#connor lassiter x roland taggart
heliads · 4 months
seven devils all around me - connor lassiter x roland taggart
Connor Lassiter is stuck in the basement beneath an antique store. Roland Taggart is waiting for him.
They take the Unwinds away one by one.
It makes it better, somehow. The waiting. Better and worse. Better, because this means they’ll each individually move faster than if everyone was removed from the cellar underneath Sonia’s antique shop in one great, easily distracted group. Better, because there’s a slimmer chance of everyone getting caught by vengeful Juvey-cops if there’s just one feral moving at a time than a group of a dozen dead kids walking.
Worse, because it means that the familiar faces are disappearing slowly but surely. The idea exists that they are being taken somewhere safe, but no one can be certain. All Connor Lassiter knows is that the few people in this world that he even halfway trusts are vanishing into the hands of khaki-uniformed strangers. Every few days, someone else goes up the trapdoor and  back into the light, and their numbers shrink down to dust, a not-quite friend group being wound down into a mere handful of uneasy souls.
At first, it didn’t trouble Connor all that much. He pictured it like a doctor’s waiting room:  no matter how long he waited, they’d all be seen eventually. A couple of the kids he barely knew were taken first, which didn’t matter, but then he got to know the rest better and their loss hurt more than when he didn’t remember their names, so. That’s what he gets for trying to make friends, apparently.
As their numbers seriously started to thin, though, Connor started getting shifty again. All of a sudden, there were four. Connor and Risa (the baby removed first, probably less out of moral obligation than the need to get the wailing infant out of that tiny space), joined at the hip ever since they crossed paths while running away. Also remaining in the darkness is Hayden in the back, trying out his sarcastic jokes on an ever-shrinking group of people, and, because the universe apparently cannot hate Connor enough, Roland.
Risa goes next. Connor expected to feel more unsettled by her disappearance after so much time spent watching each other’s backs, but instead the first uncharitable thought in his mind is that at least he won’t be glared at every time he says something wrong. He’s not a flawless human being, even if Risa seems to expect that he’ll be just as perfect as she is.
About half a week later, soldiers in khaki come back down the stairs. Connor waits to see which one of the three remaining unwinds they’ll bring out. It must be him or Roland. Connor’s more of a high profile figure at this point, but Roland’s been here longer, and if they’re trying to get the kids who’ve been waiting for greater intervals, they’ve got to take him out first. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking, though.
To Connor’s surprise, the guards instead point to Hayden and gruffly tell him to get a move on. The blond pumps a fist in mock celebration, then glances between Connor and Roland. “Try not to tear each other to pieces, will you? Leave that for the Juveys.”
With those words of wisdom, Hayden heads for the door, not inclined to loiter in the dark basement any more than he has to. Connor can’t blame him. If he had the chance to get out, he’d sprint up those stairs in a heartbeat.
The guards replenish some of the supplies in the basement, then leave at last, shutting the trapdoor behind them with an ominous thud. Connor is left with the chilling realization that Hayden was the last person who could possibly stand between him and Roland. Now that Hayden’s gone, nothing can stop Roland from finally acting on the hatred that’s been simmering between both of them from the second Connor got here.
Connor can’t believe they’d actually leave him here with Roland. When you have two guys who obviously hate each other’s guts, you don’t abandon them to each other. It reminds Connor of a riddle he heard when he was a kid– a chicken, some corn, and a fox stuck on one side of a river, a raft only big enough for two passengers, and a hapless farmer forced to figure out the order in which to ferry his passengers across so nothing gets eaten. Whoever’s playing the game with their lives has obviously fucked up this round, but unlike in a riddle, there are no second tries. Connor is left to get consumed by the fox eyeing him coldly from the other side of the basement.
Above him, the footsteps of the guards and Hayden bleed away, softened by antique rugs and then gone for good. Most days, Connor likes to pretend that he can hear trucks coming and going. It makes him believe that maybe there is a plan for all of them after they leave, that they won’t just be dumped somewhere alone again.
Today, though, he hates it. Hates them for leaving them here. Shouldn’t they know better? Even Hayden managed to figure that out in the span of a second. Any soldier with a week of experience should be able to tell that you don’t stick the two kids who hate each other the most in a dark basement with only the other for company. Already, Connor’s eyes are adjusting to the gloom again, but he doesn’t like the sight any better than he did on his first day.
“So,” a cold voice rings out across the semi-darkness. “They actually left us here alone. Didn’t think they’d do it.”
Connor scoffs, trying not to let any sign of apprehension slip through. “What, you got bored of my lively personality?”
“Humor doesn’t suit you, Connor,” Roland drawls. “Hayden got away with it because we liked him better than you. You can’t hide behind him any longer, though. It’s just us down here. Just you and me.”
“Charming,” Connor mumbles. “But it’ll be over in a few days. Then one of us will be alone. I hope it’s you.”
