#comms have been my priority rn
bugsinmyhoney · 9 months
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mafia law wip
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possiblytracker · 2 years
god i can't wait to be able to open commissions again without feeling terrible abt it. i really need money
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its-koili · 4 months
emergency comms open
FIRSTLY I WANT TO SAY IM VERY SORRY. every time i say im gonna try to be active again something happens guhsahgiashvuish i SWEAR. so our ceiling is still messed up (it caved in) so we've been stuck at a motel and the wifi has been awful so i havent been able to do anything online unfortunately.
as per usual unfortunately i rly have been wanting to respond to ppl and actually talk and ive been trying to w the few scraps of internet ive been able to connect to hfuisghdu!!! (i forgot abt tumblr again so i just got online here to post another explanation bc i posted one on twitter but forgot here hsaghsv)
everythings still up in the air rn so i think once everything has settled i can get back to drawing for fun and posting and talking and whatnot but of COURSE something happened again husdgdshuvhd
i do have emergency commissions and pwyw commissions open!!! (that link is to the twitter post w videos n photos of it all) theyre only emergency temporarily until this blows over so i can afford medication and food and nightly stays! (our property isnt covering it and we're still expected to pay full rent but we're currently working w our insurance abt that!)
heres the full comm sheet:
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(u might have to open the page in a new tab its quite large)
my k0-f1 for donations is here!
pls dm me on twitter or here before sending any money for a commission!!! im taking the pwyw comms through k0-f1 and regular ones thru pp. i dont like taking money / help without giving something in return so i want to draw something for every donation!! im unfortunately not going to be online a lot bc of the internet situation but im going to try to catch up with current dms and new ones whenever i can! any comms will be top priority but pls understand that i cant always be online to update u, but ill try to be on at least once a day at LEAST to give any updates and wips! ty for reading <3
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driderwife · 8 months
I DO NOT wanna be a bother to ppl, this week I got an infected wound that made me sick to the point of going to the ER; im ok now but antibiotics are making me ALSO sick so its been REALLY difficult to work. If you ever wanna throw a small tip my way here’s my kofi and other info! I am just a disabled lil artist trying to get by as we all are lol. (Also I do not have the janitor job anymore I had to quit bc it was exacerbating my disability) So please do NOT feel obligated I just wanted to put this out there for extra help and it is not urgent currently I just don’t want it to become urgent. This is for groceries, as my food stamps are abt to run out.
Venmo - fangciful
Cashapp - bipley
I always have a full commission queue im working on so I can’t take more comms ATM but I am always always open to doing thank you doodles for ppl. Comms get priority but if you’d like a doodle pls lmk!!
For proof I can’t find my discharge paper but here is the prescription, also would post the wound itself under a read more here but it’s really gross and I don’t think it’s necessary. Basically my diagnosis is cellulitis from a bacterial infection (I got a fever and everything it was shitty)
I am also immunocompromised by my rheumatoid arthritis so that’s why im always sick lol and why shit like this happens 😒
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Thank you for reading!! Trying to make this a one time thing rn. Thank you also for boosting!!
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north-blue-hearts · 10 days
Hi! Sorry I don’t mean to bother by asking this but I was just wondering if you are still planning on updating your fics on here? They are all really good and I enjoyed them a lot, and I was just curious, obviously no pressure and I understand if they are not your priority rn.
Sorry if my question comes off as entitled and impatient, I just really like your writing. Anyways you are a great writer and I hope you have a great day! :)
Not a bother at all -
I have a ton of WiPs, I think 13 or 14, and then on top of that I tend to do Zines and Events and I'm still working through some comms I picked up in August.
I am 100% going to get back to my Law stories, but it might not be until 2025 - or if it is before that it'll be during the writing challenge I've set up on my main blog.
But nothing is on hiatus, and I've no plans to drop any of them. I just got overzealous in what I wanted to write and started too much XD so unfortunately some titles have been sitting for longer than I would've liked.
But I'll get to them, most definitely =3 And I'll update them here, and on Ao3 ^_^
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coyoteprince · 1 month
are u taking new comms rn or are u still working on the ones u have
I *technically* am, but replies to new inquires will be slow! I have two active in my queue right now and about 10 inquiries that have not been replied to/confirmed yet. I try to give priority to oldest inquiries first, but I do sometimes take newer ones alongside them depending on what excites me.
I often deal with surprise medical complications due to disability and am working on Widderwood, which also slows my intake of new work.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
tagged by: @yunacoeur~
relationship status: kinda complicated?? fresh off a breakup and i'm lowkey seeing someone but just for the benefits lol, oh and my last date ghosted me so there's that, i am a beautiful mess and i have accepted that~
favourite colour: purple but i'm also kinda into beige and grey?
last song I listened to: Oo by Up Dharma Down
song stuck in my head: I Am - IVE
three fave foods: atm? sushi, bread, soondubu stew
last thing I googled: the netflix series i'm analysing for my marketing comms paper
dream trip: korea or singapore!! literally been to both these places so many times but i'm the type who just likes going back so i can see more!
anything I want rn: mental stability would be nice, kinda unrealistic so maybe to get my priorities straight and hand in my monday deadline on time? a better sleep schedule would be nice, and more zb1 content except that would ruin my sleep lol
tagging @seok02, @boysplanetmorelike, my two dm besties~
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iniquity-fr · 3 years
Would you consider doing gijinka design commissions at all? Like with basic “masc goth” guidelines but otherwise full artistic creativity! I’d love to get some if you’re ever open to it :)
sometime, someday!!! i'm just prioritizing other stuff rn, even when i do fr art/gijinka sales right now that's still art i'm doing as a break from other stuff so lumping design commissions on top of that is putting a bit much on my plate. i'm not 100% sure if i'd do them for FR currency (or i might do, say, one gem slot + two USD slots, for example) but we'll see.
(for the record tho if/when i do open such comms up i'm also totally okay with much more details/description/instructions, artistic liberty is cool and fun but i'm actually actually far more used to doing commissions based on refs or detailed description where the buyer has exactly what they want in mind. i am totally down to just Go Wild with basic concepts/aesthetics/etc but i am also happy to work v closely with you and make a design in your head come to life <3)
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
i hate to post this cause it makes me extremely anxious but. i need to take my cat to the vet. like, asap
im not gonna go into details about it but shes showing similar symptoms as her brother did before he had complications and passed away late last year so im. really shook about it honestly. getting her to the vet would be the upmost priority as soon as possible as her brother did turn bad really fast before we lost him, so i dont want that to happen again. not to her, or not to myself cause i know my psyche rn absolutely cannot take it or even the thought of potentially losing my best friend of nine and a half years
the thing is. i need to do this asap. but i get paid next week. i know i can get a payment plan or at least a bill to pay later from the vet so thats not an issue - its getting her there thats the problem. i dont live near a vet, theres really only one place i trust to take her, none of my friends have cars, im not taking her on an hour long bus trip (twice), it’ll freak her out even more. but i also cant afford to book a taxi
i would need about 50€ at least for a round trip to make it as comfortable for her as possible. or at least half of that for the way there, as im sure they would have to sedate her to do test cause shes an unwilling participant in these always
so im selling some things i guess. or you can donate i dont know
i have a ko-fi here
you can buy some stickers here
dm me about regular art comms (my prices ranges from 5 to 35 euros)
hell i will write you your smuts if you want for some moneys
im just. very anxious right now. shes been showing more and more symptoms over the past two days and last night, leaving her home alone felt so bad today. i know i need to take care of this asap, so just.. please
if nothing else please share this around. thank you
for your consideration, here she is 💜
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jngles · 4 years
Thoughts You Definitely All Asked For on ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Finale!!
These are in chronological order for the show.
One of my biggest fears about them reintroducing Boba Fett was that by removing some of his mystery, they would make him less cool. Thank god that has not been the case. He’s still an aloof and nasty piece of work but with dimensions added.
We all know the Empire is most often a metaphor for America right? At least when it’s not being Nazi Germany? The Imperial pilot talking about destroying an entire planet (of peaceful weaponless civilians no less) to stop terrorism hits a little too close to home of the nuclear bombs the US has dropped and the endless destruction of the Middle East in the “war against terror.” And of course we frame all our wars in similar language like “our troops died to keep our country safe,” which hasn’t really been true since WWII.
I do think it’s worth noting that this is the first time SW has had someone acknowledge the human losses of the Death Star blasts. Usually it’s framed as a loss in construction time, strategical advantage, and power. The Empire proved time and time again that the lives of its soldiers were utterly expendable, which always made me question why people remained loyal outside of fear. Through this pilot’s phrasing, you can see the propaganda Imperial superiors used to twist the truth to their followers, always blaming those deaths on Rebel aggression instead of prideful Imperial neglect (I.e. not abandoning ship when there was still time) or even direct Imperial aggression like Operation Cinder where they fired on thousands of their own (discussed in S2E7.)
You can’t tell me Din wasn’t into it when Cara shot that asshole pilot. That cold faced revenge shot? 100% Mandalorian style, and also very very hot.
I appreciate that it was a pretty equal match between Boba and Koska Reeves. So much of Boba’s advantage comes from his suit, but since she also has one, it’s a battle of wits on how to use it, and they even out. This both maintains his legendary badassery and also that of highly trained Mandalorian warriors, and hopefully avoids asshole chauvinist SW fans on the internet complaining abujt “pandering to feminism” (fuck off @ all of them, especially since Mercedes Vernado who plays Reeves is a WWE champ and could kick all of your asses.)
Din point blank asked how many Death Troopers there are and Dr. Pershing never answered, and that annoys me.
Why is no one suspicious why Dr. Pershing is being so helpful and revealing so much information? He totally did not have to tell them about the Dark Troopers or any of the specifics of locations on the ship. He’s still with the empire post-fall, implying he’s a loyalist, so... wtf on his part (since no tricks come of it), and “be smarter” on the part of everyone else. Unless he’s been captive as a clone engineer all this time. But couldn’t he have made his escape back in Season 1 when Din killed everyone at that lab to get the kid back?
Bo Katan really could’ve just told them how the retrieval of the dark saber needs to work in the flight before the mission instead of being vague about “he belongs to me.”
Boba Fett’s usage of “Princess” and “don’t worry about me” are a good throwback to Han Solo and the culture they both grew up in. You can never quite tell if it’s based in misogyny or resentment for upper classes, but both of them seem to use it as a shield for begrudging respect they hold for a woman they think is brave but following a fool’s errand (the Rebellion and retaking Mandalore).
The Comms Officer (Katy O’Brian) assisting Moff Gideon will forever and always look like Ilana Glazer to me, and then I get swept up imagining what would happen if the Broad City cast accidentally got transported to Star Wars.
The launch tube sequence has some amazing cinematography.
The second I saw Boba was cut off from the pack, I really thought they were going to kill him again and make his return bittersweet. Glad they didn’t.
God this team of Bo Katan, Koska Reeves, Fennec Shand, and Cara Dune is SO BADASS. I’m just obsessed with all these characters and their various motivations to get shit done. I honestly didn’t even think about the fact it’s all women until my re-watch, showing that the writers made it feel natural, the way women deserve to have their representation done. You can bet I am SO EXCITED for my future daughter and the wealth of possibilities she’s going to have of characters to play pretend as, action figures she can relate to, Halloween costumes to wear, etc. It’s so validating that we’ve gone from only Princess Leia as a female main character to all these women + Rey, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka, etc. etc.
Can’t wait for the trap remix of the Dark Trooper activation noises. (And the transition from that to the minimalist flute theme is perfect.)
The spy movie version of the main theme music is sick.
The Dark Trooper droid faces have a lot of similarity to Darth Vader’s mask. That callback is especially apparent when the one is literally lit from the inside with fire. He was already a martyr/legend to the Imperial remnants, Kylo Ren didn’t start the trend of ignoring his redemption.
Cara’s “excuse me” right before shooting up Stormtroopers is hilarious. Literally “can’t talk rn, doing hot girl shit and murdering space Nazis.”
Finally an Imperial ship got some frickin security cameras. Truly- the amount of times people just wander down hallways they’re not supposed to be in with no one being able to find them throughout the course of Star Wars is ridiculous when you think about the degree of surveillance our real life society carries out. I also love that this means The Mandalorian characters have also seen The Mandalorian.
The storytelling does such a service to Pedro Pascal and his already heroic efforts to portray emotion through a helmet. For example: Din easily could’ve killed the one stormtrooper outside Grogu’s cell much more efficiently, but instead, to show his absolute rage, they wrote in Din choking him out with a spear.
Moff Gideon would have been the BIGGEST pain in the ass in philosophy class. “Assume I know everything” my ass. I want to hear about his backstory (he would’ve been “coming of age” at the time of the Clone Wars) mostly just to hear about him getting bullied at school.
Smart move honestly, to try to tempt Din with the Mandalorian throne, given the Mandalorian power struggles of the past. Proud of our boy for keeping his priorities straight.
So has the blood from Grogu been transferred out of the ship and back to the remnant empire already, or do they have to find a new “donor” to help with building Snoke and Palpatine’s clones? Will they continue to go after him with Luke?
Lmao Din being so annoyed by Bo Katan being stringent about the tradition of winning the Dark Saber through combat is HILARIOUS, coming from a man who up until like a day ago hadn’t shown his face to a living being in decades.
The dark troopers can punch in blast doors but NOT Din’s helmet?? That’s a wild testament to beskar. Somehow that’s the comparison that sticks out to me, more even than its resistance to lightsabers.
This show works because of the cynicism of so many characters adding contrast to the moments of heart. Cara Dune is not a “fan” the way Rey was (for the record I love Rey, don’t come at her, it’s just different). Cara doesn’t see an X-Wing and go OMG THE REBELLION I LOVE THEM. She’s been through too much to believe in the magic saviourism of the “good guys,” and is instead thinking strategically when she, the one Rebel present, brushes off the usefulness of “one X-Wing.” The only positive things she seems to feel in battle situations are moments of relief and brief satisfaction in hurting the empire, with a dark knowledge that it will never make up for the hurt they did to her.
How do you keep a cloak hood on while fighting? Both from a technical standpoint (my hats fall off without me even having to move- is he expending force energy just to keep it on and look cool lol?) and also because idk, maybe it’s just me, but peripheral vision is helpful when surrounded by killer robots on a thin bridge above oblivion. I know his first lesson was to “see” through the force, but every resource helps, right?
Now that she has the ship, I wonder if Bo Katan can reprogram any salvageable Dark Troopers to help with retaking Mandalore?
There is nothing like seeing Luke’s fighting style, with its efficient choppiness and twinge of darkness. I always wonder how much is natural and how much is influenced by his first fights with Vader (that Skywalker diva flair). I love how they’ve advanced his technique but also kept him extremely “grey” here- like to straight up COMBUST a Dark Trooper takes some violent energy lol.
How tf is Moff Gideon alive after threatening Grogu’s life twice directly? That’s a wild testament to Din’s regard for Cara.
I love how seeing Luke slice through a bunch of murder droids like butter probably was a huge point in his favor for Din actually letting Grogu go with him. Like he will only send his child to boarding preschool if he knows the teacher will be a certified killing machine.
Oh my god they finally brought in some OG Star Wars theme music for Luke to take his hood off to 😭 It felt weird seeing him fight to different music, so the emotional payoff is huge when his themes come back for the face reveal.
Whoever added the digital young Mark Hamill face NAILED those classic shining Luke eyes and the earnest eyebrow lift.
Whoever shines the glass of Baby Yoda’s lil puppet eyeballs each day deserves a raise. The light caught in those babies is devastating.
Din is shaking as he takes off his helmet. This is the most enormous show of love he could give him, and possibly the last he’ll be able to for a long time. He only just got Grogu back and is desperate for a moment of real connection before letting him go once again.
This is the first time anyone has touched Din’s face since... likely his parents as a child.
Whoever wrote this scene clearly actually has kids. Anyone who’s ever had to leave a young child even just to go out for a bit or to drop them off somewhere knows that heartbreak of seeing them look in your eyes and hold on to your leg, trying to keep you with them. Especially when they can sense your mutual separation anxiety. The one thing that starts to make them feel better is something fun like a new toy or friend who can be their guide in the new environment, and R2’s friendly introduction is exactly that (since digital Luke isn’t being particularly emotive or child friendly... I hope that’s just because he’s reaching into Grogu’s mind while also keeping an eye on the multiple people with guns trained on him, not because he’s going to be totally unfeeling raising this kid.)
I love that Grogu and R2 are immediately buddies in contrast to Episode 5 when R2 was like “fuck this guy” @ Yoda stealing food and hitting him with a walking stick lol. I would imagine Luke must be reminded of that first introduction too and entertained by this display of playfulness in a *positive* light between R2 and mini-Yoda.
I need to know if Luke and Ahsoka have met- it is KILLING ME.
Does this mean Grogu will get killed by Kylo Ren when he fucks up Luke’s academy??? I will reincarnate Ben just to kill him again if that’s the case.
How does Luke not even fully SMILE at Grogu?? An adorable little baby version of his beloved master Yoda, and you’re telling me he doesn’t have the same heart stopping gasp we all did when we first saw him?? Maybe he did when they first connected through the force. He has a bit of bemusement on his face, and also wonder in his eyes, but I want a grin of recognition and welcome, dammit.
I really wish Luke had somehow acknowledged Cara Dune. Everyone else seems to see the tear drop Rebel sign and know it means Alderaan. He could’ve been like yo I have a badass warrior sister from your planet that you should meet. Or just “thank you for your service.” (I know this actually wouldn’t have been cinematically good but my heart wants it.)
Luke didn’t tell Din his name?? Or ask for any details about the kid and his care?? I could literally never let my kid go with someone, regardless of how worthy, and not be like, “Excuse me sir who are you and where tf are you taking my tiny beloved green goblin in case I need to find him? Here is my contact info. He likes to eat frogs and eggs, and he can have macarons as a treat. He’s 50 years old and his favorite toy is still a ball. Bedtime is 8pm and he’s allergic to dairy.”
Another reason I wish Luke had identified himself would be to see the mishmash of reactions that would ensue. Cara would be like DAMN IT’S THAT GUY WHO BLEW UP THE DEATH STAR AND KILLED THE EMPEROR, ACT COOL (and she would indeed act cool). Fennec would be like ugh it’s that guy who helped kill my best paying client Jabba the Hutt and then fucked over my boss Boba, I helped save the kid for THIS? And I would LOVE to know how Bo Katan feels about him, assuming she’s heard of him, and especially if she knows he’s Anakin Skywalker’s son. That confusion is probably the reason WHY the writers didn’t have him reveal himself- they didn’t want to break the emotion of the scene.
