#community 2x24
random community rankings (because if there’s one thing I love it’s a good List)
(disclaimer just because something is ranked last does not mean I think it’s horrible!!! (although sometimes it does.) it just means I like the ones above it more.)
christmas episodes
1. 2x11 abed’s uncontrollable christmas
2. 3x10 regional holiday music
3. 1x12 comparative religion
HUGE fucking gap
4. 4x10 intro to knots
halloween episodes
1. 2x06 epidemiology
2. 3x05 horror fiction in seven spooky steps
3. 1x07 introduction to statistics
4. 4x02 paranormal parentage
paintabll episodes
1. 2x23 a fistful of paintballs/2x24 for a few paintballs more
2. 6x11 modern espionage
3. 1x23 modern warfare
4. 4x13 advanced introduction to finality (this one barely counts as a paintbal ep but I’m including it)
birthday episodes
(this one was really really difficult I would die for all three of these)
1. 5x11 g.i. jeff
2. 2x10 mixology certification
3. 2x19 critical film studies
animated episodes
1. 2x11 abed’s uncontrollable christmas
2. 5x11 g.i. jeff
3. 3x20 digital estate planning
season premieres (is that what they’re called? whatever. you get it)
1. 3x01 biology 101
2. 1x01 pilot
3. 6x01 ladders
4. 5x01 repilot
5. 4x01 history 101
6. 2x01 anthropology 101
season finales
1. 6x13 emotional consequences of broadcast television
2. 3x22 introduction to finality
3. 2x24 for a few paintballs more
4. 4x13 advanced introduction to finality
5. 1x25 pascal’s triangle revisited
6. 5x13 basic sandwich
1. season 3
2. season 2
3. season 1
4. season 5
5. season 6
6. season 4
pls rb with your rankings (of any number of these categories or add new ones!!) I would like to start some Tumblr Discourse™
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luuuna-rambles · 2 years
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Community gifs - 155/?
2x24, A Few Paintballs More
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delicatejareau · 3 years
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annie edison 2x23 + 2x24 icons
please like/rb if using + credit @starrylang or @delicatejareau on tumblr
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gayfrasier · 4 years
heres the thing about a fistful of paintballs. so. guest star josh holloway. one of the main (and arguably best) characters on lost. then you have abed right. pop culture and tv fanatic. has very clearly seen and analyzed lost in some capacity. even managed to bring it up as a metaphor in his mental breakdown. abed gets a look at him. and makes one of the saddest excuses for a reference I've ever seen, mentions his face is good enough for network television.
what the actual FUCK?
you're gonna sit there and tell me that abed wont stop mid-homage to point out the STRIKING RESEMBLANCE of the current assassin-cowboy reaking havoc on their paintball game to absolute legendary asshole Sawyer? you're gonna look me dead in the eyes and tell me he wasnt gonna bring it up at ALL?
I call bullshit. absolute bullshit, shame on you dan harmon, you too joe russo.
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emocommunity · 7 years
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For a Few Paintballs More
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beningtirta · 3 years
Vaksinlah, kalau bisa AstraZaneca
Alhamdulillah saya sudah divaksin dosis pertama, tapi bukan Sinovac atau AstraZaneca. Loh?
Saat ini saya sedang berada di Singapura, menjalani final quarter studi PhD saya dengan beasiswa kampus negeri di sini. Izin tinggal saya di sini namanya student pass yang termasuk kategori 'long-term resident' sehingga berhak mendapatkan vaksin gratis walaupun foreigner.
Setelah tiba giliran untuk resident dengan rentang umur 18-39 tahun untuk menerima vaksin, kampus dengan segera mengirim pengingat kepada seluruh mahasiswa untuk mengecek dan memperbarui data nomer HP masing-masing. Karena kampus nantinya mengirim database civitas ke kementerian kesehatan. Dua minggu kemudian, saya dapat kode unik untuk bisa 'booking appointment' vaksin dosis pertama.
Dalam tautan 'booking appointment' untuk vaksin, kita bisa memilih tempat (community centre atau CC gitu umumnya) dan waktunya sesuai kenyamanan dan availability masing-masing. Menariknya kita bisa tahu di CC mana vaksin yang dipakai apa. Pemerintah Singapura sejauh ini meng-endorse dua opsi vaksin saja untuk vaksin gratis ini: Pfizer atau Moderna, yang mana keduanya tergolong mRNA vaccine.
