#consider yourself lucky
chirpsythismorning · 9 months
This specific frame reminded me of something…
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For those who still can’t see it, allow me to elaborate.
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marsnolias · 3 months
She savage on my dragon til I blappa-lortch
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amplifyme · 2 years
Speaking of creepy behavior... I generally like to keep the different flavors of my SM separate, but sometimes what I read elsewhere makes it really hard to bite my tongue, and since Tumblr is my safe place...
Let’s not discuss the sex life of artists we may be fans of in a public setting where anyone doing a simple search can find those types of posts, okay? Would you want folks you don’t know speculating on your sex life and/or partners in a public forum for anyone to see? Didn’t think so. There is a real live human being with thoughts and emotions and a life you know absolutely nothing about beyond the creative works they offer you and occasional public appearances. It’s incredibly tacky and doesn’t reflect well on you. Just don’t do it.
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korperlos · 2 years
Why don't you like talking in your audios? Your voice is heavenly.
thanks, that's sweet of you! my voice might be in fact one of the very few physical aspects of myself that i'm fond of, but the moment i actually start to talk i'm putting myself into it, which makes it feel like i'm spoiling it, in my own perception at least, and i don't like that. just feeling way too insecure for that. so it only works in the heat of the moment when i can't think about it, i'm afraid, and not when i'm recording.
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angel-lovr · 3 months
ive always been sensitive to loud sounds, but when i was a child, my mom would have to find bathrooms for me in public that weren't automatic-flushing because if that was the case i literally would be too scared the toilet would go off without me expecting it
now you know my lore
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wolfspaw · 6 months
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varianlikescheese · 6 months
for the ask game: for me its the mikey pfp (and sink tea)
Heheheh the sink tea was a good time.
update: i brought it up to my parents the other day and tried to show them the video and they just sighed and didn't watch it lmao.
disappointment > annoyed
im a very fun child to have/sarc
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didiwaffles · 10 months
what kind of trauma did you give eva eyes emoji
*rubbing hands* I hope you know what you're getting yourself into hehe
(I have to put it under read more cause I um.. I'm insane about her okay qmq)
To answer this question, I first have to lay out who exactly Eva is.
And it's not about how she's Devi's daughter or how she's a genius child or anything that simple.
At that point in time, Eva was reborn, for the second time to be precise. Whatever Devi is doing out there, concerns Eva little, all she cares about is that she's stuck inside a child's body again. I mean, not like she has to, she does enjoy it quite a bit. Especially after she got rid of the trauma that made her live in anxiety and was messing with her enjoyment of life.
She does remember her past, and her past was not a short lived one by any means. She's seen some shit. Well, "seen" isn't quite the word if we talk about Eva. I must mention here that her past trauma is connected to the fact that she had to live deprived of eyes and ears for millions of years. So, she didn't exactly "see" shit, but definitely witnessed some, and experienced quite some.
After being reborn this time, past memories didn't flood her head immediately, instead she developed as a normal child until she was about 8 months old when she regained her conscience. From then on her memories slowly were coming back to her, with the intention of fixing her trauma as it comes back to her in pieces (and not how it happened the last time). But once she got her conscience, being in a body of a literal toddler was making her furious. Things that she knew how to do, simplest things like speaking or writing, her body would refuse to collaborate on. So, being pissed off over this, she used her powers (that she inherited from her parents, them being the most powerful beings in existence) to mature herself a bit. So at this point, she's under one year old, but she looks older and has a great coordination between her mind and body, which quickly made her stronger than many adults. And being able to speak now, she only helped Devi get rid of her trauma.
But you didn't ask me about what trauma I got rid her of, did you? No, you sadistic creatura of tumblr dot com want to know what new trauma she got! Well, let's get into it then.
Although Eva is aware that the person who was the reason behind all her problems, and the chains of anxiety that were binding her were completely destroyed, it lingered deep inside, and it turned out was extremely easy to rekindle.
It happened when Eva traveled alongside Devi, and Devi had to fight someone. That didn't concern Eva much, as she knew her mother was doing that all the time and it was just a boring routine for her at this point. But this time something else happened. Learned that Eva is Devi's daughter, the guy Devi was fighting decided he could use Eva to corner Devi. He trapped Eva inside a bubble filled with water. That didn't alarm either Eva or Devi, both of them knew that something that pathetic had no real danger for Eva, and she could get out whenever she could. Until the water turned into acid.
Devi didn't notice it immediately, but Eva did. The acid couldn't really harm her if she wasn't literally submerged in it. And because of that, it got into Eva's eyes.
It hurt as hell, but that wasn't what gave Eva the rush of adrenaline. "Am I gonna lose my eyes again?" "Can I not escape the curse after all?" and similar thoughts flooded her mind. The fear that was gone by then returned and gave her a rush of adrenaline. In just a few seconds she broke out and killed the one who did that to her, despite having to hold her eyes closed. At this point Devi knew something was wrong but she wasn't sure what happened exactly as she approached Eva. As she did, Eva tried to open her eyes and focus. And then she got sent down the spiral of a full blown panic attack as she realized that all she could see was a thick white mist.
Devi didn't stop her as Eva went through all the stages of her panic attack, just making sure to hold her in her arms. Once Eva calmed down as she lost her voice and strength, Devi calmly covered her eyes and healed all the damage done to them. Eva eyesight gradually came to her, and she started crying only harder and she couldn't stop herself. She felt relief but she was shaking still, and it was so strange for her. Until Devi explained to her that all these emotions come from millions of years she wanted to cry but physically couldn't, and she should just let herself get it out. And Eva did.
Huh? What about the guy? Well. He's dead. Duh. Left there to rot. No one cares about him. Literally. Lesson: don't piss off little girls.
Eva is fine tho. After that she became more aware that trauma doesn't just disappear cause magical dragon said so. And even if she's mostly free from it, it's still there and only a lot of time can truly free her from it.
That's an improvement from the previous "I don't need eyes copium who even needs them they only get in the way I'd rather not."
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cementcornfield · 1 year
Wait, don? Lex? Matt? Who are these people and how do they affect Joe contracts situation? 😬 Sorry, Im not a bengals fan, just a casual. But it seems complicated.
oh no. no no no. i'm so sorry anon, these people relate to a different fandom of mine that is having its own separate crisis today lol. they have absolutely nothing to do with joe or the bengals at all.
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sleepytownzzz · 27 days
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to you, i wanna say you’re my thing ᡣ𐭩
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toyhousedramas · 2 years
iDog's profile gave me elilepsey
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byunbaekhyunie · 10 months
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forever exo's baby
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melasy · 7 days
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golden-gear-guy · 1 month
Why so much lemon ?
for the tequila :D
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I got carried away while sketching the sad otter
Anyway, TJ's route was really fun and not depressing at all! :)
Bonus: flipped version so you can better see the expression
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trappedinafantasy37 · 2 months
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POV: You are a goblin and you have a little bit of a crush on the drow leader in camp. You recite some shitty poetry, bang your horrendous wardrum, perform a clumsy dance, all attempting to get her attention. She looks down on you, disgusted and annoyed, seriously contemplating kicking you for wasting her time. But you have no issue with that. You want her to kick you.
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