Something almost like sympathy twists at Connor’s gut as he says it. Even though he despises Roland, the thought of being alone down here in the dark and depressing basement is a fate he would kill to avoid. If he’s thinking that, though, Roland probably is too. And if Connor is willing to kill to not be the one left behind, Roland must be foaming at the mouth at the thought of it.
Roland chuckles. The sound issues across the basement until it coasts up to Connor, making the hair on his arms stand up with a rush. They’ve positioned themselves to be as far apart as possible, but their placement on opposite sides of the basement means that they’re constantly staring each other dead in the eyes. One blink, one glance away, and one of them could be on the other in a heartbeat. So they keep staring, and no one moves. There are no more bodies to keep between them. Just Connor, and Roland, and the awful distance between.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’d love it if they left me here? Bet it would make you feel awfully safe if I was locked up all the time. You think you’re a big man, Connor, but you’re scared of me.”
Connor scoffs and looks away. There’s a little too much knowledge in Roland’s gaze, and it sharpens to a knifepoint between Connor’s brows. In his peripheral vision, Connor can see Roland shifting slightly, jutting his chin up. Proud. Correct. Despicable.
“I’m not scared of you. Guys like you are a dime a dozen. If I wanted a greasy thug, I’d go to a gas station.” Connor spits out.
Roland stands in one swift motion, like he’s been yanked up by an invisible hand. Connor’s head jerks back up, but he’s looked back too late– Roland is already moving. The pretense is gone. Whatever they do here, they’ve been building up to it since the first day.
At first, Roland just hovers on the balls of his feet, leaning casually against the wall behind him. The basement is not tall, and he has to bend slightly so his head doesn’t scrape the ceiling. This gives the impression that Roland is leaning towards him, close enough to reach. Close enough to snap his jaws shut around Connor’s throat.
“You are scared,” Roland breathes triumphantly. “You’re so obvious. Even if you left me here, you’d never stop being scared. You’d go all across the world and you’d never stop thinking about me. I’d be a bigger part of you than anything.”
Connor shakes his head. “You’re wrong. You’re nothing to me.”
“I don’t believe you,” Roland hisses, and he’s across the basement in a second. Connor doesn’t even see him move. He blinks and the other boy is standing right in front of him, the tips of his shoes nudging Connor in the sides. He has Connor bracketed just slightly, hardly touching him but making it obvious that Connor cannot move without Roland’s express permission.
“You can’t do that,” Connor says. He feels like a little boy, whining about someone stealing his toy. “You know the rules.”
Roland actually rolls his eyes. “There’s nobody down here, remember? They can’t see us.”
The rest goes unspoken. Nobody is here. Nobody would know. And nobody would tell. Certainly not Connor. That would mean admitting that he let one boy bother him to the point of telling, and even if they fight, Connor’s not a coward. He’s going to handle this himself.
He tries to stand, but Roland’s hand flashes out to grab him, pushing him down to the ground again by the shoulder.
“Get your hands off of me,” Connor spits.
“Make me,” Roland says, all teeth. He pinches Connor’s shoulder as he says it, further proof of what they both know by now to be true:  Roland does what he wants, when he wants. And Connor won’t do a thing to stop it.
“You’re crazy,” Connor says, leaning away from Roland. Maybe the guy will back off if Connor pretends he doesn’t care. “Did you get hit on the head recently? Be honest.”
“It’s sweet of you to ask,” Roland simpers. He sinks to one knee so he can get a better read of Connor’s disgust, and they’re practically breathing each other in now, barely a millimeter between them. “Of course, it’s not your job to worry. Not mine, either. It’s not my head anymore, is it? Belongs to the Juveys. Who knows who’ll get my brain? Maybe you might end up with a piece or two.” He knocks his fist against Connor’s temple, less like a punch, more like a tap against an unlocked door. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Not knowing who was flirting with your girl, me or you? Or maybe my brain’s too good for you. Maybe you’d get my arm instead.”
Connor tries not to let his disgust at the idea show, but he’s not entirely successful. His dislike must be obvious, because Roland flashes him a dark grin, the expression broad and all-consuming. “What, you don’t like the ink?”
“I’m not a big fan of dolphins,” Connor hisses back.
Irritated, Roland snaps his jaws, teeth crashing together just a hair’s breadth from the tip of Connor’s nose. He doesn’t flinch, thankfully, but his eyes track the movement nonetheless, which makes Roland’s victorious smile loom again as if he had moved after all. 
“See?” Roland says, smooth and slow. “Scared. I see you.”
“You wish,” Connor retorts. “I’d be more scared of a spider.”
“Prove it, then,” Roland tells him. He’s so assured of himself that he even leans back a little, resting casually where he kneels on the cold floor of the basement right in front of Connor. He truly doesn’t believe that Connor could do a damn thing to him that matters.