Let‘s all be real I’m just being needy about wanting things from Luke because of what he meant to me as a kid and my resulting innate need to have more canon of him, whatever it is, whenever I can get it. Especially in this form that’s so similar to ROTJ, a movie I watched on endless repeat. Even getting this was incredible though. Who else could we trust this lil heart-stealing green bean with so fully? Yet who would be so arrogant as to try to train a baby yodling (see: Ahsoka’s wise refusal)?
R2 is reckless as hell lmao. Not that we don’t already know that, but for him to just head on in, effectively abandoning Luke’s ship (how can they know if there are more troopers or not who might blow it up?) and also putting himself in the path of the ridiculously deadly Dark Troopers is NUTS. I’m usually on his side but he absolutely deserves a scolding by C3PO for this one.
I wonder if Grogu has any memories of R2 or vice versa since they did occupy the Jedi Temple at the same time. Can Grogu understand droids? They could swap stories about mutual acquaintances.
Does Din pretty much have to go with Bo Katan now since a) he’s shown his face and may not be able to go back to the Watch, and b) because he has the darksaber and has to figure out how to get it back to her without dying?
How in the hell did Bib Fortuna (whose chins age was not kind to) go from being butler to being boss? Were all the henchmen just like, “Fuck yeah, no Hutt parents no rules, let’s do what we want!!” And then they’ve spent the last ten years living off of whatever money they could salvage from Jabba’s non-banked wealth? Why has no one challenged them for that prime real estate and loot? I would love to hear that story.
Fennec Shand says “respect sex workers” so you better fuckin’ do it.
Idk dude Bib Fortuna really was a good butler, and he seemed pretty willing to comply with whoever’s in power. Did he screw Boba over in his attempt to return from the dead and earn that killing shot somehow? Or was this to make sure there was no one left who would have a claim to loyalty? Or maybe Boba just really wanted to sit in that chair.
Does “The Book of Boba Fett” mean we’re not on Din Djarin’s story anymore? Or is it a new show? I would much prefer the latter. I want to see Din help retake Mandalore or at least get a hug.
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
So I don’t agree with what jasmine did but I hate seeing how wilds friend is making wild look innocent when they aren’t. In one of the screenshots from that ask jasmine asked wild not to be spending points when wild still owed jasmine points. Jasmine isn’t the only person wild has done this to because my friend went through something similar with wild. I’m going to try to make this short but, my friend had an oc that they put co-ownership offers on, wild offered on the oc and my friend accepted wilds offer. Wild only paid my friend 400 points out of the 1.7k they still owed my friend for the co-ownership a little while later my friend noticed wild had gotten the points and asked about it. Wild simply told my friend that they used those points to pay off a friend whom they owed points to before offering for the co-ownership of my friends oc (which may be true I’m not sure), but wild awhile later wild had more than enough points to pay my friend off for the Co-ownership and didnt. My friend was worried about getting scammed and sent wild back the 400 points and called off the co-ownership. Awhile later wild posted on their wall that they spent 2.5k points on an oc they didn’t own anymore (they never fully owned the co-ownership since they didn’t pay my friend off) but wild was buying comms of the character rather than trying to pay my friend. Then when father posted about comms and wild commented Jasmine was upset they were trying to buy other things when they should’ve been focused on paying off people for the ocs they wanted. Wild then played the victim card acting like people were harassing them for simply stating they should be focused on paying people off rather than running around buying stuff when they still owe people points. Idk but I honestly don’t think you should be buying stuff when you owe other people points paying them off should be your first priority and then you can go buy comms and whatever lol. I don’t have screenshots of it rn but when my friend wakes up I’ll ask them for the screenshots and send them in.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
Chapter Sixteen liveblog of The Mandalorian Season 2!  Let’s go!!!
Also they’ve kept who directed this episode a secret and lemme tell you I’m REAL curious as to who it was
Ok ok ok ok ok.  OK.  Here we go
*screaming intensifies*
Ok we getting RIGHT into a space battle
Oh but this is Pershing I’m hesitant about him, he let Din go with the baby last time
Hmmm good guy or bad guy
I feel like I’ve seen the actors of these Imp pilots before
OOP there goes Pilot #2
Ok this guy’s a dickass extraordinaire 
Leave Cara alone lol Luke blasted everyone who saw Alderaan blow up into smithereens you should know that
Shut up bro someone’s gonna kill you
The title card says “The RESCUE” which implies the baby is being RESCUED do NOT fuck with me here Star Wars 
Ok ok so I have no clue what this planet is I’m curious
Also wait if Pershing’s a clone engineer it’ll be real interesting if he and Boba interact
Oh there’s Bo Katan guess she’s back
“Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters” bitch you were a TERRORIST holy SHIT Bo Katan why are you like this
Lol whoop never mind
Uh oh here she goes with Boba
To glass eh?
Wait what now about the Darksaber
So it’s a super special cutting saber?  Tf?
Lol something tells me Pershing’s not gonna make it past this episode he knows too much and is giving too much information 
The lesbian energy in this scene is immense btw
Booooo you’re talking a BIG game rn
Y’all have no idea how fucking much I love that Boba’s calling Bo Katan princess it’s the funniest thing
Hmmmmmm honestly they should have expected they’d send TIEs instead
Lol Bo who taught you to fly
Wait a minute fucking duh Gideon knew it was Bo Katan’s voice on the comms he’s met her AHHHHHHH
Aaaaaand here come the terminators
Ohhh so I guess Bo and Fennec and the wlw squad are the distraction
Ok so it’s taken this long for Mando to pass the Bechdel test but ngl this is worth it
Wait a fuck so where’s Pershing in all of this?  With Boba?
Ok so THERE’S the spear
Hahaaaaa he spaced all the Terminators hahahaha
If he’s holding the Darksaber to the baby’s neck I swear--
Ok fine Thrawn 2.0
Ok how is it possible so far that not even Din’s CLOAK has been sliced off
Oho so we getting some Bo and Gideon drama now!
Whaaaaat since when Sabine gave it to Bo Katan no fight?????
Ooooop the Terminators are back
I knew this was too easy
The Terminators coming back now are like when you roll a nat 20 earlier in a RPG and get rid of one of the really cool bosses the DM wanted to use and now the DM’s like “nOPE I’M STILL USING THEM”
Gideon Shut The FUCK Up Challenge
Oh NOW who’s showing up
Who’s in the X Wiiiiiiiing
I don’t know if Ezra could take out all those terminators that easily though
But is that Luke’s saber tho I can’t tell I don’t know?!?!?!??!?!
And the baby sees the Jedi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ok good I think Bo’s back up again
Ok the CGI Mark’s kinda scary ngl
Ok Baby’s not gonna wanna go with him and Disney BETTER not make Luke look bad when he says no
Ok now R2 is just fanservice lmao
Ok now it is ILLEGAL Luke never called this kid Baby Yoda he would ABSOLUTELY do so 
That’s IT
Also who’s Peyton Reed?
Anyway but AHHHHHH ok so this is setting up a conflict of Mando succession where once again I don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, Bo took the Darksaber just fine from Sabine in Rebels without a fight????????
Gah it’s early and I’m still tired talk later
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
July 11 Blurr’s Horror Stream - ASOUE: The Ersatz Elevator
Neither Prowl nor the Constructicons were here.
Whirl was, though! He has returned to Cybertron. And of course, his first priority was horror movie night.
Blurr 9:11 pm ( okay. It sEEMS like I have good one. I think. ) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm ((\o/)) Blurr 9:13 pm ( just let me know if it's really bad. I have to leave one headphone off because my roommate demands attention 24/7 ) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm ((didn't you move to get AWAY from that)) Blurr 9:14 pm yeah but she's 'sad ' right now ] somethin' about her friend with benefits not wanting to be an item ??? ) I'm too cynical for this >>;;; ) Whirl 9:17 pm aight let me know when y'all are ready cos i need to paint A Word Picture for y'all)) Blurr 9:17 pm (I'm waitin' for everyone to be ready, too !) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm ((i'm ready to pop in and go whenever)) VProwl 9:18 pm ((idek if im gonna bring someone ic, go get started)) Blurr 9:20 pm /any. way. Here he is, horrific upgrades and all. Welcome to the pARTY / Whirl 9:20 pm ((ACK, WOULD IT BE easier for you to be IC if i stayed ooc?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm *Soundwave and Rumble drop in, though not before looking into the room with a feeler. It's been a long time. Who knows where certain medics might be roaming by now?* *Coast looks clear-ish. They'll take their seats.* Blurr 9:27 pm / wiggles claws at. He doesn't seem to have many people lingering on the ship this time- the crew is very busy doing their usual business./ VProwl 9:27 pm ((my IC or OOC ness is completely unrelated to anything Whirl does)) Blurr 9:27 pm / though who KNOWS where Ratchet is. Dude is a mystery / Whirl 9:27 pm ((okee dokee, i just wasn't sure, i didn't wanna throw a wrench in the works, sorry)) VProwl 9:27 pm ((prowl stopped coming ages ago. now i can only take constructicons and i don't feel like taking constructicons.)) ((they only come to SOUE to record it for prowl and right now prowl is in full Ask For Nothing At All Ever From The Constructicons mode)) ((so yeah unless i change my mind at the last second im probably only here to watch for myself)) Blurr 9:28 pm (( whenever y'all are ready, I'll start, btw. )) VProwl 9:29 pm ((ready)) Whirl 9:29 pm AIGHT, well, i'm sorry blurr and soundwave & co but there are less people to distract whirl you're going to get Full Force Whirl Presence)) I'm ready, just bout to drag me boy in)) Blurr 9:29 pm (( Do it. )) Whirl 9:29 pm *is just suddenly there in the doorway, blinking slowly. Whirl looks like he’s been dragged backward through a particularly dirty chimney, with most of his plating covered in soot and scorchmarks. Aside from a few superficial scratches and a cracked optic, he actually doesn’t seem to be wounded. The entire weapons array that used to be under his cockpit is just flat-out gone, replaced by a bevy of new accoutrements: a thick collar with the broken end of a restraining pole still dangling from it, two long serial numbers that have been enameled into his stabilizer fins, a handful of broken devices (which seem to be stasis locks and other neutralizing contraptions) cold welded to various parts of his anatomy, and finally, most noticeably, a partially-functioning mode-lock clamped onto his back* Whirl deep breath 9:29 pm Whirl 9:30 pm Any chance I could get one of you to do me a favor? ((A Word Picture is now complete)) Blurr 9:30 pm / snort / I DO owe you one, don't I? What happened to you, hnnh? Get stuck in a jail or something? Whirl 9:31 pm Got it in one. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm *Rumble's up on his feet in an instant.* //What the FRAG-- What favor?// Whirl bobs his head in tired greeting 9:31 pm Whirl 9:31 pm Could someone please get this fragging MODE-LOCK off of me because it's DRIVING ME CRAZY. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Soundwave lifts up both feelers. Come over, if Blurr doesn't go over there first.* Whirl 9:34 pm *will trot on over and hunker down a bit so Soundwave can reach it easier. ...not that he probably needs to because Endless Spaghetti Arms but still* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm [[Don't move. He'd rather not lose his tendrils.]] *They're going to poke around and beneath the mode lock to try to figure out how it comes off. Might be a little wiggly in there.* Whirl is now making the exact face that his avatar is making 9:36 pm ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *In about a minute he'll have it deactivated and pulled off.* [[Hmm. Do you want this?]] Whirl 9:39 pm No. God, no, by all means, just. Obliterate it. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm [[As you wish.]] *Soundwave hands it to Rumble, who is more than happy to punch it to pieces with a couple hits from a piledriver.* *...The ground might shake a little in the process. Sorry bout that, Blurr.* Whirl 9:40 pm *the VERY FIRST thing he tries to do is transform, but there's too many things stuck to him at the moment and he just kind of. Falls over. Lays there for a moment* *caught somewhere between modes* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:41 pm *...Soundwave snaps a pic, silently.*??//Uh. You - you alive?// Whirl 9:43 pm I can't be sure, but I THINK so. *shifts back, and with great dignity, makes his slow way over to the hammock and clambers inside. After a moment he just pokes his head over the side of the hammock* So. How you guys been? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Rumble kicks the junked mode lock bits side and sits wher ehe is.* //Pretty good, I guess. Been lookin' into the writin' classes we got on planet. Boss moved to Intelligence insteada the Security Forces. 'N he--// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Soundwave pings him a warning. Rumble resets his vocalizer.* //'N he been doin' good on business. Plus, we found them barnacles. Stickin' themselves to space slugs. Weird scrap.// //But that ain't important. HOW THE FRAG'D THEY CATCH -YOU?-// Blurr 9:48 pm / anyway pretend he zoned out because like I was gone / Whirl 9:49 pm *nods very slowly* Y'know what? Good. Damn good. I--*okay he deserves this yelling* I think someone was tailing me last time I got stuck. Went out to get some stuff for my ship and wham. ...okay it's actually a lot more complicated that "wham" but I got back about... maybe. Six hours ago. I'm a little out of it. Whirl in a sort of permanently half-zoned state, Blurr's in good company 9:50 pm ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *They both shake their head. They never thought they'd see the day.* Whirl 9:50 pm Hey, Teach? If you got any liquid snacks I'm starving. And I'm gonna eat them all. Blurr 9:51 pm Oh, there's plenty. /motions to table/ We just harvested an entire freighter Whirl 9:52 pm I should've called YOU to come get me. *peers resentfully at the snack table. How dare it be so far away. He'll get it in a second* So. I might... *trails off* Blurr 9:52 pm I can get it. I just invested in a new set of legs. Whirl 9:53 pm ((oh my god the sheer amount of innuendo in this is staggering)) Blurr 9:53 pm /smirks/ Oh, me? I would have ADORED to slaughter an entire jail. Whirl 9:53 pm Again? Damn, Teach, you don't waste time. So. *looks to Soundwave and Rumble* I might... be. In a little trouble. My official story is: I fell down a flight of stairs. Blurr 9:54 pm Waste time doing what? Investing in new legs? Whirl 9:55 pm Yep. Blurr 9:56 pm Well, these ones are more suited for me. The speed upgrades work better with these ones. Less burn in the legs, less broken gears. Whirl 9:56 pm BRB!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm //Musta been some damn important stairs.// ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[What is it you require?]] Blurr 9:57 pm Stairs are unnecessary... Blurr 9:59 pm (( Olaf would be one amazing cosplayer )) Whirl 10:01 pm Just don't rat me out to the... I dunno. The space police, or whatever. God, the world changed since I was gone. Blurr? Being... RESPONSIBLE? I mgiht not be in the right dimension, after all. Blurr 10:01 pm / snort / Whirl 10:02 pm *he isn't ENTIRELY flippant about this, as much as he likes to pretend he is, and he's also not so oblivious that he doesn't know what he should do next* Hey, Rumble? Could I get you over here a second? Comm's out. ((time to do everything in my power to get salmonella)) Windchill 10:02 pm (( WHY you do this. Are you eating raw eggs. )) Blurr 10:03 pm My profession is literally stealing and piracy. Windchill 10:04 pm (( Oh. )) Blurr 10:04 pm Police are the last mechs on my speed dial list. K-Kyeheeheh. Well, except that one I bribed... / taps chinplate / Think I might have eaten that one, though. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[No mech will hear that you have returned unless you explicitly give him permission to tell them. At least, not from his work unit.]] Blurr 10:05 pm (( the fan. I can't )) VProwl 10:05 pm ((the water aside, i would kill for some salmon rn)) Blurr 10:05 pm (( mood )) Whirl 10:05 pm i bequeath my cosmic allowance of salmon to y'all)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:06 pm //Yeah! Sure.// *Rumble wasn't sure if he ought to ask about the hammock, but now that he's been invited over, he'll trot that way - and up, if permitted.* Whirl 10:06 pm *just nods to Blurr and Soundwave, closing his optic. Please enjoy his genuine gratitude* Thanks. VProwl 10:08 pm ((eyyyy bob)) Whirl 10:08 pm *will absolutely help Rumble up and shift so he can get comfortable. He speaks very softly, garnering as much privacy as he can without comms* Sorry for not calling. I wasn't able to get a message out. Blurr 10:08 pm (( I would wear this costume for years ) Whirl 10:08 pm this would be a fantastic cosplay)) Blurr 10:08 pm ( the eyes bobble. I'm screaming ) VProwl 10:09 pm ((every time he says sallmun)) Blurr 10:10 pm ((( I can't. )) Whirl 10:10 pm kdl;de)) u right)) Windchill 10:11 pm *Appears to ruin the evening, sorry y'all.* Blurr 10:12 pm / wiggles claws in a wave. / Windchill 10:12 pm ((Plunger...harpoons? )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm *Good thing it's Rumble and not Frenzy, or else there'd be no privacy whatsoever. Rumble whispers just fine, and Soundwave pretends not to still be able to hear it.* //Hey, nah. Nah. 'S okay. Jus' - glad ya ain't there no more, y'know? 'N anybody's sorry, it's me, on account of we wasn't no help to ya.// ((this food is so vile)) Blurr 10:13 pm ( blegh ) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm at Windchill.* Windchill 10:14 pm *Waves dramatically.* Blurr 10:16 pm Honestly, he's terrible at assassinating people. Honestly. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm ((those teeth are creeping me out)) Blurr 10:17 pm (( they're like way too white )) Whirl 10:17 pm So'm I. *shakes his head a little* Nothing you could've done. Nothing anybody could've done, except me. And I did it. *shifts a little--he might be curling up around Rumble just a little. Just a little* I gotta say, though, Teach--advice for life. Whirl raises his head when he senses Windchill, and gives a very nonchalant nod. "Sup?" 10:17 pm Blurr 10:17 pm Advice for life? You're giving /me/ advice? I suppose I'll listen to yours. VProwl 10:18 pm ((im remembering that post about how tfp starscream's human form would definitely be count olaf)) ((i can absolutely see him performing this song)) ((exactly this way)) Whirl 10:18 pm No, I was saying, the song is advice for life. I might be a little rattled but I'm well aware what it would look like if I gave you advice. Right now. SHINT)) Blurr 10:19 pm Aw, come on. Advice from you is probably the most logical advice I ever hear. Aside from... well. Drift's. His advice is pretty great. Windchill 10:19 pm *Squints at the crispy weirdo that looks like it might have once been...a Whirl.