arkitiore · 7 months
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U changed ur name yea??? 😭
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Ahahaha maybe I should have left the pinned post up longer 😭 but yes! It is I!!!!!
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immawraffle · 2 years
Got tagged by @laurelsofhighever to post the last sentence I wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
My last sentence was: “They have a way of constantly surprising him, this strange, mercurial benefactor of his,” from the third chapter of my Zevwarden week WIP. I’m a bit behind, so I’m doing two prompts today, and this is for yesterday’s prompt.
That was 14 words, which is a much more reasonable amount than my usual sentence length, so, I’ll just tag some random people in my orbit: @trans-ruffboi, @stainedglassserault, @bluerose5, @mynerddom, @thehedgehogat221b, @bluedaddysgirl, @veraynes-blog, @prettyquickpoetry, @connork1000, @crossdressingdeath, @princehendir, @fuckyeahzevranarainai, @iheartgarrus, @elytrians.
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keltii-tea · 3 years
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Collab with @connork1000! We traded linearts and I had the honour of colouring this really sweet work :)
We agreed on the theme "home," then went and independently drew the same scene....... I guess it really is all about jazz records and living room floors, huh
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Ship ask meme!! <3
💚 💩 💢
I just answered these ones here! :)
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
So I haven't had coffee in like a week. I make my coffee in the dark because the boyfriend is usually asleep, and this morning I made it pretty strong. We are on like 1.5 hours of sleep.
That said, I'm not even half way through the mug and I can already feel it. So I apologize if I make no sense later today.
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lost-tanuki · 3 years
First Lines Meme (repost dont reblog)
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Thanks for the tag @connork1000!
1) Buzzing in his head, loud, constant. Horrors Told - Outlast
2) Lucien dragged the wet rag across the window and watched the blurry shapes moving around beyond it. The Ildenmoor Tragedy - Wayfaring Curses
3) "All right, Leonida. Are you ready?" The Disaster Five - The Disaster Five
4) It was summer in Detroit. Pigments and Solvents - Detroit: Become Human
5) Gintoki hit the wall with the hammer again and again, the dry sounds of dense metal smacking against thick concrete wall loud in his ears. Kabe (Continuation) - Gintama
6) The solid thunk of a boot connecting with the bone of a jaw echoed through the room. Lucky Dog - Detroit: Become Human
7) Connor glanced at his reflection in the dirty window of the nightclub. Out of Left Field - Detroit: Become Human
8) Markus felt anxious. Not A Beta - Detroit: Become Human
9) A hush had descended upon the audience seated in the wide skating rink. Gliding On A Broken Wing - Detroit: Become Human
10) It had been a week since the man named Markus had found him. Things Don’t Work That Way - Detroit: Become Human
11) Markus leaned in the doorway with his arms crossed and gazed fondly at the younger man laid out on his belly on the floor, chest propped up on a pillow, elbows planted on either side of it as he studied the open book in front of him with intense focus. Hot Apple Cider - Detroit: Become Human
12) Connor quickly slipped the cold hard muzzle of the gun back in the waistband of his pants, his mind reeling with the shock of terror and guilt. Good morning, Lieutenant - (Vol. 1) The Defective Deviant - Detroit: Become Human
13) Hank Anderson was a solitary man. The Three Little Werewolves - Detroit: Become Human
14) Settling in Canada hadn't been that easy, Alice could tell even if Kara tried her best to be optimistic. The Big Sad Monster And The Brave Little Girl - Detroit: Become Human
15) Worn buildings loomed over lifeless streets. Stray’s Shelter - Unfair Lives
16) Isaac was running late that evening and when he finally showed up at the park where he and Chris were supposed to join up, he noticed that the rendezvous point was devoid of any tall man with silver hair. A Beast Leashed And Caged - Teen Wolf
17) Nines had been investigating a crime scene with Gavin. Just gonna break it a little - Detroit: Become Human
18) A thin man with red hair, happy green eyes and a wide grin greeted Gwen at the entrance of the camp she was going to be working at as a counselor for the forseeable future. He Smiles - Camp Camp
19) Markus, Connor, North, Josh and Simon were drifting along with the crowd that filled the fairground they'd just showed up at, trying to communicate aloud as best as they could over the sounds of laughter and screams of fear as the various rides that surrounded them swooped up and down in a concert of metallic noises and whooshes of air. Ferris wheels are romantic, right? - Detroit: Become Human
20) "Move it, loser!" yelled Sixten from the rolled down window of his car. Down the road we go - Detroit: Become Human
Whew, done! 
Well, one thing I can say is that’s it’s pretty frustrating to be limited to a first line, especially for stories where my first lines are a two-beat thing where the first sentence sets up the second... Which happens a lot, apparently. I guess that’s my pattern! Short sentence starters. Also, I’ve noticed I don’t do a lot of dialogue starters nor do I often start with descriptions that don’t come from the character’s POV. I mostly begin by focusing on something in the character’s surroundings, or by referring to their sensory inputs, or by stating something that is generally true for them (their living situation/temperament...).
