#concept 11
artkaninchenbau · 8 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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Please do not use or repost my works anywhere without explicit permission from me first, thank you <3)
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shima-draws · 11 months
Catching up on more recent FT stuff and um
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Also oh my FUCKING god look at him. He’s such a proud dad I’m going to throw up I love him so much
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And the fact that Natsu gets attached to her IMMEDIATELY and goes into overprotective Dad Mode when she’s not even his daughter, technically (and Gray too over his own Edo kid 🤧)
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Natsu: I’ve decided I’m taking her home with me. No objections
HOMIE DEADASS IS SIGNING THE ADOPTION PAPERS ALREADY. It was love at first sight. Natsu loves her so much he wants to kidnap her. Shut UP,
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dykepaldi · 1 year
so twelveclara obviously didnt have sex but i think they probably did some weird shit a few times that was sex without having sex. and they were both like hmmmm lets never speak of this
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willow-and-morel · 22 days
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😌 drawing a little to ease my mind /ref
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mmm shapes and colors
hi gang sorry i had to do alittle bit of angst i promise she will be fine, yes thats weird ahh magic fire, no its not burning our girlie.
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gradient mapping my love
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marokra · 1 year
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Stardew Valley au and/or custom npc concept? yes? no? take the blorbo anyways
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whitebookposts · 5 months
I wonder do you think that, in the game world itself, older\veteran sky kids would look at the new moths that go through the new intro and land right at the aviary and be like "agh. moths these days, with their spirits that guide them by their hand and cozy nests. I bet they don't even go to eden every week, with these almost daily shards. back in MY days we weren't spoiled little brats, we learned everything by OURSELVES and survived just fine on a small island. that's why this new generation is just a bunch of snowflakes with new moth hair and pronounce."
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Contact Other Plane really is such a perfect wizard and warlock spell, because it truly encapsulates the hubris of those classes. It's the most extreme "fuck around and find out" spell. It's like, you can make a collect call out of this world. You might get some answers, but you also might go insane for trying it. You'll be fine in the morning, though. You will learn nothing from this experience.
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ms-hells-bells · 3 months
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this bizarre politicisation of the existence of basic empathy driven fear and horror really confounds me.
when the christchurch attack happened, much of my country was significantly traumatised. i remember watching the news for hours, just crying. it was terrible. because people died. in a really horrible way. and because country kinship exists, you go 'oh, i probably knew someone who died or know someone who knew someone who died'. my roommate had friends at the mosque.
i'm not talking about the politicisation of the event in terms of how the american government used it to justify the invasion of iraq, i'm not talking about the politicisation of the event to spur racism and nationalism and xenophobia. i'm not talking about the politicisation of the event in terms of being used as an excuse to further push into a surveillance state, as per the snowden files.
i'm just talking about the mocking, minimising, and derision of what is essentially just a large group of people that witnessed something horrible and have strong feelings and memories because human beings have empathy. no amount of 'well, other people have it worse elsewhere' changes that. by that logic, no one should be scared and upset about mass shootings on the other side of the country, no oppressor group actually feels bad about oppression because 'it's not happening to you', countries that dealt well with covid shouldn't have any residual issues from seeing what other countries went through, and vicarious/collective trauma would not exist as a psychological concept.
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tiredspacedragon · 5 months
I love Kanohi so much. I love the concept of a customizable face and thus identity, I love that each mask has its own powers that carry their own significance in addition to its shape, I love that each mask has multiple shapes to show the wearer's identity changing or speak to what aspect of themselves is most prominent.
Have some concepts:
A Matoran with a Great-shaped Kanohi who becomes a Toa. Their new identity is an extension of their old self. They become a Turaga and their Noble-shaped Kanohi is a symbol of how they were fundamentally changed by their time as a hero.
A Matoran with a Noble-shaped Kanohi who becomes a Toa. Their new identity is a departure from their old selves. They become a Turaga and their Noble-shaped Kanohi symbolizes that their trials are over and they have earned peace.
A Matoran who becomes a Toa and wears a different mask than they did as a Matoran. Their new identity is a dramatic break from their old self, one they either chose to take on to distance themselves from their past or to embody their vision of heroism, or one that was forced upon them and to which they must now adapt. They become a Turaga and their Noble-shaped Kanohi is yet another change. A new chapter.
