#con roddy
cantdealwiththisnow · 6 months
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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rodimissliveblogs · 11 months
I keep forgetting to make a proper post introducing the character I'm playing, but suffice it to say, "I need you alive, you need me strong" is honestly a pretty convincing argument for letting a vampire drink your blood to a woman who has one (1) more hp than the squishy wizard, and who has one (1) cantrip that does damage and zero (0) leveled spells that do damage. That's it. That's all she's got. She's got Eldritch Blast and a rapier. She is a support caster, and the spell of support she's cast tonight is "become juicebox".
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keferon · 2 months
Any starting resources for someone looking to get into Transformers?
I can’t speak for everyone but if I could time travel this is the list I would give to past me
1 - Transformers Prime. (Great series + basic lore/terms/names introduction for the new fans )
2 - Transformers : More than meets the eye + Transformers : Lost Light (IDW) (Infinitely dramatic gay clownery. Such a gem. 10/10. You need to have at least basic understanding of tf lore and terminology though. This is why I recommend watching “Transformers Prime” first)
3 - You probably have some of those robits as yours favorites at this point. Type “IDW insert name” into google or youtube to find out where to look for more comics with them. Use this image to navigate the timeline chronology so you always know what happens after what. (Don’t try to read everything on that list from the very start in chronological order - you will die of boredom)
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4 - Transformers Animated (This series has it’s own version of tf lore that might cause a lot of confusion if you try to read IDW comics after watching it without being already familiar with the basics. That’s what happened to me lmao There’s a lot of primes instead of just one Prime. And Bots and Cons are kind of like two different species or something.)
5 - Transformers Earthspark ( Very good series but you need to have a lot of prior knowledge to fully understand its themes. It’s writers did a great job at showing how much their characters have changed but absolutely forgot to show what they were like before they changed. This is why you need to read comics or watch the other shows first. Earthspark Megatron is redeemed villain but they didn’t show him being a villain. Earthspark Starscream is traumatised but they didn’t fucking show what exactly happened to him, they just expect you to already know. I could write an essay about this lol I need to stop)
6 - Transformers 1986 animated movie. For some reason I really love it. (The reason is Roddy who am I kidding) Maybe also Prime wars trilogy? Cyberverse? Transformers G1? Poke at everything. Have fun.
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cozzzynook · 2 months
The Decepticons having a biting problem because they want to mark their claim.
Deadlock marks Ratchet on his throat and helm in a way it can’t be replaced and that mark becomes a symbol of conjunx ritus for the both of them.
Starscream bites Bee and Windblade on their wings and makes sure the bite is perfect. Its Windblade who bites him right back and Bee waits a while before softly biting Star in his sleep giving him a nice surprise when he wakes.
Ambulon gives First aid a bit on his upper arm and does the other side because one just didn’t feel like it was enough. First aid was a blushing mess for weeks every time he looked at and remembered the bite. Lots of loud fragging ensued.
Brainstorm bit Perceptor suddenly when he was working on a project and Perceptor shot at him for not asking and doing it while he was holding a dangerous experiment. Perceptor was more flustered than anything when the anger passed and he was sitting in the med bay with Brainstorm who was getting a blaster wound treated. Perceptor loved the bite more than he cares to admit. But Brainstorm already knows.
Megatron was clumsy with his biting but he bit Rodimus right on the aft the first time and played it off as a kink. Only to bit the other aft and then his chassis one on each side. Rodimus felt it was more than just a kink when former cons looked at the two in complete shock while Megs looked proud. He found out from Drift who was just so aghast at how many Megs left on Roddy. During their conjunx sealing Megatron bit Roddy’s spoiler and Roddy bit Megs back on the flares beneath his helm and his cheek along with the space above his spark. Megatron was love struck and in awe following Roddy like a puppy even more after that.
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ikkosu · 5 months
hii!!! omg ahh i don’t do this often but … sending in an ask without anon heyyyy hegeheghe
SOOO hear me out on starscream with one of those jealousy prompts. literally ANY of them. oh y GOSH!!!!!!
hi Roddy!! 🫵😈yes yes I will cook for you. Keep you well fed.
—HOW utterly pathetic. He's currently locked away in your room, mass-displaced and stuffed in a closet of all places, while you're busy 'tending' the fleshies that you apparently call your family.
"Will you cut that foolish—"
Organics and their established hierarchies. Starscream rolled his eyes. Need they a purpose for those? He didn't fly all the way here just so you could stash him in this decrepit box and neglect him for the remaining hour.
In the middle of his musings, however, light blinds his optics and he hissed.
You pushed his cheek to the side, rummaging through the drawer roosted beside him. "Sorry, star. Can you move your wings? I gotta reach this—ah, right. Thanks."
You plucked out a small boxed, turning over the contents. " I've got my nephews downstairs, so they'll be hanging over for a bit."
Oh, how he would exterimate you if you were a lesser con.
He eyes you distastefully. "How much longer will I be held here? My wings are starting to cramp up."
"Ugh. Sparklings." He drawls and another biting insult lay fervent on his tongue. But he lets out a huff, instead. "Fine. Do whatever you like — but let's not forget you have a partner who needs all your attention before any of those fleshies do."
"I'll keep that in mind, commander." You leaned in and pecked the crook of his nose.
"Be quick about it." He growled. "I'll be waiting."
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tinydefector · 2 days
Psst , The human affect last one where after MC post those spicy pic's, imagine the new of it on Swerve bar's DRAMA and Chaos 😂😂😂 I want to see the reactions
Who's servos- Human effects
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: taking about explicit photos, light smut, hand humping, Drunk robots.
I added a sprinkle of Dratchet in here because I love these old men. So enjoy the boys reactions to the Ambassador's photos.
Swerves Bar is overly loud as mechs argue amongst each other as they try to figure out what bot was shacked up with the Ambassador, everyone looking at the photos as they try and figure out who's servos they are. 
"I'm telling you, those are Rodimus' servos for sure!" someone slurred, slamming their drink. "Only he's got servos that colour!" 
“Ah no, Animus has the same coloured Servos!” 
“Don't look at me im on the Ethics committee, and whoever is involved in this clearing doesn't care about the ethical side of interspecies relations which we have no knowledge on!” Animus argued back the moment his name was mentioned 
“What if it's UltraMagnus who painted them so he doesn't get caught!” Aquabat chimed in trying to be part of the conversation. 
"As if!" another scoffed. "Ultra stick-up-the-tailpipe would never. My shanix are on Atomizer." Gears states into his drink. 
At the counter, Rodimus nursed his engex with a scowl. "Sure as Frag wasn't me,  i'd be boasting about that in person!, plus the servos don't have the detailing I have!" He argued back. 
Drift flashed a sly grin. "Oh I don't know, Roddy - they do raise an interesting point. You are the Mech they spend a lot of time with who's captain of the ship, and I believe you'd keep it a secret to spite everyone" the ex con was Overcharged himself, drifting from where Rodimus sat and where Ratchet was sulking over his own drink. 
"It has to be one of the senior staff," argued Hound. "They've got the most face time with the Ambassador." 
"Don't discount the scientists," Brainstorm countered. "Interspecies collaboration is crucial work." A collection of them look at Brainstorm for a kilk. 
Nautica scowled as she passed by. "We all know you have no tack Brainstorm."  
Tailgate tugged Rewind's arm anxiously. "Do you think we'll get in trouble for looking? I didn't mean to pry, honest!"
Rewind shook his head. "No, its publicly posted with consent, pretty sure if the Ambassador had issues with it High command would have dealt with it already " 
Beside them, Swerve studied the photos intently. "Maybe I should invite the ambassador for drinks. Get to chatting, see if we could get them to spill."
"No harassing them," Rodimus warned, stealing Swerve's datapad. "Now let it go, mechs. Their choices aren't anyone's business but their own." 
Skids appeared at Drift's side suddenly. "Can you believe it, Drift?, who do you think it is?" He waved a datapad at the speedster, proudly displaying an image. 
Swerve perchs up his field mischievous. "Any guesses on the lucky mech, Drift?, we're Taking bets" He states in singy song tone. 
“C’mon Tailgate, don’t be such a prude,” Skids nudged the minibot to look at the photos  as he ducked shyly behind his engex. “Ain’t you curious?” 