Saya secara sadar memilih CC yang dekat kampus dan awalnya tidak terpengaruh soal preferensi yang beredar di masyarakat. Setelah booking tanggal dan jam vaksin, barulah saya tanya-tanya ke teman-teman yang sudah duluan. Karena saya cuma mau yang dekat kampus saja, opsi tanggalnya sisa akhir Juni. Kalau saya mau, bisa saja dapat lebih awal tapi CC-nya yang agak jauh. Ya, intinya saya ga mau ribet (dan keluar uang transport buat vaksin doang).
Kembali soal preferensi vaksin, saya melihat banyak yang prefer Pfizer karena menurut testimoni yang beredar efek sampingnya lebih enteng dibandingkan dengan Moderna. Ya jadi tidak begitu mengganggu aktivitas setelah divaksin, karena saya tidak mau sakit saat bulan-bulan terakhir menuju deadline laporan tesis S-3 saya. Kebetulan di CC dekat kampus, vaksinnya Pfizer :)
Normal saja ketika setelah divaksin ada efek samping. Ini pertanda tubuh sedang bereaksi dengan konten vaksin denga cara membentuk antibodi. Karena efek samping itu normal atau bahkan 'expected', saat vaksinasi kita akan menerima briefing yang kurang lebih seperti ini:
1) Tidak berolahraga selama 1 minggu ke depan agar tidak kelelahan
2) Pantau suhu tubuh 2x24 jam ke depan, jika deman dan tidak hilang dalam dua hari maka segera kunjungi dokter--dan biaya pengobatan GRATIS karena itu bagian tanggung jawab pemerintah yang telah mengimbau warganya untuk vaksin.
3) Jika merasa tidak enak badan, minum saja PANADOL. Iklan gratis buat perusahaan swasta :)
Oh ya, sebelum divaksin kita akan ditanyain dulu, "Ada demam atau nggak enak badan 1x24 jam yang lalu?" Ini ditanyain dua kali. Sekali pas registrasi ulang, satu lagi sebelum disuntik. Semua protokol dan briefing dilakukan untuk mengurangi kemungkinan-kemungkinan buruk pascavaksin.
Sepulang divaksin, saya teringat di Indonesia vaksin yang awalnya beredar cuma Sinovac, kemudian menyusul AstraZaneca. Bedanya apa yaaa?
Setelah ngobrol sama istri dan cari info-info tambahan, setidaknya ada empat pegangan buat saya pribadi:
a) Data keampuhan vaksin bisa jadi bias sesuai sampel waktu dan tempat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3odScka55A). Sehingga, berpatokan murni pada angka keampuhan (efficacy) hanya membuat kita menolak mentah Sinovac yang sudah ada di Indonesia dan dibeli dengan anggaran pemerintah. Di saat krisis, setiap negara akan berusaha untuk melakukan pengadaan dengan pertimbangan masing-masing karena butuh cepat, supply-nya terbatas, dan semua negara berkompetisi untuk itu. Jadi, kita vaksin karena bersyukur dengan opsi yang kita punya.
b) Setelah muncul AstraZaneca (AZ), ada testimoni teman-teman istri saya @syofarahals bahwa pascavaksin efek sampingnya lebih berasa dibandingkan Sinovac. Yang kedua, setelah divaksin tapi tetap tertular Covid-19 maka yang sudah divaksin AZ akan memiliki gejala lebih ringan dan recovery lebih cepat. Jadi, jika ada info fasilitas kesehatan yang ada stok AstraZaneca, sebaiknya pilih itu dan arahkan keluarga dan kenalan Anda ke sana jika memungkinkan.
c) Vaksin bekerja dengan cara yang berbeda untuk membangun imunitas sesuai kategorinya, mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna), viral vector (AstraZaneca), atau inactivated virus (Sinovac). Sila lihat perbandingannya di sini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osRo-yz1VQ8
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d) Pegangan terakhir adalah vaksin itu kayak ikutan "challenge" dan memang opsional. Reward-nya? Terbentuk imunitas. Cara mendapatkannya? Jaga kesehatan sebelum dan sesudah vaksin sampai kondisi kebugaran normal kembali.
Sebagai penutup, vaksin mungkin jawaban doa-doa dan qunut nazilah umat Islam se-dunia untuk diangkatnya wabah ini. Tapi, bukannya wabah yang diangkat tapi umat Islam "dipaksa" untuk lebih berpikir kritis dan saintifik.