* Whirl 10:20 pm You can never tell him I said this--ANY of you--but... you're not completely wrong, Teach. Blurr 10:20 pm / smirks and wiggles claws in the air slightly / Of course not. I'm an educator, not usually wrong. /is wrong a lot tbh/ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Rumble notices and oh-so-slowly-and-carefully readjusts a leg so it's bumped up against Whirl a little more.* //Listen - Frenzy's still learnin' medic stuff. If y'need help gettin' all that slag off, we maybe could try.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm //Welp, they're gonna die.// Whirl 10:25 pm Yeah, I might take you up on that. Most of it's not dug in, it's slapped on. Like... glued. But with metal. Except for the thing-- *wiggles one of his fins irritably* Looks worse'n it is. Blurr 10:25 pm You know, Whirl... I'm just saying. I've got a medic that really likes your anatomical makeup. He'd be willing to put you back together and then some. / Piston misses you / Whirl 10:26 pm Oh, PLEASE send Piston after me. I've got half a year's worth of pent-up frustration and I'd LOVE to get it out of my system. Blurr 10:27 pm Oye... no hurting my mortician. Despite his usually... eh. /shrugs/ weird? personality, he's actually quite useful. Windchill 10:28 pm *Sits his giant BUTT on the floor, finally.* Whirl 10:28 pm I'm sure to SOME folks. *peers peevishly at Blurr* Piston just better keep his distance. But in all seriousness, I'm not really hurt. Blurr 10:29 pm Yes, but Piston COULD help fix... everything else. Whirl 10:29 pm Oh shit, was that an earthquake? Oh, wait. No. It was just YOU. *zoops his head out of the hammock to stare accustingly at Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm //Maybe I oughta stick a pair of Windchill afts where my piledrivers go.// Blurr 10:29 pm K-Kyeheheh. Windchill 10:29 pm *Would retract his head sheepishly, but his collar doesn't allow it. He just bobs his head stupidly instead.* Don't be mean to me. Blurr 10:30 pm You know, it was an offer of absolute honesty. I wouldn't let Piston do anything... odd. He's a bit in a good mood- you're way off his radar. Whirl 10:30 pm You'd be too POWERFUL, Rumble. Windchill 10:30 pm ...This is true. Whirl 10:31 pm Being mean is just how I show affection. Blurr 10:31 pm It's the best way, honestly. Whirl 10:31 pm And... thanks, Teach. I think I'll let Frenzy handle that bit. But, if you're in the mood to hand out favors... mind if I crash here tonight? Windchill 10:31 pm *Shrugs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm //Yer right. Can't get too strong. Don't want Devastator gettin' jealous of my strength.// Windchill 10:32 pm ...Why not? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Soundwave just huffs. Good thing the Constructicons weren't here to hear that.* Whirl 10:32 pm Well now we know what we need to do if we ever got to defeat Devastator. Blurr 10:32 pm /hums and drums claws together/ Well, I suppose we could spare a room. /snort/ Joking. K-Kyeheheheh. Of course you can! You can stay in one of the more suited rooms- furthest from Piston. Windchill 10:33 pm *We need to duplicate his butt and weld them to Rumble's hands?* Whirl 10:33 pm In all seriousness, though... *bobs his head at Windchill again; please enjoy a moment of sincerity* Good to see you. Windchill 10:33 pm Oh yeah? You look like poo. Whirl nods 10:34 pm Whirl 10:34 pm I fell down a flight of stairs. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm ((I FINALLY JUST FIGURED OUT WHO ESME'S ACTRESS IS)) ((that's been bothering me all night)) Whirl 10:35 pm she's been in a lot of stuff! Ella Enchanted, The 10th Kingdom)) Windchill 10:35 pm *Kind of just...looks Whirl up and down with his good eye. The other one is watching the show.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm ((yeah, Sally Peep, heh)) Windchill 10:35 pm Must have been hella stairs. I believe it. Whirl 10:35 pm ((she's such a patoot)) Whirl nods gravely. "It was." 10:35 pm Whirl 10:36 pm Actually I got caught. And had to bust my way out. Which, as you can see... did. But the stairs is my official story. If you don't mind, Teach, I was just going to. Not leave this hammock until tomorrow. VProwl 10:37 pm ((that baby is such a great actor)) Windchill 10:37 pm Ah. Blurr 10:37 pm I suppose. You could do that, too. Windchill 10:37 pm Well. Whirl 10:37 pm she really is, tbh)) Whirl is now going to reach over to those drinks Blurr brought near and start drinking. Just tossing his head back again and again. Like some kind of bobbing bird. LIKE A MACHINE. These snacks don't stand a chance. 10:39 pm Windchill 10:40 pm *Gasps with sudden realization.* Whirl...LIED to me about hella stairs. To my very face. Whirl 10:41 pm *doesn't stop drinking, even while he answers* NO. Surely not. Doesn't sound like WHIRL. Windchill 10:41 pm Yes it does. *Points accusingly.* Whirl pauses just long enough to look innocent. And then goes back to drinking 10:42 pm Windchill 10:43 pm *Slowly lowers his claw.* I'll forgive it...this time. Blurr 10:44 pm how merciful. Windchill 10:46 pm But ONLY, *he lifts his claw imperiously* because I missed the perpetrator of these foul untruths. Whirl finally finishes his marathon run on these snacks 10:46 pm Whirl 10:46 pm Yeah. You just missed him, too. Windchill 10:46 pm Shut up, butthole. Whirl 10:47 pm What's it saying? Windchill 10:48 pm Pure LIES. And hot air. Whirl 10:49 pm Hmm. I believe it. Windchill 10:49 pm Good, you can trust me. *Maybe.* Windchill 10:51 pm *But probably not.* Whirl 10:51 pm *DOUBTFUL* Windchill 10:51 pm *Smiles and flutters his lashes innocently.* Whirl *he un-zoops and retreats back to the sanctity of the hammock* How's the little wriggler doing? 10:51 pm Whirl 10:51 pm ...welp)) Windchill 10:52 pm Little? Whirl 10:53 pm Okay, fair, how's your gargantuan offspring doing? Windchill 10:54 pm That's more like it. She's fat. Whirl 10:54 pm Once I take care of my... whole. Everything, I'll try and swing by. Windchill 10:55 pm Eh, she'd probably recognize you, even looking like that. Whirl 10:55 pm Sadly, I didn't pick up any new and exciting foul language in prison. As unlikely as that sounds. Windchill 10:55 pm I'm shocked. Whirl 10:57 pm Yeah. Apparently I'm *huge claw air-quotes* "Too unruly" and "a danger to myself and others" so I spent a good amount of time out of it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm //Puh. Jus' means they were big cowards.// *Mutter mutter.* Whirl 10:58 pm *snorts* More or less. ...but if you get locked up, I mean. Worse ways to spend it than unconscious. Windchill 10:59 pm I...guess? I mean, I can vouch for that. *Shrugs helplessly.* Whirl 10:59 pm *one-armed shrug in return* And speaking of unconscious I'm... probably not gonna make it through whatever you guys decide to watch next, so. If I fall asleep don't wake me up. Blurr 11:00 pm Piston might. IF you're lucky. Windchill 11:00 pm Good night, sweet prince. I'll knock you out right now if you want. Whirl 11:01 pm Yeah, well, it'll be unlucky for HIM. *hunkers down in the hammock* Thank you, sweet princess, but I think I'm good. And, yeah. I said it, and yeah, I'm gonna say it again, and if any of you guys give me slag about it I'll make you regret it but--good to see you all again. All of you. *Rumble gets an additional nudge* Windchill 11:02 pm You say that now. Blurr 11:03 pm / smirks and wiggles claws at Whirl / Good to see you, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm //No slag, promise. Not about that, anyhow. Gotta pick somethin' better.// *Snickers and nudges back.* Whirl 11:05 pm *snorts at Windchill--it's a genuine laugh. You earned it, big guy* I come back, Rumble, and already you're threatening me. *shakes head mock-dramatically* It's good to be... well. Not home. But whatever this is. Windchill 11:06 pm *More LIES.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Looks around.* //A ship, I think. Either that or a big ol' rusty bucket.// Whirl 11:07 pm Well I was referring to this dimension's Cybertron and surrounding affiliated areas but that works. Blurr 11:07 pm Excuse me? Windchill 11:07 pm *Rolls onto his knees. Turns out his giant butt offers little to no cushioning on floors.* Blurr 11:07 pm It's a /great/ ship. And right now, we're not very far from a quadrant that is radiating a power source that I simply /must/ have. Windchill 11:10 pm *Okay, hands and knees. Getting up is hard.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm //You 'n them treasures, pffff. Somebody's gonna trap ya with a fake one day.// *Whispering again:* //Psss. Whirl. Y'want the hammock all to your own self, or's it okay I maybe don't go?// ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm [[Do you need help, Windchill?]] Whirl 11:11 pm Someone, please help Old Man Windchill over here. Windchill 11:11 pm Do NOT. Whirl 11:11 pm DO. Windchill 11:11 pm If I want help I'll ask. I'm a big boy. Whirl 11:11 pm Well OBVIOUSLY. Windchill 11:11 pm But it's funnier this way. Blurr 11:11 pm K-Kyeheheheh. Someone already TRIED to. They missed me, obviously. /wiggles claws/ Besides, this is the real deal. Something genuinely powerful and strong. Whirl 11:11 pm *and lowers his head to whisper back* I'd... like it, if you stayed. Blurr 11:11 pm It radiates across the wavelengths with extremely strong waves... plus, I think it might be something unique. Windchill 11:13 pm *Grunts and deliberately makes a spectacle of getting up, employing as many ungodly creaks as possible since he's been CALLED OUT.* *You must all suffer for it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm *Soundwave just turns his audio receptors down. It's easier.* Whirl 11:14 pm Gnight, loser. I'll call you up when my comms are working again. Windchill 11:14 pm Who...me? Whirl 11:14 pm Yes, you. Blurr 11:14 pm /cackling at Windchill because wow how obnoxious, he loves it / Windchill 11:14 pm Fuck you, Whirl. But okay. Blurr 11:14 pm You know, Whirl, Blaster could get your comms working. You just have to deal with his ... idiocy. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *He'll trust Rumble with Whirl on this ship for one night. May any wayward "doctors" be crab-pinched to pieces if they come creeping up with laser scalpels in hand.* Whirl 11:15 pm Not likely, you oversized antique. Windchill 11:15 pm *Gasps and clutches imaginary pearls.* Blurr 11:15 pm / Blurr will ensure none of them die overnight / Blurr 11:16 pm You know, you could all stay over , if you'd like. We won't reach the site until late tomorrow. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm *Rumble just nods and settles back in. He's not tired, himself, but it's kinda - nice. Been forever.* Whirl 11:16 pm Mmmmaybe. I'll come bug you about it in the morning. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm [[Ah, no. He has work. It piles up quickly as of late.]] *Up Soundwave gets, with less creaking and clanking than Windchill. He'll be on his way in seconds.* Blurr 11:17 pm Ah. I see. Well, whenever you want to visit. Windchill 11:17 pm *Appears to be thinking really hard if the sudden appearance of stress lines around his optics are any indication.* Blurr 11:17 pm ... You good? / he can't have a lift one eyebrow expression, but he can try. It just looks like murderous staring / Whirl 11:18 pm god bless blurr for trying omfg)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm ((LOL BLURR)) Blurr 11:18 pm (( hE HAS ONE EYE OKAY )) ( GSDNBFKDAFN )) (( He just. He can't lift an optic ridge- he's missing that piece on the other side. So it just looks. So bad bfkjdsfbadsj ) Whirl bobs his head in farewell to Soundwave, Windchill, and Blurr. and hunkers back down. Whirl is sleep. 11:19 pm Whirl 11:19 pm that's why we lovim)) Windchill 11:19 pm I'm leaving. Blurr 11:19 pm (( I feel like Whirl gets his expressions )) Whirl raises a claw but doesn't open his optic. Clicks it like a castanet. 11:19 pm Blurr 11:19 pm ... Pity. Well, next time you'd like to visit, I'll clear the bridge for you. And if you're good at tearing mechs apart, maybe you'll get lucky and find us on a good day. Whirl 11:20 pm if anyone would, I feel like it'd be Whirl)) Blurr 11:20 pm (( Whirl and Drift for sure )) Windchill 11:20 pm *Shrugs.* I have worms. Whirl 11:20 pm he knows a thing or two about making do with limited facial expression capabilities)) Blurr 11:20 pm (( I feel like Drift kinda "I THINK he's confused but he might just be angry. Or both.' )) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm ((OF ALL THE RECORDINGS SOUNDWAVE COULD MISS IT WAS "I HAVE WORMS")) Blurr 11:21 pm ... That's... nice? Whirl 11:21 pm ((HAHAHAH)) Blurr 11:21 pm (( LMAOOO ) / squinting. Drums claws together / Well, have... fun with that? Windchill 11:21 pm (( I'm sorry it was spontaneous. )) I have ONE WORM, *this clarification requires yelling and the puffing out of chest armour.* *And it doesn't make it any better.* Blurr 11:22 pm Why are you yelling? I have one optic, not one audial. Windchill 11:22 pm Because I can and no-one can really stop me. Blurr 11:22 pm ... Bet? Whirl 11:23 pm *still doesn't open his optic, but calls out, muffled* I taught his worm to cuss. Windchill 11:23 pm I only gamble with my life. Blurr 11:23 pm W-what else are you supposed to gamble with? Windchill 11:23 pm ...Most folks settle for money or material goods. Pride, maybe. Blurr 11:23 pm ... Ew. Where's the fun in that? Windchill 11:23 pm *He has none of those so life it is.* Blurr 11:23 pm / glances at Whirl/ You what the who now? Blurr 11:24 pm We /motions to self and adjacent space around him/ are confused. Whirl 11:24 pm I taught his worm to cuss. She beeps. Zori was my accomplice. Blurr 11:24 pm Ah... much better. Windchill 11:24 pm Yeah. Only words she knows are cuss words. And "wub." Blurr 11:24 pm ..Huh. Whirl 11:24 pm *now DOES lift his head, briefly* I'm wub. Blurr 11:24 pm I don't think I've taught Oberyn anything new lately... except not to bite 'Buster. Whirl conks it back down and curls up a little more 11:24 pm Blurr 11:25 pm Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from your... worm. Windchill 11:25 pm Anyway. I'm gonna pretend to not know what tearing mechs apart on good days means, because it's convenient in the short term. My worm, yes. I must return to my worm. Blurr 11:26 pm Well... go on. / waves claws / I have relics to steal. Windchill 11:26 pm *Well, she'd be fine with Chill's better half for an evening, but MORE importantly:* Yeah. Whirl's not gonna get any rest with me here. I must go. *Have another dramatic wave.* Whirl 11:27 pm Joke's on you, I'm already asleep. *muffled* Windchill 11:28 pm You say that now, I'm leaving before I get REALLY obnoxious. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm //Somehow I ain't even tryin' to sleep 'n I been the quietest one outta all you.// *Muffled laugh into his arm.* Windchill 11:28 pm *It's for your own good, Whirl. Easier to avoid embarrassing you with physical contact if Chill's not there.* Whirl 11:29 pm Well, it's not hard to be the quietest one when I'm in the room. ...but I'm still asleep. Windchill 11:29 pm *He is thinking of u, it's just hard to tell.* I'm sick and tired of your lies. *Turns to leave for real, but blows a kiss over his shoulder.* Bye, suckers. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm //Seeya.// Whirl 11:30 pm Later, loser. Blurr 11:30 pm / wiggles claws/ See you Blurr 11:31 pm (( lemme know when I can close chat. )) Windchill 11:31 pm *Just for that you get a loud raspberry sound before he vanishes. His final revenge.* Whirl 11:32 pm I'm done! o7)) Windchill 11:32 pm (( same lol )) Blurr 11:33 pm ( kay i close room now ) Windchill 11:33 pm (( o7 )) Blurr 11:33 pm ( unless somoene is logging ) VProwl 11:33 pm ((i can stop logging when y'all stop making last-minute comments))
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asreoninfusion · 7 years
Quarterly goals
Stolen from @lilly-white​ ‘cause I saw her do a thing and it seems useful, even if just for keeping track of all the things I need to do. :’D It’s supposed to be for the first quarter of the year, but tbh I have no idea what gonna be going down in March, I’m not gonna be able to plan that far ahead, lol. So January and February it is for now.
This is.... not even goals, tbh. This is my to do list. But hey, useful reference for myself.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
UNIVERSITY: - actually fucking revise and get through my exams (#1 priority rn) - make module selections for international year application - meet with subject tutor to get module selections signed off (DEADLINE: 26th Jan)
KUPOCON & COSPLAY: - put in order to print books for Kupocon as soon as cover is done :’D (how many should I get??) - look up train times and book advance ticket to London - OG Cloud needs shoe covers, belt, pauldron, and bracer finishing - plus Buster Sword needs fixing up - Miss Cloud just needs the buying of accessories - and a purple bow sewn onto the front of the dress
FANDOM: - Sefikura week!!!!! :O
MISC: - get the fucking haircut and colour done, I’ve been meaning to do it for months - follow up with the tattoo shop I asked about getting my brand done, I sent an enquiry but they haven’t got back yet so might have to chase them, eugh
UNIVERSITY: - actually stay on top of the fucking lectures and make sure notes are complete after each one - complete assignment due in week 6 ASAP once details are given out (because week 5 is gonna be hectic and I don’t want any other work hanging over my head)
FANDOM: - go to Kupocon!!! :D - sort out numbers for official Tumblr orders of the Sefikura book; print any extra books required and get those sent out - learn how to make pretty gifsets with text over them - finish more songs (complete the two that are currently WIPs) - SCAN COMM omg my poor baby, needs all the scans and edits; complete enough prescheduled posts to last until the Easter holidays at least, which will be my next big opportunity of free time to do a lot more work on it
TOUR SHIZ: - look up train times and book advance tickets for getting down to London for the weekend - various other train tickets to Manchester and Nottingham that need sorting - better hotel in Manchester?? - find a cookie cutter in the shape I require for decorating the cookies, ‘cause lemme tell ya trying to freehand the icing don’t work so well - ‘course that’s only relevant if I actually find a fan meetup to distribute cookies to; pay attention and look out for any of those being organised - go enjoy the shows \o/
MISC: - read the one and only book I’ve bought in the last year because I really wanted to read it but still haven’t had a chance yet - likewise listen to the audiobook I need to
(And then March will probably be back to focusing on uni and assingments and things, but I’ll get a better idea of what I need to do once I’ve actually started the modules and know the details of all the work that needs doing. 👍 )
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Mar 25 Dancitron Movie Night - Thor: Ragnarok
Prowl tuned out most of the movie and left his avatar on idle. He’s working on a project.
