#so you can imagine how absolutely nuts i get about languages
evegwood · 2 years
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I've finally compiled a whole bunch of my conlangs and conscripts on my website! If you're interested in made up languages and alphabets, you can read my painfully detailed write-ups at evegwood.com/languages.
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celestie0 · 6 months
Some headcanons about Kickoff college!Gojo, please!
hellooo my love i’m so sorry this took me a while i wanted to post ch9 first!
kickoff!gojo headcanons pt.1 unserious & fluffy edition lol
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ᰔ these headcanons are based off of my fanfic “kickoff” which is about popular frat boy soccer college athlete gojo lol & there are spoilers below ᰔ for my kickoff readers: most of these are so unserious and/or fluffy (not rly much nsfw) hope u enjoy!!
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kickoff!gojo who almost got arrested once for running away from the cops. he wasn’t even in trouble for anything they just started chasing him bc he started running 😭
kickoff!gojo whose primary love language is physical touch and so all of the times he’s had to NOT touch you has driven him absolutely fuckin nuts. positively BONKERS he’s practically been lobotomized by the restraint he’s had to exercise to not touch you
kickoff!gojo whose frat once hosted a date auction to raise money for rush and gojo singlehandedly raised $20k in one night from the bidding bachelorettes (and bachelors)🧍🏻‍♀️he has yet to go on all of those dates he owes them 😅 he runs away anytime his frat president tries to bring it up LOL
kickoff!gojo who is actually a pretty decent student, i mean he’s a business major so womp womp ofc he’s getting by just fine. i think his favorite class he’s ever taken was freshman year econ bc him and todo got into sm shit in that class and it's some of his fondest memories
kickoff!gojo who was literally picturing a life with you on the italian countryside when you were telling him about it. self inserted to the MAX
kickoff!gojo who is always the first to like all of your film photography slideshows on instagram because he has your post notifs on :”) you and messi are the only ppl he’s got post notifs on for 🤣
kickoff!gojo who thought he would be okay with watching your life from afar, through small pictures on his phone, but the thought devastated him more n more w every waking minute
kickoff!gojo who realized that having you wrapped in his arms at the end of ch9 was the closest thing he’s felt to peace since before the night his father passed away
kickoff!gojo who hasn’t really kept too much memoribilia of his father since a lot of the memories are painful for him, but he’s kept that old soccer ball w his dad’s signature n word of love for his mom on it
kickoff!gojo who wouldnt have been able to get through the trauma of losing his father if suguru wasn’t there by his side. he would’ve really lost himself, and would’ve given up on soccer if not for suguru's support. he's truly really grateful for him
kickoff!gojo who knows what his sun, moon & rising signs are because he’s been ran through 🙄 smh. WHORE
kickoff!gojo who plays for charity soccer tournaments on the weekends whenever he can 🫶🏼💕 he loves it bc there’s less pressure to play super well & also he loves getting to meet the people that the events are helping out
kickoff!gojo who has a massive sex drive (he got that athlete testosterone 😔🤚🏼) esp around someone he genuinely likes AHEM YOU so beware that if you start dating him he’s gonna beg you to put it on him at least 15 times a day and you’ll have to reject him 13.5 times
kickoff!gojo who is not ready to be a father at ALL at this point in his life but he’s thought ab how nice it would be to teach his kids how to play soccer someday :”) he’s givin me girl dad vibes tho, and you just KNOW he’s gonna be cheering on his lil girls when they’re tearing through the little league w their sparkly princess tiaras & tutus on 😤 he’d be the little league coach for sure LMAO
also little league coach!gojo would 100% promise to let the kiddos shave his head if they win the championship game 😭 i can just imagine you yelling at him when he randomly comes home bald one day
kickoff!nanami&choso&suguru who would be such protective soccer uncles to yours and gojo's duaghters. not a single boy would ever get NEAR those girls i'm telling youuu. pls pray for them haha
kickoff!gojo who figured out you were mina’s roommate through a little bit of facebook stalking. and yes, he scrolled all the way down to your embarrassing middle school photos. and yes, he still likes you despite seeing them. more, even, when he thinks about it. also, he’s pissed you had a digimon themed 9th birthday party and you didn’t invite him 😒 what’s up w that
kickoff!gojo & kickoff!choso who once illegally played an off-season tourney abroad in spain for a lump sum lmfaoo and it was a pretty decent cut of cash. but shhhh dont tell the NCAA ab that pls or else they’re fucked 💀
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this is all i could think of rn haha thank you anon for the ask and hope you enjoyed them <333
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brainman1987 · 3 months
I am going NUTS over your "booted to the Infinite Realms" ghost prince Danny AU like
Does he have his memories, or no? You're art gives off the idea that he lost them in the ejection
How do Sam and Tucker react? How would, hypothetically, the Fentons react?
Would he ever be able to speak again, since his human vocal chords went unused for so long?
Also I LOVE his long hair, and in that first group of sketches where human Danny shows up, he kinda looks like he has dreadlocks!
Im so glad you like it!! Its also been on my mind a lot recently, its just such a fun idea :)
After so much time spent in the ghost zone, he‘s pretty much forgotten everything. Anything he does know about the human realms is hearsay from a very VERY long line of telephone. While he doesn’t loose them in the ejection a combination of a concussion, his death freshly on his mind, and no access to any human realms means that he looses his memories fairly quickly and learns to adjust to life as a ghost even quicker! Here’s a quick explanation of the stages he goes through:
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To answer the question“how do people react“ it’s a bit complicated. Sam and Tucker went to therapy after witnessing their friends death up close and personal, so they do feel absolutely shitty about. Well you can guess. But it’s odd because Tucker wants to believe that Danny can (and will!) gain his human memories back in they simply keep doing things with him that they used to do together. Sam doesn’t believe this, and instead feels incredibly guilty. She doesn’t stop Tucker from trying though and tbh both of them spiral a little bit. Depending on how much/what the story the two give the Fenton reactions vary wildly! Either way Jazz very much does go into psychology, specifically children’s psychology because of some messed up belief that if she had only talked to him more about stuff like peer pressure and that jazz she would‘ve been able to „save him.“ If Sam and Tucker tell the authorities that Danny died due to the actual PORTAL TO THE REALMS BETWEEN REALMS that they built (likely unlawfully) in their basement hen they would be detained for child neglect and also. Doing that. If not the two would feel horrible feeling as though they pushed Danny too hard and sort of forced him to do something suicidal like that. Honestly it’s just bad vibes throughout aksjdasjd
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In my head, no! Not really I don’t think he’d be able to speak again. I’m not even sure his human body could handle stuff like food or anything because of how neglected it is. I’m sure there are ways he could get around this (mostly sing language and stuff) but I’m not sure I could imagine him having his human voice again. Many ghosts don’t even have organs! He a special little exception :)
Also I didn’t mean to portray his hair like that but it’s interesting that I does look like that’s kajscjadj
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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♡ part 2 of random hc ♡
☆ starring ☆
König aka my beloved giant unfairly underrated and overlooked
Tw: mature language, mentions of anxiety, tiny bit of angst like you have to squint really hard
A/N: first i have to thank @bloodlst for giving me so many ideas and for dealing with me and my endless rants about this absolutely scrunkly babe. I SHOULD BE DOING REQUESTS AND YET HERE I AM WRITING FOR A MAN I'VE KNOWN FOR NO MORE THAN A WEEK OR SO. Media is ruining my chances at a normal relationship fr ANYWAY ENJOY
Listen this fucker is the definition of disney Prince when he gets comfortable enough around you
Everytime he talks about his s/o instead of saying you're his he says that he's yours
He feels like it's not as intimate and accurate as he really feels around you to say that you're his
And BTW he brags about you and your public displays of affection to everyone and anyone
Bro has not an ounce of embarrassment in showing he loves you and you love him
He's so charming and smooth but with that sprinkle of awkwardness that makes him ridiculously adorable
He is quite literally a gentleman and worships the ground you walk
In general he's very respectful and lovely with everyone
That's why he tends to like make people crush on him
Which he totally doesn't notice like ever, this man can and will think they're just being overly nice out of pity
He is literally so good at dancing, like it's almost annoying
One could think that him being so tall would make him really stiff and awkward when dancing but he's not
He's as graceful and elegant as ever
Is the only time he gets confident and shows off a little bit his physical appearance
He definitely prefers more elegant dances like waltz and tango ecc
He has a really hard time at being funny cause he always worries that maybe his jokes are not obvious enough or that he's just straight up not funny
Like he has a shit ton of puns and jokes in his head but says none of them cause he doesn't really knows if people will get it and it's scared of coming off as weird
Most of the jokes are dirty jokes BTW, this man is an absolute child and is making deez nuts jokes left to right inside the confines of his really strange mind
Has really large hands, like not quite big but really long fingers and they're slightly crooked AND EVERYONE WHO HAS LONG FINGERS CAN CONFIRM YOUR FINGIES GET CROOKED
ALSO ALSO when he buys a new phone he doesn't even cares about it being good or not
He has premature grey hairs. Like he has starting to get them when he was really young
Which ends up in him always having to dye his hair
He loves to go to get groceries
Like he actively gets excited about new products or new things to buy and overall he just enjoys how relaxing and calming is to go to the supermarket
I feel like he's one of those people who are really good at card games like poker ecc
He either ends up broke af cause everyone is merciless with him or he's unbelievably lucky and ends up winning every hand but doesn't takes the money cause he feels bad
It really depends on the day
With board games tho he's definitely a sore loser
Like have you seen how pissy and sarcastic he gets in the game sometimes? You can not tell me this man doesn't hates losing at monopoly
Me and my fellow könig simp @bloodlst have come to the conclusion that he has an involuntary resting bitch face
The fact is that as I said before he clenched his jaw almost always due to anxiety which makes him look like really scary but insanely hot
The moment you make him smile tho it's like you're witnessing some sort of shapeshift witchery
He has gone through the most traumatising injuries ever but never seems to notice (?)
Like he has big ass scars in his body and when someone asks about them he tells the story all chill as if he's not talking about him getting fucked up in every possible way
and he like never realises how serious his injuries are in the eyes of everyone else so he's always so confuse as why everyone looks so concern
He chooses his words wisely cause he values the meaning of certain words and doesn't likes to use them lightly
Like he tries not to tell his s/o I love you too lightly or too much cause he wants the phrase to always feels as special as it is for him and not something you said just because
And about that when he's arguing with someone he never says anything he does not mean
That means he will say 100% the truth even if it hurts
That doesn't mean that if he realises he's wrong he won't apologise
He will and will genuinely own his mistakes and take responsibility without using excuses
Like I said before könig is not one who gets angry easily
He has unwavering patience and deals with things very rationally
Like he is used to people treating him as if he was dumb, bullying him and just overall making him feel like bad about his anxiety or himself so it's not surprising he can handle people bring arses very well
He gets upset but always hides it really well
When he does gets mad tho he is going to make you cry
Any filter or shyness goes away and he just snaps and gets really mean really fast
Mean because although he's being honest, he's particularly brutal about it and says things as harsh as possible
But like I said is really hard for him to get that angry
The most that one can do to him is force him to politely excuse himself to go somewhere else and cry it out
He's a really sensitive person and most often than not he just gets sad, he won't stay sad for long but when he does he feels like absolute shit
The things that make him go absolutely apeshit is mostly when people mistreat his loved ones or when people take advantage of someone weaker than them like they used to do with him
When he was younger he used to have a lot of anger issues
He used to feel frustrated all the time with how unfair everyone was with him because of his anxiety
Never got into physical fights but would end up snapping and saying really hurtful things to people he loved
That's why now he tries to be careful with words
He's very proud of the person he has become in some way
He has come a long way and now he's a healthier person than he used to be
He forgives but never forgets even tho he's not the type of person to use past mistakes against someone
He just keeps in mind the thing that had happened and if he doesn't sees any change then he just acts consequently
Hates mint flavour beverages or ice cream and can't understand why people enjoy it so much
I don't know why but I feel like he grow up with his grandparents
He absolutely loved his grandma and used to call her almost everyday
When he buys clothes he doesn't really care about the brand ecc he likes to buys what makes him feel confident or good
Not even what others might like or stuff like that nono
He just buys whatever his funky brain finds pretty
And surprisingly it leads to him having a really good style
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landwriter · 1 year
Heya, I love your writing and taste in things.
I’ve finished (and loved) everything you’ve posted <3
Are there any sandman fics that have tickled your fancy lately?
Thank you so much!!! I sadly do not have time to read near as much Sandman fic as I'd like, but I have scoured both my memory and my bookmarks on AO3 (all twelve of them) and dug up some absolutely wonderful stories - hope at least one or two of these is new to you?!
I am probably a bit weird in this, but I don't bookmark fics I love (which is really nearly all I've read) insamuch as fics that have done something in particular that I think is so well-executed or clever or inspiring that I want to be able to study it like a creature in its own right. Usually these are stories that have the traits I admire most in fiction: economy of language, being very fucking funny, making me viscerally uncomfortable, or outright haunting me.
I loved reading all of them but your mileage may vary! Caveat lector like more than half of these are smut and/or violent so please check the tags against your own preferences. Several long-winded recs with excerpts and explanations under the cut:
The Birthday of the Beast | @slythernim | Dream/Hob | T | 3.3K
Father Almighty, though I have long not been your servant, I remain your unmanageable son. Here on Earth, closer to Hell than to Heaven, as I celebrate perhaps the least holy of holy days, I must imagine myself like unto Lucifer more than as Michael, that he and I might together make of the darkness a place for humanity to grow. He blows out the candles. 
Hob turns 666. Extremely fun fic by Nym that features incredible characterization within a very short space, Catholicism, Lucifer, and of course, gets a very special birthday gift. But you shall have to read the fic to see what it is. Read everything of Nym's, actually.
New Mistakes | Anonymous | Dream/Corinthian | M | 3.2K
Dream slid his thumb into the Corinthian’s mouth, the one he shared with most, the one with which he commonly spoke. “Well?” he asked. “Are you fed?” The voice that came from his left-eye mouth buzzed like locusts. My lord, we are. The voice that came from his right-eye mouth dripped like honey. My lord, we can always be fed more. Dream pulled back, looking at the Corinthian expectantly. The Corinthian swallowed, running his tongue along his teeth. There was a faint blush on his cheeks, and Dream was unaccountably flattered. “My lord,” he said. “I wish to be good.”
Have read almost no Corintheus but this fic hits on so much that I find distantly intriguing about the pairing. Perfect dialogue, gorgeous rhythm. Wonderfully visceral. Absolutely bonkers nuts for repetition in threes, as I'm sure you know, and I love how it was used here.