Wabah ini sebuah pengingat bagi kita untuk menghargai ilmu pengetahuan. Pengingat bahwa kita butuh lebih banyak orang Indonesia yang ahli di bidang sains dan teknologi. Juga pengingat bahwa mati itu mudah saja, tidak pandang umur. Tapi kita diberi akal untuk berikhtiar dan mengusahakan yang terbaik untuk orang-orang yang kita sayangi.
Jika kaum tua sudah terlanjur termakan hoaks, maka harapan kita tinggal di pundak anak-anak muda (anak, ponakan, cucu-cucunya) untuk mengedukasi mereka.
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jonismitchell · 2 years
community season ranking: 1. season two 2. season three 3. season one 4. season six 5. season five 6. season four
community character ranking: 1. abed 2. annie 3. jeff 4. britta 5. troy 6. shirley 7. pierce
community's best episodes: 1. remedial chaos theory (3x04) 2. cooperative calligraphy (2x08) 3. advanced dungeons and dragons (2x14) 4. a fistful of paintballs/for a few paintballs more (2x23 & 2x24) 5. geography of global conflict (3x02) 6. emotional consequences of broadcast television (6x13) 7. virtual systems analysis (3x16) 8. critical film studies (2x19) 9. abed's uncontrollable christmas (2x11) 10. contemporary american poultry (1x21)
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
June 25: 2x24 The Ultimate Computer
Belated notes on my watch of The Ultimate Computer yesterday.
Kirk’s definitely in Captain Mode today. You can tell when he’s on edge and suspicious and serious.
Yet another old Kirk friend. Does he know everyone in Starfleet?
War games lol. But it’s “not the military.”
Spock is super into this computer.
A-7 Computer Expert Certification.
The crew’s not needed? Wow, okay, this is going to end badly.
“This gadget.” How do you really feel, Kirk?
And there’s Spock literally making faces behind the Commodore’s back. He is soooo that type. He’s like “Jim, are you hearing this? Can you believe this guy?”
I’m insulted on Kirk’s behalf right now. Replacing people with machines so blithely is offensive.
Of course Bones doesn’t like it.
Oh yeah triumvirate walking scene. I love them. it takes so little for me to think ‘what badasses.’ S2 is really stepping up this dynamic in particular.
And Spock is comfortable enough around Bones to be sassy around him
Oh no, the computer is already glitching, and there is no backup and no plan B.... Bones is completely right in his assessment. This is essentially a Titanic situation: way too much hubris involved. Nothing can go wrong so nothing will go wrong so we’ve planned for nothing going wrong!
McCoy has BFF Clearance. He can go wherever he wants.
“It’s the M-5? What happened to Ms 1-4?” Channel #5.
Ahhhh little gratuitous touch to Spock’s arm. They’re In Love.
“There are certain things men must do to remain men.”
“The right computer finally came along.” Damn Bones.
Jim’s suspicions about the computer coming right after that line make it look like he’s jealous that Spock likes it so much.
He’s getting a “red alert right here.” Computers don’t have that kind of intuition.
Jim’s so thoughtful and self-aware. He really cares both about his instincts and about interrogating those instincts for bias and unreasonableness. This is giving me real S1 vibes: the quiet, intelligent, idealized hero Captain at the fore.
This whole scene is perfect, eminently quotable, and sounds exactly like something that could have been written about automation in 2021. You’re okay with it when it’s happening to someone else but then the computer comes for YOUR job....
Uh-h, M-5 is turning off all the lights...
Space merchant marines... good to know.
HOW are the Captain and CMO “non-essential personnel”? The first sign that M-5 is illogical. They should bring some doctor on the landing party mission given that uh humans are going on it and might get injured.
Anyway I can’t wait for Kirk to destroy this bitch and save the day.
Lol it turned off the lights on Bones in sickbay.
Damn, now it’s trying to take Uhura’s job too!
Chekov is so bored.
Spock wants to serve under one man and one man ONLY. Loyalty to one man... sounds like a wedding vow... and Kirk looks so soft...
So, if Spock has to describe to McCoy what that (unnecessary bitchy and catty) “Captain Dunsel” remark means, by saying that it’s a phrase that “midshipmen use at Starfleet Academy,” is this to imply Bones didn’t go to Starfleet Academy?
He’s never felt so at odds with the ship.... a lover’s quarrel...she’s cheating on him with another man...
Jim Kirk, certified Poetry Nerd. He’s such a romantic.
So glad Bones got him a drink so he can return to the bridge and a possible emergency with just a little bit of a buzz going.
Spock in the chair...
Huh, an automated ship with no crew. Interesting concept.