Swerve flashed a waggle. "C'mon Drift, place your chips! I got hot odds on Roddy, Crossblades, or maybe even that slippery therapist Rung." 
Hound elbowed in, visor blinding. "Do they show interface arrays? Wonder how alien bits compare!" 
Drifts optics focus in on the holos taking in the Ambassador and the servos, Drift felt his energon run cold as his optics focused unmistakably on the servos in the image. Oh, he knew those battle-worn appendages all too well - how many vorns had he felt their merciless precision upon his mesh, heard their owner growl his name through the throes of overload? 
But dear Primus, how had the Ambassador come to possess Ratchet's severed servos? A flash of memory surfaced - hadn't Ratchet left them in medical incase he ever had to use them again. after the massacre at Delphi. 
He snuck a surreptitious glance at Ratchet through the chaos, the grumpy Medic seemed to slouch more in his seat while spilling a bright green mixed high grade. A smirk spread Drift's lips. “ don't Bet Swerve” he states. Rising smoothly, making a beeline for Ratchet with the holo in hand.
Ratchet glances up when he sees Drift, had the CMO not been so drained and worried he might have smiled at Drift, but with everything that had happened with Traxies his systems were running full alert. "Well well, look who finally noticed me," Ratchet remarked dryly as Drift slid into the seat beside him, weariness pulling his field taut as ever-tightening screws. "And just what have you got there that's got your relays in a twist?"
Drift took a moment to slowly moving to straddle his conjunx lap, teasing whispering to him as he handed over the holo. "Funny thing - seems our dear Ambassador has found a new use for those old servos of yours, though how, I couldn't say..."  Ratchet whipped his gaze to the image, intake dropping open at the sight of all-too-familiar digits wrapped intimately around supple flesh. His fans stuttered violently. 
"The pit...how in Primus's name did they get a hold of my old servos?!" He rasped, snatching the holo to pore over with widening optics. Somewhere in the drunken din, Drift managed to slap a servo over Ratchet's mouth before he made a scene. 
Drift leaned close, vents puffing hot against an audial. "Well? Care to make a claim, or shall mystery have them all in a tizzy?" he purred silkily. Ratchet grimaces, field warming ever so slightly beneath its veneer of exhaustion. "None of their business," he grumbled, staring pointedly at Drift. 
Drift chuckled, glossa flicking coyly over his dermas. "Aw, don't be like that. You know you're enjoying the thought of having every optic in this bar on you, imagining all the sinful things you'd do” 
A rumbling growl escaped Ratchet's intake. "And you'd best mind your tone, or you'll find yourself in need of a medical. Again." But his field betrayed amusement Drift's optics glinted knowingly. "You say that like it's a chore, but we both recall how creative your medical procedures can be...especially with an eager patient beneath those adept servos." 
"You're like rust" Ratchet huffs but lets Drift continue, his mind does start to wonder about how soft the Ambassador looks. "Honestly, you're worse than the younglings sometimes, Drift." But his digits had already found their way to rest in the seams of Drift’s hips. 
The Ex con nuzzled closer still, voice playful even in his overcharged state. "How you wound me, doctor." His servo crept daringly across Ratchet's plating, tracing patterns. "Just imagine - that soft little frame. The sounds you could coax from those lips..."
A shiver worked its way through Ratchet's struts, betraying his fraying self-control. "You really are determined to get us both in more trouble than we can handle, aren't you?" But his engine revved eagerly all the same. Drift purred contentedly as deft medic's digits found all his sensitive nodes just right. "Mm, you say trouble but I know how you enjoy a challenge, doc." 
His field pulsed hot as his imagination, arousal spiking at thought of the Ambassador with them. "Just picture it - that lithe organic frame writhing between us, so curious and willing to learn." Drift continued to grind against Ratchet's servos. "You'll get us both in the brig, get back to my Hub you're overcharged" he huffs out. 
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mechdyke · 1 month
Rodimus X human!Reader - One-on-one time
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WARNINGS: WATERSPORTS, under-negotiated kink, very mild non-con if you squint, AFAB reader but no gendered pronouns
Note: I'm imagining the reader to be about the size of a large doll. about 35cm/14” if compared to a human? That's how big the porcelain doll I used to work out positioning is lol
this is... the first fanfic ive finished and posted in probably close to 7 years. and its piss. its just lovingly written piss. whatever man. if anyone has any advice or notes pls lmk! i still feel like its a bit poorly written and awkward.
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Getting the lap dog treatment from Rodimus was something you were used to by now. Your soft body being held tightly against hard abdominal plating, digits caressing your head and patting your hair, toying gently with soft strands in an affectionate way. Could it get uncomfortable? Sure. But the gentle rumbling of an engine and the slight warmth of metal armour up against your back was surprisingly comforting, despite the lack of padding.
After a good couple of hours of sitting in his lap, the familiar feeling of the need to pee started to build up in your abdomen. The tickling sensation coupled with the way Rodimus' servo was gently pressing against your stomach was already becoming a bit too much to handle. You took in a breath, trying to calm your body as much as possible before you spoke up. "Hey, Rodimus? Gonna need you to let me up real quick." You spoke as calmly as possible, trying not to alert him to your growing discomfort.
"Huh? What? Why? I thought we had something good going here. Just you and me, havin' a lil one on one time." Rodimus joked, squeezing you just a little more firmly against him. You sucked in a breath at the pressure, his servo pressing right against your bladder. You needed to get up ASAP.
"Roddy as much as I love you and your attempts at humour..." You smiled as casually as you could, feeling your crotch tingle ever so slightly, "I'm serious, I really gotta head to the bathroom." You looked up into his optics, meeting his gaze. He paused for a minute, his digits going still against you. The datapad he was trying, and failing miserably, at reading through nearly fell from his servo. You swore you could see his spoiler wings twitch, his vents cycling just a little warmer.
"Uh-huh! Just gimme a bit and I'll carry ya to the washracks. Really gotta finish reading and signing this or Ultra Magnus will get on my aft again." Rodimus finally replied after an awkward moment of silence, his voice slightly strained. You sighed, and relented quickly with a nod. The quicker you agreed, the quicker he'd finish doing his thing. Plus, at this point, the long trek to the washracks might be your downfall. And you really didn't wanna wet yourself on the way there. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything but the feeling of needing to pee. The sound of Rodimus' digits tapping at the datapad. The thud of bots walking through distant corridors. The slight smell of gasoline and burnt rubber. The feeling of his servo pressing-
"Can't you finish when we get back? I'll only be a couple of minutes- or uh- kliks I promise." You huffed desperately, your voice uncharacteristically shaky. Your thighs were squeezing together, and you were squirming even more. If his servo wasn't wrapped around you you'd have run off by now. You lean your head back against him, breathing rather heavily. He glances down at your flushed face, small organic body squirming against his large metal frame, and the look of pure desperation on your face. His fans click on.
You feel your cheeks heat up slightly at the sound. "Rodimus...?" Your need to pee is almost entirely forgotten for a moment as you stare up into his optics. A moment passes where you're both silent. "Rodimus are you getting off on this?" You ask rather bluntly, eyes not leaving his optics. Energon rushes to his cheeks, and he scoffs in denial.
"What? Of course not! Who'd get all charged up to the idea of a cute little squishy organic sitting on their lap, squirming against their panel and making cute little whimpers? Not me. That's for sure." Rodimus scoffs again, flush deepening as he realises he's just dug himself into an even deeper hole. An embarrassed staticky noise escapes his vocaliser, and he squeezes you around the abdomen again, unconsciously. "Alright fine, maybe. Don't be mad?" He sighs, scratching the back of his helm.
"Look, I'm not mad but-" You snap back to the reality of the situation as your crotch throbs almost painfully, his servo pressing against you reminding you of the heavy feeling in your bladder. You let out a groan, resting your head against his abdominal plating. "I'm going to piss myself if you keep pressing against me like that..." You mumble, arousal pooling in your lower stomach. You grind against him slightly in a mix of desperation and arousal. Rodimus' fans start spinning even faster, the warmth of his plating almost hot enough to burn your skin. He has to manually override a command to open his panel, the arousal starting to cloud his processor.