Lucy Locket | Anonymous | Dream/Hob and Dream/Hob/Corinthian | E | 17K
Five chapters (now with a new threesome added in late April, much to my delighted surprise!) of just fantastic roleplay smut that in-between all the sex is by turns incredibly funny and tender. Alternating Dream and Hob POV. As somebody for whom sexual roleplay has been my literal bread and butter on a professional basis, it shouldn't be surprising I am so fond of this fic - but it catches me out every time! Like a blow from behind, and I am winded. It is ridiculously hot and distressingly perfect all-through, and I would absolutely marry the author about it (sorry author if you're reading this). No excerpt because I cannot choose and will simply suggest that if you're up for kink that you go read it all at once.
Public | @softest-punk | Dream/Hob | E | 1.1K
"Oh, darling," Hob murmurs, fingering the edge of Dream's delicate lace knickers. Dream feels his smirk against his jaw, bites his lip at the brush of a kiss under his ear. "You forget how old I am. I learned to fuck with an audience."
Every day I get closer and closer to needing to write Dream and/or Hob with vulvas; this may have been the fic that sealed the deal for me, I think. Ridiculously hot, and enshrined in my head forever for the line above. I learned to fuck with an audience. God! How good. A masterclass in the slutty drabble that nevertheless retains peak Dream/Hob characterization (I would argue that sex is in fact one of the best narrative vehicles for characterization and exploration of interpersonal dynamics...this bias is probably why nearly all these recs are so horny.) One day I will learn how to write proper smut in media res like this and not preface it with gratuitous plot.
worship like a dog | @thewalrus-said | Dream/Hob | E | 2.5K
“Is it so inconceivable that I might love you?” Dream murmured, running his manicured nail down Hob’s cheek. Hob tried to speak, swallowed, and tried again. “No one ever has before,” he said. “No one but God.”
Hob is a priest. Dream is a demon, except he's not. Dizzyingly hot for so many reasons, with a delightful canon dialogue echo. And again, must stress this: Hob is a priest. Hob is a priest. Hob is a priest, go read it.
Safehouse | Anonymous | Hob/Corinthian | E | 5K
“I need a room. One without a door.”
The best execution of the sex pollen trope I've ever seen, with the worst men. Very, very good fic with a brilliant premise and unerring execution. World-building is done in such brief but vivid strokes - it feels like a 50K fic whenever I remember it, and I'm always surprised how short it actually is. Haunts me in the best of ways.
As well - these fics are well-known and well-loved - but some stories that are utterly wonderful and contain lines that haunt me weeks, sometimes months later - stories that rearranged my soul, lurched me closer towards writing for Sandman, and warrant mention even though I am SURE you have read them, include:
@moorishflower's iconic and beautiful Odyssey fic, maybe sprout wings was the first fic I commented on with my AO3 account, and among the best fics I've ever read in any fandom; slightly deeper cuts from Heather's oeuvre (if, for some reason you are not reading everything already) that I am obsessed with and have reread multiple times: vowel shift, most vain devices, an act of faith. Genius stuff and unbelievably gorgeous language. Just go read it all, honestly
@softest-punk's Shelter is one of the first Sandman fics I ever read, and is beyond lovely; if you have not read their entire deep and profoundly lovely back catalogue, I recommend Catching Up (quintessential Cecil deep tissue emotional massage), Delayed (or: my favourite kink and favourite Endless); Ferrous (vampires! bad men! ahh! ooh!); and I would of course be remiss and ungrateful to not mention self-abandon, and the confounding effects thereof, a 10K fic that perfectly answered my general question of how the three lads would actually get together once the Corinthian and Hob had started fucking (as narrative foils that deserve such treats)
@xx-vergil-xx's Hounds is an ongoing epic that has singlehandedly caused me more emotions than humanity has language for; it is ambitious in scope and sticks every landing. The world is alive and lovingly-detailed. The language is a poem. It is so smart, so beautiful, and so well-researched and built. It is a TEMPLE unto itself, and appropriately worthy of worship
I will also suggest you read absolutely everything by @that-banhus because she literally cannot miss and writes the loveliest, cleverest worlds. All of it.
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Thirty-Seven
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd, readers beware as always lol.
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 @black-damask1999 @jilliemiw86 @ilovesamkiszka @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses @laurpartyprogram @sunsshinesunny @malerieee @talialovesmiw @shilohrosechicken @thatchickwiththecamera @tamtam-elizabeth
Tag List is Open, please let me know if you would like to be added to it or in general.
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Chris had ended up having to leave his friend a message on his machine as he was out that morning, he hated doing that as it felt so impersonal, and never wanted to give details on those things. But, it was over really, he knew that he couldn’t always be in the office. The soulmate tattoo science division was a very difficult line of research to keep funded. Most of the people in the field he’d managed to make contact with, even if just marginally over the last few years, all said the same thing. They usually either were extremely lucky with multiple grants, had side jobs, alternate research, or their research into the soul connection was the alternate study. There were some on the outside that sat the soulmate research as a hobby, but he knew they were all so very passionate about it. Sadly, none of them could dedicate all of their time to it, as it just didn’t pay the bills.
That was something Chris could understand completely. He remembered the early years in the band, working what was essentially a day job just to make ends meet. Needing it to make sure he could pay rent, buy food, have the funds for equipment, getting to and from gigs, basically everything the band could possibly need. So yes, he knew what it was like to have a passion project that was worth an absolute pittance. Unfortunately for most of the scientists he’d talked to over the years, their projects in the soulmate research, wasn’t likely to suddenly boom anything nearly as massive as the band. Not with the known track record so far. Besides, he was reminded science wasn’t just about making money though, it was about the discovery and search of knowledge.
He was in need of some of that knowledge right now, and not just him, but also Ricky, and Talia. Living like this, was driving all of them a little nuts, he could tell they were all on edge. Poor Talia, that panic attack she’d had, she had spiralled so bad just at the thought of having to face those doctors again that had treated her so badly. If Chris had his way, he’d shut that whole place down, who the hell treated people that way. What harm, what proof, had her family presented, that could have suggested that any of that was remotely necessary, even then, the doctors should have evaluated her themselves. He couldn’t personally understand how Talia could have met the criteria. 
Just the same, once Chris had made the call, now it was just the waiting game, and checking the message board, cringing at the different takes of what others had of the illnesses that could be wrong with him. Oh yes, the imaginations of these people, they were coming up with everything under the sun that could be wrong with him, and somehow every single person, assumed he was dying. He supposed that happened when you were brought to that particular area of the message boards, it involved death to start with, so assuming death was involved, could be taken to heart. Chris would like to think he wasn’t dying though, he didn’t feel sick, no matter how much of a panic this was whirling around in him right now though, let's not think about that. 
It was about lunchtime that he was finally able to hear back from his friend, right when he was in the middle of making himself something to eat no less, isn’t that how it always goes? When you have been absolutely dying for someone to call you back about a vital topic, you wait around forever expecting their call, but it doesn’t come. When you finally give up and get up to do something else, boom, you are right in the middle of what you are doing, and they call. So he was in the middle of making himself a sandwich when his phone started ringing, and he had to drop everything, he wasn’t going to risk missing this call, not this of all things.
“Micah, hey, man, how are you going? How’s the wife? The kids?”
While Chris had never met Micah in person, they had had some very long and in-depth philosophical conversations about the soulmate bonds between people. Even about the bond stemming between Micah and his wife and how their relationship had been affected by it. Micah had met his wife long before they knew they were soulmates, much like Talia’s friends Kyle and Jordan. Chris had enjoyed hearing about such a bond evolving differently somewhere else to, how the tattoos were different and worked differently for everywhere. It was amazing how that happened. 
“They are doing well, and you, Chris, how is your work going?”
Chris never spoke openly about his work on the phone, not this number anyway, this was the office number. While there were other scientists that Chris knew on a strictly surface level, Micah he’d actually gotten to know a little more personally because the man had understood to some degree what Chris went through. He had switched to soulmate research when his brother had lost his soulmate while he was still a teenager, and the toll it had taken on him had been immense. Chris felt for those that lost so much hope at such a young age.
“It’s going well, on some downtime, which is even better. Though I’ve actually had some curious thoughts lately, one of my friends has been talking to me a lot about soulmate tattoos. I mean, we were talking about the different crazy theories and hypothetical situations out there.”
Chris knew it was a little unfair that he was telling his friend a bit of a white lie, but this wasn’t just about him, this was about Ricky and Talia too. He wasn’t going to put them in a position when they had to deal with a bunch of doctors if they didn’t want to. Ricky had said straight out yesterday, no tests, and Chris did not blame him, especially with how they were all connected, if just one of them got poked and prodded, who knows if they’d all feel it.
As expected, Chris heard a rustling of papers on the desk of the other end of the phone followed by a low chuckle, assuming that Micah was getting himself comfortable for this conversation now.
“Alright, Chris, you’ve got my attention, hit me with them.”
Bingo, he knew how to get Micah, he always liked to hear the latest theories that came about. Hearing them from people was always more interesting than trolling the message boards as Micah told him after all.
“Okay, now, I know that some of these just really got my head spinning, like there is apparently one that is about how the tattoos are actually random and work on hypnotic suggestion once they come in proximity to each other. There is another, that was taking about soulmate tattoos can sometimes change colour after a soulmate passes away, and become a whole new tattoo, which is completely ridiculous. Oh hell, then there was another one, oh, oh, get this Micah, oh you’ll get a kick out of this-”
Chris had a couple more insane ideas in his head to throw at him if need be, including tid bits of the way the soulmate bond that was affecting Talia and Ricky. The idea had been, was to see if he could see if that sparked more from Micah as he went. The fact that he seemed to be stopping his jumbled rant already, it would seem he wouldn’t need that after all.
“Wait a second, what was that theory?”
Chris paused, as if thinking,
“The hypnotic suggestion? Don’t tell me someone is actually researching that, are you kidding-”
“No Chris- I-”
“Because I swear if my friend finds out that he could eventually hypnotise his girlfriend-”
“Chris, that’s not what I-”
Chris was just barrelling forward, he knew this was probably a bit much, but his nerves about the entire ordeal during the night had gone into overdrive. Remembering how it had felt holding Talia as she cried, had him convinced that he needed to protect her from any doctor involved. Even his friend. Ricky and him, they were connected yes, and sure, he didn’t want either of them hurt either, but seeing her curled up against Ricky’s chest sobbing, and the thought of her broken like that again? Never. This was why he was driving Micah around in circles, and maybe one day he’d tell him, maybe one day he’d forgive him.
“Shit! Sorry, Crap, Micah, you scared me.. What..”
“I wasn’t meaning about the hypnotic suggestion theory. What, what was the other theory you, you and your, friend, were, talking about?”
Here we go, time for the other foot to drop.
“Oh, um, was it, the uh, colour-blind tattoo soulmate theory one? About being the reason they are all only black or white?”
Chris didn’t know if he was frustrating Micah now, but he seemed to just let out a decent puff of air for a long moment then, taking in a slow breath.
“You mean the one about the tattoo changing, after the soulmate died? Like.. something anyway, sounds really stupid, right?”
Snorting derisively into the phone, as if he would have thought this entire thing was utterly ridiculous, and honestly, if it were happening to anyone else, he would.
The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. 
When Micah started talking again, something in his voice had changed, even if it was just from him adjusting his posture at his desk, Chris didn’t know, but something had changed, and instantly it made the man wary.
“So your friend, was this his theory Chris, or yours?”
“We were just shooting the breeze and talking about random things we heard about in passing, they weren’t either of our own theories, Micah, why, what does it matter, why so serious all of a sudden man?”
It was making him very worried about the fact that Micah was getting so serious about this, especially since Ricky had said the remark about testing. Thinking about it now, sent a chill down his spine. What the hell was happening, Micah had never gotten like this before, never, he’d always been so easy going, even when their discussions had become extremely intense.
“No, no, Chris, not serious, or anything like that, I just, I’m curious. How the subject of tattoos changing like that came up exactly. Is this, something that, either of you have heard about from someone in person, or, just a random joke about in the moment.”
He was fishing, Chris knew he was fishing, and it was making him nervous. He pushed himself to laughed slightly.
“Why, is there something to worry about Micah? Don’t tell me, tattoos are changing left right and centre and the government is keeping it covered up, big conspiracy they don’t want anyone to know about?”
That Chris threw out there with a real-ass loud laugh, the thought that random tattoos could be changing and no one in the world would be talking about it would be laughable to him. The things he’d heard all over the message boards about the soulmate tattoos there was no way another person tattoo could have changed, and he wouldn’t have heard about it, no, no way. Surely not… right?
Trying to sound as nonchalant as humanly possible considering how completely unhinged he was feeling with the turn this conversation had taken.
“Has your tattoo changed?”
Micah knew his soulmate was dead, and Chris was kicking himself now for including that in the first place, about the tattoo changing after a soulmate passing away. Shit, maybe he wouldn’t be asking about Chris’ tattoo specifically if he hadn’t. What the fuck was he supposed to say, he had to say something, the longer he said nothing, Micah would know he was stalling.. The fact he’d paused, even for a second, he was going to know something was amiss.
Scoffing slightly after that second,
“No, stuff, the same, as always, still.. White.. Still… dead.”
Swallowing, yep, his soulmate was still very much dead, everything was exactly the way it was the last time they spoke, Micah. 
As much as he’d called for answers, the cryptic way Micah was being, Chris wasn’t sure he wanted answers from him any more, something was amiss and he was nervous.
Silence met him again from the other end of the line, and just when Chris went to say something himself, Micah spoke abruptly.
“Chris, whatever you do, don’t call this number again, I’ll be in touch.”
And the line went dead.
What the hell was happening?!?
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starcrossedyanderes · 7 months
Okay idea that you totally don’t have to do anything with:
Xavier’s darling is (like me) a history nut and knows about a lot of history from all over the world from reading books and watching documentaries
So when Xavier decides to start a long lecture about Colvakia’s history because his future wife needs to know these things, darling finishes his sentences and eventually takes over the lecture as Xavier sits there stunned with major heart eyes
I just know he’d be so happy and think that it was so cute that his darling already knew all about his homeland, he might even think it’s fate
This is so long, but I couldn’t help it! Inspiration struck, ya know? Also I assure you, I am working on that Tom fic!
Xavier taps a baton onto a large map that hung up on the wall.
“Ok, dahling, listen up. It is absolutely vital that you learn and remember the history of Colvakia, if you want to rule it one day with me.”
