#conrad murray
doyouknowthismusical · 4 months
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nqbuddy · 1 year
Exceptional beats with a modern twist that shows child exploitation is not just history
Review of Michael Rosen’s Unexpected Twist, Royal and Derngate, Northampton As latecomers were still taking their seats, two young male actors appear in front of the curtain to beatbox a message – this show has no instruments other than voice. And boy, do they use that voice well. Musical director Conrad Murray and song writer Yaya Bey’s work with a cast of incredible multitalented actors is the…
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stevescoles · 1 year
Exceptional beats with a modern twist that shows child exploitation is not just history
Review of Michael Rosen’s Unexpected Twist, Royal and Derngate, Northampton As latecomers were still taking their seats, two young male actors appear in front of the curtain to beatbox a message – this show has no instruments other than voice. And boy, do they use that voice well. Musical director Conrad Murray and song writer Yaya Bey’s work with a cast of incredible multitalented actors is the…
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39dreams · 2 years
Remembering Michael Jackson 13 Years Later
One of Michael Jackson’s last pictures On this day June 25, 2009, barely three weeks before the much and his first “This is it” show was due to begin in London with all concerts sold out, World’s greatest and famous singer known as the King of Pop, Michael Jackson died from complications arising from acute cardiac arrest caused by overdose of Propofol with a contributory effect of…
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the-laridian · 7 months
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The final character for my first round of Six Fanarts: Murray from Monkey Island! Turns out skulls are trickier than they look. Anyway Murray's on his board floating on the water, and threatening people like he always does. 
This was a lot of fun and I think I'll do another one soon :)
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cupidmydarling · 10 months
Summer is for jumping fandoms like a rabbit on crack.
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Stripes 1981
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"Coordinated Investigation of Micronesian Anthroplogy (CIMA) team in Honolulu en route to Micronesia, 1947. CIMA was funded mainly by the U.S. Navy. Front row, left to right: Saul Riesenberg, Melford Spiro, William Lessa, Rupert Murrill, Ward Goodenough.
Back row, left to right: Frank LeBar, Raymond Murphy, Alicia Joseph, unknown woman, Veronica Murray, George P. Murdock, Joseph Weckler, Conrad Bentzen."
Via the NAS obit of Spiro
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
After Jackson's death, and there was a trial involving his doctors, his long-time dermatologist Dr. Arnie Klein sat down for an interview with Harvey Levin of TMZ. Here are some excerpts:
I wrote a book on heroin addiction in England, and also administered Demerol to Jackson for procedures on his face, for anesthetic purposes, I think that he was, yes, a drug addict. There's no question. But not to Demerol, that was just needed for facial surgery. I would say Demerol is non-toxic. Demerol becomes a stimulant to them, so they don't have the narcotizing effect. It's not like morphine or dilaudid or those drugs and that's what I like about it. I've treated heroin addicts for a period in England, where they get sterile heroin to use. They've used sterile heroin for decades, and they've never gotten sick from it. If they knew how to administer the stuff properly, they didn't have any collapsed veins anywhere.
On Michael meeting Dr. Murray:
When Michael met Dr. Murray through Joe [Jackson], he strangely called me up and asked me if I thought Afro-American black doctors are good doctors. As an Orthodox Jew, I just said it doesn't matter the color, just the quality of the doctor....and I never saw Dr. Murray's presence. I celebrated Christmas Eve with Michael, I saw Grace [his nanny], all the waiters, people who worked there, but I also never saw Michael's family. I mean, in all the years I've known Michael, I've never.....I've met Janet once and I've never seen a member of his family at the house and I've only ever heard him call a member of his family in my presence once, and don't forget he's lived at my house. Dr. Hoefflin accused me and Debbie [Rowe], my nurse of giving Michael too much Demerol, but that is untrue. Debbie is quoted as saying she injected Michael repeatedly with Demerol in my office, but if she did I wasn't there. She could have done it, she's treated him many times, but I'm not always there with her. She's posed for nude pictures in my office. Do you think I allowed that to happen? Do you think I really ran a Playboy thing? Anything she did in my office I cannot be held responsible for.