"Let me... help you with that..." Are the next words that escape Rodimus' voice box. Before you can ask what he means, a large metal hand is caressing your crotch gently, curiously. Your mind is slightly hazy, the tension thick in the air. You don't respond verbally, instead fumbling with the button to your pants and pulling them off with a slight struggle. Your underwear were damp, the slightest tinge of ammonia hitting his olfactory sensors. He dismissed another command prompt.
Digits trace against your covered crotch before pulling your underwear down, your breath hitching in your throat. Rodimus picks you up, resting you against his chassis. He pulls a thick polishing cloth from his subspace, folding it and placing it into his palm, before gently placing you on top of it, leaning you back against his digits. You fit surprisingly comfortably into his servo, legs dangling off the side of his palm. "Alright uh... you can just... void onto this cloth." His voice was strained, his internal fans whirring, his engine rumbling and his vents pouring hot air into the already warm room.
"I can't go when you're watching..." You mumble in embarrassment, face burning up. The cloth is soft against you, his frame warm and comfortingly familiar.
"Yes you can, sweetspark..." Rodimus rumbles comfortingly, free servo gently running through your hair. Your face is flushed with humiliation, you breath coming out as ragged pants. It burns and throbs, and you can feel a fluttering, tingly sensation blooming from your urethra, enveloping your entire crotch. One of his digits gently rubs at your folds, toying with your clit ever so gently to help you relax. He increases the pressure on your stomach slightly to encourage you, and you let go with a whimper.
It starts off slow, a gentle trickle into the cloth. Rodimus presses it against you slightly, making sure to soak up as much as possible. His thumb continues gently rubbing circles around your clit, cloth nestled in his palm. You can't hold back your noises, small moans and whimpers filling his audials. The sound of pressurising hydraulics can be heard as he lifts you slightly closer to his faceplate, optics flickering slightly as he watches. You're getting embarrassingly close already, panting and twitching in his servo. The cloth is almost entirely soaked, the once soft white fabric now tinted yellow. The feeling of emptying your bladder coupled with the pressure on your clit has you finishing quicker than you've ever finished before. Your back arches slightly, and with a soft moan of his name you're cumming against his servo.
Rodimus sucks in a heavy ex-vent, his free servo moving slightly faster. You didn't even notice he was touching himself until now. His helm hangs back as he overloads, sticky pink transfluids splattering across his desk and onto the forgotten datapad. You're panting as you lay back slightly in his palm, sticky, sweaty and absolutely spent. You both take a moment to rest before he pulls out another cloth from his subspace. He shoves the soiled one into his desk drawer, slowly wiping and cleaning you up with the new one. You hum in appreciation, squirming slightly at the overstimulating feeling of soft fabric against your sensitive folds. He quickly cleans himself up, his panel sliding closed with a click, and softly places you back down in his lap. His engine purrs softly, and you sigh contently. "Hey Rodimus?" He hums in response to your words, looking down at you with clear blue optics. "Next time you want me to piss on you, can you just ask?" You laugh softly. His faceplate heats up again and he bursts into his own laugh, rolling his optics and poking you in the side slightly.
"You ask so much of me." He sighs dramatically, shaking his helm. He reaches down to gently stroke your hair as you slowly start to doze off. His cheeks heat up again, energon rushing to his faceplate. "...wait... next time?”
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lightandspark · 1 year
Sleeping Headcanons (Couples Sharing A Bed for the first time)
MegOp: Back when Optimus was Orion Pax, his developing romantic ‘friendship’ with Megatron was growing, the two decided to sleep at a local inn during their trips. And there was only one berth. Both very shy and slightly nervous, though Megatron tried to hide it but tripped over a few of his words, they eventually settle in for the night. Low and behold, Megatron snores. He snores very loud. It’s remarkable that Orion actually fell asleep through it all… perhaps because being in Megatron’s strong embrace, holding him close to his chasis as Orion found himself smiling as the safety consumed him and let him dream…. Optimus sighs, looking up at the cold, night sky and wondered if Megatron thinks about those days as well.
RatchetDrift: They both offered to sleep somewhere else if the other wasn’t up to sharing a berth, but ultimately agreed to settle in for the night. Both settling in, resting down… Drift woke up past midnight at the sound of Ratchet’s mild snoring and noticed how the medic gently spooned him with such tenderness and care, Drift smiled as he closed his optics and quickly fell back to sleep.
Rodimags: Rodimus is so fine with sharing a berth with ANYONE actually. He has done it multiple times and simply throws himself on the berth and says a quick “goodnight” to Magnus before immediately falling asleep. Ultra Magnus had to stand there for a moment before awkwardly deciding to join his friend to bed. Quietly laying down next to the snoring speedster, Rodimus is a mild snorer, and closes his optics. Nestles to say, Ultra Magnus also snores and he enjoys spooning Rodimus and Roddy happily enjoys being held.
JazzProwl: They wound up sharing a berth before they even started being together as a couple, both harbouring strong feelings at this point and had formed a deep friendship of sorts. They were both mature and were perfectly fine being around each other, so ultimately decided it shouldn’t be a problem. Jazz would then find out… Prowl snores when he actually gets VERY tired and he LOVES to snuggle, cuddle, and spoon his partner (Prowl only does this with Jazz, ONLY Jazz because he loves holding his Jazz.) Jazz blinks, before smiling as he cuddled closer to Prowl’s chassis. The morning after, Jazz can’t help but smile and giggle a little at Prowl profusely apologies for taking liberties… Prowl thought he was having the best dream ever, not realizing it was very real.
MirageHound: Mirage never shared a berth with anyone in his life… but he decided to act all mature, prim, and proper as he makes the berth and coax Hound to come along. Mirage was surprised when Hound offered to sleep somewhere else if Mirage doesn’t wishes to share a berth. Mirage blinks, scoffing that he is not going let Hound sleep uncomfortably else where and tell him to get ready for berth. Hound raised a brow as Mirage settles, snuggling up before smiling and resting next to him. Mirage then wakes up and nearly shrieks when he realizes he was on Hound’s SIDE of the berth, cuddling him, spooning him, taking LIBERTIES while Hound continued to snore soundly and seemingly unbothered. When Hound wakes up, he was quick to reassure that everything was ok, offering one of his charming smiles that always made Mirage giggle. Mirage swears on Primus, he is falling more in love with the scout.
BlasterSoundwave: Blaster and Soundwave reluctantly shared a berth together, this was during the war and a temporary truce between them as they laid to sleep. Blaster making a boarder between them and Soundwave huffing as he turns away. Turns out Blaster is a cuddlier and Soundwave isn’t a graceful sleeper and sprawls every limb… and the quietest con is a snorer. A very loud snorer too. So behold, both reading the border with Soundwave all sprawled out, snoring with one arm hugging Blaster while Blaster is all snuggled in his chasis.
KnockoutBreakdown: These two are so chill in sharing a berth that they are almost shameless. They have been there for each other through thick and thin and to seeing one berth… it’s more so that they are happy there was even a berth in the first place. So quickly, they jump in and went to bed. No awkwardness when they wake up cuddling each other as they simply stretch and say a quick “Good morning”. Also… they both snore. Though, Knockout refuse to acknowledge it.
InfernoRedAlert: Inferno snores, but are very soft snoring. He sleeps on his side and doesn’t move much in his sleep. He is pretty fine with sharing a berth as they are simply sleeping nothing much. He does find out later why Red Alert was a bit nervous though as Red Alert enjoys spooning and cuddling, it was quite cute actually and Inferno found himself enjoying being spooned.
WindbladeStarscream: Starscream snores. He snores very loud too and Windblade is tone deaf to his snoring though. Windblade is perfectly fine sharing a berth as she done so many times with her sister while Starscream is a little reluctant and almost flustered before giving in. He is also a cuddlier as Windblade found out and she snickered, hugging him too.
GreenlightArcee: Arcee LOVES to spoon her Greenlight! She wouldn’t want it either way and she also loves the sounds of her soft, quiet snores and doesn’t get why Greenlight is so embarrassed by it. THEY ARE ADORABLE. They were both a little shy when they shared a berth for the first time, both offering to sleep else where and kept offering each other the berth. In the end, they both wound up in the berth, snuggled up. Though Arcee found herself staring on how beautiful Greenlight was for a while as she watched the scientist peaceful in her slumber while letting out such adorable snores.
