#connor murphy headcannons
th3-living-death · 1 year
Few random connor murphy headcannons
Tried to make it as gender neutral as possible!!
Warnings: there are a few smutty ones. Probably a few spelling and or grammar mistakes.  Connor being an idiot inlove. Mentions of drugs and suicide. 
-Connor isn't the kind for nicknames. I mean sure he calls you babe or stuff like that. But nothing to lovey dovey like sweetie or darling unless he's joking. 
-Lots of nicknames like nerd, idiot, brat, bitch, naggy. Stuff like that. 
-He'll never admit it. But he likes to be the little spoon sometimes. He likes to be held and be told everything will be ok. 
-but when he's the big spoon he traces his hand up and down your hip 
-you helped him alot with his mental health. He calls you when he needs support and is so glad your his. 
-lets just say you were dating him during the plot of the story right? After Connors suicide you'd get really close to Evan and Jared and they'd feel so bad-
-eventually when they tell you, you stop talking to them for around a year before you eventually try to forgive them.  
-he loves when you play with his hair. Finds it oddly comforting. 
-you two get high together.
-you have a picture of him that use as black mail. It's of him with a bunch of rainbow coloured clips in his hair and makeup on. 
-he hates it. 
-ofcourse you would never release it. You just use it when you need a little leverage.
-Jared flirts with you alot to annoy Connor. Cuz he gets jealous quite easy. 
-adores you in his clothes. Because he's quite tall his clothes are quite big on you and he loves you for it. 
-he definitely teases you because your short compared to him. 
-but for my taller people. He still teases you calls you a giraffe. 
-if your a theatre kid (like me) he loves watching you preform. He gets jealous if you have a love story with another person though.  
!!Nsfw stuffs bellow here!!
-massive tease. You can be in the the middle of class and you'll feel his hand running up your thigh slowly inching towards your crotch. 
-loves post sex cuddles. 
-likes to be dominate. 
-giving him head when he's stoned 🙏
-kinky mother fucker. 
-loves when you pull his hair. Urges him to continue. 
-I don't think he whimpers. I think he groans and mumbles swears.
-loves biting you and marking you up. Thinks it's hot. 
-consent is so important to him. If you don't give him explicit worded consent, he doesn't do anything. It's always "words babe", "c'mon use your words", "need you to speak up hon"
And that's it! Thank you so much for reading!! <33
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24-7fandombrain · 1 year
Kleinphy headcanons because I swear to GOD these two need more content:
TW for (underage) drug use and sex, suicide and self-harm
They met because Jared and Connor happened to share the same place at the school they would smoke at. Connor walked in on Jared getting stoned one day. The two of them just stared at each for a moment, then Jared held his blunt out to Connor and was like, "Want a hit?" and they've been friends ever since
Their relationship started as just the two of them getting high together, but then one of them kissed the other and it turned sexual
They never put a label on their relationship. Friends with benefits? Fuck buddies? Boyfriends? Neither of them really knew
Connor got a burner to text Jared because he didn't want his parents (and especially his dad) finding out that he was gay
Zoe walked in on them once, but she never really saw who Connor was with (she would later assume that it was Evan)
They would drive up to nearby cliffs together when they wanted to get away from life
They'd make plans about leaving the city together after they graduated and getting up to shit
Connor was more of the "settle down and start a family" type than Jared, but he would never admit to it. The one thing Connor wanted more than anything was to buy a house with Jared
Jared was the only person who could calm down an angry Connor. (He did it by telling Connor he was really hot when he was angry)
Codependency issues
They made each other worse, and they both knew it. They didn't really care, though, because it felt too good
They would kiss each other's self-harm scars, but would never really tell each other to stop. Whenever they'd try, it would be like, "You really need to stop doing this." "You first." and the conversation would be over
They have called each other while crying more time than they can count. It became just a regular thing for them
Jared became really good at first aid from helping patch up Connor's injuries. He never asked where they came from, and he was never told
Jared's house was empty a lot of the time, so Connor would just text him, "I'm coming over," or just show up unannounced
They both learned how to climb up buildings and through windows over time. Especially Jared
There was only one picture of the two of them together. They'd swap who had it every now and then
