#commercial website
buckevantommy · 8 days
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LOU FERRIGNO JR | vinnie who loves to lift
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evegwood · 1 year
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I've finally compiled a whole bunch of my conlangs and conscripts on my website! If you're interested in made up languages and alphabets, you can read my painfully detailed write-ups at evegwood.com/languages.
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bey-life · 4 months
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nostalgiahime · 1 year
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Neopets Toy Commercial (2003) [✩]
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jstardoesthings · 3 months
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I went through the new update I just wanna hug Eddie
poor guy is being traumatised out here by a singular pea
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kaisertheadvisor · 2 months
This is a sequel to this post I made in January. Thought I'd share the alleged "subliminal effect" commercial for Persona 3. I've left a link to the original file on Archive.org, as well as a transcription of what is said on there.
ある広告担当の日記  記述者 匿名希望
テストROMをプレイして正直びっくりした。 ウチの人間にここまでやれるとは思っていなかった。 これだけの作品だ。絶対に売りたい。広告戦略も大胆にやろう。そう心に決めた。 既にWEBサーバーは何度もパンクしかかってるが、僕の仕事はより多くのアクセスをもたらすことだ。むしろパンクさせてやろうじゃないか(そんなことを言うと現場の人間や上長に殴られそうだが・・・)より多くの人にこの作品のことを知ってもらいたい気持ちの方が強い。 そう思って作ったTVCM・・・。 まさか、あんなことになるとは思わなかった。 TVCMは放送する前に、TV局の審査にかけなくてはならない。 そこでまさかの審判が下った。 「サブリミナルCM」だと言うのだ・・・。 そんなはずない・・・! 僕は何度も何度も作ったフィルムを見直した。 というか放送期限までギリギリの状況で、一体どこを修正すれば・・・。 と憤慨してみたが・・・ 目まぐるしく移り変わる画面を眺めていると 耳鳴りがしてきた。 確かに、これは、サブリミナル・・・なのかもしれない。このタイトスケジュールの中、修正作業をしなければならない…そんなことを考えるとクラクラしてきた。 気分転換のために窓から顔を出すと、空が緑色に染まって見えた。 あれ…?東京の大気汚染はここまで進んでいたのか? 気づいたら他のスタッフの姿が見えない。 耳鳴りが酷い。 空は相変わらずの緑色だ。 昨夜から降り続く雨が作った水溜りが真っ赤に染まって見えた。
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happywebdesign · 7 months
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donut-button · 1 year
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Before the beloved comic con suit, there appears to have been another Sam & Max mascot suit made to advertise the cartoon. We know Max at least had one. This is as much confirmation as I can find at the moment. These of course could be wrong and I’m only speculating based on information here.
The Sam & Max Homepage (fan site)
Totally Fox Kids Magazine - Spring 1998 
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odysseys-blood · 2 months
Cliff, be five percent gayer and get into Monster High. You're like one of the only people in here I trust about fashion.
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you sound exactly like my brother
no however 😔 i fear the want to get into mh passed me by years ago the dolls r real cute tho
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agent-jaselin · 4 months
Also speaking of Etsy since I keep seeing commercials. I really wish there was a juried version of it so you didn't have to spend an hour slogging through sweat factory knock offs pretending to be an induvial and "customizable" also definitely from a big factory garbage before you got to the stuff made by actual creators.
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asterdeer · 2 months
“why does no one tell the musicians they can just write songs about made up things Like They Used To Do” you’re getting angry at one singer’s marketing persona and then acting like that’s how all music is Nowadays as if “singer-songwriter” isn’t an entire genre because most (pop, at least) artists just Acquire their songs and have done for literal decades. tons of singers don’t write their own songs at all. all due respect, what are you talking about
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himanshusharmauiux · 5 months
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In the digital era, your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your business. A captivating and well-designed website is not just aesthetically pleasing; it's a powerful tool that can drive engagement, boost conversions, and establish a lasting impression. Welcome to himanshuuiux.com, your trusted partner in the realm of Web Design Company and online success.
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Ready to embark on a journey of online success? Contact himanshuuiux.com today to discuss how our web design expertise can transform your digital presence. Let's build a website that not only looks impressive but also delivers measurable results.
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mdabdulwadud · 6 months
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🚀  Is Now the Perfect Time to Start Your Online Business? 
The entrepreneurial itch is tingling, that spark of inspiration for your online business is blazing bright, but a nagging question clouds your mind: Is NOW the right time to take the plunge?
💡 Fear not, fellow go-getters! Let's dissect this dilemma and turn your anxieties into actionable steps.
🔍 Here's the reality:
The online business landscape is BOOMING. E-commerce sales are projected to hit a staggering $5.7 trillion globally by 2025. That's a massive pie, and there's a slice waiting for your unique venture.
Technology has slashed barriers to entry. Building an online store, launching marketing campaigns, and connecting with customers is easier and more affordable than ever. Think user-friendly website builders, powerful social media tools, and a plethora of free resources at your fingertips.
Consumers are craving convenience and personalization. From the comfort of their couches, they're actively seeking out niche products and brands that resonate with their values. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd with your distinctive offerings. ✨
🌐 But wait, there's a twist! ️
Competition is fierce. The online space is teeming with businesses vying for attention. You need a watertight plan, a killer value proposition, and the resilience to navigate a dynamic market.
Economic uncertainties can be daunting. Inflation, supply chain disruptions, and global events can impact consumer spending. However, a well-adapted business model and a focus on essential needs can help you weather the storm. ️
Success takes time and dedication. Don't expect overnight riches. Building a thriving online business requires consistent effort, strategic adjustments, and a healthy dose of learning agility.
📈 So, is it the "right time"?
The answer lies within you. If you have a burning passion, a well-defined plan, and the grit to persevere, then every time is the right time. Remember, the most successful entrepreneurs didn't wait for perfect conditions; they created them.
🚀 Here's your call to action:
Validate your idea. Research your target market, identify their needs, and ensure your product/service solves a real problem.
Craft a solid business plan. Outline your goals, strategies, finances, and marketing approach.
Start small and iterate. Don't wait for everything to be perfect. Launch, test, learn, and adapt.
Embrace the journey. There will be ups and downs, but your passion and perseverance will fuel your success.
The online business world is waiting for your unique contribution. Take the leap, chase your dream, and make your mark!
Remember, the time is NOW. The only limit is your own potential.
P.S. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let's create a supportive community of aspiring online entrepreneurs.
Let's get started on building your online business empire! ✨
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bey-life · 4 months
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nostalgiahime · 1 year
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Neopets Toy Commercial (2003) [✩]
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akascow · 6 months
i love how pillow pet commercials still feel the exact same as they were 10 years ago it still has the as seen on tv style marketing graphics but the products are new
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