PerceptorBrainstorm: Perceptor calmly went to the berth and fell asleep first, snoring lightly as Brainstorm tiredly followed and fell face first next to him. Brainstorm snoring too, that’s muffled against the pillows. Brainstorm moves a lot throughout the night but leaves Percy undisturbed. They wake up, Perceptor still in the same spot he was while Brainstorm was literally all over the place.
TailgateCyclonus: Tailgate, similar to Greenlight, snores very lightly and Cyclonus also find them quite endearing and gets nervous if he wakes up at night not hearing them… he nearly lost Tailgate twice so he always takes it seriously to preciously hold Tailgate close as they sleep. Tailgate loves being in Cyclonus hold.
SandstormOctane: Similar to Knockout and Breakdown, they aren’t really that shy on sharing a berth with each other for the first time. Both sleeps sprawled out with limbs tangled with each other’s. Octane snores very loudly.
SilverboltSlingshot: Both were rather flustered on the fact there was only one berth, Slingshot immediately offering to sleep on the floor instead but Silverbolt said he would do it instead. Both wound up having a small argument before settling on the berth, giving each other space and shyly saying a quick “goodnight”… Silverbolt had a great sleep but woke up to see Slingshot cuddling on his side of the berth, snoring loud as Silverbolt sighed, gently petting the younger bot’s helm. Slingshot was bright red afterwards and shyly apologizes as Silverbolt smiles gently at him.
CosmosBlastOff: Both were very flustered as well, rather shyly climbing into the berth with shy smiles and laughs before snuggling up in the berth. Ultimately, they wake up with smiles, Cosmos snuggled up into Blast Off while Blast Off gently had his arms wrapped around him. Neither of them snore.
NauticaRoadRage: Road Rage was a bit shy but Nautica assure her that they simply are going to sleep. This was before they confess their feelings for each other. It’s rather sweet though. Road Rage wound up spooning and Nautica snores very lightly and they are very cute too.
GlyphTapOut: They are best friends and are perfectly fine with sleeping next to each other, prior to realizing their feelings. They done it loads of time, though first time were a little shy but it ware off quick. Tap Out lightly snores and spoons and Glyph likes to cuddle.
VelocityFirestar: Neither were that shy or nervous, if anything they were excited to share this moment with each other. Both getting into the berth, Firestar slightly sprawled but held Velocity snuggling into her and they both fell asleep. Firestar snores very lightly but on rare occasions.
LightbrightSparkstalker: Lightbright isn’t even a little shy and snuggles up on the berth, coaxing Sparkstalker to join her. He was a little shy but does so. Lightbright is a cuddlier and Sparkstalker spoons. They both snore very lightly.
LightspeedAfterburner: Afterburner was very shy while Lightspeed cheerfully gets the berth ready and gently calls for him before he laid to sleep. Afterburner quietly joins him and rests down. Their limbs tangled with each other and both snoring loudly, when they woke up, they laughed and stretch out completely content.
MoonheartBlitstream: SHY. SHY. SHY. FLUSTERED. SHY. Blitstream suggested he sleeps on the floor but Moonheart told him not to and she timidly led him to the berth, both shyly getting on and laying there face to face. Smiling a little before closing their optics. Moonheart snuggles closer while Blitstream gently held her. Neither snore, just soft vents and smiles.
AlanaSeaspray: It’s rather sweet, they became a couple and they shared their first night together. Seaspray was a little shy, Alana too but hid it very well. She rest in his arms and slowly fell asleep. Hearing her soft breathing, Seaspray held her closer and closed his optics and went into peaceful recharge. They woke up still cuddling and peppering each other with kisses.
RaoulTracks: Raoul was a little shy as it was his first serious relationship and Tracks was so excited and wanted to be there first time sharing a berth together meaningful. He was very gentle in holding Raoul close to him as Raoul quickly gotten comfortable, chuckling a little as he heard Tracks snores, finding them soothing and cute. He then fell asleep too, snoring lightly as Tracks woke first and smiled big at the adorable sound.
AstoriaPowerglide: Both were shameless and gotten in the berth like that, Powerglide holding her gently to his chasis with one servo while the rest of him sprawled out while Astoria was curled up near his spark. Both snore, but Astoria very lightly and Powerglide very loudly.
Cons4EvaCrankcase: Both a little shy but quickly gotten over it as the rest together. Crankcase spoons Cons as Cons snores lightly and Crankcase slowly fell asleep with a smile as he held his Cons closer to him and went to dreamland.
Bonus Sleep Headcanons:
Bumblebee snores are very small chirrs and a very cute too, he is also a blanket hog.
Ironhide snores are very mild. He doesn’t admit it but he enjoys getting spooned.
Sunstorm likes to spoon.
Slipstream likes to cuddle. Flamewar is a blanket hog, sprawls out, and snores. Shadow Striker sleeps dead on her back.
Whirl sprawls out in his sleep and snores loudly.
Smokescreen and Bluestreak both snore… they are pretty loud.
Sunstreaker likes to spoon. He doesn’t snore.
Sideswipe likes to be held and lightly snores.
Wheeljack has mild snores and likes to spoon his partner.
Air Raid snores and spoons, Skydive and Fireflight enjoy being held.
Trailbreaker snores but they are rather light.
Blades snores. Hot Spot and Groove like to spoon. Streetwise and First Aid like to be held.
Skywarp is a mild snorer.
Thundercracker likes to spoon and cuddle.
Springer and Thunderclash are the best spooners.
Blurr likes to be held.
Kup likes to spoon and cuddle.
Blitzwing snores very loudly and a blanket hog.
Thunderblast is also a blanket hog.
Dead End enjoys being held but never admits it.
The Combaticons are all blanket hogs (minus Blast Off) Onslaught, Swindle, Brawl, and Vortex all snore loudly. Hardtop doesn’t snore though.
Lunaclub and Trickdiamond are blanket hogs.
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cosmics-beings · 4 months
Can I ask your opinion on what you personally think a good redemption arc for Megatron would be? I agree with your opinion of IDW/ES’s attempts because it really feels like something is…missing.
this is kinda critical, and it may be strange coming from me because over the past year I've tended to be soft on megatron but I've also been looking at characters with a more critical lens....so if hardcore megatron critique offends you then just look over. also...these are MY opinions.
What is missing is actual accountability, because in none of Megatrons redemption arcs does he ever actually take accountability, at least not in a way, IMO, that does anything for the narrative or holds him accountable.
There’s a lot of things that could’ve been done different. while I don’t really agree with how things are going in ES in regards to his character, what I do like is that Megatron’s past actions are finally coming back to get him. And by that, I mean that all the Decepticons have practically turned their back on him, which I love. And it also shows the organization can and in some cases should exist without him. I think what I didn’t like about ES, is that his redemption fell flat because he didn’t really understand a lot of what he did wrong. Meaning that, yes he was very sympathetic about being a warlord, and causing war and stuff. we even saw how much he cared about the deceptions and how angry he’d get when he thought that Optimus was working with GHOST to subdue the cons.
However, Megatron’s care for the Decepticons in ES is very very conditional. Meaning that if any Con had an issue with I’m, or literally wasn’t worshipping his feet or seeing him as a leader, he was prone to violence. This was shown with the Seekers AND Soundwave especially Soundwave — whom his peaceful facade broke the minute Soundwave held him accountable.
So I can’t say I completely hate ES, because it shows the flaws in taking a war lord and trying to make him a family grandpa, when he hasn’t really, truly been held accountable. But that’s also the thing that kinda makes me not like his redemption arc in ES. He is free, with the Autobots, with the Maltos, while his people are not. AND YES, for whatever reason, Megatron betrayed them. Maybe Megaton thought he was doing the right thing, maybe he thought it was saving the Decepticons, regardless it was still a bad look imo.
I hope ES points that out, how hypocritical he is, how the Deceptions don’t really want him as a leader because of that. 
IDW/Lost Light...
I love the Lost light, and i have a soft spot for LL Megs, but I really don't think Megatron deserved a lot of the nuance and care he got, when other characters had to suffer and didn't really get that. LIKE soundwave and other cons/ex-cons also deserved that nuance and love he got.