You were sat down at a table, notebook and pencil at the ready. You nodded your head eagerly, being the little nerd you are.
“Alright then. Colvakia for quite a while was part of Österreich-Ungarn, or as you may know it, the Austro-Hungarian empire. But in 1918 the Great War, or World War 1, ended and the empire was dissolved. Colvakia was one of the countries that were formed.”
Your eyes shined with excitement, the eager learner you were.
“But in 1922 the Soviet Union was formed. And a few years before that the Romanovs were assassinated. This is where the history of Colvakia really starts to begin.”
You eagerly raise your hand, practically bouncing on your toes. Xavier sees this and raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, dahling?”
“But aren’t the Devorskýs related to the Romanovs?”
Xavier nods his head, content with the question.
“Very good, dahling! We in fact are related to the Romanovs! We were cousins that managed to evade the slaughter. And this is important why..?”
Xavier lead me on with that question.
“So it makes your claim to the throne legitimate!”
Xavier chuckles at your eagerness.
“Correct, once again (Y/n)! 100 points to you!” Xavier snaps his fingers, instantly summoning a servant. “You there, get the future tsarina some ptichye moloko! I think she’s earned it after such a-“ Xavier goes in to caress her cheeks “-wonderful answer” Xavier steps back and the servant scuttles off, probably to the kitchen.
“Now, with the Soviet Union now formed, you can imagine some people did not want any part in it, or wished for refuge. So that is how Colvakia got such a surge in Russian citizens. But, around World War 2 we were conquered by Germany, then the Soviets. You can understand how this was an awful time for us.”
You solemnly nod your head, thinking to all the suffering that must have occurred.
“We mostly kept to ourselves, primarily farming. And by some miracle, we were relinquished to our own devices! The Soviets were too busy on other fronts, that we were able to be relinquished from their grip!”
You raise your hand again.
“Wasn’t that called the Day of Miracles?”
Xavier eagerly nodded his head, so happy with your answer.
“Yes, it most certainly is! It got its name because of how many miracles seemingly occurred that day. For one, the fact we got our independence back so quickly. The second being forces from other countries thinking we were still occupied by Germany, and the fact most of the Soviet forces that were present were redirected. Many say it took an act of God for all to happen, hence the name.”
“Now, we were in an interesting state. We needed to rebuild, and most of our citizens were immigrants from Russia or other countries. But we were also heavily Austrian-Hungarian still, hence where we get our 3 main languages or German, Russian, and English.
Now, here’s where the Devorskýs come in. My great grandfather, Dominik, was a rather wealthy man as he came from rather high ranking Russian nobility. But they also used that money to build varying companies, along with farms. He had a specialty with breeding peacocks, hence the prevalence of them here. Either way, Dominik was also known as a rather kind man, who essentially spearheaded the rebuilding efforts. In fact, many buildings here are named after him because of his funding of philanthropy.”
You oohed, at this fact, as it finally answered why you’ve seen so many buildings with the name Dominik.
“Now, Colvakia was in need of a government, and we played around with regular democracy for a bit there. But it was terribly, terribly corrupt in our case. It was how we ended up under the thumb of the Germans, then Soviets. Also, it was completely and utterly rigged. So still reeling from that, we thought it was best to stay away from that form.
But we also saw how badly communism affected us, and knew it wasn’t a viable option. So that mostly left a monarchy as the only option.
Oddly enough, Dominik had-“
You couldn’t help it anymore, you had to blurt out what you knew!
“Dominik was volunteered for the role because of his philanthropy and him being a leader already! Also people liked him being descended from Russian royalty so they eventually declared him King! Then Colvakia slowly gained more land from either purchases, or some countries volunteering to join them! That’s how Colvakia got to where it is today!”
You panted, trying to catch your breath after blurting out so much. Meanwhile, Xavier just stared at you, in awe.
“Y-yes. Absolutely correct!”
Before you knew it, you were being absolutely bombarded with kisses.
“Correct! All of it! Wunderbar dahling! Wunderbar!”
Xavier let out a chuckle
“You cheeky little thing, I bet you were just trying to put me under your spell even more!”
You chuckled as well
“Well did it work? But in all seriousness, I just really love history.”
“Well, it’s certainly clear you are meant to be queen one day. And here I thought I couldn’t fall in love even more~”
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lightlycareless · 1 year
CHAPTER 34 HAS ME RUNNING IN CIRCLES CLAWING AT THE WALLS LOSING MY MIND,,, HELLO?? HELLO??? naoya just absolutely losing his mind writhing in emotional pain,, incredible stuff i agree w the staff. it is exactly like a car crash and i can not take my eyes away. hes so cringefail mariya. girlbossing standing in between the two of them... very strong of her. i talk a lot of shit abt naoya but i hate conflict and i'd probably start shaking and crying if i had to deal with him so mariya being able to just put herself right in the middle of all that and act totally normal about it is VERY impressive. props to y/n too for acting so normally too-- either that or naoyas just extremely oblivious to body language and emotional cues and doesn't notice them freaking the fuck out. 50/50
naoya detective arc,,,, it would be charming of him if he weren't so deranged. in fact its KINDA terrifying how incredibly focused and driven he was to figure everything out no matter how far back he had to trace it. like-- it'd be INSANELY hard to hide anything from him unless absolutely everyone involved in it was able to be IN on it and know how to keep up a lie to him. kinda fucked!
tho on the detective arc part-- it makes perfect sense for HIS deranged ass to immediately jump to the worst conclusion that y/n lied to him, despite the fact i imagine its still possible the package could've been stolen from inside the estate by one of the staff? as in, the worker got the wolf stamp, but it could've been jumbled up or stolen after entering the estate. not like he's thinking that far ahead tho,,,
FINALLY he sees her w naoaki and we get a whole-ass confrontation-- im going NUTS here this was SO intense. naoya's arc here plays on one of my FAVORITE villain tropes, the 'villain who genuinely doesn't realize he's done anything wrong'. those are always so good but rarely do we get the moments of said villain realizing how badly he's fucked up im SO excited for how this is going
the way naoya is genuinely sure he's not done anything wrong and doesn't realize how badly he's hurt her vs. naoaki thinking he's just pretending to be oblivious to get out of consequences- DELICIOUS STUFF. naoaki pulling the "because you *love* her?" in whats probably intended to be a mocking way and then realizing "oh shit. he does actually. oh this is a fucking mess isn't it" and feeling kind of guilty about it... is it weird i want them to make up at some point too in all of this? god knows naoya needs some fucking friends (besides ranta)
"Naoya doesn't... *can't* care for me... because he doesn't care for anyone but himself." Y/N WITH THE STEEL CHAIR,, FROM THE TOP ROPE,, might as well have just shot him. definitely did the equivalent of knocking him unconscious considering he apparently doesn't remember anything that happened afterwards. i like to imagine he just dropped unconscious right on the spot and they just left him there.
the dream sequence part KILLED me i genuinely believed up until maybe midway through this was real. ALSO HE CALLED HIM BROTHER,,, my onii-san joke rings true,, at the funniest possible fucking time,, wish he'd say it outside of a dream,, the y/n sneering at naoya and laughing at him was i think what gave it away-- i was willing to believe her and naoki went off to finally fuck after all that but sry y/n i do NOT believe you're willing to make fun of him that hard to his face yet. yet. i think you should though some time
but fr this WHOLEE dream sequence is soo important to his character its so good at illustrating the fear of failure and rejection and abandonment-- they're SO crippling for him to such a degree he ends up making it worse on himself and making this fucked up self-fulfilling cycle houghhh its so much,,
naoaki getting woken up in the middle of the night to naoya slamming into his room demanding to know where y/n is-- i NEED to know what he thought in that moment he mustve thought naoya's gone fucking insane esp when he just LEAVES right after without explaining anything
and then y/n probably thought she was gonna fucking die when he just showed up out of nowhere. actual jumpscare moment. also her being intrigued by just how disheveled and awful he looks? me too.
WHAT WAS HE GONNA TELL HER. IM WAILING AND CRYING DID HE EVEN HAVE ANYTHING HE WANTED TO SAY OR WAS HE JUST DESPERATELY TRYING TO GET HER TO STAY,, AUGH,, depending how loudly he collapsed to the floor and loud his crying was i wonder if y/n were able to hear him?? i think she should definitely see him crying at least once-- i wonder how she (or naoaki) would even handle him just breaking down into tears,,
ohmygod i wrote. a lot here. anyways. 20/10 chapter. im chewing on him. tysm for these incredible developments im foaming at the mouth to see whats next
Ahem, anyways... 🤭 I'm glad you liked this chapter!!! This has to be up there, in my top 10 moments of the story (we still have others though... but yeah, still up there) and the one I was dying to write for the longest. I don't know if it was enough "punishment" for Naoya, but it's good to see him be reminded of his stupidity :)
His downfall is something that I think many were expecting tbh, or at least see him get kicked down a notch lol He was out there thinking himself to be the king of the hill for far too long, someone had to remind him he’s not that special 😂
I’m pretty sure the staff’s perception of Y/N changed drastically once again, into a more positive I mean. They’re out there admiring how she was able to do what many couldn’t and can’t help but wonder if she has the potential to ruin the Zen’in if she wanted to—of course, that stops when Naobito is added into the equation, but they still like to daydream about it haha.
Mariya is a character I would consider 100% fed up with Naoya’s (or just about anyone from the clan) shenanigans, so that makes it easier for her to stand up to him, although I’m sure she’s still intimidated by him. Thankfully her extensive knowledge of how everything works around the estate helps her out in these situations, it’s kind of like a… “gray area” for her to exploit—something she can use if she ever gets in trouble with Junko or Meiko for example, she can easily say “I was just doing what was requested of me” and they’d be like “unnnghhhh I guess!!”
Besides, she has job security in the sense that Meiko considers her to be the best worker there (after her, obviously lmao) so she wouldn’t dare lose the order Mariya provides; because she’ll whine and cry about it, enough for Naobito to intervene, making him wonder why she was fired, forcing Meiko to say “well, because Naoya–“ and yeah, I don’t think anyone to be in that situation hahaha so she’s safe.
I’d say Naoya is greatly oblivious to body language when it comes to… socializing? Cause he’s great when it comes to analyzing targets in a jujutsu environment, but even then, I think he’d still be somewhat bad compared to others 😂 he's the kind of person that believes brute force overrules everything else, so he shouldn't worry about those menial details. (Kind of like Endeavor from MHA? Like he's a great hero, but in the sense of crime fighting, he didn't really care about making a fan base or anything else really... OUTSIDE OF SHOTO OF COURSE)
And because Y/N has always been “coy” when he’s around, he doesn’t think much of it outside of being normal behavior from her, so yeah, he didn't get any sense of "something's going on" when she acted the way she did.
Naoya being derange isn’t a surprise to anyone at this point 😭 I’m telling you, he does things that under any normal context it would’ve been sweet, but since he’s… him, it’s not lmao. I can’t imagine how terrified Y/N was upon hearing he went all the way down to the post office just to find out what happened with his gift. He’s determined, that’s for sure, and it makes her wonder what other things he's done already—although at that moment, at the same time she was hoping she’d be able to escape this situation… well, alive, she was mostly worried that her letters might be uncovered too. Thankfully Naoya was focused on something else 💀
And yep, the way he jumped into conclusions was eerie, but I think it was because deep inside him, he knew that was what actually happened. He had enough of bad history with his wife to know that she, more likely than not, discarded his gifts. Did he ever wonder why? No. Would he dare to ask? I don’t think so. And even if he did, would he understand? I think he’d feel offended if anything, more so when Naoaki’s gestures had been happily received. Oof.
Maybe if he wasn’t so paranoid (or heart broken, let’s be real) he might’ve considered someone else from the staff, leading him into another wild goose chase; good, this is revenge for what he put Hinata through.
I’m glad you liked the confrontation!!! It was above everything, awkward, cause there’s no actual confrontation coming from Naoya if that makes sense? Like he’s not open to actual conversations, he just wants to know the why of certain things, and if it fits his ideals, good, if not, God help us.
I definitely believe Naoaki thinks Naoya is so… “isolated” from the real world that he might actually, genuinely not know what he’s doing—can’t blame him, he had Naobito and the rest of the family as guidance lol—but his inability to even consider other possibilities is what always frustrates him 😂 poor Naoaki, he can’t go on with his life without being constantly disappointed by his relatives. (Have Mai and Maki disappointed him too? I wonder...)
My favorite part, and I’ll never stop talking about it hahahah, was when he asked Naoya if he “loved” Y/N aughagaga DAMN the skepticism was there 100% for sureeeeeeeeee, he was hoping to hear his brother say something like “yeah, I do” so he could be like “bullshit!” and continue to take out his frustrations, but the way Naoya remained quiet, looking away almost as if embarrassed!!! Now that’s when he knew there were feelings for her—beneath the complicated layers that make him a monster, Naoya was still capable of harboring sentiments for someone else (Allegedly… all allegedly…) and Naoaki immediately felt bad for putting him on the spot like that. He still cares for his baby brother after all 😭😭😭
I certainly feel bad that their relationship turned into this—I can only wonder what occurred on the manga for Naoya to want them (more) dead lol. If he’s already unhinged at 19, imagine at 27 💀 Ah, but one can dream….
AHAHAHAH Him just spacing out immediately after Y/N said that is, ugh idk satisfying and sad at the same time—like sure I feel sorry that his wife was like “no, you don’t care” and I could’ve had her say something like “ewww” but Y/N isn’t that disrespectful; and come on what was Naoya expecting 😂?? For her to be like “omg I’m so sorry Naoya I should’ve known” please!!! She was appropriate enough to state the truth, that he doesn’t care for anyone but himself, he should’ve just taken it and left them (which he did: I imagine he remained quiet, spacing out as he stared at the two before turning around and disappearing into the hallways. Naoaki and Y/N look at each other, wondering what happened before wondering if he’s going to return. Naoaki tells her no, but that she should be careful nonetheless. Y/N goes with Mariya, tells her staff what went down and collectively decide to keep a low profile—Hitomi offers to keep a lookout on Naoya, only stopping when she overheard that he was in his room and has been for the past few hours. They go on with their day, or attempt to, and that’s when Mariya decides to let them know of her secret hideout)
To irritate Ren, I decided that the song that best fits this scene is this one. And just for a little, tiny part before the chorus and Mel B's part hahahahha. That's the only thing that actually applies to their whole dilemma at this point.