Oh no M-5! She’s got control of the ship and she won’t let go!
Kirk’s face when Enterprise attacks.. the betrayal... his beautiful lady used for mindless destruction.
“Only a robot” ship--! Bones is insulted.
Kirk orders the computer turned off but we’re only halfway through the ep so...
....And the computer is sentient now.
That was the shortest Captain’s Log ever. “The computer has taken over the ship the end.”
Scotty’s like, “...Well what if we just unplug it?”
Okay so now they only have 19 crew.
Spock and Bones are on point today. “Don’t say it’s fascinating.” / “I won’t. But it is... interesting.” This bitch knows exactly what he’s doing.
The computer isn’t a child, guys!
We need powerful computers “so men don’t have to die in space”--like uh that man your computer literally just killed?
I don’t get Daystrom’s logic at all. He talks as if people, like, needed to do work in space, to survive or something. We don’t need to. We want to! We want to go out and meet cool aliens! This guy is no fun.
What is the thing “greater” than fact finding in space that the robots are going to free us to do? Like what is more impressive than SPACE? I don’t even get that.
Time to mix up fake sci fi world-building references with real references! The Nobel and Zee-Magnee Prizes. Sitar of Vulcan.
A theory emerges... the computer acts illogically...Daystrom won’t let Spock near it... I know this isn’t where this is going, but it kind of sounds like they’re implying it’s a scam, lol. He sold an idea he didn’t have so it’s like.. not a real computer.
Spock’s little protege, Chekov.
“We have been pursuing a wild goose.” Aw, bb’s trying so hard to be colloquial. (Also he 100% learned that phrase from McCoy in The Gamesters of Triskellion and now he’s trying it out on Kirk...when McCoy isn’t around.)
“Not to offend you by using the h-word, but... could it be... human?”
Kirk’s really mad at Daystrom now.
The Commodore really set up that dramatic turn to camera there.
Poor Kirk. His ship is being used for evil.
“They can’t destroy the ship, what would happen to the computer?!” Yes, the computer. And the other 19 people and himself but mostly the computer. Daystrom really has lost it.
I love the actor who plays him, though.
“You are great. I am great.” Nothing weird happening here.
Spirk attack! (Spork it out.)
Spock’s way too sure Commodore Wesley is about to die. “He was decent, it’s a shame the ship I’m on is gonna kill him.”
And now another round of Kirk versus the computer and Kirk’s logic wins.
M-5 should argue that it did not commit murder, it committed homicide in self-defense. But then Daystrom didn’t program it with a lawyer’s brain.
It’s uh just gonna leave? Not turn the lights back on?
Kirk is so smart! I know I say this all the time, but it’s true! He knew what to do to save the ship because he knew Bob Wesley. He had formed connections, he had experience and knowledge that doesn’t come from logic. He is not replaceable!
McCoy’s like “Spock, fight me. Debate me Spock. Fight me. I’ll be fun.”
Spock HAS answered the computers versus humans question--he likes humans. He wants to be surrounded by humans.
That was really good! One of the better S2 episodes. Great Kirk, great triumvirate--as a trio and all three sides of the triangle--great sci fi concept, great guest star, great social commentary--still 100% relevant today.
i definitely have to think more about the ‘human computer’ concept. I liked that they specifically went out of their way to explain why the computer was human, how that was part of its design, and then tied that into its creator, his background, his belief system, and his insecurities. I feel like most ‘sentient computer’ or ‘advanced AI’ narratives just assume a computer that’s powerful enough will eventually be alive, which is not something I believe. The scariness of advanced AI to me is the incredible power it has to act quickly, but in a complete black-box way: you can’t literally see the logic string of its thought processes, and nor can you figure them out easily or completely using the creators’ intentions or logic because the machine has ‘learned’ since its inception, and its learning processes are not human. There is a real alienness to them that I find scary. And I do think this ep captured that nuance in M-5: it has the speed and abilities of a super computer, the “human” qualities of its creator for well-explained reasons, and the unpredictability of a mechanism that is NEITHER human nor human-controlled tool. And of course the ep’s ultimate thesis--that humans cannot be completely automated or replaced, and that we should not want to automate or replace humans--is comforting and of a morality I can and want to agree with.