I think what i really hated however is how Megatron's presence on the Lost Light overshined a lot of the other characters. There was this need to push an unneeded redemption to the point that other people's narratives were overlooked. Rodimus suffered MASSIVELY for this, and he became an addition to Megatron' s arc, wherein he still had so much more growing to do. Now his character is solely tied to megatron and to me at least, it's kinda annoying. He deserves to exist outside of megatron but because there was a need for redemption for Megatron, he doesn't get that.
The relationship between Magnus and Rodimus, which needed to be highlighted, was HEAVILY destroyed because the narrative wanted Megatron to be the main character. And Roddy's trauma with being a prime was essentially downplayed.
I think that Megatron probably should've fought Unicron with the others in the end. And similar to starscream and soundwave, i think death, certain death would've been a great redemption for him. I'm not saying he can't be on the lost light for a while but essentially he wasn't held accountable for anything he did. he got therapy, he got a family, and he also got to leave to go to the functions universe and live a life he wanted.
and yeah maybe he gets executed, but there is also another megatron who was created with another LL, who doesn't get that, and he gets to be free and happy, while trillions are still dead because of him.
I don't think he actually got a redemption arc in the LL simply because he wasn't held accountable for anything. He got a very compelling, sympathetic story that i guess worked...
but i never saw it as redemption because he never was truly truly held accountable for what he did.
that's just my opinion. all of this is just my opinion so you don't have to agree with my takes!
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the--blackdahlia · 1 year
Two of a Kind (Working on a Full House) (MJF x Adam Cole)
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Title: Two of a Kind (Working on a Full House)
Summary: Double or Nothing Weekend in Vegas. What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: Mild dub-con, implied drunk sex, language, angst with a happy ending, drinking
The lights were too bright as Adam slowly opened his eyes. It wasn’t even that bright in the room, but when the alcohol was gone and just left its nasty aftertaste, everything was too bright. The room was spinning slightly as he shut his eyes, savoring the darkness and enjoying the arms wrapped around him.
Adam’s eyes snapped back open. He looked down and, sure enough, there were a pair of arms wrapped around him, holding him close to whoever was behind him. Okay, so he had brought someone back to the room. That would explain why his ass hurt. God, Max was going to kill him for doing that. Especially if he had to go sleep somewhere else.
Glancing over at the bed across from him, he saw it was empty. Either Max had gone somewhere else when Adam brought back his date, or he had left early to get breakfast or something. All Adam knew was he wasn’t there, and he was praying that the person behind him wasn’t Roddy.
Adam was trying to figure out what to do. The arms around him were pretty strong, so he’d have to wake up whoever it was. He groaned softly, trying to figure out what he should do. His phone was right there on the nightstand. He could text Max and ask for his help getting rid of the guy. He slowly reached for his phone when something on his left hand caught his attention. 
A black and gold silicon band hugged his ring finger, right underneath the Dynamite Diamond ring.
Oh no.
Adam slowly turned his head as far as he could to see if he could see the face of the man behind him. He could see a mop of curly hair, and he caught a whiff of very familiar cologne. A panic started to overtake Adam as he wiggled out of the arms and quickly stood up.
“Oh god…” Adam gasped. Sure enough, Max was lying there, slowly starting to wake up from Adam pulling away from him. Adam took in the sight before him. Empty bottles on the nightstand by his phone, condoms thrown off to the side, their clothes in a pile at the foot of the bed. Max was naked in the bed, and Adam had been just a moment ago.
Before Adam could stop himself, a scream spilled from his lips, jolting Max awake.
“What? What’s going on?” He asked, sitting up quickly. He and Adam stared at each other. “Uh, brochacho, why are you naked and screaming?”
“Why am I…why are you naked in my bed?!”
“Naked in your…” Max lifted the blanket that had pooled around his waist. Sure enough, not an article of clothing to be seen. He dropped the blanket and caught sight of his own left hand. A matching black and gold silicon ring to the one Adam was wearing. “What the fuck?”
“Trust me, I know!” Adam held up his hand to show Max the ring on his own. Max quickly grabbed his hand.
“Why do you have my diamond ring?” He asked.
“Fuck if I know! Just take it.” Adam slid the ring off and handed it back to Max, just leaving the silicon band.
“How much did we drink last night?” Max was taking in all the same things that Adam had. Adam grabbed a pair of underwear from his bag and slipped them on. “We just had a couple of drinks, right?”
“I think so? I don’t really remember,” Adam sighed. “I just remember Dax and Cash buying beers, and then we decided to go play mini golf with Yuta and Claudio. That was the last thing I remember.”
“Well, the aftertaste in my mouth isn’t whatever white trash beer FTR decided to buy us,” Max rubbed his eyes. “My mother is going to kill me.”
“I got married and didn’t even tell her. She’s going to cut my balls off.”
“...You just found out you married your tag team partner and you’re worried about your mom?!”
“I’m worried about other things too Adam!” Max looked around. “Like where the hell is the Triple B?”
“Did you lose on Collison or something?”
“Now is NOT the time to be making jokes Adam.”
Max was out of bed and tearing the room apart to find his belt. Adam went to look in the bathroom, because weirder things had happened, when he came upon a piece of paper. A marriage license. For the marriage of Maxwell Jacob Friedman and Adam Friedman.
What. The. Fuck.
Adam quickly headed into the bathroom. After not seeing the Triple B anywhere, he decided to use these moments alone to try to compose himself. He splashed some water on his face and looked in the mirror. Thankfully, no Mike Tyson tattoo and no missing teeth. And there was no tiger in the bathtub. There was just a mocking black and gold ring and a pain that proved they had been together the night before. After calming himself down, he headed back into the room to a scene that was anything but calm.
“I can’t find her!”
“The Triple B!” Max had torn apart their bags, their clothes all over the floor.
“Can you put some pants on and we’ll look together?” Adam asked, which got Max to stop for a second, realizing he was, in fact, still naked.
“Don’t like the view hubby?” Max asked, making Adam glare.
“Okay, fine, you can look for the belt yourself.”
“Oh come on babe, I was kidding…”
“Max, thin ice,” Adam growled. “Come on. Let’s get dressed. We’ll see if it’s at the desk.”
After getting dressed and making sure sunglasses were firmly on their heads, they headed to the front desk. Max had to be restrained when the poor desk girl said that she hadn’t seen it.
“Okay, okay. Let’s go get breakfast and we’ll figure something out,” Adam told him. “It has to be around here somewhere.”
The two found a cafe and were seated outside. Adam was not paying attention as Max ordered them mimosas for their drinks. He was too busy looking at the menu and staring at the ring on his finger.
“I really thought after last night, more alcohol would be the last thing you’d want,” Yuta said as he and Claudio took their seats at the table next to Adam and Max. Adam was frozen mid-sip, realizing the orange juice wasn’t exactly orange.
“How much did we drink?” Adam asked, setting the glass down.
“I don’t know about afterward, but with us, shots flowed like water,” Claudio chuckled. “We might have had a little drinking game going.”
The Day Before
“You miss, you take a shot?” Yuta suggested.
“We’ll all be too drunk to make a shot,” Adam told him.
“Okay, well what do you have in mind, Bay Bay?”
“Someone makes a hold in one, everyone takes a shot?” Max suggested. He missed the wicked look on Claudio’s face.
“Excellent,” He chuckled. “Let’s get to it.”
By the 10th hole, Max and Adam were starting to feel buzzed. No one bothered to tell them that on top of everything else that the superhuman known as Claudio was good at, mini-golf was on the list. And Yuta had gotten a few too, meaning that Max and Adam were several shots down at this point.
“That was fun!” Yuta laughed, slightly buzzed at the end of the course.
“Fun for you guys maybe,” Adam grumbled.
“Oh come on, at least we didn’t make you do karaoke or something,” Yuta slapped his shoulder. “Maybe you two should go get some dinner.”
“Not going with us?” Max asked.
“We have some things to attend to,” Claudio explained before walking off with Yuta, leaving Max and Adam to their own devices.
Present Day
“What happened after that?” Adam asked. Yuta shrugged.
“You guys went off to get dinner and we went to use our room’s jacuzzi.”
“You’re not very helpful, you know that?” Max snapped.