Now, the good part… The dream sequence was the one thing I’ve been wanting to show you for a while now hahah I just kept teasing you about it, and I’m glad it got the reaction it did hahahahhahahhhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I was 99.9999% sure that most of my readers would immediately catch on to the fact that this was a dream, since I’ve never portrayed Y/N to be that crazy, you know? Like her making fun of Naoya is off the table completely; sure, she’s made some jokes here and there, but they’re always lighthearted—or at least I think that’s the impression one gets when reading them—never off the rails as this dream sequence 💀 leave that to Naohiko lol.
Either way, I tried my best to cover the fact it was a dream, and if someone saw right through it, it still served to show just how messed up Naoya is on an emotional at this moment.
But yeah, this nightmare worked really well ‘cause there was that lingering question of whether Naoaki and Y/N were finally going to do something more… intimate. I feel that if I hadn’t worked their relationship up to that point it would’ve easily been like “nah, this is a dream goodbye” 😈 glad it worked in the end hahahah!!!
Now that it’s mentioned, the scene where Naoaki is disrupted by Naoya is ironically funny—it was so out of the blue first he was like “I sleep” and then Naoya comes into his room to ask the most random question before leaving.
Naoaki for sure thought he made it up—he was worried for Y/N and overworked by all his duties that he was like “Man, I’m even starting to dream about Naoya wtf??” his slumber overtook him almost immediately after; had he not been that exhausted you can be 100% certain he would’ve gone after Naoya.
And I agree—Y/N for sure thought she was going to die at that moment, although it was a fear that quieted down a bit for the sake of her staff’s wellbeing… yet, the thing that surprised her the most was to see Naoya so… disturbed—he’d seen him angry, arrogant, a complete monster… but she’d never seen him so defeated. So yeah, I think she believed she was going to die, but more in a sense of shock of not knowing what the hell was going on.
Now, for your last question… Naoya desperately wanted to keep her there above anything else, but his broken heart also wanted to tell her that he did care for her, at least to some extent, if not then why would he have married her? A mystery for sure. If I had to boil it down to a singular reason, it was him wanting to tell her how much he wants to be with her. Happily, be with her.
(No one heard Naoya cry, outside of Y/N retreating as quickly as possible, I envision him to be a silent crier in a way, not wanting anyone to hear him out of fear of being reprimanded more than shame—Naobito as a father must’ve been really, really tough. And if anyone did hear him, they would’ve never thought it was him to begin with.)
Thank you so much for tuning in for another chapter!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ I really greatly, enormously enjoy your asks, they give me so much insight about things that sometimes escape my mind!! Kgagagkak I don’t know how to describe it, but they motivate me allot 😭❤️
I can’t wait to show you the rest of the story…. Another…. Specific part I want you to read (well, more than one, but that one is another favorite of mine) hahahahahaaa
Once again, thank you so much for your support 🥺😭❤️ I shall strive to deliver the next chapters to the best of my ability!!!
Take care, and hope to see you soon 🥺❤️
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okay, i have this crazy crackship that won't leave my mind so... yea
like imagine that after Wandavision, S.W.O.R.D didn't knew what to do exactly with Agnes, so they just let her be and assigned Jimmy to watch over her (visit and stuff yk? see if there's anything out of the normal), and Darcy, being Jimmy's best friends, sometimes would go with him
and then one day Jimmy had an emergency, and asked Darcy to go see Agnes by herself (Agnes and her kind of became friends, Darcy liked the not-sitcom version of her), and coincidentally Agnes's spell breaks just when Darcy knocks at the door
didn't exactly thought of all the details, but Darcy ends up with a huge crush on Agatha, who's just curious about her, since she didn't met her in Wandavision
anyways, tell me you see this too so that I'm not crazy
and forgive me for my broken english :/
No worries about the English, I didn't notice anything out of the norm or broken about it! (Also I'm super impressed English isn't your first language as someone who was raised around a second one and never picked it up.)
And I absolutely see it, Nonnie and it's absolutely incredible.
I see Agatha being into Darcy on a shallower level the same way I think she'd be into Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Which is to say, they look like her. I happen to think Agatha can be incredible vain, and we all know she'd fuck her own clone so. Definitely on a surface level I see it!
On a more deeper level, Agatha and Darcy's snark plays so well off of one another.
Agatha likes being intellectually challenged, she loves trading witty blows with someone, and Darcy is whip smart, making her a perfect match for Agatha in that regard.
On a... Smuttier level, Darcy is the bottom. And Agatha throughly enjoyed getting to put her in her place. Those two aren't constantly going at it like some other ships -cough- but there is a consistent thread of their bedroom dynamic in their every day public lives, especially if they're in a room together.
They're that couple that is just CONSTANTLY pushing each other's buttons, and always seem to fighting when really it's their way of telling the other that they love them (and it's foreplay but eh, we all knew this), and it drives everyone else around them nuts.
They also help each other with their research projects, because they each have a unique insight to the other's field, coming from their perspective one.
(Darcy is consistently surprised by how well Agatha knows sciences, but magic, unless it's chaos magic, works with the world already around it, and it's important to understand the full cause and effect of wielding it.)
Anyways I love this crackship of yours so much, and that initial first flirting phase would absolutely be so funny to witness.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
Hi, can i ask you something? 💞🍭🦋
of course you can! Thank you for sending these in :) I do love a writing ask.
what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
When I read/watch something, this is how it stacks up:
the plot: the plot is very important to me! Like I don't mind if a story is light on plot, but the quickest way to take me out of a story is an inconsistent or really badly paced plot (which is why I agonise over my multichapters so hard). I'm not typically someone who will sit through a lot of shitty plot even for great characters - and the plot really affects how much I like a character, I will without fail be more interested into whoever's arc I find most interesting.
the characters: also important. The characters are what sticks with me the longest, I find. But I can enjoy a story with kind of bland characters if the plot works, while even the coolest characters won't tide me over for too long if the plot is bad. But inconsistent characters will take me out of a story immediately, both fanfic characters that are markedly out of keeping with the original media (unless the fic gives an explanation for it, then it can be interesting!) and especially characters that are inconsistent throughout the story.
the worldbuilding: I can go nuts for good worldbuilding, but I'm very particular about how much there is and how it is delivered. Especially in movies, I get very annoyed with poorly spaced-out info dumps, and I have a really low threshold for visual descriptions in written media. I don't have a very strong visual imagination, so they rarely work for me as well as other means of atmosphere-building do, and they can feel really frustrating to wade through. Basically, I like my worldbuilding on the lighter side except for rare exceptions, and I will be a lot more willing to hand-wave some holes in the logic of the world than with the plot or the characters. Also, I'll always take an interesting consistent theme over an intricate world that doesn't carry a deeper message.
the technical stuff (grammar, punctuation, vocab etc.): Yeah no I'm sorry that is the absolute baseline for me. I'm not judging (well. I try not to because it's a shitty thing to do.), writing is a great way to improve language skills and nobody is perfect! But personally I just can't lose myself in a text that has a lot of mistakes, especially English texts - this isn't my first language and I'm transported back to school immediately whenever I see a misspelled word or a wrong tense. Also, and this IS judgement, please spell your characters' names correctly or at least consistently.
the figurative language: Listen, when figurative prose works, it WORKS. But I usually like to see it used sparingly, and... don't force it. The bare-bones, very straightforward writing style can be really effective too, and nothing is more cringey to read than long blocks of purple prose or tacked-on metaphors in every second sentence. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing, and I don't think every story necessarily needs it. Some - actually probably most - of my favourite books are *super* light on figurative language, and they're still evocative and atmospheric and amazing.
Weirdly, when i'm writing, I think I lay the most focus on the characters? I agonise over the plot way more, but I don't think that comes through in my writing (unless you read the author's notes lol) - the plot is what will make me get stuck for several years, but I think the strongest focus in the final product is usually on the characters. I'm always a stickler for grammar and spelling, so that's not really a writing thing to me. But I do put a lot of effort into that. The worldbuilding depends on what kind of story it is - if it's a historical setting, I can and will go absolutely nuts with it. If it isn't, I usually won't - I just put a lot of work in my characters' backstories, but the world outside of that remains extremely fuzzy to me, and that doesn't usually bother me. The figurative language, on the other hand, is something that I worry about a lot, because my writing is *very* light on that and I feel like it's a skill I lack as a writer. I'm pretty good at analysing other people's figurative prose, but I'm terrible at coming up with it myself and there are definitely fics of mine that have suffered for it.
why did you start writing?
This is a super interesting question, but to really examine it I would have to remember when I started writing and I honestly can't. Bottom line is, I just love telling stories So Much.
what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Honestly, see above, in that order! I'm terrified especially on a multichapter that my plot makes no sense, is hard to follow or otherwise disappointing or frustrating to read. I worry that my characters aren't consistent or feel OOC. I am mortified whenever I find a grammatical or spelling error, and there is usually at least one per chapter (and I never find those before posting!! it's a curse). I worry people aren't satisfied with my worldbuilding (which is why I barely write in-universe anymore, my worldbuilding just can't keep up with what some of you guys are putting out there!). And then, as a small but consistent afterthought, I worry that, as I once said to Jordan, my more sparse language makes my fics read like a sad toaster manual.
Writer asks!
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focsle · 2 years
Honestly I'm very glad to see a fellow wooey history person. I haven't had the courage to really dig into it, but there's a select few oddly specific historical events that I've always felt weirdly connected to. However, I know when the time comes, I'm going to need heaps of corroborating evidence and documented sources.
Do you happen to have any tips for overcoming the fear that you might be right about something that would topple your existing belief systems? Or were past lives something that easily slid into your worldview?
The existence of past lives was definitely something already part of my world view—everything else in the natural world is cyclical and recycled and reborn, so it personally made sense to me that souls could be like that too. And I think there’s something to be said for inherent draws to certain time periods or places or events. My fear came more from people thinking I was nuts or was a ~Born in the Wrong Era Romanticizing History~ type of person taking it too far, because I like to think I’m a Reasonable and Evidence-Based person (while also understanding the limitations that…no one can know EVERYTHING and as living humans we have a very specific and narrow understanding of the total scope of existence…I’m highly suspicious of anyone who speaks in absolutes and claims certainty in that area). But turns out all my respectable history friends just accept me as someone who knows how to properly research but is also a lil eccentric haha.
I will say that, re: needing heaps of evidence and documented sources—as you probably already know—recorded history is very limited and the odds of finding a lot of documentation about a person are low unless that person is from a certain time period, place, and elevated socioeconomic status. Most people slip through the cracks and exist on paper only in a limited way or not at all. While I’m fortunate enough to have a connection to a history that’s extensively documented and have found a bunch of intersections regarding voyages, all of the information I’ve ‘received’ surrounding this individuals’ personal life has no record. So I always have to take it with a grain of salt with the understanding that I might be just imagining things. Especially when it comes to a topic I already know a lot about. Not everything can be confirmed and that’s an uncertainty to just live with. But when I start getting accurate Cook Islands Māori names and words relating to folks this person interacted with when I’ve had zero exposure to the language or region myself, well! That’s something I can’t explain! The whole process is a mix of doubt and weird coincidences that, if they happen enough, start feeling less like coincidences.
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only-lonely-lovers · 8 months
tags: masturbation, dubcon(?), caretaking, possessive language
notes: I think a lot of this one was us laying around in bed texting each other and it shows... w
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Anyways I was thinking rly hard about… uhh… I liked a lot when Avvy proposed Amane having been incepted sexuality due to Yashiro so commencing jerkoffs and being distracted and this being a new thing. Tsukasa observing this like oh……. kawaii…. something new. It can't be sad that Amane is attempting to be secretive and hide stuff even though they do absolutely everything together. Thinking about them outright sharing a bedroom and 1 bed. kinda deal.
Somehow its novel and cute to Tsukasa that Amane would be shy about something with him. Since when, you know? Amane is a shy person but there's nothing he's actually embarrassed about around Tsukasa… is full autisms and can be as rude and wordless as possible, doesn't hide his interests. So any sense of Amane sequesting into the bathroom for periods of times or, when Tsukasa runs an errand and comes back he can hear Amane shuffling quickly in the bedroom. This just makes Tsukasa get good at coming home worldessly. Presses ear to door. Oh. the sounds of jerkoff. naruhodo
Does this ritualistically. It's kind of fun. New Amane sounds just dropped and all that.
つ:It would just be cute… not offensive or saddening at all.
あ:I think Tsukasa is perceptive enough to quickly deduce who and what is prompting this. And is perfectly calm and ready for Amane explaining Yashiro-san wants to visit. Hmm yes… let me meet her…
つ:amane having a new feeling that he is embarrassed offffff
あ:Ah the more i wrote… the more this was really just a perfect sunshine-amatsuka fusion… But that was kind of cozy feeling to get to imagine
つ:It seems like a nice cozy place to beeeee no challenges. Some spice as tsukasa knows magics and nene is some new Magic’s user And amane just a nerd between these
あ:This really is a tsukasa who goes to get groceries and is like 🎵🎶 about it monitors my boy with spells
つ:Give me the little list of nuts and bolts🔩 you need
あ:I think its so. sedates you puts you into bed. when you need it.
つ:An equivalent of koku joudai if amane is super stressed before a tourney it’s like❤️ sleep
あ:Yes. oh dont worry sweetie. i learnt it all for you
つ:I’ll sing that song you like so much (It is a spell)
あ:So… Yashiro does come over. And the vibes are weird. She is like all thotted up but has to have this emotion like ah… tsukasa-kun. (doesnt resent you BUT. idk how to think about the thing you did last year or w/e) but Tsukasa is just pleasant. I'm bringing you guys tea. its cool.
At some point leaves them alone for a bit and monitors via magic. Oh i look into my crystal ball yk whatever. And I think Amane is like… very shut down and overwhelmed by the, pheromones, and the way he hasn't been actually feeling better over time. He's really perplexed by wanting to spend time with Yashiro, the urge itself is enigmatic and conflicting with his skills. aversions. but here he is allowing it. But i was cumrotted so yk It's as extreme as being ROCK HARD when she is right next to you and talking to you and wordlessly staring at the space between your feet and deathgripping legs. Nene sees this and is like ',' [brain falls out head]
but this Nene having more confidence and sluttiness is funn i think her stupid braindead thirst (the way she is like. a girl can have multiple guys as a treat ❤ during the event) means she just tries to be like ah… Amane-kun
… how are you feeling… [touches his chest] is this-? Good… are you having… fun? Do you. Like this…?
つ:Poor Amane’s life was so easy before
あ:Hand lowers… she strokes over his belly.