As for my favorite opening line, it’s gotta be Good morning, Lieutenant’s! I think it’s the one that does the best job of grabbing the reader’s attention because it’s already so fraught with tension. Then again, it is a direct continuation to a tense scene in the game, so...  Can I go beyond the rule and make a podium? I’m making a podium. I also like the one for Hot Apple Cider because it’s so soft, and the one from Down the road we go because I find Sixten very funny even if he’s rude as hell.
This was an interesting little experiment! I’ll tag (if you’ll allow me to, cause I’m pretty sure half of these great writers don’t know/remember who I am, but listen, I really like what you do and I’m curious to see what your answers would be) @lokiitama, @emiliaf25, @liketolaugh-writes, @not-poignant, @taylortut, @kianraidelcam, @unholygrass, @connor-rk, @a-good-omen, @ao3gingerswag
and I also tag everyone who sees this and wants to participate~
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bisexual-ashe · 3 years
Hello! <3 I'm just here to drop into your ask box to give you a big hug.
I'm sorry you aren't feeling the best today, you don't deserve to feel that way <\3
Take care of yourself 💖
thankkkk I WROTE MORE BUT TUMBLR DELETED IT??? i appreciate this dude <3 thank you <3 <3 <3
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detectiveconnor · 3 years
Your characterisation of Connor gives me LIFE. I'm glad I've been invited to comment on it via tags because honestly i love every Connor Thought you post on this blog. I feel compelled to rant at you about how much I enjoy your Connor each and every time you share a new character tid-bit but Im Shy. Occasionally I get a little query pop into my head of "I wonder what Connors thoughts would be about x" and when that happens I drop it into your ask box on anon because asking you (IMO) is the closest thing I'll get IRL to actually asking Connor himself... Honestly at this point I'm becoming less and less convinced that you are simply a writer characterising Connor Very Well and more convinced that this blog is actually run by Connor...undercover...
- (also if you ever feel like sharing those thoughts re canon you have about Connor and anger i am Listening)
!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arielle this is so nice!!!! and oh my gosh I LOVE getting anons about Connor’s thought processes & how he goes, if that is you i owe you at least a quarter of my life. thank you for sending the thing, this was just the sort of boost I needed this morning, now I am all warm and fuzzy 😊 I love Connor a great deal. I am giggling at the thought of him having to go undercover as a 23yo Australian. *connor vc* Koala. Emu. Constitutional Monarchy 
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I pressume...that you prefer tea over coffee 🧐
That is true! I despise any sort of coffee except Latte Macchiato and Cappucino. I drink tea definitely more often than I drink coffee.
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generic-connor · 3 years
🍑 Eros
🍑 Eros - What physical aspect of another person does your character love the most? What physical aspect would initially draw your character to a person? (From this.)
Connor tilts his head from one side and then to the other, the gears in his head really working overtime on this head-scratcher. “The eyes,” he concludes after a while. “You can tell a lot about a person from their eyes.” He considers the second question, wondering about the people he is drawn to. “It’s not a physical aspect, but the way they look at me that I love the most.” He smiles happily, content to keep the rest of his thoughts secret.
I think it is safe to say that Peppermint Connor doesn’t care about physical appearance so much. He would find anyone attractive, if he liked them. In general, he is attracted to people who are confident and comfortable being themselves. The thing he likes the Most is when they Notice and like him back. (Very much like all Connors.)
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manyreblobs · 4 years
Rk1k and number 8!
8. Things you said while you were crying. Turning the lights off the house as he walks down the corridor, Markus makes sure everything is in order before looking for his boyfriend so they can retire for the night.
He peeks into their bedroom to find it empty, he presses his lips in a thin line. He looks at the end of the corridor where he hears faint shuffling.
He sighs and smiles sadly.
Another one of those nights.Markus' socked steps are soft, almost inaudible, where they fall against the hardwood floors.
Everything is silent and the only light that exists in the hallway comes from the big window they have in the last bedroom of the corridor.
He stops right at the door, looking inside he finds who he was looking for and he can’t stop the found smile that just his presence brings to his lips.
Sitting at the edge of the bed, staring straight to the window -away from the door- sits Connor. Wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants, similar to Markus, his back is completely exposed to Markus and Connor doesn’t make any noise or move of acknowledgement of his presence.
Walking over the bed Markus creeps over the duvet and kneels behind Connor.
“Hi sweetheart,” he mumbles against his neck, kissing it softly and resting there. Connor sighs heavily.
“...Hi,” his voice wavers terribly at just those simple words.
Definitely one of those nights.
Rearranging himself on the bed, Markus sits right behind Connor, encaging him between his thighs, he pulls him closer to his chest.
Connor moves pliantly, not fully relaxing, but still settling comfortably against his chest.