He’s wrong, though. Connor can. Roland is expecting a fight, or an insult, something he can counter, but that’s the wrong move. Mama may have raised a boy she could give away for forms signed in triplicate but she sure as hell didn’t raise a fool, so Connor knows he must do something terrible, something worse, something to ruin this dark place forever. There’s one last trick up Connor’s sleeve, but it’s the wrong move, it’s the wrong path to start because once he starts going he’ll never stop. He should back off now, but he’s just like Roland in that aspect– could never back down, could never do anything but hurl himself directly into trouble– there is simply no other option– no choice– 
Connor’s mouth collides with Roland’s so harshly that their teeth crush together. He has the brief thought that he’d like to do that again, leaving the other boy bloody and bruised, and a sharp spike of something hot but not entirely unpleasant courses through him at the thought. Connor’s hand locks onto Roland’s throat a moment later, fingernails scrabbling for purchase before sliding down to grip the neck of his t-shirt. Maybe he should have gone for the throat first instead of the mouth, but that wasn’t the part that mattered. It was an afterthought. Throttle the boy, but not before you make him yours.
Roland lets out a surprised choke of air, just enough for Connor’s stomach to twist with satisfaction at getting the other hand, before he kisses Connor back with the same force if not more, enough to knock Connor’s head back against the wall. Connor gasps at the impact, giving Roland enough purchase to start pushing him into the ground again. Roland would bury him beneath the earth if he could, Connor thinks. He would erase all evidence that Connor had ever existed. Only Roland would know that he had been there at all. 
He’d like that too, Connor thinks with a shiver. Having that power over Connor. Owning him in every way that matters. Absolutely evil, but Connor is worse, because he has seen all of that and liked it. And allowed it to continue. And started it first.
Roland pulls away just a little, leaving both of them panting for breath. He kneels over Connor like a wild animal, and there’s a spark of something new in his eyes. It might be respect. “Didn’t think you had it in you, Lassiter.”
“You don’t know anything,” Connor growls, and forces them back together. One of his hands is bunched in the material of Roland’s shirt, the other reaching up past the throat to knot in Roland’s dark hair. He’s seen it from across the basement for days now, how it seemed to suck in all the light that touched it. He’s wanted to touch it, too, for a very long time. Connor tugs on the roots, jerking Roland’s head back, exposing the veins pulsing against the skin. If he only had a blade– but he is the blade now, he is the weapon. Connor could kill him right now, and he wouldn’t even need a knife.
The thought shocks him out of whatever trance made him do this. Connor pushes him away, suffering for purchase against the dirty floor until he picks himself up and flings himself across the basement, ending up where Roland had been just minutes before. They stare at each other again, so far from where they started, but somehow exactly in the same position. Two lions stuck in a cage, pacing, circling, until one lunges to draw blood and they engage once more.
“This won’t happen again,” Connor informs him. Even he doesn’t believe it.
Roland laughs pityingly. “You tell yourself that. We’ve got plenty of time before they let us out. You’ll get bored. Face it, Connor. You can never let me go.”
Connor shakes his head resolutely. This was a breach of judgment, a one-time slip. A mistake that won’t repeat. But he can still taste Roland’s breath on his tongue, and he can see where Roland’s dark hair is mussed from his hands, and Connor knows– he knows that he is wrong. That it will happen again. And he will start it, or Roland will, or both of them. It won’t matter. In the dark of the basement, where no one knows they’re alive, they can do whatever they want. This is what Connor wants. He's in a position to take it, so he will, again and again until they pull him out.
Then, who cares. He doesn’t have to think about that. He doesn’t have to think at all.
Roland grins. He’s won this round. Connor will have to beat him at something else, find a way to expose his throat to the cold, violent air or otherwise make him weak. He still has two hands and a pulse. He’ll find a way to get back on top.
Until then, Connor doesn’t have to remember a thing. The darkness swallows everything anyway. No point in looking.
a/n: for u babe @nealshustermanbrainrot
unwind tag list: @reinekes-fox, @sirofreak, @locke-writes
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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julysn · 4 months
every connor and roland interaction ever
this entire episode screams conroland. i don’t even ship kyman but it’s just so ??? them
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luvvsoft · 9 months
Main Masterlist
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Genshin Impact:
➼ “Curl Up & Die” [Kamisato Ayato x reader]
— Loving Ayato was your downfall.
➼ “Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon” [Neuvillette x reader]
— The rain pours over Fontaine, darkening its skies. You immediately take that as your sign to see a certain someone.
➼ “Once Mine” [Male Character x reader]
— He was yours once, now he belonged to another.
➼ “Blessing” [Baizhu x reader]
— You’d fallen hook, line, and sinker for Baizhu, but you were more than okay with it.
➼ “Close To Me” [Yandere Alhaitham x reader]
— You finally give into Alhaitham and fall right into his arms.
➼ “Wished For You” [Male Character x Reader]
— You saw the love he gave to another, and could only wish he would have done the same to you when you were together.