But this makes. Amane have a panic attack and run into the bathroom and close the door harshly. fwmp. and Tsukasa is like kyaa. oh… Amane!!! the way you definitely do want this… but run away from it!! So interesting. [didnt intervene when he could] You deserve to be bothered a little i think. awwwwww….
Returns into the scene. Nene isnt like made of steel she IS. embarrassed. face hot. apologetic, sorry Amane-kun went… I think he… I…
つ:Nene is a human being!!
あ:but Tsukasa is like ahh daijoubu daijoubu its fine Nene-chan. Ohhh he gets like that. ^^ You stay here. one sec… Peeks in. heyyy my shawnster…
He is comically like. Shivering and hiding behind a toilet like a scared cat. Standing up though. boner visible. Tsukasa is like [closes eyes and inhales.]
(duhh my notes.. one sec. im gonna just look)
"Is something the matter, Amane?"
As always, it takes Amane time to deliberate and reply, but you're never frustrated with him. You relish in getting to watch his fretful eyes tilt downward, his nervous hands clasp and squirm. You couldn't fathom rushing him. You wait patiently. Amane holds his arms and and waits quietly – you rush into them, clutch him close, and close your eyes as he nuzzles your shoulder.
"… I… want… to have sex," Amane finally breathes. He clutches you tighter. "With… Yashiro-san."
"Ah, I see, I see. That's very new and interesting, Amane. I'm happy you told me." You nod in understanding, genuinely proud at Amane for finally being able to say it. "If you ask me, I think Nene-chan would be more than happy to."
"I don't want to be alone though. I want you there."
You take a deep, deep breath.
"Mhm." his hair brushes your cheek as he nods.
It's been a while since you've felt so humbled to be included with something of Amane's. You were used to doing everything for him, with him, but you would have been understanding if he pursued this girl without you. But dear sweet Amane wanted you, even here. You sway, side to side, nuzzling against him. Amane's hips jitter as you do – oh! … still excited… You stroke his back.
"Of course, Amane. You tell me anything you want me to do. Where to be, where to touch… I can even move Nene-chan for you, get her ready… anything."
Kshfhd its all like. accepts everything very immediately sure i will get you to fuck her. ohhhh i get to be there? yes.
つ:Walks out the bathroom holding hands
あ:Both of you acting like space aliens admittedly. there's not really any sense of deliberating on… emotional closeness… Amane is just crystalizing that he wants this thing and Tsukasa is like , and so, it shall be
No proper anything… I'll get your dick wet sweetie…
つ:It’s like… does amane try to explain or tsukasa. It’s cute either way. Amane like. Yashiro-san. I’m sorry, I know it’s weird. So I get it if you don’t. Want to. Do anything. But. If we d. If we do. If we do anything I. I want. Tsu… kasa…. With…. Us…. or else. I’ll. Rrun away. Again and. Again
(Tsukasa wiggling fingers at nene and looking a little apologetic) Feeling on cloud 9 though
あ:I think as Amane speaks, he sometimes gets so shut down he actually just needs to dictate to Tsukasa what comes next. soo like… step 1 is actually walking out together and telling Tsukasa the living room area is scary and it needs to be in the bedroom. comfort space. and with like nearby stuffies or something excessive like that. pls… and so Tsukasa is like ohmm Nene-chan this way, let's talk more in the bedroom ^^ and she's like o. kay.
つ:Thats so like. Fear Ok The want for the dick I hope tsukasa doesn’t turn me inside out
あ:It's fear inducing. also you walk into their room and see its 1 bed. and this is definitely the 1 bedroom in this dorm actually. ok Like whatever
つ:Yashiro quietly says naruhodo
あ:But itd be cute if then Amane could be like im. do wanna. i do wanna. Do it
つ:Amane voice: but there’s something wrong with me
あ:I need help Tsukasa, really laying it on. I'm just here for moral support. Rubs his shoulders
つ:Yashiro: ah… I could… I mean if it’s just help I know what I’m — amane: nnnnnnnn (tugs tsukasa) Tsukasa: ^^ …my help is needed. Sorry, nene-chan. I won’t do anything if you don’t agree. (… unless amane asks me too lol❤️)
つ:Think of me as… a security blanket! That’s all!
Yashiro looking at two boys on the bed. Brain begins to melt Tsukasa like mmm… well… you’re already like this…. (Guides amane to lean back to show off tent more lol)
あ:It's a lot like. To submit to. But I think she'd genuinely feel too awkward to bow out in a way. As overwhelming as it is. Oh Amane-kun is so sweet. His… beseeching gaze. His. cock is right there also. To leave him so snubbed. When you do want it.
Tsukasa is intimidating but in a sultry way. like shahgdgdfhgI did imagine it being very much like. presents Unzips his pants. Releases from boxers
つ:He is clutching tsukasas arms like hiding behind one a lil Skrunky…. Let the scent waft to nene lol
Tsukasa also gets to be like. Eyes widen a little AH ITS STRONG LOL I’m always getting the after breeze left in the bedroom Oh the source is much more potent… HAS THE RESOLVE OF A DEMON TO NOT GO CRAZY
あ:The cute thing is Tsukasa himself experiencing stuff for first time gets vertigo for a second. OH keep it together
つ:Linger hands near him for longer than he intended… it’s so warm. Smiles at nene
(… I will hurt amane a little) Nene-chan… don’t you think it looks nice…..? Ah…. And this scent in the air~
あ:Like heuugjvjfh!!!!
つ:WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Dhdududkdjdhdhdj
あ:Coughs Ah…….. s.. souuu….
つ:Amane like dndjdjd tsukasa—!!
あ:You need Tsukasa here to be like why don't you come closer… dont be shy Come see… it's nicer up close
つ:Despite all her bravado, is shy and slow up close It’d be different if she was alone…
But being watched… she’s suddenly aware amane is very delicate, isn’t he…
あ:Perhaps Tsukasa nerfs her in a way that puts her on Amane's level
つ:Always thought of him as a mundane amount of shy… but… … he’s actually very unusual…
あ:Forced to contemplate the boy
つ:Does he really need something like this….? Tsukasa-kun…. Do you. Uhm. Do you always… help .p. Ah
Like this? …. No…. This is both our first time seeing this, nene-chan
あ:A fun question for a girl to be made to ask herself.
… I was thinking about Tsukasa being as excessive though as. like pulling back foreskin to show off (edited)
つ:Mm a good time to pull it back …. And (TRYING NOT TO BREATHE HEAVILY) Amane’s first time feeling, (pulls….) this…. Nene shuddering. Jesus Lights popping in eyes
あ:Fweeeewww… its hot in here. the humidty is spiking. your pussy is on fire etc.
つ:Delicately places for fingers along shaft…. Nene does. Simply crosses over tsukasas to the head….
あ:Amane whimpers… It's genuinely a lot… I think he is not used to being touched by other people. let alone in this context. Your body is like a liiittle fearful of something unfamiliar. But girl hand… lovely to feel, atop it all. but it's so good it's alarming. (jitters.) I sorry. amane. but the Tsukasa commentary track is like oh he liked that. keep goinggg
つ:Fluster nene and amane both…. I imagine tsukasa is the icebreaker always chatting during
あ:Yeah i think its kind of an instinct keep a dialogue going to fill in space. he is used to little or no response.
つ:Girl’s hands are soft, aren’t they, amane? Hehe…. Gently leaves cock to pet his hair and rub his knuckles
あ:maybe ask Nene if its HER first time… (bc Amane would like that…!)
つ:She’d get so WHY PUT ME ON BLAST But just mentally Take a SECOND.
あ:He is GOING to put you on blast.
つ:Squinch brows… Wiggle mouth….
Think about how girls should maintain mystique… but… sees little amane all. Small and shy and. Urhgg
あ:Amane peers an eyeball at peeky
つ:Y. Yeah. It’s. My first time. With anyone. Doing anything. Like. This
あ:His.. eyes lid. shudders Tsukasa gets to be like hueheueu yayy he likie… Oh! … Amane likes that.
つ:Tsukasa kind of mentally like ah thank god nene if you had nonvirgin hands….! Knows what Amane wants and wishes for him to have it all
あ:That would be too sad. i would. maybe have to erase that from Amane's memories. 💔
つ:The real option In reality I will fix this if you fuck up I will never put my amane at risk….
あ:Nene this far into the experience does have to be thinking 💭 this doesnt quite feel like… he is JUST a security blanket
つ:She is ignoring feeling a nonzero amount about it For NOW
I think nene has the power to start jerking him off….
あ:Yus i did think she would pick up the ball. Tsukasa presents but Nene does not leave anyone hanging Genuine lust takes over. the boy is warmmmm and so boy.
つ:You get a nice rhythm going…. Tsukasa keeps his hands busy here and there
Fixes hair, flattens some wrinkles in shirt, does the usual preening to make amane feel it’s not so different Something new, and stuff familiar
Enables amane to get comfortable a bit… subconsciously can relax more… less tense ball and more… bumping into hand
あ:Make it as easy for him as possible, ease him into it. Doesn't have to be as tucked away. steals glances at Yashiro and what she is doing. Mhmhnhn…. it is… nice. It's better than. jerking off.
つ:Tugs at tsukasa and mutters at him shakily. Tsukasa stifles. Shuddering feeling the heat of his face so near and what he’s asking…. Which is just for him to please thank nene… Like tell her she’s doing good
あ:Yes your majesty hhhhh
つ:just shy like nnoooo she’s doing me a ffffavorr
Nene-Chan (WAS STARING AT COCK FORGOT TSUKASA WAS THERE FLINCHES) Amane wants to thank you…. it’s very nice, how you’re willing to help…. You really do want to do this, don’t you? It’s fun for you, isn’t it? Amane isn’t being selfish…. This is actually (can’t control voice getting heavy finally) very generous of him, right? To let you do this.
あ:Oh the room just feels like it keeps getting hotter
つ:Amane staring. Not what he asked you to say…
あ:Overwhelmed to hear Tsukasa implicate that, oh i think his little brain is like. noo. that's not what i saidjfhfhg… like gets caught up in a technicality. why would Tsukasa say something different though he is here to help me… [CANNOT. SPEAK THO.] But also why does this make my cock shudder a little
つ:Don’t you feel…. Lucky…?
Nene who has been broken a bit: h. HAI!!!! I AM— LUCKY!!! JERKS FAST
Tsukasa watching. Ooouuuu Likes what he sees in you….
あ:This is where its fun. like. the noncon potential Just a touch actually Despite everything
つ:Yosh Ah…. Nene-Chan really understands❤️ Holds Amane more firmly….
あ:Amane genuinely so like, not ready for feeling this, gasps. F-fast!! ssscary. trying to inch away. but i think it just reads the same as his bumps into hand Tries to tug Tsukasa like a lifeline
つ:Touches forehead toooooo for a second Inhales your exhale quietly mmmm
あ:Sigh. the…. kind of choking sounds… made when the sensations get scary. lots of choking vocalizations like breaking off. mgh - gh -- hhgh- nhh
つ:So interesting….
あ:Cock is evil though it works against you. it does want to push up. i think sometimes cock wants shove, while hips and body want FLEE… you get these broken little jitters
つ:Tsukasa suddenly reaches forward and grabs nene’s shirt front. Drags her body forward
That’s not all you came here for And that’s not all amane needs you to do
Her hand lets go in the shock…. A nice momentum bounce of cock in the open air
あ:Nice cinematography.
Amane who doesnt know about anything beyond what is happening in this immediate moment. no idea where we're going. his brains are already melted out his ears… just continuously tugs Tsukasa’s sweater, waiting to be understood
つ:Just before Amane can whine for the lack of contact, or move, tsukasa swaddles cock in his free hand as if he’s coddling it Like keep it warm while they work this out
つ:I don’t think Amane’s first time should be finishing in your hand, don’t you agree? Don’t you want something more special? Of course you do! DRAGS ONTO HIS CHEST
He’s been finishing into his own hand so much, nene-Chan! Thinking about this!
Amane wants to “do it”. Of course! So badly.
あ:Dizzying to hear… disorienting, for both Amane and Nene. This way that Tsukasa can suddenly feel omnipotent You know everything…
つ:Yashiro very dizzy, yes… dumbly nodding and panting loudly… plants a palm on his chest Well, she was well prepared…. No panties
あ:A girl wants what she wants…
つ:As she gets a hand between her legs… tsukasa observes. holds Amane ready… A situation of nene lowering over while tsukasas hand gradually recedes
あ:It is all for this... Tsukasa assisting in the line up and all. Watching it happen...
つ:Enjoying each second… amane is dying. But I’d like it to be that warm PUSSY GOOD SHOVES
つ:Activate sleeper cell
あ:Hehhe yes … actually part of the. cumrot was the thought that while deep into this Amane would actually become insatiable. like he has no self control!!!! cant!!!!!! its actually like oh god dont STOP ffffucks like a cylinder
つ:Yossshhh autistic grip SITS UPRIGHT Make Yashiro shriek
あ:Mmm delightfully scary. pivot
つ:Tsukasas propeller hat spins
あ:Shahshdhh. HELLO handsome the emotion Tsukasa experiences
つ:makes tsukasa very very excited childlike
あ:Amane amane amannnyyeeehh
つ:Yashiro processes that— not a tsukasa she has ever seen Giggling kicking around Really nuzzling into his hair….
あ:You're doing so good!! Amane!!!! breathless
つ:She’s being. Jostled sf hard. Bed is shaking
あ:Holding on for dear life. rghgjfh trapped in this crazy room it feels like
つ:Would love Amane to manage to pivot to pushing her backwards on the bed and hammering Brain is only composed of. AND IWANT HARDERR
あ:I wanted the sex Everyone was patient for me now im ready wanted to FUCK you i understand now
つ:Understand how fuck works It’s all too clear
It is the wacky shack as tsukasa is just like dhdudjdbdhdjdndjdj hehehehehehehehe Lehhlleheleehll I’ll make you guys dinner after thisdss
NENE-CHAN GOOD GIRL!! PETS HER TOO She’s drooling. Delirious can’t see
あ:Its like ah. the beautiful parallel in how Amane is like any other TL of Amane in that. he functionally is going to treat you the same, like, piece of meat, hes not SOCIAL he doesnt have manners.