They didn't really fight. They'd argue sometimes, and things would get heated, but Jared was really good at de-escalting the fight by just cracking some dumb joke
The one real fight they got into (over Jared being careless and the two of them almost being caught) was just days before Connor's suicide. Jared never forgave himself for it
Jared was the first person to find Connor's body. He didn't say anything because he thought that, even in death, Connor wouldn't have wanted his parents to know
Jared also took the picture from Connor's room so that his parents wouldn't find it
He also had to pretend, for the next three days, like nothing had happened
Jared originally helped Evan write the emails because he wanted to feel close to Connor again. He'd pretend like the emails were between him and Connor sometimes, instead of Evan and Connor
Jared hated the apple orchard being restored, but had to bite his tongue. Connor would tell him all the time that he was going to burn the orchard to the ground once he left
Jared never told anyone about him knowing Connor, even after Evan admitted to lying
Zoe eventually figured it out, but she never confronted Jared
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fallen-moss · 1 year
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Connor doodle from a couple days ago :3
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happyandticklish · 2 years
here to ask for connor/miguel from deh for the dynamic thing 👀
Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
I would argue that they are both cute, but Connor's is more conventionally cute as his is ass high-pitched giggles and snorts, whereas Miguel's is more of a deep, charismatic belly laugh kind of thing.
What are their tickle spots?
Miguel's whole torso is pretty bad, specifically his upper ribs/armpit area. His feet are fucking death spots and no one is allowed to touch them, not even Connor. Connor's main ones are his hips, knees, and neck. Anywhere where body parts are being connected lol.
Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
Connor's wrists/inner arms are weirdly sensitive, especially to nails or feathers.
Who gets cheer-up tickles?
CONNOR omfg all the time. I will say, it's not so much cheer-up tickles as it is aftercare after the actual cheering up has happened, or to get him out of a grumbly mood.
Do either of them try to hide their ticklishness?
They both do, Connor for his reputation, and Miguel for his basic survival. He grew up in a house with a bunch of other siblings, so he's gotten pretty good at hiding his reactions well enough to keep himself from being the one pinned down in any kind of tickle fight.
Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while trying to take off their shirt?
Connor does lol he's pretty self-conscious about undressing in front of Miguel, so even if they're about to move into anything else, he'll leave the room before actually removing his shirt. Miguel has no such hold-ups, and Connor thinks it's funny how the surprise of it makes him let out this fucking squawk of a laugh in his mangled attempt to bring his arms back down in protection.
How did they discover each other's ticklishness?
Connor has a stupidly ticklish neck, and after a high Miguel started noticing how his breath would hitch whenever he kissed too lightly there, and from then on he began his own experiments into fully discovering the depths of this weakness. Connor found out because he was having dinner with Miguel at his house (because in this universe Connor is fine and things have escalated such that Connor has told his parents about their relationship), and they were discussing stories of the notorious tickle fights Zoe and Connor used to get into when they were little. And innocently Miguel related that he had gone through his fair share of those with his family, a significant amount of which he lost. Connor didn't say anything at the time, merely tucked the information away for later use.
Who can't take tickle bites/raspberries?
Fucking. Connor. Does not matter what part of skin it's happening to, my man crumples into a squirming, protesting ball of nerves. Definitely almost took out Miguel's eye with his elbow when the former decided to see if tickle bites worked on his stomach as well.
Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
I'm going to say neither of them, purely because they do not share a household and staying the night was pretty quickly forbidden once both households found out about their relationship.
Who initiates tickle fights?
Always Miguel, Connor could never. I feel like Miguel is a pretty solid switch, so he'll forever be provoking Connor through little pokes or pinches to the side in the hopes of revenge/to mess with him, and sometimes he'll fully scoop Connor up announced and throw him onto whatever available surface there is to wreck his ass.