➼ “One Day” [Zhongli x reader] - (pt. 2) (alt. ending)
— You loved Zhongli, but he could never be yours.
➼ “Are You Mine Yet?” [Zhongli x reader] - (pt. 1) (alt. ending)
— You’re plagued by Hanahaki Disease because of your unrequited feelings for Zhongli, but there might still be a chance for you.
➼ “A Chance” [Alhaitham x reader] - (pt. 1) (pt.2)
— Alternative Ending: You move to Sumeru, leaving Zhongli and romance behind. Will it be that easy for you though?
➼ “You Might Be Sleeping” [Xiao x reader, Zhongli x reader]
— Xiao can’t be yours, not when your side is already occupied by another.
Honkai: Star Rail:
➼ “I want you” [Blade x reader]
— Your soul yearns for Blade, but does he feel the same?
➼ “Through Heaven and Hell” [Nanook x reader]
— Nanook being fond of you (headcanons)
➼ “Hurry Up Now, Darling” [Dan Heng x reader]
— Dan Heng’s been waiting for you for so long.
➼ “Why?” [Jing Yuan x reader]
— You realize Jing Yuan never loved you, but it’s too late.
➼ “Close Your Eyes” [Lan x reader]
— Lan lets you braid their hair.
➼ “Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You, Baby” [Welt Yang x reader]
— Welt remembers his life with you.
Unwind Dystology:
➼ “A Sickly Sweet Home” [Connor Lassiter x reader]
— Connor only wishes to settle down after everything that went down, only this time, its with you.
➼ “The Trials of Time” [Roland Taggart x reader]
— You let Roland in during your time as an AWOL, but it only hurt you more than it helped.
➼ “Hopelessly In Love” [Connor Lassiter x reader]
— You don’t think Connor loves you, especially now that Risa showed up.
➼ “Soul Attraction” [Connor Lassiter x reader]
— You’re meant to be enemies, but Connor can’t help but feel something more than that, something he shouldn’t.
Jujutsu Kaisen:
➼ “Fool’s Gold” [Megumi Fushiguro x reader]
— You’ve lost Megumi, but now he’s lost you forever.
➼ “Second Best” [Yuji Itadori x reader]
— You were never Yuji’s first choice.
➼ “Worthless” [Sukuna x reader]
— You’re worthless in Sukuna’s eyes.
➼ “Long To Be Close To You” [Gojo Satoru x reader]
— You never really got to confess Gojo, but next time you see him, it isn’t right.
➼ “Idiot” [Gojo Satoru x female! reader]
— Gojo likes his women older, but you don’t like them younger. His next course of action is trying to woo his way out of the friendzone.
Record of Ragnarok:
➼ “Undeserving” [Poseidon x God! reader]
— You meet Poseidon, soon falling in love. Unluckily for you, he already has someone he adores.
Demon Slayer:
➼ “Another Lifetime” [Akaza x reader]
— You and Akaza are in love, but you can’t be together, not when the universe itself is against you.
Obey Me:
➼ “Reciprocate” [Lucifer x reader]
— Does Lucifer love you? That’s a question even Lucifer can’t answer.
Any Characters:
➼ “Please Please” [Male Character x reader]
— You love him so dearly, yet he thinks of you as nothing.
➼ “Hope To Be Yours” [Male Character x reader]
— He picks someone else over you, but you’re used to it.
➼ “Love Me” [Yandere Female Character x reader]
— She loved you first, so why were you with someone else?
➼ “Web of Lies” [Female Character x reader]
— You and her play a game of manipulation, but who’s really in charge?
➼ “Maybe” [Male Character x reader]
— You knew, no matter what, he would never choose you or love you.
➼ “Want Me Too” [Female Character x female! reader]
— You wished you were him.
➼ “Call Me Back” [Male Character x reader]
— It hurt to be something, but it was worse to be nothing. You choose the former.
➼ “God’s Gift” [Yandere Archangel x Demon! reader]
— Were they wrong for feeling the way they did towards a creature such as yourself? Maybe, but God never said no.
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freehaydenradio · 11 months
Inbox trick or treat!!
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yay!!! ok as your treat i am giving you a sentence from an unwind wip (not the space au, i actually wrote this today instead of writing the space au chapter for two days from now whoops haha). i saw unwind fans posting connor x roland as a joke. but what if i'm not joking anymore. what if, instead of everyone leaving sonia's basement for the graveyard all at once:
They take the Unwinds away one by one.
It makes it better, somehow. The waiting. Better and worse. Better, because this means they’ll apparently move faster than if everyone was removed from the cellar underneath Sonia’s antique shop at once. Better, because there’s a slimmer chance of everyone getting caught by vengeful Juvey-cops if there’s just one feral moving at a time than a group of a dozen dead kids walking.