つ:It’s just shy though. Not even polite really It’s disarming but says nothing of his selflessness
あ:nnnno. just shy. he's not. respectful I do think Tsukasa completes the energy by being so mmm yes yes yes ohhh look at him go its a faaaaaast car Love you baybbieeeee
つ:You feel the most degraded in a funny way Yashiro finally feeling like. This novelty. But she’s such a slut this AU she loves the sensation Come to this dorm to get manhandled by twins
あ:She is the pussy in the room Finally… what a girl has been seeking
つ:dragged over cock and instructed what to do. It’s her own awakening
Thought she was— a forward, sortof dominating type Idealistically imagined herself that way. But it’s not what she wants In her heart this is, perfect… shoved and pushed
あ:Even assuming her preference for Amane-kun came packaged with wanting to mess with a shy feeble boy yk
つ:Your crazy girl Schtick
あ:So endeared was she. but like. experiencing him rail her. makes her go oh. Its sfffff hot… if he is like this. about me
つ:If that’s what’s inside amane-kun….
あ:Amane-kun who can barely look up from his fiddling… his projects…
つ:Ah a nice situation of tsukasa and Yashiro calling his name in an easy back and forth Tsukasa kickstarts it being himself Yashiro follows the addictive lead
あ:Ahh kawaii kawaii… It seems like it feels good to do
つ:Amane scrambling about
あ:The incentive is feeling his cock respond inside her. fweee….
つ:Ahhhh the chorus
あ:it feels good to be a girl in a moment like this
つ:Epic feelings I think the nut moment is scary Like grabs so so hard Congeals in his virgin pea brain🧠IT CAN GO INSIDE
あ:I WANT IT i do think its a real jfc… amane… digs nails in… trying to hold you down so hard It must go in and stay in
つ:Gotta unload I think Tsukasa is beyond sane helping he’s like on his back arms wrapped around Amane somewhere flopped kicking around
あ:Its cute. he is a fairly responsible composed boy in the grand scheme of things. made excited by Amane's own liberation uuouuuuu i love you
Amane is so cool!!! Amane is sooo capable… Amane is soo special!
つ:Amane does everything amaasziiiinnggfgly
あ:[pants] Amane should get everything he wants
つ:All this and then once he finishes it’s like. WHEEZE and tsukasa has to be like— AHHH RUNS OUT OF BED TRIPS FALLS ON FACE GETS YOU GETS INHALER
あ:kdfjhfdh my boy fuck whens the last time he drank water
つ:puts it in Amane’s mouth RUNS GETS WATER!!! Yashiro is blearily watching laid out
あ:Yashiro witnissing this. in a delirium like….❔
つ:You want like a kinda fussy Amane here honestly Like mmmmmn… squints
あ:lmaoo yes… like .. ugh.. TOO HOT … rips sweater off makes pissy sounds
つ:tsukasa helping When it gets stuck
あ:Throws it on the ground
つ:Fully removes Amane’s belt Knowing he disprefers it but wanted to look nice for this date Yashiro is still watching. What am I seeing
あ:What the…
つ:Amane, I can start a bath…. You got pretty sweaty, right?
あ:Grunts Its unflattering like ugh yeah
つ:I’ll go start it. Bows to nene. Leaves room She’s like wtf am I…. Seeing…. I do not understand the dynamic here actually
あ:I want Nene to spend like 24 hrs rly having bits and pieces load in for her You thought you understood but its like. [remembers this thing and this other detail and ???]
gonna later be like. wait. tsukasa being all…. we're lucky… and… amane should have whatever he wants… what I thought Amane was just a lonely boy but. IDK anymore do lonely people get dinner made for them ? Tsukasa has put on rice immediately
So funny for Amane to be so into routine and being taken care of he doesnt. offer yashiro much. at the end of this. like i need my bath… shuffles off
You know is like. Thank you I liked it
つ:Ah it’s funny. Yeah.
あ:Rubs mouth.
つ:She’s like. I did. T-too. You— you were impressive.
あ:Really [shuff shuff…]
つ:I didn’t think it’d … be like that
つ:Tsukasa though I do think would… like to usher her out Im sorry my boy has a timer
あ:Sorry darling
つ:He needs his routines again…. very cordial
あ:Baby simply needs his juice
つ:Nene-Chan❤️ Thank you for being so understanding. You’re a brave girl! That was so fun. Amane really surprised us, didn’t he…? He’s…. Incredible.
(Amane in the bg tugging his socks off) Like nyeh….
あ:stupid socks…
つ:Can’t get these jeans off fast enough
あ:That water better be ready for me
つ:The shitty afterglow Fsr true for amane
あ:Smells self. ugh Too much smells
つ:Kind of an annoyed voice… tsukasaaa…. It’s like whip cracks in brain WELL! ILL CALL YOU SOON NENE-CHAN, OKAY? I’ll get your number from Amane!
あ:Until then. Bye bye
つ:We’ll talk soon, ok? Byeeeeeeee
あ:nene like. will we i guess we will.
つ:Amane has literally never answered his phone for her
あ:He doesnt do that.
つ:It’s an emergencies thing really Nene walking home feeling many things. Much to think about. Feeling good though.
あ:Well. it was weird. but it wasnt bad.
つ:So strange.
あ:Ummm its complicated. Aha.
つ:…. What on earth will tsukasa and amane do now H-he said he never did that to him before….
あ:Is their relationship going to… change…? …. did it… change… did i see it change?
Somehow its truly more challenging than if Tsukasa has always been jerking off Amane. why now
つ:I do like to think it’ll be normal up until Amane gets a boner again in the night and his brain is like. Wait Bodies
あ:I can get
つ:Can be used for goods and services
あ:I can make Yes… i did. imagine a follow up. which is later like tugs. wordlessly. drags your face down
tsukasa part 2. oh…… are you sure….. … this is funnily enough perhaps the 1 amane that would be like. theres no reason to not ask Tsukasa. as the guy who already takes care of every single one of my needs
Cannot resist the simplicity of Tsukasa taking care of a chubby in the middle of the night sorta deal dont. wanna jerkoff anymore. is the thing. it doesnt feel as good. and rly didnt like having to evade Tsukasa for a sense of privacy. … but now there's no reason to…
As always I think there's just a different vibe. To Amane wordlessly grabbing Tsukasa’s face and rubbing cock over cheeks, pushing against lips. mnnn… dont have to overthink it… shoves… and Tsukasa is just like despite everything humbled , bc again, not assuming it actually has anything to do w him and already geared to think it was just a matter of being useful as an assistant
つ:Pleasaaaant… a silent graciousness
I also like humping tsukasa in the day… and tsukasa like aaaaa dials nene while this is happening Nene-chaaaaaaaan how about another date? Amane misses you….
あ:kawaii. yeah humping could become such a thing… very easy to do the feeling is like. ouhhmmm… im his binkie rn. he is becoming, incessant ❤ fun. but like. HELP! lol.
つ:Tsukasa for this is like mmm I wonder how long this will go on…. Will he get burnt out on it? Satiated? Okay and accepting if after a week he calms down with him…
But I think it just gets. Worse The more often it can just be like ughhhgh Puts hand on
あ:Not even needing to say anything
つ:COMES back from ROBOT SHOW throws BACKPACK on the ground grumbling STOMPs autistically to bedroom Drops pants
あ:counting the seconds. until you Its like mmghfh… suddenly too autistic for my autisms. like the tourneys ar elike. fucking annoyinggg gbdhfhf
つ:Being so like emotional tho at the show like. I miss tsukasa so much…. I wish he was here and not busy at his schooling… it’s so much easier with him
It’s so hard… (comes home and behaves uhgratefully despite this) The weight of the backpack and the journey home eroded him
あ:Get less grateful by the second. as you approach the door i WANT MY SLAW.
つ:I have to calm DOWN!!!
あ:opens the front door. moans. Tsukasaaaaa (edited) drops my shit kicks off my shoes
つ:Skitters. Another result of this situation is this tsukasa losing grace and returning to some regression
あ:Youre really shaking his pea around in there really bring out the. amane amane!!!! mode
つ:Slides into room
あ:The seamlessness of fullbody hugs and wraps legs around. and then gets leaned onto a surface
あ:Indeed it does just get. worse. for a while i think its a real. like. legs and spine getting fucked up. situation losing hours
つ:Ah novel to see. Tsukasa truly losing his grace in this AU
つ:Nene is like. It’s a little like. …. Living with amane seems like. …. I’m not ready Yet For that
あ:It seems. a bit dangerous chotto abunai yo…
つ:But I will be… some day
あ:Its like a prospective future
つ:Dating is what it is, for now
あ:but. intimidating. I. if he would really fuck me. all day . ah You know its like. becomes collected at the thought. BUT…. FOR NOW. WAITS.
つ:One loves to have a future to dream about Tsukasa walks into a door
あ:I think he has 0 graces fingering like it is. a lobotomizes you situation
つ:These fine motor skills
あ:Like jesus its actually more brutal if he fingers Lances you
つ:It will be much worse. Give nene my multiple day long stabbing pain that nothing can make you forget or ignore
あ:Serious business
つ:I think she’s a bit more of a pansy than me though No offense nene
あ:She's cute like that It's a lot to ask of a normal girl
つ:It’s good to make a girl suffer, too
あ:Yes Truly suffering for this boy
つ:The extreme masochism is for Tsukasa
あ:Souls are divided in this way
つ:But Nene can appreciate it like a loyal gf of an abusive boyfriend The Pride
あ:It's like a medal she gets to display on the wall of her mind later I really will. Let Amane. Do things to me. heep. but i love the thought of like. willfully deciding you must let tsukasa bear the burdens im normal i am trying to study
つ:Some of that energy. Must be burnt off
あ:The girl talk is as stimulating as ever under these conditions Its fun though i like to think Nene has to be a little bit like. drools. hearing about Amane needing an hour long blowjob
つ:I think this situation cumrots nene I think it’s going to get heinous
There will come a day Nene is laying in bed and she finally congeals TWINCEST IS HOT!!!! OKAY!!! FINE I CANT IGNORE IT FOREVER DO THEY WANT ME TO FIND ITHOT?
but I think the final form is tsukasa noticing and it’s surprise part 2 like awe What first amane likes me here…. Now nene thinks I am a sexy element?
あ:What the h*ck… Even a frog in a well like me…
Wants to watch ME blow amane…. But it’s inviting the devil into your house he’s going to send you videos out of nowhere or something
あ:you think to yourself that you're nothing special woof That is a problem
つ:Catch on to nene’s fetishistic interest and be like titling them deranged things like ❤️do you think I’m a good little brother?
If nene understands she kickstarted Amane's sexuality then this would feel like such a corruption like her sick desires lead them all heor What did I bring out in these BOYS…
つ:Did I ruin a pair of siblings
あ:They were just normal…. er… well… sort of normal siblings before. They werent fucking all week at least. jesus
i kind of both like the thought of Tsukasa covertly filming but also clearly prompting Amane to hold camera suddenly in the middle of something
つ:He’s got Hims spells fuckin invisible floating camera dgaf But it s also funny to just do it some time despite this capability to utterly hide it
あ:Yes doing both. www. just cuz its fun to see Amane's reaction I think hes like umgh…. ……… but i do want it Frustrated and feeling owned
つ:Adjusts the camera like a nerd
あ:Oh fiddling. fussing about angles.
つ:Really enjoys watching through camera
あ:but its moe. like something Amane does that Tsukasa wouldn't think to or account for is reach down and even direct Tsukasa's face this way and that… entranced.. Slows pace…
つ:Get weirder about touching cock on
あ:I think you can rly get a sense for how used to handling Tsukasa he is, like… the sheer ease of reaching and pulling, directing with harsh or more delicate touch. Tugs hair. pulls at skin around corner of eyes to make you look
The element where Amane definitely. isnt thinking abt this being sent to anyone I think it makes him look like an absolute madman
つ:Moving like alien The free spirited in his natural habitat I think eventually tsukasa can do weird shit alone with Amane like subject him to some spell but only after he’s so. Spoiled and cumbrained that he gives in to some temptation
あ:Liberated at last..
Tsukasa is willing to fux with Amane a BIT as it is. but i think something earnest for his own enjoyment with Just Amane takes a higher power level Thats so directed and not wanton for the lulz yk
つ:A lot of being cum slave for a month
あ:Has been comed on and in for so long its like.
つ:It would have to be studying some stuff time and reading a spell and lingering for a long time
あ:Hair messier, clothes all fucked up. twiddles my wand in my hand. a treat for me. maybe
つ:But ah with failsafes in place… I just like the idea of manually stripping away the inhibitions with a spell to parse the raw most urge
But it should just be getting insanely violent And rambling like a maniac
あ:Functionally makes like that botion that Hakubo gives to Aoi
つ:The autism ruins Amane for talking much at all but override the stoppers…. Nyaaa. A temporary version of that But you just get a very ah. YOU BELONG TO ME!!!!
あ:your body my property. ohhh it pours out… The entitled heart…
How unfathomably special, at the center of this all. Quiet little Amane, doted on and tended to. Feeling, not just, gratitude, but a sense of divine entitlement. Reference your history… YOU'VE BEEN MINE FROM THE START
つ:Expoooose the entitlement!!! That he is obligated….
あ:I'm going to make sure you never leave me
Oh sigh… i think for Amane there's almost so many feelings and thoughts unsaid it leaps out of him messily, daisy-chained thoughts
I'm, I'm tired of going places alone I can't do it. I WONT anymore Why should I?? Why do you let me Tsukasa!!