Who gives up in tickle fights?
Connor mostly, because he's too ticklish not to, but Miguel will if the right spots are targeted.
Who's in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
They both are lol Connor is all flying elbows and feet digging into your sides while being tickled, and Miguel will throw Connor off of him if he's desperate enough. It's a dangerous affair, to say the least, not that they don't risk it 24/7.
Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
As stated before, Miguel will use tickling as means to rile Connor up, as Connor's pretty good about fighting back if Miguel starts something. Connor has memorized the things he needs to say, or the tone of voice he needs to use, for Miguel to tickle him. He is scarily good at getting what he wants in that area, a fact that Miguel called him out on once only to find himself victim to a largescale tickle attack as a result.
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vivisect-six · 1 year
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my gay ass has been on a Dear Evan Hansen kick for the past god damn month so you guys get Connor Murphy doodle as my first actual post. As a treat :3
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milksteakkk · 3 months
hai… do u have any headcanons for the murphy siblings….. (separately and as a duo)
zoe !!
im a strawberry blonde zoe truther but i have no idea who she got it from
collects stupid stuff like bottle caps, can tabs, glass bottles etc to the point where it gets a bit out of hand (im projecting 😭)
kept all her stuffed animals from when she was a kid because she cant bear to get rid of them
not really a headcannon but shes soo the colour yellow to me... i love her dearly
carabiner wearer 🙏🏽🙏🏽
night in the woods and life is strange fan (max caufield is the love of her life)
jamiroqiai listener 🔥🔥
connor !!
loves lost media and tv hijacking incidents !! his fav of the latter is the joanna lopez case ^_^
silent hill enjoyer
cant sleep w/out background noise (his go to is usually smth from one of the silent hill soundtracks)
did most of his piercings either w miguel or by himself and alot of his first ones got infected 😭
watched alot of adult swim as a kid (some of his favs are aqua teen hunger force, space ghost coast to coast, the eric andre show and robot chicken)
type o negative listener ‼️
typically draws lots of body horror
resident evil fan (he and miguel completed re5 together, connor played as sheva and miguel was chris (important information trust))
bruises and scars ridiculously easy
both !!
WAISIAN (japanese and white american) MURPHY SIBLINGS RAGHHH ‼️‼️
when they were kids they would look for bugs together and whoever could find the weirdest looking one would win (win what ?? no idea but they both took it very seriously)
connor would make up the stupidest shit and trick zoe into believing it and she would get so mad when she found out whatever he said wasnt true
^ he once convinced her that popcorn was made of polystyrene when she was 7 and she believed it and refused to eat it for a whole year before cynthia told her the truth
they may have had a bad relationship when connor was alive, but the one thing that brought them together was their hatred of family gatherings/house parties. they would always avoid everyone and hide away in one of their rooms together until everyone had left
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biscuitbakerbecca · 9 months
Zoe Murphy for the character ask
Favorite Thing About Them
I appreciate that she is a very resentful character. Zoe not wanting to view Connor as a good person because she was wronged feels so cool to me. She isn’t wrong, Connor likely abused her and she shouldn’t have to miss him because of societal expectations. Love her. Best girl.
Least Favorite Thing About Them
I think Zoe (especially in fannon) is played a bit too dumb. Given her reactions to Evan in early act one I don’t think she would ever actually fall for Evan. I really don’t like the you made my brother a good person now kiss me thing she has going on. I feel like she wouldn’t do that if she was a real person. I know she’s like 16 but…she clearly didn’t like Evan up until the end of YWBF. She rejected him after IICTH, she didn’t sing in Disappear, and I know she’s supposed to have her moment of acceptance that Connor “was a good person” in YWBF but it feels kind of forced. She’s smarter than to believe the lies imo and the fandom really ran with the idea of her being easily manipulated for quite a while
Favorite Line
Why did you want to meet here?
I wanted to be sure you saw this.