Worse, because it means that the familiar faces are disappearing slowly but surely. There is the idea that they are being taken somewhere safe, but no one knows for certain. All Connor Lassiter knows is that the few people in this world that he even halfway trusts are vanishing into the hands of khaki-uniformed strangers. Every few days, someone else goes, and their numbers shrink down to dust, a not-quite friend group being unwound into just a handful of uneasy souls.
... (connor and roland will be the last ones left in the basement bc plot) ...
The guards replenish some of the supplies in the basement, then leave at last, shutting the trapdoor behind them with an ominous thud. Connor is left with the chilling realization that Hayden was the last person who could possibly stand between him and Roland. Now that Hayden’s gone, nothing can stop Roland from finally acting on the hatred that’s been simmering between both of them from the second Connor got here.
Connor can’t believe they’d actually leave him here with Roland. When you have two guys who obviously hate each other’s guts, you don’t abandon them to each other. It reminds Connor of a riddle he heard when he was a kid– a chicken, some corn, and a fox stuck on one side of a river, a farmer with a raft only big enough for two condemned to figure out the order in which to ferry his passengers across so nothing gets eaten. Whoever’s playing the game with their lives has obviously fucked up this round, but unlike in a riddle, there are no second tries. Connor is left to get consumed by the fox eyeing him coldly from the other side of the basement.
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bug-with-rabies · 2 months
@kuromibrainrot here you go
Stolen My Heart
Roland Taggart x Connor Lassiter
Connor can’t believe they did it. He can’t believe he worked together with Roland of all people. The Admiral, bless his heart, is safe and being prepped for operation. Thankfully that first year resident still remembers how to perform operations from before the unwinding order was signed, or else nobody might ever see The Admiral again.
Connor manages to get ahold of Roland before the thought of ratting him out could even be considered. He’s overcome with emotion and hugs Roland without thinking, eternally grateful for his help. “Thank you…”
Roland is taken aback at Connor’s hug, and a light blush dusts his cheeks. He pats Connor’s back with a look of annoyance, hoping that he’ll be let go. However, after a few minutes of uncomfortable hugging Roland manages to get Connor to let go. Unfortunately in return, he gets dragged into a broom closet.
As soon as Connor manages to get Roland into the broom closet he locks the door, grabbing Roland by the collar of his shirt as he pins him against the wall. However before Connor can get a word of thanks out, Roland kisses him.
The kiss is way more intense than any other Connor’s ever experienced. But that just makes it all the more desirable in his eyes. Roland has been Connor’s enemy for so long, yet somehow the kiss feels so right. It’s as if the tension between them had finally reached a boiling point at the graveyard, and they’re finally relieving it in the most constructive way possible.
Roland never really had a proper girlfriend, or a first kiss. His stepfather was tough on him, and never allowed such things under his roof. Roland had always been told that having a girlfriend would make him ‘soft and weak’. But this felt magical, it felt good to get his frustrations out this way.
The kiss itself is hot and sloppy, the kind of kiss that pent up teenagers at a church lock-in would share when the adults finally fell asleep. It’s hot, and filled with the kind of passion that most people dream of.
Connor’s hands tangle in Roland’s scruffy hair, and he practically melts in Roland’s grasp. He doesn’t even bother to attempt a fight for dominance, it feels good to let himself relax for once. His lips move in sync with Roland’s in the sweet dance of a hot and heavy make out session, and it feels so blissful.
Roland keeps Connor pinned up against the wall, making sure not to hurt him. His hands cupping Connor’s face to keep him enveloped in the kiss. He knows that Connor won’t even try to break away at this point, he’s in too deep.
Connor’s tongue runs along Roland’s bottom lip, urging him to open his mouth, but when Roland doesn’t budge He breaks the kiss, giving Roland a shit eating grin. “What? Afraid of me all of the sudden?”
Roland manages to gently push Connor off of him when he’s given that stupid grin. He grabs Connor’s slutty little waist with a smug smile, bringing him close. He leans in, whispering with an almost cocky tone; “No, you’re getting too cocky. As if I’d ever let you get the upper hand.”
Connor can’t even give Roland the look he wants to give, because Roland wraps a hand around his neck, squeezing just enough to make Connor let out the most guttural groan he’d ever heard, and that just boosts Roland’s ego. Who knew the Akron Awol could be so submissive?
With one hand on Connor’s slutty little waist and one around his neck, Roland backs Connor up until his back is against the locked door of the broom closet. He gives Connor a sly grin and slides a hand under the boy’s shirt, making sure to keep eye contact. Roland captures Connor’s lips in a quick, rough kiss, and looks down at him, ruffling his hair. “You should go back to your little girlfriend. She’s probably wondering where you are.” Roland lets go of Connor and opens the closet door, pushing him out of the closet.
Connor stumbles down the hospital’s hallway, disheveled and almost starstruck. He attempts to smooth out his shirt and slowly makes his way back to Risa, sitting next to her without a word. He glances over at her; a guilty, flustered look present on his face as he smiles at her.