つ:LOOKING DEVASTATED I— I won’t! Then! I’ll — can go everywhere with you…. Feeling out of breath to hear and seeeeee
あ:In a straddled sort of pose… Amane could bear weight heavily, hands on sternum
Eugghh but it could b so insane… grabbing something to use as makeshift rope… tying Tsukasa's arms. or forming a noose around neck
つ:ah at some point it has to be like FREEZES TIME SHUDDERS AND WAILS ON THE FLOOR FOR A MINUTE
Ok. Time to reverse the effects I’ve learned What I wanted to
あ:I. asked for it
つ:I just wanted to know if Amane… really wanted me… here With everything changing…. if he’d run out the door or… Whatever he wanted… I just wished to know Whatever came out…! Whether it was simple or complex or about me or not
あ:A sense of obligation almost you know…? Enough time passed and you wanted to know what Amane was thinking… about any of this
admittedly Tsukasa would be like. Nevermind. if nene doesnt think she is ready for something. i need to know if Amane is coping with… not having something
Could I be doing more for you… But then its like. a. i. suppose. the answer was yes
つ:Was failing my boy Tsukasa simply wants to please him… To the utmost
あ:I arrange your tater tots in a little galaxy just to make you happy
つ:As his pleasures have been escalating… but have somewhat platuead… needed to know if force was needed It’s so like so help me I would subject nene to any spell
あ:if roachie could really ask you what you wanted there's no Tsukasa ready to be so specifically wanted… its like… how… why… It came out so… unlike anything ever before
つ:Demanding more… wanting no separation I will make it so…. kisses head of frozen in place amane
あ:This has to be such a. sleeps you. cleans up. puts you to bed is somber pets my guy
つ:Contemplates steps patiently
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voidpacifist · 2 years
strap in, assholes, I've thought of another Deaf Steve AU for your consideration
(ps the steddie on this one is very brief, I haven't thought that part out too thoroughly just yet)
this takes place in like, early to mid 2000s
so in this universe, there's no catastrophe, no major physical traumas, no sickness, etc. steve is simply born without his hearing
his parents are not only rich, but are also super super concerned with appearances and because they're negligent assholes about it, they get steve fitted for hearing aids as soon as he's old enough to realistically begin talking
the hearing aids really don't do much for him, but the harringtons don't wanna worry about more surgeries or medical stays or being held back from their business trips/work holidays. you catch my drift. they forego the cochlear avenue but still hold out hope that steve will be "normal enough" with the "help" of a pair of hearing aids
and because the hearing aids only give him back so much, his oral language skills develop differently and at a much slower pace. it's not that he doesn't have the intellectual capacity — he absolutely does, the setting he's in just doesn't accommodate his needs
I imagine by the age of three or four, a nanny starts staying with him during the long weeks that his parents are gone. I also imagine that one of these nannies knows Sign and sees steve drifting without any communication that's suited to him, so they take it upon themselves to teach him
this goes on for years until one day, there's a phone call or an in person message or something that indicates that mr and mrs harrington have been in a traveling accident. this leaves steve parentless
he's immediately put into foster care, and from there, things go downhill. he gets into fights at school, becomes distant at each new place he stays at, and continues to isolate himself. he develops a very stubbornly independent approach to things, teaching himself to sign, speaking up for himself even if he can't hear how alien he sounds to the other students or adults at school
he keeps going from home to home until he lands at the home of tim and marissa buckley. marissa teaches a special ed class at a local middle school, and tim is a general contractor. they have three kids — a girl named robin, who's a year younger than steve, and twins dexter and benjamin
and steve is shocked by the patience of the parents, and also shocked by the fact that mrs buckley seems keen on connecting with him. the rest of the family is also learning Sign, but steve latches onto marissa the quickest because she reminds him of his nanny
tim ends up being the one who takes steve to most of his audiology appointments, or just other places he needs to be, and though tim doesn't know as much Sign as his wife, he still tries to cue steve in on conversations. just small talk about school or what steve likes to do or just "boyish" banter
dex and ben don't interact with steve much outside of bugging him to play like,,fucking kickball in the backyard, but they still form a tentative bond
robin is the hardest nut of the bunch to crack, and steves not too determined about actually becoming friends with her. in fact, most of the time, he's just waiting for the other shoe to drop with these people so he can be spat out again to the next family until he's kicked out of the system for good
even when he's getting his act together, he's still just waiting for it to happen. soon like four months have gone by and there's still no sign of the buckleys kicking him out or announcing that another family would be "better equipped" for him
here's a fun fact though: middle school kids are really fucking mean. and robins one of the only openly gay people in her grade. steves heard rumors that she's been bullied, but then he sees it happening in real time and he just. is seeing absolute red about it
he seeks out the fucker who graffiti'd her locker and lo and behold, gets into another fight at school
he's so Sure that this is the breaking point, but after his suspension is declared, marissa and tim sit him down not to scold him, but to wrap his knuckles and tell him how proud they are that he stood up for robin
and speaking of robin, steve's cool status with her just tripled easily. they start to become so close that at school, gossip starts that they're an item. one day someone flat out asks and robin, while signing, just says, "oh no! he's actually my big brother."
(if steve cries about that later by himself, that's his business)
there's still one dilemma steve has yet to get over though, and that's passing eighth grade. the constant moving and fighting has finally caught up to him, and he's forced to sign up for peer tutoring
this whipsmart, firecracker of a seventh grader, nancy wheeler, not only agrees to learn Sign, but also to help steve pass his classes
he's so fucking in love with nancy its not even funny. but the more they hang out, the less he wants to be with her and the more he wants to just be friends with her. plus, he doesn't miss the way robin ogles nancy when she thinks neither of them will notice
may/june rolls around and steve ends up with solid Bs in most, if not all, of his classes. he's on track to staying on track and the buckleys are ecstatic about it. marissa and tim find a cake at the grocery and have it say, "congratulations steve!" on it in big, loopy writing. they sign it to him as soon as he gets home from his last day of school for the year
after the weekend comes and goes and the celebration dies down, the two sit steve down and his initial thoughts are, "oh shit, my stay here is over." which majorly sucks, because the buckleys are the first family he's stayed with in a while that he's actually enjoyed staying with and getting to know
he's bonded with robin. he's bonded with ben and dex. he thinks maybe the same about marissa and tim. and he really really really doesn't wanna lose that. because not only has he come to think of them in a sort of pseudo-family sense, but they also have done and continue to do so much to accommodate steve and try to help him thrive and have resources as a young, deaf kid
so you can imagine how elated he is and how surreal it feels when they ask him flat out how he'd feel about being steve buckley. about officially being their son
years go by, until steve is in his senior year. he and robin have frequented several jobs together already, and this is the first year they've let go of their overprotective sibling instincts with one another and have gone to separate venues of work
steve ends up working part time at the library, while robin ends up at the video store
and one of steve's classmates from school (who he's 99% sure is redoing senior year) comes in pretty often. they don't talk at first, but every night, steve comes home and vents to robin about this really pretty classmate of his who plays in a thrash metal band and has far too many overdue fees
(and, if we're considering the library au, maybe steve pays off those fees and eddie ends up asking him out)
((like, he takes the time to learn as much basic Sign as he can within like a week of time, and the pulls steve aside after the library closes for the evening and just flat out asks))
robin is cautiously optimistic about this new guy that steve has a thing for, but she also knows eddie from drama club, so she not only has a good radar for the kind of person he is, but also knows exactly where to find him if he fucks things up with her big brother
cause listen — steves not immune to having experienced not-so-good encounters with a hearing partner. she's seen the way he or his deafness have been treated like a burden or a commodity, and she's very much hoping that's not the case with eddie
spoiler alert: eddie's very visibly autistic, so he knows what it's like to have been treated in a similar fashion. he has no plans to be that kind of an asshat to steve (and he very much is not)
but yeah long story short, give me deaf steve with a healthy sense of family and a willingness to be cared for thank you and goodbye
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can you write sdr2 boys if they were dating an ultimate spirit medium? Personality is cheery, bubble, outgoing, stubborn, and overbearing!
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Sdr2 boys dating a bubbly ultimate spirit medium
a/n: the sdr2 cast is so hard to write :distressed:
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#Hajime Hinata
he finds every ultimate cool, what do you think 😨😨
wouldn’t be really TOO interested in your talent pre/during killing game.
i feel like post-danganronpa, he’d really want to talk to chiaki but he knows he needs to move on so he decides against it, plus he was you after all. why talk to your dead bsf when you have an alive s/o 😐😐
ANYWAYS, during the killing game, he’d def be running to you for hints and to be his investigation partner (along with chianki, detective trio!!) after nagito went nuts
imagine if your a bit like toritsuka from saiki k, he’d definitely freak out if you could see ghosts in his dorm 😰😰
#Byakuya Twogami
imposter would find you… interesting to say the least???
how can someone be so cheery while talking to dead people 😟😟 they genuinely wanted to know but like they remembered they were dressed up as byakuya
“what foolishness. how can one be so exuberant and happy-go-lucky whilst having such a dreadful talent? tch…”
pls answer them, they need to know/gen 👁👁
#Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“hey fuyuhiko, theres a spirit named _____, they want to s-“ “👁👁”
HASHSH ok but besides that, he’d find it pretty interesting tbh
post-trial 2, he’d ask you to mediate a conversation between him and peko as a final goodbye. after that i think he’d finally be satisfied and would move on
i feel like post killing game fuyuhiko would ask you if natsumi is okay, still not over her 😪😪
tbh though, at first i think he’d be terrified to approach you cause like what if one of the people he’s hunted down wants to talk to him? what then, would they be angry??
#Gundham Tanaka
help i think this would boost his god/chuunibyou complex 💀💀
i feel like in the non-despair/UTDP AU, he’d brag about it to people that are kinda similar/related
omg youre the ultimate anthropologist who does seances? too bad, s/o is better. ultimate prisoner? yea, s/o could totally find the people you killed
omg ok but he really does love you sm, not just for your talent, would def love how you’re so cheery despite having such a despair-inducing talent
im praying to god that you also get into his false reality cause you’d be defending his little reality from kazuichi and i swear, i heard his heart skip a beat (im cham-p btw 😍😍)
#Kazuichi Soda
he’d find you pretty cool tbhh
i dont think that your talent would change any of his feelings but he’d definitely think its interesting
tbh i think he’d try to make devices to help make your talent a little bit easier like maybe a little spirit box or incense scent releaser
i feel like you’d have a thing where you refuse to accept his gifts but his love language is giving gifts and receiving words of affection so yea, it’d be little lighthearted fights aww <33
like i said, nothing would change, as long as you love him <33
#Nagito Komaeda
oh my god, youre amazing 😨😨😨
he would definitely use you as an example to everyone else for what it means to smile at despair in the name of hope
nagito for sure has a lot of people he’d like to talk to; maybe his parents or even his dog would be enough 😞😞 but i feel he’d be scared to do it for two reasons;
1: youre an ultimate! why should a talentless and worthless human being like him even get to ask you for a favor? to him, he seems to be very selfish for even thinking of asking for that
2: he also doesn’t want you to think that he only cares for you to use you as a medium to talk to his parents. sure, at first, he admired you for being a symbol of absolute hope but after getting to know you, he truly fell in love. and the longer he fell, the less of a need to cling to the past as long as his final wish was fulfilled; to be loved by someone before he dies.
#Nekomaru Nidai
he would think that training would lowkey make your skill much more easier to practice
he wouldn’t really be too interested in using your talent for his own purposes but he would constantly push the ‘s/o uses their ability to solve the trial’ agenda WJSJSJS but monokuma didn’t allow it
would also ask a bunch of questions about your talent— does it give you a headache, how many spirits can you take, etc
AJSJSSJ im sry i cant think of alot 😭😭
#Teruteru Hanamura
ok i actually have a lot of ideas for teruteru.
so pre/during killing game, he wouldn’t really do anything about your talent, why would he, he’s a chef!
when ibuki suggests to use your talent to talk to byakuya’s spirit, teruteru would almost lose his cool and release his accent (he thankfully didn’t)
and also thankfully, monokuma banned you from using your talent since it’d make the trial boring if they all just relied on you
and then post killing game i feel like he’d ask you to help him talk to his dead mom since im pretty sure its hinted that shes dead
also also omg youre his personal taste tester and i swear to shuichis baseball cap that it’s all food wars clothes-removing inducing kind of good like *chef kiss*
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enbyonmandalore · 3 years
Tear Me Apart
Din Djarin x afab!reader
Rating: NSFW 18+
Word count: ~2630
Warnings: penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don't be a fool, wrap that tool!!), choking, gagging, picture of the position they're in at the very bottom, gender neutral language but female body parts are explicitly mentioned, the helmet stays on!
Summary: P*rn without plot. Pure filth. Basically Din Djarin destroying his machanic's pussy.
A/N: Have some filth for Valentine's Day, folks... There is a separate version for all the amab!readers out there! Check the tags to find it easily!
Tear Me Apart
"So you're telling me how to fly my ship?", the Mandalorian asks in a tone that sends an ice cold shiver down your spine. You roll your eyes.
"I'm telling you what is good for your ship.", you retaliate, crossing your arms in front of your chest. "This thing is bound to fall apart if you don't at least try to fly more carefully!"
In hindsight, you probably should have tried to control your temper, but this man was driving you nuts. No wonder he'd been looking for a mechanic to take on missions with him... His ship is a shit show of second-hand parts and in a constant state of disrepair.
The Mandalorian in his silver armor steps closer, lifting a finger to your face.
"I didn't hire you for advice, I hired you to fix things."
"Get your finger out of my face", you hiss, "Or I-"
Or I just might quit, is what you want to say - an empty threat. Of course you don't want to quit. He pays well, usually honors your skills and to be honest with yourself, you had begun to find his strong-and-silent type of character very pleasing lately. There is just something about this guy, but you can't quite put your finger on it.
"Or you what?", he interrupts you. His stupid finger is still on one level with your face...
"I think you know.", you say with a glare and move his hand away from yourself as gently as you can.
"That's not a kriffing answer.", the Mandalorian replies and steps even closer.
Without thinking any further, you shove him out of the way and shoot him another glare. You just want to get back to work and forget about this silly interaction with this stupid Mandalorian.
But he doesn't let you get far. You're able to take two steps, before he grabs your shoulder and spins you back around, taking you by surprise. Your self-preservation instinct kicks in and you duck, slamming your open palms into his torso to keep a distance.
What he says next, though, completely knocks the wind out of you.
"You wouldn't quit. I notice the way you look at me."
He what-
Oh no.
And it gets worse. "You really think all your staring has gone unnoticed? I'm not blind, you know?"
You gulp. Suddenly it feels like there is no oxygen left in the Razor Crest's hull. Your body doesn't respond to your urge to leave this part of the ship and retreat to your tiny bunk. He sighs.
"And I'm not deaf either."
You're still frozen in shock. You should have known, you should have kriffing known.
The Razor Crest isn't exactly sound proof, but night after night you had done your best to keep quiet. Yes, you touched yourself at night or when he was gone and thought of him and the things you wished he'd do to you. Being in a small space with only one other person for a long time does things to your mind... You had sworn to yourself to never admit to him how much you like him, but it seems like saying it out loud is no longer necessary.
What happens next doesn't exactly compute in your brain - Mando is way too close. So close you imagine you can feel his breath on you. What is going on?
"And don't think that these feelings haven't been getting to me, too. I'm a lonely man. But I need you to shut up and get back to fixing the ship."
"Make me, then." You can't stop the absolute no-brainer of a sentence from leaving your mouth. Regret immediately starts flooding your chest. Fuck.
But once again, the Mandalorian's response takes you by surprise.
"Fine. I guess you'll get what you want."
With ease, he picks you up by the shoulders and sets you down on a storage crate. The next moments pass in a blur as your boots are yanked off, your pants following soon after, thrown into a corner of the ship. Din Djarin helps you remove your shirt and it too is tossed aside. The anticipation and arousal swirling in your stomach drown out the cold of the metal crate you sit on as you carefully watch the Mandalorian remove part after part of his beskar armor. Not once does he take his eyes off of you, you can feel it.