But you told me that he…that you would talk about me and that he would… How could you do this? *runs away to cry*
Zoe and Jared being friends is top tier, I love writing their dynamic!
A snippet of my own writing for explanation, excuse the horrid grammar it was 2020/2021:
Zoe apparently decided to copy her brother, as she's in a black dress and heels.
"Woah, who died?" Jared asked, trying to repress a smile as Evan locks their elbows.
Zoe sighed, "Our great uncle. We are leaving after second hour to go to his wake."
"Oh, so that's why Connor didn't dress like a complete dumpster fire," Jared hummed, watching said teen walk over. His tie doesn't match what he's wearing but whatever.
—I don’t know what I want, but I need you. Chapter 5
They call each other insults and they stay out late to gossip. Bad bitches supporting bad bitches. They fight like scorned lovers but they defend each other to the highest degree. Chaos gremlins.
Alana/Zoe— I know I know I’m basic but it’s the only sapphic pairing I can make in canon
If we extend the boarder to other musicals I’m a slut for Zoe Murphy/Brooke Lohst. They’re both betrayed by their love interest, they’re meant to be. In 2020 I started writing a comic where they would meet post BMC and DEH (Up to Words Fail) and become best friends and then fall in love. I wrote four pages and lost energy
Obviously nothing gross, but logical pairings that give me the ick are Zoe/Jared. They are Friend Zoned so hard. (mostly because Jared is gay in all my writings of him) Also BandTrees can sometimes rub me the wrong way but as the show is I’m cool with them for the most part
Random Headcannon
Zoe has red hair is a common one but goddamn do I like the idea of her trying to separate from her rich parents by looking different.
Also bisexual with a preference for girls
Also drummer Murphy Kids
Also Murphy Twin Truther (Connor got bumped up a grade because he’s good at school when he is there)
Unpopular Opinion
They shouldn’t have written out Zoe’s best friend character that was in the original draft of the show. Yes this is because the best friend was named Becca. But also Zoe needed a teen to bounce off of that wasn’t Evan because she never interacts with Alana or Jared. She’s isolated for the most part and would have been a stronger character if she had a friend in her corner. Her only “friend” we see in the show is her mom
(Friendly reminder that Zoe has a friend named Bea in the book (I think that’s the name it’s been a hot minute since I read the book—either way she has an actual friend with a name) and I hc them as enby)
Song I Associate With Them
I haven’t actively thought about Zoe in a hot minute hang on…
Okay I know she can already drive in all forms of canon media but drivers license feels like something she would listen to on loop after breaking up with Evan
I would say traitor instead of drivers license but Zoe knows that Evan didn’t originally have ill intent nor did he ever cheat on her so just a sad song to cry along to because she used to drive him around feels right.
(Book moment where she cried while sitting on/near her car. Movie moment where she nearly kills herself while driving)
Favorite Picture Of Them
We have options for this one (yes one is a gif but it gets the point across)
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
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✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Hey loveys! I do RP now so I thought I'd get boundaries and all that good stuff out of the way. ◦•●◉✿ Things you should expect: ☆ I'm mainly lee. I ler occasionally, but if you're expecting it don't get your hopes too high up. ◉ I don't do angst typically. If you want a hurt/comfort scenario, feel free to ask me about it, the worst I can say is no. ☆ I don't get upset easily! If I tell you no or that I don't feel comfortable with something, it's just me communicating, I'm not upset or mad at you. Unless you're a shit person. Then I'm upset. ◉ I curse pretty frequently, and when I play certain characters it varies. Communicate with me if you don't like it and I'll tone it down. ☆ I like my headcannons and I'm keeping them, thank you very much. If you don't like them we don't have to incorporate them but trying to force your own opinion onto me is just rude. ◦•●◉✿ General boundaries regarding RP content: ☆ If I don't know you or follow you, chances are I'm going to want to get to know you at least a little before RP. ◉ Absolutely NO NSFW! This should go without saying but I'll say it anyway. ☆ Communicate your boundaries with me! It shouldn't be a one-sided conversation, I want to know how you feel and what makes you comfortable. ◉ Bondage scenarios (even if completely SFW) are absolutely out of my comfort zone. So are interrogation scenarios, something about them never really sat right with me. ☆ I'm an age regressor. If you'd like to incorporate this into our RP session run it by me first, but most times it's a no if I don't trust you completely. ◉ If you make me uncomfortable I am going to voice it. Don't get offended, just adjust accordingly please. Boundaries are not insults. ☆ No foot stuff, please. No offense to the people who like it, there's nothing wrong with it, I just don't like it. ◉ Use the green, yellow and red rule. In case you don't know or need a refresher, green is go ahead, yellow is slow down, red is stop. It seems weird for just an RP, but it gives some level of comfort to me. ☆ If you ignore the above rule I either won't respond or block you on the spot. Gauging responses is a good way to weed out the bad people if you catch my drift. ◦•●◉✿ Characters I will RP as: ☆ Vox (Hazbin Hotel) ◉ Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) ☆ Adam (Hazbin Hotel) ◉ Husk (Hazbin Hotel) ☆ Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) ◉ Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss) ☆ Nico Di Angelo (Percy Jackson) ◉ Will Solace (Percy Jackson) ☆ Keith Kogane (Voltron) ◉ Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) ☆ Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) ◉ Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen - Alive AU) ◦•●◉✿ Specific characters I will NOT RP as/with: ☆ Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) yes that's it ◦•●◉✿ Some extra notes and info: ☆ I use he/him pronouns both in and out of RP, you'll notice I only play male or masculine-presenting characters. ◉ If I don't answer right away, don't spam me or take it personally. I don't get message notifications from Tumblr, I also have my laptop on Do Not Disturb most of the time due to work and schooling reasons. ☆ PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND WITH HATE TO THIS POST. I'll say this until I'm out of breath, boundaries are not insults! They were made with everyone in mind, not just you! ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Overall, just follow my boundaries and communicate yours with me so we can both have a safe and fun time. •.¸♡𝚝𝚞 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚖𝚊 𝚒𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊 𝚝𝚎♡¸.•
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diamond-anon · 2 years
Hi, can i pretty pls get a Conner Murphy headcannons for cuddles with male reader. Maybe somethong about teader sitting on conners lap as well pls? Thanks
hm only just saw this.
well i think connor likes both big and little spoon but with guys he likes being little spoon.
but he often turns over so hes facing his partner and he rubs his face on their chest
another thing he likes is his partner sitting in his lap. it doesnt matter their height or size, he wants them in his lap now. immediately. he likes when they face him and straddle his lap on a chair bc he can wrap his arms around their waist, its so intimate and close, he loves it
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Hello! For your BS/TWD stories, I can't remember. Did they ever say who the older twin was Connor or Murphy? (Thinking about the deleted scene where they say it is the one with the bigger cock).
It'd be funny though if Daryl was larger than both. :)
Hi anon!Anon!!
Thanks for the ask!!
Yes. There was a deleted scene about which twin was older by the size of their dicks. However, we never really did get confirmation (if you know what I mean). Though, I do headcannon that Connor is older. Something about how he holds himself and acts in regards to Murphy just makes me think he's the older brother. Though, I think I made sure to leave the answer unknown to keep the joke going.
As for Daryl? I agree!! It would be funny if he's bigger than the two. Who knows? Maybe you'll just have to read to find out.