He skimmed his recording of the movie during the credits, realized that there was some rather traumatic content in there, and went over to reassure Soundwave. They’re now scheduling an opportunity to go destroy Soundwave’s old cell in the pits. Prowl also worried over Mixmaster a bit.
Today Specs 7:32 pm *the dragon arrives! she, thankfully, does not have a knife this time. she does have some shellfish-shaped energon cookies, however.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:33 pm *Soundwave finishes popping something into his mouth and closing his visor just before the dragon arrives; he turns to greet her and nods, peering at the cookies with much curiosity.* Specs 7:33 pm Hello, Soundwave! *she's putting them where they belong before she takes a seat, as always* Smokescreen 7:34 pm /Smokescreen's coming in, and is going to flop onto a couch as soon as he enters./ ItsyBitsySpyers 7:35 pm [[Greetings, dragon. Have you had a pleasant week?]] *Soundwave glances over to Smokescreen and nods to him. Still nervous after that card, but... a couple of hours here can't hurt. Right?* Smokescreen 7:37 pm /Smokescreen's waving at Soundwave, so far looking like he's fine!/ Hey, Sounds- Sounds, can I share this one documentary with you? ItsyBitsySpyers 7:37 pm [[Do.]] Specs 7:37 pm It's been quiet. Nothing much happened. Concursion with the one of the space elevators came and went, so new supplies came down! That was nice. Er, came up. How do directions work in space, anyways. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:38 pm [[Poorly.]] Smokescreen 7:38 pm Alright- it's a from the boxyverse, but focusing on this hit band group at the time! ... Also, can I talk to you about the big- you know, the allspark thing in my universe? Ratchet 7:39 pm *pops in* Jetstream 7:39 pm it's fighting me Omicron 7:39 pm *Ice Queen comes in, tired predacon is tired, looks around and chirps a greeting* Specs 7:39 pm *the dragon chirps back at the predacon* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:40 pm [[You may.]] *Soundwave nods to Ice Queen, Jetstream, and Ratchet. Greetings.* Omicron 7:40 pm Racer: *Chirps! too from Icy's back, riding and chewing on a metalic stick* Smokescreen 7:40 pm ... Right here? Now? Ratchet 7:40 pm *slow scan of the room. is there anyone here he wants to sit with tonight? doesn't look like there is, yet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:41 pm [[You might as well.]] [[...Over comms.]] Smokescreen 7:41 pm Oh! Oh yeah! Prowl 7:41 pm *arrives via the door like y'do* Smokescreen 7:42 pm @Soundwave: ::First- you got any idea how to break the news to Megs that I'm inviting you to help? And- and also, we found these different symbols that go with all the coordinates we've found.:: ItsyBitsySpyers 7:42 pm [[Good evening, Prowl.]] Ratchet 7:42 pm Hey, platter arms. Is Bug around? Omicron 7:42 pm *Icy tries not to flop, but lays down in beast mode* Jetstream 7:42 pm ((what do y'all see?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:42 pm [[..."Platter arms"?]] *Irritated blip.* [[They can be, if you give me a moment.]] Smokescreen 7:42 pm !! /Waving at round Prowl!/ Omicron 7:42 pm RAcer: *Meeps at the mechs he's seen before* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:43 pm @SS: [[Gently. Perhaps not specifying which one he is. And what do you mean, different symbols?]] Prowl 7:43 pm ...*her helm whips in Soundwave's direction, mouth opening slightly before she collects herself* Good evening, Soundwave. Prowl 7:44 pm *fails to notice Smokescreen waving, he might want to say something if he wants Prowl's attention* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:44 pm *So very pleased with that.*
*Zori trundles into the room by way of the ceiling as comes out of the stairwell. He beeps noisily at Ratchet and waves a claw upside-down.* #hiiiiiiiiii Smokescreen 7:45 pm @Soundwave: ::That could work- but he'll find out when he sees you, won't he? And- different symbols of the different Primes, the allspark, and another symbol I don't recognize. So we know, from all the coordinates, which one should be the allspark- but the other ones should also be interesting!:: Ratchet 7:45 pm *platter arms indeed. but nevermind that, here's Zori!* Bug! You wanna sit with me tonight? Jetstream 7:45 pm ((Alright here we go, i think)) *Walks in and looks around* Omicron 7:46 pm ((I have a friend that wants to join as a TFP Knockout, would that be okay?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:46 pm @SS: [[There's little he'll be able to do at that point. And Megatron knows where his priorities rest. Megatron would be a fool to turn away his help.]] Pause. [[You mean to say you might have found other relics...?]] ((long as the rules get observed, sure thing)) #yes! #um #...hold on #I do not want to jump Smokescreen 7:47 pm @Soundwave: ::Oh no- we've known that there would be other relics. We have 15 different coordinates- but now we have a better idea of what they are! I've been looking through the co- through soome historical research files to see if I can make a guess what they are, but no luck yet.:: Tarantulas 7:48 pm (( I WAS GONNA ASK IF U HAD THIS ONE QUEUED ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *Zori wiggles a little, concentrates, and.... BWOOSH. Big fragging Bug on the ceiling. NOW he drops to the floor with a huge thump, and once he's settled, shrinks again.* *Up the couch he'll crawl.* Omicron 7:48 pm O_o Prowl 7:48 pm *makes way over to the table nearest the door to sit down* Jetstream 7:49 pm *Happens to have sat there already. more than welcome though* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:49 pm @SS: [[Is there anything he can do to assist you with identifying them?]] Specs 7:49 pm *the dragon considers joining Zori's couch, but Ratchet doesn't really know her. oh well! an unoccupied couch it is. maybe next time.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm ((there's only a few songs left, so y'all get your snacks and drinks and stuff)) Omicron 7:50 pm *there's always the big predacon you can sit on lol* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm *Zori taps Ratchet's leg. Can he perch on the knee?* Ratchet 7:50 pm *....* That was impressive. Specs 7:50 pm *the dragon pile is too powerful for this movie night* Ratchet 7:51 pm Come on up, Buggo. Omicron 7:51 pm *NEVER! dragon loafs together, even if RAcer is acting like he's got catnip* Prowl 7:51 pm *Prowl's aiming for the chair against the wall that faces out to the rest of the room, is Jetstream sitting there or did they snag another chair at the table?* Smokescreen 7:52 pm @Soundwave: ::I mean- if you know more relics that were associated with different Primes, that could help. I don't think it's any of the relics that ended up on Earth, and I'm pretty sure the covenant is not one of the relics. Alpha Trion's might be his quill? That's my best guess right now:: Magnum Ace 7:52 pm -pings Soundwave. It's movie night, right?- Jetstream 7:52 pm *just another chair in the area* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm #thank you! #...but it makes me hungry
*Up up, little circle, and settle. Except for the wiggling he does in time to the music.* Ratchet 7:52 pm *wiggles fingers along with* You get that snack I sent for you? Omicron 7:53 pm RAcer: *nomnom on his stick* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:53 pm @SS: [[He'll consult his files. We attempted to find - and indeed, located some of - several uncommon relics on the way to Earth. They may match.]] Prowl 7:53 pm *oh good, Prowl doesn't have to ask Jetstream to move, she'll slide into her usual chair contently and ping Soundwave for the movie title* Jetstream 7:53 pm *Jetstream gives a small nod to this Prowl that he hasn't met yet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:54 pm *Yes, it's movie night; Ace gets his bridge.* Swoop 7:54 pm *slides in, looking around for Soundwave* Prowl 7:54 pm *Prowl didn't see the nod, so she might come off as rude here, whoops* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:54 pm *Soundwave politely sends his Prowl the title... AND a place to get quality audio descriptions. Someone's pleased.* Specs 7:55 pm *oh no. that's a Swoop on a mission. nevermind, Icy, she's taking you up on that dragon pile. one fox-sized dragon, coming in to LOAF* Smokescreen 7:55 pm @Soundwave: ::That might help! Some of the coordinates are right on Cybertron- I'm kinda curious about those ones. They're probably really well hidden in one way or another.:: Swoop 7:55 pm *makes a bee line for Soundwave* Hey! Jetstream 7:55 pm *Jetstream's head starts to bob to the song already* Smokescreen 7:55 pm Stars Cream Swoop 7:55 pm Soundwave Soundwave Magnum Ace 7:55 pm -pings back a thanks, and then trots through- Rosanna 7:55 pm *slips in. hello* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:56 pm ((plz don't spam the chat with repetitive things rn i can barely keep up as is)) Omicron 7:56 pm *Icy shifts her wings, used to making a place for her hatchlings to ride, thus she's easier to climb right now* ....pfffft xD Swoop 7:56 pm ((kk)) Prowl 7:56 pm *a ping of gratitude to Soundwave* Bull 7:56 pm *Bull follows Magnum in* Specs 7:56 pm ((I would love to be the person who makes and rigs these models for MMD)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:56 pm #the big one? #from Bevel's? #yes! #it was good #I still have some #do you want it?
*Soundwave looks at Swoop and - hold on a minute. What is he doing here. What does he want.* [[What.]] Swoop 7:57 pm You Soundwave good at call people. You call Bob! Him Sunstreaker looking. You tell Bob to go check in and then Him can movie! VProwl 7:57 pm *appears* Jetstream 7:57 pm ((just appears? what like he teleports like Skywarp?)) Ratchet 7:57 pm Heh, no. Just checkin' no one grabbed it before you. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm [[...He thought Bob's comm was off.]] Omicron 7:57 pm RAcer: ...! PBBBT! 'Owl! Magnum Ace 7:57 pm -and he's going to snort at what's on screen once he and Bull are seated on the table- VProwl 7:57 pm ((no he materializes out of thin air like a hologram turning on)) Jetstream 7:58 pm ((Same concept)) VProwl 7:58 pm ((because he is a hologram, which has just turned on)) Swoop 7:58 pm Dunno. Him Sunstreaker say Bob have to check in and Him not checking in. Ratchet 7:58 pm Hey, Prowl! VProwl 7:58 pm Hello. *goes to sit with Ratchet.* Ratchet 7:58 pm *has a Bug with* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:58 pm *Soundwave pings Prowl hello and immediately snaps his attention to Racer afterward. Was that - did Racer call Prowl by name? How /precious./* Bull 7:59 pm *The footage on the screen is reminding Bull Armor of something which makes him chuckle* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm #oh #no no #Laserbeak tried #I pinched her wing #... #it was mean #but it was my candy VProwl 7:59 pm *turns to Racer. He caught it this time.* Hello, Racer. Omicron 8:00 pm RAcer: *bouncing on Icy's back, excitedly waving his first soft metal stick around, look what he has! He's getting bigger! * Smokescreen 8:00 pm /Smokescreen's finally moving enough on the couch to make a little more room. He zoned out for one second and suddenly everyone's here!/ Ratchet 8:00 pm I thought she might. But you're right, it was your candy. You can pinch people who try to take your things. Specs 8:00 pm *that's ADORABLE, but also requires ducking. mind her head, Racer!* Jetstream 8:00 pm ^WHAT. IS THAT.^ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm [[...His comm still registers as unavailable.]] Swoop 8:02 pm Unavailable? 😕 Him Bob should available for movie Omicron 8:02 pm oy *turns her head around and nudges Racer to scoot him a bit away from Specx* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm *Zori shifts uncertainly, but nods. Ratchet is a good mech, and a doctor. He will trust that Ratchet would not tell him to pinch people if it was bad. Back to wiggledance.* Magnum Ace 8:02 pm -nudges Bull. He thinks he has an idea of what- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm *That's a thing now, by the way. He has a somewhat mobile head.* Specs 8:02 pm Thank you, Ice Queen. *hatchlings are adorable, and everything is worthy of their enthusiasm! but she has a fragile organic skull.* Rosanna 8:02 pm *finds a spot to sit--somewhere. There are many here tonight* Smokescreen 8:03 pm /Smokescreen's offering a seat on the couch to Rosanna!/ Ratchet 8:03 pm *look at him go. he wiggle.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Good thing Rumble's not here. Soundwave will just... tell him to skip the night.* Bull 8:03 pm *looks to Magnum* Remind you of anything we had to do? Magnum Ace 8:03 pm Hush you Rosanna 8:03 pm *Offer accepted!* Jetstream 8:03 pm ^Oh hey, it's that Tom, guy.^ Omicron 8:03 pm If you want you can sit up on my head or neck, the spines are good to hang onto. Racer has been...really active all day Magnum Ace 8:03 pm -still gets a snort of laughter from him anyway- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm ((LAST MUSIC APPROACHES)) Ratchet 8:04 pm *Ratchet has a Bug and a Prowl, this is good. this is exactly the company he was hoping for tonight.* VProwl 8:04 pm *oh, hey—Zori is here. Prowl didn't notice him immediately, he's too small. hi, Zori.* Specs 8:04 pm He's still a hatchling, isn't he? It's the time to be full of energy. *but she's taking that offer. neck loaf, away!* He's quite endearing. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm ((*sinks into this and hums happily*)) Rosanna 8:04 pm @ smokescreen - Hello! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:04 pm *Zori waves a tiny hello to Prowl.* Smokescreen 8:05 pm /Smokescreen's waving at Rosanna/ Hey! Don't think I've seen you here before- what's your name? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm ((ALSO. y'all. he composed this when he was like 19 or 20 and it took until a few years ago for him to let anyone see and play it because he thought nobody would like it. if there are things you want to do in life, don't wait that long.)) ((musical sap psa.)) Smokescreen 8:06 pm Man- those giant dresses look SO COOL Swoop 8:06 pm ((that's so sad and kind of sweet)) Magnum Ace 8:06 pm ((it's freaking amazing, thank you)) Rosanna 8:06 pm *throws up an energetic peace sign at him* Rosanna! And you're... Smokescreen, ne? Jetstream 8:06 pm *looks at the Prowl near him* ^Hi.^ Swoop 8:06 pm *wanders over to the goodies, grabbing what he assumes to be a Bob sized portion* Rosanna 8:06 pm *hopes she got that name right* Smokescreen 8:06 pm Rosanna? That name sounds kinda familia- yeah! That's me! /Smokescreen's throwing back TWO peace signs this time!/ VProwl 8:06 pm *waves a not-so-tiny hello back* Swoop 8:07 pm *looks around for where to sit* R. 8:07 pm *Incoming Bruin. Spotter is here too, and Specter is curled around his neck. They'll just try to find somewhere unobtrusive to sit* Prowl 8:07 pm *turns her helm toward Jetstream and nods politely* Hello. Rosanna 8:07 pm I appear sometimes *Big ol' smiiiile* Mostly when Rumble's not here Omicron 8:07 pm Racer is, and likely dew to grow again here soon. He's the oldest of the clutch, and on the ship right now *lifts her spines a little, to let little dragon get under and lets them settle, giving a shelter from active hatchling* Smokescreen 8:07 pm Rumble? Haha- you don't get along with him? Me and Frenzy are like... BEST friends. He's better known as Friendzy. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm \\LIKE FRAG\\ *From upstairs.* Jetstream 8:08 pm ^Haven't seen you at one of these before. but then i'm not here as often as i'd like. Name's Jetstream. You?^ Tarantulas 8:08 pm *tarantulas is arriving before the movie starts, wow!! annnnnnd wow there's really a crowd tonight, time to walk right back out the door so he can hide and gather the proper stamina and courage for this* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm *Someone's on camera duty tonight.* Swoop 8:08 pm Spiderbot! Rosanna 8:08 pm Mmm... it's complicated. But, hey-- *honestly giggles* It's fine now Omicron 8:08 pm *Ice Queen starts humming to the music, she likes it* Swoop 8:08 pm *sets the bowl back down and sprints for the door* Rosanna 8:08 pm *probably lying* *trying to be cute* Prowl 8:08 pm Prowl. I only started coming to these recently. Smokescreen 8:09 pm Haha- that's fair! Slag happens- there's lots of bots I've ruined the chance to be friends with, and it hurts, but- it's sometimes just not worth it. Rosanna 8:09 pm Will you be my friend? Jetstream 8:09 pm ^Another Prowl, huh? I'm never gonna get the hang of this multiverse thing... eh.^ Specs 8:09 pm The others are still too little to be out and about, then? Or, well, I suppose that's really none of my business. My apologies! Racer is certainly looking fine. You must be very proud. *the dragon adores this music, too- her eyes are half-closed in a rather feline show of appreciation* Smokescreen 8:09 pm Hey, sure! Sounds good to me! /Thumbs up at Rosanna!/ Tarantulas 8:09 pm *internal groan. ah, swoop. gotta come back in now* Yeeesss? Ratchet 8:10 pm *settles in quite comfortably to lean on Prowl. he is here for a nap tonight because he cannot get any peace on the Ark* Swoop 8:10 pm *bounces right up into Tara's person space* YOU call Bob! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm ((all right, warnings for tonight: ... THERE ARE NONE BECAUSE I HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO SEE THIS. if you haven't either, you're in the same boat as me.)) Rosanna 8:10 pm *quiet yay! since the movie is about to start* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm ((so if there's anything unpleasant or something, i apologize ahead of time)) Specs 8:11 pm ((uh, alcoholism is the big one I can think of off the top of my head. also being Hulked. and eye trauma.)) Smokescreen 8:11 pm ... /Smokescreen's making a point of looking towards the screen when/if he can hear Tarantulas./ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((thank ye)) Jetstream 8:11 pm ((Can vouch. it's not all that bad.)) ((Seenit before.)) Dragon 8:11 pm *looks around as wanders in* Awesome, just in time! ... Hi people I don't know? Omicron 8:11 pm *to the dragon on her neck* One or two are getting big enough, but their not as out going to those outside of the crew. There's a little wyvern, but she's very...umm...bitey ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((and NO SPOILERS i swear to god I will boot people)) Prowl 8:11 pm I'm sure it will come with time. VProwl 8:11 pm ((there's a flashy scene. there might be more than one but i can only remember one)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((i managed to keep myself mostly unspoiled and i'd like to stay that way)) Jetstream 8:12 pm ((THE VILLAIN IS-)) Specs 8:12 pm ((oh YEAH, there's two)) Tarantulas 8:12 pm Call Bob? What - why? Smokescreen 8:12 pm ((I'M THE VILLAIN Swoop 8:12 pm Him not here! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Also, Soundwave has nods for everyone who's come in since the last time I remembered to have him greet people. Bruin, Bull, and so on.* Smokescreen 8:12 pm Skeleton friend! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm [[A jaw-dropping introduction.]] Jetstream 8:12 pm ^well. that's... quaint^ Magnum Ace 8:13 pm ......... Specs 8:13 pm *the dragon chuffs in amusement* So was I, as a hatchling. Sometimes that's how the world is best explored. With teeth. Smokescreen 8:13 pm .... that guy sure is.... Omicron 8:13 pm *Ice Queen chirps a confused greating to Athena, remebers her from port* Smokescreen 8:13 pm he sure has horns! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm [[Mind yourself, Smokescreen.]] Smokescreen 8:13 pm Sounds come on it was too obvious Jetstream 8:13 pm ^what th- Baaahahaha!^ VProwl 8:13 pm *that human sounds familiar. has prowl seen this human before? he feels like he has. where has he seen him.* Dragon 8:13 pm *Athena blinks when she hears a chirp and looks over* Whoa hey, didn't expect to see you over here. Funny how the verse works, yeah? Magnum Ace 8:14 pm .........-snorts- Smokescreen 8:14 pm ... I like this thor more than the one in like the avengers movie Omicron 8:14 pm *to little dragon* this one has teeth that harded fist, she's left marks on my tail Jetstream 8:14 pm ^umm... yknow what ima let that stay^ Smokescreen 8:14 pm ..... this thor is just me giant eyebrows Swoop 8:15 pm *woudl love this fire themed badguy but he needs Tara to call Bob so they can mooooooovie* Magnum Ace 8:15 pm He's...big Specs 8:15 pm *another chuff* Teeth do that. Dragon 8:15 pm *hears the comment about a tiara and grins* Oh I like the blondie. He's got fire. Jetstream 8:15 pm ^This freaking movie...^ Tarantulas 8:15 pm *puts a distracted hand on swoophead and tries to comm bob to no avail* Swoop 8:16 pm *bounces to the music even if he isn't watching* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *Soundwave pings Tarantulas. Greetings, spide.* Swoop 8:16 pm *this is def Dinobot music* Smokescreen 8:16 pm /He's practically bouncing watching this fight scene!/ Tarantulas 8:16 pm .....He's - not responding. Or more accurately, there's just - nothing. Specs 8:16 pm *okay, maybe the dragon is wiggling to the music. maybe a little. maybe a lottle.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm #...that is a strong hammer #😮 VProwl 8:16 pm ... Oh. This guy. I remember him. From his other documentary. Prowl 8:16 pm Impressive weapon. Swoop 8:16 pm Comm broke 😛 Jetstream 8:17 pm ^That's ok. what's physics in movies anyways.^ Smokescreen 8:17 pm maaaaan I want thunder powers Omicron 8:17 pm *Icy might be tapping tail against her leg to music too* Magnum Ace 8:17 pm .... Tarantulas 8:17 pm I do hope that's what it is. *worries it's not* Magnum Ace 8:17 pm He's not doing his job, is he? Dragon 8:17 pm *laughing* I gotta get myself a hammer one of these days. Jetstream 8:17 pm ^who the heck is this?^ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm [[...Where is the bridgekeeper from before.]] Jetstream 8:18 pm ^SON OF A^ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm [[This one is an oaf.]] Omicron 8:18 pm .....? VProwl 8:18 pm ((tecks-awss)) Swoop 8:18 pm *huffs* Him Bob have to check in with Sunstreaker before movie. Him not check in yet. Sunstreaker say so. Rosanna 8:18 pm *there's the dragon she thought she saw!* Smokescreen 8:18 pm Ohhh- is that how you pronounce Texas? Omicron 8:18 pm Why is a human hording? Dragon 8:18 pm Humans are weird, Icy. *shrugs* Jetstream 8:18 pm ^No, uh... Smokescreen... right?^ Magnum Ace 8:18 pm Oh Rosanna 8:18 pm *wants it back on screen--thank you* Specs 8:18 pm Sometimes they have good ideas. *okay, the dragon does not have a problem. she has a solution, and that solution is cooking.* Omicron 8:18 pm true... you going to come over and sit down? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Huffs at the hammer trick.* Smokescreen 8:19 pm That's me! And it's called Texaws! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm ((A SHAKE-WEIGHT i'm crying)) Jetstream 8:19 pm ^WHAT WAS HE JUST USING^ Swoop 8:19 pm ((fuck off with the shake weight XD)) Magnum Ace 8:19 pm ..... Dragon 8:19 pm Eh? Oh, right. *Athena walks over to Icy and settles nearby* No sense in me standing in the doorway. Omicron 8:19 pm Scourge? that oaf takes a name after one of my mates? *snorts steam* Rosanna 8:19 pm ((that dragon. did it have like fire jets for wings)) Magnum Ace 8:19 pm that was only the opening? Bull 8:19 pm I hope that it didn't go through with him Specs 8:19 pm ...Fire wings? *her eyes have been opened* Bull 8:20 pm ... Jetstream 8:20 pm ^part of it did^ Rosanna 8:20 pm D : Magnum Ace 8:20 pm ........... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm [[That will make a fine trophy. When it stops sliding.]] Smokescreen 8:20 pm Poor dragon Omicron 8:20 pm ....the frag Magnum Ace 8:20 pm P-part of it did? Dragon 8:20 pm *Athena bursts out laughing* Ooooh that's one way to make an entrance. Specs 8:20 pm *the dragon whimpers a little* Poor cousin. Cousin-ish. Cousin three times removed? Tarantulas 8:21 pm *pats swoop on the head again* I'm sure he's alright. Jetstream 8:21 pm ^i'm with the blondie. what the heel is that^ Omicron 8:21 pm *shifts her neck as she nods* poor thing Smokescreen 8:21 pm .... PPpppp VProwl 8:21 pm *... isn't that the brother that backstabbed the... main character, here? why did he get a statue? he missed something.* Jetstream 8:22 pm ^Wait but that Odin guy IS in asgard...^ Omicron 8:22 pm Racer: *well timed* pffft Swoop 8:22 pm *tilts his head to lean into the pats* Him missing movie Specs 8:22 pm *look, sometimes you stab someone and then get a statue. it happens.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm [[...He doesn't remember it happening this way.]] Smokescreen 8:22 pm I wanna see a play about me Tarantulas 8:22 pm And so are you and I, Swoop. Specs 8:22 pm ((the error message concerns me)) VProwl 8:23 pm ((same)) Rosanna 8:23 pm ((same Jetstream 8:23 pm ((yup)) Omicron 8:23 pm ((umm)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm ((it's bob-mun don't worry)) Tarantulas 8:23 pm (( i'm EXCITE Specs 8:23 pm ((I know but... fear. something is Happen.)) wily 8:23 pm ((= =ob Swoop 8:23 pm Yeaaaaahhhh Us go movie now : > Jetstream 8:24 pm ^That's... is that not?^ ^Oooooohhh^ Specs 8:24 pm *cackles* Omicron 8:24 pm *laughs* Dragon 8:25 pm *grins* Somebody got busted. Omicron 8:25 pm .... O_o *predacon laugh mad it poof?* Smokescreen 8:25 pm PFFFF Omicron 8:25 pm (op, its back) Jetstream 8:25 pm ^...^ ^burn^ Swoop 8:26 pm *scampers back inside* Jetstream 8:26 pm ^OH! OH^ ^I KNOW THAT ONE^ Magnum Ace 8:26 pm !!! Swoop 8:26 pm ((swoop every movie night)) Smokescreen 8:26 pm .... man is it really that normal for gods to date mortals Specs 8:26 pm *chuffs more. this is hilarious* Omicron 8:26 pm humans have ground bridges? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm [[Not... usually.]] Dragon 8:26 pm *shrugs at Icy* Never question humans and their weirdness, I've learned. They're just... different. Jetstream 8:26 pm ^This is a rather...^ Smokescreen 8:27 pm ... is that wizardman Magnum Ace 8:27 pm Um...? Smokescreen 8:27 pm the wizard Jetstream 8:27 pm ^STRANGE encounter, amirite?^ Rosanna 8:27 pm *helm tilt* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Who is that?]] Jetstream 8:27 pm ^ugh i should leave the puns to Whirlwind^ Bull 8:27 pm *is confused* Jetstream 8:27 pm ^You don't know?^ Smokescreen 8:27 pm thor comes in and breaks everything Omicron 8:27 pm I sense a possible show off ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [["Possible" nothing.]] Magnum Ace 8:27 pm Thor isn't...good with delicate objects Specs 8:27 pm Humans do enjoy their wing measuring contests. Omicron 8:28 pm ...XD Smokescreen 8:28 pm I don't like that wizard Magnum Ace 8:28 pm How? Omicron 8:28 pm ....can he do that with energon? *intrested* Dragon 8:28 pm Anyone who can fill a mug that fast is good in my books. *grins* Bet he's a favorite at parties. Bull 8:28 pm I think asking that question will just lead to more... Smokescreen 8:28 pm fdshjndasvbnMDSAVFB Jetstream 8:28 pm ^Primus. This movie^ Magnum Ace 8:28 pm ... Jetstream 8:28 pm ^Norway.^ ^Not. surprised. at all^ Magnum Ace 8:29 pm What the... Jetstream 8:29 pm ^Wait...Where's the witch^ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Mental mutter.* [[It is like dealing with greyfaces.]] Smokescreen 8:29 pm i like to imagine wizardguy isn't doing anything and thor just likes tumbling around Dragon 8:29 pm *blinks at the noise* ... Primus, sounds like one of my friends when the ninjas are chasing him. *laughs* Magnum Ace 8:29 pm Revenge, I think Jetstream 8:29 pm ^there he is^ Specs 8:29 pm *she's going to bust a lung laughing* Omicron 8:30 pm and this is why there's no teleporters currently in my crew Jetstream 8:30 pm ^HAHAHAH!^ Specs 8:30 pm Is this an unethical use of groundbridge technology, and if so, should I care? Magnum Ace 8:30 pm One way to deal with him Prowl 8:30 pm Certainly would be useful if our bridges could do that. Jetstream 8:30 pm ^Actually Soundwave can kinda do that^ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm [[He does not know, but he'd like to learn how to do it.]] Jetstream 8:31 pm ((Didn't Soundwave do just that to Arcee and almost do it to Miko?)) Smokescreen 8:31 pm ... he ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm ((he can't do all the spot warping and whatnot)) Smokescreen 8:31 pm he better not die i'll Jetstream 8:31 pm ((fair enough)) Smokescreen 8:31 pm NO Dragon 8:32 pm Easy Smokescreen. Don't get revved just yet. There's bound to be some sort of twist he-ooooh that sounds bad. Omicron 8:32 pm ((wait)) Jetstream 8:32 pm ^not liking this^ Smokescreen 8:32 pm no no no no no Jetstream 8:32 pm ^He better freaking not^ Magnum Ace 8:32 pm ..... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm [[And he didn't think to tell anyone?]] Jetstream 8:32 pm ^ODIN DON'T YOU DARE^ Swoop 8:32 pm *settles down on the floor in front of the screen with the bowl for bob next to him* Magnum Ace 8:32 pm Oh no.... Omicron 8:32 pm ((hela? isn't she supposed to be Loki's first born child?)) Jetstream 8:32 pm ^Odin!^ Specs 8:32 pm ((she is, yes)) Swoop 8:32 pm *chances are it will become a bowl for bird but, hey, works out either way* Smokescreen 8:32 pm no no no no no n n Bull 8:32 pm I don't like where this is going Jetstream 8:32 pm ^Don't you even dare!^ Specs 8:32 pm ((but marvel gives No Shits about mythos)) Rosanna 8:32 pm ((#closenough)) Smokescreen 8:33 pm NO Jetstream 8:33 pm ^NO!!!^ Specs 8:33 pm That's a fancy way to die. Magnum Ace 8:33 pm ........ Jetstream 8:33 pm ^SON OF A-^ Dragon 8:33 pm *stares* ... that... at least he went out in style? Magnum Ace 8:33 pm He's gone... Jetstream 8:33 pm *stops himself from throwing something.* Omicron 8:33 pm (I remember them saying that in the cartoons and in the comics though) Smokescreen 8:34 pm come on you can't blame your goth brother for everything Magnum Ace 8:34 pm Um....? Jetstream 8:34 pm ^holy heck she's more goth than Loki^ Specs 8:34 pm *looks at Soundwave* You make entrances like that. Or at least your alternates do. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[He still does when it suits him.]] Bull 8:35 pm .... why is she reminding me of the Owner of the Blue Angels? Jetstream 8:35 pm ^where did that sword come from^ Dragon 8:35 pm Ooooh she's a nasty piece of work, this one... Swoop 8:35 pm KAH! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[And that cannot be good.]] Swoop 8:35 pm Good catch Magnum Ace 8:35 pm Because violent as....oh dear Jetstream 8:35 pm ^that was cool^ ^osht^ Specs 8:35 pm *gapes a grin and returns to looking at the movie. Soundwave is So Cool.* Jetstream 8:35 pm ^WHAT?!^ Rosanna 8:35 pm ! Magnum Ace 8:35 pm She...broke it Bull 8:35 pm I don't think that was suppose to break... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm *Now THAT is a crown.* Dragon 8:36 pm ... Kind of glad ground bridges don't do that. Specs 8:36 pm That would hurt. Right up until you died, anyways. Magnum Ace 8:36 pm Oh that's not...that's not good Swoop 8:36 pm Where him fall? Smokescreen 8:36 pm I wanna be flung into space ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm [[It is perfectly possible to fall out of a ground bridge, if it destabilizes.]] [[You do not want that to happen.]] Omicron 8:37 pm well... Dragon 8:37 pm *stares* ... ow...? Smokescreen 8:37 pm what did I just say sounds Jetstream 8:37 pm ^Smokescreen, unless i'm mistaken, you WERE flung into space^ Swoop 8:37 pm Dead Magnum Ace 8:37 pm She just...killed them Smokescreen 8:37 pm Not while I was awake though! Tarantulas 8:37 pm *alright, it's taken tarantulas this long to steel his nerves and he still hasn't come back in yet, iiiit's not happening. time for the spide to go home* Jetstream 8:37 pm *spots Tarantulus* Tarantulas 8:37 pm (( mun is staying ooc *thumbs up* Omicron 8:37 pm *grumbles something under her breath about falling through bridges, sour look* Jetstream 8:37 pm ^Oy. You're that Spider scientist, yeah?^ Specs 8:37 pm To be fair, she doesn't seem like the sort to negotiate, nor does she seem to need to. Jetstream 8:38 pm ((killjoy)) ^nvm then^ Specs 8:38 pm There's something to be said for that. Maybe nothing good, but something. Dragon 8:38 pm I... will have to see if Frost ever fell out of one. He's got the luck for it... I know he's made landings like that before. Tarantulas 8:38 pm (( they can intro sometime! just having ooc difficulties atm Jetstream 8:38 pm ((:P)) Specs 8:38 pm ((I would send you a message of Goblin Support but the princess is eating my toes instead)) Rosanna 8:39 pm ((this reminds me of Junkion Omicron 8:39 pm ((I might be delayed, having some connection issues)) Smokescreen 8:39 pm ((aaaaa hope everything's okay on your end mau! tasty thor Jetstream 8:39 pm ((Middle one's Wreck-gar)) Smokescreen 8:39 pm I wanna be caught in a net Specs 8:40 pm *the dragon looks awed* I want to be that cool. Dragon 8:40 pm *looks at Smokescreen with mild wonderment* You're a special kind of adventurous aren't you kiddo? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm [[You do not. It is awkward and unpleasant. The pieces get caught in all your edges.]] Jetstream 8:40 pm ^She's wasted^ Specs 8:40 pm ...Oh... Jetstream 8:40 pm ^yup^ Swoop 8:40 pm Kah haha! Her fall! Smokescreen 8:40 pm I'd like to try everything at least once! And I do Sounds- I wouldn't say that if I didn't wanna try it! Omicron 8:40 pm that's a bad example of pirate life little dragon Jetstream 8:41 pm ^OOhhh hohoho Smokescreen 8:41 pm I WANT THAT FRAG YES Jetstream 8:41 pm ^Ruthless^ Dragon 8:41 pm Well... your fall then. *blinks at the gun controls shown* ... I think we ALL want that. Omicron 8:41 pm .....okay I like that *perks up* Specs 8:41 pm She looks like she's having fun! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm *....Makes a note of that for Dancitron's defense systems, maybe.* Jetstream 8:41 pm ^I amDEFINITELY getting one of those for my ship... when i hae a ship^ Omicron 8:41 pm ....! Swoop 8:41 pm Her like Bird kehhehhe ZAP Smokescreen 8:41 pm ... I DON'T want that part to happen! Dragon 8:41 pm That was brutal. *blinks* Omicron 8:41 pm *hisses at the screen, spines lifting* Dragon 8:42 pm *looks at Icy* Whoa, easy there. I've got a feeling this won't be a permanent problem. Omicron 8:42 pm I recognize control chips *glaring at the woman on screen* Specs 8:42 pm *the dragon, at least, sees nothing wrong with putting someone down and keeping them there. but she suspects there's more to this than that, and she's on the back of someone who's- ooooooh* Jetstream 8:43 pm ^That's more of a shock chip^ Omicron 8:43 pm *specs is safe, might be lifted up if on a spine* Swoop 8:43 pm kehee Jetstream 8:43 pm ^pft^ Swoop 8:44 pm This going to good fight Dragon 8:44 pm Oh this will not end well... Smokescreen 8:44 pm Actually Sounds, can you shock me again sometime? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm [[He will consider it.]] Magnum Ace 8:44 pm ........ Specs 8:44 pm As they say in those memes- Hela is Soundwave, and the legions of warriors are firewalls. Smokescreen 8:44 pm Thanks! I've been having trouble recharging again. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm [[And it seems like a poor idea to get into a physical fight with the god in control of death itself.]] Swoop 8:44 pm *bounces in place* Jetstream 8:44 pm ^Sounds accurate^ Swoop 8:44 pm Dead Magnum Ace 8:45 pm I... Jetstream 8:45 pm ^Killcount, anyone?^ Omicron 8:45 pm did she say she was a god of death Specs 8:45 pm *gapes another grin at Soundwave* What if you bridged them into the sun? Dragon 8:45 pm ... That was... horrifying... Magnum Ace 8:45 pm I think I'm going to... Swoop 8:45 pm KAHAH VProwl 8:45 pm *sets his avatar to autopilot. the movie isn't doing a great deal for him, and he's not having any conversation at the moment. he'll (probably) tune back in if someone speaks to him, but otherwise his avatar's recording the surroundings for him.