He steps closer and this time you neither flinch nor move away. He is standing between your legs and you nearly swallow him whole with your gaze. Even without most of the armor he looks imposing. He is so broad.
With a shaky hand you reach out to him and touch his arm, squeezing it lightly. Din mirrors your gesture and brings his hands to your sides and your breath hitches as they sweep up and down your sides in a surprisingly tender way. That's when you notice something else pressing against your bare body. Din Djarin's bulge pulses ever so slightly as he presses it between your legs and you can feel the heat he is emitting through his flight suit.
"What do you want me to do?", Din asks in a low gravelly voice.
"Take me the way you want." The words slip out of your mouth before you can form a logical thought. The Mandalorian's helmet tilts to the side, then he nods. Okay.
He closes in even further and you spread your legs just a little more, pushing your hips forward to press against him. As Din's hands slide down to your ass, you reach for the outline of his cock bulging against the fabric. He feels huge. The moment you start palming him, Din's fingers dig into the flesh of your ass. The imagery of him in your head makes your mouth water. You need him and you need him more than you thought.
Without warning, Din Djarin lifts you up one more time and presses your back against the freezing hull of the ship. A whine escapes your mouth and your eyes widen. But his body heat and the fact that he is now actively rubbing his erect cock against your core make up for the cold.
You can hear him breathe heavily through the vocoder.
The Mandalorian sets you down, put doesn't stop groping at your body. His hands explore every inch of your skin, prodding at your entrance until you're soaking wet. He groans lewdly and takes a step back, you follow. You manage to find the zipper to his flight suit and open it; Din's hand steadily guiding yours as the lower part of his suit drops to his knees. His hard cock feels hot in your hand as you pull it out of his undershorts. The gravelly moan that comes through the vocoder as you stroke him does nothing but fuel the arousal that's already threatening to drip down your thighs.
He lays down on his back and grips his cock at the base, giving himself a slow stroke before beckoning you closer. The tip glistens with precum. Instinctively you lick your lips.
"Come on, you can do it", the Mandalorian encourages you as you lower yourself onto him; your back facing him. The flushed tip pushes inside of you at a whole new angle. Suddenly you're scared that he won't fit - but those concerns are washed away quickly.
"Good", he murmurs along with more hushed words of praise as your pussy swallows inch by inch of his length until there is no more left. Just as you are about to look over your shoulder and ask what you should do now, the Mandalorian's gloved hands land on your shoulders, pulling you backwards into an awkward lying position*.
Your legs are spread, but bent at the knees, effectively pushing your heels into the sides of your thighs. Your back is arched over his chest and your head finds a place on his shoulder, his helmet a mere inch from your face.
The beskar is cold to the touch despite you both panting and sweating. It's nice at first, a cool sensation against your cheek and neck, but after a moment it makes the rest of your skin feel even hotter and like it's melting.
Everything is hot and wet.
The sweat on your back soaks through Mando's scrunched up shirt, effectively sticking your exposed bodies together and making an audible squelching noise whenever you move too much.
You can feel little droplets building up on your forehead and running down your temples. You wonder what he feels like under that helmet.
He's got to be suffocating... You could hear his heavy breathing he was trying so hard to control.
But any more thoughts about that are wiped from your brain the moment Din Djarin thrusts his hips up. A startled sound escapes your throat and you quickly press your lips together as he begins moving at a steadier pace, his massive hands holding your hips in place. This is a whole new experience. Every single sensation feels different. Why haven't you done this before?
As Din's hands move over your body it becomes harder and harder to contain the moans building up in your throat. Full of desperation you reach up to grasp at his helmet to ground yourself somehow - only intending to touch it, nothing more. But Din is faster. One of his hands that had just been roaming your body darts forward and intercepts your movement. You find your arms pinned to your torso, with Din's arm locking them in place.
You give it an experimental wiggle, but he doesn't budge.
You swear you can hear him chuckle triumphantly between some grunts.
The complete helplessness makes your body shake in anticipation. You'd never admit it, but you like how much control he has over you right now. His strong arms hold you in place and the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of you make you feel like you're on cloud nine. The edge of sweet release is quickly coming closer.
A tingling sensation brings you back onto this plane of reality and you notice Din has let go of your waist and is instead focusing his attention on your tits. The tips of his fingers ghost over your nipples again, sending shock waves of heat down your spine. At first his touch is feather light, teasing. You wince as he then rolls the hardened buds between his fingers, pinching them in the process.
One of his hands moves down between your legs while the other stays on your chest and fingers begin circling your clit. He slowly drags his gloved fingers along your folds, coating them in your arousal, before returning to your clit. You whine as you feel the arousal building up in your core, like a bomb ready to explode. Your body jerks almost violently as he hits the spot.
"You like that, huh?", he asks teasingly and does it again, getting the same reaction from you, but accompanied by a high-pitched mewl this time.
"I'm s-so close!", you try to warn him.
"Even better", Din says as you feel yourself drift over the edge... The double sensation on your clit and nipples make your core clench tight around him, drawing a deep moan from him. You have no time to prepare for your high, it just happens.
Your body trembles and colorful stars dance in front of your eyes. For a moment it feels like an out-of-body experience and you aren't sure if you're screaming or-
Through the aftershocks of your orgasm you realize that Din is still fucking going, though slower now.
The Mandalorian's hand roams higher, up your chest and across your throat before coming to a halt on your face. He gently caresses your cheek with his thumb, before clamping his hand over your mouth.
"As lovely as you sound, I've been wanting to shut you up like this for some time now. Don't even think I didn't hear-", his sentence is interrupted by a rough grunt, "Hear you moan my name whenever you thought I was away."
A feisty grin sneaks onto your lips, which he couldn't possibly see, but very well feel.
"Oh", he states and stops moving entirely, earning a muffled complaint from you. The tone of his voice meant exactly what you thought it did. He knew.
Lifting the pressure on your lips, you feel Din Djarin turn his head ever so slightly. Hovering his hand over your face he orders: "Take it off."
He slaps your hands away as you lift them to take off his glove. "No hands."
Another smile spreads on your lips as you open your mouth and tug at the tips of his glove with your teeth. The part covering his index finger budges first, then the middle finger and soon you manage to pull off the whole glove. Din tosses it to the side. You wiggle your hips in a silent plea for him to keep moving, but Din only shakes his head while removing the other glove for you.
"Say it.", he orders and you know what he means.
"Fuck me", you cry.
"Wh- Please fuck me. I need it", you beg and the moment the words leave your mouth, his bare hand covers your mouth once more and he thrusts up into you - hard. White dots dance across the inside of your eyelids.
Your cries and moans now muffled by his calloused palm, the Mandalorian's own moans sound crystal clear.
"You sound even better like this", Din mumbles in between breaths.
And then his other hand lands on your throat, just holding it at first, while you grab his wrists to ground yourself. He lets you, without complaining.
"How's this?", he asks and gives your throat a gentle squeeze. As he does, your core also tightens around him.
You inhale sharply -you would have gasped if you could- and signalize an OK with a thumbs up, accompanied by a muffled Yes.
Without further warning, Din Djarin sets a new pace - harsh and desperate. You can hear the way his length thrusts into your pussy getting shamelessly wetter. Din's moans are getting deeper with each move. They start in his chest where you can feel a low rumbling against your back and then become lighter and airier. You imagine him with furrowed brows and gritted teeth...
He slams his cock into you and all you can do is helplessly moan into his palm. It feels so good.
The pressure around your throat disappears and instead Din is toying with your clit.
"I'm- I'm so close", he gasps and you squeeze his wrist in response. You are, too. You're a whining, shaking mess and completely at his mercy, the aftermath of your last orgasm amplifying the sensation even more. Without warning your walls tighten around him and your back arches as you desperately cry out his name.
Din's breath hitches as he cums. You feel him pulsating inside you as his fingers dig into your hips to keep you still. His seed covers every inch of your insides - hot and sticky. You can't help but imagine him cumming elsewhere on your body.
Your legs are shaking and you tremble as Din pulls out. You wince as you notice how empty you feel suddenly. Din lowers you to the floor next to him and if you were able to formulate a sentence right now, you'd probably thank him. But neither of you speak a word for a while.
The Mandalorian turns his head to face you, just as you were about to close your eyes. His gaze lingers.
"Don't-", he interrupts himself, "Just ask next time. Don't get on my nerves like that."
*Okay, so for clarification, this is the position we're talking about:
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This fanfiction is property of @enbyonmandalore (Tumblr). I do not own any of the characters associated with the Star Wars franchise. Do not repost/crosspost on other accounts or websites, edit, translate or otherwise change this piece of writing. Rebloging is fine, reposting is not.
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rizubaby · 3 years
Danganronpa V3 Kinks & Headcanons (males)
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genre ; nsfw headcanons.
summary ; my interpretations / headcanons for the boys from DR V3; what they're like in bed and what I think their kinks are.
tags ; mentions of various kinks / vulgar language.
note ; these are just my personal interpretations of the characters. Some may not agree or have other headcanons, which is fine. To each their own. ♡
This is an 18+ post. Minors dni.
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Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi is definitely a switch. Nothing new.
He'd be shy at first, not really knowing how to let loose. I think once he's explored your body and himself a bit more, he can really be a great lover / sexual partner.
He quickly realises what turns him on; your thighs, your soft moans and god, your hands. Whenever you touch him, gently stroke his cock or run your fingers through his hair when you two make love, it drives him nuts.
When he's topping, he's very gentle and very careful not to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. You'd have to reassure him he's doing great, and with enough encouragement, he'll let go of all his worries and listen to your begging for him to go faster/rougher/etc.
When he's subbing, he'll let you take the lead (which is most of the time anyway). He's well aware that you are crazy for him and that you love to tease. He loves when you're dominant and show him what you like. He knows he's safe in your hands, so he'll let you have your way with him.
Gonta Gokuhara
Oh, my sweet baby boy.
Gonta is truly a gentleman in bed, which is a surprise to nobody. Though he has a much darker, wilder side to him as well.
The first few times you two had sex he was extra careful not to hurt you in any way, keeping his impressive stature in mind. He'd be very patient and loving. He loves your little whimpers and the looks of lust you give him. It makes him so flustered and he'll only want to fuck you more.
After a while though, his wilder side will start to creep up on him. Being raised in the wild and all, it's hard for him to contain those primal urges, and they will inevitably come out. He'll want to make you his forever, and in nature there's only one way to do that: mating.
When you let him have his way, he'll turn into a completely different person, and there's no turning back. He goes absolutely feral, his primal sexual urges taking control and wanting to breed you until you collapse. He'll mark your entire body with hickeys and his strong grip will give you bruises that last for days. Seeing you writhing beneath him makes him lose his damn mind.
This fucking dude.
Kaito Momota
Foreplay usually doesn't last very long because this man doesn't know self-restraint. He just goes fucking wild, so much dirty talk and he's so fast and rough, my god. Just seeing how horny you get when he touches and kisses you in the right spots already makes him rock hard. There's literally no room for you to top him, he won't let you.
I imagine him to be very into quickies. Just taking you somewhere for a quick fuck and leaving you trembling, trying to hold yourself together afterwards makes him so satisfied it's actually mildly infuriating. Getting to destroy you with his huge cock anywhere and anytime he wants really strokes his ego and makes him grin from ear to ear.
Kaito's got a lot of stamina, so prepare yourself for that. With this guy, the sky isn't the limit.
Okay, hear me out.
I headcanon that Miu did some sort of modifications on him and he can now simulate lifelike male reproductive organs.
That being said, he really had to adjust and learn about his new features lol. He's learnt a lot about sex and everything that comes with it — he eventually even developed his own preferances, and dare I say, kinks?
I think he'd be fascinated with your reactions to all the pleasure he can give you, even if it's artificial. He loves being able to learn more about human desires and intimacy, and he's become much more human-like because of it.
His favourite thing is definitely that he can simulate his own cum. He knows how much it turns you on, so he gets very happy when you moan and beg for him to cum inside you (or anywhere else, for that matter). He loves intimate sex, because he feel like he can truly connect with you on an emotional level.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro is one of those guys that everybody lusts after, and for good reason.
His whole demeanor is enough to make anyone weak to their knees. He's really chill, almost a tad bit sadistic with the way he looks at you. You can just tell he's planning to do all kinds of naughty shit with you, and it'll be a while before he's done.
This guy is into it all. Rough play, BDSM, edging, you name it. Whatever you're comfortable with, of course. He loves spanking you or holding you by your throat, his jewelry jingling while he does makes it even hotter.
I think he is a switch, but he definitely likes to top. He likes to order you around and call you all kinds of names. Just imagine him sitting in a chair with his legs spread apart, ordering you to suck his cock with that low, raspy voice of his. He lowkey likes to watch you struggle a lil' bit.
This guy knows how to pleasure you and he's very comfortable with himself. Don't expect to walk away from him without having had at least three orgasms and a sore throat.
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi is a brat through and through. He likes teasing you A LOT, making you hot and bothered and then pulling away to leave you helpless and unsatisfied, snickering maliciously.
While he loves to tease and be flirtatious with you, he'll quickly turn into a little freak when he decides he's had enough. He's borderline sadistic and enjoys surprising you. Somehow he always manages to do something you weren't expecting, but it makes it all the more enjoyable.
He loves it when you do little favours for him, or when you act all submissive around him and he gets to have fun with you. He loves using toys on you and seeing your lewd and embarrassed face. His absolute favourite toy is a remote controlled vibrator.
He uses lots of dirty talk, loves degrading you and making snarky remarks when you're acting out his orders. Definitely into some sort of roleplay/power dynamic.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He's a fucking sadomasochist. Nothing new here folks.
He loves S&M, it's basically 90% of the kind of sex you two have. While he can be romantic too, he just loves to hear your cries of pain and pleasure. He won't go too far of course, he's still a man of dignity and he knows where your limits are.
He's great at aftercare. After such rough sex, there's NO way he wouldn't care for his queen. He gives you soft kisses and gets a damp cloth to put on your scratches and bruises. He'll praise you, telling you how much he appreciates and loves you and that you did very well. He really appreciates when you care for him too, and he'll shower you with love.
He owns lots of toys, which is fitting for someone with an S&M kink. He likes using a gag ball and handcuffs on you, so you are completely submitted to him. He can have his way with you all he wants, and hearing those muffled moans make him go into a state of pure bliss.
Loves using a whip, too. Seeing your ass turn red with joyful tears running down your face just makes him cum instantly.
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