On Michael's plastic surgeries:
Michael was obsessed with his looks. He had extreme dysmorphia, but you also have to understand he viewed his face as a work of art - an ongoing work of art. He wanted people to see him and pee in their pants. That's what he told me. He was also a performer, and he could manipulate himself to get anyone to give him practically anything. I did have to rebuild his nose, because he had so much surgery done on it. It was totally recollapsed so I had to have it reconstructed. I spent weekends just working on his face. Do you know how hard it is to rebuild a face? His face was caved in when he did the Bashir documentary [from another doctor] so I had him undergo a facial filling procedure with Restylane.
On Michael's family:
He had no family relationship. Michael loved [his mother] Katherine but the strange part of it was he never talked to her on the phone when I was around but, I mean, he told me he loved his mother and I think..while everyone thinks this woman is so perfectly pure, when there...I was worried that the family would steal all the money because I think that's what they're there for. Katherine keeps going, asking for money, isn't she?
On Jordie's description of Michael's genitals:
He liked to urinate in front of people. He pees in whatever's available. He always has. I've known him all this time. You know, he pees in a cup. I mean, he has a way of...I guess he was raised in a situation where they used to pee in a cup. I mean, I know a very famous country singer who used to pee in the bed because that's the only way she could keep herself warm at night in the country. He would pee in a cup right in front of my nurse, so she could describe his penis well. She asked me, 'Does he always do that?' And I said he's been known to pee in a cup. He didn't want to have to run off into the bathroom because he didn't like to walk in hallways and be recognized. So I think the description of his penis is not room for conviction. It didn't really bother me, you know, because I figured he was just peeing in a cup. I don't think Michael viewed himself as an adult.
He continued:
You know, he loved to play video games, he loved toys. God knows how many toys he's given me. Tons and tons of toys, you know, to play with. So I would have more toys, more cameras, things I would never know how to operate because I'd get bored reading the manuals. He used to have this video game room full of all these video toys. And he'd take me on a carnival, on this ride, this big ship that moved back and forth. He'd throw gumballs at me, he'd throw M&M's at me. So I mean, I felt like I was in high school or elementary again. He loved Disneyland, and one of his greatest thrills was when I introduced him to Mrs. Disney, because she still lived in the house of Walt Disney with the remnants of the train. So I introduced him to Lillian Disney, and he saw the Academy Awards that Walt Disney had gotten. So I mean, he was religiously a fan of Disney. We saw the premier of [the video] Black or White at their house. He was also desperately frightened of dogs. I have big dogs and he would run away from them. He wanted me to do charity for the inner city. He was very righteous and very religious in certain matters too, but yet was this child and got me thinking in different ways in different situations. He carried around a lot of money because he didn't have credit cards, and he would give homeless people 100 dollar bills. If I told him about a child in any sort of predicament, he gave them money. I mean, it was strange, but he just seemed generous.
On Michael's kids:
I once donated sperm...I don't think I'm the father, but I would do a DNA test. The kids didn't want to do one though.
On MJ owing money:
I filed a creditor's claim because I didn't get paid a nickel. I think I have a right to the money for the work I did. I took whole weekends off reconstructing his face, I had to rent helicopters because he decided that he wanted to do it that day, and I was 200, 300 miles away. I can't make it by car, I have to take a helicopter. And that's what he wanted. I said, "Michael, this is insane." He said, "That's what I want." So when push comes to shove, should I just give everything away for free? I didn't know he didn't pay any of his bills as he's going along.