This was also one of those eps that made me curious about the differences in AOS and TOS Kirk--in other words, an ep that relied on his history with Starfleet and his experience, on the reality that he’s a 34 year old man with 15+years of experience in the Fleet. Time, experience, connections, these aren’t things you can replace no matter how smart you are, and I feel like it would have been interesting to see AOS!Kirk deal with some situation that is trickier for him because he’s a Captain with a startlingly small amount of institutional experience. It’s not just about being young or generally inexperienced, in other words--it’s about NOT knowing every Captain, Admiral, and Commodore in the service, it’s about NOT having friends across the galaxy because he just hasn’t had time to make them. Even in deep space, that matters. And I think it’s something that I appreciate more as an adult myself, with actual real world experience of the importance of connections and experience and time, especially in sort of insular or smaller work communities.
Anyway, next is Bread and Circuses! Another great ep for the triumvirate. I can’t believe we’re almost through S2!!
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weedpoop · 4 years
hey! is there any chance you have any trobed fic recs?? back when i first watched the show i remember looking for stuff and finding almost nothing and now i'm disdainful of community fandom at large. tysm!
of course!! here are my personal favorites:
comparative perspectives on matrimony and the modern family by ama | T | 18k troy and abed get married and it’s amazing. currently my favorite trobed fic. this author also has a few other community fics, all of which i highly recommend!
studies in domestic cohabitation by bleakcreek | T & M | 11k a really cute little series of interconnected trobed oneshots
contemporary revolting and friendly expressionism by bigbellrings | T | 4.4k a re-write of 2x24 where troy is the lando to abed’s han and they kiss.
advanced ambulatory ichthyology by gyzym | T | 49k a classic™. set post-s3 and revolves around troy and abed navigating a budding romantic relationship while working some stuff out.
screenwriting for dummies by irisbleufic | E | 71k a complete re-write of season four. i’m on like my third re-read of this fic, it’s really good.
fundamentals of self-awareness by rainbowcat | M | 4.2k basically, everyone knows troy and abed are together. except troy and abed. hilarity ensues.
eleven ways trobed didn’t happen + one way it did by aformofmotion | M | 4k what the title says!
what were you before you met me? by dreamer_of_dreams | T | 28k troy and abed reunite and work through their feelings. angsty but beautiful
around the world in 730 days (with your feelings) by sonatine | M | 5.1k troy comes to terms with his feelings for abed during his trip. funny, sad, and really well-written
annie, abed, and the long con by goddammitpooryorick | G | 7.2k so far a currently ongoing fic in which abed gets married in order to make troy jealous. absolutely hilarious so far, and as insane as you’d expect. 
anything by bothsexuals or adorations or rustyanklebraclet 
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lesbiannie · 4 years
i did the community episode sorter and can finally DEFINITIVELY list my top 10 episodes which are , to nobody’s surprise:
studies in modern movement (3x07)
introduction to finality (3x22)
remedial chaos theory (3x03)
for a few paintballs more / a fistful of paintballs (2x23 / 2x24)
basic rocket science (2x04)
virtual systems analysis (3x16)
basic lupine urology (3x17)
mixology certification (2x10)
documentary filmmaking: redux (3x08)
regional holiday music (3x10)
and my top 10 LEAST favorite (in order that i hate them) are apparently :
bondage and beta male sexuality (5x07)
intro to felt surrogacy (4x09)
economics of marine biology (4x07)
laws of robotics and party rights (6x05)
g.i. jeff (5x11)
advanced documentary filmmaking (4x06)
alternative history of the german invasion (4x04)
ladders (6x01)
lawnmower maintenance and postnatal care (6x02)
advanced advanced dungeons and dragons (5x10)
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iconfair-blog · 5 years
An Introduction to Free Vector Icons
The vector graphics is a system utilized in PC graphics to depict an image. Picture depicted with free vector icons graphics is known as a vector image. In vector graphics image is portrayed by a lot of geometric natives that characterize focuses, lines, bends and polygons to which can be ascribed hues and furthermore conceals. It is drastically not the same as raster graphics images, which are depicted as suitably hued framework of pixels.
Favorable circumstances
The principle favorable circumstances of vector graphics are as per the following:
Probability to communicate the information in a structure straightforwardly understandable to a person (for example the standard SVG );
Chance to communicate the information in a configuration that uses extremely less space;
Probability to grow the image discretionarily, without influencing its goals.
Such an arrangement of depiction of graphic data likewise has the undoubted preferred position of a more prominent information pressure: by and by a vector image will consume lesser space than a comparing raster. It is likewise simpler to oversee and change. This is the reason, the vector image is fit to deal with a lot of information, for example, mapping that are regularly overseen in vector mode.