* Swoop 8:45 pm Him no problem DEAD Smokescreen 8:45 pm ... You okay, Magnum? Bull 8:46 pm *if Bull could pale he would* Magnum Ace 8:46 pm -NOPE- Specs 8:46 pm HE'S BACK. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm [[He would like to be certain bridging such a being into the sun would not give them greater power, first.]] VProwl 8:46 pm ((oh this is the flashy scene i remembered)) Omicron 8:46 pm (prowl can always see racer, or have him come visit with his stick of nom) VProwl 8:46 pm ((not yet but in a mo)) Jetstream 8:46 pm ^wait wait... THIS MUSIC WTF^ Magnum Ace 8:47 pm -answers by burying his face in his knees- Specs 8:47 pm *grumbles* This is propaganda. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Soundwave tilts his helm. Is this not the song from the candy factory movie? Did Thor go there?* Smokescreen 8:47 pm .... I'd end up in that place wouldn't I Swoop 8:47 pm ((I love how blatantly Willy Wonka this is)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Bristle.* [[/Property?/]] Omicron 8:47 pm are they trying to brain wash him? VProwl 8:47 pm ((okay it's done)) Jetstream 8:47 pm ^ppfffffHAhAH^ Omicron 8:47 pm ..... *hisses again- hiss pauses* Dragon 8:47 pm This... this I do not like.... *blink* ... *snirk* Specs 8:47 pm Poorly, but it seems so. Jetstream 8:48 pm ^Brutal^ Swoop 8:48 pm Him have energon on face *draws a finger over his chin where grand master has blue* Omicron 8:48 pm what...is with these organics ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Bristling harder.* Bull 8:49 pm *Has a feeling this is how the UN views them* ..... Dragon 8:49 pm *watching with a frown* Well... this is certainly... interesting... Omicron 8:49 pm *soundwave isn't the only one bristling at this* Magnum Ace 8:49 pm -knows this is how the UN views them- Jetstream 8:49 pm ((oh this)) ^wha-^ Smokescreen 8:50 pm ... Bull 8:50 pm !!!! Jetstream 8:50 pm ^oh primus^ Swoop 8:50 pm *squeaks and laughs* Him MELTED Specs 8:50 pm The blue stripe is like what Docents have on their muzzles. Is he a planetary Docent? Is that his claim? Dragon 8:50 pm *O_O* that... oh that was just... *shudders* Bull 8:50 pm *hopes Magnum was not looking up* Magnum Ace 8:50 pm -didn't need to look up, he heard it- Swoop 8:51 pm ((that sudden smile drop lol)) Smokescreen 8:51 pm loki just lives to party Magnum Ace 8:51 pm -curls into a tighter ball- Jetstream 8:51 pm ^what does that mean^ ^oh wait... nevermind^ Smokescreen 8:51 pm th Omicron 8:51 pm *Icy shifts and sits up, protective of Racer and now specs on her- Racer though seems interested in the music off and on as he chews* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[He is a vile fleshling who attempts to take ownership of souls as though they were - as though they were pretty baubles to be displayed before others.]] Bull 8:52 pm *places a hand on Magnum's shoulder and is try not to react the same way* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[He deserves no claim to anything.]] [[Except, perhaps, to a front row seat with Hela.]] Smokescreen 8:52 pm that guy ROCKS Swoop 8:52 pm *giggles, this humor is on his level* Omicron 8:53 pm Or frount row view of Dreaded Wings' main cannon Specs 8:53 pm Noted. *he's like the Eaten, then.* Do you think Hela eats him by the end of the documentary? Jetstream 8:53 pm ^hang on i need to make a call^ *comlink on* ^Dude. you know that movie you saw? it's playing at Soundwave's.^ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm [[He hopes this "Grandmaster" is eaten in the next three minutes.]] Magnum Ace 8:53 pm -will thank Bull for trying, later- Jetstream 8:53 pm *Whirlwind enters, albeit a bit hurriedly* Specs 8:54 pm *yawns, and shows all her Teeths* It would be deserved. Ratchet 8:54 pm [[ i like the rock guy he's cute ]] Specs 8:54 pm ((korg is the best)) Jetstream 8:54 pm "Why didn't you just say that was where you were going?" ^Didn't think you'd care so much.^ VProwl 8:54 pm ((the rock guy is a peach)) Omicron 8:54 pm RAcer: *meeps up at little dragon, showing off his fangs back?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Briefly admires the Teeths as a distraction from his hatred of the Grandmaster.* VProwl 8:55 pm ((notice his revolution failed because he didn't make enough pamphlets)) ((rock, defeated by paper)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm ((....i missed that)) Jetstream 8:55 pm ((son of a-)) Smokescreen 8:55 pm ... man now I'm wondering if the hall of records has anything like this Ratchet 8:55 pm [[ omg ]] Specs 8:55 pm *the dragon chirps at Racer* Yes! They're wonderful. You will shred so many things. Dragon 8:55 pm ((I never caught that before. o.o LOL) Omicron 8:55 pm (pffft that's awesome) Swoop 8:55 pm *snickers* Her funny Specs 8:55 pm ((I can't decide whether to be HORRIFIED that puff pointed that out, or unsurprised that puff noticed it first)) Smokescreen 8:55 pm energonnnn enered john Swoop 8:56 pm Oh! Her fire : > Omicron 8:56 pm Racer: ya! *lifts up his metal stick and waves it around again, he's a thrid through* VProwl 8:56 pm ((i saw it pointed out somewhere else, lol)) Swoop 8:56 pm That bad floor Jetstream 8:56 pm ^This can't be good^ "It isn't" Magnum Ace 8:56 pm ........ Smokescreen 8:56 pm ... this makes me really want to destroy slag is that bad Magnum Ace 8:56 pm -peers back up- Smokescreen 8:56 pm I want to wreck a floor and jump through to the first level Dragon 8:56 pm I'm kinda with dino-bird on this one; that is not a safe floor... and an even worse basement by the look of it. *shudder* Specs 8:56 pm Who puts a floor over a giant crypt? Swoop 8:56 pm Destroy Slag????? :V Smokescreen 8:56 pm me Omicron 8:56 pm a tomb? Smokescreen 8:56 pm I do that ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm *Note to self: Smokescreen is impressionable as Pit.* Smokescreen 8:56 pm Destroy stuff! Swoop 8:56 pm *looks at Smokescreen with confusion* Slag stuff? Omicron 8:57 pm .....didn't a whole organic city do that on earth? Smokescreen 8:57 pm /He didn't Sounds already know this/ Bull 8:57 pm .... *whines lowly* Jetstream 8:57 pm ^What?!^ "yup" Smokescreen 8:57 pm Slag stuff! Dragon 8:57 pm *jolts back, utterly horrified* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *AND NOW THERE ARE TERRORCON GODS?* Specs 8:57 pm Did they at least drop a glacier over the pit first? Swoop 8:57 pm Kehehe You have to get past Him Slag first! Kehhehehhh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *Is practically flattened to the couch yet puffed as far as his armor can go.* Magnum Ace 8:57 pm -horrified noises- Omicron 8:57 pm ..... well....this is bad *lifts wings and holds them loosely, if someone needs they can hide under them* Jetstream 8:57 pm ^Look at how done with Loki he is!^ Smokescreen 8:58 pm You've gotta at least try, right? Specs 8:58 pm If they break the hammer, use your claws. If they break those, use your teeth. It's simple. Omicron 8:59 pm *radiating protectiveness, Queen mode* Jetstream 8:59 pm "Blunt" Dragon 8:59 pm *shifts uncomfortably, but slowly relaxing* Thank Primus that Remix didn't bring her minis to see this; they'd be scarred for life. Smokescreen 8:59 pm i love that guy Omicron 8:59 pm ......... *snorts at that* Jetstream 8:59 pm "hahaha!" Specs 8:59 pm *HAH* The only proper reaction. Smokescreen 8:59 pm he's mcfreakin gone Magnum Ace 9:00 pm -slowly pats Bull when he's recovered enough to- Jetstream 9:00 pm ^HAHAHA^ "real mature" Smokescreen 9:00 pm CFASDGVHBJZXCHBJNMCXV Specs 9:00 pm ((fhaksjfaljsfga)) Swoop 9:00 pm !!! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm ((.............)) Jetstream 9:00 pm ^AW" Swoop 9:00 pm ??? Omicron 9:00 pm ?@?@ Smokescreen 9:00 pm that timing is Dragon 9:00 pm *stare* ... Well... Scrap. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm ((uh. hold on.)) Omicron 9:00 pm ....what Dragon 9:00 pm ((Haha no worries)) Rosanna 9:00 pm (( r i p Smokescreen 9:00 pm it's gotta be intentional right Specs 9:01 pm *distraught peep* Omicron 9:01 pm *shifts and huffs* if anyone needs they can use my wings ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm ((....for fuck's sake. y'all gimme a minute okay.)) Dragon 9:01 pm *rolls her shoulders before glancing at Icy* So, those two tykes you met with my crew? They're growin' up. Driving the boss nuts. *grins* Magnum Ace 9:01 pm ((kaaay Dragon 9:01 pm ((No worries, you got time. 😃)) Smokescreen 9:02 pm ((no worries!! Jetstream 9:02 pm *Whirlwind looks over at "Other Prowl"* "Oh hey! Are you another Prowl?" Omicron 9:02 pm ((we can chat here)) Swoop 9:02 pm *reaches over and tugs on the nearest bit of Smokescreen's armor* Smokescreen 9:02 pm !! /Looking over at Swoop, and is going to try to pat his helm!/ Swoop 9:03 pm *immediately leans into getting pet* Smokescreen 9:03 pm ... /Petpetpet/ Omicron 9:03 pm *looks at Athena* they have? good. Those insecticon workers are healed now, though I lost one worker recently. Dragon 9:03 pm ((Yay! 😀)) Swoop 9:03 pm You call Bob Specs 9:03 pm ((yay!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm ((don't cheer yet)) Smokescreen 9:03 pm I don't have Bob's comm! Rosanna 9:03 pm (( for now I \o/ Smokescreen 9:03 pm /Pet peeeeet pettt/ Specs 9:03 pm ((YAY)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm ((.... all right. we'll hope it sticks.)) Swoop 9:03 pm *pings the frequency over to Smokescreen* You call Him and ask if Him going to movie : < Dragon 9:04 pm *grins at Icy* Yeah, but that's probably because they've been hanging out with our jet. He's a nutcase at the best of times. *thinks a moment* Sorry to hear 'bout your worker. At least the rest are healthy though, yeah? Specs 9:04 pm Drinking things that are on fire. A wonderful tradition. Smokescreen 9:04 pm p primus I can try? Omicron 9:05 pm flames can be fun Smokescreen 9:05 pm /And he's gonna try to comm Bob!/ Jetstream 9:05 pm ^Wow he's old^ Specs 9:05 pm ((comm boob)) Omicron 9:05 pm ................. Smokescreen 9:05 pm ((sadvbncxvbmn my o key is broken Dragon 9:05 pm Primus! *stares in horror* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *And now they modify him against his will.* Swoop 9:05 pm *stares expectantly at Smokescreen* Jetstream 9:05 pm "That's Stan Lee, Jetstream. Respect him" Smokescreen 9:05 pm ... Beep beep beep hewwo Bob are you there? Omicron 9:05 pm its a pit fight... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *...Soundwave is going to stand up and go upstairs.* Specs 9:06 pm They could rise up and eat him. Swoop 9:06 pm *looks at Smokescreen like he's bananas* Dragon 9:06 pm *shifts a bit and scowls a bit* This looks bad... Smokescreen 9:06 pm GIVE HIM HIS HAIR BACK Rosanna 9:06 pm ((is that Kratos makeup ((or at least that's wht it reminds me of lmao Smokescreen 9:07 pm ... /Patting Swoop again and actually tries comming Swoop./ Jetstream 9:07 pm *Whirlwind shifts giddily* Dragon 9:07 pm *stares* ... Dude would be a boss to wrestle against. Specs 9:07 pm ((loki's face is PRICELESS)) Jetstream 9:07 pm ^What?^ "What do you mean what?" Swoop 9:08 pm *looks at the screen* It Hulk! Omicron 9:08 pm ..... *Ice Queen gets up for a moment but since little dragon is watching sh just turns around so her back is to the pit fight, pulling Racer down and under a wing* Smokescreen 9:08 pm ...... Yeahhhh Thor is me Swoop 9:08 pm ((oh my fucking god loki's face)) Dragon 9:08 pm *looks at Icy with concern* You gonna be alright? ((XD Loki's expressions are amazing as always.)) Specs 9:09 pm *the dragon herself readjusts herself so that she can watch without forcing Icy to go through contortions. she's going to purr, too. that's a good way to make people feel calm, right?* Swoop 9:09 pm *pats Smokescreen* Him Bob check in with Sunstreaker for movie night yet?? Omicron 9:09 pm I grew up in cresh Pits, I don't want to see this scrap ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *That is exactly why Soundwave is upstairs working on something else instead.* *He had enough of this in person.* Jetstream 9:09 pm "Did you people learn nothing from tony's example? Never mention puny Banner" Smokescreen 9:09 pm !! /Doorwings wiggle as he's pat! And he's patting Swoop back./ I don't know, Swoop. Do you want some to get some energon while we wait? Dragon 9:09 pm Ah... yeah, that's a rough scene... bet you and the big guy on my crew have something to relate to each other with that way. I'll letcha know when it's over, alright? Magnum Ace 9:09 pm -back to hiding his face now- Swoop 9:09 pm No Omicron 9:10 pm @Soundwave: can I go somewhere not to see this? Smokescreen 9:10 pm 😔 Jetstream 9:10 pm ^HAHAHA!^ ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Soundwave sends her a small map to the canyon a little ways out of Dancitron.* Jetstream 9:10 pm ^Trapped!^ Bull 9:10 pm *Bull groans* Dragon 9:10 pm ((Freaking Loki, lol)) Smokescreen 9:11 pm Fair enough Swoop- you wanna sit and wait? Specs 9:11 pm Creche pits? Creche, as in, where hatchlings are raised? *well, that horrifies the dragon* Swoop 9:11 pm *mock siiiighs but is immediately into the movie* Them FIGHT Omicron 9:12 pm *IceQueen shakes herself carefully, gets little drago in jaws and puts on a counter on her way outside, picking up Racer and goes to get a flight* yes exactly that. I'm not going to see this. Jetstream 9:12 pm ^???^ Swoop 9:12 pm ZAP! Magnum Ace 9:12 pm -seriously not watching anymore- Dragon 9:12 pm *watches Icy head out, grimacing in concern before looking back to see when it ends so she can let Icy know* Specs 9:12 pm ... *she is on the counter now. okay. that's fair. Icy definitely needs some time.* Jetstream 9:12 pm ^Woah...^ Swoop 9:12 pm Coooooll! Magnum Ace 9:12 pm -sorry Bull- Swoop 9:13 pm Oh! Him JUMP on! Kehehheh SPLAT Dragon 9:13 pm *gets up to go track down Icy and make sure she's alright* Smokescreen 9:14 pm REVOLUTION ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm *Frenzy heads over to the Boss and taps him on the leg. The Pit is done with for now.*
*Soundwave will make his way back downstairs and reseat himself.* Smokescreen 9:14 pm when I was a young boy Jetstream 9:14 pm *Whirlwind goes and sits near Smokescreen* Specs 9:14 pm *the dragon would help, but she's only got a respirator. accidentally falling, or acid rain, or being stepped on are all real and dangerous hazards. she will give Icy's friend a supportive chirp, though. go comfort the predacon!* Swoop 9:14 pm *snickers at smokescreen* Smokescreen 9:15 pm ? /Smokescreen's feeling popular today! But waves at Whirlwind./ Dragon 9:15 pm *glances at Specs and winks on her way past* Jetstream 9:15 pm *Whirlwind waves back* Specs 9:15 pm HIM. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm [[Finally.]] [[Someone not utterly disgusting.]] Swoop 9:15 pm It, uhhh, guy Pacific Rim Omicron 9:16 pm *Icy is is streaching her wings, Racer sitting at the door noming- says something that the big predacon trusts soundwave enough that her hatching will be safe for now* Jetstream 9:16 pm "He HeimDEALT with those freaks" Specs 9:16 pm Maybe he eats those who need to be eaten? Although he's got those silly human teeth... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm *The first to so much as think of injuring Racer will lose their limb.* Dragon 9:17 pm *wanders closer, but not quite in range* Hey, it's over. I don't think they'll have anything like that again. Gonna stay out here for a bit, or up for coming back in now? Swoop 9:17 pm *streeeeeeeeeetches* When them more fighting? : > And joke Prowl 9:17 pm *Prowl's tuned out a while ago, focusing most of her processing power on more important matters, but she's still monitoring her surroundings and what's happening in the documentary* Smokescreen 9:17 pm i heard thor was ripped Specs 9:17 pm *!!!* *the dragon doesn't technically SAY anything, but she lets out a series of warbles and whistles at seeing Heimdal's sanctuary* Smokescreen 9:17 pm that he had a 6 pack Swoop 9:17 pm what a 6 pack? Smokescreen 9:18 pm The chest! It's a way they show how strong they are Swoop 9:18 pm what 6 for? Omicron 9:18 pm RAcer: *wanders back in with his stick, confused as to why he's alone....this is pack?* Smokescreen 9:18 pm For each level of strength! They have a 1-pack if they can barely fight Swoop 9:18 pm How many Swoop has???? Smokescreen 9:19 pm You, Swoop? 200! Specs 9:19 pm *the dragon hops down with an energon cookie in one paw* Wanna go back to the couch with me, Racer? Swoop 9:19 pm keeheee THEN 6 not much at aaaaaaaall Smokescreen 9:19 pm ... OH like red and white hulk Omicron 9:19 pm *frustrated predacon roaring in the air away, she's getting some cursing and things out of her system* Swoop 9:20 pm Him Grimlock have baby arms KAHA! Him get zap again! Omicron 9:21 pm Racer: *gasp! energon! and a stick, follows innocently* Specs 9:21 pm *back up to the couch they go! and Racer gets the cookie. she'd say something, but Heimdall is back doing his thing and she does that string of whistles again.* Swoop 9:21 pm COOOL Dragon 9:22 pm *is staying with Icy for the present, quiet but there if she wants someone to talk to* Swoop 9:22 pm Kehehhehh Smokescreen 9:22 pm DON'T BULLY HULK noooooo Swoop 9:23 pm *gets increasingly worked up into a laughing mess, this is literally the dinocave and he loves it* Omicron 9:23 pm RAcer: *fail at climbing couch, but he wants cookie* Swoop 9:23 pm *flops over, still laughing* *if he needed to breath, this would be a problem* Specs 9:24 pm *the dragon is a softie. Racer gets cookie.