Risa isn’t amused, she knows exactly what Connor was doing, it was bound to happen at some point, but she figured it would have happened sooner rather than later. She just gives Connor a knowing, unamused look and crosses her arms. She knows that Connor making out with Roland would be a one time thing, and she doesn’t really care.
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lei-lei-artz · 6 months
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This is a new AU which I created! (Btw there’ll be oc x canon, maybe)
Read Chapter One here! (pls)
Connor Lassiter-Singer
Lev Tashi’ne-Drummer
Risa Ward-Keyboardist
Camus Comprix-Bassist
Roland Taggart-Lead Guitarist
Layton Wach-Rhythm Guitarist
Main Story:
It all starts at a high school in Akron, Ohio. Connor Lassiter finds himself with Lev Tashi’ne, they both play an instrument and have decided to try form a band and try to grow famous for their music. Throughout their journey they’ll meet new band mates, create and produce new songs and play live performances. Can they reach their goal and gain fame?
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julysn · 3 months
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ulterior motives [nsfw] | connor lassiter x roland taggart
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𝓢ynopsis ⋆ There's many formulas for sex, and Connor is about to discover a brand new equation. No clothes, a hot tub, and your worst enemy.
𝓘ncludes jerking off at the end, handjobs, they’re naked in a hot tub, slightly ooc since the plot + dialogue is from this episode of sp
𝓦ord 𝓬ount ⋆ ≈2100
𝓝otes ⋆ slutty waist connor !!!!!!! spoiler roland tops (are we surprised). again slightly ooc just in case u forgot, bottom connor but in a hot way…: title from the lost wave song LMFAO. not proofread, kinda ass most of this was written while i was on vacation and sleep deprived 😪
i’ve never written gay smut… anyways i ran this through a grammar checker just in case
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Saying the night was awkward would be a horrible understatement.
Roland sat there across from Connor, the warm water enveloping their bodies as soft curls of steam rose from the surface of the water. Night had fallen, gracing the two with a beautiful view of stars scattered around the sky like paint dotted on a canvas.
Silence filled the air, adding more to the intense and awkward atmosphere that the boys were left in. What the hell were they supposed to talk about? They hated each other's guts, and yet, there they were, both naked in a hot tub, alone. 
Connor shifts his position to get more comfortable, his leg accidentally brushing against Roland’s as he bites his lip and leans back lazily.
“.. Was that your leg?” Roland narrows his eyes, not bothering to look down into the water as he picks up a lighter from seemingly nowhere and lifts the flame up to his cigar, pinching it in-between his fingers and taking a puff.
“Huh?” Connor looks over in confusion, meeting the other boy’s eyes. “You mean this?” He shuffles again, his knees brushing against Roland’s once more, the contact sending a shiver down his spine. 
“Yeah.” He takes another puff from the cigar, his other arm draped lazily against the rim. “That your leg or not?”
Connor’s almost intimidated by his tone—that deep, velvety voice dripping with harshness he could barely detect—but he nods, speaking in a lighter tone than before. “Yeah. That was me.”
Silence descends upon the two once more, the tension growing thicker as Roland continues to smoke his cigar, not a care in the world as he leans back and lets the jets massage his back. He lets out a soft growl of contentment, looking up to the sky and letting everything fall into place.
“Mai looked pretty hot in there, dontcha think?” Roland smirks, head tilted back as he interrupts the quiet tranquility to air out his thoughts. He looks back at Connor once more, throwing him his signature smile that eases the mood.
“Whatever floats your boat.” Connor replies chippily, a cheerful smile laying on his lips as he looks down from the sky and glances over to him, his eyes following the way Roland smiled and how he just so casually took a drag of the cigar. He couldn’t feel this way, not when they had knives to each other's throats like cats to mice.
“I’d love to take that piece of ass home.” He adds, his smile turning into a sly, knowing smirk. That would certainly make him jealous, Roland knew it. He watched as the brunette’s eyebrows slowly furrowed, his eyes speaking of confusion and envy. 
Oh, that smile. That smile did things to Connor, whether he knew it or not. Roland definitely did, though, lowering the cigar from his lips and shooting the other boy that oh-so-charming smile. It was annoying, so goddamn annoying, so annoyingly attractive.
He had Connor sitting perfectly in the palm of his hand.
“.. Same.”
Roland raises an eyebrow when he agrees to his statement, finding it particularly amusing. He distinctly remembered Connor walking through the foyer of the party, Risa by his side, the two of them holding hands as they navigated through the crowd. A spark of curiosity rushes through him. He just had to ask. He needed to. 
“Yeah, I’m sure Risa would love that.” He says sarcastically, taking another puff of his cigar and holding the smoke in for a few seconds, before exhaling and watching the gray cloud dissipate into the night sky.