“You’ll have to excuse Max. He lost something very important,” Adam explained, trying to keep the peace. Lord knows he didn’t want Yuta to run and tell Mox that he needed to fight Max.
“His championship?” Claudio looked Max over. “I know that by the 12th hole, you were letting people take pictures with it.”
“I let poors touch the Triple B?!” Max asked, absolutely horrified. To the point Yuta, Adam, and Claudio all started laughing. “Did one of these, these western, desert-dwelling, Fallout wannabes take it?” Adam looked at Max. Did he make a video game reference? To a game that Adam had off-handedly said he was going to play on the plane?
“No, you did have it when we left you,” Claudio told him. Max breathed a sigh of relief, but that was quickly replaced with more worry at where the hell his belt was.
The rest of the breakfast was pretty uneventful. Yuta and Claudio made small talk, and for the most part, Adam and Max did their best to keep it up. It felt like just two couples having brunch. Nothing more. After the pancakes were eaten and the mimosas drank, Max and Adam headed back out to see if they could find the belt.
“Well, at least we know that you didn’t let some random mini-golfer walk off with it,” Adam shrugged. “I just wish we knew more about what we did last night, so we could retrace our steps.”
“We got lucky with Swiss and Yoots. What’s the likelihood that our next piece will fall right into our laps?”
“Hey! What rhymes with homewrecker?” Someone called from the right of them. Max and Adam looked to see Anthony and Max Caster sitting in the shade of some trees, notebook laid open in front of Caster. “Adam should know all about that.”
“Excuse me?” Adam asked, walking towards the Acclaimed.
“After what you did last night? To me?” Caster laid a hand over his heart, and Anthony rolled his eyes.
“He’s just being a little overdramatic because of what happened last night,” Anthony explained. Max and Adam glanced at each other.
“What…happened?” Max asked. Caster glared at him.
“Your little “engagement” at dinner? Remember?”
The Night Before
“This place looks nice and sobering,” Adam told Max as they approached the restaurant. Of all places to pick, they were going to Margaritaville. Max had seen a sandwich board with drinks on it, and he wanted to try the pretty blue one. 
“What are you two doing here?” Anthony asked as Max and Adam were seated at a table near them, appetizer and drink orders placed. It was obvious they were having a good time thanks to liquid courage.
“Food. Gotta sober up,” Adam told him. Their brightly colored drinks were settled in front of them along with a large plate of volcano nachos. 
“Yeah, those drinks are not going to sober you up,” Caster laughed.
“I dunno, I’m feeling pretty good,” Max smirked over at the Acclaimed. “Where’s your daddy?”
“Austin and Colton have visitation this weekend. He’ll be back in our custody tomorrow night,” Anthony munched on a stick of celery from the wings that were between the two.
After some banter and burgers between the two tag teams, Max’s eyes fell on a beautiful chocolate lava cake that was being brought over to a table not too awfully far from theirs. He looked at Adam then with a wicked smile.
“Want a lava cake?” He asked.
“Then play along, okay?” Max slipped his diamond ring off his finger and knelt on the ground. “Adam, I know we didn’t always like each other, but these last few months together have meant more to me than you can ever imagine. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Adam, in his drunken mind, found himself giddy at the thought of marrying Max. He had a big smile on his face as he nodded.
“Yes!” Adam smiled at Max. People around then clapped and cheered. Even Anthony, until Caster stamped on his foot then booed.
“That’s my boyfriend,” Caster grumbled.
“Not anymore man. He’s Adam’s,” Anthony laughed.
Not long after, the staff brought a cake out for Adam and Max to enjoy, and a couple bought them some more drinks.
The two stumbled out of the restaurant later, full of alcohol and high on each other, holding hands as they left and not letting go as they headed down the strip and out of view of the Acclaimed.
Present Day
“Explains how I got your ring,” Adam shrugged. “Doesn’t explain these though.” Caster noticed the silicon bands then and his eyes widened.
“You got married?!”
“Run!” Max quickly took off running, leaving Adam standing there.
“Uh, great seeing you guys!” Adam said before quickly following Max. “Max, why didn’t you ask them about your belt?”
“And give them more material to use in a rap? I don’t think so.”
Adam didn’t really say much more as he and Max continued to try to retrace their steps. They headed to the restaurant from the night before, getting warm smiles from the staff that had been present for their engagement. But they didn’t have the belt.
“You put it on him before you left,” The girl told Max. “Said it made his eyes pretty.”
“I…” Max and Adam both blushed.
“Did you see where we went when we left?” Adam asked, taking over the conversation.
“I think you headed over towards the strip?”
“Thanks for your help,” Adam signed before he and Max headed back out. They were about a block from the strip, and with no idea what happened after they left Margaritaville, their leads had come to an end. “Max, we need to talk about the other thing.”
“What other thing?”
“You know, the marriage thing,” Adam held up his hand. “I know you don’t want this. I don’t want this. So after we find the Triple B, let’s head over to the Clark County Courthouse and get an annulment.”
“Oh…” Max looked more defeated than he had just a few minutes ago, and it absolutely broke Adam’s heart.
“I mean, you don’t really want to be married to me, do you?” Adam asked. Max was quiet for a second.
“Let’s just go find my damn belt,” He mumbled. He didn’t say much, but it gave Adam all the answers he needed. They weren’t supposed to be in love. They were friends and that was it. But maybe there were more feelings behind a lava cake engagement and a chapel wedding than Adam thought. For both of them.
They had just stepped onto the strip when a voice started calling their names.
“Adam! Max!” RJ called. “There you are! Finally!”
“RJ? What’s up?” Adam asked, turning towards him. RJ held out the belt then.
“Thing is a lot heavier than it looks,” He laughed. “I had to stop Charlie from just taking it.”
“You had my baby?!” Max took the belt and hugged it against him.
“You gave it to me last night over at Venus Garden, and then we’re too busy trying not to undress each other to pick it up.”
“Venus Garden? Is that a strip club or something?”
“No. The Chapel at Ceasers. You guys dragged me, Charlie, Trent, and Chuck there as witnesses.”
The Night Before
“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Adam was giggling as Max led him towards the chapel. “Wait!”
“We’re not dressed for the occasion!” Adam told him. “And we don’t have witnesses!”
“Hey, there’s some losers over there. Let’s get them,” Max held Adam’s hand as they headed over to Chuck, Trent, RJ, and Charlie, who had just left their own dinner and were going to film some BTE skits for Brandon while Nick and Matt were blowing their money in a casino or a shoe store. 
“Hey fives,” Max greeted as he and Adam approached the group. “Us tens need witnesses.”
“For an alibi?” RJ asked.
“We’re getting married!” Adam giggled, showing his hand with the diamond ring on it.
“Fuck,” Trent slapped a twenty in Chuck’s hand. “I didn’t think they’d go through with it.”
“Are you coming or not?” Max huffed. The four looked at each other before following the couple back to the chapel. They were in complete shock at how loving Adam and Max were being with each other. Adam kissing Max’s cheek, Max holding onto Adam. It was like they had all stepped into the Twilight Zone.
“What names are we putting on here? Adam and Max Cole?” Adam asked, making Chuck laugh. “What?”
“Max Cole sounds like a porn star,” He was trying so hard to not laugh harder.
“You know, Adam Friedman doesn’t sound half bad,” Adam shrugged.
“I totally agree,” Max nodded.
They somehow managed to fill out the paperwork and picked out the rings. Since they were athletes, the lovely woman at the desk suggested silicon rings. She got those ready while everything was set up for the actual ceremony.
“We picked the wrestling package,” Adam told the gius. “It’s going to be awesome!”
That’s how the four were set in pews, watching as someone dressed as Macho Man Randy Savage performed a ceremony for Max and Adam.
“I now pronounce you Mr. Maxwell Jacob Friedman and Mr. Adam Friedman. You may kiss each other.”
Max was so gentle as he cupped the back of Adam’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. It was so cute, sweeter than anything any of them had seen in a movie recently. To the point that Chuck even had to wipe his eyes.
“You okay man?” Trent asked.
“I love weddings,” Chuck smiled as Trent rolled his eyes.
After making sure the witnesses signed a form saying, yes, the wedding was valid, Max took hold of Adam’s hand and dragged him out of the chapel and down the strip.