* Alright, alright. Just stay nearby until your docent gets back, okay? Omicron 9:25 pm RAcer: *happy trill, no promises as he eats the energon cookie, he's on the floor that means he can wonder* Specs 9:26 pm *the dragon stress-bakes. she feels reasonably confident in the quantities of energon cookies to keep him corralled, if maybe overfed* Smokescreen 9:27 pm PFfff Swoop 9:27 pm KAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAH Omicron 9:27 pm ((pfft)) Magnum Ace 9:27 pm -snorts at the window jumping- Smokescreen 9:27 pm I wanna jump out a window.... Swoop 9:27 pm Me Swoop jump things aaaaaaaaall the time Smokescreen 9:28 pm /He's looking around for windows. Just out of curiosity!/ Swoop 9:28 pm Him Bob find WINGS! Me Swoop want to get him to flying! Omicron 9:28 pm RAcer: *is so confused, he's noming stick and cookies, but starts to sniff around* Smokescreen 9:28 pm hulks just lonely Magnum Ace 9:28 pm ((Rabbit ((stop eating my shit Specs 9:29 pm *sniffing is allowed! wandering too far away from the couch will prompt the dragon to retrieve... ANOTHER COOKIE* Smokescreen 9:29 pm banner's gonna be naked Magnum Ace 9:29 pm It's...I've done that. A few times...I mean the window jumping... Omicron 9:29 pm *Icy lands outside and sits by her friend* Dragon 9:30 pm *looks at Icy and offers an encouraging smile* Feel better? Smokescreen 9:31 pm c criminally seductive Swoop 9:31 pm That means tricky Specs 9:32 pm I almost regret suggesting eating him. He must be riddled with prions. Omicron 9:32 pm Racer: *meeps, looks around and looks for pedes he knows, the little predacon trying to move with a cookie and stick* Specs 9:32 pm ((racer pls cookies are for eat)) Omicron 9:32 pm .....sort of, but I think a roaring predacon will start to scare the locals ((racer is going to do a cute with his half eatten cookie)) Dragon 9:33 pm Ah, it might, yes. But hey, sounds like the bad stuff's over, so at least there's that. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm *...He hopes Prowl is on autopilot right now, or else this would be a bad thing.* Magnum Ace 9:33 pm -and back to hiding his face- Swoop 9:33 pm DEAD Specs 9:34 pm ((racer already is a cute)) VProwl 9:34 pm *he is* Omicron 9:34 pm ((...then he's going to kill with cute)) Specs 9:34 pm ((im ded already)) Omicron 9:35 pm Racer: *sniffing his way to a mech he knows, good thing peopel are sitting* Smokescreen 9:35 pm thor Specs 9:35 pm *the dragon just follows Racer. she may be tiny, but she's going to keep him safe! the tiniest bodyguard.* Omicron 9:36 pm are you sure? *folding wings down* Dragon 9:37 pm Yeah. From what I picked up, blondie escaped and is working his way around to an off-planet adventure. Swoop 9:39 pm Keheheheh! SMACK! Keheehee! Omicron 9:39 pm Racer:: *sits beside Soundwave's pede* Smokescreen 9:39 pm pppppffhffp Specs 9:40 pm *okay, that's probably the safest place for Racer to be.* Specs 9:41 pm *CACKLES* Smokescreen 9:41 pm cxzbnmcbnmsdfnbmcvm Swoop 9:41 pm KEHAHEHEH! Dragon 9:41 pm ((XD that story is great.)) Swoop 9:41 pm That good trick Omicron 9:41 pm Racer: *careful pat with a paw on the hosts pede, waits for attention* Smokescreen 9:41 pm EGGS Windchill 9:41 pm *Walks in at the wrong moment.* Tarantulas 9:41 pm (( *loud ooc snorting* Swoop 9:41 pm *notices Windchill and pops up* HI! Windchill 9:42 pm *Looks too tired for this already, as if he's aged 20 million years in the past week.* Hi, Swoop. Swoop 9:42 pm *scampers over into windchill's space* You call Bob! Bull 9:42 pm ... *really doesn't like that guy* Omicron 9:42 pm *icy comes in again to sit to one side* Smokescreen 9:42 pm I wish I had a family again like this... Windchill 9:43 pm I call Bob? Dragon 9:43 pm *Athena follows after her and settles nearby, as before* There we go. See? Things are better. Swoop 9:43 pm yah Smokescreen 9:44 pm maybe family that doesn't have needl- Loki no 😔 Windchill 9:44 pm *He's going to engage in this...conversation and watch the film simultaneously. He's seen this already so it's fine.* Magnum Ace 9:44 pm -okay, this is a nice lull- Windchill 9:44 pm Why call Bob? Smokescreen 9:44 pm fPFPFFFHF Specs 9:44 pm *cackles more* Jetstream 9:44 pm ^BAAAHAHAHA!^ Swoop 9:44 pm Him Bob not at movie Magnum Ace 9:44 pm -oh wow- .... Windchill 9:44 pm Why is Bob not here? Specs 9:45 pm Turnabout is fair play, I suppose. Jetstream 9:45 pm "That's a shock. when that get there?" Dragon 9:45 pm *Athena blinks* ... I... did not see that coming... *grimace* Jetstream 9:45 pm ^Whirlwind, you little.^ Magnum Ace 9:45 pm ............. Swoop 9:45 pm Dunno! Him supposed to check in with Him Sunstreaker and then movie with Swoop. But no check in! So Swoop come here. And no Bob still. Omicron 9:45 pm Racer: *has dropped his things and put the half eaten energon cookie on soundwave's pede for when he comes back to it, and starts chewing on his stick, sitting beside Specs* Bull 9:46 pm .... *is so happy he never felt a shock circuit* Omicron 9:46 pm ((rabbit keeps eating my cute)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm *Soundwave glances down at his foot and tilts it up to better see what's now stuck to it. Is that... is that a half-eaten snack?* *...........Okay. He'll leave it where it is.* Windchill 9:46 pm *Looks suspicious. On one half of his face, anyway.* Magnum Ace 9:47 pm -Those things do remind him of the shock circuit and he's not happy about it- Swoop 9:47 pm *bounces* Omicron 9:47 pm RAcer: *meeps! he's learning to give gifts* Windchill 9:47 pm Why don't you call Bob? Swoop 9:47 pm Did! Windchill 9:47 pm And? Swoop 9:47 pm No answer So! You call : > Specs 9:47 pm *Racer gets a pat on the head and another cookie. Good hatchling.* Windchill 9:47 pm Did you ask Soundwave? Swoop 9:48 pm Yes Dragon 9:48 pm Frag, this chick's giving Striker a run for her credits... Omicron 9:48 pm indeed...might not want to show her this Windchill 9:48 pm So my calling Bob would be a little redundant, don't you think? Swoop 9:48 pm No Specs 9:48 pm (( https://78.media.tumblr.com/3fa050fe628706b6451e832886ef83a4/tumblr_p67iw3ImaD1wz9wjeo1_1280.png )) ((it's relevant I swear)) Dragon 9:48 pm *laughs* Primus no, she frays her sire's circuits as it is already. Windchill 9:49 pm Well, I think it is. *Tries to not sputter mid-sentence.* Omicron 9:49 pm RAcer: ! *noms cookie* Windchill 9:49 pm I'll call Bob one time. Swoop 9:49 pm *bounces on his toes like he wants to get picked up* Kay! Windchill 9:49 pm *Picks him up without hesitation, sorry.* Swoop 9:50 pm *is absolutely down for this and hugs Windchill around the neck* You call now Windchill 9:50 pm *Great, he might have miscalculated. Now he's got a fancy necklace.* Ratchet 9:50 pm [[ i love rock guy i love him. also look at that good big doggo ]] Specs 9:50 pm *bristles and hisses at Skurge* ((GOOD DOGGO)) Windchill 9:50 pm *He always was bad at math.* Okay. Swoop 9:51 pm *is a winner winner chicken dinner, just needs a bug friend to complete things* Windchill 9:51 pm *Calls Bob I guess.* Omicron 9:51 pm RAcer: *tries to minic bristling, no idea why* Swoop 9:51 pm ((bob's comm is unavailable fyi)) Windchill 9:51 pm (( I guessed. )) Specs 9:52 pm ((I typed good doggo and the princess sat on my keyboard and muted everything)) Windchill 9:52 pm *Waits...gets distracted by the movie for a few seconds...waits some more...* Swoop 9:52 pm *sets his chin on Windchill and stares at him* Specs 9:52 pm *pats Racer* Don't worry, little hatchling. You're safe. Windchill 9:52 pm I don't think he's going to answer, Swoop. Swoop 9:53 pm *unblinking staring* Windchill 9:53 pm *Gives up.* Omicron 9:53 pm Racer: *happy still, chewing on his stick again, waiting for another cookie* Windchill 9:53 pm Well, we tried. Magnum Ace 9:53 pm -now what is going on?- Specs 9:53 pm ((help a kitten is holding my keyboard hostage)) Swoop 9:54 pm Him Bob missing movie Bull 9:54 pm nothing good... Windchill 9:54 pm (( Ur doomed say your prayers.)) Yeah...it's a good one, too. Magnum Ace 9:54 pm I...figured as much Windchill 9:54 pm *Sighs, still just standing more or less near the doorway.* Specs 9:54 pm ((oh goblin princess, please release my keyboard, if not my heart)) Omicron 9:55 pm (kittly noms?) Swoop 9:55 pm *leans backwards to look at the screen upside down* Specs 9:55 pm ((she is full of teeth and noise)) Dragon 9:55 pm ((XD cats are always a love/hate relationship) Specs 9:55 pm ((nah, she's love/love, she's just a demanding little child)) Magnum Ace 9:56 pm ...... Dragon 9:56 pm ((Haha glad she's a good kitty.)) Magnum Ace 9:57 pm Oh...oh no Windchill 9:57 pm You're pulling on me. *Reaches around to grab at Swoop's fingers, probably in vain.* Dragon 9:57 pm ... Icy? ... let's NEVER show that critter to Striker. She'll want one in a heartbeat. Omicron 9:57 pm Racer: *puts his next cookie on soundwave's pede too, trying to be a good boy* Windchill 9:57 pm *Gives up, having a better idea.* Omicron 9:58 pm ....yeah, no. she tried to take one of predacons like that Swoop 9:58 pm *pops his head back up to look at Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Soundwave glances down again and tilts his helm. What is with the cookies...?*
*He picks the second one up and looks at it, then to Racer. Points at himself with a finger. Is this supposed to be his?* Windchill 9:58 pm You need to ride on my back if you're going to be stuck on me for the movie. Dragon 9:58 pm ((I know I wrote a response to Icy... o.o)) Swoop 9:59 pm Backpack Windchill 9:59 pm (( It's eating a lot tonight, I've had to retype several things. )) Dragon 9:59 pm Yeah, though she's more likely to ask for one than just take one. Jetstream 9:59 pm "..." Specs 9:59 pm ((yeah, same here)) Windchill 9:59 pm Yes, like a backpack. Specs 9:59 pm *CACKLES* Bull 9:59 pm ...... Specs 9:59 pm I've felt like that before.. Smokescreen 9:59 pm banner no Omicron 9:59 pm Racer: *exited wiggle and waves a paw, present! for soundwave!* Bull 10:00 pm ((Banner No, Hulk YES)) Swoop 10:00 pm Ok : > Backpack Magnum Ace 10:00 pm ((pfffff ...... That looked...painful ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Ah. So it IS for him. He nods and makes a show of placing it in his subspace, since he can't eat it in public.*
*He'll trade a very tiny bead of silver. Here you go, Racer.* Windchill 10:00 pm *Nods as best as he can with a dinobot hanging from his neck.* Do it. Ratchet 10:00 pm [[ I LOVE HIM ]] Dragon 10:00 pm ((Freaking Loki XD)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm ((oh my god.)) Swoop 10:01 pm *hoists himself up over Windchill's shoulder to climb around the long way to get on his back* Smokescreen 10:01 pm LOKI Specs 10:01 pm *cackles more* I like him, I think. Omicron 10:01 pm ((dude has style)) well.... *won't admit she would do just that* Windchill 10:01 pm *Thank Primus. He might be harder to pry off this way, but he'll deal with the consequences later.* Ratchet 10:01 pm [[ i meant korg tho ]] Windchill 10:02 pm (( Korg is pretty great. )) Magnum Ace 10:02 pm ....... Omicron 10:02 pm Racer: *OMG SHINY! whiggles around happily for the silver- is it just a shiny? can he eat it?!* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm [][][]Eat.[][][] Windchill 10:02 pm *He's not gonna sit down though, not with this new parasite.* Swoop 10:02 pm *is an A+ backpack, maximum secure grip* Windchill 10:03 pm *So long as it's not Permanent Backpack.* Specs 10:03 pm *wiggles* Omicron 10:03 pm RAcer: *NOM!* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Gentle pat.* Dragon 10:03 pm .... Gotta hand it to humans, this music's pretty epic. No wonder Remix is always jamming. Windchill 10:03 pm We'll try to call Bob later. We can always watch the movie again. Omicron 10:03 pm Racer: *paws on soundwaves fingers, but not noming them* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm *...What a power to have.* Swoop 10:04 pm Kay Windchill 10:04 pm *That's as reassuring as it's gonna get, sorry.* Smokescreen 10:04 pm I was about to say I wish I could have awesmoe theme music play whenever but But I CAN do that ww Magnum Ace 10:04 pm ...yikes Omicron 10:04 pm ....hey look, jolt as a human Specs 10:04 pm *suddenly rises up onto her hind legs, mantles her wings, and allows herself a wild, howling warble* *and then gets back down and ducks her head. okay, that was a little embarrassing* Dragon 10:05 pm *laughs* I was gonna say I need to bug our medic about getting an electricity upgrade. Frost's got his ice bombs, I don't wanna be left out. Magnum Ace 10:05 pm !!! Omicron 10:05 pm You have a giant aft shield that can punt people Athena, I don't think you're left out Magnum Ace 10:05 pm -looks around the room for where the noise came from- Dragon 10:06 pm *thinks* ... *grins* True that. Frost can't pack that thing around to save his life. Windchill 10:06 pm You know what might make you Swoop feel better? Swoop 10:06 pm What? Windchill 10:06 pm A sticker, duh. Swoop 10:06 pm YAH! Me Swoop like stickers Windchill 10:07 pm Yes, I know. Swoop 10:07 pm You have sticker? Omicron 10:07 pm Racer: *noming and wiggling happily, soft metal? he can chew it!* Smokescreen 10:07 pm Wait wait stickers where Windchill 10:07 pm Yes. Do you want...a fire sticker or a turtle sticker? Swoop 10:07 pm FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jetstream 10:07 pm ^LOKI NO^ ^FOCUS^ Windchill 10:08 pm *They're car decals because that's how you get big enough stickers on Earth, okay.* Specs 10:08 pm ((a place in midgard called Texas)) Windchill 10:08 pm Okay. Swoop 10:08 pm ((there is something incredible about a guy in full body armor with two automatic guns jumping out of a space ship)) Dragon 10:08 pm ((Achievement unlocked: Des-Troy)) Specs 10:08 pm ((also, seriously, how much damn ammo is in that thing)) ((oh)) Magnum Ace 10:08 pm ((not enough Omicron 10:09 pm ((that much is seems)) Specs 10:09 pm ((I, too, headbutt undead abominations)) Swoop 10:09 pm !!!! Windchill 10:09 pm *Digs around in his bra/subspace for a flame sticker. Swoop gets a white one today. He'll hold it back over his head for Swoop to take.* Magnum Ace 10:09 pm !!!!! Swoop 10:10 pm *chirps!* VProwl 10:10 pm ((i'm so happy for that dude)) Swoop 10:10 pm *takes the sticker thx* Dragon 10:10 pm ... Hey... Icy? ... Ever think this is what Magnus does when he gets mad? Specs 10:10 pm ((IN THE BACKGROUND)) VProwl 10:10 pm ((he wanted one thing. he wanted to destroy asgard. and he got it.)) Bull 10:10 pm .... Smokescreen 10:10 pm HULK NO gotta smash Windchill 10:10 pm *Ur welcome.* Specs 10:10 pm *cackles* It's Smokescreen as an organic! Smokescreen 10:10 pm HEY COME ON I almost never smash! Swoop 10:11 pm *chatters while he plays with the sticker* VProwl 10:11 pm ((how often do the big terrible monsters get to achieve their life goals)) Omicron 10:11 pm ....well....he's nearly metrotitian size *she wonders if Dreaded Wings will ever transform an...* really... VProwl 10:11 pm ((i'm proud of him)) Windchill 10:11 pm Swoop. Swoop 10:11 pm Hi Magnum Ace 10:11 pm ........ Windchill 10:11 pm No putting it on Soundwave's things. Or on other people without permission. Swoop 10:11 pm Why Rosanna 10:11 pm ((he's having so much fun Specs 10:11 pm ((korg ;-; )) Bull 10:12 pm ((nope)) Windchill 10:12 pm Because that's not nice. Magnum Ace 10:12 pm ...... That's...it's gone Windchill 10:12 pm You have to abide by the sticker rules if you want more stickers. Smokescreen 10:12 pm ......... Bull 10:12 pm yeah... Smokescreen 10:12 pm this is this hurts Omicron 10:12 pm Racer: *no more silver, flops on his side* Swoop 10:13 pm Me Swoop never hear sticker rules before Magnum Ace 10:13 pm -sinking where he sits- Windchill 10:13 pm *That's because he made them up just now shhhh.* Swoop 10:13 pm ((hug hug hug)) Windchill 10:13 pm They're new sticker rules. Swoop 10:13 pm Not old sticker rules? Kehehh Windchill 10:13 pm Right. Specs 10:13 pm *makes an attempt to balance a cookie on Racer's snout* Omicron 10:14 pm Racer: *full, but after a minute tries to eat the chookie* Swoop 10:14 pm This sticker look pretty new to Me Swoop Windchill 10:14 pm (( Still laughing at his hair. )) Tarantulas 10:14 pm (( MIEK Omicron 10:14 pm .....pfft Windchill 10:14 pm It is a new sticker. Dragon 10:14 pm *grins as she leans back* That was intense. Specs 10:14 pm *chuffs* I like this documentary. Ratchet 10:14 pm [[ i am actually In Love with Korg ]] Smokescreen 10:15 pm why earth though earth smells Omicron 10:15 pm (he's awesome) Smokescreen 10:15 pm ... I mean it wouldn't be my first choice to live forever ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm *Well. That was - something.* Windchill 10:15 pm And if you want more new stickers you have to play by the new sticker rules. Dragon 10:15 pm *glances at Smokescreen* Eh? Dude, Earth is fun. You just gotta be in the right crew to enjoy it. Swoop 10:15 pm What rules are? Magnum Ace 10:15 pm -is from Earth- Specs 10:15 pm Is it an unethical use of multiverse bridges to find and eat the Grandmaster? Smokescreen 10:15 pm It is fun! But I don't think I'd wanna live there. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm [[Not in the slightest.]] Specs 10:15 pm Excellent. Smokescreen 10:15 pm You'd rust to death there, you know Windchill 10:15 pm *Sighs internally.