Image Quality
At the point when a vector image is shown on a gadget with a higher goals, it won't lose its definition. A line which runs transversely, if the screen is spoken to utilizing raster graphics, is put away as a succession of shading pixels orchestrated to frame the line. In the event that we attempted to expand an area of the line, we would see the individual pixels that make up the line. On the off chance that a similar line was put away in vector mode, the line would be put away as a condition that starts from a point, related to the planned introductory and finishes in another characterized point with the last arranges.
Growing a segment of such a line doesn't deliver visual artifacts or the showcase of individual pixels making up the image, as the line would consistently be shown with the most noteworthy goals allowed by the screen. For instance, on the off chance that you take a 2x24 pixels vector image and increment its goals to 1024x768 pixels, the meaning of the resultant image won't change. In this manner, the PNG icons are consistently of high caliber.
Vector graphics has significant use in the field of distributing, design, building and PC graphics. Every one of the three-dimensional graphics programs spare work by characterizing objects as totals of crude science. In the PC the most clear use is the meaning of text style. Practically all text styles utilized by PCs are fabricated in vector mode, permitting the client to change the text dimension without loss of definition. Therefore, we can see that vector images have a wide scope of uses and they are extremely useful on the grounds that they consume lesser space.
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luuuna-rambles · 2 years
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Community gifs - 156/?
2x24, A Few Paintballs More
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multimetaverse · 6 years
Andi Mack 2x23 Review
I was shocked at how pivotal Keep a Lid on It turned out to be! J*rus sunk and Juffy rose and a lot of other interesting stuff. Let’s dig into it.
Cyrus’ crush on Jonah was always going to end with him either moving on or getting turned down by straight boy Jonah and I’m glad they went with the former. It gives Cyrus more control over his own life and shows great character growth. He no longer idolizes Jonah but cherishes their close friendship.
I thought J*rus would end closer to the end of the season but in retrospect it’s clear that the show had to sink the ship sooner rather than later. It’s been 10 eps since their last solo scene and they’ve only had solo scenes in 6 out of 23 eps so far (including the space otters dinner in what was 1x13). Terri talks a big game about the importance of momentum and it’s clear that Cyrus’ story line was being stalled until his crush on Jonah ended. 
I noted last week that the show was reaching back to S1 with Cyrus in the vest and we also got Jonah calling Cyrus, Cy-Guy for the first time since S1 I believe as well as a callback to their hug at the space otters dinner.. It’s a very deliberate choice and allows the audience to see the growth and change in their relationship, Cyrus no longer worships Jonah and Jonah has largely dropped his smiley perfect image.
I know some people are still clinging to hope but guys J*rus is over. It was never going to happen, not on this show and not on this network. Hell Terri probably never even asked Disney if Jonah could be bi because she probably never intended him to be bi. Cyrus’ crush was always just a plot device to discover his sexuality. And if you don’t want to listen to the show, listen to Josh, he’s very bluntly told us that J*rus is a dead ship. Take time to heal and then hop aboard Cyrus’ real romantic ship: Tyrus.
I felt a sense of vindication as Juffy rose, I got a lot of scorn for predicting after the 2b promo that Jonah was going to be Buffy’s crush. And so many people told me that the yearbook wasn’t connected to the crush or that she didn’t actually have a crush or that her crush was on some irrelevant extra. But here we are and Juffy is thriving.
I had a moment of doubt last week after learning that Jandi survives past the art show but after seeing 2x23 I’m confident that Juffy is endgame. And yes I’ve seen the extended 2x24 promo and I don’t think that her crush is on Walker. Will she talk to Walker? Almost certainly but Jonah will also be there and I’m sure she’ll talk to him too. I have other reasons why I don’t think Wuffy is in the cards but first I want to talk more about Juffy in this episode.
I’ve been beating the drumbeat about Buffy’s impending crush since 2x15 and until tonight I thought it would be a disaster but I actually think that Juffy will work very well. Buffy knows exactly how to communicate directly with Jonah, something Andi never was able to. It also makes for a neat parallel with 2x22 where Tyrus communicated well while Jandi struggled as usual. And in this ep we also get to see Ham and Celia not communicating well.
When Jonah came over and he and Buffy had their  brief banter it immediately reminded me of that easy chemistry Muffy had. Obviously the show never planned for Juffy but they lucked out big time that the actors have great chemistry. It can’t be ignored how touched Buffy is that Jonah thought of the unburied time capsule and went to such lengths to get her jersey and get the whole team to sign the ball.