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soursaiki · 6 years
Hot Water
Pairing: Connor Murphy x Reader
Requested: nope
A/N: Oof sorry I haven’t uploaded a fic in a while I’ve been super busy with marching band
Warnings: smut ;)
Okay so Jared has a birthday party at his house and invites everyone
It includes swimming in his pond in his back yard (including a slide and swing)
You and Connor decide to carpool since you live close
And Connor is THRILLED bcuz he likes u
On the way there, you two sing along to nirvana while he puts his hand on ur thigh while he drives ;)
“Pull over” you state blankly. “Why?” “Just do it”
He’s confused but he does what he’s told and pulls the car over to the side of the road
“What?” You unbuckle your seatbelt and turn to him and smash your lips into his
He smirks into the kiss and pulls you closer to him
You tangle your fingers into his hair as he sucks on your bottom lip
Your hands travel down his body to his stomach and under his shirt
He starts to move to your neck but your phone alarm cuts you guys off
You scramble to find it and turn it off
“We should uh..get going again.” He speaks up
You nod and buckle your seatbelt back up
When you guys arrive at Jared’s house,
Jared’s older sister opened the door
“If you’re here for the party, they’re all down by the pond”
You two walk hand in hand through Jared’s big back yard
You heard screaming and laughing
“Y/N! Connor!” Jared screams from the top of the slide
You grin and take your shirt and shorts off, showing your bathing suit
You meet Jared on the top of the slide and push him off
Later, Connor swims up to you
“Hey Connor” he grabs your hand and moves it to his crotch underwater
You get the idea and palm him through his shorts
He whines as you stick your hand down his shorts and grab his dick
You give him a quickie and start to pleasure your own self
He swats your hand away and shoves his hand into your bottoms and starts rubbing you
He sticks a finger inside you and starts fingering you
Both of you are hot messes, trying not to draw attention to the two of you
He finishes you off
You want to scream but you can’t
“Let’s go inside for pizza!” Jared shouts
You grab his ass then go back inside for pizza
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Can you do a Connor x reader headcanon where the reader is plus size and has anxiety (not related to weight) Thanks
I hope you like this, my dude! But if you don’t, let me know and I will certainly write something else for you!
WC: 710
Warning: Swearing
you hadn’t told Connor you had anxiety
you were worried he would leave you cause he already has so much to deal with on his own
but he figured it out himself
cause one day you two went on a date
you’re dating
you somehow convinced Connor to take you to the mall because there was a dress at Hot Topic that you’ve had your eye on for a while and they finally came out with your size!
you both go the store and look for it
you found it hanging up top
but you were too nervous to ask someone for help
so you stood on your tiptoes to get it yourself
and Connors just like “wtf are you doing?”
“im just trying to get the dress”
“why don’t you ask for help?”
you quickly shake your head
“no! they’re probably really busy. i can get it”
no you cant
really no one can
like its so high up Connor cant even reach it
its annoying
this guy
he just
he fucking scales the shelves next to it and grabs it
you start freaking out cause he could hurt himself
and you guys might also get thrown out of the store
but he comes down with the dress and doesn’t get caught
you smile and kiss his cheek before running to the cashier
you make sure you have exact change and whisper what you have to say over and over again while you’re waiting in line
and Connor just grabs your hand and squeezes it
“hey, Y/N, you good?”
you nod and repeat it once more before stepping up to the counter
you pay for the dress as quickly as you can cause what about the people behind you?
do they think you’re taking to long?
are the judging you?
so you get the hell out of there
and Connor follows you
he grabs the bag from your hands and pulls you over to the side
“hey, babe, talk to me. what the fuck is going on. you’re acting like Evan.”
you figured it out
good boy
have a cookie
he puts a hand on your cheek
“why didn’t you tell me?”
you leaned into his touch
“i didn’t want to worry you cause you already have so much to worry about”
he sighs and holds your hand and takes you back to his car
he drives you two to his house
he grabs the bag and drags you upstairs
he tosses the bag on the floor and grabs his bed comforter
Connor wrapped you and him up in the comforter and snuggled with you
he kissed your head and kept whispering how much he loves you and that he’s gonna worry about you no matter what
and you smile so brightly cause this guy just makes you so happy and you love him so much and he’s just Connor
Connor spent so much time with Evan
(cause they’re best friends in this universe fight me)
that he’s picked up some tricks on helping anxiety
so he absolutely 100% uses them on you
like the drawing a square method?
y’all know that method?