On Debbie Rowe:
I have no opinion on her...I feel like she's hostile towards me, because I was still friends with Michael and she wasn't. Have you seen how she acts in public? She sits in the corner of the coffee shop of my office, downstairs, you know, Mickey Fine's, and eats there and drags all the paparazzi and all the people possible there. She comes into my office, she doesn't see me as a doctor, she sees my associate. So my opinion of her at present is very bad because all she does is harass me. I think there's a tremendous amount of jealousy with her. She used to be a very honorable person, but she's not nice now. She's not the same Debbie Rowe I remember, and I think it's very sad. But she writes me these nasty emails, she screams at me on the telephone, and says her friend, the reporter, is going to write a book about how I took Michael away from her. And she met [Michael] in my office. She had her pictures, photographed nude or whatever, wrapped up in whatever leather, in my office. Why does she use my office as a photo studio for herself? But I'm very cautious with my nurses presently.
On Michael's son Prince:
He is brilliant when it comes to photography and anything making movies. I mean, he could make a movie now. He knows how to stage it and everything.
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thebutcher-5 · 17 days
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo ripreso a parlare di animazione e in particolar modo della DreamWorks, portando all’attenzione uno dei film più strani di questo studio ossia Shark Tale. Oscar è un pesce pulitore che lavora in un autolavaggio per balene e sogna di diventare qualcuno di famoso. Un giorno il suo capo gli ordina di restituirgli un grosso debito…
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hotvintagepoll · 9 days
this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.
it is vintage times. the powers that be have decided it is time to remake the classic vampire novel Dracula for the big screen once more. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, all of hollywood's hottest elite are up for the starring roles. they know whoever is cast will greatly impact the quality and tone of the finished production, so they are turning to their wisest voice for guidance.
you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.
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Previously cast:
Jonathan Harker—Jimmy Stewart
The Old Woman—Martita Hunt
Count Dracula—Gloria Holden
Mina Murray—Setsuko Hara
Lucy Westenra—Judy Garland
The Three Voluptuous Women—Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe, and Lauren Bacall
Dr. Jack Seward—Vincent Price
Quincey P. Morris—Toshiro Mifune
Arthur Holmwood—Sidney Poitier
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shinolavolume1 · 9 days
Character concept
conservative guy april 2020 that confuses dr fauci with dr conrad murray: So now the doctor who killed michael jackson is trying to take away our rights to go to buffalo wild wings
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softchonk · 11 months
(queuing this for after the Tumblr black out)
Oh my god I am screaming about this Jones looks like he's so sad but trying to hide it, also he's still in character.
His little sigh after Bill Murray's character calls Conrad "the great playwright" is wrecking me, as well as his little look down after he says "people like you and me"
And OH MY GOD HE LITERALLY QUOTED CONRAD. "Infinity and I don't know what else"???? I am unwell.
ALSO ALSO the way that Bill Murray's character says "new talent Jones Hall" is making me think that this does not in fact happen that long after the show is put on, so everything is still very fresh for Jones.
There are so many little funny things as well, like Jones insinuating they filmed in space, the general awkwardness after the "I wish I was still in it" line, and the complete lack of any background sounds
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skyesdaisys · 7 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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the-laridian · 6 months
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2023 art roundup!
This is, of course, not all the art I did this year. Some months I had only one worth showing, and others had a bounty of available choices. 
Jan/Feb were a lot of rough sketches, nothing even intended to become a final piece.
I drew Conrad Sadik (The Outer Worlds) a LOT. He was in 6 arts (one of which was a sort of group photo, the Six Fanarts challenge in October).
Willow Ironwood was also in 6 arts, so he and Conrad are tied for first.
July was Artfight and I did a lot of other people's OCs for that and just because, which was a lot of fun!
Gunnar Volk gets art commissions, rather than me drawing him, apparently :P 
Felix Millstone (TOW), Stan (Monkey Island), Billy Beltbuckles & Luca Costa (FO76), Vulpes Inculta (FNV) got one each. The Six Fanarts include Boone (FNV), Murray (Monkey Island), Anton Crane and Vicar Max (TOW). 
Also arted this year but not shown: Arcade Gannon (a few times), self-portraits.
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