A Matoran or other character whose powerless mask is broken or lost, so they receive a new one. The change has no effect on their abilities, but their new mask signifies their character growth. Though the mask grants them no powers now, the character's potential has changed, a new path and new role is open to them.
A character whose powered mask is broken or lost, so they receive a new one. Or perhaps they willingly trade their old Kanohi for another. Do they choose the same mask they had before, showing their conviction and stability in their identity? Do they choose a mask with a power they think will be more useful, showing practicality or responsibility, and determination to get the job done, including a willingness to sacrifice their identity? Do they choose a mask worn by someone they admire, honouring them by trying to emulate them, but risking subsuming their own unique traits? Or perhaps they choose a new mask whose powers are a better match for them or who they want to be, showing commitment to changing and embracing themselves?
A character who changes their armour and equipment, but keeps the same mask. They adapt to the needs of the situations, but refuse to lose themselves in it.
A character who could use a Great Kanohi, but opts for a Noble one instead, to cultivate the image of a sage. Maybe it's deserved. Maybe it isn't. Perhaps they even wear a Great Kanohi that is merely forged to look like a Noble one, to achieve the image without sacrificing the power.
Two characters whose mask powers work well in tandem, but one or both of them change masks and the new powers conflict or are no longer related at all, marking a breakdown in the characters' relationship.
Or the reverse, two characters whose mask powers don't pair well, but one or both change masks and now they do, signifying a growing bond.
Just to name a few.
I love how this one single aspect of character design can tell so much of their story at just a glance, and again that it's the face, the part we look to the most for expression and understanding.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
watching Cooldown for Downfall (Cooldownfall) and Brennan describing Erathis's position as "we cannot renege on the deal to mortals" YEAH like, the Betrayers are in fact named that because. they betrayed their creations! they did do that!
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overlordraax · 4 months
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Love the bit in MK11 where they're like "We should talk to the Revenants, maybe they can be reasoned with" and Raiden's all like "No, it's impossible. They're too evil now. Not like me, with my glowing red eyes and amulet of evil magical power. I'm fine."
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vsm4k · 4 months
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noo don't kill yourself youre so sexy haha
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trash-gremlin · 5 months
could you imagine how good spirit animals would be if it wasn't written as a children's series
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wolfofwhiterun · 1 month
TES Summer Fest 24 - Day 6: Mirror
The mirror is vast and dark, like some great black strip of ocean, caught and trapped in a frame of warped metal. His father had brought it some weeks ago to add to his ‘Most Prized Collection’ as he liked to call it, Capitalised For Emphasis. The boy has to crane his neck all the way back, until he is sure it will make him dizzy just to take in the whole thing. It would have been the biggest thing he’d ever seen, if it wasn’t for the half a snow-whale his father keeps hanging above the atrium to impress guests.
He raises up one small pale hand and touches the frame of the mirror, expecting to feel the worn texture of the strange, silvery metal. Instead, his hand comes back inexplicably soaked, as though he’s just dowsed it in freezing brine. The boy gazes at his hand in wonderment, then back at the mirror, as if half expecting to see a watery shape pass across the glass. And it does. The eyes that gaze back aren’t like any he’s seen before, bright, and too many for him to counter on both hands, which is as high as he can go.
“Are you…a spirit?” The boy asks in wonder, eyes transfixed by the glowing golden orbs floating just beyond the mirror pane. “I am the riddle unsolvable. The door unopenable. The book unreadable. The question unanswerable." The presence speaks, words oozing between worlds. Hm, the boy thinks, and does not know how to respond to this, as he is only five. The presence seems to quickly realise its overdramatization and slovenly corrects course. “I am…a friend.” It speaks in what it surmises to be a grandfatherly tone. “A friend?” The boy asks. He’s never managed to find one of those in all the many halls of his father’s great collection, despite searching every room twice. “Yes…a friend.” The tone affixes with some simulacrum of warmth. “And friends share secrets, do they not?” The boy surmises this must be true, and nods. “Good, goooood…” The presence seems to draw closer, the hint of its colossal form too big even to fit in the frame of the mirror, drifting hazily into view.
“Now child, tell me all of what you know about your father's collection…”
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marblellous · 11 months
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how many rabbits are there
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