path to success as you chart new territories and create unforgettable experiences for travelers around the globe. What are those entrepreneurship quotes you live by? How have they shaped your entrepreneurial journey? Read the full article
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