And who do they bring up right after talking about Jonah? Marty, Buffy’s old flame. Buffy and the audience get a final bit of closure and it helpfully reminds us that Buffy was sure that she didn’t have a crush on Marty but later this ep she is very sure that she now has a crush on someone. And when she tells Cyrus she has a crush she specifically mentions that it’s new.
Let’s assume for a moment that her crush actually is on Walker. Why would she not want Andi to know? Andi already kissed Jonah and chose him before she moved away. Sure it might be a little awkward at first but Jandi is now official and Andi only went on the one date with Walker so it’s not like she has any claim on him. Jandi, Tyrus, and Wuffy would be neat and tidy but where’s the drama, the angst, the passion? And why would she say that nothing is going to happen? As far as she knows Walker is single, there’s nothing stopping a confident driven woman like Buffy from pursuing Walker if she has a crush on him.
Andi Mack is a tween soap opera and it relies on its twists and turns. I just can’t see what pairing Buffy would Walker would achieve. They’ve had one scene together and they barely talked. Sure the portrait was nice but what kind of connection do they have? And why would Buffy suddenly develop a crush on Walker after learning about the nice things Jonah did for her? And if Wuffy happens that means that Jandi and Tyrus are endgame so why is there a need to pair Buffy with someone? Darius is great but wouldn’t it be easier and cheaper for the show to write him off and just have Buffy stay single?
Which brings me to the big structural reason why I believe Juffy is endgame. Buffy having a crush was a late addition to S2 only because Marty left. If Marty stays then Muffy would have been endgame but with him gone Buffy doesn’t have a partner. Cyrus was always going to end up with TJ so he’s taken care of which just leaves Andi and Jonah. Given how linked Jandi and J*rus have been since the very beginning I think J*rus sinking means that Jandi is doomed soon, even if they make it out of S2 still together. And of course Cyrus has the swing scenes with his endgame partner TJ just two eps before Andi meets her endgame partner Walker.
I think Terri’s original plan was for Muffy, Tyrus, and Wandi to be endgame while Jonah remained single in S3. This would have been a great twist, sinking the two original ships of the show and removing Jonah, who was explicitly introduced as a love interest, from the dating pool. This leaves 3/4ths of the kids in relationships which the show can mine for drama. But once Marty left, Buffy was left without and partner and suddenly you have half of the kids left single which is difficult for a tween oriented show to pull off. And of course Asher’s star has risen dramatically since S1 and Disney almost certainly wants their hottest star to remain a love interest.
Terri has spoken very negatively about Jandi in the past and I can’t imagine her making them endgame unless Disney forced her too. But paring Buffy with Jonah solves those problems: Terri still gets her big twist, half of the kids wont be left without partners, and Disney still gets to market Asher as a romantic lead. Whereas if Jandi is endgame there’s no need to give Buffy a crush as 3/4th’s of the kids will still have partners.
We don’t know when the writers knew for sure that Marty was never coming back but it must have been by the writing of ep 2x21 by the latest as that’s when they wrote that farewell letter from Marty. Not coincidentally it’s also the ep where we get Jonah’s ‘’Buffy likes me doesn’t she?’’ line and we see him spring into action and get Buffy the perfect gift, something he’s never been able to do for Andi.
And Jonah has had foreshadowy lines like that before. In 2x18 he asks if TJ are Cyrus are friends and later that same ep he asks if Bex and Bowie are getting married. We know that Cyrus and TJ will be more than friends and we know that Bex and Bowie will get married so why not Buffy having a crush on Jonah?
We also got Buffy referencing arm wrestling with Jonah which led to their only significant solo interaction back in A Good Hair Day. It reminded me of when Cyrus referenced meeting TJ at the swings when he and Buffy were comforting Jonah in 2x19. The show wanted us to think about the swing scene and what it meant and the show now wants us to think about the arm wrestling scene and what it meant. Juffy at least has some foundation but there’s nothing to support Wuffy.
My guess is that we’ll either get a half assed denial from Buffy next ep that she doesn’t like Jonah or it won’t be brought up directly but Cyrus will keep needling her. And Cyrus knows very well what having a crush on Jonah is like and would understand why Buffy doesn’t believe anything will happen or why she doesn’t want Andi to know. Next ep is also where we’ll get Buffy’s ‘’you two look so cute’’ line delivered to Jandi at the spoon. What did Cyrus do once he realized he liked Jonah? Hid it and became the world’s no 1 Jandi shipper. Perhaps we’ll see Buffy do the same.