“I wish.” Connor almost has a dreamy look in his eyes, his mind wandering off to various fantasies. He’s always liked the idea of him, Risa, and Hayden, taking turns on each other and gently bathing each other for aftercare. “I’ve always wanted to have a threesome.”
“Two girls or two boys?” Roland can’t help it. He needs to know more. He’s completely forgotten about the cigar still in-between his fingers, the only thing consuming his mind being pure intrigue.
Any little bit of hostility that had been lingering in the atmosphere has completely evaporated. It’s replacement is curiosity and awkwardness, the topic washing away the hatred.
His answer is a little embarrassing, so Connor decides to lie. “Two girls, obviously, with another guy, that’d be..”
“You’ve never had a gay fantasy?” The sentence doesn’t even need to be finished, Roland knows what he’s going to say. “I haven’t.”
“You haven’t?”
“I mean, yeah, of course I have. Everyone has.” Roland snickers, ignoring the way he had just contradicted himself seconds prior. He tilts his head up, keeping up the image of intimidation and confidence, even if on the inside, a part of him wasn’t truly as confident as he was.
The words spill from Connor’s lips before he could restrain himself, before he could get his thoughts in order. “I never wanted to do anything crazy. Maybe just..” Hesitation.
Could he finish what he wanted to say? Express the emotions he desperately wanted to convey? Tell the truth, even if Roland makes fun of him for it? “.. jerkin’ off in front of another guy. Or letting another guy jerk me off.”
“The first one isn’t that gay, is it?” Roland takes a puff of the cigar he had just remembered was still lit.
“No!” The words escape his lips so quickly Connor has barely had time to process what he was saying. He takes a deep breath and sighs, scratching the back of his neck as the massaging jets of the hot tub streamed against his back. He quickly regains his composure, doing his best to act as nonchalantly as possible so Roland wouldn’t think he was attracted to him. “No, uh, I don’t think so.”
It falls quiet again, the only sounds being from the party that was still raging on in the house. The silence causes them to remember where they were. A hot tub in the backyard of a house. A house that wasn’t theirs, but rather, a house owned by Jackson Wang. The same guy who had invited them to this party, the same guy who was the reason they sat there in this hot tub, naked.
“.. So should I start or will you?”
Roland raises an eyebrow. “We’re doin’ this?” 
“Yeah.” Connor’s voice is quieter than usual, a shy undertone lining the facade of confidence he had thrown into the mix. “.. Uh, I’ll start.”
Connor’s free hand reaches down to his penis, fingers wrapping around his shaft as he begins to pump up and down. His cock was as stiff as ever, having hardened from their intimate conversation.
His head reels back in ecstasy as Roland sits there and watches, taking the occasional drag from his cigar, his eyes glued to the sight of Connor stroking himself. He watches with an almost lustful gaze, vision never straying away from the scene before him.
It doesn’t take long for Connor to cum.
In fact, it’s almost embarrassingly fast. 
Roland watches with a smirk as after only a few seconds, Connor reaches his climax, his ejaculate squirting out onto his chest and quickly being washed away by the water of the hot tub. He’s starting to wonder, what was he thinking about that had made him release that early? Risa, probably? Or maybe what they discussed earlier, about Mai’s outfit and appearance? Or even the threeway that he wanted, about him, RIsa and Hayden?
Or, maybe, just maybe, he was thinking about him?
Roland just has to ask, needs to know. “Who were you thinking about?”
“What?” Connor’s caught off guard by the question, a soft, rosy color blanketing his cheeks.
“When you came, who were you thinking about?” He’s ashamed to answer. He doesn’t want Roland to know the truth, to know that he wasn’t thinking about Risa, but it was someone else. Someone familiar.
“..” He should be honest.
“You.” One word, plain and simple, or, at least, it was supposed to be. Connor was already having second thoughts about revealing the truth. He bites his lip anxiously, hands slightly trembling as they clasped together on his lap.
Although Roland tries his absolute hardest not to show it, he’s pleasantly surprised by his answer. Connor really was thinking about him when he was stroking himself. Connor really was thinking about him when he exploded everywhere. But he quickly masks his surprise with a look of indifference and smugness. “Oh, really? Prove it.”
How the hell am I supposed to prove it? He has an idea. It’s risky, but it might just work. And it might just result in more.
Without warning, Connor leans in and presses his lips against Roland’s, his hands crawling onto the other’s tanned thighs as he slips his tongue past his teeth. Their tongues engaged in a battle of dominance and control, and Roland could sense it slipping away from him as he dropped his cigar over the rim of the hot tub, ears catching the sound of it landing onto the concrete.
He couldn’t let this happen. 
Roland’s eyes fluttered shut as the pretty-eyed brunette across from him continued to kiss him, and in an attempt to control the situation and regain his dominance, he shoves his tongue through Connor’s teeth, exploring his mouth and memorizing each and every crevice within. 