Markus nuzzles closer to his boyfriend's neck, inhaling his scent and absorbing his warmth making sure to share his own. Connor starts to tremble under his grip, breaths hitching on their way out.
He holds him tighter.
“Want to talk about it?” He asks softly, turning one of his hands palm up just for him. To reassure that he’s here.
Connor hesitates a second before gently grabbing his hand, squeezing it tight when everything starts pouring out.
‘Don’t leave me.’‘I don’t- I can’t be alone.’ 
 ‘Please stay.’ 
‘...Am I enough?’ 
All these thoughts start leaking out stronger and stronger and with it so do Connor’s sobs, they shake his frame and leave him winded. Markus moves him so he’s curled up into a tiny ball against his bare chest, he tucks Connor’s head under his chin running his left hand through his locks of hair while his right traces gentle patterns against his skin. Connor burrows himself closer sinking the comfort, the love, the reassurances Markus passes through him, and the kisses he plants on his head.
Under the moonlight they stay sitting, only the soft sound of humming and small hiccups to be heard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This got kinda big whoops. :D Honestly this one was kinda hard not gonna lie oof. Mostly cus it was my first time writing the rk1k bbs. Also I dunno if this was exactly what was asked but the approach I took with this was more of unspoken kinda words instead of things said out loud…. Does that make sense?
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ottitty · 3 years
For your event I would first like to ASK a really really hard question...
How are you today? You're wonderful and I hope you're doing well 💗
Oh  my  GOD  that’s  so  hard  to  answer  XD
I’m  doing  great!  It’s  really  nice  outside  so  I  have  all  my  windows  open  rn  :3
Thank  you!!!  You  are  super  awesome,  Arielle,  and  I  hope  you  are  too!!
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fandomphantomfreak · 3 years
For ship bingo! Rk1700
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I always saw Connor and Nines as brothers rather than a romantic ship, but to each their own!
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Salty asks!!!! 🧂
2 and/or 8
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Ah, Markus/Simon is the biggest one I can think of. I don't hate the thought of them together and I absolutely see why people ship it but.... I've just never vibed with it as a romantic ship. I can't even fully pinpoint why. Them as bros though... Absolutely!
Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Given my strong opinions on some things, I'm surprised myself that the answer to this is no. People have reblogged things from me with less than nice things to say, but I've never taken it personally.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
I always had a headcanon about Connor enjoying film photography. And a more silly aspect of this is I like to imagine him always keeping a disposable camera on hand to take snaps of every dog he sees. He has a big ol box FULL of dog photos and he gives the best to nines as gifts 🥰🤣
I hope you feel better soon panda <3 I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling great 😢
I love this. I could see Hank dogging through his attic for a Polaroid camera he knew he had and Connor being delighted because it prints them as soon as you take it Hank!!!
Thanks. Today is just one of those days though
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rk1kheadcanons · 3 years
Imagine Markus waking up Connor with kisses and Connor pretends to be asleep just to get more kisses
Ohhhhh how I am weak for this! - ://PROXIMITY ALERT//1.3 METERS/S//TIME UNTIL IMPACT:3.81SECONDS_ The warning woke Connor up before the soft feeling on his cheek did and he knew exactly what the alert was for before the sensation arrived. This was how Markus woke him up every morning unless Connor was the first to arise, and without fail it made him feel like he could burst from the emotion.
Hank had once tried to explain what love felt like to Connor long before he had experienced it himself. He said it felt like falling; as if every moment spent with that person was a moment in which your body was in perpetual freefall, but after growing close to Markus, Connor couldn't disagree more. Love was safety, love was security and above all else, love was solid ground. And Connor had never felt more stable than he did in moments like these - In the quiet of the morning with the light of the sun streaming through the shutters and painting their modest bedroom with a riot of stripes and the android he loved pressed up against him peppering his face with delicate kisses until he opened his eyes. Often he wished he could be awakened like a human could; slowly, groggily, with their little moments of morning intimacy being an unforeseen surprise that drew him carefully into the world of consciousness. He didn't want it to end so soon... Maybe it didn't have to... Connor shut down the urge to open his eyes and instead focused on the sensations. The weight of the duvet laying heavy across his body, the warm beam of morning sun across his face and the soft, slightly damp kisses making their way down from his cheekbone to his jaw. "I know you're awake" Connor ignored the murmured confession and lay motionless, mentally cutting off the relaxed sigh that was trying to push its way past his lips. Markus huffed a silent laugh against his face as his lips continued their journey. "Hmm, perhaps we need to take you in to get repairs when you wake up then?" He said as his lips moved up to Connors forehead, tracing a line down the bridge of his nose. "It wouldn't do to have an RK800 without working proximity sensors would it?" He began a trail down the other side of his face, from temple to cheekbone and back to jawline. The sigh that Connor had been holding in finally escaped him as Markus' lips reached his own and the other chuckled softly as the RK800s resolve broke in the form of lifting his head a fraction to deepen the kiss. "Good morning Connor" "Good morning my love"
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