“Hey! Wait! You forgot your…” RJ called after them, but they were in a rush to start their wedding night. “Well, guess I’m AEW Champion for the night.”
“Schiavone is more of a champion than you,” Charlie mumbled, making Trent and Chuck burst out laughing.
“Should I go take it to them?”
“Only if you want to see some things that you won’t be able to unsee,” Trent shrugged. “I gotta go find Hunk now.” He and Chuck left then. RJ just tossed the belt onto his shoulder and headed back to his hotel.
Present Day
“Macho Man? We got married by Macho Man?” Max asked.
“Are you sure it wasn’t just Jay Lethal?” Adam asked. RJ shook his head.
“Nope. It was an actual ordained person dressed as Macho Man. And we all signed the marriage stuff. You are 100% married.”
“Yeah, and we’ll soon be 100% divorced,” Max whispered. The pain in his voice stabbed Adam straight in the heart. “Well, we got the belt. Let’s go find the courthouse.”
“Sex that bad?” RJ asked, making Max glare at him. “Okay, I’m shutting up. Have fun!” Max stormed off, Adam not far behind.
“Max, wait,” Adam reached out, but Max pulled away. “What is wrong? We got your belt back. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“I don’t want to be divorced at 27!” Max yelled. “You ever think that maybe there was some truth behind this besides being drunk and wanting a lava cake? Why do you think I insisted on sharing hotel rooms with you? Not because I can’t afford them. Or why I bought a fucking, what are they called, Steam Deck? And a Nintendo Switch? And like, I watch your Twitch streams and watch video playthroughs of absolutely shitty people playing really dumb but really pretty Japanese games? Because I fucking love you, okay?!”
“You…you love me?” Adam asked.
“Let’s just go find this fucking courthouse and get this over with. We have shit to do tonight and I don’t want to have this hanging over my head when I’m beating Joe’s ass.” Max pulled out his phone to call for an Uber.
Adam tried to talk to him in the Uber, but anything he said didn’t seem like it would be good enough. Adam wanted to tell Max that he had researched different Jewish customs, that he had taken up listening to the music Max recommended and had even turned it into a playlist that he’d listen to. Or that he always got excited when he’d see Max’s name show up on his Twitch stream and had to fight the urge to call him and get him to collaborate on a video.
Oh shit.
He was in love with Max too.
“Here we are,” The Uber driver stopped in front of the courthouse. Max and Adam climbed out, Adam thanking the driver. Max was already walking into the courthouse and searching out the self-service area.
“Max, wait,” Adam said, but Max shook his head.
“Let’s go sit out on the picnic table and look through this,” Max said. “I’m not too sure about the rules.” Adam followed Max back outside with the paperwork. Max tossed the papers onto the picnic table and sat down, staring at everything.
“Max…” Adam took the papers from him, making the younger man look up at him. “Maybe I was too harsh too fast. Maybe…maybe we could give this marriage thing a try?” He took the paperwork and ripped it in half, making Max’s eyes widen. “I’m willing to try if you are.”
“I’d like that,” Max smiled at him. Adam leaned across the table and kissed Max, smiles on both of their faces. “You made me waste $25 getting an Uber here.”
“Well, gave me time to think.” Adam laughed.
“Wanna go back to the hotel until we have to go to the area?” Max asked.
“I’d love nothing more.”
6 Months Later
Word had spread quickly about Max and Adam’s marriage, especially after Roddy saw them kissing backstage and ran off. Things seemed to be going great, they went on dates, they traveled together, Adam was learning more about Max’s heritage, and Max was finding that Adam’s nerdy hobbies really weren’t that nerdy after all.
And then Max’s mom invited them to Long Island. Max had been nervous leading up to the trip, but Adam couldn’t figure out why. She had taken it very well considering her son had gotten married at a chapel in Vegas to his tag team partner.
“Max, I’ve met your parents several times. I don’t understand why you’re so nervous.”
“It just feels different this time…” Max shrugged.
They arrived at Max’s parent's house in time for dinner. Adam was shocked as he walked in and saw his mom talking with Max’s mom. The dads were in the man cave, sharing a beer. And before too long, they were all gathered around the dining room table for an amazing dinner. Adam noticed that Max was fidgety more than normal. 
“Everything okay?” Adam whispered under the cover of conversation.
“Everything’s great!” Max smiled at him. Adam nodded, not 100% sold, but he didn’t want to push too much.
A little bit later, Max stood up. His mom had a knowing smile on her face as he cleared his throat.
“I want to thank you all for getting here,” Max started, turning to look at Adam. “I know that we’re already married, and everything didn’t exactly go the way either of us really planned. I want to do this right. Now over a free lava cake with Cheeseburger in Paradise playing in the background.” Max knelt in front of Adam, holding up a ring box. “Adam Cole, will you do me the honors of properly marrying me?” Adam smiled, nodding.
“Yes Max, I will.”
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finndoesntwantthis · 10 months
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autobots-in-training · 2 months
Who are your creators?
Bumblebee- Aid is still upset, so I'll answer for him. Ratchet and Drift. Drift was a Con for a really long time. He recently changed sides. Don't tell him I said this, but he's super happy to have his sire back.
Arcee- I uh. Don't remember my carrier. Chromia and Windblade took me in after they found me, and have been taking care of me ever since! When both Chromia and Windblade get sent off on missions, Kup takes care of me.
Springer- Prowl's my carrier. My other carrier-
Arcee- you have 2 carriers? How?
Springer- uhhhhh-
Arcee- no, hold on, don't walk away, how is that possible, they can't both carry you!
Bumblebee- some mecha prefer to both go by carrier or both by sire. Ratchet said that's how it was sometimes before the war.
Springer- hey Bee! You haven't answered!
Bumblebee- oh yeah, Optimus is my carrier, I don't know who my sire is.
Arcee- lol, I bet the matrix is your sire.
Bumblebee- how would that work?
Arcee- doesn't the matrix create life? So maybe you and Roddy were spontaneously created by the matrix and Optimus carried you. Like the humans spiritual leader, The Virgin Mary.
Bumblebee- no.... Optimus told us about our sire. He was a brave and noble mech, but died when the war started.
Arcee- come on, the matrix theory is at least a little interesting!
Springer- guys, we're getting off topic.
Bumblebee- oh right. Who's left?
Springer- Illusion's creators.
Bumblebee- oh yeah. Their creators are Mirage and Hound. Hound actually became one of our teachers!
Arcee- I think someone's coming, turn it off!
*end transmission*
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cozzzynook · 2 months
Okay okay idea time, Rodimus running away from home after Optimus finds out he's sparked with Megatron's sparklings.
While Optimus isn't a cruel or sparkless mech Rodimus knew his carrier would be more then mad when he was found in the med-bay. He was holding a scan with the photo of a large sparkling with a tank Alt-Mode, It didn't take a genius to figure out who the Sire was. After arguing with Optimus for 2 hours straight Rodimus knew he couldn't remain as a Auto-Bot as it was far too risky, He couldn't risk his sparkling getting taken away or worse so he packed a bag and just left.
The only bots who knew where Roddy had vanished too was Kup, Ratchet and Bee, all three refused to talk with Optimus for months after Rodimus left. Maybe once the war is over or his carrier has come to his senses he'll allow Optimus to see his sparkling when they arrive but for now Roddy is content to leave him in the dark.
Hope you enjoyed, I guess this could be classed as angst or hurt/comfort
I love this idea!!!
Its not even that Roddy is worried about Optimus hurting him or the bitty its just he knows other bots will and his carrier will be so focused on anger and disappointment and leading the autobots he won’t notice or have time to help.
Plus he’d stress Roddy out the entire time and Roddy knows it’s not a good thing to be sparked by a warlord but it happened and instead of using this as a treaty opportunity Optimus is not at all thinking about that.
But roddy is when the few who know agree with Prowl and Jazz who bring it up. The two find out on accident really and Roddy is certain Prowl and Jazz would do something to his bitty or him for being a traitor to the cause but they don’t. In face they’re offended by his beliefs and propose the idea of treaty through spark bonding and the bitty.
Roddy agrees to the bitty part but he’s very surprised when Megs agrees to the spark bonding part.