“Ah—” The brunette lets out a soft, gentle whine as Roland’s right hand slides onto his thigh, his left hand digging firmly into his petite waist. The aggression is there, yet slowly fading, fading into unadulterated arousal. 
The stars looked on as the two of them made out, moonlight shining down and illuminating their figures as they held onto each other and dueled for authority.
“You like that, huh, Lassiter?” Roland growls out, pulling back from the kiss as his hand crawls up Connor’s thigh and gently runs along the base of his cock, letting it stiffen against his fingers. 
“Yeah..” He’s breathless, panting. One hand grips the edge of his seat, the other on Roland’s waist, too prideful to admit that he was losing himself in the other boy’s touch. He watches as that cold, veiny hand goes down and squeezes his balls, a gasp escaping his parted lips.
Connor can’t help himself. He just has to throw the joke out, no matter how embarrassing it sounds. “Nice dick.” 
“Don’t tell me things I already know.” Roland scoffs, breaking eye contact to look directly down at the tip of Connor’s cock, his hand slowly beginning to pump up and down from the tip to the base.
Connor lets out a soft whine each time the dark-haired male’s fingers brush against his sensitive foreskin, voice dulcet and tender, causing the smirk on Roland’s face to further widen, his gaze locked on the pure ecstasy in those oh-so-pretty eyes. He never knew that his eyes were so deep and captivating, and had he known that earlier, he’d let himself get lost into those soulful orbs.
“Fuck you,” Connor spat, his voice lacking vitriol as his hands slide into Roland’s soft, chocolate brown locs, fingers wrapping around the strands of his hair and tugging on them as quiet whimpers escape his lips.
“You know you want to.”
Roland’s movements accelerate, going faster and faster and drawing out the prettiest of moans from Connor’s lips. He had to admit, though he despised Connor Lassiter with all of his heart, the boy’s whimpers were divine to listen to.
His grip tightens, calloused fingers sliding up and down with ease as pre-cum spilled into the water, making it go from clear to translucent.
“P-please..” Connor whines, his eyes fluttering shut as his head reels back and rests against the rim of the hot tub. In a desperate attempt to be quieter, he throws his hand over his mouth and lets his moans get louder, knowing his noises would be muffled by his palm. “I’m so close..”
“You gonna cum, Lassiter?” Roland smirks, his voice taunting as he strokes Connor harder, faster, wanting to see him ejaculate from the pleasure of his actions.
“Yeah, I..” He pants, his breathing getting heavier. “I’m gonna cum..”
Before Roland could even process the other boy’s words, Connor finally falls off of the edge of heaven, cum dripping down from the head of his cock and floating off into the water as he let out a loud groan into his hand. His eyes, though shut, were clouded in ecstasy as semen spills onto Roland’s hands.
“That.. that wasn’t gay, was it?”
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𝓝otes ⋆ ANDDDD POSTED!! finally holy shit. also if you wanted to know how i came up w this i was watching south park (as always) and it was on autoplay so the hot tub episode w randy and gerald played and j was like “…: conland fic!” and here we are LMFAO
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heliads · 11 months
Connor Lassiter Masterlist
The Magnificent Seven World Swap
seven devils all around me - Connor Lassiter is stuck in the basement beneath an antique store. Roland Taggart is waiting for him. Conroland Oneshot
angel ex machina - Based on this request: "guardian angel y/n x connor lassiter where in unwind instead of lev saving him after the happy jack explosion its y/n." Guardian Angel AU
Made it Back to You - Based on this request: "Connor is the one who gets taken from the Graveyard by Roberta (for propaganda reasons not because Cam likes him) and Rise goes and saves him?" Oneshot
Find Another Way - Based on this request: "Connor meets a former friend, and he has turned a Clapper and than he tries to persuade him to not blow himself (and the other one) up?" Oneshot
guess that's growing up - Based on this request: "an angsty what-if fic where Connor doesn't go deliver his letter and is there when Nelson finds the antique shop" Oneshot
everything is blue • conrisa space au - Risa Ward escaped a shuttle destined for her certain, painful death. Connor Lassiter ran away from home before it was too late. Lev Calder was kidnapped. All of them were supposed to be dissected for parts, used to advance a declining galaxy, but as of right now, all of them are whole. Life will not stay the same way forever. Completed Series
Love is Stored in the Sonata - Connor Lassiter thought he’d stop hearing the Graveyard’s piano once Risa Ward left. Y/N L/N may prove him wrong. It does not hurt him as much as he thought it would. Far from it, actually. Imagine
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julysn · 8 months
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scary? my god, you’re divine!
connor lassiter x reader. friends to lovers, pre-unwholly.
all i worship and adore.
hayden upchurch x connor lassiter. soulmate and high school au. pov switches sometimes.
ulterior motives
nsfw. connor lassiter x roland taggart. the two of them are naked in a hot tub. heavily inspired by the south park episode “two guys naked in a hot tub”.
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