its where a person draws a square on your arm or hand and when they trace up you breath in and when they trace down you breath out
its really helpful
i recommend it if you’re looking for something calming to use
Connor uses it a lot to help you
but he loves drawing squares on your stomach
cause its so soft and he loves that it tickles you when he does it
Connor will always keep one of his large sweatshirts in his car for when your having a bad day
if he sees your struggling, he will run out to his car in the middle of class just to grab it
and if the teacher says anything about it he will flip them off
and then you have to wait for two hours after school for a ride home while he sits in detention
fun times
this boy loves you
and will do everything in his power to make you feel confident and secure
the end
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Work of Art
Request: hey there :0 recently found yr blog and i just wanna say yr writing is really good! i saw yr requests were “openish” so if this is an inconvenience then that’s ok and you don’t have to write anything :) but connor murphy w a male reader who likes to draw? and he draws them together in his free time? maybe babies connor a lot in private too? (^^*)if you decide to do this, ty! if not, that’s ok too! keep up the good work ♡🦑 Word Count: 498 Words Warnings: Connor being insecure Author’s Note: heyy...how yall doin... so sorry to the anon that requested this it took me a year and then some to finally write it and it’s bad... anyways... have a good day/night :) <3
You were sitting in the art room one day during study hall as usual when all of a sudden someone else came into the room
You were startled because usually, it’s just you and the art teacher this period.
A boy, probably another student judging by the style of his clothes, came in, nodded his head at your teacher as a greeting, signed in, and sat at a table on the other side of the room
He took out a sketchbook that looked very well loved with stickers all over the front and back covers
He could feel your eyes on him and looked over
You quickly put your head down and felt the tips of your ears grow warm in embarrassment
After that, the two of you drew in your respective sketchbooks silently
The period passed and you didn’t leave the room as you had actual art class next period but neither did the mystery boy
Once the rest of your classmates were settled into their seats, except for the mystery boy,  Ms.Anne stood up in front of the class, “Hello Everyone! I hope you’ve all had a good day so far. As you can see we have a new student with us. This is Connor Murphy, he just started here so please help him feel welcome. Connor, you can sit at the table back there with Y/N.”
You felt your eyes grow wide, no one has sat next to you for the whole year why did that have to change now?
He searched for a minute before his eyes found yours
He came and sat down next to you and you decided to introduce yourself to make him feel welcome or whatever Ms.Anne said.
Surprisingly he responded and you two talked through the rest of the period and the rest is history.
He quickly became your favorite thing to draw
At first, you kept the drawings hidden in fear of him being creeped out but as you grew closer you eventually showed him the drawings
He cried when he saw them because he never imagined someone seeing him in a positive way like you did
Soon after you showed him the drawings the two of you started dating
You loved that you were now able to give him all the affection he deserved (never in public though because he had a reputation to uphold)
And now you could make him pose for all the drawings you want
He drew you on occasion but was insecure about his art even though you constantly assured him it was incredible
For your one-year anniversary, you drew Connor’s favorite picture of the two of you
Once he opened it and saw what it was he practically jumped at you to kiss you and give you the biggest hug
You two stayed like that for a while
For all your anniversaries after that you drew his favorite picture of the two of you from the last year <3
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happyandticklish · 2 years
you know exactly who i want a headcanon for 👀
(also yes its totally ok for u to rb the post btw)
Two flustered guys, coming right up~
Connor: I headcannon him as both possessing and being aware of this particular tk obsession, and I think it manifested when he was young, as it did for a lot of us. He would have a game he would play with his parents when he was little called "criminal", in which he would pretend to steal cookies from the kitchen, or snatch the TV remote, or be generally disruptive, and it was their job to "punish" the criminal with tickles afterwards. He would play it obsessively back then, and now that his relationship with them has kind of faded, he can't help but feel that the memory is tainted almost, or bittersweet.