Roddy…isn’t on board with that part and Megs isn’t about to let the opportunity to conjunx Roddy go away sooooo he agrees to the treaty because their bitty truly is enough of a cause every bot can get behind since bitties were the only thing left unscathed during the war. But the treaty will only be signed if he’s allowed to conjunx Roddy.
Roddy agrees to everyone’s complete surprise and its only after all is signed and his carrier is still upset at him mind you, that Roddy says, “I agreed to conjunx you,” he rubs his tanks feeling the nausea roll with all the smells in the air and his nerves bad because of the situation and his carrier.
“But the treaty nor I ever said when.”
And..He’s got a point.
So he stands and turns to leave with Megatron ready to follow but Bee and Kup are keeping them distanced with Bee following giving their carrier a disappointed look and Kup gives the warlord some advice.
“Do the ritual right. My grandsparkling always did like his and Kaonian customs.”
Idk where my brain went but i like both these ideas and I can see a lot of secret bitties popping up all over on both sides. Same faction bitties and a lot of cross faction bitties.
Starscream is quick to move Bee and their bitty into their new home and Optimus is just..shocked he didn’t know both his bitties were seeing cons and he actually had a grandsparkling already.
“Get yer helm out of yer aft,” is Ratchets non too friendly advice to Optimus as he holds his and Drifts newest sparkling while their oldest sparkling First aid is standing next to his sire nodding before bounding off to now freely cling to his carrier Drift.
“He’s got a point boss,” Jazz is now openly holding his bitty while the sire just stands next to him. Okay so Optimus knew Jazz and Soundwave had a long thing going. He just kept his intake shut like he did with Prowl and Tarantulas who had a pretty complicated but loving relationship going on.
Sooo he does the next best thing which is sigh and apologize to both his friends and bitties.
He forgot how much he misses having them both in his arms snuggled up to him.
He’s very happy holding his grandsparkling and watching Megatron suffer his awkward attempts at courting Rodimus who actually enjoys them since its spark felt.
But he absolutely draws the line when Shockwave comes back. Because his bitties and long time friends can just see the intentions Shockwave has for him and man Optimus does not want to be sparked again.
“Our youngest bitty is and will stay Bumblebee, Shockwave. Get away from me.”
Starscream does not make things better, “Oh great, so you, your brother and carrier will all be sparked at the same time?”
Aaannnd thats not how Bee wanted others finding out he’s sparked again but Star just ruins things with that intake of his and he’s long learned to accept it.
Optimus manages not to kill Starscream and he manages to keep Shockwave at arms length for all of a hundred years before waking in berth with the cuddly mech who rubs his still flat tank.
“Not happening,” Optimus grumbles trying to turn away.
“Denial has never been suitable on you. Adorable nonetheless,” Shockwave simply states.
Idk what i did but i like it and thank you for submitting this story because i really like it and it made my brain do this.
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Batmobile and there sparklings in TFA would be... interesting.
This has a lot of potential for things. On one hand, cute and silly shenanigans since the once human Liaison was from modern-day Earth and TFA is set in the far future, and TFA doesn't have fanon sticky and sparklings. On the other hand, it can delve deep into the impact of the dystopian Autobot regime.
Batmobile would be the largest non-Decepticon 'con the TFA Autobots had ever seen. Even larger than Lugnut!!
Sari has soooo many questions. Not only you're a dimensional-hopper, but a time-traveler that's been, well, transformed and baby robots!!!
Any check-ups need to be done in Sumdac facilities because the ship doesn't have a berth that's big enough to hold you. Of course, you have parts and systems that the Autobots don't have, but things that niggle in the back of Ratchet's mind. Scratching really deep.
Sari takes advantage of it as a sleepover and to get the real mood and culture of the early 21st century.
The bother of trying to figure out how much mass you put away in your alt-mode, and how you're so blase with Drift and Roddy comfort-chewing on your frame. (For reference, you're the Batmobile Tumbler from the Christopher Nolan trilogy.)
The Autobots being so confused by the sparklings. They can't be reasoned with. They make a lot of noise and mess. You follow a ridiculous, in their opinion, schedule with them. They're so emotional over the simplest of things, nor can the babies properly speak.
And then they find out their identities-
The Autobots' extreme emotions over tiny Megatron. He's from a different universe, but Megatron-
Whenever Bumblebee annoys you or the sparklings enough, you can easily pick him up and set high above to give yourself some time. The great thing about a Cybertronian frame is you can manipulate your own sense as your turn down your audials to his screeching.
It would be hilarious if the Deceptions know about the process of sparking up the frame method of sexual reproduction, which kickstarts a sub-plot of them trying to fetch away the sparklings from incompetent Autobots.
Optimus being a young Dadimus as he wrangles the kids with you and deals with boo-boos, especially whenever Roddy and Drift venture too far.
The real-life struggles of parenthood: temper tantrums, childhood illnesses, and deeply ingrained obsessions. You, Ratchet, and Prowl are the only ones unbothered by the constant reruns of My Little Pony, Scooby Doo, and you managed to get them hooked on Winnie the Pooh. Optimus finds himself humming the theme songs, Bulkhead is unconsciously painting ponies during Abstract time, and Bumblebee cries tears of absolute joy when you take pity and get him a TV for video games.
Sentinel freaking the fuck out when he meets Batmobile. (On a side note, in any version of this crossover, wouldn't it be hilarious if Blowhard Prime develops a huge terror-boner of a crush on the new mecha on the block?)
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lillified · 1 year
Omg You've got me intrigued with your Hot Rod. It's such an intresting take. So he's a decepticon sympathiser. I've always loved characters like this. Ones who even while fighting for their own goal do understand the other side, and maybe even relate to it a bit too. It's like- my favourite type of characters.
But also, what's the reaction of his team with this? Is there a rift between Roddy and his teammates due to his sympathy for the cons? (I'm sorry if you alrady responded to something similar, IG is hating me and doesn't wanna turn on so I can't checkk-)
hey! youre all good, i absolutely love questions like this, theyre my favorites!
autobot team B is a very important story element that i havent really shared much about yet. what I will share is that Hotrod has always been a little bit of an outlier. he's the youngest 'Bot on the force by quite a large margin (he's one of the infamous young Autobot academy trainees from the stolen generation) and his relationship with his superiors is often fraught with misunderstandings.
Ultra Magnus, his designated mentor and leader of the team, tries to keep them under control and be compassionate, but his worrywort, control-freak tendencies arent helped by the fact that his lieutenant Prowl never hesitates to make his "concerns" about Hot Rod's behavior known. Rod's naivete also tends to get team B into some trouble, but that's all a story for later. Thanks again for the question!
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solarsonicsoda · 7 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania I
Hulk Hogan and Mr. T w/ Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka def. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff w/ “Cowboy” Bob Orton in 13:34
Number one! These older shows, especially this one, have a very unique feeling to them that I can’t quite describe! It’s cool! Bunch of celebs involved in the show, the only one I properly know is Muhammed Ali though, the “outside referee”, which is a weird title. The match starts slowly with lots of build-up and suspense, teasing the crowd. Mr. T gets in and tries his best! Loves a fireman’s carry, he does! Orndorff really impresses me, he can sell really well and he stood out to me here! My only previous exposure was an old action figure! Lots of cheating from those dastardly heels, they work over Hogan, Mr. T gets in, and is immediately double teamed. He gets worked over, then falls into a tag it seems. Hogan does a messy looking head smash on the two heels. Orton and Snuka, the two seconds, clash a bit, T pounces on Roddy to stop a double team, Orton going for a double axe handle with the cast on Hogan in a full nelson, he moves so Orndorff takes the hit, 1, 2, 3, done! Odd finish for me but this match is nearly 18 years older than me! Just felt out of nowhere and a bit underwhelming! Post-match, Piper hits referee Pat Patterson, T is checking on Orndorff, there’s a stand off between Orndorff and the faces but they let him walk. Also all kinda weird. There’s then a big face promo backstage in which Mr. T assures us “It’s rough out there” and Mean Gene is cool as usual. 
Pros: Very grand and excited, Mr. T gives it his best go, Orndorff is class. Cons: Quite slow, a bit odd, some boring points, weird finish. 
Fun and fitting of the vibe but not quite a great match. 
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