* Bull 10:16 pm *would rather stay on Earth* Prowl 10:16 pm *oh is it finally over, that sure was a movie she totally listened to yep* Magnum Ace 10:16 pm What's wrong with Earth? Dragon 10:16 pm Bah, only if you are a ninny about what you do. So far my gang's going just fine and one of us already has a rust problem she's gotta be careful with. Windchill 10:16 pm No putting stickers on Soundwave's things, no putting them on other people unless they say it's okay, and you have to not get kicked out. Omicron 10:16 pm That grandmaster wouldn't' have something that could effect several cybertronians at once do you think? Windchill 10:16 pm I can't give you a sticker if you get kicked out. Swoop 10:16 pm Me Swoop get kick out aaaaaaaaaall the time ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm [[If we are fortunate, he will have never heard of our kind.]] Specs 10:17 pm Likely not. And it's rare that anyone notices someone my size. Windchill 10:17 pm I know, and if you get kicked out you can't get a sticker because you're not here, understand? Swoop 10:17 pm Yah Dragon 10:17 pm ((Loki's face there is priceless)) Jetstream 10:17 pm ^What^ "The^ Dragon 10:17 pm That... looks bad. *frowns* Swoop 10:17 pm *holds the sticker in front of Windchill's face* Me have sticker Jetstream 10:17 pm ^FRAG" Bull 10:17 pm uuuuuuh..... Specs 10:17 pm Hm. They're going to need a bigger stomach. Magnum Ace 10:17 pm Oh no...that looked bad Bull 10:17 pm What was that?! Windchill 10:17 pm Yes you do. What are you going to do with it? Specs 10:17 pm Or a freezer. Magnum Ace 10:17 pm I don't know Swoop 10:17 pm Keep ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[He has no idea, and he doubts we will find out any time soon.]] Omicron 10:18 pm *debating on finding that place and letting Dreadded Wings loose for a bit...and taking some Crew down to leven that pit* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm ((reminder: 20 minutes)) Windchill 10:18 pm Good plan. Omicron 10:18 pm (okay) Dragon 10:18 pm *looks at Icy and grins* Bring me along if you go in there; I'm up for trashing some people. Swoop 10:18 pm !!! Movie over Dragon 10:18 pm ((Thanks for the update)) Smokescreen 10:18 pm Windwind- can I have a sticker too? Specs 10:18 pm *the dragon stretches and yawns* Goodnight, everyone. *gives Racer an affectionate lick to the forehead* Thank you for the movie, Soundwave! Magnum Ace 10:19 pm I think it's time for us to go though ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[You are welcome, dragon. Thank you for the fuel, as always.]] Omicron 10:19 pm Racer: *full hatchling, wiggles to lick back, then to peer up at Soundwave* Bull 10:19 pm Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Specs 10:19 pm ((sometimes ya gotta slorp the child)) Windchill 10:19 pm *CRINGES on the inside, but it wasn't 'Windy' so he's not going to gripe about it.* You can have one sticker. Omicron 10:19 pm (he's Icy's little, he gets all the licks) Smokescreen 10:19 pm YES Jetstream 10:19 pm *The twins stretch a bit.* ^Should probably be on our way, too.^ "Always nice to see a good movie." Prowl 10:19 pm Good night, Soundwave. *Prowl leaves with a nod* Smokescreen 10:19 pm Can you put it right in the middle of my face? So that way, I can have a nose! Jetstream 10:20 pm ^Soundwave, Thanks for lettin us in. Maybe we'll see ya next time^ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm *Pings those who can be pinged and nods to the rest.* Windchill 10:20 pm I don't know if I have any nose shaped stickers...*digs around...turtle nose it is.* Dragon 10:20 pm *can't help but tap foot to the music* And more epic earth tunes. Swoop 10:20 pm Him Bob miss whole movie :x Omicron 10:21 pm Racer: *little mind turning away, waiting to show off* Magnum Ace 10:21 pm Soundwave? Can we have a bridge home? Windchill 10:21 pm *Luckily, his gibbon-like arms are long enough that he can just about reach Smokescreen's face to put the turtle smack dab in the middle of it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[Hmm? Of course.]] Windchill 10:21 pm Behold...one sticker. Smokescreen 10:21 pm /Smokescreen iiiis getting up and singing + dancing to this whoops./ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[It will be right outside. Ah, and next week's film should be... lighter fare.]] Windchill 10:21 pm Okay Swoop, let's go. We can watch the movie with Bob later. Magnum Ace 10:21 pm Thanks. Good night. Windchill 10:22 pm *When they, you know, find him.* Magnum Ace 10:22 pm -and out he goes- Omicron 10:22 pm *Icy is slowly nodding in time, calming down, keeping her mind and memories in strict order. not going to relive things* Swoop 10:22 pm Kay : < ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Difficult, isn't it?* Rosanna 10:22 pm *streeetches. She's still here--sort of. Will likely returneth to her room and form a cuddle pile of microns* Bull 10:22 pm *Bull exits with Magnum* Windchill 10:23 pm I know one place we can watch movies. It's kind of dirty though. *But, he's going to worry about that part later.* *Turns to leave, with his new backpack.* Omicron 10:24 pm *very, she's keeping the predacon instincts down and trying to focus on the music, tail might be curled around Athena for saport* Swoop 10:24 pm *doesn't care about dirty and doesn't particularly care where they are going, just so long as it's fun* : > Dragon 10:25 pm *thinking a bit as she listens to the music, glancing over when she notices the taili* Eh? ... Heh, glad to know you got my back. I got yours too. Windchill 10:25 pm *Fair enough.* Omicron 10:25 pm Racer: *sits on a soundwave pede* Windchill 10:25 pm Byeeeee suckers, hope you all enjoyed the Devil's Anus as much as I did. Smokescreen 10:25 pm sounds uptown funk you up Windchill 10:25 pm *Hand, over spark.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm *Lightly bobbles his foot to entertain Racer while he waits for Ice Queen to collect the hatchling.* Omicron 10:26 pm Racer: *happy trill, looking up though, peering at lap, waiting to be invited. hatchling has a plaaan* (maybe lighten the mood before going) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Small puff. He'll allow it, but only for a couple of minutes. The less he has to think about what he saw, the better.* Windchill 10:27 pm *Goes.* Smokescreen 10:27 pm /Smokescreen's also singing to this/ Omicron 10:27 pm RAcer: *happy wiggle and climbs up- oof he's full, forgot he ate so much* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Soundwave pings Windchill goodnight.* Dragon 10:28 pm *blinks and stares at the screen* And... then we find the weird side of human entertainment. *blink blink* Smokescreen 10:28 pm oh this isn't the weird side Omicron 10:28 pm *Icy bumps her head against Athena's shoulder* want to get highgrade and do something? Dragon 10:29 pm *blinks and looks over before grinning* Sounds like a grand party to me Icy. Smokescreen 10:29 pm /PRACTICALLY SHOUTS THE ME/ Omicron 10:29 pm RAcer: *sitting in Soundwave's lap, rests a moment, then looks up, big breath* (this song is killing me) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Hears a breath and pays close attention. This is either speech or fire.* Omicron 10:31 pm Racer: 'Ave! Aaayye....wa...'ave...aye! *faceplants on his chest, predacon over exited nuzzle, senses the sad/grump* Smokescreen 10:32 pm I wish we had video conferences like that ... we don't even have a fully functioning government bots are still trying to have elections megatron I think joked about making a council ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Soundwave is delighted to hear part of his name, but he does nooooot like other mechs messing with his chest. He carefully picks Racer up with one hand and boops his snout with the very tip of a finger on the other hand.*
[[Thank you, small one. The comfort is appreciated. But you should return to your creator. He closes the building soon.]]
*Places Racer on the ground.* Dragon 10:34 pm *stretches a little and rolls her shoulders* Well, I better make sure the minis aren't using my shield like a snow sled again. Catch ya in a bit, Icy? *moves to get up, but doesn't quite make it due to the tail* Smokescreen 10:35 pm sounds hey if megatron makes a council can you shock him ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *That sounds like something minicons would do.*
[[He'll do worse than that.]] Smokescreen 10:35 pm ... What'll you do? Omicron 10:35 pm RAcer: *flops, krells for icy to come pick him up...might have burped smoke*
Yes, I'll meet you...and get Racer home *gets up to walk over* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[He hasn't decided yet. You've only just informed him.]] Smokescreen 10:36 pm .... wait I probably shouldn't hav Dragon 10:36 pm *grins as she gets up* Sounds like a plan. If I'm late, it's because I'm hauling Frosty's aft out of the closet again. *turns and salutes playfully to whoever's still present* Later! *heads off at a run* Smokescreen 10:36 pm sounds can you pretend you didn't hear that ItsyBitsySpyers 10:36 pm [[We'll see. Time for you to be on your way. He can't do as he's said he would with everyone here.]] Smokescreen 10:37 pm Awww- night night, Snoozewave. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[Smokescreen.]] *Warning tone.* Smokescreen 10:37 pm I'm going! I'm going! /And he's finally leaving!/ Omicron 10:38 pm Racer: *picked up, whines for his stick, gets that after put on icys back* bahh!!!! ^__^ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm *He more meant the nickname, but that works.* [[Goodbye, Racer. Ice Queen.]] Smokescreen 10:38 pm /Hey he was tempted to call him Soundbabe to be fair/ Omicron 10:38 pm Thank you for the even soundwave... even with....moments. Sorry if I scared anyone nearby ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[You're welcome, and you were fine.]] Omicron 10:40 pm *Icy turns to leave, racer meeping to prowl on the way out* (have a good night!) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm ((you too!)) VProwl startles out of idle mode 10:41 pm VProwl 10:41 pm ((oh hey /me works, i didn't mean to do that)) Omicron 10:41 pm (oh, I can talk again! XD now I poof, rest well you two) VProwl 10:41 pm *nods to Racer.* Omicron 10:42 pm Raver: *flaps wing in a good bye, full sparkling....enjoy the cookie?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *Soundwave will wait until everyone is finally out to slump down in his seat and stare up at the ceiling. Zori comes scuttling across the floor, up his Boss' leg, up his Boss in general, and curls up to dock on Soundwave's neck.*
*He's banning this movie from the building, he thinks.* ((hit enter too early. just apply it when it applies)) VProwl 10:53 pm *right, he's fully here now. he's gonna head over to Soundwave.* ... Hey. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm *Soundwave sits up some to track the movement he hears. Ah. Prowl.*
[[Hello.]] VProwl 10:56 pm I was—I didn't really pay attention tonight, I went on auto-pilot to work at home, so—I only skimmed quickly through the movie when the credits were rolling, so I didn't realize at the time—uh... *cut to the chase.* How—how are you? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm *Soundwave watches Prowl uncertainly at first. Yes, he thought that might've been what'd happened; if the workload now is anything like what he had to deal with, it's a heavy one - but what's that got to do with...*
[[...Furious. Not with you.]] [[And somewhat - hmm. Mildly overwhelmed. He was not expecting so many, or quite what he saw.]] VProwl 11:00 pm *nods.* And so many unfamiliar, too. *part of the reason he'd checked out. it was... busy, tonight.* Do you w...? *no, not that way.* What would help? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *...Ping marked with gratitude. Prowl didn't have to come ask him anything.*
[[Yes. Most mechs are welcome, of course. He simply wasn't aware of the drawing power of this documentary ahead of time.]]
*Soundwave places the little spinning circle on his visor. Thinking.* VProwl 11:04 pm *he'll wait.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm [[He was thinking of...]] *Shakes his helm a little bit. That was a poor start to the sentence.* [[The plants he wished to show you. He considered destroying his cell afterward. He thinks he will. It would - he would like your assistance with that. An enforcer helping to do what his own should have done long ago.]]
[[...And to be reminded that he is owned by no mech. He /knows/ it, but it - the memory still feels like claws and chains on his plating at times.]] VProwl 11:12 pm It still stands? *... a nod.* I'd be happy to help you destroy it. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm [[The Predacons nest mainly on the surface of the arena. Most are too large to fit into the cells beneath, and those who can claim to dislike the scent. Countless millions of years of fear, despair, anger, energon, rust... among other things. Ravage loathed it as well, back then.]] *Long, long pause.* [[Thank you.]] VProwl 11:16 pm What weapons do you want me to bring? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *Faint huff.* [[You mentioned using acid and acid weaponry, once. There aren't many who can say they've literally watched their past be melted away. He'd like the right.]] VProwl 11:20 pm I'll ask Mixmaster for the most corrosive stuff he can cook up. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm [[Those are some of the sweetest words you've ever said to him.]]
*Small leg stretch. That helped soothe his mind a little.*
[[How /is/ Mixmaster? Still ill?]] VProwl 11:24 pm *a frown.* He's—quiet. He's not worse, but... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[...But?]] VProwl 11:27 pm Well. He's not better. Which is... We'd thought it was psychosomatic. Stress, from the construction site. But, if that was the case— He hasn't gone outside since construction was completed, and he knows none of us are going to make him until and unless he decides of his own volition that he wants to. But he—doesn't feel better. *Prowl's starting to worry. They all are.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm [[Hasn't gone outside? For /anything?/]] *Feels a little unobservant having to ask this, but he doesn't watch the apartment anymore, and he tries not to watch the Constructicons too much lest Bonecrusher freak out.* VProwl 11:29 pm No, well, that's normal for him. He'll hole himself up in his room for months at a time if he's allowed. I think he /might/ have gone out once with Bonecrusher. That's it. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm [[He would think that'd have helped by now, if it's normal for Mixmaster. Has Hook had a look at him yet?]] ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm *What if it's a horrible slow-burning plague unleashed by that planetary reset he's heard about? The flobster plague didn't hit his Cybertron for a while. Or, or - some kind of tool Bombshell and the others planted while sticking Prowl with Devastator that's going wrong without anyone to fix it, Garak style?* VProwl 11:35 pm Hook has. Mixmaster's not in peak physical condition, but Hook says everything he's seeing could just be consistent with sustained stress without an underlying condition. But, we don't know. At this point, he could be feeling unwell because he's stressed or he could be stressed because he's feeling unwell. To find out more, we'd have to take him somewhere with better medical equipment, and, well—that would involve dragging Mixmaster outside, against his will, to interact with strangers. If this IS a psychosomatic reaction to agoraphobia-related stress, we'd just make him worse. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm [[And there is no mech willing to make a house call? Are there any who are even an option?]] *Because he's willing to dig up dirt on them and blackmail them into it. If Mixmaster's going to be asked to help him, the least he could do is repay the debt.* VProwl 11:41 pm House calls aren't the issue—there isn't a medic on Cybertron who matches Hook. It's the equipment that'd be needed. We're talking stuff that only a hospital would have. We can't just rent a heavy-duty medical scanner from the nearest hospital for a day, pry it out from the wall, roll it out on a trolley, load it on Long Haul's bed, and drive it home to Mixmaster. *there is a reason for this extremely specific example.* *the reason is he's checked.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm ((rabbit can u not eat my comments)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm *Ohh. THAT kind of better medical equipment. Also, yeah, by that description, he's kind of assuming Prowl looked into it. Too specific.*
*Vent.* [[Then for now, he will hope better feelings are merely late, and not impossible. ... Still. Keep him updated if it gets worse?]] *If only because that puts Devastator, and therefore Prowl, at risk.* VProwl 11:46 pm That's what we're all hoping, right now. *A sigh.* I will. Thanks. VProwl 11:47 pm *There's a hint of noticeable grimness in Prowl's face. Mixmaster's condition has been bothering him more than he's verbally admitted.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm *Nods. He doesn't like it, but for the moment, he hasn't got any better ideas. Space bridging the mech directly to the equipment probably wouldn't be of any more use than making him walk or drive there, and anyway, Prowl already knows how to use th-- and THAT'S unusual.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm *To ask and risk Prowl turning off his expressions and making everything that much harder to read, or to ignore it and wait?*
*...Maybe he'd better keep quiet for now. He can poke that bitbear when they're both in a better place to discuss it, moodwise.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm *But a feeler will slither out and move towards Prowl's wrist, clicking its claws. That'll look more like comfort for him than anything for Prowl, so it should be safe, providing he's allowed to coil.* VProwl 11:54 pm *allows him to coil; and grabs with his other hand as well. he could use a little more comfort himself, thanks.* Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Oh, good! Not only did it work, it worked better than expected. He'll definitely offer up extra loops and length of feeler.* VProwl 12:02 am *Good. He's taking them. TOTALLY BECAUSE HE'S OFFERING SOUNDWAVE COMFORT AND NOT BECAUSE HE'S BEEN REMINDED OF HIS WORRIES OVER MIXMASTER.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am [[We have both had a great deal on our minds tonight. A crowd of thoughts, the Pits, your work.]] And Mixmaster. [[Come relax with him. Things might be clearer in the morning.]]
*Rises and uses the grip on Prowl's arms to squeeze and tug in the direction of the stairs.* VProwl 12:07 am *Is willingly tugged up with Soundwave.* I hope they will be. *And if they aren't, still better to pass the time with Soundwave than without.*
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