Miguel: I don't think he's really into tickling one way or the other (he is always down to wreck Connor, but I don't think he needs to in the same way that Connor does), and he's pretty good at holding back his reactions, BUT. There is this one spot on his neck that is unbearably sensitive, right up behind his ear, and yet is also the one spot that he really likes being tickled. It gives him goosebumps and makes him super nervous and vulnerable, and he's addicted to the feeling. Connor will press light kisses or bites to the area, and Miguel just lays back and takes it with a hand over his face as these soft little gasps and hitches of breath escape him through his wide grin. He has to use every ounce of self control he possesses not to scrunch up in protection lol.
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sinn-three-hcs · 7 years
Description: “sincerely three doing the do” Warnings: NSFW//sex//cursing Word count: 561 Evan: -probably pretty vanilla but one day he really wants to try something new? -"could I um? Maybe- I'm not sure- go down on you?” -He was nervous but he wanted to make you feel good without you feeling you needed a return -He got g o o d. -As much as he did it to you, you would simply go down on him. -It was very push and shove. -You'd try something new -He would find something else to add to the night -Lingerie wasn't something he thought about but when you showed up to his room on his birthday in a new little suit he would lose it -He would gaze at you for what seemed like minutes -He didn't want to touch you he just wanted to look for ever -He loved you -He wouldn't be the type to rip that off of you. -He would want to see you in it again so he slowly put surely peeled it off with traces of kisses Jared: -Jared always talks about sex. About how good he is. But honestly hay boy is a nervous ball when you come towards him naked and quite confident -His hands love tracing your sides Shakey shakey hands -"Y/n? I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna need help. Porn only teaches you so much.” As soon as you start guiding him he gets the idea. -He's a bit scared of hurting you. -You try to jump right into kinks but that boy needs to go a bit slower then he comes off -He says he hates the daddy kink but he comes so hard when you play kitten idk -He would absolutely have a playlist -“Sexy time with y/n” was definitely be on Spotify -Had a lot of old r&b and some shit he heard in a movie that actors were fuckin too idk he tried -He loved the idea of shower sex but both of you we're clumsy -Netflix and chill yes my boy -You both decided that you would play old walking dead episodes when you guys did it to make sure you wouldn't miss anything knew -I feel like one time you guys tried doing sexy food stuff -Like whip cream and shit -But it was a lot of work and no one wanted to clean up after -Never again Connor: -he's so calm and smooth -All of sudden his hand was under your shirt gripping your waist a little tighter -Hickeys. Everywhere. Color bone behind your ear. On your stomach -One day you guys were actually playing around and he made like a legit stickfigure out of hickeys on your stomach. -As much as you'd love getting your hair pulled -he begs for it -He loves to be dom. -He probably flips positions all the time -But -He loves watching your face when you come for him -You always are under him looking him in the eye -He makes you mellttt -He's so good at going down on you -He loved it when you wear his shirt after sex -You two crash after sex -It would be so exhausting -But still good -Angry sex was popular between you two _________________ Requests open for Hc’s
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milksteakkk · 2 months
coughs coughs gimme ur general deh headcanons
ok so one of my biggest headcannons that i will believe forever is that evan is mac demarcos #1 fan. he has disproportionate emotional reactions to most if not all of his music
umm uhh kleinsen time because i love them !! they would always play video games at jareds because evan couldnt affort it :,( they were religious lbp players because it was the only co op game evan was good at and jared still religiously listens to the osts for all the games but shh dont tell anyone. evan loves clive handforth
zoe is a beanie baby collector. her heart would literally shatter into a million pieces if she lost any of them she loves them so much :( <3
connor speedruns games in his spare time and hes actually pretty good. his favs to speedrun are resident evil games
alana is a board game lover she pulls up to the function w chess or monopoly and tbh thats real as fuck of her
evan and heidi are norwegian and the murphy siblings are wasian (japanese/american) also theyre twins because the 1 year age gap is so stupid and they have more of a twin dynamic anyways
by brain is frying so thats all i got rn but thank u for letting me chat shite for a bit 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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