One last reason I believe Jandi is doomed is because Andi didn’t make a new bracelet she took the old one from her memory box (ie from S1). But just like Cyrus’ vest wasn’t a magic totem neither will the bracelet be the totem that solves Jandi’s problems. 
I also thought it was a subtle nod to digging up the past and a little hint that we’ll be seeing Gabriel return from Bex’s past (and memory box) in the season finale.
I’m so glad that they didn’t mention the stupid 2 months timeskip. Someone must have realized what a disaster that would be.  And the excuse for Buffy moving back was a lot better than i thought it would be.
I wonder how Cyrus will come out in the future. He can’t say he has a crush on Jonah anymore but he at least has the swing that way reference to use with Tj, or TJ with him.
Not going to sugarcoat this; we just saw Ham have a midlife crisis and effectively decide to end his marriage and abandon his family. Of course he’ll be back and the show will pretend all is well but no man in his mid 50′s leaves his wife and family to go on a months long solo trip unless his marriage has collapsed. A lot of kids will be turning to their parents tonight asking if Ham leaving means he and Celia will be getting a divorce.
One thing I’ve been wondering all season is why haven’t we seen Cyrus in his vest friend shirt? At this point I think Disney forbade it because it would look too coupley. 
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curswine · 2 years
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I just watched Community 2x24 "For a Few Paintballs More (2)"
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sharethisgemwithme · 6 years
R’s blind watch, Steven’s birthday week
The end of season two. Lots of fun, a few theory questions, an incredibly controversial opinion, and a hook for next time.
Key: “Show dialogue”, R talking, me (J) talking
2x21 “The Answer” - R was intrigued at seeing the multiple Rubies. She had just been asking what their roles were. As the group arrived at the Blue palanquin: So the Diamonds are the top of the line? Oh, a Pearl. Is that our Pearl? I backed up so she could get a better look. Does it look like the Pearl we know? What am I looking for? They can change. Her gem’s not in the right place. Ah. A moment later when Rose and Pearl arrive. Ah, that makes more sense [for our Pearl]. During “Something Entirely New”: ... I hate this song. It’s all about their first time. They’re singing dialogue! They could’ve just been saying all this. It didn’t have to be a song. I decided not to bring up the “no questions” thing, I might bring it up sometime around “Know Your Fusion”.
2x22 “Steven’s Birthday” - R was surprised (though not as much as Connie) at how old Steven truly is. More aww at the “human beings” conversation. When Amethyst inadvertently plants the seed and then Greg ushers Steven into the barn: Here, go hide in this place where no one can see you try to grow. No big reaction at Amethyst being the car seat (I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite joke, but it’s one of the big double-take “wait, what?” moments). At the end of the episode when Connie is freaking out: No, he's fine. He's OK, see, there he is.
2x23 “It Could’ve Been Great” - No strong feelings about the song. As Steven is trying to get Lion to act: Lion don’t give a fuck. “No more naps.” Yep, that’ll do it. After Peridot explains the Great Diamond Authority and they ostentatiously walk in front of White Diamond’s mural: So is that a different one than we just saw? Are they just not gonna mention her? Putting her thoughts together: OK, I’m remembering the symbol. It had four of them, white, yellow, blue, and what was the other one? I didn’t mention the “Era 2″ symbol missing, I’ll wait until that shows up again. At the end, when Peridot holds back and gets the communicator: She's got something... are you, are you gonna say anything about it or what?! It’s a two-parter.
2x24 “Message Received” - Steven goes into the barn with Peridot: See, he’s going to deal with it now. A solid chuckle at Peridot getting trapped by the car lock. “Peri-snot!” Good one. When the call is made: Another Pearl! The camera pans to Yellow Diamond. Whoa, she’s big! When Peridot drops the big one: “You CLOD!” I guess clod is a pretty big curse word for them!
2x25 “Log Date 7 15 2″ - “Are you gonna be OK?” She is very much not OK. On the rooftop: She’s gonna push Greg off the roof isn’t she? She does. Called it! After Peridot and Garnet dance but don’t fuse: Are they gonna fuse later on? Or is that one of those things you’re not gonna tell me?
Despite Hulu messing up the season boundaries, I told her this was the true end of season two. That went a lot quicker. Well, season one is twice as long as the other seasons because whatever. OK. But the story does pick up and so it feels even faster. She sees the next episode title: Watermelons! That’s next time. But... watermelons!
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tehandeh · 6 years
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I'm watching Community 2x24 "For a Few Paintballs More (2)"
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